Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<<set $rel = 0>> /* Relationship */
<<set $boost = 0>> /* Modifier to DC */
<<set $clothesBod = 0>> /* Clothing modifier to Body */
<<set $clothesCha = 0>> /* Clothing modifier to Charm */
<<set $drunk = 0>> /* Drunk Value */
<<set $drunkMod = 0>> /* Drunk Mod */
<<set $bod = 1>> /* Base Body stat */
<<set $cha = 1>> /* Base Charm stat */
<<set $bodFinal = $clothesBod + $drunk + $bod>>
<<set $chaFinal = $clothesCha + $drunk + $cha>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>> /* If Body boost has been used */
<<set $chaUsed = false>> /* If Charm boost has been used */
<<set $relMod = 0>> /* Amount REL raised after an action */
<<set $bodMod = 0>> /* Amount BOD raised after an action */
<<set $chaMod = 0>> /* Amount CHA raised after an action */
<<set $energyMod = 0>> /* Amount Energy raised after eating */
<<set $likes = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up likes */
<<set $Direct = $likes.pluck()>> /* Pulling likes randomly */
<<set $Subtle = $likes.pluck()>> /* Pulling likes randomly */
<<set $Friendly = $likes.pluck()>> /* Pulling likes randomly */
<<set $currentDC = 0>> /* Current DC */
<<set $dcMod = 0>> /* DC Modification for each action */
<<set $defaultActions = 10>> /* Default actions in one day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>> /* Sets the inital number of actions */
<<set $relType = "Stranger">>
<<set $bodVal = 1>> /* Amount a body boost raises bod stat */
<<set $chaVal = 1>> /* Amount a cha boost raises cha stat */
<<set $vrCountdown = 4>> /*Countdown until trapped in VR*/
<<set $daysLeft = 13>> /* Total days to endgame */
<<set $relLevel = "Stranger">> /* Text of rel level */
<<set $level = 1>> /* Current Level */
<<set $levelup = 15>> /* REL Required for Level Up */
/* Deep Talk Vars */
<<set $deepState = 1>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = false>>
<<set $deepBarDone = false>>
<<set $deepBungalowDone = false>>
/* Flirt Vars */
<<set $showLook = false>>
<<set $beachGirls = 1>> /* Change later to random 1-3 */
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $interestMod = 0>>
<<set $firstKissDone = false>>
<<set $deepKissDone = false>>
/* World */
<<set $move = true>> /* Char has moved (Display move text) */
<<set $locMove = "You stroll on over">> /* Default Move text */
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">> /* Delete Default location text */
<<set $return = "hut_" + String($level)>> /* Default Return location */
<<set $clock = 1>> /* Starts clock timer */
/* clothing initialization */
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitA">>
/* Map Values - Sets locations for current levels */
<<set $hut = "hut_" + String($level)>>
<<set $towels = "towels_" + String($level)>>
<<set $sand = "sand_" + String($level)>>
<<set $water = "water_" + String($level)>>
<<set $shops = "shops_" + String($level)>>
<<set $arcade = "arcade_" + String($level)>>
<<set $court = "court_" + String($level)>>
<<set $luau = "luau_" + String($level)>>
<<set $bar = "bar_" + String($level)>>
<<set $club = "club_" + String($level)>>
<<set $bungalo = "bungalo_" + String($level)>>
<<set $start = "start_" + String($level)>> /* start passage */
<<set $changeLink = "changes_" + String($level)>> /*Changes passage*/
<<set $sandGirls = "sandGirls_" + String($level)>>
<<set $shopGirls = "shopGirls_" + String($level)>>
<<set $barGirls = "barGirls_" + String($level)>>
<<set $clubGirls = "clubGirls_" + String($level)>>
<<set $levelUp = "levelUp_" + String($level)>>
<<set $finishDay = "finishDay_" + String($level)>>
<<set $girlDrunk = 0>>
/* description */
/* moved to Desc */
/* User Set */
<<set $fname = "Alex">>
<<set $lname = "Tapper">>
<<set $Femname = "Alexi">>
<<set $hairLength = "short">>
<<set $hairColor = "brown">>
<<set $hairVal = 1>>
<<set $styleVal = 1>>
/* Clothes (Remove when clothes are ready) */
<<set $clothesExtra = "">>
/* BOD and CHA levelups */
<<set $bodTop = 10>>
<<set $chaTop = 10>>
<<set $bodIncrement = 10>>
<<set $chaIncrement = 10>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodLevel = 1>>
<<set $chaLevel = 1>>
<<set $secondary = 0>>
<<set $hairVal = 1>>
/* Set donevars */
<<set $actionDone = {
smallTalk: 0,
peopleWatch: 0,
tan: 0,
walk: 0,
frisbee: 0,
volleyball: 0,
float: 0,
race: 0,
hangOut: 0,
roadPuncher: 0,
purikura: 0,
motorcycleGame: 0,
clawCatcher: 0,
lunch: 0,
smallTalkCourt: 0,
dinner: 0,
show: 0,
smallTalkBar: 0,
drinksbar: 0,
shotsBar: 0,
dance: 0,
drinksClub: 0,
shotsClub: 0,
goodnight: 0,
watchMovie: 0,
deepTowelsDone: 0,
sandFlirt: 0,
shopFlirt: 0,
barFlirt: 0,
deepBarDone: 0,
deepBungalowDone: 0} >>
/* L6 Opening Message */
<<set $openMssg = "You stretch out and sit up, realizing with a start that you’re in the beach hut!<br><br>You must have fallen asleep here before changing! God, you’re such a ditz sometimes. Oh well, at least you’re already at the beach, you might even beat Victor to the regular spot today! Though your suit is all wrinkled and twisted on your body from sleeping in it. Your left boob is fully hanging out! Good thing you’re the only one in the hut!">>
<<set $totalEndings = 13>>
<<set $abortOk = true>> /*turn on-off abort option*/
<<run $('#ui-bar-history').addClass('noNav');>><strong>Relationship:</strong> $relType<br>
<<if $drunk > 0>><strong>Drunk:</strong> $drunkDesc<br><</if>>
<strong>Time:</strong> $time<br><br>
<strong>Body:</strong> $bodTotal ($bodFinal% Boost)<br>
<strong>Relationship:</strong> $rel (Next: $levelup)<br>
<strong>Charisma:</strong> $chaTotal ($chaFinal% Boost)<br>
<strong>Energy:</strong> $actionDisplay<br>
<<if $daysLeft < 20>>
<<if $level < 5>><strong>Days left in simulation:</strong> <<else>><strong>Days left on vacation:</strong> <</if>> $daysLeft
<<if _mapoff != true>><span class="sidebutton"><<link "Map" "Map">><</link>></span><br><</if>>
<span class="sidebutton"><<link "Appearance" "FreeDesc">><</link>></span>
/*Time Handler*/
<<switch $clock>>
<<case 1 2>>
<<set $time = "Early Morning">>
<<case 3 4>>
<<set $time = "Late Morning">>
<<case 5 6>>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<case 7 8>>
<<set $time = "Early Afternoon">>
<<case 9 10>>
<<set $time = "Late Afternoon">>
<<case 11 12>>
<<set $time = "Evening">>
<<case 13 14>>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<case 15 16>>
<<set $time = "Late Night">>
<<case 17 18>>
<<set $time = "Late Night">>
/*End of Day*/
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<goto "EOD">>
/*Display current energy*/
<<set $actionDisplay = $actions>>
/*End of Day by Time
<<if $clock > 18>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $time = "Nearly morning">>
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<goto "EOD">>
/*Set bod/chas*/
<<set $bodFinal = Math.ceil(($clothesBod + $drunk + $bod)/5)>>
<<set $chaFinal = Math.ceil(($clothesCha + $drunk + $cha)/5)>>
<<set $bodTotal = $clothesBod + $drunk + $bod>>
<<set $chaTotal = $clothesCha + $drunk + $cha>>
/*Set levels of drunk*/
<<switch $drunk>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $drunkDesc = "Still sober">>
<<case 2 3>>
<<set $drunkDesc = "Feeling happy">>
<<case 4 5>>
<<set $drunkDesc = "Buzzed">>
<<case 6 7>>
<<set $drunkDesc = "Sharting to slur wordsh">>
<<case 8>>
<<set $drunkDesc = "Getting blurry">>
<<case 9>>
<<set $drunkDesc = "Wasted">>
<<if $drunk >= 10>>
<<set $drunk = 0>><<goto "PassedOut">>
<<if $level == 1 && $actions < 4>>
<<if $energyTutDone != true>>
<span class="tut">Victor’s energy is getting a little low (see in the sidebar left). If it reaches 0, he will call it a day, forcing you to restart the simulation. You can increase energy by eating, either at the Food Court or the Luau Restaurant.</span><br>
<<set $energyTutDone = true>>
<<if $level >= 1>><html><style>.main, mn {color:#A133CC !important;}</style></html><</if>>
<<if $level >= 2>><html><style>.main, mn {color:#AD41D8 !important;}</style></html><</if>>
<<if $level >= 4>><html><style>.main, mn {color:#BB50E5 !important;}</style></html><</if>>
<<if $level >= 5>><html><style>.main, mn {color:#C451E8 !important;}</style></html><</if>>
<<if $level >= 6>><html><style>.main, mn {color:#D053ED !important;}</style></html><</if>>
<<if $level >= 7>><html><style>.main, mn {color:#E750ED !important;}</style></html><</if>><<set $actionDisplay = 0>>
<<set $levelUp = "levelUp_" + String($level)>>
<<set $finishDay = "finishDay_" + String($level)>>
<<switch $goodNightMssgLink>>
<<case GoodnightKiss6>>
It’s been a long day and you both decide to call it for now, but agree to meet up again in the morning. You thank Victor for all the fun, then make your way back towards the beach hut.
<<set $goodNightMssgLink = "none">>
<<if $rel >= $levelup>>
<<link "Finish day" $levelUp>><<set $actions = $defaultActions>><</link>>
<<link "Finish day" $finishDay>><<set $actions = $defaultActions>><</link>>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<</silently>>The huge security gate looms in front of you. It’s both bigger than the van you’re in and a darker shade of black.
With the imposing iron lattice filling your view, you can't help but feel a little nervous as you press the intercom button to call security.
The moment of truth.
You've spent months working on this job. Planning your routes, gathering equipment, training your mind, hacking security, and paying an obscene amount of bribes, if it all worked, you'll know now.
The tiny camera switches on an LED and swivels towards your face, followed by a bored sounding voice drifting out of the speaker. <npc>"Tsai Estate, Security."</npc>
<mn>"Westlake Cleaning."</mn> You try to mimic a similar bored tone while pushing a scannable work order at the camera.
<npc>"Hold on please."</npc>
A few shuffles and beeps follow through the speaker as they scan and check your work order. You didn't pay off any gate guards, but the work order is legit. <em>Should</em> be able to get in without a problem. You still catch yourself nervously tapping the steering wheel while you wait.
The guard’s voice crackles back out of the speaker, <npc>"Looks good, please use the service entrance around the right of the mansion."</npc> The gate slowly lifts allowing you to drive in.
It's a long drive up to the sprawling mansion, passing through holographic fountain features and genetically engineered decorative shrubs. Everything well lit despite the late hour. This place is beyond opulence.
You pull around to the service entrance and hop out with your partner. He begins loading equipment on to a cart while you buzz the door.
A much more pleasant voice greets you this time. Cute, but just husky enough to be sexy.
<girl>"Took you boys long enough."</girl>
That's Janice, one of the maids for the house. You did pay her off. In fact, she’s responsible for the mess that required your “cleaning crew”.
Your partner answers over your shoulder, <npc>"Your gate boys need more coffee."</npc>
She giggles and opens the door.
Her look matches her voice; cute, but with enough curves to be sexy. All wrapped in a modest but tight uniform. She motions upwards with a nod of her head, <girl>"He's asleep, and all alone. Everybody else in the bedroom wing is off tonight, some kind of error in the computer system."</girl> She winks.
<mn>"Imagine that."</mn> you say with a smile.
She giggles again and leads you in. Your partner trundles behind you rolling a cart of heavy equipment.
The long hallways are lavishly decorated with artwork, but you spend the majority of the walk admiring Janice's swaying hips as she leads you to the bedroom.
Finally after what seems like a mile of opulent hallways, she stops in front of a large set of double doors. <girl>"Here we are."</girl>
<<link "Follow her in." "introb">><</link>><html><style>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You are laying down next to Victor Tsai, trillionaire playboy and currently unconscious target of a memory insertion operation.<br><br>
Your partner is busy hooking you both up to various humming machines which will place you both in a virtual dream space.<br><br>
You’re usually as cool as they come, but this might be the most high-stakes mission of your life. You find your nervously twirling the small nanite spray injector unit in your hand. When you’re ready, you can use it to send yourself into a deep sleep and begin your mission.<br><br>
<<link "Review your mission." "Mission">><</link>><br>
<<link "Check yourself." "IntroDesc">><</link>><br>
<<link "Start your mission." "interface_1">><</link>><<silently>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
/*Add looks*/
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
/* New Day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<set $return = "hut_" + String($level)>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $dc = 30>>
<<set $daysLeft -= 1>>
/* Reset Activities */
<<display "varsReset">>
/* Name fallback, just in case */
<<set $Femname = $fname>>
The simulation rezes in around you, <<if visited() == 1>>a<<else>>the<</if>> decadent beach-hut coming into view. It’s pretty upscale — which is no surprise for a high-end resort like this. It has spacious showers and urinals in the back, with rows of lockers and long wooden benches near the front. The soft morning sun trickles in through high-set privacy windows casting everything in a warm glow, and the air smells like the fresh breeze off the ocean. This is obviously a fond memory of Victor’s.<br><br>
<<if $firstRez != true>>His memory has affected you as well, your clothes have changed to match the setting. $wardrobe[$clothesWorn].clothes Perfect for this simulation.
<br><br><<set $firstRez = true>><</if>>
<<link "Continue" "hut_1">><</link>><<silently>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
<<if $bodLevel > 4>>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
<br><<link "Go back" $return>><</link>><br><html><style>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
Looking at your reflection in the large mirrors; you see your 6'1" muscular frame, dressed in a nice business suit. Rich black color and tailored fit, you look damn good if you do say so yourself.<br><br>
Your short, brown hair is unstyled, hanging disheveled around your head. It accentuates your masculine face, with its strong jaw and sharp features.<br><br>
Laying on the bed near you is Victor Tsai. He’s tall for an asian, with deep, black hair swept back and a neatly trimmed goatee. He’s in good shape too, not a bodybuilder or anything, but you can see a nicely sculpted body under his silk pajamas.<br><br>
You feel driven and ready to take on your mission to befriend Victor Tsai and influence him through his dreams.<br><br>
<<link "Back" "IntroLoc">><</link>><<silently>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
/*Add looks*/
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
/* New Day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<set $return = "hut_" + String($level)>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodLevel = 3>>
<<set $chaLevel = 3>>
<<set $goneOut = false>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set $relType = "Acquaintance">>
/* Reset Activities */
<<display "varsReset">>
The simulation rezes in around you, the decadent beach-hut coming into view. It’s pretty upscale — which is no surprise for a high-end resort like this. It has spacious showers, urinals and toilets in the back, with rows of lockers and long wooden benches near the front. The soft morning sun trickles in through high-set privacy windows casting everything in a warm glow, and the air smells like the fresh breeze off the ocean.<br><br>
<<if visited() == 1>>
You made good progress yesterday, embedding yourself in Victor’s memory. You’ll replay the same day now, but he should remember you as an acquaintance, maybe even a friend.<br><br>
Your body feels a little different from usual, might be a good idea to check the mirror before you go out, to see if Victor’s mind has had any effect on you.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "hut_2">><</link>><<script>>
You step out of the beach hut, squinting in the sudden brightness of the warm morning sun.<br><br>
The exterior matches the idyllic atmosphere of the beach hut, gentle waves rolling up the warm white sand. A fair number of people walking around, playing in the water or lounging in the sun.<br><br>
Despite it being a virtual construction, the relaxing sea breeze feels as refreshing as any real one you’ve experienced. You’ve done this hundreds of times, but the realism never fails to amaze you.<br><br>
You are about to go find your target, Victor, when you notice a small drinks stand next to you. You figure grabbing a couple drinks might be a good way to break the ice, but the stand looks awfully busy.<br><br>
<span class="tut">Tutorial:<br>At each beach location, there will be a number of actions which can be tried there. Next to most locations is a percent in parentheses. This is your current percent chance of success without any boosts.</span><br>
/* ======== Option ======== */
<<link "Get some drinks." "tutorial_2">>
<span class="probability"> (100% success)</span>
/* ======== Option ======== */
<<link "Skip the drinks, go find the target." "first_step_1">>
<span class="probability"> (This will end the tutorial)</span>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You are in the beach hut.<br><br>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_1">><</link>><br>
<<if $tutorialDone != true>><<link "Grab a couple drinks for you and Victor (view tutorial)" "tutorial_1">><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $tutorialDone != true>>
<<link "Go straight to Victor (skip tutorial)" "first_step_1">><<set $tutorialDone = true>><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<</if>><<switch $chaLevel>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing simple, black swim trunks and a white beach shirt.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Plain beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Simple, black swim trunks, and a white t-shirt."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and an olive green t-shirt with some band logo on it.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Homely beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Homely, brown trunks & a green, band-logo t-shirt."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a nice pair of blue boarder trunks which hang down to your knees.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue boarder trunks",
clothesDesc: "Bright blue, knee-length boarder shorts."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing slightly tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red Baywatch style trunks",
clothesDesc: "Red, Baywatch style trunks."
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing yellow, speedo style trunks. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow speedo",
clothesDesc: "A daring yellow “banana hammock”."
<<case 2>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing simple, black swim trunks and a white beach shirt.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Plain beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Simple, black swim trunks, and a white t-shirt."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and an olive green t-shirt with some band logo on it.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Homely beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Homely, brown trunks & a green, band-logo t-shirt."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a nice pair of blue boarder trunks which hang down to your knees.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue boarder trunks",
clothesDesc: "Bright blue, knee-length boarder shorts."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing slightly tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red Baywatch style trunks",
clothesDesc: "Red, Baywatch style trunks."
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing yellow, speedo style trunks. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow speedo",
clothesDesc: "A daring yellow “banana hammock”."
<<case 3>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing simple, black swim shorts and a white, sleeveless beach shirt.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Plain beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Simple, black swim shorts and a white, sleeveless t-shirt."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and a light green t-shirt with some band logo on it.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Homely beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Homely, brown trunks & a green, band-logo t-shirt."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a short pair of blue trunks with decorative brass buttons on the side.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue trunks",
clothesDesc: "Bright blue swim shorts with brass button decorations."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red Baywatch style trunks",
clothesDesc: "Tight, red, Baywatch style trunks."
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing yellow, speedo style bottoms and no top. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow speedo",
clothesDesc: "A daring yellow “banana hammock”."
<<case 4>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing simple, black swim shorts and a white, sleeveless beach shirt.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Plain beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Simple, black swim shorts and a white, sleeveless t-shirt."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and a light green t-shirt with some design logo on it.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Casual beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Casual brown shorts & a green, logo t-shirt."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a short pair of blue trunks with decorative brass buttons on the side.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue shorts",
clothesDesc: "Bright blue swim shorts with brass button decorations."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red Baywatch style trunks",
clothesDesc: "Tight, red, Baywatch style trunks."
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing yellow, speedo style bottoms. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow speedo",
clothesDesc: "A daring yellow “banana hammock”."
<<case 5>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing tight, black swim shorts and a tight, white, sleeveless beach shirt.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Plain beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Tight, black swim shorts and a tight, white, sleeveless t-shirt."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like short-shorts and a bright green t-shirt with some design on it.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Casual beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Casual brown shorts & a green, logo t-shirt."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a blue speedo with decorative gold buttons on the side.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue speedo",
clothesDesc: "A bright blue speedo with decorative gold buttons on the side."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a very tight, red, Baywatch-style speedo.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red Baywatch style speedo",
clothesDesc: "A tight, red, Baywatch style speedo."
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing tight, yellow, speedo style bottoms. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow speedo",
clothesDesc: "A daring yellow “banana hammock”."
<<case 6>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing tight, black swim shorts and a tight, white, sleeveless beach shirt.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Plain beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Tight, black swim shorts and a tight, white, sleeveless t-shirt."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like short-shorts and a bright green t-shirt with some design on it.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Casual beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Casual brown shorts & a green, logo t-shirt."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a blue speedo with decorative gold buttons on the side.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue speedo",
clothesDesc: "A bright blue speedo with decorative gold buttons on the side."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a very tight, red, Baywatch-style speedo.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red Baywatch style speedo",
clothesDesc: "A tight, red, Baywatch style speedo."
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing tight, yellow, speedo style bottoms. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow speedo",
clothesDesc: "A daring yellow “banana hammock”."
<<case 7>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing a cute, black bikini and a tight, white beach tank.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Simple bikini & tank",
clothesDesc: "A cute, black bikini and a tight, white tank-top."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a brown swim suit with a frill designed to look like a skirt, and a tight green t-shirt with a cute design on it.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Casual beachwear",
clothesDesc: "Casual brown shorts & a green, logo t-shirt."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a modest blue bikini with big gold rings holding the ties.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue bikini",
clothesDesc: "A bright blue bikini with big golden rings holding the ties."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a red, Baywatch-style onesie.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red Baywatch style one-piece",
clothesDesc: "A red Baywatch style one-piece"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tight, yellow, bikini.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow bikini",
clothesDesc: "A tight, little yellow bikini."
<<case 8>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing a cute, black bikini and a tight, white beach tank.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Simple bikini & tank",
clothesDesc: "A cute, black bikini and a tight, white tank-top."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a brown swim suit with a frill designed to look like a skirt, and a tight green t-shirt with a cute design on it.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Brown swimsuit & tee",
clothesDesc: "A brown swimsuit with a faux skirt, and a cute green logo-tee."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a modest blue bikini with big gold rings holding the ties.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue bikini",
clothesDesc: "A bright blue bikini with big golden rings holding the ties."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a red, Baywatch-style onesie.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red Baywatch style one-piece",
clothesDesc: "A red Baywatch style one-piece"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tight, yellow, bikini.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow bikini",
clothesDesc: "A tight, little yellow bikini."
<<case 9>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing hot black bikini bottoms over your $butt. Up top is a tight, white spaghetti tank that shows off a bit of your midriff and flatters your lovely boobs.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Simple bikini & tank",
clothesDesc: "A hot, black bikini and white spaghetti half-tank."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a cute brown onesie swim suit with a frill around the waist and gold heart design on the chest. The low-cut v-neck and heart design nicely accentuates your cleavage.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Brown one-piece",
clothesDesc: "A brown one-piece with a faux skirt, and a cute gold design on the chest."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a gorgeous blue bikini with gold chains instead of ties.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue & gold bikini",
clothesDesc: "A bright blue bikini with gold chains instead of straps."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tight, red, Baywatch-style onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your nipples show pretty clearly, and your boobs bounce around quite a bit.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red, Baywatch style one-piece",
clothesDesc: "A tight, red, Baywatch style one-piece"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tight, yellow, bikini. It has a nice cut and really shows off your $butt.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow bikini",
clothesDesc: "A tight, little yellow bikini."
<<case 10>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing hot black bikini bottoms over your $butt. Up top is a tight, white spaghetti tank that shows off a bit of your sexy midriff and flatters your chest.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Simple bikini & tank",
clothesDesc: "A hot, black bikini and white spaghetti half-tank."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a cute brown onesie swim suit with a frill around the waist and gold heart design on the chest. The low-cut v-neck and heart design nicely accentuates your cleavage.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Brown onesie",
clothesDesc: "A brown one-piece with a faux skirt, and a cute, gold design on the chest."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a gorgeous blue bikini with gold chains instead of ties.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue & gold bikini",
clothesDesc: "A bright blue bikini with gold chains instead of straps."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tight, red, Baywatch-style onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your nipples show pretty clearly, and your boobs bounce around quite a bit.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Red, Baywatch style one-piece",
clothesDesc: "A tight, red, Baywatch style one-piece"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tight, yellow, bikini. It has a nice cut and really shows off your $butt.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow bikini",
clothesDesc: "A tight, little yellow bikini."
<<case 11>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing hot black bikini bottoms over your $butt. Up top is a tight, white spaghetti tank that shows off a bit of your midriff and flatters your chest.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Simple bikini & tank",
clothesDesc: "A hot, black bikini and white spaghetti half-tank."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sexy, brown onesie swim suit with a gold heart design on the chest. Between the high-cut leg holes and the extremely low-cut v-neck, you're showing a lot skin for a one-piece.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Brown onesie",
clothesDesc: "A skimpy brown one-piece with a gold, heart design on the low-cut neck."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sexy blue micro bikini with gold chains holding the small triangles of fabric together.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue & gold micro bikini",
clothesDesc: "A sexy blue micro bikini with gold chains holding the small triangles of fabric together."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a thin, red, onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your big boobs bounce around wildly at the slightest movement. The thin material also does little to hide your pointy nipples.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Thin, red one-piece",
clothesDesc: "A thin, red one-piece"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tiny, yellow, micro-bikini. It barely covers anything, letting your boobs and $butt hang out for all the world to see, while only covering your hot little pussy with a tiny triangle of fabric.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow micro bikini",
clothesDesc: "An extremely small micro-kini "
<<case 12>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing sexy black bikini bottoms over your $butt and a tight white tube top that flatters your tits.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Bikini bottoms & tube top",
clothesDesc: "Sexy black bikini bottoms and a tight, white tube top."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sexy, brown onesie swim suit with a gold heart design on the chest. Between the high-cut leg holes and the extremely low-cut v-neck, you're showing a lot skin for a one-piece.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Brown onesie",
clothesDesc: "A skimpy brown one-piece with a gold, heart design on the low-cut neck."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sexy blue micro bikini with gold chains holding the small triangles of fabric together.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Blue & gold micro bikini",
clothesDesc: "A sexy blue micro bikini with gold chains holding the small triangles of fabric together."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a thin, red, onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your tits bounce around wildly at the slightest movement. The thin material also does little to hide your pointy nipples.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Thin, red one-piece",
clothesDesc: "A thin, red one-piece"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tiny, yellow, micro-bikini. It barely covers anything, letting your tits and $butt hang out for all the world to see, while only covering your hot little pussy with a tiny triangle of fabric.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow string bikini",
clothesDesc: "A barely-there, yellow string bikini."
<<case 13>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing a scandalous black thong over your $butt and a tight white lace tube top that hugs and pushes up your huge boobs seductively.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Bikini bottoms & tube top",
clothesDesc: "Sexy black thong bikini bottoms and a tight, white, lace tube top."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sexy, brown and gold onesie which has a huge hole cut in the center, combined with the dangerously low-cut v-neck, you're showing off both the top and bottom curves of your huge boobs.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Brown onesie",
clothesDesc: "A very skimpy brown one-piece with a dangerously low-cut neck."
outfitC: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sexy micro-bikini made out of gold chainmail, held together with thin blue ribbons. It looks like something out of an erotic ren-fest or fantasy novel.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Gold chain-mail bikini",
clothesDesc: "An erotic micro-bikini made out of gold chain-mail, tied together with blue ribbons."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sheer, red, onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your huge boobs bounce around wildly at the slightest movement, and the sheer material also does little to hide your pointy nipples — you can even make out the darker area where your areola start.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Sheer, red one-piece",
clothesDesc: "A sheer, red, one-piece"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tiny, yellow, string-bikini. There's no material actually, it's just made of string, the thin straps widening slightly to cover your crotch and nipples — but only barely. You're rosy areola are clearly visible around the sides of the straps.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow “string” bikini",
clothesDesc: "A bikini made entirely out of strings, will barely cover anything."
<<case 14>>
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tiny patch of fabric over your pussy, held on by string. It loops round, completely disappearing between the cheeks of your $butt. On top you have a white, fishnet top barely constraining your enormous boobs and leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Bikini bottoms & fishnet tube top",
clothesDesc: "Sexy black string bikini bottoms and a tight, white, fishnet tube top."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a dangerously sexy, one-piece swimsuit. It has high-cut legs, a low-cut top and a huge hole cut in the middle, showing off as much skin as a bikini would. Beyond that, it has a beautiful gold flower pattern all over the fabric, but is otherwise the material is completely sheer, leaving your pussy and nipples technically covered, but plainly visible to everyone.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Brown onesie",
clothesDesc: "A very skimpy, and extremely sheer onesie."
outfitC: {
clothes: "Your outfit looks like a cross between a bikini and a piece of bondage wear. It's roughly the shape of a micro bikini, but made entirely out of gold chains. The bottoms are a kind of chainmail, but the tops only have large gold rings to hold your breasts, leaving your nipples entirely exposed and somewhat highlighted.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Gold chain swimsuit",
clothesDesc: "An erotic outfit made entirely out of gold chains."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sheer, red monokini. The thin material wraps over your enormous breasts, squishing them deliciously; then it travels down between your legs to (barely) cover your crotch before dipping inside your $butt and looping back up to the top. While it does cover your naughty bits, the sheer material leaves very little to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Sheer, red monokini",
clothesDesc: "A sheer, red, and very sexy monokini"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tiny yellow thong on the bottoms, and that's it. You're completely topless, letting your enormous tits bounce around freely and proudly.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow thong",
clothesDesc: "A sexy, little yellow thong bottom. No top!"
<<set $wardrobe = {
outfitA: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tiny patch of fabric over your pussy, held on by string. It loops round, completely disappearing between the cheeks of your $butt. On top you have a white, fishnet top barely constraining your boobs and leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Bikini bottoms & fishnet tube top",
clothesDesc: "Sexy black string bikini bottoms and a tight, white, fishnet tube top."
outfitB: {
clothes: "You're wearing a dangerously sexy, one-piece swimsuit. It has high-cut legs, a low-cut top and a huge hole cut in the middle, showing off as much skin as a bikini would. Beyond that, it has a beautiful gold flower pattern all over the fabric, but is otherwise the material is completely sheer, leaving your pussy and nipples technically covered, but plainly visible to everyone.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Brown onesie",
clothesDesc: "A very skimpy, and extremely sheer onesie."
outfitC: {
clothes: "Your outfit looks like a cross between a bikini and a piece of bondage wear. It's roughly the shape of a micro bikini, but made entirely out of gold chains. The bottoms are a kind of chainmail, but the tops only have large gold rings to hold your breasts, leaving your nipples entirely exposed and somewhat highlighted.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Gold chain swimsuit",
clothesDesc: "An erotic outfit made entirely out of gold chains."
outfitD: {
clothes: "You're wearing a sheer, red monokini. The thin material wraps over your boobs, squishing them deliciously; then it travels down between your legs to (barely) cover your crotch before dipping inside your $butt and looping back up to the top. While it does cover your naughty bits, the sheer material leaves very little to the imagination.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Sheer, red monokini",
clothesDesc: "A sheer, red, and very sexy monokini"
outfitE: {
clothes: "You're wearing a tiny yellow thong on the bottoms, and that's it. You're completely topless, letting your breasts bounce around freely and proudly.<br><br>",
clothesShort: "Yellow thong",
clothesDesc: "A sexy, little yellow thong bottom. No top!"
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
<<display "shopInventory">>
<<if visited() == 1>>
<span class="tut">Here you can try on and change your clothes. Try on the different outfits, then choose "Change and head out" to commit the new outfit. Different sets have different stat boosts, and you can come back and change as many times as you like. This is only a simulation, so there is no money to worry about. Just be careful Victor doesn’t get bored while waiting for you.</span><br>
<<if $shopEnter == true>>
You head into one of the swimsuit shops and look at what they have.<br><br>You grab a few suits and head into the changing room to try them on.
You are in the swimsuit shop changing room.
<br><br>Currently: $wardrobe[$clothesWorn].clothes
What would you like to try on?<br><br>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitA">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitA.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitA">>
<<set $clothesBod = 0>>
<<set $clothesCha = 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitB">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitB.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitB">>
<<set $clothesBod = -1>>
<<set $clothesCha = -1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<br><span class="probability">[BOD -1, CHA -1]</span><br><br>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitC">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitC.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitC">>
<<set $clothesBod = 1>>
<<set $clothesCha = 1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<br><span class="probability">[BOD +1, CHA +1]</span><br><br>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitD">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitD.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitD">>
<<set $clothesBod = 2>>
<<set $clothesCha = 1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<br><span class="probability">[BOD +2, CHA +1]</span><br><br>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitE">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitE.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitE">>
<<set $clothesBod = 1>>
<<set $clothesCha = 2>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<br><span class="probability">[BOD +1, CHA +2]</span><br><br>
<<link "Go back without changing." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You decide not to get anything new this time.">>
<<set $clothesWorn = $currentSuit>>
<<if $clothesWorn != $currentSuit>>
<br><<link "Change and head out." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You change into your new swimsuit and head out of the shop.">>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $shopEnter = false>><<silently>>
<<switch $beachGirls>>
<<case 1 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Steph">>
<<set $girlNameB to "Cassi">>
<<set $girlNames = "Steph & Cassie">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They introduce themselves as Steph and Cassie.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "The best word for their looks is “delicious”. Cute, youthful faces on top of a set of deadly curves. Rich, round hips with jiggly asses and full, heaving breasts. April is a tiny bit taller, with curly, dirty-blonde hair and a well toned tummy. Lisa is a dark brunette with a cute smile and a staggering rack that puts all manner of fruit comparisons to shame.">>
<<set $convoA = "<girls>“Yeah, we just flew in from yesterday! Jet lag’s worn off so we are ready to paaaarty!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“A little of both. We’re both nano-med, so it’s kind of residency, not this weekend though!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoC = "<girls>“New York. Cold as hell there, so nice to be out in the warm sun now!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“Don’t know, we’re looking for somewhere to get lubricated.”</girls> She says with a wink.">>
<<set $convoE = "<girls>“Right now? To find some jello shots.”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You compliment them both on their outfits, and how well they display the wares. They giggle at your obvious flattery, but happily accept, you’re even treated with a complementary twirl.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "As Steph raises her arms and does another WOO-HOO, you join her, and bump hips. As she brings her arms down, one stays around your shoulder. You do the same and wrap an arm around her shoulder. You leave it there and she doesn’t seem to mind.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You say to Victor that you think you’ve found a couple of bad girls here and you’re worried about them corrupting him. The two laugh and smile, admitting that you’re probably right.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You all decide to just chill on the sand. You gab for a while and graciously help Steph with spreading some lotion on her back. When you pop open the clasp on her overstuffed bikini, Victor’s eyes nearly pop out themselves.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "You split up into teams, Steph with you, and Cassie with Victor. You have fun teaching Steph how to throw with an arm around her waist and her ample ass pushed up against you. Victor doesn’t have as much luck, just nervously taking turns catching and tossing.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all head down into the water for a swim. It doesn’t take too long for splashing to break out. Followed by dunking. Followed by mutual groping disguised as dunking. You’re not sure which stage Victor got to, but he seems to be enjoying himself.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "<girls>“Totally! We’ll be at the club tonight, let’s meet up there!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You and the girls wander around the shops for a bit, talking and looking at various items for sale.">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "Passing an ice cream stand, you offer to buy the girls a cone. They both accept, going for frozen yogurts. After lots of joking, you show off how good you are at licking ice cream. Steph responds by displaying just how much of the cone she can fit in her mouth at once. You two were made for each other.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls drinks. Steph has a long island and Casi goes with a cosmo. These girls are no lightweights.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>.<br><br>You all pour them down and slam the glasses, joining Steph in one of her characteristic <girls>“WOOs!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You lead the girls on to the dance floor and gyrate around to the music. They’re both pretty good, but they dance more like strippers than clubbers. You have zero complaints about this, enjoying the alluring sways and jiggles of their delectable assets.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You move in while dancing and start grinding up against Steph, enjoying the firm-but-plush squish of her bubble butt against your cock. Casi also makes a move and dances up against Victor. You’re all getting into it, though you worry how long Victor will last.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "Steph has given up any pretense and is hanging off your shoulder, nibbling your ear. Victor even has his arm around Cassie. You’re so proud of him! You don’t need any pick up lines, you just shoot the girls a look, and they nod. Time to go!">>
<<set $girlboobs = "huge, mesmerizing tits">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls1.jpg" />'>>
<<case 2 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Yuka">>
<<set $girlNameB to "Chiharu">>
<<set $girlNames = "Yuka & Chiharu">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They smile and giggle to each other. Nervously introducing themselves as Yuka and Chiharu. Their English is a little choppy, but that only makes them cuter.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "They fall more into the ‘cute’ category than ‘hot’, but damn are they cute. They’re both thin, with trim, smooth tummies, and long sexy legs that defy Asian stereotypes. Chiharu has shorter, chin-length hair and a smile that weakens your knees. Yuka seems like the wilder of the pair, with long braids, sexy lips, and a devilish glint in her eye that betrays an otherwise adorably innocent look.">>
<<set $convoA = "They giggle again, <girls>“Yes, we’re on…ummm…Spring Vacation.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“Um….We go to school in Kobe University. We are student!”</girls> (more giggles)">>
<<set $convoC = "<girls>“We’re from Japan. I’m from Akita-ken and Chiharu is from Kobe. Do you know Kobe?”</girls>">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“No, do you know?”</girls>">>
<<set $convoE = "They say they want to go swimming...something must have gotten lost in the translation.">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You tell them how beautiful they are, and how good their english is. They eat it right up, shyly smiling and turning red.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "You show the girls a magic trick where you can guess their age by the shape of their hips. You grope their hips and hold them close for quite a while, but aren’t able to guess the age in the end. Actually you end up forgetting about the game and just holding them close to you.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You try and show off some of your Japanese skills. It’s terrible, and you think you ended up telling Chiharu that she’s a nice river, but the girls find it very cute and endearing.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You decide to just hang out on the sand talking. The girls turn out to be really funny and interesting, asking endless questions about you and Victor. You’re almost sad that they’re only memory constructs from Victor’s psyche.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "You split up into girls vs boys, but there’s not much “game”. Chiharu’s alright, but Yuka is hopeless — having to run, jump and dive for every catch. No challenge, but it’s definitely fun to watch all her bounding and bouncing.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all go running into the water for a splash and a swim. It all turns into a game of tag filled with lots of splashing, dunking, and “accidental” gropes.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "<girls>“Yes!”</girls> They exclaim, maybe even a little to quickly. <girls>“We will go to club tonight! Please you come too!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You all stroll around the shops for a while. The girls are very enthusiastic, squealing at all manner of shoes, dresses and outfits. Shopping is not your or Victor’s thing, but the girls are so cute, it’s hard not to get caught up in their excitement.">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "At the mere mention of ice cream, the girls squeal in excitement. You and Victor are surprised, but happy to take advantage of their excitement. They both go for vanilla dipped in cherry chocolate. Sadly, they don’t get the jokes about popping cherries when you all dig in. You get a laugh from Victor at least.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls some drinks. They have some kind of yogurt liqueur you’ve never heard of, but it’s good when you try a taste. They’re lightweights, giggling non stop and red-faced after the first one.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>. The girls literally clap in excitement. Literally minutes after downing the shots, the girls are wrecked. They can barely keep balance or talk, but they are leaning all over you and Victor; laughing themselves silly. You’d almost feel you were taking advantage if they weren’t saying how much fun it was…and if they weren’t simulated constructions out of Victor’s memory for that matter.">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You lead the girls out to the dance floor. Neither of them are actually very good, awkwardly swaying to the music and wiggling their arms out of beat — but damned if they aren’t cute as hell. Victor seems absolutely enamored.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You dance up close to the girls for a bit of sexy dancing, but they seem oblivious at how to respond. Ever enthusiastic, they try and grind along, but nearly fall over trying, and end up in your arms — staring up at you with the cutest sparkly-eyed look you’ve ever seen.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "The girls are drunk on liquor and partying, somewhere between hugging you and hanging off you for support. Yuka suggests they might need a little help getting back to your place, that devilish flash coming back to her eyes. You and Victor gallantly offer them piggyback rides back to Victor’s place.">>
<<set $girlboobs = "small, but deliciously perky little titties">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls2.jpg" />'>>
<<case 3 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Lisa">>
<<set $girlNameB to "April">>
<<set $girlNames = "Lisa & April">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They smile up from their towels and greet you with an “enchanté”. Lisa and April.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "They look hot: tight, slim suits wrapped around two tight, slim bodies. They’re in great shape, with trim waists and great tone in their bronzed legs and arms. Most likely they hit the gym as much as the beach. They look enough alike that they could be twins, all the way up to their bleached blonde hair. April is a tiny bit taller, with a sexy little piercing in her belly button. Lisa’s hair color is a little faded, revealing the rich brown roots. Her innocent facade is a little faded too, letting a wild party girl show through.">>
<<set $convoA = "<girls>“For sure, we’re stopped here on a cruise our parents bought for us. This is supposed to be one of the nicest beaches on the route.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“School, but we both take classes in Simspace, so we’re studying while on vacation.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoC = "Lisa says she’s from Paris and April says South Africa. They met online through their Simclasses.">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“Theres an in-pool bar nearby, its alright but they don’t have any real top shelf booze. A club too, up the way.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoE = "April rolls her eyes at the question. Lisa gets a wicked smile and whispers, <girls>“World Domination”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You compliment the girls on being pretty chill and down to earth — despite having the money for cruises and Simspace classes.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "You sit down next to them, a little closer than usual, and lean in during the conversation, touching shoulders. Neither of you break contact and are soon leaning into each other. Lights green, you wrap an arm around her. It works and soon you two are practically spooning.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You tease the girls about their obvious high class and how they’re probably too stuck up to hang with a couple peasants like you. Victor seems to want to speak up for a moment, but you shoot him a glance and he swallows it.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You just hang around on your towels talking. The girls going on and on about the countries they’ve visited and what the hottest new designer brands are. Rich people stuff. You’re bored to death, but Victor holds his own. Good for him.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "April initially scoffs at the idea, but Lisa drags her into it. They’ve never really played before, and don’t know the rules, so it somehow turns into a tackle version of frisbee. You end up on the ground with Lisa on top of you, so you’re definitely a fan of these new rules.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all go for a swim...kind of. They refuse to go any further than thigh deep, don’t want to get their designer suits wet. You come to a compromise with you and Victor carrying them out deeper on your shoulders. Lisa thanks you for the ride, and you assure her she can wrap her thighs around your head anytime.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "April stays aloof, saying they might go to the club later. Lisa gives you both a wink and says, <girls>“see you there.”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You all wander around the small market for a while, the girls constantly complaining about how few designer brands there are. Though they still end up buying hundreds of dollars worth of goods and have it all sent back to their rooms. The highlight of the walk is helping April pick out a new belly button ring, and spending time caressing her tanned and toned tummy — to check for the “feel of it” or whatever.">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "You suggest going for ice cream. The girls complain that it’s too high calorie for them, but they get some frozen yogurt and enjoy the time.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls drinks. They both go for top-shelf champaign sangrias. Classy! You’re glad it’s only simulated money.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>.<br><br>You all pour them down and slam the glasses. The girls are beaming now, and Lisa is getting pretty touchy, the party is really getting going for them.">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You lead the girls on to the dance floor. They both move in sexy, well practiced turns and shakes that make deadly use of their long, lithe bodies. A lifetime of parties has definitely paid off for them.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You lead in close to them and start grinding. The way Lisa turns and grinds is driving you crazy. You feel like a snake charmer moving with a cobra. The devilish, hungry look in her eye does nothing to dispel the notion.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "After a while, the girls head off to the bathroom for a few minutes. They come back, hair brushed, makeup retouched, and sit down on either side of you and Victor. You start to say some witty comment when Lisa grabs your neck and pulls you into a deep kiss. After her tongue has thoroughly introduced itself to yours, she pulls back and says, <girls>“Let’s go, stud.”</girls> You and Victor don’t need to be told twice.">>
<<set $girlboobs = "absolutely perfect, bouncy b-cups">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls3.jpg" />'>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<if $salonSit != true>>
You head into the salon.<br><br>
It’s a nice place, though obviously geared towards women. The staff lady is quite cute, wearing a pair of short shorts and a Hawaiian shirt tied off above her smooth, tanned midriff.<br><br>
She sits you down in a chair facing a large mirror, and activates the AR system. Several small option windows and data readouts pop up in the smart mirror. The stylist starts scrolling through them to set you up. The smart mirror will allow you to virtually preview styles on your head before the hairdresser actually does anything.
<<set $salonSit = true>>
You are sitting in the salon, looking into an AR mirror system simulating various hairstyles.
<br><br>In the mirror your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle<br><br>
What would you like to try out?<br><br>
<<if $bodLevel < 7>>
<<click "Just brush it out a bit.">>
<<set $styleVal = 2>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Cut it short & stylish.">>
<<set $styleVal = 3>>
<<set $hairVal = 2>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 3>><<click "Just a trim & some styling.">>
<<set $styleVal = 4>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 3>><<click "Tight and curly">>
<<set $styleVal = 5>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 4>><<click "Manbun, tie it up on top.">>
<<set $styleVal = 6>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 4>><<click "A ponytail.">>
<<set $styleVal = 8>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 5>><<click "A braided ponytail">>
<<set $styleVal = 9>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Just brush it out, please.">>
<<set $styleVal = 2>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "A short, sexy pixie.">>
<<set $styleVal = 3>>
<<set $hairVal = 2>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 4>><<click "Layers & movement.">>
<<set $styleVal = 4>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 4>><<click "Some curls and volume">>
<<set $styleVal = 5>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 5>><<click "A easy & cute bun.">>
<<set $styleVal = 6>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 5>><<click "A refined and mature chignon.">>
<<set $styleVal = 7>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 4>><<click "A simple and sporty ponytail.">>
<<set $styleVal = 8>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 5>><<click "Elegant braids">>
<<set $styleVal = 9>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $hairVal > 4>><<click "Cute & sweet pigtails">>
<<set $styleVal = 10>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Red.">>
<<set $hairColor = "red">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Blonde.">>
<<set $hairColor = "blonde">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Black.">>
<<set $hairColor = "black">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Brown.">>
<<set $hairColor = "brown">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaLevel > 9>>
<<click "Pink.">>
<<set $hairColor = "pink">>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Accept the changes and have the stylist do it." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You say you like what you see, and the stylist does her thing. When it’s over you shake your head and smile at your new look.">>
<<set $salonSit = false>>
<<link "Go back without changing your look." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You decide not to do anything new this time.">>
<<set $salonSit = false>>
<<set $hairColor = $orHairColor>>
<<set $hairLength = $orHairLength>>
<<set $hairAction = $orHairAction>>
And how about your drinks?<br><br>
<<if $level > 4>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Water's fine." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You just have some water. You can’t really handle alcohol, but at least you’re a cheap date!">>
/* ========================= */
<<link "A couple of beers." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You get a couple beers for yourself and Victor. Boobs and beer, could you be a better companion?">>
<<set $relMod = 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "White wine Sangria" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "White wine with some fruit and a little fizz. Light, tangy and yummy! A classy drink for classy lady like you.">>
<<set $bodMod += 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Long Island Iced Tea" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "Long Island Iced Tea. Why not, it’s time to get your drink on girl!">>
<<set $chaMod += 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 2>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Water’s fine." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You get a cool glass of water go with your dinner.">>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Grab a couple beers" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You grab two tall, cold beers to share with Victor.">>
<<set $relMod = 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Rum & Coke" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You grab a rum and coke, a nice go-to drink that fits the beach well.">>
<<set $bodMod += 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Whiskey" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You grab a whiskey on the rocks. Good label, refined and a kick like an angry mule.">>
<<set $chaMod += 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 2>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
Outside, the beach matches the idyllic atmosphere of the beach-hut. Gentle waves rolling up the warm white sand, a refreshing breeze swaying the palm trees softly against a cloudless, blue sky. A fair number of people are walking around, playing in the water or lounging in the sun.<br><br>
You take note that every person you see is extremely good looking. The men are all large and muscular, the women are all trim and fit – and while there’s a good range of sizes, nobody seems to be lacking for perky and youthful endowments. You’re not sure exactly why Victor remembers everyone this way, but it may have something to do with his reported confidence issues.<br><br>
You pull your eyes from the visual treats and plant them on your target. He’s easy enough to find. The only skinny guy wearing a t-shirt and sitting by himself on a towel.<br><br>
There’s Victor.<br><br>
Despite being the same person you saw moments before in the mansion, he looks surprisingly different here. Thinner and hunched over with the slouch of a person who lacks any confidence. If it weren’t your mission to befriend him, you feel like you might just try to out of pity. But it is your mission.<br><br>
Heading over you plop down in the sand next to him unannounced.<br><br>
<span class="main">"Looking for some company?"</span><br><br>
He looks surprised, and confused, <span class="victor">"Not really, I..."</span><br><br>
You interrupt before he can finish. <span class="main">"Yeah, hear ya, it’s a good place to get away from it all."</span><br><br>
You stick out your hand <span class="main">"$fname is the name, nice to meet you."</span><br><br>
He keeps the confused look on his face, but tentatively offers his hand, <span class="victor">"Victor, nice to meet you too."</span><br><br>
Ice broken, we're on our way. What to do next?<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set $return = "clubGirls">>
<<set $girlInfo = "girls_" + String($level)>>
<<display $girlInfo>>
<<set $girldc = 15 + ($level * 7)>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<if $girlIntro == true>>You head over to greet<<else>>You are talking to<</if>> $girlNameA and $girlNameB.
<<if $showLook == true>>
<br><br><<print $girlLooks>>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><<print $girlImage>><</if>>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Interest: $interest</span><br><br>
/* ============Check them out============= */
<<if $showLook != true>>
<<click "Check them out.">>
<<set $showLook = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
/* ============Drink OPTION============= */
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 0)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Get a drink" "clubDrink">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 0>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============FLIRT OPTION============= */
<<if $clubComplimentDone == true && $clubTouchDone == true && $clubTeaseDone == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this.]</span>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 10)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Flirt with the girls" "flirtClub">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 10>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============Dance OPTION============= */
<<if $clubDanceDone > 3>>
<span class="disabled">[Dance - They’re a bit tired of dancing.]</span>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 15)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Ask them to dance" "clubFlirtDance">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 15>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============Ask Out OPTION============= */
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 20)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Take them home" "askOutClub">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 20>>
<<set $askOutClub = true>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<<set $girlIntro = false>>
<<set $showLook = false>><<set $_drunkStart = "start_" + String($level)>>
You’re slurring heavily after that last drink hits. Feeling a little woozy, but mostly just good.<br><br>
Really good! And a little sleepy...<br><br>
Actually really sleepy. Maybe you should close your eyes...<br><br>
Just one sec to rest them for a moment...<br><br>
<<link "End of drunky" $_drunkStart>><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<script>>
<<set $return = "sandGirls">>
<<set $girlInfo = "girls_" + String($level)>>
<<display $girlInfo>>
<<set $girldc = 15 + ($level * 7)>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actionDone.sandFlirt += 1>>
<<if $girlIntro == true>>You see a few cute girls hanging out on the beach. You head over to say hi and chat them up for a bit of fun later.<br><br>
They introduce themselves as<<else>>You are talking to<</if>> $girlNameA and $girlNameB.
<<if $showLook == true>>
<br><br><<print $girlLooks>><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><<print $girlImage>><</if>>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Interest: $interest</span><br><br>
/* ============Check them out============= */
<<if $showLook != true>>
<<click "Check them out.">>
<<set $showLook = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
/* ============TALK OPTION============= */
<<if $sandTalkA == true and $sandTalkB == true and $sandTalkC == true and $sandTalkD == true and $sandTalkE == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Talk - They want to do something else.]</span>
<<link "Talk to the girls" "talkSand">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 0>>
<span class="probability"> (100% success)</span>
/* ============Hang Out OPTION============= */
<<if $FrisbeeDone == true && $flirtHangSandDone == true && $flirtSwimDone == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Hang Out - You’ve done this.]</span>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 5)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Hang out together" "sandHang">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 5>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============FLIRT OPTION============= */
<<if $sandComplimentDone == true && $sandTouchDone == true && $sandTeaseDone == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this.]</span>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 10)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Flirt with the girls" "flirtSand">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 10>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============Ask Out OPTION============= */
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 20)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Ask them out for a date." "askOutSand">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 20>>
<<set $askOutSand = true>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<<set $girlIntro = false>>
<<set $showLook = false>><<silently>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
You talk to the girls for a bit.<br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $sandTalkA != true>><<link "So you here on vacation?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $sandTalkA = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoA>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkSand">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $sandTalkB != true>><<link "You guys in school or working?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $sandTalkB = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoB>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkSand">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $sandTalkC != true>><<link "Where are you from?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $sandTalkC = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoC>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkSand">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $sandTalkD != true>><<link "Any good clubs/bars around here?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $sandTalkD = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoD>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkSand">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $sandTalkE != true>><<link "What are your greatest passions in life?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $sandTalkE = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoE>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkSand">>
<br><<link "Try something else (go back)." "sandGirls">>
<<set $return = "sandGirls">>
<<if $sandTalkA == true and $sandTalkB == true and $sandTalkC == true and $sandTalkD == true and $sandTalkE == true>><<else>>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<if $drunkMod > 0>><span class="drunkBonus">+$drunkMod to DRUNK</span><br><</if>>
<<if $energyMod > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$energyMod to ENERGY</span><<set $actions += ( $energyMod + 1)>><br><</if>>
<<if $interestMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$interestMod to INTEREST</span><br><</if>>
<<if $interestMod == 0>><span class="relLoss">Fail</span><br><</if>>
<<if $interestMod < 0>><span class="relLoss">$interestMod to INTEREST</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><br><</if>>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<if $chaMod > 0 || $bodMod > 0>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $interest += $interestMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $drunk += $drunkMod>>
<<set $girlDrunk += $drunkMod>>
<<set $drunkMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $interestMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
You decide to flirt and tease the girls a little.<br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============DIRECT OPTION============= */
<<if $sandComplimentDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Give them a compliment." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtCompliment>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<set $sandComplimentDone = true>>
<<link "Give them a compliment." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = ""Nice try, but flattery is too easy."">>
<<set $sandComplimentDone = true>>
/* ============BOD OPTION============= */
<<if $sandTouchDone != true>>
<<if $bodUsed == true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Touch" "girlsResult">></span>
<<set $mssg = $flirtTouch>>
<<set $sandTouchDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Touch" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = "You try leaning up and touching the girls, but they shy away a little.">>
<<set $sandTouchDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = -1>>
/* ============CHA OPTION============= */
<<if $sandTeaseDone != true>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="cha"><<link "[CHA] Tease them" "girlsResult">></span>
<<set $mssg = $flirtTease>>
<<set $sandTeaseDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<span class="cha"><<link "[CHA] Tease" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = "They pretend to giggle along, but you think you might have accidentally insulted them for real.">>
<<set $interestMod = -1>>
<<set $sandTeaseDone = true>>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
You spend a little time hanging out and playing on the beach with Victor and the girls. <br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============FRISBEE OPTION============= */
<<if $FrisbeeDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Offer to play Frisbee" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtFrisbee>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $FrisbeeDone = true>>
<<link "Offer to play Frisbee" "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They don’t seem interested.">>
<<set $FrisbeeDone = true>>
<span class="disabled">[Frisbee - You’ve already done this]</span>
/* ============HANG OPTION============= */
<<if $flirtHangSandDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Sit down next to them to just hang out in the sand." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtHangSand>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $flirtHangSandDone = true>>
<<link "Sit down next to them to just hang out in the sand." "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They don’t seem interested.">>
<<set $flirtHangSandDone = true>>
<span class="disabled">[Hang in the sand - You’ve already done this]</span>
/* ============SWIM OPTION============= */
<<if $flirtSwimDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Last one in the water buys the first round!" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtSwim>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $flirtSwimDone = true>>
<<link "Last one in the water buys the first round!" "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They don’t seem interested.">>
<<set $flirtSwimDone = true>>
<span class="disabled">[Swim - You’ve already done this]</span>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set $action = "sand">>
<<set $sandFlirt = true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
After awhile, the girls say they’ve got to go, but you ask if they’d like to hang out more later.<br><br>
You and Victor play it cool, saying you’ll see them later, watching them sway away. When the girls are out of sight, you share some fist pumps and bumps.<br><br>
<span class="relBonus">+4 to REL</span><br>
<<set $rel += 4>>
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = true>>
<<set $sandFlirtNames = $girlNames>>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
After awhile, the girls say they’ve got to go. You get the feeling they’re not that into you.<br><br>
You and Victor say thanks for the time and set off to find a more receptive audience.<br><br>
<span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $return = "shopGirls">>
<<set $girlInfo = "girls_" + String($level)>>
<<display $girlInfo>>
<<set $girldc = 15 + ($level * 7)>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actionDone.shopFlirt += 1>>
<<if $girlIntro == true>>You see a few cute girls sitting on the boardwalk railing. You head over to say hi and chat them up for a bit of fun later.<br><br>
They introduce themselves as<<else>>You are talking to<</if>> $girlNameA and $girlNameB.
<<if $showLook == true>>
<br><br><<print $girlLooks>><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><<print $girlImage>><</if>>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Interest: $interest</span><br><br>
/* ============Check them out============= */
<<if $showLook != true>>
<<click "Check them out.">>
<<set $showLook = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
/* ============TALK OPTION============= */
<<if $shopTalkA == true and $shopTalkB == true and $shopTalkC == true and $shopTalkD == true and $shopTalkE == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Talk - They want to do something else.]</span>
<<link "Talk to the girls" "talkShop">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 0>>
<span class="probability"> (100% success)</span>
/* ============Hang Out OPTION============= */
<<if $WindowShoppingDone == true && $iceCreamDone == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Hang Out - You’ve done this.]</span>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 5)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Hang out together" "shopHang">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 5>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============FLIRT OPTION============= */
<<if $shopComplimentDone == true && $shopTouchDone == true && $shopTeaseDone == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this.]</span>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 10)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Flirt with the girls" "flirtShop">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 10>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============Ask Out OPTION============= */
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 20)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Ask them out for a date." "askOutShop">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 20>>
<<set $askOutShop = true>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<<set $girlIntro = false>>
<<set $showLook = false>><<silently>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
You talk to the girls for a bit.<br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $shopTalkA != true>><<link "So you here on vacation?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $shopTalkA = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoA>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkShop">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $shopTalkB != true>><<link "You guys in school or working?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $shopTalkB = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoB>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkShop">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $shopTalkC != true>><<link "Where are you from?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $shopTalkC = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoC>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkShop">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $shopTalkD != true>><<link "Any good clubs/bars around here?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $shopTalkD = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoD>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkShop">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $shopTalkE != true>><<link "What are your greatest passions in life?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $shopTalkE = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoE>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkShop">>
<br><<link "Try something else (go back)." "shopGirls">>
<<set $return = "shopGirls">>
<<if $shopTalkA == true and $shopTalkB == true and $shopTalkC == true and $shopTalkD == true and $shopTalkE == true>><<else>>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
You spend a little time hanging around the shops with the girls. <br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============WINDOW SHOPPING OPTION============= */
<<if $WindowShoppingDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Do a little window shopping" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtWindowShop>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $WindowShoppingDone = true>>
<<link "Do a little window shopping" "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They don’t seem interested.">>
<<set $WindowShoppingDone = true>>
<span class="disabled">[Window Shopping - You’ve already done this]</span>
/* ============ICE CREAM OPTION============= */
<<if $iceCreamDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Suggest getting some ice cream." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtIceCream>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $iceCreamDone = true>>
<<link "Suggest getting some ice cream." "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They take a pass, too many calories.">>
<<set $iceCreamDone = true>>
<span class="disabled">[Get Ice Cream - You’ve already done this]</span>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
You decide to flirt and tease the girls a little.<br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============DIRECT OPTION============= */
<<if $shopComplimentDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Give them a compliment." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtCompliment>>
<<set $shopComplimentDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<link "Give them a compliment." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = ""Nice try, but flattery is too easy."">>
<<set $shopComplimentDone = true>>
/* ============BOD OPTION============= */
<<if $shopTouchDone != true>>
<<if $bodUsed == true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Touch" "girlsResult">></span>
<<set $mssg = $flirtTouch>>
<<set $shopTouchDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Touch" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = "You try leaning up and touching the girls, but they shy away a little.">>
<<set $shopTouchDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = -1>>
/* ============CHA OPTION============= */
<<if $shopTeaseDone != true>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="cha"><<link "[CHA] Tease them" "girlsResult">></span>
<<set $mssg = $flirtTease>>
<<set $shopTeaseDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<span class="cha"><<link "[CHA] Tease" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = "They pretend to giggle along, but you think you might have accidentally insulted them for real.">>
<<set $interestMod = -1>>
<<set $shopTeaseDone = true>>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set $action = "shops">>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
After awhile, the girls say they’ve got to go, but you ask if they’d like to hang out more later.<br><br>
You and Victor play it cool, saying you’ll see them later, watching them sway away. When the girls are out of sight, you share some fist pumps and bumps.<br><br>
<span class="relBonus">+4 to REL</span><br>
<<set $rel += 4>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = true>>
<<set $shopFlirtNames = $girlNames>>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
After awhile, the girls say they’ve got to go. You get the feeling they’re not that into you.<br><br>
You and Victor say thanks for the time and set off to find a more receptive audience.<br><br>
<span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $return = "barGirls">>
<<set $girlInfo = "girls_" + String($level)>>
<<display $girlInfo>>
<<set $girldc = 15 + ($level * 7)>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actionDone.barFlirt += 1>>
<<if $girlIntro == true>>You see a few cute girls sitting a few stools away. You float over in next to them to talk.<br><br>
They introduce themselves as<<else>>You are talking to<</if>> $girlNameA and $girlNameB.
<<if $showLook == true>>
<br><br><<print $girlLooks>><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><<print $girlImage>><</if>>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Interest: $interest</span><br><br>
/* ============Check them out============= */
<<if $showLook != true>>
<<click "Check them out.">>
<<set $showLook = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
/* ============TALK OPTION============= */
<<if $barTalkA == true and $barTalkB == true and $barTalkC == true and $barTalkD == true and $barTalkE == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Talk - They want to do something else.]</span>
<<link "Talk to the girls" "talkBar">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 0>>
<span class="probability"> (100% success)</span>
/* ============Drink OPTION============= */
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 5)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Get a drink" "barDrink">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 5>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============FLIRT OPTION============= */
<<if $barComplimentDone == true && $barTouchDone == true && $barTeaseDone == true>>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this.]</span>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 10)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Flirt with the girls" "flirtBar">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 10>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============Ask Out OPTION============= */
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 20)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Ask them out for a date." "askOutBar">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 20>>
<<set $askOutBar = true>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
/* ============Take Home OPTION============= */
<<if $interest > 12>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($girldc + 20)) + $interest + $boost>>
<<link "Take them home." "takeHomeBar">>
<<set $currDC = $girldc + 40>>
<<set $askOutBar = true>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Take them home now. - They're not interested enough yet.]</span>
<<set $girlIntro = false>>
<<set $showLook = false>><<silently>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $boost>>
You talk to the girls for a bit.<br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $barTalkA != true>><<link "So you here on vacation?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $barTalkA = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoA>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkBar">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $barTalkB != true>><<link "You guys in school or working?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $barTalkB = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoB>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkBar">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $barTalkC != true>><<link "Where are you from?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $barTalkC = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoC>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkBar">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $barTalkD != true>><<link "Any good clubs/bars around here?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $barTalkD = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoD>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkBar">>
/* ============Convo============= */
<<if $barTalkE != true>><<link "What are your greatest passions in life?" "girlsResult">>
<<set $barTalkE = true>>
<<set $mssg = $convoE>>
<<set $interestMod += 1>>
<<set $return = "talkBar">>
<br><<link "Try something else (go back)." "barGirls">>
<<set $return = "barGirls">>
<<if $barTalkA == true and $barTalkB == true and $barTalkC == true and $barTalkD == true and $barTalkE == true>><<else>>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
Time to get a drink, you are at a bar after all. <br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============DRINK OPTION============= */
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Buy a round of drinks." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtDrinks>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
<<link "Get a drink" "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They pass, "Already got one."">>
<<set $FlirtDrinkDone = true>>
/* ============SHOT OPTION============= */
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Get some shots!" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtShots>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $FlirtShotDone = true>>
<<set $drunkMod += 2>>
<<link "Offer to get a shot!" "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They pass, "We're here to drink not get drunk...yet."">>
<<set $FlirtShotDone = true>>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
You decide to flirt and tease the girls a little.<br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============DIRECT OPTION============= */
<<if $barComplimentDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Give them a compliment." "girlsResult">>
<<set $barComplimentDone = true>>
<<set $mssg = $flirtCompliment>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<link "Give them a compliment." "girlsResult">>
<<set $barComplimentDone = true>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = ""Nice try, but flattery is too easy."">>
/* ============BOD OPTION============= */
<<if $barTouchDone != true>>
<<if $bodUsed == true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Touch" "girlsResult">></span>
<<set $mssg = $flirtTouch>>
<<set $barTouchDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Touch" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = "You try leaning up and touching the girls, but they shy away a little.">>
<<set $barTouchDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = -1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
/* ============CHA OPTION============= */
<<if $barTeaseDone != true>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="cha"><<link "[CHA] Tease them" "girlsResult">></span>
<<set $mssg = $flirtTease>>
<<set $barTeaseDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<span class="cha"><<link "[CHA] Tease" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = "They pretend to giggle along, but you think you might have accidentally insulted them for real.">>
<<set $barTeaseDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = -1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set $action = "bar">>
<<set $barFlirt = true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
<<set $girlDrunk = 0>>
After awhile, the girls say they’re ready to move on to the next party, so you ask if they’d like to hang out more.<br><br>
You and Victor play it cool, saying you’ll see them later, watching them sway away. When the girls are out of sight, you share some fist pumps and bumps.<br><br>
<span class="relBonus">+4 to REL</span><br>
<<set $rel += 4>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = true>>
<<set $barFlirtNames = $girlNames>>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $girlDrunk = 0>>
After awhile, the girls say they’ve got to go. You get the feeling they’re not that into you.<br><br>
You and Victor say thanks for the time and set off to find a more receptive audience.<br><br>
<span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
Time to get a drink, you are at a club after all. <br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============DRINK OPTION============= */
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Buy a round of drinks." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtDrinks>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
<<link "Get a drink" "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They pass, "Already got one."">>
<<set $FlirtDrinkDone = true>>
/* ============SHOT OPTION============= */
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Get some shots!" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtShots>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $FlirtShotDone = true>>
<<set $drunkMod += 2>>
<<link "Offer to get a shot!" "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They pass, "We're here to drink not get drunk...yet."">>
<<set $FlirtShotDone = true>>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
You decide to flirt and tease the girls a little.<br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============DIRECT OPTION============= */
<<if $clubComplimentDone != true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Give them a compliment." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtCompliment>>
<<set $clubComplimentDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 2>>
<<link "Give them a compliment." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = ""Nice try, but flattery is too easy."">>
<<set $clubComplimentDone = true>>
/* ============BOD OPTION============= */
<<if $clubTouchDone != true>>
<<if $bodUsed == true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Touch" "girlsResult">></span>
<<set $mssg = $flirtTouch>>
<<set $clubTouchDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Touch" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = "You try leaning up and touching the girls, but they shy away a little.">>
<<set $clubTouchDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = -1>>
/* ============CHA OPTION============= */
<<if $clubTeaseDone != true>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="cha"><<link "[CHA] Tease them" "girlsResult">></span>
<<set $mssg = $flirtTease>>
<<set $clubTeaseDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<span class="cha"><<link "[CHA] Tease" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = "They pretend to giggle along, but you think you might have accidentally insulted them for real.">>
<<set $clubTeaseDone = true>>
<<set $interestMod = -1>>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set $clubDanceDone ++>>
You grab $girlNameA by the hand and lead her out onto the dance floor. Victor and $girlNameB follow behind.<br>
<span class="probability">(<<print _prob>>% success)</span><br><br>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============DANCE WITH THEM OPTION============= */
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Dance with them." "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtDance>>
<<set $interestMod = 3>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<link "Dance with them." "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They dance along with you, but you catch their eyes wandering to other boys.">>
/* ============DANCE CLOSE OPTION============= */
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link "Dance close" "girlsResult">>
<<set $mssg = $flirtGrind>>
<<set $interestMod = 5>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<link "Dance close" "girlsResult">>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $mssg = "They keep dancing, but also keep their distance.">>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set $action = "club">>
<<set $clubFlirt = true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
<span class="relBonus">+5 to REL</span><br>
<<set $rel += 5>>
<<set $girlDrunk = 0>>
<<link "To the bungalow..." "girlsWin">><</link>>
<<set $girlDrunk = 0>>
After awhile, music has gotten stale and the crowd is starting to thin.<br><br>
Ask the girls if they want to head back home with you. They look at each other to consider for a moment, then fake a couple of yawns and say they’re a bit too tired.<br><br>
Struck. Out.<br><br>
Victor is still hugely positive and says he had a great time.<br><br>
<span class="relBonus">+3 to REL</span><br>
<<set $rel += 3>>
<<if $currentGirls == "sand">><<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>><</if>>
<<if $currentGirls == "shop">><<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>><</if>>
<<if $currentGirls == "bar">><<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>><</if>>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $funky = "funky_" + String($level)>>
The four of you walk briskly across the beach, Victor leading the way to his bungalow.<br><br>
Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest the place is. Still beautiful, of course, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from its premium beach location.<br><br>
But none of you have time to marvel at the house, you’re too busy with each other. You and $girlNameA are nearly making out, and $girlNameB is all over Victor as he fumbles with the lock.<br><br>
The lock clicks open and you all fall in through the door in a hot and heavy mob. $girlNameB drags Victor into the bedroom, he barely has time to glance your way and mouth a <victor>"thank you."</victor><br><br>
With them gone, $girlNameA looks at you with hungry eyes.<br><br>
<<link "Oral" $funky>><<set $sexStyle = "oral">><</link>><br>
<<link "Sofa Sex" $funky>><<set $sexStyle = "sex">><</link>><br>
<<link "Doggy Style" $funky>><<set $sexStyle = "fuck">><</link>><br><<if $imageOn ==true>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $sexStyle == "oral">>
You’re stripping each other off before you can even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is already undone and hanging around her hips, letting her $girlboobs wobble tantalizingly in front if you.<br><br>Wrapped in each other, biting and sucking, you miss the couch you were aiming for, ending up thumping hard into the wall.<br><br>After a bit of a laugh at your poor steering, you move to go to the sofa, but are stopped by her hand on your chest. She locks eyes with you, and begins lowering herself down, her fingers trailing their way down your body, tracing your muscular frame. She finally reaches your swim trunks, and rips them down with a jerk, sending your big, rock hard cock bouncing free in the cool air.<br><br>Her eyes go wide at the size, giving an impressed <girl>“Oooh!”</girl><br><br>Steadying it in front of her with a couple tugs, she begins to lick. You groan in reply, feeling the hot wetness of her lips and tongue slide and pull at your member. You hold out as long as possible, but finish quickly with a grunt of satisfaction.<br><br>Now it’s her turn. You lift her and plop her on the sofa with a bounce, sending pleasant jiggles through her tits. You finish stripping her bottoms, and push her silky legs aside, going in for a course. She’s already slick with excitement, and your practiced tongue brings her to moans of pleasure in moments. You both go for several rounds before finally calming down for the night.
<<if $sexStyle == "sex">>
You’re tearing at each other’s clothes before you even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is off, letting her $girlboobs wobble free tantalizingly.<br><br>
You make it to the front of the sofa, clothes long gone, and reach behind her to grab a handful of creamy, youthful ass. Hugging and lifting in one smooth motion, you lift her off the ground so she straddles you standing, her boobs crushing against your chest, and her hot mouth biting at your lips. You carefully sit on the sofa while guiding your big cock into her, both gasping at the wave of ecstasy that races through you. You keep one hand on her hips, groping her ass and guiding her rhythm, as she begins to rock back and forth on your throbbing member.<br><br>
With your other arm you pull her close, breasts bouncing right in your face. Your lips find one of her swollen, pointy nipples and start tonguing it rapidly. You can feel it getting harder in your mouth as $girlNameA’s pace quickens - her moans of pleasure growing louder. Soon she grabs your shoulder, digging her nails in, and shudders as you both release with a groan.<br><br>
Completely spent, she floats down onto your chest, the both of you panting from the exertion and passion.
<<if $sexStyle == "fuck">>
You’re stripping each other madly before you even get to the sofa. Just as you get there, $girlNameA kicks off the last of her clothes and turns to face you, a hypnotic bounce in her now-free breasts. She reaches down and grabs your rock-hard cock firmly, causing it to twitch in response. With a hungry look in her eyes she looks at you, <girl>“You’re really packing! I need this in me...<em>now</em>.”</girl> You don’t need a second thought. Grabbing her by the waist, you spin her around and bend her down over the couch.<br><br>Her hips flare seductively in front of you, her plush ass framing a swollen little snatch as it peeks out underneath, glistening in anticipation.
<br><br>You grab those womanly hips and slam it home with a simultaneous groan of pure pleasure from you both. You keep fucking her hard, sending waves jiggling through the sexy ass bouncing off your pelvis. She’s already panting loudly, with her nails digging into the sofa as you both near climax. With a final buck, she pushes full into you, sending you both over the edge. <br><br>She quivers on your cock with a satisfied groan before collapsing on the sofa, face buried in a pillow and completely spent. <br><br>Her muffled voice drifts up from the pillow, <girl>“That. Was. Amazing.”</girl>.
<<if $rel >= $levelup>>
<<link "Finish day" "levelUp_1">><</link>>
<<link "Finish day" "finishDay_1">><</link>>
<</if>><<set $actionDone = {
smallTalk: 0,
peopleWatch: 0,
tan: 0,
walk: 0,
frisbee: 0,
volleyball: 0,
float: 0,
race: 0,
hangOut: 0,
roadPuncher: 0,
purikura: 0,
motorcycleGame: 0,
clawCatcher: 0,
lunch: 0,
smallTalkCourt: 0,
dinner: 0,
show: 0,
smallTalkBar: 0,
drinksbar: 0,
shotsBar: 0,
dance: 0,
drinksClub: 0,
shotsClub: 0,
goodnight: 0,
watchMovie: 0,
deepTowelsDone: 0,
sandFlirt: 0,
shopFlirt: 0,
barFlirt: 0,
deepBarDone: 0,
deepBungalowDone: 0} >>
<<set $shopEnter = true>>
<<set $sandTalkA = false>> = false>>
<<set $sandTalkB = false>>
<<set $sandTalkC = false>>
<<set $sandTalkD = false>>
<<set $sandTalkE = false>>
<<set $sandComplimentDone = false>>
<<set $sandTouchDone = false>>
<<set $sandTeaseDone = false>>
<<set $FrisbeeDone = false>>
<<set $flirtHangSandDone = false>>
<<set $flirtSwimDone = false>>
<<set $shopComplimentDone = false>>
<<set $shopTouchDone = false>>
<<set $shopTeaseDone = false>>
<<set $shopTalkA = false>>
<<set $shopTalkB = false>>
<<set $shopTalkC = false>>
<<set $shopTalkD = false>>
<<set $shopTalkE = false>>
<<set $WindowShoppingDone = false>>
<<set $iceCreamDone = false>>
<<set $barTalkA = false>>
<<set $barTalkB = false>>
<<set $barTalkC = false>>
<<set $barTalkD = false>>
<<set $barTalkE = false>>
<<set $barComplimentDone = false>>
<<set $barTouchDone = false>>
<<set $barTeaseDone = false>>
<<set $clubkissDone = false>>
<<set $barkissDone = false>>
<<set $deepState = 1>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $modelSuitDone = false>>
<<set $changeroomDone = false>>
<<set $clubComplimentDone = false>>
<<set $clubTouchDone = false>>
<<set $clubTeaseDone = false>>
<<set $clubDanceDone = 0>>
<<set $girlDrunk = 0>><<set $tutorialDone = true>>
The stand is surprisingly busy, with a dozen people crowded around a tiny bar, and a cute, but obviously overworked staff running back and forth to serve the patrons.<br><br>
It will be hard to get her attention, what do you do?<br><br>
<span class="tut">Tutorial:<br>Each action will have several different approaches to solving it - generally a friendly approach, a subtle approach and more direct approach. Each approach has the same chance of success, but will yield different rewards depending on Victor’s personality - so pay attention to which approaches get better results.</span><br>
/* ============OPTION============= */
<<link "Raise your arm and call her over." "tutorial_3">>
<<set $mssg = "Thankfully she notices your raised arm and bustles over.">>
/* ============OPTION============= */
<<link "Try to catch her eye" "tutorial_3">>
<<set $mssg = "It takes a moment, but you’re able to make eye-contact an call her over with a head nod.">>
/* ============OPTION============= */
<<link "Ask one of the people closer to the bar" "tutorial_3">>
<<set $mssg = "You ask one of the other patrons who’s bellied up to the bar to grab her for you. He gives a loud whistle. A bit rude, but effective.">>
<br><<set $rel += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+1 to REL</span>
You grab a couple cold drinks, say thanks, and step back from the bar. Unfortunately, right into another customer!
<<link "What the fuck man?" "tutorial_4">><</link>><<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
He drops his drink and blurts out loudly, “what the fuck man?!?” before aggressively shoving you in the shoulder.<br><br>
He doesn’t look like he will accept an apology. How do you respond?<br><br>
<<if $chaUsed and $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="tut">Tutorial:<br>These boosts are your way of using your skills to influence the simulation. Body is using your physical form, and Charisma is using your guile and persuasiveness. The boost will add your current Body or Charisma skill to your chances of success, as well as build up that skill in the future, and sometimes add extra options to handle the situation!</span><br><br>
<<elseif $chaUsed or $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="tut">Tutorial:<br>Good, now choose the other one.</span><br><br>
<span class="tut">Tutorial:<br>Sometimes you won’t have any good options, or your chances of success are too low. To fix this, you can boost your chances with Body or Charm. Go ahead, try them both.</span><br>
/* ============DIRECT OPTION============= */
<span class="disabled">[Apologize - You don’t think this will work.]</span><br>
/* ============BOD OPTION============= */
<<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bod"><<link "[BODY] Punch him." "tutorial_5">></span>
<<set $mssg = "You turn your shoulder sideways, letting his shove slide off you harmlessly, without even spilling a drop of your drinks - which you set down on a nearby table.<br><br>With a smile you turn back to him, and place a quick fist right into his gut. You twist it upwards as you follow through to ensure he’s winded, leaving him doubled over as you calmly retrieve your drinks and continue on to the beach.">>
<<set $relMod = 2>>
/* ============CHA OPTION============= */
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="cha"><<link "[CHARISMA] Convince him to let it go." "tutorial_5">></span>
<<set $mssg = "You turn your shoulder sideways, letting his shove slide off you harmlessly. You turn back to face him and give a sly smile.<br><br>"Listen, buddy. I know you just want to look tough, and impress the chicks. But touch me again and I’ll break both your arms. " You stare straight into his eyes without blinking to convince him you’re serious.<br><br>He starts a retort, "How about you just..." You cut him off before he can finish.<br><br>"How about you forget the drinks, I forget the shove and we go about our way. You might even get a sympathy bonus for the spilled drink from the blonde at the bar."<br><br>He looks at you, then at the blonde watching the altercation intently, then back, and finally seems to decide. "Fine." he grunts.<br><br>"Have a nice day, sir." You mention as you retrieve your drinks and head to the beach">>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = 2>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = 2>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<</if>><span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br><br>
<span class="tut">Tutorial:<br>After completing an action, you will be able to see the changes in your stats.</span><br><br>
<<link "Back" "tutorial_6">><</link>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $bodLevel = 3>>
<<set $chaLevel = 3>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You walk back to the beach hut with a smile. You feel you’ve made a lot of progress today, getting much closer to Victor and to your goal. You can almost taste the influence and riches that will come when you’re his close friend and confidant in the real world.<br><br>
You think the word “bedtime”, a special command to reset the simulation and start the next day. In a few moments you’ll be starting the same day all over again, this time as a friend to Victor, ready to get closer still.<br><br>
Just as you reach the beach hut, you feel a slight lurch in your stomach as the simulation reshapes itself, warping along with alterations in Victor’s dream. The effect reaches you too, washing over you like a wave. As the simulation resets around you, you feel your body being stretched and pulled with the wave.<br><br>
The feeling only seems to build as the simulation shuts down, then everything goes black.<br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_2">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<script>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You walk back to the hut. You feel you’ve made a little progress with Victor, but not enough to make a big difference.<br><br>
You send a command reset the simulation, feeling a little queasy as reality starts to fragment around you. In a few moments you’ll be starting the same day all over again, ready to get even closer to Victor and complete your mission.<br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_1">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<if $secondary > 51>><<set $secondary = 51>><</if>>
<<if $chaLevel > 15>><<set $chaLevel = 15>><</if>>
<<if $bodLevel > 16>><<set $bodLevel = 16>><</if>>
<<switch $secondary>>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<<set $boobs ="soft chest">>
<<set $boobsLong = "flat but soft chest">>
<<set $boobLine = "Your chest is basically flat, with only a little softness around your pointy nipples.">>
<<set $butt = "butt">>
<<set $buttLong = "mostly flat butt">>
<<case 4 5 6>>
<<set $boobs ="soft chest">>
<<set $boobsLong = "flat but soft chest">>
<<set $boobLine = "You chest is mostly flat, with some soft swellings that jiggle a little when you giggle.">>
<<set $butt = "butt">>
<<set $buttLong = "soft, slightly protruting butt">>
<<case 7 8 9 10>>
<<set $boobs ="girlish boobs">>
<<set $boobsLong = "small pixieish boobies">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have small pixieish boobies, that jiggle pleasantly when you giggle.">>
<<set $butt = "ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "soft, pleasant butt">>
<<case 11 12 13 14>>
<<set $boobs ="little boobies">>
<<set $boobsLong = "small A-cup boobs">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have small A-cup boobs that you can almost push together to make some cleavage.">>
<<set $butt = "ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "soft, pleasant butt">>
<<case 15 16 17 18>>
<<set $boobs ="perky breasts">>
<<set $boobsLong = "lovely little B-Cups">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have lovely little B-Cups, that dip off your chest in a soft, sexy curve.">>
<<set $butt = "curved ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "tight, round rear">>
<<case 19 20 21 22>>
<<set $boobs ="breasts">>
<<set $boobsLong = "beautiful, modest-sized breasts">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have beautiful, modest-sized breasts, which are perfectly shaped and bob softly when you walk.">>
<<set $butt = "curved ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "tight, round rear">>
<<case 23 24 25 26>>
<<set $boobs ="round boobs">>
<<set $boobsLong = "perfectly shaped C-Cup boobs">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have perfectly shaped C-Cup boobs that could get you a job modeling instantaneously.">>
<<set $butt = "cute butt">>
<<set $buttLong = "sexy, heart-shaped ass">>
<<case 27 28 29 30>>
<<set $boobs ="sexy breasts">>
<<set $boobsLong = "beautiful, softball-sized boobs">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have beautiful, softball-sized boobs that look sexy in anything and never seem to stop jiggling.">>
<<set $butt = "cute butt">>
<<set $buttLong = "sexy, heart-shaped ass">>
<<case 31 32 33 34>>
<<set $boobs ="big boobs">>
<<set $boobsLong = "round, sexy D-Cups">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have round, sexy D-Cups which bounce heavily with every step you take.">>
<<set $butt = "rounded butt">>
<<set $buttLong = "plush, half-moon ass">>
<<case 35 36 37 38>>
<<set $boobs ="big boobs">>
<<set $boobsLong = "large, prominent tits">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have large, prominent tits that make legendary cleavage, and constantly threaten to bounce out of whatever you wear.<br><br>">>
<<set $butt = "round ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "plush, half-moon ass">>
<<case 39 40 41 42>>
<<set $boobs ="big tits">>
<<set $boobsLong = "shirt-stretching, melon-sized jugs">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have shirt-stretching, melon-sized jugs strain at clothes twice your size.">>
<<set $butt = "sexy ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "succulent, overripe ass">>
<<case 43 44 45 46>>
<<set $boobs ="huge tits">>
<<set $boobsLong = "enormous, volleyball-sized tits">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have enormous, volleyball-sized tits that simply demand attention, drawing stares of jealousy from women and wanton lust from men.">>
<<set $butt = "curvy ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "succulent, overripe ass">>
<<case 47 48 49 50>>
<<set $boobs ="enormous tits">>
<<set $boobsLong = "gigantic, basketball-sized jugs">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have gigantic, basketball-sized jugs that wobble and sway pendulously as you walk.">>
<<set $butt = "curvaceous booty">>
<<set $buttLong = "head-turning, lusciously large ass">>
<<case 51 52>>
<<set $boobs ="gigantic boobs">>
<<set $boobsLong = "mountainous, watermelon-sized tits">>
<<set $boobLine = "You have mountainous, watermelon-sized tits that eclipse the rest of your torso with an endless creamy mass of soft, velvety boob-flesh.">>
<<set $butt = "big ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "head-turning, lusciously large ass">>
<<set $boobs ="boobs">>
<<set $boobsLong = "boobs">>
<<set $boobLine = " ">>
<<set $butt = "ass">>
<<set $buttLong = "normal ass">>
<<switch $chaLevel>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $history = "Outside the simulation, you are $fname $lname, a 28 year-old "memory insertion specialist" for DCT Corp.<br><br>Currently inside the simulation, your cover is $fname $lname, A 22 year old law student, on holiday at the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra = "">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel driven and ready to take on your mission to befriend Victor Tsai and influence him.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "Your stomach turns slightly like you’ve just taken a fall. This is probably the simulation adjusting its parameters, Victor’s subconscious pushing back at you using your charm to force too many situations.<br><br>The changes ripple through you, causing a wave of slight dizziness. You’re not sure why, but it actually strikes you as a little funny, and you giggle involuntarily before catching yourself. In any case it passes in an instant.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel a momentary wave of dizziness wash over you. You shake your head to clear it.">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $history = "Outside the simulation, you are $fname $lname, a 28 year-old "memory insertion specialist" for DCT Corp.<br><br>Currently inside the simulation, your cover is $fname $lname, A 22 year old law student, on holiday at the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="You feel a little odd, perhaps the haptic settings are off on this simulation. It’s almost like your skin is much more sensitive than usual. Still, won’t interfere with your job. <br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel good, and ready to take on your mission to befriend Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "Your stomach turns slightly like you’ve just taken a fall. This is probably the simulation adjusting its parameters, Victor’s subconscious pushing back at you using your charm to force too many situations.<br><br>The changes ripple through you, causing a wave of slight dizziness. You’re not sure why, but it actually strikes you as a little funny, and you giggle involuntarily before catching yourself. In any case it passes in an instant.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel a momentary wave of dizziness and tingling wash over you. You shake your head to clear it.">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $history = "Outside this reality, you are $fname $lname, a 26 year-old "memory specialist" for a major company.<br><br>Currently here, you are $fname $lname, A 22 year old student, on holiday at the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Your skin still feels extremely sensitive, especially around the chest — but it actually feels good. You catch yourself brushing against your hard nipples on occasion and enjoying the sensation.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel good and ready to take on the day.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "Your stomach turns slightly like you’ve just taken a fall. The simulation shimmers and warps around, then through you.<br><br>It seems to hit you head first, causing a bit of dizziness, then flows downward through your body — a tingling, popping sensation, like your body was filled with fizzy soda pop. It tickles causing you to giggle a little before the sensations drift away.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel a momentary wave of tingling wash over you. You giggle at the sensation.">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $history = "Outside the beach, you are $fname $lname, a 26 year-old "memory specialist" for a some company.<br><br>Currently here, you are $fname $lname, A 22 year old student, on holiday at the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Your skin's situation has gotten worse. It’s still very sensitive, and your nipples are red and swollen, twice as sensitive as before — and accompanied by a little swelling under your chest — almost like a girl who’s going through puberty.<br><br>">><<set $feeling = "You feel good and ready to take on the day and hang with Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel good and ready to see your friend Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "Your stomach turns slightly like you’ve just taken a fall. The simulation shimmers and warps around, then through you.<br><br>It seems to hit you head first, causing a bit of dizziness, then flows downward through your body — a tingling, popping sensation, like your body was filled with fizzy soda pop. It tickles causing you to giggle a little before the sensations drift away.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel a momentary wave of pleasant tingling wash over you. You smile and giggle at the sensation.">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $history = "Outside the beach, you are $fname, a 25 year-old "memory specialist".<br><br>Currently, you are $fname, a 22 year old student, visiting the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Something definitely feels off, you don’t remember having been mistaken for a girl as much in the past. But the weird thing is, you don’t mind that much — you actually feel a little twinge of pride when you see a guy following you with his eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel good and ready to see your friend Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "The simulation shimmers and warps around as it adjusts again. The changes coming at you like a wave of sensation.<br><br>The feelings rush through you, tickling like before, but now that you’ve gotten used to it, it feels quite nice, especially the way the tingles dance across your skin like tiny electrical storms.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel another wave of pleasant tingling wash over you. You smile, enjoying the sensation.">>
<<case 6>>
<<set $history = "Outside the beach, you are $fname, a 25 year-old "memory specialist".<br><br>Currently, you are $fname, A 22 year old student, visiting the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel good and ready to see your best friend Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "The simulation shimmers and warps around as it adjusts again. The changes coming at you like a wave of sensation.<br><br>The feelings rush through you, tickling like before, but now that you’ve gotten used to it, it feels quite nice, especially the way the tingles dance across your skin like tiny electrical storms.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel another wave of pleasant tingling flow through you. You smile, thoroughly enjoying the sensation.">>
<<case 7>>
<<set $history = "Outside the beach, you were $fname, a 25 year-old "memory specialist", but those memories are getting fuzzy.<br><br>Currently, you are $Femname, A 22 year old student, visiting the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel good, and ready to see your best friend Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "The changes come again, building up from within you and flowing upwards through your body.<br><br>You close your eyes and enjoy the sensations, so warm and tingly, oblivious to the outside world. When it finally calms down, you’ve completely forgot what you were doing.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel another wave of electric tingles running through you. You close your eyes and smile, relishing the sensation.">>
<<case 8>>
<<set $history = "Outside the beach, you were $fname, but it’s hard to remember that long ago. Currently, you are $Femname, a 22 year old co-ed, visiting the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Your nips are constantly hard these days, being on the beach with all these cute boys doesn’t help either.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel good, and ready to see that cutie Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "The changes come again, building up from within you and flowing upwards through your body.<br><br>You close your eyes and enjoy the sensations, so warm and good, like a lover’s caress across your hypersensitive skin. When it finally calms down, you’ve completely forgot what you were doing.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel another wave of pleasurable tingles running through you. You close your eyes and bite your lip, relishing the sensation.">>
<<case 9>>
<<set $history = "You used to be $fname, but you’ve mostly forgotten about that life. Currently, you are $Femname, a 22 year old co-ed, visiting the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Something is definitely up with your top, you’re feeling a lot more bouncing than usual. You give your girls an experimental squeeze. It feels nicer than usual too, eliciting a soft coo of pleasure.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel good, and ready to see that cutie Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "The changes come again, building up from within you and flowing upwards through your body.<br><br>You close your eyes and enjoy the sensations, so warm and good, like a lover’s caress across your hypersensitive skin. Opening your eyes again, you notice that you’ve got goosebumps all over your arms, and your high-beams are on.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel another rush of pleasurable tingles running through you. You bite your lip, barely able to stifle a long <mn>“mmmmm”</mn> while you relish the sensation.">>
<<case 10>>
<<set $history = "You are $Femname, a 21 year old girl, on spring-break the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Something is definitely up with your top, you’re feeling a lot more bouncing than usual. You give your girls an experimental squeeze. It feels nicer than usual too, eliciting a soft coo of pleasure.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel excited and happy to see your boyfriend Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "You feel another warm rush of tingles flowing through you, coursing and twirling through your body.<br><br>You close your eyes and sigh, enjoying the warm sensual feelings, sending goose-bumps all over your soft skin. You run your hands slowly down your sides, enjoying the dual sensations of the tingles from within and caress from without, and absentmindedly let out another sigh. When it passes, you open your eyes again and notice that some nearby guys are staring. You giggle a little, embarrassed at putting on a show.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel another rush of erotic tingles running through you. You bite your lip, unable able to stifle a long <mn>“mmmmm”</mn> while you relish pleasure dancing on your skin.">>
<<case 11>>
<<set $history = "You are $Femname, a 21 year old hottie, on spring-break the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Your constantly hard nipples are tenting the fabric, but you don’t mind. Perfect way to show off for Victor...and any other boys who might look. The thought sends pleasurable tingles through your little pussy.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel so happy to be with such a great and sexy boyfriend like Victor.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "You feel another warm rush of tingles flowing through you, coursing and twirling through your body.<br><br>You close your eyes and sigh, enjoying the warm sensual feelings, sending goose-bumps all over your soft skin. You run your hands slowly down your sides, and hips, enjoying the dual sensations of the tingles from within and caress from without, and absentmindedly let out a soft <mn>“mmmmm.”</mn> When it passes, you open your eyes again and notice that some nearby guys are staring. You giggle a little, finding it funny what a show you just put on.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You feel another rush of sensual tingles running through you. You lick your lips, unable able to stifle a long sigh while you relish pleasure dancing on your skin.">>
<<case 12>>
<<set $history = "You are $Femname, a 21 year old girl, on vacation with your boyfriend at the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra = "">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel excited and anxious to see your boyfriend Victor, the tingles in your body increasing and causing you to bite your lip.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "You feel another warm rush of pleasure flowing through you, washing over you in ecstasy.<br><br>You close your eyes and bite your lip, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. Your hands roam on their own across your sides and stomach, and even causing a little shudder of pleasure. When it passes, you open your eyes again and notice that some nearby guys are staring at you slack-jawed. You giggle a little, and throw a wink their way.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "Another rush of erotic tingles runs through you. You run your hands across your smooth skin, sighing in pleasure at the sensual feeling.">>
<<case 13>>
<<set $history = "You are $Femname, a 21 year old hottie, on vacation with your boyfriend at the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Your rock-hard nipples are absolutely straining against the fabric of the top, just being at the beach with Victor and so many hot boys has got you sooo horny.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "You can’t wait to see Victor, and hopefully get some relief for your hungry little pussy.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "You feel another wave of pleasure flowing through you, washing over you in ecstasy and drowning out the world around you.<br><br>You close your eyes and bite your lip, letting out a moan of pleasure. Your hands roam on their own across your sides and stomach, even momentarily venturing south to caress your dripping sex. Between the pleasure within your body, and the touch of your hands, it doesn’t take more than a few seconds for you to cum, letting out a gasp as you quiver to climax. When it passes, you open your eyes again and notice that some nearby guys are staring at you slack-jawed. You bite your lip again and shoot them an inviting look.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "Another rush of sensual tingles running through you. You run your hands across your body, stopping to palm your breasts and tweak your straining nipples, sending your body shuddering momentarily.">>
<<case 14>>
<<set $history = "You are $Femname, a 21 year old slut, dutifully with your boyfriend on his vacation at the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Your thick, lurid nipples are plainly visible through the top, permanently erect and begging for attention.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "Your puffy cunt is practically dripping in excitement to see your man Victor and be plowed again.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChange = "You feel another wave of pleasure flowing through you, washing over you in ecstasy and drowning out the world around you. Leaving nothing but pleasure — the experience and pursuit of it.<br><br>You close your eyes and bite your lip, moaning loudly with the waves of blissful sensation. Your hands roam on their own, groping your tits, twisting your nipples, exploring your thighs and rubbing your dripping-wet sex. At the touch, you cum right there in public, gasping loudly and shuddering while you find something nearby to keep you from falling. When you finally finish, after several more climaxes, you look around. Everyone nearby is staring at you incredulously, though several people — judging by the bulges in their swimsuits — seem to have enjoyed the show. You don’t care, it doesn’t even register that you should care, all you know is that you want that feeling again as you stare wantonly at one of the men with tented swim trunks.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaChangeSm = "You moan as another rush of sensual tingles runs through you. Your hands move wantonly across your body, caressing your skin, tugging your rock-hard nipples and rubbing your dripping little pussy through your suit.">>
<<case 15>>
<<set $history = "You...don’t remember your name, mostly Victor just calls you "slut", which is fine with you. That’s what you are, and you couldn’t be happier. You’re on a beach somewhere, where it’s warm and sunny and you have a great excuse to show off your body.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra ="Your fat, aching nipples poke out, proudly erect and begging for attention.<br><br>">>
<<set $feeling = "Your puffy cunt is constantly hot and wet — ever aching to be filled by any man, vegetable or mineral you can get your hands on.<br><br>">>
<<set $history = "Outside the simulation, you are $fname, 28 year-old "memory insertion specialist"for DCT Corp.<br><br>
Currently inside the simulation, your cover is $fname, A 22 year old law student, on holiday at the Oasis resort in the south pacific.<br><br>">>
<<set $chaExtra = "">>
<<set $feeling = "You feel driven and ready to take on your mission to befriend Victor Tsai and influence him.<br><br>">>
<<switch $bodLevel>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $looks = "At 6'1", with a muscular frame, people describe you as "handsome".<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your masculine face, with it’s strong jaw and sharp features.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "Your stomach turns slightly like you’ve just taken a fall. This is probably the simulation adjusting its parameters, Victor’s subconscious pushing back at you using your body to force too many situations.<br><br>The changes ripple through your body, leaving you momentarily woozy. It might be a good idea to head back to the beach hut to make sure everything is the same before your mind adjusts to the changes too.<br><br>">>
<<set $secondary = 1>>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel a strange tingling on your body, like all the hairs standing on end. It finishes nearly as quickly as it started.">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $looks = "At 6'1", with a strong frame, people describe you as "handsome".<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your masculine face, with it’s smooth jaw and sharp features.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "Your stomach turns slightly like you’ve just taken a fall. This is probably the simulation adjusting its parameters, Victor’s subconscious pushing back at you using your body to force too many situations.<br><br>The changes ripple through your body with a prickly sensation dancing across your skin? Looking down, you notice something looks different, your arms look smaller and...softer or...that’s it! You’re missing all your body hair! You’re smooth as silk! Better go check the mirror in the beach hut before your mind adjusts and you forget the changes.<br><br>">>
<<set $secondary = 1>>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel a strange tingling on your body, like your skin is pulling on itself. Nothing lasting, but you swear your perspective just shifted a fraction of an inch lower.">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'11", with a smooth & lean body, people describe you as "good looking".<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your good-looking face — with its flawless, smooth skin and piercing eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "It might be the clothes or the sim, but you notice your arms looking a little thinner than usual — like you need to work out more. Not to mention totally smooth, like the rest of your body.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChange = "Your stomach turns slightly like you’ve just taken a fall. The air seeming to twist a little as the universe around your warps with Victor’s subconscious.<br><br>The changes flow through your body with a pulling sensation, leaving you feeling...diminished? Checking yourself out, it seems almost like your arms and legs are thinner? Actually, your whole body feels thin, like you’ve suddenly lost a lot of weight. Except for your hips, looking behind you, you can see your swimsuit pulling tighter and tighter over your butt, almost like it’s shrinking against you...or your ass just swelled up an inch. Better go check the mirror in the beach hut before your mind adjusts and you forget the changes.<br><br>">>
<<set $secondary = 1>>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel that warm tingling on your body, again that strange feeling like you’re pulling inward on yourself. While the tingling goes away quickly, it’s replaced by the odd sensation that your shorts are tighter than they were a moment ago.">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'11", with a smooth & lean body, people describe you as "good looking". Though you’re a little thin for some girls’ tastes.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your good-looking face — with its flawless, smooth skin and big, piercing eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "Though the bottoms were a bit hard to squeeze on — has your ass gotten bigger? Your top is uncomfortable too, constantly rubbing against your oddly sensitive chest.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChange = "You feel a wave of dizziness wash over you like gravity shifted slightly on the beach for a moment.<br><br>A feeling of warmth and tingling sweeps across your body as you look down at yourself. While you’re still much thinner than you remember, it doesn’t seem as bad as you were worried about. It’s not like you’re bony or anything, your arms and legs seem tiny and delicate, but there’s a smoothness and softness to them. You wonder if your torso looks the same, maybe you should go to the beach hut to check yourself out in the mirror.<br><br>">>
<<set $secondary = 1>>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel that warm tingling in your body again, again that strange feeling like you’re pulling inward on yourself, you swear you can almost see your limbs and waist shrinking least in comparison to your hips which didn’t seem to shrink at all.">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'9", with a smooth & thin body, people describe you as "effeminate"...when they don’t actually mistake you for a girl that is.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your good-looking face — with flawless, smooth skin, soft features and wide, expressive eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "You feel a wave of dizziness wash over you like gravity shifted slightly on the beach for a moment.<br><br>A feeling of warmth and tingling sweeps across your body in waves, leaving you tickling. The feeling concentrates in your chest, causing your nipples, already hard and poking, to tighten up even more. You watch as they poke out just a tiny bit further...then a little more...then a little more. You reach up your hand to investigate and are surprised that you’re able to push your nipple around easily, like it was floating on a small cushion of fat. Almost like a girl's breast. You need to get back to the beach hut to see what’s happening before any mental changes hit you.<br><br>You take a step, not only is there now a jiggle in your chest, but you realize that your swim shorts are much tighter than before, almost hard to move. What’s worse, despite the tightness, the bulge in front is much, much smaller than you’d expect.<br><br>">>
<<if $secondary > 6>><<set $secondary = 6>><</if>>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel that pleasant tingling in your body again. You’re actually starting to enjoy the feeling. It seems more focused now, stronger in your hips and chest.">>
<<case 6>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'9", with a smooth & thin body, people describe you as "effeminate"...when they don’t actually mistake you for a girl that is.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your good-looking face — with flawless, smooth skin, soft features and wide, expressive eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "Your swim shorts are so tight that it’s difficult to walk — are your hips thicker too?<br><br>Thankfully your top hides the swellings on your chest, but does little to disguise your constantly hard nipples which poke little tents in the fabric.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChange = "There’s another ripple in the simulation, blowing across you like a swift wind. It sends a cool chill across your body, manifesting in a pleasurable tingle that sweeps across your body. You try to shake it off, like last time, thinking it will pass in a moment. But it doesn’t.<br><br>The tingles continue to build, welling up and making your body feel numb to every sensation besides the rapidly building feelings. The tingles flow and ebb coming in and out like a wave. The wave pulses, pushing on your face, rounding and softening your features. It pulls on your throat, pulling in your adam’s apple with a pop. They push on your chest sending your already pointy nipples stabbing outwards like hot little volcanoes of pleasure. They pull in your waist causing you to gasp. Then push against your hips, causing your already tight swim bottoms to groan in response. You pant for a moment, hoping it’s over, until one final flow hits you. It’s the strongest yet and pulls with amazing force at your crotch. You instinctively grab towards your dick to see what happened.<br><br>You miss. You feel around but it’s gone, your hand comes to rest on your pelvis, cupping nothing but a soft mound... Oh shit. It dawns on you what’s happening. Why didn’t you notice before?! The realization strikes you at the same time as another bout of dizziness, causing you to stumble. Victor catches you, and you lean against him while the dizziness passes.<br><br>A soft voice comes from above, “Are you ok?”<br><br>You look up to see Victor looking down at you with concern. You know there were some problems, some issues you had to attend to, but now staring into his big brown eyes, you forget every concern you ever had. He starts to help you up and you regain your composure.<br><br>“Sorry, uh, must have been the sun,” you play it off with a giggle. “What should we do next?”<br><br>What was bothering you so much anyway?<br><br>">>
<<if $secondary > 6>><<set $secondary = 6>><</if>>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel that pleasurable tingling in your body again. It feels so good, and seems to be having an effect. You can feel it pulling your waist in just a little more, and judging by the tightness of your clothes, pushing out your butt a bit more too.">>
<<case 7>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'9", with a smooth & lean body, people often describe your as cute, or twiggy, or even coltish, whatever that means.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your face — with its flawless, smooth skin, delicate features and wide, expressive eyes. You’d almost go as far as to call yourself, "cute".<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "You feel slight ripple in the air, like something is changing, but it’s hard to exactly put your finger on it. It makes you feel a little odd though, almost like your body is responding to the feeling — a slight tingle running up and down your skin. You feel your face tingling, and place a hand on your nose, surprised at how suddenly small and narrow it feels. The tingles pass through you again and you actually feel your jawbone shift under your palm, getting rounder and softer while you touch it.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel the tingles come again, caressing and reshaping your body. You enjoy the feeling of your top's fabric running across your nipples as they push out a tiny bit more from your front.">>
<<case 8>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'9", with a smooth & lean body, people often describe your as cute. You're proud of your trim waist and smooth, svette legs...but you sometimes wish you had a few more curves.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your face — with its flawless, smooth skin, delicate features and wide, expressive eyes. You’d almost go as far as to call yourself, "cute".<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "Those strange tingles return again, washing over you in a warm wave, pushing and pulling at your body. The feeling is exciting, even pleasurable. It even makes your nipples tighten up again under your top. You look down just in time to see them poke up a little further in your top, then push into the fabric as your boobs swell slightly behind them.<br><br>Enjoying the feeling of the thin material stretch past your sensitive bits, it almost escapes your notice how strange this is. Girls' boobs don’t just suddenly get they?">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel the erotic tingles come again, caressing and reshaping your body to be even sexier, even more desirable.">>
<<case 9>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'7", with a trim and lean body, people often describe you as pretty. You're not exactly curvy, but gracefully feminine, with a lovely pair long, smooth legs.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your cute face — with flawless, smooth skin, soft features and wide, bright eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "The top hugs your boobs, highlighting your little nips in front.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChange = "You take a deep breath as you feel another wave of tingles pass over your body. The pushing and pulling feels so enjoyable, you completely forget to take stock of the changes in your body, merely enjoying the sensations.<br><br>After it passes, you continue what you were doing, but stumble as the changes make themselves apparent. There is much, much more movement in your step than there was a moment ago. You take a few more steps experimentally to try it out. Before, your leg would move straight forward from your hips, but now your whole hip area seems to turn with each step, pulling your newly plumped ass along with it. You take a few more steps enjoying the way parts of you sway, as an added bonus, you also note a bit more bounce and jiggle in your girls up top too.">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "The erotic tingles come again, your tits jiggle in front of you as they plump up larger and sexier by the second.">>
<<case 10>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'7", with a trim and lean body, people often describe you as cute. You’re not a model, but you’ve got nice, feminine hips and a $butt.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your cute face — with flawless, smooth skin, soft features and wide, bright eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "You take a deep breath as you feel another wave of tingles pass over your body. You close your eyes to enjoy all the fantastic sensations. Your hair tickling its way down your back, your waist cinching in sexily, the pull of your clothes against another inch of flesh in your swollen tits and all feels so magnificent and feminine.<br><br>You open your eyes again, and get another surprise. The world has changed perspective greatly. While a moment ago, you were only a couple inches shorter than Victor, now you distinctly have to look up to meet his eyes.">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "The erotic tingles come again, caressing and reshaping your body to be ever more desirable. ">>
<<case 11>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'5", with a trim and feminine body, people often call you beautiful, jealous of your perfect proportions and tight waist. <br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your gorgeous face — with flawless, smooth skin, soft features, plump lips and wide, sparkling eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "You bite your lip in anticipation of another wave of tingles flowing through your body. As with all the times before, you feel yourself tucking and swelling in all the right places. Becoming more beautiful and sensual with each wave. A little off your waist, exaggerating your feminine curves, a sexy glow off your angelic skin, and ever more delicious flesh packing itself into your tits and ass.">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "The erotic tingles come again, you enjoy the pull of your boobs as they grow heavier on your chest.">>
<<case 12>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'5", with a trim and feminine body, people often call you gorgeous, jealous of the perfect ratio between your sexy hips and tight waist.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your beautiful face — with flawless, smooth skin, plump lips and wide, sparkling eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "You bite your lip in anticipation of another wave of tingles flowing through your body. As with all the times before, you feel yourself tucking and swelling in all the right places. Becoming more beautiful and sensual with each wave. A little off your waist, exaggerating your feminine curves, a sexy glow off your angelic skin, and ever more delicious flesh packing itself into your tits and ass.<br><br>Your lips, held between your teeth, suddenly and dramatically plump up in your mouth, pushing back at your tongue like a warm pillow. Running your tongue along their plush expanse sends even more shivers through your incredible body.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel the tingles come again, caressing and reshaping your body. You enjoy the feeling of a little more tightness in your bottoms as your ass pushes out a little more.">>
<<case 13>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'3", with a slim but curvy body, people often call you sexy — and with your killer curves, to-die-for-tits and a $butt — you agree.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your angelic face — with flawless, smooth skin, soft features, pillowy lips and wide, enchanting eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "You’ve lost another couple inches and are positively tiny now, only a little over 5 feet!">>
<<set $bodChange = "You close your eyes and sigh in pleasure as another wave of tingles flowing through your body. Your clothes pull almost painfully tight as your $boobs push the over-stretched material to near breaking, groaning in protest.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You feel the erotic tingles come again, caressing and reshaping your body to be even sexier, even more desirable.">>
<<case 14>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'3", with a slim but curvy body, people often call you drop-dead sexy — and with your killer curves, succulent tits and a $butt — you agree.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your angelic face — with flawless, smooth skin, pillowy lips and enchanting, seductive eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "You close your eyes and sigh in pleasure as another wave of tingles flows through your body. Your $boobs physically jiggle as they surge larger, your $butt joining suit and inflating up behind you like a bubble.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "The erotic tingles come again, sending a jiggle through your tits as they plump up again.">>
<<case 15>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'3", with a slim but outrageously curvy body, people can barely believe you’re real. Your hour-glass shape, incredible tits and a $butt, you look almost like a caricature of femininity.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your angelic face — with flawless, smooth skin, soft features, pillowy lips and wanton, seductive eyes.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $bodChange = "You close your eyes and shiver in pleasure as another wave of tingles flows through your body. Looking down at your $boobs, while the creep larger and larger in your vision, you idly wonder if you’ll ever see your feet again (though you know you don’t mind — this view is so much better.)<br><br>">>
<<set $bodChangeSm = "You close your eyes and shiver in pleasure as another wave of tingles flows through your body. Your $boobs physically jiggle as they surge ever larger, more appealing by the moment. Not to be left out, your $butt follows along, swelling and inflating up behind you like a bubble.">>
<<case 16>>
<<set $looks = "At 5'3", with a slim but outrageously curvy body, people can barely believe you’re real. Your hour-glass shape, impossible tits and a $butt, you look almost like a caricature of femininity.<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your angelic face — with its flawless, smooth skin and soft features. Your pillowy cock-sucking lips pout in mostly permanent "o", and your eyes betray a constant wanton, desperation.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<<set $looks = "At 6'1", with a muscular frame, people describe you as "handsome".<br><br>Your $hairLength, $hairColor hair $hairStyle It accentuates your masculine face, with it’s strong jaw and sharp features.<br><br>">>
<<set $bodExtra = "">>
<</switch>>/*style minmax*/
<<if $hairVal > 14>><<set $hairVal = 14>><</if>>
<<if $hairVal < 1>><<set $hairVal = 1>><</if>>
<<if $hairVal < 2>>
<<set $hairLength = "short">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 3>>
<<set $hairLength = "short">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 4>>
<<set $hairLength = "ear-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 5>>
<<set $hairLength = "chin-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 6>>
<<set $hairLength = "neck-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 7>>
<<set $hairLength = "flowing, shoulder-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 8>>
<<set $hairLength = "flowing, armpit-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 9>>
<<set $hairLength = "long, back-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 10>>
<<set $hairLength = "long, waist-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 11>>
<<set $hairLength = "incredibly long, ass-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 12>>
<<set $hairLength = "incredibly long, thigh-length">>
<<elseif $hairVal < 13>>
<<set $hairLength = "incredibly long, knee-length">>
<<set $hairLength = "incredibly long, ankle-length">>
/*stylelimits (resets hair if length does not match style)*/
<<if $styleVal == 3 && $hairVal > 2>> <<set $styleVal = 2 >> <</if>>
<<if $styleVal > 5 && $hairVal < 5>> <<set $styleVal = 2 >> <</if>>
<<switch $styleVal>>
<<case 1>>
/*notes none*/
<<set _boyStyle ="is unstyled, hanging disheveled around your head.">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="has an unstyled, wind-blown look.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="has an unstyled, wind-blown look.">>
<<case 2>>
/*notes just brush it out*/
<<set _boyStyle ="seems shaggier than usual.">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="hangs in a simple bob around your ears.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="hangs in a simple lob down your shoulders.">>
<<case 3>>
/*notes pixie*/
<<set _boyStyle ="is cut in spikes...and seems to have gotten longer?">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="is cut in a short, cute pixie cut.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="">>
<<case 4>>
/* layered and wavy */
<<set _boyStyle ="is layered, giving a lot of volume...almost too much volume actually. Either that or it’s gotten longer.">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="is in a layered, wavy style, giving you a sexy, dramatic look.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="is in a layered, wavy style, waterfalling down your shoulders and giving you a sexy, dramatic look.">>
<<case 5>>
/* notes curls */
<<set _boyStyle ="is in a curly afro, which seems to have grown a little larger than you remember.">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="is curled in large rings, giving you a classy, sexy look.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="is curled in large rings, giving you a classy, sexy look.">>
<<case 6>>
/* notes bun */
<<set _boyStyle ="is tied up in a man-bun, and seems to have gotten longer?">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="is tied up in a tight, stylish bun.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="is tied up in a tight, stylish bun and curtain.">>
<<case 7>>
/* notes chignon */
<<set _boyStyle ="is unstyled, hanging disheveled around your head.">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="is tied in a sexy chignon.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="is tied in a sexy chignon.">>
<<case 8>>
/* notes ponytail */
<<set _boyStyle ="is tied back in a ponytail that you swear feels longer than it did yesterday.">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="is tied up in a simple ponytail.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="is tied up in a long ponytail hanging down behind you.">>
<<case 9>>
/* notes braids */
<<set _boyStyle ="is tied up in tight braid rows.">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="is done up in exquisite braids, wrapped around your head. ">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="is tied in long, exquisite braids hanging down your back.">>
<<case 10>>
/* notes pigtails */
<<set _boyStyle ="is unstyled, hanging disheveled around your head.">>
<<set _girlShortStyle ="is tied up in two adorable, playful pigtails.">>
<<set _girlLongStyle ="is tied up in two adorable, playful pigtails.">>
/* style description sorter */
<<if $bodLevel < 7>>
<<set $hairStyle = _boyStyle>>
<<if $hairVal > 5>>
<<set $hairStyle = _girlShortStyle>>
<<set $hairStyle = _girlLongStyle>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You walk back to the hut. You feel you’ve made a little progress with Victor, but not enough to make a big difference.<br><br>
You send a command reset the simulation, and feel as reality starts to fragment around you. In a few moments you’ll be starting the same day all over again, ready to get even closer to Victor and complete your mission.<br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_2">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<silently>>
<<switch $beachGirls>>
<<case 1 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Steph">>
<<set $girlNameB to "Cassi">>
<<set $girlNames = "Steph & Cassie">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They introduce themselves as Steph and Cassie.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "The best word for their looks is “delicious”. Cute, youthful faces on top of a set of deadly curves. Rich, round hips with jiggly asses and full, heaving breasts. April is a tiny bit taller, with curly, dirty-blonde hair and a well toned tummy. Lisa is a dark brunette with a cute smile and a staggering rack that puts all manner of fruit comparisons to shame">>
<<set $convoA = "<girls>“Yeah, we just flew in from yesterday! Jet lag’s worn off so we are ready to paaaarty!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“A little of both. We’re both nano-med, so it’s kind of residency, not this weekend though!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoC = "<girls>“New York. Cold as hell there, so nice to be out in the warm sun now!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“Don’t know, we’re looking for somewhere to get lubricated. She says with a wink.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoE = "<girls>“Right now? To find some jello shots.”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You compliment them both on their outfits, and how well they display the wares. They giggle at your obvious flattery, but happily accept, you’re even treated with a complementary twirl.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "As Steph raises her arms and does another WOO-HOO, you join her, and bump hips. As she brings her arms down, one stays around your shoulder. You do the same and wrap an arm around her shoulder. You leave it there and she doesn’t seem to mind.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You say to Victor that you think you’ve found a couple of bad girls here and you’re worried about them corrupting him. The two laugh and smile, admitting that you’re probably right.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You all decide to just chill on the sand. You gab for a while and graciously help Steph with spreading some lotion on her back — once you get that silly bikini strap open and out of the way. She coos at your touch.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "You split up into teams, Steph with you, and Cassie with Victor. You have fun teaching Steph how to throw with an arm around her waist and her ample ass pushed up against you. Victor does the same and you share a wink and nod.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all head down into the water for a swim. It doesn’t take too long for splashing to break out. Followed by dunking. Followed by mutual groping disguised as dunking. You’re not sure which stage Victor got to, but he seems to be enjoying himself.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "<girls>“Totally! We’ll be at the club tonight, let’s meet up there!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You and the girls wander around the shops for a bit, talking and looking at various items for sale. They have good taste in suits.">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "Passing an ice cream stand, you offer to buy the girls a cone. They both accept, going for frozen yogurts. After lots of joking, you show off how good you are at licking ice cream. Steph responds by displaying just how much of the cone she can fit in her mouth at once. You two were made for each other.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls drinks. Steph has a long island and Casi goes with a cosmo. These girls are no lightweights.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>.<br><br>You all pour them down and slam the glasses, joining Steph in one of her characteristic <girls>“WOOs!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You lead the girls on to the dance floor and gyrate around to the music. They’re both pretty good, but they dance more like strippers than clubbers. You have zero complaints about this, enjoying the alluring sways and jiggles of their delectable assets.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You move in while dancing and start grinding up against Steph, enjoying the firm-but-plush squish of her bubble butt against your cock. Casi also makes a move and dances up against Victor. You’re all getting into it.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "Steph has given up any pretense and is hanging off your shoulder, nibbling your ear. Victor has his arm around Cassie. You don’t need any pick up lines, you just shoot the girls a look, and they nod. Time to go!">>
<<set $girlboobs = "huge, mesmerizing tits">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls1.jpg" />'>>
<<case 2 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Yuka">>
<<set $girlNameB to "Chiharu">>
<<set $girlNames = "Yuka & Chiharu">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They smile and giggle to each other. Nervously introducing themselves as Yuka and Chiharu. Their English is a little choppy, but that only makes them cuter.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "They fall more into the ‘cute’ category than ‘hot’, but damn are they cute. They’re both thin, with trim, smooth tummies, and long sexy legs that defy Asian stereotypes. Chiharu has shorter, chin-length hair and a smile that weakens your knees. Yuka seems like the wilder of the pair, with long braids, sexy lips, and a devilish glint in her eye that betrays an otherwise adorably innocent look.">>
<<set $convoA = "They giggle again, <girls>“Yes, we’re on…ummm…Spring Vacation.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“Um….We go to school in Kobe University. We are student!”</girls> (more giggles)">>
<<set $convoC = "<girls>“We’re from Japan. I’m from Akita-ken and Chiharu is from Kobe. Do you know Kobe?”</girls>">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“No, do you know?”</girls>">>
<<set $convoE = "They say they want to go swimming...something must have gotten lost in the translation. ">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You tell them how beautiful they are, and Victor throws in how good their English is. They eat it right up, shyly smiling and turning red.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "You show the girls a magic trick where you can guess their age by the shape of their hips. You grope their hips and hold them close for quite a while, but aren’t able to guess the age in the end. Actually you end up forgetting about the game and just holding them close to you.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You try and show off some of your Japanese skills. It’s terrible, and you think you ended up telling Chiharu that she’s a nice river, but the girls find it very cute and endearing.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You decide to just hang out on the sand talking. The girls turn out to be really funny and interesting, asking endless questions about you and Victor. Guessing what they’re trying to say makes for an interesting game.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "You split up into girls vs boys, but there’s not much “game”. Chiharu’s alright, but Yuka is hopeless — having to run, jump and dive for every catch. No challenge, but it’s definitely fun to watch all her bounding and bouncing.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all go running into the water for a splash and a swim. It all turns into a game of splash/tag filled with lots of splashing, dunks, and “accidental” gropes.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "<girls>“Yes!”</girls> They exclaim, maybe even a little to quickly. <girls>“We will go to club tonight! Please you come too!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You all stroll around the shops for a while. The girls are very enthusiastic, squealing at all manner of shoes, dresses and outfits.You never liked shopping before, but the girls are so cute, it’s hard not to get caught up in their excitement.">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "At the mere mention of ice cream, the girls squeal in excitement. You and Victor are surprised, but happy to take advantage of their excitement. They both go for vanilla dipped in cherry chocolate. Sadly, they don’t get the jokes about popping cherries when you all dig in. You get a laugh from Victor at least.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls some drinks. They have some kind of yogurt liqueur you’ve never heard of, but it’s good when you try a taste. They’re lightweights, giggling non stop and red-faced after the first one.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>. The girls literally clap in excitement. Just minutes after downing the shots, the girls are wrecked. They can barely keep balance or talk, but they are leaning all over you and Victor; laughing themselves silly. You’d almost feel you were taking advantage if they weren’t saying how much fun they’re having.">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You the girls out to the dance floor. Neither of them are actually very good, awkwardly swaying to the music and wiggling their arms out of beat — but damned if they aren’t cute as hell. Victor seems absolutely enamored.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You dance up close to the girls for a bit of sexy dancing, but they seem oblivious at how to respond. Ever enthusiastic, they try and grind along, but nearly fall over trying, and end up in your arms — staring up at you with the cutest sparkly-eyed look you’ve ever seen.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "The girls are drunk on liquor and partying, somewhere between hugging you and hanging off you for support. Yuka suggests they might need a little help getting back to your place, that devilish flash coming back to her eyes. You and Victor gallantly offer them piggyback rides back to Victor’s place.">>
<<set $girlboobs = "small, but deliciously perky little titties">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls2.jpg" />'>>
<<case 3 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Lisa">>
<<set $girlNameB to "April">>
<<set $girlNames = "Lisa & April">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They smile up from their towels and greet you with an “enchanté”. Lisa and April.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "They look hot: tight, slim suits wrapped around two tight, slim bodies. They’re in great shape, with trim waists and great tone in their bronzed legs and arms. Most likely they hit the gym as much as the beach. They look enough alike that they could be twins, all the way up to their bleached blonde hair. April is a tiny bit taller, with a sexy little piercing in her belly button. Lisa’s hair color is a little faded, revealing the rich brown roots. Her innocent facade is a little faded too, letting a wild party girl show through.">>
<<set $convoA = "<girls>“For sure, we’re stopped here on a cruise our parents bought for us. This is supposed to be one of the nicest beaches on the route.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“School, but we both take classes in Simspace, so we’re studying while on vacation.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoC = "Lisa says she’s from Paris and April says South Africa. They met online through their Simclasses.">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“There’s an in-pool bar nearby, it’s alright but they don’t have any real top shelf booze. A club too, up the way.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoE = "April rolls her eyes at the question. Lisa gets a wicked smile and whispers, <girls>“World Domination”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You compliment the girls on being pretty chill and down to earth — despite having the money for cruises and Simspace classes.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "You sit down next to them, a little closer than usual, and lean in during the conversation, touching shoulders. Neither of you break contact and are soon leaning into each other. Lights green, you wrap an arm around her. Victor follows suit, and soon you all are practically spooning.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You tease the girls about their obvious high class and how they’re probably too stuck up to hang with a couple peasants like you. Victor gives you a knowing smile.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You just hang around on your towels talking. The girls going on and on about the countries they’ve visited and what the hottest new designer brands are. Rich people stuff. You’re bored to death, but Victor holds his own. Good for him.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "April initially scoffs at the idea, but Lisa drags her into it. They’ve never really played before, and don’t know the rules, so it somehow turns into a tackle version of frisbee. You end up on the ground with Lisa on top of you, so you’re definitely a fan of these new rules.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all go for a swim...kind of. They refuse to go any further than thigh deep, don’t want to get their designer suits wet. You come to a compromise and you and Victor carry them out deeper on your shoulders. Lisa thanks you for the ride, but you assure her she can wrap her thighs around your head anytime.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "April stays aloof, saying they might go to the club later. Lisa gives you both a wink and says, “see you there.”">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You all wander around the small market for a while, the girls constantly complaining about how few designer brands there are. Though they still end up buying hundreds of dollars worth of goods and have it all sent back to their rooms. The highlight of the walk is helping April pick out a new belly button ring, and spending time caressing her tanned and toned tummy — to check for the “feel of it” or whatever.">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "You suggest going for ice cream. The girls complain that it’s too high calorie for them, but they get some frozen yogurt and enjoy the time.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls drinks. They both go for top-shelf champaign sangrias. Classy! You’re glad it’s only simulated money.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>.<br><br>You all pour them down and slam the glasses. The girls are beaming now, and Lisa is getting pretty touchy, the party is really getting going for them.">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You lead the girls on to the dance floor. They both move in sexy, well practiced turns and shakes that make deadly use of their long, lithe bodies. A lifetime of parties has definitely paid off for them.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You lead in close to them and start grinding. The way Lisa turns and grinds is driving you crazy. You feel like a snake charmer moving with a cobra. The devilish, hungry look in her eye does nothing to dispel the notion.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "After a while, the girls head off to the bathroom for a few minutes. They come back, hair brushed, makeup retouched, and sit down on either side of you and Victor. You start to say some witty comment when Lisa grabs your neck and pulls you into a deep kiss. After her tongue has thoroughly introduced itself to yours, she pulls back and says, <girls>“Let’s go, stud.”</girls> You and Victor don’t need to be told twice.">>
<<set $girlboobs = "absolutely perfect, bouncy b-cups">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls3.jpg" />'>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 2>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $bodLevel = 3>>
<<set $chaLevel = 3>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You walk back to the beach hut with a smile. You feel you’ve made a lot of progress today, and Victor feels like more of a friend now than just an acquaintance. You estimate you’ll be reporting a mission complete in no time.<br><br>
You send the “bedtime” command to reset the simulation. In a few moments you’ll be starting the same day all over again, this time as a close friend to Victor, ready to get closer still.<br><br>
Just as you reach the beach hut, you feel a slight lurch in your stomach as the universe seems to reshape itself. The effect reaches you in a flash, washing over you like a wave. Your body seems to pull in on itself drastically. Aleady off balance, a sudden tightness in your shorts causes you to stumble for a step.<br><br>
The world moves to slow motion. Your arms flail to regain balance, oddly you notice how thin they are as they wheel above you. They now look like toothpicks compared to their former selves.<br><br>
Luckily, you're able to grab a nearby palm tree to steady yourself. As the waves of distortion finish, a pleasurable tingle runs across your skin, causing you to <mn>“mmmmmm”</mn> out loud. You start to rush to the beach hut to check out your reflection before the reset completes and you lose track of the changes.<br><br>
You’re only able to make it a few steps before the world again goes black.<br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_4">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<script>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You are in the beach hut.<br><br>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_2">><</link>><br>
<<if $goneOut != true>>
<<link "Head out" "first_step_2">>
<<set $move = true>>
<<set $goneOut = true>>
<<link "Head out" "Map">>
<<set $move = true>>
<</if>><<if $debug == true>><br><br>
--------------Stats & Debug---------------
Body: $bodFinal
Relationship: $rel
Charisma: $chaFinal
Time: $time
Energy: $actions
Location: $action
<<if $drunk > 0>>Drunk: $drunkDesc<</if>>
<<link "Map" "Map">><</link>>
<<set _nextStart = $level + 1>>
<<set _nextStartLink = "start_" + String(_nextStart)>>
Action: $action
Deep State: $deepState
Deep Fail: $deepFail
Deep Pickup: $deepPickup
Cha Level: $chaLevel
Bod Level: $bodLevel
Secondary: $secondary
Level: $level
CurDC: $currDC
DcMod: $dcMod
Clock: $clock
Time: $time
Roll: _roll
VR Countdown: $vrCountdown
Clothes Bod: $clothesBod
Drunk: $drunk
Bod: $bod
Bod Final: $bodFinal
Clothes Cha: $clothesCha
Cha: $cha
ChaFinal: $chaFinal
Bod Total: $bodTotal
Cha Total: $chaTotal
<<click "Add 10 REL">>
<<set $rel += 10>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Add 10 BOD">>
<<set $bod += 10>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Add 10 CHA">>
<<set $cha += 10>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Reduce Days">>
<<set $daysLeft = 1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Add 1000 energy">>
<<set $actions += 1000>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Advance Clock">>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Level & go to start" _nextStartLink>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<click "Add Secondary">>
<<set $secondary ++>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Add CHA LVL">>
<<set $chaLevel ++>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Add BOD LVL">>
<<set $bodLevel ++>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Add Level">>
<<set $level ++>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<click "Autosuccess">>
<<set $roll += 100>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<link "Debug Warp" "Debug">><</link>>
<<if $debug == true>>
<style>.passageTitle {display:block;}</style>
<<switch $chaLevel>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing simple, black swim trunks and a white beach shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Plain beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Simple, black swim trunks, and a white t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and an olive green t-shirt with some band logo on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Homely beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "Homely, brown trunks & a green, band-logo t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a nice pair of blue boarder trunks which hang down to your knees.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue boarder trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "Bright blue, knee-length boarder shorts.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing slightly tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks & no shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "Red, Baywatch style trunks. No top.">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing yellow, speedo style trunks and no top. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A daring yellow “banana hammock”. No top.">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing simple, black swim trunks and a white beach shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Plain beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Simple, black swim trunks, and a white t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and an olive green t-shirt with some band logo on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Homely beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "Homely, brown trunks & a green, band-logo t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a nice pair of blue boarder trunks which hang down to your knees.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue boarder trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "Bright blue, knee-length boarder shorts.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing slightly tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks & no shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "Red, Baywatch style trunks. No top.">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing yellow, speedo style trunks and no top. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A daring yellow “banana hammock”. No top.">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing simple, black swim shorts and a white, sleeveless beach shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Plain beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Simple, black swim shorts and a white, sleeveless t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and a light green t-shirt with some band logo on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Homely beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "Homely, brown trunks & a green, band-logo t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a short pair of blue trunks with decorative brass buttons on the side.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "Bright blue swim shorts with brass button decorations.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks & no shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "Tight, red, Baywatch style trunks. No top.">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing yellow, speedo style bottoms and no top. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A daring yellow “banana hammock”. No top.">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing simple, black swim shorts and a white, sleeveless beach shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Plain beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Simple, black swim shorts and a white, sleeveless t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and a light green t-shirt with some design logo on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Casual beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "Casual brown shorts & a green, logo t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a short pair of blue trunks with decorative brass buttons on the side.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue shorts">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "Bright blue swim shorts with brass button decorations.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks & no shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "Tight, red, Baywatch style trunks. No top.">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing yellow, speedo style bottoms and no top. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A daring yellow “banana hammock”. No top.">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing tight, black swim shorts and a tight, white, sleeveless beach shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Plain beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Tight, black swim shorts and a tight, white, sleeveless t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like short-shorts and a bright green t-shirt with some design on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Casual beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "Casual brown shorts & a green, logo t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a blue speedo with decorative gold buttons on the side.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "A bright blue speedo with decorative gold buttons on the side.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a very tight, red, Baywatch-style speedo & no shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A tight, red, Baywatch style speedo. No top.">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing tight, yellow, speedo style bottoms and no top. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A daring yellow “banana hammock”. No top.">>
<<case 6>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing tight, black swim shorts and a tight, white, sleeveless beach shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Plain beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Tight, black swim shorts and a tight, white, sleeveless t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like short-shorts and a bright green t-shirt with some design on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Casual beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "Casual brown shorts & a green, logo t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a blue speedo with decorative gold buttons on the side.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "A bright blue speedo with decorative gold buttons on the side.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a very tight, red, Baywatch-style speedo & no shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A tight, red, Baywatch style speedo. No top.">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing tight, yellow, speedo style bottoms and no top. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A daring yellow “banana hammock”. No top.">>
<<case 7>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing a cute, black bikini and a tight, white beach tank.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Simple bikini & tank">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "A cute, black bikini and a tight, white tank-top.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing a brown swim suit with a frill designed to look like a skirt, and a tight green t-shirt with a cute design on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Casual beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "Casual brown shorts & a green, logo t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a modest blue bikini with big gold rings holding the ties.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "A bright blue bikini with big golden rings holding the ties.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a red, Baywatch-style onesie.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style one-piece">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A red Baywatch style one-piece">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing a tight, yellow, bikini.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A tight, little yellow bikini.">>
<<case 8>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing a cute, black bikini and a tight, white beach tank.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Simple bikini & tank">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "A cute, black bikini and a tight, white tank-top.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing a brown swim suit with a frill designed to look like a skirt, and a tight green t-shirt with a cute design on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Brown swimsuit & tee">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "A brown swimsuit with a faux skirt, and a cute green logo-tee.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a modest blue bikini with big gold rings holding the ties.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "A bright blue bikini with big golden rings holding the ties.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a red, Baywatch-style onesie.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style one-piece">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A red Baywatch style one-piece">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing a tight, yellow, bikini.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A tight, little yellow bikini.">>
<<case 9>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing hot black bikini bottoms over your $butt. Up top is tight, white spaghetti tank that shows off a bit of your midriff and flatters your $boobs.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Simple bikini & tank">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "A hot, black bikini and white spaghetti half-tank.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing a cute brown onesie swim suit with a frill around the waist and gold heart design on the chest. The low-cut v-neck and heart design nicely accentuates your cleavage.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Brown one-piece">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "A brown one-piece with a faux skirt, and a cute gold design on the chest.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a gorgeous blue bikini with gold chains instead of ties.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue & gold bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "A bright blue bikini with gold chains instead of straps.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a tight, red, Baywatch-style onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your nipples show pretty clearly, and your $boobs bounce around quite a bit.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red, Baywatch style one-piece">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A tight, red, Baywatch style one-piece">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing a tight, yellow, bikini. It has a nice cut and really shows off your $butt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A tight, little yellow bikini.">>
<<case 10>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing hot black bikini bottoms over your $butt. Up top is tight, white spaghetti tank that shows off a bit of your sexy midriff and flatters your $boobs.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Simple bikini & tank">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "A hot, black bikini and white spaghetti half-tank.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing a cute brown onesie swim suit with a frill around the waist and gold heart design on the chest. The low-cut v-neck and heart design nicely accentuates your cleavage.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Brown onesie">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "A brown one-piece with a faux skirt, and a cute, gold design on the chest.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a gorgeous blue bikini with gold chains instead of ties.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue & gold bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "A bright blue bikini with gold chains instead of straps.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a tight, red, Baywatch-style onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your nipples show pretty clearly, and your $boobs bounce around quite a bit.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red, Baywatch style one-piece">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A tight, red, Baywatch style one-piece">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing a tight, yellow, bikini. It has a nice cut and really shows off your $butt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A tight, little yellow bikini.">>
<<case 11>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing hot black bikini bottoms over your $butt. Up top is tight, white spaghetti tank that shows off a bit of your midriff and flatters your $boobs.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Simple bikini & tank">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "A hot, black bikini and white spaghetti half-tank.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing a sexy, brown onesie swim suit with a gold heart design on the chest. Between the high-cut leg holes and the extremely low-cut v-neck, you're showing a lot skin for a one-piece.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Brown onesie">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "A skimpy brown one-piece with a gold, heart design on the low-cut neck.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a sexy blue micro bikini with gold chains holding the small triangles of fabric together.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue & gold micro bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "A sexy blue micro bikini with gold chains holding the small triangles of fabric together.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a thin, red, onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your $boobs bounce around wildly at the slightest movement. The thin material also does little to hide your pointy nipples.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Thin, red one-piece">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A thin, red one-piece">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing a tiny, yellow, micro-bikini. It barely covers anything, letting your $boobs and $butt hang out for all the world to see, while only covering your hot little pussy with a tiny triangle of fabric.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow micro bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "An extremely small micro-kini ">>
<<case 12>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing sexy black bikini bottoms over your $butt and a tight white tube top that flatters your $boobs.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Bikini bottoms & tube top">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Sexy black bikini bottoms and a tight, white tube top.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing a sexy, brown onesie swim suit with a gold heart design on the chest. Between the high-cut leg holes and the extremely low-cut v-neck, you're showing a lot skin for a one-piece.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Brown onesie">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "A skimpy brown one-piece with a gold, heart design on the low-cut neck.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a sexy blue micro bikini with gold chains holding the small triangles of fabric together.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue & gold micro bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "A sexy blue micro bikini with gold chains holding the small triangles of fabric together.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a thin, red, onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your $boobs bounce around wildly at the slightest movement. The thin material also does little to hide your pointy nipples.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Thin, red one-piece">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A thin, red one-piece">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing a tiny, yellow, micro-bikini. It barely covers anything, letting your $boobs and $butt hang out for all the world to see, while only covering your hot little pussy with a tiny triangle of fabric.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow string bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A barely-there, yellow string bikini.">>
<<case 13>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing a scandalous black thong over your $butt and a tight white lace tube top that hugs and pushes up your $boobs seductively.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Bikini bottoms & tube top">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Sexy black thong bikini bottoms and a tight, white, lace tube top.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing a sexy, brown and gold onesie which has a huge hole cut in the center, combined with the dangerously low-cut v-neck, you're showing off both the top and bottom curves of your $boobs.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Brown onesie">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "A very skimpy brown one-piece with a dangerously low-cut neck.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a sexy micro-bikini made out of gold chainmail, held together with thin blue ribbons. It looks like something out of an erotic ren-fest or fantasy novel.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Gold chain-mail bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "An erotic micro-bikini made out of gold chain-mail, tied together with blue ribbons.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a sheer, red, onesie. There's no internal support or padding, so your $boobs bounce around wildly at the slightest movement, and the sheer material also does little to hide your pointy nipples — you can even make out the darker area where your areola start.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Sheer, red one-piece">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A sheer, red, one-piece">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing a tiny, yellow, string-bikini. There's no material actually, it's just made of string, the thin straps widening slightly to cover your crotch and nipples — but only barely. You're rosy areola are clearly visible around the sides of the straps.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow “string” bikini">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A bikini made entirely out of strings, will barely cover anything.">>
<<case 14>>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing a tiny patch of fabric over your pussy, held on by string. It loops round, completely disappearing between the cheeks of your $butt. On top you have a white, fishnet top barely constraining your $boobs and leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Bikini bottoms & fishnet tube top">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Sexy black string bikini bottoms and a tight, white, fishnet tube top.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing a dangerously sexy, one-piece swimsuit. It has high-cut legs, a low-cut top and a huge hole cut in the middle, showing off as much skin as a bikini would. Beyond that, it has a beautiful gold flower pattern all over the fabric, but is otherwise the material is completely sheer, leaving your pussy and nipples technically covered, but plainly visible to everyone.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Brown onesie">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "A very skimpy, and extremely sheer onesie.">>
<<set $clothesC = "Your outfit looks like a cross between a bikini and a piece of bondage wear. It's roughly the shape of a micro bikini, but made entirely out of gold chains. The bottoms are a kind of chainmail, but the tops only have large gold rings to hold your breasts, leaving your nipples entirely exposed and somewhat highlighted.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Gold chain swimsuit">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "An erotic outfit made entirely out of gold chains.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing a sheer, red monokini. The thin material wraps over your $boobs, squishing them deliciously; then it travels down between your legs to (barely) cover your crotch before dipping inside your $butt and looping back up to the top. While it does cover your naughty bits, the sheer material leaves very little to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Sheer, red monokini">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "A sheer, red, and very sexy monokini">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing a tiny yellow thong on the bottoms, and that's it. You're completely topless, letting your $boobs bounce around freely and proudly.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow thong">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A sexy, little yellow thong bottom. No top!">>
<<set $clothesA = "You're wearing simple, black swim trunks and a white beach shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortA = "Plain beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescA = "Simple, black swim trunks, and a white t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesB = "You're wearing brown swim trunks cut to look like shorts and an olive green t-shirt with some band logo on it.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortB = "Homely beachwear">>
<<set $clothesDescB = "Homely, brown trunks & a green, band-logo t-shirt.">>
<<set $clothesC = "You're wearing a nice pair of blue boarder trunks which hang down to your knees.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortC = "Blue boarder trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescC = "Bright blue, knee-length boarder shorts.">>
<<set $clothesD = "You're wearing slightly tight, red, Baywatch-style trunks & no shirt.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortD = "Red Baywatch style trunks">>
<<set $clothesDescD = "Red, Baywatch style trunks. No top.">>
<<set $clothesE = "You're wearing yellow, speedo style trunks and no top. Pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.<br><br>">>
<<set $clothesShortE = "Yellow speedo">>
<<set $clothesDescE = "A daring yellow “banana hammock”. No top.">>
What’s your poison?<br><br>
<<if $level > 4>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Just a soda." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You just have a soda. You can’t really handle alcohol, but at least you’re a cheap date!">>
/* ========================= */
<<link "A couple of beers." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You get a couple beers for yourself and Victor. Boobs and beer, could you be a better companion?">>
<<set $relMod = 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "White wine Sangria" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "White wine with some fruit and a little fizz. Light, tangy and yummy! A classy drink for classy lady like you.">>
<<set $bodMod += 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Long Island Iced Tea" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "Long Island Iced Tea. Why not, it’s time to get your drink on girl!">>
<<set $chaMod += 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 2>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Just a soda." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You just have a soda. You’re more here for the conversation than the buzz.">>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Grab a couple beers" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You grab two tall, cold beers to share.">>
<<set $relMod = 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Rum & Coke" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You grab a rum and coke, a nice go-to drink that fits the beach well.">>
<<set $bodMod += 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 1>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Whiskey" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You grab a whiskey on the rocks. Good label, refined and a kick like an angry mule.">>
<<set $chaMod += 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 2>>
<</if>><<if $imageOn ==true>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $sexStyle == "oral">>
You’re stripping each other off before you can even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is already undone and hanging around her hips, letting her $girlboobs wobble free, the hard nipples grazing against your smooth chest.<br><br>Wrapped in each other, biting and sucking, you miss the couch you were aiming for, ending up thumping hard into the wall.<br><br>After a bit of a giggle at your poor steering, you move to go to the sofa, but are stopped by her hand on your chest. She locks eyes with you, lowering herself down, her hand trailing its way down your body, tracing its lines. She finally reaches your swim trunks, and rips them down with a jerk, sending your rock hard cock bouncing free in the cool air.<br><br>She gives a coo of approval and a few quick tugs, before beginning to lick. You sigh in reply, feeling the hot wetness of her lips and tongue slide and pull at your member. You hold out as long as possible, but finish quickly with a moan of satisfaction.<br><br>Now it’s her turn. You lift her and plop her on the sofa with a bounce, sending pleasant jiggles through her tits. You finish stripping her bottoms, and push her silky legs aside, going in for a course. She’s already slick with excitement, and your practiced tongue brings her to moans of pleasure in moments. You both go for several rounds before finally calming down for the night.
<<if $sexStyle == "sex">>
You’re tearing at each other’s clothes before you even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is off, letting her $girlboobs wobble free tantalizingly.<br><br>You make it to the front of the sofa, clothes long gone, and reach behind her to grab a handful of creamy, youthful ass. Hugging and lifting in one smooth motion, you pull one of her legs to wrap around you in a half straddle. She’s eager and ready, her boobs crushing against your smooth chest, and her hot mouth biting at your lips. You sit while she guides your cock into her, both gasping at the wave of ecstasy that races through you. You keep one hand on her hips, groping her ass and guiding her rhythm, as she begins to rock back and forth on your throbbing member.<br><br>With your other arm you pull her close, breasts bouncing right in your face. Your lips find one of her swollen, pointy nipples and start tonguing it rapidly. You can feel it getting harder in your mouth as $girlNameA’s pace quickens and her moans of pleasure grow louder. Soon she grabs your shoulder, digging her nails in, and shudders as you both release with a groan. Completely spent, she floats down onto your chest, the both of you panting from the exertion and passion.
<<if $sexStyle == "fuck">>
You’re stripping each other madly before you even get to the sofa. Just as you get there, $girlNameA kicks off the last of her clothes and turns to face you, a hypnotic bounce in her now-free breasts. She reaches down and grabs your rock-hard cock firmly, causing it to twitch in response. With a hungry look in her eyes, she demands you put it in her...<em>now</em>. You don’t need a second's thought. Grabbing her by the waist, you spin her around and push her down on the couch.<br><br>Her hips flare seductively in front of you, her plush ass framing a swollen little snatch as it peeks out underneath, glistening in anticipation.<br><br>You grab those womanly hips and slam it home with a simultaneous groan of pure pleasure from you both. You keep fucking her hard, sending waves jiggling through the sexy ass bouncing off your pelvis. She’s panting loudly, with her nails digging into the sofa as you both near climax. With a final buck, she pushes full into you, sending you both over the edge.<br><br>She quivers on your cock with a satisfied groan before collapsing on the sofa, face buried in a pillow and completely spent. <br><br>Her muffled voice drifts up from the pillow, <girl>“That. Was. Amazing.”</girl>.
<<if $rel >= $levelup>>
<<link "Finish day" "levelUp_2">><</link>>
<<link "Finish day" "finishDay_2">><</link>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You step outside, still pleasantly surprised by how beautiful the setting is. Warm, but with a cool breeze, gentle rolling waves and gleaming white sand, it’s all simply gorgeous.<br><br>
Not just the setting either, the people walking by are likewise a visual treat. Large, muscular men; trim, fit women; all with youthful, perky endowments.<br><br>
There on a towel is Victor. He already looks better than the last rez. The shy hunch gone from his back, and he’s looking around nervously, rather than just staring at the sand.<br><br>
You plop down next to him, <span class="main">“Hey man, fancy meeting you here!”</span><br><br>
He greets you with a smile, <span class="victor">“Hey, I wondered if I would see you here.”</span><br><br>
You shrug while rolling out your towel, <span class="main">“What can I say, every miscreant needs a partner in crime.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“I guess so,”</span> he smirks.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Speaking of which, what should we get up to today?”</span><br><br>
<<link "Continue" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<</link>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/hut_1-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are in the beach hut, an area for changing, showering and cooling off.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to the beach-hut.">>
<<set $actionA = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case towels>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/towels_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are chilling on your beach towels, watching the waves roll in.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to your towels for a sit.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalk",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "You try to engage Victor in some small talk — relax the mood a bit and maybe get some useful information.",
fail: "Victor smiles politely, but doesn’t really open up at all.",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You tell a few jokes and jibes, he laughs along with you and seems to enjoy himself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him about himself.",
result: "You ask a few questions about school, life, etc. Nothing too probing, just get-to-know-you-stuff. He opens up a little bit and seems to enjoy the conversation.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about some random easy topics. Nothing deep, but enough to break the ice.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Ask him what kind of girl he likes.",
result: "You both scan around at the various beach bodies and discuss your favorite feminine features. Turns out Victor is a breast man.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "People Watch",
value: "peopleWatch",
link: "Do some people watching.",
target: "action",
passage: "You nudge him and point out some people nearby for a bit of people watching.",
fail: "Victor nods along, but doesn’t offer much. This kid’s a tough nut to crack.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the chicks.",
result: "He joins in right quick, commenting on all the lovely boobs and butts bouncing by.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Make fun of some of the bigger people.",
result: "You poke fun at some of the people around the beach. Soon he’s laughing along with you at the land whales.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Speculate on other people, jobs, relationships, etc.",
result: "You start with basic stuff, but Victor is surprisingly imaginative, and you’re both soon joking about the number of secret agents on the beach.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Tan",
value: "tan",
link: "Get a tan.",
target: "action",
passage: "You take off your shirt and suggest you both get a tan. Victor looks very apprehensive and nervous about taking off his shirt.",
fail: "Victor thanks you for the offer, but nervously keeps his shirt on.",
optionA: {
link: "Egg him on into it.",
result: "You tell him he looks like a vampire. He laughs admitting how pale he is and you both lay down for a bit of sun.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Suggest catching some rays for a better complexion.",
result: "He agrees he is looking a bit pale, and you both slop on some coconut scented sunscreen and lay down for a tan.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Suggest how many hotties he could get if he had a tan.",
result: "You tell Victor he has a nice body, and could probably score if he uses it. He seems excited by the idea.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {link: "", result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case sand>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/sand-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are hanging out on the beach, walking through the warm sand.">>
<<set $locMove = "You hop over to the beach through the hot sand.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Walk",
value: "walk",
link: "Take a stroll along the beach.",
target: "action",
passage: "You stand up and ask Victor if he wants to take a stroll along the beach with you.",
fail: "Victor joins you, but doesn’t seem to enjoy it. He spends most of the time nervously looking around at anyone glancing in your direction.",
optionA: {
link: "Walk for a while, find a few cool seashells on the way.",
result: "The collector in Victor comes out and he seems excited about the different shells he finds.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Just walk for a bit, talking and enjoying the company.",
result: "You just walk through the sand for a bit, spending a little time getting to know each other better.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Head down the beach to the rocky area. Skip or throw some rocks into the ocean.",
result: "You head down the beach to the rocky area and waste some time skipping and throwing rocks. You both enjoy the kerplunks.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Hit on some girls.",
result: "You catch a couple of girls looking your way, and shoot back a wink and double guns. They giggle at your silliness. Victor seems amazed.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Frisbee",
value: "frisbee",
link: "Play some frisbee.",
target: "action",
passage: "You grab a handy frisbee disc to toss back and forth.",
fail: "Victor stuffs the first catch and winds up falling in the sand. He decides he doesn’t really like Frisbee that much.",
optionA: {
link: "Throw and catch goofily, making fools of yourselves.",
result: "He gets into it and is soon goofing around with you, having a great time.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Toss is to him, make it easy to catch.",
result: "He still stumbles a bit, but catches the frisbee and looks proud of a little kid almost.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Throw hard, make him run to catch it.",
result: "He barely makes it, but to his credit, he throws it back just as hard.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Volleyball",
value: "volleyball",
link: "Invite Victor to join a volleyball game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You invite Victor to join a volleyball game, and head over to the sand court. But just as you arrive, two huge, muscle-bound gorillas approach. They get right up into the net and demand that you get off their turf.",
fail: "You flash a quick smile, ready to deal with the situation, but before you can get the words out, a fist the size of a grapefruit lands on your jaw. It’s a slight blur after that, but you distinctly remember sulking away to the dudebro’s laughter.",
optionA: {
link: "Reason with them.",
result: "You go the adult route and convince them there was no harm intended, everybody should just go their own way. Victor looks relieved.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Placate them with an apology.",
result: "You apologize to them and ask they let you go in peace. They mock you a little for being a wuss, but you get away without a fight. Victor looks relieved.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Stand up to them.",
result: "You tell them to fuck off and find their own court. Victor gasps in surprise. For a moment it looks like a fight will break out, the dudebros relent and everybody chills. Victor looks extremely relieved.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Punch them.",
result: "You turn to Victor and give a wink, before looping around in a full roundhouse into the meathead's chin. He spins a half circle before going down in a heap. The other dudebro grabs his friend and drags him off the court. Victor looks at you in awe as you two get down to a game.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make fun of them.",
result: "You humiliate the dudebros with a few quick jibes. They back down when some nearby girls start laughing at them. Victor looks well impressed.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case water>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/water-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are bobbing gently on the waves.">>
<<set $locMove = "You wade out into the softly rolling ocean, to about chest-deep.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Float",
value: "float",
link: "Float on the waves for awhile.",
target: "action",
passage: "You lay back and let the ocean carry you, bobbing along in the cool water under the warm sun.",
fail: "You both float, but rather than an enjoyable silence, it seems awkward. Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Splash Victor.",
result: "You wait for a vulnerable moment and splash him with a shower of water. He immediately gets you back with a laugh.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Just float.",
result: "You and Victor just float along, enjoying the motion of the ocean. It’s incredibly relaxing.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Dive down and look at the fish.",
result: "You dive down and look at the fish darting around the reef. Beautiful colors of the entire rainbow. Victor is seems to love it going back down several times.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dunk Victor.",
result: "What starts with a few splashes and rough-housing turns into a full dunk contest. Obviously you win, dunking Victor several times, but it leaves you both laughing and sputtering for breath.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Race",
value: "race",
link: "Challenge Victor to a swimming race.",
target: "action",
passage: "You challenge Victor to a race back to the shore. He surprisingly accepts right away, letting you know he was on the swim at school just before diving in and shooting off like a fish.",
fail: "Victor gets a mouthful of water and sputters while starting, giving you a great lead. He congratulates you on your win, but seems disappointed in himself.",
optionA: {
link: "Keep pace.",
result: "You swim at a steady pace trying to give him a good challenge, but he is much faster than you expect. He wins, and the shit-eating grin tells you he’s proud of it.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "You both take off towards the shore, but you swim at a deliberately slow pace. Victor simply blows you away in speed. You’ll have to try harder if you want to put up a good run next time. Regardless Victor seems proud to have won.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Swim all out.",
result: "You swim your hardest trying to beat Victor, but he’s incredibly fast. He must be part fish! It ends up being a close contest, but you barely beat him in the end. He congratulates you on a good win with a smile, really seems to have enjoyed the race.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him win, and congratulate him afterwards.",
result: "You both take off towards the shore, but you swim at a deliberately slow pace. Victor however blows you away in speed. When you reach the shore, you congratulate him heartily on how fast a swimmer he is. He eats it right up and is beaming with pride.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case shops>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/shops_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are strolling along a tiny mall with shops selling souvenirs, beach accessories and swimwear.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the small shopping area.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Hang Out",
value: "hangOut",
link: "Hang out around the shops.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to just hang out like a couple of mall rats around the shops.",
fail: "You wander around the shops for a bit, but Victor looks very bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the girls.",
result: "You hang out with Victor, eyeing all the hotties around as they shop for new bikinis.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Just walk around.",
result: "You stroll around a bit aimlessly, looking at a few odd trinkets and laughing at funny t-shirts.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case arcade>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/arcade_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "The small arcade in the shopping center. There are a few people here, enjoying games — and a good mix of old and new titles to try out.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head into the game arcade.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Road Puncher",
value: "roadPuncher",
link: "Play a round of the Road Puncher fighting game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You challenge Victor to a round of the Road Puncher fighting game. You’re actually really good at this game, honed on hundreds of hours at the local arcade after school. Your best character is Yuri, a huge Latvian wrestler who does brutal throw moves.",
fail: "Victor thought he was good, but you just destroy him. Seems crestfallen over his luck.",
optionA: {
link: "Pretend you don’t know how to play and button mash.",
result: "You pretend you don’t know the game and just mash buttons. Victor wins easily, and seems to enjoy the time.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "You play a weaker character, but still fight proper. Victor gets the win, and has a great time at it.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You play your best character, and just barely beat Victor. He has a blast and makes you promise a rematch tomorrow.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Choose the big-boobed eye-candy character.",
result: "You choose Lisa, one of the most challenging characters in the game. She’s pretty weak and off-balance, mostly due to her enormous endowments which bounce all over the screen.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Purikura",
value: "purikura",
link: "Try one of those purikura photo-booths.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try out one of those purikura photo-booths, to take some pictures and make some memories.",
fail: "Victor says he doesn’t really like taking photos of himself. Never likes how they turn out.",
optionA: {
link: "Buddy Pose.",
result: "You put an arm over each shoulder and thumbs up. Classic buds pose.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Silly pose.",
result: "You both do a few silly poses, snickering the whole time.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just a normal pose with a peace sign.",
result: "You make nice mementos together.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Flex, and start the gun show!",
result: "You show off your guns, Victor seems impressed, though also a little intimidated.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Motorcycle game",
value: "motorcycleGame",
link: "Try the motorcycle racing game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You go to try out a motorcycle racing game — this one has plastic bikes attached to the game that you can sit on and steer to race.",
fail: "Victor says racing games are not really his thing.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "You race Victor, but turn wide off the track a few times, letting him take the lead. He enjoys the win.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You jump on a bike and race Victor. You beat him pretty easily, racing games are not his forte.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionD = {
name: "Claw Catcher",
value: "clawCatcher",
link: "Try the claw catcher game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try one of the claw catcher games. This one has cheap little souvenir keychains to remember the beach resort.",
fail: "These claw catcher machines are hard! No luck today.",
optionA: {
link: "Get a keychain souvenir for Victor.",
result: "You pull out a cheap little keychain, but Victor almost seems to tear up from happiness when you give it to him. He must not have many friends.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Fail at getting any prizes, but have fun doing it.",
result: "These claw catcher things are hard! But you both have fun trying, failing, and swearing at the machine afterwards.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Get keychain souvenirs for yourselves.",
result: "You each pull out the cheap little keychain trinkets. No big deal, but Victor seems to really treasure it. He must not have many friends.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<case court>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/court_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are at the beach-side food court.">>
<<set $locMove = "Stomachs growling, you go to the local food court.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Lunch",
value: "lunch",
link: "Get some lunch.",
target: "action",
passage: "Lots of different stalls and food, what would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor doesn’t feel like eating right now.",
optionA: {
link: "A big ol' delicious burger grilled to perfection and covered with cheese.",
result: "You enjoy a big juicy cheese burger. You feel heavy and tired afterwards, but so satisfied.",
target: "result3",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Get a salad - A healthier option, but still quite yummy.",
result: "You enjoy a nice green salad with slices of spiced chicken on top. Victor comments about how good it looks.",
target: "result3",
type: 2,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Get a berry smoothie.",
result: "Sweet but still mostly healthy, a nice treat that isn’t too high calorie.",
target: "result3",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Get a corndog.",
result: "A hotdog wrapped in cornbread and fried. What’s not to love?",
target: "result3",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkCourt",
link: "Make some small talk.",
target: "action",
passage: "You try to engage Victor in some small talk — something to pass the time while you both eat.",
fail: "Victor is more focused on his taco than on the conversation.",
optionA: {
link: "Ask him about himself.",
result: "You ask a few questions about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just get-to-know-you-stuff. He opens up a little bit and seems to enjoy the conversation.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionB: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You share few jokes and jibes, he laughs along with you and seems to enjoy himself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about some random easy topics. Nothing deep, but enough to break the ice.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Ask him what kind of girl he likes.",
result: "You both scan around at the various beach bodies and discuss your favorite feminine features. Turns out Victor is a breast man.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case luau>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/luau_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "There’s a long buffet of amazing looking food, and a troupe of dancers jumping and spinning on stage to the beating of drums.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the Luau restaurant, with Victor it’s easy to get a table.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dinner",
value: "dinner",
link: "Visit the buffet.",
target: "action",
passage: "You step up to the long buffet, overflowing with pacific island delights. What would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor says he’s not hungry.",
optionA: {
link: "Pile it up!",
result: "You heap your plate full of all kinds of meats, fruit, rice and sweets. Yum!",
target: "drinksLuau",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Eat slim & healthy.",
result: "You choose a few good looking morsels, but mostly stick to the fruits and salads. Got to watch your figure after all!",
target: "drinksLuau",
type: 1,
optionC: {
link: "Straight to the desserts!",
result: "You’re not that hungry, you just want to try some of (those amazing looking) sweets!",
target: "drinksLuau",
type: 2,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Show",
value: "show",
link: "Enjoy the Polynesian dance show.",
target: "action",
passage: "Throughout the meal, you’re treated to a medley of Pacific Island dances. Beautiful bodies swaying and bouncing to the drum beats. At one point the audience is asked to come up and participate. You can choose to dance in a group with other restaurant patrons, or go up front and dance center stage. You’ll need to put on a costume for the latter though.",
fail: "You stand up to volunteer, only to see Victor furiously shaking his head, <span class='victor'>“NO!”</span> Doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.",
optionA: {
link: "Put on a grass skirt.",
result: "You go all the way and volunteer yourself and Victor for the main dance. The dancers put you both in grass skirts and you shake it for all it’s worth! Victor looks horrified, but by the time it’s over, he doesn’t seem to want to leave the stage.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Join the group dance.",
result: "You and Victor go up during the dance, but stay in the line with the other patrons, not going out front. All the fun without being put on the spot.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Decline to join.",
result: "You decide to stay in your seats and just enjoy the show as presented. Victor looks relieved. ",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Put on the grass skirt and the coconut bra.",
result: "You go all the way and whip off your top, donning one of the girl’s coconut bras and a dancer grass skirt. Victor turns red as a tomato, but your impromptu hula has the crowd in stitches. Even Victor starts to laugh along and has a great time.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy dance.",
result: "You throw on one of the dancer’s grass skirts, and take the stage. You don’t just dance, you work it — leaving the crowd clapping, the girls drooling and Victor impressed.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case bar>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bar_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are floating, partially submerged in the warm water at an in-pool bar.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the in-pool bar for a soak and a drink.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkBar",
link: "Make some small talk.",
target: "action",
passage: "You try to engage Victor in some small talk — something to pass the time while you both eat.",
fail: "Victor is more focused on his taco than on the conversation.",
optionA: {
link: "Ask him about himself.",
result: "You ask a few questions about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just get-to-know-you-stuff. He opens up a little bit and seems to enjoy the conversation.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionB: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You share few jokes and jibes, he laughs along with you and seems to enjoy himself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about some random easy topics. Nothing deep, but enough to break the ice.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Ask him what kind of girl he likes.",
result: "You both scan around at the various beach bodies and discuss your favorite feminine features. Turns out Victor is a breast man.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him some sensitive questions",
result: "You ask him if he’s ever been arrested, been with a prostitute, and other fun things. Short answer, he’s led a boring life, but he enjoys listening to your exploits.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksbar",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You flag down the bartender, a cute, short girl in a red flower bikini.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsBar",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "You call over the hot little bartendress, and ask for a round of shots.<br><br>
She rings a bell, eliciting a minor cheer from the other patrons.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case club>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/club_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "A heavy beat pounds around and through you, matched by strobing lights and laser effects. It’s nearly impossible to hear each other talk, but you’re not that bothered, plenty of things to distract besides conversation. Everywhere you look, bodies writhe and grid to the music.">>
<<set $locMove = "Between your good looks and Victor’s platinum card, you skip the line and go straight into the club.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dance",
value: "dance",
link: "Dance",
target: "action",
passage: "You drag Victor on to the dance floor. His body language is screaming to escape, but you coax him into it.",
fail: "Victor heads out to the floor with you, but doesn’t participate. Just swaying awkwardly to his own beat. He asks to head back after a few minutes.",
optionA: {
link: "Dance silly.",
result: "You waggle your arms and legs in a goofy parody of a dance. Showing Victor it’s no big deal. He seems to relax quite a bit, and starts to dance along too.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dance cool.",
result: "You do a simple step and sway, nothing fancy, just enjoy the music and be cool. Victor fails at dancing, enjoying the music and looking cool, but he tries and seems to gain some confidence from that.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Dance like you mean it…in the center of the floor.",
result: "You shake your body for all it’s worth, pulling out every move you know right in the center of the floor. A ring forms around you clapping. Victor doesn’t join you dancing, but he cheers you on from the ring, having a great time.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dance sexy.",
result: "You turn and snake your body showing off all your moves, and get the attention of more than a few girls. Victor certainly enjoys sharing in that attention.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {
link: "Dance with some girls.",
result: "You find some girls dancing and throw down your moves behind them. They’ve very receptive and soon you’re dancing and grinding to the beat. Victor even gets into it and looks like he’s going to explode!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksClub",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You head over to the club bar to grab a round for you and Victor.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsClub",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "As a bartender passes, you call out SHOTS and grab a round.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}}>>
<<case bungalow>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bungalow_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest his bungalow is. Still beautiful, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from its premium location.">>
<<set $locMove = "After a long night, you head over to Victor’s bungalow.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Goodnight",
value: "goodnight",
link: "Say Goodnight",
target: "EOD",
passage: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
fail: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Watch Movie",
value: "watchMovie",
link: "Stream a movie.",
target: "action",
passage: "Not feeling tired yet, you ask Victor if he wants to stream a movie.",
fail: "Victor yawns and says it’s a little too late to start a movie now for him.",
optionA: {
link: "Watch a comedy.",
result: "You put on a comedy. Surprisingly, Victor has similar tastes to you and you both laugh along through the whole film.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Watch a horror.",
result: "You watch a horror about a ghost that haunts VHS tapes, whatever those are. While a beach bungalow doesn’t make for the creepiest atmosphere, you enjoy the movie.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Watch an action flick.",
result: "You watch an action, buddy-cop style movie, not much to it, but dumb fun. Victor seems to like it.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0},
optionE: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0},
optionF: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0},
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
chaOptionA: {
link: "MST3K a crap movie.",
result: "You find a movie with terrible reviews and spend the next two hours making fun of how terrible it is and laughing your asses off.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0},
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<set $db = "level_" + String($level)>>
<<set $spdb = "special_" + String($level)>>
<<display $db>>
var background =;
$("body").css("background-image", background);
/* <<set $dc = 15 + ($level * 15)>> Old DC */
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
What would you like to do?<br><br>
/* ======== Option A======== */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if $actionDone[$actionA.value] < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + $actionA.dcMod)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + $actionA.dcMod>>
<<set $actionChoice = $actionA>>
<span class="probability"> (<<if _prob > 99>>100% success)<<else>><<print _prob>>% success)<</if>></span>
<span class="disabled">[$ - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ======== Option B======== */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if $actionDone[$actionB.value] < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + $actionB.dcMod)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + $actionB.dcMod>>
<<set $actionChoice = $actionB>>
<span class="probability"> (<<if _prob > 99>>100% success)<<else>><<print _prob>>% success)<</if>></span>
<span class="disabled">[$ - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ======== Option C======== */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if $actionDone[$actionC.value] < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + $actionC.dcMod)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + $actionC.dcMod>>
<<set $actionChoice = $actionC>>
<span class="probability"> (<<if _prob > 99>>100% success)<<else>><<print _prob>>% success)<</if>></span>
<span class="disabled">[$ - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ======== Option D======== */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if $actionDone[$actionD.value] < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + $actionD.dcMod)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + $actionD.dcMod>>
<<set $actionChoice = $actionD>>
<span class="probability"> (<<if _prob > 99>>100% success)<<else>><<print _prob>>% success)<</if>></span>
<span class="disabled">[$ - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ======== Special Options ======== */
<<display $spdb>>
<br><<link "Go somewhere else." "Map">><</link>><<silently>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $rel + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $rel + $boost>>
<<display $db>>
<span class="probability">
<<if _prob > 99>>
(100% success)
(<<print _prob>>% success)
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><br><</if>>
/* ============OPTION A============= */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link $ $>>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.optionA.result>>
<<set $relMod = $actionChoice.optionA.type>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $mssg = $>>
/* ============OPTION B============= */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link $ $>>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.optionB.result>>
<<set $relMod = $actionChoice.optionB.type>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $mssg = $>>
/* ============OPTION C============= */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link $ $>>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.optionC.result>>
<<set $relMod = $actionChoice.optionC.type>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $mssg = $>>
/* ============OPTION D============= */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link $ $>>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.optionD.result>>
<<set $relMod = $actionChoice.optionD.type>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $mssg = $>>
/* ============OPTION E============= */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link $ $>>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.optionE.result>>
<<set $relMod = $actionChoice.optionE.type>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $mssg = $>>
/* ============OPTION F============= */
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><<link $ $>>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.optionF.result>>
<<set $relMod = $actionChoice.optionF.type>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<link $ $>>
<<set $mssg = $>>
/* ============BOD OPTION A============= */
<<if $bodUsed == true>>
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="bod"><<link $ $>></span>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.bodOptionA.result>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<set $relMod = 1>>
<<set $bodMod += 1>>
<span class="bod"><<link $ $>></span>
<<set $mssg = $>>
<<set $bodMod += 1>>
/* ============BOD OPTION B============= */
<<if $bodUsed == true>>
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="bod"><<link $ $>></span>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.bodOptionB.result>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<set $relMod = 1>>
<<set $bodMod += 1>>
<span class="bod"><<link $ $>></span>
<<set $mssg = $>>
<<set $bodMod += 1>>
/* ============CHA OPTION A============= */
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="cha"><<link $ $>></span>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.chaOptionA.result>>
<<set $relMod = 1>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<set $chaMod += 1>>
<span class="cha"><<link $ $>></span>
<<set $mssg = $>>
<<set $chaMod += 1>>
/* ============CHA OPTION B============= */
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<<if $ != "">>
<<if _roll > $currDC>><span class="cha"><<link $ $>></span>
<<set $actionChoice.done = true>>
<<set $mssg = $actionChoice.chaOptionB.result>>
<<set $relMod = 1>>
<<set $energyMod = $>>
<<set $chaMod += 1>>
<span class="cha"><<link $ $>></span>
<<set $mssg = $>>
<<set $chaMod += 1>>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>><</link>><br>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $actionDone[$actionChoice.value] += 1>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $drunkMod > 0>><span class="drunkBonus">+$drunkMod to DRUNK</span><br><</if>>
<<if $energyMod > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$energyMod to ENERGY</span><<set $actions += ( $energyMod + 1)>><br><</if>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br><</if>>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<if $chaMod > 0 || $bodMod > 0>>
<<if $level < 5>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes_2">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $drunk += $drunkMod>>
<<set $drunkMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
$(document).on('click', ".close", function () {
/* ============= basic styling =============== */
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div.stretchy-wrapper {width: 90%;padding-bottom: 56.25%;position: fixed;background: url(beach_img/map.jpg);background-size: cover;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);z-index: 100;}
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.underlay {position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:#fff;opacity:0.7;z-index:99;}
a#hut {left: 44%;top: 37%;}
a#towels {left: 41%;top: 49%;}
a#sand {left: 32%;top: 56%;}
a#water {left: 24%;top: 70%;}
a#shops {left: 70%;top: 37%;}
a#arcade {left: 78%;top: 41%;}
a#court {left: 9%;top: 37%;}
a#luau {left: 37.5%;top: 30%;}
a#bar {left: 20%;top: 34%;}
a#club {left: 59%;top: 29%;}
a#bungalow {left: 93%;top: 68%;}
a#bungalow svg {transform:rotate(-110deg);}
a.batsu > svg > path {fill: #EC008C;}
a.batsu {left: 95%;top: 2%;}
/* ============= fallback coding =============== */
<<set $move = true>>
<<set $return = "location">>
/* Display Current Location */
<<if $action != "hut">>
<<link "Go to the beach-hut" "location">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<if $action != "towels">>
<<link "Go to your towels" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<if $action != "sand">>
<<link "Hang out on the beach" "location">>
<<set $action = "sand">>
<<if $action != "water">>
<<link "Head into the water" "location">>
<<set $action = "water">>
<<if $action != "shops">>
<<if $clock < 13>>
<<link "Do some shopping" "location">>
<<set $action = "shops">>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[The Shops are closed now]</span><</if>>
<<if $action != "arcade">>
<<if $clock < 13>>
<<link "Play in the arcade" "location">>
<<set $action = "arcade">>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[The Arcade is closed now]</span><</if>>
<<if $action != "court">>
<<if $clock < 13>>
<<if $clock > 3>>
<<link "Grab a bite at the food court" "location">>
<<set $action = "court">>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[Food Court - It’s too early for lunch.]</span><</if>>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[The Food Court is closed now]</span><</if>>
<<if $action != "luau">>
<<if $clock > 10>>
<<link "Go for dinner at the restaurant" "location">>
<<set $action = "luau">>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[Luau Restaurant - It’s too early for dinner.]</span><</if>><br><</if>>
<<if $action != "bar">>
<<if $clock > 10>>
<<link "Get a drink at the bar" "location">>
<<set $action = "bar">>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[Bar - It’s too early to go to the bar.]</span><</if>>
<<if $action != "club">>
<<if $clock > 12>>
<<link "Time to go clubbing!" "location">>
<<set $action = "club">>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[Club - It’s too early to go clubbing.]</span><</if>>
<<if $action != "bungalow">>
<<if $rel > 15>>
<<if $clock > 6>>
<<link "Head back to Victor’s Bungalow" "location">>
<<set $action = "bungalow">>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[Victor’s Bungalow - It’s too early to head back there.]</span><</if>>
<<else>><span class="disabled">[Victor’s Bungalow - Your Relationship is too low.]</span><</if>><br><</if>>
<<link "Go back" $return>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<link "Finish Day" "EOD">>
/* ============= conditional styling =============== */
<<if $clock < 3>><html><style>
a#court {pointer-events:none;}
a#court svg path {fill:#666;}
<<if $clock < 10>><html><style>
a#bar {pointer-events:none;}
a#bar svg path {fill:#666;}
a#luau {pointer-events:none;}
a#luau svg path {fill:#666;}
<<if $clock < 5 && $rel < 16>><html><style>
a#bungalow {pointer-events:none;}
a#bungalow svg path {fill:#666;}
<<if $clock > 9>><html><style>
div.stretchy-wrapper {width: 90%;padding-bottom: 56.25%;position: fixed;background: url(beach_img/map-evening.jpg);background-size: cover;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);z-index: 100;}
<<if $clock < 12>><html><style>
a#club {pointer-events:none;}
a#club svg path {fill:#666;}
a#bungalow {pointer-events:none;}
a#bungalow svg path {fill:#666;}
<<if $clock > 11>><html><style>
div.stretchy-wrapper {width: 90%;padding-bottom: 56.25%;position: fixed;background: url(beach_img/map-night.jpg);background-size: cover;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);z-index: 100;}
a#towels {pointer-events:none;}
a#towels svg path {fill:#666;}
a#sand {pointer-events:none;}
a#sand svg path {fill:#666;}
a#water {pointer-events:none;}
a#water svg path {fill:#666;}
a#shops {pointer-events:none;}
a#shops svg path {fill:#666;}
a#court {pointer-events:none;}
a#court svg path {fill:#666;}
/* ============= svg layout =============== */
<div class="underlay close"></div>
<div class="stretchy-wrapper">
<div class="internal">
<a data-passage="location" id="hut" data-setter="$action to 'hut'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="towels" data-setter="$action to 'towels'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="sand" data-setter="$action to 'sand'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="water" data-setter="$action to 'water'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="shops" data-setter="$action to 'shops'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="arcade" data-setter="$action to 'arcade'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="court" data-setter="$action to 'court'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="luau" data-setter="$action to 'luau'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="bar" data-setter="$action to 'bar'">
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="club" data-setter="$action to 'club'">
<span style="margin-top:-20%;">Club<br>Tropic<br>Thunder</span>
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a data-passage="location" id="bungalow" data-setter="$action to 'bungalow'">
<span style="z-index:2;margin: 15% 0 0 -10%;">Victor’s<br>Bungalow</span>
<svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 68.5 98.6" style="enable-background:new 0 0 68.5 98.6;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="st0" d="M68.5,34.2c0,18.9-34.2,64.4-34.2,64.4S0,53.2,0,34.2S15.3,0,34.2,0S68.5,15.3,68.5,34.2z"/>
<a class="batsu close">
<svg x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 121.3 121.3" style="enable-background:new 0 0 121.3 121.3;" xml:space="preserve">
<path d="M60.6,0C27.2,0,0,27.2,0,60.6c0,33.4,27.2,60.6,60.6,60.6c33.4,0,60.6-27.2,60.6-60.6C121.3,27.2,94.1,0,60.6,0
z M99.3,92.1l-7.2,7.2L60.6,67.9L29.2,99.3L22,92.1l31.5-31.5L22,29.2l7.2-7.2l31.5,31.5L92.1,22l7.2,7.2L67.9,60.6L99.3,92.1z"/>
<<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_1">><</link>><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<case towels>>
<<case sand>>
/* ========= SANDFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.sandFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "sandGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $sandGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $sandGirls>>
<<set $sandFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case shops>>
/* ======== SHOP ======== */
<<link "Try on a new swimsuit at the shop." "swimsuit">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $swimsuit = true>>
<<set $currentSuit = $clothesWorn>>
<<set $shopEnter = true>>
/* ======== SALON ======== */
<<link "Change your hair at the salon." "salon">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $salon = true>>
<<set $orHairLength = $hairLength>>
<<set $orHairColor = $hairColor>>
<<set $orHairAction = $hairAction>>
/* ========= SHOPFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.shopFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "shopGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $shopGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $shopGirls>>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case bar>>
/* ========= BARFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.barFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "barGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $barGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $shopGirls>>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case club>>
/* ======== CLUBFLIRT ======== */
<<if $sandFlirtSuccess or $shopFlirtSuccess or $barFlirtSuccess == true>>
<br>Some of the girls you met earlier are here:<br>
<<if $sandFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $sandFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $sandGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "sand">>
<<if $shopFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $shopFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $shopGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "shop">>
<<if $barFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $barFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $barGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "bar">>
<<case bungalow>>
<<case default>>
<</switch>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<silently>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $rel + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $rel + $boost>>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><</if>>
<<switch $deepState>>
<<case 1>>
/* ======================== Passage 1 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off, changing the subject. <span class="victor">“Sorry, not your problem. So what you want to do next?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So are you here with any friends, family?”</span><br><br>
He gets a little quiet, and looks off over the ocean, <span class="victor">“no, just by myself."</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Nice! Nobody to bother you and plenty of opportunities.”</span><br><br>
He looks down, <span class="victor">“Yeah I guess so. Kind of bored to be honest, not much to do but sit on the beach.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“What are you talking about? There’s tons to do, games, water, shopping…maybe even find a pretty girl with no plans.”</span><br><br>
He laughs slightly at that, <span class="victor">“You know any?”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Not yet, but I only just got here. Plenty of time. How long you sticking around for?”</span><br><br>
He pauses a minute… <span class="victor">“I’m not really sure.”</span> Then looks away into the distance with a slightly worried look.”<br><br>
You furrow your brow, <span class="main">“What do you mean?”</span><br><br>
He keeps looking into the distance. <span class="victor">“I’m not really sure I can,”</span> he says, seemingly more to himself than to you.
<<case 2>>
/* ======================== Passage 2 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off. <span class="victor">“It’s not like that, it’s…I don’t know. Can we do something else?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“You mentioned before that you weren’t sure you’d be able to go back home, what did you mean by that?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
He shakes his head, <span class="victor">“Sorry, it’s not your problem.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Maybe not, but it might be yours, and maybe I can help. So which law enforcement agency is after you?”</span><br><br>
He gives a half laugh at the joke, <span class="victor">“it’s not that, it’s my family, my dad really.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Did they kick you out?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No! Not like that, they know I’m here, bought the tickets, but they think I’m just on vacation.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“If you’re not on vacation, what are you doing hanging out on a beach?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It is a vacation…kind of, I’m just trying to decide whether to go back to them or to…you know, not.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“You’re thinking of running off, aren’t you?”</span>
<<case 3>>
/* ======================== Passage 3 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
<span class="victor">“I just want… I want to think about anything besides this right now.”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So have you decided to run away from your family yet?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It’s not running off, it’s…”</span> you give him time to think, but he eventually exhales in defeat.
<span class="victor">“…yeah, running off. And no, I haven’t decided yet. Is that crazy?”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“I guess it depends what you’re running from.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Well, it’s my dad…”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Does he mistreat your or something?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No, it’s not like that! He…um…runs a pretty big company, and he wants to keep it in the family.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“And that’s not what you want in life?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Ha! What I want doesn’t matter. It’s not like I actually want to be running away from my family.”</span> He says getting riled up.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So what do you want?”</span>
<<case 4>>
/* ======================== Passage 4 ======================== */
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><br><</if>>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So you never told me why you were thinking of running away.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“I want to make them all proud of me as a son, I want to make the family business strong.”</span> he’s getting pretty emotional, his voice wavering slightly.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Isn’t that what your family wants too?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Exactly! That’s the problem.”</span> He’s starting to tear up. <span class="victor">“My father doesn’t think I’m ready, he doesn’t think I’d be able to run the business.”</span><br><br>
This is not the Victor you’ve read about, a strong, confident leader, lady killer and playboy. Maybe he hasn’t found himself yet. <span class="main">“So you’ve got to go back and convince him.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No, that’s the worst part. He’s right.”</span> he pauses, the words catching in his throat.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“I can’t even give a speech in front of a dozen employees without nearly fainting. How am I supposed to manage the fate of a few thousand. How can I convince a board of our plan, when I can’t even get a girl to go out with me?”</span><br><br>
You think about it for awhile, Victor sniffing beside you, tears starting to creep out. <span class="main">“We’ll just have to fix that then.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Fix what?”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Get you a girl.”</span> You say, clapping him on the back.<br><br>
Victor looks over at you in surprise, <victor>"You’d do that for me?"</victor><br><br>
<mn>"Well I don't have corporate board to help you practice with, but it's a good start. Besides, what are friends for?"</mn><br><br>
He sniffs again and you notice that in addition to the tears, you also see hope creeping into his eyes.
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
/* ============CONTINUE OPTION============= */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $deepFail != true>> /*check to disable for fail*/
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep">>
<<set $relMod += 2>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $deepState += 1>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep">>
<<set $deepFail = true>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<span class="disabled">[Push more - Victor doesn’t feel like talking about this now.]</span>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = 2>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = 2>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
/* Display if complete */
<br><<link "Continue." $return>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<silently>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $bod >= $bodTop && $bodTopDone == false>>
<<if $bodLevel > 4>>
When it's over, you look down to take stock.
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
<<set $bodTopDone = true>>
<<set $bodLevel += 1>>
<<set $hairVal += 0.25>>
<<elseif $cha >= $chaTop && $chaTopDone == false>>
<<set $chaTopDone = true>>
<<set $chaLevel += 1>>
<<set $hairVal += 0.25>>
<<if $bodMod > 0 && $bodMod >= $chaMod>>
<<if $bodLevel > 5>>
When it's over, you look down to take stock.
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
<<elseif $chaMod > 0 && $chaMod > $bodMod>>
You feel an odd tingling across your skin.
<<if $time > $maxActions>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
What you slammin'?<br><br>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Tequila! Boom Boom!" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "THE classic shot. Chase with a bit of lime and salt.">>
<<set $relMod = 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 2>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "B-52, get bombed!" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "Party shot that floats in 3 layers and really “bombs” you.">>
<<set $bodMod = 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 3>>
<<if $level > 4>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Blowjob" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "Victor gives you a sly look when you order it. So you’re sure to toss it down with a suggestive wink.">>
<<set $chaMod = 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 3>>
/* ========================= */
<<link "Blowjob" "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "A bit of a girly shot, sure, but who can resist asking a cute bartender for one?">>
<<set $chaMod = 2>>
<<set $drunkMod += 3>>
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/hut_1-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are in the beach hut, an area for changing, showering and cooling off.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to the beach-hut.">>
<<set $actionA = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case towels>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/towels_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are chilling on your beach towels, watching the waves roll in.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to your towels for a sit.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalk",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "You hang with Victor for a bit, enjoying talking to each other.",
fail: "Victor talks, but still seems a little distant.",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You both bullshit around for a bit, telling jokes and funny stories.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Talk about the future.",
result: "You both think about what life will be like in a few years, after school is finished and you’re out in the real world. Easy for you, since you’ve done it already in the real-real world.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about whatever.",
result: "You talk about movies, books and other random stuff.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Talk about girls.",
result: "You talk about the fairer sex, favorite cup sizes, preferred hairstyles, etc.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him about his sex life.",
result: "You dig in a bit to Victor’s previous conquests. Turns out there aren’t any! You promise yourself to help fix that.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "People Watch",
value: "peopleWatch",
link: "Do some people watching.",
target: "action",
passage: "You nudge him and point out some people nearby for a bit of people watching.",
fail: "Victor nods along, but doesn’t offer much.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the chicks.",
result: "He joins in right quick, commenting on all the lovely boobs and butts bouncing by.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Make fun of some of the bigger people.",
result: "You poke fun at some of the fatter people hanging around the beach. Soon he’s laughing along with you at the “land whales”.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Speculate on other people, jobs, relationships, what they look like naked, etc.",
result: "You start with everybody, but it eventually devolves into imagining which women would be the best in bed.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Play “would you”.",
result: "You both scan around looking for girls you would take home. Victor is about 90% yes. He definitely needs to get a little more experience.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Tan",
value: "tan",
link: "Get a tan.",
target: "action",
passage: "You take off your shirt suggesting to get a tan. Looking down you’re surprised again to see how smooth and thin your arms look. Victor grumbles something about it being boring.",
fail: "Victor says he’d rather do something more fun.",
optionA: {
link: "Egg him on into it.",
result: "You tell him he looks like a vampire. He laughs admitting that he is really pale. Before laying down, you both smear on some sunscreen, your sensitive skin goosebumping up at the touch of the cool cream.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Suggest catching some rays for a better complexion.",
result: "He agrees he is looking a bit pale, noting with a laugh that you’re not exactly bronzed yourself. You both smear on some sunscreen, your sensitive skin goosebumping up at the touch of the cool cream.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Suggest how many hotties he could get if he had a tan.",
result: "You tell Victor he has a nice body, and could probably score if he uses it. He gives you a shove as a thanks and agrees to do a little tanning. You both smear on some sunscreen, your sensitive skin goosebumping up at the touch of the cool cream.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case sand>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/sand-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are hanging out on the beach, walking through the warm sand.">>
<<set $locMove = "You hop over to the beach through the hot sand.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Walk",
value: "walk",
link: "Take a stroll along the beach.",
target: "action",
passage: "You stand up and ask Victor to take a stroll along the beach with you.",
fail: "Victor joins you, but seems a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Walk for a while, find a few cool seashells on the way.",
result: "The collector in him comes out and he seems excited about the different shells you find. You get into it too, trying to help him find nice ones.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Head down the beach to the rocky area. Skip or throw in some rocks.",
result: "You head down the beach to the rocky area and waste some time skipping and throwing rocks. You both enjoy the kerplunks, but some of the rocks are quite heavy.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just walk for a bit, talking and enjoying the company.",
result: "You just walk through the sand for a bit, spending a little time getting to know each other better.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Hit on some girls.",
result: "You catch a couple of girls looking your way. You nudge Victor and you both flex a bit and shoot them a smile. They giggle, and you both add a strut to your walk.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Frisbee",
value: "frisbee",
link: "Play some frisbee.",
target: "action",
passage: "You grab a handy frisbee disc to toss back and forth.",
fail: "Victor stuffs the first catch and decides he doesn’t really like Frisbee that much.",
optionA: {
link: "Throw and catch goofily, making fools of yourselves.",
result: "He gets into it and is soon goofing around with you, having a great time.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Throw hard, make him run to catch it.",
result: "He does a pretty cool leap to grab it, and throws it back hard at you. You have to jump too to make it.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Toss is to him, make it easy to catch.",
result: "He catches it without any problems, tossing it back to you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to help. He gets a bit of a cocky smile and proceeds to show you how to throw.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Volleyball",
value: "volleyball",
link: "Play volleyball together.",
target: "action",
passage: "You see a volleyball net just opening up, and head over for a game. But just as you arrive, two huge gorilla-sized guys approach. They get right up into the net and demand that you get off their turf.",
fail: "You flash a quick smile, ready to deal with the situation, but before you can get the words out, a fist the size of a grapefruit lands on your jaw. It’s a slight blur after that, but you distinctly remember sulking away to the dudebros' laughter.",
optionA: {
link: "Reason with them.",
result: "You and Victor go the adult route and convince them there was no harm intended, everybody should just go their own way. It works and you leave the volleyball court without a fight.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Placate them with an apology.",
result: "You apologize to them and ask they let you go in peace. They mock you a little for being a wuss, but you get away without a fight. Victor thanks you for taking the heat and you both sulk off.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Stand up to them.",
result: "Neither of you back down, calling the two lummoxes out on their “turf“ bullshit. For a moment it looks like a fight will break out, some passersby starting to gather and watch. With the growing crowd, the two meatheads eventually back down and everybody chills. You and Victor wait until they’re gone and share a high-five.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Punch them.",
result: "You swing as hard as you can, catching the larger of the two in the gut — being sure to twist up and wind him. He doubles forward, only to meet Victor’s uppercut part way. The double hit makes him fall backwards in a heap. Now with two-on-one the other ogre decides it’s not worth it and helps his friend off the court. You and Victor share a high-five, victorious.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make fun of them.",
result: "You and Victor humiliate the dudebros with a few quick jibes. They back down when some nearby girls start laughing at them. You and Victor share a nod and get to the game.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case water>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/water-2.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are bobbing gently on the waves.">>
<<set $locMove = "You wade out into the softly rolling ocean, to about chest-deep.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Float",
value: "float",
link: "Float on the waves for awhile.",
target: "action",
passage: "You lay back and let the ocean carry you, bobbing along with slowly rocking waves. The water feels amazing against your extra sensitive skin, especially in contrast to the warm sun.",
fail: "You both float, but rather than an enjoyable silence, it seems awkward. Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Splash Victor.",
result: "You wait for a vulnerable moment and splash him with a shower of water. He immediately gets you back with a laugh and splash of his own.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dive down and look at the fish.",
result: "You dive down and look at the fish darting around the reef. Beautiful colors of the entire rainbow. Victor is impressed.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just float.",
result: "You and Victor just float along, enjoying the motion of the ocean. You’re finding it easier to float than you remember. Something to do with losing weight? Anyway, it’s very relaxing.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dunk Victor.",
result: "After a few splashes and roughhousing you get in a dunking contest. He’s able to resist your dunk, and turns the tables on you, quickly shoving you under. Was he always stronger than you?",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Race",
value: "race",
link: "Have a swimming race.",
target: "action",
passage: "After floating for a little while, Victor suggests having a friendly swimming race.",
fail: "Victor gets a mouthful of water and sputters while starting, giving you a great lead. He congratulates you on your win, but seems disappointed in himself.",
optionA: {
link: "Keep pace.",
result: "You swim at a steady pace trying to give him a good challenge, but not only are your thinner arms slower than you expect, but Victor is much, much faster. He wins, only then admitting he was on the school swim team with a mischievous smile.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "You both take off towards the shore, but you swim at a deliberately slow pace. Victor however blows you away in speed. When you finally reach the finish, he’s standing with a mischievous smile, admitting he was on the swim team at school.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Swim all out.",
result: "You swim your hardest trying to beat Victor, but your smaller arms just can’t seem to pull you as fast as you remember. Not to mention that Victor is a really good swimmer. He wins, only then admitting he was on the school swim team with a mischievous smile.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him win, and congratulate him afterwards.",
result: "You both take off towards the shore, but you swim at a deliberately slow pace. Surprisingly, Victor blows you away in speed. When you reach the shore, you shower him with praise, gushing at how strong he is and how amazing of a swimmer. He eats it right up and is beaming with pride.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case shops>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/shops_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are strolling along a tiny mall with shops selling souvenirs, beach accessories and swimwear.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the small shopping area.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Hang Out",
value: "hangOut",
link: "Hang out around the shops.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to just hang out like a couple of mall rats around the shops. Gabbing and bullshitting as you wander between stores.",
fail: "You wander around the shops for a bit, you have fun, but Victor looks very bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the girls.",
result: "You scope for a few hotties shopping for new bikinis. So many hot beach bodies, they must work really hard to stay in such good shape. Their bikinis really compliment them as well, so many styles and colors.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just walk around.",
result: "You stroll around a bit aimlessly, looking at a few odd trinkets and looking at different clothes. Victor seems a little bored, but you enjoy seeming what all the shops have, and he graciously humors you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Flirt with some girls.",
result: "You flirt with a few of the girls, getting a few laughs and <span class='girls'>“see you around“</span>. Victor is very excited.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Flirt with some girls.",
result: "You catch a couple of girls looking your way. You nudge Victor and you both flex a bit and shoot them a smile. They giggle, and you both add a strut to your walk.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case arcade>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/arcade_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "The small arcade in the shopping center. There are a few people here, enjoying games — and a good mix of old and new titles to try out.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head into the game arcade.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Road Puncher",
value: "roadPuncher",
link: "Play a round of the Road Puncher fighting game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You challenge Victor to a round of the Road Puncher fighting game. You’re pretty good at this game, honed on quite a few hours at the local arcade after school. Your best character is Lyal, a burly ex-marine who punches hard.",
fail: "Victor thought he was good, but you just destroy him. Seems crestfallen over his luck.",
optionA: {
link: "Pretend you don’t know how to play and button mash.",
result: "You pretend you don’t know the game and just mash buttons. Victor wins easily, but enjoys giving you some advice on how to do the more advanced moves.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You play your best character, and just barely beat Victor. He had a blast.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "You play a weaker character, but still fight proper. Victor gets the win, and has a great time at it.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Choose the big-boobed eye-candy character.",
result: "You choose Lisa, one of the most challenging characters in the game. She’s pretty weak and off-balance, mostly due to her enormous endowments which bounce all over the screen.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go, standing to the side and cheering him on. This game is actually really fun to just watch after all.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Purikura",
value: "purikura",
link: "Try one of those purikura photobooths.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try out one of those purikura photobooths, to take some pictures and make some memories.",
fail: "Victor says he doesn’t really like taking photos of himself. Never likes how they turn out.",
optionA: {
link: "Buddy Pose.",
result: "You put an arm over each other’s shoulder and throw a thumbs up. Classic buds pose. Seeing yourself in photos reminds you again of the strange smoothness of your skin and thinner limbs.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Silly pose.",
result: "You both do a few silly poses, laughs all around. Seeing yourself in photos reminds you again of the strange smoothness of your skin and thinner limbs.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just a normal pose with a peace sign.",
result: "You make nice mementos together. Seeing yourself in photos reminds you again of the strange smoothness of your skin and thinner limbs.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Flex, and start the gun show!",
result: "You do a muscle pose, bringing the gun show, but they’re not as impressive as you remember. Victor joins in at least, and you have a laugh at the shot.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Cute pose as a joke.",
result: "You touch your finger to your best duck lips face in a mock-cute pose. Not the kind of pose you’d usually go for, but it gets a laugh from Victor. Seeing yourself in photos reminds you again of the strange smoothness of your skin and thinner limbs.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Motorcycle game",
value: "motorcycleGame",
link: "Try the motorcycle racing game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You go to try out a motorcycle racing game — this one has plastic bikes attached to the game that you can sit on and steer to race.",
fail: "Victor says racing games are not really his thing.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let Victor win.",
result: "You race Victor with the intention to let him win, but have a hard time keeping up. The vibration of the plastic bike is a bit distracting.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You jump on a bike and race Victor. It’s a close match and you only barely beat him across the finish. The vibration of the plastic bike is a bit distracting.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Let him play, cheer him on.",
result: "There’s only one bike open on the game, so you let Victor go ahead. You stand on the side and cheer him on though — you actually surprise yourself with how much you get into watching Victor race.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {
name: "Claw Catcher",
value: "clawCatcher",
link: "Try the claw catcher game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You both decide to try one of the claw catcher games, this one has cheap little souvenir keychains to remember the beach resort.",
fail: "These claw catcher machines are hard! No luck today.",
optionA: {
link: "Get a keychain souvenir for Victor.",
result: "You pull out a cheap little keychain, but Victor almost seems to tear up from happiness when you give it to him. You’re genuinely glad to make him so happy.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Fail at getting any prizes, but have fun doing it.",
result: "These claw catcher things are hard! But you both have fun trying and swearing at the machine afterwards.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Get keychain souvenirs for yourselves.",
result: "You each pull out the cheap little keychain trinkets. Victor really seems to love it, and you admit to being touched as well.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<case court>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/court_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are at the beach-side food court.">>
<<set $locMove = "Stomachs growling, you go to the local food court.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Lunch",
value: "lunch",
link: "Get some lunch.",
target: "action",
passage: "Lots of different stalls and food, what would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor doesn’t feel like eating right now.",
optionA: {
link: "A big ol' delicious burger grilled to perfection and covered with cheese.",
result: "You enjoy a big juicy cheese burger. You feel heavy and tired afterwards, but so satisfied.",
target: "result3",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Get a salad - A healthier option, but still quite yummy.",
result: "You enjoy a nice green salad with slices of spiced chicken on top. Victor comments about how good it looks.",
target: "result3",
type: 2,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Get a berry smoothie.",
result: "Sweet but still mostly healthy, a nice treat that isn’t too high calorie.",
target: "result3",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Get a corndog.",
result: "Big, juicy hotdog wrapped in cornbread and fried. Unhealthy, but small enough to not matter that much.",
target: "result3",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkCourt",
link: "Make some small talk.",
target: "action",
passage: "You hang with Victor for a bit, enjoying talking to each other.",
fail: "Victor is more focused on his taco than on the conversation.",
optionA: {
link: "Talk about the future.",
result: "You both think about what life will be like in a few years, after school is finished and you’re out in the real world. Easy for you, since you’ve done it already in the real, real world.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionB: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You both bullshit around for a bit, telling jokes and funny stories.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about whatever.",
result: "You talk about movies, books and other random stuff.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Talk about girls.",
result: "You talk about the fairer sex, favorite cup sizes, preferred hairstyles, etc. ",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Ask him about his sex life.",
result: "You dig in a bit to Victor’s previous conquests. Turns out there aren’t any! You promise yourself to help fix that.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case luau>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/luau_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "There’s a long buffet of amazing looking food, and a troupe of dancers jumping and spinning on stage to the beating of drums.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the Luau restaurant, with Victor it’s easy to get a table.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dinner",
value: "dinner",
link: "Visit the buffet.",
target: "action",
passage: "You step up to the long buffet, overflowing with pacific island delights. What would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor says he’s not hungry.",
optionA: {
link: "Pile it up!",
result: "You heap your plate full of all kinds of meats, fruit, rice and sweets. Yum!",
target: "drinks",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Eat slim & healthy.",
result: "You choose a few good looking morsels, but mostly stick to the fruits and salads. Got to stay healthy!",
target: "drinks",
type: 1,
optionC: {
link: "Straight to the desserts!",
result: "You’re not that hungry, but that cake looks awesome!",
target: "drinks",
type: 2,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Show",
value: "show",
link: "Enjoy the Polynesian dance show.",
target: "action",
passage: "Throughout the meal, you’re treated to a medley of Pacific Island dances. Beautiful bodies swaying and bouncing to the drum beats. At one point the audience is asked to come on stage and participate, you can dance in the back with a bunch of other restaurant goers, or you can put on a grass skirt and take center stage.",
fail: "You stand up to volunteer, only to see Victor furiously shaking his head, <span class='victor'>“NO!”</span> Doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.",
optionA: {
link: "Put on a grass skirt.",
result: "You two share a nod then go all the way and volunteer yourselves for the main dance. The dancers put you both in grass skirts.<br><br>With your overly sensitive skin, it’s like you can feel every strand of the grass brushing against your legs. Victor looks nervous, but you both give it your all. And by the time it’s over, he doesn’t seem to want to leave the stage.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Join the group dance.",
result: "You and Victor go up during the dance, but stay in the line with the other patrons, not going out front. You feel very limber and energetic and have a great time dancing with Victor.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Decline to join.",
result: "You both decide to stay in your seats and just enjoy the show as presented. Bit of a relief actually.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Put on the grass skirt and the coconut bra.",
result: "You go all the way and whip off your top, a giggle from the crowd reminding you how smooth and hairless your chest is. Not letting that dissuade you, you quickly throw on one of the girl’s coconut bras and a dancer's grass skirt. They feel rough and unpleasant rubbing against your sensitive skin, but you’re determined to to let it bother you. Victor stares incredulously, as you start to bob and sway, face bright red. But it goes off well, and by the end your impromptu hula has the crowd in stitches and clapping along. Looking over you see that even Victor is laughing along and having a great time.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy dance.",
result: "You and Victor have a slight argument about whether you could pull off a hula or not. Never one to back down against a challenge, you storm up to the stage and grab a grass skirt and coconut bra. It feels rough and unpleasant, rubbing against your hairless, sensitive legs, but you don’t let that get to you. You work your stuff with a sexy dance and get more than a few wolf whistles from the girls in the crowd.<br><br>Victor is still applauding as you sit back down.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case bar>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bar_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are floating, partially submerged in the warm water at an in-pool bar.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the in-pool bar for a soak and a drink.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkBar",
link: "Make some small talk.",
target: "action",
passage: "You try to engage Victor in some small talk — something to pass the time while you both eat.",
fail: "Victor is more focused on his taco than on the conversation.",
optionA: {
link: "Talk about the future.",
result: "You both think about what life will be like in a few years, after school is finished and you’re out in the real world. Easy for you, since you’ve done it already in the real, real world.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionB: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You both bullshit around for a bit, telling jokes and funny stories.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about whatever.",
result: "You talk about movies, books and other random stuff.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Talk about girls.",
result: "You talk about the fairer sex, favorite cup sizes, preferred hairstyles, etc. ",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Ask him about his sex life.",
result: "You dig in a bit to Victor’s previous conquests. Turns out there aren’t any! You promise yourself to help fix that.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksbar",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You flag down the bartender, a cute, short girl in a red flower bikini.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsBar",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "You call over the hot little bartendress, and ask for a round of shots.<br><br>
She rings a bell, eliciting a minor cheer from the other patrons.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case club>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/club_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "A heavy beat pounds around and through you, matched by strobing lights and laser effects. It’s nearly impossible to hear each other talk, but you’re not that bothered, plenty of things to distract besides conversation. Everywhere you look, bodies writhe and grid to the music.">>
<<set $locMove = "Between your good looks and Victor’s platinum card, you skip the line and go straight into the club.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dance",
value: "dance",
link: "Dance",
target: "action",
passage: "You both head out to the dance floor, in a kind of mutual shoving match to make the other person go first.",
fail: "Victor heads out to the floor with you, but doesn’t participate. Just swaying awkwardly to his own beat. He asks to head back after a few minutes.",
optionA: {
link: "Dance silly.",
result: "You waggle your arms and legs in a goofy parody of a dance. Victor laughs along, but you’re reminded again of how thin your arms look now.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dance cool.",
result: "You do a simple step and sway, nothing fancy, just enjoy the music and be cool. You’re surprised at how light and limber you feel, despite not having danced in a long time. Victor seems to be having fun too.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Dance like you mean it…in the center of the floor.",
result: "You shake your body for all it’s worth, pulling out every move you know right in the center of the floor. Your body feels lighter and more limber than you remember, and you can twist and turn like a pro. Victor’s not as good, but he joins in and soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dance sexy.",
result: "You turn and snake your body showing off all your moves, and a few new ones you didn’t think were possible for you. Your body just seems so much lighter and more limber than you remember. You get the attention of more than a few girls, and applause from Victor.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Dance with some girls.",
result: "You both find some girls dancing and throw down your moves behind them. They’ve very receptive and soon you’re dancing and grinding to the beat. Victor’s partner is a major hottie and he looks like he’s going to explode!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksClub",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You head over to the club bar to grab a round for you and Victor.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsClub",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "As a bartender passes, you call out SHOTS and grab a round.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case bungalow>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bungalow_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest his bungalow is. Still beautiful, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from its premium location.">>
<<set $locMove = "After a long night, you head over to Victor’s bungalow.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Goodnight",
value: "goodnight",
link: "Say Goodnight",
target: "EOD",
passage: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
fail: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Watch Movie",
value: "watchMovie",
link: "Stream a movie.",
target: "action",
passage: "Not feeling tired yet, you ask Victor if he wants to stream a movie.",
fail: "Victor yawns and says it’s a little too late to start a movie now for him.",
optionA: {
link: "Watch a comedy.",
result: "You put on a comedy. Surprisingly, Victor has similar tastes to you and you both laugh along.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Watch a horror.",
result: "You watch a horror about a ghost that haunts VHS tapes, whatever those are. While a beach bungalow doesn’t make for the creepiest atmosphere, you still jump at the scarier bits.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Watch an action flick.",
result: "You watch an action-packed, buddy-cop style movie, not much to it, but dumb fun. Victor seems to like it.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "MST3K a crap movie.",
result: "You find a movie with terrible reviews and spend the next two hours making fun of how terrible it is and laughing your asses off.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
/*Add looks*/
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
/* New Day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<set $return = "hut_3">>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodLevel = 4>>
<<set $chaLevel = 4>>
<<set $goneOut = false>>
<<set $deepState = 1>> /* reset deepstate for second version */
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set $relType = "Friend">>
/* Reset Activities */
<<display "varsReset">>
You rub your eyes as the simulation rezes in around you, the decadent beach-hut coming into view. It’s pretty upscale — which is no surprise for a high-end resort like this. It has spacious showers and toilets in the back, with rows of lockers and long wooden benches near the front. The soft morning sun trickles in through high-set privacy windows casting everything in a warm glow, and the air smells like the fresh breeze off the ocean.<br><br>
The reset from last just a moment ago really seemed to hit you. Better check the mirror to make sure everything is ok.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "hut_3">><</link>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_2">><</link>><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<case towels>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK TOWELS ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 20)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "*NEW* Try to get more information about Victor." "deep">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 20>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepTowelsDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
<<case sand>>
/* ========= SANDFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.sandFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "sandGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $sandGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $sandGirls>>
<<set $sandFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case shops>>
/* ======== SHOP ======== */
<<link "Try on a new swimsuit at the shop." "swimsuit">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $swimsuit = true>>
<<set $currentSuit = $clothesWorn>>
/* ======== SALON ======== */
<<link "Change your hair at the salon." "salon">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $salon = true>>
<<set $orHairLength = $hairLength>>
<<set $orHairColor = $hairColor>>
<<set $orHairAction = $hairAction>>
/* ========= SHOPFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.shopFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "shopGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $shopGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $shopGirls>>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case bar>>
/* ========= BARFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.barFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "barGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $barGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $shopGirls>>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BAR ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBarDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 20)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "*NEW* Try to get more information about Victor." "deep">>
<<set $deepBarDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 20>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBarDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<<case club>>
/* ======== CLUBFLIRT ======== */
<<if $sandFlirtSuccess or $shopFlirtSuccess or $barFlirtSuccess == true>>
<br>Some of the girls you met earlier are here:<br>
<<if $sandFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $sandFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $sandGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "sand">>
<<if $shopFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $shopFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $shopGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "shop">>
<<if $barFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $barFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $barGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "bar">>
<<case bungalow>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BUNGALOW ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBungalowDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 20)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "*NEW* Try to get more information about Victor." "deep">>
<<set $deepBungalowDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 20>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBungalowDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<<case default>>
<</switch>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/hut_1-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are in the beach hut, an area for changing, showering and cooling off.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to the beach-hut.">>
<<set $actionA = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case towels>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/towels_2.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are chilling on your beach towels, watching the waves roll in.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to your towels for a sit.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalk",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You a few jokes and jibes, he laughs along with you and seems to enjoy himself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest girl on the beach is.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest girls on the beach are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with nice bodies and sexy swimsuits. <span class='main'>“It’s the whole package,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that must go into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You feel your cheeks redden as you remember the swelling going on in your own chest.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "People Watch",
value: "peopleWatch",
link: "Do some people watching.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor nudges you and points out some beach goers nearby for a bit of people watching.",
fail: "Victor laughs at your enthusiasm, saying he didn’t realize you were so “catty”. You’re not catty. Are you?",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the chicks.",
result: "You say you prefer the more balanced girls — you appreciate the work that must go into keeping in shape, choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You feel your cheeks redden as you remember the swelling going on in your own chest.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Make fun of people.",
result: "Victor makes a few jokes about “land whales” while you point out the obvious sluts being obvious.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Speculate on other people, jobs, relationships, what they look like naked, etc.",
result: "It starts with everybody, but it eventually devolves into imagining which women would be the best in bed.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Play “would you”.",
result: "You play “would you”. A game where you choose a person and debate over whether you’d be willing to take them home for the night. You get some laughs going down the hotness scale, trying to find each other’s minimum. At one point, Victor even points out a guy. Sure he’s good looking, but you wouldn’t go home with another guy...would you?",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Tan",
value: "tan",
link: "Get a tan.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor takes off his shirt and throws it to the side, announcing it’s time to get a tan. You go to follow suit, but hesitate, remembering that your chest is completely smooth and your nipples are red and puffy. The weirdest part is how difficult it is for you. Even without any hair, why does taking off your shirt seem to bother you so much? You don’t remember caring before. Meanwhile, Victor doesn’t relent.",
fail: "You tell Victor that your fine, and just don’t want to burn. He shrugs and takes off his shirt, then lays down for some sun. You look at his muscular chest in envy, while thinking about how yours is now. Your swollen nipples of course choose that moment to crinkle up and poke through your shirt anyway.",
optionA: {
link: "He eggs you on, calling you a wuss.",
result: "<span class='victor'>“What, you afraid your skin will be all ouchie tomorrow?”</span> He jibes you with a shove. You laugh nervously, eventually giving in and taking off your shirt, then quickly flipping on to your stomach to hide your rosy nips. This might be even worse though, as the texture of the towel rubs them roughly.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "He suggests catching some rays for a better complexion.",
result: "Looking down at your willowy arms, you note the smooth skin is a lighter shade of cream. Some sun would probably do you good. You eventually give in and take off your shirt, then quickly flip on to your stomach to hide your puffy nipples. This might be even worse though, as the texture of the towel rubs them roughly.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "He tries to convince you with a compliment.",
result: "You’re too worried about showing off your smooth chest, and try to say no, but Victor places a hand on your shoulder. <span class='victor'>“Dude, seriously, you’re too hung up on your looks. Get a tan and chill!”</span><br><br>You relent and decide to follow him and remove your shirt for a tan, despite your strangely puffy nipples. The shirt won’t hide them anyway, Victor putting his hand on your shoulder caused them to crinkle up and poke out anyway.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case sand>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/sand-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are hanging out on the beach, walking through the warm sand.">>
<<set $locMove = "You hop over to the beach through the hot sand.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Walk",
value: "walk",
link: "Take a stroll along the beach.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor stands up, dusting himself off and suggests that you both take a walk down the beach.",
fail: "You walk, but aren’t able to get a good conversation going.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Head down the beach to the rocky area. Skip or throw in some rocks.",
result: "You head down the beach to the rocky area and waste some time skipping and throwing rocks. You both enjoy the kerplunks, but Victors are noticeably kerplunkier. Some of the rocks are just really heavy, and you can’t get them into the deeper water.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just walk for a bit, talking and enjoying the company.",
result: "You just walk through the sand for a bit, talking about some of Victor’s travels, he’s been to so many places.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Hit on some girls.",
result: "You catch a couple of girls looking your way. You nudge Victor and he flexes to them, getting some approving giggles in return. You try too, but with your scrawny arms, it’s less of a giggle and more of a snicker.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Frisbee",
value: "frisbee",
link: "Throw a frisbee around.",
target: "action",
passage: "You grab a handy frisbee disc to toss back and forth.",
fail: "Victor throws with a little too much power, forcing you to dive. You land hard in the sand, right on your super sensitive chest. You yelp in pain, and decide to take a break, rubbing the tender swellings.",
optionA: {
link: "Throw and catch goofily, making fools of yourselves.",
result: "You do a bunch of silly throws together, laughing the whole time.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Throw hard, make him run to catch it.",
result: "You throw as hard as you can, but it’s not quite the rocket you imagined. He’s able to catch it without a problem. His return however really makes you have to hustle to get it. The jostling in your chest doesn’t help either.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Toss is to him, make it easy to catch.",
result: "He catches it with easy, tossing it back to you. You actually have to run a little, barely catching it.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to show you how to throw. He guides your arm, showing you how to spin your wrist and do a proper toss. You feel like you’re getting to have to keep apologizing for bumping into him, when did your ass start sticking out so far?",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to help. He gets a bit of a cocky smile and proceeds to show you how to throw.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Volleyball",
value: "volleyball",
link: "Play volleyball together.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor sees a volleyball net just opening up, and you both decide to head over for a game. But just as you arrive, two huge gorilla-sized guys approach. They get right up into the net and demand that you get off their turf. They tower over you, with biceps larger than your entire arm. You’re petrified, but Victor is amazingly holding his cool. You put on a tough face too.",
fail: "You flash a quick smile, ready to deal with the situation, but before you can get the words out, a hand that spans most of your chest shoves into you, sending you sprawling backwards. You land full on your ass, which cushions the fall surprisingly well. Victor doesn’t fare any better, ending up with bruised pride and jaw. ",
optionA: {
link: "Reason with them.",
result: "Victor goes the adult route and convinces them there was no harm intended, everybody should just go their own way. It must be his natural charm or something, but it works and you leave the volleyball court without a fight. You are in awe.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Placate them with an apology.",
result: "You apologize to them and ask they let you go in peace. They mock you a little for being a little bitch, but you get away without a fight. Victor thanks you for taking the heat but says you probably should have stood up for yourselves.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Stand up to them.",
result: "Neither of you back down, calling the two lummoxes out on their “turf“ bullshit. For a moment it looks like a fight will break out, some passersby starting to gather and watch. Victor is amazing though, never even blinking. His gaze eventually withers them, and they leave without a fight.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Punch them.",
result: "You swing as hard as you can, catching the larger of the two in the gut — but he takes the punch without much effect.<br><br> <span class='npc'>“Is that all you got, you little bitc...“</span> he isn’t able to get out any more before Victor lands one square across his jaw. The surprise blow floors him, and he collapses in a heap on the ground. The other jerk sees this and decides to take his buddy off the court without a fight. Victor throws you a high five, and while you’re happy to be on the winning team, you’re a bit crestfallen about how weak your punch was.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make fun of them.",
result: "You and Victor humiliate the dudebros with a few quick jibes. They back down when some nearby girls start laughing at them. You and Victor share a high five and get to the game.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case water>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/water-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are bobbing gently on the waves.">>
<<set $locMove = "You wade out into the softly rolling ocean.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Float",
value: "float",
link: "Float on the waves for awhile.",
target: "action",
passage: "You lay back and let the ocean carry you, bobbing along with slowly rocking waves. The water feels amazing against your sensitive skin, especially in contrast to the warm sun. You’re not sure why, but it seems easier to float than you remember. Maybe to do with losing a bit of weight?",
fail: "You both float, but rather than an enjoyable silence, it seems awkward. Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Splash Victor.",
result: "You wait for a vulnerable moment and splash him with a shower of water. He immediately gets you back with a laugh and splash of his own."
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dive down and look at the fish.",
result: "You dive down and look at the fish darting around the reef. Beautiful colors of the entire rainbow. Victor is impressed by all the fish, but you’re more impressed by how fast a swimmer Victor is.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just float.",
result: "You and Victor just float along, enjoying the motion of the ocean. Utterly relaxed, you let out a long sigh of contented bliss.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dunk Victor.",
result: "After a few splashes and roughhousing you get in a dunking contest. He’s able to resist your dunk, and turns the tables on you, quickly shoving you under. Was he always stronger than you?",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Race",
value: "race",
link: "Have a swimming race.",
target: "action",
passage: "After floating for a little while, Victor suggests having a friendly swimming race.",
fail: "You glance down at your body, with your thin arms and legs, then compare it to Victor’s fair amount of lean muscle. You wouldn’t have a chance normally. But add to it that you remember him being on the swim team at school, and you know it’s no contest. You’re about to argue when he takes off like a bullet.<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away. When you finally reach him, you’re sputtering and grumpy. He apologizes for not playing fair.",
optionA: {
link: "Try your best!",
result: "You glance down at your body, with your thin arms and legs, then compare it to Victor’s fair amount of lean muscle. You wouldn’t have a chance normally. But add to it that you remember him being on the swim team at school, and you know it’s no contest. But you’re still willing to try!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but magnanimously compliments you on how well you did. You smile appreciatively.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "You glance down at your body, with your thin arms and legs, then compare it to Victor’s fair amount of lean muscle. You wouldn’t have a chance normally. But add to it that you remember him being on the swim team at school, and you know it’s no contest. You’re about to argue when he takes off like a bullet.<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away. When you eventually reach him you rib each other. You call him a jerk and he informs you about just how closely your swimming style resembles a drowning rat.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Swim all out.",
result: "You glance down at your body, with your thin arms and legs, then compare it to Victor’s fair amount of lean muscle. You wouldn’t have a chance normally. But add to it that you remember him being on the swim team at school, and you know it’s no contest. But you’re still willing to try!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but magnanimously compliments you on how well you did. You smile appreciatively.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him win, and congratulate him afterwards.",
result: "You glance down at your body, with your thin arms and legs, then compare it to Victor’s fair amount of lean muscle. You wouldn’t have a chance normally. But add to it that you remember him being on the swim team at school, and you know it’s no contest. But you’re still willing to try!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away. When you reach the shore, you shower him with praise, gushing at how strong he is, and how amazing of a swimmer. It’s not just flattery, you really are impressed. He eats it right up and is beaming with pride.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case shops>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/shops_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are strolling along a tiny mall with shops selling souvenirs, beach accessories and swimwear.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the small shopping area.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Hang Out",
value: "hangOut",
link: "Hang out around the shops.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to just hang out like a couple of mall rats around the shops.",
fail: "You wander around the shops for a bit, but Victor looks very bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the girls.",
result: "You scope for a few hotties shopping for new bikinis. So many hot beach bodies, they must work really hard to stay in such good shape.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just walk around.",
result: "You stroll around a bit aimlessly, looking at a few odd trinkets and laughing at funny t-shirts.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Flirt with some girls.",
result: "You pass by a small group of girls and notice their eyes following you. Victor flexes for them and gets a few shy giggles. You flex too, but it sounds less like giggles and more like snickers.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Flirt with some girls.",
result: "You pass by a small group of girls, and notice their eyes following you. You and Victor wave and shoot a wink, they giggle and blow back a few kisses, to Victor.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB= {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case arcade>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/arcade_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "The small arcade in the shopping center. There are a few people here, enjoying games — and a good mix of old and new titles to try out.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head into the game arcade.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Road Puncher",
value: "roadPuncher",
link: "Play a round of the Road Puncher fighting game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You challenge Victor to a round of the Road Puncher fighting game. You used to play a bit when you were younger, so you know a few moves. Your best character is Fega, a nimble dancer who has deadly kicks.",
fail: "Victor thought he was good, but you just destroy him. Seems crestfallen over his luck.",
optionA: {
link: "Pretend you don’t know how to play and button mash.",
result: "You pretend you don’t know the game and just mash buttons. Victor wins easily, but enjoys giving you some advice on how to do the more advanced moves. You smile appreciatively.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You play your best character, but Victor just barely pulls out a win in the end. He seems to be having a great time, you enjoy yourself too, despite the loss.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "You play a weaker character, but still fight proper. Victor gets the win, and has a great time at it. You enjoyed it too, despite losing so badly.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Choose the big-boobed eye-candy character.",
result: "You choose Lisa, one of the most challenging characters in the game. She’s pretty weak and off-balance, mostly due to her enormous endowments which bounce all over the screen. Obviously you lose, but it gives you an excuse anyway.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go, instead standing to the side and cheering him on. You get surprisingly into it, getting really excited when Victor wins.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Purikura",
value: "purikura",
link: "Try one of those purikura photobooths.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try out one of those purikura photobooths, to take some pictures and make some memories.",
fail: "Victor says he doesn’t really like taking photos of himself. Never likes how they turn out.",
optionA: {
link: "Buddy Pose.",
result: "You put an arm over each other’s shoulder and throw a thumbs up. Classic buds pose. This booth must have one of those ‘beautification’ filters, because your face looks really soft and smooth in the pictures, almost cute.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Silly pose.",
result: "You both do a few silly poses, laughs all around. This booth must have one of those ‘beautification’ filters, because your face looks really soft and smooth in the pictures, you’d almost say you look “cute”.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just a normal pose with a peace sign.",
result: "You make nice mementos together. This booth must have one of those ‘beautification’ filters, because your face looks really soft and smooth in the pictures, you’d almost say you look “cute”.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Flex, and start the gun show!",
result: "You both do a muscle pose, but your arms are so scrawny now that they are dwarfed by Victor’s. You still have good definition, but no bump of a bicep to be seen. In addition, this booth must have one of those ‘beautification’ filters, because your face looks really soft and smooth in the pictures, you’d almost say you look “cute”.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Cute pose as a joke.",
result: "You touch your finger to your lips and pucker up in a duck face pose. Not the kind of pose you’d usually go for, but it gets a laugh from Victor. You giggle as well, but are actually surprised that you look pretty “cute” in the pictures. This booth must have some of those beautification filters.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Motorcycle game",
value: "motorcycleGame",
link: "Try the motorcycle racing game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You go to try out a motorcycle racing game — this one has plastic bikes attached to the game that you can sit on and steer to race.",
fail: "Victor says racing games are not really his thing.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let Victor win.",
result: "You race Victor with the intention to let him win, but have a hard time keeping up. The vibration of the plastic bike is really distracting.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You jump on a bike and race Victor. It’s a close match but he edges you out across the finish line. In your defense, the vibration of the plastic bike is really distracting.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him play, cheer him on.",
result: "There’s only one bike open on the game, so you let Victor go ahead. You stand on the side and egg him on though — you actually surprise yourself with how much you get into watching Victor race. You actually cheer when he crosses the finish line first.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {
name: "Claw Catcher",
value: "clawCatcher",
link: "Try the claw catcher game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You both decide to try one of the claw catcher games, this one has cheap little souvenir keychains to remember the beach resort.",
fail: "These claw catcher machines are hard! No luck today.",
optionA: {
link: "Get a keychain souvenir for Victor.",
result: "You pull out a cheap little keychain, but Victor almost seems to tear up from happiness when you give it to him. You’re genuinely glad to make him so happy, you almost tear up yourself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Fail at getting any prizes, but have fun doing it.",
result: "These claw catcher things are hard! But you both have fun trying and swearing at the machine afterwards.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Get keychain souvenirs for yourselves.",
result: "You each pull out the cheap little keychain trinkets. Victor really seems to love it, and you admit to being touched as well.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<case court>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/court_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are at the beach-side food court.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the local food court.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Lunch",
value: "lunch",
link: "Get some lunch.",
target: "action",
passage: "Lots of different stalls and food, what would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor doesn’t feel like eating right now.",
optionA: {
link: "A big ol' delicious burger grilled to perfection and covered with cheese.",
result: "You enjoy a big juicy cheese burger. You feel heavy and tired afterwards, but so satisfied.",
target: "result3",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Get a salad - A healthier option, but still quite yummy.",
result: "You enjoy a nice green salad with slices of spiced chicken on top. Victor comments about how good it looks.",
target: "result3",
type: 2,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Get a whipped berry smoothie",
result: "Sweet but still mostly healthy, a nice treat.",
target: "result3",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Get a corndog.",
result: "Big, juicy hotdog wrapped in cornbread and fried. Unhealthy, but small enough to not matter that much.",
target: "result3",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkCourt",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You a few jokes and jibes, he laughs along with you and seems to enjoy himself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You guys talk about the good times you’ve had back in the day. The one time in school where he shot milk out his nose. Funny, you’d forgotten about that until he mentioned it.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest girl on the beach is.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest girls on the beach are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with nice bodies and sexy swimsuits. <span class='victor'>“It’s the whole package,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that must go into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You feel your cheeks redden as you remember the swelling going on in your own chest.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him about his sex life.",
result: "You dig in a bit to Victor’s previous conquests. Turns out there aren’t any! You promise yourself to help fix that.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<case luau>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/luau_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "There’s a long buffet of amazing looking food, and a troupe of dancers jumping and spinning on stage to the beating of drums.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the Luau restaurant, with Victor it’s easy to get a table.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dinner",
value: "dinner",
link: "Visit the buffet.",
target: "action",
passage: "You step up to the long buffet, overflowing with pacific island delights. What would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor says he’s not hungry.",
optionA: {
link: "Pile it up!",
result: "You heap your plate full of all kinds of meats, fruit, rice and sweets. Yum!",
target: "drinks",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Eat slim & healthy.",
result: "You choose a few good looking morsels, but mostly stick to the fruits and salads. Got to stay slim and healthy!",
target: "drinks",
type: 1,
optionC: {
link: "Straight to the desserts!",
result: "You’re not that hungry, but that cake looks awesome!",
target: "drinks",
type: 2,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Show",
value: "show",
link: "Enjoy the Polynesian dance show.",
target: "action",
passage: "Throughout the meal, you’re treated to a medley of Pacific Island dances. Beautiful bodies swaying and bouncing to the drum beats. At one point the audience is asked to come on stage and participate, you can dance in the back with a bunch of other restaurant goers, or you can put on a grass skirt and take center stage.",
fail: "Victor stands up to volunteer, but you pull his arm back down. No. Way.",
optionA: {
link: "Put on a grass skirt!",
result: "You two share a nod then go all the way and volunteer yourselves for the main dance. The dancers put you both in grass skirts. With your overly sensitive skin, it’s like you can feel every strand of the grass brushing against your legs. The music starts and you both give it your all. And by the time it’s over, Victor doesn’t seem to want to leave the stage!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Join the group dance.",
result: "You and Victor go up during the dance, but stay in the line with the other patrons, not going out front. You feel very limber and flexible, able to dance better than you remember, but you are a little put off by a little...jiggling in your hips and rear. No more luau buffets for you.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Decline to join.",
result: "You both decide to stay in your seats and just enjoy the show as presented. Bit of a relief actually, you’d be nervous in front of all those people.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Put on the grass skirt and the coconut bra.",
result: "You decide to go all the way, volunteering for the main dance, and to wear the dancers costume. After the grass skirts are attached, Victor whips off his shirt and grabs a coconut bra off the table. You go to follow suit, but pause halfway, remembering your misshapen chest and puffy nipples. You feel your face burning bright red, and you turn around before removing your shirt. The audience has started to giggle, making your embarrassment even worse as you quickly affix the bra. You’re surprised by the sensations. Firstly it’s very rough and unpleasant against your extremely sensitive skin, but the way it cups and cradles your chest Normal? Right?<br><br>When you’re ready, Victor yells out, <span class='victor'>“She’s ready everybody!”</span> to another round of giggles from the crowd. You’re not sure whether you’re more upset with your embarrassment, or with Victor for that comment, but you show him with your dance. Oddly, you feel so much lighter and more limber than ever before, and use the bouncing coconuts and shaking skirt to excellent effect, shaking along to the drum beat like never before. When it’s all over, you get a loud round of applause from the crowd and Victor. Your face glows red again, but this time in a sense of pride.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy dance.",
result: "You and Victor have a slight argument about whether you could pull off a hula or not. Never one to back down against a challenge, you storm up to the stage and grab a grass skirt and coconut bra. It feels rough and unpleasant, rubbing against your hairless, sensitive legs, but you don’t let that get to you. Oddly, you feel so much lighter and more limber than ever before, and use the bouncing coconuts and shaking skirt to excellent effect, shaking along to the drum beat like never before. The crowd is clapping along, and you hear more than a few wolf whistles. When it’s all over, the crowd goes wild as you walk off the stage, Victor is still applauding as you sit back down.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<case bar>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bar_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are floating, partially submerged in the warm water at an in-pool bar.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the in-pool bar for a soak and a drink.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkBar",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You a few jokes and jibes, he laughs along with you and seems to enjoy himself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You guys talk about the good times you’ve had back in the day. The one time in school where he shot milk out his nose. Funny, you’d forgotten about that until he mentioned it.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest girl on the beach is.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest girls on the beach are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with nice bodies and sexy swimsuits. <span class='main'>“It’s the whole package,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that must go into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You feel your cheeks redden as you remember the swelling going on in your own chest.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him about his sex life.",
result: "You dig in a bit to Victor’s previous conquests. Turns out there aren’t any! You promise yourself to help fix that.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksbar",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You flag down the bartender, a cute, short girl in a red flower bikini.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsBar",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "You call over the hot little bartendress, and ask for a round of shots.<br><br>
She rings a bell, eliciting a minor cheer from the other patrons.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<case club>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/club_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "A heavy beat pounds around and through you, matched by strobing lights and laser effects. It’s nearly impossible to hear each other talk, but you’re not that bothered, plenty of things to distract besides conversation. Everywhere you look, bodies writhe and grid to the music.">>
<<set $locMove = "Between your good looks and Victor’s fame, you skip the line and go straight into the club.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dance",
value: "dance",
link: "Dance",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor heads out to the dance floor, you follow along.",
fail: "Victor says he’s not really in the mood now.",
optionA: {
link: "Dance silly.",
result: "You both just waggle your arms and legs in a goofy parody of a dance. You’re a little worried about how thin your arms look now, but Victor is having a great time. His laughter is infectious, and before long, you’re giggling along with him.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dance cool.",
result: "You do a simple dance, nothing fancy, just enjoying the music and loving along. After a while, you notice your dance moves have changed a bit. You used to mostly move with your arms and legs, but now there’s a lot more movement in your shoulders, and you’re swaying your hips in wide arcs. The weirdest part though is that it feels so natural and easy!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Dance like you mean it…in the center of the floor.",
result: "You shake your body for all it’s worth, pulling out every move you know right in the center of the floor. After a while, you notice your dance moves have changed a bit. You used to mostly move with your arms and legs, but now there’s a lot more movement in your shoulders, and you’re swaying your hips in wide arcs. The weirdest part though is that it feels so natural and easy! Victor dances along, complementing your moves with his. Soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along with your dance! You share a look of pride with Victor.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dance sexy.",
result: "You turn and snake your body showing off all your moves, and a few new ones you didn’t think were possible for you. Your body just seems so much lighter and more limber than you remember. After a while, you notice your dance moves have changed a bit. You used to mostly move with your arms and legs, but now there’s a lot more movement in your shoulders, and you’re swaying your hips in wide arcs. The weirdest part though is that it feels so natural and easy! You get the attention of more than a few girls and guys, and applause from Victor.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Dance with some girls.",
result: "You both find some girls dancing and throw down your moves behind them. They’ve very receptive and soon you’re dancing and grinding to the beat. Victor’s partner is a major hottie — not that your partner is a dog, but you have to admit you’re quite jealous.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksClub",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You head over to the club bar to grab a round for you and Victor.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsClub",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "As a bartender passes, you call out SHOTS and grab a round.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<case bungalow>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bungalow_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest his bungalow is. Still beautiful, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from its premium location.">>
<<set $locMove = "After a long night, you head over to Victor’s bungalow.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Goodnight",
value: "goodnight",
link: "Say Goodnight",
target: "EOD",
passage: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
fail: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Watch Movie",
value: "watchMovie",
link: "Stream a movie.",
target: "action",
passage: "Not feeling tired yet, you ask Victor if he wants to stream a movie.",
fail: "Victor yawns and says it’s a little too late to start a movie now for him.",
optionA: {
link: "Watch a comedy.",
result: "You put on a comedy. Surprisingly, Victor has similar tastes to you and you both laugh along.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Watch a horror movie.",
result: "You watch a horror about a ghost that haunts VHS tapes, whatever those are. You’re not usually freaked out by horror movies, but for some reason, this one is really getting to you. You’re glad Victor is here to watch it with you.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Watch an action flick.",
result: "You watch an action-packed, buddy-cop style movie, not much to it, but dumb fun. Not really your style, but Victor seems to like it. Before you know it, you’re nearly passed out next to him.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "MST3K a crap movie.",
result: "You find a movie with terrible reviews and spend the next two hours making fun of how terrible it is and laughing your asses off.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<</switch>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<script>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You are in the beach hut.<br><br>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_3">><</link>><br><br>
<<if $goneOut != true>>
<<link "Head out" "first_step_3">>
<<set $move = true>>
<<set $goneOut = true>>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You step outside, greeted again by the impossible beauty of the beach.The warm morning sun on your skin, offset by the cool breeze brushing past you, all the way down to the powdery sand tickling your toes, it is perfect.<br><br>
Looking over to the regular spot, you see Victor. He looks relaxed, sitting and watching all the people pass by him. You notice his body language has much more confidence than you remember. Sitting back in a reclined position with his shirt off, he’s actually a good looking guy.<br><br>
<span class="main">"Morning handsome,"</span> you joke, plopping down beside him.
He looks over with a smile, <span class="victor">"Hey man, how's it going? Sleep well?"</span><br><br>
<span class="main">"Well enough,"</span> you shrug, <span class="main">"enough for plenty of debauchery today."</span><br><br>
Victor chuckles, <span class="victor">"like what?"</span><br><br>
<span class="main">"Well…."</span><br><br>
<<link "Continue" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You walk back to the hut. You feel you’ve made a little progress with Victor, but not enough to make a big difference.<br><br>
You send the “bedtime” command to reset the simulation, in a few moments you’ll be starting the same day all over again, ready to get ever closer to Victor.<br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_2">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<script>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $bodLevel = 5>>
<<set $chaLevel = 5>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You walk back to the beach hut with a smile. You feel you’ve made a lot of progress today, Victor feels like a close friend that you’ve known for years. In fact, you’re really looking forward to seeing him again in the next cycle.<br><br>
You send the “bedtime” command to reset the simulation, in a few moments you’ll be starting the same day all over again, this time as Victor’s best friend, ready to get closer still.<br><br>
Just as you reach the beach hut, you feel a slight lurch in your stomach as the universe seems to reshape itself. The effect reaches you quickly, washing over you like a wave. Your body seems to pull in on itself drastically again, and a sudden tightness in your shorts causes you to stumble for a step. Your arms flailing to regain balance now look like toothpicks compared to their former selves. As you grab a nearby palm tree to steady yourself, a pleasurable tingle runs across your skin, causing you to coo out loud. You start to rush to the beach hut to check out your reflection before the reset completes and you lose track of the changes.<br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_4">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<if $imageOn ==true>>
<<if $sexStyle == "oral">>
You’re stripping each other off before you can even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is already undone and hanging around her hips, letting her $girlboobs wobble free, the hard nipples grazing against your smooth chest.<br><br>Wrapped in each other, biting and sucking, you miss the couch entirely, thumping hard into the wall. You both giggle, and go to move to the sofa, but she stops you with a hand on your chest. She locks eyes with you, lowering herself down, her hand trailing its way down your body, tracing its curves and contours. She finally reaches your swim trunks, and rips them down with a jerk, sending your hard cock bouncing free in the cool air. She gives a wink and a few quick tugs, before beginning to lick. You moan in return, feeling the hot wetness of her lips and tongue slide and pull at your member. You hold out as long as possible, but finish quickly with a sigh of satisfaction. You guide her around and she plops on the sofa with a bounce, sending pleasant jiggles through her tits. You finish stripping her bottoms, and push her silky legs aside, going in for a course. She’s already slick with excitement, and your practiced tongue brings her to moans of pleasure in moments. You both go for several rounds before finally calming down for the night.
<<if $sexStyle == "sex">>
You’re tearing at each other’s clothes before you even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is off, letting her $girlboobs wobble free tantalizingly. You reach the sofa, clothes long gone, and reach down to grab a handful of creamy, youthful ass. Pulling it up, you pull her tight against you, her boobs crushing against her hard nipples into your own protruding nubs. Her hot mouth biting at your lips, she pushes you with a surprising amount of power around to the sofa. You sit while she guides your cock into her, and you both gasp at the wave of ecstasy that races through you. You keep one hand on her hips, groping her ass and feeling her rhythm, as she begins to rock back and forth on your aching member. You pull her closer with your other arm, your lips finding her wildly bouncing tits. You latch on to one of her eraser-like nips and start tonguing it rapidly. You can feel it getting harder in your mouth, and feel your own nipples crinkling up tighter, jealous for some attention too. $girlNameA’s pace quickens and her pants of pleasure grow louder, and you moan along in pleasure too. Soon she grabs your shoulder, digging her nails in, and shudders as you both release with a sigh. She floats down onto your smooth chest, the both of you momentarily spent on the amazing passion.
<<if $sexStyle == "fuck">>
You’re stripping each other madly before you even get to the sofa. Just as you get there, $girlNameA kicks off the last of her clothes and turns to face you, a hypnotic bounce in her now-free breasts. The reaches down and grabs your hard cock firmly, causing it to twitch in response. With a knowing look in her eyes, she demands you put it in You don’t need a seconds thought. Grabbing her by the waist, you direct her to spin around and bend over the couch. Her hips flare seductively before you, framing her swollen little snatch, already glistening in anticipation. Her pussy is almost too high but you’re able to strain up to meet it. You grab those womanly hips and drive into her with a moan of pleasure. You keep fucking her hard, sending waves jiggling through the sexy ass bouncing off your pelvis. She’s really starting to get into it too, panting loudly to match your own gasps of pleasure. With a final buck, she pushes full into you, sending you both over the edge. She quivers on your cock with a satisfied groan, and curls up sexily on the couch. You sit down too to catch your breath — only to find her hand on your cock again. “Ready for round two?”
<<if $rel >= $levelup>>
<<link "Finish day" "levelUp_3">><</link>>
<<link "Finish day" "finishDay_3">><</link>>
<<switch $beachGirls>>
<<case 1 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Steph">>
<<set $girlNameB to "Cassi">>
<<set $girlNames = "Steph & Cassie">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They introduce themselves as Steph and Cassie.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "The best word for their looks is “delicious”. Cute, youthful faces on top of a set of deadly curves. Rich, round hips with jiggly asses and full, heaving breasts. April is a tiny bit taller, with curly, dirty-blonde hair and a well toned tummy. Lisa is a dark brunette with a cute smile and a staggering rack that puts all manner of fruit comparisons to shame">>
<<set $convoA = "Yeah, we just flew in from yesterday! Jet lag’s worn off so we are ready to paaaarty!">>
<<set $convoB = "A little of both. We’re both nano-med, so it’s kind of residency, not this weekend though!">>
<<set $convoC = "New York. Cold as hell there, so nice to be out in the warm sun now!">>
<<set $convoD = "Don’t know, we’re looking for somewhere to get lubricated. She says with a wink.">>
<<set $convoE = "Right now? To find some jello shots.">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You compliment them both on their outfits, and how well they display the wares. They giggle at your obvious flattery, but happily accept, you’re even treated with a complementary twirl.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "As Steph raises her arms and does another WOO-HOO, you join her, and bump hips. As she brings her arms down, one stays around your shoulder. You do the same and wrap an arm around her shoulder. You leave it there and she doesn’t seem to mind.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You say to Victor that you think you’ve found a couple of bad girls here and you’re worried about them corrupting him. The two laugh and smile, admitting that you’re probably right.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You all decide to just chill on the sand. You gab for a while and graciously help Steph with spreading some lotion on her back — once you get that silly bikini strap open and out of the way. She coos at your touch.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "You split up into teams, Steph with you, and Cassie with Victor. You have fun teaching Steph how to throw with an arm around her waist and her ample ass pushed up against you. Victor does the same and you share a wink and nod.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all head down into the water for a swim. It doesn’t take too long for splashing to break out. Followed by dunking. Followed by mutual groping disguised as dunking. You’re not sure which stage Victor got to, but he seems to be enjoying himself.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "“Totally! We’ll be at the club tonight, let’s meet up there!”">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You and the girls wander around the shops for a bit, talking and looking at various items for sale. They choose the cutest suits!">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "Passing an ice cream stand, you offer to buy the girls a cone. They both accept, going for frozen yogurts. After lots of joking, you show off how good you are at licking ice cream. Steph responds by displaying just how much of the cone she can fit in her mouth at once. You two were made for each other.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls drinks. Steph has a long island and Casi goes with a cosmo. These girls are no lightweights.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>.<br><br>You all pour them down and slam the glasses, joining Steph in one of her characteristic “WOOs!”">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You lead the girls on to the dance floor and gyrate around to the music. They’re both pretty good, but they dance more like strippers than clubbers. You have zero complaints about this, enjoying the alluring sways and jiggles of their delectable assets.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You move in while dancing and start grinding up against Steph, enjoying the firm-but-plush squish of her bubble butt against your cock. Casi also makes a move and dances up against Victor. You’re all getting into it.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "Steph has given up any pretense and is hanging off your shoulder, nibbling your ear. Victor has his arm around Cassie. You don’t need any pick up lines, you just shoot the girls a look, and they nod. Time to go!">>
<<set $girlboobs = "huge, mesmerizing tits">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls1.jpg" />'>>
<<case 2 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Yuka">>
<<set $girlNameB to "Chiharu">>
<<set $girlNames = "Yuka & Chiharu">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They smile and giggle to each other. Nervously introducing themselves as Yuka and Chiharu. Their English is a little choppy, but that only makes them cuter.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "They fall more into the ‘cute’ category than ‘hot’, but damn are they cute. They’re both thin, with trim, smooth tummies, and long sexy legs that defy Asian stereotypes. Chiharu has shorter, chin-length hair and a smile that weakens your knees. Yuka seems like the wilder of the pair, with long braids, sexy lips, and a devilish glint in her eye that betrays an otherwise adorably innocent look.">>
<<set $convoA = "They giggle again, “Yes, we’re on…ummm…Spring Vacation.”">>
<<set $convoB = "“Um….We go to school in Kobe University. We are student!” (more giggles)">>
<<set $convoC = "“We’re from Japan. I’m from Akita-ken and Chiharu is from Kobe. Do you know Kobe?”">>
<<set $convoD = "No, do you know?">>
<<set $convoE = "They say they want to go swimming...something must have gotten lost in the translation. ">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You tell them how beautiful they are, and Victor throws in how good their English is. They eat it right up, shyly smiling and turning red.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "You show the girls a magic trick where you can guess their age by the shape of their hips. You grope their hips and hold them close for quite a while, but aren’t able to guess the age in the end. Actually you end up forgetting about the game and just hold them close against you.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You try and show off some of your Japanese skills. It’s terrible, and you think you ended up telling Chiharu that she’s a nice river, but the girls find it very cute and endearing.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You decide to just hang out on the sand talking. The girls turn out to be really funny and interesting, asking endless questions about you and Victor. Guessing what they’re trying to say makes for an interesting game.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "You split up into girls vs boys, but there’s not much “game”. Chiharu’s alright, but Yuka is hopeless — having to run, jump and dive for every catch. No challenge, but it’s definitely fun to watch all her bounding and bouncing.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all go running into the water for a splash and a swim. It all turns into a game of splash/tag filled with lots of splashing, dunks, and “accidental” gropes.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "“Yes!” They exclaim, maybe even a little to quickly. “We will go to club tonight! Please you come too!”">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You all stroll around the shops for a while. The girls are very enthusiastic, squealing at all manner of shoes, dresses and outfits.You never liked shopping before, but the girls are so cute, you find yourself having a great time!">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "At the mere mention of ice cream, the girls squeal in excitement. You and Victor are surprised, but happy to take advantage of their excitement. They both go for vanilla dipped in cherry chocolate. Sadly, they don’t get the jokes about popping cherries when you all dig in. You get a laugh from Victor at least.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls some drinks. They have some kind of yogurt liqueur you’ve never heard of, but it’s good when you try a taste. They’re lightweights, giggling non stop and red-faced after the first one.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>. The girls literally clap in excitement. Just minutes after downing the shots, the girls are wrecked. They can barely keep balance or talk, but they are leaning all over you and Victor; laughing themselves silly. You’d almost feel you were taking advantage if they weren’t saying how much fun they’re having.">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You the girls out to the dance floor. Neither of them are actually very good, awkwardly swaying to the music and wiggling their arms out of beat — but damned if they aren’t cute as hell. Victor seems absolutely enamored.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You dance up close to the girls for a bit of sexy dancing, but they seem oblivious at how to respond. Ever enthusiastic, they try and grind along, but nearly fall over trying, and end up in your arms — staring up at you with the cutest sparkly-eyed look you’ve ever seen.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "The girls are drunk on liquor and partying, somewhere between hugging you and hanging off you for support. Yuka suggests they might need a little help getting back to your place, that devilish flash coming back to her eyes. You and Victor gallantly offer them piggyback rides back to Victor’s place.">>
<<set $girlboobs = "small, but deliciously perky little titties">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls2.jpg" />'>>
<<case 3 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Lisa">>
<<set $girlNameB to "April">>
<<set $girlNames = "Lisa & April">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They smile up from their towels and greet you with an “enchanté”. Lisa and April.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "They look hot: tight, slim suits wrapped around two tight, slim bodies. They’re in great shape, with trim waists and great tone in their bronzed legs and arms. Most likely they hit the gym as much as the beach. They look enough alike that they could be twins, all the way up to their bleached blonde hair. April is a tiny bit taller, with a sexy little piercing in her belly button. Lisa’s hair color is a little faded, revealing the rich brown roots. Her innocent facade is a little faded too, letting a wild party girl show through.">>
<<set $convoA = "For sure, we’re stopped here on a cruise our parents bought for us. This is supposed to be one of the nicest beaches on the route.">>
<<set $convoB = "School, but we both take classes in Simspace, so we’re studying while on vacation.">>
<<set $convoC = "Lisa says she’s from Paris and April says South Africa. They met online through their Simclasses.">>
<<set $convoD = "There’s an in-pool bar nearby, it’s alright but they don’t have any real top shelf booze. A club too, up the way.">>
<<set $convoE = "April rolls her eyes at the question. Lisa gets a wicked smile and whispers, “World Domination.”">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You compliment the girls on being pretty chill and down to earth — despite having the money for cruises and Simspace classes.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "You sit down next to them, a little closer than usual, and lean in during the conversation, touching shoulders. Neither of you break contact and are soon leaning into each other. Lights green, you wrap an arm around her. Victor follows suit, and soon you all are practically spooning.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You tease the girls about their obvious high class and how they’re probably too stuck up to hang with a couple peasants like you. Victor gives you a knowing smile.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You just hang around on your towels talking. The girls going on and on about the countries they’ve visited and what the hottest new designer brands are. Rich people stuff. You’re bored to death, but Victor holds his own. Good for him.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "April initially scoffs at the idea, but Lisa drags her into it. They’ve never really played before, and don’t know the rules, so it somehow turns into a tackle version of frisbee. You end up on the ground with Lisa on top of you, so you’re definitely a fan of these new rules.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all go for a swim...kind of. They refuse to go any further than thigh deep, don’t want to get their designer suits wet. You come to a compromise and you and Victor carry them out deeper on your shoulders. Lisa thanks you for the ride, but you assure her she can wrap her thighs around your head anytime.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "April stays aloof, saying they might go to the club later. Lisa gives you both a wink and says, “see you there.”">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You all wander around the small market for a while, the girls constantly complaining about how few designer brands there are. Though they still end up buying hundreds of dollars worth of goods and have it all sent back to their rooms. The highlight of the walk is helping April pick out a new belly button ring, and spending time caressing her tanned and toned tummy — to check for the “feel of it” or whatever. She has a really nice, smooth tummy.">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "You suggest going for ice cream. The girls complain that it’s too high calorie for them, but they get some frozen yogurt and enjoy the time.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls drinks. They both go for top-shelf champagne sangrias. Classy! Good thing Victor’s rich.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>.<br><br>You all pour them down and slam the glasses. The girls are beaming now, and Lisa is getting pretty touchy, the party is really getting going for them.">>
<<set $flirtDance = "You lead the girls on to the dance floor. They both move in sexy, well practiced turns and shakes that make deadly use of their long, lithe bodies. A lifetime of parties has definitely paid off for them.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You lead in close to them and start grinding. The way Lisa turns and grinds is driving you crazy. You feel like a snake charmer moving with a cobra. The devilish, hungry look in her eye does nothing to dispel the notion.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "After a while at the club, the girls head off to the bathroom for a few minutes. They come back, hair brushed, makeup retouched, and sit down on either side of you and Victor. You start to say some witty comment when Lisa grabs your neck and pulls you into a deep kiss. After her tongue has thoroughly introduced itself to yours, she pulls back and says, “Let’s go, stud.” You and Victor don’t need to be told twice.">>
<<set $girlboobs = "absolutely perfect, bouncy b-cups">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls3.jpg" />'>>
<<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_3">><</link>><br><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<case towels>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK TOWELS ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_2">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepTowelsDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
<<case sand>>
/* ========= SANDFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.sandFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "sandGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $sandGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $sandGirls>>
<<set $sandFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case shops>>
/* ======== SHOP ======== */
<<link "Try on a new swimsuit at the shop." "swimsuit">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $swimsuit = true>>
<<set $currentSuit = $clothesWorn>>
/* ======== SALON ======== */
<<link "Change your hair at the salon." "salon">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $salon = true>>
<<set $orHairLength = $hairLength>>
<<set $orHairColor = $hairColor>>
<<set $orHairAction = $hairAction>>
/* ========= SHOPFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.shopFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "shopGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $shopGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $shopGirls>>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case bar>>
/* ========= BARFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.barFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "barGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $barGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $shopGirls>>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BAR ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBarDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_2">>
<<set $deepBarDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBarDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<<case club>>
/* ======== CLUBFLIRT ======== */
<<if $sandFlirtSuccess or $shopFlirtSuccess or $barFlirtSuccess == true>>
<br>Some of the girls you met earlier are here:<br>
<<if $sandFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $sandFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $sandGirl>>
<<if $shopFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $shopFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $shopGirl>><br>
<<if $barFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $barFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $barGirl>>
<<case bungalow>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BUNGALOW ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBungalowDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_2">>
<<set $deepBungalowDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBungalowDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<<case default>>
<</switch>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<silently>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $bod >= $bodTop>>
<<if $bodLevel > 4>>
When it's over, you look down to take stock.
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
<<set $bodLevel += 1>>
<<set $hairVal += 0.25>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<elseif $cha >= $chaTop>>
<<set $chaLevel += 1>>
<<set $hairVal += 0.25>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<if $bodMod > 0 && $bodMod >= $chaMod>>
<<if $bodLevel > 5>>
When it's over, you look down to take stock.
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
<<elseif $chaMod > 0 && $chaMod > $bodMod>>
You feel an odd tingling across your skin.
<<if $time > $maxActions>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<</silently>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/hut_1-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are in the beach hut, an area for changing, showering and cooling off.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to the beach-hut.">>
<<set $actionA = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case towels>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/towels_3.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are chilling on your beach towels, watching the waves roll in.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to your towels for a sit.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalk",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You tease and joke with each other, though most of the teasing comes from him. You still giggle along and give him a light swat for his negs.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You guys talk about the good times you’ve had back in the day. The one time in school where he shot milk out his nose. The time you got in trouble for being in the ‘wrong’ locker room — even though it wasn’t.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest girl on the beach is.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest girls on the beach are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with cute swimsuits that flatter their bodies. <span class='main'>“It’s the presentation,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that must go into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes, not to mention the hard work that goes into maintaining a beach body. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You cross your arms over your stomach with a resigned sign. Partly out of exasperation at Victor, partly because you feel weirdly angry at the girls with huge, bouncing racks. Are you…jealous?",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Give Victor a massage.",
result: "Victor looks really tense, he could probably use a good massage. You sit behind him and start rubbing the strong muscles in his shoulders. You can feel the tension melting away. Oddly your own tension is rising, as you find yourself really enjoying feeling his muscles. They are nice, so strong and...let’s do something else.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "People Watch",
value: "peopleWatch",
link: "Do some people watching.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor nudges you and points out some beach goers nearby for a bit of people watching.",
fail: "Victor laughs at your enthusiasm, saying he didn’t realize you were so “catty”. You’re not catty. Are you?",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the chicks.",
result: "You cross your arms over your stomach with a resigned sign. Partly out of exasperation at Victor, partly because you feel weirdly angry at the girls with huge, bouncing racks. Are you…jealous?",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Make fun of people.",
result: "Victor makes a few jokes about “land whales” while you point out the obvious sluts being obvious. <span class='main'>“Look at their suits! They’re practically begging for…”</span> you trail off as you catch Victor giving you a wry smirk. <span class='main'>“SHUT UP!”</span> you swat him on the arm while he laughs.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Speculate on other people, jobs, relationships, what they look like naked, etc.",
result: "It starts with everybody, but it eventually devolves into imagining which women would be the best in bed. You mention a couple of guys which look like they could handle a long night’s ride too, only to catch Victor giving you a wry smirk. <span class='main'>“SHUT UP!”</span> you swat him on the arm while he laughs.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Play “would you”.",
result: "You play “would you”. A game where you choose a person and debate over whether you’d be willing to take them home for the night. You get some laughs going down the hotness scale, trying to find each other’s minimum. At one point, Victor even points out a guy, laughing. But after a moment's thought you say, <span class='main'>“sure, what the hell, he’s hot enough. Wouldn’t you?”</span><br><br>It turns out he would not. Watching the hot guy walk away, your cheeks burn a little in embarrassment...and maybe something else.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Tan",
value: "tan",
link: "Get a tan.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor takes off his shirt and throws it to the side, announcing it’s time to get a tan. You look down at your shirt with apprehension. Sitting reclined, the soft swellings on your chest are visible through the fabric if you look hard enough. Even if you don’t, your prominent nipples are plainly obvious, poking up little tents. There is simply no way you’re showing them off to the whole beach. Is there?",
fail: "Shocked by his suggestion, you blurt out, <span class='main'>“NO!”</span> a lot more loudly than intended, even moving to cover your chest. Victor looks surprised, <span class='victor'>“Woah, didn’t mean anything by it, sorry,”</span> apologizing as he lays down. You sit with your cheeks burning in embarrassment while he tans.",
optionA: {
link: "Carefully remove your shirt, but hold it against your chest to hide what’s happening there.",
result: "Victor is already laying down, so he doesn’t seem to notice your maneuver. The sun feels really nice, and you can feel your skin bronzing. It isn’t until 15 min later that you realize you’re going to give yourself a bikini-like tan line.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Do it quick, then lay on your front.",
result: "You wait for Victor to lay down, then whip off your shirt and quickly flip on to your stomach to hide your chest. It seems to have worked, but it’s really uncomfortable, the rough texture of the towel rubs up against your achingly sensitive nips.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Refuse.",
result: "Victor shrugs and lays down himself. You feel hugely relieved, and go to find something to do while Victor is tanning. Like, read a book, listen to some music or just watch Victor as he lays there in the sun.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Do it.",
result: "You’re too worried about showing off your swollen chest, and try to say no, but Victor places a hand on your shoulder. <span class='victor'>“Seriously, you’re too hung up on your looks. Get a tan and chill!”</span><br><br>You relent and decide to follow him and remove your shirt for a tan, despite your red, puffy nipples. Not like shirt was hiding them much anyway. Victor’s touch caused them to crinkle up and poke out even more — a fact Victor seems to have noticed.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Delay! Distract!",
result: "<span class='main'>“ about…”</span> you look around desperately for some excuse or evasion. Your eyes rest on the tube of tanning lotion.<br><br><span class='main'>“How about I rub lotion on your back?”</span><br><br>Victor looks a little surprised, but shrugs and agrees, laying down on his front.<br><br>You squirt out a little lotion on your hands and begin to rub it into Victor’s toned back. You feel the swellings on your chest jiggle a little as you work the lotion around. Your traitorous nipples, the cause of this mess, crinkle up even harder at the feeling of Victor’s muscles and skin. Are you...enjoying this?",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case sand>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/sand-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are hanging out on the beach, walking through the warm sand.">>
<<set $locMove = "You hop across the hot sand to the beach.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Walk",
value: "walk",
link: "Take a stroll along the beach.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor stands up, dusting himself off and suggests that you both take a walk down the beach.",
fail: "You walk, but aren’t able to get a good conversation going.",
optionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Head down to the rocky area to relax.",
result: "You head down to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach. You both climb over a few boulders to get to the best area, but you slip on a wet patch, and start to tumble. You let out a squeak and close your eyes, this is going to hurt!<br><br>Then you stop. Your eyes dart open in surprise, to see Victor’s big brown eyes right above yours. His strong arms holding you where he caught you.<br><br><span class='victor'>“Are you ok?”</span> He asks in a soft voice.<br><br><span class='main'>“Yeah,”</span> you sigh. Still light headed from the fall, you feel like you could easily faint away now in bliss.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Head down the beach to the rocky area. Skip or throw in some rocks.",
result: "You head down the beach to the rocky area and waste some time skipping and throwing rocks. Victor does most of it, you just lounge on the rocks — the rocks are too big and heavy for you anyway.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just walk for a bit, talking and enjoying the company.",
result: "You just walk through the sand for a bit, talking about some of Victor’s travels, he’s been to so many places. ",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Hit on some girls.",
result: "You catch a couple of girls looking your way. You nudge Victor and he flexes to them, getting some approving giggles in return. You try too, but with your scrawny arms, it’s less of a giggle and more of a snicker.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Frisbee",
value: "frisbee",
link: "Play some frisbee",
target: "action",
passage: "You grab a handy frisbee disc to toss back and forth.",
fail: "Victor throws with a little too much power, forcing you to dive. You land hard in the sand, right on your super sensitive chest. You yelp in pain, and decide to take a break, rubbing the tender swellings.",
optionA: {
link: "Throw and catch goofily, making fools of yourselves.",
result: "You do a bunch of silly throws together, laughing the whole time. You miss more throws than you catch, though. Constantly being distracted and thrown off balance by the unfamiliar jiggling in your chest and ass.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Throw hard, make him run to catch it.",
result: "You throw as hard as you can, but it’s not quite the rocket you imagined. He’s able to catch it without a problem. His return volley however really makes you have to hustle to get it. Your chest jostles wildly as you run, finally having to jump to catch it. You nail the catch though, landing hard on the sand. Thankfully your squishy butt takes a lot of the impact.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Toss is to him, make it easy to catch.",
result: "He catches it with ease, tossing it back to you. You barely catch it, actually have to run a little, making the strange jostling in your chest all the more noticeable.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to show you how to throw. He smiles slyly, then goes around behind you to help. He guides your arm, showing you how to spin your wrist and do a proper toss. You feel like you’re getting the hang of it, but you keep bumping into him. When did your ass star sticking out so far? Your cheeks blush again from...embarrassment.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to help. He gets a bit of a cocky smile and proceeds to stand behind you and show you how to throw. He’s such a great guy, so willing to help, so gentle in teaching you. Not to mention those muscles. Not huge, but still much larger than your arms and...woah, frisbee, dude. You’re supposed to be learning frisbee...",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Volleyball",
value: "volleyball",
link: "Play volleyball together.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor sees a volleyball net just opening up, and suggests you go for a game. But just as you arrive, two huge, gorilla-sized guys approach. They get right up into the net and demand that you get off their turf. They tower over you, with biceps larger than your entire arm. You’re petrified, but Victor is amazingly holding his cool. You try to put on a tough face too, but end up looking pouty. Worst of all, as he talks, the musclehead’s eyes slide over your body in a sickening leer.",
fail: "You try to stand up to the closer guy, but he cuts you off.<br><br><npc>”Why don’t you fuck off, bitch, and let the boys talk?”</npc> He punctuates it by holding out a meaty hand the size of your entire face, blocking your view.<br><br>Your eyes go wide with surprise and anger, you stamp your foot (causing jiggles in various places), and move to shove his arm out of the way. It’s like trying to push a building — hard as you push, his arm doesn’t budge at all. Victor moves to defend you but gets a punch in the gut, sending him down.<br><br>You can tell this won’t end in your favor, and grab Victor’s hand to help him up and lead him off the court. “The wuss and his bitch” being laughed at the whole way by the muscle-heads.",
optionA: {
link: "Reason with them.",
result: "Victor goes the adult route and convinces them there was no harm intended, everybody should just go their own way. It must be his natural charm or something, but it works and you leave the volleyball court without a fight. You’re amazed at Victor, and feel a bit sad that you weren’t any help. What’s worse, the bigger guy’s eyes kept looking you up and down the whole time.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Placate them with an apology.",
result: "You apologize to them and ask they please let you go in peace. They mock Victor for having his “bitch” do the talking for him, but you get away without a fight. Victor thanks you for taking the heat but says he could have handled it. You‘re still surprised he called you Victor’s “bitch”!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Stand up to them.",
result: "Victor doesn’t back down, calling the two lummoxes out on their ”turf” bullshit. For a moment it looks like a fight will break out, some passersby starting to gather and watch. Victor is amazing though, never even blinking. His gaze eventually withers them, and they leave without a fight. You’re amazed at Victor, and feel a bit sad that you weren’t any help. What’s worse, the bigger guy’s eyes kept looking you up and down the whole time.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Punch them.",
result: "You try to stand up to the closer guy, but he cuts you off.<br><br><npc>”Why don’t you fuck off, bitch, and let the boys talk?”</npc> He punctuates it by holding out a meaty hand the size of your entire face, blocking your view.<br><br>Your eyes go wide with surprise and anger, you stamp your foot (causing jiggles in various places), and move to shove his hand. It’s like trying to push a building — hard as you push, his arm doesn’t budge at all.<br><br>He snickers at you efforts. <span class='npc'>“I don’t hit bitches, but you’re...”</span> he isn’t able to get out any more before Victor lands one square across his jaw. The surprise blow floors him, and he collapses in a heap on the ground. The other jerk sees this and decides to take his buddy off the court without a fight. Victor throws you a high five, and while you’re happy to be on the winning team, you’re in a little shock over how weak your tiny arms are now.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make fun of them.",
result: "You and Victor humiliate the dudebros with a few quick jibes. They back down when some nearby girls start laughing at them. You and Victor share a high five and get to the game.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case water>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/water-3.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are bobbing gently on the waves.">>
<<set $locMove = "You wade out into the softly rolling ocean, to about waist-deep.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Float",
value: "float",
link: "Float on the waves for awhile.",
target: "action",
passage: "You lay back and let the ocean carry you, bobbing along with slowly rocking waves. The water feels amazing against your sensitive skin, especially in contrast to the warm sun. You’re not sure why, but it seems easier to float than you remember. Maybe to do with losing a bit of weight?",
fail: "You both float, but rather than an enjoyable silence, it seems awkward. Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Splash Victor.",
result: "You wait for a vulnerable moment and splash him with a shower of water. He immediately gets you back with a laugh and splash of his own. You get soaked, giggling the whole time.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dive down and look at the fish.",
result: "You dive down and look at the fish darting around the reef. Beautiful colors of the entire rainbow. Victor is impressed by all the fish, but you’re more impressed by how fast a swimmer Victor is, such strong arms and legs.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just float.",
result: "You and Victor just float along, enjoying the motion of the ocean. Utterly relaxed, you let out a long sigh on contented bliss.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dunk Victor.",
result: "After a few splashes and roughhousing you get in a dunking contest. He’s able to push your dunk aside with his greater strength, but when he tries to dunk you, You’re able to climb onto his back and hang there, giggling the whole time.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Race",
value: "race",
link: "Have a swimming race.",
target: "action",
passage: "After floating for a little while, Victor suggests having a friendly swimming race.",
fail: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away. When you finally reach him, you’re sputtering and grumpy. He apologizes for not playing fair.",
optionA: {
link: "Try your best!",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but magnanimously compliments you on how well you did. You smile and blush, he always knows how to make you feel special.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but compliments you on how well you swam despite your little toothpick arms and legs. You turn red and give him a shoulder punch while he laughs at your reaction.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Swim all out.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but magnanimously compliments you on how well you did. You smile and blush, he always knows how to make you feel special.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him win, and congratulate him afterwards.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>He just blows you away. It’s like he’s half dolphin! When you finally catch up, you let him know how amazed you are at his strength and speed. For his part, Victor grins from ear to ear and eats the praise right up.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case shops>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/shops_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are strolling along a tiny mall with shops souvenirs, beach accessories and swimwear.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the small shopping area.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Hang Out",
value: "hangOut",
link: "Hang out around the shops.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to just hang out like a couple of mall rats around the shops.",
fail: "You wander around the shops for a bit, enjoying seeing all the different souvenirs, trinkets and cute outfits for sale. Victor looks a bit bored but puts up with it.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the girls.",
result: "You scope for a few hotties shopping for new bikinis. You take particular note of one who found the absolute cutest top! I...she’d look great in that.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just walk around.",
result: "You stroll around a bit aimlessly, looking at a few odd trinkets and laughing at funny t-shirts. Victor looks a bit bored but puts up with it.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Flirt with some girls.",
result: "You pass by a small group of girls and notice their eyes following you. Victor flexes for them and gets a few shy giggles. You pass on the flexing, but feel very proud that Victor got the looks and is <em>your</em> friend.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Flirt with some girls.",
result: "You pass by a small group of girls and notice their eyes following you. Victor flexes for them and gets a few shy giggles. You pass on the flexing, but feel very proud that Victor got the looks and is <em>your</em> friend.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case arcade>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/arcade_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "The small arcade in the shopping center. There are a few people here, enjoying games — and a good mix of old and new titles to try out.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head into the game arcade.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Road Puncher",
value: "roadPuncher",
link: "Play a round of the Road Puncher fighting game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You challenge Victor to a round of the Road Puncher fighting game. You were never that into games, but you know a few moves. Your best character is ShunRi, a female kung-fu master with fast kicks and long legs.",
fail: "Victor blows you away in about 10 seconds flat. Bit of a waste of a quarter.",
optionA: {
link: "Button mash!",
result: "You mash those buttons like your life depended on it! You actually feel quite a bit of jostling in your chest from the effort. Thankfully, when you stand back up, Victor is laughing at your “play style” too much to notice your nipples at attention again after all the bouncing.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You play your best character, but it’s not much of a contest in the end. Victor wins easily, but enjoys giving you some advice on how to do the more advanced moves. You smile appreciatively, blushing again for what seems to be the hundredth time today.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "Not much to this, even if you tried your hardest, you’d still probably lose. Victor wins easily, but enjoys giving you some advice on how to do the more advanced moves. You smile appreciatively, blushing again for what seems to be the hundredth time today.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Choose the big-boobed, eye-candy character.",
result: "You choose Lisa, one of the most challenging characters in the game. She’s pretty weak and off-balance, mostly due to her enormous endowments which bounce all over the screen. You hope it will distract Victor and give you an edge, or at least give you an excuse for losing.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Distract Victor!",
result: "In the middle of the game, you start poking Victor in the side to distract him. It totally backfired though. He pokes you back, right where you’re ticklish, and KOs your character while you’re laughing. Such a cheater!",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go, instead standing to the side and cheering him on. You get surprisingly into it, getting really excited and letting out an excited cheer when Victor wins.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Purikura",
value: "purikura",
link: "Try one of those purikura photobooths.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try out one of those purikura photobooths, to take some pictures and make some memories.",
fail: "Victor says he doesn’t really like taking photos of himself. Never likes how they turn out.",
optionA: {
link: "Buddy Pose.",
result: "You put an arm over each other’s shoulder and throw a thumbs up. Classic buds pose. This booth must have one of those ‘beautification’ filters, because your face looks really soft and smooth in the pictures. Downright “cute” if you do say so yourself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Silly pose.",
result: "You both do a few silly poses, laughs all around. This booth must have one of those ‘beautification’ filters, because your face looks really soft and smooth in the pictures. Downright “cute” if you do say so yourself.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just a normal pose with a peace sign.",
result: "You make nice mementos together. This booth must have one of those ‘beautification’ filters, because your face looks really soft and smooth in the pictures. Downright “cute” if you do say so yourself.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "Cute pose as a joke.",
result: "You touch your finger to your lips and pucker up in a duck face pose. Not the kind of pose you’d usually go for, but it gets a laugh from Victor. You giggle as well, but are actually surprised that you look pretty “cute” in the pictures. This booth must have some of those beautification filters. That, or you’re just a hottie.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Flex, and start the gun show!",
result: "You both do a muscle pose, but your arms are so scrawny now that they are dwarfed by Victor’s. You still have good definition, but no bump of a bicep to be seen. Spur of the moment, you decide to go with something silly, and hang off of Victor’s arm with an impressed look. Feeling his hard muscle, you don’t have to feign being impressed. Funny, in the pictures at the end, you almost look like his girlfriend. Lol.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Duck lips.",
result: "You touch your finger to your lips and pucker up in a duck face pose. Not the kind of pose you’d usually go for, but it gets a laugh from Victor. You giggle as well, but are actually surprised that you look pretty “cute” in the pictures. This booth must have some of those beautification filters, your lips look huge.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Motorcycle game",
value: "motorcycleGame",
link: "Try the motorcycle racing game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You go to try out a motorcycle racing game — this one has plastic bikes attached to the game that you can sit on and steer to race.",
fail: "Victor says racing games are not really his thing.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let Victor win.",
result: "You race Victor with the intention to let him win, but have a hard time keeping up and he wins easily. The vibration of the plastic bike is really distracting, but kinda enjoyable.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You jump on a bike and race Victor. It’s a close match but he edges you out across the finish line. In your defense, the vibration of the plastic bike is really distracting, but kinda enjoyable.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him play, cheer him on.",
result: "There’s only one bike open on the game, so you let Victor go ahead. You stand on the side and egg him on though — you actually surprise yourself with how much you get into watching Victor race. You actually cheer when he crosses the finish line first.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {
name: "Claw Catcher",
value: "clawCatcher",
link: "Try the claw catcher game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You both decide to try one of the claw catcher games, this one has cheap little souvenir keychains to remember the beach resort.",
fail: "These claw catcher machines are hard! No luck today.",
optionA: {
link: "Get a keychain souvenir for Victor.",
result: "You pull out a cheap little keychain, it’s nothing, but Victor almost seems to tear up from happiness when you give it to him. You’re genuinely glad to make him so happy, you almost tear up yourself.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Fail at getting any prizes, but have fun doing it.",
result: "These claw catcher things are hard! But you both have fun trying and swearing at the machine afterwards.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Get keychain souvenirs for yourselves.",
result: "You each pull out the cheap little keychain trinkets. Victor really seems to love it, and you admit to being touched as well.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Ask Victor to get a keychain for you.",
result: "You jokingly Ask Victor to get a keychain for you, but amazingly he takes you up on the offer and pulls one out for you. You’re so happy, you almost hug him.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<case court>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/court_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are at the beach-side food court.">>
<<set $locMove = "Tummies rumbling, you go to the local food court.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Lunch",
value: "lunch",
link: "Get some lunch.",
target: "action",
passage: "Lots of different stalls and food, what would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor doesn’t feel like eating right now.",
optionA: {
link: "A big ol' delicious burger grilled to perfection and covered with cheese.",
result: "You enjoy a big juicy cheeseburger. It’s so large you have trouble finishing it. You feel heavy and tired afterwards, but so satisfied.",
target: "result3",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Get a salad - A healthier option, but still quite yummy.",
result: "You enjoy a nice green salad with slices of spiced chicken on top. No way you’re going to spoil your beach body this early into vacation.",
target: "result3",
type: 2,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Get a whipped berry smoothie",
result: "Sweet but still mostly healthy, a yummy treat.",
target: "result3",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result3",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Get a corndog.",
result: "Big, juicy hotdog wrapped in cornbread and fried. Unhealthy, but you can cheat once in a while. You always liked eating the cornbread first. But when you’re nearly done, and have the whole hotdog in your mouth, you catch Victor giving you a sly look.<br><br><victor>”Enjoying yourself?”</victor> He asks with a lift of his eyebrows.<br><br>You pull the hot dog out of your mouth with quickly, turning bright red in the process. <mn>“oh my god! You are such a pervert!”</mn>",
target: "result3",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkCourt",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You tease and joke with each other, though most of the teasing comes from him. You still giggle along and give him a light swat for his negs.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You guys talk about the good times you’ve had back in the day. The one time in he shot milk out his nose laughing too hard. The time you got in trouble for being in the ‘wrong’ locker room — even though it wasn’t actually the wrong room.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest girl on the beach is.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest girls on the beach are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with cute swimsuits that flatter their bodies. <span class='main'>“It’s the presentation,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that must go into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes, not to mention the hard work that goes into maintaining a beach body. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You cross your arms over your stomach with a resigned sign. Partly out of exasperation at Victor, partly because you feel weirdly angry at the girls with huge, bouncing racks. Are you…jealous?",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case luau>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/luau_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "There’s a long buffet of amazing looking food, and a troupe of dancers jumping and spinning on stage to the beating of drums.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the Luau restaurant, with Victor it’s easy to get a table.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dinner",
value: "dinner",
link: "Visit the buffet.",
target: "action",
passage: "You step up to the long buffet, overflowing with pacific island delights. What would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor says he’s not hungry.",
optionA: {
link: "Pile it up!",
result: "You heap your plate full of all kinds of meats, fruit, rice and sweets. Yummy!!",
target: "drinks",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Eat slim & healthy.",
result: "You choose a few good looking morsels, but mostly stick to the fruits and salads. Got to watch your figure!",
target: "drinks",
type: 1,
optionC: {
link: "Straight to the desserts!",
result: "You’re not that hungry, but that cake looks awesome! Sometimes you just have so little self control (giggle)!",
target: "drinks",
type: 2,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Show",
value: "show",
link: "Enjoy the Polynesian dance show.",
target: "action",
passage: "Throughout the meal, you’re treated to a medley of Pacific Island dances. Beautiful bodies swaying and bouncing to the drum beats. At one point the audience is asked to come on stage and participate, you can dance in the back with a bunch of other restaurant goers, or you can put on a grass skirt and take center stage.",
fail: "Victor stands up to volunteer, but you pull his arm back down. No. Way.",
optionA: {
link: "Put on a grass skirt!",
result: "You two share a nod then go all the way and volunteer yourselves for the main dance. The dancers put you both in grass skirts. With your overly sensitive skin, it’s like you can feel every strand of the grass brushing against your legs. For some reason, they drag Victor over to learn the male parts, and put you with the female dancers! No sense worrying though, you make the best of it and shake your hips to cheers from the crowd.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Join the group dance.",
result: "You and Victor go up during the dance, but stay in the line with the other patrons, not going out front. You feel very limber and flexible, able to dance better than you remember, but you are a little put off by a little...jiggling in your hips and rear. No more luau buffets for you.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Decline to join.",
result: "You both decide to stay in your seats and just enjoy the show as presented. Bit of a relief actually, you’d be nervous in front of all those people. The very though is almost enough to make you blush.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Put on the grass skirt and the coconut bra.",
result: "You decide to go all the way, volunteering for the main dance, and to wear the dancers costume. Victor gets leggings and a kukui nut necklace. You wait for yours, but are surprised when you get handed a grass skirt and coconut bra! You figure it must be part of the show and just go with it. It’s rough against your skin, but actually feels nice in the way it supports and cradles the swellings in your chest. When the dancing finally starts, you feel so much lighter and more limber than you can recall, and use the bouncing coconuts and flaring skirt to excellent effect, shaking along to the drum beat like never before. When it’s all over, you get a loud round of applause from the crowd and Victor. Your face glows red again, but this time in a sense of pride.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy dance.",
result: "You and Victor have a slight argument about whether you could pull off a hula or not. Never one to back down against a challenge, you storm up to the stage and grab a grass skirt to join the audience dance. It feels rough and unpleasant, rubbing against your hairless, sensitive legs, but you don’t let that get to you. Though you are a little surprised when you get handed a coconut bra! You figure it must be part of the show and just go with the flow, slipping it on behind a privacy screen. It’s rough against your skin, but actually feels nice in the way it supports and cradles the swellings in your chest. When the dancing finally starts, you feel so much lighter and more limber than you can ever recall, and use the bouncing coconuts and flaring skirt to excellent effect, shaking along to the drum beat like never before. The crowd is clapping along, and you hear more than a few wolf whistles. When it’s all over, the crowd goes wild as you walk off the stage! Victor is still applauding as you sit back down.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case bar>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bar_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are floating, partially submerged in the cool water at an in-pool bar.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the in-pool bar for a soak and a drink.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkBar",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You tease and joke with each other, though most of the teasing comes from him. You still giggle along and give him a light swat for his negs.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You guys talk about the good times you’ve had back in the day. The one time in school where he shot milk out his nose. The time you got in trouble for being in the ‘wrong’ locker room — even though it wasn’t.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest girl at the bar is.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest girls at the bar are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with cute swimsuits that flatter their bodies. <span class='main'>“It’s the presentation,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that must go into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes, not to mention the hard work that goes into maintaining a beach body. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You cross your arms over your stomach with a resigned sign. Partly out of exasperation at Victor, partly because you feel weirdly angry at the girls with huge, bouncing racks. Are you…jealous?",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksbar",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You flag down the bartender, a short girl in a cute flower-print bikini.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsBar",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "You call over the bartendress, and ask for a round of shots.<br><br>
She rings a bell, eliciting a minor cheer from the other patrons.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case club>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/club_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "A heavy beat pounds around and through you, matched by strobing lights and laser effects. It’s nearly impossible to hear each other talk, but you’re not that bothered, plenty of things to distract besides conversation. Everywhere you look, bodies writhe and grid to the music.">>
<<set $locMove = "Victor flashes a platinum card and you skip the line and go straight into the club.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dance",
value: "dance",
link: "Dance",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor heads out to the dance floor, you follow along.",
fail: "With your body moving and feeling so strange, you can’t quite bring yourself to go out on the dance floor.",
optionA: {
link: "Dance silly.",
result: "You both just waggle your arms and legs in a goofy parody of a dance. God your chest is bouncing all over the place! What is going on?!? Victor is enjoying the silly dancing and doesn’t seem to notice. His laughter is infectious, and before long, you’re giggling along with him.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dance cool.",
result: "You do a simple dance, nothing fancy, just enjoying the music and loving along. After a while, you notice your dance moves have changed a bit. You used to mostly move with your arms and legs, but now there’s a lot more movement in your shoulders, and you’re swaying your hips in wide arcs. God your chest is bouncing all over the place! What is going on?!? The weirdest part though is that it feels so natural and alien at the same time!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Dance like you mean it…in the center of the floor.",
result: "You shake your body for all it’s worth, pulling out every move you know right in the center of the floor. God your ass is bouncing all over the place! What is going on? When did it get so big?!? You push the thoughts aside and even work your bigger booty into your moves. Soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along with your dance! You share a look of pride with Victor.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dance sexy.",
result: "You turn and snake your body showing off all your moves, and a few new ones you didn’t think were possible for you. Your body just seems so much lighter and more limber than you remember. After a while, you notice your dance moves have changed a bit. You used to mostly move with your arms and legs, but now there’s a lot more movement in your shoulders, and you’re swaying your hips in wide arcs. God your chest is bouncing all over the place! What is going on?!? You get the attention of more than a few girls and guys, and applause from Victor.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Dance with some girls.",
result: "You both find some girls dancing and throw down your moves behind them. They’ve very receptive and soon you’re dancing and grinding to the beat. Victor’s parter doesn’t know how to dance at all though. How could he even enjoy dancing with her?",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksClub",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You head over to the club bar to grab a round for you and Victor.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsClub",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "As a bartender passes, you call out SHOTS and grab a round.",
fail: "",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case bungalow>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bungalow_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest his bungalow is. Still beautiful, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from its premium location.">>
<<set $locMove = "After a long night, you head over to Victor’s bungalow.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Goodnight",
value: "goodnight",
link: "Say Goodnight",
target: "EOD",
passage: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
fail: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Watch Movie",
value: "watchMovie",
link: "Stream a movie.",
target: "action",
passage: "Not feeling tired yet, you ask Victor if he wants to stream a movie.",
fail: "Victor yawns and says it’s a little too late to start a movie now for him.",
optionA: {
link: "Watch a comedy.",
result: "You put on a comedy. Surprisingly, Victor has similar tastes to you and you both laugh along, you slap your leg laughing a few times then realize it’s actually Victor’s leg! Oops!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Watch a horror movie.",
result: "You watch a horror about a ghost that haunts VHS tapes, whatever those are. You’re not usually freaked out by horror movies, but for some reason, this one is really getting to you. During one of the shock scares, you even jump and grab his arm. He gets a good laugh at that.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Watch an action flick.",
result: "You watch an action-packed, buddy-cop style movie, not much to it, but dumb fun. Not really your style, but Victor seems to like it. Before you know it, the movie’s over and you’re waking up from passing out on his shoulder! How embarrassing!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "MST3K a crap movie.",
result: "You find a movie with terrible reviews and spend the next two hours making fun of how terrible it is and laughing your asses off. You slap your leg laughing a few times then realize it’s actually Victor’s leg! Oops, lol!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
/*Add looks*/
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
/* New Day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<set $return = "hut_4">>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodLevel = 5>>
<<set $chaLevel = 5>>
<<set $goneOut = false>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set $secondary = 3>>
<<set $relType = "Friend">>
/* Reset Activities */
<<display "varsReset">>
You rub your eyes and yawn as the fog clears from your vision, bringing the decadent beach-hut into view.<br><br>
The hut seems a little different than you remember, though it’s hard to put your finger on what exactly. Everything is still here, the spacious showers and toilets in the back, with rows of lockers and long wooden benches near the front. It looks like the layout is very slightly off, and as if everything were slightly bigger than you remember. You shake your head, dismissing it as your imagination.<br><br>
<<if visited() == 1>>
Victor now feels very familiar, like a close friend. You should have a great day together.<br><br>
There was something you had to remember from the reset last just a moment ago. What was it? You just can’t seem to remember.<br><br>
It’s getting late, you should go meet up with your close friend, Victor.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "hut_4">><</link>><<script>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You are in the beach hut.<br><br>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_4">><</link>><br>
<<if $goneOut != true>>
<<link "Head out" "first_step_4">>
<<set $move = true>>
<<set $goneOut = true>>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You step outside, greeted again by the impossible beauty of the beach. Everything is perfect - the warm morning sun on your skin, the cool breeze brushing past your sensitive skin, all the way down to the powdery sand tickling your toes, perfect.<br><br>
Looking over to the regular spot, you see Victor. He looks relaxed, sitting and watching all the people pass by him. You notice his body language has much more confidence than you remember. Sitting back in a reclined position with his shirt off, he’s actually a good looking guy.<br><br>
You bounce down onto your towel next to him, <span class="main">“Morning handsome.”</span><br><br>
He smiles to greet you, <span class="victor">“Somebody finally decided to wake up?”</span><br><br>
You giggle, <span class="main">“Hey, I need my beauty sleep!”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Well, it seems to be working,”</span> he laughs along, <span class="victor">“you’re totally the most beautiful guy I know.”</span><br><br>
Was that sarcasm? You’re not sure and decide to laugh it off anyway, <span class="main">“I have to make do with what I’ve got. I don’t have nice guns like yours.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Hey, these were hard work!”</span> he complains, <span class="victor">“If you worked out a bit more, you wouldn’t have these sticks!”</span><br><br>
He reaches over and grabs your bicep. His hand, not enormous by any measure, wraps most of the way around your arm. You’re surprised, when did you get so small?<br><br>
Your arm looks positively delicate next to his big, strong hand. You can’t even imagine how much stronger than you Victor must be, but rather than intimidating, his grip seems careful, and almost reassuring.<br><br>
Victor interrupts your thoughts, <span class="victor">”Hey, just kidding around,”</span> he seems to think you were hurt by his joke. <span class="victor">“Your arms are thin, but you’ve got great tone!”</span><br><br>
You shove him to lighten the mood, <span class="main">“Thanks for the compliment, Hercules. So that’s what the underside of a bus looks like.”</span><br><br>
You both laugh again.<br><br>
So what will you do today?<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You walk back to the hut. You feel you’ve made a little progress with Victor, but not enough to make a big difference, still you had a great time and he’s a fantastic friend.<br><br>
You let loose a huge yawn, just now realizing how beat you are. Definitely “bedtime”. You feel a strange tingle, as if the air responded to you saying “bedtime.”<br><br>
“How strange,” you think, rationalizing that you must be even more tired than you thought.<br><br>
<<link "Next day" "start_4">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<script>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $bodLevel = 7>>
<<set $chaLevel = 7>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You walk back to the beach hut with a smile. You had so much fun today with Victor, he’s such a great friend and good guy. You find yourself wondering if he might someday be more than a friend. How much closer can you get before it gets weird? Is it really that weird?<br><br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by a huge yawn, you’re only just now realizing how beat you are. Definitely “bedtime”.<br><br>
As you walk, there’s another ripple in the simulation, blowing across you like a swift wind. It sends a cool chill across your skin, manifesting in a pleasurable tingle that sweeps through your whole body. You try to shake it off, thinking it will pass like last time. This time though the tingles continue to build, getting stronger, welling up and making your body feel numb to every sensation besides the rapidly building feelings.<br><br>
The tingles flow and ebb coming in and out like a wave. The wave pulses, pushing on your face, rounding and softening your features. It pulls on your throat, sucking in your adam’s apple with a pop. They push on your chest sending your already pointy nipples stabbing outwards like hot little volcanoes of pleasure. They pull in your waist causing you to gasp. Then push against your hips, causing your already tight swim bottoms to groan in response. You pant for a moment, hoping it’s over, until one final flow hits you. It’s the strongest yet and pulls with amazing force at your crotch. You instinctively grab towards your dick to see what happened.<br><br>
You miss.<br><br>
You feel around desperately, panic building in you.<br><br>
It’s gone.<br><br>
Your hand comes to rest on your pelvis, cupping nothing but a soft mound.
Oh shit.<br><br>
It dawns on you what’s happening. Why didn’t you notice before?! The realization strikes you at the same time as another bout of dizziness, causing you to stumble. You grab for a nearby tree, but miss the branch and tumble to the ground. You’re only barely aware of landing, lost in the feeling of tingles as your vision slowly fades to black.<br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_5">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<if $imageOn ==true>>
<<if $sexStyle == "oral">>
You’re stripping each other off before you can even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is already undone and hanging around her hips, letting her $girlboobs wobble free, the hard nipples grazing against your smooth chest.<br><br>Wrapped in each other, biting and sucking, you miss the couch you were aiming for, ending up thumping hard into the wall.<br><br>After a bit of a giggle at your poor steering, you move to go to the sofa, but are stopped by her hand on your chest. She locks eyes with you, lowering herself down, stopping at your pointy, erect nipples.<br><br><girls>“Wow!”</girls> she exclaims, flicking one of the hard nubs and causing you to wince. <girls>“These are almost as big as they work too?”</girls><br><br>
You wonder for a second what she means by “work", when she takes one in her mouth, and begins nibbling and rolling it with her tongue. Your eyes go wide in pleasure and you let out a long <mn>“mmmmmm”</mn> sound.<br><br><girls>“Guess so,”</girls> she giggles. She swaps her lips for her fingers, continuing to tease your chest, while her tongue trails its way down your body, tracing its curves and contours. She finally reaches your swim trunks, and works them down over your hips, sending your tiny cock bouncing free in the cool air.<br><br>What the hell happened?!? You stare down incredulously at the barely three-inch nub jutting out from your crotch. $girlNameA seems pretty surprised too, stifling a chuckle. But she takes it in stride, giving a wink and a few quick tugs before beginning to lick. You moan long and in a disturbingly high pitch, feeling the hot wetness of her lips and tongue slide and pull at your member. You hold out as long as possible, but between the teasing on your chest and the lips on your cock, you finish quickly with a coo of satisfaction.<br><br>Now it’s her turn. You guide her around and she plops on the sofa with a bounce, sending pleasant jiggles through her tits. You finish stripping her bottoms, and push her silky legs aside, going in for a course. She’s already slick with excitement, and your practiced tongue brings her to moans of pleasure in moments. $girlNameA helps you to forget the shockingly small size of your dick, and both go for several rounds before finally calming down for the night.
<<if $sexStyle == "sex">>
You’re tearing at each other’s clothes before you even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is off, letting her $girlboobs wobble free tantalizingly.<br><br>You reach the sofa, and she strips your shirt and pushes you down with a surprising amount of strength. You don’t resist, and aren’t sure you could. She sits on your hips, causing you to grunt at her weight, and leans down for a kiss. She stops half way though, looking at your pointy, erect nipples.<br><br><girls>“Wow!”</girls> she exclaims, flicking one of the hard nubs and causing you to wince. <girls>“These are almost as big as they work too?”</girls><br><br>
You wonder for a second what she means by “work", when she takes one in her mouth, and begins nibbling and rolling it with her tongue. Your eyes go wide in pleasure and you let out a long <mn>“mmmmmm”</mn> sound.<br><br><girls>“Guess so,”</girls> she giggles.
She sits back up swapping her lips for her hand teasing your chest, while she guides your cock into her. You moan as she starts grinding into you. As she draws closer you decide to return the earlier favor, your lips finding her wildly bouncing tits. You latch on to one of the swollen, pointy nipples and start tonguing it rapidly. You can feel it getting harder in your mouth, and feel your own nipples crinkling up even tighter in her pinching fingers. $girlNameA’s pace quickens and her pants of pleasure grow louder, you moan along in pleasure too.<br><br>Soon she grabs your shoulder, digging her nails in, and shudders as you both release with a sigh. She floats down onto your soft chest, still casually tracing circles around your nipple for a few minutes. <girl>“You ready for round 2?”</girl>
<<if $sexStyle == "fuck">>
You’re tearing at each other’s clothes before you even get to the sofa. $girlNameA’s top is off, letting her $girlboobs wobble free tantalizingly. You reach the sofa, and she strips your shirt and pushes you down with a surprising amount of strength. You don’t resist, and aren’t sure you could. She sits on your hips, causing you to grunt at her weight, and leans down for a kiss. She stops half way though, looking at your pointy, erect nipples.<br><br><girls>“Wow!”</girls> she exclaims, flicking one of the hard nubs and causing you to wince. <girls>“These are almost as big as they work too?”</girls><br><br>
You wonder for a second what she means by “work", when she takes one in her mouth, and begins nibbling and rolling it with her tongue. Your eyes go wide in pleasure and you let out a long <mn>“mmmmmm”</mn> sound.<br><br><girls>“Guess so,”</girls> she giggles.
She sits back up swapping her lips for her hand teasing your chest, while she guides your cock into her. You moan as she starts grinding into you. As she draws closer you decide to return the earlier favor, your lips finding her wildly bouncing tits. You latch on to one of her swollen, jutting nipples nips and start tonguing it rapidly. You can feel it getting harder in your mouth, and feel your own nipples crinkling up even tighter in her pinching fingers. $girlNameA’s pace quickens and her pants of pleasure grow louder, you moan along in pleasure too. Soon she grabs your shoulder, digging her nails in, and shudders as you both release with a sigh. She floats down onto your soft chest, still casually tracing circles around your nipple. <girls>“You ready for round 2?”</girls>
<<if $rel >= $levelup>>
<<link "Finish day" "levelUp_4">><</link>>
<<link "Finish day" "finishDay_4">><</link>>
<<switch $beachGirls>>
<<case 1 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Steph">>
<<set $girlNameB to "Cassi">>
<<set $girlNames = "Steph & Cassie">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They introduce themselves as Steph and Cassie.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "The best word for their looks is “delicious”. Cute, youthful faces on top of a set of deadly curves. Rich, round hips with jiggly asses and full, heaving breasts. April is a tiny bit taller, with curly, dirty-blonde hair and a well toned tummy. Lisa is a dark brunette with a cute smile and a staggering rack that puts all manner of fruit comparisons to shame">>
<<set $convoA = "<girls>“Yeah, we just flew in from yesterday! Jet lag’s worn off so we are ready to paaaarty!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“A little of both. We’re both nano-med, so it’s kind of residency, not this weekend though!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoC = "<girls>“New York. Cold as hell there, so nice to be out in the warm sun now!”</girls>">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“Don’t know, we’re looking for somewhere to get lubricated. She says with a wink.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoE = "<girls>“Right now? To find some jello shots.”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "Victor compliments them both on their outfits, and how well they display the wares. They giggle at the obvious flattery, but happily accept, you’re even treated with a complementary twirl.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "As Steph raises her arms and does another WOO-HOO, you join her, and bump hips. As she brings her arms down, one stays around your shoulder. You do the same and wrap an arm around her shoulder. You leave it there and she doesn’t seem to mind, though it’s a little awkward, she’s almost as tall as you.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "Victor says that he thinks you’ve found a couple of bad girls here and he’s worried about them corrupting you. The two laugh and smile, admitting that you’re probably right.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You all decide to just chill on the sand. You gab for a while and graciously help Steph with spreading some lotion on her back — once you get that silly bikini strap open and out of the way. She coos at your touch.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "You split up into teams, Steph with you, and Cassie with Victor. You have a tough time keeping up with Steph’s long legs, but the game is still fun.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all head down into the water for a swim. It doesn’t take too long for splashing to break out. Followed by dunking. Followed by mutual groping disguised as dunking. Which is good, because you were losing the dunking fight with Steph.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "<girls>“Totally! We’ll be at the club tonight, let’s meet up there!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You and the girls wander around the shops for a bit, talking and looking at various items for sale. They choose the cutest suits, you’re actually a little jealous!">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "Passing an ice cream stand, you offer to buy the girls a cone. They both accept, going for frozen yogurts. After lots of joking, you show off how good you are at licking ice cream. Steph responds by displaying just how much of the cone she can fit in her mouth at once. You two were made for each other.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls drinks. Steph has a long island and Casi goes with a cosmo. These girls are no lightweights.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>.<br><br>You all pour them down and slam the glasses, joining Steph in one of her characteristic <girls>“WOOs!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtDance = "Victor leads the girls on to the dance floor to gyrate around to the music. They’re both pretty good, but they dance more like strippers than clubbers. You have zero complaints about this, enjoying the alluring sways and jiggles of their delectable assets, which almost takes your mind off the juggling of your own.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You move in while dancing and start grinding up against Steph, enjoying the firm-but-plush squish of her bubble butt against your cock. Casi also makes a move and dances up against Victor. You’re all getting into it.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "Steph has given up any pretense and is hanging off your shoulder, nibbling your ear. Victor has his arm around Cassie. You don’t need any pick up lines, you just shoot the girls a look, and they nod. Time to go!">>
<<set $girlboobs = "huge, mesmerizing tits">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls1.jpg" />'>>
<<case 2 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Yuka">>
<<set $girlNameB to "Chiharu">>
<<set $girlNames = "Yuka & Chiharu">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They smile and giggle to each other. Nervously introducing themselves as Yuka and Chiharu. Their English is a little choppy, but that only makes them cuter.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "They fall more into the ‘cute’ category than ‘hot’, but damn are they cute. They’re both thin, with trim, smooth tummies, and long sexy legs that defy Asian stereotypes. Chiharu has shorter, chin-length hair and a smile that weakens your knees. Yuka seems like the wilder of the pair, with long braids, sexy lips, and a devilish glint in her eye that betrays an otherwise adorably innocent look.">>
<<set $convoA = "They giggle again, <girls>“Yes, we’re on…ummm…Spring Vacation.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“Um….We go to school in Kobe University. We are student!”</girls> (more giggles)">>
<<set $convoC = "<girls>“We’re from Japan. I’m from Akita-ken and Chiharu is from Kobe. Do you know Kobe?”</girls>">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“No, do you know?”</girls>">>
<<set $convoE = "They say they want to go swimming...something must have gotten lost in the translation. ">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "You tell them how beautiful they are, and Victor throws in how good their English is. They eat it right up, shyly smiling and turning red.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "Victor shows the girls a magic trick where he can guess their age by the shape of their hips. He gropes their hips and holds them close for quite a while, but isn’t able to guess the age in the end. Actually they end up forgetting about the game and just holding each other around the hips.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "You try and show off some of your Japanese skills. It’s terrible, and you think you ended up telling Chiharu that she’s a nice river, but the girls find it very cute and endearing.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You decide to just hang out on the sand talking. The girls turn out to be really funny and interesting, asking endless questions about you and Victor. Guessing what they’re trying to say makes for an interesting game.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "You split up into girls vs boys, but there’s not much “game”. Chiharu’s alright, but Yuka is hopeless — having to run, jump and dive for every catch. No challenge, but it’s definitely fun to watch all her bounding and bouncing.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all go running into the water for a splash and a swim. It all turns into a game of splash/tag filled with lots of splashing, dunks, and “accidental” gropes.">>
<<set $dateResponse = "<girls>“Yes!”</girls> They exclaim, maybe even a little to quickly. <girls>“We will go to club tonight! Please you come too!”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You all stroll around the shops for a while. The girls are very enthusiastic, squealing at all manner of shoes, dresses and outfits. Victor seems a little bored, but the girls are so cute, and you’re having a great time looking at all the sales with them!">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "At the mere mention of ice cream, the girls squeal in excitement. You and Victor are surprised, but happy to take advantage of their excitement. They both go for vanilla dipped in cherry chocolate. Sadly, they don’t get the jokes about popping cherries when you all dig in. You get a laugh from Victor at least.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls some drinks. They have some kind of yogurt liqueur you’ve never heard of, but it’s good when you try a taste. They’re lightweights, giggling non stop and red-faced after the first one.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>. The girls literally clap in excitement. Just minutes after downing the shots, the girls are wrecked. They can barely keep balance or talk, but they are leaning all over you and Victor; laughing themselves silly. You’d almost feel you were taking advantage if they weren’t saying how much fun they’re having.">>
<<set $flirtDance = "Victor leads the girls out to the dance floor. Neither of them are actually very good, awkwardly swaying to the music and wiggling their arms out of beat — but damned if they aren’t cute as hell. Victor seems absolutely enamored.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You dance up close to the girls for a bit of sexy dancing, but they seem oblivious at how to respond. Ever enthusiastic, they try and grind along, but nearly fall over trying, and end up in your arms — staring up at you with the cutest sparkly-eyed look you’ve ever seen.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "The girls are drunk on liquor and partying, somewhere between hugging you and hanging off you for support. Yuka suggests they might need a little help getting back to your place, that devilish flash coming back to her eyes. You and Victor gallantly offer them piggyback rides back to Victor’s place.">>
<<set $girlboobs = "small, but deliciously perky little titties">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls2.jpg" />'>>
<<case 3 >>
<<set $girlNameA to "Lisa">>
<<set $girlNameB to "April">>
<<set $girlNames = "Lisa & April">>
<<set $girlIntro = "They smile up from their towels and greet you with an “enchanté”. Lisa and April.">>
<<set $girlLooks = "They look hot: tight, slim suits wrapped around two tight, slim bodies. They’re in great shape, with trim waists and great tone in their bronzed legs and arms. Most likely they hit the gym as much as the beach. They look enough alike that they could be twins, all the way up to their bleached blonde hair. April is a tiny bit taller, with a sexy little piercing in her belly button. Lisa’s hair color is a little faded, revealing the rich brown roots. Her innocent facade is a little faded too, letting a wild party girl show through.">>
<<set $convoA = "<girls>“For sure, we’re stopped here on a cruise our parents bought for us. This is supposed to be one of the nicest beaches on the route.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoB = "<girls>“School, but we both take classes in Simspace, so we’re studying while on vacation.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoC = "Lisa says she’s from Paris and April says South Africa. They met online through their Simclasses.">>
<<set $convoD = "<girls>“There’s an in-pool bar nearby, it’s alright but they don’t have any real top shelf booze. A club too, up the way.”</girls>">>
<<set $convoE = "April rolls her eyes at the question. Lisa gets a wicked smile and whispers, <girls>“World Domination.”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtCompliment = "Victor compliments the girls on being pretty chill and down to earth — despite having the money for cruises and Simspace classes.">>
<<set $flirtTouch = "You both sit down next to them, a little closer than usual, and lean in during the conversation, touching shoulders. They keep contact and are soon leaning on each other. Lights green, you wrap an arm around her. Victor follows suit, and soon you all are practically spooning.">>
<<set $flirtTease = "Victor teases the girls about their obvious high class and how they’re probably too stuck up to hang with a couple peasants like you. Victor gives you a wink and knowing smile.">>
<<set $flirtHangSand = "You all just hang around on your towels talking. The girls going on and on about the countries they’ve visited and what the hottest new designer brands are. Rich people stuff. You’re bored to death, but Victor seems to enjoy the conversation.">>
<<set $flirtFrisbee = "April initially scoffs at the idea, but Lisa drags her into it. They’ve never really played before, and don’t know the rules, so it somehow turns into a tackle version of frisbee. You end up on the ground with Lisa on top of you, so you’re definitely a fan of these new rules.">>
<<set $flirtSwim = "You all go for a swim...kind of. They refuse to go any further than thigh deep, don’t want to get their designer suits wet. You come to a compromise and you and Victor carry them out deeper on your shoulders. Lisa thanks you for the ride, but you’re actually struggling with the weight — and how much higher the water seems than yesterday. Is the tide coming in?">>
<<set $dateResponse = "April stays aloof, saying they might go to the club later. Lisa gives you both a wink and says, <girls>“see you there.”</girls>">>
<<set $flirtWindowShop = "You all wander around the small market for a while, the girls constantly complaining about how few designer brands there are. Though they still end up buying hundreds of dollars worth of goods and have it all sent back to their rooms. The highlight of the walk is helping April pick out a new belly button ring, and spending time caressing her tanned and toned tummy — to check for the “feel of it” or whatever. She has a really nice, smooth tummy.">>
<<set $flirtIceCream = "You suggest going for ice cream. The girls complain that it’s too high calorie for them, but they get some frozen yogurt and enjoy the time.">>
<<set $flirtDrinks = "You offer to buy the girls drinks. They both go for top-shelf champagne sangrias. Classy! Good thing Victor’s rich.">>
<<set $flirtShots = "As a waitress passes by, you interrupt the conversation and yell out, <mn>“SHOTS”</mn>.<br><br>You all pour them down and slam the glasses. The girls are beaming now, and Lisa is getting pretty touchy, the party is really getting going for them.">>
<<set $flirtDance = "Victor leads the girls on to the dance floor. They both move in sexy, well practiced turns and shakes that make deadly use of their long, lithe bodies. A lifetime of parties has definitely paid off for them.">>
<<set $flirtGrind = "You lead in close to them and start grinding. The way Lisa turns and grinds is driving you crazy. You feel like a snake charmer moving with a cobra. The devilish, hungry look in her eye does nothing to dispel the notion.">>
<<set $homeResponse = "After a while, the girls head off to the bathroom for a few minutes. They come back, hair brushed, makeup retouched, and sit down on either side of you and Victor. You start to say some witty comment when Lisa grabs your neck and pulls you into a deep kiss. After her tongue has thoroughly introduced itself to yours, she pulls back and says, <girls>“Let’s go, stud.”</girls> You and Victor don’t need to be told twice.">>
<<set $girlboobs = "absolutely perfect, bouncy b-cups">>
<<set $girlImage = '<img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/girls3.jpg" />'>>
<<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_4">><</link>><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<case towels>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK TOWELS ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_2">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepTowelsDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
<<case sand>>
/* ========= SANDFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.sandFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "sandGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $sandGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $sandGirls>>
<<set $sandFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case shops>>
/* ======== SHOP ======== */
<<link "Try on a new swimsuit at the shop." "swimsuit">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $swimsuit = true>>
<<set $currentSuit = $clothesWorn>>
/* ======== SALON ======== */
<<link "Change your hair at the salon." "salon">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $salon = true>>
<<set $orHairLength = $hairLength>>
<<set $orHairColor = $hairColor>>
<<set $orHairAction = $hairAction>>
/* ========= SHOPFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.shopFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "shopGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $shopGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $shopGirls>>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
<<case bar>>
/* ========= BARFLIRT ======== */
<<if $actionDone.barFlirt < 1>>
<<link "Find some girls to flirt with." "barGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $girlDraw.pluck()>>
<<set $barGirl = $beachGirls>>
<<set $return = $shopGirls>>
<<set $shopFlirt = true>>
<<set $interest = 0>>
<<set $bored = 0>>
<<set $girlIntro = true>>
<span class="probability"> (special)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Flirt - You’ve already done this]</span>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BAR ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBarDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_2">>
<<set $deepBarDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBarDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<<case club>>
/* ======== CLUBFLIRT ======== */
<<if $sandFlirtSuccess or $shopFlirtSuccess or $barFlirtSuccess == true>>
<br>Some of the girls you met earlier are here:<br>
<<if $sandFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $sandFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $sandGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "sand">>
<<if $shopFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $shopFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $shopGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "shop">>
<<if $barFlirtSuccess == true>>
<<link "Talk to $barFlirtNames" "clubGirls">>
<<set $beachGirls = $barGirl>>
<<set $currentGirls = "bar">>
<<case bungalow>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BUNGALOW ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBungalowDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_2">>
<<set $deepBungalowDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBungalowDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<<case default>>
<</switch>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<html><style>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $daysLeft -= 1>>
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
You open your eyes, but only darkness greets you. You’re floating weightless in an infinity of nothingness.<br><br>
You should be scared, lost in an inky black, but you’re not. You’re not sure why, but it seems familiar, as if you’ve had this dream before.<br><br>
Some feeling and memory slowly trickles back, along with a series of glowing letters appearing in front of you. Your body, something was wrong with your body.<br><br>
You feel yourself up and down, looking for anything that seems out of place, painful, or broken. Everything seems fine...if a little...squishy? Like your own body feels alien to you. There’s some part of your mind that’s telling you something is wrong, but you can’t fully realize what it is.<br><br>
The letters in front of you pulse, demanding your attention. You turn to look at them.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "start_5b">><<set $return = "start_5">><</link>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $rel + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $rel + $boost>>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><</if>>
<<switch $deepState>>
<<case 1>>
/* ======================== Passage 1 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off, changing the subject. <span class="victor">“Sorry, not your problem. So what you want to do next?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So are you here with any friends, family?”</span><br><br>
He gets a little quiet, and looks off over the ocean, <span class="victor">“no, just by myself.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Nice! Nobody to bother you and plenty of opportunities.”</span><br><br>
He keeps looking out at the water, <span class="victor">“Yeah I guess so. Kind of bored to be honest, not much to do but sit on the beach.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“What are you talking about? There’s tons to do, games, water, shopping…maybe even find a hottie with no plans.”</span><br><br>
He laughs, <span class="victor">“Sure, but after the first hundred or so...”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Speak for yourself, I’m still trying for my first catch. But I only just got here. How long are you around for?”</span><br><br>
He pauses a minute… <span class="victor">“I’m not really sure.” Then looks away into the distance with a slightly worried look.”</span><br><br>
You furrow your brow, <span class="main">“What do you mean?”</span><br><br>
He keeps looking into the distance. <span class="victor">“I’m not really sure when I can go back home...”</span> he says, seemingly more to himself than to you.
<<case 2>>
/* ======================== Passage 2 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off. <span class="victor">“It’s not like that, it’s…I don’t know. Can we do something else?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“You mentioned before that you weren’t sure you’d be able to go back home, what did you mean by that?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
He shakes his head, <span class="victor">“Sorry, it’s not your problem.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Maybe not, but it might be yours, and maybe I can help. So which law enforcement agency is after you?”</span><br><br>
He gives a half laugh at the joke, <span class="victor">“it’s not that, it’s my family, my dad really.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Did they kick you out?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No! Not like that, they know I’m here, bought the tickets, but they think I’m just on vacation.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“If you’re not on vacation, what are you doing hanging out on a beach?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It is a vacation…kind of, I’m just trying to decide whether to go back to them or to…you know, not.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“You’re thinking of running off, aren’t you?”</span>
<<case 3>>
/* ======================== Passage 3 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
<span class="victor">“I just want… I want to think about anything besides this right now.”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So have you decided to run away from your family yet?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It’s not running off, it’s…”</span> you give him time to think, but he eventually exhales in defeat.
<span class="victor">“…yeah, running off. And no, I haven’t decided yet. Is that crazy?”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“I guess it depends what you’re running from.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Well, it’s my dad…”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Does he mistreat your or something?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No, it’s not like that! He…um…runs a pretty big company, and he wants to keep it in the family.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“And that’s not what you want in life?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Ha! What I want doesn’t matter. It’s not like I actually want to be running away from my family.”</span> He says getting riled up.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So what do you want?”</span>
<<case 4>>
/* ======================== Passage 4 ======================== */
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><br><</if>>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So you never told me why you were thinking of running away.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“I want to make them all proud of me as a son, I want to make the family business strong.”</span> he’s getting pretty emotional, squeezing his hands tightly into fists.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Isn’t that what your family wants too?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Exactly! That’s the problem.”</span> He’s starting get upset, <span class="victor">“my father doesn’t think I’m ready, he doesn’t think I’d be able to run the business.”</span><br><br>
This is not the Victor you’ve read about, a strong, confident leader, a chill and smooth playboy. Maybe he hasn’t found himself yet. You try consoling him, <span class="main">“So maybe you could go back and convince him?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No, that’s the worst part. He’s right.”</span> You can almost see tears forming in his eyes.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“I can’t even give a speech in front of a dozen employees without turning into a rambling mess. How am I supposed to manage the fate of a few thousand. How can I convince a board of our 5-year plan, when I can’t even stay happy with the same girl for 5 days?”</span><br><br>
You think about it for awhile, Victor sitting in silence beside you. <span class="main">“Maybe that’s a good first step then.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“What is?”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Try to keep a girl for more than 5 days. Spend a week making someone else happy and you might find ways to keep yourself that way.”</span><br><br>
You clap him on the back, <span class="main">“Of course, first you’ll need a girl.”</span><br><br>
Victor looks at you and nods, a new look of determination and hope in his eyes.
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
/* ============CONTINUE OPTION============= */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $deepFail != true>> /*check to disable for fail*/
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep_2">>
<<set $relMod += 2>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $deepState += 1>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep_2">>
<<set $deepFail = true>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<span class="disabled">[Push more - Victor doesn’t feel like talking about this now.]</span>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = 2>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = 2>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
/* Display if complete */
<br><<link "Continue." $return>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
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#ui-bar {display: none;}
#story {margin: 0 auto !important;background:transparent;}
.optionBox {width: 90%;border: 3px solid #065aa3;padding: 20px;border-radius: 20px;margin: 0 auto;background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);}
.optionBox h3 {margin: 0;}
.optionBox span a {margin-left: 25px;position: relative;line-height: 2;}
.optionBox span a:before {content: "";width: 18px;height: 18px;position: absolute;border: 2px solid #065aa3;left: -29px;top: 0;}
.selectedOption {position:relative;}
.selectedOption:after {content: "✔";position: absolute;left: -2px;color: #2dad8b;font-size: 30px;top: -19px;}
#backButton a {display: block;width: 97%;background: #065aa3;margin: 30px auto 0 auto;padding: 5px;border-radius: 15px;color: #fff;text-align: center;font-size: 24px;font-weight: bold;transition:background 0.5s;box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);}
#backButton a:hover {background:#2dad8b;}
<video poster="beach_img/default-bg.jpg" src="beach_img/beach_vid.mp4" type="video/mp4" id="bgvid" playsinline autoplay muted loop playsinline></video>
<div id="diffOptions" class="optionBox">
The amount of days you have to complete your mission. Only minorly affects gameplay.<br>
<span id="easyDiff">
<<click "Easy - Unlimited Time">>
<<run $('#diffOptions span').removeClass('selectedOption');>>
<<run $('#easyDiff').addClass('selectedOption');>>
<<set $daysLeft = 10000>>
<span id="normalDiff" class="selectedOption">
<<click "Normal - 12 days/cycles">>
<<run $('#diffOptions span').removeClass('selectedOption');>>
<<run $('#normalDiff').addClass('selectedOption');>>
<<set $daysLeft = 13>>
<span id="hardDiff">
<<click "Hard - 8 days/cycles">>
<<run $('#diffOptions span').removeClass('selectedOption');>>
<<run $('#hardDiff').addClass('selectedOption');>>
<<set $daysLeft = 9>>
<div id="imgOption" class="optionBox">
<h3>SFW Images</h3>
This option will hide or replace NSFW images with SFW ones.<br>
<span id="imagesSFW" class="selectedOption">
<<click "SFW Images">>
<<run $('#imgOption span').removeClass('selectedOption');>>
<<run $('#imagesSFW').addClass('selectedOption');>>
<<set $imageOn = false>>
<span id="imagesNSFW">
<<click "NSFW Images">>
<<run $('#imgOption span').removeClass('selectedOption');>>
<<run $('#imagesNSFW').addClass('selectedOption');>>
<<set $imageOn = true>>
<div id="navOptions" class="optionBox">
Game is designed with the back/forward buttons disabled. Turning them on allow you to go back/forward, including redoing rolls. Kind of a soft cheat.<br>
<span id="navigationOff" class="selectedOption">
<<click "Turn Nav Off">>
<<set $navOn = false>>
<<run $('#ui-bar-history').addClass('noNav');>>
<<run $('#navOptions span').removeClass('selectedOption');>>
<<run $('#navigationOff').addClass('selectedOption');>>
<span id="navigationOn">
<<click "Turn Nav On">>
<<set $navOn = true>>
<<run $('#ui-bar-history').removeClass('noNav');>>
<<run $('#navOptions span').removeClass('selectedOption');>>
<<run $('#navigationOn').addClass('selectedOption');>>
<span id="backButton">
<<link "Back" "Title Page">><</link>>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<</silently>>You look at the spaghetti of wires running between the dream-diving machines and Victor.
"Dream diving" technology blows your mind every time you think about it. It works by pulling elements of real memories from users to construct a virtual world, which the users can explore and experience to recall their old memories. Originally it was designed as a way to relive old experiences. Of course, when people recall a memory, we don’t actually recall the event, we simply recall our last memory of the event – which is why memories blur and fade over time. Soon people realized that reliving these virtual memories ended up overwriting the real memory, and whole cottage industry of memory manipulation appeared. Some memory manipulation was legit, for therapy and the like...most was not - cheating couples, politicians, and corporate espionage etc.
Of course, nobody likes other people messing in their heads so it didn’t take long for the practice to become illegal. If you get caught, you’re looking at 10 years easy. And in your case, if you’re caught dream diving one of the richest men in the world, well, you probably don’t make it to the sentencing. But if you’re good enough, the chance to insert yourself as his right hand man makes it worth the risk. That’s why you’re on this job: you’ve got the perfect mix of skills and an appropriate disregard for both the law and personal safety.
Victor Tsai runs one of the largest corporations in the world. He’s worth over a trillion via his various holdings. Whole countries can go into recession if he sneezes wrong. That’s why your sponsors want a way to whisper in his ear, a close friend who he turns to for financial decisions. Victor’s famously a loner playboy, but after your dive, you’ll be his best bud. Able to sway his decisions. The playboy lifestyle doesn’t sound too bad either.
After exhaustive research, you’ve targeted a specific memory, a formative experience he described in his biography. Terrified of the responsibility of running his company, he ran away from home to a tropical island (sheesh, rich kids) where he did some soul searching, took some chances, lost his virginity, and came to terms with himself. Your plan is to take on the roll of a dear friend on the island with him, who helps him turn his life around and face his future.
You will run a simulation of a single day from his memory. The simulation will rerun the same day several times, each time your familiarity and influence growing. He should come to view you as a close friend after 3 or 4 runs. Then it’s all riches and bitches from there on out!
<<link "Back" "IntroLoc">><</link>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/hut_2-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are in the beach hut, an area for changing, showering and cooling off.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to the beach-hut.">>
<<set $actionA = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case towels>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/towels_4.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are chilling on your beach towels, watching the waves roll in.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to your towels for a sit.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalk",
link: "Just gossip for a bit.",
target: "action",
passage: "You two just sit and talk for awhile.",
fail: "Victor seems like he’s not really paying attention.",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You tease and joke with each other, though most of the teasing comes from him. You still giggle along and give him a light swat for his negs.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. You can tell he’s not into it, but he’s such a sweetie to listen to you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You guys talk about the good times you’ve had back in the day, old boyfriends and girlfriends.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest people on the beach are.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest people on the beach are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with cute swimsuits that flatter their bodies. <span class='main'>“It’s the presentation,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that goes into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes, not to mention the hard work that goes into maintaining a beach body. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You cross your arms over your stomach with a resigned sign. Boys are so predictable.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Give Victor a massage.",
result: "Victor looks really tense, he could probably use a good massage. You sit behind him and start rubbing the strong muscles in his shoulders. You can feel the tension melting away. The downside is that your own tension is rising, as you find yourself really enjoying feeling his muscles. They are nice, so strong and...let’s do something else.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Put your head on his shoulder.",
result: "While you’re talking, you nonchalantly lean over sideways and rest your head on Victor’s shoulder. You enjoy the feeling of closeness and the warmth warmth of his body on your cheek. He tenses up at first, but after a few minutes relaxes and seems to enjoy the feelings too.",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "People Watch",
value: "peopleWatch",
link: "Do some people watching.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor nudges you and points out some beach goers nearby for a bit of people watching.",
fail: "Victor laughs at your enthusiasm, saying he didn’t realize you were so “catty”. You’re not catty. Are you?",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the chicks.",
result: "You cross your arms under your breasts with a resigned sign. Of course he went straight for the women. Boys are so predictable!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Make fun of people.",
result: "Victor makes a few jokes about “land whales” while you point out the obvious sluts being obvious. <span class='main'>“Look at their suits! They’re practically begging for…”</span> you trail off as you catch Victor giving you a wry smirk. <span class='main'>“SHUT UP!”</span> you swat him on the arm while he laughs.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Speculate on other people, jobs, relationships, what they look like naked, etc.",
result: "It starts with everybody, but it eventually devolves into pointing out which people you think would be best in bed. You find yourself getting jealous of the girls Victor points out. They’re all just bimbos anyway.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Play “would you”.",
result: "You play “would you”. A game where you choose a person and debate over whether you’d be willing to take them home for the night. You get some laughs going down the hotness scale, trying to find each other’s minimum. You say no to pretty much every guy Victor points out (he’s got bad taste), and he says you’re too “prissy”. You angrily defend yourself against his teasing. You’re not prissy, you just want someone special!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Tan",
value: "tan",
link: "Get a tan.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor takes off his shirt and throws it to the side, announcing it’s time to get a tan.",
fail: "It’s no more than a few minutes before you feel yourself getting a burn.<br><br><mn>“Let’s do something else,”</mn> you suggest, to a grumble of disappointment from Victor.",
optionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Tan your front.",
result: "You slip on a little sun cream and lay on your back, letting the warm sun work its magic on your skin. You happen to glance over a few minutes later and notice Victor checking out your boobs. He looks away nonchalantly, causing you to smile. That’s sooo cute!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Tan your back.",
result: "You slip on a little sun cream and lay on your front, letting the warm sun work its magic on your skin. You happen to glance over a few minutes later and notice Victor checking out your butt. He looks away nonchalantly, causing you to smile. That’s sooo cute!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back.",
result: "You lay down and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back. You give a short yelp as the cold lotion spurts onto your back, followed by a long coo of relaxation as he works the lotion in. You enjoy the feeling of his strong hands running up and down your smooth back. He even gets up the courage and wanders south, all the way to the hem of your bottoms. You don’t try to dissuade him at all, but tense up a little in nervousness (and a little excitement). He feels this and returns to your back. What a gentleman!",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Rub lotion on Victor’s back.",
result: "Victor lays down on the towel, face down. You glance down and spend a moment admiring his broad shoulders and muscular back. Maybe a few moments, because he pipes up with a <victor>“you can touch too if you spread on some suncream.”</victor> You turn red as a strawberry, but nod shyly as you grab the bottle of sun cream. You squirt out a healthy dollop in your palm and begin to work the cream onto his back. His olive skin is warm and taught over his muscles. You trace their contours as you spread the lotion, really getting into the work. Victor sighs out an approval of your impromptu massage, though you’re pretty sure you got more enjoyment — if the rock-hard nips pointing out of your suit are a reliable measure anyway.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case sand>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/sand-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are hanging out on the beach, walking through the warm sand.">>
<<set $locMove = "You hop across the hot sand to the beach.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Walk",
value: "walk",
link: "Take a stroll along the beach.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor stands up, dusting himself off and suggests that you both take a walk down the beach.",
fail: "You walk alongside him, but aren’t able to get a good conversation going.",
optionA: {
link: "Head down to the rocky area to relax.",
result: "You head down to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach. You both climb over a few boulders to get to the best area, but you slip on a wet patch, and start to tumble. You let out a squeak and close your eyes, this is going to hurt!<br><br>Then you stop. Your eyes dart open in surprise, to see Victor’s big brown eyes right above yours. His strong arms holding you where he caught you.<br><br><span class='victor'>“Are you ok?”</span> He asks in a soft voice.<br><br><span class='main'>“Yeah,”</span> you sigh. Still light headed from the fall, you feel like you could easily faint away now in bliss. You decide to hold his arm the rest of the way.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: {
link: "Just walk for a bit, talking and enjoying the company.",
result: "You just walk through the sand for a bit, talking about some of Victor’s travels, he’s been to so many places. You enjoy his company so much, you can’t help yourself but to grab his arm while you walk. He smiles down at you, causing you to blush.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Glare at some girls.",
result: "You catch a couple of girls looking your way, or Victor’s more precisely. Obviously sluts, you grab Victor’s arm as if you needed help with the balance, pulling his attention away. You give them a strong glare over your shoulder for good measure as you tow Victor away.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Hold Victor’s hand.",
result: "While strolling through the sand, your hands bump a few times. Pretty easy to read the signals, so you grab his hand. He squeezes gently with his much larger hand and you both enjoy your stroll holding each other tenderly.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Frisbee",
value: "frisbee",
link: "Play some frisbee.",
target: "action",
passage: "You grab a handy frisbee disc to toss back and forth.",
fail: "Victor throws with a little too much power, forcing you to dive. You land hard in the sand, right on your boobs! You yelp in pain, and decide to take a break, rubbing your tender tits, you are not amused when Victor offers to help. Well, ok, maybe a little amused...",
optionA: {
link: "Throw and catch goofily, making fools of yourselves.",
result: "You do a bunch of silly throws together, laughing the whole time. You miss more throws than you catch, though. Constantly being distracted and thrown off balance by the unfamiliar jiggling in your chest and ass. It’s weird, have your boobs gotten bigger?",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Throw hard, make him run to catch it.",
result: "You throw as hard as you can, but it’s not quite the rocket you imagined. He’s able to catch it without a problem. His return volley however really makes you have to hustle to get it. Your chest jostles wildly as you run, finally having to jump to catch it. You nail the catch though, landing hard on the sand. Thankfully your squishy butt takes a lot of the impact. What’s with all the bouncing though? Have your boobs gotten bigger? You glance down and there does seem to be a little more bulging in your suit than you remember.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Toss is to him, make it easy to catch.",
result: "He catches it with easy, tossing it back to you. You actually have to run a little, barely catching it. You catch Victor eyeing your chest, but you admit, it does feel bouncier than you remember. Have your boobs gotten bigger?",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to show you how to throw. He smiles slyly, then goes around behind you to help. He guides your arm, showing you how to spin your wrist and do a proper toss. You feel so nice and safe in his arms, even a little tingly. You suddenly feel a new sensation, your ass pushing itself up against Victor. You’re not sure what happened, neither of you moved, it’s like your ass suddenly grew out to meet him. He doesn’t seem disappointed though, holding you even tighter.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to help. He gets a bit of a cocky smile and proceeds to stand behind you and show you how to throw. He’s such a great guy, so willing to help, so gentle in teaching you. Not to mention those muscles. Not huge, but still much larger than your arms and…<victor>“Are you ok?”</victor> Victor’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. Apparently you were absentmindedly stroking his bicep. Whoopsies!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Volleyball",
value: "volleyball",
link: "Play volleyball together.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor sees a volleyball net just opening up, and suggests you go for a game. But just as you arrive, two huge, gorilla-sized guys approach. They get right up into the net and demand that you get off their turf. They tower over you, with biceps larger than your entire arm. You’re petrified, but Victor is amazingly holding his cool. You try to put on a tough face too, but end up looking pouty. Worst of all, as he talks, the musclehead’s eyes slide over your body in a sickening leer.",
fail: "You try to stand up to the closer guy, but he cuts you off.<br><br><npc>”Why don’t you fuck off, bitch, and let the boys talk?”</npc> He punctuates it by holding out a meaty hand the size of your entire face, blocking your view.<br><br>Your eyes go wide with surprise and anger, you stamp your foot (causing jiggles in various places), and move to shove his arm out of the way. It’s like trying to push a building — hard as you push, his arm doesn’t budge at all. Victor moves to defend you but gets a punch in the gut, sending him down.<br><br>You can tell this won’t end in your favor, and grab Victor’s hand to help him up and lead him off the court. “The wuss and his bitch” being laughed at the whole way by the muscle-heads.",
optionA: {
link: "Reason with them.",
result: "Victor goes the adult route and convinces them there was no harm intended, everybody should just go their own way. It must be his natural charm or something, but it works and you leave the volleyball court without a fight. You’re amazed at Victor, so confident and sexy! You give him a spontaneous hug after for dealing with it so maturely.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Placate them with an apology.",
result: "You apologize to them and ask they please let you go in peace, you’re not that well practiced, but you put on your cutest smile and puppy dog eyes. They mock Victor for having his “scrawny bitch” do the talking for him, but you get away without a fight. Victor thanks you for taking the heat but says he could have handled it. You‘re still upset he called you “scrawny”!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Stand up to them.",
result: "Victor doesn’t back down, calling the two lummoxes out on their “turf” bullshit. For a moment it looks like a fight will break out, some passersby starting to gather and watch. Victor is amazing though, never even blinking. His gaze eventually withers them, and they leave without a fight. You’re amazed at Victor, so confident and sexy! You give him a spontaneous hug after for dealing with it so strongly!",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Use your womanly charms.",
result: "You catch the closer of the two glancing at your chest, and it gives you an idea. <span class='main'>”Hey big guy,”</span> you purr in your sexiest voice. <span class='main'>“We’re really sorry for the trouble.”</span> You twist your toes in the sand while swaying, and clasp your arms in front of you. It’s totally unintentional, but this makes your boobs bulge out of your top, causing the guys’ eyes to go wide. You feel pretty proud, slutty, and a little embarrassed all at once, but it works and they agree to give up the court for “such a pretty lady”. Victor even seems jealous! That’s so cute!",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make fun of them.",
result: "You and Victor humiliate the dudebros with a few quick jibes. They back down when you start making tiny dick jokes. You and Victor share a high five and get to the game.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case water>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/water-4.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are bobbing gently on the waves.">>
<<set $locMove = "You wade out into the softly rolling ocean, to about waist-deep.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Float",
value: "float",
link: "Float on the waves for awhile.",
target: "action",
passage: "You lay back and let the ocean carry you, bobbing along with slowly rocking waves.",
fail: "You both float, but rather than an enjoyable silence, it seems awkward. Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Splash Victor.",
result: "You wait for a vulnerable moment and splash him with a shower of water. He immediately gets you back with a laugh and splash of his own. You get soaked, giggling the whole time.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dive down and look at the fish.",
result: "You both dive down, but as you’re coming back up, the water pulls down your top! You manage to grab the top, but not without giving Victor and the whole beach a show. Victor seems to find the whole episode hilarious. Jerk, lol.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just float.",
result: "You and Victor just float along, enjoying the motion of the ocean. Utterly relaxed, you let out a long sigh of contented bliss. The water feels amazing against your sensitive skin, especially in contrast to the warm sun. Though the coolness has definitely got your high-beams turned on and poking through your top.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dunk Victor.",
result: "After a few splashes and roughhousing you get in a dunking contest. He’s able to push your dunk aside with his greater strength, but when he tries to dunk you, You’re able to climb onto his back and hang there, giggling the whole time.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Race",
value: "race",
link: "Have a swimming race.",
target: "action",
passage: "After floating for a little while, Victor suggests having a friendly swimming race.",
fail: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away. When you finally reach him, you’re sputtering and grumpy. He apologizes for not playing fair.",
optionA: {
link: "Try your best!",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but magnanimously compliments you on how well you did. You smile and blush, he always knows how to make you feel special.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but compliments you on how well you swam despite your little toothpick arms and legs. You turn red and give him a shoulder punch while he laughs at your reaction.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Swim all out.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but magnanimously compliments you on how well you did. You smile and blush, he always knows how to make you feel special.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him win, and congratulate him afterwards.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>He just blows you away. It’s like he’s half dolphin! When you finally catch up, you let him know how amazed you are at his strength and speed, giving his biceps a squeeze for good measure. For his part, Victor grins from ear to ear and eats the praise right up.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case shops>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/shops_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are strolling along a tiny mall with shops selling souvenirs, beach accessories and swimwear.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the small shopping area.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Hang Out",
value: "hangOut",
link: "Hang out around the shops.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to just hang out like a couple of mall rats around the shops.",
fail: "You wander around the shops for a bit, enjoying seeing all the different souvenirs, trinkets and cute outfits for sale. Victor looks a bit bored but puts up with it.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the other shoppers.",
result: "You catch Victor eyeing another girl, and while you’re about to give him shit, you notice she has the cutest blue boy shorts with lace around the fringe. Your ass would look great in that!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: {
link: "Just walk around.",
result: "You stroll around a bit aimlessly, looking at a few new suits and pairs of sandals. Victor looks a bit bored but puts up with it.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Hold Victor’s hand.",
result: "While strolling through the shops, your hands bump a few times. Pretty easy to read the signals, so you grab his hand. He squeezes gently with his much larger hand and you both enjoy your stroll holding each other tenderly.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Glare at some girls.",
result: "You pass by a small group of girls and notice them checking out Victor and giggling. You shoot them a look that could melt steel, causing them to look away. Take that, sluts.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case arcade>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/arcade_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "The small arcade in the shopping center. There are a few people here, enjoying games — and a good mix of old and new titles to try out.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head into the game arcade.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Road Puncher",
value: "roadPuncher",
link: "Play a round of the Road Puncher fighting game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You challenge Victor to a round of the Road Puncher fighting game. You were never that into games, but you know a few moves. Your best character is Kammi, a super spy with a great ass — you always joke that she reminds you of yourself.",
fail: "Victor blows you away in about 10 seconds flat. Bit of a waste of a quarter.",
optionA: {
link: "Button mash!",
result: "You mash those buttons like your life depended on it! You actually feel quite a bit of jostling in your chest from the effort. Thankfully, when you stand back up, Victor is laughing at your “play style” too much to notice your nipples at attention again after all the bouncing.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You play your best character, but it’s not much of a contest in the end. Victor wins easily, but enjoys giving you some advice on how to do the more advanced moves. You smile appreciatively, blushing again for what seems to be the hundredth time today.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "Not much to this, even if you tried your hardest, you’d still probably lose. Victor wins easily, but enjoys giving you some advice on how to do the more advanced moves. You smile appreciatively, blushing again for what seems to be the hundredth time today.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Choose the big-boobed, eye-candy character.",
result: "You choose Lisa, one of the most challenging characters in the game. She’s pretty weak and off-balance, mostly due to her enormous endowments which bounce all over the screen. You hope it will distract Victor and give you an edge, or at least give you an excuse for losing. God, how does she even move with those things! Totally unrealistic and simply too big to be practical.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "Distract Victor!",
result: "The game starts as usual, Victor kicking your butt all over the screen. You keep blocking, waiting for an opportune moment, then quickly pull down out your top giving a peek inside! Victor’s eyes bulge out as your $boobsLong momentarily flash before his eyes, giving you enough time to pull off a super move and get the win. Afterwards he calls you a dirty cheater, but that you can cheat like that any time.",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go, instead standing to the side and cheering him on. You get really into it, cheering him on as he plays, and even jumping up and down excitedly when he pulls off the win!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Purikura",
value: "purikura",
link: "Try one of those purikura photobooths.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try out one of those purikura photobooths, to take some pictures and make some memories.",
fail: "Victor says he doesn’t really like taking photos of himself. Never likes how they turn out.",
optionA: {
link: "Friends Pose.",
result: "You put an arm over each other’s shoulder, Victor gives a thumbs up and you flash a peace sign. You two look like best friends, or a great couple. You’re surprised at your feelings, but find yourself hoping for the latter.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Silly pose.",
result: "You do a few silly poses. Victor even pretends to grope your tits. You play along and thrust them out, a bit too much though and he actually gets a handful. The camera caught both your reactions, including your nips tenting the top excitedly. Victor asks to keep this photo.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Cute pose.",
result: "You touch your finger to your lips and pucker up in a duck face pose. Not the kind of pose you’d usually go for, you’ve never had the confidence — or puffy enough lips — to pull it off. But when the pics come out, you’re surprised at how cute you look. Seems the beach is doing you well, because you, girl, are getting to be a real hottie!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Flexing muscle pose!",
result: "Victor does a flexing muscle pose, you start to do a flex of your own, but you don’t really have anything to work with. Spur of the moment, you decide to go with something silly, and hang off of Victor’s arm with an impressed look. Feeling his hard muscle, you don’t have to feign being impressed.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "Flexing sexy pose!",
result: "Victor does a flexing muscle pose, showing off his hard arms and nice biceps. You don’t really have arms to show off, so you decide to flex your other assets, clasping your arms and squeezing your boobs together. The top is really flattering because they bulge out and make better cleavage than you thought was possible. Lol, the camera even catches Victor stealing a glance!",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Duck lips.",
result: "You touch your finger to your lips and pucker up in a duck face pose. Not the kind of pose you’d usually go for, but it gets a laugh from Victor. You giggle as well, but are actually surprised that you look really “cute” in the pictures. This booth must have some of those beautification filters, your lips look so huge and soft! You run your tongue over them unconsciously and shiver at the tingle it sends dancing through you.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Motorcycle game",
value: "motorcycleGame",
link: "Try the motorcycle racing game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You go to try out a motorcycle racing game — this one has plastic bikes attached to the game that you can sit on and steer to race.",
fail: "Victor says racing games are not really his thing.",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: {
link: "Let Victor win.",
result: "You both hop on the big fake bikes for a race. It’s really heavy, but you think you’ll manage. You race Victor with the intention to let him win, but it turns out you didn’t have any chance. You both take off from the start line in a shot, but the bike simulates a ride and vibrates wildly beneath you and it feels really good. You have to bite your lip and it’s everything you can do to stay on the track until the finish.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You both hop on the big fake bikes for a race. It’s really heavy, but you think you’ll manage. You both take off from the start line in a shot, but the bike simulates a ride and vibrates wildly beneath you and it feels really good. You have to bite your lip and it’s everything you can do to stay on the track until the finish.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him play, cheer him on.",
result: "There’s only one bike open on the game, so you let Victor go ahead. You stand on the side and egg him on though — you’re like a natural born cheerleader, even jumping up and down excitedly when he wins. Of course Victor is beaming with pride after this.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "Claw Catcher",
value: "clawCatcher",
link: "Play the claw catcher game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You both decide to try some of the claw catcher games to waste a little time and a lot of money.",
fail: "These claw catcher machines are hard! No luck today.",
optionA: {
link: "Get a keychain souvenir for Victor.",
result: "You pull out a little sandal-shaped keychain from one of the machines. It’s very small and cheap, but he makes a big deal about how much he likes it, and attaches it to the side of his swimsuit. You smile a little, blushing over how big a deal he’s making for you.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Fail at getting any prizes, but have fun doing it.",
result: "These claw catcher things are hard! But you both have fun trying, and even more fun bitching about these stupid, cheating machines afterwards.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Get keychain souvenirs for each other.",
result: "You pull out a little sandal-shaped keychain from one of the machines. It’s very small and cheap, but he makes a big deal about how much he likes it, and attaches it to the side of his swimsuit. You smile a little, blushing over how big a deal he’s making for you. You expect him to do the same for you, but he actually moves to another machine full of adorable stuffed animals, and proceeds to pull out a big fuzzy teddy bear. When he hands it over, you hug its softness against your chest and are almost moved to tears by how sweet he is!",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Ask Victor to get something for you.",
result: "You expect him to just get one of the cheap souvenir key chains, but he actually moves to another machine full of adorable stuffed animals, and proceeds to pull out a big fuzzy teddy bear. When he hands it over, you hug its softness against your chest and are almost moved to tears by how sweet he is!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case court>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/court_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are at the beach-side food court.">>
<<set $locMove = "Tummies rumbling, you go to the local food court.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Lunch",
value: "lunch",
link: "Get some lunch.",
target: "action",
passage: "Lots of different stalls and food, what would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor doesn’t feel like eating right now.",
optionA: {
link: "A big ol' delicious burger grilled to perfection and covered with cheese.",
result: "You enjoy a big juicy cheeseburger. It’s so large you’re only able to eat about half. You feel heavy and tired afterwards, but very, very satisfied.",
target: "result3",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Get a salad - A nice, healthy option.",
result: "You enjoy a nice green salad with slices of spiced chicken on top. No way you’re going to spoil your beach body this early into vacation.",
target: "result3",
type: 2,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Get a pink, whipped berry smoothie",
result: "Sweet but still mostly healthy, and super cute to boot. You make sure to get a selfie of yourself drinking it.",
target: "result3",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Get a corndog.",
result: "Big, juicy hotdog wrapped in cornbread and fried. Unhealthy, but you can cheat once in a while. You always liked eating the cornbread first. But when you’re nearly done, and have the whole hotdog in your mouth, you catch Victor giving you a sly look.<br><br><victor>”Enjoying yourself? I’m sure the hot dog is”</victor> He taunts with a lift of his eyebrows.<br><br>You pull the hot dog out of your mouth with quickly, turning bright red in the process. <mn>“oh my god! You are such a pervert!”</mn>",
target: "result3",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkCourt",
link: "Just gossip for a bit.",
target: "action",
passage: "You two just sit and talk for awhile.",
fail: "Victor seems like he’s not really paying attention.",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You tease and joke with each other, though most of the teasing comes from him. You still giggle along and give him a light swat for his negs.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. You can tell he’s not into it, but he’s such a sweetie to listen to you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You guys talk about the good times you’ve had back in the day, old boyfriends and girlfriends.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest people in the food court are.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest people in the food court are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with cute swimsuits that flatter their bodies. <span class='main'>“It’s the presentation,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that goes into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes, not to mention the hard work that goes into maintaining a beach body. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You cross your arms over your stomach with a resigned sign. Boys are so predictable.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Steal his fries.",
result: "You and Victor gab for a while on a bunch of random topics. You catch his eyes occasionally drifting south towards your chest. He’s definitely attracted to you, you decide to try and see how far your boobs can get you with him. You lean forward, meeting his eyes with a mischievous smile and grab one of the fries off his plate. He opens his mouth to say something, but you lean back and allow your breasts to settle on top of your arm resting on the table. This makes them bulge up and out deliciously. You look down at the girls with satisfaction, then back up at Victor, keeping you’re sly smile the whole time. He eventually is able to look back up at your eyes and says, <span class='victor'>“Uh, would you like some more fries?”</span>",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case luau>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/luau_2.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "There’s a long buffet of amazing looking food, and a troupe of dancers jumping and spinning on stage to the beating of drums.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the Luau restaurant, with Victor it’s easy to get a table.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dinner",
value: "dinner",
link: "Visit the buffet.",
target: "action",
passage: "You step up to the long buffet, overflowing with pacific island delights. What would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor says he’s not hungry.",
optionA: {
link: "Pile it up!",
result: "You heap your plate full of all kinds of meats, fruit, rice and sweets. Not good for your figure, but hey, another inch might actually look good on your ass.",
target: "drinks",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Eat slim & healthy.",
result: "You choose a few good looking morsels, but mostly stick to the fruits and salads. Your ass is already tight enough in your swimsuit.",
target: "drinks",
type: 1,
optionC: {
link: "Straight to the desserts!",
result: "You’re not that hungry, but that cake looks awesome! Sometimes you just have so little self control (giggle)!",
target: "drinks",
type: 2,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Show",
value: "show",
link: "Enjoy the Polynesian dance show.",
target: "action",
passage: "Throughout the meal, you’re treated to a medley of Pacific Island dances. Beautiful bodies swaying and bouncing to the drum beats. At one point the audience is asked to come on stage and participate, you can dance in the back with a bunch of other restaurant goers, or you can put on a grass skirt and take center stage.",
fail: "Victor stands up to volunteer, but you pull his arm back down. No. Way.",
optionA: {
link: "Put on a grass skirt!",
result: "You two share a nod then go all the way and volunteer yourselves for the main dance. The dancers put you both in grass skirts. It’s a little scratchy on your legs, but the way it swishes when you move is great. They show you a few steps and pretty soon you’re swaying your hips to cheers from the crowd!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Join the group dance.",
result: "You and Victor go up during the dance, but stay in the line with the other patrons, not going out front. You’re having a great time, but notice a lot more jiggling in your ass than seems normal. No more luau buffets for you.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Decline to join.",
result: "You both decide to stay in your seats and just enjoy the show as presented. Bit of a relief actually, you’d be nervous in front of all those people. The very thought makes you blush!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionF: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
bodOptionA: {
link: "Put on the grass skirt and the coconut bra.",
result: "You both decide to go all the way, volunteering for the main dance, and to wearing the dancers' costumes. Victor gets leggings and a kukui-nut necklace. You get a grass skirt and coconut bra! It’s rough against your skin, but the weight adds a nice bounce to your boobies. When the dancing finally starts, you give it your all, and use the bouncing coconuts and flaring skirt to give everyone a fantastic show. When it’s all over, you get a loud round of applause from the crowd and Victor. Your face glows red again, but this time in a sense of pride.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy dance.",
result: "You and Victor have a slight argument about whether you could pull off a hula or not. Never one to back down against a challenge, you storm up to the stage and grab a grass skirt and coconut bra. The coconuts are rough against your skin, but the weight adds a nice bounce to your boobies. When the dancing finally starts, you give it your all, and use the bouncing coconuts and flaring skirt to give everyone a fantastic show. The crowd is clapping along, and you hear more than a few wolf whistles. When it’s all over, the crowd goes wild as you <em>strut</em> off the stage, Victor is still applauding as you sit back down.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case bar>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bar_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are floating, partially submerged in the cool water at an in-pool bar.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the in-pool bar for a soak and a drink.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkBar",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "Joke around with him.",
result: "You tease and joke with each other, though most of the teasing comes from him. You still giggle along and give him a light swat for his negs.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what’s new.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about the weather, sports etc.",
result: "You talk about school, life, etc. Nothing probing, just the usual BS.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You guys talk about the good times you’ve had back in the day. The one time in school where he shot milk out his nose. That time you walked over a vent in a skirt and everybody found out you like thongs.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Convince Victor you’re the hottest girl at the bar.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest people at the bar are. Victor looks around at some of the other girls with a critical eye. You take the opportunity to tweak your nips, getting them nice and obvious through your suit; pull your top down slightly to get a nice boob-bulge over the top of the cups, and lean forward clasping your hands for maximum cleavage. When Victor turns back to you, his jaw nearly hits the table and you easily win the comparison. Boys are so easy.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest girl at the bar is.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest people at the bar are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with cute swimsuits that flatter their bodies. <span class='main'>“It’s the presentation,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that goes into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes, not to mention the hard work that goes into maintaining a beach body. Predictably, Victor goes for the biggest tits. You cross your arms over your stomach with a resigned sign. Boys are so predictable.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksbar",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You flag down the bartender, a short girl in a cute flower-print bikini.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsBar",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "You call over the bartendress, and ask for a round of shots.<br><br>She rings a bell, eliciting a minor cheer from the other patrons.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case club>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/club_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "A heavy beat pounds around and through you, matched by strobing lights and laser effects. It’s nearly impossible to hear each other talk, but you’re not that bothered, plenty of things to distract besides conversation. Everywhere you look, bodies writhe and grid to the music.">>
<<set $locMove = "Victor flashes a platinum card and you skip the line and go straight into the club.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dance",
value: "dance",
link: "Dance",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor heads out to the dance floor, you follow along.",
fail: "You’re not really much of a dancer, you tell him you’d prefer to stay at the bar.",
optionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Dance together.",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your clumsy moves. You’re not great, but who cares? You laugh at each other's missteps and just enjoy moving with the music and your partner.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Dance close.",
result: "You embrace Victor and move along with him on the dance floor. You stare deep into his eyes as you move in unison to the music. The other people, even the background of the club seems to melt away leaving only the two of you. You don’t think you’ve ever felt so content as this moment.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Show off your moves.",
result: "You shake your body for all it’s worth, pulling out every move you know right in the center of the floor. God your ass is bouncing all over the place! What is going on? When did it get so big?!? You push the thoughts aside and even work your bigger booty into your moves. Soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along with your dance! You share a look of pride with Victor.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Dance VERY close.",
result: "You and Victor start dancing apart but keep moving closer and closer as the music and the beat build, like you’re being carried along by the music. God your ass is bouncing all over the place! What is going on? When did it get so big?!? You push the thoughts aside and even work your bigger booty into your moves. You and Victor keep dancing closer until soon your bodies are bumping and running into each other. You don’t think it’s possible to be any more turned on right now.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Dance sexy.",
result: "You turn and snake your body showing off all your moves, and a few new ones you didn’t think were possible for you. You notice your dance moves have changed a bit. You used to mostly move with your arms and legs, but now there’s a lot more movement in your shoulders, and you’re swaying your hips in wide arcs. You used to be able to jiggle your boobs when you dance, but they’re bouncing up and down in sexy waves, it’s crazy, but it’s almost like you’ve gained a cup or two up top over the last few hours.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksClub",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You head over to the club bar to grab a round for you and Victor.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsClub",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "As a bartender passes, you call out SHOTS and grab a round.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case bungalow>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bungalow_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest his bungalow is. Still beautiful, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from its premium location.">>
<<set $locMove = "After a long night, you head over to Victor’s bungalow. You holding his arm for support while walking across the dark beach.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Goodnight",
value: "goodnight",
link: "Say Goodnight",
target: "EOD",
passage: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
fail: "You say goodnight to Victor, thanking him for a great day.",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Watch Movie",
value: "watchMovie",
link: "Stream a movie.",
target: "action",
passage: "Not feeling tired yet, you ask Victor if he wants to stream a movie. He smiles and looks at you with a cock of his eyebrow. <mn>“Don’t get too many ideas,”</mn> you say, giving him a shove, <mn>“just a movie.”</mn> He looks a little disappointed.",
fail: "Victor yawns and says it’s a little too late to start a movie now for him.",
optionA: {
link: "Watch a comedy.",
result: "You put on a comedy. You and Victor have always had similar tastes in comedy. You laugh along and slap his leg during the funny parts. Eventually just leaving your hand there for the rest of the movie. His hand finds yours too. It’s so cute, and you get more than a little turned on by the contact.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Watch a horror movie.",
result: "You watch a horror about a ghost that haunts VHS tapes, whatever those are. You can’t handle your horror very well though, and end up jumping and holding Victor’s arm through most of the film.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Watch an action flick.",
result: "You watch an action-packed, buddy-cop style movie, not much to it, but dumb fun. Not really your style, but Victor seems to like it. Before you know it, the movie’s over and you’re waking up from passing out on his shoulder! You don’t get up right away though, spending a little time enjoying his warmth and touch.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Lean into him.",
result: "You let Victor choose some action movie, you’re not into it, but you enjoy the time regardless, wrapping your body around his strong arm and leaning into him. You feel so warm and comfortable with him. You’re pretty sure he enjoys it too, judging by the tent in his shorts.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Snuggle.",
result: "Victor lets you choose some old chick flick, you really enjoy it and lean into him. He responds by putting an arm around your shoulder. You feel so warm and comfortable, wrapped in his strong arms. You’re pretty sure he enjoys it too, judging by the tent in his shorts.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<</silently>>You give the little canister in your hand one more twirl before placing it on your neck and pushing the button.
The cool rush of a stream of nanites pressure blasted into your bloodstream gives you a little shiver. You’ve always thought it was a little creepy, having a few million tiny robots crawling around inside you, doing god knows what.
The drowsiness hits almost immediately, but there’s another sensation, an odd tingling all over your body that you don’t usually get after a nanite spray.
You turn to ask your partner if he changed the mix, only to see him smiling mischievously at you. <span class="npc">“Good night sweetheart!”</span>
You have no time to respond, the sleep nanites pull down your consciousness and everything goes black.
<<link "Continue" "interface_2">><</link>><html><style>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You find yourself floating in darkness.<br><br>
No sound.<br><br>
No feeling.<br><br>
It would be disturbing, but you’ve been here before. This is the loading screen for the dream-machine. It takes a few minutes to cache the simulation and cycle your brainwaves down to Delta. <br><br>
As the system nears completion, tiny orbs of light appear in the darkness around you. They float in lazy circles until coalescing into something resembling a control panel. You look at the information displayed.<br><br>
<span class="login">
DREAMSCAPE INTERFACE: <span class="high">ACTIVE</span><br><br>
ONEIRONTIC SIMULATION: <span class="high">READY</span><br><br>
USER 1 PROFILE: <span class="high">READY</span><br>
USER 1 PROFILE: <span class="high">Source user; Male; Victor Tsai. </span><br>
USER 2 PROFILE: <span class="beacherror">INCOMPLETE</span><br>
USER 2 PROFILE: <span class="high">Guest user; Male;</span> <span class="beacherror">name missing</span><br><br>
Please enter your first name:
<<textbox "$fname" "Alex" autofocus>><br><br>
Please enter your last name:
<<textbox "$lname" "Tapper">><br><br>
<<link "> Begin Simulation" "start_1">><</link>>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="login">
<span class="beacherror">>Error: Unexpected addon, safety parameters excee083750276:¥&;¥))/6@.”*******</span><br><br>
Do you wish to continue?<br><br>
<<if $daysLeft > 0 >>
<<link "> Continue simulation" "start_5c">><</link>><br>
<span class="beacherror">> User awaking, not enough time to continue.</span><br>
<<if $abortOk == true>><<link "> Abort simulation" "abortConfirm">><</link>><br><</if>>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="login">
<span class="high">Please ve ify login inf0rmat n.</span><br><br>
Profile ID: <span class="high">queb258$~eG37</span><br>
Sex: <span class="beacherror">Female</span><br>
Age: <span class="high">22</span><br>
Name: <span class="beacherror">_____</span><br><br>
Name data corrupted, please enter your first name:
<<textbox "$Femname" "Alexi" autofocus>><br><br>
Please enter your last name:
<<textbox "$lname" "Tapper">><br><br>
<<link "Begin Simulation" "start_5d">>
<<set $openMssg = "You rub your eyes and yawn as the sleep clears from your eyes, “what a strange dream,” you think to yourself.<br><br>">>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
/*Add looks*/
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
/* New Day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<set $return = "hut_5">>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodLevel = 7>>
<<set $chaLevel = 7>>
<<set $goneOut = false>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set $kissThreshold = $rel + 10>>
<<set $secondary = 7>>
/* Reset Activities */
<<display "varsReset">>
You stretch out and sit up, realizing with a start that you’re in the beach hut! You have no memory how you got here. God, you’re such a ditz sometimes. Oh well, at least you’re already at the beach, you might even beat Victor to the regular spot today.<br><br>
Your swim suit is a mess from sleeping on the bench last night, ties undone and sideways, your left nipple is even fully sticking out!<br><br>
<<if visited() == 1>>
You go to straighten it out, but stop for a moment, looking at your nipple. It sits there, proudly on your chest, poking out in the cool morning air. But something seems odd, it seems <em>too</em> pokey. Your areola also look too puffy and far too large. Your gaze drifts down further, across the smooth curve of your stomach down to the space between your legs. You pull open the hem of your bottoms to reveal your soft feminine mound, with a clean tuft of fuzz above it.<br><br>
It looks completely normal for a pussy. In fact, it’s a very pretty pussy, not too flat or too puffy. You should be proud of it. So why does it feel so alien?<br><br>
You run two fingers across the soft lips and are rewarded with a pleasant tingle response. It feels wrong, but at the same time sooooo’s like there’s something important to know about your body that’s just outside of reach.<br><br>
After a while thinking, you give up, whatever those feelings are, they aren’t coming to you now.<br><br><</if>>
Standing up from the bench, you straighten out your suit over your vag and boobs, making sure everything is covered properly, don’t want to show off the goods to the whole beach! Finally you fluff your hair — style’s still good even after a night on a bench. You got it girl!
<<link "Continue" "hut_5">><</link>><<script>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $relType = "Best Friend">>
You are in the beach hut.<br><br>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_5">><</link>><br>
<<if $goneOut != true>>
<<link "Head out" "first_step_5">>
<<set $move = true>>
<<set $goneOut = true>>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You step outside, again enjoying the fresh smell of the morning breeze coming off the ocean. You toss your hair and stretch in the warm morning sun.<br><br>
Despite getting up early, Victor still beat you to the beach. You see him chilling on the towels by your regular spot. He’s lounging back, his naturally tan skin lit softly by the morning sun, shadows defining the muscles in his shoulders and arms. You nod to yourself, <mn>“yup, your geeky friend is now a major hottie.”</mn><br><br>
You get an idea and begin to quietly make your way over to him. Tip-toeing through the hot sand.<br><br>
There’s that odd alien sensation again. As you tip-toe, your body feels very strange, very jiggly — especially your boobs, like they’re bouncing all over. Your boobs aren’t huge, they’re completely normal, and it’s completely normal for a girl like you to have them. So why does their jiggling feel so...unfamiliar? You shake off the thoughts and continue making your way towards Victor.<br><br>
When you finally make it just behind him, you reach out and wrap your hands over his eyes! <span class="main">“Guess who?”</span><br><br>
Victor chuckles and plays along, <span class="victor">“Hmm, it must be Arnold Stalone!”</span><br><br>
That caught you off guard, <span class="main">“The body builder?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Well, yeah,”</span> he continues, <span class="victor">“Who else could it be with such big, meaty hands?”</span><br><br>
You pull off your hands with a scoff and a shove while Victor laughs at his joke. You plop down next to him.<br><br>
After a moment, you pipe up, still looking at your hands, <span class="main">“Are they really that big?”</span><br><br>
Victor erupts in laughter, <span class="victor">”Oh my god, you’re so neurotic. Your hands are petite and lovely, any boy would be lucky to be touched by their grace.”</span><br><br>
You shove him again...but also smile with a demure little, <span class="main">“thank you.”</span><br><br>
So what will you do today?<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You walk back to the hut. You and Victor are great together, but you feel like you could be more...that you should be more. Obviously you’re attracted to him. He’s smart, fun, sexy. But there’s more, like this feeling you’re supposed to get to know him better.<br><br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by a huge yawn, just now realizing how beat you are. Definitely “bedtime”. You feel a strange tingle, as if the air responded to you saying “bedtime.”<br><br>
“How strange,” you think, rationalizing that you must be even more tired than you thought.<br><br>
<<link "Next day" "start_5d">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<script>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You walk back to the beach hut with a huge smile. You feel like you and Victor really have something special. Moreover, you feel lucky about that. He’s such an amazing guy, smart, You bite your lip at that last thought.<br><br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by a huge yawn, you’re only just now realizing how beat you are. Definitely bedtime. You feel a strange tingle, as if the air responded to you saying “bedtime.”<br><br>
<<set $openMssg = "You stretch out and sit up, realizing with a start that you’re in the beach hut!<br><br>You must have fallen asleep here before changing! God, you’re such a ditz sometimes. Oh well, at least you’re already at the beach, you might even beat Victor to the regular spot today! Though your suit is all wrinkled and twisted on your body from sleeping in it. Your left boob is fully hanging out! Good thing you’re the only one in the hut!">>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_6">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_5">><</link>><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<case towels>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK TOWELS ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_3">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepTowelsDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ======== KISS TOWELS ======== */
<<if $rel > $kissThreshold || $firstKissDone == true>>
<<if $firstKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_5">><</link>>
<<case sand>>
/* ======== KISS SAND ======== */
<<if $rel > $kissThreshold || $firstKissDone == true>>
<<if $firstKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_5">><</link>>
<<case shops>>
/* ======== SHOP ======== */
<<link "Try on a new swimsuit at the shop." "swimsuit">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $swimsuit = true>>
<<set $currentSuit = $clothesWorn>>
/* ======== SALON ======== */
<<link "Change your hair at the salon." "salon">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $salon = true>>
<<set $orHairLength = $hairLength>>
<<set $orHairColor = $hairColor>>
<<set $orHairAction = $hairAction>>
/* ========= SHOP KISS ======== */
<<if $rel > $kissThreshold || $firstKissDone == true>>
<<if $firstKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_5">><</link>>
<<case court>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK COURT ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_3">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepCourtDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ========= COURT KISS ======== */
<<if $rel > $kissThreshold || $firstKissDone == true>>
<<if $firstKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_5">><</link>>
<<case bar>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BAR ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBarDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_3">>
<<set $deepBarDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBarDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
/* ========= BAR KISS ======== */
<<if $rel > $kissThreshold || $firstKissDone == true>>
<<if $barkissDone != true>>
<<if $firstKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor.">>
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor go to the back of the pool area away from the rest of the guests to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $drunk > 4>>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<set $kissloc = "The drinks are going to your well as one other place. Burning up with horniness, you grab Victor and go to the back of the pool area - away from the rest of the guests to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_5">><<set $barkissDone = true>><</link>>
<<case club>>
/* ========= CLUB KISS ======== */
<<if $rel > $kissThreshold || $firstKissDone == true>>
<<if $clubkissDone != true>>
<<if $firstKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor.">>
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor find an unoccupied booth in the back of the club to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $drunk > 4>>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<set $kissloc = "The drinks are going to your well as one other place. Burning up with horniness, you grab Victor and find an unoccupied booth in the back of the club to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_5">><<set $clubkissDone = true>><</link>>
<<case bungalow>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BUNGALOW ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBungalowDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_3">>
<<set $deepBungalowDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBungalowDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
/* ========= BUNGALOW KISS ======== */
<<if $rel > $kissThreshold || $firstKissDone == true>>
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor head in and sit on his sofa, telling yourselves you’re going to stream a movie and chill. You barely even get the TV on before you catch each other's eyes.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $firstKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 6>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor goodnight.">>
<<set $bases = 6>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor goodnight.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_5">><</link>>
<<case default>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $rel + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $rel + $boost>>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><</if>>
<<switch $deepState>>
<<case 1>>
/* ======================== Passage 1 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off, changing the subject. <span class="victor">“Sorry, not your problem. So what you want to do next?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So when are you heading back?”</span><br><br>
He gets a little quiet, and looks off over the ocean, <span class="victor">“I...uh…. no plan right now.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Nice! Open ticket?”</span><br><br>
He keeps looking out at the water, <span class="victor">“Sure, something like that..”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“I’m so jealous, I have to get back to the real world in a couple days. It must be amazing to just say as long as you want. You thinking another week? Another month?”</span> You nudge his shoulder with yours, <span class="main">“Or just as long as the credit line holds out, right?”</span><br><br>
He pauses a minute… <span class="victor">“I’m not really sure.” Then looks away into the distance with a slightly worried look.”</span><br><br>
You furrow your brow and pull your legs up under your chin, <span class="main">“What do you mean?”</span><br><br>
He keeps looking into the distance. <span class="victor">“I’m not really sure when I can go back home...”</span> he says, seemingly more to himself than to you.
<<case 2>>
/* ======================== Passage 2 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off. <span class="victor">“It’s not like that, it’s…I don’t know. Can we do something else?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“You mentioned before that you weren’t sure you’d be able to go back home, what did you mean by that?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
He shakes his head, <span class="victor">“Sorry, it’s not your problem.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Maybe not, but it might be yours, and maybe I can help? So which law enforcement agency is after you?”</span><br><br>
He gives a half laugh at the joke, <span class="victor">“it’s not that, it’s my family, my dad really.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Did they kick you out?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No! Not like that, they know I’m here, bought the tickets, but they think I’m just on vacation.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“If you’re not on vacation, what are you doing hanging out on a beach?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It is a vacation…kind of, I’m just trying to decide whether to go back to them or to…you know, not.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“You’re thinking of running off, aren’t you?”</span>
<<case 3>>
/* ======================== Passage 3 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
<span class="victor">“I just want… I want to think about anything besides this right now.”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So have you decided to run away from your family yet?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It’s not running off, it’s…”</span> you give him time to think, but he eventually exhales in defeat.
<span class="victor">“…yeah, running off. And no, I haven’t decided yet. Is that crazy?”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“I guess it depends what you’re running from.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Well, it’s my dad…”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Does he mistreat your or something?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No, it’s not like that! He…um…runs a pretty big company, and he wants to keep it in the family.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“And that’s not what you want in life?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Ha! What I want doesn’t matter. It’s not like I actually want to be running away from my family.”</span> He says getting riled up.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So what do you want?”</span>
<<case 4>>
/* ======================== Passage 4 ======================== */
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><br><</if>>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So you never told me why you were thinking of running away.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“I want to make them all proud of me as a son, I want to make the family business strong.”</span> he’s getting pretty emotional, grabbing handfuls of sand and squeezing them in his fists.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Isn’t that what your family wants too?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Exactly! That’s the problem.”</span> He’s starting get upset, <span class="victor">“my father doesn’t think I’m ready, he doesn’t think I’d be able to run the business.”</span><br><br>
You’d pictured him so strong, so confident, but his softer side is at the wheel now. You try consoling him, putting your hand on his and squeezing, <span class="main">“So maybe you could go back and convince him?”</span><br><br>
He turns his hand over and grips yours. <span class="victor">“No, that’s the worst part. He’s right.”</span><br><br>
He pauses with a long sigh.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“I can’t even give a speech in front of a dozen employees without turning into a rambling mess. How am I supposed to manage the fate of a few thousand. My father is this great business icon, and I’m nothing special. I’m a failure.”</span><br><br>
You furrow your brow, still holding his hand, quite tightly now. <span class="main">“I think you are.”</span><br><br>
His eyes close tightly and he pulls his hand away. <span class="victor">“You think I’m a failure too?”</span><br><br>
You take his hand again, <span class="main">“No..”</span> You bring your other free hand up to his cheek, softly turning his face towards you. You lean in close, close enough to smell his aftershave and feel the heat of his body. <span class="main">“I think you’re something special.”</span><br><br>
You press your lips into his, feeling the warmth and softness in them. He kisses you back, deeply and passionately holding it for a very long time.<br><br>
You’re not entirely sure what you just started, but it feels like something good. You’re excited about the future, and you think Victor might have started feeling that way too.
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $firstKissDone = true>>
/* ============CONTINUE OPTION============= */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $deepFail != true>> /*check to disable for fail*/
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep_3">>
<<set $relMod += 2>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $deepState += 1>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep_3">>
<<set $deepFail = true>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<span class="disabled">[Push more - Victor doesn’t feel like talking about this now.]</span>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = 2>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = 2>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
/* Display if complete */
<br><<link "Continue." $return>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<</if>><<switch $bases>>
<<case 1>>
/* ===================== Passage 1: first kiss ===================== */
/*<<set $rel += 2>>*/
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
/*<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>*/
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
You keep talking to Victor, the conversation flowing between joking and serious, but never really stopping. You two just seem to click so well. You get to talking about each other’s eye color, and you lean in close to stare into his big, soft, brown eyes. You get a little lost in them, staring for quite a while. Victor has gone quiet too, looking deeply into your eyes.<br><br>
Suddenly, he leans forward a few inches and plants a quick kiss on your lips.<br><br>
You don’t say anything, surprised for a moment. He immediately begins to apologize, <span class="victor">“I’m sorry, it just felt so right. I hope I didn’t…”</span> You shush him with a raised finger, then lean in and kiss him back, more deeply and much, much longer.<br><br>
When it ends, you both pull apart with a smack. <span class="main">“Mmm, that does feel right,”</span> you say with a lick of your lips.<br><br>
<<set $firstKissDone = true>>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 2>>
/* ===================== Passage 2: Sit kiss ===================== */
/* <<set $rel += 2>> */
<<set $bod += 1>>
<<set $cha += 1>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
/* <span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br> */
<span class="bodBonus">+1 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+1 to CHA</span><br><br>
Victor is going on about some story when you stop responding and begin ruffling his hair. He stops, <span class="victor">“cut it out what are you doing?”</span><br><br>
You step in front of him and place a hand on his stomach. You feel a bit sheepish, looking down, <span class="main">“I guess I just wanted a little attention.”</span> You look back up into his eyes again with a playful smile.<br><br>
He catches the drift, wrapping his strong arms around your waist, <span class="victor">“Baby, you have all of it.”</span><br><br>
He leans in and kisses you warmly. You feel the plush softness of your swollen lips melt into his, sending pleasurable tingles through your whole body. You coo slightly making you both giggle.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“You really like kissing, huh?”</span> he says, smiling towards you.<br><br>
You blush again and giggle out a yes, if he knew about how damp your bottoms were right now, he’d know just how much.<br><br>
<<set $deepKissDone = true>>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 3>>
/* ===================== Passage 3: Stand kiss ===================== */
/* <<set $rel += 2>> */
<<set $bod += 1>>
<<set $cha += 1>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
/* <span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br> */
<span class="bodBonus">+1 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+1 to CHA</span><br><br>
Victor is going on about some story when you stop responding and begin ruffling his hair. He stops, <span class="victor">“cut it out, what are you doing?”</span><br><br>
You put your hands on his and blush a little. Feeling a bit sheepish, looking down, <span class="main">“I guess I just wanted a little attention.”</span> You look back up into his eyes again with a playful smile.<br><br>
He catches the drift, wrapping your small hands in his larger ones and squeezing, <span class="victor">“Baby, you have all of it.”</span><br><br>
He leans in and kisses you warmly. You feel the plush softness of your swollen lips melt into his, the contrast as your soft curves pushing into his firm body, you also catch a quick feeling of something poking up through his shorts.<br><br>
He seems embarrassed and pulls away. But you giggle and give him a wink. Based on the tingling and dampness in your suit right now, you’re on the same train of thought.<br><br>
<<set $deepKissDone = true>>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 4>>
/* ===================== Passage 4: snog ===================== */
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", overwhelmed by the soft expanse of your huge tits. His hands knead at your hot flesh, the sensations nearly having you panting in ecstasy. He eventually reaches one of your fat, jutting nipples and gives it a hard squeeze.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 16>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", kneading your sensitive globes, eventually reaching your diamond-hard nipples and giving a twisting pinch.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "very sensitive little mounds, eventually reaching your pointy little nips and giving a tweak.">>
<<set $rel += 2>>
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
Giggling at what you both know is about to happen, you get your mouths to work. This is different from your other kisses, it’s more forceful, more desperate for each other’s attention. Your lips melt into his with a silky, plump softness that even surprises you. It’s almost as if they’ve puffed up even larger since your kiss earlier. The lips lose attention soon though as your tongues take over, wrapping around each other in a wet, warm dance. Tingles are running all over your body. You’ve never been turned on this much just by kissing, but the pleasure is amazing. You coo softly into his mouth.<br><br>
Things only escalate from there, soon you feel Victor’s hands roaming up your thighs and around your waist. You giggle and coo again, the sensations racing through you. His hands snake up further, going under your top to your breasts. His hands roam and grope _boobTouch You let out a high pitched gasp of pure pleasure. You decide to return the favor and scooch up onto his lap. Grinding your aching pussy against his tenting crotch.<br><br>
<<if $action == "bar" || $action == "club">>
<<link "Go back to his bungalow now" "funky_5">>
<<set $bases = 5>>
<<link "Go to the bedroom now." "funky_5">>
<<set $bases = 5>>
<<link "Cool off, do something else." $return>><</link>>
<<case 5>>
/* ===================== Passage 5: funky ===================== */
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 24>>
<<set _boobTouch = "big, sexy tits spill free onto your chest with a heavy bounce.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 16>>
<<set _boobTouch = "perfect, sexy tits bounce free on your chest.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "cute little tits jiggle free in the open air.">>
<<set $rel += 4>>
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+4 to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
You’re absolutely burning up with lust. Grinding yourself against Victor’s hard-on through your swimsuits, your juices soaking through the fabric of your bottoms. It’s too much, you need him now.<br><br>
You pull away from him, your lips making another smack. Victor can read the situation all too well and gives you a lusty grin. You return it wordlessly and grab his hand.<br><br>
The light flicks on in the bedroom of Victor’s bungalow as you two spill through the door, pawing at each other. You strip off your top, letting your _boobTouch<br><br>
Victor traces kisses down your neck, sending tingles of pleasure raining down your body. He reaches your breasts, kissing and groping, pausing for a brief moment to let the tension build. Just as you look down to make sure he’s still there, he takes one of your nipples between his teeth and begins flicking it with his tongue. You thought your little pleasure points were already as hard as they could get, but they clinch up even more in his mouth, erupting in jolts of pure pleasure. You squeeze your legs and quiver as a mini orgasm pulses through you, a long <span class="main">“mmmmmm”</span> moaning out your throat.<br><br>
You pull him up and guide him to sit on the bed. Time to return the favor. You give his bottoms a few tugs, letting his cock spring free. It stands straight up, pulsing slightly with his heart beat. <span class="main">“Well, somebody’s excited,”</span> you tease, giving it a few tugs.<br><br>
You’ve never given a blow job before, but it all seems so familiar. Like you intimately know the best ways to move and lick for the most pleasure — at least you assume so, based on Victor’s reaction. He’s breathing hard through his teeth with his head thrown back. It doesn’t take you more than a moment to finish him off. As you pull away with a smack of your lips, his dick is left twitching frantically in front of you. You lock eyes with him and say, <span class="main">“I’m ready.”</span><br><br>
You’re thrown, almost violently, onto the bed. It’s awesome, you feel so delicate and feminine. Victor crawls up over you, and you glance down to see his still throbbing cock dangling and pulsing over you. He hesitates a moment, to make sure you’re ok. Looking deeply into his eyes, you bite your lip in anticipation and nod to him. You pull your legs open, feeling the cool night air on your wet folds as they part. Then you feel him at your entrance, ever so slowly pushing into you. You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation, the feeling of fullness and pleasure creeping upwards. When it’s all the way in, you both release a sigh of contentment, releasing a breath neither of you knew you were holding.<br><br>
Victor continues, slowly moving in and out, causing you little jolts of pleasure as his cock bumps against your sensitive insides. You squirm, pressing the most sensitive areas against him to get more attention. His pace is quickening, as is your pleasure. You stop biting your lip and open your mouth in a loud pant, calling out Victor’s name.<br><br>
He keeps going faster, shaking the whole bed and you with it. Your boobs are jostling wildly on your chest, you reach up to grab one and hold it, tweaking the nip on top. Victor helps with the other, grabbing it in a sexy grope. The rough skin of his palm against your nipple feels almost as good as your own flicks and pinches.<br><br>
You’re fucking frantically now, panting and moaning in ecstasy as you near the peak. With a final grunt from Victor and a scream from you, the climax is reached. You’re aware of his cock, throbbing inside you as he cums, but only dimly, as all voluntary thought and action is completely overridden while you quiver uncontrollably in waves of orgasmal bliss. You finally come down with a contented sigh and sink lazily into the soft covers.<br><br>
It takes a few minute for you each to catch your breath. Eventually you feel a strong arm wrap around you, and his body press into you. You feel so safe and protected as the little spoon, so peaceful. You can barely keep your eyes open. Your last thought before falling asleep is how this was the best day of your life so far, and how you can’t wait for tomorrow.<br><br>
<<if $rel >= $levelup>>
<<link "Finish day." "levelUpSex_5">><</link>>
<<link "Finish day." "finishDaySex_5">><</link>>
/* ================ Kiss Goodnight ============= */
<<case 6>>
You reach the entrance of Victor’s bungalow, pausing there for a few moments.<br><br>
<span class="main">“I had a great time today, I really...”</span> Victor reaches out and sweeps a strand of hair behind your ear, then pulls your chin up to face him.<br><br>
Your mind is racing about whether this is good or right or not - despite how good and right it feels. But your body runs on autopilot, and before you know it, you're closing your eyes and pursing your full lips in anticipation. When his lips meet yours, you simply melt, warm waves of pleasure running through you.<br><br>
Victor is feeling it too, his hand finds your waist, pulling you into him. You embrace him too, wrapping your arms around his strong shoulders and pressing your body into him.<br><br>
The kiss hasn't stopped. In fact, it's only gotten deeper and more passionate. You know if you don't pull away right now, you won't be able to...<br><br>
<<link "Give in." "funky_5">><<set $bases = 5>><</link>><br>
<<link "Just the kiss, say goodnight." "EOD">>
<<set $goodNightMssgLink = "GoodnightKiss6">>
<<set $goodNightMssg = "Victor is sorry to see you go, but wishes you a good night.">>
<</switch>><<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You feel yourself drifting off in Victor’s arms. You don’t think you’ve ever felt more content or happy in your life.<br><br>
You can tell by the slow, rhythmic breathing that Victor is already asleep. You pull his arms tighter around you and wiggle up closer to him.<br><br>
You feel his cock twitch and lengthen up against your butt cheeks and smile. This is going to be a long and fun relationship.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "start_6">><<set $day += 1>>
<<set $openMssg = "Your eyes flutter open, blinking in the soft morning light. You expected to find sheets and pillows under you, but are surprised by a hard surface. You realize with a start that you’re in the beach hut!<br><br>How did you get here? You were with Victor last night. Did you sleepwalk? At least you’ve still got your swimsuit. Though it’s all wrinkled and twisted on your body. Your left boob is fully hanging out! Good thing you’re the only one in the hut!">>
<</link>><<set _mapoff = true>>
You feel yourself drifting off in Victor’s arms. You don’t think you’ve ever felt more content or happy in your life. You only hope Victor feels the same and it wasn't just a one-night thing. Because you definitely want to do this again.<br><br>
<<link "Next day" "start_5d">><<set $day += 1>>
<<set $openMssg = "Your eyes flutter open, blinking in the soft morning light. You expected to find sheets and pillows under you, but are surprised by a hard surface.">>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $relType = "Girlfriend">>
/*Add looks*/
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
/* New Day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<set $return = "hut_6">>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $goneOut = false>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set $kissThreshold = $rel + 10>>
/* Reset Activities */
<<display "varsReset">>
<<if $openMssg != "">>$openMssg<br><br><<else>><</if>>
Standing up from the bench, you straighten out your suit over your vag and boobs, making sure everything is covered properly, don’t want to show off everything to the whole beach, at least, not yet anyway! Finally you fluff your hair — style’s still good even after a night on a bench. You got it grrrrrl!<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "hut_6">><</link>><<script>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You are in the beach hut.<br><br>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_6">><</link>><br>
<<if $goneOut != true>>
<<link "Head out" "first_step_6">>
<<set $move = true>>
<<set $goneOut = true>>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You step outside and take a deep breath, stretching in the warm morning sun. Another beautiful day at the beach.<br><br>
You scan across the beach, unsurprised to see Victor lounging on his towel at your usual spot, another towel already laid out for you, what a gentleman! You pause to drink him in before heading over. He’s lounging back, his naturally tan skin lit softly by the morning sun, shadows defining the muscles in his shoulders and arms. <mn>"Such a hottie,"</mn> you think to yourself. You feel a slight tingle down below, but force the thoughts aside. You promise yourself, <span class="main">“plenty of time for getting horny later, girl!”</span><br><br>
The sand is hot, despite it being so early, so you half walk, half hop your way across the beach. Your boobs are jumping all over the place in your suit, threatening to throw you off balance. You’d think you’d be used to them by now, right? You notice a few other boys on the beach seem to be enjoying the show...boys just can’t get enough of boobs.<br><br>
When you finally make it over to Victor, you wrap your arms around his waist, and plant a big wet kiss on his cheek. <span class="main">“Good morning handsome,”</span> you purr at him<br><br>
Victor chuckles and turns to meet your lips, giving you a peck and a smile. <span class="victor">“Morning sexy.”</span><br><br>
You frown at only getting a quick kiss, and purse your puffy lips more.<br><br>
Victor’s smile grows wider, turning a bit mischievous. <span class="victor">“What?”</span><br><br>
You purse your lips harder, tightening your hug and crushing your boobs into his back. Boys like boobs after all.<br><br>
Victor erupts in laughter, <span class="victor">”You’re insatiable, you know that?”</span> Before relenting and giving you a deep, long kiss. So much for not getting horny first thing in the morning.<br><br>
When the kiss finally ends, you smile in triumph and plop down on the towel beside him.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So, what are we doing today?”</span><br><br>
<<link "Continue" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You walk back to the hut. Your heart flutter just thinking about Victor, you’re pretty sure you’re in love with him. And you’re also pretty sure he has feelings for you, but you’re not sure if they’re as strong as yours. You’ll have to work harder tomorrow to try and figure that out.<br><br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by a huge yawn, just now realizing how beat you are. Definitely “bedtime”. You feel a strange tingle, as if the air responded to you saying “bedtime.”<br><br>
“How strange,” you think, rationalizing that you must be even more tired than you thought.<br><br>
<<link "Next day" "start_6">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<script>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You walk back to the beach hut with a huge smile. You couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend than Victor. He’s such an amazing guy, smart, You bite your lip at that last thought, already horny and ready for the next time you meet him.<br><br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by a huge yawn, you’re only just now realizing how beat you are. Definitely “bedtime”. You feel a strange tingle, as if the air responded to you saying “bedtime.”<br><br>
<<set $openMssg = "You stretch out and sit up, realizing with a start that you’re in the beach hut!<br><br>You must have fallen asleep here before changing! God, you’re such a ditz sometimes. Oh well, at least you’re already at the beach, you might even beat Victor to the regular spot today! Though your suit is all wrinkled and twisted on your body from sleeping in it. Your left boob is fully hanging out! Good thing you’re the only one in the hut!">><br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_7">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<set _mapoff = true>>
You feel yourself drifting off next to Victor, he’s already snoring softly. Victor is an amazing guy, and you hope this wasn't just a one-night thing. Because you definitely want to do this again, you’ll have to lay on the charm extra heavy tomorrow.<br><br>
<<link "Next day" "start_6">><<set $day += 1>>
<<set $openMssg = "Your eyes flutter open, blinking in the soft morning light. You expected to find sheets and pillows under you, but are surprised by a hard surface.">>
<</link>><<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You feel yourself drifting off in Victor’s arms as the little spoon. You don’t think you’ve ever felt more content or happy in your life.<br><br>
You can tell by the slow, rhythmic breathing that Victor is already asleep. You pull his arms tighter around you and wiggle up closer to him.<br><br>
You feel his cock twitch and lengthen up against your butt cheeks and smile. This is going to be a long and fun relationship.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "start_7">><<set $day += 1>>
<<set $openMssg = "Your eyes flutter open, blinking in the soft morning light. You expected to find sheets and pillows under you, but are surprised by a hard surface.">>
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
<<switch $bases>>
<<case 1>>
/* ===================== Passage 1: Sit kiss ===================== */
/* <<set $rel += 2>> */
<<set $bod += 1>>
<<set $cha += 1>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
/* <span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br> */
<span class="bodBonus">+1 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+1 to CHA</span><br><br>
Victor is going on about some story when you stop responding and begin ruffling his hair. He stops, <span class="victor">“cut it out, what are you doing?”</span><br><br>
You put your hands on his and blush a little. Feeling a bit sheepish, looking down, <span class="main">“I guess I just wanted a little attention.”</span> You look back up into his eyes again with a playful smile.<br><br>
He catches the drift, wrapping your small hands in his larger ones and squeezing, <span class="victor">“Baby, you have all of it.”</span><br><br>
He leans in and kisses you warmly. You feel the plush softness of your swollen lips melt into his, sending pleasurable tingles through your whole body. You coo slightly making you both giggle.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“You really like kissing, huh?”</span> he says, smiling towards you.<br><br>
You blush again and giggle out a yes, if he knew about how damp your bottoms were right now, he’d know just how much.<br><br>
<<set $deepKissDone = true>>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 2>>
/* ===================== Passage 2: Stand kiss ===================== */
/* <<set $rel += 2>> */
<<set $bod += 1>>
<<set $cha += 1>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
/* <span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br> */
<span class="bodBonus">+1 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+1 to CHA</span><br><br>
Victor is going on about some story when you stop responding and begin ruffling his hair. He stops, <span class="victor">“cut it out, what are you doing?”</span><br><br>
You step in front of him and place a hand on his stomach. You feel a bit sheepish, looking down, <span class="main">“I guess I just wanted a little attention.”</span> You look back up into his eyes again with a playful smile.<br><br>
He catches the drift, wrapping his strong arms around your waist, <span class="victor">“Baby, you have all of it.”</span><br><br>
He leans in and kisses you warmly. You feel the plush softness of your swollen lips melt into his, the contrast as your soft curves pushing into his firm body, you also catch a quick feeling of something poking you through his shorts.<br><br>
He seems embarrassed and pulls away. But you giggle and give him a wink. Based on the tingling and dampness in your suit right now, you’re on the same train of thought.<br><br>
<<set $deepKissDone = true>>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 3>>
/* ===================== Passage 3: snog ===================== */
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 24>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", overwhelmed by the soft expanse of your huge tits. His hands knead at your hot flesh, the sensations nearly having you panting in ecstasy. He eventually reaches one of your fat, jutting nipples and gives it a hard squeeze.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 16>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", kneading your sensitive globes, eventually reaching your diamond-hard nipples and giving a twisting pinch.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "very sensitive little mounds, eventually reaching your pointy little nips and giving a tweak.">>
<<set $rel += 2>>
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
Giggling at what you both know is about to happen, you get your mouths to work. This is different from your other kisses, it’s more forceful, more desperate for each other’s attention. Your lips melt into his with a silky, plump softness that even surprises you. It’s almost as if they’ve puffed up even larger since your kiss earlier. The lips lose attention soon though as your tongues take over, wrapping around each other in a wet, warm dance. Tingles are running all over your body. You’ve never been turned on this much just by kissing, but the pleasure is amazing. You coo softly into his mouth.<br><br>
Things only escalate from there, soon you feel Victor’s hands roaming up your thighs and around your waist. You giggle and coo again, the sensations racing through you. His hands snake up further, going under your top to your breasts. His hands roam and grope _boobTouch You let out a high pitched gasp of pure pleasure. You decide to return the favor and scooch up onto his lap. Grinding your aching pussy against his tenting crotch.<br><br>
<<if $action == "bar" || $action == "club">>
<<link "Go back to his bungalow now" "funky_6">>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<link "Go to the bedroom now." "funky_6">>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<link "Cool off, do something else." $return>><</link>>
<<case 4>>
/* ===================== Passage 4: funky ===================== */
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouch = "big, sexy tits spill free onto your chest with a heavy bounce.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 15>>
<<set _boobTouch = "perfect, sexy tits bounce free on your chest.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "cute little tits jiggle free in the open air.">>
<<set $rel += 4>>
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+4 to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
You’re absolutely burning up with lust. Grinding yourself against Victor’s hard-on through your swimsuits, your juices soaking through the fabric of your bottoms. It’s too much, you need him now.<br><br>
You pull away from him, your lips making another smack. Victor can read the situation all too well and gives you a lusty grin. You return it wordlessly and grab his hand.<br><br>
The light flicks on in the bedroom of Victor’s bungalow as you two spill through the door, pawing at each other. You strip off your top, letting your _boobTouch<br><br>
Victor traces kisses down your neck, sending tingles of pleasure raining down your body. He reaches your breasts, kissing and groping, pausing for a brief moment to let the tension build. Just as you look down to make sure he’s still there, he takes one of your nipples between his teeth and begins flicking it with his tongue. You thought your little pleasure points were already as hard as they could get, but they clinch up even more in his mouth, erupting in jolts of pure pleasure. You squeeze your legs and quiver as a mini orgasm pulses through you, a long <span class="main">“mmmmmm”</span> moaning out your throat.<br><br>
You pull him up and guide him to sit on the bed. Time to return the favor. You give his bottoms a few tugs, letting his cock spring free. It stands straight up, pulsing slightly with his heart beat. <span class="main">“Well, somebody’s excited,”</span> you tease, giving it a few tugs.<br><br>
You’re well practiced at blow jobs, and you intimately know the best ways to move and lick for the most pleasure. He’s breathing hard through his teeth with his head thrown back.<br><br>Now that he’s prepped, you pull away with a popping sound, his dick is left twitching frantically in front of you. You lock eyes with him and say, <span class="main">“I’m ready.”</span><br><br>
You’re thrown, almost violently, onto the bed. It’s awesome, you feel so delicate and feminine. Victor crawls up over you, and you glance down to see his still throbbing cock dangling and pulsing. He hesitates a moment, to make sure you’re ok. Looking deeply into his eyes, you bite your lip in anticipation and nod to him. You pull your legs open, feeling the cool night air on your wet folds as they part. Then you feel him at your entrance, ever so slowly pushing into you. You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation, the feeling of fullness and pleasure creeping upwards. When it’s all the way in, you both release a sigh of contentment, releasing a breath neither of you knew you were holding.<br><br>
Victor continues, slowly moving in and out, causing you little jolts of pleasure as his cock bumps against your sensitive insides. You squirm, pressing the most sensitive areas against him to get more attention. His pace is quickening, as is your pleasure. You stop biting your lip and open your mouth in a loud pant, calling out Victor’s name.<br><br>
He keeps going faster, shaking the whole bed and you with it. Your boobs are jostling wildly on your chest, you reach up to grab one and hold it, tweaking the nip on top. Victor helps with the other, grabbing it in a sexy grope. The rough skin of his palm against your nipple feels almost as good as your own flicks and pinches.<br><br>
You’re fucking frantically now, panting and moaning in ecstasy as you near the peak. With a final grunt from Victor and a scream from you, the climax is reached. You’re aware of his cock, throbbing inside you as he cums, but only dimly, as all voluntary thought and action is completely overridden while you quiver uncontrollably in waves of orgasmic bliss. You finally come down with a contented sigh and sink lazily into the soft covers.<br><br>
It takes a few minute for you each to catch your breath. Eventually you feel a strong arm wrap around you, and his body press into you. You feel so safe and protected as the little spoon, so peaceful. You can barely keep your eyes open. Your last thought before falling asleep is how this was the best day of your life so far, and how you can’t wait for tomorrow.<br><br>
<<if $rel >= $levelup>>
<<link "Finish day." "levelUpSex_6">><</link>>
<<link "Finish day." "finishDaySex_6">><</link>>
<<case 5>>
/* ================== Passage 5: Kiss Goodnight ================= */
You reach the entrance of Victor’s bungalow, pausing there for a few moments.<br><br>
<span class="main">“I had a great time today, I really...”</span> Victor reaches out and sweeps a strand of hair behind your ear, then pulls your chin up to face him.<br><br>
You run on autopilot, closing your eyes and pursing your full lips. When his lips meet yours, you simply melt, warm waves of pleasure running through you.<br><br>
Victor is feeling it too, his hand finds your waist, pulling you into him, you can feel his cock jutting through his shorts. You raise your hands to his shoulders, more to brace yourself than hold him. He takes it as the later though, and his hands snake down to your ass, grabbing a handfull and pulling you even closer.<br><br>
For your part, you’re losing control again, cheeks glowing, nips hard and pussy leaking like a broken faucet.<br><br>
<<link "Give in." "funky_6">><<set $bases = 4>><</link>><br>
<<link "Just the kiss, say goodnight." "EOD">>
<<set $goodNightMssgLink = "GoodnightKiss6">>
<<set $goodNightMssg = "Victor is sorry to see you go, but wishes you a good night.">>
<<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/hut_2-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are in the beach hut, an area for changing, showering and cooling off.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to the beach-hut.">>
<<set $actionA = {name: "" }>>
<<set $actionB = {name: "" }>>
<<set $actionC = {name: "" }>>
<<set $actionD = {name: "" }>>
<<case towels>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/towels_5.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are chilling on your beach towels, watching the waves roll in.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to your towels for a sit.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalk",
link: "Just gossip for a bit.",
target: "action",
passage: "You two just sit and talk for awhile.",
fail: "Victor seems like he’s not really paying attention.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "You shamelessly fish for a compliment.You were hoping for something about your eyes or personality, but Victor wastes no time mentioning how nice your boobs are. <span class='main'>“Beggars can’t be choosers,”</span> you sigh.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. You can tell he’s not into it, but he’s such a sweetie to listen to you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You talk about your times together; how you met, first date, first kiss, you squeal in enjoyment recalling it all again.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Get Victor to kiss you.",
result: "You glance over at Victor while the two of you are talking. He’s gazing out of the water, watching the waves roll in. The sea breeze gently tossing his hair while his deep, brown eyes stir in thought. He looks so manly, you want him, and you want him to want you. You turn your glance into a look, leaning forward slightly, filling your eyes with desire, pouting your lips and trapping your $boobsLong between your arms for the best possible display. When he finally looks over at you, his eyes nearly pop out of his head. He gets the hint straight away and pulls you into a warm kiss. You feel a tingle of excitement ruling through you. It goes on longer than expected, to your delight, leaving you excited all over, especially in your swim bottoms.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Give Victor a massage.",
result: "Victor looks really tense, he could probably use a good massage. You sit behind him and start rubbing the strong muscles in his shoulders. You can feel the tension melting away. The downside is that your own tension is rising, as you find yourself really enjoying feeling his strong muscles, your boobs “accidentally” bouncing off his back a few times.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: {
link: "Kiss him",
result: "You glance over at Victor while the two of you are talking. He’s gazing out of the water, watching the waves roll in. The sea breeze gently tossing his hair while his deep, brown eyes stir in thought. He looks so manly. You want him. You turn your glance into a look, leaning forward slightly, filling your eyes with desire, pouting your lips and trapping your $boobsLong between your arms for the best possible display. When he finally looks over at you, his eyes nearly pop out of his head. While he’s reeling, you lean forward, pressing your body against him before meeting his lips with yours. You feel a tingle of excitement ruling through you. The kiss goes on longer than expected, to your delight, leaving you excited all over, especially in your swim bottoms.",
target: "result",
<<set $actionB = {
name: "People Watch",
value: "peopleWatch",
link: "Do some people watching.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor nudges you and points out some beach goers nearby for a bit of people watching.",
fail: "Victor laughs at your enthusiasm, saying he didn’t realize you were so “catty”. You cross your arms under your breasts in a humph. <span class='main'>“I’m so not catty.”</span>",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Make fun of people.",
result: "Victor makes a few jokes about “land whales” while you point out the obvious sluts being obvious. <span class='main'>“Look at their suits! They’re practically begging for…”</span> you trail off as you catch Victor giving you a wry smirk. <span class='main'>“SHUT UP!”</span> you swat him on the arm while he laughs.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Speculate on other people, jobs, relationships, what they look like naked, etc.",
result: "It starts with everybody, but it eventually devolves into pointing out which people you think would be best in bed. You find yourself getting jealous of the girls Victor points out. You smile down at your hot body, not that any of them really stack up to you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Play “would you”.",
result: "You play “would you”. A game where you choose a person and debate over whether you’d be willing to take them home for the night. You get some laughs going down the hotness scale, trying to find each other’s minimum. Victor points out a couple guys and you tease him, saying you would if they were packing enough. He tries to counter with a few girls, but you squeeze up a little cleavage and pout, reminding him he’s already got the hottest girl on the beach.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Tan",
value: "tan",
link: "Get a tan.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor takes off his shirt and throws it to the side, announcing it’s time to get a tan.",
fail: "It’s no more than a few minutes before you feel yourself getting a burn.<br><br><mn>“Let’s do something else,”</mn> you suggest, to a grumble of disappointment from Victor.",
optionA: {
link: "Tan your front.",
result: "You slip on a little sun cream and lay on your back, letting the warm sun work its magic on your skin. You happen to glance over a few minutes later and notice Victor checking out your boobs. He looks away nonchalantly, causing you to smile. That’s sooo cute! You can’t blame him though, your girls look plump and amazing right now, almost bursting out of your top. As if on cue, his attention has your nips poking up now too.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Tan your back.",
result: "You slip on a little sun cream and lay on your front, letting the warm sun work its magic on your skin. You happen to glance over a few minutes later and notice Victor checking out your butt. He looks away nonchalantly, causing you to smile. That’s sooo cute! You give him a treat, wiggling a little... You might have to skip the deserts later, it jiggles a lot more than you expected. Not that Victor seems to mind.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: { link: "Ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back.",
result: "You lay down and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back. As the cold lotion spurts onto your back, you shiver a little, followed by a long coo of relaxation as he sits on your legs and works the lotion in. You enjoy the feeling of his strong hands running up and down your smooth back. He starts wandering south, all the way to the hem of your bottoms. You don’t try to dissuade him at all, giving a little shimmy and letting your $butt jiggle around. You only expected to tease him a little, so you let out a yelp when he surprises you with a firm smack on your ass! You’d be angry, but it’s actually quite pleasurable. You squirm, causing jiggles again, pretending to be upset...",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Unhook your top and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back.",
result: "You lay down and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back. He complies and moves to sit on your legs. You reach around and pop your top open. As the cold lotion spurts onto your back, you shiver a little, followed by a long coo of relaxation as he works the lotion in. He continues covering your back, then sides, eventually reaching the sides of your breasts. You can feel your nipples are cinched up and hard, even the tiny movement from the massage has those little points of pleasure all hot and bothered. Lost in thought and sensation, you surprise yourself with a tiny moan of pleasure. This only encourages Victor. The slipperiness of the lotion allows him to slide a hand to the underside of your breast and tweak your excited little nipple. You gasp and bite your lip involuntarily. You turn around, meaning to scold him, <span class='main'>“Stop it! You’re getting me all excited!”</span> Unfortunately it comes out breathy and sounds like sexy foreplay.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Rub lotion on Victor’s back.",
result: "Victor lays down on the towel, face down. You glance down and spend a moment admiring his broad shoulders and muscular back. Maybe a few moments, because he pipes up with a <span class='victor'>“you can touch too if you spread on some suncream.”</span> You turn red as a strawberry, but nod shyly as you grab the bottle of sun cream. You squirt out a healthy dollop in your palm and begin to work the cream onto his back. His olive skin is warm and taught over his muscles. You trace their contours as you spread the lotion, really getting into the work. Victor sighs out an approval of your impromptu massage, though you’re pretty sure you got more enjoyment — if the rock-hard nips pointing out of your suit are a reliable measure anyway.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "" }>>
<<case sand>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/sand-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are hanging out on the beach, walking through the warm sand.">>
<<set $locMove = "You hop across the hot sand to the beach, boobies bouncing wildly.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Walk",
value: "walk",
link: "Take a stroll along the beach.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor stands up, dusting himself off and suggests that you both take a walk down the beach.",
fail: "You walk alongside him, but aren’t able to get a good conversation going.",
optionA: {
link: "Head down to the rocky area to relax.",
result: "You head down to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach. You scramble over a few boulders, making your way to a secluded little cove area. You sit next to Victor and enjoy the waves rolling in for a few quiet moments. It doesn’t last though, his hand snakes around your waist and he pulls you towards him. You laugh breathily, and turn to meet his already puckered lips. Your own lips feel so warm and plush against his, softly melting against his kiss. Your body too seems to melt in pleasure as his hands run over you, shooting little tingles up and down with their rough caresses. Your tongues find each other and wrap in a warm, wet embrace. Victor’s hands are getting more aggressive, turning from light caresses to wanton gropes. Your breath is coming faster too, excited by the pleasure and how Victor is losing control to your body. Right then, a couple of kids come running up over the boulders. You jerk away on instinct, ruining the mood. Victor looks really displeased, so you lean over and whisper <span class='main'>“raincheck”</span> in his hear, while stuffing your boobs back into your top.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Just walk for a bit, talking and enjoying the company.",
result: "You just walk through the sand for a bit, holding hands and talking about some of Victor’s travels, he’s been to so many places! You’re really looking forward to someday visiting them again with him.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Glare at some girls.",
result: "You catch a couple of girls looking your way and whispering to each other. You see one of them mime an injection, implying you’ve got implants. Pissed off you, stop Victor and bounce your way to in front of him, making sure to get maximum jiggle in your $boobs. Obviously this gets the attention of the whole beach, especially Victor. As he leans in to embrace and kiss you, you shoot the girls a knowing look, enjoying them burning in jealousy.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Strut.",
result: "You don’t walk with Victor, you strut. It’s not <em>that</em> often you get to show your bod off on the beach, so you take full advantage of the moment. You lightly grasp Victor’s hand, but swish your arms and add as much sway into your $buttLong as possible, giving half the beach a naughty treat. The other half gets your $boobsLong, as you bounce them rhythmically and hypnotically with your step. You get lost in the performance, enjoying the drooling looks from every guy on the beach — until you get a quick slap on the butt. You jump a little, sending one last jiggle in your tits. You look back in shock at Victor, his hand still in the slap position. He smiles and shrugs, <span class='victor'>“Sorry, you looked like you really wanted the attention.”</span><br><br>You can’t help but burst out laughing. Victor joins in too, and soon you’re both strutting your way down the beach giggling.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Make out with Victor.",
result: "You head down to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach. You scramble over a few boulders, making your way to a secluded little cove area. You sit next to Victor and enjoy the waves rolling in for a few quiet moments. It doesn’t last though, his hand snakes around your waist and he pulls you towards him. You laugh breathily, and turn to meet his already puckered lips. Your own lips feel so warm and plush against his, softly melting against his kiss. Your body too seems to melt in pleasure as his hands run over you, shooting little tingles up and down with their rough caresses. Your tongues find each other and wrap in a warm, wet embrace. Victor’s hands are getting more aggressive, turning from light caresses to wanton gropes. Your breath is coming faster too, excited by the pleasure and how Victor is losing control to your body. Right then, a couple of kids come running up over the boulders. You jerk away on instinct, ruining the mood. Victor looks really displeased, so you lean over and whisper <span class='main'>“raincheck”</span> in his hear, while stuffing your boobs back into your top.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Frisbee",
value: "frisbee",
link: "Play some frisbee.",
target: "action",
passage: "You grab a handy frisbee disc to toss back and forth.",
fail: "Victor throws with a little too much power, forcing you to dive. You land hard in the sand, right on your boobs! You yelp in pain, and decide to take a break, rubbing your tender tits, you are not amused when Victor offers to help. Well, ok, maybe a little amused. Great, now your boobs are sore and your nips are hard.",
optionA: {
link: "Throw and catch goofily, making fools of yourselves.",
result: "You do a bunch of silly throws together, laughing the whole time. You miss more throws than you catch, though. Constantly being distracted and thrown off balance by your jiggling chest and ass. It’s weird, have your boobs gotten bigger?",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Throw hard, make him run to catch it.",
result: "You throw as hard as you can, but it’s not quite the rocket you imagined. He’s able to catch it without a problem. His return volley however really makes you have to hustle to get it. Your chest jostles wildly as you run, finally having to jump to catch it. You nail the catch though, landing hard on the sand. Thankfully your squishy butt takes a lot of the impact. What’s with all the bouncing though? Have your boobs gotten bigger? You glance down and there does seem to be a little more bulging in your suit than you remember.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Toss is to him, make it easy to catch.",
result: "He catches it with easy, tossing it back to you. You actually have to run a little, barely catching it. You catch Victor eyeing your chest, but you admit, it does feel bouncier than you remember. Have your boobs gotten bigger?",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to show you how to throw. He smiles slyly, then goes around behind you to help. He guides your arm, showing you how to spin your wrist and do a proper toss. You feel so nice and safe in his arms, even a little tingly. You suddenly feel a new sensation, your ass pushing itself up against Victor. You’re not sure what happened, neither of you moved, it’s like your ass suddenly grew out to meet him. He doesn’t seem disappointed though, holding you even tighter. Then you feel a different sensation in your ass, as “little Victor” starts poking you.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You say you’re not very good, and ask him to help. He gets a bit of a cocky smile and proceeds to stand behind you and show you how to throw. He’s such a great guy, so willing to help, so gentle in teaching you. Not to mention those muscles. Not huge, but still much larger than your arms and…<victor>“Are you ok?”</victor> Victor’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. Apparently you were absentmindedly stroking his bicep. You pull his arm around you tighter, pushing your $buttLong against his waist. <span class='main'>“I just want to thank you for teaching me.”</span> You turn and give him a kiss and a little grind with your hips. You’re rewarded with a little poke from Victor’s swim shorts too!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Volleyball",
value: "volleyball",
link: "Play volleyball together.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor sees a volleyball net just opening up, and suggests you go for a game. But just as you arrive, two huge, gorilla-sized guys approach. They get right up into the net and demand that you get off their turf. They tower over you, with biceps larger than your entire arm. You’re petrified, but Victor is amazingly holding his cool. You try to put on a tough face too, but end up looking pouty. Worst of all, as he talks, the musclehead’s eyes slide over your body in a sickening leer.",
fail: "You try to stand up to the closer guy, but he cuts you off.<br><br><npc>”Why don’t you fuck off, bitch, and let the boys talk?”</npc> He punctuates it by holding out a meaty hand the size of your entire face, blocking your view.<br><br>Your eyes go wide with surprise and anger, you stamp your foot (causing jiggles in various places), and move to shove his arm out of the way. It’s like trying to push a building — hard as you push, his arm doesn’t budge at all. Victor moves to defend you but gets a punch in the gut, sending him down.<br><br>You can tell this won’t end in your favor, and grab Victor’s hand to help him up and lead him off the court. “The wuss and his bitch” being laughed at the whole way by the muscle-heads.",
optionA: {
link: "Reason with them.",
result: "Victor goes the adult route and convinces them there was no harm intended, everybody should just go their own way. It must be his natural charm or something, but it works and you leave the volleyball court without a fight. You’re amazed at Victor, so confident and sexy! You give him a spontaneous kiss afterwards for dealing with it so maturely.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Placate them with an apology.",
result: "You apologize to them and ask they please let you go in peace, you’re not that well practiced, but you put on your cutest smile, puppy dog eyes, and squeeze up some cleavage. They mock Victor for having his “slut” do the talking for him, but you get away without a fight. Victor thanks you for taking the heat but says he could have handled it. You‘re still upset he called you a “slut”!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Stand up to them.",
result: "Victor doesn’t back down, calling the two lummoxes out on their “turf” bullshit. For a moment it looks like a fight will break out, some passersby starting to gather and watch. Victor is amazing though, never even blinking. His gaze eventually withers them, and they leave without a fight. You’re amazed at Victor, so confident and sexy! You give him a spontaneous kiss after for dealing with it so strongly!",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Use your womanly charms.",
result: "You catch the closer of the two glancing at your chest, and it gives you an idea. <mn>”Hey big guy,”</mn> you purr in your sexiest voice. <mn>“We’re really sorry for the trouble.”</mn> You twist your toes in the sand while swaying, and clasp your arms in front of you — while unintentional, this totally makes your boobs bulge out, bigger than you expect. They look huge, even to you! The muscle-heads’ eyes to go wide. You feel pretty slutty, and a little embarrassed, but it works and they agree to give up the court for “such a sexy treat”. Victor even seems jealous! That’s so cute! You squeeze the girls up again sexily and reassure him that they’re still all his.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make fun of them.",
result: "You and Victor humiliate the dudebros with a few quick jibes. They back down when you start making tiny dick jokes. You and Victor share a high five and get to the game.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "" }>>
<<case water>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/water-4.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are bobbing gently on the waves.">>
<<set $locMove = "You wade out into the softly rolling ocean, to about chest-deep.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Float",
value: "float",
link: "Float on the waves for awhile.",
target: "action",
passage: "You lay back and let the ocean carry you, bobbing along with slowly rocking waves.",
fail: "You both float, but rather than an enjoyable silence, it seems awkward. Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Splash Victor.",
result: "You wait for a vulnerable moment and splash him with a shower of water. He immediately gets you back with a laugh and splash of his own. You get soaked, giggling the whole time.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dive down and look at the fish.",
result: "You both dive down, but as you’re coming back up, the water pulls down your top! You break the surface with your $boobs jiggling wildly all over! You manage to grab the top, but not without giving Victor and the whole beach a show. Victor seems to find the whole episode hilarious. Jerk, lol.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just float.",
result: "You and Victor just float along, enjoying the motion of the ocean. Utterly relaxed, you let out a long sigh of contented bliss. The water feels amazing against your sensitive skin, especially in contrast to the warm sun. Though the coolness has definitely got your high-beams turned on and poking through your top.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "Dunk Victor.",
result: "After a few splashes and roughhousing you get in a dunking contest. He’s able to push your dunk aside with his greater strength, then dunk you! He pulls you back up, lifting you up off your feet. You have no leverage with him holding you, so you know there’s no way to dunk him. So you go for the next best thing and smother his face in your wet boobs. He thrashes his head, acting upset, but oddly doesn’t put you down.",
target: "result",
energy:0 },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Race",
value: "race",
link: "Have a swimming race.",
target: "action",
passage: "After floating for a little while, Victor suggests having a friendly swimming race.",
fail: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away. When you finally reach him, you’re sputtering and grumpy. He apologizes for not playing fair.",
optionA: {
link: "Try your best!",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but magnanimously compliments you on how well you did. You smile and blush, he always knows how to make you feel special.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but compliments you on how well you swam despite your little toothpick arms and legs. You turn red and give him a shoulder punch while he laughs at your reaction.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Swim all out.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away, but compliments you on how well you swam despite how poorly streamlined you are, motioning towards your tits. You laugh, but slap him in the arm for good measure...",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him win, and congratulate him afterwards.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>He just blows you away. It’s like he’s half dolphin! When you finally catch up, you let him know how amazed you are at his strength and speed, giving his biceps a squeeze for good measure. For his part, Victor grins from ear to ear and eats the praise right up.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "" }>>
<<case shops>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/shops_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are strolling along a tiny mall with shops selling souvenirs, beach accessories and swimwear.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the cute little shopping area.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Hang Out",
value: "hangOut",
link: "Hang around the shops.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to wander around the shops, seeing what you can find for sale. Victor begrudgingly agrees.",
fail: "You wander around the shops for a bit, enjoying seeing all the different souvenirs, trinkets and cute outfits for sale, lots of cute sandals and bikinis too! You have a great time, but Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the other shoppers.",
result: "You catch Victor eyeing another girl, and while you’re about to give him shit when he mentions how hot her suit would look on you. You smile, blush and give him a shoulder swat for good measure anyway.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Get some ice cream with Victor.",
result: "You stop by a little ice cream stand and grab a couple of cones. Victor goes with chocolate and you get some frozen yogurt (got to watch your figure). Victor gets a little smidge on his nose, and you happily help by kissing it off.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: {
link: "Do a little window shopping.",
result: "You wander around the shops for a bit, enjoying seeing all the different souvenirs, trinkets and cute outfits for sale, lots of cute sandals and bikinis too! You have a great time, but Victor looks a bit bored, still he puts up with it for you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Strut.",
result: "You don’t walk with Victor, you strut. It’s not <em>that</em> often you get to show your bod off on the beach, so you take full advantage of the moment. You lightly grasp Victor’s hand, but swish your arms and add as much sway into your $buttLong as possible, giving half the beach a naughty treat. The other half gets your $boobsLong, as you bounce them rhythmically and hypnotically with your step. You get lost in the performance, enjoying the drooling looks from every guy on the beach — until you get a quick slap on the butt. You jump a little, sending one last jiggle in your tits. You look back in shock at Victor, his hand still in the slap position. He smiles and shrugs, <span class='victor'>“Sorry, you looked like you really wanted the attention.”</span><br><br>You can’t help but burst out laughing. Victor joins in too, and soon you’re both strutting your way through the shops giggling.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: ""},
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "" }>>
<<case arcade>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/arcade_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "The small arcade in the shopping center. There are a few people here, enjoying games — and a good mix of old and new titles to try out.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head into the game arcade.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Road Puncher",
value: "roadPuncher",
link: "Play a round of the Road Puncher fighting game.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor suggests you try a fighting game. You’ve never been any good at these, but you’re happy to try for him. You usually choose whichever girl has the biggest boobs.",
fail: "Victor blows you away in about 10 seconds flat. Bit of a waste of a quarter.",
optionA: {
link: "Button mash!",
result: "You mash those buttons like your life depended on it! You feel quite a bit of jostling in your chest from the effort. Thankfully, when you stand back up, Victor is laughing at your “play style” too much to notice your nipples at attention again after all the bouncing.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You play your best character, but it’s not much of a contest in the end. Victor wins easily, but enjoys it. You smile but tell him he owes you a go on the claw catcher regardless.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "Not much to this, even if you tried your hardest, you’d still probably lose. Victor wins easily, but enjoys it. You smile but tell him he owes you a go on the claw catcher regardless.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "Distract Victor!",
result: "The game starts as usual, Victor kicking your butt all over the screen. You keep blocking, waiting for an opportune moment, then quickly pull down out your top giving a peek inside! Victor’s eyes bulge out as your $boobsLong momentarily flash before his eyes, giving you enough time to pull off a super move and get the win. Afterwards he calls you a dirty cheater, but that you can cheat like that any time.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go, instead standing to the side and cheering him on. You get really into it, cheering him on and jumping up and down as he plays. You’re not 100% sure, but you think your jumping and bouncing may have helped his win. His opponent could keep his eyes off you!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Purikura",
value: "purikura",
link: "Try one of those purikura photobooths.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try out one of those purikura photobooths, to take some pictures and make some memories.",
fail: "Victor says he doesn’t really like taking photos of himself. Never likes how they turn out.",
optionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Couples pose.",
result: "You give each other a big hug and even bigger smile. You could sell the resulting photo to a stock site for ”cute couple”.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionB: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Kiss pose.",
result: "You wrap your arms around Victor and kiss him deeply. You hold the kiss, waiting for the camera, but it takes a little longer than you expected, and the kiss turns into a make-out session. The pictures are fun in the end, but probably something you don’t want to show publicly.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Cute pose.",
result: "You touch your finger to your lips and pucker up in a duck face pose, batting your big eyes at the camera. Victor tries a pose too, but got distracted and looked at you right as the camera went off! Not that you blame him, you look hot.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Sexy pose!",
result: "You purse your full lips in a kiss to the camera, and lean forward, squeezing up a line of cleavage between your arms. Victor tries a pose too, but got distracted and looked at you right as the camera went off! Not that you blame him, you look fucking hot.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: ""},
chaOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Sexy Couple Pose!",
result: "Victor grabs your hips and pushes up against your ass. You play along, leaning over, pushing into him and putting on your best ecstasy face. You two giggle at the silly pictures...though when you were grinding into Victor, you could feel he was very ”method” in his acting.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Motorcycle game",
value: "motorcycleGame",
link: "Try the motorcycle racing game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You go to try out a motorcycle racing game — this one has plastic bikes attached to the game that you can sit on and steer to race.",
fail: "Victor says racing games are not really his thing.",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: {
link: "Let Victor win.",
result: "You both hop on the big fake bikes for a race. But it’s really heavy, you can barely turn it with your dainty weight. You race Victor with the intention to let him win, but the bike simulates a ride and vibrates wildly beneath you. It feels really good. You have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud! You barely make it across the finish line, and your bottoms are so wet, you worry about leaving a spot on the bike seat. Not to mention that you’re now insanely horny.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You both hop on the big fake bikes for a race. But it’s really heavy, you can barely turn it with your dainty weight. You take off from the start line in a shot, but the bike simulates a ride and vibrates wildly beneath you. It feels really good. You have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud! You barely make it across the finish line, and your bottoms are so wet, you worry about leaving a spot on the bike seat. Not to mention that you’re now insanely horny.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Ride with him.",
result: "Victor hops on a bike, and you jump on behind him. Wrapping your arms around him in an embrace. As you squeeze into him, crushing your $boobs into his back, he has a hard time concentrating on the course. You decide to tease him a little and reach down to his crotch for a little squeeze. He crashes immediately.<br><br>You apologize immediately, but he laughs it off, asking if you want to crash again.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him play, cheer him on.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go, instead standing to the side and cheering him on. You get really into it, cheering him on and jumping up and down as he plays. You’re not 100% sure, but you think your jumping and bouncing may have helped his win. His opponent could keep his eyes off you!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "Claw Catcher",
value: "clawCatcher",
link: "Play the claw catcher game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You both decide to try some of the claw catcher games to waste a little time and a lot of money.",
fail: "These claw catcher machines are hard! No luck today.",
optionA: {
link: "Get a keychain souvenir from Victor.",
result: "He pulls out a little sandal-shaped keychain from one of the machines. It’s very small and cheap, but you love it anyway, because it’s from him. You attach it to your swimsuit, right between your boobs, to show it off to everyone (you know where they’re all looking after all).",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Fail at getting any prizes, but have fun doing it.",
result: "These claw catcher things are hard! But you both have fun trying, and even more fun bitching about these stupid, cheating machines afterwards.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Get keychain souvenirs for each other.",
result: "You pull out a little sandal-shaped keychain from one of the machines. It’s very small and cheap, but he makes a big deal about how much he likes it, and attaches it to the side of his swimsuit. You smile a little, blushing over how big a deal he’s making for you. You expect him to do the same for you, but he actually moves to another machine full of adorable stuffed animals, and proceeds to pull out a big fuzzy teddy bear. When he hands it over, you hug its softness against your chest and are almost moved to tears by how sweet he is!",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask Victor to get something for you.",
result: "You expect him to just get one of the cheap souvenir key chains, but he actually moves to another machine full of adorable stuffed animals, and proceeds to pull out a big fuzzy teddy bear. When he hands it over, you hug its softness against your chest and are almost moved to tears by how sweet he is!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case court>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/court_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are at the beach-side food court.">>
<<set $locMove = "Tummies rumbling, you go to the local food court.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Lunch",
value: "lunch",
link: "Get some lunch.",
target: "action",
passage: "Lots of different stalls and food, what would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor doesn’t feel like eating right now.",
optionA: {
link: "A big ol' delicious burger grilled to perfection and covered with cheese.",
result: "You enjoy a big, juicy cheeseburger. It’s so large you can’t even get your mouth around it for a proper bite. You end up squeezing half out the opposite end, and dripping some ketchup on your boobs. Victor giggles a little, so you wipe it up with your finger then suggestively suck it off. He stops giggling and starts practically drooling. Men are so easy.",
target: "result3",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Get a salad - A nice, healthy option.",
result: "You enjoy a nice green salad with slices of spiced chicken on top. No way you’re going to spoil your beach body this early into vacation.",
target: "result3",
type: 2,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Get a pink, whipped berry smoothie",
result: "Sweet but still mostly healthy, and super cute to boot. You make sure to get a selfie of yourself drinking it.",
target: "result3",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Get a corndog.",
result: "Big, juicy hotdog wrapped in cornbread and fried. Unhealthy, but you can cheat once in a while. You always liked eating the cornbread first, and use your teeth to strip it off. But when you’re nearly done, and have the whole hotdog in your mouth, you catch Victor giving you a sly look.<br><br><victor>”Enjoying yourself? I’m sure the hot dog is”</victor> He taunts with a lift of his eyebrows.<br><br>You smile, pucker your lips around the hot dog and slooooowly pull it out, even getting a little pop at the end. Victor’s jaw nearly hits the table. Men are so easy.",
target: "result3",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkCourt",
link: "Just gossip for a bit.",
target: "action",
passage: "You two just sit and talk for awhile.",
fail: "Victor seems like he’s not really paying attention.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "You shamelessly fish for a compliment.You were hoping for something about your eyes or personality, but Victor wastes no time mentioning how nice your boobs are. <span class='main'>“Beggars can’t be choosers,”</span> you sigh.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. You can tell he’s not into it, but he’s such a sweetie to listen to you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You talk about your times together; how you met, first date, first kiss, you squeal in enjoyment recalling it all again.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Get Victor to kiss you.",
result: "You glance over at Victor while the two of you are talking. He’s absentmindedly eating his fries, one by one while looking out at the water. The sea breeze gently tossing his hair while his deep, brown eyes stir in thought. He looks so manly, you want him, and you want him to want you. You turn your glance into a look, leaning forward slightly, filling your eyes with desire, pouting your lips and trapping your $boobsLong between your arms for the best possible display. When he finally looks over at you, his eyes nearly pop out of his head. He gets the hint straight away and pulls you into a warm kiss. You feel a tingle of excitement ruling through you. It goes on longer than expected, to your delight, leaving you excited all over, especially in your swim bottoms.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: {
link: "Steal his fries.",
result: "You and Victor gab for a while on a bunch of random topics. You catch his eyes occasionally drifting south towards your chest. He’s definitely attracted to you, you decide to try and see how far your boobs can get you with him. You lean forward, meeting his eyes with a mischievous smile and grab one of the fries off his plate. He opens his mouth to say something, but you lean back and allow your breasts to settle on top of your arm resting on the table. This makes them bulge up and out deliciously. You look down at the girls with satisfaction, then back up at Victor, keeping your sly smile the whole time. He eventually is able to look back up at your eyes and says, <span class='victor'>“Uh, would you like some more fries?”</span>",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: "" }>>
<<set $actionD = {name: "" }>>
<<case luau>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/luau_2.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "There’s a long buffet of amazing looking food, and a troupe of dancers jumping and spinning on stage to the beating of drums.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the Luau restaurant, with Victor it’s easy to get a table.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dinner",
value: "dinner",
link: "Visit the buffet.",
target: "action",
passage: "You step up to the long buffet, overflowing with pacific island delights. What would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor says he’s not hungry.",
optionA: {
link: "Pile it up!",
result: "You heap your plate full of all kinds of meats, fruit, rice and sweets. Not good for your figure, but hey, another inch might actually look good on your ass.",
target: "drinks",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Eat slim & healthy.",
result: "You choose a few good looking morsels, but mostly stick to the fruits and salads. Your ass is already tight enough in your swimsuit. <span class='main'>“Well, maybe it can be a little tighter,”</span> you think grabbing a piece of cheesecake.",
target: "drinks",
type: 1,
optionC: {
link: "Straight to the desserts!",
result: "You’re not that hungry, but that cake looks awesome! Sometimes you just have so little self control (giggle)!",
target: "drinks",
type: 2,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Show",
value: "show",
link: "Enjoy the Polynesian dance show.",
target: "action",
passage: "Throughout the meal, you’re treated to a medley of Pacific Island dances. Beautiful bodies swaying and bouncing to the drum beats. At one point the audience is asked to come on stage and participate, you can dance in the back with a bunch of other restaurant goers, or you can put on a grass skirt and take center stage.",
fail: "Victor stands up to volunteer, but you pull his arm back down. No. Way.",
optionA: {
link: "Put on a grass skirt!",
result: "You two share a nod then go all the way and volunteer yourselves for the main dance. The dancers put you both in grass skirts. It’s pretty short, but it looks great with your long legs. The way it swishes around them when you move is positively seductive. They show you a few steps and pretty soon you’re swaying your hips to cheers from the crowd!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Join the group dance.",
result: "You and Victor go up during the dance, but stay in the line with the other patrons, not going out front. You’re having a great time, but notice a lot more jiggling in your ass than seems normal. No more luau buffets for you.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Decline to join.",
result: "You both decide to stay in your seats and just enjoy the show as presented. Bit of a relief actually, you’d be nervous in front of all those people. The very thought makes you blush!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Put on the grass skirt and the coconut bra.",
result: "You both decide to go all the way, volunteering for the main dance, and to wearing the dancers' costumes. Victor gets leggings and a kukui-nut necklace. You get a grass skirt and coconut bra! It’s rough against your skin, and a little tight, but the weight adds a nice bounce to your boobies. When the dancing finally starts, you give it your all, and use the bouncing coconuts and flaring skirt to give everyone a fantastic show. When it’s all over, you get a loud round of applause from the crowd and Victor. Your face glows red again, but this time in a sense of pride.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy dance.",
result: "You and Victor have a slight argument about whether you could pull off a hula or not. Never one to back down against a challenge, you storm up to the stage and grab a grass skirt and a coconut bra. The coconuts are rough against your skin, and the bra barely fits, but the weight adds a nice bounce to your boobies. When the dancing finally starts, you give it your all, and use the bouncing coconuts and flaring skirt to give everyone a fantastic show. The crowd is clapping along, and you hear more than a few wolf whistles. When it’s all over, the crowd goes wild as you <em>strut</em> off the stage, Victor is still applauding as you sit back down.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case bar>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bar_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are floating, partially submerged in the cool water at an in-pool bar.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the in-pool bar for a soak and a drink.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkBar",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "You shamelessly fish for a compliment.You were hoping for something about your eyes or personality, but Victor wastes no time mentioning how nice your boobs are. <span class='main'>“Beggars can’t be choosers,”</span> you sigh.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. You can tell he’s not into it, but he’s such a sweetie to listen to you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You talk about your times together; how you met, first date, first kiss, you squeal in enjoyment recalling it all again.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Get Victor to kiss you.",
result: "You glance over at Victor while the two of you are talking. He’s gazing out of the water, watching the waves roll in. The sea breeze gently tossing his hair while his deep, brown eyes stir in thought. He looks so manly, you want him, and you want him to want you. You turn your glance into a look, leaning forward slightly, filling your eyes with desire, pouting your lips and trapping your $boobsLong between your arms for the best possible display. When he finally looks over at you, his eyes nearly pop out of his head. He gets the hint straight away and pulls you into a warm kiss. You feel a tingle of excitement ruling through you. It goes on longer than expected, to your delight, leaving you excited all over, especially in your swim bottoms.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Debate who the hottest girl at the bar is.",
result: "You have a lively discussion about who the hottest people at the bar are. You point out a few that are very well put together, with cute swimsuits that flatter their bodies. <span class='main'>“It’s the presentation,”</span> you argue. You appreciate the work that goes into choosing the right hair, makeup and clothes, not to mention the hard work that goes into maintaining a beach body. You ask Victor who he thinks is hottest. Victor scans the bar, but you refuse to be beaten. You squeeze your arms together, pushing up a line of cleavage, and give him a smoldering come-hither look. He doesn’t need to be asked twice and reaches around your waist, pulling you into a deep kiss. <span class='victor'>“Of course it’s you, baby.”</span><br><br>Good thing you’re already in a pool, gives you an excuse for being so wet downstairs.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksbar",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You flag down the bartender, a short girl in a cute flower-print bikini.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsBar",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "You call over the bartendress, and ask for a round of shots.<br><br>She rings a bell, eliciting a minor cheer from the other patrons.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case club>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/club_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "A heavy beat pounds around and through you, matched by strobing lights and laser effects. It’s nearly impossible to hear each other talk, but you’re not that bothered, plenty of things to distract besides conversation. Everywhere you look, bodies writhe and grid to the music.">>
<<set $locMove = "You follow the heavy base thuds to the club. The bouncer looks you up and down, pausing for a few seconds on your chest. He then lifts the rope and lets you skip the line.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dance",
value: "dance",
link: "Dance",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor heads out to the dance floor, you follow along.",
fail: "You’re not really much of a dancer, you tell him you’d prefer to stay at the bar.",
optionA: {
link: "Dance together.",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your best moves. The two of you just seem to sync your dances playing off of one another and moving like you’d practiced a thousand times. It’s so perfect, so romantic, so exciting. When the song breaks, you catch each other’s eyes, panting from the exertion and kiss deeply right there on the dance floor. You feel like you could rip off Victor’s clothes and take him right here on the dance floor",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dance close.",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your best moves. The two of you just seem to sync your dances playing off of one another and moving like you’d practiced a thousand times. It’s so perfect, so romantic, so exciting. When the song breaks, you catch each other’s eyes, panting from the exertion and kiss deeply right there on the dance floor. You feel like you could rip off Victor’s clothes and take him right here on the dance floor.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Show off your moves.",
result: "You turn and spin, snaking your lithe body in all kinds of seductive steps, punctuating each with a sexy bounce or jiggle in your tits and ass. You have the whole club looking, easily the hottest thing on the dance floor right now. God your ass is bouncing all over the place! What is going on? When did it get so big?!? You push the thoughts aside and even work your bigger booty into your moves. Soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along with your dance! You share a look of pride with Victor.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dance VERY close.",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your best moves. The two of you just seem to sync, your dances playing off of one another and moving like you’d practiced a thousand times. It’s so perfect, so romantic, so exciting. You keep dancing closer and closer until your bodies touch, and then some. You’re grinding your plump ass against his crotch while he runs his hands up and down your body, everything in time with the music. It’s so fucking hot, you feel like you could rip off Victor’s clothes and take him right here on the dance floor.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Dance sexy.",
result: "You turn and snake your body showing off all your moves, and a few new ones you didn’t think were possible for you. Your hips sway to the beat in wide arcs, and your boobs bounce and swing in heavy bobbing waves — moving like they’ve got a mind of their own. It’s weird, but you almost feel like you’ve gained a cup or two up top over the last few hours.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksClub",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You head over to the club bar to grab a round for you and Victor.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsClub",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "As a bartender passes, you call out SHOTS and grab a round.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case bungalow>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bungalow_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest his bungalow is. Still beautiful, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from its premium location.">>
<<set $locMove = "After a long night, you head over to Victor’s bungalow, hand in hand.">>
<<set $actionA = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionB = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionC = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionD = { name: "" }>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $relType = "Sexy Girlfriend">>
/*Add looks*/
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
/* New Day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<set $return = "hut_7">>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $goneOut = false>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set $kissThreshold = $rel + 10>>
/* Reset Activities */
<<display "varsReset">>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", letting your heavy tits roll downward and bounce on your chest.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", causing a shift and wobble on your chest.">>
<<set _boobTouch = " quickly, sending jiggles through your tits.">>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _boobTouchB = "You heft one upwards with both hands, feeling its soft weight and expanse of velvety skin; the puffy, conical areola juts off the front with a fat nipple aimed right at your face.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouchB = "You pull one of the orbs up towards you, feeling the plush softness and velvety skin; admiring the puffy, conical areola and gumdrop nipple that juts out a little above half way up the front.">>
<<set _boobTouchB = "You cup one of your breasts, pushing it up in your hand and admiring the tight little cherry nipple jutting out at the world.">>
Your eyes flutter open, blinking in the soft morning light. Still laying down, you stretch out your shoulders and neck. They’re a little bit cramped from sleeping on such a hard surface.
<br><br><mn>"Hard surface?"</mn> You blink with a surprise as you realize you’re in the beach hut! How the hell did you get here? Did you and Victor fuck here last night?<br><br>
The very thought already gets you tingling and excited, first thing in the morning. You close your eyes, bite your lip and run a hand down the side of your body to between your thighs, getting another pleasant tingle from the touch. Your eyes shoot back open as you realise you’re completely naked!<br><br>
The shock breaks through the building horniness, <span class='main'>“what am I doing in here?”</span><br><br>
You lay there blinking for a moment, trying to make sense of the strange situation, waking up naked in a changing room with crazy thoughts running through your head. You sit up_boobTouch Something seems off about your boobs. _boobTouchB As you look at it, your nipple stiffens up pleasurably begging for some attention. You oblige with a little tweak, sending another wave of pleasure through you. Your pussy echos it again, causing you to rub your thighs together and moan. You lose the battle for focus as the horniness returns.<br><br>
You retry your earlier thought, <span class='main'>“what am I doing in here...when that hunk Victor is out there waiting for me?”</span><br><br>
You get up, pull your suit back on, stuff your tits and ass into the tight material as best as possible; then fuss with your hair for a good five minutes before heading out.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "hut_7">><</link>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_4">><</link>><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<case towels>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK TOWELS ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_4">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepTowelsDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ======== KISS TOWELS ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_6">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<case sand>>
/* ======== KISS SAND ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_6">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<case shops>>
/* ======== SHOP ======== */
<<link "Try on a new swimsuit at the shop." "swimsuit_2">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $swimsuit = true>>
<<set $currentSuit = $clothesWorn>>
/* ======== SALON ======== */
<<link "Change your hair at the salon." "salon">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $salon = true>>
<<set $orHairLength = $hairLength>>
<<set $orHairColor = $hairColor>>
<<set $orHairAction = $hairAction>>
/* ========= SHOP KISS ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_6">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<case court>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK COURT ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_4">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepCourtDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ========= COURT KISS ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_6">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<case bar>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BAR ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBarDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_4">>
<<set $deepBarDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBarDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
/* ========= BAR KISS ======== */
<<if $barkissDone != true>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor go to the back of the pool area away from the rest of the guests to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $drunk > 4>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "The drinks are going to your well as one other place. Burning up with horniness, you grab Victor and go to the back of the pool area — away from the rest of the guests to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_6">><<set $barkissDone = true>><</link>>
<<case club>>
/* ========= CLUB KISS ======== */
<<if $clubkissDone != true>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor find an unoccupied booth in the back of the club to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $drunk > 4>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "The drinks are going to your well as one other place. Burning up with horniness, you grab Victor and find an unoccupied booth in the back of the club to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_6">><<set $clubkissDone = true>><</link>>
<<case bungalow>>
/* ========= KISS GOODNIGHT ======== */
<<link "Say goodnight" "funky_6">>
<<set $bases = 5>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BUNGALOW ======== */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBungalowDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_4">>
<<set $deepBungalowDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBungalowDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
/* ========= KISS GOODNIGHT ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor Goodnight" "funky_6">>
<<set $bases = 5>>
/* ========= BUNGALOW KISS MOVIE======== */
<<link "Stream a movie." "funky_6">>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor head in and sit on his sofa, telling yourselves you’re going to stream a movie and chill. You barely even get the TV on before you catch each other's eyes.">>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<case default>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $rel + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $rel + $boost>>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><</if>>
<<switch $deepState>>
<<case 1>>
/* ======================== Passage 1 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off, changing the subject. <span class="victor">“Sorry, not your problem. So what you want to do next?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information.<br><br>
You pull the hem of your bottoms aside a little and sigh <span class="main">“I’m going to have some serious tan lines if I’m not careful. It’s unavoidable with nothing to do but sit and soak up all the sun.”</span> You let the fabric snap back onto your hips and stretch, <span class="main">“Still, not looking forward to going back. How about you? Enough vacation yet?”</span>
Victor gets a bit quiet, staring blankly out over the ocean. He answers distantly, <span class="victor">“Yeah, I guess.”</span><br><br>
Something is obviously bothering him. You furrow your brow and pull your legs up under your chin, <span class="main">“Hey, what’s the matter?”</span><br><br>
He keeps looking into the distance. <span class="victor">“I’m not really sure about going back home.”</span> he says, seemingly more to himself than to you.<br><br>
<span class="main">“What do you mean? You can’t for some reason?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No, it’s not that...”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“You don’t want to then?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No, I want to, I think....I’m not sure I can...”</span><br><br>
<<case 2>>
/* ======================== Passage 2 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off. <span class="victor">“It’s not like that, it’s…I don’t know. Can we do something else?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“You mentioned before that you weren’t sure you’d be able to go back home, what did you mean by that?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
He’s still looking out over the ocean, <span class="victor">“Don’t worry, it’s not your problem.”</span><br><br>
You frown at that, <span class="main">“Hey come on, I’m not just some stranger you met on the beach, tell me what’s wrong. What do you mean you can’t go home?”</span><br><br>
You place a hand gently on his shoulder.<br><br>
He seems to soften slightly at your touch, <span class="victor">“It’s just my family”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Did they kick you out?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No! Not like that, they know I’m here, bought the tickets, but they think I’m just on vacation.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“If you’re not on vacation, what are you doing hanging out on a beach?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It is a vacation...kind of, I’m just trying to decide whether to go back to them or know, not.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“You’re thinking of running off, aren’t you?”</span>
<<case 3>>
/* ======================== Passage 3 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
<span class="victor">“I just want… I want to think about anything besides this right now.”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So have you decided to run away from your family yet?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It’s not running off, it’s…”</span> you give him time to think, but he eventually exhales in defeat.
<span class="victor">“...yeah, running off. And no, I haven’t decided yet. Is that crazy?”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“I guess it depends what you’re running from.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Well, it’s my dad…”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“Does he mistreat your or something?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“No, it’s not like that! He…um…runs a pretty big company, and he wants to keep it in the family.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“And that’s not what you want in life?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Ha! What I want doesn’t matter. It’s not like I actually want to be running away from my family.”</span> He says getting riled up.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So what do you want?”</span>
<<case 4>>
/* ======================== Passage 4 ======================== */
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><br><</if>>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“So you never told me why you were thinking of running away.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“I want to make them all proud of me as a son, I want to make the family business strong.”</span> he’s getting pretty emotional, clenching his hands tightly.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Isn’t that what your family wants too?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Exactly! That’s the problem.”</span> He’s starting get upset, <span class="victor">“they all think I’ll be just like him and run everything smoothly.”</span><br><br>
You’d pictured him so strong, so confident, but his softer side is at the wheel now. You try consoling him, putting your hand on his and squeezing, <span class="main">“You don’t think you can handle the work?”</span><br><br>
He turns his hand over and grips yours. <span class="victor">“I spent my whole childhood in the best business schools, with private tutoring, and endless study. I could write a quarterly business plan in my sleep, but I never spent time learning the real part of business. I can’t handle actually being a manager.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“I can’t even give a speech in front of a dozen employees without turning into a rambling mess. How am I supposed to manage the fate of a few thousand? My father is this great business icon, but he always treated me like an investment...”</span><br><br>
He pauses, only barely holding back tears. <span class="victor">“...I don’t even know what it’s like to be loved,”</span> the last part comes out in a quiver.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Yes,”</span> you say, still holding his hand, you move in front of him, kneeling so you’re eye level, <span class="main">“you do.”</span><br><br>
You press your lips into his, feeling the warmth and softness in them. He kisses you back, deeply and passionately holding it for a very long time.
When the kiss finally ends, you both sit back and wrap your arms around each other. Victor is holding you so tightly, like you’re the most important thing in the world.<br><br>
He manages to get out, <span class="victor">“I...I love you too.”</span><br><br>
You look up to see his eyes watering as they look down at you, and hold him tighter too.
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
/* ============CONTINUE OPTION============= */
<<if $deepState < 4>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $deepFail != true>> /*check to disable for fail*/
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep_4">>
<<set $relMod += 2>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $deepState += 1>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep_4">>
<<set $deepFail = true>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<span class="disabled">[Push more - Victor doesn’t feel like talking about this now.]</span>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = 2>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = 2>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
/* Display if complete */
<br><<link "Continue." $return>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<</if>><<switch $changeroomState>>
<<case 1>>
You shyly step out of the changing booth to show your new suit to Victor and ask what he thinks. He looks you up and down and stammers some sounds of approval as you spin for him. You’re not sure what he said, but the tent in his shorts lets you know what he thinks.<br><br>
<span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><br>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<case 2>>
/* ======================CASE 2====================== */
You peek out to ask Victor what he thinks of your new suit. He steps closer to look, but you grab him by the arm and pull him into the dressing room. He stands there disoriented for a moment.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Well?”</span> you ask, putting your hands firmly on your hips with a jiggle in your chest.<br><br>
Victor doesn’t seem sure what’s going on, <span class="victor">“I uhhh...”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“The suit.”</span> you turn sideways and pose for him.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“Oh sorry,”</span> he stammers, <span class="victor">“it looks great! Really flatters you!”</span><br><br>
You’re nowhere near done teasing him yet. <span class="main">“I don’t know, is it a little too tight on my ass?”</span> you turn away and bend over slightly. Looking back at him, you see your efforts rewarded with a slight swelling in his shorts.<br><br>
He’s finally catching on, and tries teasing you back, <span class="victor">“Yeah it does look a little big.”</span><br><br>
You refuse to be out-teased <span class="main">“I guess you’re right,”</span> you quickly pull off the top in one smooth move, letting your $boobsLong bounce free. <span class="main">“Maybe I should try this other one...”</span><br><br>
<<link "Shoo" "changeroom_6">>
<<set $changeroomState = 3>>
<<link "Spit" "changeroom_6">>
<<set $changeroomState = 4>>
<<set $bodMod += 2>>
<<set $chadMod += 2>>
<<link "Swallow" "changeroom_6">>
<<set $changeroomState = 5>>
<<set $bodMod += 3>>
<<set $chadMod += 3>>
<<case 3>>
/* ======================CASE 3====================== */
<span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><br>
You find the top you were looking for, a thin little string bikini - technically white, but more sheer than not. You slip it on over your head and slip the little patches over your boobs. You look back at Victor, who’s trying to gather his jaw off the floor.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Can you tie me up?”</span> you ask, dangling the straps at him.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“Su...sure”</span> he stumbles, obviously taking his time in tying the strings, peeking all the while.<br><br>
Finally finished, you turn with a flourish, showing off the suit. It’s not bad actually, the silky material looks nice stretched over your tits. Victor tied it a little tight though, your nipples are poking through the thin material clear as day. Victor is trying his best not to stare at them.<br><br>
You don’t mind of course, it’s fun <em>using your body</em> to influence him. Right as you have the thought, you feel a strange wave of tingles flowing across your body, especially your boobs. Looking down, you see Victor tied it way too tight, your girls are straining the strings of the top. Are they getting bigger? It almost looks like you’re inhaling, as your boobs push the poor top and bulge out the sides. All at once, the knot in the back gives way letting your tits spill free.<br><br>
Victor is still staring, stunned at the display. <span class="victor">“Did you just...did they?”</span><br><br>
Suddenly embarrassed, you decide that it’s enough fun for now. <span class="main">“Ok, shows over, let me choose my suit in peace.”</span> Victor protests - he really doesn’t want to leave - but you shove him out.<br><br>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<case 4>>
/* ======================CASE 4===================== */
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "heavy udders swaying beneath you">>
<<elseif $secondary > 15>>
<<set $boobMove = "breasts bobbing beneath you">>
<<set $boobMove = "breasts jiggling on your chest with the motions.">>
<span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><br>
You turn and rummage through the pile, letting Victor’s jaw hit the floor behind you. You find another suit that looks nice, but are interrupted by a pair of hands cupping your breasts. Victor pulls you close, kneading your boobs, and pushing his straining cock against your $butt.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Just couldn’t resist, could you?”</span> you smile, turning to face him. Your bare breasts graze his chest, resting against him.<br><br>
He smiles, <span class="victor">“like it wasn't your idea in the first place.”</span><br><br>
You shrug while he continues, <span class="victor">“besides, I can’t go anywhere now.”</span> He motions down to the flagpole pushing out his swimtrunks.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Well, that part I can help you with.”</span><br><br>
You slowly lower yourself down, being sure to run your hard nipples down his chest. When you reach his bottoms, you yank at them, letting his dick spring out in front of you. You grab it and look back up at him sweetly.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“Fuck, you’re amazing.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“It’s my fault for teasing you, least I could do.”</span><br><br>
You give it a lick around the edge, before taking it in your mouth. Hard and smooth, you move back and forth on the shaft, sucking at the same time. Victor’s eyes glaze over, running his hands through your $hairLength, $hairColor hair.<br><br>
You increase the speed and suction, bobbing your head back and forth, feeling your $boobMove. Victor is breathing heavy now, leaning back against the wall.<br><br>
Suddenly with a grunt, his whole body shudders, and you feel his cock twitching wildly in your mouth, spurts of warm liquid pooling in.<br><br>
You pull back, his cock still twitching in front of you as it deflates. You grab a wad of tissues from nearby and spit out all the seed there. Grabbing your top, you stuff your boobs back in and fix your hair.<br><br>
This whole time, Victor is still standing there, somewhat lost in a haze of pleasure. Giggling, you take his hand and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles back at you with the same phrase as before, <span class="victor">“Fuck, you’re amazing.”</span><br><br>
You giggle again and lead him back out by the hand.<br><br>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<case 5>>
/* =====================CASE 5==================== */
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "heavy udders swaying beneath you">>
<<elseif $secondary > 15>>
<<set $boobMove = "breasts bobbing beneath you">>
<<set $boobMove = "breasts jiggling on your chest with the motions.">>
<span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><br>
You turn and rummage through the pile, letting Victor’s jaw hit the floor behind you. You find another suit that looks nice, but are interrupted by a pair of hands cupping your breasts. Victor pulls you close, kneading your boobs, and pushing his straining cock against your $butt.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Just couldn’t resist, could you?”</span> you smile, turning to face him. Your bare breasts graze his chest, resting against him.<br><br>
He smiles, <span class="victor">“like it wasn't your idea in the first place.”</span><br><br>
You shrug while he continues, <span class="victor">“besides, I can’t go anywhere now.”</span> He motions down to the flagpole pushing out his swimtrunks.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Well, that part I can help you with.”</span><br><br>
You slowly lower yourself down, being sure to run your hard nipples down his chest. When you reach his bottoms, you yank at them, letting his dick spring out in front of you. You grab it and look back up at him sweetly.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“Fuck, you’re amazing.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“It’s my fault for teasing you, least I could do.”</span><br><br>
You give it a lick around the edge, before taking it in your mouth. Hard and smooth, you move back and forth on the shaft, sucking at the same time. Victor’s eyes glaze over, running his hands through your $hairLength, $hairColor hair.<br><br>
You increase the speed and suction, bobbing your head back and forth, feeling your $boobMove. Victor is breathing heavy now, leaning back against the wall.<br><br>
Suddenly with a grunt, his whole body shudders, and you feel his cock twitching wildly in your mouth, spurts of warm liquid pooling in.<br><br>
He looks down at you with that mesmerized, satisfied look men get when you rock their world. You swallow his seed, feeling it slide warmly down your throat, and smile up at him, just as satisfied.<br><br>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $interest + $girlDrunk + $boost>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set $action = "bar">>
<<set $barFlirt = true>>
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
<span class="relBonus">+5 to REL</span><br>
<<set $rel += 5>>
<<set $girlDrunk = 0>>
<<link "To the bungalow..." "girlsWin">><</link>>
<<set $girlDrunk = 0>>
After awhile, the buzz is starting to fade and your skin is getting pruny in the pool.<br><br>
You ask the girls if they want to head back home with you. They look at each other to consider for a moment, then fake a couple of yawns and say they’re a bit too tired.<br><br>
Struck. Out.<br><br>
Victor is still hugely positive and says he had a great time.
<span class="relBonus">+3 to REL</span><br>
<<set $rel += 3>>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $bodLevel > 4>>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
<br><<return>><br><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/hut_2-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are in the beach hut, an area for changing, showering and cooling off.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to the beach-hut.">>
<<set $actionA = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case towels>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/towels_5.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are chilling on your beach towels, watching the waves roll in.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to your towels for a sit.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalk",
link: "Just gossip for a bit.",
target: "action",
passage: "You two just sit and talk for awhile.",
fail: "Victor seems like he’s not really paying attention.",
optionA: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "Pursing your lips, you shamelessly fish for a compliment. As expected, Victor straight away compliments your fantastic breasts. Smiling, you give the girls a few bounces in your hands. Yeah, they are pretty fantastic.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionB: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. Victor only seems to be paying half attention, spending more time looking at your boobs that at you. You don’t mind, at least you have his attention! You try to gesture a little more to add some extra jiggle to the girls.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Give Victor a massage.",
result: "Victor looks really tense, he could probably use a good massage. You sit behind him and start rubbing the strong muscles in his shoulders. You can feel the tension melting away. The downside is that your own tension is rising, as you find yourself really enjoying feeling his strong muscles, your boobs “accidentally” bouncing off his back a few times. Unable to resist any more, you lean down and start kissing his shoulders and neck, biting on his ear. He snickers a little and makes a joke at how insatiable you are. It doesn’t dissuade you, the heat keeps rising inside you, and you start grinding your hips on his ass. He shifts, rolling over underneath you, letting you grind yourself directly on his crotch. He plays along for a few seconds, holding your bucking hips and kissing you passionately. Victor finally (and reluctantly) pushes you off, saying that if he doesn’t stop now, he won’t be able to. You bite your lip and whine a little, what’s so bad about not stopping?",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "People Watch",
value: "peopleWatch",
link: "Do some people watching.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor nudges you and points out some beach goers nearby for a bit of people watching.",
fail: "Victor laughs at your enthusiasm, saying he didn’t realize you were so “catty”. You cross your arms under your breasts in a humph. <span class='main'>“I’m sooo not catty.”</span>",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Make fun of people.",
result: "Victor makes a few jokes about “land whales”, while you comment on inappropriate fashions. <span class='main'>“OMG, her ass is totally too small to pull off a thong!”</span>",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Speculate on other people, jobs, relationships, what they look like naked, etc.",
result: "It starts with everybody, but it eventually devolves into pointing out which people you think would be best in bed. You find yourself getting jealous of the girls Victor points out. For reassurance, you smile down at your hot body, and sexy curves - none of them really stack up to you.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Play “would you”.",
result: "You play “would you”. A game where you choose a person and debate over whether you’d be willing to take them home for the night. You get some laughs going down the hotness scale, trying to find each other’s minimum. Victor points out a couple guys and you tease him, saying you would if they were packing enough. He turns a little red with jealousy and tries to counter by pointing out a few girls he’d take home. You smile mischievously, tracing a hand along your side, <span class='main'>“Ohh, a threesome sounds exciting!”</span>",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Tan",
value: "tan",
link: "Get a tan.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor takes off his shirt and throws it to the side, announcing it’s time to get a tan.",
fail: "It’s no more than a few minutes before you feel yourself getting a burn.<br><br><span class='main'>”Let’s do something else,”</span> you suggest, to a grumble of disappointment from Victor.",
optionA: {
link: "Tan your front.",
result: "You slip on a little sun cream and lay on your back, letting the warm sun work its magic on your skin. You happen to glance over a few minutes later and notice Victor checking out your boobs. You can’t blame him, they are fantastic, softly spreading out on your chest, but still firm enough to bulge upwards while laying down. Giggling, you clasp your hands, pushing the girls up between your arms and giving a little shake, letting them wobble sexily on your chest. As if on cue, your thick nipples poke up, tenting the fabric. You check back to Victor, who is still staring and starting to tent some fabric of his own.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Tan your back.",
result: "You slip on a little sun cream and lay on your front, letting the warm sun work its magic on your skin. You happen to glance over a few minutes later and notice Victor checking out your butt. You giggle, taking it as a compliment, and decide to give him a treat with a little jiggle. You wiggle your hips, but you’re surprised that it’s not so much a jiggle as a bouncing from side to side. You consider skipping deserts for a while, but then, Victor doesn’t seem to mind. Maybe he can help you bounce it more later!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: { link: "Ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back.",
result: "You lay down and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back. As the cold lotion spurts onto your back, you shiver a little, followed by a long coo of relaxation as he sits on your legs and works the lotion in. You enjoy the feeling of his strong hands running up and down your smooth back, tracing along the dips and dives of your curves. He starts wandering south, all the way to the hem of your bottoms. You don’t try to dissuade him at all, giving a little shimmy and letting your $buttLong wobble around around. You only expected to tease him a little, so you let out a yelp when he surprises you with a firm smack on your ass! You coo in pleasure and rock your hips back and forth, rubbing his cock up against your supple ass. After a minute Victor finally (and reluctantly) gets off, saying that if he doesn’t stop now, he won’t be able to. You bite your lip and whine a little, what’s so bad about not stopping?",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Unhook your top and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back.",
result: "You lay down and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back. He complies and moves to sit on your legs. You reach around and pop your top open. As the cold lotion spurts onto your back, you shiver a little, followed by a long coo of relaxation as he works the lotion in. He continues covering your back, then sides, eventually reaching the sides of your breasts. You can feel your nipples are cinched up and hard, even the tiny movement from the massage has those little points of pleasure crying out for attention. Lost in thought and sensation, you surprise yourself with a tiny moan of pleasure. This only encourages Victor. The slipperiness of the lotion allows him to slide a hand to the underside of your breast and tweak your thick, throbbing nipple. You gasp and bite your lip involuntarily. You grab his other hand, shoving it under your soft, slippery chest so he can double gun you, and start rocking your hips back and forth, rubbing his now very hard cock up against your supple ass. After a minute Victor finally (and reluctantly) gets off, saying that if he doesn’t stop now, he won’t be able to. You bite your lip and whine a little, what’s so bad about not stopping?",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Rub lotion on Victor’s back.",
result: "Victor lays down on the towel, you grab the sun cream and straddle him. You spend a moment admiring his frame. The broad shoulders, the ropes of muscles running down his back, so yummy. You squirt out a healthy dollop of sun cream in your palm and begin to work it onto his back. His olive skin is warm and taught over his muscles. You trace their contours as you spread the lotion, really getting into the work. Victor sighs out an approval of your impromptu massage, though you’re pretty sure you got more enjoyment - if the rock-hard nips pointing out of your suit are a reliable measure anyway. Unable to resist any more, you lean down and start kissing his shoulders and neck, biting on his ear. He snickers a little and makes a joke at how insatiable you are. It doesn’t dissuade you, the heat keeps rising inside you, and you start grinding your hips on his ass. He shifts, rolling over underneath you, letting you grind yourself directly on his crotch. He plays along for a few seconds, holding your bucking hips and kissing you passionately. Victor finally (and reluctantly) pushes you off, saying that if he doesn’t stop now, he won’t be able to. You bite your lip and whine a little, what’s so bad about not stopping?",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case sand>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/sand-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are hanging out on the beach, walking through the warm sand.">>
<<set $locMove = "You hop across the hot sand to the beach, boobies bouncing wildly as you jump and giggle.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Walk",
value: "walk",
link: "Take a stroll along the beach.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor stands up, dusting himself off and suggests that you both take a walk down the beach.",
fail: "You walk alongside him, but aren’t able to get a good conversation going.",
optionA: {
link: "Head down to the rocky area.",
result: "You head down to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach. After scrambling over a few boulders, you make your way to a secluded little cove area. You sit next to Victor and enjoy the waves rolling in for a few quiet moments. It doesn’t last though, his hand snakes around your waist and he pulls you towards him. You giggle in anticipation, and turn to meet his already puckered lips. Your own lips feel so warm and plush on his, softly melting against his kiss. Your body too seems to melt in pleasure as his hands run over you, shooting little tingles up and down with their rough caresses. Your tongues find each other and wrap in a warm, wet embrace. Victor’s hands are getting more aggressive, turning from light caresses to wanton gropes. Your breath is coming faster too, excited by the pleasure and how Victor is losing control to your body. You turn over and straddle Victor, sitting on his lap, his already rigid cock pushing into your swim bottoms. Passion burns away any worry about being seen, and Victor tugs up your top, sending your tits bouncing free. He catches them, fingers roughly tweaking one nipple, while his lips dive onto the other, biting and licking wildly. The twin points of pleasure have you gasping in ecstasy, your hips bucking involuntarily on his lap, drive you both to a noisy climax.<br><br>When things calm down, you disentangle yourselves and take a moment to catch your breath. While stuffing your swollen boobs back in your top, you hear Victor quip, <span class='victor'>”I think I might need to change my shorts...or at least take a swim.”</span> With your own bottoms thoroughly soaked in your juices, you quickly agree. To the water!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: {
link: "Just walk for a bit, talking and enjoying the company.",
result: "You just walk through the sand for a bit, holding hands, then holding each other by the waist, then he grabs a handful of your ass and leaves his hand there the rest of the walk. You giggle appreciatively.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Strut.",
result: "You don’t walk with Victor, you strut. You’re hot, he’s hot and you want the whole beach to know it. You lightly grasp Victor’s hand, but swish your arms and add as much sway into your $buttLong as possible, giving half the beach a naughty treat. The other half gets your $boobsLong, as you bounce them rhythmically and hypnotically with your step. You get lost in the performance, enjoying the drooling looks from every guy on the beach - until you get a quick slap on the butt. You jump a little, sending one last jiggle in your tits. You look back in shock at Victor, his hand still in the slap position. He smiles and shrugs, <span class='victor'>“Sorry, you looked like you really wanted the attention.”</span><br><br>You can’t help but burst out laughing. Victor joins in too, and soon you’re both strutting your way down the beach giggling.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make out with Victor.",
result: "You head down to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach. After scrambling over a few boulders, you make your way to a secluded little cove area. You sit next to Victor and enjoy the waves rolling in for a few quiet moments. It doesn’t last though, his hand snakes around your waist and he pulls you towards him. You giggle in anticipation, and turn to meet his already puckered lips. Your own lips feel so warm and plush on his, softly melting against his kiss. Your body too seems to melt in pleasure as his hands run over you, shooting little tingles up and down with their rough caresses. Your tongues find each other and wrap in a warm, wet embrace. Victor’s hands are getting more aggressive, turning from light caresses to wanton gropes. Your breath is coming faster too, excited by the pleasure and how Victor is losing control to your body. You turn over and straddle Victor, sitting on his lap, his already rigid cock pushing into your swim bottoms. Passion burns away any worry about being seen, and Victor tugs up your top, sending your tits bouncing free. He catches them, fingers roughly tweaking one nipple, while his lips dive onto the other, biting and licking wildly. The twin points of pleasure have you gasping in ecstasy, your hips bucking involuntarily on his lap, drive you both to a noisy climax.<br><br>When things calm down, you disentangle yourselves and take a moment to catch your breath. While stuffing your swollen boobs back in your top, you hear Victor quip, <span class='victor'>”I think I might need to change my shorts...or at least take a swim.”</span> With your own bottoms thoroughly soaked in your juices, you quickly agree. To the water!",
target: "result",
energy:0 },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Frisbee",
value: "frisbee",
link: "Play some frisbee.",
target: "action",
passage: "You grab a handy frisbee disc to toss back and forth.",
fail: "Victor throws with a little too much power, forcing you to dive. You land hard in the sand, right on your boobs! You yelp in pain, and decide to take a break, rubbing your tender tits. You are not amused when Victor offers to help with them. Well, ok, maybe a little amused. Great, now your boobs are sore and your nips are hard.",
optionA: {
link: "Throw and catch goofily, making fools of yourselves.",
result: "You do a bunch of silly throws together, laughing the whole time. You miss more throws than you catch, though. Your boobs are simply too big to do this without a sports bra, they heave back and forth, constantly threatening to spill out of your too-tight top. Have they gotten bigger?",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Throw hard, make him run to catch it.",
result: "You throw as hard as you can, but it’s not quite the rocket you imagined. He’s able to catch it without a problem. His return volley however really makes you have to hustle to get it. You run with all your might, tits heaving wildly, having to dive to catch it. But you get it! You stand back up triumphantly, holding the disc up high for Victor to see. Instead of praise though, he’s laughing at you, the hell? You’re very confused until you happen to look down and see that you’ve managed to bounce your tits right out of your suit! You turn red as a cherry, covering yourself with the disc with one hand and hurriedly trying to stuff your oversized boobs back in the fabric. Have they gotten bigger?",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Toss is to him, make it easy to catch.",
result: "He catches it with ease, tossing it back to you. You actually have to run a little, barely catching it. Your boobs are simply too big to do this without a sports bra, they heave back and forth, constantly threatening to spill out of your too-tight top. You catch Victor eyeing your chest, but you admit, they feel bouncier than you remember and are bulging out the sides lewdly. Have your boobs gotten bigger again?",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to throw.",
result: "You hold the disc in front of you and shyly twist your toes in the sand. <span class='main'>“I um...don’t know how to throw, could you teach me?”</span><br><br>He smiles and moves behind you to help you. He guides your arms, showing you how to throw, but it’s pretty difficult. It doesn’t help that you keep grinding your butt up against his crotch. The lesson finishes quickly enough, but he’s hesitant to let go for fear of showing the whole beach his hard-on. You don’t want him to let go, because you’re enjoying feeling his hard-on between your cheeks. You keep rubbing up against him though, partly to tease him, partly because you can’t stop yourself – your soaking pussy is making all your decisions. Eventually he takes a step back, almost making you fall down, saying he needs to cool off before he explodes. You give big-lipped pout and cross your arms under your breasts.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask him to teach you how to play.",
result: "You hold the disc in front of you and shyly twist your toes in the sand. <span class='main'>“I um...I’ve never played Frisbee before, could you teach me?”</span><br><br>He gets a bit of a cocky smile and proceeds to stand behind you and show you how to throw. He’s such a great guy, so willing to help, so gentle in teaching you. Not to mention those muscles. Not huge, but still much larger than your arms and…<victor>“Are you ok?”</victor> Victor’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. Apparently you were absentmindedly stroking his bicep. You pull his arm around you tighter, pushing your $buttLong against his waist. <span class='main'>“Sorry, I got a little excited, being so close to you.”</span> You turn suddenly and kiss him deeply for a good while. His hands hold you tightly, pressing your bodies together. You really love Frisbee!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Volleyball",
value: "volleyball",
link: "Play volleyball together.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor sees a volleyball net just opening up, and suggests you go for a game. But just as you arrive, two huge, gorilla-sized guys approach. They get right up into the net and demand that you get off their turf. They tower over you, with biceps larger than your entire arm. You’re petrified, but Victor is amazingly holding his cool. You try to put on a tough face too, but end up looking pouty. Worst of all, as he talks, the muscle-head’s eyes slide over your body in a sickening leer.",
fail: "You try to stand up to the closer guy, but he cuts you off.<br><br><npc>”Why don’t you fuck off, bitch, and let the boys talk?”</npc> He punctuates it by holding out a meaty hand the size of your entire face, blocking your view.<br><br>Your eyes go wide with surprise and anger, you stamp your foot (causing jiggles in various places), and move to shove his arm out of the way. It’s like trying to push a building - hard as you push, his arm doesn’t budge at all. Victor moves to defend you but gets a punch in the gut, sending him down.<br><br>You can tell this won’t end in your favor, and grab Victor’s hand to help him up and lead him off the court. “The wuss and his bitch” being laughed at the whole way by the muscle-heads.",
optionA: {
link: "Reason with them.",
result: "Victor goes the adult route and convinces them there was no harm intended, everybody should just go their own way. You nod along, pouting with your swollen lips and clasping your hands (while squeezing up a good bit of cleavage). Between Victor’s charm and your boobs, they have no defense and leave the court to you. You’re amazed at Victor, so confident and sexy! You give him a spontaneous kiss afterwards for so mature...and sexy. Mostly for being sexy!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Placate them with an apology.",
result: "You apologize to them and ask they please let you go in peace, pursing your lips and clasping your hands (while squeezing up a good bit of cleavage). They mock Victor for having his “slut” do the talking for him, but you get away without a fight. Victor thanks you for taking the heat but says he could have handled it. <span class='main'>“Probably,”</span> you admit, <span class='main'>“but nothing can resist the power of boobs.”</span>",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Stand up to them.",
result: "Victor doesn’t back down, calling the two lummoxes out on their “turf” bullshit. For a moment it looks like a fight will break out, some passersby starting to gather and watch. Victor is amazing though, never even blinking. His gaze eventually withers them, and they leave without a fight. You’re amazed at Victor, so confident and sexy! You give him a spontaneous kiss after for dealing with it so strongly!",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Use your womanly charms.",
result: "You catch the closer of the two glancing at your chest, and it gives you an idea. <mn>”Hey big guy,”</mn> you purr in your sexiest voice. <mn>“We’re really sorry for the trouble.”</mn> You twist your toes in the sand while swaying, and lean up against the net, letting your breast flesh bulge out the holes in the webbing. The muscle-heads’ eyes to go wide, drooling over your display. Of course it works – nobody can resist the power of boobs – and they agree to give up the court for “such a sexy treat”. Victor even seems jealous! That’s so cute! You walk over to him and squeeze the girls up again against his chest, reminding him that they’re all his.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make fun of them.",
result: "You and Victor humiliate the dudebros with a few quick jibes. They back down when you start making tiny dick jokes. You and Victor share a high five and get to the game.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case water>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/water-4.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are bobbing gently on the waves.">>
<<set $locMove = "You wade out into the softly rolling ocean, to about chest-deep.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Float",
value: "float",
link: "Float on the waves for awhile.",
target: "action",
passage: "You lay back and let the ocean carry you, bobbing along with slowly rocking waves.",
fail: "You both float, but rather than an enjoyable silence, it seems awkward. Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Splash Victor.",
result: "You wait for a vulnerable moment and splash him with a shower of water. He immediately gets you back with a laugh and splash of his own. You get soaked, and pretend to be mad about him getting your hair wet.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dive down and look at the fish.",
result: "You both dive down, but as you’re coming back up, the water pulls down your top! You break the surface with your $boobsLong jiggling wildly all over! You manage to grab the top, but not without giving Victor and the whole beach a show. Quick as you can, you run to Victor, hugging him and using his body to hide your nakedness while rush to squeeze your boobs back in your top. Victor pretends to help by covering them with his hands, but it seems to be more of a groping session. Not that you mind all that much to be honest. When you finally get your top back on, the groping has your nipples all hard and poking out obviously. Oh well, at least they’re covered now.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just float.",
result: "You and Victor just float along, enjoying the motion of the ocean. Utterly relaxed, you let out a long sigh of contented bliss. The water feels amazing against your sensitive skin, especially in contrast to the warm sun. Though the coolness has definitely got your high-beams turned on and poking through your top. You catch Victor stealing glances more than once, then again you’re doing the same to him.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Float <em>on</em> Victor.",
result: "You paddle around to behind Victor as he is serenely treading water. Wrapping your arms over his shoulders, you give him a kiss on the cheek. Amazingly, he’s strong enough to keep you both above water just treading! Impressed, you hug him tighter and lay your head on his shoulder. The feeling of his muscles flexing and rippling underneath you is incredible, and it’s not long before that familiar horniness returns. You start kissing his neck, and pull your body close to his, wrapping your legs around him and squeezing tight. His stroke is starting to get erratic, but you’re both still afloat. You move your foot down and start rubbing against his groin, able to work his delicious cock free once it’s nice and hard.<br><br><victor>“$Femname,”</victor> he groans through heavy breaths, <victor>“this isn’t as easy as it looks.”</victor><br><br><mn>“I know!”</mn> you exclaim, your hand snaking down past his waist, <mn>“It looks <em>very</em> hard.”</mn> Too horny to even be embarrassed by your horrible pun, you start jacking him off while you grind your hips up against him.<br><br>He’s panting now from excitement and exertion, and his stroke is turning into a bit of a flounder. Your rhythm, on the other hand, is doing great as you buck and grind against him furiously.<br><br>It’s only a few moments before your practiced touch brings him to climax, which sends you over the edge too. You both let out a gasp of ecstasy before Victor’s strength gives out and you both slip under the water.<br><br>Still embracing each other, you share a passionate, underwater kiss, surrounded by the deep azure blue and scintillating light of the ocean. Beautiful.",
target: "result",
energy:0 },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "Dunk Victor.",
result: "After a few splashes and roughhousing you get in a dunking contest. He’s able to deflect your dunk effortlessly with his greater strength! In fact, he’s able to pick you up completely, lifting you up off your feet!<br><br>You have no leverage with him holding you, so you know there’s no way to dunk you go for the next best thing and smother his face in your wet boobs! He thrashes his head, acting upset, but oddly doesn’t put you down. Following the impromptu motor boating, he lowers you down to his face and you spend a few blissful minutes making out.",
target: "result",
energy:0 },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Race",
value: "race",
link: "Have a swimming race.",
target: "action",
passage: "After floating for a little while, Victor suggests having a friendly swimming race.",
fail: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you know he used to be a swimmer in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You dive in and start swimming your hardest, floundering through the water for all you’re worth!<br><br>Predictably, he blows you away. When you finally reach him, you’re sputtering and grumpy. He apologizes for not playing fair.",
optionA: {
link: "Try your best!",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You get ready, but just before you dive in, he gives you a big swat on the butt. You still go at it as hard as you can, pulling through the water until your arms hurt. When you reach the finish, you stand up proudly, only to see him already there waiting for you with a cheeky smile on his face. Rather than pout, you give him a kiss and compliment him on being such an amazing swimmer. You trace his chest muscles, amazed at his strength and speed. He loves every second of it.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You get ready, but just before you dive in, he gives you a big swat on the butt. You pretend to put in the effort, but when you reach the finish, you stand up proudly, only to see him already there waiting for you with a cheeky smile on his face. Rather than pout, you give him a kiss and compliment him on being such an amazing swimmer. You trace his chest muscles, amazed at his strength and speed. He loves every second of it...",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him win, and fawn over him afterwards.",
result: "<mn>“Yeah right,”</mn> you say with a laugh. He’s stronger than you, with longer arms, and you remember he was on the swim team in school. There’d be no contest!<br><br>Victor thinks for a moment then offers you a head start. You know the only thing more futile than this race is arguing with him, so you say yes.<br><br>You get ready, but just before you dive in, he gives you a big swat on the butt. You pretend to put in the effort, but when you reach the finish, you stand up proudly, only to see him already there waiting for you with a cheeky smile on his face. Rather than pout, you give him a kiss and compliment him on being such an amazing swimmer. You trace his chest muscles, amazed at his strength and speed. He loves every second of it.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case shops>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/shops_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are strolling along a quaint beachside mall with shops selling souvenirs, beach accessories and cool swimwear.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the cute little shopping area.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Hang Out",
value: "hangOut",
link: "Hang around the shops.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to wander around the shops, seeing what you can find for sale. Victor begrudgingly agrees.",
fail: "You wander around the shops for a bit, enjoying seeing all the different souvenirs, trinkets and cute outfits for sale, lots of cute sandals and bikinis too! You have a great time, trying things on, modeling outfits, etc, but Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the shops.",
result: "You wander around the shops for a bit, enjoying seeing all the different souvenirs, trinkets and cute outfits for sale, lots of cute sandals and bikinis too! You have a great time, trying things on, modeling outfits. Victor looks a little bored, well, aside from the parts when you model bikinis for him.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Get some ice cream with Victor.",
result: "You stop by a little ice cream stand and grab a couple of cones. Victor goes with chocolate and you get some frozen yogurt (got to watch your figure). Victor gets a little smidge on his nose, and you happily help by licking it off. You ”accidentally” get some on your lips and it leads to another make out session. Kissing after ice cream is fun, your tongues feel cold as they twirl around each other.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Strut.",
result: "You don’t walk with Victor through the shops, you strut. It’s not <em>that</em> often you get to show your bod off on the beach, so you take full advantage of the moment. You lightly grasp Victor’s hand, but swish your arms and add as much sway into your $buttLong as possible, giving half the beach a naughty treat. The other half gets your $boobsLong, as you bounce them rhythmically and hypnotically with your step. You get lost in the performance, enjoying the drooling looks from every guy in every shop - until you get a quick swat on the butt. You jump a little, sending one last jiggle in your tits. You look back in shock at Victor, his hand still in the slap position. He smiles and shrugs, <span class='victor'>“Sorry, you looked like you really wanted the attention.”</span><br><br>You can’t help but burst out laughing. Victor joins in too, and soon you’re both strutting your way through the shops giggling.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: ""},
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case arcade>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/arcade_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "The small arcade in the shopping center. There are a few people here, enjoying games - mostly nerds. Not really your thing to be honest.">>
<<set $locMove = "You strut on over into the game arcade.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Road Puncher",
value: "roadPuncher",
link: "Play a round of the Road Puncher fighting game.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor suggests you try a fighting game. You’ve never been any good at these, but you’re happy to try for him. You usually choose whichever girl has the biggest boobs.",
fail: "Victor blows you away in about 10 seconds flat. Bit of a waste of a quarter.",
optionA: {
link: "Button mash!",
result: "You mash those buttons like your life depended on it! You’re really into it, and your boobs are bouncing all over with the effort! Thankfully, when you stand back up, Victor is laughing at your “play style” too much to notice your nipples at attention again after all the bouncing.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "You actually win!",
result: "You mash those buttons like your life depended on it! You’re really into it, and your boobs are bouncing all over with the effort! Part way through the game, Victor suddenly seems to lose focus, fighting poorly and mistiming moves. You take the chance to pull off a close win! You’re so excited...until you realize all the button mashing made one of your nipples pop out of your overstuffed swimsuit! That explains the distraction. <span class='main'>“Still a win,”</span> you think while stuffing yourself back in the suit.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Let him win.",
result: "Not much to this, even if you tried your hardest, you’d still probably lose. Victor wins easily, but enjoys it. You wink and smile but tell him he owes you a go on the claw catcher regardless...or at the bungalow.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "Distract Victor!",
result: "The game starts as usual, Victor kicking your butt all over the screen. You keep blocking, waiting for an opportune moment, then quickly pull down your top! Victor’s eyes bulge out as your $boobsLong bounce out before his eyes, giving you enough time to pull off a super move and get the win. Afterwards he calls you a dirty cheater, but that you can cheat like that any time.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go. Standing to the side and cheering him on. You get really into it, cheering him on and jumping up and down as he plays. His opponent can barely keep his eyes on the screen with all your jumping and jiggling, so you’re proud to have helped Victor win!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Purikura",
value: "purikura",
link: "Try one of those purikura photo-booths.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try out one of those purikura photobooths, to take some pictures and make some memories.",
fail: "Victor says he doesn’t really like taking photos of himself. Never likes how they turn out.",
optionA: {
link: "Couples pose.",
result: "You give each other a big hug and even bigger smile. You could sell the resulting photo to a stock site for ”cute couple”.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionB: {
link: "Kiss pose.",
result: "You wrap your arms around Victor and kiss him deeply. You hold the kiss, waiting for the camera, but it takes a little longer than you expected, and the kiss turns into a make-out session. The pictures are fun in the end, but probably something you don’t want to show publicly.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Cute pose.",
result: "You touch your finger to your lips and pucker up in a duck face pose, batting your big eyes at the camera and sticking out your chest and ass. Victor tries a pose too, but got distracted and looked at you right as the camera went off! Not that you blame him, you look hot as fuck.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Sexy pose!",
result: "You wait until just before the flash, and give a flash of your own, pulling down your top and letting your $boobsLong wobble free for the camera (and for Victor).<br><br>At least that was the first shot. You can’t see your boobs in the second shot, what with Victor’s hands groping them.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: {
link: ""},
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy Couple Pose!",
result: "Victor grabs your hips and pushes up against your ass. You play along, leaning over, pushing into him and putting on your best ecstasy face. You keep going, upping the ante on the risqué pictures until you’re topless, bent over the camera shelf and being fake-fucked from behind. The photos finish, but the impromptu porno on the film strip, coupled with all that rubbing has you achingly horny. You could jump Victor right now.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Motorcycle game",
value: "motorcycleGame",
link: "Try the motorcycle racing game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You go to try out a motorcycle racing game - this one has plastic bikes attached to the game that you can sit on and steer to race.",
fail: "Victor says racing games are not really his thing.",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: {
link: "Let Victor win.",
result: "You both hop on the big fake bikes for a race. But it’s really heavy, you can barely turn it with your dainty weight. You race Victor with the intention to let him win, but the bike simulates a ride and vibrates wildly beneath you. It feels really good.<br><br>Really good.<br><br>After a few moments, your face is red and have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud! On the second lap you’re involuntarily bucking your hips on the seat. By the third lap, you’re starting to lose the battle to keep quiet and whimpering aloud, some people have noticed and are watching you, but you’re too far gone to care. You barely make it across the finish line, but have to pause for a moment...shuddering on the bike. Best. Game. Ever.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You both hop on the big fake bikes for a race. But it’s really heavy, you can barely turn it with your dainty weight. You race Victor with the intention to win, but the bike simulates a ride and vibrates wildly beneath you. It feels really good.<br><br>Really good.<br><br>After a few moments, your face is red and have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud! On the second lap you’re involuntarily bucking your hips on the seat. By the third lap, you’re starting to lose the battle to keep quiet and whimpering aloud, some people have noticed and are watching you, but you’re too far gone to care. You barely make it across the finish line, but have to pause for a moment...shuddering on the bike. Best. Game. Ever.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "Ride with him.",
result: "Victor hops on a bike, and you jump on behind him. Wrapping your arms around him in an embrace. Underneath you, the bike is vibrating wildly, making it hard to concentrate on the course. You’re biting your lip to keep quiet, and hugging Victor tightly, crushing your boobs into his back - making it hard for him to concentrate on the course. By the second lap, the vibrations have you so excited, your face is flush, and you’re starting to buck your hips involuntarily. Your hand wanders south and grabs Victor’s crotch, and you start to whimper in desire. It doesn’t last long though, all the excitement causes Victor to veer off the track and crash. It takes you both a minute to collect yourselves, after which you suggest a few sexy pics over at the photo booth.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him play, cheer him on.",
result: "You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go. Standing to the side and cheering him on. You get really into it, cheering him on and jumping up and down as he plays. His opponent can barely keep his eyes on the screen with all your jumping and jiggling, so you’re proud to have helped Victor win!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "Claw Catcher",
value: "clawCatcher",
link: "Play the claw catcher game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You both decide to try some of the claw catcher games to waste a little time and a lot of money.",
fail: "These claw catcher machines are hard! No luck today.",
optionA: {
link: "Get a keychain souvenir from Victor.",
result: "He pulls out a little sandal-shaped keychain from one of the machines. It’s very small and cheap, but you love it anyway, because it’s from him. You attach it to your swimsuit, right between your boobs, to show it off to everyone (you know where they’re all looking after all).",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Fail at getting any prizes, but have fun doing it.",
result: "These claw catcher things are hard! But you both have fun trying, and even more fun bitching about these stupid, cheating machines afterwards.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Get keychain souvenirs for each other.",
result: "You pull out a little sandal-shaped keychain from one of the machines. It’s very small and cheap, but he makes a big deal about how much he likes it, and attaches it to the side of his swimsuit. You smile a little, blushing over how big a deal he’s making for you. You expect him to do the same for you, but he actually moves to another machine full of adorable stuffed animals, and proceeds to pull out a big fuzzy teddy bear. When he hands it over, you hug its softness against your chest and are almost moved to tears by how sweet he is!",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask Victor to get something for you.",
result: "You expect him to just get one of the cheap souvenir key chains, but he actually moves to another machine full of adorable stuffed animals, and proceeds to pull out a big fuzzy teddy bear. When he hands it over, you hug its softness against your chest and are almost moved to tears by how sweet he is!",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case court>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/court_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are at the beach-side food court.">>
<<set $locMove = "Tummies rumbling, you go to the local food court.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Lunch",
value: "lunch",
link: "Get some lunch.",
target: "action",
passage: "Lots of different stalls and food, what would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor doesn’t feel like eating right now.",
optionA: {
link: "A big ol' delicious burger grilled to perfection and covered with cheese.",
result: "You enjoy a big, juicy cheeseburger. It’s so large you can’t even get your mouth around it for a proper bite. You end up squeezing half out the opposite end, and dripping some ketchup on your boobs. Victor giggles a little, so you wipe it up with your finger then suggestively suck it off. He stops giggling and starts practically drooling. Men are so easy.",
target: "result3",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Get a salad - A nice, healthy option.",
result: "You enjoy a nice green salad with slices of spiced chicken on top. No way you’re going to spoil your beach body this early into vacation.",
target: "result3",
type: 2,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Get a pink, whipped berry smoothie",
result: "Sweet but still mostly healthy, and super cute to boot. You make sure to get a selfie of yourself drinking it.",
target: "result3",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Get a corndog.",
result: "Big, juicy hotdog wrapped in cornbread and fried. Unhealthy, but you can cheat once in awhile. You always liked eating the cornbread first, and use your teeth to strip it off. But when you’re nearly done, and have the whole hotdog in your mouth, you catch Victor giving you a sly look.<br><br><victor>”Enjoying yourself? I’m sure the hot dog is”</victor> He taunts with a lift of his eyebrows.<br><br>You smile, pucker your lips around the hot dog and slooooowly pull it out, even getting a little pop at the end. Victor’s jaw nearly hits the table. Men are so easy.",
target: "result3",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkCourt",
link: "Just gossip for a bit.",
target: "action",
passage: "You two just sit and talk for awhile.",
fail: "Victor seems like he’s not really paying attention.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "Pursing your lips, you shamelessly fish for a compliment. As expected, Victor straight away compliments your fantastic breasts. Smiling, you give the girls a few bounces in your hands. Yeah, they are pretty fantastic.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. Victor only seems to be paying half attention, spending more time looking at your boobs that at you. You don’t mind, at least you have his attention! You try to gesture a little more to add some extra jiggle to the girls.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: {
link: "Reminisce about old times.",
result: "You talk about your times together; how you met, first date, first kiss, first fuck, you squeal in enjoyment recalling it all again. Especially the last one!",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: {
link: "Steal his fries.",
result: "You and Victor gab for awhile on a bunch of random topics. You catch his eyes occasionally drifting south towards your chest. He’s definitely attracted to you, you decide to try and see how far your boobs can get you with him. You lean forward, meeting his eyes with a mischievous smile and grab one of the fries off his plate. He opens his mouth to say something, but you lean back and allow your breasts to settle on top of your arm resting on the table. This makes them bulge up and out deliciously. You look down at the girls with satisfaction, then back up at Victor, keeping your sly smile the whole time. He eventually is able to look back up at your eyes and says, <span class='victor'>“Uh, would you like some more fries?”</span>",
target: "result",
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case luau>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/luau_2.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "There’s a long buffet of amazing looking food, and a troupe of dancers jumping and spinning on stage to the beating of drums.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the Luau restaurant, with Victor it’s easy to get a table.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dinner",
value: "dinner",
link: "Visit the buffet.",
target: "action",
passage: "You step up to the long buffet, overflowing with pacific island delights. What would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor says he’s not hungry.",
optionA: {
link: "Pile it up!",
result: "You heap your plate full of all kinds of meats, fruit, rice and sweets. Not good for your figure, but hey, another inch might actually look good on your ass.",
target: "drinks",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Eat slim & healthy.",
result: "You choose a few good looking morsels, but mostly stick to the fruits and salads. Your ass is already tight enough in your swimsuit. <span class='main'>“Well, maybe it can be a little tighter,”</span> you think grabbing a piece of cheesecake.",
target: "drinks",
type: 1,
optionC: {
link: "Straight to the desserts!",
result: "You’re not that hungry, but that cake looks awesome! Sometimes you just have so little self control (giggle)!",
target: "drinks",
type: 2,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Show",
value: "show",
link: "Enjoy the Polynesian dance show.",
target: "action",
passage: "Throughout the meal, you’re treated to a medley of Pacific island dances. Beautiful bodies swaying and bouncing to the drum beats. At one point the audience is asked to come on stage and participate, you can dance in the back with a bunch of other restaurant goers, or you can put on a grass skirt and take center stage.",
fail: "You stand up to volunteer excitedly, but Victor gives a “HELL no” face.",
optionA: {
link: "Center stage!",
result: "You both decide to give it your all, going up in front with the actual dancers. You have a great time shaking your hips to the beat and get more than a few whistles and cat calls from the audience. You wink and wave at their enthusiasm.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Join the group dance.",
result: "You and Victor go up during the dance, but stay in the line with the other patrons, not going out front. You’re having a great time, but notice a lot more jiggling in your ass than seems normal. No more luau buffets for you.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Dance solo.",
result: "Victor declines, not wanting to dance, but you’re no party pooper! You have a great time shaking your hips to the beat and get more than a few whistles and cat calls from the audience. You wink and wave at their enthusiasm.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Put on the grass skirt and the coconut bra.",
result: "You enthusiastically jump up and join the dancers on stage. They pull out all the stops for you and give you a grass skirt and coconut bra to wear. They’re a bit small for you, causing your breasts to bulge out the side, and your ass to show a bit between the grass, but you LOVE the outfit! The weight of the coconuts gives you a delicious extra bounce up top, and the swishing of the skirt is a fantastic accent to your jiggly ass. You shake your hips like never before to roaring applause - and plenty of wolf whistles!",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy dance.",
result: "You and Victor have a slight argument about whether you could pull off a hula or not. Never one to back down against a challenge, you storm up to the stage and grab a grass skirt and a coconut bra. They’re a bit small for you, causing your breasts to bulge out the side, and your ass to show a bit between the grass, but you LOVE the outfit! The weight of the coconuts gives you a delicious extra bounce up top, and the swishing of the skirt is a fantastic accent to your jiggly ass. You shake your hips like never before to roaring applause - and plenty of wolf whistles! You <em>strut</em> off the stage and back to the table, Victor is still applauding as you sit back down.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case bar>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bar_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are floating, partially submerged in an in-pool bar. The cool water feels great in contrast to the warm evening air, though it does switch on your high-beams for everyone to see bobbing on top of your boobs.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the in-pool bar for a soak and a drink.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkBar",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "Pursing your lips, you shamelessly fish for a compliment. As expected, Victor straight away compliments your fantastic breasts. Smiling, you give the girls a few bounces in your hands. Yeah, they are pretty fantastic.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. Victor only seems to be paying half attention, spending more time looking at your boobs that at you. You don’t mind, at least you have his attention! You try to gesture a little more to add some extra jiggle to the girls.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Party trick!",
result: "You were telling Victor about your experiences working at a bar in the past, and decide to show him a trick. You grab a cherry from your overly sweet drink, and pop the stem into your mouth. After a few seconds of twisting and turning, you pop it back out again, neatly tied in a knot. Victor loves the trick, but you whisper to him that your mouth is even more skilled at other tricks. Wink.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksbar",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You flag down the bartender, a short girl in a cute flower-print bikini.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsBar",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "You call over the bartendress, and ask for a round of shots.<br><br>She rings a bell, eliciting a minor cheer from the other patrons.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case club>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/club_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "A heavy beat pounds around and through you, matched by strobing lights and laser effects. It’s nearly impossible to hear each other talk, but you’re not that bothered, plenty of things to distract besides conversation. Everywhere you look, bodies writhe and grid to the music.">>
<<set $locMove = "You follow the heavy base thuds to the club. The bouncer looks you up and down, pausing for a few seconds on your chest. He then lifts the rope and lets you skip the line.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dance",
value: "dance",
link: "Dance",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor heads out to the dance floor, you follow along.",
fail: "Plenty of time to dance later, you want a drink first.",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: {
link: "Dance together.",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your best moves. The two of you just seem to sync your dances, playing off of one another, and moving like you’d practiced a thousand times. It’s so perfect, so romantic, so exciting. You just can’t control yourself, the feeling of his body on yours, you’re panting and overflowing with desire. Soon, you’re grinding on his hardon, and he’s starting to go wild too. When there’s a break in the music you pull him off the floor for some more “private” dancing.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Show off your moves.",
result: "You turn and spin, snaking your curvy body in all kinds of seductive steps, punctuating each with a sexy bounce or jiggle in your tits and ass. You have the whole club looking, easily the hottest thing on the dance floor right now. God your ass is bouncing all over the place! What is going on? When did it get so big?!? You push the thoughts aside and even work your bigger booty into your moves. You use Victor as a makeshift pole, spinning and doing an impromptu stripper dance, rubbing your hands all over your lusting body. Soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along with your dance! Kneeling in front of Victor, you continue your rhythmic writhing in a mock blow job. It does the trick and he’s soon tenting his trunks right there. Unable to take the teasing any more, Victor scoops you up and carries you off the floor towards a private booth – to the cheer of the crowd around you.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dance VERY close",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your best moves. The two of you just seem to sync, your bodies grinding up against each other in a lurid and lusty display. As you grind your ass against his crotch, you can feel his cock rubbing you. It’s so hot, so exciting! Unable to take the teasing any more, Victor scoops you up and carries you off the floor towards a private booth – to the cheer of the crowd around you.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Dance sexy.",
result: "You turn and snake your body showing off all your moves, and a few new ones you didn’t think were possible for you. Your hips sway to the beat in wide arcs, and your boobs bounce and swing in heavy bobbing waves - moving like they’ve got a mind of their own. It’s weird, but you almost feel like you’ve gained a cup or two up top over the last few hours. Pushing the thoughts aside, you work your bouncier boobs into your dance, running your hands lustily up and down your body. You use Victor as a makeshift pole, spinning and doing an impromptu stripper dance, rubbing your hands all over your lusting body. Soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along with your dance! Kneeling in front of Victor, you continue your rhythmic writhing in a mock blow job. It does the trick and he’s soon tenting his trunks right there. Unable to take the teasing any more, Victor scoops you up and carries you off the floor towards a private booth – to the cheer of the crowd around you.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksClub",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You head over to the club bar to grab a round for you and Victor.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsClub",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "As a bartender passes, you call out SHOTS and grab a round.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case bungalow>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bungalow_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest his bungalow is. Still beautiful, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from it’s premium location.">>
<<set $locMove = "After a long night, you head over to Victor’s bungalow, your arms around each other's waists.">>
<<set $actionA = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionB = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionC = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionD = { name: "" }>>
<</switch>>You feel a tingle run across your skin and a slight disorientation . You shiver involuntarily and blink a few times to refocus yourself .<br><br>
<span class="tut">Tutorial:<br>Using your BODY or CHARISMA boosts has risk. Victor’s consciousness will push back against manipulation, reflecting changes on you as well. Use with caution.<br><br>
This is the end of the tutorial, now get on task to the target.
<<link "Go meet Victor" "first_step_1">><</link>><<script>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You are in the beach hut.<br><br>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_7">><</link>><br>
<<if $goneOut != true>>
<<link "Head out" "first_step_7">>
<<set $move = true>>
<<set $goneOut = true>>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>>
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<script>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You step outside and take a deep breath, stretching in the warm morning sun. Another beautiful day at the beach.<br><br>
You scan across the beach, unsurprised to see Victor lounging on his towel at your usual spot, another towel already laid out for you, what a gentleman! You pause before heading over to drool over him. He’s lounging back, his naturally tan skin lit softly by the morning sun, shadows defining the muscles in his shoulders and arms. <mn>"Such a hottie,"</mn> you think to yourself. Your body is already tingling from the beach-hut, and seeing Victor makes it even worse!<br><br>
You strut your way across the beach, taking your time and letting the boys drink you in. You’re proud of your body, and even more of the effect it has on guys. Things just stop as you pass, everyone taking a long look.<br><br>
When you finally make it over to Victor, you wrap your arms around his waist, plant a big wet kiss on his cheek, and crush your boobs against his back. <span class="main">“Good morning sexy,”</span> you purr in his ear.<br><br>
Victor chuckles and turns to meet your lips, giving you a peck and a smile. <span class="victor">“Morning hotstuff.”</span><br><br>
You don’t let him get away with just a quick kiss and go around front, sitting on his lap and wrapping your plush lips around his.<br><br>
His tongue finds yours, penetrating into your hot mouth, twirling around and driving your wild. He’s already hard, and you grind your hips on his cock in a good morning tease.<br><br>
When the kiss finally ends, you smile in triumph and plop down on the towel beside him. He’s following you with a disheveled, ravished look.<br><br>
<span class='victor'>“Well, that’s one way to say good morning,”</span> he quips, regaining his senses.
You keep eye contact with him, smiling seductively <span class="main">“Wait till you see how I say good night.”</span><br><br>
He smiles in anticipation.
You smile too, leaning back on your towel and stretching your long, perfect body for his pleasure. <span class="main">“But we've got a few hours to kill first, what shall we do today?”</span><br><br>
<<link "Continue" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<</link>><<switch $changeroomState>>
<<case 1>>
You throw open the curtain of the changing room, and step out, making sure to give plenty of jiggle.<br><br>
<span class='main'>“Well, what do you think?”</span><br><br>
He has a hard time putting words together, but it’s some kind of combination of hotsexyamazingohmygod.<br><br>
You turn to go back into the changing room, but not before getting a swat on your ass. It seems Victor really does approve!<br><br>
<span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><br>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<case 2>>
/* ======================CASE 2====================== */
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "huge melons explode out of the overstuffed cups. Victor dives towards them, sucking and pulling at your thick, rock-hard nipple.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set $boobMove = "tits bounce out wildly. Victor dives at them, sucking and pulling at your rock-hard nipple.">>
<<set $boobMove = "tits to spring out wildly from the cups. Victor dives at them, sucking and pulling at your rock-hard nipple.">>
You peek out to ask Victor what he thinks of your new suit. He steps closer to look, but you grab him by the arm and pull him into the dressing room. He stands there disoriented for a moment.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Well?”</span> you ask, putting your hands firmly on your hips with a jiggle in your chest.<br><br>
Victor stares straight at your tits, pretending to consider the matter deeply. <span class="victor">“Hmmm...not bad”</span><br><br>
He lifts one breast, jiggling it a little, then the other, then bounces them both. You roll your eyes, trying to pretend that your nipples haven't crinkled up into diamond points.<br><br>
Victor’s noticed, rubbing his thumbs against them, causing you to suck in a breath between your teeth.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“Not bad at all,”</span> he smiles devilishly, <span class="victor">“how about the other side?”</span><br><br>
You smile in return and spin around, leaning forward slightly, pushing out your $buttLong towards him. He places a hand on your hip, and you shimmy, setting off a hypnotic assquake.<br><br>
You’re enjoying the foreplay, but Victor’s had enough. You’re suddenly spun around and pushed up against the mirror. He grabs the top of the swimsuit and yanks it down, making your $boobMove The cold surface of the mirror turns you on even more, causing your skin to goosebump all over. You have to bite your hand to keep from moaning out loud.<br><br>
You feel Victor pulling at your bottoms. And despite being soaked and ready for him, you make him stop. <span class="main">“Not here,”</span> you pant, <span class="main">“I can’t keep quiet and we’ll be kicked out or arrested.”</span><br><br>
Victor starts to pull back with a frustrated look. You keep smiling. <span class="main">“Don’t worry, I didn’t call you in here for nothing.”</span><br><br>
You step closer until your bodies are pressed together, then sloooooowly lower yourself down, being sure to drag your hard nipples down his chest. When you reach his bottoms, you yank at them, letting his dick spring out in front of you, already throbbing with desire. You grab it and look back up at him sweetly.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“Fuck, you’re amazing.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“It’s my fault for teasing you, least I could do.”</span><br><br>
You give it a lick around the edge before taking it in your mouth. Victor sighs.<br><br>
Hard and smooth, you move back and forth on the shaft, licking and sucking at the same time. Victor’s eyes glaze over, running his hands through your $hairLength, $hairColor hair.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "heavy udders swaying beneath you">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set $boobMove = "breasts bobbing beneath you">>
<<set $boobMove = "breasts jiggling on your chest with the motions.">>
You increase the speed and suction, bobbing your head back and forth, feeling your $boobMove. Victor is breathing heavy now, leaning back against the wall.<br><br>
Already excited, he doesn’t last long. With a grunt, his whole body shudders, and you feel his cock twitching wildly in your mouth, spurts of warm liquid pooling in.<br><br>
He looks down at you with that mesmerized, satisfied look men get when you rock their world. You swallow his seed, feeling it slide warmly down your throat, and smile up at him, just as satisfied.<br><br>
You put your swimsuit back on, stuffing your tits and ass back into the now too-small suit.<br><br>
This whole time, Victor is still standing there, somewhat lost in a haze of pleasure. Giggling, you take his hand and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles back at you with the same phrase as before, <span class="victor">“Fuck, you’re amazing.”</span><br><br>
You giggle again and lead him back out by the hand.<br><br>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set _roll = random(1,100) + $rel + $boost>>
<<set _prob = (100 - $currDC) + $rel + $boost>>
<<if $boost > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$boost% BOOST</span><br><</if>>
<<switch $deepState>>
<<case 1>>
/* ======================== Passage 1 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
He Shakes it off, changing the subject. <span class="victor">“Sorry, not your problem. So what you want to do next?”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information.<br><br>
You pull the hem of your bottoms aside a little and sigh <span class="main">“I’m going to have some serious tan lines if I’m not careful. It’s unavoidable with nothing to do but sit and soak up all the sun.”</span> You let the fabric snap back onto your hips and stretch, <span class="main">“Still, not looking forward to going back. How about you? Enough vacation yet?”</span>
Victor gets a bit quiet, staring blankly out over the ocean. He answers distantly, <span class="victor">“Yeah, I guess.”</span><br><br>
Something is obviously bothering him. You furrow your brow and pull your legs up under your chin, <span class="main">“Hey, what’s the matter?”</span><br><br>
He keeps looking into the distance. <span class="victor">“I’m not really sure about going back home.”</span> he says. He’s watching you, but not making eye contact.
<span class="main">“What do you mean? You don’t want to?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“’s not whether I want to...I don’t think I can”</span><br><br>
<<case 2>>
/* ======================== Passage 2 ======================== */
<<if $deepFail == true>>
<span class="victor">“I don’t want to drag you down any. Let's just enjoy our day together.”</span>
<br><br><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“You mentioned before that you weren’t sure you’d be able to go back home, what did you mean by that?”</span><br><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus">SUCCESS</span><br><br>
He’s still looking out over the ocean, <span class="victor">“Don’t worry about it, I don’t want to drag you down and ruin the day.”</span><br><br>
You frown at that, <span class="main">“Hey come on, I’m not just some stranger you met on the beach, tell me what’s wrong.”</span><br><br>
You place a hand gently on his shoulder.<br><br>
He seems to soften slightly at your touch, <span class="victor">“I’ve had a really great time here.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“ too, it’s been one of the best times of my life.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“I mean, I’ve had a great time here...with you.”</span><br><br>
You’re starting to catch the drift, <span class="main">“That’s what I meant too.”</span><br><br>
He glances at you briefly, then back to the sand.<br><br>
Shit. You should have known it was too good to last. <span class="main">“Are you, breaking up with me?”</span><br><br>
His eyes go wide as he turns to you, <span class="victor">“NO! That’s the furthest thing from my mind. I definitely wanna be with you”</span><br><br>
You sigh, visibly relieved. <span class="main">“So what did you mean about not going home? Are you planning on running away?”</span><br><br>
<<case 3>>
/* ======================== Passage 3 ======================== */
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><br><</if>>
<<if $deepPickup == true>>
You try to pry Victor for some information, picking up where you left off.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Hey, what were you talking about before? Were you actually planning to run off?”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“It’s not running off, it’s…”</span> you give him time to think, but he eventually exhales in defeat.
<span class="victor">“...yeah, running off. And no, I haven’t decided yet. Is that crazy?”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“I guess it depends what you’re running from.”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">“Its not from anything. It’s to something.”</span><br><br>
You furrow your brow, not really catching on. <span class="main">“I don’t understand, what do you mean?”</span><br><br>
Victor turns suddenly, looking deep into your eyes. <span class="victor">“It’s you, $Femname. I want to run away with you.”</span><br><br>
You’re suddenly overcome with emotion, tears welling up in your eyes. You turn towards him, <span class="main">“Do you mean that?”</span><br><br>
His eyes are locked on yours, a sincerity you’ve never seen in them before, <span class="victor">“I’ve never been more serious. I just came here for a bit of surfing, maybe a few quick lays. I never imagined I’d meet someone like you. It’s like you were custom designed for me. I can’t bear to leave you to go back.”</span><br><br>
He pulls you in a tight embrace, squeezing you to where it’s difficult to breathe. You hug him back, savoring his warmth.<br><br>
<span class="main">“You don’t have to.”</span><br><br>
He breaks the hug, to look at you in surprise, it’s his turn to get teary, <span class="victor">“Do you mean it?”</span><br><br>
Tears are now freely flowing down your cheeks, <span class="main">“I’ll follow you anywhere. I’ll always be by your side.”</span><br><br>
You both hug each other again, never wanting to let go.
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
/* ============CONTINUE OPTION============= */
<<if $deepState < 3>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $deepFail != true>> /*check to disable for fail*/
<<if _roll > $currDC>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep_5">>
<<set $relMod += 2>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $deepState += 1>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<link "Keep pushing for more info." "deep_5">>
<<set $deepFail = true>>
<<set $deepPickup = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<span class="disabled">[Push more - Victor doesn’t feel like talking about this now.]</span>
<br><<link "Never mind (go back)." $return>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = 2>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = 2>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
/* Display if complete */
<br><<link "Continue." $return>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $bodMod = 0>>
<<set $chaMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_4">><</link>><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<case towels>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK TOWELS ======== */
<<if $deepState < 3>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_5">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepTowelsDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ======== KISS TOWELS ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_7">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<case sand>>
/* ======== KISS SAND ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_7">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<case shops>>
/* ======== SHOP ======== */
<<link "Try on a new swimsuit at the shop." "swimsuit_2">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $swimsuit = true>>
<<set $currentSuit = $clothesWorn>>
/* ======== SALON ======== */
<<link "Change your hair at the salon." "salon">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $salon = true>>
<<set $orHairLength = $hairLength>>
<<set $orHairColor = $hairColor>>
<<set $orHairAction = $hairAction>>
/* ========= SHOP KISS ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_7">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<case court>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK COURT ======== */
<<if $deepState < 3>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepTowelsDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_5">>
<<set $deepTowelsDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $actionDone.deepCourtDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this.]</span>
/* ========= COURT KISS ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_7">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<case bar>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BAR ======== */
<<if $deepState < 3>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBarDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_5">>
<<set $deepBarDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBarDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
/* ========= BAR KISS ======== */
<<if $barkissDone != true>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor go to the back of the pool area away from the rest of the guests to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $drunk > 4>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "The drinks are going to your well as one other place. Burning up with horniness, you grab Victor and go to the back of the pool area — away from the rest of the guests to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_7">><<set $barkissDone = true>><</link>>
<<case club>>
/* ========= CLUB KISS ======== */
<<if $clubkissDone != true>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor find an unoccupied booth in the back of the club to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $drunk > 4>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "The drinks are going to your well as one other place. Burning up with horniness, you grab Victor and find an unoccupied booth in the back of the club to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_7">><<set $clubkissDone = true>><</link>>
<<case bungalow>>
/* ======== DEEP TALK BUNGALOW ======== */
<<if $deepState < 3>> /* Switch off if cleared */
<<if $actionDone.deepBungalowDone < 1>>
<<set _prob = (100 - ($dc + 15)) + $rel + $boost>>
<<link "Try to get more information about Victor." "deep_5">>
<<set $deepBungalowDone = true>>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 15>>
<<set $actionDone.deepBungalowDone += 1>>
<span class="probability"> (<<print _prob>>% success)</span>
<span class="disabled">[Get Info - You’ve already done this, but you can try again later. Victor just needs a little time.]</span>
/* ========= BUNGALOW KISS ======== */
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor head in and sit on his sofa, telling yourselves you’re going to stream a movie and chill. You barely even get the TV on before you catch each other's eyes.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $firstKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor goodnight.">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor goodnight.">>
<<link "Say goodnight." "funky_7">><<set $bases = 5>><</link>><br>
<<link "Stream a movie" "funky_7">><<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor head in and sit on his sofa, telling yourselves you’re going to stream a movie and chill. You barely even get the TV on before you catch each other's eyes.">><</link>><br>
<<link $kissWord "funky_7">><</link>>
<<case default>>
<<switch $bases>>
<<case 1>>
/* ===================== Passage 1: Sit kiss ===================== */
/*<<set $rel += 2>>*/
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
/*<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>*/
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
Victor is going on about some story when you stop responding and begin ruffling his hair. He stops, <span class="victor">“cut it out, what are you doing?”</span><br><br>
You put your hands on the table and use your arms to squeeze your boobs together. <span class="main">“I guess I just wanted a little attention.”</span> You look back up into his eyes again with a playful smile.<br><br>
Victor’s eyes are on your expertly wielded chest, <span class="victor">“Baby, you have all of it.”</span><br><br>
He looks back up, then leans in and kisses you warmly. You coo slightly making you both giggle.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“You really like kissing, huh?”</span> he says, smiling towards you.<br><br>
You keep your playful grin, <span class="main">“So much, but not as much as other things...”</span><br><br>
<<set $deepKissDone = true>>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 2>>
/* ===================== Passage 2: Stand kiss ===================== */
/*<<set $rel += 2>>*/
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "crushing into his chest, bulging magnificently up to your collarbone.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set $boobMove = "pushing into his chest, bulging up softly.">>
<<set $boobMove = "grazing his chest, hard nipples poking him through your top.">>
/*<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>*/
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
Victor is going on about some story when you stop responding and begin ruffling his hair. He stops, <span class="victor">“cut it out, what are you doing?”</span><br><br>
You step in front of him and push your body up against his, your breasts $boobMove You glance down at them, then back to him with a playful smile. <span class="main">“I guess I just wanted a little attention.”</span><br><br>
Victor’s eyes are on your expertly wielded chest, <span class="victor">“Baby, you have all of it.”</span><br><br>
He leans in and kisses you warmly. You feel the plush softness of your swollen lips melt into his, the contrast as your soft curves pushing into his firm body, you also catch a quick feeling of something poking you through his shorts. You giggle and give him a wink.<br><br>
<<set $deepKissDone = true>>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 3>>
/* ===================== Passage 3: snog ===================== */
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", overwhelmed by the soft expanse of your huge tits. His hands knead at your hot flesh, the sensations nearly having you panting in ecstasy. He eventually reaches one of your fat, jutting nipples and gives it a hard squeeze.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 15>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", kneading your sensitive globes, eventually reaching your diamond-hard nipples and giving a twisting pinch.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "very sensitive little mounds, eventually reaching your pointy little nips and giving a tweak.">>
<<set $rel += 2>>
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
Giggling at what you both know is about to happen, you get your mouths to work. This is different than your other kisses, it’s more forceful, more desperate for each other’s attention. Your lips melt into his with a silky, plump softness that even surprises you. It’s almost as if they’ve puffed up even larger since your kiss earlier. The lips lose attention soon though as your tongues take over, wrapping around each other in a wet, warm dance. Tingles are running all over your body. You’ve never been turned on this much just by kissing, but the pleasure is amazing. You coo softly into his mouth.<br><br>
Things only escalate from there, soon you feel Victor’s hands roaming up your thighs and around your waist. You giggle and coo again as the sensations racing through you. His hands snake up further, going under your top to your breasts. His hands roam and grope _boobTouch You let out a high pitched gasp of pure pleasure. You decide to return the favor and scooch up onto his lap. Grinding your soaking, aching pussy against his tenting crotch.<br><br>
<<if $action == "bar" || $action == "club">>
<<link "Go back to his bungalow now" "funky_7">>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<link "Go to the bedroom now." "funky_7">>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<link "Cool off, do something else." $return>><</link>>
<<case 4>>
/* ===================== Passage 4: funky ===================== */
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouch = "big, sexy tits spill free onto your chest with a heavy bounce.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 16>>
<<set _boobTouch = "perfect, sexy tits bounce free on your chest.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "cute little tits jiggle free in the open air.">>
<<set $rel += 4>>
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+4 to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
You’re absolutely burning up with lust. Grinding yourself against Victor’s hardon through your swimsuits, your juices soaking through the fabric of your bottoms. It’s too much, you need him now.<br><br>
You pull away from him, your lips making another smack. Victor can read the situation all too well and gives you a lusty grin. You return it wordlessly and grab his hand.<br><br>
The light flicks on in the bedroom of Victor’s bungalow as you two spill through the door, pawing at each other. You strip off your top, letting your _boobTouch<br><br>
Victor dives straight for your breasts, kissing and groping, pausing for a brief moment to let the tension build. Just as you look down to make sure he’s still there, he takes one of your nipples between his teeth and begins flicking it with his tongue. You thought your little pleasure points were already as hard as they could get, but they clinch up even more in his mouth, erupting in lightning bolts of pure pleasure. You squeeze your legs and quiver as a mini orgasm pulses through you, a long <span class="main">“mmmmmm”</span> moaning out your throat.<br><br>
You turn and push him towards the bed. Time to return the favor. You give his bottoms a few tugs, letting his cock spring free. It stands straight up, pulsing slightly with his heart beat. <span class="main">“Yes, that’s what I want!”</span> you squee, giving it a loving caress. It twitches again in response.<br><br>
You’re a master at blow jobs, and you intimately know the best ways to move and lick for the most pleasure. He’s breathing hard through his teeth with his head thrown back.<br><br>Now that he’s prepped, you pull away with a popping sound, his dick is left purple and twitching frantically in front of you. You lock eyes with him and say, <span class="main">“Fuck me.”</span><br><br>
You’re thrown, almost violently, onto the bed. It’s awesome, you feel so delicate and feminine. Victor crawls up over you, and you glance down to see his still throbbing cock dangling and pulsing. He doesn’t hesitate, pulling your legs open, you feel the cool night air on your soaking wet folds as they part. Then you feel his cock at your entrance, twitching and ready to come home. You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation, the feeling of fullness and pleasure creeping upwards. When it’s all the way in, you both release a sigh of contentment, releasing a breath neither of you knew you were holding.<br><br>
Victor continues, slowly moving in and out, causing you little jolts of pleasure as his cock bumps against your sensitive insides. You squirm, pressing the most sensitive areas against him to get more attention. His pace is quickening, as is your pleasure. You stop biting your lip and open your mouth in a loud pant, calling out Victor’s name.<br><br>
He keeps going faster, shaking the whole bed and you with it. Your boobs are jostling wildly on your chest, you reach up to grab one and hold it, tweaking the nip on top. Victor helps with the other, grabbing it in a sexy grope. The rough skin of his palm against your nipple feels almost as good as your own flicks and pinches.<br><br>
You’re fucking frantically now, panting and moaning in ecstasy as you near the peak. With a final grunt from Victor and a scream from you, the climax is reached. You’re aware of his cock, throbbing inside you as he cums, but only dimly, as all voluntary thought and action is completely overridden while you quiver uncontrollably in waves of orgasmic bliss. You finally come down with a contented sigh and sink lazily into the soft covers.<br><br>
It takes a few minute for you each to catch your breath. Eventually you feel a strong arm wrap around you, and his body press into you. You feel so safe and protected as the little spoon, so peaceful. You can barely keep your eyes open. Your last thought before falling asleep is how this was the best day of your life so far, and how you can’t wait for tomorrow.<br><br>
<<if $rel >= $levelup>>
<<link "Finish day." "levelUpSex_7">><</link>>
<<link "Finish day." "finishDaySex_7">><</link>>
<<case 5>>
/* ================== Passage 5: Kiss Goodnight ================= */
You reach the entrance of Victor’s bungalow, pausing there for a few moments.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Well, I guess I should...”</span> Victor reaches out and sweeps a strand of hair behind your ear, then pulls your chin up to face him.<br><br>
You run on autopilot, closing your eyes and pursing your full lips. When his lips meet yours, you simply melt, warm waves of pleasure running through you.<br><br>
Victor is feeling it too, his hand finds your waist, pulling you into him, you can feel his cock jutting through his shorts. You raise your hands to his shoulders, more to brace yourself than hold him. He takes it as the later though, and his hands snake down to your ass, grabbing a handfull and pulling you even closer.<br><br>
For your part, you’re losing control again, cheeks glowing, nips hard and pussy leaking like a broken faucet.<br><br>
<<link "Give in." "funky_7">><<set $bases = 4>><</link>><br>
<<link "Just the kiss, say goodnight." "EOD">>
<<set $goodNightMssgLink = "GoodnightKiss6">>
<<set $goodNightMssg = "It takes every ounce of strength you have, but you resist and just wish Victor a good night.<br><br>He seems to have just as much difficulty as you, but eventually sends you off...with one more grope for the road.">>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You walk back to the hut. Your heart flutters just thinking about Victor, he’s such an amazing guy, smart, You bite your lip at that last thought, absentmindedly tweaking your nipple through your suit. Already horny and ready for the next time you meet him you’ve got to figure out a better way to please him.<br><br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by a huge yawn, just now realizing how beat you are. Definitely “bedtime”. You feel a strange tingle, as if the air responded to you saying “bedtime.”<br><br>
“How strange,” you think, rationalizing that you must be even more tired than you thought.<br><br>
<<link "Next day" "start_7">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<script>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $vrCountdown = 4>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You walk back to the beach hut with a huge smile. You couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend than Victor. He’s such an amazing guy, smart, You bite your lip at that last thought, absentmindedly tweaking your nipple through your suit. Already horny and ready for the next time you meet him, thoughts of how to better please him running through your feverish brain.<br><br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by a huge yawn, you’re only just now realizing how beat you are. Definitely bedtime. You feel a strange tingle, as if the air responded to you saying “bedtime.”<br><br>
<<link "Restart simulation" "start_8">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<set _mapoff = true>>
You feel yourself drifting off next to Victor, he’s already snoring softly. Victor is an amazing guy, and you hope this wasn't just a one-night thing. Because you definitely want to do this again, you’ll have to lay on the charm extra heavy tomorrow.<br><br>
<<link "Next day" "start_7">><<set $day += 1>><</link>><<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $chaTopDone = false>>
<<set $bodTopDone = false>>
<<set $level += 1>>
<<set $levelup = $rel + 15>>
<<set $hairVal += 1>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<span class="relBonus">LEVEL UP!!</span><br><br>
You feel yourself drifting off in Victor’s arms as the little spoon. You don’t think you’ve ever felt more content or happy in your life.<br><br>
You can tell by the slow, rhythmic breathing that Victor is already asleep. You pull his arms tighter around you and wiggle up closer to him.<br><br>
You feel his cock twitch and lengthen up against your butt cheeks and smile. This is going to be a long and fun relationship.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "start_8">><<set $day += 1>><</link>>
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<link "Jump to L1" "start_1">><</link>><br>
<<link "Jump to L2" "start_2">>
<<set $level = 2>>
<<set $rel = 20>>
<<set $cha = 15>>
<<set $bod = 15>>
<<set $secondary = 7>>
<<set $hairVal = 2>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodLevel = 3>>
<<set $chaLevel = 3>>
<<link "Jump to L3" "start_4">>
<<set $level = 4>>
<<set $rel = 40>>
<<set $cha = 30>>
<<set $bod = 30>>
<<set $secondary = 7>>
<<set $hairVal = 4>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodLevel = 5>>
<<set $chaLevel = 5>>
<<link "Jump to L4" "start_5">>
<<set $level = 5>>
<<set $rel = 60>>
<<set $cha = 45>>
<<set $bod = 45>>
<<set $secondary = 7>>
<<set $hairVal = 5>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodLevel = 7>>
<<set $chaLevel = 7>>
<<link "Jump to L5" "start_6">>
<<set $level = 6>>
<<set $rel = 80>>
<<set $cha = 60>>
<<set $bod = 60>>
<<set $secondary = 15>>
<<set $hairVal = 7>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodLevel = 9>>
<<set $chaLevel = 9>>
<<set $openMssg = "You stretch out and sit up, realizing with a start that you’re in the beach hut!<br><br>You must have fallen asleep here before changing! God, you’re such a ditz sometimes. Oh well, at least you’re already at the beach, you might even beat Victor to the regular spot today! Though your suit is all wrinkled and twisted on your body from sleeping in it. Your left boob is fully hanging out! Good thing you’re the only one in the hut!">>
<<link "Jump to L6" "start_7">>
<<set $level = 7>>
<<set $rel = 100>>
<<set $cha = 75>>
<<set $bod = 75>>
<<set $secondary = 30>>
<<set $hairVal = 8>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodLevel = 11>>
<<set $chaLevel = 11>>
<<link "Jump to L7" "start_8">>
<<set $level = 8>>
<<set $rel = 120>>
<<set $cha = 80>>
<<set $bod = 80>>
<<set $secondary = 45>>
<<set $hairVal = 9>>
<<set $chaTop = $cha + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodTop = $bod + $bodIncrement>>
<<set $bodLevel = 13>>
<<set $chaLevel = 13>>
<<switch $bases>>
<<case 1>>
/* ===================== Passage 1: Sit kiss ===================== */
/*<<set $rel += 2>>*/
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<<set $deepKissDone = true>>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set $boobMove = "enveloping his neck and shoulders in creamy titflesh.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "resting on his shoulders, neatly framing his head in creamy titflesh.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set $boobMove = "resting softly on either side of his neck.">>
<<set $boobMove = "grazing his shoulders, hard nipples poking him through your top.">>
/*<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>*/
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
Victor is going on about some story when you stand up and walk around behind him. He stops, <span class="victor">“what’s up?”</span><br><br>
You step behind him and push your body up against his, your breasts $boobMove You glance down at them, then hug him from behind. <span class="main">“I guess I just wanted a little attention.”</span><br><br>
Victor turns and pulls you down onto his lap, <span class="victor">“Baby, you have all of it.”</span><br><br>
Holding you like a princess, he leans down and kisses you deeply. You feel the plush softness of your swollen lips melt into his, the contrast as your soft curves pushing into his firm body, you also catch a quick feeling of something poking you through his shorts. You’re already horny as hell and dripping wet.<br><br>
<<link "Go somewhere to fuck." "funky_hut">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 2>>
/* =================== Passage 2: Stand kiss ================== */
/*<<set $deepKissDone = true>>*/
/*<<set $rel += 2>>*/
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set $boobMove = "enveloping his torso in soft titflesh, bulging magnificently nearly up to your chin.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "crushing into his chest, bulging magnificently up to your collarbone.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set $boobMove = "pushing into his chest, bulging up softly.">>
<<set $boobMove = "grazing his chest, hard nipples poking him through your top.">>
/*<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>*/
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
Victor is going on about some story when you stop responding and begin ruffling his hair. He stops, <span class="victor">“cut it out, what are you doing?”</span><br><br>
You step in front of him and push your body up against his, your breasts $boobMove You glance down at them, then back to him with a playful smile. <span class="main">“I guess I just wanted a little attention.”</span><br><br>
Victor’s eyes are on your expertly wielded chest, <span class="victor">“Baby, you have all of it.”</span><br><br>
He leans in and kisses you warmly. You feel the plush softness of your swollen lips melt into his, the contrast as your soft curves pushing into his firm body, you also catch a quick feeling of something poking you through his shorts. You’re already horny as hell and dripping wet.<br><br>
<<link "Go somewhere to fuck." "funky_hut">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<link "Back." $return>><</link>>
<<case 3>>
/* ===================== Passage 3: snog ===================== */
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", overwhelmed by the soft expanse of your huge tits. His hands knead at your hot flesh, the sensations nearly having you panting in ecstasy. He eventually reaches one of your fat, jutting nipples and gives it a hard squeeze.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", kneading your sensitive globes, eventually reaching your diamond-hard nipples and giving a twisting pinch.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "very sensitive little mounds, eventually reaching your pointy little nips and giving a tweak.">>
<<set $rel += 2>>
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+2 to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
Giggling at what you both know is about to happen, you get your mouths to work. This is different than your other kisses, it’s more forceful, more desperate for each other’s attention. Your lips melt into his with a silky, plump softness that even surprises you. It’s almost as if they’ve puffed up even larger since your kiss earlier. The lips lose attention soon though as your tongues take over, wrapping around each other in a wet, warm dance. You’re already shivering with pleasure. You’ve never been turned on this much just by kissing, but the feeling is amazing. You moan wantonly into his mouth.<br><br>
Things only escalate from there, soon you feel Victor’s hands roaming up your thighs and around your waist. You giggle and groan again as the sensations racing through you. His hands snake up further, going under your top to your breasts. His hands roam and grope _boobTouch You let out a high pitched gasp of pure pleasure. You decide to return the favor and scooch up onto his lap. Grinding your soaking, aching pussy against his tenting crotch.<br><br>
<<link "Go to the bedroom now." "funky_8">>
<<set $bases = 4>>
<<case 4>>
/* ===================== Passage 4: funky ===================== */
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _boobTouch = "massive, perfect melons billow out across your torso, swaying and wobbling obscenely.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _boobTouch = "big, sexy tits spill free onto your chest with a heavy bounce.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 15>>
<<set _boobTouch = "perfect, sexy tits bounce free on your chest.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "cute little tits jiggle free in the open air.">>
<<set $rel += 4>>
<<set $bod += 2>>
<<set $cha += 2>>
<<set $secondary += 1>>
<span class="relBonus">+4 to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+2 to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+2 to CHA</span><br><br>
You’re absolutely burning up with lust. Grinding yourself against Victor’s hardon through your swimsuits, whimpering for his cock, your juices soaking through the fabric of your bottoms. It’s too much, you need him now.<br><br>
You pull away from him, your lips making another smack. Victor can read the situation all too well and gives you a lusty grin. You return it wordlessly and grab his hand.<br><br>
The light flicks on in the bedroom of Victor’s bungalow as you two spill through the door, pawing at each other. You tear off your top, letting your _boobTouch<br><br>
Victor dives straight for your breasts, kissing and groping, barely taking time to breathe. He fully takes one of your nipples between his teeth and begins flicking it with his tongue. You thought your little pleasure points were already as hard as they could get, but they clinch up even more in his mouth, erupting in lightning bolts of pure pleasure. You squeeze your legs and quiver as a mini orgasm pulses through you, a long moan escaping out your throat.<br><br>
You turn and push him towards the bed. Time to return the favor. You give his bottoms a few tugs, letting his cock spring free. It stands straight up, pulsing slightly with his heart beat. <span class="main">“Yes, that’s what I want!”</span> you squee, giving it a loving caress. It twitches again in response.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 39>>You grab your turgid nipples in each hand, wrapping your pillowy tits around his cock. The head disappears into their marshmallowy softness, but you feel it twitching between them. You begin to move up and down, giving the head of his cock a lick each time it pops out the top.<<else>>You’re a master at blow jobs, and you intimately know the best ways to move and lick for the most pleasure.<</if>> He’s breathing hard through his teeth with his head thrown back.<br><br>Now that he’s prepped, You pull away, leaving dick purple and twitching frantically in front of you. You lock eyes with him and say, <span class="main">“Fuck me hard!”</span><br><br>
You’re thrown, almost violently, onto the bed. It’s awesome, you feel so delicate and feminine. Victor crawls up over you like a predator, his still throbbing cock dangling and pulsing over you. He doesn’t hesitate, flipping you face down and spreading your legs, you feel the cool night air on your soaking wet folds as they part. You barely have time to think before he spears you with it. Instantly your vision goes white with pure pleasure. You squirm on your elbows, yelling and moaning into the pillows, twisting to press the most sensitive areas against him to get maximum pleasure.<br><br>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _boobTouch = "Your boobs, big enough to rest on the bed, ripple in waves beneath you. Your fat, hypersensitive nipples are rubbing against the sheets, driving you even closer to the edge.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _boobTouch = "Your big boobs hang down like swollen udders under you, swinging violently back and forth, the hypersensitive nipples catching the sheets and sending shockwaves of pleasure, driving you even closer to the edge.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouch = "Your tits are bouncing wildly in circles around your chest. It’s almost painful. Victor seems to sense this and reaches down to cup them, pinching your hypersensitive nipples and driving you even closer towards the edge.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "Your $butt rippling with the violent pounding from behind, your tits jiggling wildly on your chest.">>
He keeps going faster, shaking the whole bed and you with it. _boobTouch<br><br>
You’re fucking frantically now, yelling out obscenities and Victor’s name as you near the peak. With a final grunt from Victor and a scream from you, the climax is reached. You’re aware of his cock, throbbing inside you as he cums, but only dimly, as all voluntary thought and action is completely overridden while you quiver uncontrollably in waves of orgasmic bliss. You finally come down with a contented sigh and sink lazily into the soft covers.<br><br>
It takes a few minute for you each to catch your breath. Eventually you feel a strong arm wrap around you, and his body press into you. You feel so safe and protected as the little spoon, so peaceful. You can barely keep your eyes open. Your last thought before falling asleep is how this was the best day of your life so far, and how you can’t wait for tomorrow.<br><br>
<<link "Drift off." "start_8">><<set $day += 1>><</link>>
<<case 5>>
/* ================== Passage 5: Kiss Goodnight ================= */
You reach the entrance of Victor’s bungalow, pausing there for a few moments.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Well, I guess I should...”</span> Victor reaches out and sweeps a strand of hair behind your ear, then pulls your chin up to face him.<br><br>
You run on autopilot, closing your eyes and pursing your full lips. When his lips meet yours, you simply melt, warm waves of pleasure running through you.<br><br>
Victor is feeling it too, his hand finds your waist, pulling you into him, you can feel his cock jutting through his shorts. You raise your hands to his shoulders, more to brace yourself than hold him. He takes it as the later though, and his hands snake down to your ass, grabbing a handfull and pulling you even closer.<br><br>
For your part, you’re losing control again, cheeks glowing, nips hard and pussy leaking like a broken faucet.<br><br>
<<link "Give in." "funky_8">><<set $bases = 4>><</link>><br>
<span class="disabled">[Say goodnight. - You just can’t resist him right now!]</span>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $relType = "Victor’s Slut">>
/*Add looks*/
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
/* New Day */
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $currentLoc = "You are in the small beach-hut.">>
<<set $action = "hut">>
<<set $return = "hut_8">>
<<set $clock = 1>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $girlDraw = [1,2,3]>> /* Set up girls */
<<set $sandFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $shopFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $barFlirtSuccess = false>>
<<set $deepPickup = true>>
<<set $deepFail = false>>
<<set $goneOut = false>>
<<set $dc = $rel + 30>>
<<set $victorTired = 0>>
<<set $bodLevel ++>>
<<set $secondary += 2>>
<<set $vrCountdown -= 1>>
/* Reset Activities */
<<display "varsReset">>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _boobTouch = "- with some difficulty - due to your gigantic breasts. As you sit up, they slide down and out, huge and impossibly perky. They spread across your torso heavily but still manage to jut out dramatically in front of you, wobbling seductively the whole time.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", letting your heavy tits roll downward and bounce on your chest.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouch = ", causing a shift and wobble on your chest.">>
<<set _boobTouch = "quickly, sending jiggles through your tits.">>
/*boob size*/
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _boobTouchB = "You try to heft one upwards with both hands, but it’s so large, your palms are more just kneading the expanse of smooth, pillowy flesh. At the far end, a turgid, finger-thick nipple sits proudly on puffy pink areola.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _boobTouchB = "You heft one upwards with both hands, feeling its soft weight and expanse of velvety skin; the puffy, conical areola juts off the front with a fat nipple aimed right at your face.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _boobTouchB = "You pull one of the orbs up towards you, feeling the plush softness and velvety skin; admiring the puffy, conical areola and gumdrop nipple that juts out a little above half way up the front.">>
<<set _boobTouchB = "You cup one of your breasts, pushing it up in your hand and admiring the tight little cherry nipple jutting out at the world.">>
Your eyes flutter open, blinking in the soft morning light. Still laying down, you yawn stretch out your shoulders and neck. They’re a little bit cramped from sleeping on such a hard surface.<br><br>
<mn>"Hard surface?"</mn> You blink with a surprise as you realize you’re in the beach hut! Huh, that’s weird. Did you and Victor fuck here last night? <br><br>
The bench is nice and solid, <span class='main'>“wouldn’t make a bad place to get fucked,”</span> you giggle to yourself. The very thought already gets you tingling and excited, first thing in the morning. You bite your lip and run a hand down the side of your body. Enjoying the inward slope of your waist, all the way to your $buttLong as it hangs off the sides of the bench. Your hand tickles its way back over your tummy, down to between your thighs, all the way to your already wet pussy. You run your fingers along the moist line, and bask in another pleasant tingle from the touch. It only then dawns on you that you’re completely naked.<br><br>
You don’t really know why, but you’re not really bothered by being completely naked in a public place. You’re in no hurry to get up, lazily tracing fingers around your luscious body and enjoying the pleasure. Hell, if somebody walks in, maybe you could have a little fun with them. <span class='main'>Giggle.</span><br><br>
After a while, you sit up _boobTouch You look down at your boobs quizzically, something seems off about them. Are they bigger? _boobTouchB As you look at it, your nipple stiffens up pleasurably begging for some attention. You oblige with a little tweak, sending another wave of pleasure through you.<br><br>
With your horniness beginning to overtake rational thoughts, your mind turns to Victor, who should be waiting on the beach for you now.<br><br>
You get up, and fuss with your hair in one of the mirrors for 5 minutes or so. Then proudly stroll out the doo...whoops! You’re still naked!<br><br>
<span class='main'>“I am such a ditz!”</span> You exclaim to yourself, while packing your overflowing assets into your undersized outfit.<br><br>
<<link "Continue" "hut_8">><</link>><<script>>
<<if $move == true>>$locMove <br><br><</if>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You are in the beach hut.<br><br>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_8">><</link>><br>
<<if $goneOut != true>>
<<link "Head out" "first_step_8">>
<<set $move = true>>
<<set $goneOut = true>>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>>
<<set $move = false>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You step outside and take a deep breath, stretching in the warm morning sun. Another beautiful day at the beach.<br><br>
You scan across the beach, seeing what today has to offer. So many hot boys hanging around, and they all look so delicious! Sexiest of all is your boy, Victor, lounging on his towel at your usual spot. And a second towel already laid out for you! <mn>“Awww what a gentleman!”</mn>
<br><br>You pause before heading over to Victor to drool over him. He’s lounging back, his naturally tan skin lit warnly by the morning sun. Soft shadows defining the sexy muscles in his shoulders and arms. <mn>“Such a hottie,”</mn> you think to yourself. Your pussy is already tingling from the beach-hut, and seeing Victor makes it even worse! Good thing your swim bottoms are tight, or you’d probably have juice running down your leg!<br><br>
You strut your way across the beach, taking your time and letting other beach goers get a good look at you. Everywhere you go, you turn heads and drop jaws. And why not! You’re proud of your body! Slim and tight and taught, but at the same time silky soft and jiggly. You’re even more proud of the effect it has on guys. Every time you pass a man, he just stops whatever he’s doing and looks at you, frozen so he can watch you bounce and glide by. It’s like your superpower!<br><br>
When you finally make it over to Victor, you wrap your arms around his waist, crush your boobs against his back, and start nibbling on his ear. <span class="main">“Good morning sexy.”</span><br><br>
Victor chuckles and smiles at you. <span class="victor">“Morning hotstuff.”</span><br><br>
You’re not satisfied with that greeting. You want him as turned on as you are! You let your arms slip down his waist towards his delicious cock. Rubbing it through his shorts, getting him nice and hard in an instant.<br><br>
<victor>"Hey!"</victor> He laughs at your feistiness, and turns towards you, grabbing your boobs. He was probably hoping to stop you, but instead elicits a moan, your nipples crinkling up again under his palms. He laughs again, <span class='victor'>“you’re absolutely insatiable.”</span><br><br>
Giggling yourself, you wrangle your tits, which have half fallen out of your swimsuit from the grope, <span class="main">“Isn’t that your favorite thing about me?”</span><br><br>
<span class='victor'>“Well, that or those magnificent tits.”</span> He motions towards your rack, which you’re still trying to work back into place in the very tight top.<br><br>
<span class='victor'>“That suit might be a little too small for you, you need help getting it on?”</span>
You smile mischievously towards him, <span class="main">“Actually, if you’re offering, I’d prefer some help getting it off.”</span><br><br>
<<link "Continue" "location">>
<<set $action = "towels">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $actionDone[$actionChoice.value] += 1>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $drunkMod > 0>><span class="drunkBonus">+$drunkMod to DRUNK</span><br><</if>>
<<if $energyMod > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$energyMod to ENERGY</span><<set $actions += ( $energyMod + 1)>><br><</if>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<else>><span class="relBonus" style="color:red;">Fail</span><br><</if>>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<link "Go somewhere to fuck." "funky_hut">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<if $vrCountdown == 2>>
<html><style>#linkFade {opacity:1;
-webkit-animation:fadeout 10s ease-out 5s 1 normal forwards running;
-moz-animation:fadeout 10s ease-out 5s 1 normal forwards running;
animation:fadeout 10s ease-out 5s 1 normal forwards running;}</style></html>
<<elseif $vrCountdown == 1>>
<html><style>#linkFade {opacity:1;
-webkit-animation:fadeout 5s ease-out 1s 1 normal forwards running;
-moz-animation:fadeout 5s ease-out 1s 1 normal forwards running;
animation:fadeout 5s ease-out 1s 1 normal forwards running;}</style></html>
<span id="linkFade">
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<if $chaMod > 0 || $bodMod > 0>>
<<if $level < 5>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes_2">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $drunk += $drunkMod>>
<<set $drunkMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<</silently>><<set $actions -= 3>>
<<set $clock += 3>>
<<switch $action>>
<<case "hut" "towels" "sand">>
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
Giggling again, you poke your head into the beach-hut, checking to see if anybody is there. Though you’re so horny now, you’re not sure you’d stop even if there was someone here.<br><br>
With the coast clear, you reach back out and grab Victor’s hand, pulling him forcefully. He uses the momentum to push you back as well, and you end up with your back against one of the large wall mirrors, with Victor looming only inches away from you.<br><br>
The cold glass makes your skin goosebump and sensitive, your nipples perking up even harder. They’re so stiff now, you’re worried they might just punch through your top.<br><br>
Victor’s no less turned on, he wastes no time diving in on your luscious body. Grabbing as much of your $butt as possible, he leans into you, while simultaneously pulling you close. He then works his way hurriedly down your neck, kissing and sucking with abandon, until he reaches your chest. There’s no pause or hesitation here either, he’s lost any control, his only thought now is to consume you entirely. Much as you want to, you can’t reciprocate his touch, your hands at pressed against the mirror to keep balance and give you leverage to grind your hips against him lustily.<br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _specDesc = "big tits spill">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc = "boobs bounce">>
<<elseif $secondary > 15>>
<<set _specDesc = "boobies jiggle">>
<<set _specDesc = "boobs bounce">>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _specDesc2 = "His face disappears into their creamy mass, but you can feel his licks and nibbles on your diamond-hard nipples">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _specDesc2 = "He kneads each breast roughly, licking and pulling at your diamond-hard nipples">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc2 = "He palms each breast roughly, licking and pulling at your diamond-hard nipples">>
<<set _specDesc2 = "He palms each breast roughly, licking and pulling at your diamond-hard nipples">>
He rips open your top, letting your _specDesc free, and fully dives into them. _specDesc2, you can’t help but moan loudly at the pleasure. Your eyes squeeze shut and you quiver against the mirror, so horny that Victor’s breast play alone delivers your first climax.<br><br>
Still riding your first orgasm, you feel yourself spun around and pushed back against the mirror, this time facing it. You catch his eye in the reflection and lick your lips. Taking the initiative, you peel down your swim bottoms while wiggling your hips seductively towards him. You arch your back and turn your hips, letting your soaking wet pussy peek out under your $buttLong. Victor takes the invitation and wastes no time in ramming his cock into you. You feel it slide deep inside, pushing a low, lusty moan out your throat.<br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _specDesc = " Her fat tits mashed up against the mirror">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc = " Her rounded titties bouncing wildly off the mirror">>
<<set _specDesc = " Her titties jiggling wildly on her chest">>
Against the mirror, you see quite the scene, a gorgeous $hairColor-haired hottie in the throws of ecstasy, being fucked from behind._specDesc and a stud ravishing her with abandon.<br><br>
You don’t have time to think it over though. Victor is going at it frantically, and you’re near the edge yourself. His violent thrusts plunge deeeeep inside you, shoving you closer into the mirror until your face is pressed against it as well. Your plush lips fog the glass with panting cries. With the open windows above, there’s no doubt the whole beach has heard you. Lol.<br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _specDesc = "massive, circular">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc = "perfectly round">>
<<set _specDesc = "cute little">>
You both cum simultaneously, Victor yells out a <span class="victor">”fuck!”</span>, and you scream loudly. Muscles give out and you both end up pressed against the mirrors exhausted, almost in a spooning position. Victor uses the time for another grope of your tits, remarking on how you’ve left _specDesc boob prints on the mirror.<br><br>
<<case "water">>
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
<span class="victor">”Look! The Titanic!”</span> Victor yells while pointing to the horizon. You turn quickly to look, not really sure what he means, but only see an empty horizon.<br><br>
<span class="main">”I don’t see anything, Vic...”</span> he’s gone! You spin around but can’t find Victor anywhere, he’s completely vanished!<br><br>
Suddenly you feel something slide between your ass cheeks, you let out a yelp of surprise and pleasure. <span class="main">”Victor! Is that you?”</span><br><br>
You get your answer a moment later, as you feel two hands slide up your torso and pull your suit aside, grabbing and groping your boobs roughly under the water. You’re already groaning at the teasing as Victor surfaces behind you. He starts twisting your nipples tightly, pushing your groans of pleasure louder. Then you feel something sliding up your ass again, hard and twitching. You wiggle your hips, rubbing up and down, causing it to twitch and harden even more, pushing deep between your cheeks.<br><br>
Not able to hold out much longer, you spin around, while deftly pulling the crotch of your suit aside, then leap at Victor.<br><br>
He catches and holds you easily, letting you wrap your legs around his torso. You always wanted to try standing sex! Even though the buoyancy of your overstuffed body is doing most of the lifting, being held completely aloft still makes you feel so tiny and feminine.<br><br>
You’re horny enough to be leaking like a faucet, but the water still causes a little extra friction, it’s actually the perfect amount to pull and stretch at your insides, making Victor feel even larger than usual! God it feels so good to be slowly filled up like this! You throw your head back and moan, loudly this time, probably pulling the attention of half the beach.<br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _specDesc = "burying his entire head is creamy titflesh.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc = "thrusting your perfect tits right under his nose.">>
<<set _specDesc = "displaying your jutting tits and nips for him.">>
Victor doesn’t say anything, your position puts your chest at face level, _specDesc He goes at it like a champion – sucking and pulling on your turgid nipples while using his hands to pull you down ever further on his cock.<br><br>
Victor is taking it slow, but you’re already on the edge. You start rocking your hips up and down, keeping the cock buried inside you.<br><br>
You hear grunts from your chest, and Victor’s nipple play gets more uneven and forceful. He’s close. You buck on him harder, pushing as deep as you can, squeezing your pussy to milk his shaft. He can’t focus and releases your nipple with a pop, putting all his energy on plumping relentlessly into your burning snatch.<br><br>
You’ve never felt so full, you can’t see, can’t think, everything is a white blur of absolute bliss. You’re not sure if you’re Victor is shaking you or you’re convulsing on your own, but your world is rocking.<br><br>
After what seems like minutes of orgasms, you finally come down and regain your senses. You give Victor one last loooong kiss as a thank you before dismounting.<br><br>
Now, where is your top?<br><br>
<<case "shops" "arcade" "court" "luau">>
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
Sneaking away from the main area, you and Victor find a tiny storage closet off to the side. You stealthily sneak in, while Victor checks for witnesses and quietly closes the door. He turns around to find you by some storage shelves, hands on hips, and already completely naked.<br><br>
<span class="victor">”Woah, that was fast.”</span> <br><br>
<span class="main">”What can I say, I’m good at getting naked.”</span> you tease, smiling. You cross the tiny storage closet in two jiggly steps, stopping millimeters away from him. <span class="main">”Now it’s your turn.”</span><br><br>
You wrap your arms around his body and pull him into you while kissing him deeply. His hands find your $buttLong, and he grabs two big handfuls of cheek. You likewise slide your hands downward, hooking your thumbs in his swimshorts and sliding down, still sucking on his tongue the whole time. His rock-solid cock practically leaps out of his shorts, bumping against your legs. You finally break the kiss, but keep staring smokily into his eyes as you reach down to grab his cock.<br><br>
You can feel it pulsing in your hand - smooth, hot and so very hard. You give it a few tugs, enjoying how it reactively twitches in your hand. You give it a rub between your legs on your pussy, a slick sheen of your juices painting the top. You’re already soaking wet. Victor groans, a little too loudly for a public storage closet.<br><br>
You turn around and bend over a little at the waist, coming to lean on one of the shelves of cleaning supplies. You pull him a step forward by his cock and guide it to your aching pussy, his meat stiffening and twitching even more at the contact. He starts slowly but relentlessly, pushing deep into you.<br><br>
Your wet folds slip along his shaft, every centimeter a step forward into heaven. You have to bite your lips to avoid gasping out loud.<br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _specDesc = "broad hips">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc = "curved hips">>
<<set _specDesc = "hips">>
He grabs your _specDesc for balance as he starts thrusting. You’re biting your lip so hard now, you fear you might draw blood, your fists clenched tight on the shelf you’re bent over.<br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _specDesc = "Your big tits are swaying under the shelf like fleshy wrecking balls, knocking over brushes and bottles of cleaner.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc = "Your tits are bouncing under the shelf so hard they occasionally slap the underside.">>
<<set _specDesc = "Your tits are jiggling wildly just above the shelf, the nipples grazing the edge and shooting an additional bolt of pleasure through you on each thrust.">>
He keeps going faster, bouncing you off his pelvis with powerful thrusts, then pulling your hips back into him to spear his cock deep inside again and again. _specDesc <br><br>
You both are panting, losing the battle to keep quiet as passion overtakes reason. Suddenly, everything explodes! You both yell out as you cum in unison, at the exact same time, the shelf you were leaning on breaks in half!<br><br>
Bottles, buckets, brushes and breasts all go tumbling down into a heap on the floor. Despite the mess, the noise and the fact that somebody’s bound to open the closet any second; all you can do is lie quivering on the floor while your multiple orgasms subside.<br><br>
Thankfully, the door only cracks open slightly. One of the staff calls in, <span class="npc">”Hey guys, it’s not <em>that</em> private of a resort, get a room please.”</span><br><br>
The door closes again, leaving the two of you giggle wildly while rushing to get dressed.<br><br>
<<case "bar">>
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
You and Victor take your drinks to the other side of the pool. You sit along a little underwater bench with a little more privacy.<br><br>
There’s no pretense of conversation, as soon as you sit, you lean over and stick your tongue in his mouth. Victor’s more modest than you are, but he’s also a good sport – he wraps an arm around you and returns your kisses, tongue and all. Sadly, he refrains from ripping off your top in front of the whole bar. But he goes give your $butt a nice squeeze.<br><br>
But you’re not satisfied. You need more! You rub your breasts up against him, begging in his ear, <span class="main">”I’m so fucking wet! I need you inside me now!”</span><br><br>
<span class="victor">”We’re in public, you know.”</span> he says with a knowing smile.<br><br>
Disappointed, you slump back down with a whine. Then you feel something.<br><br>
Victor’s hand twitches under you, tracing a finger along your burning crotch. <span class="main">”God I love you,”</span> you sigh, and shift to give him more room.<br><br>
He deftly pulls the bottom of your suit aside, and teases with his fingers a little more, causing you to sigh again and squirm in your seat. You lean your head on his shoulder, eyes closed, kissing his neck and nibbling his ear out of reflex.<br><br>
His practiced fingers enter you, pushing and rubbing on your favorite areas. Your eyes shoot open with a yelp as he brushes your clit.<br><br>
The waitress apparently mistook this yelp as being for her and wades over to you. <span class="npc">”Hey, what can I get for you?.”</span><br><br>
Victor keeps nonchalant, playing it off as if nothing is happening, while you’re twitching and biting your lip next to him. <span class="victor">”Yeah, I’ll have another beer. What did you have sweetie, a sex on the beach?”</span><br><br>
Your eyes can’t focus, but you feel his wry smile. You do your best to answer, <span class="main">”Oh...I….haaa...yes….mmmm…please!”</span><br><br>
The waitress thanks you for the order and wades back to the bar. She’s either completely oblivious or has seen this many times before.<br><br>
You don’t have time to consider her disinterest. Having found your clit, Victor starts rubbing little circles around your pleasure button. You go from squirming to twitching, sending ripples across the pool. Your knuckles are white, gripping tightly on to Victor’s thigh to avoid falling into the water.<br><br>
He pauses, giving you a wicked grin and teases, <span class="victor">”don’t get too excited, wouldn’t want to bother everyone.”</span> You look up at him, biting your lip, with pleading puppy eyes, you’re so close now. He relents and continues rubbing.<br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _specDesc = "your tits slapping the water rhythmically.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc = "your boobs slapping the water occasionally.">>
<<set _specDesc = "your nipples poking through your top, peeking in and out of the water.">>
Your hips are bucking on his hand, _specDesc He skillfully keeps up the pace while also slipping two fingers inside you. The penetration, after all the clit play, flings you over the edge. You fall against him, quivering violently, mouth open in a silent scream. <span class="victor">”You know...You’ll owe me one later..”</span> You nod in agreement, still panting on his shoulder.<br><br>
Just then, your drinks arrive. <span class="npc">”These are on the two gentleman at the bar. They...uh...said thanks for the show.”</span><br><br>
Two older guys smile and wave from the bar. Victor lifts his glass in a “cheers” motion. You’re too spent to be embarrassed, but smile and wave a thank you as well.<br><br>
<<case "club">>
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
Victor grabs your hand and motions to one of the booths in the back.<br><br>
You lick your lips hungrily and follow him.<br><br>
The booth is dark and out of the way, the only light coming from some floor lights beneath the table and chairs. It gives you and Victor a little bit of privacy to begin ripping at each others’ bodies.<br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set _specDesc = "kneading your fat tits.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _specDesc = "squeezing your sensitive tits.">>
<<set _specDesc = "groping your sensitive tits.">>
Your hair is tousled and in your eyes as you nibble and lick at Victor’s lips. His hands are already up your top and _specDesc <br><br>
/*special description*/
<<if $secondary > 24>>
<<set _specDesc = "tit">>
<<set _specDesc = "nipple">>
Victor yanks at the fabric, causing your _specDesc to pop out, then he leans in and latches on. You didn’t think it was possible for your nipples to get any harder, but they seize up further on your chest, shooting lightning bolts of pure pleasure through your body. Losing what little self control you had, you swing a leg over and sit on his lap, grinding your soaking wet pussy against his rock hard pole through your suits. Victor reaches around, grabbing a handful of your $buttLong and pulls you tightly into him, his lips never breaking from your turgid nipples. The licking, sucking, grinding and groping proves too much. Groaning loudly, you tumble over the edge of orgasm, quivering and shaking almost violently on his lap.<br><br>
You look at Victor with doe eyes, still panting. He starts to say something, but you silence him with a finger on his lips. You then spread his legs (to make room for your rounded rump) and let yourself slide down under the table.<br><br>
You yank at the fly of Victor’s shorts, letting them pop open to reveal your target. His throbbing cock leaps out in front of your face.<br><br>
It’s so hard and inviting, twitching in front of you. You lick your lips, partly for lubrication, partly out of sheer desire.<br><br>
You angle it to your mouth and slowly take it in, relishing every bump and vein sliding across your tongue.<br><br>
Victor leans back and sighs. You keep at it, bobbing back and forth, running your tongue across it as it shoots in and out, as deep down your throat as you can manage.<br><br>
He starts to buck slightly as you pick up speed. You move along with him, bobbing up and down on his steel hard shaft; your tits, still out of your top, swinging below you.<br><br>
Victor has excellent stamina, but he’s no match for your skill, your pillowy lips and their vacuum seal. It’s only minutes before he jerks and cums in your mouth. You slow to a relaxed pace, taking all his seed in, feeling it slide down your throat. You make sure to lick his cock to sparkling clean, then give it a quick “thank you” kiss on the top.<br><br>
You look up to Victor from under the table, proud of the satisfied smile you put on his face. He then looks away across the club and nods to someone.<br><br>
Confused, you look behind you. Apparently, the floor lighting leaves the sitting area of the booth darkened, but lights up underneath. Positioned under the table like you are, your $butt practically has a spotlight on it. You were wiggling your full moon at the whole club, and a small crowd of guys has gathered in appreciation.<br><br>
You giggle and wave while pulling yourself back up into the booth.<br><br>
<<set $victorTired++>>
<<if $victorTired > 3>>
<<link "Back" "Exhausted">><</link>>
<<elseif $time > $maxActions>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<</if>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/hut_2-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are in the beach hut, an area for changing, showering and cooling off.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to the beach-hut.">>
<<set $actionA = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionB = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case towels>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/towels_5.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are chilling on your beach towels, watching the waves roll in.">>
<<set $locMove = "You head back to your towels for a sit.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalk",
link: "Just gossip for a bit.",
target: "action",
passage: "You two just sit and talk for awhile.",
fail: "Victor seems like he’s not really paying attention, not to your face at least.",
optionA: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "Pursing your lips, you shamelessly fish for a compliment. As expected, Victor straight away compliments your fantastic breasts. Smiling, you give the girls a few bounces in your hands. Yeah, they are pretty fantastic.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionB: { link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. Victor only seems to be paying half attention, spending more time looking at your boobs that at you. Can't blame him, and at least you have his attention! You try to gesture a little more to add some extra jiggle to the girls.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Give Victor a massage.",
result: "Victor looks really tense, he could probably use a good massage. You lay him down and sit on his tight butt, then start rubbing the strong muscles in his shoulders. You can feel the tension melting away. The downside is that your own tension is rising, as you find yourself really enjoying feeling his strong muscles, your boobs “accidentally” bouncing off his back a few times. Unable to resist any more, you lean down and start kissing his shoulders and neck, biting on his ear. He snickers a little and makes a joke at how insatiable you are. It doesn’t dissuade you, the heat keeps rising inside you, and you start grinding your hips on his ass. He shifts, rolling over underneath you, letting you grind yourself directly on his crotch. He’s having a hard time resisting, but still holding out, so you lean forward letting your soft tits dangle in his face. With a hungry smile, you doubt he can resist you for much longer.",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Tan",
value: "tan",
link: "Get a tan.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor takes off his shirt and throws it to the side, announcing it’s time to get a tan.",
fail: "It’s no more than a few minutes before you feel yourself getting a burn.<br><br><span class='main'>”Let’s do something else,”</span> you suggest, to a grumble of disappointment from Victor.",
optionA: {
link: "Tan your front.",
result: "You slip on a little sun cream and lay on your back, letting the warm sun work its magic on your skin. You happen to glance over a few minutes later and notice Victor checking out your boobs. You can’t blame him, they are fantastic, softly spreading out on your chest, but still firm enough to bulge upwards while laying down. You pull down your top and shimmy your shoulders, letting your $boobsLong wobble free in plain view of everyone! They needed a little sun anyway, to balance out. Victor’s eyes go wide and his shorts go tight. With a hungry smile, you doubt he can resist you for much longer.",
target: "result2",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "Ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back.",
result: "You lay down and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back. As the cold lotion spurts onto your back, you shiver a little, followed by a long coo of relaxation as he sits on your legs and works the lotion in. You enjoy the feeling of his strong hands running up and down your smooth back, tracing along the dips and dives of your curves. He starts wandering south, all the way to the hem of your bottoms. You don’t try to dissuade him at all, giving a little shimmy and letting your $buttLong wobble around around. You only expected to tease him a little, so you let out a yelp when he surprises you with a firm smack on your ass! You coo in pleasure and rock your hips back and forth, rubbing his cock up against your supple ass. You work your way forward until you’re able to lift your ass and press your soaking pussy up against his cock. With a hungry smile, you note that he’s already throbbingly erect. You doubt he can resist you for much longer.",
target: "result2",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Unhook your top and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back.",
result: "You lay down and ask Victor to rub some lotion on your back. He complies and moves to sit on your legs. You reach around and pop your top open. As the cold lotion spurts onto your back, you shiver a little, followed by a long coo of relaxation as he works the lotion in. He continues covering your back, then sides, eventually reaching the sides of your breasts. You can feel your nipples are cinched up and hard, even the tiny movement from the massage has those little points of pleasure crying out for attention. Lost in thought and sensation, you surprise yourself with a tiny moan of pleasure. This only encourages Victor. The slipperiness of the lotion allows him to slide a hand to the underside of your breast and tweak your thick, throbbing nipple. You gasp and bite your lip involuntarily. You grab his other hand, shoving it under your soft, slippery chest so he can double gun you, and start rocking your hips back and forth, rubbing his now very hard cock up against your supple ass. You work your way forward until you’re able to lift your ass and press your soaking pussy up against his cock. With a hungry smile, you doubt he can resist you for much longer.",
target: "result2",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Rub lotion on Victor’s back.",
result: "Victor lays down on the towel, you grab the sun cream and straddle him. You spend a moment admiring his frame. The broad shoulders, the ropes of muscles running down his back, so yummy. You squirt out a healthy dollop of sun cream in your palm and begin to work it onto his back. His olive skin is warm and taught over his muscles. You trace their contours as you spread the lotion, really getting into the work. Victor sighs out an approval of your impromptu massage, though you’re pretty sure you got more enjoyment - if the rock-hard nips pointing out of your suit are a reliable measure anyway. Unable to resist any more, you lean down and start kissing his shoulders and neck, biting on his ear. He snickers a little and makes a joke at how insatiable you are. It doesn’t dissuade you, the heat keeps rising inside you, and you start grinding your hips on his ass. He shifts, rolling over underneath you, letting you grind yourself directly on his crotch. He’s having a hard time resisting, but still holding out, so you lean forward letting your soft tits dangle in his face. With a hungry smile, you doubt he can resist you for much longer.",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case sand>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/sand-bg.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are hanging out on the beach, walking through the warm sand.">>
<<set $locMove = "You hop across the hot sand to the beach, boobies bouncing wildly as you jump and giggle.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Walk",
value: "walk",
link: "Take a stroll along the beach.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor stands up, dusting himself off and suggests that you both take a walk down the beach.",
fail: "You walk alongside him, but aren’t able to think of anything but sex.",
optionA: {
link: "Head down to the rocky area.",
result: "You head down to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach. After scrambling over a few boulders, you make your way to a secluded little cove area. You sit next to Victor and enjoy the waves rolling in for a few quiet moments. It doesn’t last though, his hand snakes around your waist and he pulls you towards him. You giggle in anticipation, and turn to meet his already puckered lips. Your own lips feel so warm and plush on his, softly melting against his kiss. Your body too seems to melt in pleasure as his hands run over you, shooting little tingles up and down with their rough caresses. Your tongues find each other and wrap in a warm, wet embrace. Victor’s hands are getting more aggressive, turning from light caresses to wanton gropes. Your breath is coming faster too, excited by the pleasure and how Victor is losing control to your body. You turn over and straddle Victor, sitting on his lap, his already rigid cock pushing into your swim bottoms. Passion burns away any worry about being seen, and Victor tugs up your top, sending your tits bouncing free. He catches them, fingers roughly tweaking one nipple, while his lips dive onto the other, biting and licking wildly. The twin points of pleasure have you gasping in ecstasy, your hips bucking involuntarily on his lap, drive you both to a noisy climax.<br><br>When things calm down, you disentangle yourselves and take a moment to catch your breath. While stuffing your swollen boobs back in your top, you hear Victor quip, <span class='victor'>”I think I might need to change my shorts...or at least take a swim.”</span> With your own bottoms thoroughly soaked in your juices, you quickly agree. To the water!",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionB: {
link: "Just walk for a bit, talking and enjoying the company.",
result: "You just walk through the sand for a bit, holding hands, then holding each other by the waist, then he grabs a handful of your ass and leaves his hand there the rest of the walk. You giggle appreciatively and grab his ass in return. After a little while, you pass by the beach hut. With a dirty glance and a squeeze on his ass, you whisper a proposition in his ear...",
target: "result2",
type: $Direct,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "Strut.",
result: "You don’t walk with Victor, you strut. You’re hot, he’s hot and you want the whole beach to know it. You lightly grasp Victor’s hand, but swish your arms and add as much sway into your $butt as possible, giving half the beach a naughty treat. The other half gets your $boobsLong, as you bounce them rhythmically and hypnotically with your step. You get lost in the performance, enjoying the drooling looks from every guy on the beach - until you get a quick slap on the butt. You jump a little, sending one last jiggle in your tits. You look back in shock at Victor, his hand still in the slap position. He smiles and shrugs, <span class='victor'>“Sorry, you looked like you really wanted the attention.”</span><br><br>You can’t help but burst out laughing. Victor joins in too, and soon you’re both strutting your way down the beach giggling.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Make out with Victor.",
result: "You head down to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach. After scrambling over a few boulders, you make your way to a secluded little cove area. You sit next to Victor and enjoy the waves rolling in for a few quiet moments. It doesn’t last though, his hand snakes around your waist and he pulls you towards him. You giggle in anticipation, and turn to meet his already puckered lips. Your own lips feel so warm and plush on his, softly melting against his kiss. Your body too seems to melt in pleasure as his hands run over you, shooting little tingles up and down with their rough caresses. Your tongues find each other and wrap in a warm, wet embrace. Victor’s hands are getting more aggressive, turning from light caresses to wanton gropes. Your breath is coming faster too, excited by the pleasure and how Victor is losing control to your body. You turn over and straddle Victor, sitting on his lap, his already rigid cock pushing into your swim bottoms. Passion burns away any worry about being seen, and Victor tugs up your top, sending your tits bouncing free. He catches them, fingers roughly tweaking one nipple, while his lips dive onto the other, biting and licking wildly. The twin points of pleasure have you gasping in ecstasy, your hips bucking involuntarily on his lap, drive you both to a noisy climax.<br><br>When things calm down, you disentangle yourselves and take a moment to catch your breath. While stuffing your swollen boobs back in your top, you hear Victor quip, <span class='victor'>”I think I might need to change my shorts...or at least take a swim.”</span> With your own bottoms thoroughly soaked in your juices, you quickly agree. To the water!",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {name: "" }>>
<<set $actionC = {name: "" }>>
<<set $actionD = {name: "" }>>
<<case water>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/water-4.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are bobbing gently on the waves.">>
<<set $locMove = "You wade out into the softly rolling ocean, to about chest-deep.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Float",
value: "float",
link: "Float on the waves for awhile.",
target: "action",
passage: "You lay back and let the ocean carry you, bobbing along with slowly rocking waves.",
fail: "You both float, but rather than an enjoyable silence, it seems awkward. Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Just float.",
result: "You and Victor just float along, enjoying the motion of the ocean. Utterly relaxed, you let out a long sigh of contented bliss. The water feels amazing against your sensitive skin, especially in contrast to the warm sun. Though the coolness has definitely got your high-beams turned on and poking through your top. You catch Victor stealing glances more than once, then again you’re doing the same to him.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionB: {
link: "Dive down and look at the fish.",
result: "You both dive down, but as you’re coming back up, the water pulls down your top! You break the surface with your $boobsLong jiggling wildly all over! You manage to grab the top, but not without giving Victor and the whole beach a show. Quick as you can, you run to Victor, hugging him and using his body to hide your nakedness while rush to squeeze your boobs back in your top. Victor pretends to help by covering them with his hands, but it seems to be more of a groping session. You coo in approval, and wrap your arms around him, squishing your naked tits into him. <span class='main'>“Victor, I’m so wet right now,”</span> you say, only half joking.",
target: "result2",
type: $Direct,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "Float <em>on</em> Victor.",
result: "You paddle around to behind Victor as he is serenely treading water. Wrapping your arms over his shoulders, you give him a kiss on the cheek. Amazingly, he’s strong enough to keep you both above water just treading! Impressed, you hug him tighter and lay your head on his shoulder. The feeling of his muscles flexing and rippling underneath you is incredible, and it’s not long before that familiar horniness returns. You start kissing his neck, and pull your body close to his, wrapping your legs around him and squeezing tight. His stroke is starting to get erratic, but you’re both still afloat. You move your foot down and start rubbing against his groin, able to work his delicious cock free once it’s nice and hard.<br><br><victor>“$Femname,”</victor> he groans through heavy breaths, <victor>“this isn’t as easy as it looks.”</victor><br><br><mn>“I know!”</mn> you exclaim, your hand snaking down past his waist, <mn>“It looks <em>very</em> hard.”</mn> Too horny to even be embarrassed by your horrible pun, you start jacking him off while you grind your hips up against him.<br><br>He’s panting now from excitement and exertion, and his stroke is turning into a bit of a flounder. Your rhythm, on the other hand, is doing great as you buck and grind against him furiously.<br><br>It’s only a few moments before your practiced touch brings him to climax, which sends you over the edge too. You both let out a gasp of ecstasy before Victor’s strength gives out and you both slip under the water.<br><br>Still embracing each other, you share a passionate, underwater kiss, surrounded by the deep azure blue and scintillating light of the ocean. Beautiful.",
target: "result",
energy:0 },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "Dunk Victor.",
result: "After a few splashes and roughhousing you get in a dunking contest. He’s able to push your dunk aside with his greater strength, then dunk you! He pulls you back up, lifting you up off your feet. You have no leverage with him holding you, so you know there’s no way to dunk him. So you go for the next best thing and smother his face in your wet boobs. He thrashes his head, acting upset, but oddly doesn’t put you down. You groan in approval, and wrap your arms around him, squishing your tits around his head. Staring deep into his eyes, you purr, <span class='main'>“Victor, I’m so wet right now.”</span> You’re only half joking.",
target: "result2",
energy:0 },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<set $actionC = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case shops>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/shops_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are strolling along a quaint beachside mall with shops selling souvenirs, beach accessories and cute swimwear.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the cute little shopping area.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Hang Out",
value: "hangOut",
link: "Hang around the shops.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to wander around the shops, seeing what you can find for sale. Victor begrudgingly agrees.",
fail: "You wander around the shops for a bit, enjoying seeing all the different souvenirs, trinkets and cute outfits for sale, lots of cute sandals and bikinis too! You have a great time, trying things on, modeling outfits, etc, but Victor looks a bit bored.",
optionA: {
link: "Check out the shops.",
result: "You wander around the shops for a bit, enjoying seeing all the different souvenirs, trinkets and cute outfits for sale, lots of cute sandals and bikinis too! You have a great time, trying things on, modeling outfits. Victor looks a little bored, well, aside from the parts when you model bikinis for him.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Get some ice cream with Victor.",
result: "You stop by a little ice cream stand and grab a couple of cones. Victor goes with chocolate and you get some frozen yogurt (got to watch your figure). Victor gets a little smidge on his nose, and you happily help by licking it off. You ”accidentally” drip some onto your boobs. You eye him suggestively, <span class='main'>“Your turn...”</span>",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Strut.",
result: "You don’t walk with Victor through the shops, you strut. You lightly grasp Victor’s hand, but swish your arms and add as much sway into your $butt as possible, giving half the beach a jiggly treat. The other half gets your $boobsLong, as you bounce them rhythmically and hypnotically with your step. You get lost in the performance, enjoying the drooling looks from every guy in every shop - until you get a quick swat on the butt. You jump a little, sending one last jiggle in your tits. You look back in shock at Victor, his hand still in the slap position. He smiles and shrugs, <span class='victor'>“Sorry, you looked like you really wanted the attention.”</span><br><br>You can’t help but burst out laughing. Victor joins in too, and soon you’re both strutting your way through the shops giggling.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: ""},
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {name: "", value: "", dcMod:0, link: "", target: "action", passage: "", fail: "", optionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionC: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, optionD: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Friendly, energy:0}, optionE: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Subtle, energy:0}, optionF: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", type: $Direct, energy:0}, bodOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, bodOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionA: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, chaOptionB: { link: "", result: "", target: "result", energy:0}, }>>
<<case arcade>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/arcade_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "The small arcade in the shopping center. There are a few people here, enjoying games - mostly nerds. Not really your thing to be honest.">>
<<set $locMove = "You strut on over into the game arcade.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Road Puncher",
value: "roadPuncher",
link: "Play a round of the Road Puncher fighting game.",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor wants to play a fighting game. It’s not your thing, but you’re willing to try..",
fail: "Victor loses pretty badly. You try to cheer him up with kisses and rubbing your boobs on him, but he stays pretty sullen. Blow job maybe?",
optionA: {
link: "Button mash!",
result: "You mash those buttons like your life depended on it! You’re really into it, and your boobs are bouncing all over with the effort! Part way through the game, Victor suddenly seems to lose focus, fighting poorly and mistiming moves. You take the chance to pull off a close win! You’re so excited...until you realize all the button mashing made one of your nipples pop out of your overstuffed swimsuit! That explains the distraction. You stuff yourself back in the too-small top, but loosen the straps a little. The effect is the top hanging dangerously loose and low, the top curves of your areola just peeking out the tops of the cups.<br><br><span class='main'>“Round 2?,”</span>",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "You actually win!",
result: "You mash those buttons like your life depended on it! You’re really into it, and your boobs are bouncing all over with the effort! Part way through the game, Victor suddenly seems to lose focus, fighting poorly and mistiming moves. You take the chance to pull off a close win! You’re so excited...until you realize all the button mashing made one of your nipples pop out of your overstuffed swimsuit! That explains the distraction. You stuff yourself back in the too-small top, but loosen the straps a little. The effect is the top hanging dangerously loose and low, the top curves of your areola just peeking out the tops of the cups.<br><br><span class='main'>“Round 2?,”</span>",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "Distract Victor!",
result: "The game starts as usual, Victor kicking your butt all over the screen. You keep blocking, waiting for an opportune moment, then quickly pull down your top! Victor’s eyes bulge out as your $boobsLong bounce out before his eyes, giving you enough time to pull off a super move and get the win. You’re so excited you jump up and down squealing in delight, oblivious to your tits still being out and bouncing wildly for the whole arcade.",
target: "result",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go. Standing to the side and cheering him on. You get really into it, cheering him on and jumping up and down as he plays. You get a little over zealous though and your tits accidentally pop out of your top! Victor’s opponent gives up on the game, simply gawking at you and sexy, bouncing funbags. When Victor pulls off the win, you run over and kiss him deeply in congratulations - your big, naked tits still out and crushing against him. <span class='main'>“God I need you in me right now,”</span> you whisper into his ear with a nibble.",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Purikura",
value: "purikura",
link: "Try one of those purikura photo-booths.",
target: "action",
passage: "You decide to try out one of those purikura photobooths, to take some racy pictures.",
fail: "Sadly, the machine is out of order.",
optionA: {
link: "Sexy pose!",
result: "You wait until just before the flash, and give a flash of your own, pulling down your top and letting your $boobsLong wobble free for the camera (and for Victor).<br><br>At least that was the first shot. You can’t see your boobs in the second shot, what with Victor’s hands groping them.",
target: "result2",
type: $Subtle,
optionB: {
link: "Kiss pose.",
result: "You wrap your arms around Victor and kiss him deeply. You hold the kiss, waiting for the camera, but it takes a little longer than you expected, and the kiss turns into a make-out session. It doesn’t take until the third flash before you’re both half naked.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Cute pose.",
result: "You touch your finger to your lips and pucker up in a duck face pose, batting your big eyes at the camera and sticking out your chest and ass. Victor tries a pose too, but got distracted and looked at you right as the camera went off! Not that you blame him, you look hot as fuck.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "<span class='newPost'>*NEW*</span> Nudie shots!",
result: "You make a game of it, each time the flash goes off, you have to be wearing one less article of clothing. The only problem is that because you’re both in beachwear, it only takes a few flashes to be completely naked. So you do the next best thing, sexy poses, followed by a fake blowjob. Then, because you have zero restraint, a real blow job.",
target: "result2",
bodOptionB: {
link: ""},
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy Couple Pose!",
result: "Victor grabs your hips and pushes up against your ass. You play along, leaning over, pushing into him and putting on your best ecstasy face. You keep going, upping the ante on the risqué pictures until you’re topless, bent over the camera shelf and being fake-fucked from behind. The photos finish, but the impromptu porno on the film strip, coupled with all that rubbing has you achingly horny. You could jump Victor right now.",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Motorcycle game",
value: "motorcycleGame",
link: "Try the motorcycle racing game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You go to try out a motorcycle racing game - this one has plastic bikes attached to the game that you can sit on and steer to race.",
fail: "Victor says racing games are not really his thing.",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: {
link: "Let Victor win.",
result: "You both hop on the big fake bikes for a race. But it’s really heavy, you can barely turn it with your dainty weight. You race Victor with the intention to let him win, but the bike simulates a real ride, and vibrates wildly beneath you. It feels really good.<br><br>Really good.<br><br>After a few moments, your face is red and have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud! On the second lap you’re involuntarily bucking your hips on the seat. By the third lap, you’ve lost the battle to be subtle and are moaning aloud, rocking your hips on the bike. Half the arcade has noticed and are watching, but you’re too far gone to care. You paw at one of your breasts and push the bike at full throttle for maximum vibration. With a throaty gasp and a final buck of your hips, you finish – not the game of course, you’re not even close to finishing that. Red faced and panting you catch Victor’s eye. He’s got a smug grin, but you’re too revved up to care. You get up on wobbly legs and step over and kiss him forcibly. <span class='main'>“Come on,”</span> you breathe into his ear, <span class='main'>“I need a real ‘ride’.”</span>",
target: "result2",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Play to win.",
result: "You both hop on the big fake bikes for a race. But it’s really heavy, you can barely turn it with your dainty weight. You race Victor with the intention to win, but the bike simulates a real ride, and vibrates wildly beneath you. It feels really good.<br><br>Really good.<br><br>After a few moments, your face is red and have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud! On the second lap you’re involuntarily bucking your hips on the seat. By the third lap, you’ve lost the battle to be subtle and are moaning aloud, rocking your hips on the bike. Half the arcade has noticed and are watching, but you’re too far gone to care. You paw at one of your breasts and push the bike at full throttle for maximum vibration. With a throaty gasp and a final buck of your hips, you finish – not the game of course, you’re not even close to finishing that. Red faced and panting you catch Victor’s eye. He’s got a smug grin, but you’re too revved up to care. You get up on wobbly legs and step over and kiss him forcibly.<span class='main'>“Come on,”</span> you breathe into his ear, <span class='main'>“I need a real ‘ride’.”</span>",
target: "result2",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "Ride with him.",
result: "Victor hops on a bike, and you jump on behind him. Wrapping your arms around him in an embrace. Underneath you, the bike is vibrating wildly, making it hard to concentrate on the course. You’re biting your lip to keep quiet, and hugging Victor tightly, crushing your boobs into his back - making it hard for him to concentrate on the course. By the second lap, the vibrations have you so excited, your face is flush, and you’re starting to buck your hips involuntarily. Your hand wanders south and grabs Victor’s crotch, and you start to whimper in desire. It doesn’t last long though, all the excitement causes Victor to veer off the track and crash. You’re hotter than the sun right now, and with your hand wrapped around Victor’s tent pole, you know he is too. <span class='main'>“Come on,”</span> you breathe into his ear, <span class='main'>“I need a real ‘ride’.”</span>",
target: "result2",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Let him play, cheer him on.",
result: "You let him play somebody else, but cheer him on from the sidelines.",
result: "There’s only one slot open, so you give up your turn to let Victor go. Standing to the side and cheering him on. You get really into it, cheering him on and jumping up and down as he plays. You get a little over zealous though and your tits accidentally pop out of your top! Victor’s opponent gives up on the game, simply gawking at you and sexy, bouncing funbags. When Victor pulls off the win, you run over and kiss him deeply in congratulations - your big, naked tits still out and crushing against him. <span class='main'>“God I need you in me right now,”</span> you whisper into his ear with a nibble.",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "Claw Catcher",
value: "clawCatcher",
link: "Play the claw catcher game.",
target: "action",
passage: "You both decide to try some of the claw catcher games to waste a little time and a lot of money.",
fail: "These claw catcher machines are hard! No luck today.",
optionA: {
link: "Get a keychain souvenir from Victor.",
result: "He pulls out a little sandal-shaped keychain from one of the machines. It’s very small and cheap, but you love it anyway, because it’s from him. You attach it to your swimsuit, right between your boobs, to show it off to everyone (you know where they’re all looking after all). His thoughtfulness gets you all horny again, lol.",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Fail at getting any prizes, but have fun doing it.",
result: "These claw catcher things are hard! But you both have fun trying, and even more fun bitching about these stupid, cheating machines afterwards.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Ask Victor to get something for you.",
result: "You expect him to just get one of the cheap souvenir key chains, but he actually moves to another machine full of adorable stuffed animals, and proceeds to pull out a big fuzzy teddy bear. When he hands it over, you hug its softness against your chest. You feel a warm tingling in your heart...and your pussy.",
target: "result",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case court>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/court_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You are at the beach-side food court.">>
<<set $locMove = "Tummies rumbling, you go to the local food court.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Lunch",
value: "lunch",
link: "Get some lunch.",
target: "action",
passage: "Lots of different stalls and food, what would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor doesn’t feel like eating right now.",
optionA: {
link: "A big ol' delicious burger grilled to perfection and covered with cheese.",
result: "You enjoy a big, juicy cheeseburger. It’s so large you can’t even get your mouth around it for a proper bite. You end up squeezing half out the opposite end, and dripping some ketchup on your boobs. Victor giggles a little, so you wipe it up with your finger then suggestively suck it off. He stops giggling and starts practically drooling.",
target: "result4",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Get a salad - A nice, healthy option.",
result: "You enjoy a nice green salad with slices of spiced chicken on top. No way you’re going to spoil your beach body this early into vacation.",
target: "result3",
type: 2,
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Get a pink, whipped berry smoothie",
result: "Sweet but still mostly healthy, and super cute to boot. You make sure to get a selfie of yourself drinking it.",
target: "result3",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Get a corndog.",
result: "Big, juicy hotdog wrapped in cornbread and fried. Unhealthy, but you can cheat once in awhile. You always liked eating the cornbread first, and use your teeth to strip it off. But when you’re nearly done, and have the whole hotdog in your mouth, you catch Victor giving you a sly look.<br><br><span class='victor'><victor>”Enjoying yourself? I’m sure the hot dog is”</victor></span> He taunts with a lift of his eyebrows.<br><br>You smile, pucker your lips around the hot dog and slooooowly pull it out, even getting a little pop at the end. You pause for a split second and kiss the tip. <span class='main'>“Consider that a preview.”</span><br><br>Victor’s jaw nearly hits the table.",
target: "result4",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkCourt",
link: "Just gossip for a bit.",
target: "action",
passage: "You two just sit and talk for awhile.",
fail: "Victor seems like he’s not really paying attention.",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "Pursing your lips, you shamelessly fish for a compliment. As expected, Victor straight away compliments your fantastic breasts. Smiling, you give the girls a few bounces in your hands. Yeah, they are pretty fantastic.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. Victor only seems to be paying half attention, spending more time looking at your boobs that at you. Can't blame him, and at least you have his attention! You try to gesture a little more to add some extra jiggle to the girls.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Steal his fries.",
result: "You and Victor gab for awhile on a bunch of random topics. You realize after a bit that he’s spending more time talking to your chest than your face. Feeling proud of yourself, and a little mischievous, you decide to try and see how far your boobs can get you with him. You lean forward, and grab one of the fries off his plate. He opens his mouth to say something, but you lean back and allow your breasts to settle on top of your arm resting on the table. This makes them bulge up and out deliciously. You look down at the girls with satisfaction, then back up at Victor, keeping your sly smile the whole time. He eventually is able to look back up at your eyes and says, <span class='victor'>“Damn girl, what will you do if I give you my whole burger?”</span><br><br>Neither of you fail to notice your nipples pop up on your lewdly displayed breasts.",
target: "result3",
chaOptionB: { link: "" }
<<set $actionC = {name: ""}>>
<<set $actionD = {name: ""}>>
<<case luau>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/luau_2.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "There’s a long buffet of amazing looking food, and a troupe of dancers jumping and spinning on stage to the beating of drums.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the Luau restaurant, with Victor’s platinum card and your body, it’s easy to get a table.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dinner",
value: "dinner",
link: "Visit the buffet.",
target: "action",
passage: "You step up to the long buffet, overflowing with pacific island delights. What would you like to eat?",
fail: "Victor says he’s not hungry.",
optionA: {
link: "Pile it up!",
result: "You heap your plate full of all kinds of meats, fruit, rice and sweets. Not good for your figure, but hey, another inch might actually look good on your ass.",
target: "drinks",
type: 0,
optionB: {
link: "Eat slim & healthy.",
result: "You choose a few good looking morsels, but mostly stick to the fruits and salads. Your ass is already tight enough in your swimsuit. <span class='main'>“Well, maybe it can be a little tighter,”</span> you think, grabbing a piece of cheesecake.",
target: "drinks",
type: 1,
optionC: {
link: "Straight to the desserts!",
result: "You’re not that hungry, but that cake looks awesome! Sometimes you just have so little self control (giggle)!",
target: "drinks",
type: 2,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Show",
value: "show",
link: "Enjoy the Polynesian dance show.",
target: "action",
passage: "Throughout the meal, you’re treated to a medley of Pacific island dances. Beautiful bodies swaying and bouncing to the drum beats. At one point the audience is asked to come on stage and participate, you can dance in the back with a bunch of other restaurant goers, or you can put on a grass skirt and take center stage.",
fail: "You stand up to volunteer excitedly, but Victor gives a “HELL no” face.",
optionA: {
link: "Center stage!",
result: "You strut up onto stage like you own the place, and after a few moves, you do. You put together something that’s part hula, part samba and part strip show, but all sexy. Everybody else who joined the show fades into the background as your irresistible moves and body get all the cheers and wolf whistles, including from the male dancers. When it’s over, you’re panting - only partly from exertion. All the attention has you feeling hot again, and from the hungry look in Victor’s eyes, you’re guessing you’re not the only one.",
target: "result2",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Join the group dance.",
result: "You and Victor go up during the dance, but stay in the line with the other patrons, not going out front. You two laugh and giggle, accidentally bumping into each other a few times. Then a few times on purpose. Then it turns into some kind of hula grind dance. When it’s over, you’re panting - only partly from exertion. All the attention has you feeling hot again, and from the hungry look in Victor’s eyes, you’re guessing you’re not the only one.",
target: "result2",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Dance solo.",
result: "Victor declines, not wanting to dance, but you’re no party pooper! You strut right up to the stage and give it your best. You put together something that’s part hula, part samba and part strip show, but all sexy. Everybody else who joined the show fades into the background as your irresistible moves and body get all the cheers and wolf whistles, including from the male dancers. When it’s over, you’re panting - only partly from exertion. All the attention has you feeling hot again, and from the hungry look in Victor’s eyes back at the table, you’re guessing you’re not the only one.",
target: "result2",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Put on the grass skirt and the coconut bra.",
result: "You enthusiastically jump up and join the dancers on stage. They pull out all the stops for you and give you a grass skirt and coconut bra to wear. They’re both way too small. Your tits bulge lewdly round the sides of the coconuts, and your ass is readily showing between he too-few blades of grass on the skirt - despite this...or maybe because of this, you LOVE the outfit! The weight of the coconuts gives you a delicious extra bounce up top, and the swishing of the skirt is a fantastic accent to your jiggly ass. You shake your hips like never before to roaring applause - and plenty of wolf whistles! When it’s over, you’re panting - only partly from exertion. All the attention has you feeling hot again, and from the hungry look in Victor’s eyes, you’re guessing you’re not the only one.",
target: "result2",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Sexy dance.",
result: "You and Victor have a slight argument about whether you could pull off a hula or not. Never one to back down against a challenge, you storm up to the stage and grab a grass skirt and a coconut bra. They’re both way too small. Your tits bulge lewdly round the sides of the coconuts, and your ass is readily showing between he too-few blades of grass on the skirt - despite this...or maybe because of this, you LOVE the outfit! The weight of the coconuts gives you a delicious extra bounce up top, and the swishing of the skirt is a fantastic accent to your jiggly ass. You shake your hips like never before to roaring applause - and plenty of wolf whistles! When it’s over, you’re panting - only partly from exertion. All the attention has you feeling hot again, and from the hungry look in Victor’s eyes, you’re guessing you’re not the only one.",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case bar>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bar_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "You and Victor are floating, partially submerged in an in-pool bar. The cool water feels great in contrast to the warm evening air, though it does switch on your high-beams for everyone to see bobbing on top of your boobs.">>
<<set $locMove = "You go to the in-pool bar for a soak and a drink.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Small Talk",
value: "smallTalkBar",
link: "Make some small talk",
target: "action",
passage: "Just gab with Victor for awhile.",
fail: "Victor shrugs with a ‘not much.’",
optionA: {
link: "",
result: "",
target: "result",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Ask him what he thinks of you.",
result: "Pursing your lips, you shamelessly fish for a compliment. As expected, Victor straight away compliments your fantastic breasts. Smiling, you give the girls a few bounces in your hands. Yeah, they are pretty fantastic.",
target: "result",
type: $Direct,
optionC: {
link: "Just talk about fashion, gossip, the usual...",
result: "You talk about fashion, gossip, etc. Victor only seems to be paying half attention, spending more time looking at your boobs that at you. Can't blame him though, and at least you have his attention! You try to gesture a little more to add some extra jiggle to the girls.",
target: "result",
type: $Subtle,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Party trick!",
result: "You were telling Victor about your experiences working at a bar in the past, and decide to show him a trick. You grab a cherry from your overly sweet drink, and pop the stem into your mouth. After a few seconds of twisting and turning, you pop it back out again, neatly tied in a knot. Victor loves the trick, but you whisper to him that your mouth is even more skilled at other tricks. Wink.",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksbar",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You flag down the bartender, a short girl in a cute flower-print bikini.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsBar",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "You call over the bartendress, and ask for a round of shots.<br><br>She rings a bell, eliciting a minor cheer from the other patrons.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case club>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/club_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "A heavy beat pounds around and through you, matched by strobing lights and laser effects. It’s nearly impossible to hear each other talk, but you’re not that bothered, plenty of things to distract besides conversation. Everywhere you look, bodies writhe and grid to the music.">>
<<set $locMove = "You follow the heavy base thuds to the club. The bouncer looks you up and down, pausing for a few seconds on your chest. He then lifts the rope and lets you skip the line.">>
<<set $actionA = {
name: "Dance",
value: "dance",
link: "Dance",
target: "action",
passage: "Victor heads out to the dance floor, you follow along.",
fail: "Plenty of time to dance later, you want a drink first.",
optionA: {
link: "Dance together.",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your best moves. The two of you just seem to sync your dances, playing off of one another, and moving like you’d practiced a thousand times. It’s so perfect, so romantic, so exciting. <br><br>God you’re too horny to think! Soon you’re grinding up against him, panting and whimpering in desire. You blatantly rub at his crotch, groping his hardon. He returns the favor by pawing your tits from behind. Pinching your burning nipples and making you yelp in pleasure. You can’t stand it anymore. Lost to desire, you turn to him and pull open your top. Victor goes at your tits right there on the floor in front of everyone. After plenty of kisses and some motor boating, Victor picks you up and carries you off the floor towards a private booth – to the cheer of the crowd around you.",
target: "result2",
type: $Friendly,
optionB: {
link: "Dance.",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your best moves. The two of you just seem to sync your dances, playing off of one another, and moving like you’d practiced a thousand times. It’s so perfect, so romantic, so exciting. <br><br>God you’re too horny to think! Soon you’re grinding up against him, panting and whimpering in desire. You blatantly rub at his crotch, groping his hardon. He returns the favor by pawing your tits from behind. Pinching your burning nipples and making you yelp in pleasure. You can’t stand it anymore. Lost to desire, you turn to him and pull open your top. Victor goes at your tits right there on the floor in front of everyone. After plenty of kisses and some motor boating, Victor picks you up and carries you off the floor towards a private booth – to the cheer of the crowd around you.",
target: "result2",
type: $Subtle,
optionC: {
link: "Show off your moves.",
result: "You turn and spin, snaking your curvy body in all kinds of seductive steps, punctuating each with a sexy bounce or jiggle in your tits and ass. You have the whole club looking, easily the hottest thing on the dance floor right now. God your ass is bouncing all over the place! What is going on? When did it get so big?!? You push the thoughts aside and even work your bigger booty into your moves. You use Victor as a makeshift pole, spinning and doing an impromptu stripper dance, rubbing your hands all over your lusting body. Soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along with your dance! Kneeling in front of Victor, you continue your rhythmic writhing in a mock blow job. It does the trick and he’s soon tenting his trunks right there. Unable to take the teasing any more, Victor scoops you up and carries you off the floor towards a private booth – to the cheer of the crowd around you.",
target: "result2",
type: $Direct,
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: {
link: "Dance VERY close",
result: "You dance along with Victor, pulling out all of your best moves. The two of you just seem to sync your dances, playing off of one another, and moving like you’d practiced a thousand times. It’s so perfect, so romantic, so exciting. <br><br>God you’re too horny to think! Soon you’re grinding up against him, panting and whimpering in desire. You blatantly rub at his crotch, groping his hardon. He returns the favor by pawing your tits from behind. Pinching your burning nipples and making you yelp in pleasure. You can’t stand it anymore. Lost to desire, you turn to him and pull open your top. Victor goes at your tits right there on the floor in front of everyone. After plenty of kisses and some motor boating, Victor picks you up and carries you off the floor towards a private booth – to the cheer of the crowd around you.",
target: "result2",
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: {
link: "Dance sexy.",
result: "You turn and snake your body showing off all your moves, and a few new ones you didn’t think were possible for you. Your hips sway to the beat in wide arcs, and your boobs bounce and swing in heavy bobbing waves - moving like they’ve got a mind of their own. It’s weird, but you almost feel like you’ve gained a cup or two up top over the last few hours. Pushing the thoughts aside, you work your bouncier boobs into your dance, running your hands lustily up and down your body. You use Victor as a makeshift pole, spinning and doing an impromptu stripper dance, rubbing your hands all over your lusting body. Soon there’s a ring of spectators around you, clapping along with your dance! Kneeling in front of Victor, you continue your rhythmic writhing in a mock blow job. It does the trick and he’s soon tenting his trunks right there. Unable to take the teasing any more, Victor scoops you up and carries you off the floor towards a private booth – to the cheer of the crowd around you.",
target: "result2",
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionB = {
name: "Drinks",
value: "drinksClub",
link: "Get a drink.",
target: "drinks",
passage: "You head over to the club bar to grab a round for you and Victor.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionC = {
name: "Shots",
value: "shotsClub",
link: "Get some shots!",
target: "shots",
passage: "As a bartender passes, you call out SHOTS and grab a round.",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<set $actionD = {
name: "",
value: "",
link: "",
target: "action",
passage: "",
fail: "",
optionA: { link: "" },
optionB: { link: "" },
optionC: { link: "" },
optionD: { link: "" },
optionE: { link: "" },
optionF: { link: "" },
bodOptionA: { link: "" },
bodOptionB: { link: "" },
chaOptionA: { link: "" },
chaOptionB: { link: "" },
<<case bungalow>>
<<set $image = "url(beach_img/bungalow_1.jpg)">>
<<set $locDesc = "Despite Victor being an heir to a fortune, you’re surprised at how modest his bungalow is. Still beautiful, with wide, spacious windows to take in the view from it’s premium location.">>
<<set $locMove = "After a long night, you head over to Victor’s bungalow, your arms around each other's waists.">>
<<set $actionA = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionB = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionC = { name: "" }>>
<<set $actionD = { name: "" }>>
<</switch>><<switch $action>>
<<case hut>>
<<link "Look in the mirror" "Desc">><<set $return = "hut_4">><</link>><br>
<<link "Head out" "Map">><<set $move = true>><</link>><br><br>
<<case towels>>
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_8">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<case sand>>
<span class="disabled">[Frisbee - You aren’t really interested in playing Frisbee.]</span><br>
<span class="disabled">[Volleyball - You aren’t really interested in playing volleyball.]</span><br>
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_8">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<case water>>
<span class="disabled">[Race - You aren’t really interested in a swimming race.]</span><br>
<<case shops>>
<<link "Try on a new swimsuit at the shop." "swimsuit_2">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $swimsuit = true>>
<<set $currentSuit = $clothesWorn>>
<<link "Change your hair at the salon." "salon">>
<<set $currDC = $dc + 0>>
<<set $salon = true>>
<<set $orHairLength = $hairLength>>
<<set $orHairColor = $hairColor>>
<<set $orHairAction = $hairAction>>
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_8">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<case court>>
/* ========= COURT KISS ======== */
<<link "Kiss Victor." "funky_8">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<case bar>>
<<if $barkissDone != true>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<if $drunk > 4>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "The drinks are going to your well as one other place. Burning up with horniness, you grab Victor and go to the back of the pool area — away from the rest of the guests to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor go to the back of the pool area away from the rest of the guests to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_8">><<set $barkissDone = true>><</link>>
<<case club>>
/* ========= CLUB KISS ======== */
<<if $clubkissDone != true>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor.">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor find an unoccupied booth in the back of the club to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $drunk > 4>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "The drinks are going to your well as one other place. Burning up with horniness, you grab Victor and find an unoccupied booth in the back of the club to enjoy each other's company.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<link $kissWord "funky_8">><<set $clubkissDone = true>><</link>>
<<case bungalow>>
/* ========= BUNGALOW KISS ======== */
<<if $deepKissDone == true>>
<<set $bases = 3>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor head in and sit on his sofa, telling yourselves you’re going to stream a movie and chill. You barely even get the TV on before you catch each other's eyes.">>
<<set $kissWord = "Make out with Victor.">>
<<elseif $firstKissDone != true>>
<<set $bases = 1>>
<<set $kissWord = "Try kissing Victor goodnight.">>
<<set $bases = 2>>
<<set $kissWord = "Kiss Victor goodnight.">>
<<link "Say goodnight." "funky_8">><<set $bases = 5>><</link>><br>
<<link "Stream a movie and chill." "funky_8">><<set $bases = 4>>
<<set $kissloc = "You and Victor head in and sit on his sofa, telling yourselves you’re going to stream a movie and chill. You barely even get the TV on before you catch each other's eyes.">><</link>><br>
<<link $kissWord "funky_8">><<set $bases = 5>><</link>>
<<case default>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You and Victor have spent nearly the entire day fucking...and you can’t remember a better day. Not that you remember much besides fucking anyway. <span class="main">Giggle</span><br><br>
The two of you make your way back to the bungalow. you’re intent on getting pounded one more time, and already getting wet again at the thought.<br><br>
Unfortunately Victor’s not quite up to it, and passes out shortly after arriving. You eventually sleep too, after fingering yourself to orgasm two or three more times. You drift off with two fingers still inside your panties.<br><br>
<<link "Next Day" "start_8">><<set $day += 1>>
<<set $openMssg = "Your eyes flutter open, blinking in the soft morning light. You expected to find sheets and pillows under you, but are surprised by a hard surface.">>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<goto "start_8">><<set $day += 1>>
<<goto "start_8">><<switch $changeroomState>>
<<case 1>>
You throw open the curtain of the changing room, and step out, making sure to give plenty of jiggle.<br><br>
<span class='main'>“Well, what do you think?”</span><br><br>
He has a hard time putting words together, but it’s some kind of combination of hotsexyamazingohmygod.<br><br>
You turn to go back into the changing room, but not before getting a swat on your ass. It seems Victor really does approve!<br><br>
<span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br>
<span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><br>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<case 2>>
/* ======================CASE 2====================== */
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "huge melons explode out of the overstuffed cups. Victor dives towards them, sucking and pulling at your thick, rock-hard nipple.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set $boobMove = "tits bounce out wildly. Victor dives at them, sucking and pulling at your rock-hard nipple.">>
<<set $boobMove = "tits to spring out wildly from the cups. Victor dives at them, sucking and pulling at your rock-hard nipple.">>
You peek out to ask Victor what he thinks of your new suit. He steps closer to look, but you grab him by the arm and pull him into the dressing room. He stands there disoriented for a moment.<br><br>
<span class="main">“Well?”</span> you ask, putting your hands firmly on your hips with a jiggle in your chest.<br><br>
Victor stares straight at your tits, pretending to consider the matter deeply. <span class="victor">“Hmmm...not bad”</span><br><br>
He lifts one breast, jiggling it a little, then the other, then bounces them both. You smile and coo as your nips crinkle up into diamond points.<br><br>
Victor’s noticed, rubbing his thumbs against them, causing you to suck in a breath between your teeth.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“Not bad at all,”</span> he smiles devilishly, <span class="victor">“how about the other side?”</span><br><br>
You obediently spin around, leaning forward slightly, pushing out your $buttLong towards him. He places a hand on your hip, and you shimmy, setting off a hypnotic assquake.<br><br>
You’re enjoying the foreplay, but Victor’s had enough. You’re suddenly spun around and pushed up against the mirror. He grabs the top of the swimsuit and yanks it down, making your $boobMove The cold surface of the mirror turns you on even more, causing your skin to goosebump all over. You have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud.<br><br>
You feel Victor pulling at your bottoms. And despite being soaked and ready for him, you make him stop. <span class="main">“Not here,”</span> you pant, <span class="main">“I can’t keep quiet and we’ll be kicked out or arrested.”</span><br><br>
Victor starts to pull back with a frustrated look. You keep smiling. <span class="main">“Don’t worry, I didn’t call you in here for nothing.”</span><br><br>
You step closer until your bodies are pressed together, then sloooooowly lower yourself down, being sure to drag your hard nipples down his chest. When you reach his bottoms, you yank at them, letting his dick spring out in front of you, already throbbing with desire. You grab it and look back up at him sweetly.<br><br>
<span class="victor">“Fuck, you’re amazing.”</span><br><br>
<span class="main">“It’s my fault for teasing you, least I could do.”</span><br><br>
You give it a lick around the edge before taking it in your mouth. Victor sighs.<br><br>
Hard and smooth, you move back and forth on the shaft, licking and sucking at the same time. Victor’s eyes glaze over, running his hands through your $hairLength, $hairColor hair.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 39>>
<<set $boobMove = "heavy udders swaying beneath you">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set $boobMove = "breasts bobbing beneath you">>
<<set $boobMove = "breasts jiggling on your chest with the motions.">>
You increase the speed and suction, bobbing your head back and forth, feeling your $boobMove. Victor is breathing heavy now, leaning back against the wall.<br><br>
Already excited, he doesn’t last long. With a grunt, his whole body shudders, and you feel his cock twitching wildly in your mouth, spurts of warm liquid pooling in.<br><br>
He looks down at you with that mesmerized, satisfied look men get when you rock their world. You swallow his seed, feeling it slide warmly down your throat, and smile up at him, just as satisfied.<br><br>
You put your swimsuit back on, stuffing your tits and ass back into the now too-small suit.<br><br>
This whole time, Victor is still standing there, somewhat lost in a haze of pleasure. Giggling, you take his hand and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles back at you with the same phrase as before, <span class="victor">“Fuck, you’re amazing.”</span><br><br>
You giggle again and lead him back out by the hand.<br><br>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $daysLeft -= 1>>
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
You open your least you think you do. You’re only greeted with the pitch black of the loading area for the simulation.<br><br>
You try to get a feel for yourself, to see if there was any change from that strange sensation. But it’s no use, you simply grope around numbly. The loading screen is like a sensory deprivation tank. No light, sound or feeling.<br><br>
It gets a little better when the control panel appears again in front of you. As the simulation is rebuilding, you’re starting to get a better sense of yourself. Not perfect, everything is still blurry - like when you’ve just woken up - but you can feel that your body is still your body. Everything seems to be right.<br><br>
Reassured, your thoughts turn to Victor and your mission.<br><br>
You’ve made good first-steps into Victor’s memories, but it’s too soon to abort. He wouldn’t know or trust you yet.<br><br>
<span class="login">
<span class="beacherror">> User settings (locked - simulation in progress)</span><br>
<<if $daysLeft > 0 >>
<<link "> Continue simulation" "start_2b">><</link>><br>
<span class="beacherror">> User awaking, not enough time to continue.</span><br>
<<if $abortOk == true>><<link "> Abort simulation" "abortConfirm">><<set $return = "start_2">><</link>><br><</if>>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
You open your least you think you do. You’re only greeted with the pitch black of the loading area for the simulation.<br><br>
You try to get a feel for yourself, to see if there was any change from that strange sensation. But it’s no use, you simply grope around numbly. The loading screen is like a sensory deprivation tank. No light, sound or feeling.<br><br>
It gets a little better as the control panel appears again in front of you. As the simulation is rebuilding, you’re starting to get a better sense of yourself. Not perfect, everything is still blurry - like when you’ve just woken up - but you can feel that your body is still your body. Everything seems to be right.<br><br>
Feeling better, your thoughts turn to Victor and your mission.<br><br>
You’ve made good first-steps into Victor’s memories, but it’s too soon to abort. He wouldn’t know or trust you yet.<br><br>
<span class="login">
<span class="beacherror">> User settings (locked - simulation in progress)</span><br>
<<link "> Begin simulation" "start_2b">><</link>><br>
<<link "> Abort simulation" "abortConfirm">><</link>><br>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $daysLeft -= 1>>
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
Your eyes shoot open with a gasp. Seeing nothing, you flail around against the darkness for a moment, before you collect your thoughts. It feels so much like an actual dream, it takes you a few seconds to remember that you’re in the loading area of the simulation. You’ve got to be more focused in the future.<br><br>
As the simulation restarts, a panel lights up in front of you. You scan it over, re-familiarizing yourself with the buttons. As you reach out over the controls, you blurrily see your arm, small and thin, and remember that odd sensations before restarting last night. You feel your body - as much as possible in this half-dream state - and it does seem to have gotten much smaller in a few places. But everything is still there - no missing limbs or tails or anything weird - you tell yourself it’s nothing to worry about.<br><br>
You’ve made great progress with Victor today. He feels like a good friend now. Another day could guarantee a huge payoff.<br><br>
<span class="login">
<span class="beacherror">> User settings (locked - simulation in progress)</span><br>
<<if $daysLeft > 0 >>
<<link "> Continue simulation" "start_4b">><</link>><br>
<span class="beacherror">> User awaking, not enough time to continue.</span><br>
<<if $abortOk == true>><<link "> Abort simulation" "abortConfirm">><<set $return = "start_4">><</link>><br><</if>>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $startJump = "start_" + String($level)>>
Are you sure?
<<if $level < 3 >> You haven't become very close to Victor, this will cause you to fail your mission.
<<else>> This will wake you up and end your mission.<</if>><br><br>
<span class="login">
Confirm abort<br>
<<if $level < 3 >><<link "> Yes" "end_1">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $level == 4>>
<<if $rel > $bodTotal && $rel > $chaTotal >><<link "> Yes" "end_2a">><</link>>
<<elseif $chaTotal > $bodTotal && $chaTotal > $rel>><<link "> Yes" "end_2b">><</link>>
<<elseif $bodTotal > $chaTotal && $bodTotal > $rel>><<link "> Yes" "end_2c">><</link>>
<<else>><<link "> Yes" "end_2a">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $level == 5>>
<<if $rel > $bodTotal && $rel > $chaTotal >><<link "> Yes" "end_3a">><</link>>
<<elseif $chaTotal > $bodTotal && $chaTotal > $rel>><<link "> Yes" "end_3b">><</link>>
<<elseif $bodTotal > $chaTotal && $bodTotal > $rel>><<link "> Yes" "end_3c">><</link>>
<<else>><<link "> Yes" "end_3a">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $level == 6>>
<<if $rel > $bodTotal && $rel > $chaTotal >><<link "> Yes" "end_4a">><</link>>
<<elseif $chaTotal > $bodTotal && $chaTotal > $rel>><<link "> Yes" "end_4b">><</link>>
<<elseif $bodTotal > $chaTotal && $bodTotal > $rel>><<link "> Yes" "end_4b">><</link>>
<<else>><<link "> Yes" "end_4a">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $level == 7>>
<<if $rel > $bodTotal && $rel > $chaTotal >><<link "> Yes" "end_4a">><</link>>
<<elseif $chaTotal > $bodTotal && $chaTotal > $rel>><<link "> Yes" "end_5b">><</link>>
<<elseif $bodTotal > $chaTotal && $bodTotal > $rel>><<link "> Yes" "end_5a">><</link>>
<<else>><<link "> Yes" "end_4a">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $level == 8>>
<<if $vrCountdown > 0>><<link "> Yes" "end_6a">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $vrCountdown < 1>><<link "> Never" "end_6b">><</link>>
<<if $daysLeft > 0 >>
<<link "> No" $startJump>><</link>><br>
<span class="beacherror">> User awaking, not enough time to continue.</span><br>
<span class="tut">Choosing Yes will end the game. This might be a good place to save if you think you might want to continue.</span><br><html><style>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<</silently>>You can barely keep from gasping as you enter the bedroom. Even the gigantic bed (double king?) seems small in such a cavernous place. The furnishing is simple, the bed, a few closets, a desk and a large full-body mirror on the wall. Simple but decadent, as every piece of furniture is designer and trimmed in gold.
And in the center of it all is your target, Victor Tsai - sleeping soundly on the bed.
He’s a legend - CEO of a megacorp, playboy extraordinaire, and one of the most powerful men on the planet - all at only 28 years old. And here he is, laying helpless before you. He’s not bad looking. Tall for an asian, with deep, black hair swept-back and a neatly trimmed goatee. He’s in good shape too, not a bodybuilder or anything, but you can see a nicely sculpted body under his silk pajamas.
You pull a nanite spray canister out of your suit pocket and give him a quick dose of sleeping compound to make sure he stays out for the night.
<span class="npc">“Fuckin hell, look at that bed! You could fit every girl I’ve ever slept with on that thing”</span> your partner blurts out loudly as he trudges into the room, trailed by a cart full of wires and equipment.
You hide your snicker at the joke, <span class="main">“stay on task, we're on a schedule.”</span>
<span class="npc">“Yeah yeah, I know,”</span> he grumbles while pulling a mass of wires and drives out of his cart. He gets to work setting up all the machines. Flipping switches, turning dials and attaching electrodes to Victor’s body. He hands you a new nanite spray injector for yourself.
You grab the small metal tool and sit down on the bed, sticking a set of electrodes to your body as well.
The machine whirrs to life, connecting with its users. A monitor screen starts to swirl and flicker with imagery. Flashes of people and places pulled directly from Victor’s sleeping brain - piece by piece building a virtual world for you both. You don’t think you’ll ever get over how amazing the technology is.
<<link "Review your mission." "Mission">><</link>>
<<link "Check yourself." "IntroDesc">><</link>>
<<link "Start your mission." "interface_1">><</link>><html><style>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $daysLeft -= 1>>
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
You’re having that mysterious dream again, where you’re floating in all blackness. You try to move around, but don’t really have any feeling or feedback.<br><br>
You wish you were dreaming about Victor. Not that you’ve had a ton of experience, but he’s really the best boy-friend you’ve ever had. <mn>“Boy friend or Boyfriend,”</mn> you wonder. You know which you hope for, he’s easily nicer, smarter and sexier than all your previous boyfriends. You try to think back about your old boyfriends, but keep coming up blank. That’s weird, you’re sure you had at least ONE boyfriend before Victor.<br><br>
Your attention is broken by strange little lights forming a panel with buttons in front of you. Wonder what these buttons do?<br><br>
<span class="login">
<span class="beacherror">> User settings (locked - simulation in progress)</span><br>
<<if $daysLeft > 0 >>
<<link "> Continue simulation" "start_6b">><</link>><br>
<span class="beacherror">> User awaking, not enough time to continue.</span><br>
<<if $abortOk == true>><<link "> Abort simulation" "abortConfirm">><<set $return = "start_6">><</link>><br><</if>>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $daysLeft -= 1>>
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
You’re having that weird dream again, where you’re floating in all blackness. You try to move around, but don’t really have any feeling or feedback.<br><br>
You wish you were dreaming about Victor. Even here, with nothing but dark and numbness, thinking about his kiss or his arms around you sends warm tingles through you. With nothing else to do, you keep dreaming about Victor, getting yourself more worked up.<br><br>
You’re starting to get pretty excited when attention is broken by strange little lights forming a panel with buttons in front of you. Wonder what these buttons do?<br><br>
<span class="login">
<span class="beacherror">> User settings (locked - simulation in progress)</span><br>
<<if $daysLeft > 0 >>
<<link "> Continue simulation" "start_7b">><</link>><br>
<span class="beacherror">> User awaking, not enough time to continue.</span><br>
<<if $abortOk == true>><<link "> Abort simulation" "abortConfirm">><<set $return = "start_7">><</link>><br><</if>>
body {background:black;background-image:none;}
#story {color:#999;background:transparent;width:50vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #999; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #999;}
button#ui-bar-toggle, #ui-bar-history [id|=history], #ui-bar-toggle {border: none; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff;}
span.sidebutton a:hover, #menu li a:hover {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);}
#menu li {background: #000; border: 1px solid #999 !important;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<set $daysLeft -= 1>>
<<set $actions = $defaultActions>>
<<set $clock = 1>>
You’re having that weird dream again, where you’re floating and it’s all dark. You try to move or feel something, one of your nipples or your pussy, but you can’t seem to find or feel anything.<br><br>
You’re insanely horny, and not being able to touch yourself is driving you crazy! You squirm and whimper, trying to feel some release. Failing that, you end up just thinking about and Victor and all your “adventures” yesterday. It’s enough to send a few ripples of pleasure through you, and you end up wiggling and moaning, enjoying the small sensations as much as you can.<br><br>
After awhile you blink and notice that some kind of control panel appeared while you were “busy”.<br><br>
There’s a bunch of confusing buttons buttons on it, should you push one?<br><br>
<span class="login">
<span class="beacherror">> User settings (locked - simulation in progress)</span><br>
<<if $daysLeft > 0 >>
<<link "> Continue simulation" "start_8b">><</link>><br>
<span class="beacherror">> User awaking, not enough time to continue.</span><br>
<<if $abortOk == true>><<link "> Abort simulation" "abortConfirm">><</link>><br><</if>>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
Your eyes snap open, taking a moment to adjust to the light. You find yourself back in the opulent bedroom. The sound of the dream machine powering down draws your partner’s attention.<br><br>
He looks at you in surprise, <npc>"What’s wrong? You weren’t in there long enough..."</npc><br><br>
<mn>"I aborted,"</mn> you explain while hurrying up from the bed. <mn>"It just didn’t feel right, I think Victor might have..."</mn><br><br>
Victor stirs slightly in his sleep cutting off your explanation and causing you both to jump to action. The two of you pack up your gear quickly and leave.<br><br>
You have failed your mission, but at least escaped to see another day.<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/1.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 1/$totalEndings: Run Away<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
Your eyes drift open, taking a moment to adjust to the light. You find yourself back in the opulent bedroom. The sound of the dream machine powering down draws your partner’s attention.<br><br>
<npc>"Well?"</npc> He asks, hovering into your vision.<br><br>
Groggily, you give a smug smile of satisfaction and a thumbs up.<br><br>
<mn>“We’re good friends now, I should be able to get in with no problems. Buddy, we’re set for life.”</mn><br><br>
Your partner does an impromptu fist-pump dance while you start disconnecting the still-sleeping Victor from the equipment.<br><br>
You look down at him, pausing for a moment. You can’t help but smile at your new ‘friend’. He actually is a nice guy - which is important because you’re going to be spending – at minimum – the next few years as his best friend. You feel a slight pang of guilt at using him like this, but it’s easy to swallow down with the thought of how much money you’ll soon be making.<br><br>
You finish packing up the gear and dance out of the house with your partner, just before the next shift arrives.<br><br>
A week later, you "accidentally" run into Victor at a party and spend the entire evening catching up and reminiscing about your old adventures at the Oasis resort. The beach, the drinks, the girls. He’s ecstatic to meet up with an old friend that’s not only interested in his business or wealth. You feel that pang of guilt again, but wash it away with some very nice champagne.<br><br>
A week after that, you meet up for a job interview and are hired on the spot.<br><br>
A year later, you’re a top tier manager. You work hard, pull down a massive paycheck, and still even have time to meet your old partner - to catch up, and divulge company secrets to your old employer.<br><br>
Between the thrill of corporate espionage and the money from two companies, life stays exciting and extremely profitable. Couldn’t be any better.<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/2A.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 2/$totalEndings: Super Spy<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
Your eyes drift open, taking a moment to adjust to the light. You find yourself back in the opulent bedroom. The sound of the dream machine powering down draws your partner’s attention.<br><br>
<npc>"Well?"</npc> He asks, hovering into view at the end of the bed.<br><br>
Groggily, you give a smug smile of satisfaction and a thumbs up.<br><br>
<mn>“We’re good friends now, I should be able to get in with no problems. Buddy, we’re set for life.”</mn><br><br>
Your partner does an impromptu fist-pump dance while you start disconnecting the still-sleeping Victor from the equipment.<br><br>
You look down at Victor, and for a moment, feel a pang if guilt. It’s strange, even though you know all the memories and feelings are fake, you see him with a sense of familiarity and fondness now, as if he were an actual close friend. You shake the feelings off and finish unhooking him from the machine.<br><br>
Your partner finishes his dance and you help packing everything up, though you keep glancing over at Victor, still feeling guilty for messing with him. Eventually you have to leave before the regular workers arrive, but you can’t help turning back with an appreciative smile on the way out.<br><br>
A week later, you "accidentally" run into Victor at a party and spend the entire evening catching up and reminiscing about your old adventures at Oasis resort. The beach, the drinks, the girls. He’s ecstatic to meet up with an old friend that’s not interested in his business or wealth. You feel super guilty at first, but then again, you honestly feel the same way about him. Victor is actually a really cool guy and you’re genuinely happy to be his friend.<br><br>
A week after that, you meet up for a job interview and are hired into the corporation.<br><br>
A year later, you’re a top tier manager, and one of the best in the company. You’ve cut off your old company, deciding to stay loyal to Victor.<br><br>
You enjoy your job, and hanging with your best friend every day. You both still reminisce about the beach years later, to the point you have to remind yourself that it never really happened...<br><br>
...and yet, it was the best thing that ever happened to you.<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/2B.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 3/$totalEndings: Best Friend<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
Your eyes drift open, taking a moment to adjust to the light. You find yourself back in the opulent bedroom. The sound of the dream machine powering down draws your partner’s attention.<br><br>
<npc>"Well?"</npc> He asks, hovering into view at the end of the bed.<br><br>
Groggily, you give a smug smile of satisfaction and a thumbs up.<br><br>
<mn>“Man, we’re fuckin’ set for life!”</mn><br><br>
He does an impromptu fist-pump dance while you start changing out of your suit into jeans and a shirt.<br><br>
When you finish changing, you check yourself in the mirror to make sure you look the part.<br><br>
You are wearing a pair of faded jeans and plain, white t-shirt.<br><br>
Your partner snaps you out of it, <npc>“You’re beautiful, now pack this shit up, I gotta go before the staff arrive.”</npc><br><br>
You give yourself a wink in the mirror. You are a seriously good looking dude. And soon, you’re going to be a seriously rich, good looking dude.<br><br>
You help your partner haul the equipment out, then return to the mansion. You grab a beer and plop down on Victor’s very comfortable couch.<br><br>
Eventually Victor wakes up and sleepily plods out of his bedroom, still in his silk pajamas. He looks groggy and confused, even more so when he sees you.<br><br>
<mn>"Finally awake! Hope you don’t mind I made myself at home."</mn> you say, jokingly while holding up the beer.<br><br>
<victor>"No problem..."</victor> he looks around, still confused.<br><br>
<mn>"Oh and thanks for letting me crash here while I settle in. It’s going to be great working with you."</mn><br><br>
<victor>"Yeah, uh no problem...uh, man."</victor><br><br>
<mn>"Worked like a fucking charm,"</mn> you think to yourself. Victor was confused at first (mind programming does that to you), but you both catch up and reminisce about old times and your days on the beach. You actually spend most of the day with him on the couch talking and hanging out. Just like old buddies.<br><br>
It didn’t take long for you get a job at his company. A little schmoozing here and there, and liberally dropping your relationship with Victor, and soon you’re a manager.<br><br>
You spy for your old company for awhile, but you never bother to pry that deep, and they eventually give up.<br><br>
Sometimes you feel like you lost some of your drive and ambition in the dive into Victor’s mind, but you don’t honestly care anymore. Victor’s playboy lifestyle was not an exaggeration. You spend nearly every night out on the town, with an endless stream of women every bit as beautiful as the girls from your dream dives.<br><br>
Your life is a nonstop whirlwind of money, booze and sex, and you couldn’t be happier.<br><br>
It’s like living in a wonderful dream.<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/2C.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 4/$totalEndings: Playboy<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
Your eyes open but squint in the light of the opulent bedroom.<br><br>
You’re back in the real world, on the bed next to Victor, with your partner staring down at you wearing a huge grin.<br><br>
<mn>“Man, that was one of the most fucked up dives I’ve ever been on,”</mn> you say while sitting up.<br><br>
The shifting weight on your chest registers the same time as you realize your partner is looking about a foot below your eyes.<br><br>
A cute, feminine voice drifts out your throat, <mn>“What. the. fuck?”</mn> You glare daggers at your partner with a balled fist.<br><br>
He comes clean right away, <npc>“Sorry dude...err dudette, it was the nanites you injected. They changed your body to match what was in the dream.”</npc><br><br>
You’re practically shaking in fear and shock. <mn>“How is this possible? Who’s responsible for this?”</mn> even your panicked voice seems to sound cute.<br><br>
Your partner’s tone softens, trying to calm you down. <npc>“The bigwigs did a psyche profile on Victor, and they figure a female would be less likely to arouse suspicion. Though you might arouse something else!”</npc><br><br>
<mn>“This is seriously fucked up!”</mn> even your panicked shout seems to sound cute. You shoot up from the bed and check yourself out in the mirror.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, with a couple notable exceptions. The pant seams are near bursting around your hips, and the shirt buttons are ready to pop over your massive breasts.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, but noticeably tight around your chest and hips.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame least in some places.">>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame now.">>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
<mn>“They can’t do this to me! Stole my life! Ruined my future!”</mn> You rant, stomping back and forth in the bedroom for a good few minutes, your tits jiggling with every step. You make sure to shoot your partner a healthy amount of scorn and swears.<br><br>
Giving you a little time to vent, your partner eventually pipes up. <npc>“Isn’t this what you wanted?”</npc><br><br>
<npc>“Well, you already abandoned your old life, right? The plan was to assume a new identity as Victor’s best friend. Now you’re better covered and nearly impossible to id.”</npc><br><br>
You’re stopped cold. The weight of your mission suddenly hitting home. You’re going to have to pull this off convincingly for years, and you’ll need every edge you can get. He’s right. You’re still pissed off and freaked out, but dammit, he’s right.<br><br>
Victor begins to stir, prompting you both to move. You help your partner pack up the equipment (with even more jiggling in your body) and escape from the house just as the next staff shift starts to arrive.<br><br>
[[Continue|end_3a2]] <html><style>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
Your eyes open but squint in the light of the opulent bedroom.<br><br>
You’re back in the real world, on the bed next to Victor, with your partner staring down at you wearing a huge grin.<br><br>
<mn>“Man, that was one of the most fucked up dives I’ve ever been on,”</mn> you say while sitting up.<br><br>
The shifting weight on your chest registers the same time as you realize your partner is looking about a foot below your eyes.<br><br>
A cute, feminine voice drifts out your throat, “What. the. fuck?”<br><br>
His eyes stay glued to your chest, but he does explain through a snickering laugh. <npc>“Sorry dude...err dudette, it was the nanites you injected. They changed your body to match what was in the dream.”</npc><br><br>
You’re practically shaking in fear and shock. <mn>“How is this possible? Who’s responsible for this?”</mn> even your panicked voice seems to sound cute.<br><br>
Your partner’s tone softens, trying to calm you down. <npc>“The bigwigs did a psyche profile on Victor, and they figure a female would be less likely to arouse suspicion. Though you might arouse something else!”</npc><br><br>
<mn>“This is seriously fucked up,”</mn> you shout, unable to escape how even your panicked voice seems to sound cute. You bounce up from the bed and check yourself out in the mirror.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, with a couple notable exceptions. The pant seams are near bursting around your hips, and the shirt buttons are ready to pop over your massive breasts.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, but noticeably tight around your chest and hips.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame least in some places.">>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame now.">>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
<mn>“They can’t do this to me! Stole my life! Ruined my future!”</mn> You rant, stomping back and forth in the bedroom for a good few minutes, your tits jiggling with every step. You make sure to shoot your partner a healthy amount of scorn and swears.<br><br>
Giving you a little time to vent, your partner eventually pipes up. <npc>“Isn’t this what you wanted?”</npc><br><br>
<npc>“Well, you already abandoned your old life, right? The plan was to assume a new identity as Victor’s best friend. Now you’re better covered and nearly impossible to id. And a fucking knockout if I do say so myself.”</npc><br><br>
<mn>“Oh my fucking god!”</mn> You turn away in frustration and anger, and your eyes fall on Victor. He’s sleeping soundly, and peacefully. For some reason, his face calms you down. You look at your new best friend and realize that your partner is telling the truth. The weight of your mission really hits home. You’re going to have to pull this off convincingly for years, and you’ll need every edge you can get.<br><br>
<mn>“You’re right,”</mn> you sigh, still looking at Victor. <mn>“It’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard, and I’m going to be pissed at you for the next decade for not telling me…”</mn><br><br>
<mn>“...but you’re right.”</mn><br><br>
Still staring at Victor, your mind is racing. What will it be like to live as a woman? Can you pull that act off convincingly? At least it’s Victor. Despite being a target, he actually is a really nice guy - and you’re very happy to know him. It’s strange, even though you know all the memories and feelings are fake, you see Victor with a sense of familiarity and fondness, as if he were an actual close friend.<br><br>
You help your partner pack up the equipment (with even more jiggling in your body), though you keep glancing over at Victor, almost feeling guilty for messing with him. Eventually you have to leave before the regular workers arrive, but you can’t help turning back with a smile on the way out.<br><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
Your eyes flutter open but squint in the light of the opulent bedroom.<br><br>
You’re back in the real world, on the bed next to Victor, with your partner staring down at you wearing a huge grin.<br><br>
<mn>“Man, that was one of the most fucked up dives I’ve ever been on,”</mn> you say while sitting up.<br><br>
The shifting weight on your chest registers the same time as you realize your partner is looking about a foot below your eyes.<br><br>
A cute, feminine voice drifts out your throat, <mn>“What. the. fuck?”</mn><br><br>
His eyes stay glued to your chest, but he does explain through a snickering laugh. <npc>“Sorry dude...err dudette, it was the nanites you injected. They changed your body to match what was in the dream.”</npc><br><br>
You’re practically shaking in fear and shock. <mn>“How is this possible? Who’s responsible for this?”</mn> even your panicked voice seems to sound cute.<br><br>
Your partner’s tone softens, trying to calm you down. <npc>“The bigwigs did a psyche profile on Victor, and they figure a female would be less likely to arouse suspicion. Though you might arouse something else!”</npc><br><br>
<mn>“This is seriously fucked up,”</mn> even your panicked shout seems to sound cute.<br><br>
<mn>“They can’t do this to me! Stole my life! Ruined my future!”</mn> You rant, stomping back and forth in the bedroom for a good few minutes, your tits jiggling with every step. You make sure to shoot your partner a healthy amount of scorn and swears.<br><br>
Giving you a little time to vent, your partner eventually pipes up. <npc>“Isn’t this what you wanted?”</npc><br><br>
<npc>“Well, you already abandoned your old life, right? The plan was to assume a new identity as Victor’s best friend. Now you’re better covered and nearly impossible to id. And a fucking knockout if I do say so myself.”</npc><br><br>
You’re stopped cold. The weight of your mission suddenly hitting home. You’re going to have to pull this off convincingly for years, and you’ll need every edge you can get. He’s right. You’re still pissed off and freaked out, but dammit, he’s right.<br><br>
You walk over to the mirror and look at yourself.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, with a couple notable exceptions. The pant seams are near bursting around your hips, and the shirt buttons are ready to pop over your massive breasts.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, but noticeably tight around your chest and hips.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame least in some places.">>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame now.">>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
Your hand traces up the curve of your body, pausing to grope at your breasts before coming to rest on your new face.<br><br>
Your partner was also right that you’re a knockout.<br><br>
Victor begins to stir, prompting you both to move. You help your partner pack up the equipment (with even more jiggling in your body) and escape from the house just as the next staff shift starts to arrive.<br><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
Your eyes flutter open and squint in the bright light of the opulent bedroom.<br><br>
You sit up, confused at the brightness. <mn>"Man,"</mn> you mutter through a yawn to your partner, <mn>"that was one of the weirdest dives I’ve ever..."</mn><br><br>
Your voice catches in your throat. It’s easily a soprano now...and quite cute sounding.<br><br>
You jump upright in the bed, your chest bouncing underneath you. Your hands shoot to your breasts, pushing into the plush orbs now filling out the front of your shirt.<br><br>
<victor>"Do you like them?"</victor> a familiar, slightly mocking tone asks from across the room.<br><br>
You freeze - hands still groping your tits - and slowly turn to see a surprisingly awake Victor, sitting in an armchair across the room from you. Your partner stands nearby, head hung in defeat and flanked by two large security guards.<br><br>
<mn>"What did you do?"</mn> you hiss between your teeth. Trying not to show how unnerved you are at your high and feminine voice.<br><br>
<victor>"You don’t think your company is the only group with access to nanotechnology, do you?"</victor> He has that handsome half-smile playing on his face that you remember from the beach...err, simulation.<br><br>
<victor>"Still, I’m impressed at the result."</victor> He motions to the large mirror on the wall.<br><br>
You hesitantly turn towards it to see the damage.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, with a couple notable exceptions. The pant seams are near bursting around your hips, and the shirt buttons are ready to pop over your massive breasts.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, but noticeably tight around your chest and hips.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame least in some places.">>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame now.">>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
While you’re looking Victor continues talking.<br><br>
<victor>"You thought you could just invade my home, hell, invade my mind without me finding out about it? I knew about your company's plan before you did..."</victor> He pauses to stand up; tall and imposing...and ruggedly handsome. You find yourself blushing at his stare. <victor>"...which gave me plenty of time to come up with a fitting response. I can’t let you go free for fear you’ll come back at me again. But killing you and dumping you in a hole seems too drastic, especially for an 'old friend'. Instead I’m going to mess with your mind like you tried to mess with mine."</victor><br><br>
The blood drains from your face as Victor continues. <victor>"I’ve given you a dose of nanites to change you into your dream girl...or rather our dream girl."</victor> That smile seems to widen as he walks slowly closer. <victor>"You are becoming just how you pictured yourself in the simulation. In body, and in mind. Soon you’ll be my adoring little girlfriend, and you’ll perfectly happy about that."</victor><br><br>
You can feel it’s true. Your anger and hatred of Victor are drifting away, seeming like just a memory of a spat you had a week ago. You want to be angry, but when you look into those big, brown eyes it all seems to melt away.<br><br>
<npc>"Fight it, $fname! Remember who you are!"</npc> Your partner yells out at you, before getting a gut punch that doubles him over. Victor motions to the thugs and they drag him out unceremoniously.<br><br>
<mn>"$fname"</mn> you repeat to yourself distantly, trying to keep hold of yourself.<br><br>
<mn>"I’m $fname?"</mn> you repeat it again. It sounds strange, but familiar at the same time. Like someone you once knew. God, why is it so hard to think right now?<br><br>
<mn>"I’m...."</mn> shit, what was it? <mn>"I’m...."</mn><br><br>
<victor>"$Femname?"</victor> Victor helpfully offers. He’s walked to the edge of the bed, right in front of you.<br><br>
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to remember. Is that right? Is $Femname your name? You’ve definitely gone by that before, it could be right.<br><br>
<victor>"$Femname?"</victor> Victor repeats again. You open your eyes to see his face hovering right in front of you.<br><br>
You blush again, <mn>"Yes?"</mn><br><br>
He smiles warmly, <victor>"Good morning, sweetie."</victor><br><br>
You look into his big brown eyes again, and the last of the stress and tension you were feeling drifts away. Replaced with the warm comfort of being here on a beautiful morning next to your amazing boyfriend.<br><br>
You smile back at him, happy with how perfect your life is, and lean forward to kiss him. <mn>"Good morning"</mn> you giggle.<br><br>
<victor>"Did you sleep well?"</victor><br><br>
<mn>"I did, but I had the weirdest dream..."</mn><br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/4A.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 8/$totalEndings: Adoring Girlfriend<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
Your eyes flutter open and squint in the bright light of the opulent bedroom.<br><br>
You’re back in the real world, laying in Victor’s bed. For some reason, the lights in the bedroom have all been turned on.<br><br>
You sit up, confused at the brightness. <mn>"Man,"</mn> you mutter through a yawn to your partner, <mn>"that was one of the most fucked up dives I’ve ever..."</mn><br><br>
Your voice catches in your throat. It sounded like a soprano...a sexy soprano.<br><br>
You jump upright in the bed, your chest bouncing heavily underneath you. Your hands shoot to your breasts, pushing into the large, plush orbs now filling out the front of your shirt.<br><br>
<victor>"Do you like them?"</victor> a familiar, slightly mocking tone asks from across the room.<br><br>
You freeze - hands still groping your tits - and slowly turn to see a surprisingly awake Victor, sitting in an armchair across the room from you. Your partner stands nearby, head hung in defeat and flanked by two large security guards.<br><br>
<mn>"What did you do?"</mn> you hiss between your teeth, still unnerved at how high and feminine your voice is.<br><br>
<victor>"You don’t think your company is the only group with access to nanotechnology, do you?"</victor> He has that handsome half-smile playing on his face that you remember from the simulation. <victor>"Still, I’m impressed at the result."</victor> He nods towards your chest.<br><br>
<victor>"By all means, see for yourself,"</victor> he says, motioning towards a large mirror on the wall. <br><br>
You hesitantly turn towards it to see the damage.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, with a couple notable exceptions. The pant seams are near bursting around your hips, and the shirt buttons are ready to pop over your massive breasts.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, but noticeably tight around your chest and hips.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame least in some places.">>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame now.">>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
While you’re looking Victor continues talking.<br><br>
<victor>"You thought you could just invade my home, hell invade my mind without me finding out about it? I knew about your company's plan before you did."</victor><br><br>
He pauses to stand up, tall and imposing...and ruggedly handsome. You find yourself blushing and tingling slightly at his stare. <victor>"So I had plenty of time to come up with a fitting response. You’re too dangerous to let go. But killing you and dumping you in a hole seems too drastic, especially for an 'old friend'. Instead I’m going to mess with your mind like you tried to mess with mine."</victor><br><br>
The blood drains from your face as Victor continues. <victor>"I’ve given you a dose of nanites to change you into your dream girl...or rather our dream girl."</victor> That smile seems to widen as he walks slowly closer. <victor>"You are becoming just how you pictured yourself in the simulation. In body, and in mind. Soon you’ll be my sexy, slutty little girlfriend, and perfectly happy about that."</victor><br><br>
You can feel it’s true. Your anger and hatred of Victor are drifting away, seeming like just a memory of a spat you had a week ago. You want to be angry, but when you look into those big, brown eyes and the sexy body under his silk pajamas it all seems to melt away and leave you warm and wanton. You squeeze your thighs together.<br><br>
<npc>"Fight it, $fname! Remember who you are!"</npc> Your partner yells out at you, before getting a gut punch that doubles him over. Victor motions to the thugs and they drag him out unceremoniously.<br><br>
<mn>"$fname"</mn> you repeat to yourself distantly, trying to keep hold of yourself.<br><br>
<mn>"I’m $fname?"</mn> you repeat it again. It sounds strange, but familiar at the same time. Like someone you used to know. God, why is it so hard to think right now?<br><br>
<mn>"I’m...."</mn> shit, what was it? <mn>"I’m...."</mn><br><br>
<victor>"$Femname?"</victor> Victor helpfully offers. He’s walked to the edge of the bed, right in front of you.<br><br>
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to remember. Is that right? Is $Femname your name? You’ve definitely gone by that before, it could be right.<br><br>
<victor>"$Femname?"</victor> Victor repeats again, this time into your ear. He’s moved behind you, where you can feel his hot breath on your neck.<br><br>
You blush again, a pleasant shiver running down your spine.<br><br>
He smiles warmly, <victor>"Good morning, sexy."</victor><br><br>
Your eyes are still closed when a pair of hands land on your hips. They slowly trace upwards along your waist, then forward to cup your breasts fully. <br><br>
You sigh and squirm a little under his touch, <mn>"Mmmm...good morning"</mn> you purr.<br><br>
<victor>"Did you sleep well?"</victor> he asks, still teasing your breasts, trapping your nipples between his fingers.<br><br>
<mn>"I did, but I had the weirdest dream..."</mn><br><br>
You turn and pounce on him, pushing your $boobs into his chest. As you free his rapidly hardening cock from his pants, you lick your lips and smile.
<mn>"Just a silly dream, I’ve already forgotten about it."</mn>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/4B.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 9/$totalEndings: Sexy Little Girlfriend<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
Your eyes flutter open and squint in the bright light of the opulent bedroom.<br><br>
You’re back in the real world, laying in Victor’s bed.<br><br>
<mn>"Man, that was a fucked up dive, but another mission in the bank!"</mn> you say smuggly to your partner while sitting up.<br><br>
You immediately notice several major problems, <mn>"Oh fuck."</mn><br><br>
First, your voice is way too high and sexy.<br><br>
Second, there’s some extra weight on your chest, jiggling around as you sat up. The nanites you injected seem to have altered much more than your dream.<br><br>
Third, and by far most worrying, is that Victor is not asleep on the bed like he should be. He’s sitting in a recliner across the room watching you with a cocked eyebrow and a wry grin. Your partner is being held by two large security men by the door.<br><br>
<victor>"Excellent choice of words, Mr. $lname
. You and your friend here are properly fucked."</victor><br><br>
Your partner’s head drops in defeat as the security goons shove him out. You try to maintain defiance and meet Victor’s eyes, though it’s surprisingly difficult. Even without raising his voice, his stare feels oppressively powerful.<br><br>
Victor continues, <victor>"Truth is, I’m impressed by your brazenness. There aren’t many who would even try to come at me, and in my own home. I’m even more impressed that you thought you had a chance of pulling it off. I knew about this plan before you did, and have been preparing just as long. And I have to admit, I’m pleased with how well it turned out."</victor> He emphasizes his last point with a leer and a gesture towards your chest.<br><br>
You feel your cheeks burning in anger and shame. Despite wanting to tell Victor to fuck off with every fibre of your being, you can’t quite bring yourself to say the words. What the hell is wrong with you?<br><br>
Victor seems to understand your predicament, his smile grows a little wider. <victor>"By all means, check out your own handiwork."</victor><br><br>
You turn to the mirror to look at yourself, taking in the damage.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, with a couple notable exceptions. The pant seams are near bursting around your hips, and the shirt buttons are ready to pop over your massive breasts.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, but noticeably tight around your chest and hips.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame least in some places.">>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame now.">>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
This body is wrong, insane, but yet you feel a little twinge of pride in how you look, especially your $boobs. They’re endlessly jiggly, and make your clothes bulge out soooo sexily.<br><br>
<victor>"I was considering the standard punishment, having you disappeared in a hole somewhere, but then I thought of something special for you."</victor> Lost in examining your body, you hadn’t noticed Victor walking over to stand right behind you. Your eyes are still on your reflection, you can’t bring yourself to look at his face, even in the mirror.<br><br>
He leans down to speak right in your ear, <victor>"You tried to invade my mind, that makes this personal."</victor><br><br>
His hands run up your sides and grip your soft tits, <victor>"and I intend to make this very personal."</victor><br><br>
Your cheeks burn again in shame. Not only at your situation, but also at how much you enjoy the touch of his hands on your breasts. You involuntarily let out a quiet sigh as he kneads the pliant flesh.<br><br>
<victor>"You like that, don’t you?"</victor> You can’t help but nod. You wouldn’t dream of being dishonest with Victor...err Mr. Tsai.<br><br>
<victor>"I know,"</victor> he says, his smile turning positively wicked.<br><br>
<victor>"I’ve ensured you would. Your mind is being rewritten as we speak. In a few moments, you’ll be the perfect secretary. Loyal, subservient, hard working and endlessly horny for your boss. With no troubling memories of your past life."</victor><br><br>
You turn towards Mr. Tsai, though you keep your eyes down, <mn>"Past life?"</mn><br><br>
He smiles again, more warmly this time. <victor>"Don’t worry your pretty little head about it."</victor><br><br>
He reaches down and starts to unbutton his pants, <victor>"Now, I need you to <em>take down</em> something for me."</victor><br><br>
You finally find the courage to look into Victor’s eyes. You gaze up at them longingly with a smile and an eager lick of your lips. Time to get to work!<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/5A.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 10/$totalEndings: Secretary<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
Your eyes flutter open and squint in the bright light of the opulent bedroom.<br><br>
You’re back in the real world, laying in Victor’s bed.<br><br>
You sit up, confused at the brightness. <mn>"Man,"</mn> you mutter through a yawn to your partner, <mn>"that was one of the most fucked up dives I’ve ever..."</mn><br><br>
Your voice catches in your throat. It sounded like a soprano...a sexy soprano. Looking around you see things are not going to plan.<br><br>
Victor is gone. Your partner is gone. Boobs.<br><br>
You should be worried about your partner not being here, the mission might have failed. You should really be worried about Victor not next to you, he might have found you out about your mission. But at this moment, the only matter that gets your attention are the boobs.<br><br>
Your hands shoot to your chest, sinking into the warm, soft orbs hanging there. Your male brain reacts happily to holding a pair of breasts, but a new side of your psyche reacts differently, and starts tingling in enjoyment at her breasts being groped. In shock, your hands shoot back to your sides, dropping your boobs with a bounce. The tingling doesn’t subside. Instead you feel a warm pulse coming from your crotch. It’s still a novel sensation, but your experience in the dream lets you draw several conclusions. You’ve got a pussy. You’re a girl, and you’re turned on.<br><br>
Remembering the mirror on the wall, you run over to it. After wiping a small smudge off the top corner, you take in the "damages" to your body.<br><br>
<<if $secondary > 43>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, with a couple notable exceptions. The pant seams are near bursting around your hips, and the shirt buttons are ready to pop over your massive breasts.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 39>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit. It’s comically oversized around most of your body, but noticeably tight around your chest and hips.">>
<<elseif $secondary > 27>>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame least in some places.">>
<<set _suitFit = "You’re wearing a nice men's suit, but it’s comically large on your petite frame now.">>
$boobLine Behind you is your $buttLong.<br><br>
You turn around with your hands on your head, panicked thoughts leaping up. <mn>"Where is Victor?" "Where is my partner?" "Was this the nanites?" "Was I betrayed?"</mn><br><br>
You rush around the room, looking for any clues as to what’s happening. First the bed, you straighten it up, neatly smoothing out the covers. No trace of the dream machine. Next the desk, you wipe a little dust off the corner and also find a note that you hadn’t noticed before.<br><br>
<victor><em>Dear $Femname,<br><br>
I trust you slept well. Please find your uniform in the closet, I will return shortly to explain your situation.<br><br>
<mn>"Uniform?"</mn> you blurt out loud. The lilting tone of your voice shocks you again. You clear your throat and hum a few bars, testing it out. It’s light and breathy, very feminine, but not at least not cutesy or girlish.<br><br>
You carefully fold the note and place it neatly on the desk, then make your way to the closet to see about this "uniform". As you open the door, all the color drains from your face. There’s only one garment hanging there, and you’ve seen it before in plenty of movies...and pornos for that matter. The rich black silk and frilly white lace of a maid's uniform.<br><br>
You’re shocked, and more than a little upset. <mn>"What the hell is Victor playing at?"</mn> You turn away in disgust, fully intent on escaping, right out the window if you have to. But on the way, you catch your reflection in the mirror.<br><br>
You still look good. But your clothes are...terrible. Completely ill fitting, rumpled from being slept in, and dirty to boot. You look a mess, and the one thing you can’t abide is a mess. You hadn’t noticed how bad they were before, but then you didn’t have a nice, clean, and very pretty uniform to compare them with.<br><br>
Your hand runs down the gentle curve of your body. The tight black silk <em>would</em> look good on this body. Plus, you tell yourself, you wouldn’t have to worry about tripping over these too-large pants while escaping.<br><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "hairMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
Your eyes flutter open and squint in the bright light of the opulent bedroom.<br><br>
You’re back in the real world, but you immediately know something is wrong. That hot, wet feeling of overwhelming horniness you were feeling in the dream is still with you.<br><br>
You look down in horror. You’re still wearing your suit, though it’s stretched ludicrously tight over the massive mounds of your tits, bunching them up in front of you and dominating your view.<br><br>
<mn>"Oh god,"</mn> your sexy soprano voice purrs out oversized lips.<br><br>
Your arms reach up, nearly lost in the oversized sleeves of your suit, and grab hold of the pendulous melons. Your huge nipples find a way to jut between your fingers for a squeeze and send shivers through your body.<br><br>
<mn>"Oh gawwwwd,"</mn> you say again in a much more wanton tone.<br><br>
One hand runs down your torso, easily slipping under your too-loose belt into your pants, and finding your already dripping cunt, ready for action.<br><br>
<npc>"Damn, you do some fine work."</npc> a voice pipes up from elsewhere in the room. You realize in shock that you looked straight to your tits, and forgot to check the rest of the room. The surprise makes you slow down masturbating...a little.<br><br>
Your partner and Victor walk into view on either side of the bed.<br><br>
Victor shrugs, <victor>"I’d like to take more credit, but I just supplied the nanites and the mental conditioning, the look is mostly his own."</victor><br><br>
<mn>"What’s...mmmm….going...oh...on?"</mn> you breathlessly ask, interrupted by gasps of pleasure.<br><br>
Victor looks down at you. <victor>"My dear, you conspired with a competitor to invade my mind and make me into your plaything."</victor><br><br>
The gravity of your situation is washing over you, it starts to break through the overwhelming horniness. You stop fingering your pussy and pull out your hand. You look at it, small, dainty, youthful and slick with your own juices. Even a foot away from your face, you can smell your scent in the air.<br><br>
Victor continues, <victor>"But as you can see, I decided to reverse the tables and make a plaything of you."</victor><br><br>
He reaches down and traces a circle around your nipple. It’s so large and erect, he has no problem finding it through your shirt.<br><br>
You lose all focus of thought, and your hands shoot down to grip the bed tightly. You shiver and coo at the mere light touch of his finger.<br><br>
<victor>"Soon, the conditioning will be complete and you’ll forget who you were. You’re going to stay here, in <em>service</em> to me and my staff. And the best part is, you’re going to enjoy every moment of it."</victor><br><br>
He punctuates that last point by pinching your engorged nipple. You practically scream in release, shaking wildly on the bed.<br><br>
He leaves you there, panting in post-orgasmal bliss.<br><br>
The other man in the room (your old partner? so hard to remember), speaks up. <npc>"I got payment, so I’m done here, but I wonder if it would too forward of me to ask for a little…"</npc> he turns down to look at you...your chest anyway, <npc>"...completion bonus?"</npc><br><br>
Victor snickers, <victor>"Be my guest, it’s been a pleasure working with you."</victor><br><br>
He starts to unbutton his pants, <npc>"the pleasure is all mine."</npc><br><br>
You bite your lip and begin wiggling out of your pants. You’re pretty sure the pleasure will be mostly yours, and you couldn’t be happier.<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/5C.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 12/$totalEndings: Happy Sex Slave<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
A week later you ‘accidentally’ run into your old friend Victor at a party. He’s ecstatic to meet you again after all these years. You spend the entire evening drinking, laughing and reminiscing about your adventures on the beach.<br><br>
A week after that, you interview for a job and get a position in Victor’s company.<br><br>
You spend a year working hard, schmoozing, flirting with your newfound feminine charms, and liberally dropping references about your friendship with Victor. Soon you’re in management and scoring the big bucks - with access to the best secrets. You still even have time to meet your old partner - to catch up and divulge company secrets to your old employer.<br><br>
Between the thrill of corporate espionage and the money from two companies, life stays exciting and extremely profitable.<br><br>
You live an extravagant life, make shitloads of money, and spend way too much of it on clothes and shoes. But shopping is more fun now, everything looks so good on you. Thinking back, you’re happy at the change. You enjoy your life as a woman more than your life as a man. This was the best thing that ever happened to you!<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/3A.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 5/$totalEndings: Lady Spy<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
A week later you ‘accidentally’ run into your old friend Victor at a party. He’s ecstatic to meet you again after all these years. You spend the entire evening drinking, laughing and reminiscing about your adventures on the beach. It starts as an act, but soon you’re laughing along genuinely and having a great time yourself.<br><br>
A week after that, you interview for a job and get a position in Victor’s company.<br><br>
The plan was to be Victor’s friend, to get close and learn his secrets. And it worked...too well. You weren’t really that surprised when he first kissed you - you were always good at flirting, and the addition of a great pair of breasts made you unstoppable. You were, however, surprised that it led to an all night sex marathon. You hadn’t intended it to go that far, just business.<br><br>
You <em>definitely</em> hadn’t intended on becoming his girlfriend, but like you, he has charm and a nice body. You gave up on spying for your old employer, or rather they gave up on you, from a lack of reports. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, since you’re leaving the company next week and moving in with Victor as his full time GIRLFRIEND! <br><br>
You two decided on taking a trip somewhere to celebrate - maybe a nice little beach resort to make some memories.<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/3B.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 6/$totalEndings: Happy Girlfriend<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
A week later, after intensive practice, you’re starting to get the hang of dresses, makeup and heels. You attend a party and ‘accidentally’ run into your old friend Victor. He’s ecstatic to meet you again after all these years, and can’t keep his eyes off your tight body, poured into a tighter dress. You spend the entire night drinking and laughing and reminiscing about your old days at the beach. <br><br>
A week after that, you interview for a job and get a position in Victor’s company. It’s not amazing, but you get some access, enough to get your old employer inside their data.<br><br>
You’re not sure if it was the dream experience, or being turned into a woman, but your perspective on the world has really changed. You lost a lot of that drive and ambition for money and power, but your eyes opened to a whole new world of taste and pleasure.<br><br>
You enjoy doing things you never had any interest in, strolling through the park, relaxing with a friend and drinking coffee, even cooking!<br><br>
And you LOVE shopping! This new body looks amazing in everything, and there are so many options and styles! Doing your hair, makeup, it’s all so much fun.<br><br>
Most surprising of all is how much you love partying and getting fucked. You were always a good at flirting and charming people, but with a pair of great breasts, you’re unstoppable. Victor is your regular booty call, a friend with frequent benefits, but you’re also a regular at most of the clubs in town. And you <em>never</em> go home alone.<br><br>
You mostly give up on the spy life, or rather your old employer gives up on you for lack of useful info. Though you still meet up with your old partner now and again...but now it’s more for an exchange of pleasure rather than information. Life now is a constant train of sex, parties and pleasure. Laughing through every day and writhing in ecstasy on some stud’s pole every night.<br><br>
You’ve never been happier!<br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/3C.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 7/$totalEndings: Playgirl<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
A few minutes later, the door opens and Victor peeks in. <victor>"$Femname, are you descent?"</victor><br><br>
Your old suit lays neatly folded on the bed. And you’re still looking in the mirror, admiring what you see. The uniform is a little tight, but it hugs and accentuates every sensual curve of your body. It starts low, leaving your thin shoulders bare except for two frilly straps. It ends high too, showing off most of your stocking clad legs, all the way up to the black ribbon garters. There’s no way you’ll be able to bend over in this without giving everyone a show. Your favorite part has to be a thin, lacy, choker collar - it gives such a adorable feminine accent to the outfit.<br><br>
You turn to see Victor and a cacophony of emotions run through you. Surprise, anger, familiarity, fear, embarrassment, attraction…<br><br>
Your mind settles on embarrassment, mostly at being caught lounging around and not cleaning. <mn>"I’m sorry Vic...uh sir, I was just checking my uniform."</mn><br><br>
He walks closer. <victor>"I can’t blame you, it looks amazing on you."</victor><br><br>
As he draws near, you want to watch him wearily, but for some reason, you can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes. Something about them is so dominating. You look down to the floor as he comes to stand right beside you.<br><br>
A hand runs up your side, firing off those warm tingles of pleasure through your body. Your pussy pulses again in desire as he cups one of your breasts. <victor>"I was afraid you would overdo it in the simulation, and wouldn’t be able to fit the clothes I’d prepared for you."</victor><br><br>
<mn>"Overdo it?"</mn> you ask, looking up. You see yourself in the mirror, being groped by a powerful man in the sexy body. You’re getting more turned on by the second.<br><br>
<victor>"Oh yes, I paid off your partner to give you a special dose of nanites. They’d reflect any changes in your body from the simulation, but the exact changes are based on how far you pushed it, and your own psyche."</victor> he pauses and begins running his hand lower. You bite your lip in response, almost shivering in pleasure.<br><br>
<victor>"Obviously I added a bit of programming here. Obedience, subservience, undying loyalty, obsessive cleaning, everything necessary for a perfect maid. Even a touch of nymphomania. You needed to be properly punished for trying to invade my mind."</victor> He reaches your skirt and dips his hand between the frilly layers, nearing your now aching mound. You’re already breathing hard, barely able to keep your eyes open and focused your reflection.<br><br>
<victor>"But the physical changes are almost entirely yours. So honestly, I must congratulate you on an outstanding job."</victor><br><br>
Your eyes squeeze shut. Even more than the enjoyment of being near Victor, even more than the orgasmic bliss of his touch, his praise for doing a good job, pleasing him, wracks you with pleasure.<br><br>
Victor presses a finger against your wet folds, <victor>"It seems your training is nearing completion."</victor><br><br>
You’re too busy moaning and rubbing up against him to respond.<br><br>
<victor>"Do you even remember your old life now?"</victor><br><br>
You’re not really sure what he’s talking about. You don’t really care, all you can think about is the wave after wave of climaxes crashing through you. And how you’re looking forward to paying him back later.<br><br>
He takes your panting moans as affirmation and removes his hand. You collapse against the mirror, still panting.<br><br>
<victor>"Good. Janice will be in shortly to show you the rest of your cleaning duties. I believe you met her on your way in."</victor><br><br>
You stand up on shaky legs and try to straighten your uniform as best you can. <mn>"Ye….Yes sir."</mn><br><br>
<victor>"Good, come see me after she’s shown you around."</victor> He smiles on his way out, <victor>"we can finish what we started here."</victor><br><br>
You can’t help but smile too, excited for the chance to please him again. <br><br>
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/5B.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 11/$totalEndings: Maid<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
<<display "descMatrix">>
<<display "wardrobe">>
<<display "shopInventory">>
<<set $fittingBooth = "changeroom_" + String($level)>>
<<if visited() == 1>>
<span class="tut">Here you can try on and change your outfits. Try on the different outfits, then choose "Change and head out" to commit the new outfit. Different outfits have different stat boosts, and you can come back and change as many times as you like. This is only a simulation, so there is no money to worry about. Just be careful Victor doesn’t get bored while waiting for you.</span><br>
<<if $shopEnter == true>>
You head into one of the swimsuit shops and look at what they have.<br><br>You grab a few suits and head into the changing room to try them on.
You are in the swimsuit shop changing room.
<br><br>Currently: $wardrobe[$clothesWorn].clothes
What would you like to try on?<br><br>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitA">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitA.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitA">>
<<set $clothesBod = 0>>
<<set $clothesCha = 0>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitB">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitB.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitB">>
<<set $clothesBod = -1>>
<<set $clothesCha = -1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<br><span class="probability">[BOD -1, CHA -1]</span><br><br>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitC">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitC.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitC">>
<<set $clothesBod = 1>>
<<set $clothesCha = 1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<br><span class="probability">[BOD +1, CHA +1]</span><br><br>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitD">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitD.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitD">>
<<set $clothesBod = 2>>
<<set $clothesCha = 1>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<br><span class="probability">[BOD +2, CHA +1]</span><br><br>
<<if $clothesWorn != "outfitE">>
<<click $wardrobe.outfitE.clothesShort>>
<<set $clothesWorn = "outfitE">>
<<set $clothesBod = 1>>
<<set $clothesCha = 2>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<br><span class="probability">[BOD +1, CHA +2]</span><br><br>
<<link "Go back without changing." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You decide not to get anything new this time.">>
<<set $clothesWorn = $currentSuit>>
<<if $clothesWorn != $currentSuit>>
<br><<link "Change and head out." "result3">>
<<set $mssg = "You change into your new swimsuit and head out of the shop.">>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
/* ================== BOD OPTION =========== */
<<if $bodUsed == true>><br>
<span class="bod">
<<link "Model your new suit for Victor" $fittingBooth>>
<<set $changeroomState = 1>>
<<set $modelSuitDone = true>>
<<set $bodMod += 2>>
<<set $relMod += 1>>
/* ================== CHA OPTION =========== */
<<if $chaUsed == true>><br>
<span class="cha">
<<link "Invite Victor into the changeroom" $fittingBooth>>
<<set $changeroomState = 2>>
<<set $changeroomDone = true>>
<<set $chaMod += 2>>
<<set $relMod += 1>>
<br><br><<if $bodUsed == false>><span class="bodBut"><<click "Boost with your BODY skill">>
<<set $boost += $bodFinal>>
<<set $bodMod = $bodVal>>
<<set $bodUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<</if>><<if $bodUsed == true>>
<span class="bodTag">↑BODY BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<if $chaUsed == false>><span class="chaBut"><<click "Boost with your CHARISMA skill">>
<<set $boost += $chaFinal>>
<<set $chaMod = $chaVal>>
<<set $chaUsed = true>>
<<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>>
<<if $chaUsed == true>>
<span class="chaTag">↑CHARISMA BOOST ADDED↑</span>
<<set $shopEnter = false>><<silently>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $actionDone[$actionChoice.value] += 1>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $drunkMod > 0>><span class="drunkBonus">+$drunkMod to DRUNK</span><br><</if>>
<<if $energyMod > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$energyMod to ENERGY</span><<set $actions += ( $energyMod + 1)>><br><</if>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<if $chaMod > 0 || $bodMod > 0>>
<<if $level < 5>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes_2">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $drunk += $drunkMod>>
<<set $drunkMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $bodUsed = false>>
<<set $chaUsed = false>>
<<set $actions -= 1>>
<<set $clock += 1>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
<<set $currDC = 0>>
<<set $actionDone[$actionChoice.value] += 1>>
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $drunkMod > 0>><span class="drunkBonus">+$drunkMod to DRUNK</span><br><</if>>
<<if $energyMod > 0>><span class="nrgBonus">+$energyMod to ENERGY</span><<set $actions += ( $energyMod + 1)>><br><</if>>
<<if $relMod > 0>><span class="relBonus">+$relMod to REL</span><br>
<<if $bodMod > 0>><span class="bodBonus">+$bodMod to BOD</span><br><</if>>
<<if $chaMod > 0>><span class="chaBonus">+$chaMod to CHA</span><br><</if>>
<<link "Go somewhere to fuck." "funky_hut">>
<<set $return = "location">>
<<if $vrCountdown == 2>>
<html><style>#linkFade {opacity:1;
-webkit-animation:fadeout 10s ease-out 5s 1 normal forwards running;
-moz-animation:fadeout 10s ease-out 5s 1 normal forwards running;
animation:fadeout 10s ease-out 5s 1 normal forwards running;}</style></html>
<<elseif $vrCountdown == 1>>
<html><style>#linkFade {opacity:1;
-webkit-animation:fadeout 5s ease-out 1s 1 normal forwards running;
-moz-animation:fadeout 5s ease-out 1s 1 normal forwards running;
animation:fadeout 5s ease-out 1s 1 normal forwards running;}</style></html>
<span id="linkFade">
<<if $actions <= 0>>
<<link "Back" "EOD">><</link>>
<<if $chaMod > 0 || $bodMod > 0>>
<<if $level < 5>>
<<link "Back" "changes">><</link>>
<<link "Back" "changes_2">><</link>>
<<link "Back" $return>><</link>>
<<set $rel += $relMod>>
<<set $bod += $bodMod>>
<<set $cha += $chaMod>>
<<set $drunk += $drunkMod>>
<<set $drunkMod = 0>>
<<set $energyMod = 0>>
<<set $relMod = 0>>
<<set $boost = 0>>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<</silently>>Your eyes flutter open, waking up in the warm red glow of...
...where the hell are you?
Everything is a bit of haze, but two things are immediately clear.
The first is that you are not in the bungalow or the locker room. While the room you’re in is really nice, you're pretty sure you've never seen it before. Everything in the room is upholstered with fur or velvet in deep red and purple hues, from the walls to the furniture to the floor. The bed you're laying on is no exception, a large scarlet heart shaped mattress, covered with a soft fur duvet that caresses and tickles your bare skin. The entire ceiling is mirrored panels, giving you a perfect view of your naked body, spread wantonly on the heart bed.
The second thing you notice, is how achingly, mind numbingly horny you are. Your pussy is already pulsing and dripping with desire. You're so hot and sensitive, the tingles by themselves feel like a lover's caress. You haven't even moved yet and are on the knife's edge of a climax.
You look up at the mirror ceiling and drink in your reflection from above. Working your way up from your dainty feet, getting yourself more excited and turned on by your own body, inch-by-inch.
Above your feet, your smooth, satin legs lazily lead up to dangerously curved hips - with a hot, vice-tight little pussy nestled in the middle. Those amazing hips dip into a tiny waspish waist, boasting a perfectly toned tummy - your exaggerated curves are almost like a caricature of femininity, obscenely sexy yet delicate and soft. Moving up are your breasts... they are simply unreal. Laying on your back, their size dominates your entire torso. Soft and pliant enough spill out in all directions, but perky and buoyant enough to still rise proudly up into twin mountains of silky, pillowy flesh above the rest of your body. At their peak, large red areola rise another inch, before giving way to fat, thumb-sized nipples, jutting out, begging to be sucked or pinched - they almost visibly beat to your pulse in excitement and desire. Your face is a picture of feminine beauty, with plush red lips, wide, sparkling eyes and perfect blemishless skin. You'd call yourself angelic, but for the wanton look of pure lust etched into your expression.
The combination of your constant horniness, the tickle of the fur blanket, and your own reflection tips your lust past the breaking point and you shiver in a miniature orgasm, before you've even touched yourself!
<victor>"Amazing what a man's unrestrained lust will do."</victor>
Your post climax bliss is broken as a familiar voice floats across the room. You have to strain your head downwards to see past the steep curve of your breasts. Victor is standing at the foot of your bed, smiling down at you. He looks older than you remember, with a goatee and slicked back hair. He's also wearing a very expensive looking suit. God, he's never looked hotter. You're instantly at full drive again, already aching to feel him inside you once more. You pout as sexily as you can, and open your legs for him, being sure to add a shimmy to your massive tits for good measure.
He cocks an eyebrow, <victor>"The program was set to gradually feminize you, but the final form was up to you and your desires. I never expected you would carry this so far. You don't even care where you are now, do you?"</victor>
You're not sure what he means. Sure you don’t know this room, but does it really matter? Not when there's a stud at the foot of the bed who could fill your burning needs. What does he want to hear so he'll stick it in you? Yes? No? It's 50%-50%, so you gamble with yes.
<mn>"Mmmmm, yes! Yes I care!"</mn> you purr out breathily, then bite your lip, hoping it was the right answer.
He shakes his head and laughs to himself. <victor>"I'd intended this as a punishment, Mr. $lname, trapping you in the simulation, but it seems you've let yourself go...literally. I suppose only $femname is in there now."</victor>
Oh! He's teasing you again. You smile and roll over to your front. Even leaning on your elbows, your pendulous breasts tickle the sheets. <mn>"Yes, I've been soooo bad, I need punishment!"</mn> You wiggle your hips for emphasis, letting your oversized rear jiggle behind you.
He smiles again, though this time without the laugh. <victor>"Oh, I can do that."</victor>
#ui-bar {background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);}
#story {width:70vw;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
#passages {max-width:100%;}
#ui-bar.stowed~#story {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
<<set _mapoff = true>>
<<if $imageOn ==true>>
<</silently>>In an instant, the plush red room disappears, replaced by what looks like a stone-walled dungeon chamber. You're no longer prone on the bed, but standing, your arms held aloft with cold iron chains connected to the ceiling. <mn>“Oooh a little S&M? Kinky!"</mn>
You're dressed in a fantastically sexy leather bondage suit, made up of straps and studs that wrap around - but don't cover - all of your sexiest bits. While the room is a surprise, you're more interested in the outfit, thinking to yourself, <mn>"I hope Victor lets me keep this!"</mn>
Victor is still in his suit, but holds something that looks like a riding crop. He presses it against your cheek and leans in very close. <victor>"Here you are my puppet, a doll for my gratification."</victor>
He taps the chains on your wrist with the crop. As if by magic, they shorten several inches, pulling you upwards, away from his face, and thrusting your chest towards him. <victor>"I can do anything with you."</victor>
He next taps one of your breasts, as it quivers in front of him. <victor>"Or anything <em>to</em> you."</victor>
Your breasts too respond to his touch. First warming and tingling, then seeming to plump and grow, rising up on your chest like filling water balloons. In seconds your tits have swollen from a size of huge to ridiculous. They stick out feet in front of you, blocking most of your body from the front. They’re big enough to be used as the world's most comfortable bean bag chairs - save for the candy bar sized nipples jutting off the end obscenely. They're so sensitive now, you can feel the air currents of the room brushing past them, and it has you absolutely leaking from your snatch.
You love everything about them, <mn>"I <em>really</em> hope Victor lets me keep these!"</mn>
He runs a palm over one of the massive fleshy orbs, seeming to admire his work. You shudder again, another orgasm rippling through you. Your hips buck on their own and you whimper, unable to ravish him due to the chains. Victor seems to enjoy your situation. He continues explaining, <victor>"I began building this custom sim when I found out about your little plan months ago. And while I'd prefer this was a punishment for you, it will at least serve as an example to anyone who might be as foolish as you in trying to come at me. I'll be opening this sim up soon, so everyone knows who you were, and what you did to yourself. You’re about to be a very busy girl, $Femname. Though judging by your current state, you're going to enjoy every minute of it."</victor>
For the first time your horniness subsided slightly. It sinks in to your sex addled mind that you’re about to be a very public whore on the network. Your skin goosebumps up, but is it fear or is it excitement?
<victor>"But of course, I get first dibs."</victor> Victor says, removing his jacket.
<mn>"Finally!"</mn> you cry out, acknowledging he's right. There's nothing you want more than to be fucked again and again by an endless stream of cocks. Staying here, being banged endlessly is best future you could imagine.
It's like living in a dream.
<<if $imageOn ==true>><img class="passageimage" src="beach_img/ending/6B.jpg" /><br><br><</if>>
Ending 13/$totalEndings: Virtual Slut<br><br>
<<link "Restart" "Begging2">><</link>><br>
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.passage h1 {font-family: lobster;font-size: 130px;text-align: center;color: #c7fdff;margin: 40px auto 0px;line-height: 120px;padding: 30px 0;text-shadow: 0 0 20px #8aa2e4;opacity: 0.6;}
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div#warning {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%); width: 50%;background: rgb(24, 140, 185);padding: 30px;color: #fff;border-radius: 20px;box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.6);text-align:center;display:none;}
div#warning h3 {margin:0;}
div#warning p {margin: 10px 0 20px 0;}
div#warning a {font-size: larger;font-weight: bold;color: #6cffe5;border: 1px solid;padding: 5px 15px;transition:background 0.5s;}
div#warning a:hover {background: rgb(102, 136, 221);}
.shownWarning {display:block !important;}
.batsu {position: absolute;top: -23px;right: -20px;}
div#warning div.batsu a {font-size: 35px;border: 2px solid;border-radius: 50%;padding: 0px 10px;text-decoration: none;}
<video poster="beach_img/default-bg.jpg" src="beach_img/beach_vid.mp4" type="video/mp4" id="bgvid" playsinline autoplay muted loop playsinline></video>
<h1>Perchance<br>to Dream</h1>
<div class="controlPanel">
<<click "Start">>
<<toggleclass "#warning" "shownWarning">>
<<link "Options" "options">><</link>><br>
<<link "Saves">><<script>>UI.saves()<</script>><</link>><br>
<<link "Support Game!" "Begging1">><</link>>
<div id="warning">
<p>This is a work of fiction, and contains mature material, including nudity and sexual situations, which is not appropriate for young viewers. Only continue if you are of legal age in the location where you are viewing this.</p>
<<link "Start" "Intro">><</link>>
<div class="batsu"><<click "✖">>
<<toggleclass "#warning" "shownWarning">>
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.banner {width:100%;}
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<img class="banner" src="beach_img/DDG-banner.jpg" /><br><br>
Hi! My name is DesiDee, the writer and creator of the game you're playing now.<br><br>
Thank you soooo much for giving my game a try!<br><br>
Making this was a huge (though rewarding) effort. Between the content and the code, this game comes in at nearly 190,000 words, larger than a standard sized novel. It took the better part of a year to create and more hours than I can count. <br><br>
This game is provided free, in full, for everyone to enjoy, forever. However, if you are happy with this product and are <em>able</em> to send some support this way for this and future projects, I would be incredibly grateful.<br><br>
You can support me on Patreon <a href="" target="_blank">here.</a><br><br>
Thank you again for playing and your support!<br><br>
<<link "Back to Start Page" "Title Page">><</link>><html>
html {height:100%;}
video {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;min-width: 100%;min-height: 100%;width: auto;height: auto;z-index: -100;object-fit: cover;}
#ui-bar {display: none;}
#story {margin: 50px auto 0 !important;}
.banner {width:100%;}
<video poster="beach_img/default-bg.jpg" src="beach_img/beach_vid.mp4" type="video/mp4" id="bgvid" playsinline autoplay muted loop playsinline></video>
<img class="banner" src="beach_img/DDG-banner.jpg" /><br><br>
Hi! My name is DesiDee, the writer and creator of the game you've just played.<br><br>
Thank you soooo much for giving my game a try!<br><br>
Making this was a huge (though rewarding) effort. Between the content and the code, this game comes in at nearly 190,000 words, larger than a standard sized novel. It took the better part of a year to create and more hours than I can count. <br><br>
This game is provided free, in full, for everyone to enjoy, forever. However, if you are happy with this product and are <em>able</em> to send some support this way for this and future projects, I would be incredibly grateful.<br><br>
You can support me on Patreon <a href="" target="_blank">here.</a><br><br>
Thank you again for playing and your support!<br><br>
<<link "Back to Start">>
<<run Engine.restart()>>