



Finally we have the Sissy Bois: They always try to be unobtrusive. They have shorter, thinner body's and overall, this makes them very insecure when they meet a real alpha male. Their body lacks the muscles and height of an Alpha Male, which makes them unsure about their identity. They try their best to fit into the archetype of a real man, but they will always fail. Once a boi spends too much time with these insecurities, he can’t really escape this state of mind. Because of his way of thinking, he isn’t competitive at all. Whenever a Sissy tries to be competitive, he will lose! His body isn't really able to compete with the Alpha Males.. Much more importantly, is that his mind doesn't really want to compete with anyone. He sees himself more like an observer in such a competition. He will watch the Alpha Males compete against each other, but he prefers sitting next to the girls and to not getting involved. It is this way for every type of competition, acting like this in sport competitions, in fights and in verbal conflicts. Even if the sissy is intelligent, he is so unsure of himself, he would never try to stand up to someone superior. He never tries to get in trouble and tries to rather deescalate the situation, even if he appears weak afterwards.“