(display:"Zero Character")(set:$PCSex to "male")You are Jack, a good-looking guy who gets all the girls. If it wasn't for your hair-trigger, you could be a real Don Juan. No inhibitions, no morals, and a nice income from a trust fund...your life is just about perfect.
You look like this:
<img src="Images\PC Before Change.jpg">
Everything is perfect except for one thing. You've met this awesome girl who lives in your apartment building. She goes to the State University...studying anthropology or some other useless subject. But, of course it's not her mind that interests you. She's got the most perfectly beautiful face you've ever seen...kind eyes with just a hint of mischievousness, long dark eyelashes, perfect skin, kissable lips, straight brunette hair that comes to the middle of her back.
Even better, she's on the varsity track team. She's tall, lean, and athletic with strong thighs and six-pack abs. Her tits aren't large, but they sit up high and firm with nipples bumps that come and go, depending on her mood. Her name is Patricia (goes by Patti) and she's been haunting your dreams for months now.
Patti looks like this:
<img src="Images\Patti on Track.jpg">
[[next->Intro2]]Any other girl, you would have seduced by now. But, it seems that Patti is a lesbian. She hangs out with other lesbians and you're forced to drool from a distance. You remember an old saying about the forbidden fruit being sweetest. In this case, it seems true. You've developed an unhealthy obsession with getting into Patti's pants. No matter who you're having sex with, you're fantasizing about Patti.
<img src="Images\Patti Riding Bike.jpg">
Your friends are worried about you. They tried to distract you with drugs, thrill-seeking vacations, and other hot chics. But nothing seems to work. One of your friends even tried to pay Patti to have sex with you, but she wouldn't be bought. Another tried to blackmail her by threatening to have her thrown out of school, but she didn't back down (and you wouldn't let your friend follow through on the threat).
[[next->Intro3]]Eventually, a friend of a friend knew a guy who's cousin stole some stuff from a Voodoo Queen in Dulac, Louisiana. No one has seen the cousin in months, but the friend of a friend turned everything over to your friend (Wyatt) before his car crash last week.
You told Wyatt you weren't interested, but he's pretty insistent you need to try this. Just now, the two of you are discussing options in your game room.
[[next->Wyatt Persuades]](set:$MetWyatt to 1)Wyatt isn't like most of your friends. He's rather quiet. Thin, with unruly black hair, he looks like a young college professor. He inherited wealth like you did, but Wyatt tends to use his a little differently. A few months ago, he took a trip to Brazil so he could see the rain forest. Really? What can you do in a rain forest?
Wyatt looks like this:
<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 2.jpg">
Wyatt earnestly looks you in the eyes while he talks. "Jack, I really think you should consider this. I've tried some of the things Evan gave me and they really work."
You're skeptical. Your mind is wondering what Patti is up to. You're not even listening to Wyatt that closely, but you make polite conversation. "Like what?" you ask.
[[next->Like what?]]Wyatt thinks for a minute before speaking. His eyes seem especially intense. "You can't ever tell anyone about this."
For a few seconds he pauses and you think he might not continue, but then he does. "Shake my hand."
Really? Shake is hand? Whatever. You grab his hand in your normal, firm-but-not-crushing grip. Wyatt is such an asthmatic little bookworm that you grip his hand like you would a girl's. You keep your body in great shape so as to be more attractive to the girls. You could probably break this guy in half.
Wyatt slowly increases the pressure. At first you match him. Your competitive side drives you to assert yourself as the Alpha male. He may have been working out, but you're still Jack, the guy who played wide receiver for a college football team.
But, Wyatt continues to squeeze harder and harder until you can't match him. And then, you can't even keep your grip any longer as your fingers are forced out and your bones are ground together painfully. When you can't endure it any longer, you jerk your hand away and he lets you. "Oh, shit! What the hell?!" you exclaim. He has your attention now.
[[next->Explanation]]Wyatt steps back and fidgets nervously. "I mixed up a strength spell from the materials Evan gave me. As you can see...and feel...it worked."
"I've made a couple other potions and spells according to the notes, and they've all worked. For another example, I don't need contacts anymore."
"I'm running out of ingredients, but I think I have something that will help get you through this obsession of yours."
Uh-oh. That won't do. You don't want to be 'over' your obsession. You don't want to get over Patti...you want to bang her brains out. "No thanks. I don't want you messing with my mind. I'm not crazy...just crazy about Patti." You tell him.
[[next->Better Idea]]Wyatt grins and brushes a wayward lock of hair out of his eyes. "I expected you would say that. That's why my solution does not mess with your mind at all. And, it doesn't mess with Patti at all." He holds up a finger to forestall your questions and objections. "Just hold on a minute and let me explain."
"Patti is a lesbian. She's got a healthy sex drive, but she's not interested in you because you're a guy. But...what if you weren't a guy? What if I could turn you into a very sexy girl? Patti would fall for you like a ton of bricks!"
You can't believe he just said that. "Are you nuts? I don't want to be a girl! I want to put my dick in her and make her beg."
Again your friend holds up his finger to interrupt. "You didn't let me finish. There's more to the plan."
[[next->Devious]]Wyatt's eyebrows arch and looks a little bit sinister as he continues explaining his plan. "As a hot chic, you seduce Patti. Get her into your bedroom, get her all hot and bothered, get her so turned on she's out of her senses... Then, you turn back into a guy and claim your victory!" His voice rises in triumph when he says 'victory!"
"I'm hoping that, once you've had the unobtainable, you'll lose your obsession. There's also the possibility that Patti will decide she's not opposed to male partners once you've given her a proper hetero-sex orgasm. What do you think?"
Well, if you grant the impossible (changing to a girl and back again) the rest of the plan doesn't sound bad... "Have you tried this out? It sounds a lot more risky than getting stronger or not needing contacts."
[[next->Limitations]]Wyatt crosses his arms and drops his eyes. It looks like you've found the flaw in his plan. "No, I haven't tried it out. I'm running low on ingredients. Until I can find another source, I only have enough to create a couple more spells."
But, he's not ready to give up. He grabs you by both shoulders and stares at you intensely. "Look Jack, there is no perfect plan. We've tried everything. I want to help you. I want my friend back. Aren't you willing to try just about anything to get Patti?"
Hmmm. Well, actually, yes. Such is the power of your obsession that you *would* try just about anything.
"OK. Let's do it."
[[next->End of Intro]]Wyatt claps you on the shoulder. "That's great. I have all the ingredients I need with me. We can get started tonight!" There's just a hint of maniacal gleam in his eyes. Maybe, instead of a young professor, Wyatt is more the 'mad scientist' type.
Without asking your permission, he clears off the dining room table and unpacks a strange assortment of materials and paraphernalia from his leather case. He lights several candles, mixes some powders, and heats some strange-smelling fluids.
Without looking up from his work, he starts to talk in the faraway voice of someone who's mostly concentrating on something else. "We need to get this spell just right. We have to make you look exactly like Patti's wet dream. You know her far better than I do. I need you to tell me about her likes and dislikes so I can customize the spell."
[[next->Customize]]"What color hair does she like?"
[[Auburn]]{(set: $HairColor to "brunette")
}Wyatt shows you a few pictures... "Something like this?"
<img src="Images\PC Brunette A 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$FaceImage to 1)(goto: "Breast Size")]
"...or this?"
<img src="Images\PC Brunette B 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$FaceImage to 2)(goto: "Breast Size")]{(set: $HairColor to "blonde")
}Wyatt shows you a few pictures... "Something like this?"
<img src="Images\PC Blonde A 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$FaceImage to 1)(goto: "Breast Size")]
"...or this?"
<img src="Images\PC Blonde B 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$FaceImage to 2)(goto: "Breast Size")]{(set: $HairColor to "auburn")
}Wyatt shows you a few pictures... "Something like this?"
<img src="Images\PC Auburn A 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$FaceImage to 1)(goto: "Breast Size")]
"...or this?"
<img src="Images\PC Auburn B 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$FaceImage to 2)(goto: "Breast Size")]
"...or how about this?"
<img src="Images\PC Auburn C 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$FaceImage to 3)(goto: "Breast Size")]Wyatt drops a pinch of something into a saucer of something and your can hear a faint fizzing sound. "OK, $HairColor it is."
"What about breasts? Are Patti's friends well-endowed?
[[Enormous!]]{(set: $BreastSize to "B-cup")
(set: $BreastAdjective to "small")
}"Hmmm....on the small side..." Wyatt shows you a few pictures. "Which of these do you think she would like the best?"
<img src="Images\B-cup 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$BreastImage to 1)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\B-cup 2.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$BreastImage to 2)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\B-cup 3.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$BreastImage to 3)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\B-cup 4.jpg">
(link:"Choice #4")[(set:$BreastImage to 4)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\B-cup 5.jpg">
(link:"Choice #5")[(set:$BreastImage to 5)(goto: "Height")]{(set: $BreastSize to "C-cup")
(set: $BreastAdjective to "nice sized")
}"That's a nice size..." Wyatt shows you a few pictures. "Which of these do you think Patti would like best?"
<img src="Images\C-cup.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$BreastImage to 1)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\C-cup 2.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$BreastImage to 2)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\C-cup 3.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$BreastImage to 3)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\C-cup 4.jpg">
(link:"Choice #4")[(set:$BreastImage to 4)(goto: "Height")]{(set: $BreastSize to "D-cup")
(set: $BreastAdjective to "big")
}"D's are nice..." Wyatt shows you a few pictures. "Which of these do you think would be most appealing to Patti?"
<img src="Images\D-cup 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$BreastImage to 1)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\D-cup 2.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$BreastImage to 2)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\D-cup 3.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$BreastImage to 3)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\D-cup 4.jpg">
(link:"Choice #4")[(set:$BreastImage to 4)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\D-cup 5.jpg">
(link:"Choice #5")[(set:$BreastImage to 5)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\D-cup 6.jpg">
(link:"Choice #6")[(set:$BreastImage to 6)(goto: "Height")]{(set: $BreastSize to "DD-cup")
(set: $BreastAdjective to "huge")
}Wyatt whistles. "I guess Patti likes big ones! Here, take a look at these..." He shows you a few pictures. "Which of these would she like best?"
<img src="Images\DD-cup 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$BreastImage to 1)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\DD-cup 2.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$BreastImage to 2)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\DD-cup 3.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$BreastImage to 3)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\DD-cup 4.jpg">
(link:"Choice #4")[(set:$BreastImage to 4)(goto: "Height")]
<img src="Images\DD-cup 5.jpg">
(link:"Choice #5")[(set:$BreastImage to 5)(goto: "Height")]{(set:$HeightTotal to ($HeightFeet * 12) + $HeightInches)
}Wyatt smirks. "Hmmm. No problem. I'll set your height at $HeightAdjective...for a girl."
"But, what about the overall build? You know...what kind of ass does she like..
[[Voluptuous]]{(set: $Shape to "thin")
}Wyatt shows you a few pictures... "Which one of these do you think Patti would prefer?"
<img src="Images\Ass Thin 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$AssImage to 1)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Thin 2.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$AssImage to 2)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Thin 3.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$AssImage to 3)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Thin 4.jpg">
(link:"Choice #4")[(set:$AssImage to 4)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Thin 5.jpg">
(link:"Choice #5")[(set:$AssImage to 5)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Thin 6.jpg">
(link:"Choice #6")[(set:$AssImage to 6)(goto: "Done")]{(set: $Shape to "athletic")
}Wyatt shows you a few pictures... "Which one of these do you think Patti would prefer?"
<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$AssImage to 1)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 2.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$AssImage to 2)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 3.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$AssImage to 3)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 4.jpg">
(link:"Choice #4")[(set:$AssImage to 4)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 5.jpg">
(link:"Choice #5")[(set:$AssImage to 5)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 6.jpg">
(link:"Choice #6")[(set:$AssImage to 6)(goto: "Done")]{(set: $Shape to "shapely")
}Wyatt shows you a few pictures... "Which one of these do you think Patti would prefer?"
<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$AssImage to 1)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 2.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$AssImage to 2)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 3.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$AssImage to 3)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 4.jpg">
(link:"Choice #4")[(set:$AssImage to 4)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 5.jpg">
(link:"Choice #5")[(set:$AssImage to 5)(goto: "Done")]{(set: $Shape to "voluptuous")
}Wyatt shows you a few pictures... "Which one of these do you think Patti would prefer?"
<img src="Images\Ass Voluptuous 1.jpg">
(link:"Choice #1")[(set:$AssImage to 1)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Voluptuous 2.jpg">
(link:"Choice #2")[(set:$AssImage to 2)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Voluptuous 3.jpg">
(link:"Choice #3")[(set:$AssImage to 3)(goto: "Done")]
<img src="Images\Ass Voluptuous 4.jpg">
(link:"Choice #4")[(set:$AssImage to 4)(goto: "Done")]Wyatt backs away from the table as there's a final puff of smoke.
"OK, almost ready. This is what you're going to look like..."
(Display: "Calculate Weight")
(Display: "Player Appearance")
"What do you think?"
(if:$CustomizingForChapter2 is 0)[ [[I like it->Take the Red Pill]]](else:)[(link:"I like it")[(goto:"More customizing")]]
[[Can I make changes?->Customize]]Height: $HeightFeet' $HeightInches"
Weight: $PlayerWeight lbs
Hair: $HairColor
Breasts: $BreastSize
Figure: $Shape
(display:"Face Image")
(display:"Naked Breast Image")
(display:"Ass Image")"Here...swallow this." Wyatt hands you a small red pill.
"What's this? I thought it was a spell.
"The pill attracts and focuses the Voodoo. I'm not nearly as powerful as an experienced Voodoo Queen. Even right here in the same room with you, I couldn't possibly transform you without this. I'd be just as likely to transform myself as you." He chuckles in that nervous way people do when something is more scary than funny.
Whatever. You've already made up your mind. You swallow the little red pill. Nothing happens. You don't feel a thing.
Wyatt refers to his notes for a minute, then looks up and speaks with conviction. "OK, let's get started."
[[next->Cast the Spell]]You turn out the lights and Wyatt starts to speak some strange words in a low voice. He waves his hands over the candles and the flames flicker, shadows dancing on the walls.
It takes him about 15 seconds to combine the last ingredients and speak the arcane words. As he speaks, his voice seems to develop a deeper timbre until you can feel the vibrations in your chest. And then, just as you're starting to worry the neighbors might call the cops, he's done. Dead silence. No motions, no clap of thunder, no disorientation...nothing.
[[next->Results]]{(display:"Initial Variables")
}Except...now you're looking up at Wyatt. And, there's a wisp of $HairColor hair in your way. You hold up your hands and see that they're smaller and definitely feminine.
Wyatt is staring as if he can't believe it actually worked.
Your clothes are just hanging on you...way too big. And, of course the first thing any guy would do when he's suddenly transformed into a woman...you grab your chest. Yep, those are probably $BreastSize, but they feel bigger in your smaller hands. And, the second thing...yep, the package is gone. You're starting to be alarmed.
[[next->Alarmed]]"I didn't think it would work!" your voice comes out in a rather pleasant but high-pitched tone.
"I had my doubts." You can practically see the wheels turning behind Wyatt's eyes. "OK, let's get you dressed. You need to work quickly. The longer you stay in this form, the harder it will be for me to change you back."
"What!? You never said anything about that!" It never really occurred to you that you might be stuck in this form. Probably because you didn't really believe the spell would work at all.
[[Next->Last Chance]]Wyatt seems concerned. "OK, you can still back out. I should be able to change you back in about 10 minutes. Is that what you want?" You can see a hint of disappointment in his eyes...and maybe just a hint of something else...could it be lust?
What if Patti would look at you with lust like that? Just thinking about it makes you feel warm all over. You brush the wisp of $HairColor hair out of your eyes and head to the bathroom, announcing your intentions to Wyatt "No, I'm not going to back out now. Let's do this."
[[Next->Change Clothes]]In the bathroom, you quickly strip off your shirt and pants, still staring in disbelief at the $BreastSize breasts pushing out the front of your t-shirt. You're really very attractive. You turn to face the mirror and slowly peel off the t-shirt, teasing yourself just a little.
(display:"Naked Breast Image")
Wow. Very nice. Your tits are perfectly shaped and very firm. The aureolae are a bit larger than a quarter and slightly puffed out from the contour of your breasts. The nipples are sleeping, but appear to have potential. As a red-blooded male, you feel an almost uncontrollable urge to play with your new chest. The door is shut. No one will know.
[[Play with your breasts]]
[[There's no time for that]]Carefully at first, you reach your right hand up to cup your right breast. It feels so firm, it's almost swollen. And, it's heavy too. Even better, you can feel what it's like to be touched there. With a little bit of experimentation, you discover that some of your old techniques maybe weren't quite as effective as you thought they were.
<img src="Images\Nipple Caress.gif">
Caressing your breasts feels so amazing that you completely loose track of time. Your nipples have tightened up into hard little pebbles. The aureolae are crinkled with goose-bumps and the breasts themselves feel somehow swollen and tight. A glance in the mirror shows your face is a bit flushed.
(set:$BreastStimSkill to it + 1)
''Skill: Breast Stimulation +1.
New Value: $BreastStimSkill''
(set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal''
[[Next->Take off Pants]] Reluctantly, you force yourself to stay focused on the big picture. Soon, hopefully, you'll have your hands on Patti's tits! You shiver at the thought and continue getting undressed.
(set:$Willpower to it + 1)
''Your willpower has increased.
Current willpower is $Willpower.''
[[Next->Take off Pants]]While checking out your new tits was exciting, you're really apprehensive about what happened to your genitals. You pull off your pants and strangely empty underwear to reveal a very nice and completely hairless pussy. (if: $PlayerArousal > 0)[If you look closely you can see just a hint of dampness there. Playing with your breasts has left you a little horny.]
(display:"Ass Image")
You've got nicely flared hips and an overall nice shape. If it was up to you, you'd like to tone that midsection a little more. You turn to various angles, checking yourself in the mirror. You put your shoulders back to emphasize your breasts; you arch your back to emphasize your ass; you suck in your stomach to look a bit more trim. Very nice. Guys would love to do you. Hopefully Patti will feel the same way.
[[Next->Pussy]]Your eyes are drawn to your pussy. It looks so cute... It's slightly puffy, with small lips. Again, you feel the powerful urge to touch your new equipment. When are you ever again going to have the chance to see what it feels like to have ''your'' pussy touched? Ok, hopefully Patti will be doing that soon. But, still...
[[See what your pussy feels like]]
[[Not right now]]Oh, wow. It's SO sensitive. (if:$PlayerArousal > 0)[Since it's already somewhat moist, your dainty middle finger easily slips inside.](else:)[You gently stroke the lips a few times, marvelling at the new sensations. In no time at all you feel a dampness building. Carefully, you part the lips and your middle finger slips inside.
(set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal'']
You can feel a tiny bit of pressure building at the front of your slit. Your clit! It's not big. In fact, it's completely hidden. But, you find it. OOOhhhh! Yes. How can anything so tiny feel so good? It's only a bit bigger than a pea, but it feels even more sensitive than the tip of your cock used to. Even inside its sheath, it's really turning you on to work it back and forth with your index finger. You find that your old techniques were much too forceful. This little guy in the boat needs special treatment.
<img src="Images\Standing Masturbation.jpg">
Your $Shape body is heating up and your legs are starting to quiver. You should probably sit down before you fall down.
(set:$PussyFingering to it + 1)
''Skill: Pussy Fingering +1.
New Value: $PussyFingering''
(set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal''
[[Sit down and continue to explore]]
[[That's enough...time to get dressed]]Somehow, it just doesn't seem right. You don't want to be a woman forever do you? Wyatt said time was limitied, so let's get moving here.
(set:$Willpower to it + 1)
''Your willpower has increased.
Current willpower is $Willpower.''
[[Time to get dressed->That's enough...time to get dressed]] You sit on the cold toilet seat (thinking, why don't I have a toilet seat cover?) and lean back against the tank. Your left hand moves up tug gently on your swollen left nipple while your dominant right hand explores and twiddles between your legs.
The pleasure builds slowly. You want to come...now! But, it's not that easy. You're getting really wet. Your fingers are coated with your juice. But, where's the orgasm? As a guy, the pressure would become uncontrollable. As a guy, the orgasm would take you whether you were ready or not.
<img src="Images\Masturbating on Toilet.jpg">
You move both hands to your pussy. With the right hand, you're plunging two fingers in and out, trying to find a G-spot or H-spot or something that will get you off. With the left hand, your thumb carefully moves your tender clit back and forth within its soggy sheath.
Your eyes are shut tight, brow furrowed, mouth slightly open. The veins in your neck are standing out and your fingers are getting tired. You stretch out both legs, tightening the muscles in your thighs and your lower stomach at the same time.
[[Next->Not Quite]]
You've watched Patti's girlfriends come and go for months, so you have a really good idea how she likes them to dress (as little as possible). On the other hand, you weren't sure exactly what size your new body would be, so picking out clothes ahead of time was a challenge. At Wyatt's suggestion, you kept it simple. You have a dozen bikinis to choose from. One of them is bound to fit.
(if: $Willpower > 0)[You resist the urge to try on every last one and quickly settle on thin black wisp of a bikini. It's very understated which leaves the viewers eyes to focus on your feminine charms.](else:)[So many choices! You feel compelled to try on every single one and model it in front of the mirror. You love the way they show off your body.
Eventually, you settle on thin black wisp of a bikini. It's very understated which leaves the viewers' eyes to focus on your feminine charms.]
Once you're sure everything is in place, you put on a pair of strappy sandals with 1-inch heels, apply some perfume, and emerge from the bathroom.
[[Next->Show Wyatt]]But, it doesn't come. Your arousal fades a bit. Your clit is too sensitive. Your hands are starting to cramp. Your butt is hurting and your back is hurting from your uncomfortable perch on a cold hard toilet. Damn, that's frustrating.
After a couple minutes, you get up and carefully wash yourself off. You feel a little shaky. You're still very much turned on, but you know there's no point to continuing to masturbate right now. It felt really good...just without a peak. Maybe you can try again later.
(set:$PussyFingering to it + 1)
''Skill: Pussy Fingering +1.
New Value: $PussyFingering''
(set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal''
[[Next->That's enough...time to get dressed]] Wyatt has been working on his magical ingredients. There's an impressive array of powders, flasks, and pouches scattered across your dining room table. He looks up from his work as you approach.
He opens his mouth, but says nothing. You feel exposed and almost naked as his eyes devour you from head to toe. For some reason, you stop and strike a pose for him...right leg bent, hand demurely on chin, shoulders back, and a smile on your face. Wyatt comes around the table and stands in front of you, his eyes still failing to meet yours as he stares at your breasts.
"Jack? Oh my." Wyatt walks slowly around you, soaking up your form from all angles. When he's back in front of you again, he looks a little flustered.
You've always been relatively handsome, but not to the point where it would get you special treatment. You were attractive enough that women didn't immediately reject you, but not so handsome as to entice them into taking the initiative. Now...with this body...you feel much more confident in your appearance.
[[Next->Still showing Wyatt]]You're not into guys, but you find that it's a total blast to tease Wyatt. You cup your right breast, barely covered by a wisp of a bikini, and lift it up a little. "Do you think we got them big enough? I know Patti likes at least an $BreastSize."
Just as you expected, Wyatt looks hungry as he watches your hand enviously. (if:$PlayerArousal > 0)[He can see the bump from your aroused nipple.] "Yes. Yes.. I think they're perfect!"
Curious, you steal a glance at Wyatt's crotch. It's not like he's going to notice what your eyes are doing. He's staring at your breasts with laser-like intensity. As you suspected, Wyatt's got a slight bulge growing in his pants.
[[This is fun!]]
[[This is weird.]]Your grin gets just a little bit wider. (if: $PlayerArousal is 0)[You flick your nipples a few times with a long, pearly fingernail and watch your nipples perk up. (set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal'']
You step closer to him so that he could reach up and touch you, if he dared. You toss your $HairColor hair just a bit and let your perfume drift over to him.
"W w w what are you doing?" Wyatt is stammering! You've never heard him stammer in all the time that you've known him.
"Just letting you get a closer look. I want you to see exactly what you've done to me. Look at these." Your look is something between playful and cruel as you pull up the bikini top and reveal those incredibly firm tits in all their glory.
(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1) ''You're an exhibitionist
Exhibitionism increased.
New value is $Exhibitionism''
Wyatt's fingers are starting to twitch. He unconsciously wets his suddenly dry lips. "You're beautiful."
[[Continue teasing]]
[[End this]]In your mind, you're very much still a heterosexual male. Standing naked in front of drooling guy just doesn't feel right to you, especially if it's someone you know. Maybe if it wasn't Wyatt...
In any case, you decide to end the teasing and move on.
[[Next->Prep for Mission]]Wyatt is something of a nerd. He's never been as successful with the women as you are. He's just so damn logical and serious all the time. It's kind of funny seeing him all nervous and flustered. Hmmm... How should you proceed?
[[Touch yourself]] Give him a really good show.
[[Touch him]]. He's going to have a meltdown!
[[Never mind->End this]]. You've changed your mind.You decide that Wyatt has had enough. He needs to be clear-headed to cast the spell that will return you to your normal form. You wouldn't want to be stuck as a woman for the rest of your life. You stop the posing and step away from him.
[[Next->Prep for Mission]] It's time for any last preparations you might need to make before you go looking for Patti.
Wyatt hands you a green pill. "Here. You'll need this. I'll be casting the spell to turn you back into a man from here. That's a long distance for me. At that distance, I don't have a chance without the pill."
"OK. Whatever." You say and start to pop the pill into your mouth.
"Stop!! Not yet!" Wyatt is practically screaming. "You can't take the pill until it's time. I have to cast the spell within 5 minutes of you taking the pill. All of the magic energy I create will seek out the body holding the pill and turn that body into a man. No pill, no balls. Got it?"
"O...K... Got it." You take the pill and put it in a small plastic bag inside your purse.
"We're not trying to make you look a certain way, so all I'm going to do is change your sex to male. That will let your body seek it's own normal male shape. It's easier that way. I need all the help I can get." You wish Wyatt sounded more confident.
[[I'm ready]]"You know, Wyatt, this body is really hard for me to control. (if:$PlayerArousal > 1)[I was in the bathroom so long because I just couldn't stop touching myself.]" You slowly move your right hand down over your stomach (while sucking it in) and down to the front of your bikini bottom. His eyes follow your hand.
You gently and slowly rub your finger up and down over your tiny bikini. "Uhhhh" you let out a little grunt. "When I touch myself like that, it feels really awesome."(set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal''
Wyatt can't control himself any longer. The slow clumsy way he reaches out to grab you...it reminds you of a zombie from a cheap horror movie. (if:$PlayerArousal > 3)[You're so turned on right now that you don't immediately react. He puts his left arm around your shoulders while grabbing your left breast with his right hand.
[[Next->Wyatt groping]]](else:)[Instinctively, you jump back out of his reach. Do you really want to let Wyatt feel you up?
[[Yes->Wyatt groping]]
[[No->End this]] ]
While looking him straight in the eye with your sexiest look, you reach out and touch his chest, slowly walking your fingers lower...and lower...until...Wyatt can't control himself any longer. The slow clumsy way he reaches out to grab you...it reminds you of a zombie from a cheap horror movie. (if:$PlayerArousal > 3)[You're so turned on right now that you don't immediately react. He puts his left arm around your shoulders while grabbing your left breast with his right hand.
[[Next->Wyatt groping]]](else:)[Instinctively, you jump back out of his reach. Do you really want to let Wyatt feel you up?
[[Yes->Wyatt groping]]
[[No->End this]] ]He's surprisingly strong. Or, it could be that you're just surprisingly weak in this new form. (if:$Shape is "athletic")[You're athletic enough that you could probably get free, if you tried really hard.] He's plucking at your nipples, kissing your neck and ear. You can feel his erection pushing against you. There's a fire growing in your core.
(set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal''
This is it...point of no return. Are you going to let him fuck you, or are you going to try and get things back under control?
[[Fuck Wyatt]]
[[Escape his grasp]]You've decided to surrender to lust. Your body is burning and you can't help yourself.
''You're actually considering getting fucked by a dick!?!?
Attraction to Males increased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value is $MaleAttraction''
But, Wyatt can't go through with it. "Hold on. Wait. You're still Jack. I can't do this!"
"What do you mean? I want this. I need this! I'm burning up." How can he tell you no?
"This time tomorrow, you'll be back in your old form. I can't face looking at a dude and knowing that I fucked him. No. No. No. Stay focused." Wyatt's self-control is re-established.
It takes a few minutes, but you finally realize he's serious. You're extremely frustrated, but you eventually manage to control yourself.
[[Prep for Mission]] You grab one of the fingers that's working on your tits and you bend it back painfully. Then, taking advantage of his distraction, you twist away and step back. "Stop Wyatt. Get ahold of yourself. I know I led you on, but that's because of the spell. I really don't want this."
It's enough. He looks enraged for a second, and then he looks surprised, and finally crestfallen. "I can't believe I did that. You are so hot, I completely lost control. Please, don't ever tell anyone about that."
"No problem. You don't think I want to tell anyone I almost had sex as a girl do you?"
[[Next->Prep for Mission]] "Just text me about 5 minutes before you take the pill. That'll give me time to start the spell." Wyatt has told you this before. He must think you're an airhead.
"Wish me luck." You grab your pool bag and awkwardly move past Wyatt on your way to the door.
"Good luck. Or, am I supposed to say 'break a leg'?" He's back to his cool, calm collected, nerdy self.
(if:$PlayerArousal is 1)[You, on the other hand, are still a little aroused.] (if:$PlayerArousal is 2)[You, on the other hand, can still feel the hot dampness in your pussy.] (if:$PlayerArousal > 2)[You, on the other hand, are are still horny as hell.
]Without another word, you shut the door to your apartment and head down the hall toward the elevator.
[[Next->Hallway]]Since it's summer time, it's not at all unusual for someone to be walking the halls in a bikini. So, it's a little unnerving when two twenty-something dudes stare as you walk by. Haven't they ever seen a girl before. Jeeez.
On a hunch, you look back over your shoulder after you've passed them. Sure enough, they've both turned around, watching your backside move. For a split second, you consider teasing them. it was //so much fun// teasing Wyatt. But, no. You've got your sights set on something much better.
The elevator comes. You step inside with a thirty-something couple who are also headed to the 9th floor.
[[Headed up]]By now, you're expecting the guy to stare at you. He stealthily moves to a position where he can see you without the woman noticing. At least, he //thought// she wouldn't notice. Redheads are so volatile! She throws a sharp elbow into his midsection and he deflates like last year's beachball. Hilarious! Wait...did you just giggle? When did you learn to giggle? Whatever. It sounded cute. Ah, here we are...Patti's floor.
[[Exit the elevator]]Fifteen paces from the elevator, you find yourself in front of Patti's door. Your heart is beating faster. Your mouth is getting dry. What if she's not home? What if she's with someone? What if she's not interested?
Your rational mind wonders why you're being such a wussy. She's already shot you down at least a dozen times. If this doesn't work, it's just one more failure. Why are you all nervous and self-conscious? Let's go for it.
You reach for the doorbell with a trembling finger.
[[Ring doorbell]]{(set:$HeightDiff to 70 - $HeightTotal)
}You can hear a faint chime from behind the door. You step back just a bit so someone looking through the peephole could get a good look at you. Smile. Look pretty.
Your heart skips a beat when you hear the deadbolt slide back and the doorknob turns. And then, there she is!
<img src="Images\Patti opens door 2.jpg">
Wow, she looks so tall from this perspective. At 5' 10", she's at least $HeightDiff inches taller than you are. She's wearing some very short baby-blue shorts and a tight white T-shirt. Oh...and no bra.
You can't move or speak. You just stand there staring at her long beautiful hair and her perfect face and those strong legs and...
"Yes? Can I help you?" Patti's voice rouses you to life. She's actually smiling at you! Patti has //never// smiled at you before.
"Hi! I'm Jill. Mary said I should talk to you." Mary is one of her friends.
[[continue->"Mary said I should talk to you"]]Patti looks up and down the hallway and, not seeing Mary, gives you a puzzled look. "About what?"
You've practiced this over and over, but it sounds strange in your new voice. "I'm so sorry! I've been down at the pool. But, when I got back to my apartment, I found out they're working on my plumbing and I won't be able to take a shower for hours. I called Mary to see if I could use her shower, but she lives several blocks from here. She told me you were a good friend of hers and you wouldn't mind if I used your shower."
Patti looks skeptical. If you were a scruffy-looking male, she'd probably slam the door in your face. But, you're not. Not only do you look like her favorite wet dream, you're obviously smaller and weaker than she is.
After a moment's hesitation, her smile widens and she steps back from the door to [[let you in]].You try not to stare, but this is the sexiest woman alive. You've been obsessed with her for so long... And now, she's standing so close and looking so hot in that tight white t-shirt. And, she's devouring you with her eyes.
As you walk by, nervous and awkward, you glance up from her tits long enough to see that Patti is checking out that pert little ass of yours. Your heart is pounding in your chest, but you're having an effect on her too. (set:$PattiArousal to it + 1)
''Patti's arousal has increased
New Value: $PattiArousal''
Looking around, you see that Patti's place is less 'girly' than most of the chick's apartments you've been in. She's got a FloJo poster on the wall, but very little in the way of decoration. You're also suprised to see the place is messy with unfolded clothes piled on the couch and unwashed dishes on the cabinet.
[[continue->Patti's Apartment]]When you're done looking around, you go for another lustful stare at Patti, only to find she's standing very close. You can smell her perfume. She's so close you can see the tiny sunbleached hairs on her perfectly tanned skin. She's so close, you could just reach out and grab that firm runner's ass.
You wet your suddenly dry lips with the tip of your tiny little tongue. Patti is staring at your chest and you're suddenly aware that your nipples are stiff and easily visible through your bikini top.
The way Patti is staring at them, you think you could probably just grab her right now, but, you only get one shot at this, so you somehow manage to control your urges. "Patti? Where's your shower?"
"Use the one in my bedroom. Here, let me show you."
[[Follow Patti]]What a nice bedroom. Purple comforter...wispy lavender curtains...a whiff of musky-lilac air freshener. Why are you noticing things like that?
Patti opens the door to the master bathroom and stands aside for you to enter. But, she doesn't quite give you enough room. You could barely squeeze by without touching her. Or, you could brush against her.
[[Squeeze by]] to enter. You don't want to startle her.
[[Turn sideways to face]] Patti as you enter.
[[Turn sideways away]] from Patti as you enter.You look Patti in the eyes as you squeeze by, almost daring her to maintain eye contact. She fails as her eyes dart down to inspect your cleavage from directly above. You move slowly, letting her get a good look.
[[Prepare for your shower]]You turn to face Patti and move into the bathroom. If you were the same height, you could brush breasts. But, she's taller than you. Her breasts are just below eye level. So firm...so perfectly shaped...and her nipples are definitely showing her interest. Those awesome breasts are making you hotter. (set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal''
[[Prepare for your shower]] Turning your back to her, you move sideways through the door. As you do, you stick out that firm little ass of yours and brush it firmly against Patti. For just a second, you feel her instinctively grab your ass, but then she immediately lets go. When you're in the bathroom, you turn around and see that Patti's face is a little flushed. (set:$PattiArousal to it + 1)
''Patti's arousal has increased
New Value: $PattiArousal''
[[Prepare for your shower]] Patti points at the wall hooks "You can hang your swimsuit here." And then she just stands there. Wow.
You're more nervous than you've ever been about undressing. You watch Patti's big brown eyes closely as you fumble with the ties to your bikini top. As the cool apartment air hits your $BreastAdjective bare breasts, you feel goosebumps.
Patti's mouth is open. Her eyes are wide. She looks hungry and you suddenly imagine what a cornered rabbit might feel like. Yet, this rabbit wants to get caught. You put your shoulders back and breathe deeply, pushing your $BreastSize breasts out as far as you can. (set:$PattiArousal to it + 1)
''Patti's arousal has increased
New Value: $PattiArousal''
(if: $Exhibitionism > 0)[Teasing is something you enjoy and it turns you on as much as it does her.(set:$PlayerArousal to it + 1)
''Arousal has increased
New Value: $PlayerArousal'']
(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
''Your exhibitionism has increased
New Value: $Exhibitionism''
[[Undress]]You go ahead and remove your bikini bottoms and hang them on the hook. You take your time and turn this way and that, letting Patti get a good look at you. You let your $HairColor hair down and shake your head a few times to loosen it up. Finally, you give her a great big smile and a sexy wink just as you step into the shower.
As you're about to pull the sliding door closed, Patti stops you. She's stammering, flushed, flustered, and judging from the stiffness of those nipples, really turned on. "J-J-Jill... If you want...I could wash your back for you?"
"That would be [[nice]]!"You step into the shower and Patti quickly removes her clothes. She's so much taller than you are. It's intimidating. And, she's so lean and athletic. As a man, you found that exciting. As a smaller woman, it's still exciting, but also...scary.
<img src="Images\Patti Shower Prep.jpg">
You find yourself holding your breath as lifts her shirt over her head. Just as you always imagined! Her breasts are gorgeous. They're perfectly round, and sit high on her chest with no tan lines. The nipples are definitely puckered and extended.
There's very little room in the shower. Patti is grinning like a teenager with a new cell phone as she closes the door behind her.
[[Next->Washing]]You both show an amazing amount of self-control as you gently wash each others' bodies. Yet, inevitably, you feel her hands move around your sides and cup your breasts. You feel the air whoosh out of your lungs. Wow. The slippery, sexy sensation is so intense. You lean back against her and feel her nipples scratching against your shoulders.
When her right hand slides down your stomach and gently parts your labia, it's almost too much. Your legs are all quivery and it takes an effort to stand.
You realize you need to get her turned on and...oh. The pill is in your bag on the bed. You need to get Patti [[out of the shower]].You summon the will to turn in Patti's grasp and face her. Well, you're facing her tits. You can finally let yourself go and devour those awesome breasts. You grab one with each hand and lustfully suckle first one and then the other. (if:$BreastStimSkill > 0)[Then, you remember what your own breasts felt like. You slow down just a little and treat them gently.] Patti loves it. She's making sweet noises in your ears and holding your shoulders.
You need to get her to the bed. "Patti, can we move to the bed?"
She nods enthusiastically. "[[Sure->To the bed]]"Once you've dried, Patti turns down the sheets and crawls onto the bed. Those powerful thighs that drive her to win the 100M run in division II college track are so, so sexy. Her hips aren't as narrow as most runners and with her wasp-thin waist, they look almost voluptuous.
<img src="Images\Patti on Bed as Girl.jpg">
The next 15 minutes go by in a blur. You eat her. She eats you. Breasts, clits, and kisses...oh my!
Now, you're both tribbing each other in a leg-scissors position and you can sense the action is nearing a crescendo. Patti's face is flushed bright red and you can see a couple veins standing out on her forehead. Those nipples look painfully hard and bright red. She's driving against you with growing power and you sense that she's approaching a powerful orgasm.
<img src="Images\Tribbing.jpg">
Time to take [[the pill]]!Without breaking the leglock, you unzip your bag and fish out the little plastic baggie with the green pill inside. You also hit the 'send' button on your cell phone to signal Wyatt that he should start the spell.
Patti sees that you're distracted and it aggravates her a little. She's driving for a world-class orgasm and you're texting! You've made her a little mad and taken the edge off her arousal. She untangles her legs and moves up beside you.
"What have you got there?" she asks, looking at your plastic baggie.
"[[It's a vitamin]]"She's not buying it. "Looks like drugs to me." And then, before you can react, she snatches it out of your hand.
Patti starts to smile again when she sees the look of panic on your face. "Do you want to get high?" she says with the teasing sing-song voice of a taunting child. "Does wittle Jill need her med-i-cine?" She's dangling the sack in front of you.
You try to snatch it back, but she's too fast for you. Forgetting that you're a small and weak woman, you lunge for it but she holds it out of your reach. You wrestle with all your ability, but Patti is just playing with you. Her size and athleticism make this no contest. Instead, she's taking the opportunity to finger your already soaking pussy and pinch your fully erect nipples.
An orgasm takes you by surprise and as your eyes cloud over and the blood rushes through your ears, you momentarily lose focus on the pill.
[[Try to focus->too late]]!When you're able to see straight again, you see that Patti is leaning back on a couple pillows against the headboard with a self-satisfied grin on her face.
"Where's my pill?" you ask sweetly, finally realizing force isn't going to get you what you want. "I'm sorry I didn't bring enough for both of us."
Patti holds up the empty plastic baggie. "I took it. I was mad you weren't paying attention to me. I thought you weren't into me, but I was wrong. That was some orgasm you just had." She's grinning ear to ear.
"No, no, no, no! You don't know what you've done!" You're practically crying.
[[next->consolation]]Patti looks genuinely remorseful. "Don't worry. I can make you feel better than that stupid pill." She moves toward you on all fours with a sensual, catlike grace. "I'm not feeling a thing from that pill. Maybe someone ripped you off?"
You're in shock. No pill means no changing back. You've got to get back to Wyatt before he casts the spell and wastes all his ingredients.
But, Patti is licking your clit. Oh, god, it feels good. You just came, but you can already feel another one building. Damn, she's good. You try to writhe your way out of her arms, but she just follows you, her tongue continuing to lap away at your throbbing clit.
In an instant, it's not Patti licking you. It is, but she's changed. He's changed. Patti is a man. A big man with broad shoulders and chiseled muscles. Oh, shit! You're too late.
She/he draws back and sits on the bed. "Damn! Now I feel it. Wooo... I'm hallucinating I'm a man!"
<img src="Images\Patti is a man 2.jpg">(set:$PattiSex to "male")
It's no hallucination. He has dark brown hair with blonde highlights, blue eyes, beard stubble, washboard stomach, and an 8-inch erection aimed skyward at a 45-degree angle. He looks up at you and you see wildness in his eyes.
You're appearance is Patti's wet dream and she was already aroused to the point of losing her mind. Now, she's got the hormones of a virile young man thrown on top like gasoline on a raging fire.
"If this is a dream, I'm going to enjoy it!" she/he says as he grabs you by the ankle and effortlessly pulls you across the bed.
[[next->defloration]]She/he doesn't waste any time. You start to protest, but she covers your mouth with hers. She pins your hands to the bed with her large male ones. She slides a knee between yours and forces your legs apart. It all happens so swiftly that you barely realize what's happening. Your vagina is already a swamp, so even Patti's large tool slides in without pain.
Patti is even taller as a man. She's about 6' 6" tall and lean, but muscular 225 lbs. Your $HeightFeet' $HeightInches", $PlayerWeight lb female frame is dwarfed in comparison.
You've never been kissed by a man before and part of you is thoroughly disgusted. On the other hand, your pussy feels like heaven! You're stretched and full. Every nerve ending is being powerfully stimulated at the same time. It's beyond anything you could ever imagine. (set:$SexWithPatti to 1)(set:$HadSex to 1)
[[next->fucking]]Wyatt smirks. "Sure... $HairColor hair with $BreastAdjective tits. We can do that!"
"Now I need to know how tall you should be. I'll add just enough...well, you don't want to know what it is."
[[5 feet, no inches]]
[[5 feet, 3 inches]]
[[5 feet, 6 inches]](set: $HeightFeet to 5)
(set: $HeightInches to 0)
(set: $HeightAdjective to "very short")
(goto: "Shape")(set: $HeightFeet to 5)
(set: $HeightInches to 3)
(set: $HeightAdjective to "short")
(goto: "Shape")(set: $HeightFeet to 5)
(set: $HeightInches to 6)
(set: $HeightAdjective to "about average")
(goto: "Shape"){(set: $TotalHeight to $HeightFeet * 12 + $HeightInches)
(if: $Shape is "thin")[(set:$BMI to 18.5)]
(if: $Shape is "athletic")[(set:$BMI to 21)]
(if: $Shape is "shapely")[(set:$BMI to 23)]
(if: $Shape is "voluptuous")[(set:$BMI to 25)]
(set:$PlayerWeight to (round:($BMI * $TotalHeight * $TotalHeight)/703))
(if:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[(set:$PlayerWeight to it + 2)]
(if:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[(set:$PlayerWeight to it + 4)]
(if:$BreastSize is "DD-cup")[(set:$PlayerWeight to it + 6)]
}Completely by instinct, you feel the muscles in your pelvis and vagina contract, squeezing the wet hardness inside you. This brings you even more intense pleasure as the pressure on the sensitive lining of your vagina increases. You can't bear it! The moment you manage to relax, Patti begins to move again, triggering another hard squeeze from you.
Your eyes are wide with...fright? excitement?. You turn your head away from his/her mouth so you can breathe. You're panting, gasping, moaning...but the words 'stop' and 'no' do not come out of your mouth.
Patti picks up speed. She/he's thrusting with urgency now. The look in her eyes seems to say 'I can't control this!'. If anything, that pole within you seems to grow a little longer, and definitely stiffer. You aren't even thinking about stopping. You're angling your pelvis to find the best angle and trying to time your thrusts and squeezes to match Patti's.
[[next->orgasm]]After a couple of especially strong thrusts, it seems like Patti tries to drive her dick straight through you and into the bed. The veins on the side of his/her neck stand out like ropes and she lets out the mating roar of a grizzly bear. You can feel the dick within you throbbing, ejaculating, orgasming.
Your own orgasm strikes just a split second later. Convulsions hit your pussy like hammer strikes...BAM!...BAM!...BAM!...each one driving a lighting bolt of pleasure through your body. You hold on to that big strong body for dear life as your strange female body thrashes out of control.
The contractions continue for what seems like minutes, only gradually losing intensity...bam...bam...bam...so much pleasure, you hope you can endure it. Eventually, the orgasm ends. But, then returns without warning for a few more seconds of contractions when you try to move.
(set:$PlayerArousal to it - 1)(if:$PlayerArousal < 0)[(set:$PlayerArousal to 0)]
''Arousal has been(if:$PlayerArousal > 0)[ partially] sated
New Value: $PlayerArousal''
[[next->leave Patti?]]Patti has fallen beside you on the bed, not moving. With a small struggle, you manage to pull your legs out from under his/hers. Your mind races. What have I done? This is crazy. I've got to get out of here!
You quickly put on your bikini and grab your bag. Patti is only barely beginning to regain life as you move to the door. "Jill? Where are you going? Come back. Please? I don't know what's happened to me." She/he sounds as frightened and unsure as you feel. Suddenly, you feel remorse at what you've done to the woman you've loved from a distance for so long.
Should you hurry back down to Wyatt and let him know what went wrong? [[Leave]]
Or, should you stay here with this man that you've transformed without permission? [[Stay]]
You move quickly out the door and down the hall, ignoring the semen running down your thigh. At least there's no one in the hallway. You enter the elevator and breathe a sigh of relief as the door closes.
Back in your apartment, you tell Wyatt (most of) what happened. He doesn't need to know all the lurid details. He can probably tell from your appearance (and smell) what happened.
"You're not going to tell her?" He looks right at you and you avoid his eyes. His voice sounds disapproving. "You're just going to leave her that way?"
"What can I do?" Your own voice sounds so weak and whiny. Is that really you? You were always so strong and confident. "You said you didn't have the ingredients to cast another spell."
[[next->Discussing Options with Wyatt]]Remorse gets the best of you. Or maybe you really do love Patti, no matter what her form. Or, maybe your female hormones are reacting to the awesome sex you just had. In any case, you decide to stay with her, at least for a while.
Should you tell her what you did? Or...?
[[Tell her everything.->Tell her the truth]]
[[Tell her a half-truth.->Lie to Patti]]"No, I don't have more ingredients. But, I know where to get them and we could certainly use Patti's help."
"Why didn't you tell me this before?" You try not to sound petulant.
"She was a woman before. Now that she's a man...well, it changes things."
Over the next 5 minutes, he explains that he knows the whereabouts of a voodoo coven. He's hopeful that you'll be able to break in and steal some ingredients. The assistance of a 6' 6", athlete could be very helpful. (set:$WyattKnows to 1)
Steal? You wonder what's gotten into Wyatt. "Can't we buy them?"
"No. They'd never sell to an outsider. Stealing is the only way."
Even so, stealing seems out of character for Wyatt. For you...not so much.
[[Go back and recruit Patti]]"I can't stay like this!" her deep male voice growls. "I've got the indoor championships coming up in 3 weeks. I've got a date with Susanne on Friday. I've got class tomorrow!"
The barely restrained power and potential violence of this male athlete is just short of terrifying. You are so tiny and weak in comparison that there's nothing you could do to defend yourself. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...
[[Maybe it's time to go->Explain things to Patti pt 2]].As you head back to Patti's room, your thoughts are a jumble. Do you still lover her? Are you regretting your decision to use magic on her? Was that the most intense sex you ever had?
She's barely moved from where you left her. She's lying in bed, covered with a sheet as if she's ashamed of her new body.
What will you tell her?
[[The truth.->Tell her the truth]]
[[Almost the truth.->Lie to Patti]]You start to get up and leave. Patti sees fear in your eyes and her expression softens. She grabs your wrist in a gentle but irresistable grip. "Hey, wait a minute. It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you." Then, she/he is silent for a bit.
You sit there in silence, wishing you were wearing something more than a bikini. Oh. And Patti is still naked under the sheet.
"Can't your friend just change us back?" She asks?
"We used the last of our ingredients."
"Then we just have to get more." Her spirits seem to have lifted. There is a way forward. "How hard could that be?"
[[Next->Explain things to Patti pt 3]]"One thing is for certain," Patti says as her eyes brazenly study your form, "you absolutely nailed it with that body. You're the sexiest girl I've ever laid eyes on."
You quickly slip free as Patti is distracted. "Get dressed. Let's go talk to Wyatt about where we can get more ingredients."
"Get dressed?!? In what?" Patti looks at you like you're an idiot.
[[Help her look for clothes]]
[[Tell her to find something]]"You've got to have something..." You start to go through her drawers and closet, looking for something she could wear as a 6' 6" male athlete.
She/he bounds out of bed with alarming speed and agility. Before you can even move, this giant naked man of muscle and bone is upon you. "Get out of my clothes!"
She's naked. Her dick isn't exactly hard, but it's not soft either. It felt soooo good. Shit! Why are you staring at a dick? Why are you feeling all hot and flushed?
Give her a big [[sexy smile]]
Tell her to [[calm down]]"Find something to wear. You've got a closet full of clothes, so put something on. We've got work to do. Then, come down to room 305. We need to talk."
[[Leave->Back to Wyatt]]You tell Patti that you've both been transformed by an evil voodoo spell, but your friend Wyatt is trying to figure out how to change you back. You leave out your own role in all this.
''Honesty has decreased (set:$honesty to it - 1)
New value is $honesty''
"And why are you just now telling me this? You told me you came here to take a shower." Patti doesn't seem to like your half-truth.
Unable to think of anything that might sound even partially convincing, you give up and tell her everything.
"You should have told me the truth to begin with!"
"I'm so embarrassed and sorry." You hang your head in shame.
You're relieved when Patti doesn't dwell on your dishonesty. "You really thought I'd have sex with a man just because I was turned on? I don't think it works that way."
You think about your own reactions when she turned into a man. As hot as you were, you still wouldn't have had sex with her/him if she hadn't halfway forced you. "I suppose you're right."
[[Next:->Explain things to Patti pt 1]]You sit on the edge of the bed and spill your whole story. You tell her how you obsessed over her for so long, how you asked a friend to use voodoo, and now you're both in the wrong body.
''Honesty has increased (set:$Honesty to it + 1)
New value is $Honesty''
She looks at you in disbelief. "You really thought I'd have sex with a man just because I was turned on? I don't think it works that way."
You think about your own reactions when she turned into a man. As hot as you were, you still wouldn't have had sex with her/him if she hadn't halfway forced you. "I suppose you're right."
[[Next->Explain things to Patti pt 1]](if:$WyattKnows is not 1)[When you get back to your apartment, Wyatt looks white as a sheet. He just stares at Patti while he whispers to you. "It didn't work? Why are you still a girl?"
"Well, it sort of worked. Except it was Patti who took the pill instead of me." You explain, and then introduce her/him. "Wyatt, this is Patti. Patti, Wyatt is the one who understands voodoo."
](else:)["Wyatt, this is Patti. Patti, Wyatt is the one who understands voodoo."
]The two men shake hands. Wyatt apologizes profusely. "I am so sorry. In retrospect, I can see what a terrible idea this was. I was just trying to help Jack. I know you probably hate me, but I will do whatever it takes to change you back."
For her part, Patti doesn't seem too angry. "Don't be too hard on yourself. I know neither of you intended to change me into a man. And, really, it's been...educational. But, I've got things to do. I need to be changed back right away. So, what's the plan?"
The two men start to discuss possibilities and it's almost like you're not even there.
[[next->Planning pt 1]]Faced with a threatening male, an instinctual reflex takes over. As a man, you would have put on a fierce face, or maybe ran away. As a woman, you look up at Patti and flash a big smile. She/he looks slightly stunned as you bat your eyes a couple times and then put one small hand lightly on the center of her muscular chest. "I'm sorry." you say. "I won't do it again. Do you forgive me?" Your lips pout just a little when you get to the 'forgive me' part.
All the hostility goes out of her. She looks down at your hand on her chest, then at your chest, then back at your eyes. You can see a spark in her eyes. Oh. And you can feel a matching spark in your own groin.
[[Check out her dick]].
[[Tell her to find something]] to wear."Patti! Calm down!" You look as stern as you possibly can, given your current body. "We've got to get moving if we're going to turn back."
She suddenly realizes how ridiculous it is for her to worry about her clothes, given the current situation. She steps into the closet and looks for something to wear. You step back and try not to check out her/his naked backside.
Eventually, she finds a shapeless sweatsuit that isn't too tight. Then, she follows you back downstairs to talk to Wyatt.
[[Next->Back to Wyatt]] (set:$Willpower to it - 1)
''Your willpower has decreased.
Current willpower is $Willpower.''
You can practically feel the heat coming off Patti's body. Looking down, you can see that her dick is nearing full size and no longer dangling freely. It's starting to rise. Your own arousal, never completely gone, is now returning with a vengeance. It's decision time...
[[Tease her]]
[[Tell her to find something]] to wear.''You're exhibitionist nature is hard for you to control
Exhibitionism increased.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value is $Exhibitionism''
Smiling, you turn away and walk back toward the bed, swaying your hips for all you're worth. Then, you sit on the bed, legs slightly spread, and lean back with your hands supporting you. Your back is arched, pushing your $BreastAdjective breasts up and out.
Patti watches every move. Normally, a guy who came just 15 minutes ago would probably be able to control himself. But, Patti is feeling male hormones for the first time in her life. She's also watching the most perfect woman imagineable pose on her bed in a bikini. She walks toward you as if in a daze, her dick rising to horizontal stiffness.
[[Play with yourself]]
[[Tickle her dick]]You ignore Patti. Instead, you slip your right hand under your bikini top and pinch your left nipple, making it deliciously stiff. The left hand goes down the front of your bikini bottoms and your fingers search the swamp for sensitive places to touch.
Patti can't wait. She pushes you over backwards, knees your legs apart, works her dick behind your bikini bottom and presses it against the opening to your vagina. Wow that was quick! And it feels gooooood!
You try to be coy, but it's not working. You hunch your pussy up against her dick. You can't help yourself. Are those cute little grunts and moans coming from you? Ah, shit... You give up. "Fuck me!" you command.
[[Next->Pounding]]Giving her your most seductive smile, you reach out and very gently stroke the underside of Patti's dick. Yeah, that's the sensitive place. In just three strokes, her dick rises to a 45-degree angle and starts to bob with her rapid heartbeat. Somehow, she manages to remain motionless...waiting to see what you'll do next.
''Touching a dick that's not your own isn't so bad
Attraction to Males increased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value is $MaleAttraction''
You stick your right index finger in your mouth and coat it with saliva. Then, you touch the head of her cock with it, making it wet and slippery. As she gasps and her hips start to quiver, you run your finger rapidly around the head of her cock. You snicker to yourself: 'Let's see how you feel about that!'
[[Next->Pounding]] Both of you are eager to repeat the intense sex you had less than an hour ago. This time, you're not taken by surprise...you've intentionally instigated sex with a male. At least she looks like a male.
Patti has no self-control, even after her recent orgasm. She's not interested in foreplay. She just wants to get that dick inside you as soon as possible. Fortuantely, you have the same idea. You get up on your hands and knees and offer yourself to her. In no time at all, she's pounding away.
You ask her to slow down and not be so rough. Maybe she tries. Maybe it could have been even rougher. Still, you're amazed that your tiny body isn't damaged from the pounding. It takes Patti a little longer to reach her orgasm this time. You have two more orgasms and could probably get another one if you weren't completely exhausted. (set:$SexWithPatti to it + 1)
After resting for half an hour, you both clean up and head down to see Wyatt.
[[next->Back to Wyatt]]
Height: $HeightFeet $HeightInches
Weight: $PlayerWeight
Hair: $HairColor
Breasts: $BreastSize, $BreastAdjective, $Bra
Figure: $Shape
Clothing: $Bra, $Panties
Skills, Abilities & Character:
$DickHandlingWyatt gives a brief rundown on what he knows about voodoo. "The first thing I want you to understand is that this isn't really voodoo. I called it that because that was just about the only term in my vocabulary for magic. This is something else. I don't know what to call it, so for now, it's still voodoo."
"There seems to be no limit to the variety of spells a person can cast with this voodoo. Here are the general steps involved:
1) Find a spirit that's capable of doing what you want
2) Tell the spirit what you want
3) Pay the spirit"
"I don't know how anyone found these spirits in the first place. Luckily, I have a book that lists the names of several dozen spirits and the kinds of tasks they might perform. There's one easy spell for communicating with any spirit, so long as you have their name."
[[Next->Planning pt 2]]
Wyatt continues to talk about the voodoo. "Telling the spirit what you want done is probably the most difficult part. The spirits don't speak English. For that matter, they don't speak any human language. I've had to learn the spirit language. What I can ask for is limited by my vocabulary and command of the language. If I say it wrong, there could be dire consequences."
"Finally, there's payment. To me, this is the strangest part. There are some elements...ingredients, you could call them...that enable the spirits to have feelings for a short time, similar to what it feels like to be alive. When the elements are combined in specific ways, they can cause different feelings. Each spirit has its own favorite recipe, but the basic ingredients are pretty much the same."
[[Next->Planning pt 3]]Patti finally interrupts Wyatt. "So, with enough ingredients, you could get a spirt to make me run faster? I could set a world record?" She seems to be very casual about getting voodoo cast on her.
Wyatt looks like a professor answering a question from a precocious student. "Yes, I suppose I could do that. During my research I learned that at least a few of the most famous athletes had voodoo 'assistance' to their efforts."
[[Ask Wyatt why the queens aren't all powerful->Planning pt 4]]
Enough with the history lessons...
[[Ask Wyatt how to get more ingredients.->Planning pt 5]]
Wyatt is such a 'straight arrow'. He could make millions for himself with this power. Which brings up a question... You ask "So, with all this power, why aren't voodoo queens running the world?"
Wyatt gives you a big smile. Is that because you asked a smart question, or is it because he's treating you like an attractive girl? "I wondered the same thing." He says. "From what I can tell, there's this unwritten code of conduct where they all eschew wealth and political power. If a queen gets too rich or too politically influential...Poof!...she disappears. Literally, she disappears and is never seen again."
[[Next->Planning pt 5]]
Wyatt grimaces before continuing. "The good news is that most of the ingredients can be easily purchased. It's just a matter of knowing what to buy and how to combine it."
"...and the bad news?" Patti beats you to the obvious question.
"There are a few ingredients that I don't even really know exactly what they are. I just know that we can get some from a voodoo queen." From Wyatt's tone of voice, you gather that they might not be anxious to share.
"What's the catch?" You ask. "Are they expensive? Do we have to travel to another city?"
[[Next->Planning pt 6]]"A voodoo queen would never willingly part with her ingredients. The only way to get their ingredients is to take them." Wyatt is such a straight arrow. He gets solemn when discussing theft. In fact, it's rather odd for him to suggest such a thing at all. Has the magic changed him too?
You think back to how Wyatt got the ingredients that turned you into a woman... "Wyatt... What do you think happened to Kent?"
Wyatt starts to answer and then looks stricken. Did he never think of this before? How could he be so dense. "The police said it was an accident. It had to be an accident." He doesn't sound so sure about it.
After a long pause, he says "Shit!" Wyatt never uses bad language. "I think maybe that queen from Dulac may have had something to do with it! We're going to have to be extremely careful. If we show up asking to have a voodoo spell reversed, they're going to know how we did it."
[[Next->Planning pt 7]]"How do we even find a Voodoo Queen?" Patti wants to know.
"I hired a PI a couple weeks ago. Right now, he's tracking down some leads. He hopes to have details for me soon."
"Soon? I could be like this for days!" Your voice sounds shriekingly high-pitched. "What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"
"Just wait, I suppose. I don't know what else to do." Wyatt is no help.
Patti has an idea, though. "We need clothes. Jack's 'guy' clothes don't fit me and my 'girl' clothes don't fit him. Let's go...shopping!" Can she really be happy about that?
[[Next->Shopping?]]It looks like Wyatt is going to do some research. While Patti goes shopping for new clothes. What about you?
[[Help Wyatt with research.]]
[[Go clothes shopping with Patti.]]
[[Go downstairs to the gym.]]"No thanks, Patti. I think I'll stay here and help Wyatt with his research."
Patti looks a little disappointed. "OK, suit yourself. Maybe I'll bring you back some clothes." And, then she leaves.
At first you're afraid Wyatt might be distracted by your looks, but he's a paragon of single-minded focus once he gets started on a project. (if: $Exhibitionism > 0)[You consider testing him... Maybe if you brushed up against him, or let him look down your cleavage? But, then you realize you don't want to disrupt his research.] So, you decide to help him with his work.
[[Next->You have talent]]
You and Patti spend several hours shopping and have a great time. You pick up several outfits and can now appear in public as a normally dressed woman.
Your new body seems to be very maleable. It responds to your preoccupation with appearance by subtly improving the attractiveness of your face.
(set: $Prettiness to it + 1)
''Prettiness increases.
New value: $Prettiness''
Finally, you decide to [[head home.->Return from shopping]].With nothing to wear but your bikini, you head for the gym. The one in your apartment complex isn't very big. There's a small selection of cardio equipment, a few dumbells, and an all-in-one strength machine. You jump on the bench and find that you're much, much weaker than you were as a man.
Your new body seems to be very maleable. It responds to the physical stimulation of of an intense workout by quickly increasing your strength by a small amount.
(set: $Strength to it + 1)(set:$WentToGym to 1)
''Strength increases.
New value: $Strength''
There are only two other people here, both men. One older guy has his back to you, pedaling slowly on a bike, watching the news. The other is a teenager. Maybe 18? He's not very tall. He's got a mop of wavy brown hair.
[[Next->Gym 2]]The kid is watching you. Of course he is. He's using the mirrors to watch you, even when he's not facing you. (if: $Exhibitionism < 1)[You're not an exhibitionist and it makes you uncomfortable. You give him a dirtly look, but he can't help himself, so you decide to [[Head back to your apartment.]]] (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[You really like being watched, even if he's just a boy. Maybe you should have a little fun and [[Pose]] for him just a bit...]The kid with the thick, wavy hair seems to especially like your $BreastSize breasts. Smiling to yourself, you toss your $HairColor hair out of the way and make sure you've got your chest puffed out for maximum effect as you move to the pull-down station, right next to the boy.
He's sitting on the shoulder press station, but he's not working out. His eyes go up and down as you strain your weak feminine shoulders to move a tiny amount of weight. You're both getting red in the face...you from exertion and him from excitement. Too bad he's wearing those baggy shorts. You'd like to see if he's getting hard from looking at you.
Oooh. For an exhibitionist like you, it's a turn-on just thinking about this boy getting excited looking at your scantily clad body. A bikini is NOT a good wardrobe choice for you, unless you're looking to stay hot and bothered all day. Too bad this isn't a hot teenage girl staring at you. Oooh, that's an arousing thought too.
[[Ask the boy for a spot]] while you work with the dumbbells.
[[Head back to your apartment.]] When you get back, you find that Wyatt has made some minor progress on his research, but there's still nothing he can do without ingredients. He continues with his reading until Patti gets back from shopping.
[[Next->Patti returns from shopping]] Of course he agrees. But, he looks scared to death. "Don't worry" you try to calm him down. "I don't use much weight."
You pick up the 5 lb weights and lay on your back, long $HairColor hair fanning out on the bench around you. He seems mesmerized by your $Shape form. "What's your name?" you ask as you try to do a dumbbell fly with your quivering little arms. "I'm Jack..eline", you almost screwed up. "My friends call me Jacki."
"M.m.m.mitch." he says. One word, but it seems to have taken great effort to come out with it. Were you ever that tongue tied around girls? Yeah, probably, as a teenager.
After your third wobbly rep, the weights are refusing to go up a fourth time. You're caught off guard by how quickly you lost what little strength you had. Mitch sees the sudden panic in your eyes and grabs the weights just before you would have dropped them, maybe saving you from a bruised face in the process.
[[Thank him]]"Thanks, Mitch!" You're looking up at him with a flushed face and nipples that are starting to show through your bikini top. "You saved me there. I pushed it a little too far." He doesn't say anything. Baggy shorts or not, you think you can see the outline of something in there. "I'm lucky you're so strong. You grabbed those weights like they were light as balloons!" Yeah, it sounds corny, but he grins just a little and draws his shoulders back.
[[Offer to spot him]]
[[Check out that lump]]
[[Ask him to hold your feet]] while you do sit-ups
[[Head back to your apartment.]] You get up, carefully invading Mitch's space without actually touching him. You probably have a strong musky/sweaty odor going and as close as you are, he's probably getting a good whiff. He picks up a pair of 15 lb weights and takes your place on the bench. Mitch isn't an athlete. You wonder if he just came in the gym to check you out. Oooh, that would be cool.
You stand at the end of the bench, bikini bottom just a couple inches from the top of Mitch's head, and lean over him, ready to assist if needed. He better not need much help...your arms feel heavy and weak after your workout.
You glance down at his shorts and barely manage not to laugh. They're tented up in an undeniable sign of arousal. Mitch powers through the first five reps and then begins to slow. When he looks like he might not get another rep, you urge him on. "Come on, Mitch! One more. You can do it!" and you put your palms under his elbows to help him lift. In this position, your breasts are hanging just inches above his face. Maybe you dipped down just a little lower than necessary... He could probably see the drops of sweat forming on your cleavage. He's probably desperate to use his tongue...
[[End the exercise]]As you get up from the bench you 'accidentally' brush up against him. Yep, he's got a stiffie. Mitch grunts like you punched him in the gut and steps back awkwardly. He's so shy and self-conscious! Doesn't he know that girls don't 'accidentally' brush up against boys' erections?
You step close to him and whisper "That's a nice cock you've got there, Mitch."
Mitch is really worked up now! [[Next->Mitch Decision]]"I need to do some crunches. Would you mind holding my feet?" You give him a sweet little smile.
You sit down on the mat, knees bent, and Mitch puts his hands over your sneakered feet. He's just a boy, but your feet look so small in his hands. You plant your butt, put your hands on your shoulders and start to work your abs. After your trouble with the weights, your pleasantly surprised to see your abs are in pretty good shape. (if:$BreastAdjective is "enormous")[Of course, if your tits weren't so huge, this would be easier](if:$BreastAdjective is "large")[Your $BreastSize breasts add to the challenge, though.] (if:$BreastAdjective is "small")[Your perky little tits don't cause you any trouble at all.]
Poor Mitch has a clear view right between your thighs. At first, you try to keep them closed, but it's too hard. Besides, it's fun to watch the effect you're having on him. The small bikini bottom barely covers your most intimate parts. Maybe you spread your legs just a little wider to give him a better view. You're getting a little moist down there.
[[Next->Leg Raises]]Each of you take one of the 15 lb. weights and puts it back on the rack. Mitch takes the opportunity to stand close and continue staring at your breasts. The intensity of his stare just seems to make your nipples harder.
You whisper to him "Sorry...I didn't mean to get you all worked up." and then stare pointedly at the tent in his shorts. Mitch turns an even deeper shade of crimson. "Don't worry. I think you've got a nice cock." The word cock rolls off your tongue like it's something naughty. It looks like Mitch is about to blow a fuse.
[[Next->Mitch Decision]] Mitch finally makes eye contact and whispers "You're so sexy! Do you wanna go...somewhere?" Maybe he's not as shy as you thought he was. Or, maybe his other head is in charge now.
[[I've got to go.->No thanks.]] You're not really into fucking guys...you just like to tease 'em.
[[Where]] would you like to go, Mitch?
[[Put your hand down his shorts]]This has gone far enough. You lean close to Mitch and give him a little kiss on the cheek. "Sorry Mitch, but I've got to go. You were a good sport. Maybe I'll see you around sometime."
(set: $HandInShorts to "false")
The poor boy looks stricken, but before he can react, you're headed out the door. No doubt, he's checking out your backside as you [[Head back to your apartment.]]
The door to the small gym opens and distracts Mitch before he can answer. When he looks over, his face freezes in terror. It's just a 40-something man with a pot gut. Why would Mitch be afraid? Oh! Shit! It's Mitch's Dad. (if:$HandInShorts is "true")[You quickly snatch your hand out of Mitch's shorts as your face turns bright crimson. (set: $HandInShorts to "false")]
As you quickly scurry out the door, you overhear the older man say "Atta boy, Mitch!" Well, at least he's not mad.
It's time to [[Head back to your apartment.]] Finished with your crunches, you roll over on your left side, facing Mitch and begin doing leg raises with your right leg.
You whisper to him "Sorry...I didn't mean to get you all worked up." and then stare pointedly at the tent in his shorts. Mitch turns an even deeper shade of crimson. "Don't worry. I think you've got a nice cock." The word cock rolls off your tongue like it's something naughty. It looks like Mitch is about to blow a fuse.
[[Next->Mitch Decision]] Enjoying the power you have over this boy, you step close to him, look him straight in the eye, and slip your dainty little hand into his shorts. He groans and puts his hands on your ass.
Your new body adapts quickly. In no time at all, you've gotten the knack for handling someone else's penis.
(set: $DickHandling to it + 1)
''Dick handling skill increases.
New value: $DickHandling''
(set: $HandInShorts to "true")
It's amazing how hard and hot that teenage dick is. You run your delicate and soft hands up and down its length and you can feel it surge, somehow getting even harder, and it seems to pulse in your hand. If you keep this up, he's going to make a mess very soon.
[[Get him off]]
[[End this and leave->No thanks.]]
[["Mitch, would you like to go somewhere?->Where]]Smiling a devilish little grin, you watch his face closely as your hand moves quickly up and down his dick. He tightens his grip on your ass and groans in a tone far deeper than his speaking voice. Your hand is blur as he shuts his eyes and pushes his hips forward.
Then, there's a hot mess of gooey sperm in your hand. Mitch collapses onto the weight bench and just sits there. You wipe his mess on his shirt. Then, your head seems to clear a little and you realize what you've done. Looking around quickly, no one seems to have noticed. You decide to hurry back to your apartment. What came over you? Why did you jack that boy off?
(set: $HandInShorts to "false")
[[Continue->Head back to your apartment.]] Your new body seems to be very maleable. It responds to the mental stimulation of Wyatt's research by increasing your mental capabilities.
(set: $Intelligence to it + 1)
''Intelligence increases.
New value: $Intelligence''
Together you manage to decipher some new information about a spirit that does minor transformations. Wyatt is grateful for your help. Apparently you have a knack for the voodoo spirit language. Of course, you still have no ingredients.
(set: $VoodooSkill to it + 1)
''Voodoo skill increases.
New value: $VoodooSkill''
[[Next->Patti returns from shopping]]Wyatt has made some minor progress on his research, but there's still nothing he can do without ingredients. You and Patti show him your new clothes, but Wyatt doesn't seem at all interested.
{(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[[[I bet he'd be interested if I tried on some of these clothes...->Try on clothes]]]}
[[Time to start planning our next move.->Willpower]]Patt bought a load of clothes while she was out shopping and it seems like at least half of them are for you.
"Jack, I just can't wait to see you in this cute little yellow dress I found." Patti is holds it up for you to see and you have to admit it does look cute. No doubt that will really show off your butt and legs.
Do you want to try it on?
[["OK, let's see what you got me."->Try on clothes]]
[["No, we really need to figure out how to get changed back."->Willpower]](if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[ You've shown some ability to control your exhibitionist nature.
(set:$Willpower to it + 1)
''Your willpower has increased.
Current willpower is $Willpower.''
The three of you are talking about nothing particularly interesting.
[[next->phone call]]You take the clothes and retreat into the bedroom. Patti tries to follow, but you wave her off. "no, no no... no boys allowed." you say in a slightly teasing tone.
She really did do a good job of picking out clothes. There's so much and you're pretty sure you're going to look good in all of it. You barely suppress a giggle and a shiver as you think about all the lustful and envious stares you're going to attract.
[[Why am I acting this way?]]
[[That little yellow dress looks soooo cute!]]Clearly, having a female body is affecting your thought processes. Intellectually, you're still clear-headed and in possession of all your memories. That gives you the insight to realize that your recent actions aren't "normal".
On the other hand, the desires that drive your goals are changing. You're not nearly so concerned about spending a couple days as a hot chick. You've long envied the raw power that a sexy woman wields with her looks. {(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[The exhibitionist in you is excited by the idea of teasing guys.]}
[[I need to focus on getting my body back->Willpower]]
[[This is a one-in-a-million chance to have some fun->That little yellow dress looks soooo cute!]] The yellow dress is low-cut enough to show off your $BreastAdjective breasts and short enough that someone could almost see your panties. It's bright enough to catch people's eyes and form-fitting so they can see your $Shape shape. It looks like Patti bought a lacy yellow bra just for this dress. Hmmmm. You might look even sexier without the bra... What do you think?
[[Wear the bra.]]
[[Don't wear the bra.]](set: $Bra to "lacy yellow")
After a good bit of trial and error, you manage to get the cute little bra on. It's a bit tight. Or, is that how it's supposed to feel? You really don't know. It does force your tits up and accentuate your cleavage. It also hides your nipples.
[[Next->Panties]]Looking at your naked torso int he mirror, you decide it would be a shame to hide such awesomely firm breasts in a bra. Maybe if you were going someplace formal, you might wear a bra. But right now, you're just showing off for friends.
[[Next->Panties]] What about panties? Patti bought you some cute pink panties. But pink doesn't really go well with yellow. Normally, no one would know, but this dress is really short. There's some white panties too, but they're more functional than cute.
[[Wear the modest white panties.]]
[[No need to wear panties right now.]](set: $Panties to "modest white") You put on the $Panties panties. They're not the cutest you ever saw, but really you're so sexy, it won't matter much.
[[Next->Show off the yellow dress]] Without even realizing it, your lips spread in a devilish grin. If Wyatt and Patti catch a glimpse of your pussy, would that be so bad? Naaa, not bad at all.
[[Show off the yellow dress]]You swish your $HairColor hair out of your eyes and step confidently out of the bedroom. Instantly Wyatt and Patti are silent, staring at your sexy, bare thighs with obvious but unspoken lust. With your shoulders back, you pirouette for them.
{(if: $Bra is "lacy yellow")[The lacy yellow bra really shows off your $BreastSize breasts.]
(else:)[Without a bra, your $BreastAdjective breasts jiggle provocatively under the thin material.]
(if: $Panties is "modest white")[The men can catch a glimpse of your modest white panties as the short dress flares.]
(else:)[Breathlessly, the men stare to catch glimpses of your naked pussy as the dress flares out.]}
You aren't really into men. You certainly don't want to fuck a man. Yet, watching them stare at your body with slack-jawed lust is arousing. You do some basic dance moves and show off your $Shape body with no shame.
[[next->dancing]]Wyatt looks excited, which is really rare for him. A stranger might not even notice, but as a close friend, you can see it in his eyes...his intelligent, kind, blue eyes...
"That was the PI. He's found a voodoo queen right here in the city. He's sending me an e-mail with details on her place: location, security, schedule, and such. We can make a play for her ingredients as soon as we're ready!"
Here's what Wyatt's PI found out about the voodoo queen: She goes by the name Marvanna. She works out of her home...a large and very nice two-level colonial with three acres of grounds. The only other person who lives there is her 18 year-old daughter, Maria. For security, she has three different guys who rotate in and out. The PI hasn't found any pattern to their rotation. At least one (sometimes two) is on watch 24/7. She also has a pair of pit bulls.
[[It's time to discuss strategy.->Strategy]]As you dance for the men, you steal glances at their pants to see if they're getting turned on. Patti's lump never seems to go away, and now, as she watches you dance, it quickly grows to obscene size. Wyatt takes a little longer, but he's just as mesmerized. When you dance a little too close, he reaches up his hand, without even thinking about it, and makes a zombie-like grab for your chest.
Giggling...(really? You giggle now?)... you step back and catch your breath. How awesome to be able to control men like that!
"I knew you'd like this dress! Well, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. I'll see you guys in the morning." And, as quickly as that, their lustful hopes are dashed.
[[Take a shower]]In the bathroom, you stop to look in the mirror. Your cheeks are flushed and your eyes are sparkling. There's no doubt your new attractiveness is exhilerating. You peel off the rest of your clothes and pose for the mirror while thinking how Patti and Wyatt would go nuts if they could see you like this.
Your nipples are crinkled up, begging to be touched. It seems like all day, it's been one thing after another getting you aroused. Now, looking in the mirror, your own reflection is adding to the tension. You're still your lecherous old self on the inside and staring at that sexy girl in the mirror is really hot. (set:$Wash to "shower")
Maybe you could take a bath and [[masturbate->Bath Masturbation]]?
[[Just shower normally->After your shower]].About that time, Wyatt's phone rings.
(if:$SkippedChapter1 is "yes")[Wyatt:
]<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 5.jpg">
You and Patti move away so he can talk. She tries not to stare at your tits, and fails.
"I was never this much of a lech before." She seems genuinely puzzled. "Since I became a man, sex is all I think about. Is that normal for a man, or is this something the voodoo caused?"
(if:$SkippedChapter1 is "yes")[Patti's male form:
]<img src="Images\Patti Face 2.jpg">
You think about it for a second. "Hmmm...to be honest, I've been more easily excited myself. And, some things I didn't even like before really get me hot now." Patti gives you a hopeful look, eyebrows up, like a little boy who thinks he might get a cookie.
Luckily, Wyatt's phone call is over and he can't wait to tell you what [[the news]] is. "It would be so much easier if we could just ask them for help." Patti, says.
"That just raises way too many questions." Wyatt shuts her down. "After what happened to Kent, I'm afraid they'd kill us if they found out what we did."
Wyatt thinks he could gain entry by posing as a customer. But, then what? It's not like Marvanna is just going to leave the rare and precious source of her power lying around. Where would she keep it?
"We need more intel." Patti states the obvious.
"What about spy drones, phone taps, computer hacking?" You're brainstorming, hoping to say something helpful.
"That sort of thing might be helpful in a general sense, but we need to know exactly where the ingredients are kept." Wyatt rubs his chin and paces as he thinks. "It's not like we're going to find an e-mail with directions. Most likely, the only people who have this info are Marvanna and her daughter, Maria."
"What if we hire professionals?" Your life as a rich playboy has taught you that 'when life gets hard, hire some help'.
Wyatt seems to think you're on to something. "Actually, that's not a bad idea."
"You guys... You're thinking like men." Patti seems to have an idea. "We need to infiltrate...not break in. If we break in, it could turn out badly...like poking a hornets' nest."
[[Does Patti have any ideas?->Strategy 2]]
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[Red Pill / Green Pill]
This is an adult story with graphic descriptions.
Many of the images currently used in this story are placeholders for future development. I do not claim ownership of these images. If you are the owner to one of these images and want it removed from the game, contact me and I will replace it immediately.
Many of the images used in this story are photographs with nudity/sex acts and are NSFW (not safe for work).
All characters in this story are fictional.
All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.
If you are not of legal age to read adult fiction with graphic images, [[EXIT->END]] here.
(link:"START")[(set:$ShowHeader to 1)(goto:"Intro")] the story from the beginning.
[[SKIP->Skip]] to chapter 2.
(link:"LOAD")[(set:$PC_Location to "Pre-Intro")(set:$HeaderStatus to 0)(goto:"Load or Save Game")] a saved game.Please delete this story.
Thank you."And how do you suggest we do that?"
She gets a little shy when you put her on the spot. "Well, we, um... We make friends with them."
After further discussions, it's time to make a decision.
Wyatt would prefer to hire professional thieves to steal as many ingredients as possible. He seems excited about the idea of having their whole inventory. He thinks he can take have it done anonymously in case things go wrong. But, none of you are sure how well 'anonymous' holds up when the people you're stealing from have access to magic.
Patti thinks it's best to make friends with Marvanna and/or Maria. Maybe, if they like you enough, they'd be willing to change you back without worrying about how you got that way in the first place. Or, maybe you could learn where they get their ingredients. Or, once you have access to the house, you could steal just the ingredients you need. They might not even miss them.
What do you think?
[[I like Wyatt's idea]].
[[I like Patti's plan]].
(set:$Opt1 to "not requested")
(set:$Opt2 to "not requested")
(set:$Opt3 to "not requested")
(set:$Opt4 to "not requested")
(set:$Opt5 to "not requested")(if:$Weekday is "true")[(set:$AttendingSchool to 1)At last, the school gets your enrollment finalized.
On the first day at your new school, you introduce yourselves as maternal twins, Patrick and Jacki Schrodinger. What follows next is familiar to anyone who has ever attended high school. At least you're joining at the beginning of a semester.
By the end of the first day, you've met dozens of new people, found out how much algebra you forgot, and got asked out by four different boys.
Then, it's time for [[Glee Club practice]]. This will be your first chance to meet Maria.](else:)[(goto:"Morning Activity")]You wash thoroughly and then step out of the $Wash. Once you're dry, you put on some of your less revealing new clothes. Even so, there's still cleavage to be seen.
Hair! So much hair! After a while, you get it brushed out and dry, but it looks 'wild'. You make a mental note to ask Patti for help.
Finally, you rejoin the guys. They both seem a little disappointed that the little yellow dress is gone. You sit on the couch and tuck your feet under you.
[[next->phone call]] After school, Patti heads off to play basketball while you go to Glee Club practice. There's not a lot of extra space at this school. Basketball gets one end of the court while Glee and Cheer get the other end. (set:$JackiInGlee to 1)
As you expected, the Cheer girls all have their noses in the air, treating the Glee girls like dirt.
Most of the Glee girls are really nice, but you're mainly interested in Maria.
<img src="Images\Maria 2.jpg"> (set:$MetMaria to 1)
Wow! She's a real babe! (if:$BreastSize is "D-cup" or $BreastSize is "DD-Cup")[*'At least my breasts are bigger'* you think to yourself.] Wait a minute...are you lustful? or jealous?
You manage to say "Hi" and introduce yourself, but that's about it. After that, the instructor takes over and runs a well-organized practice. You manage not to totally embarrass yourself, but you're easily the worst singer/dancer on the squad.
Afterwards, you're surprised that Maria actually seeks you out to talk. "Leia said the new guy is your brother? On the basketball team?"
"That's right. Pa...uh...Patrick." You almost called her/him Patti.
"He's hot! Does he have a girlfriend?"
"Ewwwww!" You imagine that's what a sister would say about her brother being 'hot'. "No...no girlfriend...not yet."
"Hmmmmm....interesting." She smiles thoughtfully.
Well, this couldn't have gone any better! You send Wyatt a text to put the next step into motion.
[[Practice is over]].**You're hiring criminals to break and enter. That's a serious crime.
Criminality increased. (set:$Criminality to it + 10)
New value: $Criminality**
"When you want something done right, you hire a professional." At least, that's been your experience.
(set:$Plan to "Wyatt")"So, Wyatt, since we're going with your plan, where are we going to find these 'professionals'?" Patti still sounds skeptical.
"I've done some research on the dark web. There are broker sites, not so different from *JobBunny.com*, that will put you in contact with the right people."
Wyatt checks his watch. "It's late. Let's get some sleep and start fresh in the morning.
It is close to midnight and, now that he mentions it, you do feel worn out. "Yeah, I think I've had too much excitement for one day."
[[next->First Night]](set:$Plan to "Patti")** Using forged IDs and obtaining government services under false pretenses is illegal.
Criminality increased. (set:$Criminality to it + 2)
New value: $Criminality**
Once Wyatt sees that he's outnumbered, he gets on board. "OK, I think we can make this work."
Once his mind is focused, he moves quickly. "Patti, you're the one who's going to make it happen."
"What!? Why me?"
"Because it was your idea? No? OK, it's because Maria is the weak link here. Marvanna is a wily, powerful, experienced voodoo queen. On the other hand, Maria doesn't even graduate from high school until May."
While you exchange bewildered looks with Patti, Wyatt's big brain has already jumped three steps ahead of you. You don't understand it all yet, but you're happy he has a plan.
Wyatt checks his watch. "It's late. Let's get some sleep and start fresh in the morning.
It is close to midnight and, now that he mentions it, you do feel worn out. "Yeah, I think I've had too much excitement for one day."
[[next->First Night]](set:$Team to "")(display:"Calculate Theft Cost")The names are just anonymous screen names, but the qualifications should be real.
**Blue Shadow (4.5 stars) $$BlueCost,000** Brings a 3-person team. They've mostly done art theft from 1%'er mansions, but also some blackmail and industrial technology theft. They rely on stealth and tech instead of weapons. They're especially skilled at bypassing high-tech alarms and security systems.
Biggest complaint: Higher failure rate
Best feature: When things go well, they leave no trace
**drT Cru (4.0 stars) $$DrTCost,000** A big gang. Has done kidnappings, drug theft, and even bank jobs. A 4-person tactical team breaks down the front door and goes in with guns drawn. At the same time, other members provide overwatch and prevent the police from interfering too quickly. They rely on shock and awe to get in and out fast.
Biggest complaint: They leave a mess...bodies and damage
Best feature: Highest success rate
Since it's your money, you get to make the choice. Who do you want to hire?
(link:"Blue Shadow")[(set:$Team to "Blue Shadow")(display:"Calculate Theft Results")(goto:"Action")]
(link:"drT Cru")[(set:$Team to "drT Cru")(display:"Calculate Theft Results")(goto:"Action")]"OK. I'll make it happen." Wyatt makes the arrangements, tells the $Team contact what to look for, and sets up the exchange.
After all your waiting for bids, now it seems you'll have to wait even longer for the actual theft to happen. (if:$AR6 is 1)[At least you required them to complete the job within 3 eays.(set:$WaitTime to 2)](else:)[The contact said they hope to have the job done within a week.(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 5)](set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Theft Results")(set:$WaitText to $Team + " to steal the ingredients") It looks like you're going to be stuck in this body for a while longer.
(link:"Wait for results.")[(goto:"Morning Activity")]While Wyatt handles the technical details(if:$Plan is "Patti")[ (getting you into school)](else:)[ (working with the 'dark web' site)], you and Patti are left with not much to do.
"You really did a good job with your hair. I'm surprised." Patti runs her hand through your $HairColor locks.
"Really? It was a total mess..." You look in the mirror. Somehow, your hair has fixed itself. Magic is creepy, but definitely useful.
Patti is pacing around the apartment like a caged tiger. "I've got to get out and do something. I can't just sit here."
She looks you up and down for what seems like the hundredth time since the change. "Jack...want to go to the gym with me?"
(if:$WentToGym is 1)[You get a warm tingle thinking about the fun you had at the gym yesterday, teasing that boy.
](else:)[Maybe a little fitness wouldn't be such a bad thing.
][[Go to the gym with Patti]].
[[Stay and help Wyatt with the technical work]].
(set:$WentToGym to 1)(set:$LastWorkout to $Day)Patti insists on wearing a pair of tight cycling shorts and a tight white t-shirt to the gym. You can see the outline of every muscle as well as her dormant cock-lump.
"You look...odd." You tell her. "Most guys don't dress that way when they go to the gym."
"I think I look good." She poses in front of the mirror, checking out her butt. "Do you think women...hetero women...will like me?" She sounds hopeful.
"How should I know?" I'm a guy, remember?" But, at least to yourself, you have to admit that she does look hot. (if: $Willpower < 0)[In fact, you lack the **willpower** to look away.
Patti catches you staring at her/his butt with a faraway look on your face. "OK, I'll take that as a 'yes'."
](else:)[You have to exert your **willpower** to not stare at her/him.
]There's just something about Patti that makes you tingle on the inside. When you and Wyatt planned the spell, the whole point was to make you into Patti's perfect wet dream. Maybe the spirit that executed the spell decided you needed to be responsive to her? Or, maybe Patti's new form is just that attractive?
For yourself, you're wearing a pair of your old gym shorts that fit about a little tight in the ass, but not too much. Your waist is much smaller now, so you use the drawstring to keep them from falling down. On top, you're wearing a sports bra and stretchy blue t-shirt from yesterday's shopping trip.
[[Walk to the gym->Gym Day 2]].(set:$SeenGymGirl to 0)You're just not feeling much like going to the gym right now. Maybe you can help Wyatt. Patti says "Suit yourself" and heads off to the gym in a ridiculous looking (for a guy) outfit: skin-tight bike shorts and t-shirt, all in bright teal blue.
After Patti leaves, it's just you and Wyatt. Since you aren't going anywhere, you just wear a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. From time to time, you catch Wyatt giving you 'the look' and you wonder if he thinks about you when he jacks off.
(if:$Plan is "Patti")[While Wyatt works with various shady people he found on the 'dark web', you go through all the info the PI provided, and there's quite a pile of it. You learn everything you can about Marvanna and Maria's life.
Wyatt buys bitcoin (with your money) and uses it to purchase fake ID's, transcripts, and everything else you'll need to backstop your new identities.](else:)[You transfer a big chunk of money into bitcoin that Wyatt deposits with a 'dark web' site. Since you're newcomers, you're going to have to pay for everything upfront. Even then, you're not likely to be trusted right away.
Then, Wyatt writes up a general description of what you need done. Specifics won't come until you've agreed to terms with a provider. Hopefully it won't take too long.]
Only 30 minutes after she/he left, Patti is back. She's got the expression of a whipped puppy as she listlessly walks past, headed to her room.
"Everything OK, Patti?" You ask.
"Yeah. Sure." She doesn't *sound* ok.
[[She'll be OK]]
[[Go see what's wrong]]Luckily, you have one of the biggest apartments in the building. Everyone gets their own room.
Tired as you are, you're still restless...and aroused. This body is distracting. It's like trying to go to sleep when there's a naked woman lying next to you.
Maybe if you [[masturbate]] it will help.
Just keep trying to [[sleep]].
Today, you learned more about Patti than you did in all the months you lusted after her. She's a motivated, successful, and compassionate woman. You're starting to see her as a person rather than a sex object. Even though you didn't intend for her to be transformed, what you did was wrong.
''What's happening to you? Are you growing a heart? This hurts!
Selfishness has decreased (set:$Selfishness to it - 1)
New value: $Selfishness''
With so much on your mind, it takes a long time to [[find sleep]].
This has all gone horribly wrong. Somehow, some way, you've got to get your body back. Nothing else matters. You're willing to pay any price or make any sacrifice. If there's no other way to get it done, you'll throw Patti, or even Wyatt, under the bus.
''What sort of person are you becoming?
Selfishness has increased (set:$Selfishness to it + 1)
New value: $Selfishness
Ruthlessness has increased (set:$Ruthlessness to it + 1)
New value: $Ruthlessness''
You had a great life before. Why were you so stupid? Was Patti really worth all this?
With so much on your mind, it takes a long time to [[find sleep]].
You just can't get your encounter with Patti out of your mind. It was scary to be dominated like that, gross to have to touch someone else's dick, and yet it was also extremely exciting. That dick was hard for *you*!
(if:$PCNoOrgasm is 1)[You're still hot and frustrated from your masturbation attempt. Are your thoughts about Patti causing you sexual tension?](else:)[As you play the events back in your mind, you realize you're getting turned on. Your skin feels hot all over. There's an itch in your pussy. This is from thinking about Patti?]
''At least one 'man' makes you horny!
Attraction to Males increased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value is $MaleAttraction''
Does that mean you're 'gay' now? No, of course not! You still like girls. Just to prove it to yourself, you think about your own reflection in the mirror. Oh, yeah. You are soooo hot! (if:$PCNoOrgasm is 1)[Great. Just what you needed (sarcasm): another reason to be aroused.](else:)[Now, your pussy is getting damp.
Great. Now look what you've done.] It takes you a long time to [[find sleep]].
(if:$ShowHeader is 1)[<span id="box">
(link:"Load/Save Game")[(set:$PC_Location to (passage:)'s name)(set:$HeaderStatus to $ShowHeader)(set:$ShowHeader to 0)(goto:"Load or Save Game")]
(link:"Player Info")[(set:$ShowHeader to 0)(if:$PCSex is "male")[(goto:"Player Info BC")](else:)[(goto:"Player Info")]]
(if:$MetWyatt is 1)[(link:"Wyatt Info")[(set:$ShowHeader to 0)(goto:"Wyatt Bio")]
](link:"Patti Info")[(set:$ShowHeader to 0)(if:$PattiSex is "male")[(goto:"Patti Bio")](else:)[(goto:"Patti Bio BC")]]
(if:$MetMaria is 1)[(link:"Maria Info")[(set:$ShowHeader to 0)(goto:"Maria Info")]
](if:$MetLeia is 1)[(link:"Leia Info")[(set:$ShowHeader to 0)(goto:"Leia Info")]]](else:)[]
<!-- Boxes 2 and 3 not active at this time
}<span id="box2">
}<span id="box3">
</span> -->Name: Jacki
(display:"Face Image")
(display:"Naked Breast Image")
(display:"Ass Image")
Height: $HeightFeet' $HeightInches"
Weight: $PlayerWeight lbs
Hair: $HairColor
Breasts: $BreastSize
Figure: $Shape
Prettiness: $Prettiness
Strength: $Strength
Intelligence: $Intelligence
(if:$Willpower is not 0)[Willpower: $Willpower
](if:$Courage is not 0)[Courage: $Courage
](if:$Wisdom is not 0)[Wisdom: $Wisdom
](if:$Assertiveness is not 0)[Assertiveness: $Assertiveness
](if:$Dominance is not 0)[Dominance: $Dominance
](if:$Submissiveness is not 0)[Submissiveness: $Submissiveness
](if:$Empathy is not 0)[Empathy: $Empathy
](if:$FemaleAttraction is not 0)[Attraction to Women: $FemaleAttraction
](if:$MaleAttraction is not 0)[Attraction to Men: $MaleAttraction
](if:$Exhibitionism is not 0)[Exhibitionism: $Exhibitionism
](if:$PrickTease is not 0)[Sadistic Teaser: $PrickTease
](if:$Selfishness is not 0)[Selfishness: $Selfishness
](if:$Ruthlessness is not 0)[Ruthlessness: $Ruthlessness
](if:$Honesty is not 0)[Honesty: $Honesty
](if:$Criminality is not 0)[Criminality: $Criminality
(if:$PussyFingering is not 0)[Pussy Fingering: $PussyFingering
](if:$BreastStimSkill is not 0)[Breastplay: $BreastStimSkill
](if:$DickHandling is not 0)[Dick Handling: $DickHandling
](if:$DickSucking is not 0)[Dick Sucking: $DickSucking
](if:$Cunnilingus > 0)[Cunnilingus: $Cunnilingus
(if:$VoodooSkill > 0)[**Voodoo**
Voodoo Skill Level: $VoodooSkill
(if:$VoodooSpeciality is not "")[Specialty: $VoodooSpeciality
](if:$CreateLust > 0)[Create Lust: $CreateLust
](if:$CardMagic > 0)[Card Magic: $CardMagic
](if:$GustOfWind > 0)[Gust of Wind: $GustOfWind
](if:$SlowTime > 0)[Slow Time: $SlowTime
](if:$ControlArousal > 0)[Control Arousal: $ControlArousal
](if:$ModifyBody > 0)[Modify Body: $ModifyBody
](if:$ReadThoughts > 0)[Read Thoughts: $ReadThoughts
(if:$HadSex > 0)[As a woman, you've had sex with a man (if:$HadSex is 1)[one time](elseif:$HadSex is 2)[two times](elseif:$HadSex is 3)[three times](elseif:$HadSex is 4)[four times](else:)[$HadSex times]](else:)[As a woman, you've never had sex with a man]. (if:$AnalExperience > 0)[You've had anal sex (if:$AnalExperience is 1)[one time](elseif:$AnalExperience is 2)[two times](elseif:$AnalExperience is 3)[three times](elseif:$AnalExperience is 4)[four times](else:)[$AnalExperience times]](if:$Raped > 0)[You were raped (if:$Raped is 1)[once](elseif:$Raped is 2)[twice](elseif:$Raped is 3)[three times](else:)[$Raped times].]
This is what you used to look like:
<img src="Images\PC Before Change.jpg">
(link:"Go back")[(undo:)]
<!--(link:"Return")[<script>$("tw-icon.undo").trigger("click");</script>]-->As usual, the tiny gym in your apartment complex is mostly deserted. There's only one other woman in the gym.
Patti moves from exercise to exercise with energy and excitement, like a 6 year-old opening birthday presents. "Jacki, look at this!" She/he says, while pumping out 15 reps on the bench press with 225 lbs.
"That really is impressive." You're sincere. Even as guy, you weren't that strong. When Patti went from female to male, her athleticism must have translated. She was a top athlete as a woman and now she's a top athlete as a man.
Then, she moves to the leg press, and then to the treadmill.
You find yourself just watching her/him work out instead of working out yourself. It's like having a front-row seat to watch Mayweather spar or Brady throw passes or Curry shoot baskets.
The other woman in the gym seems to have noticed too. She's got an odd look on her face as she watches Patti almost as much as you do. You haven't seen this woman around before. She's in her 20's with long brown hair and a sexy body. She must have been working out hard, because she's sweaty.
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym.jpg"> (set:$SeenGymGirl to 1)
[[next->Gym Day 2 pt 2]]After a bit, the other woman goes back to working out, but now she seems to be trying to get Patti's attention. She strips off her sweat pants revealing a truly awesome ass. At one point, she lets her gym shorts ride up obscenely high.
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 2.jpg">
You're not the only one that notices. Patti chooses to work out right next to the woman, flexing and posing like she/he was Arnold in the '80s.
Seriously? They're flirting right in front of you. Staring into each other's eyes, talking so quietly you can't hear, holding hands.
Jeez...in those bike shorts, you can see his boner from a mile away...get a room.
You try to ignore it, but the only other thing to do in the gym is work out, and you're not really feeling like it right now, so you start to leave.
"Wait! Jacki!"
"What?" Why is Patti coming after you?
"I need a favor." Her/his face is red. He whispers: "Just watch the door. Don't let anyone in."
Is she/he serious? You whisper back: "What? You're just going to bone her right here in the gym?"
She/he drops her eyes sheepishly. "Yeah."
"No way. Go to her room."
"Her parents are visiting." Patti sounds desperate. She/he is probably worried the woman will change her mind. "*You owe me!*"
Do you really owe her?
[[Watch the door]] while Patti has sex.
[[Leave them]] and go back to your apartment.
Well, you can't argue with that. You *do* owe her. "OK. I'll watch out. Don't take all day."
**Empathy has increased (set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy**
You peek back every once in a while to see how things are going, but mostly, you just watch the hallway. Hardly anyone uses this little gym anyway. If someone comes, you'll just tell them it's closed for cleaning.
Behind you, you hear lots of cooing and heavy breathing. The woman says things like "Ooooh, it's haaard!". Patti responds with things like "You're so hot! I feel like I could explode."
You glance back and see that their lower clothing is gone and Patti has the woman bent over, poised to drive her/his stone-hard dick home.
<img src="Images\Sex in the gym 2.gif">
All this is making you super horny. You'd love to fuck this woman. Normally, you'd be erect right now. As it is, you have settle for a wet pussy. You squeeze your thighs together and try not to think about it.
Behind you, you hear the woman say: "Slow down. Take it easy." The only response from Patti is grunting that steadily gets louder...and faster...and louder. Then, the woman squeals. "Ohmigod! *ALREADY!??*"
"I'm sorry!" Patti apologizes. "I didn't mean to... I didn't realize..."
"Never mind. Step back." The woman sounds seriously peeved.
"Wait. I can lick..."
"No! Get away." She's still mad. You look back and see that she's putting her shorts back on. Patti's face looks like it belongs on a whipped puppy. Her/his dick has completely wilted.
Once dressed, the woman brushes by you and stomps down the hallway, leaving you and Patti [[alone in the gym]].
Patti sits on a bench, her limp dick dripping cum on the floor. She/he looks dazed.
"I guess she was pretty good?" You ask.
"What?" Patti looks at you funny. "Yeah, she was good...but I wasn't."
"What do you mean. Didn't you enjoy it?" She/he just fucked a seriously hot chick. She/he ought to be ecstatic. You would be.
"Well, sure. But it didn't last very long." Is she/he going to cry? "And now, she hates me."
It doesn't seem like something to cry over, but to some extent, you can sympathize. You have (had?) your own problems with...staying power. "Hey, don't worry about it. Some women are cruel like that." You put your arm around her. "She's probably not even that mad...just frustrated right now."
Patti pulls herself together enough to put her bike shorts back on. "Here I am, I *finally* attract attention from all those beautiful straight girls I could never touch, and now I can't give them good sex."
You both head back to your apartment together. You pat Patti on the back and try to make her feel better. "Don't feel bad. It was your first...ok, second...time as a man. You just need more practice."(set:$PattiNeedsPractice to 1)
You walk the rest of the way to your apartment in silence. After Patti has showered, it's time to talk more about the [[details of the plan->go over the plan as a group]]
The next morning, you discuss the plan in more detail over breakfast.
(if:$Plan is "Patti")[Wyatt draws a flowchart on a piece of paper while he talks. "Phase 1 of my plan has 3 parts: First, we make contact with Maria. She needs to see you as part of her normal life. Second, we will manufacture a threat to her. Finally, you'll save her from that threat. At the end of Phase 1, Maria will trust you completely."
"In Phase 2, Patti will make Maria fall for her. Given your current looks and your experience with women, you shouldn't have any problem. We can also help your chances by getting rid of any rivals."
Patti tries to interrupt, but Wyatt just holds up a hand for silence, then continues talking. "Finally, in Phase 3, we'll exploit the relationship to gain access to the ingredients we need."
When he's finished, Wyatt looks up from his diagram with a self-satisfied smile. Finally given the chance to speak, Patti asks "What if she's a lesbian? There are more of us than you think."
"In that case..." Wyatt draws an branch off one of the flowchart shapes. "...we will have Jack in play too."
Now it's your turn to ask a question. "How are you going to insert us into Maria's life?"
This time Wyatt grins ear to ear. "You're going back to high school!"](else:)[After sleeping on it, you have a few more concerns about hiring 'professionals'. "How can we trust these people we find on the 'dark web'? What if they're cops?"
Wyatt makes it sound simple. "It's much like any other online service. We'll select a service provider with good references and reviews, but it'll cost more." He looks at you to be sure you're OK with that since you're bankrolling this operation.
"What's it going to cost?" You're rich, but no one has unlimited funds and you have a long life ahead of you.
"We'll see. I'll put it out for bids. But, I'm thinking $ 50k to get a first rate team."
You try to whistle, but these lips aren't made for whistling. "That's a lot of money. But, I don't suppose we have a choice."]
[[next->Waiting]] Patti's a big girl/guy. (if:$LeftThem is 1)[She's probably just drained after fucking that woman in the gym.](else:)[She doesn't need you to check up on her.]
**Empathy has decreased (set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy**
You and Wyatt spend the next hour or so finshing up the technical details. He really is putting a lot of work into this. It's a good thing...you could never do this all by yourself.
Finally, you're ready to [[go over the plan as a group]].(if:$LeftThem is 1)[Something must have gone wrong. Maybe they got interrupted before they could have sex?](else:)[Something is wrong, even if she's not eager to talk about it.] You walk into her room to see what you can find out. You find her sitting on her bed, powerful shoulders slumped.
**Empathy has increased (set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy**
"Hey, what's wrong? (if:$LeftThem is 1)[You sit beside her on the bed. "Didn't you fuck her?" At this close range, you can smell the sex, so you know she did.
"Yes." Patti gives you a one word answer.](else:)[You don't seem like yourself." You sit beside her/him.
She shakes her head, but doesn't answer. Sitting this close, you pick up the distinctive smell of...sex. Wow. Just 30 minutes out of the room and Patti already found someone to screw? Impressive.
"Come on. Tell me what happened." You pat her on the back and once again marvel at how solidly muscled she/he is. "You met someone, didn't you?"
She nods her head, but still doesn't answer. Geez, this is like pulling teeth, trying to get her to talk. "Did everything go OK? Did you guys...hit it off?"
She nods again. OK, this is like a game. "Did you kiss her?" Patti nods. "Did you get naked with her?" Patti nods. "Did she have sex with you?" Patti looks at you with wet eyes and nods yet again.]
"OK, so what's the problem? Didn't you enjoy it?"
That seems to be the question that gets her to open up. "Well, sure. But it didn't last very long." Is she/he going to cry? "And now, she hates me."
"What do you mean it didn't last that long?" You think you know, but it's best to be sure.
"This damn dick blew its load in like 2 minutes! I wish I didn't even have a dick!"
"Ohhhhh. Now I understand." You know exactly how that feels. You have (had?) a problem with...staying power...yourself. "Hey, don't worry about it. She doesn't really hate you." You try to put your arm around her, but she's so tall you just rub her back. "She's probably just frustrated right now."
Patti rubs at her eyes. "Here I am...I finally attract attention from all those beautiful straight girls I could never touch, and now I can't give them good sex."
You pat Patti on the back and try to make her feel better. "Don't feel bad. It was your first...ok, second...time with a girl. You just need more practice."(set:$PattiNeedsPractice to 1)
"I guess so... Anyway... I need a shower." She still looks dejected as she goes into her bathroom and closes the door.
While Patti takes a shower, you and Wyatt spend the next hour or so finshing up the technical details. He really is putting a lot of work into this. It's a good thing...you could never do this all by yourself.
Finally, you're ready to [[go over the plan as a group]].Wyatt always leads your planning discussions. (if:$Plan is "Patti")["Right now, I'm working with some people the PI knows and purchase forged ID's for you and Patti."
To Patti, he says "Your new name is Patrick. Do you know how to play basketball?"
She/he shrugs. "I played in high school."
"Any good?"
"She made the *All City* team." Patti looks a little surprised as you asnwer for her.
"Perfect." Wyatt is sending info to the people making your forged identities. "You're transferring to Maria's school. You're going to be on the basketball team."
"High school? I'm 20! I'm 6' 6" tall!"
"You'll pass. Lebron was taller than you when he was a senior." Wyatt never ceases to amaze with the random information he knows.
While you're giggling at the thought of Patti in high school, Wyatt turns to you. "Don't laugh too much, Jack...I mean Jacki. You're going to join the Glee Club."
"What the heck is a 'Glee Club'?"
"It's sort of like being a cheerleader, except you don't have to try out or do flips. You go to the games, wear a short skirt, dance, sing, and make lots of noise for the team."
You can feel your face turning red at the thought of wearing a short skirt and dancing in front of a crowd. You try to swallow as your mouth is suddenly dry. "Why?"
"Because Maria is in the Glee Club."
"And Jack..." Wyatt is serious "...you really need to keep your grades up."
"What are you saying?" You sound wounded, but not really. OK, so you were never a great student. "So how long is this going to take?"
"Just a few days...I hope. For now, you have to [[be patient->First Pause]]."
](else:)[You have a long discussion with Wyatt and Patti about exactly what you want the 'professionals' to do. "It's literally a contract." Wyatt says. "If we leave something out, it's our problem."
So, which of these requirements are important to you? Select as many as you want. *But be aware that if you have more requirements, your bidders will ask for more money and have a reduced chance of success. The outcome is not predetermined...it's probabalistic.*
**Selected: Steal enough ingredients to change Patti and Jack back** (minimum requirement)
(if:$AR1 is 1)[**Selected: Steal *ALL* the ingredients in the house** (link:"Deselect")[(set:$AR1 to 0)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]](else:)[Not Selected: (link:"Steal all the ingredients in the house")[(set:$AR1 to 1)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]]
(if:$AR2 is 1)[**Selected: Steal any arcane books in the house** (link:"Deselect")[(set:$AR2 to 0)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]](else:)[Not Selected: (link:"Steal any arcane books in the house")[(set:$AR2 to 1)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]]
(if:$AR3 is 1)[**Selected: Minimize property damage** (link:"Deselect")[(set:$AR3 to 0)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]](else:)[Not Selected: (link:"Minimize property damage")[(set:$AR3 to 1)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]]
(if:$AR4 is 1)[**Selected: Frame someone else for the job** (link:"Deselect")[(set:$AR4 to 0)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]](else:)[Not Selected: (link:"Frame someone else for the job")[(set:$AR4 to 1)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]]
(if:$AR5 is 1)[**Selected: No one gets hurt** (link:"Deselect")[(set:$AR5 to 0)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]](else:)[Not Selected: (link:"No one gets hurt")[(set:$AR5 to 1)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]]
(if:$AR6 is 1)[**Selected: Complete the job within 3 days** (link:"Deselect")[(set:$AR6 to 0)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]](else:)[Not Selected: (link:"Complete the job within 3 days")[(set:$AR6 to 1)(goto:"go over the plan as a group")]]
(if:$AR7 is 1)[](else:)[Not Selected: (link:"Terminate Marvanna")[(set:$AR7 to 1)(goto:"Terminate Marvanna")]
]When complete, click [[here->First Pause]]. You'll have to wait a few days for responses.
]"No way I'm going to stand here while you and that...woman...screw each other. You're on your own."
**Empathy has decreased (set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy**
As you're leaving, you see Patti push a bench against the door so no one can surprise them. She/he is acting like a horny teenager.
You go back to the apartment and help Wyatt with some of the details. He especially needed your help for the finances. Almost everything done on the 'dark web' is paid for in bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency.
Not 15 minutes behind you, Patti enters the apartment.
She's got the expression of a whipped puppy as she listlessly walks past, headed to her room.
"Everything OK, Patti?" You ask.
"Yeah. Sure." She doesn't *sound* ok. (set:$LeftThem to 1)
[[She'll be OK]]
[[Go see what's wrong]]The basketball practice goes a little longer than Glee, so you stick around to wait for Patti. Maria and a few of the other girls also wait and watch.
You note the Leia seems to be Maria's BFF. They whisper to each other and giggle a lot.
On the court, Patti is dominating. There's not another player on the court who can guard her. She's driving the lane, making passes, blocking shots...she's got a full skillset. In fact, she needs to tone it down. Anyone this good would be on the radar of every college in the state.
Crystal, one of your new Glee acquaintances, comes over to you. "You've just got to introduce me to your brother!"
<img src="Images\Glee Member Crystal.jpg">
"Um...well..." You stammer, not sure how to handle this.
"No, she's going to introduce *me*!" Maria stands right next to you.
<img src="Images\Maria 3.jpg">
Crystal looks at you with raised eyebrows. "Really?"
"Uh...yes. Yes, that's right. I'm sorry, but Maria is first."
Crystal rolls her eyes, crosses her arms over her chest and makes a growling noise as she stomps off.
Maria smiles and gives you a hug. "Thank you Jacki!"
Mmmmmm....warm sexy girl...perfume...hug...very nice! You smile and hug her back, trying not to creep her out, but enjoying the feel of her small pert breasts against your own $BreastAdjective ones. "Any time!"
[[Basketball is over]]Patti walks over to you while most of the other guys head to the showers. She already mentioned that she wasn't ready to shower with a bunch of guys. Luckily it's warm enough outside that she can walk home in her basketball gear.
"Did you see that?!?!?" She's excited and, for the moment, ignoring the other girls. "I can dunk now!"
"Of course you can, Patrick. You're super tall." You punch him on the arm and direct his attention to the girls.
"Oh, yeah. Right." She calms down slightly and tries to sound nonchalant. "Yeah, I dunk all the time." But she can't quite pull it off. "But, that was a really good one today. Right? Did you see it? Two-handed reverse!"
<img src="Images\Maria 3.jpg">
"Patrick, this is Maria. She's in Glee with me." Patti takes one look at Maria and forgets all about basketball. "Maria, this is my brother Patrick."
<img src="Images\Patti after Basketball.jpg">
Everyone seems to hit it off well, so the three of you head out of the gym together. You're walking slowly and talking, headed toward the parking lot. Most of the other students have left by now. You say your goodbyes and Maria walks off to her car, two rows over, next to the wall.
That's when [[five thugs block her path]].
<img src="Images\Teen Gang.jpg">
They rough Maria up just a little. The leader takes her purse and dumps its contents while the other four shove her around and make threats. Maria starts to scream, but one of the guys grabs her from behind and covers her mouth.
Timing is important. She needs to be frightened, but you don't want her to be completely traumatized. After a minute, you and Patti exchange glances and then run to Maria's rescue.
Patti lands a few fake punches while you scream and swing wildly at the 'bad guys'. Just to make it more dramatic, they fight back and land a few of their own. Finally, they're driven off.
Maria is shaken. She sits on the ground looking at the scattered contents of her purse. She hugs her knees to her chest and shivers.
You sit next to her and put an arm around her shoulder.
She slowly looks up at you and then at Patti. "If you guys hadn't been here..."
[[Time for Phase 2 of your plan->Phase 1 complete]]!When you get back home, you and Patti fill in Wyatt on what happened.
"Very good. I couldn't have hoped it would go any better." He sounds relieved.
"So, what's next?" You're pretty sure you remember, but it never hurts to make sure everyone is on the same page.
"Phase 2. Patti, you need to ask Maria out on a date. Show her a good time and get her to fall for you."
"Oh, is that all? One date and she's 'in love'?" Patti crosses her arms over her chest. "I don't think it's that easy."
"It might be." You remember your conversation with Maria and Crystal yesterday. "You should have heard those Glee Club girls talking about you today."
"Really? What did they say?" Patti suddenly has a much happier expression on her face.
"They seem to think you're the hottest guy in school. They were practically begging me to introduce them to you."
"Wow. That's...that's really great." She blushes a little. How can she still blush like that when she's a guy?
Wyatt seems satisfied. (if:$DoW is not "Friday")["OK, tonight I'll sabotage Maria's current boyfriend. Tomorrow, Patti will ask her out.](else:)["OK, this weekend I'll sabotage Maria's current boyfriend. By Monday, everything will be in place for Patti to ask her out.] Any questions?"
"What do you mean 'sabotage'?" Patti wants to know.
"I'm going to expose some texts he sent to other girls. Jim deserves it. He's been cheating on Maria for months." Wyatt is getting scary good at computer hacking. Either that, or the PI is still helping.
No one has any more questions. (set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Begin Phase 2")(if:$DoW is not "Friday")[(set:$WaitText to "school tomorrow")](else:)[(set:$WaitText to "school on Monday")(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 2)]
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](if:$WentToGym is 0)[(set:$WorkoutDay to -3)]Now, you have to wait for (if:$Plan is "Patti")[the fake documents to be completed](else:)[bids to come in]. This could take a few days.
Patti texts and e-mails her friends, family, teammates, coaches, and professors explaining that she won't be able to do anything for a while. She blames it on a highly contagious virus that also causes laryngitis.
At one point, you see her/him crying. "Are you OK, Patti?"
"My whole life... It's...it's broken. No training with the team, no friends, no dates, no classes, no family holidays." She/he looks at you with fierce, wet, red-rimmed eyes as if she might blame you for everything.
Of course, it really is your fault. (if:$Empathy > -2)[(if:$Empathy is -1 or $Empathy is 0)[Empathy isn't your strong suit, but at](elseif:$Empathy is 1)[Your newfound empathy exerts itself and, at](else:)[At] this moment, you feel the weight of what you've done. Seeing Patti's pain brings wetness to your own pretty eyes. Your cute lower lip trembles, but you have no words.
"Hey. I'll be alright." Patti put's her/his big strong hand on your shoulder. She's actually trying to console *you*. "I can't stand to see that gorgeous face look sad. We're gonna fix things. You'll see."
](else:)[But, with your <u>lack of empathy</u>, you're not going to admit that. "Hey. It's your fault for taking *my* pill."
"Oh, yeah? I should have let *you* take it? So you could *rape* me?!?" She's loud and angry now.
You start to make a comeback about how she practically raped you, but then you think again. You might need Patti's help to get your body back. "Look...Patti...I'm sorry." You put your hand on her strong shoulder. "We're gonna fix things. You'll see."
Your apology takes the fire out of her anger, for now.
](display:"Next Day")(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Waiting is over")(if:$Plan is "Patti")[(set:$WaitText to "the forged documents")(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 3)](else:)[(set:$WaitText to "the bids to come in")(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 3)][[next->Morning Activity]](set:$Plan to "Wyatt")
(set:$Empathy to 1)
(set:$BreastSize to "D-cup")
(set:$BreastAdjective to "large")
(set:$Shape to "fit")
(set:$HairColor to "blonde")
(set:$Willpower to -1)
(set:$WentToGym to 1)
(set:$Exhibitionism to 1)
(set:$ShowHeader to 1)
(set:$AR1 to 0)
(set:$AR2 to 0)
(set:$AR3 to 0)
(set:$AR4 to 0)
(set:$AR5 to 0)
(set:$AR6 to 0)
(display:"Calculate Theft Cost")
(set:$Team to "Blue Shadow")
(set:$PCNoOrgasm to 2)
(set:$VoodooSkill to 4)
$DayName, $Day day(if:$Day > 1)[s] since your transformation.(set:$Time to "AM")
(if:$AttendingSchool is 0 or $DayName is "Saturday" or $DayName is "Sunday")[(if:$AttendingSchool is 1)[Since there's no school today, your morning is free. ]While you wait for $WaitText, what would you like to do this **morning**?
(set:$T to $Day - $WorkoutDay)(if:$T > 2)[ [[Work out]]](elseif:$T is 0)[You already worked out today.](else:)[No gym today. You're too sore.]
[[Talk to Wyatt]]
[[Get some fresh air]]
(if:$VDLesson5 is not 0)[ [[Practice your voodoo spells->Practice your voodoo]]
](if:$PCNoOrgasm > 1 and $Vibrator is 0)[ [[Buy a vibrator]].
](if:$MariaWantsToHang is 1 and $HungWithMariaToday is 0)[(link:"Call Maria")[(set:$Return to "Evening Activity")(goto:"Call Maria")]
]](else:)[(set:$AttendedSchoolToday to 1)You have to attend school today, so your morning is occupied. Wyatt enrolled you in English, Algebra, Chemistry, Health, and, of course. Glee.
[[next->School Event]]](set:$LastWorkout to $Day)(set:$WorkoutDay to $Day)(if:$GabbiWorkoutPartner is 1)[(goto:"Gabbi Workout")](else:)[(set:$Random to (either:0,1))(if:$Random is 1)[<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 3.jpg">
(if:$GabbiWorkoutPartner is 0)[Normally, you have the gym all to yourself. But, not today. (if:$SeenGymGirl is 1)[It's the girl from the gym...the one Patti boned. You'd recognize those sweaty abs anywhere.](else:)[There's a really sexy girl here in the gym.] You try not to stare, but she's gorgeous.
(if:$SeenGymGirl is 1)["Hey, I know you." She says.
"Oh. Hi!" You act like you just noticed her.
"You're that guy's sister, right? What was his name? Patrick?" She smiles.
"Yeah, that's me. Patrick's sister."
"You know, I'm sorry I got so angry. I hope he's not too mad at me." She seems genuine.
"Eh... He'll get over it. He's a big boy.
She grins. "Yes he is."
]"Hey...I'm Jacki."
"It's good to meet you, Jacki. I'm Gabriella." She's got an accent...but you're not sure what it is. She extends her hand and the two of you share a limp fish handshake.
"I don't see you here very often. Usually, I have this place to myself." You gesture to the equipment. "But, it's nice having someone else here...not so lonely."
"Usually, I drive to the Big Iron gym over on Stevenson, but sometimes I just come here because it's convenient." She looks at you quizzically. "Would you like to work out together?"
(link:"Yes")[(set:$GabbiWorkoutPartner to 1)(goto:"Gabbi Workout")]
[[No->Tell Gabbi no]]
](elseif:$GabbiWorkoutPartner is -99)[You work out alone, doing the best you can. You don't work as hard without a partner, but you get some benefit out of it.
''Strength increases.(set: $Strength to it + 0.5)
New value: $Strength''
(if:$Time is "AM")[Afterwards, you're (either:"totally drained", "physically wiped out", "unbelievably tired", "exhausted"). You take a shower, nap, and watch (either:"a few episodes of 'Burn Notice'", "one of the Terminator movies", "SportsCenter", "one of the Diehard movies", "a couple episodes of 'Game of Thrones'", "whatever is on the SciFi channel"). Eventually, you regain enough energy to come (link:"out of your room")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]](else:)[When you get back to the apartment, you shower and then (link:"head straight to bed")[(goto:"End of Day")]].](elseif:$GabbiWorkoutPartner is < 0)[You wave at Gabriella and say 'hi'. She says 'hi' back. Then, you each do your own separate workouts.
''Strength increases.(set: $Strength to it + 1)
New value: $Strength''
(if:$Time is "AM")[Afterwards, you're (either:"totally drained", "physically wiped out", "unbelievably tired", "exhausted"). You take a shower, nap, and watch (either:"a few episodes of 'Burn Notice'", "one of the Terminator movies", "SportsCenter", "one of the Diehard movies", "a couple episodes of 'Game of Thrones'", "whatever is on the SciFi channel"). Eventually, you regain enough energy to come (link:"out of your room")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]](else:)[When you get back to the apartment, you shower and then (link:"head straight to bed")[(goto:"End of Day")]].]](else:)[You go to the gym and, as usual, you have the place all to yourself. You get the best workout you can with this weak little body. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[It probably helps that you're the only one in the room.] You would get more benefit if you had a workout partner.
''Strength increases.(set: $Strength to it + 0.5)
New value: $Strength''
(if:$Time is "AM")[Afterwards, you're (either:"totally drained", "physically wiped out", "unbelievably tired", "exhausted"). You take a shower, nap, and watch (either:"a few episodes of 'Burn Notice'", "one of the Terminator movies", "SportsCenter", "one of the Diehard movies", "a couple episodes of 'Game of Thrones'", "whatever is on the SciFi channel"). Eventually, you regain enough energy to come (link:"out of your room")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]](else:)[When you get back to the apartment, you shower and then (link:"head straight to bed")[(goto:"End of Day")]].]]<!-- test for special cases -->
(if:$VoodooSkill > 4 and $VDLesson5 is 0)[(set:$VDLesson5 to 1)<img src="Images\Wyatt Smiling.jpg">
Wyatt smiles broadly. "You've made so much progress with voodoo. I think you're ready to try an actual spell."
"Really? Yeeeaaa!" You fail to suppress a squeal of excitement. "But, I thought you were out of ingredients."
"Certainly, we don't have what we need to cast anything substantial. But, there are some very minor spells of short duration that don't require any special ingredients. I call them 'cantrips'."
"OK, so what do I do?" you're eager to learn.
"Well, first we need to decide [[which cantrip]] you want to learn.
](elseif:$CantripsMastered is 1 and $VDLesson6 is 0)[(display:"Voodoo Lesson #6")
[[End of morning->Evening Activity]]](elseif:$VDLesson6 is 1 and $VDLesson7 is 0 and $CardMagicPractice > 0 and $GustOfWindPractice > 0 and $CreateLustPractice > 0)[(goto:"Voodoo Lesson #7")](else:)[(display:"Voodoo Lesson")
(if:$VoodooSkill > 4 and $CantripsMastered < 1)[''Your voodoo skill can't increase until you've mastered at least one cantrip.''](elseif: ($VDLesson6 is 1 and $VDLesson7 is 0) and ($CardMagicPractice is 0 or $GustOfWindPractice is 0 or $CreateLustPractice is 0))[''Your voodoo skill can't increase until you've mastered all three cantrips.''](else:)[''Voodoo skill increases.(set: $VoodooSkill to it + 1)
New value: $VoodooSkill'']
Eventually, your head is spinning from all the arcane terminology and strange symbols. Mentally drained, you take a shower, nap, and watch (either:"a couple 'Big Bang' episodes", "one of the 'Lord of the Rings' movies", "a Jason Statham movie", "one of the 'Fast and Furious' movies", "a basketball game", "something about the ancient Egyptians having alien technology", "a couple 'Ghost Hunters' re-runs").
[[End of morning->Evening Activity]] ]It's evening time and Wyatt (either:"is in his room with the door shut, presumably reading about particle physics or voodoo or string theory or something similarly difficult for normal humans to grasp", "has gone out to have a drink with some of your friends", "is out on campus meeting with a professor", "went to bed early", "is in his room with the door shut, watching something on the Discovery Channel", "went to bed early", "is in his room with the door shut, reading...always reading").
You shut the door to your own room and then follow Patti into hers. (if:$PPP is 0)[You feel a bit apprehensive. Now you have a better idea why women you dated were reluctant to come home with you](elseif:$PPP is 1)[(if:$Exhibitionism > 0 or $MaleAttraction > 0 or $Dominance > 0)[Part of you is actually looking forward to this](elseif:$Empathy > 0)[You want to do what you can to help her.](else:)[Part of you wonders why you're doing this.]](else:)[You almost feel like a teenager sneaking out at night, hoping 'daddy' doesn't find out]. (set:$CumTimer to 0)
(link:"next")[(if:$PPP is 0)[(goto:"Patti Problem 1")](elseif:$PPP is 1)[(goto:"Patti Problem 2")](elseif:$PPP is 2)[(goto:"Patti Problem 3")](elseif:$PPP is 3)[(goto:"Patti Problem 4")](elseif:$PPP is 4)[(goto:"Patti Problem 5")]](either:"On a whim", "Pretty much at random", "With no plan", "Without much thought"), you (either:"decide to", "") (either:"drive to", "take the bus to", "walk to") (either:"the mall", "the park", "a coffee shop", "the art museum", "a nice bar", "one of your old hangouts"). (set:$Random to (either:1,2))(if:$Random is 1)[You're wearing (either:"a tight-fitting miniskirt", "a pair of short shorts and a midriff-exposing t-shirt", "your favorite little black dress")(either:" and, of course, no bra",""," and no underwear at all"), which makes you feel (either:"quite sexy", "exhilerated", "powerful", "excited", "aroused").](else:)[You (either:"didn't bother to", "decided not to", "left so quickly, you didn't have time to") (either:"wear", "put on", "change into") anything (either:"special", "particularly sexy", "especially 'hot'") today...just (either:"a pair of tight jeans", "a nice pair of shorts", "some nice pants") and a (either:"cute", "nice", "stylish", "pretty") (either:"blouse", "top", "shirt").] As you (either:"mingle with", "walk among", "interact with") (either:"the people you meet", "other people", "others"), (either:"your sexy $Shape form gets", "you do a bit of posing and are rewarded with") (either:"many appreciative looks from the men, and more than a few from the women as well", "hungry stares from many of the men and women you encounter there").
How much do you want to show?
[[No more.]] I just wanted to be reassured how pretty I am.
Show some [[extra cleavage]].
(if:$Exhibitionism > 1)[Lift your shirt and [[flash your boobs]].]
(if:$Exhibitionism > 2)[Quickly [[flash your pussy]].]
(if:$Exhibitionism > 3)[Let someone see you [[masturbate->Masturbate in public]].]
$DayName, $Day day(if:$Day > 1)[s] since your transformation.(set:$Time to "PM")
While you wait for $WaitText, what would you like to do this **evening**?
(set:$T to $Day - $WorkoutDay)(if:$T > 2)[ [[Work out]]](elseif:$T is 0)[You already worked out today.](else:)[No gym today. You're too sore.]
(if:$Exhibitionism > 0 or $Confidence > 0)[ [[Tease someone]]
](else:)[You're still rather self-conscious and shy about your new body. Perhaps you'd like to go out in public and [[build your confidence]]?
](if:$MariaWantsToHang is 1 and $HungWithMariaToday is 0 and ($MariaHangEvent is not 2 or $DayName is "Friday" or $DayName is "Saturday"))[(if:$MariaHangEvent is 3)[You have a text from Maria: "Help! Please call." ](link:"Call Maria")[(set:$Return to "End of Day")(goto:"Call Maria")]
](if:$DesiresLesbianEncounter is 1 and $AskedPattiAboutLesbians is 0)[ [[Ask Patti about 'girls']]
](if:$PattiNeedsPractice is 1)[(if:$HelpingPatti is 0)[ [[Patti wants to talk]] about her 'problem'
](elseif:$HelpingPatti is 1 and $PPP < 4 and ($Day - $PWTT) > 1 and (($PPP < 2) or ($PPP < 3 and $HaveBondageEquipment is 1) or ($PPP is 3) or ($PPP is 4 and $HaveDevice is 1)))[ [[Help Patti with her 'problem']]
](elseif:$HelpingPatti is < 0 and $AnotherChanceToHelpPatti is 1)[ [[Talk to Patti about her 'problem' again]]
](if:$PPP > 1 and $HaveBondageEquipment is not 1)[ [[Buy some equipment]] to help with Patti's 'problem'.
](if:$PPP > 3 and $HaveDevice is not 1)[ [[Buy some equipment->Buy Device]] to help Patti with her 'problem'.
]](if:$AttendedSchoolToday is 1)[Do your [[homework]].
]Go to bed early and [[try to relieve some tension]].
[[I just want to relax->sleep 2]].(if:$VDLesson1 is 0)[(set:$VDLesson1 to 1)(if:$VoodooSkill > 0)[Remembering how quickly you picked up the spirit language, ]Wyatt decides to show you some of the texts he's been studying. With Wyatt's help, you make great progress. You'll never be as good at this as an egghead like Wyatt, but you're learning.](elseif:$VDLesson2 is 0)[(set:$VDLesson2 to 1)Wyatt is pleasantly surprised at how much interest you have in learning voodoo. This time, he teaches you about some of the basic and easy to acquire ingredients. You'd have guessed blood of course, and maybe salt. But things like cypress wood? Why cypress? Why not cedar?
Wyatt thinks you'll know enough to cast a simple spell after another lesson. Of course, you don't have all the ingredients. It seems like every spell, no matter how trivial, requires at least a bit of the rare elements to work.](elseif:$VDLesson3 is 0)[(set:$VDLesson3 to 1)Transformations are a big part of voodoo. Most of a voodoo queen's work is helping people by through transformation. People want to be taller, stronger, smarter, prettier, etc.
They also want to change others. They want someone to love them. They want to turn their boss into a toad. They want to make their spouse more attractive. And, a few want the queen to transform objects. Turn my Fiat into a Ferrari. Turn my nickles into gold.
So, by far the most numerous spells involve transformation. All transformation spells start off with the same basic steps. Today, you learned those basics.](elseif:$VDLesson4 is 0)[(set:$VDLesson4 to 1)Of course, to properly cast a spell, you need to know the name of a spirit that can do the work. Wyatt has a list of 50 or so along with a description of what they can do.
Different spirits have different requirements, both for the ingredients and the preparation. It's complicated and, on the surface, there's no logic to it whatsoever. But, by the end of the day, you're starting to recognize patterns and apply them to new cases. Wyatt is proud of you.](else:)[Wyatt continues to teach you more details about (either:"the spirit language", "how to prepare, combine, and present ingredients", "different spirits and their eccentricities", "spell limitations like duration, range, and magnitude", "voodoo queen lore, customs, and history") You're a (either:"good student", "fast learner", "apt pupil") and he's (either:"suitably impressed", "quite satisfied", "somewhat surprised") with your (either:"progress", "eagerness to learn", "rapid improvement").](set:$PWTT to $Day)Patti waits until Wyatt is has left the apartment before she approaches you. "Jacki...can we talk?"
"Why are you calling me Jacki? My name is Jack".
(if:$Plan is "Patti")["I'm just practicing. I don't want to slip up and call you Jack when we're with Maria. Besides, you](else:)[She/he smiles. "I guess you] just look more like a 'Jacki' to me."
Just now, with this huge male towering over you...you feel like a 'Jacki'. You decide to let it go. "Whatever. I guess Jacki works as long as I look like this." You wave your hands in front of your bosom.
Patti takes the opportunity to ogle. As tall as she/he is, looking down your blouse is too easy. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[You can't help but smile since you selected this particular lowcut garment just for that purpose.]
(display:"Show Cleavage")
"Ahem... what is it you wanted to talk about?"
She looks around nervously. "It's about what happened at the gym."
(if:$SeenGymGirl is 1)["Hey, don't stress. Before this change, you never even had sex *with* a guy, let alone *as* a guy. Almost all guys go off too quick when they're just starting out. You'll be ok with some practice."
"Well, that's what I want to talk about." She/he has goofy, shy smile.
](else:)["What happened at the gym?"
She looks at the floor. "There was a girl there..."
"Cool." You fill the silence, waiting for her to continue.
"...and we...well...we had sex." Her voice is small like a mouse.
"Awesome! Way to go, Patti!" You don't exactly feel happy about this, but it seems like congratulations are in order.
Patti looks like she/he might cry. "No! Not awesome!" She blurts out. "I came before we even got started good."
"Oh." What do you say to that? "Well, at least you had a good time."
"No, that's not what I want, at all. I wanted her to have a good time too. Now, she'll probably never want to be with me again. As a man, I'm terrible at sex." She really is crying now.
It seems really odd for such a big strong man to cry, yet her obviously sincerity affects you emotionally. "I'm sorry Jacki."
She puts a big strong male hand on each of your scrawny girl shoulders and looks sadly into your eyes as a tear runs down her cheek. "Will you help me?"
]You're pretty sure where this conversation is going.
How do you want to handle it?
[[Tease her a bit]]
She's staring down your blouse again. You smile because you know very well how hard it is to control your eyes when a nice set of tits is on display.
Patti talks to your breasts. "Well, you were a guy. You've had experience trying to control your...dick. Maybe you could coach me?"
"*Coach* you? Like how?"
Finally, she manages to look you in the eyes. "I figure it's like track. When I had poor form out of the blocks, my coach saw what I was doing. She gave me drills to do. She watched and gave me feedback." Patti shrugs. "Over time, working with my coach, I got better."
(if:$Plan is "Patti")[She sees you still have doubts. "Plus, if I'm supposed to make Maria fall for me, I might need to have a little more 'experience', right?"
]"No one else could train me as well as you could. Not only do you have experience as a man; you're also the hottest woman on the planet, at least to me." She does have a point.
What do you think? Do you want to coach Patti on her issues?
[[No, she's on her own]]
[[Yes, I'll help Patti]]
Your mind is full of thoughts just before you drift off to sleep. The one thing that's foremost in your mind is...
[[I'm so sorry]] about what happened to Patti.
I've got to [[get my body back]].
[[Patti still makes me horny]], even if she looks like a guy.Too horny to sleep, you give in to your urges.
But, no matter how hard you rub your clit, you just can't...quite...get to your peak. WTF? Aren't you doing it right? Is something wrong with this body? (set:$PCNoOrgasm to 1)
Finally, exhausted, hands cramping...so frustrated you want to scream...you give up.
[[next->sleep]]Where would you like to go?
[[Walk in the neighborhood]]
[[Go to the beach]]
[[Go shopping]]Sometimes, you just need to get out of the apartment. Fresh air...sunshine...regular people living regular lives...it helps you get perspective on your situation.
None of these people see anything out of the ordinary when they look at you. No one would believe you if you told them what happened. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't see it as a disaster, certainly not the women anyway.
It seems like there are beautiful women everywhere you look.
{(set:$NeighborImage to it + 1)(if:$NeighborImage > 8)[(set:$NeighborImage to 1)]
(if:$NeighborImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Neighborhood 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$NeighborImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Neighborhood 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$NeighborImage is 3)[<img src="Images\Neighborhood 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$NeighborImage is 4)[<img src="Images\Neighborhood 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$NeighborImage is 5)[<img src="Images\Neighborhood 5.jpg">]
(elseif:$NeighborImage is 6)[<img src="Images\Neighborhood 6.jpg">]
(elseif:$NeighborImage is 7)[<img src="Images\Neighborhood 7.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Neighborhood 8.jpg">]}
(if:$NeighborImage is 3 and $DesiresLesbianEncounter is 0)[So many beautiful women! Surely some of them are lesbians? Maybe you could approach one? But how? Who could help you. (set:$DesiresLesbianEncounter to 1)](else:)[Nothing unusual happens.] You stop and get (either:"some sushi", "soup and a sandwich", "a salad", "a chicken wrap") for lunch and then (link:"head home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")].You walk on the beach and enjoy the view.
(set:$SeenBeachGirl to it + 1)(if:$SeenBeachGirl > 10)[(set:$SeenBeachGirl to 1)]
(if:$SeenBeachGirl is 1)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 1.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 2)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 2.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 3)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 3.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 4)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 4.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 5)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 5.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 6)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 6.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 7)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 7.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 8)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 8.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 9)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 9.jpg">
](elseif:$SeenBeachGirl is 10)[<img src="Images\Girl on Beach 10.jpg">
(if:$SeenBeachGirl is 3 and $DesiresLesbianEncounter is 0)[So many beautiful women! Surely some of them are lesbians? Maybe you could approach one? But how? Who could help you. (set:$DesiresLesbianEncounter to 1)](else:)[Nothing interesting happens.] You relax for a while, get a little sun, do some swimming, and then (link:"head back to your apartment")[(goto:"Evening Activity")].
A girl can never have too many clothes, right? Every day is unique and calls for a unique look. You might be happy, or serious, or playful, or whatever. You might need to be in a formal situation, or a casual one, or maybe to workout or... the possibilities are endless.
You also need groceries and household items. Life goes on.
So, you spend a few hours shopping and trying on and buying. Nothing unusual happens.
(if:(random:1,2) is 1)[<img src="Images\Trying on clothes.jpg">](else:)[<img src="Images\Shopping.jpg">]
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")] (if:$SmokyImage < $HadSex)[(goto:"Smoky Image")](else:)[{
(set:$HungWithMariaToday to 0)
(set:$AttendedSchoolToday to 0)
(set:$Day to it + 1)
(display:"Next Day")
(set:$T to $Day - $LastWorkout)
}(if:($T > 2 and $Strength > 10) or ($T > 3 and $Strength > 8) or ($T > 4 and $Strength > 6) or ($T > 5 and $Strength > 3))[You haven't worked out in $T days. This body will revert back to its natural state of weakness without frequent attention. The stronger you are, the more trips to the gym you'll need to maintain the strength.
''Your strength has decreased (set:$Strength to it - 1)(set:$LastWorkout to $Day - 1)(if:$Strength < 3)[(set:$Strength to 3)]
New value: $Strength''
(link:"next")[(if:$Day > $WaitTime)[(goto:$EndOfWaitPassage)](else:)[(goto:"Morning Activity")]]](else:)[(if:$Day > $WaitTime)[(goto:$EndOfWaitPassage)](else:)[(goto:"Morning Activity")]]]{
(if:$Day > 6)[(set:$T to $Day / 7)
(set:$TT to (round:$T - 0.5))
(set:$T to it - $TT)
(set:$DoW to (round:$T * 7))]
(else:)[(set:$DoW to $Day)]
(set:$Weekday to "true")
(if:$DoW is 0)[(set:$DayName to "Sunday")(set:$Weekday to "false")]
(elseif:$DoW is 1)[(set:$DayName to "Monday")]
(elseif:$DoW is 2)[(set:$DayName to "Tuesday")]
(elseif:$DoW is 3)[(set:$DayName to "Wednesday")]
(elseif:$DoW is 4)[(set:$DayName to "Thursday")]
(elseif:$DoW is 5)[(set:$DayName to "Friday")]
(elseif:$DoW is 6)[(set:$DayName to "Saturday")(set:$Weekday to "false")]
(else:)[(set:$DayName to "UNKNOWN")]}You go to bed and sleep until the next day.
[[next->End of Day]]$DayName, $Day day(if:$Day > 1)[s] since your transformation.
At breakfast, you can tell that Wyatt is excited. "Great news! We have (if:$Plan is "Patti")[all the documents we need for you to start school with Maria](else:)[bids for stealing the voodoo ingredients we need]!"
"Awesome!" "Great!" You and Patti answer at the same time.
(if:$Plan is "Patti")[Patti: "So when do we start?"
Wyatt: "A day or two. I've already been working with the school's administrative office. They have everything set up. We just needed the documentation to make it official."
(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "School")(set:$WaitText to "the school to process your paperwork")(set:$WaitTime to $Day)(link:"next")[(goto:"Morning Activity")]
](else:)[You: "Let's take a look at the bids."
Wyatt: "I've already eliminated the worst proposals and narrowed the list to those with good experience and stellar reviews. Here are [[our options->Options]]."
{(set:$PP3Day to $Day)
(set:$PPP to it + 1)
(set:$Elapsed to $Day - $PP2Day)
(set:$Practices to $Elapsed * 2 + 1)
(set:$PattiArousal to 0)
}Patti is sitting on the bed with a big smile on her face. She's probably been dying for this (if:$Elapsed is 1)[all day](elseif:$Elapsed is 2)[for two days](else:)[for days].
"How has your practice been going?" Your heart is already thumping, just from thinking about what's about to happen.
"OK, I guess." She pulls out a small notepad. "I've practiced $Practices times. My best time is 8 minutes and 4 seconds...worst is 4:41...average is 6:22." She looks up from her notepad. "I don't seem to make much progress on my own. This is taking forever."
"Are you ready to try something new?" You can't help but grin.
"Like what?"
You take the shopping bag from behind your back and pull out a pair of handcuffs. "Let's try these on, shall we?"
Her eyes go wide. "What are you going to do with those?" She asks slowly and carefully.
"I'm gonna put them on you. Don't worry, they're soft and cushy on the inside...see?" You hold them out for her to inspect. "What is that...velvet?"
"You're going to tie me down? I don't think I'd like that." There is no happiness on Patti's face.
You need to overcome Patti's apprehension. How would you like to attempt that?
[[Offer a reward]] for cooperation.
[[Make angry threats]] if she doesn't cooperate.(set:$PPP to it + 1)(set:$PP2Day to $Day)(set:$CumTimer to it + 2)(set:$CumShot to 0)Patti sits on the bed, smiling.
You remain standing, between her and the door. Tonight, you chose to wear a little black dress...and no underwear. "Have you had a chance to...practice...what we went over last time?"
(set:$Elapsed to $Day - $PP1Day)(set:$N to $Elapsed * 2)
"Yes." She replies sheepishly. (if:$Elapsed is 1)["A couple times."](elseif:$Elapsed is 2)["Four times.](elseif:$Elapsed is 3)["Six times."](else:)["$N times."] (set:$PPPDay to $Day)
Jeeez. It's only been $Elapsed day(if:$Elapsed > 1)[s]! "How's it going? Are you lasting any longer?"
"Yeah. A little. I guess." She's clearly uncomfortable talking about it, even with you.
"OK, let's see. Show me." (if:$MaleAttraction > 0)[You try not to sound too eager, even though you *are* looking forward to it.](elseif:$MaleAttraction < 0)[You try not to let your reluctance show in your tone of voice.]
Patti quickly strips her clothes and lies on her back. Her 8-inch dick is already at full-size. She stares at you with hungry eyes while her big hand moves slowly up and down.
She really is doing better than last time. The movements are slower and every three strokes or so, she stops and moves her hand away, leaving her boner free to bob in the air, pulsing with her heartbeat.
(link:"Praise her progress")[(set:$Response to "praise")(goto:"PP2 Pt 2")].
(link:"Don't let her get overconfident")[(set:$Response to "discipline")(goto:"PP2 Pt 2")].
(set:$BraOn to 1)(set:$PP1Day to $Day)(set:$PPP to it + 1)You stand by the door in case you need to make a quick getaway. "OK, now what?"
Patti sits on the edge of her bed. "Well...I did some reading online..." She's blushing, which looks really weird on a big muscular dude. "...and it said I need to get turned on, almost to the point of cumming, and then stop and cool down. Rinse, repeat, until I learn to control things."
"So browse some porn." That's what *you* do.
"I tried that last night. I even timed myself...3 whole minutes." Now she's even redder.
"Well, that's...that's really fast." That's even worse than you. "OK, so the first thing you need to do is learn when to stop touching yourself."
Her eyes light up. "Thank you. Thank you for helping!"
"Yeah, ok. You're welcome." This is pretty embarrassing for you too. "So...uh...why don't you get undressed."
Patti quickly stands and eagerly pulls her shirt over her head revealing her broad, muscular chest and six-pack abs. Then, she unbuttons her jeans and lifts out first one tree-trunk leg and then the other.
<img src="Images\Dick Bulge.jpg">
"Jeeez, Patti, you're already hard!" You wave your dainty little hand with the pink nails in the general direction of the tent in Patti's briefs.
"Sorry. Just thinking about sex gets me this way."
Are (were?) you that bad? Maybe when you were a teenager.
Give her some [[visual stimulation]].
Have her [[touch herself]]."Let's start off easy." You reach under your blouse and remove your bra. These thin little arms are really flexible. Now, your $BreastAdjective firm breasts rub against the thin fabric of your blouse, causing your nipples to perk up just a bit. (set:$BraOn to 0)
(display:"No Bra Image")
Patti's lips fall open and she wets them with her tongue. Her right hand immediately moves to grip her dick.
"Seriously? You're not even trying." You grab the door handle.
"No! Wait! I can do it. See?" She pulls her hand out of her briefs.
"OK. But, *no touching*. Understand? You touch, I leave." You lay down the law.
"I understand."
You walk around and her eyes follow your breasts wherever they go. You keep your shoulders back to pull them up high and firm. Then, you make them jiggle a little.
"This is hard." Patti groans, hands clenched into fists.
"It certainly looks that way." You're looking at her tent. "Take off those briefs."
<img src="Images\Nice Dick.jpg">
When she complies, you can see her dick is angled upward at a 45 degree angle. The head looks dark red...almost purple. (if:$MaleAttraction > 0)[Nice!] (if:$MaleAttraction > 1)[Her dick has a sexy shape.]
You roll up the bottom of your blouse and allow Patti to see the bottom half of your perky, $BreastSize breasts.
Patti's hands rise from her sides like Frankenstein's creature. She reaches for your breasts as you dance away in the nick of time.
"What the hell? Don't touch me." You rebuke her.
She groans and grabs her dick. "It hurts. It's been hard *all day*!"
She probably is in pain. It looks like she's got a serious case of blue balls. "Go ahead and stroke it. But, go slow. See how long you can last. Count the strokes." Maybe that'll take her mind off cumming.
Patti gets a weird smile on her face as she firmly grabs her dick. "One....two..three..four.."
You grab her hand to pull it away, which is really stupid because 1) you're not strong enough to do that and, 2) it's too late.
"EIGHT!..NINE!..*TENNNN*!!!...Oh shit! FUCK! I...can't...stop!" Patti shoots a rope of semen all over your right forearm. Yuck!
<img src="Images\Patti cums.gif">
This is not going to be easy.
Once she's stopped making a mess, Patti sits dejectedly on the bed.
[[Console her]].
[[Berate her]].
[[Go back to your room]] without saying anything."Go ahead, take off your briefs and stroke yourself a little. Three strokes...that's all you get right now." Surely, she can't cum from three strokes.
Patti gets a weird smile on her face as she drops her briefs and firmly grabs her dick. "One....two..three..uh..uh..uh..."
"Stop! I said three!"
You grab her hand to pull it away, which is really stupid because 1) you're not strong enough to do that and, 2) it's too late.
"UH!...UH!...UH!...Oh shit! Fuck! I...can't...stop!" Patti shoots a rope of semen all over your right forearm. Yuck!
<img src="Images\Patti cums.gif">
This is *not* going to be easy.
Once she's stopped making a mess, Patti sits dejectedly on the bed.
[[Console her]].
[[Berate her]].
[[Go back to your room]] without saying anything.She's really taking this hard. You go sit beside her on the bed. "Hey. Don't be so hard on yourself. This was just a first practice. You didn't win your first race, did you?"
Somehow, she manages to chuckle and sob at the same time. "Well, as a matter of fact, I *did* win my first race. But, I get your point."
Knowing men like you do, you stall for time. "Tell me about your first race."
"Well... I was 13. It was junior high school. I only went out for track because there was this girl I liked..."
You keep her talking for a good 15 minutes. The cum dries on her dick. She forgets how sad she is.
You stand up. "OK Patti, let's try this again."
"Now?" She looks at you in bewilderment.
"Yep. Now." You reach your hand under your shirt(if:$BraOn is 1)[ and remove your bra. Then, you](else:)[ and] pinch your nipples into full erection. As Patti's eyes follow your every move, you bend over just inches from her face and jiggle.
Patti's expression goes from bewilderment to hunger in a split second. You continue to jiggle for a bit, then you turn around and shake your $Shape ass at her.
After a minute or two, you turn back around and find that Patti's dick is lengthening nicely. "Now, I want you to stroke it. Slowly."
Patti begins to slowly stroke her gradually inflating dick.
You pose and jiggle...she strokes...and doesn't cum right away. "Good job, Patti. Keep it slow. How are you doing?"
"OK. I'm doing it! I'm not cumming!" She sounds like a kid riding a bike for the first time. She lasts a good 10 minutes before she goes off. After two cums in a half hour, she falls back on the bed, drained.
"Good lesson. You did good, Patti."
**Your empathy has increased. (set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy**
"Have a good night. I'll see you in the morning."
(link:"next")[(goto:"sleep 2")]"Damn it, Patti! That was the most pathetic example of self-control I've ever seen. Any 15-year old boy could do better than that." Your voice is sharp as a knife.
"I'm so sorry." She's not meeting your gaze. "I tried."
"You *will* do better than that! Do you understand me? This...performance...is *not* acceptable!" Your hands are on your hips as you spit out your words with pretended fury. "If you want my help, you're going to have to try harder than that. Do you understand?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes, I understand. Yes, ma'am, I understand I must do better." The way she's responding to you, that track coach must have been a real bitch.
"We will try this again *when I'm ready*, and when we do, you had better show some improvement." You walk out of the room and back to your own.
Once back in your room, you think about what just happened. How do you feel about it?
You were just doing this to [[try to motivate]] her.
It really made you hot to [[dominate her]] like that.Well, that was unexpected and you're really not sure how to deal with it.
Were you...
[[grossed out]]?
[[embarrassed]]?(set:$Assertiveness to it + 1)
**Your assertiveness has increased.
New value: $Assertiveness**
Some people respond well to forceful coaching. Hopefully Patti is one of those.
(link:"next")[(goto:"sleep 2")]**Your assertiveness has increased.(set:$Assertiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Assertiveness
Your dominance has increased. (set:$Dominance to it + 1)
New value: $Dominance**
At first you were just trying to motivate Patti to do better. But then, you realize how exciting it is to dominate a huge strong man. Your nipples are like steel spikes and your pussy is soaked! You really enjoyed humiliating her.
Hopefully Patti doesn't respond poorly...
(link:"next")[(goto:"sleep 2")]Wyatt looks at you incredulously. "Seriously? You want to kill a woman we've never met, who never harmed us in any way?"
Patti looks stricken.
"[[Yes, we need to eliminate her.]] Otherwise, she will hunt us down."
"[[Sorry, no.]] I didn't mean that."**Your ruthlessness has dramatically increased! (set:$Ruthlessness to it + 3)
New value: $Ruthlessness**
Wyatt shakes his head. "No. No, we're not doing that."
Patti has a look on her face you've not seen before. Her brow is furrowed and her eyes are squinted. "Absolutely not. It's not happening."
"Look...Bro...I love you like a brother..." Wyatt only calls you 'Bro' when he's really upset (or drunk). "...but I won't help you any more if you insist on this."
Without Wyatt's help, it wouldn't do you any good to steal the ingredients anyway. From the look of things, you're pretty sure there's no way to change his mind.
[[OK. We won't eliminated Marvanna->go over the plan as a group]] "I'm sorry. That was a bad attempt at humor." You backpedal quickly. "All this 'dark web' stuff has got me thinking like it's a 'made for TV' movie.
They both look at you skeptically for a minute, and then everyone moves on.
[[next->go over the plan as a group]] You still can't believe it. Another man's cum hit your arm! Even worse, you were the cause of it. Your stomach turns. Are you becoming gay?
**Your attraction to men has decreased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it - 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction**
(link:"next")[(goto:"sleep 2")]What the hell?!?!? Patti should know better than that. How dare she shoot cum on your arm? You told her to stop and she chose not to. It's all her fault.
**Your empathy has decreased. (set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy**
Doesn't she have any concern about your feelings at all?
(link:"next")[(goto:"sleep 2")]**Your attraction to men has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction (if:$Exhibitionism < 2)[
Your exhibitionism has increased. (set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism
]**When you think about how excited Patti must have been to cum that quickly... It sort of turns you on. It makes you feel good inside when you realize how powerful your sexual attraction is, at least toward Patti.
When her cum hit your arm, the physical intimate physical contact was erotic. You begin to think that it might be fun to tease Patti even more.
(link:"next")[(goto:"sleep 2")]What were you doing in Patti's room anyway? How did you let yourself get talked into that? If your friends knew what you just did, you'd just die from embarrassment.
**Your exhibitionism has decreased (set:$Exhibitionism to it - 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**
You're going to try to get better control of your exhibitionist impulses.
(link:"next")[(goto:"sleep 2")]{(if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[
(if:$BreastImage is 1)[<img src="Images\B-cup 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 2)[<img src="Images\B-cup 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 3)[<img src="Images\B-cup 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 4)[<img src="Images\B-cup 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 5)[<img src="Images\B-cup 5.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[
(if:$BreastImage is 1)[<img src="Images\C-cup.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 2)[<img src="Images\C-cup 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 3)[<img src="Images\C-cup 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 4)[<img src="Images\C-cup 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[
(if:$BreastImage is 1)[<img src="Images\D-cup 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 2)[<img src="Images\D-cup 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 3)[<img src="Images\D-cup 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 4)[<img src="Images\D-cup 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 5)[<img src="Images\D-cup 5.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\D-cup 6.jpg">]
](elseif:$BreastSize is "DD-cup")[
(if:$BreastImage is 1)[<img src="Images\DD-cup 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 2)[<img src="Images\DD-cup 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 3)[<img src="Images\DD-cup 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastImage is 4)[<img src="Images\DD-cup 4.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\DD-cup 5.jpg">]
]}(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)(if:$Response is "praise")["That's great Patti! You're doing much better." Your girly voice sounds sweet as honey.](else:)["Well, congratulations." Your tone of voice is sarcastic. "You've managed to touch your dick without cumming. Let's get you a diploma."] Now, stop touching. (set:$Naked to "no")(set:$Threatened to "no")(set:$StrokeCount to 0)
<img src="Images\Patti on bed.jpg">
She stops touching herself. "It's a lot...harder...when you're in the room with me." Her voice sounds strained.
(if:$Response is "praise")["Do I make you nervous?"](else:)["What's the matter? Are you afraid of showing your hard little pecker?"]
"No. Well, yes, but that's not it. You're just so sexy; it makes my dick ache." She's biting her bottom lip.
"So, if I do this..." You lift the hem of your little black dress up over your ass. Just for a second you totally expose your naked pussy, then drop your dress again. "...it gives you more of a challenge?" (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[The exhibitionist in you gets a thrill from exposing your body.](else:)[ Does it make you hot to show off your body like this? (link:"Yes.")[It's exciting for you to see the thrill on Patti's face.
**Showing your naked pussy makes you hot!
Your exhibitionism has increased.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**]]
<img src="Images\Pull up Dress.jpg">
"Yes!" Her hands are on the bed, on either side of her hips, where they hold the sheets in a deathgrip. Every muscle in her athletic male body seems to be tensing. So lean...she's really 'ripped'. (if:$MaleAttraction > 0)[You've recently begun to appreciate the male form for it's sexuality.] Don't you think she looks sexy like this? (link:"Maybe...a little")[
Maybe...a little... Well...OK...yes. Yes, she's sexy. You can feel your pussy begin to warm up and your heart beats a little faster.
**Your attraction to men has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction**]
How would you like to proceed from here?
[[Tell her to stroke herself]].
[[Touch her dick->Handjob]].
[[Take off all your clothes]].
[[Touch yourself->Touch your pussy]].(if:$Confidence is 0)[You walk around the city for a couple of hours. It's reassuring to have other people treat you as 'normal', even though you don't feel normal on the inside.
In fact, people treat you better than normal. You find that, as a an attractive young woman, everyone is much nicer to you than before. At least that's your perception. (set:$Confidence to it + 1)](elseif:$Confidence is 1)[After a couple hours walking around the city, you begin to feel more 'at home' with your new body. People, especially men, go out of their way to be nice to you.
From the looks you're getting, you know people find you very attractive. (if:$Exhibitionism < 1)[(link:"Perhaps you'd like to tease them a little?")[You find yourself smiling and posing for your admirers which, of course, gets you even more attention. The more you do it, the more exciting you get.
**You've become a bit of an exhibitionist.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**
In the future, you think you might be even bolder.] (set:$Confidence to it + 1)
]](else:)[Walking through the city helps you clear your mind. Wherever you go, people are so nice. Everyone smiles; men hold doors open; clerks are eager to help; strangers offer to help you carry things...it's a completely different experience from before your transformation. Even though it's you that's changed, if feels like the whole city has changed.
You now carry yourself with pride and confidence, no longer embarrassed about your new body. (if:$Exhibitionism < 1)[From the looks you're getting, you know people find you very attractive. (link:"Perhaps you'd like to tease them a little?")[You find yourself smiling and posing for your admirers which, of course, gets you even more attention. The more you do it, the better you feel.
**You've become a bit of an exhibitionist.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**
]](else:)[Exhibitionism = $Exhibitionism ]]
When you get home, you shower and head straight [[to bed->End of Day]] Satisfied that you're still a 'hottie', you head back home with a warm glow. Sometimes, a girl just needs to feel desirable...no need to show any extra skin.
When you get home, you shower and head straight [[to bed->End of Day]] (display:"Show Cleavage")
You modify your clothing a bit to show off your sexy breasts to best effect. (if:$Exhibitionism < 2)[Was it exciting to show your cleavage? Do you think you could go further next time?
(link:"Yes!")[**Showing your body in public makes you hot. Your exhibitionism has increased.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**]]
You get a big kick from watching the expression on people's faces. Guys look completely stunned. You're even attracting hungry looks from some of the women.
(set:$Random to (either:1,2,3))(if:$Random is 1)[<img src="Images\Lustful Man.jpg">](elseif:$Random is 2)[<img src="Images\Lustful Man 2.jpg">](else:)[<img src="Images\Lustful Woman.jpg">]
When you get home, you shower and head straight [[to bed->End of Day]] (if:$Shape is "thin")[<img src="Images\Flashing Thin.jpg">](elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[<img src="Images\Flashing Athletic.jpg">](elseif:$Shape is "shapely")[<img src="Images\Flashing Shapely.jpg">](elseif:$Shape is "Voluptuous")[<img src="Images\Flashing Voluptuous.jpg">]
You expose your pussy to a few random strangers. (if:$Exhibitionism < 4)[Is it exciting for you? Do you think you could go further next time?
(link:"Yes!")[**Showing your pussy in public makes you hot. Your exhibitionism has increased.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**]]
Your lucky observers look somewhat stunned, but no one reports you.
(set:$Random to (either:1,2,3))(if:$Random is 1)[<img src="Images\Stunned Man.jpg">](elseif:$Random is 2)[<img src="Images\Stunned Man 2.jpg">](else:)[<img src="Images\Stunned Woman.jpg"> (if:$DesiresLesbianEncounter is not 1)[
Seeing the stunned woman gets makes you wonder... There must be lesbians like Patti who would be interested in you. How would you find them? How do you approach them? Who could help you? (set:$DesiresLesbianEncounter to 1)]]
When you get home, you shower and head straight [[to bed->End of Day]] (display:"Flash Tits")
You find a couple of unsuspecting people and flash your tits. (if:$Exhibitionism < 3)[Was it exciting to flash your boobs? Do you think you could go further next time?
(link:"Yes!")[**Showing your breasts in public makes you hot. Your exhibitionism has increased.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**]]
You get a huge rush from watching the expression on people's faces. Guys look completely stunned. You're even attracting hungry looks from some of the women.
(set:$Random to (either:1,2,3))(if:$Random is 1)[<img src="Images\Stunned Man.jpg">](elseif:$Random is 2)[<img src="Images\Stunned Man 2.jpg">](else:)[<img src="Images\Stunned Woman.jpg">]
When you get home, you shower and head straight [[to bed->End of Day]] <img src="Images\Flashing Thin.jpg">
You get so horny showing your body to strangers, you decide to see if you can get yourself off. Sitting in public, legs spread wide, wet pussy available for almost anyone to see...you find yourself getting breathless.
<img src="Images\Public Masturbation.jpg">
But, just when it was getting good, (set:$CaughtInPublic to it + 1)(if:$CaughtInPublic is 1)[you see a woman pointing at you while she talks to a cop. You leave in a hurry!](elseif:$CaughtInPublic is 2)[A guy taps you on the shoulder (where did he come from?) and invites you to his room. You tell him to get lost, but he won't go away. Finally, you have to leave.](elseif:$CaughtInPublic is 3)[a woman walks over and tells you if you don't stop, she's going to take your picture and turn it over to the police for indecent exposure.](else:)[(either:"you see a woman pointing at you while she talks to a cop. You leave in a hurry!", "A guy taps you on the shoulder (where did he come from?) and invites you to his room. You tell him to get lost, but he won't go away. Finally, you have to leave.", "a woman walks over and tells you if you don't stop, she's going to take your picture and turn it over to the police for indecent exposure.")] Unfortunately, your adventure ends in frustration. (set:$PCNoOrgasm to it + 1)
(if:$Exhibitionism < 5)[Did you enjoy masturbating in public? Do you think you could go even further with your public displays?
(link:"Yes!")[**Masturbating in public is exciting! Your exhibitionism has increased.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**]
]When you get home, you shower and head straight [[to bed->End of Day]] (set:$CumTimer to it + 1)(set:$SeenHJ1 to 1)(if:$MaleAttraction < 1)[Touching someone else's dick is a big step for you!](elseif:$MaleAttraction is 1)[You feel just a bit of anticipation about touching Patti's dick.](else:)[Your eyes sparkle as you lick your lips...you feel excited by what you're about to do.]
You move closer and slowly reach your hand toward Patti's straining dick. You almost can't believe you're doing this. A few days ago, touching any dick other than your own would have been...unthinkable. 'Patti is really a girl' you tell yourself.
(if:$MaleAttraction < 2)[**Your body feels warm! Apparently, it likes what it's touching.
Your attraction to men has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction**
]She watches your hand with wide eyes and then groans when your slender fingers wrap around her erection. It's really hard, and hot. You give it a tentative squeeze and she groans again. It feels positively gigantic in your tiny female hands.
<img src="Images\Hand on dick 2.jpg">
You're not really stroking her...just feeling the vein ridges, the way it pulses with her heartbeat, the somewhat softer mushroom-shaped head. Patti begins to lift her hips, trying to initiate more forceful action.
"How are you feeling?" You ask, without your eyes ever moving from the place where your hand is touching her.
"I...(grunt)...feel pretty...(grunt)...awesome!"
"Are you close?" You run a finger lightly up and down the ridge of her uretha.
"(grunt!)...Goddam right I'm...(grunt!)...close!" Her hip movements are getting more uncontrolled.
How would you like to 'handle' Patti?
Keep (link:"teasing her with your hand")[(set:$EndPassage to "Handjob Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")], but try not to let her cum.
(if:$Naked is not "yes")[Tease her by [[taking off your clothes->Take off all your clothes]].
](else:)[(link:"Show her a teasing dance")[(set:$EndPassage to "Striptease Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")].
]Step back and (if:$SeenStroke1 is 0)[ [[tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Tell her to stroke herself]]](elseif:$SeenStroke2 is 0)[ [[tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Stroke Herself pt 2]]](elseif:$SeenStroke3 is 0)[ [[tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Stroke Herself pt 3]]](else:)[(link:"tell her to stroke herself")[(set:$EndPassage to "Self Stroking Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
Step back and tease her by (if:$PussyTouched is 0)[ [[touching your pussy->Touch your pussy]] ](else:)[(link:"touching your pussy")[(set:$EndPassage to "Pussy Watch Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
(set:$CumTimer to it + 2)You do a little dance while you slowly remove your clothing. Calling it a 'strip tease' would be an exaggeration since you don't really know what you're doing. But, you know the basics: keep moving, play peekaboo, slowly show more skin, use your hands to hide the best parts. (set:$Naked to "yes") (if:$Exhibitionism < 1)[
(display:"Ass Image")
Is this exciting for you? (link:"Yes")[As you dance, your nipples start to get stiff, so you tweak and pinch them into full erection. The fire in her eyes tells you you're doing it right. The fire in your pussy tells you you're getting turned on.
**You've become a bit of an exhibitionist.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**]
]By the time you've revealed your pussy, Patti is stroking her cock again.
"Stop that!" You order.
She looks at you with desperate eyes. "I...just need to...just a...little"
Could she really cum, just from watching you dance? (link:"Keep dancing")[(set:$EndPassage to "Striptease Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")].
"Let me see how hard you are..." (if:$SeenHJ1 is 0)[ [[Touch her dick->Handjob]] ](else:)[(link:"Touch her dick")[(set:$EndPassage to "Touched Dick Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
(if:$SeenStroke1 is 0)[ [[Tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Tell her to stroke herself]] ](elseif:$SeenStroke2 is 0)[ [[Tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Stroke Herself pt 2]] ](elseif:$SeenStroke3 is 0)[ [[Tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Stroke Herself pt 3]] ](else:)[(link:"Tell her to stroke herself")[(set:$EndPassage to "Self Stroking Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
Tease her by (if:$PussyTouched is 0)[ [[touching your pussy->Touch your pussy]] ](else:)[(link:"touching your pussy")[(set:$EndPassage to "Pussy Watch Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)(set:$PussyTouched to 1)You had a girlfriend once (ok, maybe she only went out with you twice) that teased you by playing with her pussy in front of you. It was really hot. After a few minutes, you couldn't take it any more and you ravished her. Maybe Patti will appreciate something similar.
Holding your dress up with one hand, you stand with your legs apart and gently run your middle finger up and down your slit. Your sensitive pussy responds with more heat and moisture. You let your finger dip inside and it comes back out with glistening wetness on the tip.
<img src="Images\Standing Masturbation 2.jpg">
"Look at that, Patti...I'm all wet inside."
She sits up on the bed and slides toward you, saying nothing.
Uh oh! Too much teasing! You step back quickly with wide eyes. "Wait! Stop!"
"Come on, Jacki...I just want to touch it...just a little...please...?" She's not stopping to see if you say yes or no.
You back all the way to the door. You're breathing fast. There's no way you can stop Patti if she doesn't want to stop. "Wait! Go ahead and touch yourself. You touch you and I'll touch me. ok?"
She's obviously torn between her lust and her respect for your wishes. Luckily for you, 'good Patti' wins...this time.
"I"m sorry, Jacki. I know I could really make you feel good...if you let me. But, I won't force you." She lies back on the bed and starts to stroke herself again.
Wow! She really got excited when you touched yourself. Maybe you'd like to (link:"try that again")[(set:$EndPassage to "Pussy Watch Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]?
You need to regain control. (if:$SeenStroke1 is 0)[ [[Tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Tell her to stroke herself]] ](elseif:$SeenStroke2 is 0)[ [[Tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Stroke Herself pt 2]] ](elseif:$SeenStroke3 is 0)[ [[Tell her to stroke herself, but not enough to cum->Stroke Herself pt 3]] ](else:)[(link:"Tell her to stroke herself")[(set:$EndPassage to "Self Stroking Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
Maybe you could be nicer to her. "Here...let me touch it." (if:$SeenHJ1 is 0)[ [[Touch her dick->Handjob]] ](else:)[(link:"Touch her dick")[(set:$EndPassage to "Touched Dick Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
You could give her something to look at. (if:$Naked is not "yes")[ [[Take off your clothes->Take off all your clothes]]. ](else:)[(link:"Show her a teasing dance")[(set:$EndPassage to "Striptease Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")].]{
(if:$Shape is "thin")[
(if:$AssImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Ass Thin 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Ass Thin 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 3)[<img src="Images\Ass Thin 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 4)[<img src="Images\Ass Thin 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 5)[<img src="Images\Ass Thin 5.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Ass Thin 6.jpg">]
(elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[
(if:$AssImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 3)[<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 4)[<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 5)[<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 5.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Ass Athletic 6.jpg">]
(elseif:$Shape is "shapely")[
(if:$AssImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 3)[<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 4)[<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 4.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Ass Shapely 5.jpg">]
(elseif:$Shape is "voluptuous")[
(if:$AssImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Ass Voluptuous 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Ass Voluptuous 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$AssImage is 3)[<img src="Images\Ass Voluptuous 3.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Ass Voluptuous 4.jpg">]
}(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)(set:$SeenStroke1 to 1)"I want you to stroke yourself like you did last time, only this time I want you to stop when I say. If you don't stop, I'm going to..." Hmmm, what could you do? You should have brought a stick or something. "If you don't stop, I'm going to hit you with my shoe." You pick up one of your discarded pumps and brandish it threateningly.
"OK." Patti starts to stroke while staring at you(if:$Naked is "yes")[r naked body](else:)[ lustfully].
"Stop!" You command...and she stops.
"Already? I just started..." Patti whines like a child. You notice that her dick has a nice arch to it.
"What does it feel like?"
"It's tight. It's so hard, it aches."
You remember that feeling. You miss it, actually. This female body gets turned on too(if:$MaleAttraction > 0 or $Exhibitionism > 0)[, in fact it's pretty excited right now], but it's different. The urgency isn't the same. The feeling of an impending explosion isn't there.
Tell her to [[resume stroking->Stroke Herself pt 2]]
(if:$Naked is not "yes")[Tease her by [[taking off your clothes->Take off all your clothes]]. ](else:)[(link:"Show her a teasing dance")[(set:$EndPassage to "Striptease Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
"Let me see how hard you are..." (if:$SeenHJ1 is 0)[ [[Touch her dick->Handjob]] ](else:)[(link:"Touch her dick")[(set:$EndPassage to "Touched Dick Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
Tease her by (if:$PussyTouched is 0)[ [[touching your pussy->Touch your pussy]] ](else:)[(link:"touching your pussy")[(set:$EndPassage to "Pussy Watch Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].You gently grip her throbbing dick in your left hand and lightly pluck at the head with the fingertips of your right.
Then, you feel her dick start to pulse with impending ejaculation. You try to grip the base tightly to postpone her orgasm, but it doesn't work.
Patti lifts her hips off the bed and bellows like a wild animal. "AAAARRRRHHH! IT's CUMMING!!!"
Not wanting it on your hands, you quickly jerk them away, leaving her spasming dick to bob untouched.(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)Dancing naked while a man looks at you and jacks off...not exactly something you would have predicted for yourself a few days ago.
(display:"Naked Breast Image")
(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[But, it's strangely exciting for you to show yourself like this. Having a body that inspires uncontrollable lust...somehow that makes you feel exhilerated, powerful, and excited!](else:)[Showing your body to others has never been something especially exciting you. Instead, you're doing it to help Patti. Is today any different? (link:"Yes")[Maybe. Maybe you're getting more accustomed to being a woman? Maybe you're getting used to having men lust after you? For whatever reason, you feel a new rush of excitement as you prance and bend and spread your nakedness for Patti.
**You've become a bit of an exhibitionist.(set:$Exhibitionism to 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**]]
Patti strokes her dick while you dance. She tries to take it slow, but it doesn't work and her soft grunts quickly become louder as she passes the point of no return.(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)(set:$SeenStroke2 to 1)"OK. You can touch yourself just a tiny bit more, but only a little. When I say 'stop', you stop. If not..." You show her the shoe again. "Understood?"
"OK." Patti resumes stroking her rod while staring at you(if:$Naked is "yes")[r naked body](else:)[ with hungry eyes].
"Stop!" You command.
"Not yet! Wait..." Her voice sounds strained as she takes shallow, panting breaths. Her six-pack is really well defined.
"What does it feel like?"
"It kind of hurts. I need to rub it!" You can practically feel the sexual tension radiating from Patti's body.
"OK, [[rub it just a little->Stroke Herself pt 3]]."
(if:$Naked is not "yes")[Tease her by [[taking off your clothes->Take off all your clothes]]. ](else:)[(link:"Show her a teasing dance")[(set:$EndPassage to "Striptease Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")].]
"Let me see how hard you are..." (if:$SeenHJ1 is 0)[ [[Touch her dick->Handjob]] ](else:)[(link:"Touch her dick")[(set:$EndPassage to "Touched Dick Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
Tease her by (if:$PussyTouched is 0)[ [[touching your pussy->Touch your pussy]] ](else:)[(link:"touching your pussy")[(set:$EndPassage to "Pussy Watch Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)(set:$SeenStroke3 to 1)"I want you to stroke yourself a little more, but not too much. When I say 'stop', you stop. If not...If not...well, you know the rules."
"OK." Patti starts to stroke while staring at you(if:$Naked is "yes")[r naked body](else:)[ lustfully]. These are fast, powerful strokes
"Stop!" You command...and she stops.
"NO! NO! Please!?! Oh god...PLEASE!?!" She's begging desperately. You can't help but admire her strong legs as they thrash about.
"What does it feel like?"
"I can't stand it! It hurts. I'm going to burst!" Her eyes are wild.
"OK, (link:"you can touch it...just a little more")[(set:$EndPassage to "Self Stroking Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]
(if:$Naked is not "yes")[Tease her by [[taking off your clothes->Take off all your clothes]]. ](else:)[(link:"Show her a teasing dance")[(set:$EndPassage to "Striptease Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")].]
"Let me see how hard you are..." (if:$SeenHJ1 is 0)[ [[Touch her dick->Handjob]] ](else:)[(link:"Touch her dick")[(set:$EndPassage to "Touched Dick Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]].
Tease her by (if:$PussyTouched is 0)[ [[touching your pussy->Touch your pussy]] ](else:)[(link:"touching your pussy")[(set:$EndPassage to "Pussy Watch Cum")(goto:"Cumshot")]]."I want you to stroke yourself a little more, but not too much. When I say..."
Patti isn't listening. She's grunting and groaning and pumping her dick with abandon.
<img src="Images\Patti cums.gif"> {(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)
(set:$Improvement to $CumTimer - 3)
(set:$CumRecord to $CumTimer)
A couple seconds later, she's shooting cum all over the place.
Then, she collapses like a rag doll. All the tension of the last few minutes is drained away, her energy and semen spent at the same time.
'Patti is really a girl.' you tell yourself. You remember what she looked like before, (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[and how she will look again once you get the voodoo ingredients. Maybe she will return the favors once you're both changed back?](else:)[and how she could look again...if the spell was reversed. If you changed her back, would she return the favor?]
You (if:$Naked is "yes")[put on your clothes and ]sit on the bed beside her. You can't help but smile at how exhausted she looks. Her once mighty cock is now a shriveled little weiner. Such is your power. (set:$CumShot to 1)
"Well, that was better than last time." You have to give her some credit. (set:$Encouraged to 0)
(link:"Encourage her")[(set:$Encouraged to 1)(goto:"Cumshot 2")].
[[Berate her->Cumshot 2]].
Poor Patti has had about all the teasing she can take for today. You no sooner wrap your slender fingers around her dick than it starts to pulse. She's cumming! You try to postpone her orgasm by tightly gripping the base, but it doesn't work.
Patti lifts her hips off the bed and bellows like a wild animal. "AAAARRRRHHH! IT's CUMMING!!!"
Not wanting it on your hands, you quickly jerk them away, leaving her spasming dick to bob untouched.Patti got so excited when she saw your fingers touch your pussy, another show like that will probably put her over the edge.
You move over by the door...just in case...and then you use both hands to spread your pussy lips. Looking down, you can see your wetness glistening in the soft light. Looking up, you see Patti's right hand go into overdrive.
You stick one finger inside and it makes your knees feel weak. But, the effect on Patti seems even stronger. Her soft grunts quickly become louder as she passes the point of no return.You've been feeling tense and horny all day. Now it's time to find some relief! You go into your room, lock the door, and spread out on the bed. With such an amazingly hot body to look at and play with, you find yourself easily aroused.
<img src="Images\Sexy girl on bed 6.jpg">
(if:$Vibrator > 0)[ [[Use vibrator]].
][[Use your hand]].(set:$Wash to "bath")The warm bath water feels *so* good! Your hands move over your firm, $BreastAdjective tits and between your $Shape thighs. Your whole body feels hot, sensitive, and energized.
As your arousal builds, you pay more and more attention to your pussy, and especially to your clit.
<img src="Images\Masturbation Bath.gif">
It's so small, compared to your old dick anyway, but just as sensitive. You rub it with gradually firmer strokes as your passion builds.
But, the poor little guy can only take so much. You find yourself becoming too tender and sensitive before you can reach your peak. Finally, you have to quit, leaving you even more frustrated that when you started. (set:$PCNoOrgasm to it + 1)
You might as well wash and [[get out->After your shower]].(if:$Encouraged is 1)["You lasted $CumTimer minutes. That's $Improvement more than last time." Your voice is cheerful and upbeat. "If you keep improving, next time you bang that girl at the gym you're gonna rock her world." OK, so you exaggerated a little.
"Really? You think so?" She shows some sign of life.
"Sure. Big stud like you? But, you need to keep working.
](else:)["You lasted a grand total of $CumTimer minutes. Congratulations. You're now just about average...for a 13-year old. You're going to have to keep working if you want to be able to really satisfy a woman with that pecker of yours." You've got to keep Patti motivated, or she might think tonight was good enough.
"I'm never going to be able to control this thing." She sounds listless...defeated...
"You'll never really control it, but you can learn to deal with it." You can't have her giving up.
]"Girls hate it when you cum before they do, even if some are polite enough not to say so." It seems odd to have to explain women to a guy who was a woman. But, if she never fucked a guy, she probably didn't realize how aggravating it is when they cum too quick.
"Get some sleep. Keep practicing, and we'll try this again sometime." You get up and head toward the door.
She sits up. "Thank you. You can't imagine how much I appreciate this."
"It's OK." You smile mischievously. "Maybe you'll find a way to pay me back someday."
(link:"next")[(goto:"End of Day")]{
**Base...steal enough ingredients to turn Patti and Jack back to normal**
(set:$DrTCost to 25)(set:$BlueCost to 30)
<!-- **Complete the job within 3 days** -->
(if:$AR6 is 1)[(set:$DrTCost to it + 9)(set:$BlueCost to it + 16)]
**Steal *ALL* the ingredients in the house** -->
(if:$AR1 is 1)[(set:$DrTCost to it + 8)(set:$BlueCost to it + 12)]
**Steal any arcane books in the house** -->
(if:$AR2 is 1)[(set:$DrTCost to it + 8)(set:$BlueCost to it + 12)]
<!-- **Minimize property damage** -->
(if:$AR3 is 1)[(set:$DrTCost to it + 14)(set:$BlueCost to it + 3)]
<!-- **Frame someone else for the job** -->
(if:$AR4 is 1)[(set:$DrTCost to it + 14)(set:$BlueCost to it + 7)]
<!-- **No one gets hurt** -->
(if:$AR5 is 1)[(set:$DrTCost to it + 14)(set:$BlueCost to it + 3)]
}$DayName, $Day day(if:$Day > 1)[s] since your transformation. (set:$TheftDay to $Day - 1)
What's that noise? A loud banging... Someone is knocking loudly on your door. What time is it? 6:00 AM? Jeez.
"What!?!?" You yell.
"Wake up!" It's Wyatt. "I got a message. $Team tried the robbery last night. Come on out so we can talk."
You quickly throw on a pair of jeans and a blouse and head out to the TV room. Patti is already there, looking as sleepy as you feel.
Only Wyatt seems energized. "(if:$Base is not "success" and $Opt2 is not "success" and $Opt3 is not "success" and $Opt4 is not "success" and $Opt5 is not "success")[I'm afraid I don't have any good news.(set:$GoodNews to 0)](else:)[First the good news...(set:$GoodNews to 1)] (if:$Base is "success")[They were able to get enough ingredients to reverse the transformations I did to you and Patti.(if:$Opt1 is "success")[ In fact, they stole all the ingredients in the house, so we have enough for quite a variety of spells.]] (if:$Opt2 is "success")[(if:$Base is "success")[Even better, they](else:)[They] managed to steal Marvanna's collection of voodoo books.] (if:$Opt3 is "success")[(if:$Base is "success" or $Opt2 is "success")[And, there](else:)[There] wasn't any significant damage to the house.] (if:$Opt5 is "success")[Marvanna and Maria weren't home, so they weren't hurt.] (if:$Opt4 is "success")[(if:$Base is "success" or $Opt2 is "success")[To top it off, ](else:)[At least] they were able to frame a local gang for the job.]"
(if:$GoodNews is 1)[He stops for a breath. "Now the bad news...](else:)[His shoulders are slumped. "Here's the bad news...] (if:$Base is not "success")[We didn't get any ingredients.](elseif:$Opt1 is "failure")[They weren't able to find any extra ingredients.] (if:$Opt2 is "failure")[(if:$Base is not "success" or $Opt1 is "failure")[And, they](else:)[They] didn't find Marvanna's voodoo books.] (if:$Opt3 is "failure")[(if:$Base is not "success" or $Opt1 is "failure" or $Opt2 is "failure")[Also, there](else:)[There](if:$Team is "Blue Shadow")[ was some damage to the house when they ran into trouble with Marvanna's security.](else:)[ was serious damage to the house. The DrT Cru just about destroyed it in the process.]] (if:$Opt4 is "failure")[They tried to make it look like a home invasion by a local gang, but the cops aren't buying it. Apparently, they left too much physical evidence behind.] (if:$Opt5 is "failure")[(if:$Base is not "success" or $Opt1 is "failure" or $Opt2 is "failure" or $Opt3 is not "success" or $Opt4 is "failure")[Worst of all, ]I'm afraid Maria was home when the robbery went down. She tried to call the cops...there was a struggle...she's in the hospital.(set:$MariaInjured to 1)](if:$Base is "success" and $Opt1 is not "failure" and $Opt2 is not "failure" and $Opt3 is "success" and $Opt4 is not "failure" and $Opt5 is not "failure")[actually, I think it's all good news!]"
Bottom line...(if:$Base is "success")["they got the ingredients."](else:)["the professionals failed."]
"(link:"So...what do we do now")[(if:$Base is "success")[(goto:"Successful Theft")](else:)[(goto:"Failed Theft")]]?"
- Base: $Base
- Steal all ingredients: $Opt1
- Steal any arcane books: $Opt2
- Minimize property damage: $Opt3
- Frame someone else for the job: $Opt4
- No one gets hurt: $Opt5
-->{(set:$MetWyatt to 1)
}Since you're skipping part of the story that includes character creation, you'll need to do that here.
Option 1: [[Default Character]]. This should set you up for most of Chapter 2's content.
Option 2: [[Customized Character]]. You can pick your own info.
If you've changed your mind, (link:"Click Here")[(goto:"Intro")] to start the story from the beginning with Chapter 1.{
(set:$HeightAdjective to "short")
(set:$HeightFeet to 5)
(set:$HeightInches to 3)
(set:$HairColor to "brunette")
(set:$FaceImage to 1)
(set:$BreastSize to "D-cup")
(set:$BreastAdjective to "big")
(set:$BreastImage to 2)
(set:$Shape to "athletic")
(set:$AssImage to 3)
(set:$Empathy to 0)
(set: $Prettiness to 11)
(set:$FemaleAttraction to 10)
(set:$Strength to 3)
(set:$DickHandling to 5)
(set:$Intelligence to 6)
(set:$ShowHeader to 1)
(set:$MaleAttraction to 4)
(set:$CumBlocked to 1)
(set:$Willpower to 0)
(set:$Assertiveness to 0)
(set:$Dominance to 0)
(set:$Exhibitionism to 2)
(set:$Selfishness to 0)
(set:$Ruthlessness to 0)
(set:$Honesty to 0)
(set:$PussyFingering to 1)
(set:$BreastStimSkill to 1)
(set:$VoodooSkill to 0)
(display:"Calculate Weight")
(set:$SkippedChapter1 to "yes")
(set:$HadSex to 1)
(set:$SexWithWyatt to 0)
(set:$SexWithPatti to 1)
(set:$PCNoOrgasm to 1)
(set:$PattiSex to "male")
}Name: Jacki
(display:"Face Image")
(display:"Naked Breast Image")
(display:"Ass Image")
Height: $HeightFeet' $HeightInches"
Weight: $PlayerWeight lbs
Hair: $HairColor
Breasts: $BreastSize
Figure: $Shape
Prettiness: $Prettiness
Strength: $Strength
Intelligence: $Intelligence
(if:$Willpower is not 0)[Willpower: $Willpower
](if:$Assertiveness is not 0)[Assertiveness: $Assertiveness
](if:$Dominance is not 0)[Dominance: $Dominance
](if:$Empathy is not 0)[Empathy: $Empathy
](if:$FemaleAttraction is not 0)[Attraction to Women: $FemaleAttraction
](if:$MaleAttraction is not 0)[Attraction to Men: $MaleAttraction
](if:$Exhibitionism is not 0)[Exhibitionism: $Exhibitionism
](if:$Selfishness is not 0)[Selfishness: $Selfishness
](if:$Ruthlessness is not 0)[Ruthlessness: $Ruthlessness
](if:$Honesty is not 0)[Honesty: $Honesty
(if:$VoodooSkill is not 0)[Voodoo: $VoodooSkill
](if:$PussyFingering is not 0)[Pussy Fingering: $PussyFingering
](if:$BreastStimSkill is not 0)[Breastplay: $BreastStimSkill
](if:$DickHandling is not 0)[Dick Handling: $DickHandling]
(set:$ShowHeader to 1)
This is you. If you're OK with that, select (link:"Chapter 2")[(goto:"phone call")]. If not, you can start with (link:"Chapter 1")[(set:$ShowHeader to 0)(display:"Zero Character")(goto:"Intro")].
(link:"Brief synopsis of Chapter 1 (contains spoilers)")[**Synopsis of the story so far:** You have a crush on Patti, a hot college girl who also happens to be a lesbian. So, your friend Wyatt used stolen voodoo stuff to turn you into Patti's ideal woman so you could seduce her. All goes according to plan until...at the critical moment, you were supposed to take the 'green pill' and turn yourself back into a man, but Patti took it instead, turning her into a man.
Now, the three of you are working together to get more voodoo ingredients so Wyatt can turn you back into a man and Patti back into a woman. He has hired a PI to locate ingredients.]{(set:$CustomizingForChapter2 to 1)
(display:"Initial Variables")
(set:$PrettinessSelected to 1)
(set:$SkippedChapter1 to "yes")
(set:$HadSex to 1)
(set:$SexWithWyatt to 0)
(set:$SexWithPatti to 1)
(set:$ShowHeader to 0)
(set:$PCNoOrgasm to 1)
(set:$CumBlocked to 1)
(set:$PattiSex to "male")
}(link:"Brief synopsis of Chapter 1 (contains spoilers)")[**Synopsis of the story so far:** You have a crush on Patti, a hot college girl who also happens to be a lesbian. So, your friend Wyatt used stolen voodoo stuff to turn you into Patti's ideal woman so you could seduce her. All goes according to plan until...at the critical moment, you were supposed to take the 'green pill' and turn yourself back into a man, but Patti took it instead, turning her into a man.
Now, the three of you are working together to get more voodoo ingredients so Wyatt can turn you back into a man and Patti back into a woman. He has hired a PI to locate ingredients.]
(link:"I'm ready to start customizing")[(goto:"Customize")]
This will briefly take you to back to Wyatt so he can customize your appearance as Patti's ideal woman. Then, you'll get to pick a few attributes.{
(set:$HeightAdjective to "")
(set:$HeightFeet to 0)
(set:$HeightInches to 0)
(set:$HairColor to "")
(set:$BreastSize to "")
(set:$BreastAdjective to "")
(set:$Shape to "")
(set:$Empathy to 0)
(set:$Prettiness to 0)
(set:$FemaleAttraction to 0)
(set:$Strength to 0)
(set:$DickHandling to 0)
(set:$Intelligence to 0)
(set:$MaleAttraction to 0)
(set:$Willpower to 0)
(set:$Assertiveness to 0)
(set:$Dominance to 0)
(set:$Exhibitionism to 0)
(set:$Selfishness to 0)
(set:$Ruthlessness to 0)
(set:$Honesty to 0)
(set:$PussyFingering to 0)
(set:$BreastStimSkill to 0)
(set:$VoodooSkill to 0)
(set:$VoodooSpeciality to "")
(set:$PlayerWeight to 0)
(set:$HadSex to 0)
(set:$SexWithWyatt to 0)
(set:$SexWithPatti to 0)
(set:$PCNoOrgasm to 0)
(set:$MetWyatt to 0)
(set:$SkippedChapter1 to "no")
(set:$PattiSex to "female")
}(if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[<img src="Images\No Bra B.jpg">](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[<img src="Images\No Bra C.jpg">](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[<img src="Images\No Bra D.jpg">](elseif:$BreastSize is "DD-cup")[<img src="Images\No Bra DD.jpg">]Wyatt: Ben Barnes (ca. 2009)
Patti(f): Allison Stokke (Stephanie Corneliussen could be a body double)
Patti(m): Dustin Mcneer
Maria: Adriana Lima
Gabriella (gym girl): Anllela Sagra
Trainee in a disciplined paramilitary group tasked with maintaining law and order among voodoo practitioners. Her father is chief mediator/negotiator. She's physically strong, trained in some voodoo, a powerful fighter and bisexual.
Leia : Kate Upton
Transplanted country girl from Lubbock Texas. She wants to transcend her country roots, but she's still a little rough around the edges.
Andrew (Guy on plane): Dara Khosrowshahi
Andrew is the chief of research for FBI, a pharmaceutical company. He's also a voodoo master. He says he wants to cure cancer using voodoo remedies, but what he actually wants is power over the marais (a special part of the Mississippi delta swamp where the most powerful voodoo ingredients are grown.
Fundaro: David Zepeda
Ms. Andersen: Brittany Zamora
Thin Neighbor: Gigi Hadid
Henry: Josh Beech
Enzo: Timothée Chalamet
Billy: Sean Penn (1986, 'At Close Range') is Crystal's boyfriend
Possible Glee Club Member: Franziska Facella
- Natalya Krasavina
- Nata Lee
Before Change
- Pierce Brosnan
- A) Virginia Gardner (innocent)
- B) Stacey Hannant (sultry)
- C) Lada Petritisco ?? not yet implemented
- A) Susanna Canzian (sultry)
- B) Keiko Kitagawa (innocent)
- A) Emma Stone (innocent)
- B) Seana Kerslake (?)
- C) Elena Satine (Sultry)The sexual frustration needs to end. You know women often use vibrators. Maybe that's what you need to finally get some relief?
You take some cash and head down to an adult shop wearing your baggiest, least sexy clothes and a pair of dark sunglasses.
<img src="Images\Sex Shop.jpg">
You never really looked at these things before. There are so many shapes, sizes, functions... You just stand there staring for a few minutes, not sure where to begin.
[[Give up and go home]]. This is too embarrassing.
[[Just grab something and go]].
[[Ask the man behind the counter]] for advice.
[[Ask the other woman shopper]] for advice.You leave the store quickly with your head down, wondering if people are staring at you. Once you're outside, you walk away without looking left or right until you're a block away.
You thought you could do it, but when you were in the store, with real people watching you, it was too much and you lost your nerve.
**You're less comfortable with this body than you thought.
Exhibitionism decreased. (set:$Exhibitionism to it - 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]Realizing people may be watching, you grab one of those things that looks like a wand and head to the counter. The man behind the counter looks like a regular guy. Maybe he won't make this any more difficult than it has to be. You hand him your selection without meeting his eyes.
"Did you find everything you were looking for, Miss?" The friendly tone sounds forced.
Your mind races... What does he mean by that: 'everything I was looking for'? What does he think I'm looking for? What do other women look for? What should I be looking for?
After a few awkward seconds, you manage squeak out a quiet "yes".
"OK, then...that'll be $35.82."
You reach into your pocket and pull out a wad of cash, while thinking 'I should have a purse. Other women have purses.' You hand him a couple of twenties, being careful not to touch his hand.
He puts your purchase in a brown paper bag and hands you your change. Purchase complete, you walk quickly from the store and head straight home. (set:$Vibrator to 1)
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]The man behind the counter looks like a regular guy. Maybe he won't make this any more difficult than it has to be. He probably sells hundreds of these things. He should know what sells best.
"Can I help you?" He has an Indian accent. Now that you look at him up close, you see that he does look to be Indian, or maybe Pakistani.
"I hope so. I'm looking for a vibrator."
**Asking a strange man for help picking a vibrator takes confidence.
Confidence is increased. (set:$Confidence to it + 1)
New value: $Confidence**
"We have many to choose from...anything in particular?"
"I'm not sure. I was hoping you could tell me what's popular." Jeez...it sounds like you're discussing lampshades or something. At least he's not treating you like a perv. "What's your top seller?"
"Well..." He comes around the corner and leads you to the display. "Most of my customers are looking for something small, durable, and inexpensive."
"This little guy here is definitely a top seller." He reaches into the cabinet and pulls out something that looks like a pink microphone:
<img src="Images\Vibrator 2.jpg">
"Would you like to try it out?"
"WHAT!?? Here?!?" You step back in shock. Did he really just...
"No, no, no... We have a demo model charged up so you can see how it works." He smiles widely. "I didn't mean for you to...put it to...personal use."
That was embarrassing. "No thank you. I'm sort of in a hurry." OK, that didn't sound good either. What if he thinks you're in a hurry because... "I've got a hair appointment." You add quickly.
"No problem." He takes your little pink microphone to the register and scans it. "That'll be $45.59."
You pay the man in cash and leave quickly with your new toy in a brown paper bag. (set:$Vibrator to 2)
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]There's another woman shopping. She looks like she's about 30, blonde, not bad looking but a little heavy. As a guy, you generally put women into three categories...yes, no, and maybe. This woman is a maybe.
"Excuse me." You almost call her ma'am. She probably wouldn't appreciate that from a sexy younger woman. She'd think you were calling her old. "I've never...I don't know...what I should..."
**Asking a stranger for help picking a vibrator takes confidence.
Confidence is increased. (set:$Confidence to it + 1)
New value: $Confidence**
"Never? Really? You never even borrowed one from a friend?" She's reluctant to believe you.
"Um...no. I had a strict upbringing, if you know what I mean." You try to look demure and shy.
She looks you up and down and then turns to the displays. "So, are you looking for internal...external...anal?..."
"Uh...I don't know..."
She moves down the aisle a few feet. "When you get off, do you mostly like to work your clit or your g-spot?"
"Ummmm..." If you could get off now, you wouldn't need a damn vibrator. "G-spot, I guess." You haven't been able to cum by rubbing your clit, so maybe you need to find your g-spot?
The woman points at an oddly shaped pink thing:
<img src="Images\Vibrator.jpg">
"This is my favorite. It's got dozens of modes and frequencies, it hits your g-spot *and* your clit, the battery lasts a long time and it's USB rechargeable, it's waterproof, and it's super quiet." She looks around, suddenly a little self-conscious.
When you start to pick it up, she stops you. "It's $45 here, but you can get it for less than $30 online."
You go ahead and take it anyway. "I don't want to wait for delivery."
She winks at you. "I hope you have fun."
"Yeah....me too." You take the vibrator to the man running checkout.
"Did you find everything you were looking for, Miss?" The friendly tone sounds forced.
"Yes. I think so." You try to sound nonchalant and confident.
"OK, then...that'll be $45.31."
You pay cash and take your new toy home in a brown paper bag. (set:$Vibrator to 3)(set:$AdultShopper to 1)
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]At school on $DayName, Patti doesn't waste any time. She finds Maria on the break between 1st and 2nd period.
You watch from your locker about 20 feet away. You can't hear what they're saying, but judging from the body language It looks like things are going well. Then, as the bell sounds and everyone scurries off to class, Patti shoots you a 'thumbs up'.
Most of your classes are completely boring. Who cares about similes and metaphors? Who cares about Avogadro's number? Who cares about factoring polynomials? It's almost enough to make you run screaming from the classroom!
Maybe you forgot how awesome your life as a rich playboy is. You don't have to deal with crap like this anymore...at least not once you get changed back.
Finally, it's time for Glee practice. You barely walk in the gym when Maria practically tackles you with a great big hug.
<img src="Images\Maria Happy.jpg">
"Thank you!" She says, still with her arms wrapped around you.
You can feel her breasts. You can smell her perfume. Her sexy smiling face is inches from yours. You can't help yourself...you hug her back. "You're welcome! Ummm....what did I do exactly?"
"Patrick! You set me up with Patrick! I could just kiss you!" She sounds thrilled.
You feel short of breath. You would like very much to kiss Maria right now. Maybe...
"OK ladies, let's get started!" It's the coach.
"Hey, Maria...maybe we could hang out sometime?" That's not part of the plan, but...damn she's hot!
"Sure! Get my number from Patrick and text me." She let's go and moves to her practice position. (set:$MariaWantsToHang to 1)
Your mind is fuzzy right now. If you were a guy, you'd have a hard-on. Somehow, you force yourself to pay attention and practice.
[[After practice]]After Glee practice, some of the girls stick around to watch the boys finish up their basketball practice. Just like last time, Patti is tearing it up.
<img src="Images\Glee Member Crystal.jpg">
Crystal wants to talk to you. "Jacki. I know you set up Maria with your brother. Why did you do that? You don't want him with that skank, do you?"
"What? 'Skank'? That's kind of harsh, don't you think?"
"No! Not at all. She's slept with just about every boy on the basketball team. She takes everyone's boyfriend, just because she can." Crystal is getting worked up. Maria can probably hear what she's saying.
Regardless of whether or not it's true, you really need to be on Maria's side here. "I'm sorry, Crystal. I don't know anything about that. Maria seems nice to me."
"You'll see. You'll be sorry." Crystal growls and stomps off. Apparently she does that a lot.
<img src="Images\Glee Member Penelope.jpg">
As soon as she's gone, Penelope takes her place. "Crystal is kind of pushy."
"I see that."
"But, she's right you know." Penelope has such a sweet voice. She's pretty, too.
Being around all these sexy 18 year-old girls is really frustrating for you. (if:$DesiresLesbianEncounter is 0)[You wonder if any of them are lesbians? How would you approach a lesbian? Who could help you? (set:$DesiresLesbianEncounter to 1)]
You finally manage to answer Penelope. "What do you mean? You think Maria is a 'skank' too?" You say it quietly so no one can hear.
"No." Penelope whispers back. "But she does take all the boys. She'll have your brother wrapped around her little finger by the end of the first date."
"Thanks. That's good to know".
[[Basketball practice is over]].
With basketball practice over, Patti/Patrick wipes her/his sweaty face on a towel and walks over to you and Maria.
"You were awesome!" Maria gushes.
"Uh...thank you."
Maria takes Patti's hand and the two of them slowly head for the door, completely ignoring you.
You might as well [[head home.]](set:$AskedPattiAboutLesbians to 1)You find Patti in her room. She's lying in the floor, doing crunches, wearing only a pair of baggy shorts and her Nikes.
When you enter, she stops and sits there in the floor, sweating, with her big muscular arms wrapped around her knees. "Hey, Jacki. What's up?" Her eyes seem to be locked on the place where your shorts end.
"I need to talk to you..." You look just about anywhere in the room except at Patti's sweaty body. "...about women."
"Girls!" She chuckles. "I thought you had quite a bit of experience with girls."
"Yeah, well, things are different now." Surely she'll understand.
"I guess so...no dick." She stands up.
<img src="Images\Patti Shirtless.jpg">
"There's that. But that's not the whole problem. All the women I meet are into guys. How do I find a...lesbian?"
She's smiling ear-to-ear. "Awww... Are you getting horny?"
Just now, you're standing there in a t-shirt and shorts. You find yourself standing on one leg, swinging the other back and forth, gently squishing your lower lips together. Your nipples are starting to pop. It won't do any good to deny it.
(display:"No Bra Image")
"Yes." You answer in a quiet voice while staring at the floor.
"Well, I know where you can find *one* lesbian." She raises her eyebrows.
[[next->Patti helps with girls 2]]"Patti! I mean a *real* lesbian. You know...one with a female body!" Geez...maybe it was a mistake asking Patti for help.
"Ouch." She goes from happy/excited to sad/quiet all at once.
(if:$Empathy > 0)["I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."](else:)["You look like a guy. I'm not doing...that..."(if:$MaleAttraction > 2)[ But, you're thinking about it...](else:)[Not if you can help it.]] "I really need your help."(if:$PPP > 0)[
You add one last plea... "Look. I'm helping you with your 'problem', right? So why can't you help me?"]
"I see. What do you want? How to spot a lesbian? How a lesbian woman can seduce a straight woman?" She doesn't sound too enthusiastic about it.
"Wow. That would be great. Plllleeeaaase!!!" You give her your pouty sad face.
"OK. On one condition."
"What would that be?" This can't be good.
"I get to feel your tits." She's grinning.
"I'm serious. I want to feel your tits for 1 minute. Do that and I'll tell you how to spot a lesbian." She seems resolute.
What do you think?
[[Let her feel your tits]].
[[No way]]!How hard could this be? To calm your nerves, you tell yourself: You're not afraid of this. You can handle it. It's just one minute. It's not like she's going to touch your pussy or make you touch her dick. It's just your chest.
"OK, fine. One minute... go."
"No, no, no. Take off your shirt first. I'm not doing this to feel your shirt. I want titties." If you didn't know she was a woman, you'd swear Patti sounds just like a teenage boy.
You peel off your shirt, hoping that will be enough, but of course it's not. Patti demands the bra to come off too. You cross your arms over your $BreastAdjective tits, trying to will your nipples to relax.
Patti steps behind you, standing very close. You can feel her breath on the back of your neck. You jump when she puts her hands on your shoulders. You're acutely aware of the fact that her broad, muscular chest is completely bare, just inches behind your bare back.
You wonder...is she getting hard? If I lean back just an inch, will I rub against her dick?
"Come on, Jacki...put your arms down." Her voice is soft now. "Come on, babe...I won't hurt you."
You feel hot. Your skin feels hyper-sensitive. Why are you doing this again? Oh, yeah...to get help seducing one of the Glee babes. That's really why, right? You try to focus on Crystal and Penelope and Maria...and not the stud standing behind you.
You start to lower your arms, but then you stop. What if Patti get's carried away? That would be bad...right? But she sounds calm now. It'll be ok... You lower your arms to your sides and try (and fail) to relax. You wish your nipples weren't so stiff right now.
You start your watch. "Your minute just started."
[[Patti touches...->Feel your tits pt 2]]
(if:$MaleAttraction > 1)[As much as you might want to let her, you](else:)[You] decide that's not going to happen tonight.
"No. I'm not ready for that." You don't sound quite as sure as you thought you would.
"Suit yourself. You're not very good at hiding how horny you are. Come see me in a couple days when the whole world knows you're desperate." She goes back to doing crunches. You notice a lump in her baggy shorts. Yep, you're horny.
But, you're not going to let her feel you up. Who knows what that could lead to. Sure, she already fucked you once, but that was unavoidable. If you did it now, it would be like you...asked for it. You don't want that...right?
[[next->End of Day]] (display:"Masturbation")
The pleasure builds and builds, but then you can feel yourself plateau. After a point, it just doesn't increase any further. You work your hands faster, you spread and stretch your legs, you hump your pussy against your hand...(if:$CumBlocked is 1)[but you just can't...quite...seem...to cum!
You always knew women didn't cum as easy as men, but this is ridiculous!
It's like you're stuck in some endless loop.
Finally, exhausted, hands cramping...so frustrated you want to scream...you give up. (set:$PCNoOrgasm to it + 1)
This can't be normal, can it? What's wrong? Who could you ask? Eventually, you manage to get to sleep.](else:)[and then the orgasm hits. Ohhhh, yeahhh... So good. Your whole core contracts and you have to gasp for breath. It's a (either:"nice little cum", "pretty good orgasm", "good, tension-relieving cum"). (set:$PCNoOrgasm to 0) (if:$FirstCum is 0)[
Thank you Maria! (set:$FirstCum to 1)]]
[[next->End of Day]]You go to bed a bit early, anticipating some quality time with your pretty pink vibrator.
(if:$CumBlocked is 1)[It's hard to understand how easily you came having sex with Patti, yet you haven't been able to make yourself cum. The tension has increased, day by day. Now, it's time to get some relief.
The vibrator works perfectly. Your pussy enjoys the low frequency settings and soon you're juicing up nicely. When your clit gets hard, you do some experimentation. Through trial and error, you find just the right place to press with the vibrator and it makes your toes curl.
You can feel an orgasm building. You start to push the tapered tip inside and press it against the front wall of your vagina. You put your left hand over your mouth to try and stifle your moaning. Just a bit more...
A gust of cold wind tousles your hair. Wind? In your bedroom? The bulb in your beside lamp pops and the room goes dark. The whole room feels about 10 degrees cooler than it did a minute ago.
You stop moving and stare into the darkness, seeing nothing. You find yourself gripping the vibrator tightly and holding it like a weapon. The bed moves. Is someone on it?
A loud 'pop' comes from the vibrator and at the same time you feel an electrical shock strong enough to make you jerk your hand away. Thank goodness it wasn't in your pussy!
Silence. Darkness. A burnt smell. Nothing moving.
Eventually, you find the courage to get up and turn on the overhead light. Whatever was happening is over. Your poor pink vibrator is half-melted. The battery must have shorted out. (set:$Vibrator to -1)"GODDAMMMMITTTT!!!" You scream at the top of your lungs and hurl the useless lump of plastic at the wall with all your strength.
You're trembling with pent up lust, fear, and rage all fighting for dominance. Was that a spirit that shorted out your vibrator? What's the use of having a super hot body if you can't even have a goddam orgasm?
There's a knock at the door. "Are you OK?" It's Patti.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just broke something and got mad. Sorry if I disturbed you."
"No problem...just checking."
You're no longer 'in the mood' anyway, so you replace your lamp's bulb and [[eventually get some sleep->End of Day]].](else:)[The vibrator works perfectly. Your pussy enjoys the low frequency settings and soon you're juicing up nicely. When your clit gets hard, you do some experimentation. Through trial and error, you find just the right place to press with the vibrator and it makes your toes curl.
You can feel an orgasm building. You start to push the tapered tip inside and press it against the front wall of your vagina. You put your left hand over your mouth to try and stifle your moaning.
The orgasm starts small but it builds and lasts for a good time. The vibrator never gets tired and never slows down and never gets a cramp. You keep moving it to different places and different settings and different angles. Overall, it's a very satisfying and relieving cum.
(if:$FirstCum is 0)[Thank you Maria! (set:$FirstCum to 1)
]Now, you can [[get some good sleep->End of Day]].]You expect Patti to go straight for your nipples. Instead, she very lightly runs her fingers along the bottom swell of your breasts. Ohhh, they're sensitive there, too. Goosebumps!
She wraps her other hand around your stomach and pulls you back against her. Yep, she's hard. Really hard. Even through her shorts and yours, you can easily tell. She must be bending down, because you can feel her dick against your ass. She's taller than that.
15 seconds
Now, she's trailing her spread fingers, light as feathers along the tops of your breasts. Patti's hands, large enough to easily palm a baskeball, (if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[completely cover your small perky mounds, teasing the whole area at once](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[can easily hold and caress the whole surface of your good-sized breasts at once](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[find your large breasts a perfect size for caressing and teasing](else:)[still can't completely cover your huge breasts without some left over]. The goosebumps spread. Your nipples ache to be pinched.
30 seconds
<img src="Images\Breast Squeeze.jpg">
She's touching you firmer now, more like a gentle massage. Your breasts feel warm. She's also grinding her dick into your ass. You think about complaining, but it just doesn't seem important right now. Your tits feel soooo much better now than they do when you touch them. You had no idea your tits could feel this good!
You clench your thighs together. You're getting wet. You move your ass just a little, amazed at how hard that dick feels. Patti's hot breath on your neck is coming faster now.
45 seconds
[[Push out your tits->Feel your tits pt 3]].
You make a little annoyed "Unnnnhhh..." noise and push out your tits as far as you can. Finally, Patti starts to pluck at your nipples. Why did she wait so long? They're painfully hard now. You release an involuntary moan and immediately regret it. You try not to let Patti know how much this is turning you on, but of course she knows. She knows exactly what she's doing.
<img src="Images\Breast Squeeze.jpg">
She's pinching and pulling on your nipples now...hard. It almost hurts...but the pleasure is so intense and powerful, it completely overrides the discomfort. Your breasts are hot and flushed. You arch your back and move your feet apart just a bit, hoping you could rub your pussy against that dick that keeps poking you in the ass, but the angle isn't quite right.
**Your body is reacting strongly. Your attraction to men has increased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction**
The angle may not be right for you, but Patti seems to have found a rhythm, bouncing her dick hard against your $Shape ass. She's picking up speed...grunting loudly...holding your tits like handles...
Beep...beep...beep! Your watch goes off. What? A whole minute? Already?
Patti tenses, let's out a deep, animalistic groan and then lets go of you.
You turn around to face her. She's got that exhausted 'I just shot a load' look on her face. If you had any doubt, the wet stain on the front of her shorts would dispel it.
For a moment, you're disoriented. You're somewhat out of breath. Your body is primed for sex right now. But, that's not what you're doing here, right? Why am I here? Something about lesbian women?
[[Get Patti's advice->Lesbian Advice]]."OK. I think you got more than I promised. Now it's your turn." Your voice sounds a little breathless. You cover your breasts and tingling nipples with your bra and then your shirt.
"That was even more fun than I thought it would be. That voodoo...it's crazy how much your body turns me on. I mean... I get turned on by other women, but you...it's like I'm helpless." She's rambling, talking as much to herself as to you.
"Patti...focus. Tell me about lesbians. I really need to know." Maybe you put a little too much emphasis on the word 'need'.
She grins. "Yeah, I see what you mean. I bet I could make you cum..."
Your pussy twitches. Maybe she could... "Look, Patti, I know you know how horny I am. It seems like every day I'm in this body, I lose a little bit of what I was."
Sadness creeps into your voice. "I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if I give in to these urges...I'll lose even more." After a pause, "What if I start liking sex with men? What if I start to like being a woman?"
She raises an eyebrow. "Oh my. How terrible would that be?"
"It would be... I don't know. Right now it doesn't *feel* terrible in my heart. But, my mind tells me I should think it's terrible. Does that make sense? I know how I would have felt about this a few days ago and now I believe I should still feel the same way." Your words don't even make much sense to you. It's so confusing. "I need to think about things."
When it looks like Patti might get up off the bed and try to comfort you, you [[quickly leave the room->End of Day]], even without getting what you came for. You need more time to think.
(set:$AskWyattAbout1 to 1)<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 3.jpg">
You've known Wyatt for about 5 years. He's dated a few girls, but never had a 'girlfriend' that you know of. That seems odd for such a good-looking guy. With those dreamy eyes...
"Uh...hey...I was just wondering... How come you don't have a girlfriend?" Ok, that sounded totally weird coming out of your mouth in your girly voice.
At least he doesn't act like it's weird. "I suppose it's a matter of time. I just have too much to do. I don't want to invest the time it would take to have a meaningful relationship." (set:$AskWyattAbout2 to 1)<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 3.jpg">
"So voodoo is all about getting spirits to do what you want...but I was wondering...do the spirits have a 'mind' of their own? Do they ever leave things out or do more than you ask?"
"You know, that's an excellent question." He stops what he's doing and focuses on you. "In fact, it's almost impossible to get them to do exactly what you want and only what you want. They almost insist on putting a twist on everything."
"Can you give me an example?"
"Sure. When I did the spell to become extra strong, it seemed simple enough to me. Sure, the spirit made me physically strong, but they also chose to make my body odor 'strong'. I had to find another spirit to fix that."
"That sounds...risky." You wish you'd known this before you let him transform you. Nah, it probably wouldn't have made any difference. "So, what about my transformation? Did the spirit do anything more, or less, than what you told it to do?"
He's really focused on you now. He looks serious. "I probably wouldn't know. You would have to answer that. Is everything OK?"
You think about your difficulty achieving orgasm and your attraction to Patti's male form. Could that be the spirit's way of embellishing on Wyatt's spell to make you Patti's perfect girl?
"How should I know? I don't know what 'ok' is for a girl." You deflect his question. (set:$AskWyattAbout3 to 1)<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 3.jpg">
"You know, I'm really grateful for all your help."
"You're welcome. Don't worry about it."
"I'd never have thought of you as a person who might get mixed up with voodoo or trying to steal things." Without thinking about it, you put your hand on his. Where did that come from? "I really appreciate all you've done."
"I really don't mind." He takes your hand in his. "I'm really an intellectual thrill-seeker. Some people get off on skydiving or roller-coasters. For me, it's learning something forbidden like voodoo or how to hire criminals on the dark web."
He pauses for a moment, studying your dainty little hand that you have not bothered to pull back. "But, your gratitude is also a nice reward." Patti is an early riser. By 8, she's almost always gone exercising or playing ball or whatever so it's normally just you and Wyatt in the mornings.
You can [[just talk and maybe ask him about voodoo->Talk to Wyatt pt 2]].
Or, if you're feeling frisky, maybe you could [[tease him a little]].<!--(link:"Continue your game")[(undo:)]-->
(link:"Continue your game")[(set:$ShowHeader to $HeaderStatus)(goto:$PC_Location)]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot A")**](else:)[*Slot 1*]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot B")**](else:)[*Slot 2*]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot C")**](else:)[*Slot 3*]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot D")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot D")**](else:)[*Slot 4*]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot E")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot E")**](else:)[*Slot 5*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 1)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 1)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 2)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 2)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 3)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 3)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot D")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 4)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 4)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot E")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 5)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 5)(goto:"Save Game")]]
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(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot B")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot C")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot D")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot D")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot E")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot E")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot A");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot B");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot C");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot D")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot D");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot E")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot E");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]{
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(set:$FileNameString to (substring: $FileNameString, 5,10) + (substring: $FileNameString, 16,25))
(if:$L is 1)[(if:(save-game:"Slot A", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(elseif:$L is 2)[(if:(save-game:"Slot B", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(elseif:$L is 3)[(if:(save-game:"Slot C", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(elseif:$L is 4)[(if:(save-game:"Slot D", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(elseif:$L is 5)[(if:(save-game:"Slot E", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(link:"Return")[(undo:)]Wyatt sits and rests his chin on his hand, staring at the table. "I think this is a dead end. Marvanna will certainly increase her security. Any other group of 'professionals' we try to hire will know about this failure. Our chances for success go down while cost and risk go up."
"What about the cops? Do you think they'll track this back to us?" You can imagine all sorts of disastrous outcomes if the cops find you.
(if:$Opt4 is "success")["I think we'll be OK. The $Team contact said that the cops seem to be following the false clues they left."](else:)["Well, that's a possibility(if:$Opt4 is "failure")[, especially since $Team wasn't able to frame someone]. But, I'm reasonably confident that dark web intermediary will keep us anonymous."] You're somewhat reassured by Wyatt's calm.
Patti has another worry. "I'll bet Marvanna is *pissed!* She's probably asking every spirit she knows who did this."
That sounds even worse than the cops. "Yeah. (if:$Opt3 is "failure")[Her home was trashed(if:$MariaInjured is 1)[ and her daughter is in the hospital.]](else:)[Her daughter is in the hospital.]"
"I'd say that's our biggest risk right now. I don't have the ingredients to hide us." Even Wyatt doesn't seem to have an answer for this problem. "It's probably only a matter of time until she finds us. Maybe, if we work quickly, we have a chance. Maybe."
(if:$Opt2 is "success")["On the bright side, $Team did manage to steal several of Marvanna's voodoo books. Perhaps, once we have those, I can find something useful."
[[next->Got Books Only]]
](else:)[Wyatt looks up at Patti. "I apologize." To you, he says: "It looks like we're going to have to [[try Patti's infilitration plan]]. Either that, or [[give up and run]]."](set:$SuccessfulTheft to 1)"We can't do anything until we get the goods. The dark web intermediary has set up a drop tomorrow, so you two could be back in your normal bodies in one more day."
You make eye contact with Patti. What a strange look on her face. What is she thinking?
Wyatt continues. "Until then, we'll just have to (link:"wait")[(set:$WaitTime to $Day)(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Goods Delivered")(set:$WaitText to "delivery of the stolen goods")(goto:"Morning Activity")](if:$RelicInfo is 0)[You're not ready to give up on your old life. Not yet. "Let's try Patti's plan."
Wyatt looks at Patti and she nods.](else:)["Could we hire $Team again?" You ask.
"That would be very risky." Wyatt shakes his head. "I'm sure Marvanna has taken measures to improve her security against that sort of thing."
"What about my plan?" Patti says. "That's still an option, isn't it?"
"I suppose..." Wyatt considers it.
"I like it." You squeeze Patti's hand.](set:$Plan to "Patti") (set:$TriedWyattPlan to 1)
Wyatt shrugs and smiles. "OK, let's see if we can make this work."
"And...who knows?" Patti sounds upbeat. "Maybe if they like us enough, they'll help us without us having to steal anything!"
Once his mind is focused, Wyatt moves quickly. "Patti, you're the one who's going to make it happen."
"What!? Why me?"
"Because Maria is the weak link here. Marvanna is a wily, powerful, experienced voodoo queen. On the other hand, Maria doesn't even graduate from high school until May."
(if:$MariaInjured is 1)["Aren't you forgetting? Maria is in the hospital...thanks to us."
"I know. We have to hope she'll be OK. I'll try to find out about her condition while we prepare the rest of our plan."
]While you exchange bewildered looks with Patti, Wyatt's big brain has already jumped three steps ahead of you. You don't understand it all yet, but you're happy he has a plan.
"[[Give me a few minutes]]..." Wyatt goes to his computer and starts typing at warp speed. Giving up on stealing Marvanna's voodoo ingredients means accepting that you'll stay in a woman's body...and Patti will remain a man...at least for a while longer.
What will happen if Marvanna catches you? Looking like a woman would be the least of your worries.
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #1 On the Run**
No ingredients, none of Marvanna's books, no protection spells in place...you're in a bad situation. How long can you elude Marvanna? Can you find another source of ingredients? Where will you go?After a bit, Wyatt calls you over to the computer. "Right now, I'll get started purchasing forged ID's for you and Patti." To Patti, he says "Your new name is Patrick. Hmmmm... Do you know how to play basketball?"
She/he shrugs. "I played in high school."
"Any good?"
"She made the *All City* team." Patti looks a little surprised as you asnwer for her.
"Perfect." Wyatt is sending info to the people making your forged identities. "You're transferring to Maria's school. You're going to be on the basketball team."
"High school? I'm 20! I'm 6' 6" tall!"
"You'll pass. Lebron was taller than you when he was a senior." Wyatt never ceases to amaze with the random information he knows.
While you're giggling at the thought of Patti in high school, Wyatt turns to you. "Don't laugh too much, Jack...I mean Jacki. You're going to join the Glee Club."
"What the heck is a 'Glee Club'?"
"It's sort of like being a cheerleader, except you don't have to try out or do flips. You go to the games, wear a short skirt, dance, sing, and make lots of noise for the team."
You can feel your face turning red at the thought of wearing a short skirt and dancing in front of a crowd. You try to swallow as your mouth is suddenly dry. "Why?"
"Because Maria is in the Glee Club."
"Oh. So how long is this going to take?"
"Just a few days...I hope. For now, you have to (link:"be patient")[(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 3)(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Waiting is over")(set:$WaitText to "the forged documents")(goto:"Morning Activity")]"What good are the books anyway? We don't have any ingredients." You hope your voice doesn't sound too whiny.
"Every voodoo queen must have a 'sourcebook' of where and how to get the rarest ingredients." Wyatt stands up, hands behind his back, and starts to pace. "If $Team got that for us, we can possibly get the ingredients we need without having to take them from Marvanna. That's our most probable route to success right now."
"When can we get the books?"
"The dark web intermediary has set up a drop tomorrow. Until then, we'll just have to (link:"wait")[(set:$WaitTime to $Day)(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Read the books")(set:$WaitText to "the voodoo books stolen from Marvanna")(goto:"Morning Activity")]Wyatt calls you and Patti into the TV room. "I got the books late last night." He pauses to build the suspense, then smiles broadly. "We do indeed have Marvanna's sourcebook!"
"That's really lit!" Patti claps her hands together, big toothy smile on her face. "Where do we get the ingredients?"
"Give me some time!" Wyatt hates to be rushed. He's so precise. He wants to get it right the first time. "Let me study for a day and we can talk about it tomorrow morning."
"It seems like we're (link:"always waiting")[(set:$WaitTime to $Day)(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Ingredient Info")(set:$WaitText to "Wyatt to decipher the ingredient sourcebook")(goto:"Morning Activity")] for something!" You grumble.Once again, Wyatt calls you all to a morning meeting. "I've been reading the sourcebook. It has the details we need to get all sorts of ingredients."
You make eye contact with Patti. What a strange look on her face. What is she thinking?
Wyatt continues. "The downside is that it won't be easy. It's going to take time and effort."
"Where do we start?" You ask.
"Well, that's something we need to talk about. As I see it, we have a decision to make. We can go after the ingredients to change you back..."
You interrupt. "Well, duh! Like I said, where do we start?"
Wyatt continues as if you said nothing. "...or, we can go after the ingredients we need to cast a spell that will keep Marvanna from finding us..."
"Well that sounds pretty important." Patti seems to like that idea better.
Again Wyatt continues. "...or, we could get what we need to cast a more powerful spell. We could transform Marvanna into something harmless...a kitten, perhaps...and then we'd never have to worry about her again."
"That sounds mean!" Patty frowns.<!--
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #2: Applying the Sourcebook**
(This ending is almost like Ending #4 except you don't have a spell of hiding in place)
In this case, you have Marvanna's source book, but you're out of ingredients.
In Chapter 3, you'll need to find more ingredients (possibly using the info in your stolen books) and decide what your next priority is...
- Getting your old bodies back
- Hiding from Marvanna
- Permanently ending the danger from Marvanna
"Are the ingredients that much different?" You ask. "Maybe we collect ingredients while we think about our how to use them."
[[next->Where to get ingredients]]At the breakfast table, Wyatt has news. "I went to the drop early this morning. Everything went as planned." He takes a bite of smoked salmon.
You feel excited. And nervous. Patti looks...quiet.
Wyatt continues. "We have (if:$Opt1 is "success")[more than] enough ingredients to turn you both back to normal.(if:$Opt2 is "success")[ Better yet, I have a whole stack of Marvanna's voodoo books. One of them actually tells where she gets her ingredients in the first place.]"
(if:$MariaInjured is 1)["What about Maria? Is she going to be OK?" Patti want's to know.
"She's still in the hospital, but it looks like she's going to make a full recovery."
][[continue->Change back?]]Wyatt finishes his meal and rinses off the dishes. "So, now we can reverse all this. Who wants to go first?"
"How difficult is this? Will we both be changed back today? Will you still have enough ingredients to cast a spell to keep Marvanna from finding us?" Patti fires off her questions one after the other without waiting for a response.
Wyatt tries to answer them in order. "It's not too hard, really. I need a few hours to prepare, but then the actual casting only takes about 15 minutes."
Patti doesn't seem too happy.
(if:$LouisianaTrip is 0)["As for the spell to hide us from Marvanna, (if:$Opt1 is "success")[that's going to take a little longer. I won't get that one done today](else:)[we won't have the ingredients for that after I cast the transformation spells]."(if:$Opt1 is not "success" and $Opt2 is "success")[ He stops to think for a moment before continuing. "Of course, now that we have Marvanna's ingredient sourcebook, we could make it a priority to get those ingredients."]](else:)["As for the spell to hide us from Marvanna, that's going to take a little longer. I won't get that one done today."]
Wyatt walks into the dining room where he has his voodoo paraphenalia set up. "Give me a few hours. I'll call you when I'm ready."
You're left [[alone with Patti->Talk to Patti]].
Patti doesn't meet your eyes when she talks. "I guess you probably want to go first." She seems to be concentrating on tearing a paper napkin into thin strips. "Fine by me, if that's what you want."
You look at your hands...your tiny, delicate, pink-nailed hands. Soon you'll have your old height and strength back. You glance down at the $BreastAdjective mounds on your chest. And, these will be gone. You fight the urge to give them a squeeze goodbye.
"It's OK, Patti. You can go first. If Wyatt and I hadn't... Well, it's not your fault. You should be normal as soon as possible."
Patti sits in silence, taking her thin strips of paper and tearing them into tiny square shreds. Finally, she talks again in a very quiet voice. "What if I don't want to?"
"What do you mean? You don't want to go first?" For some reason, your heart is beating faster.
"No. What if I don't want to...change back?"
At a loss for words, you just stare. Is she serious? It looks like she's serious. "Why...not?"
"Jacki, it's hard to explain. But, since the transformation..." She stops. You wish she would just spit it out.
Then, her words come pouring out. "Since the transformation it just feels like something has been made right. It's nothing I ever knew was wrong. You know? It's like a person who's been blind their whole life; they don't feel like anything is wrong. But then, when they can see, it's like a whole new world. I feel like I'm living in a whole new world I never knew existed. Things feel *right* now. I was meant to be a man."
She finally raises her wet, red-rimmed eyes to meet your stare. "[[I don't want to change back]].""What about your family? What about your teammates? Your friends?" When you spoke before, she seemed so sad when she was cut off from them.
"I don't know. I don't know what I'll tell them." Now she's full-on crying. Rivers of tears run down her masculine face. She practically shouts. "*I just don't know*!"(if:$Selfishness > $Empathy)[
Another thought also comes to mind. "Patti...what about *us*?"
"What do you mean?"
"You and me." You put your little hands in hers. "If you change back, you'll be my dream girl again."
She gives you a disapproving look. "That wouldn't work because *you're* going to change back. When you change back, you won't be *my* dream girl anymore." ]
You don't know what to say. Patti's change of heart is unexpected. "Maybe Wyatt can help? Is there a spell for this? Maybe he can..."
"No, Jacki. There's no fixing it. This *is* the fix!"
Patti takes your hand in hers. "How do you feel? I know you've changed since you've been in this body." Her eyes bore into yours as if she could see your soul. "Are you so sure you want to change back?"
Are you sure? Somehow that question seems to break down the last bricks in the wall you built defending your masculine identity. You suddenly feel adrift. You know this body (and the spell that created it) have affected your mind. You've been like this for too long. You've lost your hold on what you were; you're more closely tied to what you *are now*, and what you could be.
She squeezes your hand, gently. "Jacki, why not just give it a little more time? We need to get Wyatt to cast that spell to keep Marvanna from finding us. That's more important than changing back immediately. Right?"
There's logic there...
"If Marvanna finds us, she may turn us to toads. We need to be safe before we worry about changing back." She's speaking faster now, and more forcefully. "Don't be selfish right now. The best thing for all three of us is to make sure we're safe...right?"
Your head is spinning. Patti seems so sure...so confident and strong. Maybe you should go along with her just until you can get the cobwebs out of your head.
[[Ask Wyatt to concentrate on Marvanna first]].
[[Insist on being changed back to a man]].You and Patti walk into the dining room where Wyatt is organizing his ingredients and paraphenalia.
Patti speaks up for the two of you. "Wyatt...we've been talking and we're afraid Marvanna will find us. We think hiding is a higher priority than getting changed back."
He stops what he's doing. (if:$LouisianaTrip is 0)[(if:$Opt1 is not "success")["You realize we won't have enough ingredients to change you back if I use them for the hiding spell?"
(if:$Opt2 is "success")["But, we know how to get more, right? We have Marvanna's sourcebook." Patti responds.
"True. But it will take time. It won't be easy."
Patti looks at you and nods. "We're prepared to wait...for a while."](else:)["Being changed back won't do us any good if Marvanna gets ahold of us." Patti responds. "We can still go with my original plan, so long as she doesn't know we hired the thieves."
"True..." You can almost see the wheels turning behind Wyatt's eyes. "Are you OK with this, Jack?"
You glance at Patti and then at Wyatt. Your head is down and your shoulders are slumped, making you seem even smaller than you are. You say "Yeah, I guess so." in your little mouse voice.]]
]"Well OK then." Wyatt prepares to change directions. "We are extremely lucky that the the ingredients we have include those needed for the spell of hiding. I'll get started prepping for that. It's going to take me at least a day."
(link:"OK. We wait")[(set:$WaitTime to $Day)(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Spell of Hiding")(set:$WaitText to "Wyatt to prepare the spell of hiding")(goto:"Morning Activity")]
You can't really remember why, but you know it's important...to be a man. At least it used to be. You can't trust what you're feeling now. You've been brainwashed.
"Patti, I've got to change back. I barely remember how I felt before, but somehow, I just know it's something I have to do."
She releases your hand, takes a fresh napkin, hides her face and blows her nose. There are no words, but she nods her head.
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #3: Change me back!**
Is this the happy ending? Or, will Marvanna come looking for those who robbed her? Are you and Patti through? Or, will you help her rebuild her life?(set:$SmokyImage to $HadSex)Just as you're falling asleep, you have the most vivid nightmare you've had in a very long time.
A figure appears at the end of your bed. You know you're still asleep and dreaming because you feel no fear from the intrusion or from the figure's other-worldly appearance.
<img src="Images\Smoky Image.jpg">
The figure looks vaguely familiar, but it wavers in and out of focus like smoke in front of a mirror at twilight. You stare hard at the face but can't quite make out the features.
"Beware!" If you were awake, you'd probably find the booming spirit-voice to be amusingly stereotypical. But, in your dream, it sounds impressive and forboding. "Actions have consequences."
You try to move, but you can't. You try and fail to speak. Even in your languorous dream state, a spark of unease is lit.
"You have been transformed in the flesh, by one like me. Your existence is now forged in the image of your true love's lust. This you know. But, now know this as well: When love is consummated, reality changes."
You try to ask questions like 'so what?', but you still can't speak.
"Were we all once so blind? *Listen!* If you would retain your soul, you will avoid the Devil's dance, even with an angel!"
Devil's dance? WTF?
"*You've been warned!* I can do no more." The voice booms menacingly.
Does this thing read thoughts? You try to concentrate, which is especially difficult when you're dreaming. *'Who are you?'*
The figure fades and dissipates, with one last quiet utterance: "Indeed. Who are you?"
And then you sleep...
In the morning, the dream is still with you. Normally, you can't remember your dreams for more than a few minutes after waking. But, for some reason, this one is still with you. (set:$Day to 1)(display:"Next Day")
[[Breakfast]] Wyatt is ready to cast the spell of hiding. You and Patti join him in the dining room to observe and help. (if:$VoodooSkill > 2)[You're getting enough skill with the voodoo that you're quite helpful.]
The whole dining room is a mess. There are candles and bowls and branches and flowers and a stuffed animal's head (is it a rat?) and all kinds of powders and liquids and jars with who knows what inside.
Patti sits out of the way while you pass Wyatt the right ingredient at the right time.
Wyatt speaks some of the spirit language and drops a pinch of blue powder on a candle, which then starts to burn with a blue flame. He waves his arms and speaks some more of the words before dropping a pinch of red crumbs on the flame. These immediately begin to crackle like a 4th of July sparkler. (if:$VoodooSkill > 2)[
Your voodoo skill is sufficient for you to understand the general gist of what's going on. Wyatt is calling on a specific, and very powerful, spirit.]
A gust of wind makes the candle flicker, and then there's an indistinct, smoky figure standing before Wyatt. The way its features seem to be out of focus...it reminds you of a dream.
Wyatt holds up the animal head and makes broad gestures while speaking the spirit language. (if:$VoodooSkill > 2)[He's telling the spirit what he wants done. The spirit is to stand guard, keeping all other spirits from discovering your involvement with the events at Marvanna's home.]
The smoky figure emits a low growl. Its outline whips back and forth quickly as it answers Wyatt. (if:$VoodooSkill > 2)[The spirit says the demands are too vague. Some spirits are too powerful to keep away.]
(if:$VoodooSkill< 3)[You wish you understood more about voosoo! The back and forth continues for some time. Until, finally...](else:)[Wyatt (in spirit language): "You are powerful and you are crafty. You can beat away the smarter spirits and you can outsmart the stronger spirits."
Spirit: "Your flattery will not make me stronger or smarter. I will attempt your task, but I make no promises. Some very intelligent spirits have more power than I."
Wyatt: "Good enough."
Spirit: "And for how long must I hide your crime?"
Wyatt: "For all eternity."
Spirit: "That is too long."
Wyatt: "Until our dea... Umm... For 100 years."
Spirit: "Are you prepared to pay?"
Wyatt: "I have prepared your feast."
Spirit: "The deal is made."]
Wyatt gives the signal and you bring forth the bowl made from a human cranium. Inside is the mixture Wyatt made from the most rare ingredients. The smoky figure engulfs the bowl for a second. Then, ingredients and spirit are gone.
[[Did it work?]](set:$SpellOfHiding to 1)"That was awesome!" Patti's eyes are big and round. "Did it work? Are we safe?"
"I hope so." Wyatt looks exhausted.
"What do you mean 'hope'? You don't know if it worked?"
"That's not what I mean. The spell worked. The spirit will help us."
"Then, we're safe?"
"There are hundreds...maybe thousands...of spirits that can be accessed through voodoo. I picked the strongest one I could control. That doesn't mean Marvanna can't get help from a stronger one."
Patti looks stricken.
"At the very least, it'll buy us time. Marvanna will probably try her normal scrying spirits, which will fail. Then, she'll try something more powerful, but that takes more time and that spirit might also fail. By the time she calls in one of the voodoo lords, *if* she calls on one, we probably have at least a few weeks."
"Voodoo lords? What's that all about?" You haven't heard that mentioned before.
"They're the most powerful of the voodoo spirits. They're only called upon in the most dire emergencies because their demands are always terrible. To command a lord, the summoner must make a personal sacrifice."
"How come you didn't summon a lord?"
Wyatt pauses for a moment before answering. "I wasn't sure I could control it." Another pause. "And, I wasn't sure I'd be willing to pay the price."
[[What do we do now?]](if:$LouisianaTrip is 0)[(if:$Opt1 is "success")[(goto:"Time to change back")](elseif:$Opt2 is "success")[(goto:"Find more ingredients")](else:)[(goto:"Revert to Patti's Plan")]](else:)[(if:$NewIngredients > 1)[(goto:"Time to change back")](else:)[(goto:"Revert to Patti's Plan")]]"Well, the protection spell is in place and I still have enough ingredients to change you both back." Wyatt studies you both carefully. "You are ready to change back, right?
Patti looks like she's been crying, but now she looks Wyatt in the eye and her voice is firm. "I'm not changing back."
Wyatt gives you a silent look as if to say 'Is she serious?' You nod your head slightly.
"OK, then..." Wyatt looks at you with raised eyebrows. "What about you, Jack? Are *you* ready to change back?"
[[Yes, change me back->Insist on being changed back to a man]]
[[Not right now...maybe later]]{<!-- Have books, hide spell in place, out of ingredients -->
}Wyatt says: "I've been reading the sourcebook. It has the details we need to get all sorts of ingredients."
You make eye contact with Patti. What a strange look on her face. What is she thinking?
Wyatt continues. "The downside is that it won't be easy. It's going to take time and effort."
"Where do we start?" You ask.
"Well, that's something we need to talk about. As I see it, we have a decision to make. We can go after the ingredients to change you back..."
You interrupt. "Exactly! Like I said, where do we start?"
Wyatt continues. "...or, we could get what we need to cast a more powerful spell. We could transform Marvanna into something harmless...a kitten, perhaps...and then we'd never have to worry about her again."
"That sounds mean!" Patty frowns.<!--
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #4: Need more ingredients**
(This ending is almost like Ending #2 except you now have the spell of hiding in place)
In this case, you have Marvanna's source book, the spell of hiding is protecting you, but you're out of ingredients.
In Chapter 3, you'll need to find more ingredients (possibly using the info in your stolen books) and decide what your next priority is...
- Getting your old bodies back
- Permanently ending the danger from Marvanna
"Are the ingredients that much different?" You ask. "Maybe we collect ingredients while we think about our how to use them."
[[next->Where to get ingredients]](if:$LouisianaTrip is 0 or $NewIngredients is 0)["OK, I'm just about out of ingredients and the](else:)["We have a good supply of ingredients for most purposes, but we didn't get the (if:$LouisianaTrip is 1)[white alligator](else:)[special] items I need to change you back. The] only place we know we can get (if:$LouisianaTrip is 1)[those](else:)[more] is from Marvanna." Wyatt lays out the facts you're all painfully aware of. "We don't have a lot of good options."
"Now that she's off our trail, we could leave town and try to (link:"start a new life")[(goto:"give up and run")]...sort of like witness protection."
"Or, we could (link:"try Patti's infilitration plan")[(goto:"try Patti's infilitration plan")]. Maybe we can still get what we need from Marvanna."
"I don't know what else to do."(set:$FirstCantrip to "")"I think one of these would be a good place to start... "
"There's a spell to [[create lust]] in females. Without better ingredients, it only lasts a few seconds, but you should be able to see an effect."
"Another cantrip allows you to create a [[gust of wind]]. It won't do much, but again, the effect should be noticeable."
"And, if you don't like those, I can teach you some [[card magic]] that will let you swap one card from your hand with one from the deck...and no one will notice. It works with any card game."
"Which do you want to learn?"(set:$CreateLust to 1)(if:$FirstCantrip is "")[(set:$FirstCantrip to "lust")]"Are you kidding? That's a no-brainer! I want to create lust, even if it is just for a few seconds." He should have known that's what you'd pick.
Wyatt grins. "Of course."
<img src="Images\Wyatt Smiling.jpg">
Over the next hour, Wyatt guides you through the process of preparing the ingredients, contacting the spirit, explaining the task, etc. Once you've got everything prepared with the spirit, you can cast a cantrip in an instant.
"I think you've got it. I'm proud of you." Wyatt smiles his approval and you feel all warm inside. "Now, you just need to practice a few times."
"I can't wait!"
After all the voodoo work, you're exhausted!
(link:"Rest until after lunch")[(goto:"Evening Activity")].(set:$GustOfWind to 1)(if:$FirstCantrip is "")[(set:$FirstCantrip to "wind")]"Wind? I can make the wind blow? For some reason, that sounds cool. I want to try that."
"Really?" He looks surprised.
"Yes, really. I'm not a *total* perv!"
Wyatt smiles. "Well, sometimes I wonder..."
Over the next hour, Wyatt guides you through the process of preparing the ingredients, contacting the spirit, explaining the task, etc. Once you've got everything prepared with the spirit, you can cast a cantrip in an instant.
<img src="Images\Wyatt Smiling.jpg">
"I think you've got it. I'm proud of you." Wyatt smiles his approval and you feel all warm inside. "Now, you just need to practice a few times."
"I can't wait!"
After all the voodoo work, you're exhausted!
(link:"Rest until after lunch")[(goto:"Evening Activity")].(set:$CardMagic to 1)(if:$FirstCantrip is "")[(set:$FirstCantrip to "cards")]"Oh! Cards! I love playing cards...especially when I win."
"Cards? Why did you pick cards?" You completely surprised Wyatt.
"Think about it... Think of all the poker games I can win."
"I know you like poker, but somehow I thought you'd go for 'create lust'."
"Well, I'm not a *total* perv!"
Wyatt smiles. "Well, sometimes I wonder..."
"Besides...now I can win at *strip* poker." You wink mischievously at Wyatt.
Over the next hour, Wyatt guides you through the process of preparing the ingredients, contacting the spirit, explaining the task, etc. Once you've got everything prepared with the spirit, you can cast a cantrip in an instant.
<img src="Images\Wyatt Smiling.jpg">
"I think you've got it. I'm proud of you." Wyatt smiles his approval and you feel all warm inside. "Now, you just need to practice a few times."
"I can't wait!"
After all the voodoo work, you're exhausted!
(link:"Rest until after lunch")[(goto:"Evening Activity")].(set:$CreateLust to it + 1)(if:$CreateLustPractice < 4)[As you walk around, you look for a good opportunity to practice your create lust spell. Finally, you manage to find a private moment with an attractive woman. At first, she pays you almost no attention at all.
Then, you cast the spell and you can instantly see the lust in her eyes.
(set:$CreateLustPractice to it + 1)
(if:$CreateLustPractice is 1)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$CreateLustPractice is 2)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$CreateLustPractice is 3)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$CreateLustPractice is 4)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$CreateLustPractice is 5)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 5.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 6.jpg">]
Unfortunately, it only lasts for a moment. Then, she shakes it off and goes back to what she was doing.(if:$CreateLust > 2)[
You've got this cantrip mastered now.(set:$CreateLustMastered to 1)(display:"Update Mastery")]](else:)[You've practiced cantrips enough that you're an expert, but you decide to cast it one more time, just for fun.
(set:$Random to (either:1,2,3,4,5,6))
(if:$Random is 1)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$Random is 2)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$Random is 3)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$Random is 4)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$Random is 5)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 5.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Bedroom Eyes 6.jpg">]]
There's just something about seeing that spark of lust in a woman's eyes...it never gets old.
(link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$GustOfWind to it + 1)(if:$GustOfWindPractice < 4)[As you walk around, you look for a good opportunity to practice your spell. Finally, you see a woman in a skirt...
(set:$GustOfWindPractice to it + 1)
(if:$GustOfWindPractice is 1)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$GustOfWindPractice is 2)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$GustOfWindPractice is 3)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$GustOfWindPractice is 4)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 4.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 5.jpg">]
}(if:$GustOfWind > 2)[
You've got this cantrip mastered now.(set:$GustOfWindMastered to 1)(display:"Update Mastery")]](else:)[You've practiced cantrips enough that you're an expert, but you decide to cast it one more time, just for fun.
(set:$Random to (either:1,2,3,4,5))
(if:$Random is 1)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$Random is 2)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$Random is 3)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$Random is 4)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 4.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Gust of Wind 5.jpg">]]
(link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]"Oh no! Hold it right there. I'm not having sex with you!" Your response is quick and firm(if:$MaleAttraction > 0)[, but on the inside, you can't deny that your heart beats a little faster just thinking about it].
"OK, I was afraid that's what you'd say. But, there are other ways you could help." She/he is standing closer than normal. You smell a nice cologne.
"Like how?" (if:$Empathy > 0)[You'd like to help, if it's not too...uncomfortable.](else:)[You feel suspicious.]
[[next->Patti wants to talk pt2]]
"What do you have in mind?" You give her a coy smile.
"Practice?" Her/his face is flushed. "Can we practice?"
You barely manage to repress a giggle before you turn your mock outrage on her. "What kind of pick-up line is that? You want to have sex with me so you can 'practice'? What am I...some kind of exercise equipment?"
"No! No, that's not what I meant!" Patti looks horrified.
"Well, what *did* you mean?" You've got your hands on your hips, trying to keep a stern look on your face.
"Aw, come on Jacki." She pleads. "You know how you affect me. It seems like this thing gets hard every time I see you."
"So, I should put out because your dick is hard?" Yeah, that sounds pretty pathetic even to you.
"I don't know what I'm doing." She says sadly. "I know you don't really want to have sex with a guy, but I'm not a *real* guy."
It looks like you've totally dashed her hopes just by teasing her.
[[Talk about her feelings for you]].
[[Is there a way to help her]] with her problem without you getting fucked?She thinks you should ignore what she looks like and remember the woman she really is on the inside.
You wonder what she thinks about you... "It doesn't bother you that I'm not a real woman on the inside?"
She thinks about it for a moment. "No." She thinks for a bit. She's not a dumb jock. "I see your point. I'm asking you to ignore the physical, but the physical is overriding everything for me."
You feel a touch of sadness...she only loves your body. "So, you don't like me for my wonderful personality?"
"I didn't say that! I do like you as a person. I don't know you all that well, but I think we're good together." ... "I just don't suppose I would have ever discovered your personality if you didn't look like...you do."
That makes you feel a little better. Maybe you'd like to [[give Patti a hug]]? Or, would you rather return the conversation to [[her 'problem'->Is there a way to help her]]?
"Patti, I appreciate your problem. I *really* do. But, I'm just not ready to...get fucked...right now." You try to sound sincere, firm, and caring, all at the same time.
She thinks about that for a while. Finally, she says: "Well, what if you could help me without any actual...fucking?"
[[What do you mean->Patti wants to talk pt2]]?{(if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[<img src="Images\B-cup Cleavage.jpg">](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[<img src="Images\C-cup Cleavage 2.jpg">](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[<img src="Images\D-cup Cleavage 3.jpg">](elseif:$BreastSize is "DD-cup")[<img src="Images\DD-cup Cleavage.jpg">]}You really do understand how Patti feels. You were (are?) a guy. How many ugly girls did you ever get to know well enough to see if you *really* liked them? If you weren't physically attracted to someone, you'd never give them a chance, romantically anyway.
**Empathy increased. (set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy**
You give Patti a hug. It's amazing how muscular and toned she is. Maybe you're still the same shallow person you were before the change. Maybe you're only feeling empathy for Patti because you're physically attracted to this form?
Patti hugs you back, her big arms enveloping you in a warm wall of muscle. She burries her face in your glossy, fragrant, $HairColor hair. She takes a deep breath and then releases it just behind your ear. You feel a shiver run up your spine.
You realize you can't really move right now, at least, not without a struggle.
[[Push her away]]
[[Just wait]]Your arms are pinned, but you manage to tap her on the leg. "Patti. Patti, please let go."
"Sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"It's OK. I just felt trapped."
"So, what now?"
"Patti, I appreciate your problem. I *really* do. But, I'm just not ready to...get fucked with a dick...right now." You try to sound sincere, firm, and caring, all at the same time.
She thinks about that for a while. Finally, she says: "Well, what if you could help me without any actual...fucking?"
[[What do you mean->Patti wants to talk pt2]]?When she senses no resistance, Patti slowly and softly moves one of her big hands down your back and gives your butt a gentle squeeze.
You look up and give her a sultry smile. "Come over here on the bed. Let's see if we can figure out this 'problem' of yours." That look of gratitude on Patti's face is almost embarrassing.
By the time she gets her clothes off, Patti is sporting a rock-hard erection.
<img src="Images\Nice Dick.jpg">
Wondering what you've gotten yourself into, you strip off your own clothes.
<img src="Images\Presenting.jpg">
"Oh, my god! You're so...beautiful! Awesome..." Patti is babbling. Then, she's on you all at once, kissing, pawing, rubbing...
"Stop! Wait!" You try to get her to back off. But, she's not stopping or waiting.
"STOP! NOW!" You shout.
Patti stops and gets very still.
You take a moment to collect your thoughts. "Look...Patti...you're big, powerful...and scary. Understand? Take it easy. Take it slow. OK?"
She nods.
"OK. When you're with a girl, you want to show her a good time, right? I know you've done a lot of girls. You know what girls like, right? So concentrate on what she...I... want. Stop thinking about your dick for a few minutes, OK? I'm pretty sure you'll get to cum before we're done."
[[Patti kisses you]]Patti leans over and gives you a very gentle, very slow and careful kiss. It feels so...hot...like your lips are burning! You find yourself kissing her back harder than she kissed you.
She smiles and gently strokes your right breast with her fingertips. Oh, that feels good. Your whole breast is covered in goosebumps as your aureola puckers.
"I just love your breasts. They're just the perfect size." She talks soothingly as her fingers continue to work. Every once in a while, she gives you another kiss.
You push your breasts out proudly. This feels so nice. You close your eyes and forget that the person touching you looks like a man.
"Your nipples are soooo responsive! Does this feel good?" She asks as she pinches and pulls.
You gasp out an emphatic "Yes!". Your nipples are hard as rocks. Every touch feels like fire. You can feel the wetness build in your pussy.
When she bends over and kisses your nipples, gently sucking, then teasing your whole breast with her tongue, you grip her head holding it against your bosom.
Your voice is slightly deeper, raspier. "Oh, wow. I love when you suck my nipples."
(display:"Hard Nipples Image")
[[next->"Then, you're gonna love this!"]]You glance down and see that Patti's dick is dripping. You haven't even touched her yet.
She stares into your eyes and then gives you a deep kiss at the same time her fingers press against your shaven pussy. Her hand is moving quicker now, and more forcefully.
<img src="Images\Fingering wet pussy.gif">
"You're wet." She sounds proud of herself.
You lie back and spread your legs, giving her room to work. But, she soon stops.
Patti walks on her knees up between your spread legs. Her angry red dick swings left and right as it leads the way to your wet pussy. She's about to mount you.
"[[Patti, I need your dick in me...now!]]"
(set:$WantedToWait to 0)
"(link:"Wait")[(set:$WantedToWait to 1)(goto:"Patti, I need your dick in me...now!")]!"(set:$HadSex to it + 1)(set:$SexWithPatti to it + 1)(if:$WantedToWait is 0)[You look her in the eye, letting her see your lust. "Patti, I need your dick in me...now!"
**You're becoming more accepting of your body's desire for sex with men.
Your attraction to men has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction**
](else:)["Patti! Wait! Slow down."
She takes her dick in hand and runs it up and down your wet slit. Your hips shudder. Patti grins at you. "You're hot for this dick, aren't you? I can tell."
Are you? Whatever your mind thinks, your body is certainly eager.
Patti takes your hesitation for a 'yes'.] She grabs you by the hips and pulls you toward her. Then, she leans forward and drives her pole home with unrestrained passion. The sudden impact jolts you. At first, it feels too big. You bite your lip and grunt. By the third stroke you're feeling only pleasure.
(if:$WantedToWait is 0)[This is awesome! You try to match her rhythm with hip thrusts of your own.](else:)[Her enthusiasm and the raw power of her lust send thrills through your body. Moving with a mind of their own, your hips start to buck up, matching Patti's rhythm.]
Patti grips you tightly, eyes wide, veins bulging on the sides of her neck. She slams her dick into you with all her strength. Three more strokes, and then, with one last animalistic groan, she's finished. Your pussy is flooded with her sperm.
You're not done yet! You continue to work your hips against her cock. Patti's weight is on you and you can barely breathe, let alone move. Her dick quickly loses its rigidity, while retaining most of its size. Your own peak is close...so close. But, you don't quite get there before the dick becomes just a slippery wet worm and oozes out of your fevered hole.
[[Tell Patti this is not acceptable]].
[[Cuddle and hope for another chance]].Your pounding heart gradually slows. "Patti, you've got to do better than that."
Her big muscular body slowly rolls off of you, straining as if it was the most exhausting task ever. Then, she lies panting beside you. "I know. I know! That's why I'm asking for your help."
"It's no wonder that girl at the gym was mad at you. You can't cum that quick!"
"I'm sorry! I said I was sorry. Geez, give me a break!" Is she angry or frustrated? "Are you going to help me, or not?"
"(link:"You're on your own")[(set:$HelpingPatti to -1)(goto:"No, she's on her own")]."
"[[I'll help]]."All of Patti's weight falls on you and you can barely breathe. You continue to move your hips for a minute, hoping to reach your peak anyway, but it doesn't work.
You try (and fail) to shift her weight. "Patti. Patti! *Patti!*"
She finally responds with a barely audible "what?"
"Get off. You're crushing me."
Her big muscular body slowly rolls off of you, straining as if it was the most exhausting task ever. Then, she lies panting beside you.
You roll towards her, using her arm for a pillow and pressing your hard-nippled breasts against the side of her chest. You throw your leg over hers so that your soggy pussy is nestled against her hairy thigh. You give her a kiss on the cheek.
(set:$GetMeOff to 1)
Are you cuddling because you're [[hoping Patti can get you off]]? Or, are you mostly wanting to (link:"keep Patti from being too sad")[(set:$GetMeOff to 0)(goto:"hoping Patti can get you off")]?"I'll help." Your voice is softer. Your sexual frustration is bit less sharp now, though it will certainly linger interminably.
She looks at you doubtfully, attempting assess your seriousness.
"I'll help, but it's going to be on my terms." You press on before you regret your decision.
"Of course. You can be my coach!"
Patti uses the sheet to wipe fluids off her. "I figure it's like track. When I had poor form out of the blocks, my coach saw what I was doing. She gave me drills to do. She watched and gave me feedback." Patti shrugs. "Over time, working with my coach, I got better."
"No one else could train me as well as you could. Not only do you have experience as a man; you're also the hottest woman on the planet, at least to me."
"OK, I'll coach you. (link:"I'll let you know when I'm ready to start")[(set:$HelpingPatti to 1)(goto:"Yes, I'll help Patti")]...if I don't change my mind."(set:$HelpingPatti to -1) "Patti, I'm just not comfortable with this. I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe another time." You leave the room before she can try to convince you to change your mind.
(link:"Time for bed")[(goto:"End of Day")].(set:$HelpingPatti to 1) Patti thanks you. You let her give you a hug. Then, you leave the room and head back to your own.
(link:"Time for bed")[(goto:"End of Day")]."That was awesome." You whisper.
"No it wasn't. I came in like 2 minutes."
"That dick of yours drives me crazy." When she doesn't say anything, you continue. "It felt soooo good. I can't wait to do it more."
"Yes, really." You run your fingers over her manly chest. "I just love the way it fills me up. My little clit gets hard like a rock and I can't help but hump you back. Did you feel it?"
"Yeah, I felt you humping me back."
"Well, that's because this guy..." You take her flaccid cock in hand. "...is the biggest, hardest pussy pleaser on the planet."
She scoffs. "You're just saying that. Please don't bullshit me."
"I'm not BS'ing you. I don't know if it's the magic, or what, but this..." You start to gently stroke her dick. "...cock is like catnip to me."
To emphasize your point, you bend over and give it a playful lick. Your $HairColor hair tickles her lower stomach and thighs. You look up and make eye contact as your tongue flicks.
Patti's expression perks up. "I guess I didn't realize. I never was very interested in cocks."
"Until now?" You take the head in your mouth and swirl your tongue. "How about now?"
"Yes! Now...Yes! Much more interesting." Her dick is starting to regain some plumpness. Patti seems to have very impressive recuperative powers.
You slide over and [[straddle her]]. With your wet pussy squishing against her soft but plump dick, you lean forward and let your perfect breasts dangle in front of Patti's face. "Please suck them some more. It felt really good."
You don't have to tell her twice. Patti's tongue is really talented. Sure, it feels good when you pinch and play with your own tits, but when Patti sucks on them, it's like liquid fire that goes straight to your pussy.
While she licks and sucks, you do a slow grind with your pussy. Her dick is a bit firmer now. "Oh, my." You tease. "It feels like someone is waking up." You can rub your clit on it and it feels good. Maybe you could get off this way...
While Patti continues to do marvelous things to your breasts, your grinding picks up speed and her dick grows into an actual erection. The bigger and harder she gets, the better for your grinding.
<img src="Images\Dick Grind.gif">
After a few minutes, you can feel your orgasm coming... Your hips are moving as quickly as you can make them. You sit up straight, arch your back, and whimper. You shift from short choppy strokes to a long sliding motion, and then back to short again. Oh! There it is!
(if:$PCNoOrgasm > 0)[After (if:$PCNoOrgasm > 2)[so many masturbation failures](else:)[failing at masturbation], it feels glorious to cum again!] You squeal and grind for a minute and then fall forward onto Patti's chest. Your legs continue to twitch and jerk as you gasp for breath for a bit.
(if:$GetMeOff is 1)[It worked. You successfully manipulated Patti into fucking you again. And, this time, you got your cum!
**It's all about you, right?
Selfishness increased.(set:$Selfishness to it + 1)
New value: $Selfishness**
]"Girl, you cum *hard*!" Patti smiles gives you a hug.
(if:$PCNoOrgasm > 1)["It's been a while."](else:)["I guess so. The room went dark there for a second."]
"Now...let's see if I can [[do a little better this time...]]" Patti lifts your hips and tries to get her fully erect dick back inside you."Wait! I just came!" You squeal.
"So? You're a girl. Have as many as you want." Patti finally succeeds at insertion. You're riding her in a facing cowgirl position.
Indeed, you can feel the heat returning to your clit. As a guy, your dick would be dead right now. As a girl, you didn't even need to cool off before getting hot again.
Patti pushes her heels against the bed and arches her back, lifting you completely off the bed, and driving her dick as deeply as it'll go. And, then she does it again. And again. It's like that time you rode the mechanical bull at that cowboy bar in Dallas.
Only this time you've got a hard dick burried in your pussy. At first you're afraid Patti will buck you right off, but you needn't worry. She takes your hands in hers so you can steady yourself.
"Patti! Slow down." It would be nice if she'd slow down and let you control the tempo. But, that's not going to happen. Patti continues to drive her dick into you with all her strength until she shoots another load in your pussy.
Your bucking bronc collapses beneath you, vanquished again. You didn't make it to a second cum, but even one seems like something to celebrate.
You slide off, feeling a moment of emptiness as her dick falls out of you.
(if:$GetMeOff is 1)[ [[next->much better]]](else:)[ [[next->need to try harder]]]
"Wow, that was much better!" You try to pick her spirits up.
"Yeah, a little, I guess." Patti doesn't sound so sure.
"Small steps. You take small steps and you'll get there eventually."
**You've successfully cheered Patti up a bit.
Empathy increased. (set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy**
"I'll help you with this, but you're going to have to really try hard."
"Hey! I know...you can be my coach!" She seems excited about that.
Patti uses the sheet to wipe fluids off her. "I figure it's like track. When I had poor form out of the blocks, my coach saw what I was doing. She gave me drills to do. She watched and gave me feedback." Patti shrugs. "Over time, working with my coach, I got better."
"No one else could train me as well as you could. Not only do you have experience as a man; you're also the hottest woman on the planet, at least to me."
"OK, I'll coach you. (link:"I'll let you know when I'm ready to start")[(set:$HelpingPatti to 1)(goto:"Yes, I'll help Patti")]...if I don't change my mind.""Patti, you've really got to work on your control."
"Yeah...I know." She sounds like a little boy who can't stay out of the cookie jar.
"I'll help you with this, but you're going to have to try much harder."
Patti suddenly perks up. "Hey! I know...you can be my coach!"
Patti uses the sheet to wipe fluids off her. "I figure it's like track. When I had poor form out of the blocks, my coach saw what I was doing. She gave me drills to do. She watched and gave me feedback." Patti shrugs. "Over time, working with my coach, I got better."
"No one else could train me as well as you could. Not only do you have experience as a man; you're also the hottest woman on the planet, at least to me."
Will you help her?
"OK, I'll coach you. (link:"I'll let you know when I'm ready to start")[(set:$HelpingPatti to 1)(goto:"Yes, I'll help Patti")]...if I don't change my mind."
or not?
"No, Patti. (link:"You're on your own")[(set:$HelpingPatti to -1)(goto:"No, she's on her own")]."Being alone with Wyatt, you get a chance to talk about things. Sometimes you reminisce about parties you went to or times you got in trouble. Other times, he might fill you in on social issues you should (but don't) care about. (if:$AskWyattAbout1 is 0)[
(link:"Ask Wyatt why he doesn't have a girlfriend")[(display:"Ask Wyatt Girlfriend")]](elseif:$PCNoOrgasm > 1 and $AskWyattAbout2 is 0)[
(link:"Ask Wyatt how obedient the voodoo spirits are.")[(display:"Ask Wyatt Obedient Voodoo Spirits")]](elseif:$VoodooSkill > 3 and $AskWyattAbout3 is 0)[
(link:"Tell Wyatt how grateful you are for his help.")[(display:"Ask Wyatt Show Gratitude")]](else:)[The two of you enjoy a casual conversation.]
Ask him to [[teach you voodoo]].When you were a man, you often walked around your apartment in your boxers, or even naked. You could do the same thing now, right? After all, it *is* your apartment.
Would you like to [[show some skin]]?
Or, perhaps take a more [[direct approach]]?(set:$CasualTease to it + 1)(if:$CasualTease > 9)[(set:$CasualTease to 1)](if:$SeenCasualTease9 is 0)[Wyatt has always had a lot of self-control. Even when you were in college, getting drunk and partying with sorority girls, he showed a lot of restraint. He wasn't like the rest of you...fucking anyone and everyone.
Not that he was a monk, not by any measure. But, he was more of a picker and chooser. It wasn't just physical for him.
But, this new body of yours is smoking hot. Maybe, even Wyatt's willpower will be exhausted you continue to flaunt your body, day after day?
(if:$CasualTease is 1)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 1.jpg">
Today, you decide to leave your perfect ass uncovered. As you're getting a drink out of the refrigerator, you hear a gasp behind you. When you turn around no one is there. But, you smile to yourself knowing Wyatt got quite a view.
](elseif:$CasualTease is 2)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 2.jpg">
You wander around the house in bra and panties, but can't find Wyatt. Giving up, you decide to cook something in the microwave.
That's when Wyatt walks into the room. "Jack, I was wondering if you'd like to..." He stops mid-sentence.
"What were you saying?" You smile and turn without standing up.
"Uh...never mind...uh...maybe later..." He leaves quickly.
](elseif:$CasualTease is 3)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 3.jpg">
Just because your world is upside down, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your video games, right? And, it's really warm today, so you don't need a lot of clothes, right?
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Wyatt take a good long look before retreating into his room.
](elseif:$CasualTease is 4)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 4.jpg">
It's a rainy day, but the house is warm. So you just wear a thin t-shirt. You're sitting by the window, watching the rain fall and daydreaming, when Wyatt enters the room.
"You look so thoughtful. I wonder what's on your mind?" He asks quietly. His eyes are wide as he stares right through your flimsy cover.
You give him a big smile. "Happy thoughts."
"I'm very glad that you're not too depressed by...this situation." He remains several feet away.
"It's not so bad." You wave your hands at your body. "You did good...with this...don't you think?" You strike a sexy pose.
"Yes...yes, I did." Wyatt leaves the room.
](elseif:$CasualTease is 5)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 5.jpg">
You're still half asleep (and half undressed) as you walk out of your room. Wyatt has been up for a while. "Would you like some coffee?" He asks.
"Don't mind if I do." You join him at the breakfast table.
"You look lovely this morning."
"Really?" Is he joking? No, he's serious. Thanks to the magic, you awaken every morning with perfect hair and makeup. Most women would kill for that.
](elseif:$CasualTease is 6)[Timing is everything. You know Wyatt wants to talk to you about the plan, so you open your bedroom door and wait. When you hear him coming, you pick exactly that moment to shed your blouse.
"Oh! Jack! I'm sorry. The door was open."
"Don't worry about it." You say, standing in just your panties. "It's not like you haven't seen me without a shirt before."
<img src="Images\Casual Tease 6.jpg">
"Not like this."
"I know. I'm just kidding. But, this is your handiwork, you know. If you want to admire it, I don't mind." You do a little pirouette for him.
Wyatt just stands there, staring with hungry eyes. Finally, he manages to leave, almost walking face first into the door frame.
It looks like you're breaking down his resistance!
](elseif:$CasualTease is 7)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 7.jpg">
Wyatt finds you looking out the window again. "Are you thinking happy thoughts today?"
"I suppose." You turn, giving him a better view of your impressively firm tits. "I just feel...oh, never mind."
"What? What is it?" He sounds concerned. Would he be so attentive if you still looked like a man?
"Oh. It's just this body. It has a mind of it's own." You state truthfully.
"What does that mean?" Wyatt moves closer. Can he smell your perfume from there?
"I feel this body urging me to do things." You take a step closer to him.
"Like what?" Wyatt looks paralyzed.
"It has...needs." You're within inches of him now.
"I...um...I'll do some research on that." Wyatt pivots and leaves.
He's breaking down!
](elseif:$CasualTease is 8)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 8.jpg">
You put on the thinnest little white see-through blouse you can find and leave your panties behind. Then, you go hang out in the den, waiting to be seen.
It doesn't take long. Is Wyatt actually looking forward to these encounters and seeking you out?
You know he's watching. You can feel his eyes on your body, but you don't acknowledge his presence. You don't want to scare him off. You pose and primp and make your breasts jiggle a little.
Then, you get up and move toward him. "Hi there! Good morning." Your voice is cheerful and your smile wide.
Wyatt's face is red. He quickly looks away. "Good morning."
You stalk him like a cat, moving steadily closer. "It's going to be a *beautiful* day today, don't you think?"
"Yes...very beautiful..."
Just as you get within arm's reach, just when you think he might want to do more than look, Wyatt slips away. "I need to take care of something in my room."
You smile to yourself. You've got a pretty good idea what he's going to be taking care of!
](elseif:$CasualTease is 9)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 9.jpg">
Wyatt is hard at work on his desktop computer. You approach from behind and look over his shoulder. It looks like images of old voodoo drawings. "Cool! Is that from the Dulac coven?"
Startled, Wyatt jumps and turns toward you. "Jeez, Jack, you should...wear more clothes."
"Why? Don't you think this body looks nice?"
"Of course I do. But, it's extremely distracting."
"Are you distracted now?" You lean forward, ever so slightly, bringing your perky nipples closer to his eyes.
"Yes! Yes, I'm distracted!" He's agitated. Wyatt almost never gets angry. Agitated is about as close as he gets. "How am I supposed to work when you're always flashing that body?" He stands and backs away.
"Well, maybe you aren't supposed to...work...right now?" You follow him like a cat stalking a mouse until his back is against the wall.
"I need to...um...I need to...uh...work. I need to work." He stumbles slightly as he moves sideways along the wall.
"Wouldn't you rather do some research? You could research the effects of magic on human sexuality." Your voice is soft, low, and calming.
Wyatt doesn't know what to do. He's still as a statue.
"Wouldn't you like to see what your creation feels like?" You cup a breast and offer it to him.
Ever so slightly, [[he nods his head]].]](else:)[(goto:"show skin repeat")
(if:$CasualTease is not 9)[After that, Wyatt stays in his room for the rest of the morning. You do some chores, watch TV, and take a nap.
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]]Wyatt is (either:"eating breakfast in the kitchen", "reading a book in the den", "working on his computer in the TV room", "working with his voodoo paraphenalia in the dining room"). You quietly sneak up behind him and (either:"kiss him on the back of his neck", "gently blow hot air in his ear", "lick his ear", "sensually massage his shoulders"). (either:"He's startled", "Wyatt jerks away, surprised") by your intimate gesture.
"Relax...sit back and relax..." Your voice is soft, and sweet, and smooth like honey. "(either:"Let me show you how grateful I am for all your help", "You know you want this too", "I've seen the way you look at this body")."
(if:$SeenCasualTease9 is 0)[(if:$CasualTease < 4)[Wyatt jumps up quickly. "Jack, I don't want this. You're my friend, but I know you're really a guy. This isn't a good idea."
When you try to touch him, he walks away. "Jack, get ahold of yourself!"](elseif:$CasualTease < 8)[Wyatt pulls away from you. "You know I don't want this." His eyes don't look quite so confident though.
"Are you sure?" You pose, showing your charms to best effect. "Why don't you let give you a backrub?"
He doesn't say a word, but when you move toward him, he silently walks away.](else:)[Wyatt sits for a moment without moving. You wrap your arms around him from behind and plant kisses all over his neck. "I know you want this.", you whisper hotly in his ear.
"Of course I do." He sounds like he's in pain. "But...I don't think we should..."
"Come on, it'll be fun. It's just sex, Wyatt. No big deal..." You try to kiss him on the lips, but he moves his head away.
"It *is* a big deal." He stands up and moves away. "Sex changes everything."
When you start to pursue, he says "We shouldn't be doing this!" and leaves the room.]
It seems that the 'direct approach' is not likely to succeed with Wyatt. Now, he spends the rest of the morning in his room and you're left with not much to do.
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]](else:)[<img src="Images\Wyatt Smiling.jpg">
Wyatt smiles. He stands, takes your hand, and leads you toward the bedroom.
[[Go with him]]](set:$SeenCasualTease9 to 1)Wyatt reaches out and gently touches your right breast with his left hand. You put your arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss that quickly grows passionate.
<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 4.jpg">
You keep him pinned against the wall as you tear the buttons off his shirt and strip it down and off. He seems disoriented by the ferocity of your passion. But, you don't care. You've been working toward this for a long time.
While you strip off his pants, he manages to get his undershirt off. He's hard. Of course he is. But, you feel a tiny bit of disappointment. The tent in the front of his briefs isn't that impressive.
You pull down his briefs and [[free his dick]].
It's fun to tease and show skin as you wander around your apartment in the morning. Patti's not here and Wyatt won't mind!
(if:$CasualTease is 1)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$CasualTease is 2)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$CasualTease is 3)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$CasualTease is 4)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 4.jpg">]
(elseif:$CasualTease is 5)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 5.jpg">]
(elseif:$CasualTease is 6)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 6.jpg">]
(elseif:$CasualTease is 7)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 7.jpg">]
(elseif:$CasualTease is 8)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 8.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Casual Tease 9.jpg">]
Your hold on Wyatt has increased to the point where you can lure him into sex whenever you want now. When he sees you, clearly teasing him with your body, he comes to you, takes you by the hand, and pulls you toward his bedroom.
[[Go with him]].
[[Not today]].Sex with Wyatt is always enjoyable. (set:$SexWithWyatt to it + 1)(set:$HadSex to it + 1)
<img src="Images\Cunnilingus.gif">
<img src="Images\Wyatt Sex.jpg">
[[next->Evening Activity]] You were just teasing. You shut him down and leave him frustrated.
(set:$PrickTeaseWyatt to it + 1)(if:$PrickTeaseWyatt < 2)[
**You're a frustrating prick-tease!
Sadistic Teaser characteristic increases.(set:$PrickTease to it + 1)
New value: $PrickTease**](else:)[
But, you've done this a few times already. It would be more exciting if you found someone else to tease and frustrate.]
[[next->Evening Activity]] Patti doesn't come back to the apartment until at least 2 hours after you.
You hurry to meet her. "Hey! Is everything OK?"
"Yeah." She says, while walking to her room.
"Where did you go?"
"What are you, my Mom?" Patti barks. Then, quickly backtracks. "Sorry. We just went to the park and talked for a while. Maria is a sweet young woman."
"Cool. I'm glad you guys are hitting it off. Maria told me you guys have a date. What's the plan?"
"Day after tomorrow...We're going to see that new movie...the one with the alien girl who pretends to be human so she can stop the vorpal demons from destroying Earth but she falls in love with the human boy, but he's not really human, he's half vorpal demon."
"Which one of you picked *that* movie?" It doesn't sound like something Patti would like.
"She did. She's kind of a nerd about SciFi and fantasy and things like that. Who would have guessed?" Patti shrugs. "Anyway, I need a shower..."
OK. So, what are you going to do (link:"this evening")[(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Patti's Date")(set:$WaitText to "Patti's date with Maria")(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 3)(goto:"Evening Activity")]?It's $DayName. Patti has her date with Maria tonight.
School is boring. No wonder teenagers get into so much trouble.(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[ As an exhibitionist, you've started to tease the boys with glimpses up your skirt or down your blouse. The teachers don't like it. They've warned you. You're on their 'naughty' list. BFD. Screw you, teachers! What are you gonna do? Tell my parents? What a joke!
At least, that's what you want to say. Instead, you just nod your head and then do what you want when they're not looking.](elseif:$Intelligence is 0)[You're not very good in school. You're getting D's and F's on most of your work. If this keeps up, you might get after-school detention.]
Finally, it's evening and time for Patti's date with Maria. She looks nice, dressed in new jeans and a black 'Imagine Dragons' t-shirt (the one with the moose or whatever that thing is). Her hair is combed and her stubble is trimmed. You feel proud of her. "It's raining out. You should wear a jacket."
Then, she's out the door, leaving you and Wyatt to fret and worry, hoping everything goes well so you can steal Marvanna's (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[voodoo ingredients](else:)[book about voodoo relics]. Wyatt makes popcorn and the two of you sit on the couch watching back to back episodes of 'Quantum Leap'.
At least Patti sends you a cell phone pic of Maria as they're on their way to the movie.
<img src="Images\Maria in Car.jpg">
Finally, she [[comes home]] around (if:$PPP > 1)[11:00](else:)[10:00] PM.{(if:$PPP > 1)[(set:$Date1Result to "good")](else:)[(set:$Date1Result to "poor")]
}By prior agreement, you and Wyatt wait on the couch instead of rushing to the door. Patti slowly walks over to a chair and plops down.
You wait expectantly, trying not to start an interrogation.
Finally, Patti speaks. "So, we went to the movie. I got us popcorn and cokes. Maria wanted to sit in the back, so we did."
Geez, do you really want to hear every detail? You wish she'd get to the point.
"Well, anyway, Maria wanted to make out. So we did."
You don't have the patience to wait, so you ask. "Does she like you? Are you going to be able to get into her house?"
Patti just looks at you with a slight frown. Then, she finds something on the floor to stare at, so she won't have to look anyone in the eye. "I'm sorry, it's embarrassing for me to talk about this."
"It's OK." Wyatt soothes. "But, we really do need to know if our plan is still on track."
(link:"How did Patti do?")[(if:$Date1Result is "good")[(goto:"Good First Date")](elseif:$PPP is 0)[(goto:"Poor First Date")](else:)[(goto:"Not so good first date")]]You and Wyatt are on the edge of your seat, waiting to hear how Patti's date with Maria went.
Patti looks up. "Yeah, we should be good." (if:$MariaKnowsPatti1 is 1 and $MariaPattiTrackTalk is not 1)[(set:$MariaPattiTrackTalk to 1)Patti smiles. "Can you believe she knows about college track? Seriously! She even knows about *me*! I mean, she knows about what I did when I was a woman. Isn't that super cool!?"
You find some excuse to not look Patti in the eye. You wouldn't want her to know you gave Maria a 'heads up' on what to talk about.
Patti gushes for a while about how awesome it was to talk about track again.
"What else, Patti? Did you guys just talk track all night?"]
"When the movie started, we did some kissing and petting and stuff." She shrugs. "She seemed to like it..." Now Patti looks at you and smiles. "...and I managed not to blow my load in the first 5 minutes." Her lips make a silent 'thank you' in your direction.
"Excellent!" You make a fist pump motion which probably looks silly in your current form.
"Patti, what's your assessment of the situation? Can you invite yourself over to her house? Or, do you need another date to confirm the relationship?" Wyatt makes it sound like a lab experiment.
(if:$PPP < 3)["Well, it didn't go perfectly. Let's just say, I did OK, but [[need to do better->Need Another Date]]."](else:)["It went really well. I think she'd [[like for me to come over->Begin Chapter 3]]. She might like to show me her room...if you know what I mean." Patti winks at you. (set:$PattiGoodDate to 1)
In the second release, this link led to the following passage:
A few days later, Patti gets her chance to see Maria at her home.
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #5: Patti's Goes to Maria's House **
(Similar to Ending #6, except now Maria doesn't feel like Patti's premature ejaculation problem is serious enough to require magical intervention.)
Patti is in for an interesting time at Maria's house!
-->]You and Wyatt are on the edge of your seat, waiting to hear how Patti's date with Maria went.
(if:$MariaKnowsPatti1 is 1 and $MariaPattiTrackTalk is not 1)[(set:$MariaPattiTrackTalk to 1)Patti smiles. "Well, it wasn't all bad. Can you believe she knows about college track? She even knows about *me*! I mean, she knows about what I did when I was a woman. Isn't that super cool!?"
You find some excuse to not look Patti in the eye. You wouldn't want her to know you gave Maria a 'heads up' on what to talk about.
Patti gushes for a while about how awesome it was to talk about track again.
"What else, Patti? Did you guys just talk track all night?"
Patti's expression turns solemn and she drops her head. "Unfortunately, no."
]Patti continues to stare at the floor. "It didn't go too well. I mean, I know how to make a girl feel good, right? But since I'm a man...everything works different."
"What went wrong?"
"Well, she started rubbing this dick and it got hard and then she wanted to touch it, so I let her and then she started rubbing it and squeezing it and the next thing you know, I shot semen and it got in her hair and on her shirt and..." Patti stops talking.
"Is she mad at you? Does she still want to go out with you?" You have your fingers crossed.
"I dunno. I hope so. I had to take her home. I hope her mother didn't notice my...mess." Patti shakes her head.
Then, she stares straight at you. "I sure wish I knew how to control this body." She doesn't look happy with you. "Maybe if *someone* would have taught me some things, I might have done better." She gets up and heads to her bedroom. "I'm going to bed."
Wyatt looks as sad as you feel. "What was that all about?"
(if:$PattiNeedsPractice is 0)["I don't know. Who knows?" You reply defensively.
"Well, you better find out. If this plan is going to work, Patti needs to keep Maria happy." Wyatt heads to his room.
"OK, ok, [[I'll talk to her]].](else:)[You tell him about Patti asking you to train her to have self control, and how you refused her.
Wyatt shakes his head. "If you want your body back, you may have to do some things that aren't pleasant." Then, he heads to his room too, leaving you to wonder if you should have helped Patti. (set:$AnotherChanceToHelpPatti to 1)
(link:"Time for bed")[(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Patti's Date #1A")(set:$WaitText to "Patti to ask Maria out again")(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 1)(goto:"End of Day")].]"Let's just say I need to do better." Patti says, looking at you. "I'll ask her out again in a day or two."
"That sounds good." Says Wyatt. "But, I worry we'll be discovered if this drags out too long. We need to get (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[those ingredients](else:)[that book] before anyone discovers what we're up to."
(link:"Time for bed")[(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Patti's Date #1A")(set:$WaitText to "Patti to ask Maria out again")(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 2)(goto:"End of Day")].A few days later, Patti gets her chance to see Maria at her home.
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #5: Patti's Goes to Maria's House **
(Similar to Ending #6, except now Maria doesn't feel like Patti's premature ejaculation problem is serious enough to require magical intervention.)
Patti is in for an interesting time at Maria's house! For their next date, Patti asks Maria to go on a picnic in the park(if:$Weekday is "true")[ after school]. That's something a guy would never think of, but Maria seems to like the idea. She says 'yes'.
You'd love to hide in the bushes and watch, but Patti would probably kill you. Just to keep you happy, Patti takes a cell phone pic and sends it to you.
<img src="Images\Maria Bandana.jpg">
Does she look happy? Mad? Bored? You text Patti back asking for more details, but she ignores you.
Finally, hours later, Patti comes home.
<img src="Images\Patti Face 3.jpg">
What's that look? Is she tired? Sad? "How did it go?"
(if:$PPP < 3)[ [["Good and bad"]]](else:)[ [["It was good"]]]. You wait until Wyatt is in another room and then you approach Patti.
You find her doing push-ups. She stops and stands up when you enter the room. She's sweating and her muscles are pumped.
"I've been thinking about your 'fast trigger' problem and I'd like to help."
"Really? Awesome!"
"I'll come see you a little later, when Wyatt is out."
"Very cool! Thank you!"
(link:"Wait for Wyatt to go out")[(set:$HelpingPatti to 1)(set:$AnotherChanceToHelpPatti to 0)(goto:"Help Patti with her 'problem'")](set:$MariaHangEvent to it + 1)
(if:$MariaHangEvent is 1)[(goto:"Maria Hang #1")
](elseif:$MariaHangEvent is 2)[(goto:"Maria Hang #2")
](elseif:$MariaHangEvent is 3)[(goto:"Maria Hang #3")
](elseif:$MariaHangEvent is 4)[(goto:"Maria Hang #4")
](else:)[(goto:"Generic Maria Hang")](set:$DaysSinceTheft to $Day - $TheftDay)You decide to give Maria a call.
<img src="Images\Maria 2.jpg">
"Hey! It's Jacki. I got your number from Patrick."
"Hi Jacki! How 'ya doin?" She has a trace of cajun accent, but it's not strong.
(if:$Opt5 is "failure")["I'm good." You try not to sound guilty when you ask "How are you? I know you were in the hospital...hurt in a break-in?"
"That's right. I got hit in the head. They said I had a 'inter-cranial heema toe-ma' or something like that."
You try to sound like an 18 year-old. "OMG! Are you OK now? Were you scared? Tell me all about it!"
"Well, I didn't see much. I got knocked out before anything really happened. But, after that, someone (if:$Base is "failure" and $Opt2 is not "success")[tried to steal](else:)[stole] some of my Momma's stuff(if:$Opt3 is "failure")[ and almost burned the house down]. One of our security guards was in the hospital too."
"That's terrible! Are you OK? Should I call back another time?"
"No, it's OK. In fact, it's better than OK! I'm glad to hear from you."
](else:)["I'm good. Just hanging."
"You sound bored. Wanna do something?"
]"Cool! I was wondering if you want to go to the mall or something." It feels easier asking for a date when you're a girl.
"Hmmmm....Yeh. Sure. You want to go look at shoes? I haven't been to Paloma lately."
"Sounds good. See you in a half?"
"You got it!"
[[Go shoe shopping]].
You decide to give Maria a call. (set:$MariaHang2Day to $Day)
<img src="Images\Maria 2.jpg">
She greets you cheerfully and you chit-chat a little about school and things.
Then, she says: "I overheard Ms. Howell at Glee... She was talking about how the travel squad is only going to be 18 girls."
"18? But there's...what...20?...or 21 of us?"
"So three girls won't get to go to the show choir competitions." Then it hits you. "I won't be going!"
Did you really want to travel with the Glee Club girls?
[[Yes]], that sounds like it could be fun.
[[No]], I'd probably be bored with a bunch of 18 year-old girls.
<img src="Images\Maria 2.jpg">
You spend some time with Maria and get to know her better.
*You've been through all the 'spend time with Maria' events.*
(link:"next")[(goto:$Return)]You decide to just wear what you have on and drive to the shoe store, located inside a big suburban mall.
Driving is a risk, of course, since you're obviously not the person on your driver's license. But, if you drive carefully you shouldn't have any trouble.
(display:"Your Car")
Like everything else in the world, your BMW M3 seems a lot bigger than it did before the change. By the time you get to the mall, you're starting to get the hang of shifting gears with much weaker arms and legs.
You [[arrive at the mall]] without incident.
Maria beat you there.
<img src="Images\Maria 3.jpg">
The two of you get along OK. She gives you some shoe advice and asks for your opinion.
She's so damn sexy, it drives you crazy. You'd love to get her alone and...and what? Rub your clit on hers? Hmmmm...that mental image is actually really hot. You could eat her pussy...mmmmm...and lick those pointy little teenage nipples...mmmmm....your own nipples are getting hard...
(display:"No Bra Image")
"Jacki!" Maria says sharply.
You're vaguely aware that she's been talking to you, but you have no idea what she said. "Huh? What?"
"Why are you staring at me that way? It's like your mind isn't even here."
"Sorry. I was just thinking." Hopefully she won't ask 'about what'.
"About what?" It's not a casual question. She's watching you closely.
You've lied to a lot of women before. And, you've got caught lots of times. Through trial and error, you know it's best to keep your lie as close to the truth as possible. "I was thinking about you."
"What? What about me?" Her eyes narrow a bit. Then she checks her appearance to see if she might have a stain or something.
"I was just thinking how beautiful you are...and how I wish I could be as pretty as you."
She looks at you skeptically. "Whaaattt evvverrrr... As if..." And, maybe with a twinkle in her eye?
While she's processing that, you quickly [[turn the conversation]] to something else.
At some point, Maria starts to question you about your 'brother'. "Tell me about Patrick!"
"What? You already know him."
"But not as good as you. You're his sister. You know everything about him. Tell me what he likes and doesn't like." She seems eager and more interested in this than shoe shopping.
It would be really suspicious if you didn't know anything about your 'brother'. And, as a matter of fact, you *do* know quite a bit about Patti. "Well, he likes pretty girls..."
"Come on, Jacki! I'm serious. Of course he likes pretty girls. Tell me something I don't know."
"OK. He loves track, even more than basketball. He's even a fan of women's college track. He knows all about the top competitors and he loves to talk about it."
"Cool! That's something I can use. I'll study up." She gives you a huge smile and a hug. "Thank you!" (set:$MariaKnowsPatti1 to 1)
<img src="Images\Maria Smile.jpg">
The breast-to-breast and cheek-to-silky-smooth-cheek hug leaves you feeling flushed. You duck your head and let your long $HairColor hair hide your face for a moment. "So...Maria...you want to hang out again sometime. I had fun today."
She smiles coyly. "Absolutely! I think we're gonna be BFF's!"
Time to (link:"go home")[(goto:$Return)].Trying to change the subject, you ask Maria "How long have you been in Glee?"
"I started last year. It's fun, and it's really great exercise." She slaps her butt. "Solid as a rock."
That completely derailed your train of thought. What were you going to say. You catch yourself staring at her ass and quickly look away.
"What about you?"
"Glee. I bet your old school didn't have Glee." She gets you back on topic.
"No. This is my first experience with dancing and singing. Is it that obvious?"
"I'm afraid so. But don't worry. You'll pick it up quickly." She squeezes your shoulder.
"I'm not so sure."
Maria smiles. "Hey! If you have trouble, I'll help you practice"
"You'd do that for me?" It sounds like a lot of work.
"You bet I would!" She almost sounds eager. To yourself, you wonder if she'd be so nice to you if you weren't Patrick's 'sister'.
[[continue->back to shoes]] Since you'll be practicing your song and dance routines, you just wear your short shorts and a t-shirt with some cute sneakers.
Then, you hop in your Bimmer and zip on over to Maria's house. It's only about 15 minutes from your apartment, even with traffic, but this neighborhood has a completely different vibe. Instead of mid-rise apartments, the people here live in individual homes on beautifully landscaped acreages.
You pull up to the gate and push the call button. A man (guard?) answers and lets you in.
You drive past perfect green lawn and tasteful plantings to a circle drive in front of a faux antebellum home complete with two-story white columns.
A big guy with dark sunglasses stands on the front porch and watches you get out of your car. As a girl, you've already become accustomed to watching men's eyes and judging their reactions to your looks. The sunglasses prevent that, leaving you a bit nervous and unsure as you head toward the front door.
"Hello." Your voice sounds timid in your ears.
"Good day, Miss Schrodinger." Deep voice, Aussie accent...bet he played rugby.
He doesn't move, forcing you to walk close by him on your way to the door. Wow! He's really big...not as tall as Patti, but very thick.
Maria [[meets you at the door]].
"*I* won't be goooiiinnng!" Your tone is a mixture of whine and sorrow.
Maybe you weren't too excited about it at first, but after hanging around with these teenage girls for a while, their enthusiasm has affected you.
Maria was ready for this. "Don't talk that way, Jacki. You've still got a couple of weeks. If you impress Ms. Howell with your progress, she'll keep you on the team."
"Yeah, but I suck...especially the dancing part."
"Well, we'll just have to fix that." How could anyone not like Maria? She's so sweet to you!
"Are you offering to help me practice?"
"Absolutely! [[Get your butt over here]]!"
She doesn't have to tell you twice.
Maybe you're just not as into girls as you used to be?
**Attraction to women has decreased. (set:$FemaleAttraction to it - 1)
New value: $FemaleAttraction**
"I won't be going." You try to sound sad about it.
Teenage girls are pretty, but you just aren't into all that dancing and singing and screaming and giggling. You rationalize that you should probably not leave town without an ID. Plus, Wyatt and Patti might need your help.
Maria was ready for this. "Don't talk that way, Jacki. You've still got a couple of weeks. If you impress Ms. Howell with your progress, she'll keep you on the team."
"Yeah, but I suck...especially the dancing part."
"Well, we'll just have to fix that." How could anyone not like Maria? She's so sweet to you!
"Are you offering to help me practice?"
"Absolutely! Get your butt over here!"
You could [[go along with Maria->Get your butt over here]], just to get closer to her and possibly figure out how to steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book]..."
Or, you could outright [[refuse Maria]]. Of course, she won't see you as her BFF anymore."I'm sorry, Maria. I'm afraid I'm a lost cause. I'll never be able to sing and dance like the rest of you."
"Seriously? You're going to give up without trying?" You hear disapproval creeping into her voice.
"Yeah, I guess so." Jeez, it's just Glee Club. It's not like it's important or anything.
"Maria? We can still hang, right?"
"I guess. I dunno." More silence. "I thought you were... Oh, I don't know. Nevermind."
"So, maybe we could..."
"Hey, Jacki, I guess I'll see you at school. I just remembered some things I need to do today. OK? See you later."
Wow. OK. That seems harsh. (set:$MariaWantsToHang to 0)
<!-- **need to back up time since this was a short phone call** -->
(if:$Return is "Evening Activity")[(set:$Return to "Morning Activity")](elseif:$Return is "End of Day")[(set:$Return to "Evening Activity")]
You'll need to (link:"find something else to do today")[(goto:$Return)].Maria meets you at the door. At home, she's relaxed, no makeup, dressed casually. It's a bit disorienting. Women almost never let you (when you were a guy) see them without their makeup. Somehow, it's feels more intimate this way. She's letting you see the 'real' Maria.
<img src="Images\Maria Casual No Makeup.jpg">
When she sees you, her face lights up. "Hi! Come on in."
"Wow. You have a really nice home." (if:$Opt3 is "failure")[In a couple of places workers are putting the finishing touches on repairing the fire damage...that your hired thieves caused.]
"Thank you." She seems a little embarrassed. "Momma bought it a few years ago. We used to live in a shack in the bayou."
"That's cool. Why did you leave the bayou?"
Maria leads you through the beautifully furnished home as she talks. "Momma said there's no future in it. She said the ocean was gonna take Dulac to Davey Jones's locker."
You arrive in a large room with big windows down one wall. There's very little furniture, but you see speakers mounted strategically on the walls.
Maria closes the door. "We can practice here without bothering nobody."
[[Practice with Maria]].Maria runs the music system from an ap on her phone. She has the same songs Ms. Howell is using to build your competition routines around.
"OK, girl! Let's dance!"
Maria coaches you through all the routines and songs. She's sweet and kind, but she also doesn't spare your feelings. She tells you exactly what you're doing wrong and how to fix it. It's like having a professional coach just for yourself.
After about an hour, your girly body has had enough. Your legs are wobbly and you're covered with a sheen of sweat. "Hold on! Stop!! I can't take any more!"
For a second, Maria looks like she might demand another rep, but then her expression softens. "OK. I guess so." She stands with hands on hips. "You actually did really good today. I'm proud of you!"
You've been around Maria enough to know what comes next: the hug! She squeals happily and holds you tight. You wrap your arms around her and pull her against you. Surely she won't mind if your right hand drops down to the top of her firm little ass...
"Whoa girl!" She steps back and your heart stops. Uh oh... But, that's not the problem. "You're all sweaty! [[You need a shower]].""Sorry I'm so sweaty, but that's because you worked me so hard!" You pick up your purse. "But, I had fun."
"You made a lot of progress today." She sits on the only couch in the room. "Hey, sit for a minute and cool off."
You sit beside her.
"You know, I think Patrick is hot, right?" She says.
"Ewww. Don't talk like that."
"OK, sorry. But...I was wondering...do you think he likes 'nice' girls or 'naughty' girls?"
"What? Why?"
"Just wondering." She lays her hand on your thigh and your skin immediately develops goosebumps.
"Uh...Um...well, he probably wouldn't want me to say..."
"Come on, Jacki. Us girls, we've got to stick together, you know?" Her fingers glide lightly over your goosebumps, straying just a bit higher on your leg and just a bit more to the inside.
You swallow and then lick your lips. Your mouth is suddenly dry. What *does* Patti like? "He....um....he likes girls that *look* sweet and nice..."
"What else?" She asks as her fingers move within a fraction of an inch of touching your panties. "Tell me more."
Why is your heart beating like a drum and you haven't even been touched? "It's only the look..." You have to remind yourself to breathe. "...he likes a girl to be..." another breath "...naughty when they're alone."(set:$MariaKnowsPatti2 to 1)
"That's awesome! Thank you, Jacki. I knew you wouldn't let me down! I could just kiss you!" She squeals excitedly and then she does kiss you. It's not just a little peck, either. She holds your head and sucks your lower lip into her mouth and licks it.
By the time she releases you, you're in a daze.
She smiles at you. "I guess you're ready for that shower now."
You *want* her right now. Badly! Damn, she can probably see the lust on your face. But, didn't she start it? Isn't she interested in you too?
There's a [[knock at the door]].Interrupted by a knock at the door, Maria gets up to answer it. Your head is spinning. You feel hot all over.
"Yes?" Maria greets the Aussie guard. You can't hear what he says. She says "OK", and then the guard leaves.
She turns to you with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, Jacki. Something's up with Momma. I've got to go."
"Um. OK." You stand. Are your legs wobbly from the exercise or the kiss?
"You can stay as long as you want, but I'll be in the basement with Momma." She's already walking through the door.
"Can I go with you?" You'd love to see the basement.
"No! Momma doesn't let anyone in the basement but me." Realizing she might have been a little sharp, her voice gets softer. "I had fun. Give me a call when you want to...practice...again." She winks at you and leaves.
What do you want to do?
[[Explore the house]].
(link:"Go home")[(goto:$Return)](if:$Opt3 is "failure")[Except for a few bullet holes that haven't been patched, ]Marvanna and Maria's house looks very ordinary, at least the parts you're allowed access to. It's beautifully furnished. Though you prefer a more modern style, the decor is tasteful. But, something just doesn't seem right to you.
As you wander room to room, looking at the authentic victorian style furniture and Romantic period art, you finally realize what's bugging you.
Marvanna and Maria moved from dirt-poor backwoods Louisiana a few years ago. Even if you disregard the change in financial circumstances, how do they end up with a home as finely decorated as this one?
You were born to wealth and you've been around wealth your whole life. You've known 'old money' rich people and 'new money' rich people. Those who come into wealth after they're adults typically have very poor taste, at least by the standards of the 'old money' rich. They tend to buy whatever is expensive and catches their eye and dump it into a room hoping to impress someone.
This house doesn't feel like '*new* money'...not at all.
Time to (link:"go home")[(goto:$Return)]Compared to Patti's thick 8-inch pole, Wyatt's dick is definitely on the small side.
<img src="Images\Dick Lick Small.jpg">
You start with a lick and then take the whole thing in your mouth. Looking up, you can see his eyes lose focus.
Your body wants him...inside...now! Enough teasing and foreplay! You literally jump on him, forcing Wyatt to catch you. Then, you lower your pussy onto his dick.
<img src="Images\Standing Intercourse.jpg">
You get loud as you fuck each other furiously. After your experience with Wyatt, you worry that this could end quickly. There's been so much teasing and now you're fucking is out of control.
Somehow, Wyatt doesn't cum. But, you do. It's not a huge one, but it's oh so satisfying. At one time you were afraid Patti was the only one who could make this body cum. Not now! Wyatt makes your toes curl as you give excited little squeals to let him know he's doing good.
After a minute, your orgasm passes and your hip thrusts loose steam. Wyatt lowers you to the floor but holds you close, kissing you gently. Then, he leads you [[toward the bedroom]].With the orgasm, your sense of urgency is gone and you're perfectly content to let Wyatt take the lead. The two of you lie side by side on the bed, kissing, touching, smiling....
Then, he moves down towards your feet. You have an idea where he might be going, don't you? He gives you an intense look that sends a shiver up your spine.
<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 1.jpg">
Then, he's between your feet. You watch him through the valley of your hard-nippled breasts. He takes your left foot in his hands, kisses it, licks it, and then sets it down, far to the side. Then, he takes your right foot and does the same.
You're now spread wide, giving him a perfect view of your wet, shaven pussy. Will he like it?
<img src="Images\About to be Eaten.jpg">
Wyatt starts at the inside of your ankle, licking, kissing, tasting... Gradually he moves higher, switching from left leg to right and then back to left. When he passes your knees, you feel a quiver run up your thighs.
It seems to take forever before he gets to your pussy. But, once he does...OMFG!
When you were a guy, you enjoyed getting head. Not as much as fucking, but it was a nice change of pace. But, this? This is far, far better. Wyatt plays your pussy like a concert pianist at Carnegie Hall.
<img src="Images\Cunnilingus.gif">
He makes you moan and cry and scream and cum....oh, do you cum and cum again!
[[next->mount up]]When Wyatt finally stops eating your pussy, your body continues to jerk and shiver. Only slowly does your heart's pounding begin to ease. But, Wyatt isn't done with you.
Up until now, he's shown heroic restraint along with his skill. But now, as he moves up to face you, his little dick is hard as iron. You spread to accept him and then wrap your legs behind him.
<img src="Images\Wyatt Sex.jpg">
Wyatt tries to move slowly, but he can't maintain it. His thrusts become erratic and then stop altogether as he gasps with his face against yours. He's at his limit. You take the opportunity to squeeze his dick with your pussy and hump against him with all that remains of your strength.
He cries out like he's been wounded and then begins to pound against you, matching your fervor and rhythm. Your peaks come at the same time, your screams mingling with his groans in a strange harmony until you're both spent.
For the longest time, neither of you want to move. But, of course, you [[can't lie in bed forever]]. "I'm sorry. I need to get up." You're the first one to move or talk.
"I know. It's OK."
"Patti will be back soon. I have to take a shower." You gather your panties and peak out the door to make sure the coast is clear.
You feel a prick of pain in your chest. He called you 'Jack' instead of 'Jacki'. "Yes?"
"You are still Jack, right?"
"Not now, Wyatt. Not now."
You leave him wondering if you're not willing to talk about it right now or...if you're not Jack, now. Maybe you're wondering too.
(set:$SexWithWyatt to it + 1)(set:$HadSex to it + 1)
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]"Good and bad." Patti says.
"Ah, shit, I knew it." You may never get changed back.
"No, it's not *that* bad." Patti says. "The good news is that she invited me over to her house."
"That's awesome. So, what's the bad news?"
"The bad news is: she wanted to make out again."
"What the heck are you talking about? How is that bad news?"
After a pause, she quietly says: "I had my...you know...usual 'problem'. It's just not getting much better."
"How did Maria Take it?"
"She was understanding. She says she might have an idea that will help me."
"Like what?"
"I think she wants to use voodoo on me." Patt sounds just a little bit scared. (set:$MariaWantsToVoodooPatti to 1)
"What!?!? That doesn't sound like a good idea. Wyatt?" You exclaim. Both of you turn to see what Wyatt has to say.
"It depends... If she casts any sort of scrying spell, for example to determine the source of your 'problem', she's bound to discover you've been transformed. On the other hand, if she only casts some sort of 'orgasm inhibitor' on you, then it shouldn't be a problem."
"'Orgasm inhibitor'? I don't think I like the sound of that." Patti sounds worried.
"I don't blame you." Wyatt says. "If a man isn't able to find release, there can be very painful consequences, possibly even requiring medical attention."
Patti looks at you with sad eyes. She won't say it, but you know she's begging you to help her with her problem. (if:$HelpingPatti is -1)[(set:$AnotherChanceToHelpPatti to 1)]. "I guess I need to be careful when I go over to her house."
[[next->Begin Chapter 3]]
<!-- In my second release, this led to the following passage:
A few days later, Patti gets her chance to see Maria at her home.
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #6: Patti's Goes to Maria's House**
(Similar to Ending #5, except now Maria wants to use vodoo on Patti to help with his/her premature ejaculation problem)
Patti is in for an interesting time at Maria's house!
-->"It was good." Patti smiles shyly.
"Yes!" You make a fist-pump gesture.
"Yeah, the weather was perfect. We sat on a blanket, drank a little wine, and fed each other french bread and cheese. It was really cool." Patti's eyes look off into the distance as she talks.
"What else?" You can't help but pry a little.
"Well, we kissed and stuff. And when the sun went down, we snuggled in the blanket."
"And, we...you know..." Patti's face turns a bit pink.
"Was it...OK? For you? For your..."
"I didn't last very long, if that's what you mean. But, Maria said I did *much* better. She said she's proud of me, but I should keep working on it." Patti smiles at you.
Wyatt finally speaks up. "So, you've got her in your influence?"
"Uh, sure. Something like that."
"Excellent! So now, you'll be going to her house?" Wyatt is focused on the goal.
"Yep. She wants to wait until her mother is out of town...a few days from now." (set:$PattiGoodDate to 1)
[[Perfect->Begin Chapter 3]]!
In my second release, this link led to the following passage:
A few days later, Patti gets her chance to see Maria at her home.
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #5: Patti's Goes to Maria's House **
(Similar to Ending #6, except now Maria doesn't feel like Patti's premature ejaculation problem is serious enough to require magical intervention.)
Patti is in for an interesting time at Maria's house!
-->"This is the hard part...the waiting." Wyatt says. "I wake up every morning wondering if this is the day that Marvanna detects our plan."
"Don't worry." You pat him on the back. "(if:$TriedWyattPlan is 1)[I know...it wouldn't be good if she found out we hired those thieves... But, ](if:$SpellOfHiding is 1)[(if:$TriedWyattPlan is 1)[w](else:)[W]e have the spell of hiding. ](else:)[(if:$TriedWyattPlan is 1)[w](else:)[W]e'll be careful.]"
"I'm still going to worry."
"I know." Of course he is. That's just the way Wyatt is.
OK. So, now you (link:"wait for Patti to get invited to Maria's place")[(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Patti's Date #2")(set:$WaitText to "Patti to be invited to Maria's house")(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 3)(goto:"End of Day")].(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "Patti's Date #1A")(set:$WaitText to "Patti to ask Maria out again")(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 2)(set:$PWTT to 1)(set:$PattiNeedsPractice to 1)Reluctantly, you knock on Patti's door.
"What?" She yells.
"Can we talk?" You yell back.
"We just did." She's still yelling.
"Please let me in." You use your sexy girly voice.
"Aaarrghhh! Just a second..."
She opens the door in her underwear...
<img src="Images\Patti Shirtless.jpg">
Apparently, she was undressing for bed. You spend a moment taking in her nearly naked form before you avert your gaze. "I wanted to talk to you..."
"What?" She sounds abrupt, but her eyes are looking down the front of your blouse. You let her look.
(display:"Show Cleavage")
"What did you mean when you said you might have done better if someone had taught you things?" You try to look her in the eye, but her eyes are wandering lower.
"It doesn't matter. You don't care anyway." She starts to close the door.
"Wait! Patti, I *do* care." OK, *maybe* you only care about getting changed back to a man, but you do care.
She hesitates...
You press on. "Patti, please. I'm so sorry all this has happened to you...*to us*! We need to help each other if we're going to get through this."
Whether it's your passionate plea or your perky breasts, it's hard to tell what convinced her, but Patti invites you [[into her room]].
She sits on the bed and you sit next to her. "So, Patti, please tell me what the problem is. I can't help if I don't know."
"I told you the problem. Maria touched my dick and I shot semen all over her."
"That sort of thing happens occasionally..." you start.
"No. It happens to me *all the time*! It happened with that girl in the gym, it happens when Maria touched me, it even happens when I touch myself."
What girl in the gym? Jeez... Patti has the premature issue even worse than you did when you were a man. "That sounds...unfortunate..." You're not sure what to say.
She sobs when she talks and her eyes are starting to tear. "Can you help me?"
"How?" You ask reluctantly, though you have an idea what she's thinking.
She's talking to your breasts. "I need to practice...I need training..."
When you don't answer, she says: "If I don't do better, this whole plan with Maria might fail."
What do you think? Do you want to help Patti on her issue?
[[I'll try to help]].
[[I don't think I can do this->No, she's on her own]]."OK. I'll try to help." (set:$HelpingPatti to 1)
Patti gives you a hug. It's amazing how muscular and toned she is. Maybe you're still the same shallow person you were before the change. Maybe you're only feeling empathy for Patti because you're physically attracted to this form?
You hug her back, her big arms enveloping you in a warm wall of muscle. She burries her face in your glossy, fragrant, $HairColor hair. She takes a deep breath and then releases it just behind your ear. You feel a shiver run up your spine.
You realize you can't really move right now, at least, not without a struggle.
[[Push her back]]
(link:"Just wait for her to finish")[(goto:"Just wait")]Your arms are pinned, but you manage to tap her on the leg. "Patti. Patti, please let go."
"Sorry. I didn't mean to..." She lets go and gives you a little space...but just a little.
"It's OK. I just felt trapped."
"So, what now?"
"Patti, I appreciate your problem. I *really* do. But, I'm just not ready to...get fucked with a dick...right now." You try to sound sincere, firm, and caring, all at the same time.
She thinks about that for a while. Finally, she says: "Well, what if you could help me without any actual...fucking?"
[[What do you mean->Patti wants to talk pt2]]?This is what Patti looks like now:
<img src="Images\Patti Shirtless.jpg">
She's 6' 6" tall and solidly muscled.
Patti used to look like this:
<img src="Images\Patti Riding Bike.jpg">
She's was a college track star majoring in Anthropology. You had (have?) a *huge* crush on her. But, she always turned you down because she's a lesbian. Your crush turned into an obsession so intense that your friends were worried about your health.
(if:$SexWithPatti is 0)[You have never had sex with Patti.
](elseif:$SexWithPatti is 1)[You've only had sex with Patti one time.
](elseif:$SexWithPatti is 2)[You've had sex with Patti twice.
](elseif:$SexWithPatti is 3)[You've had sex with Patti three times.
](elseif:$SexWithPatti is 4)[You and Patti have had sex together four times.
](elseif:$SexWithPatti is 5)[You've had sex with Patti five times.
](elseif:$SexWithPatti is 6)[You've had sex with Patti six times.
](elseif:$SexWithPatti is 7)[You've had sex with Patti seven times.
](elseif:$SexWithPatti is 8)[You've had sex with Patti eight times.
](else:)[You've had Sex with Patti $SexWithPatti times.
(link:"Return")[(undo:)]<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 2.jpg">
Wyatt is a friend of yours from college. Like you, he was born to wealth. Unlike you, he tends to think big thoughts and care deeply about the welfare of others and the planet.
(if:$PCSex is "female")[Wyatt is something of a genius with expertise in an eclectic mix of sciences. He was able to pick up voodoo quickly, just from reading books and conducting his own experiments. (if:$PattiSex is "male")[
He tried to help you get over your fascination with Patti by turning you into a woman. He didn't intend for you to be stuck that way, or for Patti to be turned into a man. Out of guilt and a sense of responsibility, he's doing everything he can to help you both change back.]
(if:$SexWithWyatt is 0)[You have never had sex with Wyatt.
](elseif:$SexWithWyatt is 1)[You've only had sex with Wyatt one time.
](elseif:$SexWithWyatt is 2)[You've had sex with Wyatt twice.
](elseif:$SexWithWyatt is 3)[You've had sex with Wyatt three times.
](elseif:$SexWithWyatt is 4)[You and Wyatt have had sex together four times.
](elseif:$SexWithWyatt is 5)[You've had sex with Wyatt five times.
](elseif:$SexWithWyatt is 6)[You've had sex with Wyatt six times.
](elseif:$SexWithWyatt is 7)[You've had sex with Wyatt seven times.
](elseif:$SexWithWyatt is 8)[You've had sex with Wyatt eight times.
](else:)[You've had Sex with Wyatt $SexWithWyatt times.
(link:"Return")[(undo:)]OK, a few more choices to make. Since you're bypassing part of the story, you missed the opportunity to set these attributes.
Pick one: (if:$VoodooSelected is 1)[**Voodoo Skill & Intelligence (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Voodoo Skill & Intelligence")[(set:$StrengthSelected to 0)(set:$PrettinessSelected to 0)(set:$VoodooSelected to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]] or (if:$StrengthSelected is 1)[**Strength (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Strength")[(set:$PrettinessSelected to 0)(set:$VoodooSelected to 0)(set:$StrengthSelected to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]] or (if:$PrettinessSelected is 1)[**Prettiness (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Prettiness")[(set:$VoodooSelected to 0)(set:$StrengthSelected to 0)(set:$PrettinessSelected to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]]
Is your Honesty... (if:$Honesty is 1)[**Good (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Good")[(set:$Honesty to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]] or (if:$Honesty is 0)[**Average (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Average")[(set:$Honesty to 0)(goto:"More customizing")]] or (if:$Honesty is -1)[**Not so good (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Not so good")[(set:$Honesty to -1)(goto:"More customizing")]]
You're still mostly hetero, but maybe you've started to become attracted to men? Are you (if:$FightingIt is 1)[**fighting (selected)**](else:)[(link:"fighting")[(set:$FightingIt to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]] your female body's attraction to men, or (if:$FightingIt is 0)[**embracing (selected)**](else:)[(link:"embracing")[(set:$FightingIt to 0)(goto:"More customizing")]] it?
Pick one... (if:$WP1 is 1)[**Willpower (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Willpower")[(set:$WP1 to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]] or (if:$WP1 is 0)[**Breast Stimulation Skill (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Breast Stimulation Skill")[(set:$WP1 to 0)(goto:"More customizing")]]
Pick one... (if:$WP2 is 1)[**Willpower (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Willpower")[(set:$WP2 to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]] or (if:$WP2 is 0)[**Pussy Fingering Skill (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Pussy Fingering Skill")[(set:$WP2 to 0)(goto:"More customizing")]]
Pick one... (if:$WP3 is 1)[**Willpower (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Willpower")[(set:$WP3 to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]] or (if:$WP3 is 0)[**Exhibitionism (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Exhibitionism")[(set:$WP3 to 0)(goto:"More customizing")]]
Pick one (last time)... (if:$WP4 is 1)[**Willpower (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Willpower")[(set:$WP4 to 1)(goto:"More customizing")]] or (if:$WP4 is 0)[**Exhibitionism (selected)**](else:)[(link:"Exhibitionism")[(set:$WP4 to 0)(goto:"More customizing")]]
When you're all finished, click [[here->final customization]].{(set:$Prettiness to 10)
(set:$Exhibitionism to 1)
(set:$FemaleAttraction to 10)
(set:$Strength to 3)
(set:$DickHandling to 5)
(set:$Intelligence to 6)
(set:$MaleAttraction to 4)
(set:$HadSex to 0)
(set:$SexWithWyatt to 0)
(set:$SexWithPatti to 0)
(set:$CumBlocked to 1)
(set:$PCSex to "female")
(set:$GirlsLocker to (random:0,4))}{(if:$StrengthSelected is 1)[(set:$Strength to it + 1)]
(if:$VoodooSelected is 1)[(set:$VoodooSkill to it + 1)(set:$Intelligence to it + 1)]
(if:$PrettinessSelected is 1)[(set:$Prettiness to it + 1)]
(if:$WP1 is 1)[(set:$Willpower to it + 1)](else:)[(set:$BreastStimSkill to it + 1)]
(if:$WP2 is 1)[(set:$Willpower to it + 1)](else:)[(set:$PussyFingering to it + 1)]
(if:$WP3 is 1)[(set:$Willpower to it + 1)](else:)[(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)]
(if:$WP4 is 1)[(set:$Willpower to it + 1)](else:)[(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)]
(if:$FightingIt is 1)[](else:)[(set:$MaleAttraction to it + 2)]
}All done.
(display:"Player Info")
Is this Good? (link:"Start Chapter 2")[(set:$ShowHeader to 1)(goto:"phone call")]
Start all over (link:"from the beginning")[(display:"Zero Character")(goto:"Skip")].{(if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[<img src="Images\Flashing Tits.gif">](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[<img src="Images\Flashing Tits.gif">](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[<img src="Images\Flashing Tits D 2.gif">](elseif:$BreastSize is "DD-cup")[<img src="Images\Flashing Tits DD.gif">]}{
(set:$MasturbationImage to it + 1)(if:$MasturbationImage > 4)[(set:$MasturbationImage to 1)]
(if:$MasturbationImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Undercover Masturbation.gif">]
(elseif:$MasturbationImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Masturbation Bed 2.gif">]
(elseif:$MasturbationImage is 3)[<img src="Images\Masturbation Bed 3.gif">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Masturbation Bed.gif">]
}{(if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[<img src="Images\B-cup Hard Nipples 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[<img src="Images\Erect Nipples.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[<img src="Images\D-cup Hard Nipples.jpg">]
(elseif:$BreastSize is "DD-cup")[<img src="Images\DD-cup Hard Nipples.jpg">]}You decide to give Maria a call. (set:$MariaHang3Day to $Day)
<img src="Images\Maria 2.jpg">
"Hey! I was just about to call you!" She sounds happy.
"Really, what for?"
"No, you first!"
"OK. I was just calling to see if you wanted to hang out or something."
She giggles. "That is sooo cool. I was just calling to see if you could come for a sleepover tonight. Momma's out of town and I just get soooo lonely in this big old house."
"Tonight? ...um, sure!" That's perfect. You'll get another chance inside the house. Maybe you can sneak into the basement.
"Awesome! Come over whenever you're ready. Leia will be here around 7." She pauses for a second. "Oh! I forgot to mention Leia will be here too. Is that OK?"
"Sure. No prob." That might make it harder to sneak into the basement, but it's still a good opportunity.
"Great! [[See you later]]."Helping Patti with her problem has been quite a challenge. The main issue is your lack of control. When Patti gets worked up enough, she does what she wants and there's nothing you can do to stop her. She might just rush to her cum. Or, she might decide to get forceful with you.
But, what if you could restrain her?
[[That sounds like a great idea]]!
(link:"Nah, I'm not into bondage")[(goto:"Evening Activity")].{(set:$HaveBondageEquipment to 1)
}It's a plan. So, you head to the local adult shop(if:$Vibrator is not 0)[ where you bought the vibrator] to see what they have.
You're somewhat surprised to find that they have a huge area devoted to what you've always called 'kinky fetish gear'. Who knew? There's so much to pick from...
<img src="Images\Bondage Store Display.jpg">
You don't want any kind of leather gear or whips... geez, you just want to tease Patti without getting raped. It's not like you're training a doberman or something. Although, that thought does seem interesting...
You walk among the displays, looking to see what might be helpful. Some sort of handcuffs for sure. Blindfold? Nah. Ankle restraints? That would be useful. Collar? Maybe. You pick up a hand basket and start adding things.
(if:$Dominance > 0)[As you exaimine the equipment and imagine how you could use it on Patti, you find yourself getting excited. Just thinking about it reminds you of that first 'help' session with Patti when you got surprisingly turned on by briefly dominating Patti.
](if:$AdultShopper is 1)["Hey there. How are you doing?"
What? Someone spoke to you? You're briefly startled. You don't expect to be recognized as a woman, much less in an adult store. Then, you recognize the heavy blonde woman who helped you pick a vibrator. "Oh, hi! I didn't see you."
"That's OK. I didn't mean to startle you." She smiles. "Did you like the toy we picked out?"
"Yeah, it was good." You lie. Actually, it wasn't the vibrator's fault, so maybe it wasn't a lie.
She glances at your basket. "I see you've got a friend to play with now."
You feel self-conscious. She's being just a little too nosy. You don't remember that she bought anything last time and she doesn't seem to have anything picked out yet this time either. "Yeah, we'll see how it goes. What about you? What are you looking for today?" Maybe if you act nosy, she'll take a hint and back off.
Well, that was a mistake. Mindy (that's her name) talks for half an hour about her love life, job, yoga class, and everything under the sun. You finally escape without ever learning what she came to buy.
]Finally, you have everything you need and head to [[the checkout register]].The Pakistani (or he Indian?) man behind the register takes your basket and scans the items. "Ma'am, are these for you?"
"I'm sorry, but that's none of your business." You can't believe he's asking questions like that. You just want him to shut up and make the sale.
"I don't mean to intrude, but you might want to get a smaller set, if they're for you. I'm afraid your small hands would slip right out of these cuffs."
You give him another stern look. "How much do I owe you?"
"That'll be $74.28."
(link:"Go home")[(goto:"sleep 2")]."Patti, I'm just dying to take my clothes off, but..." You shake your head and give her a thin smile. "I'm not gonna do it until you're safe and secure."
"Why? I won't hurt you."
"Not on purpose. But, You're way bigger and stronger than you were before. And, I'm way smaller and weaker. I need to ease into this too, you know? I need to get comfortable around you. I need to trust your control."
"I'll be good. I'll do what you say. You don't have to tie me up." She's pleading.
You stand firm. "We can argue, or we can get naked. What's it gonna be?"
"uh...get naked." She looks you up and down and licks her lips.
"OK...put these on." You hand her the cuffs. "Don't worry. I won't bite. And, if it gets too intense for you, just say 'green' and I'll stop and set you free. OK?"
[[Patti puts on the bracelets]].You put on your stern face. You march over to the bed and throw down the cuffs. "Young lady, you *will* put these on. I only agreed to help you because I thought you were committed. You're not going to wimp out on me now!"
Patti scoots away with a look of surprise on her face.
You push it up a notch. "If you don't want my help, you can just do this on your own. You can do everything on your own. You can pack your little overnight bag and go back to your apartment and explain to all your friends and family how you're really a girl. Yeah, they'll believe you...not."
Patti starts to cry. Her eyes look...hurt...wounded. Maybe you overdid it.
**Empathy decreased. (set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy**
She takes the cuffs and stares at them, crying, not speaking, not moving, shoulders slumped.
"Look, Patti...I want to help you. But I can't do this by myself. What I tried before...maybe it was fun, but it didn't solve your problem, now did it? So, buckle up buttercup, and let's get to work!" You soften all this with a wink and a gentle hand on her shoulder.
She stops crying, but she's not moving either. "Would you really kick me out?"
[[Goddam right I would]]! If you don't do what I say, you're on your own.
[[No. Never.]] I was just trying to get you moving, for your own good. It was a bad choice of words.The crying is back, along with full shoulder-shaking sobs. "I can't do this. I thought you...I thought we..." She struggles for a breath. "I can't stay here." She gets up and pulls her suitcase out of the closet... "Get out of my way."...and starts throwing clothes in it.
**Empathy decreased. (set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy**
She would rather leave than put on handcuffs? That's so illogical. But, you've both drawn your lines in the sand, now.
You leave the room.
An hour later, Patti leaves your apartment.
You sit alone until [[Wyatt comes back]]."No, never. I was just trying to get you moving, for your own good. It was a bad choice of words." You squeeze her shoulder and begin to rub it. "But, you and I both know this is what you need to do...right?"
"I suppose..."
"You should know by now, I'm not going to hurt you." You give her a wicked grin. "But, I may tease you until you think you're gonna pop. That wouldn't be so bad, would it?"
"I guess not..."
"We'll use a safe word. If you say 'green', I'll stop and set you free. Now, put these soft, fuzzy bracelets on and let's get started." You hand her the bracelets again. "Let's go!"
[[Patti puts on the bracelets]].When Wyatt comes back, you tell him Patti is gone.
"What?!? Why?"
"We had a fight. I threatened to kick her out if she didn't do what I said, so she left." That's all Wyatt really needs to know, right?
"You are a complete and utter asshole." You've never heard Wyatt talk that way to anyone.
"Why are you taking her side? I'm providing the apartment, I'm paying for everything, you're doing all the magic...she should be grateful." You try to rationalize your behavior.
"I suppose she should be grateful we ruined her life?" Wyatt's eyes are flashing with something beyond upset, beyond irritated or agitated. "Are you really this selfish?" It's a rhetorical question.
**Selfishness increased (set:$Selfishness to it + 1)
New value: $Selfishness**
"Look, Wyatt, she'll come back. What else is she gonna do? She can't go home. She can't go to school. No one knows her. She's got no money. She'll be back!" By the time you finish saying that, you almost realize how bad it makes you sound for threatening to kick her out.
Wyatt shakes his head. "This doesn't work. You're not the man, or woman, I thought you were."
"What are you saying? You're going to pass judgement on *me*?!? You're the goddam black magic, evil spirit dealing, troublemaker who started this whole mess! If it hadn't been for you, I'd have never been changed into a woman to begin with! This is all *your* fault!" You're angry and practically spitting your words out.
"I truly am sorry about that, Jack. But now, I think I need to stop before I do any more damage to anyone else." He turns to walk away.
"What the hell are you talking about?" You yell, following him.
"I quit. I'm out. What's done is done, but I'll do no more." He keeps walking.
"You quit?!? You're gonna leave me like this?!? Well, fuck you, Wyatt! You probably made me look like this on purpose, hoping you could screw me." You're irrational now. "Get out! I don't need you, either!" You yell just before stomping into your room and slamming the door.
It's a full hour before your [[anger cools]].When you finally come out, Wyatt is gone. He sure moved fast. There's not a single beaker, book, or unmatched sock left behind to show he was ever here. Now, you truly are on your own. And, it looks like it's time to go buy some feminine hygiene products.
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #9: Lonely Asshole**
I seriously doubt that I'll continue this line of thought, as I suspect that the only people who got here are the ones trying to explore every possible thread. I'm not sure why I even bothered to write it. But, here we both are.(set:$CumTimer to it + 2)(set:$Naked to 0)Patti doesn't look at all comfortable, even though there's a bit of slack in her restraints. In fact, she looks downright worried and her dick is dead limp. You'll just need to do something about that, won't you?
You cue up a Joe Cocker song and go into a striptease routine. You know what a striptease ought to look like, but doing one is quite a bit different from watching one, so it ends up half sexy and half funny.
Patti's mood brightens up considerably by the time you're down to your panties. You continue to shimmy and shake until Patti's flagpole has reached a decent length. (set:$PCArousal to 0)
(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[Patti's not the only one who's feeling frisky. Dancing for a man, using your body to tease and arouse...The exhibitionist in you finds this to be (if:$Exhibitionism is 1)[(set:$PCArousal to it + 1)quite](elseif:$Exhibitionism is 2)[(set:$PCArousal to it + 2)very](else:)[highly(set:$PCArousal to it + 3)] arousing.]
(display:"Strip Dance")
[[next->dick lick]]"Ok..." Patti takes the bracelets and looks at them like they might bite. She looks at you one last time as if to ask if there's any other way.
You just smile and stare her down.
She puts on the left bracelet and tests it. She's got it waaayy too loose. You wag your finger at her and tighten it by two notches. Then she puts on the right bracelet. This time, she gets it right.
"Great! Now, I'll put these ankle restraints on you..." You halfway expect her to argue, but she lets you do it without objection. Then, you attach each of the four restraints to a different corner of the bed frame.
Stretched out like this, you can see every muscle. Dang, you should have had her take off those shorts first! Rookie mistake. Eventually, you get everything right.
"Perfect! Remember...beg and plead all you want, but until I hear 'green', you're mine. [[Now for the fun part]]!"{(set:$PCMaxArousal to 12 + $Willpower)
(set:$PCArousal to it + 1)
}You use your teasing/taunting tone of voice. "Awww, look. I think the little man here wants to play!" You climb up on the bed between her shackled legs.
"What are you going to do?" She asks.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Suck it!" She says, like it's something naughty.
"Like this?" You give her dick one long lick from balls to tip and it pulses, larger and stiffer right before your eyes.
"No, suck it! Swallow it!" Her voice has a bit of urgency to it.
"Oh, no,I don't think I could do that..." you tease. "...it's just so...big..." (lick) "...and haaarrrd..." (lick) "...my pooor little throat..." (lick) "...couldn't possibly take it!" (lick)
Now, Patti's dick is a hot hard rod of iron in your hand. You release it and it hits her stomach with a 'thud', then bounces up again, thobbing and pulsing with her heartbeat.
(display:"Dick Lick")(set:$TotalPleasure to 1)(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)
Patti pulls on the arm restraints, trying and failing to reach her dick (or you?). Her words come out in a rush. "That's awesome. I'm so hard! What next?"
"Oh, I don't know..." You reach out a single finger and rub it around the spit-shiny head of Patti's dick. "How does this feel?"
Patti groans. "Ugh...good." She moves her hips, chasing your finger with her dick.
"Hmmm...let me think..." You sit back, leaving Patti untouched.
"No! Don't stop! Please don't stop!" Her tone is half command and half plea for help.
[[Try to deep throat it]]
[[Rub your pussy on it]]
[[Whack her with your riding crop]](if:$Shape is "thin")[<img src="Images\Dance Thin.gif">](elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[<img src="Images\Dance Athletic.gif">](elseif:$Shape is "curvy")[<img src="Images\Dance Curvy.gif">](elseif:$Shape is "voluptuous")[<img src="Images\Dance Voluptuous.gif">]{(if:$HairColor is "blonde")[
(if:$FaceImage is 1)[<img src="Images\PC Blonde A 1.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\PC Blonde B 1.jpg">]
](elseif:$HairColor is "brunette")[
(if:$FaceImage is 1)[<img src="Images\PC Brunette A 1.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\PC Brunette b 1.jpg">]
(if:$FaceImage is 1)[<img src="Images\PC Auburn A 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$FaceImage is 2)[<img src="Images\PC Auburn B 1.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\PC Auburn C 1.jpg">]]}{(set:$DickLickImage to it + 1)(if:$DickLickImage > 5)[(set:$DickLickImage to 1)]
(if:$DickLickImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Dick Licking 1.jpg">]
(elseif:$DickLickImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Dick Licking 2.jpg">]
(elseif:$DickLickImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Dick Licking 3.jpg">]
(elseif:$DickLickImage is 2)[<img src="Images\Dick Licking 4.jpg">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Dick Licking 5.jpg">]}It's only 6:45 when you hit the call button at Maria's gate. Apparently the Aussie guy isn't on duty tonight. This guy's English is almost unintelligible, his cajun accent is so thick. But, the gate opens, so everything must be ok.
The sun's last rays cast spooky shadows across the driveway. Even the petunias in the raised flowerbeds seem darker and more muted today.
This guard isn't as big as the other one, but somehow seems just as dangerous. He's only average height...maybe 5' 11" and slim...with light brown skin and black hair slicked straight back. Lounging casually in a rocker on the front porch, he seems not even to notice you. But, something about the way he holds his head tells you he's watching every move from behind those sunglasses. You feel a shiver run up your back.
Not a word is spoken as you carry your overnight bag up the steps and gingerly ring the doorbell.
<img src="Images\Maria 4.jpg">
Maria opens the door in half a minute. Just as you hoped, she greets you with a hug looking pretty as always, even without her makeup. "[[Come on in]]! I'm glad you came."You spend only have a few minutes to gossip before Leia arrives in her Kia.
<img src="Images\Leia 3.jpg"> (set:$MetLeia to 1)
You know Maria's BFF Leia from Glee Club. She usually tries to hide her rural Texas roots with big blonde hair and fancy clothes. Still, that Texas twang gives her away. That's probably why she gets along so well with Maria...two southern girls moving to an uppity neighborhood in the big city and trying to fit in.
"Hi Maria!! Hi Jacki." She hugs you both. This hugging custom is pretty cool. Leia's rack is bigger than Maria's(if:$BreastSize is "DD-cup")[, but still not as big as yours](elseif:$BreastSize is "B-cup" or $BreastSize is "C-cup")[ and yours](else:)[, but about the same size as yours]. Her hair smells like strawberries and jasmine...mmmmmmm...
[[next->Early Activities]]The three of you head to the game room for some pool, ping-pong, and video games. You easily dominate the other girls at video games, but when it comes to ping-pong, they kick your butt.
Leia is extremely competitive. She refuses to concede a single point in any contest, even if it means playing dirty. Maria just winks at you, and whispers "let her win". Then she heads into the kitchen.
So, when you get the advantage in a game of pool, you leave the 8-ball for Leia to sink and she's all smack talk and fist pumps. But, she starts to smile at you, so maybe it was worth it.
"So, where are you from, Jacki?" Leia asks as she racks the balls for another game.
"Uh...here. I was born here." You don't want to pick some place where they might expect you to know something you don't know. You shoot the break...no luck.
"Cool! So, you must know...like...lots of people, right?" Leia grins as she sinks a solid.
Uh oh. You *do* know lots of people, but they only know Jack...not Jacki. "Suuuure. A few, I guess..." Your mind races for excuses. Leia sinks another.
Finding none, you change the subject. "What about you, Leia? Maria said it was somewhere in Texas?" (set:$LeiaInfo1 to 1)
"Yeah." Leia misses badly and makes one of your stripes. She makes a sour face. "Can't be helped." She chalks up her cue tip. "Lubbock Texas...mostly famous for a song about how great it is to have '*Lubbock Texas in my rear view mirror*'."
Well, at least she isn't asking you who you know. About that time, Maria comes out of the kitchen with beer and plastic cups.
"Hey, have you guys ever played [[beer pong]]?" Maria asks."Beer pong, what's that?" You decide to play innocent, even though you spent a ridiculous amount of time playing beer pong in college.
"I know!" Leia pipes up. "Isn't that where you have to drink a shot of beer every time you lose a game of ping-pong?"
Maria giggles. "Not exactly..." She explains the house rules while she sets up the cups.
Neither Maria nor Leia seem to have any skill at all, so you have to miss on purpose so as not to look like you played before. But, by the time the first 6-pack is gone, the games are more evenly matched as the girls get the hang of it.
"I'll be back in a minute...gotta go pee." You excuse yourself. Geez...just 2 beers and you can already feel a buzz. This girly body is a real lightweight.
After doing your business, you could [[go back to the girls]], or you could see if you can get [[into the basement]].Leia: "What do you think? Is she cool? Are we gonna do some stuff?"
Maria: "Yeah, I think she's cool. If not, I'll just do the blinky light thing."
Leia: "Awesome. I've been looking forward to it. What do you have planned?"
Maria: (giggles) "You'll see. It's a surprise!"
Leia: "I hope it's something sexy!"
Maria: "You perv! Everything doesn't have to be about sex."
Leia: "My favorite was the time you made a Blake Gray illusion dance for us naked! That was so awesome!"
Maria: "What about the time I made you super strong?"
Leia: "Yeah, that was cool...but not as cool as Blake."
Maria: "Sometimes it's like dick is all you think about."
Leia: "That's not *all* I think about. There's balls and asses and..."
(Both girls break up laughing)
Leia: "Hey, where's Jacki? Should I go check on her?" (set:$Eavesdropped to 1)
[[Rejoin->back to the pong]] the girls."Hey, Jacki, there you are! I thought I'd have to go looking for you."
"I think I made a wrong turn. It's a big house."
You play a little more beer pong until all three of you are tired of it and halfway drunk.
"Let's watch a movie." Leia suggests.
"Cool. Go pick something out and I'll make some snacks." Maria heads to the kitchen.
[[Help Maria]] make snacks.
[[Help Leia]] pick a movie.When you get back, the other two girls are talking quietly. (set:$Eavesdropped to 0)
Hide around the corner and [[eavesdrop]].
Get [[back to the pong]]!The house is big, but it's not ridiculous. You manage to find what you believe is the door to the basement but, of course, it's locked. It doesn't look like anything special...just your garden variety doorknob key lock from a hardware store.
So, where do they keep the key? You spend a couple minutes looking over the door frame, in drawers, coat pockets, etc., but have no luck. Maybe Wyatt will have an idea how to get past the lock. (set:$KnowsBasementLock to 1)
Right now, you need to get [[back to the pong]] before Maria gets suspicious.In the kitchen, Maria heads to the cupboard. "What do you like? Popcorn? cheez wiz? Chips and dip?"
"Popcorn is good."
"Kettle corn? Movie theater butter? Garlic Parm?"
"Geez, so many choices... How about movie theater butter, with lots of salt?"
"OK. I'll make some kettle corn too, 'cause I like that." Maria opens the pantry door. Hanging on the back of the door is a rack with various keys. (set:$KnowsPantryKeys to 1) (if:$KnowsBasementLock is 1)[Maybe one of those unlocks the basement?]
Maria gets out bowls while the first bag of corn pops. "Do you know how to make daquiris?"
"Sure! Have you got the rum and lime juice?"
Maria puts her hand on her hip and looks at you as if to say 'doesn't everyone?'.
15 minutes later, you and Maria rejoin Leia in front of the big screen TV. All three of you get on the couch with popcorn and daquiris.
"[[What movie did you pick]]?" Maria asks as Leia hits the 'play' button.In the media room, Leia grabs the remote and starts clicking buttons.
"What kind of movie are you looking for?" You ask.
"A good one."
"Like SciFi? Horror? Action?" You throw out some categories.
"Romance? Comedy?" Not your favorites, but these are girls.
"Nope." Now she giggles.
On the screen, you see that she's flipping through the porn channels. "Ohh....ok. I see."
"You cool with that?" Leia looks at you questioningly.
She doesn't know you very well, does she? You feel a surge of warmth in your pussy just thinking about sitting on this couch watching porn with two sexy teenagers.
"Oh yeah, I am cool with that!" You reassure her.
After watching several trailers, the two of you finally settle on a movie called '*The Cursed XXX*'.
About that time, Maria comes out of the kitchen with a tray of daquiris and popcorn. "[[What movie did you pick]]?"Leia grins and laughs. "You'll see!" She dims the lights as the movie starts
The three of you cuddle up on the couch, Maria in the middle, and start watching. It's a pretty good movie, for porn. The girls are hot, there's plenty of action, and the director did a good job of bringing out the passion.
<img src="Images\Movie Poster.jpg">
It's almost as arousing as the movie, sitting right next to Maria. Every time she moves, her hips brush against yours. When you cut your eyes over to her, you can see down the front of her shirt. It's not as explicit as what's happening on the TV, but it's real.
Glancing even farther to your left, you see that Leia has a pillow on her lap. You watch her for a bit. Her unblinking eyes are bright by the glow of the TV screen. She licks her lips and leaves the slightly parted. She can't seem to get comfortable, as she keeps rearranging her legs.
Maria folds her legs up under her so that she's sitting on her heels with one knee practically in your lap. Girls are so flexible.
The daquiris are gone and you're unbearably horny.
[[Keep watching the movie]].
[[Put your hand on Maria's knee]].
[[Touch your pussy->touch self]]. Maria's legs should block her view.As the movie heats up and the daquiri's alcohol hits you, your horniness turns into arousal. You squirm a little as your pussy begins to itch.
That's when Maria's hand drops down on your left thigh. You instantly freeze. Your heart is pounding.
Maria's index finger makes barely perceptible little circles on the inside of your thigh. Glancing over at her, she seems to be watching the movie intently. Is her finger really moving?
[[Enjoy this->Encourage her]].
Say you need to [[go to the bathroom->Go to the bathroom]] so you can get away. You don't really need to pee right now.You 'innocently' rest your left hand on Maria's leg where it crosses over yours. When she doesn't seem to notice, you softly begin to move your fingers over the silky smooth skin of her inner thigh.
**Assertiveness increased. (set:$Assertiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Assertiveness**
Maria makes no move as your fingers work their way higher, eventually reaching under the legs of her shorts. You can feel the heat from her pussy, but not quite touch it.
Maria places a pillow on top of her left leg, blocking Leia's view. That's probably not necessary as Leia seems engrossed in the movie. She's chewing on her bottom lip. One hand is on top of the pillow on her lap, pressing it down firmly. Her other hand is nowhere to be seen.
Now, you can slip your and inside Maria's shorts from the top. Ohhhh... It's so smooth...perfectly shaven.
Maria wants to return the favor. Her right hand finds it's way under your shorts. You try not to gasp as her fingers dance lightly on your hot pussy lips.
Her pussy feels soooo juicy! You play around the edges just a little and your fingers are already wet with her juices.
Unh! You jump slightly as Maria softly pinches your clit.
She's so *tight*! Her pussy grips your middle finger like a tight glove, even though she's soaking wet. Her finger is in you too, pressing against the front of your vagina.
Your orgasm is...right...there...but not quite...yet.
Maria leans over and whispers in your ear. "You're blocked."
You press the back of your right hand against your mouth. You want to scream in frustration.
"I can help. Come with me." Maria gets up and takes your hand.
[[You follow]] on unsteady legs.You slip your right hand under your shorts and panties, careful not to disturb Maria's knee. Your pussy is already wet. At first, you're barely moving...just pressing a finger against your clit or sliding it up your slit.
As the movie heats up and the daquiri's alcohol hits you, your arousal builds. Your clit is aching for more. You press it more firmly. You try to move your finger quickly without shaking your arm. Oh, god...it feels so good. If you could just rub it harder and faster, you could probably cum...
You shift your position, trying to get just a little more room. That's when Maria's hand drops down on your left thigh. You instantly freeze. Your heart is pounding.
Maria's index finger makes barely perceptible little circles on the inside of your thigh. Glancing over at her, she seems to be watching the movie intently. Is her finger really moving? Your right hand is still inside your panties.
[[Enjoy this->Encourage her]].
Say you need to [[go to the bathroom->Go to the bathroom]] so you can get away. You don't really need to pee right now.Maria's hand on your thigh can't be an accident. You pull your right hand out of your panties. With your left hand, you cover Maria's hand and gently pull it toward the top of your thigh. Another glance at Maria...she's smiling as she strokes the inside of your thigh as high as your shorts will allow.
Leia is chewing on her bottom lip. One hand is on top of the pillow on her lap, pressing it down firmly. Her other hand is nowhere to be seen.
As Maria's hand finds its way under your shorts, you try to return the favor. She picks up another pillow and rests it on her left leg, blocking Leia's view.
Her pussy feels soooo juicy! You play around the edges just a little and your fingers are already wet with her juices.
Unh! You jump slightly as Maria softly pinches your clit.
She's so *tight*! Her pussy grips your middle finger like a tight glove, even though she's soaking wet. Her finger is in you too, pressing against the front of your vagina.
Your orgasm is...right...there...but not quite...yet.
Maria leans over and whispers in your ear. "You're blocked."
You press the back of your right hand against your mouth. You want to scream in frustration.
"I can help. Come with me." Maria gets up and takes your hand.
[[You follow]] on unsteady legs."I've got to go to the bathroom." You excuse yourself. Maria looks surprised. Leia doesn't even take notice.
You find yourself staggering on the way to the bathroom. It's always hard to tell how drunk you are until you try to stand up.
(if: $KnowsPantryKeys is 1 and $KnowsBasementLock is 1)[You could take this opportunity to [[swipe the key]] and explore the basement...
][[Just go to the bathroom->Bathroom]].The two of you stagger through the house. You didn't realize how drunk you were until you tried to stand up.
You expected her to lead you to the bedroom, or maybe the bathroom. Instead, she heads for the kitchen where she retrieves a key from the pantry. Then, she unlocks the basement door and leads you down the stairs.(set:$KnowsPantryKeys to 1)(set:$KnowsBasementLock to 1)
(display:"Describe Marvanna's Basement")
"Don't worry about Momma's stuff. She collects some weird shit." Maria makes an understatement.
As you look around wide-eyed, Maria leads you to the center of the room. "Don't think I'm weird, but I have a gift. I can see things. I can tell you're cum blocked."
"You want to cum. Your body wants to cum. I can tell. But you can't. Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about."
You're silent. You know exactly what she's talking about.
"I think you're cursed. I think someone cast a spell on you. I'm going to [[fix it for you]]!" Your head is spinning from the alcohol, your lingering arousal, and Maria's sudden revelations. Can she remove your 'curse'? Would that mean changing you back to a man? What would she do if she learned you were really a man? How much of your recent activities could she see with her 'gift'?
"Stand here." She leaves you standing in the middle of an open area. There are figures and symbols etched in a circle on the floor. (if:$VoodooSkill > 0)[Some look familiar.] (if:$VoodooSkill > 2)[You've seen something like this in Wyatt's books. What was it for?]
<img src="Images\Voodoo Circle.jpg">
Maria stands outside the area of symbols behind a low podium with a big book on it and starts speaking (if:$VoodooSkill > 0)[the spirit language](else:)[strange words]. A sudden cold breeze makes the candles flutter. Maria goes to a cabinet and retrieves a few items. She puts a pinch of powder on a candle which then gives off thick black smoke.
[[Stay in the circle]].
[[Leave the circle]].Another, stronger cold breeze tousels Maria's hair. She speaks quietly, to herself, as you see no one else present.
To you, she says: "I'm sorry for all the theatrics. Normally, I prepare all this sort of thing ahead of time. Don't worry. I'm almost done." She's at least as drunk as you are, judging from the way she slurs her words.
<img src="Images\Maria Witchy Modified.jpg">
Her voice takes on an imperative tone...louder, more direct, commanding. The effect is somewhat lessened when she burps loudly in the middle of her spell.
And then it's over. (set:$CumBlocked to 0)
You can move. Otherwise, you don't feel any different. You quickly check your body...and it looks the same.
Maria joins you, smiling. "See? No problem."
"Maria...what exactly did you just do?"
"You probably wouldn't understand, or even believe me if you did understand, but I told a spirit to make it where you could cum! I told the spirit you need to be able to cum from anyone, not just whoever put the cum block on you." She burps again.
"Did you just say 'cum from anyone'?"
"Hmmmmm." She squints and looks to her left. "I hope I didn't say it exactly like that... Come on, let's get out of here. We don't want Momma to catch us in the basement!" She takes you by the hand and [[leads you out]].You start to leave the circle. "Maria, I don't think..."
She points at you says a single word, and you're somehow held in place. "I know this is scary, but don't worry. I'm just going to get rid of the cum block. You'll see."
Try as you might, you [[can't seem to budge->Stay in the circle]] from the center of the circle.You climb the stairs with Maria right behind you.
"Don't think you owe me anything, you know? I mean, just because I removed your cum block, that doesn't mean you have to make out with me or anything."
"ok..." What do you really say to that?
Maria locks the basement door behind you. "It's just, when I was touching you, I could feel the magic. I hate it when people use voodoo to hurt people. Do you have any idea who might have done this to you? Do you have an enemy?"
"No. I don't think I have any enemies." You wonder...did Wyatt do this on purpose? Was it just a spirit willfully twisting his request?
"Well, if you have any more trouble, let me know. If I can't fix it, Momma can. She knows way more about this sort of thing than I do." Maria sounds proud of her Momma.
Maria replaces the key so you can [[go back to the movie->rejoin the girls]].You quickly run (ok, stagger is more like it, given your drunken state) to the kitchen and take all the keys from behind the pantry door. Then, you head to the basement door to see if you can get in.
The (either:"first", "second", "third", "fourth") key you try opens the door! You're in!
There's no light switch...only a dim glow from below. You can barely make out the stairs at all.
[[Enter the basement]]. Let's find (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[some ingredients](else:)[that book]!
[[Go back->rejoin the girls]] to the girls. It might not be wise to attempt this in your current drunken state. At least you know how to access the basement now.You're in one of the downstairs guest bathrooms. You don't need to pee.
Did you come here to try and [[get yourself off]]?
Or, were you just trying to [[get away from Maria]]?After you pull down your shorts and panties, you sit on the toilet seat and start to work on your hot aching pussy. Maybe this time...
But, no. Even though you're so turned on you can't think straight, you still can't seem to get an orgasm. (set:$PCNoOrgasm to it + 1)
Finally, you give up and [[rejoin the girls]] You just wanted to get away from Maria for a few minutes.
(if: $KnowsBasementLock is not 1)[ [[Look for the basement]].
](elseif: $KnowsBasementLock is 1 and $KnowsPantryKeys is not 1)[ [[Look for the key to the basement]].
](else: $KnowsPantryKeys is 1 and $KnowsBasementLock is 1)[ [[Swipe the key->swipe the key]] and explore the basement.
][[Just wait for a few minutes]], and then rejoin the girls.The house is big, but it's not ridiculous. Even in your drunken state, you manage to find what you believe to be the door to the basement...locked.
(if: $KnowsPantryKeys is 1)[So, you go into the kitchen and take the keys from behind the pantry door.
The (either:"first", "second", "third", "fourth") key you try opens the door! You're in!
There's no light switch...only a dim glow from below. You can barely make out the stairs at all.
[[Enter the basement]]. Let's find (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[some ingredients](else:)[that book]!
[[Go back->rejoin the girls]] to the girls. It might not be wise to attempt this in your current drunken state. At least you know how to access the basement now.
](else:)[But, of course, it's locked. It doesn't look like anything special...just your garden variety doorknob key lock from a hardware store.
So, where do they keep the key? You spend a couple minutes looking over the door frame, in drawers, coat pockets, etc., but have no luck. Maybe Wyatt will have an idea how to get past the lock. (set:$KnowsBasementLock to 1)
Now, you have to [[rejoin the girls]] before they get suspicious.]A key could be almost anywhere. So, you try to remember all the places you've seen keys kept. Next to the garage door? No. In a drawer? No.
Then, you remember your grandmother used to keep her keys nailed to the back of a closet door...but not a closet where guests would hang coats. It was more like a kitchen closet...a pantry. Does Marvanna have a pantry? Yes. And, on the back of the door, *keys*!
You take them all to try on the basement door. The (either:"first", "second", "third", "fourth") key you try opens the door! You're in!
There's no light switch...only a dim glow from below. You can barely make out the stairs at all.
[[Enter the basement]]. Let's find (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[some ingredients](else:)[that book]!
[[Go back->rejoin the girls]] to the girls. It might not be wise to attempt this in your current drunken state. At least you know how to access the basement now.You sit on the toilet in one of the downstairs guest bathrooms, trying to collect your thoughts. Maria seems to be trying to seduce you. Why? In the quiet, your drunken thoughts are jumbled and not entirely logical.
Does she just want you to help her get to Patti? Is she really into girls? Is it a trick somehow? Is she trying to make Leia jealous? Does she know you're really a guy? Should you worry about any of this?
Eventually, you think you've been in the bathroom long enough. So, you go back to [[rejoin the girls]] with your head still spinning from the alcohol.You head back to the media room and climb back on the couch. The movie is about half finished. Leia seems to be enjoying it.
[[next->Movie Almost Over]] The first step wasn't where you expected it to be and you lose what little balance you have left in your drunken state. You clutch the banister with all your strength. (if:$Strength < 5)[
**Failed strength test!**
You aren't strong enough to keep your grip on the banister. Instead, you only succeed in turning your body 180 degrees so that you fall down the stairs backwards.
You could have died. You could have broken bones. You can barely move.
After a considerable amount of time, you manage to climb back up the stairs, lock the door, and return the key, just before Maria comes to check on you.
"I don't feel so good." You tell the truth.
"I'm guessing you don't have much experience with alcohol." Maria puts her arm around your shoulder. "Come sit down. Let me take care of you. You'll feel better soon."
[[Go with Maria]].](else:)[
**Passed strength test!**
You almost twist your ankle on first step, but luckily, you're strong enough to keep yourself from tumbling head first down the stairs. That was close! You take a moment to calm down.
Carefully, you manage to navigate the ridiculously long staircase down to the basement.
Wow! This is it! (display:"Describe Marvanna's Basement")]
The room is huge!
[[Explore the basement]].
[[Go back to the girls->rejoin the girls]]. One close call is enough.Maria sits you on a chair in the kitchen. Then, she says a few words in the spirit language. (if:$VoodooSkill > 3)[You're able to recognize it as a healing spell.](else:)[You hope it's nothing bad.]
A moment later, your pain is gone. "Wow! I feel much better. That was like magic."
Maria smiles. "You're welcome. Just don't tell anyone, OK?"
"ok, sure."
"I'm serious. If Momma finds out, we'll both be in a lot of trouble." Maria does look serious. "Promise?"
"I promise. I don't ever want to get you in trouble."
Big Maria smile...and a hug. "[[Let's go back->rejoin the girls]]."The basement looks like a museum. There are glass shelves and cases with artifacts inside. The walls are covered with shelves containing books and yet more artifacts. You see skulls, stuffed animals, dolls, masks, weapons, feathered costumes, hundreds of candles (some of which are lit), old paintings, jars with unknown contents, and more. (set:$SeenMarvannaBasement to 1)(if:$Team is not 0)[
You look for signs that $Team was here.] (if:$Opt3 is "failure")[Luckily for Marvanna and Maria, it looks like all the damage from your failed robbery was confined to the upstairs.] (if:$Opt2 is "success")[There are several gaps in the bookcases.] (if:$Opt1 is "success")[Many of the display cases are empty...no doubt the source of Wyatt's new inventory of ingredients.] (if:$Opt5 is "failure")[You wonder if this is where Maria was hurt.]So many cabinets! So many shelves! In the middle of an open area, there are figures and symbols etched in a circle on the floor. (if:$VoodooSkill > 0)[Some look familiar.] (if:$VoodooSkill > 2)[You've seen something like this in Wyatt's books. What was it for?]
<img src="Images\Voodoo Circle.jpg">
(if:$VoodooSkill < 6 and $RelicInfo is 0)[Voodoo ingredients are so hard to classify, almost any of this stuff could be an ingredient in some spell or another. Luckily, Wyatt told you exactly what to look for.
However, you have no idea where to look for it.
*Your voodoo skill is insufficient to allow you to understand how Marvanna has organized her materials.*
After several minutes of searching, you're having no luck at all. As much as you might want to keep looking, you have virtually no chance of finding the ingredients quickly.
So, you carefully climb the mountain of stairs, lock the door, replace the key, and [[rejoin the girls]].](elseif:$RelicInfo is 0)[If you spent your time just randomly searching, you'd be very unlikely to find the specific ingredients you need.
*However, all your voodoo study with Wyatt has given you a better understanding of voodoo ingredients.*
You can see how Marvanna has organized her ingredients according to the type of spirit they should be used with. Then, within those groupings, they're sorted by physical property (liquid, powder, tool, etc.). You're able to quickly locate exactly the ingredients Wyatt will need!
There's quite a bit of it...certainly more than will fit in your pockets.
[[Take the ingredients]]. It's a double-armload of jars and pouches and carved pieces of wood and similar things. Maybe you can find a sack in the kitchen?
[[Leave the ingredients]]. It's too much to carry. Even if you get it up the stairs, Maria will probably catch you with it.](else:)[There are many bookshelves, but not so many books. $Team really cleaned the place out. But, there are a few here and there. You check each book, looking for the spirit word for 'relics' in the title.
After some minutes you start to worry. Have you been away too long? You need to get back to the other girls before Maria comes looking for you.
So, you carefully climb the mountain of stairs, lock the door, replace the key, and [[rejoin the girls]].]You load up and head for the stairs. Going up is much harder than going down because your arms are full of stuff and you can't hold on to the banisters. Being drunk doesn't help at all.
About halfway up, a cold draft blows in your face and you get a bout of vertigo. It feels like you're falling on your face. You drop the ingredients and hold out your arms for balance. Glass shatters.
You're not falling forward, you're falling backward.
[[next->Marvanna End]]It's too much to carry and you've been gone too long. At least now you know exactly how to get into the basement and exactly where the (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients are](else:)[book is] kept, so you can make the snatch in a minimum amount of time.
So, you carefully climb the mountain of stairs, lock the door, replace the key, and [[rejoin the girls]].You awaken. You're still in Marvanna's basement. Your first thought is whether you've been injured or not. A quick self-check...everything seems fine...not even a bump or a bruise.
You're just a little disoriented, though. The whole room looks a little blurry and out of focus.
And...you're male! You're a man again! Somehow, the fall broke the spell!? Awesome!
You're in the middle of the basement's open area, inside the voodoo circle. You have no idea how long you've been there. You need to hurry up and get out of here!
Yet...you don't. You try to walk, but you can't...seem...to move...your feet!?
"Hello, Mr. Jack!" A deep, but feminine voice from your left.
It's Marvanna! She's back. This is definitely not good.
[[Beg for mercy]].
[[Stay silent->Marvanna End (really)]]."Please! I'm not a thief. I just needed to get..." In desperation, you speak quickly. It feels odd to have your male voice back.
"Silence!" Marvanna doesn't shout. She doesn't even raise her voice. But, you still feel compelled to [[obey->Marvanna End (really)]].Marvanna looks younger than you expected. That's probably one of the perks of being a voodoo queen. "I know all about you, Mr. Jack. I know about your evil plan for Patti. (if:$Team is not "")[I know you hired thieves to come into my home.] You were a bad man, Mr. Jack." She shakes her head solemnly.
<img src="Images\Marvanna 3.jpg">
You get a terrible sinking feeling in your stomach. What does she mean 'were'? Is she going to turn you back into a woman? Or something worse?
Marvanna laughs...a loud, deep, belly-laugh that echos off the basement walls and seems to make the candles gutter. "I'm not going to change you into anything Mr. Jack!"
Can she read your mind? How bad can this get? Maybe she can sense your regret?
"I don't care about your regret. I'm not here to punish you, Mr. Jack. You've already been punished."
"What does that mean?"
"You are in the spirit world now, Mr. Jack, now that you fell down my stairs and cracked your skull open. You are not here to be punished or forgiven. You are here because I want to offer you a bargain!" She holds up a bowl filled with...
OMG! Whatever it is, it smells like the most delicious meal you ever had...times ten! It smells better than fresh baked cookes...better than barbeque ribs...even than the bacon Mom cooked for breakfast! You have to have it. You *must* have it!
Marvanna laughs again. "I see you're interested. All I ask in return is that you tell me everything you know about the one who helped you...the one who turned you into a woman. Do we have a deal?"
She wants you to give up Wyatt? "Never!"
Marvanna brings the bowl closer. The smell is overpowering. "Yes, tell me about...Wyatt."
"Please! No...no..." You try to resist, but the smell from the bowl is caressing your mouth, your nose, your throat. You would do anything to taste it...anything...
"Wyatt and I met in college..."
**End of Chapter 2 (and I don't think this continues in Chapter 3)
Ending #8: Spirited**Maria returns with the second round of daquiris as the movie builds toward the climax. (if:$Plastered is 1)[You sip on this one since you're already drunk enough.] Leia's mouth is hanging open and the pillow on her lap is shaking.
Maria sees you watching Leia. She leans over and whispers in your ear. "Isn't she hot?"
You nod your head.
"Let's have some fun with her!" Maria says.
"Hey, Leia, can I get you some more popcorn?" Maria asks.
"No thank you." Leia doesn't look away from the movie.
"Can I have that pillow?"
"Why not?" Maria is being a pest, no doubt because she's really drunk.
"Leave me alone, I'm watching the movie!" Leia gets exasperated.
"What's going on under that pillow?" Maria is not going to let Leia off the hook.
"Nothing!" Leia finally looks away from the movie and sees you and Maria watching her with grins on your faces. She's stopped whatever she was doing.
"Are you ready to play the magic game?" Maria asks, while trying to get off the couch. It takes her three attempts.
"Awesome!" Leia's face immediately lights up. "Yeah!"
[[The 'magic' game?]](link:"Continue your game")[(undo:)]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot A")**](else:)[*Slot 1*]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot B")**](else:)[*Slot 2*]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot C")**](else:)[*Slot 3*]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot D")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot D")**](else:)[*Slot 4*]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot E")[**(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot E")**](else:)[*Slot 5*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 1)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 1)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 2)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 2)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 3)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 3)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot D")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 4)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 4)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot E")[(link:"Overwrite")[(set:$L to 5)(goto:"Save Game")]](else:)[(link:"Save")[(set:$L to 5)(goto:"Save Game")]]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot A")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot B")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot C")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot D")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot D")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot E")[(link: "Load")[(load-game:"Slot E")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot A");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot B");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot C");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot D")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot D");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]
(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot E")[(link: "Delete")[<script>deleteSaveSlot("Slot E");</script>(goto:"Load or Save Game")]](else:)[*empty*]"Anyone want a fresh daquiri?" Maria asks.
"Sure, I'll take one." Leia hands Maria her empty glass.
"Are you having one?" You ask Maria.
"Sure. Why not? It's not like I have school tomorrow, right?"
It's not like you have the option to stay sober. That ship has sailed. Your choices now are (link:"get totally plastered")[(set:$Plastered to 1)(goto:"end of the movie")] with the other girls, or just (link:"be drunk")[(set:$Plastered to 0)(goto:"end of the movie")] for a while.Maria turns off the movie, but leaves the lights turned down. To you, she says "Leia and I like to play a magic game. It's completely harmless...I think it's just an illusion anyway...but it's a lot of fun."
"Do you want to play?" She's rambling and slurring her words a bit. Leia watches you hopefully.
"[[No, I better not.]]" They might find out about my change and why I'm here.
"[[Sure! I want to play!]]" I'm drunk and horny, alone with two drunk and horny 18 year-old hotties? Damn right I want to play!Both the other girls look highly disappointed. You say goodnight and head upstairs to sleep off the alcohol.
The next morning, once you've managed to shower and dress, you head downstairs. Apparently, Leia is still asleep.
Maria looks a little hung over, but not as bad as you feel. She also doesn't seem to be very happy with you for some reason. No hugs for you today. (set:$MariaWantsToHang to 0)
"Come here...I want to show you something." Maria is in the kitchen.
When you enter, she says "Look at this" and holds up a mirror.
When you look at the mirror, it catches the overhead light and, for a split second, sends a dazzling flash straight into your eyes. It's strangely brighter and more blinding than you would have expected, leaving you momentarily disoriented.
"We didn't say or do anything with magic last night." Maria says.
"We didn't say or do anything with magic last night." You repeat.
The light flashes in your eyes again. "We were just three girls watching movies and eating popcorn." Maria says.
"We were just three girls watching movies and eating popcorn." You repeat.
Maria puts the mirror in a drawer. "I don't think we'll be BFF's, but I'll see you around sometime Jacki."
"OK. See you around, Maria." You grab your things and (link:"head home")[(goto:"End of Day")] Leia claps her hand shouts "Woooo Hooo!"
Maria smiles and winks at you. "Awesome."
"What did you prepare for us?" Leia asks. "Are you gonna make a Zac Efron?"
"Nooooo... He's too old anyway." Maria shakes her head.
"No he's not! I think he's hot!" Leia presses down on the pillow in her lap. You're still sitting on the couch with her while Maria stands (sways?) in front of you.
"Anyway...I've got a better idea." Maria continues to tease it out. Leia finally wises up and waits patiently for Maria to continue.
"I've been studying Momma's books and I think I know how to change...one of *us*!" Maria almost squeals when she says it.
"Huh?" Leia looks puzzled. "What do you mean 'change' us?"
"Appearance. I've worked out how to change our appearance."
"You mean, like eyebrows or haircolor? BFD! Gimme Zac Efron!" Leia is as drunk as Maria.
"No, silly! This is *magic* we're talking about." Maria is finally getting to the point. "What if I could give you giant boobs, or a dick, or a 10-inch tongue?"
"Oooohhhhh...wow...WOW!" Leia's alcohol impaired brain finally registers what Maria is saying. "Boobs! I want giant boobs! BOOBS!"
Hmmmm... maybe you could get your dick back?
"Leia, you don't need bigger boobs. You've already got really big ones." Maria tries to talk her out of it. "Don't you want to try something new?"
"Boobs can never be to big." She says, quieter.
[[next->magic game]]"Cheer up, Leia!" Maria takes another sip from her daquiri. "I prepared *all three!*"
"No way!"
"So, Leia wants the tits...what about you, Jacki? What do you want?"
"Well...maybe..." Even in your drunken state, you try to play it cool, even though the other girls are too drunk to think anything you do is weird at this point. "I'm curious what it's like to have a dick."
Maria smiles broadly. "I guess that leaves me with the tongue. You guys have to go first since I don't know if I'll be able to say the words with a 10-inch tongue."
"Me! Me!" Leia jumps up. She's not as wobbly as Maria.
"OK Leia, take off your shirt...and your bra." Maria winks at you again.
[[Leia takes off her shirt and bra.]]<img src="Images\D-cup Soft.jpg">
Leia's tits are ok. They're big and soft. Some might like them a little firmer or with more pronounced nipples, but they're really nice.
Maria speaks in the spirit language...
...and instantly Leia's tits are...different. They're not much bigger, but they're firmer and fuller, needing no support, and yet they don't look fake either. They definitely look suckable.
"They're nice." Leia touches them carefully. She seems underwhelmed.
"I think they look awesome!" you say truthfully.
"I just thought they might be bigger." Is she disappointed?
"Hmmmm...me too. I was going for silly size." Maria looks puzzled. "Hope I got the words right."
<img src="Images\Leia New Tits.jpg">
"I don't think they're any bigger at all." Leia almost sounds like she wants to cry. "They're just...firmer."
"Let me see..." Maria wants to touch and Leia doesn't stop her.
"Ohhh...be easy...they're tender." Leia jumps a little as Maria squeezes her new tits.
"Can I touch?" You figure it's worth a try, right?
"OK...just be careful." Leia offers you her other boob.
Her breast does feel very firm. It's heavy, yet doesn't sag. It feels warm too. You run your fingers over it lightly and watch goosebumps form. Judging from the dreamy look on her face, Leia likes having her breasts touched.
[[next->Leia's Tits]]After a minute, Leia's aureolas pucker up and her nipples get start to stick out. Without even asking, Maria leans forward and licks the nipple. Both of you watch Leia's face to see how she might react.
<img src="Images\Nipple Lick Lesbian.gif">
Leia's eyes are closed and she bites her bottom lip. "Uh...guys...that like feels totally awesome. Maybe you didn't do so bad with these boobs after all."
Cool! Open season! You take the other nipple into your mouth and work it with your tongue. It's a big, meaty nipple, especially in your dainty little girl mouth, and as you work you can feel it stiffen.
"I gotta sit down..." Leia drops back on the couch and you follow her, lips locked on that sexy tit.
Then, you hear Maria speaking the spirit language...
...and *snap* your panties/shorts are suddenly painfully tight. Hoping...you reach down...yes! You've got a dick! It's rock hard right now, given your current state of arousal. You've got to give it room.
Maria is speaking the spirit language again...
Giving Leia's tit a break, you quickly strip off your shorts and panties. *WTF?!?* "Maria! What the hell is this?" Yeah, you've got a dick. It's a damn big and fine dick. But... "[[Where are my balls?!?]]"This is freaky. You've got a big hard dick...and a pussy...with no balls.
Maria just stands their gawking at you with about 5 inches of tongue hanging out of her mouth, twitching about aimlessly. "Ah donth know." She lisps.
<img src="Images\Long Tongue Girl.jpg">
Leia grabs your head and pulls it back to her breast. "Hey...please don't stop."
Her breast does taste really good. Better than any you ever tasted, in fact. Maria might call this an illusion, but you know better.
As you lick and suck Leia's tit, it starts to taste even better. She's massaging the back of your head and moaning as if you were sucking her clit. What is that taste? You suck the nipple hard and you're rewarded with a small squirt of milk. She's lactating!
Leia wraps a leg around you and tries to grind against your dick, even though she's still got her shorts on. "Oh, god! I am so fucking horny right now!"
At just that time, you feel Maria's impossibly long tounge slide between your soft shapely thighs and begin to probe your dripping pussy. Now it's your turn to moan out load. "Ooohhhh, Maria! More! Please, more." You spread your legs to give her room.
While Maria licks you from behind, you frantically help Leia remove the rest of her clothes. her breasts are still leaking milk. "Are you OK with...this?" You point at your erection.
"Damn straight, I am. [[Put 'er in there!]]" Leia's Texas twang comes out strong. With Leia on her back on the couch, you line up your new dick and press it home. You grunt with satisfaction as you're able to slide all the way in one long, slow stroke. Leia isn't the tightest you ever had, but she's wet and she's on fire.
While Leia matches the rhythm of your thrusts with her own up-fucks, Maria is doing amazing things to both of you from back between your legs. She slaps that tongue around the base of your dick and probes your pussy...deep! Damn, how deep can that thing go? It feels like Patti's dick!
"Come on, girl! Come on... faster. faster! Come on, now. Harder!" Leia's instructions get louder and then shrill as she starts to writhe her hips. "That's it! I'm cumming!" Thin jets of her breast milk squirt up in time with your thrusts.
You're joining her with your own orgasm. (if:$CumBlock is 1)[Whatever has been blocking your orgasms doesn't seem to apply to this dick.] You slam Leia's pussy with every ounce of strength your little girly body can put into it. The dick might be impressive, but the power...not so much.
Gasping, groaning, panting...trying to thrust more...trying to thrust deeper...orgasm fading...strength gone...you collapse on Leia's firm wet bosom.
After only a minute...not nearly enough time...Maria slaps you on the butt. "Hey girlth! [[Donth forgeh bough me!]]"Maria pulls you off of Leia. You're too enervated to help or resist. Leia just lies there with her eyes shut and whimpers as your soft dick slides out.
"Maria, give me a..."
The dark haired vixen pushes you back to a sitting position on the couch.
"Maria, wait..."
She forces your knees apart and then stabs your pussy with that unearthly tongue of hers.
You don't have the energy to resist, even if you wanted to. So, you lean back and watch across your breasts while Maria's tongue dances up and down your pussy and pokes your asshole.
Maria's locks her eyes on yours and it's like she's beaming arousal into your soul. Her sweet face, that thick hair, her passionate eyes...they're all so sexy. You can feel the heat in your pussy and your dick regains some heft.
Hmmm...apparently you didn't get a prostate or balls with this dick. It's more like an overgrown clit than a dick. Also, you don't seem to have the typical male refractory period.
As your dick lurches back to an upright position, Maria wraps her tongue around it like the red stripe on a barber pole! And then she squeezes it like a boa constrictor! OMG! You are [[ready and energized]]. Maria grins playfully, then stands up, turns her back, and removes her clothes. She has such an awesome, gorgeous little ass!
<img src="Images\Maria Backside.jpg">
Maria backs up to you and sits, pressing that ass against your rock hard dick. And then she works it...up and down...left and right.
You lean forward, your own hard-nippled $BreastSize breasts press against Maria's naked back while you reach around to play with her (if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[small](else:)[smaller] breasts.
The heat from her pussy warms the base of your cock. You slide a hand down her flat, firm stomach and dip a finger into her juices, then run circles around her stiff little clit. She makes an 'ooohh' sound and momentarily loses her smooth rhythm as her hips quiver.
<img src="Images\Maria Extreme Closeup.jpg">
You can't wait! You push up on her hips. Of course you're too wimpy to lift her, but she gets the message. Maria turns around and straddles your legs. Her smoldering eyes lock on yours as she slowly lowers her pussy onto your dick.
Your eyes go wide...and so do hers! She's far tighter than Leia. Is she a virgin? No way. But...sooo damn tight! It takes a while for her to work in your whole dick. Then, she just sits there, both of you breathless, for a moment.
Her sexy little tits are on just the right level for licking.
<img src="Images\Nipple Lick and Suck.gif">
Then, she starts to move. Slowly at first, she rides up...then down. But, the tempo quickly builds. You grab her ass with your dainty little pink-nailed hands and try to urge her to a faster pace.
Maria makes little squealing noises with each thrust and they gradually rise in pitch and volume. She grabs your head in her hand and plants a big, passionate wet kiss on your lips. You can feel her strong, powerful tongue tickling yours, teasing your mouth, careful not to overwhelm.
As a guy, you could never even get hard again this fast. But, as a girl, you feel your second orgasm coming hard, fast, unstoppable. With Maria on your lap, you can't really move your hips. You're locked in and at her mercy. But, she's cumming too, grinding her hips back and forth now, instead of up and down.
Your "Ohs!" and her squeals synchronize for a sweet moment as you hit your peaks at the same time, locked eye to eye.
[[Afterwards]]Exhausted and drunk, the three of you stagger off to bed when the spells wear off. But, Maria can't let you go without one last hug. "I knew you were special. I can sense these things."
(set:$Day to it + 1)(display:"Next Day")
The next day, you're not up and fully functional until well after noon. Maria is uptight. "Momma is coming home!"
So, you and Leia help her clean the house and hide any evidence of last night's fun. There's beer stains to remove, popcorn crumbs to vacuum, pussy smell to fumigate... By the time the cleaning is done, you're worn out.
"Won't the security guy tell your Mom anything?" You ask.
"No. Momma and me, we've got a deal. I don't get rid of the security guys and the security guys don't spy on me." She shrugs. "It works. She knows I'd run 'em off if they were gonna report on everything I do."
"See you at school!"
"Tell Patrick I said 'Hi'!"
By the time you get home, you just feel like eating and watching a couple shows before (link:"going to bed")[(goto:"End of Day")].<img src="Images\Maria 2.jpg">
Maria is the daughter of Marvanna, a voodoo queen. You and Patti are trying to get close to Maria so you can possibly discover where Marvanna keeps her voodoo ingredients and paraphenalia.
Maria and Marvanna are originally from Dulac Louisiana. Maria is in Glee Club. Her best friend is Leia.
(link:"Return")[(undo:)]<img src="Images\Leia 3.jpg">
Leia is Maria's best friend. (if:$LeiaInfo1 is 1)[She's from Lubbock Texas and glad to be gone.]
(link:"Return")[(undo:)]{(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)
(set:$TotalPleasure to it + 1)
(if:$TotalPleasure > 10)[(set:$Cum to "time")(goto:"Too Much Pleasure")]
(set:$TryDeepThroat to it + 1)(set:$ConsecutivePleasure to it + 1)
(if:$ConsecutivePleasure > 2)[(set:$Cum to "deep")(goto:"Too Much Pleasure")]
}(if:$TryDeepThroat is 1)[You've come a long way since your change. Look at you, trying to swallow a dick!
**Attraction to males increased (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction
Dick Sucking skill increased (set:$DickSucking to it + 1)
New value: $DickSucking**
But, you're not able to get it all in. Still, it's mostly the effort that counts. You take Patti's dick as deep as you can until your gag reflex kicks in, then you pull it out, then you try again. She's loving it.](elseif:$TryDeepThroat is 2)[That dick is just too big for your small throat! How would you ever learn to take the whole thing? You give it another try, but you gag when it's halfway down.
Patti groans. "That's so awesome! When you start to gag, I can feel your throat squeeze my dick!"
"Awesome for you maybe. It's not so pleasant for me." You tell her. But, really, there is something satisfying about how her dick throbs and pulses in response to your actions, even if you don't like the gagging.](else:)[You're doing just a little better at trying to swallow Patti's dick. She certainly appreciates the effort you're making!]
(display:"PC Arousal Status")
(display:"Patti Arousal Status")
[[Whack her with your riding crop]]
[[Lick it]]
[[Rub your pussy on it]]{(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)
(set:$TotalPleasure to it + 1)
(if:$TotalPleasure > 10)[(set:$Cum to "time")(goto:"Too Much Pleasure")](set:$Rub to it + 1)
(set:$ConsecutivePleasure to it + 1)
(if:$ConsecutivePleasure > 2)[(set:$Cum to "rub")(goto:"Too Much Pleasure")]
(set:$PCArousal to it + 3)
(if:$PCArousal > $PCMaxArousal)[(goto:"PC Can't Resist")]
}(if:$Rub is 1)[Slow and sexy, you shimmy your hips back and forth and slowly slide your panties down your $Shape thighs, then kick them off in the corner. Patti watches wide-eyed as you climb the bed with cat-like grace and straddle her erection.
Smiling, you reach a small hand back and lift her dick so you can hump your pussy against it. "How does this feel? You doing OK?"
<img src="Images\Dick Tease.gif">
"Great." She says, trying to stifle a moan. She doesn't want you to know how turned on she is. She doesn't want you to stop.
Actually, it feels really good for you too. Having this hot stud between your legs, rubbing your pussy on her dick...it's already got your juices flowing. Somehow, you manage to pull away before things get out of hand.](elseif:$Rub is 2)[It felt pretty good the first time, so you decide to try rubbing your pussy on Patti's cock again. This time, you let her dick lay flat on her stomach while you grind your pussy against it...hard.
Patti's eyes are bright and wide. "Oh, god, please!" She humps her hips up against you. This feels really good for her (and you!) but you can't keep this up for long without letting her cum.
<img src="Images\Dick Grind.jpg"> ](else:)[Mmmmmmmm! This is probably your favorite. You pull Patti's dick against your wet pussy and work it...work it...work it...
Patti can't help herself. She's straining so hard, trying to fuck you, you're afraid the restraints won't hold! It's exciting to know you have the sexual power to cause that.
<img src="Images\Pussy Rubs Dick.gif">]
(display:"PC Arousal Status")
(display:"Patti Arousal Status")
[[Try to deep throat it]]
[[Whack her with your riding crop]]
[[Lick it]]{(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)
(set:$Whack to it + 1)
(set:$ConsecutivePleasure to 0)
(set:$PCArousal to it + $Dominance)
(if:$PCArousal > $PCMaxArousal)[(goto:"PC Can't Resist")]
}(if:$Whack is 1)["Just so you understand...I'm in charge here!" you state with all the authority you can put into your voice. Then you whack her on the thigh with the riding crop you bought. Hmmm... That didn't seem to do much...damn wimpy girl muscles.
So, you swing it again, much harder.
This time, Patti jumps. "Jacki! Not so hard, please." You can see a faint red mark where you popped her. Perfect.
(if:$Dominance > 0)[You find it (if:$Dominance > 1)[highly] arousing to dominate a man like this. You can feel the heat rise in your pussy.
]**(if:$Dominance > 0)[Your dominance has increased](elseif:$Dominance is 0)[You have developed an appetite for dominance.](else:)[You have become less submissive.] (set:$Dominance to it + 1)
New value: $Dominance**
You hit her again. "I'll decide what happens here. Not you. If I want to lick your dick, I'll lick your dick. And, if I want to beat you black and blue with this thing, that's what I'll do."
There's a look of fear in her eyes, but she doesn't say anything else for the moment. You've certainly taken the edge off her arousal.](elseif:$Whack is 2)["I think you're enjoying this entirely too much. This is *training*, not you getting your rocks off!" Your voice is full of reproach.
You give her a good solid (WHACK!) with the riding crop...just enough to make her flinch.
"Look at that dick of yours, all big and hard like it's expecting to fuck me." You gently touch Patti's dick with your crop and it twitches with pleasure.
"Stop that!" You whack her on the leg with the crop again. "Do not enjoy this..." (WHACK!) "...too much." (WHACK!)
(if:$Dominance > 0)[Even though you're telling Patti not to enjoy it, you're enjoying your dominant role quite a bit. You find it (if:$Dominance > 1)[highly] arousing to dominate a man like this. You have a powerful urge to climb on that dick and ride.
]When her dick softens a bit, you stop whacking. "That's it..." You speak sweetly. "Take it nice and easy."](else:)[(WHACK!) You hit Patti on the leg with your riding crop. "Cool down, girl! You can't be getting off...not yet!" You (WHACK!) her one more time, just to be sure she's not about to cum.
(if:$Dominance > 0)[You're really getting off on your dominant role. How much longer can you resist the urge to fuck Patti?
]She begs for an end, but she doesn't use the safe word, so you keep going.]
(display:"PC Arousal Status")
(display:"Patti Arousal Status")
[[Lick it]]
[[Try to deep throat it]]
[[Rub your pussy on it]] {(set:$CumTimer to it + 1)
(set:$TotalPleasure to it + 1)
(if:$TotalPleasure > 10)[(set:$Cum to "time")(goto:"Too Much Pleasure")]
(set:$Lick to it + 1)
(set:$ConsecutivePleasure to it + 1)
(if:$ConsecutivePleasure > 2)[(set:$Cum to "lick")(goto:"Too Much Pleasure")]
(set:$PCArousal to it + 1)
(if:$PCArousal > $PCMaxArousal)[(goto:"PC Can't Resist")]
}(if:$Lick is 1)[You take Patti's dick in your hand and gently lift it up to your lips. One lick...two...three...
Patti's powerful thighs are tense and her 6-pack is clenching, but she refrains from humping your face. That's a good sign.
"How are you doing?" You ask.
"Good." A one word answer.
"That's it...just good?"
"Uh...really good?"
Excellent. You go back to work licking. But, after about a dozen licks, Patti's hips start to move and you have to stop.](elseif:$Lick is 2)[You go back to licking. (if:$Rub > 0)[You can taste your own juices on her dick...mmmmm...not bad.]
All this licking has been great practice for you.
**Your dick sucking skills have increased (set:$DickSucking to it + 1)
New value: $DickSucking**
You never know when you'll need that, right?
You try twirling your tongue around the head, running it up and down the bottom ridge, and even kissing it.
Patti moans. "Oh, god. That's so intense. I need to cum! I feel like I could burst!"
That's enough for now.](else:)[More licking. Patti knows the routine. You lick her until you sense that she's close to cumming and then you stop. She's covered with sweat now.]
(display:"Dick Lick")
(display:"PC Arousal Status")
(display:"Patti Arousal Status")
[[Whack her with your riding crop]]
[[Try to deep throat it]]
[[Rub your pussy on it]] Patti has had all she can take! Her dick throbs and pulses powerfully. (if:$Cum is "lick")[Your cocklicking was too much for her.](elseif:$Cum is "rub")[Your wet pussy rubs have sent her past her limit.](elseif:$Cum is "deep")[Your deepthroating has made her cum.] (if:$Cum is "time")[The male body can only take so much, and Patti has hit her absolute physical limit!](else:)[She might have lasted a little longer if you'd used the riding crop(if:$Whack > 0)[ more].] You quickly jump out of the way, just before the first long jet of cum spurts out the end of her purple-veined cock.
"AAAAaaarrrrrrhh! Uhhhnnnhh! Uhhhhh! Uhhh! Ohhh! Oh.. whhh.." She grunts mightily with each spurt. You get a thrill watching the expression on her face turn from anticipation to ecstatic agony to exhausted relief over the span of a minute.
When she's recovered enough to pay attention, you tell Patti what you think. (if:$Whack is 0)["This didn't work out very well. I tried to do this without being mean and it just didn't work. You cum too soon. So, we're going to have to try this again and, when we do, I'm going to have to use the riding crop." (set:$PPP to it - 1)](else:)["You did (if:$Whack > 1)[good](else:)[a little better] today, but only because I made you. You've got to learn to be disciplined when I'm not in control. We'll work on that next time."]
"OK." She says weakly. "Whatever you think. Thank you for not giving up on me."
(link:"next")[(goto:"End of Day")]You and Wyatt are on the edge of your seat, waiting to hear how Patti's date with Maria went.
Patti smiles. "Well, it wasn't all bad. (if:$MariaKnowsPatti1 is 1 and $MariaPattiTrackTalk is not 1)[(set:$MariaPattiTrackTalk to 1)Patti smiles. "Can you believe she knows about college track? Seriously! She even knows about *me*! I mean, she knows about what I did when I was a woman. Isn't that super cool!?"
You find some excuse to not look Patti in the eye. You wouldn't want her to know you gave Maria a 'heads up' on what to talk about.
Patti gushes for a while about how awesome it was to talk about track again.
"What else, Patti? Did you guys just talk track all night?"]
"When the movie started, we did some kissing and petting and stuff." She shrugs. "She seemed to like it..." Now Patti looks at you and smiles. "...and I managed not to blow my load in the first 3 minutes." Her lips make a silent 'thank you' in your direction.
"Excellent!" You make a fist pump motion which probably looks silly in your current form.
"...but..." Patti continues. Why is there always a 'but'? "She seemed disappointed I didn't last longer. She was like: 'really? *that fast*?' "
"Patti, what's your assessment of the situation? Can you invite yourself over to her house? Or, do you need another date to confirm the relationship?" Wyatt makes it sound like a lab experiment.
"Well, I don't feel that good about it. I think we definitely [[need another date->Need Another Date]]." She directly at you. "Hopefully, I'll do better next time."You are Jack, a good-looking guy who gets all the girls. If it wasn't for your hair-trigger, you could be a real Don Juan. No inhibitions, no morals, and a nice income from a trust fund.
<img src="Images\PC Before Change.jpg">
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: black
Figure: lean
Handsomeness: above average
Strength: average
Intelligence: average
Willpower: low
Assertiveness: average
Attracted to Females/Males: 90% hetero
(link:"Go back")[(undo:)]<img src="Images\Patti Riding Bike.jpg">
Patti is a college track star majoring in Anthropology. You've got a *huge* crush on her. But, she always turns you down because she's a lesbian. Your crush turned into an obsession so intense that your friends are worried about your health.
(link:"Return")[(undo:)]So far, you've managed to keep Patti from cumming for $CumTimer minutes. (if:$ConsecutivePleasure is 0)[Right now, you've taken the edge off her arousal.](elseif:$ConsecutivePleasure is 1)[(either:"Her dick is rock hard and begging for stimulation", "She's panting and writhing in her restraints", "The head of her dick is all swollen and purple", "She keeps thrusting her hips at you, trying for more contact").](else:)[She's struggling, groaning, begging, sreaming..."(either:"just...a little...more...", "pleasepleaseplease...PLEASE!", "Oh god! Oh god! OHHH MY GOD!", "You bitch! Finish it! Finish it now!!!")"] (if:$TotalPleasure > 8)[She's sweating hard. From the look of her swollen balls, she probably can't take much more.] (if:$TotalPleasure > 9)[In fact, she's probably near the end of her physical limit.]{(if:$PCArousal < 3)[You're in complete control of the situation...calm, cool, and relaxed. Sure, it's a sexually charged situation, but it hasn't affected you much so far.]
(elseif:$PCArousal < 6)[You're getting turned on yourself. That dick looks like a mighty tempting target for your wet pussy.]
(elseif:$PCArousal < 9)[Your pussy aches to feel Patti's dick inside you again. You press the heel of your hand against your mound and press. The pleasure makes you lean forward and groan. You can't take much more of this!]
(else:)[Your pussy is on fire and your nipples are hard enough to cut glass! Juices run down the inside of your $Shape thigh. Only your superior willpower allows you to resist impaling yourself on Patti's dick.]}(set:$HadSex to it + 1)(set:$SexWithPatti to it + 1)You've had all you can take! Patti has lasted long enough! Ignoring her self-satisfied grin, you straddle her hips, aim the dick, and lower yourself onto it.
"OOHHhh! Uhhahhmmmm!" You make several passionate but incoherent sounds as that fat hard cock slides all the way in.
"Does this mean I pass?" Patti asks.
Ignoring the snarky comment, you begin to work your hips. It's not like you've had a lot of practice at this, but somehow, the hips know what to do...up down...forward backward...oh yeah, you got this!
<img src="Images\Riding BW Sideways.gif">
Patti drives her dick up as hard as she can. Her orgasm is the last straw, sending you into ecstasy too.
"AAAAaaarrrrrrhh! Uhhhnnnhh! Uhhhhh! Uhhh! Ohhh! Oh.. whhh.." She grunts mightily with each thrust. You get a thrill watching the expression on her face turn from anticipation to ecstatic agony to exhausted relief over the span of a minute.
No doubt your face made some interesting expressions as well.
You squeeze Patti's cock with the muscles around your pussy. You're still hot and wet. You move your hips a little and grind your clit against her. But, the dick is dead. When it slips out, you give up and dismount, looking for your clothing.
When she's recovered enough to pay attention, you tell Patti what you think. (if:$CumTimer < 10)["This didn't work out very well. Apparently, I have issues with my control too. We'll have to try again."
"Hey, that's awesome!" Patti doesn't seem disappointed at all.
(set:$PPP to it - 1)"You did fine today, but we need to see how you do if the girl needs more time."](else:)["You did really well today. I'd say you passed with flying colors."
"Awesome! Wooo Hooo!" Patti sounds more tired than excited.
"What's the matter?" you ask.
"Does this mean we don't need to practice anymore?"
"We'll see." You smile and wink playfully.]
"Cool!" Thank you for not giving up on me."
(link:"next")[(goto:"End of Day")]<img src="Images\Cards in the Park.jpg">
(set:$CardMagic to it + 1)(set:$CardMagicPractice to it + 1)(if:$CardMagicPractice is 1)[As you walk around, you look for a good opportunity to practice your card magic. Finally, you come across three old men playing cards in the park. As luck would have it, they've got an open chair.
"Mind if I play?" You ask politely.
They just stare at you. In all their lives, no pretty young girl has ever walked up and asked to play. One of them looks around to see if someone is filming.
The one with the cigarette finally speaks for the group. "Sorry missy, we're playing Euchre."
"Really? I love that game!" Your dad taught you when you were 10. "Don't you need a fourth person?"
They look at you like you're an alien, then they stare at each other. Finally, the guy with the moustache shrugs. "She can be my partner. My name is Louis."
You shake hands with Louis. His big bony hand holds your delicate one firmly but not hard enough to hurt.
"This is Isaac..." He directs you to the guy with the glasses. Isaac just smiles and waves. No handshake from him.
"And this is Virgil..." Guy with the cigarette gives your hand a shake, but he drops it quickly, like he's afraid you've got cooties or something.
You introduce yourself as Jacki. The men are uncomfortable around you, so luckily you've got the game to concentrate on, so small talk isn't an issue.
Euchre is a good game to practice your cantrip. You only get 5 cards, so every one is critical.
The cantrip works! When you finally make your excuses and leave, you and your partner are far ahead in the score.
](elseif:$CardMagicPractice < 4)[Walking through the park, you see that Louis, Isaac, and Virgil are in their customary place, playing cards.
"Do you mind if I join you?" You ask?
"Not at all! Have a seat." Louis smiles. "Pete is still in the hospital."
"Sorry to hear that."
"Yeah, it's the big C, you know..." All three men look sad. (if:$AndrewDate1 > 0)[You can't help but wonder if Andrew is working on anything that will help Pete.] "Anyway...let's play some cards."
You're getting to know the men a little better. Today, Louis goes on and on about (either:"people he locked up when he was a district attorney", "his grandkids in New York", "how kids today have no respect"). You smile and nod. He's quite charming.
On the other hand, Isaac doesn't have much to say. He was a senior accountant at some big Wall Street firm. Today, he mostly only talks about (either:"the game", "the stock market", "his late wife"). The poor man has no family. He does seem to be warming up to you, though.
And finally, there's Virgil. The poor man never married. Maybe he never even had a date. He stabs the air with his cigarette from time to time as he makes a point about (either:"crooked politicians", "how the government can't be trusted", "how people need to be prepared for 'the big one'"). He was a building contractor when he worked. Now, he's an urban 'prepper'.
They draw cards and you end up with (either:"Virgil", "Louis", "Isaac") for a partner. With your magic assisting, you manage to win more than you lose. Eventually, you say your goodbyes and leave.
(if:$CardMagicPractice is 3)[You've got this cantrip mastered now.(set:$CardMagicMastered to 1)(display:"Update Mastery")
]](else:)[You've practiced your cantrips enough that you're an expert, but you decide to play cards with the guys one more time, just for fun.
This time, you don't cheat at all. Everyone enjoys each other's company. You get (either:"Virgil", "Isaac", "Louis") for a partner. The game (either:"is close, but", "isn't close as") your team (either:"loses", "wins") most of the games.
Overall, it's a pleasant way to pass the morning with friends.
](link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$GabbiWorkout to it + 1)(if:$GabbiWorkout is 1)[(display:"Gabbi Workout 1")
(link:"Go back home.")[(goto:"Gabbi Workout End")]
](elseif:$GabbiWorkout is 2)[(display:"Gabbi Workout 2")
(link:"Go back home.")[(goto:"Gabbi Workout End")]
](elseif:$GabbiWorkout is 3)[(display:"Gabbi Workout 3")
Is this [[something you want to talk about]]?
(link:"Not today. Just go back home.")[(set:$GabbiWorkout to it - 1)(goto:"Gabbi Workout End")]
](elseif: $GabbiWorkout is 4)[(display:"Gabbi Workout 4")
(link:"Go back home.")[(goto:"Gabbi Workout End")]
](elseif:$GabbiWorkout is 5)[(goto:"Gabbi Workout 5")
](elseif:$GabbiWorkout is 6)[(goto:"Gabbi Workout 6")
](else:)[(display:"Gabbi Workout Generic")
(link:"Go back home.")[(goto:"Gabbi Workout End")]
](set:$GabbiWorkoutPartner to -1)"No, I prefer to workout alone. I'm sorry." You tell her.
"OK. Have a good workout and tell Patrick I said 'hi' and I'm sorry I got mad."
"I will."
You go about your workout, but you're too distracted by Gabriella. You cut it off short and head back to your apartment.
(if:$Time is "AM")[You take a shower, nap, and watch (either:"a few episodes of 'Burn Notice'", "one of the Terminator movies", "SportsCenter", "one of the Diehard movies", "a couple episodes of 'Game of Thrones'", "whatever is on the SciFi channel"). Eventually, you're ready to come [[out of your room->Evening Activity]].](else:)[It's getting late and you're tired, so you shower and go [[straight to bed->End of Day]].]Patti's face lights up as she stares soulfully into your eyes. "Really? You're going to stay a woman?"
"For now." It's nice to have a choice. "I can always change back later, right?" You look at Wyatt.
"I suppose so." He looks puzzled. "As long as I have the ingredients, I don't suppose there's any rush." He frowns. "It's just that we went through all this trouble(if:$LouisianaTrip is 0)[, hiring $Team to steal the ingredients so you could change back,](else:)[, hiring criminals and risking our lives in the Louisiana Bayou,] and now, neither one of you *wants* to change back."
Patti answers for you. "It's been a process, Wyatt. The physical changes were immediate, but the way we *feel* about those changes...it's not set in stone."
"I guess I understand." He still doesn't look happy.
(if:$RelicInfo > 0)["Right now, I want to learn more about that relic I dreamed about, if it even exists. [[Can we research that?]]" What was it the (if:$RelicInfo is 2)[white alligator](else:)[voice in your head] said? Something about you being able to change without ingredients.](else:)[** End of Chapter 3 **
This branch ends here, for now. There are other branches with more content.]
<!-- Version 0.2.0 ended here with this message:
**End of Chapter 2
Ending #7: Life as a Woman**
You might think this would be the fairy tale ending where everyone lives happily ever after. Everyone is happy in their current form and you're protected by a spell of hiding.
But, something tells me it might not end that way. Marvanna isn't likely to rest until she finds you, protection or no protection. Most likely, you've just bought yourself some time.
There are also some 'complications' from the existing spells that haven't become obvious yet.
-->All voodoo requires preparation. Even the most trivial spell can take a half-hour of work...first mixing ingredients then contacting and negotiating with a spirit. Because of this, even spells that don't take exotic ingredients aren't cast trivially.
But, you have to practice to develop mastery. Without mastery, it would be too risky to cast voodoo on people who know you.
Cantrips you know(if:$CantripsMastered > 0)[ (You've mastered(if:$CantripsMastered is 3)[ all] $CantripsMastered)]:
(if:$CreateLust > 0)[ - [[Practice your 'Create Lust' spell]] (if:$CreateLustMastered is 1)[ ''*(mastered)*'']
](if:$GustOfWind > 0)[ - [[Practice your 'Gust of Wind' spell]] (if:$GustOfWindMastered is 1)[ ''*(mastered)*'']
](if:$CardMagic > 0)[ - [[Practice your 'Card Magic' spell]] (if:$CardMagicMastered is 1)[ ''*(mastered)*'']
](if:$SlowTime > 0 or $ControlArousal > 0 or $ModifyBody > 0 or $ReadThoughts > 0)[Intermediate spells you know(if:$IntermediateSpellsMastered > 0)[ (You've mastered(if:$IntermediateSpellsMastered is 3)[ all] $IntermediateSpellsMastered)]:
(if:$SlowTime > 0)[ - [[Practice your 'Slow Time' spell]] (if:$SlowTimeMastered is 1)[ ''*(mastered)*'']
](if:$ControlArousal > 0)[ - [[Practice your 'Control Arousal' spell]] (if:$ControlArousalMastered is 1)[ ''*(mastered)*'']
](if:$ModifyBody > 0)[ - [[Practice your 'Modify Body' spell]] (if:$ModifyBodyMastered is 1)[ ''*(mastered)*'']
](if:$ReadThoughts > 0)[ - [[Practice your 'Read Thoughts' spell]] (if:$ReadThoughtsMastered is 1)[ ''*(mastered)*'']
If you've changed your mind and would like to do something else this morning, (link:"click here")[(goto:"Morning Activity")]It's time for your overnight trip with the Glee Club (show choir competitions).
This will be the Glee Club trip to a competition. All the girls are staying in a hotel, chaperoned by the Glee coach and a couple of parents.
Maria shares a room with Leia, so you need to share a room with...Crystal! No one else wanted to share a room with her.
IF you know the 'create lust cantrip', you have the opportunity to cast it on Crystal. Over and over. If you repeat it consecutively, about 3 times, Crystal will start to masturbate.
At night, you sneak out with Maria and Leia and go to a college bar. Maria casts a spell like your 'create lust' spell, only it affects all the guys in the bar.
or, maybe Crystal brings home a date and you cast 'create lust' on her until she fucks him. But, then you get so horny you have to join in.
- - - OR ---
your room mate is a shy girl who's never been around boys. She asks you questions... "Have you ever held a dick? What's it like?" (set:$LouisianaTrip to 1)Wyatt nods his head. "That's a logical approach." He lightly slaps the table. "Let's pack up and get moving!"
"Pack?" Patti doesn't look happy. "Where are we going?"
"South Louisiana."
"O...K...and why are we going to Louisiana?" You've got a bad feeling about this.
Wyatt realizes he needs to explain. "These books of Marvanna's...they explain everything. When I was reading before, I couldn't even tell what an ingredient was, let alone where to get it."
He stands up and starts to pace as he talks. "Several of the most important ingredients come from body parts of the 'terrible lizard'. Before I had Marvanna's books, I thought they were referring to dinosaur bones, since dinosaur translates to 'fearfully-great lizard'."
"But, Marvanna's books explain in more detail. What we really need are alligator parts and, more specifically, parts from an albino alligator...the bigger the better."
"That's all we need?" Patti sounds hopeful. "[[Just a white alligator]]?"Wyatt shakes his head. "No, not just a white alligator. There's much more. All voodoo has evolved from the tribal knowledge of indigenous peoples. They knew certain plants and herbs had magical powers. Their shamans or voodoo queens or medicine men, whatever you call them, planted nurtured and preserved the rare plants generation after generation, just as they passed down the spirit language."
"Then, when slavery brought people from Africa and the West Indies to the USA, they brought their magic with them. In most places, the Christians put an end to it, one way or another. But, out in the swamps around New Orleans, they found safety along with some North American medicine men. They cultivated the sources of their magic and shared knowledge between the different cultures. Collectively, they created something more powerful than any of them had before...voodoo!"
"Thats why southern Louisiana is such a hotbed for voodoo...it's the best place on earth to find so many of these rare plants and animals. Plus, these books are Marvanna's and that means they have directions that are very specific to Dulac, Louisiana. That's why we need to go there." Wyatt looks at you and Patti, hopeful he's [[explained enough]]."Why don't we just send someone?" You have no desire to go alligator hunting in a Louisiana bayou.
"Well...I suppose we could...for a few things." Wyatt is thoughtful. "But, honestly, to identify some of these plants we'd need to hire a trained botanist. And, where do you think we'd find an alligator hunter here in the city? If you want to hire an alligator hunter, you probably need to go to Louisiana anyway."
"And, for a final reason, some of the ingredients need to be combined fresh, even if they won't be used for months. They'd spoil by the time anyone could get them back here to us." Wyatt shakes his head. "No, I don't see any way we can avoid this trip, if we want to get our hands on some powerful ingredients."
"Great." Your voice drips irony.
"At least we'll get some authentic crawfish gumbo!" Patti tries to put a positive spin on things.
"If we're going to fly, Patti and I are going to need some ID."
"Good point. I'll get back on the dark web and see what I can get you." Wyatt doesn't seem at all concerned.
You'll need some time to get the IDs and pack for (link:"the trip")[(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 1)(set:$EndOfWaitPassage to "the trip")(set:$WaitText to "your trip to New Orleans")(goto:"Morning Activity")].On $DayName morning, it's finally time for your flight to New Orleans.
Traveling as a woman is only little different.
The worst part is that your bags are really heavy! You were really struggling, trying to put your full-size 40 lb bag on the scale. But, then that nice man with the bushy moustache and Dodgers cap offered to help.
"Thank you, sir!"
"You're welcome, ma'am." He smiles warmly and touches the brim of his cap.
Aren't people nice? You never noticed how nice people are, but lately, everyone seems nice. When you're looking for a place to put your shoes back on, a young man with ear buds gets up and offers his spot. "You can sit here."
"Oh. Thank you." When you offer a smile along with your thanks, he shyly looks down at his feet.
The best part of flying as a woman is the seats. They feel way bigger. Your shoulders actually fit! There's even room for your knees.
Since you made your reservations at the last minute, you weren't able to get seats together. You find yourself sitting towards the back of a 757. Even worse, you've got the [[middle seat]].On your right, next to the window, is a young blonde woman with huge tits threatening to bust out of her top. She takes one glance at you and goes right back to her phone without even saying 'hi'.
"Do you mind if I move your bag?" You ask. It's either move it or sit on it, since it's in your seat.
<img src="Images\Girl on Plane 4.jpg">
"Don't touch my bag." She says flatly. Then, she gets up, taking care to push her silicone mountains up next to your(if:$BreastSize is not "DD-cup")[ much smaller $BreastSize tits](else:)[ (only slightly smaller) tits], as if to say '(if:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[I'm the sexy one here...not you](else:)[You've got nothing compared to me]', and then puts her bag in the overhead.
OK, maybe not *everyone* is nice. The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes before someone comes to claim the aisle seat.
He's a middle-aged man, dressed in a suit, carrying an expensive-looking briefcase that he stows under the seat in front of him. He gives you a friendly smile as he sits. "Hello. I'm Andrew." That looks like a Rolex on his wrist.
<img src="Images\Guy on Plane 3.jpg">
"Jacki." You introduce yourself.
The girl next to the window looks over and gives the man a huge, toothy smile. "Hello!" Her voice now sounds like music. "I'm Tiffany." She sits up straight and pushes her chest out.
"Nice to meet you, Tiffany."
Then, it's [[time for takeoff]].It's an uneventful takeoff. You lean your seat back and pull out your cell phone for a couple hours of gaming.
"Would you mind switching seats?" Tiffany asks you sweetly. The plane hasn't yet reached cruising altitude.
At first you're puzzled. Why would she give up her window seat? But, then you realize, she probably wants to get closer to the hunk sitting next to you.
What do you think?
[[Switch seats]]
[[Refuse]]"Sure, no problem." You tell Tiffany. It's not like *you* want to sit by the guy, right? So, you give up your seat to the grinning blonde.
At first, you just look out the window. But, by the time you've reached altitude, there's nothing to see but clouds.
Tiffany keeps trying to talk to Andrew who's studying some papers he took from his briefcase. She's pulled the front of her top down to the point where you can almost see her nipples. Is there any way she could be more obvious?
You play one of those 'match 3' games on your phone. When you look up again, Tiffany has her hand on Andrew's arm as she leans against him. For a minute, you're jealous. You wish she would come on to you like that.
Watching Tiffany is more entertaining than that silly game on your phone. Will she get her man? Andrew is still trying to ignore her. When she puts her hand on his leg, you figure there's no way [[he can escape]].You politely tell Tiffany "No thank you. I'm happy here."
She doesn't look happy, but she slumps back in her seat, puts on her headphones, and acts like she's trying to go to sleep.
Once the fasten seatbelts light goes off, Andrew reaches under the seat in front of him and pulls out his briefcase. In the process, his right hand brushes against your left leg. WTF!? A jolt of...something...goes up your leg light an electric shock! Only, it felt...good...really good.
Andrew shows no sign that anything happened. He pulls out some papers and starts reading with the briefcase still on his lap.
Should you try to see what he's reading?
[[Sure! Everyone does that.]]
[[Nope. It's none of my business.]]Keeping your head facing forward, you swivel your eyeballs to the left. You can't read the small print, but you can see the title (*Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of Bioactive Compounds*) and a couple of section headings (*Beyond Aromatic Polyketides * and *Micromonospora and Alligatoridae Pancreatic Polypeptides*).
You can't even pronounce those words, let alone understand what it might mean. You try to remember so you can ask Wyatt, but this is almost as hard as trying to remember a sequence of random letters.
"I have another paper with immunocytochemical research on a local subspecies of Ambystoma Tigrinum, if you'd like something to read." Andrew looks up from his papers. You've been caught.
Momentarily, you're flustered and unsure what to say.
"Don't worry about it." He says in a friendly tone. "Everyone tries to see what the people next to them are reading, or playing." He puts his hand on your arm in a reassuring gesture.
Damn! There's that 'jolt' again. This time a shiver runs down your spine.
Andrew smiles. "It doesn't bother me. I was just tired of reading anyway. I thought we might talk a bit?"
Ummm! Another jolt. The pleasure is starting to accumulate. Before you can answer, Ohhh!, another charge goes down your spine. Somehow, just having this man's hand on your arm makes you feel good all over especially ...down there.
"[[Please remove your hand]]."
"[[What would you like to talk about]]?"You're not interested in whatever it is that guy is reading. It looks boring and there's no pictures. He smells nice, though. Is that aftershave?
Tiffany is slumped down in her seat, playing with her phone. Damn, you've got fine view down the front of her shirt. If it slips any lower, her nipples will slip out. Maybe she has big, stiff nipples that turn pink and stick out when you suck on them. Maybe she really loves having her breasts licked and sucked. Maybe it makes her wet. Then, she'd want to put that pretty face between your legs and lick your pussy. Her thick blonde hair would caress the insides of your thighs while her tongue flicked your clit...
<img src="Images\Girl on Plane 4.jpg">
Awww... This daydreaming is making you horny. Your force your eyes back to your phone. You cross your legs and squeeze your thighs, giving your clit a little squeeze.
OK, [[get a grip]]. This isn't the time or place. "Please remove your hand." Your voice trembles a little as you say it.
Andrew complies. "I'm sorry Jacki. I didn't mean to intrude." Then, he mumbles something about 'garvolat', whatever that is.
Even though he's no longer touching you, it seems that the fire in your core has been lit. Minute by minute, you feel a fiery hunger growing in your core. You shift in your seat, but it doesn't help. You have the urge to rub yourself, but with people on both sides, someone would see you.
[[Go to the bathroom->Get out of here]] and get some relief.
[[Go up front->Get out of here]] and talk to Wyatt.
[[Just sit there]]. It's just an itch. You can handle it."What brings you to New Orleans, Jacki?"
"Uh...sight seeing." You say the first thing that pops into your mind.
"Have you been there before?" His hand is still on your arm.
"No. Have you?" And...maybe you like his hand on your arm. It feels good. It feels like it belongs there. Your whole body feels warm and good. Life is good. Everything just feels 'right'.
"I live there. Well, not actually in New Orleans, but not far." His hand moves and takes hold of yours. "I know all the local secrets. What sights are you planning to see?"
Who knew holding hands could be exciting? How is that even possible? With your hand held in his powerful but tender grip, it's almost as if he was squeezing your pussy. What did he ask? "Um...I want to see Bourbon Street, of course."
"Bourbon Street is for tourists. Is that what you want...to watch tourists make fools of themselves?" He traces the lines of your palm with a fingernail.
Oh, that tickles. It's hot. Your lips are dry. "Uh, no. I guess not. Not really." Actually, that's exactly what you thought people went to New Orleans for. You either get drunk and make a fool of yourself or you watch those that do. "You know of [[something better]]?""Excuse me." You get Andrew's attention. "I need to get out."
"Of course." He stands and steps into the aisle to let you out.
But, he doesn't give you a lot of room. As you move by him, you can't help but brush against him. The 'jolt' leaves your knees momentarily weak and you stagger against the seat.
"Are you OK, Jacki?" Andrew grabs your shoulders to keep you from falling.
"I...I...just feel a little light headed." You can feel a steady heat flowing from your shoulders to your breasts. The growing tightness tells you your aureolas are puckered up. This man has an aura about him that you find intoxicating.
"Why don't you sit down...just until your head clears?" He sounds so reasonable and logical.
"Yes. I should sit down. Just until my head clears." Thankfully, you have his hands on your shoulders to help guide you [[back to your seat->Next thing]].
You cross your legs tightly and try to think about something else. You look out the window, but that just brings your eyes to Tiffany's cleavage. Damn, those tits look fine! You lick your lips, trying not to drool.
<img src="Images\Girl on Plane 4.jpg">
That's not helping, so you focus on your phone. But, you can't concentrate. You squeeze your thighs together and it makes the itch go away for just a second as your clit gets scrunched. But, then it comes back worse than ever. With your legs crossed like this, you can feel the pressure on your clit when you squeeze your thighs. You imagine the little guy, sliding around in his slippery little canoe...
You glance over at Andrew. He seems focused on his papers. Tiffany is still playing on her phone. When the itchy-empty-hungry feeling returns, you squeeze your legs together again. That actually feels really good.
Over the next 10 minutes, you're only able to keep your head by periodically squeezing your thighs together whenever the itch gets too intense.
[[next->Next thing]] And then...it's over. Just like that. The 'jolts'...the itch...gone. Your head begins to clear though your heart is still hammering in your chest. Your pussy is still wet and aroused. But, the strange stimulus is gone. You miss it!
"What brings you to New Orleans, Jacki?"
"Uh...sight seeing." You say the first thing that pops into your mind.
"Have you been there before?" He leans slightly toward you.
"No...never." Your heart skips a beat. Is he going to touch you again?
"What sights do you plan to see?" His shoulder is barely an inch from yours.
"Um...I want to see Bourbon Street, of course." You lean closer to him. Your shoulder touches his and you feel a welcome 'jolt' of pleasure.
"Bourbon Street is for tourists. Is that what you want...to watch tourists make fools of themselves?" He leans back ever so slightly, breaking contact.
You force yourself to resist the urge to restore physical contact with this stranger. You feel warm and your lips are dry. "Uh, no. I guess not. Not really." Actually, that's exactly what you thought people went to New Orleans for. You either get drunk and make a fool of yourself or you watch those that do. "You know of [[something better]]?"Andrew tenses suddenly...a look of pain on his face.
"Are you OK?"
"Yes...I'm fine." His pained expression gradually returns to normal. "It's back pain. Occasionally I get a sharp pain in the middle of my back. It's feels like I've been stabbed."
"Maybe the stewardess has some aspirin?"
"That won't be necessary." He smiles. "I like you, Jacki. There's something...different...about you."
What do you say to that? "Cool."
"I'm apologize. That sounds like a corny pick-up line." He frowns. Then, his eyes squint. "But, there is something. I can't quite put my finger on it."
If he only knew exactly *how* different you are. That's worth a giggle.
"Did I say something funny?" He asks.
"No. It's just me. I was just trying to imagine what sort of woman you normally date." Certainly it's no one like yourself!
He looks over at Tiffany and raises an eyebrow. "They are entertaining..."
"And you think I'm different?"
"Yes." He seems sure. "You're somehow innocent. It's as if you haven't dated many men. That's very rare for a woman of your beauty."
"Well, you're right about that. I haven't dated many men." Hmmmm...actually, the count is exactly...zero. "So, Andrew, I asked you before, but you didn't answer. Do you know of something better than Bourbon Street?"
"Yes, I know of many things better than Bourbon Street. If you would consent for me to be your guide for an evening, I will show you one or two." He sounds like he's been around...wise and worldly.
This definitely sounds like a date. Are you willing to go out on a date with this guy? He's quite a bit older than you are.
<img src="Images\Andrew Face.jpg">
[[Yes->Agree to Date Andrew]].
[[No->Refuse to Date Andrew]].(set:$DateAndrew to 1)"OK, Andrew. That sounds like fun." You smile and nod.
"I'll let you get settled, then I'll give you a call tomorrow evening." (if:$HaveAndrewCard is not 1)[(display:"Andrew gives business card")]
It's [[time for landing]].(if:$Willpower > 1)[(set:$DateAndrew to 0)You muster your **willpower** and try to clear your head. "I'm sorry, Andrew. I'm not feeling like myself right now. Maybe another time."
He nods his head. "I understand. Perhaps, if you change your mind, you will give me a call."
(display:"Andrew gives business card")
It's [[time for landing]].](else:)[You try to tell Andrew 'no', but you just don't have the **willpower** to refuse him.
[[next->Agree to Date Andrew]]]"Have you been to New Orleans before?" Andrew asks out of nowhere.
"No." He's probably hitting on you. When you look the way you look, you're going to have to get used to that. Geez...why couldn't Tiffany be hitting on you? Mmmmm...those beautiful tits... You squeeze your thighs again.
"Is your trip for business or pleasure?" He seems to think you want to talk to him. He does have deep, soothing voice.
"Is your family with you?" He probably wants to know if you're married or alone.
"I'm with...friends." You started to tell him 'husband' or 'boyfriend', but you didn't. Why not? Don't you want to shut him down?
"I suppose you'll be headed to Bourbon Street." He says that as if it was a bad thing.
"Sure. I heard it's New Orleans' top attraction."
"Pffft! You heard wrong. Bourbon Street has only two purposes...you either get drunk or watch others make fools of themselves." Again, he says that like [[it's a bad thing]].Andrew sighs and puts down his papers. Then, he leans over and whispers in Tiffany's ear. She immediately stops moving.
When he's finished, he picks up his papers and goes back to reading. Tiffany moves back to the center of her seat. Then, she turns toward you.
"I need my seat back." Her eyes look out of focus, her face expressionless.
Tell her...
[[It's mine now]]
[[OK, whatever]]"I'm comfortable here. I don't want to switch back." You tell Tiffany.
"If you don't give me my seat back, I'll call a flight attendant." Her face remains expressionless.
Well, her ticket does say she gets the window seat. You probably don't want to argue with an attendant. That never turns out well. "OK, fine."
So, you find yourself back in [[your middle seat]]. "Guess that didn't work out for you." You smirk at Tiffany, but she doesn't even react to your subtle put down.
The two of you swap your seats back. The buxom blonde just sits there, staring straight ahead with a blank expression on her face, for a good 2 or 3 minutes. Then, she goes back to her phone, completely ignoring you.
What a strange woman. In any case, you're right back where you started, in [[your middle seat]].While Tiffany plays on her phone, you decide to do the same. You never much cared for playing games on a phone, but it helps pass the time.
At some point, Andrew reaches under the seat in front of him and pulls out his briefcase. In the process, his right hand brushes against your left leg. WTF!? A jolt of...something...goes up your leg like an electric shock! Only, it felt...good...really good.
Andrew shows no sign that anything happened. He exchanges the papers he was reading with new ones from his briefcase. Then, he goes back to reading with the briefcase still on his lap.
Should you try to see what he's reading?
[[Sure! Everyone does that.]]
[[Nope. It's none of my business.]]"Well, some folks *like* to get drunk and have a good time." You say defensively.
"Jacki..." Andrew puts his hand on your arm. There's that 'jolt' of pleasure again! "...there are so many more interesting activities for you in New Orleans."
His hand lingers on your arm. Your arm has goose bumps and a shiver runs down your spine. You were already hot from fantasizing about Tiffany, and now your horniness is increasing. What's going on? How is he doing this?
His finger makes little traces on the inside of your elbow and you can feel your nipples tightening up. Your mouth is dry. You're about to ask him to move his hand...really, you are...but then, he moves it away without being asked. Immediately, you miss it. Part of you wants to feel that touch.
Your head is spinning. This guy isn't *that* attractive. Is he? Is it this body? Did he do something to you? You've almost forgot what you were [[talking about->something better]]. "What could be better than Bourbon Street?" You ask.<img src="Images\New Orleans.jpg">
When you exit the plane, you find Patti and Wyatt waiting for you at the gate. Together, you retrieve your baggage and rent a pair of 4WD X3's. It seems so odd, handing the man behind the counter a driver's license with your female image on it. Somehow, official documents make your new identity seem that much more concrete.
Tonight, you'll be staying at the Courtyard Marriott in Houma, about an hour drive to the southwest. That's really about as close to Dulac as you can get and still have modern accomodations. Tomorrow, you'll head to Dulac and see about hiring a guide.
Even though Houma looks similar to many other places you've been, you can feel the humidity and smell the water. The swamp is never far away in this part of Louisiana.
Three people, three rooms. The desk clerk doesn't even raise an eyebrow. "Here are your keys."
Other than the awesome crawfish gumbo, it's an [[uneventful evening->Next Morning]]. (set:$Day to it + 1)(display:"Next Day")The next morning, you purchase 'sport hunter' licenses (at $150 each).
"Whatcha huntin'?" The elderly lady at the bait shop wants to know.
"Alligator?" Patti says it more like a question than a statement.
"Hoo boy! Not today, you ain't!" She grins and shakes her head. "Gatuh season ain't 'til the end of August."
Wyatt jumps in when Patti goes speechless. "Right. We'll be hunting 'gaters in August. Today, we're going after feral hogs."
"I see. Dat's good. We got too many dem dam wild hogs." She passes out the licenses and you step outside.
"Now what?" Patti asks. "It's a long time until the end of August."
You shake your head. "I don't want to wait. What if we go hunting anyway?"
Wyatt points at a Wildlife Department poster on the baitshop wall. "If we get caught, the penalty is up to a $50 fine and 15 days in jail. But, the worst part for you two is that they might find out you've got fake identities."
It's a risk. There's at least some chance you'll get caught, but probably not a big one. "We can do a lot with the other ingredients, right? Why do we need a white alligator?"
"We need body parts from a white alligator, things like spleen fluid, toenails, teeth, droppings, urine, skin, etc., in order to attract the most powerful spirits."
(link:"Let's keep it legal...for now.")[(set:$AlligatorHunting to 0)(goto:"Hunt Prep")]
(link:"We need alligator parts.")[(set:$AlligatorHunting to 1)(goto:"Hunt Prep")] Ignore the law.{
<!-- **Complete the job within 3 days** -->
(if:$AR6 is 1)[(if:$Team is "Blue Shadow")[(set:$SuccessModifier to 20)](else:)[(set:$SuccessModifier to 10)]]
**Base...steal enough ingredients to turn Patti and Jack back to normal**
(if:$Team is "Blue Shadow")[(set:$Chance to 75)](else:)[(set:$Chance to 80)](set:$Chance to it - $SuccessModifier)
(if:(random:1,100) > $Chance)[(set:$Base to "failure")](else:)[(set:$Base to "success")]
**Base is a temporary 'hard-wired' result to enable the Louisiana trip** -->
(set:$Base to "failure")
**Steal *ALL* the ingredients in the house** -->
(if:$AR1 is 1)[(if:$Team is "Blue Shadow")[(set:$Chance to 75)](else:)[(set:$Chance to 80)](set:$Chance to it - $SuccessModifier)
(if:(random:1,100) > $Chance)[(set:$Opt1 to "failure")](else:)[(set:$Opt1 to "success")]](else:)[(set:$Opt1 to "not requested")]
**Opt1 is a temporary 'hard-wired' result to enable the Louisiana trip** -->
(set:$Opt1 to "not requested")
<!-- **Steal any arcane books in the house** -->
(if:$AR2 is 1)[(if:$Team is "Blue Shadow")[(set:$Chance to 75)](else:)[(set:$Chance to 80)](set:$Chance to it - $SuccessModifier)
(if:(random:1,100) > $Chance)[(set:$Opt2 to "failure")](else:)[(set:$Opt2 to "success")]](else:)[(set:$Opt2 to "not requested")]
**Opt2 is a temporary 'hard-wired' result to enable the Louisiana trip** -->
(set:$Opt2 to "success")
<!-- **Minimize property damage** -->
(if:$AR3 is 1)[(if:$Team is "Blue Shadow")[(set:$Chance to 85)](else:)[(set:$Chance to 60)](set:$Chance to it - $SuccessModifier)
(if:(random:1,100) > $Chance)[(set:$Opt3 to "failure")]](else:)[(if:(random:1,2) is 2)[(set:$Opt3 to "failure")](else:)[(set:$Opt3 to "success")]]
<!-- **Frame someone else for the job** -->
(if:$AR4 is 1)[(if:$Team is "Blue Shadow")[(set:$Chance to 75)](else:)[(set:$Chance to 60)](set:$Chance to it - $SuccessModifier)
(if:(random:1,100) > $Chance)[(set:$Opt4 to "failure")](else:)[(set:$Opt4 to "success")]](else:)[(set:$Opt4 to "not requested")]
<!-- **No one gets hurt** -->
(if:$AR5 is 1)[(if:$Team is "Blue Shadow")[(set:$Chance to 80)](else:)[(set:$Chance to 65)](set:$Chance to it - $SuccessModifier)
(if:(random:1,100) > $Chance)[(set:$Opt5 to "failure")](else:)[(set:$Opt5 to "success")]](else:)[(if:(random:1,2) is 2)[(set:$Opt5 to "failure")](else:)[(set:$Opt5 to "success")]]
<!-- If you stole all the ingredients, you certainly got enough to change back Jack and Patti, so... -->
(if:$Opt1 is "success")[(set:$Base to "success")]
}Wyatt has done his research and found an alligator hunter right here in Houma. He phones ahead. The guy's name is Marcel and, after a bit of haggling on price, he's available today.
You navigate using your phone's GPS app while Wyatt drives. You meet Marcel at an Exxon station south of town. From here, you're less than 15 miles from Dulac.
You can't miss him. There's a 10 year-old Ford F-250 with oversize mud tires pulling a lightweight boat parked away from the pumps. It's impossible to say for sure, given the thick layer of dried mud, but the truck was probably blue at one time.
Patti looks nervous. "That boat isn't very big..."
You can take Wyatt's silence as agreement.
The three of you slowly get out of the X3 and walk over to [[meet Marcel]].(set:$MariaHang4Day to $Day)(set:$FromBasement to 0)Maria answers the phone right away. She sounds upset and...hard to understand. "Therth a poblum! My thung ith big athen!"
"What? Your tongue is big again?" Your voice drops to a whisper, though there's really no reason. "Did you mess up the spell?"
"No. Momma thound out what we thid." Maria tries to slow down and speak clearly, but her S's still come out sounding like TH's. "The thaw the mithing ingredienth and the noteth I made. The knowth what spelth I catht, tho now the made my tongue big and it won't go back!" Maria is sobbing now and probably has tears in her eyes.
This is not good. "Oh no! Maria...does she know about me?" Your heart is pounding.
"No, not really. I told her I did it at a party with a bunch of friendth from thool."
Bless you, Maria! You can breathe again. "Are you at home?"
"Is your mother there?"
"No. The's out of town again. The left me like thith!" She sounds angry and she's sobbing harder now.
"Stay there. [[I'll be right over]]."{ <!-- Master other cantrips beyond the first one -->
(set:$VDLesson6 to 1)
(if:$CreateLust < 1)[(set:$CreateLust to 1)]
(if:$GustOfWind < 1)[(set:$GustOfWind to 1)]
(if:$CardMagic < 1)[(set:$CardMagic to 1)]
}"Hey, Wyatt... I think I've got that $FirstCantrip spell mastered."
"Excellent." Wyatt smiles broadly. "So, now you should be able to learn the other two cantrips with no difficulty at all."
Over the next hour, Wyatt shows you how to prepare the ingredients, contact the spirits, explain the tasks, etc., for the other two cantrips. It's the same as with your $FirstCantrip spell; once you've got everything prepared with the spirit, you can cast a cantrip in an instant.
<img src="Images\Wyatt Smiling.jpg">
"I think you've got it. I'm amazed at how quickly you're picking this up." Wyatt smiles his approval and you feel all warm inside. "Now, I want you to try both of these spells at least once. Then, with all three cantrips mastered, can move on to something more advanced."{<!-- Voodoo beyond cantrips...goes here -->
(set:$VDLesson7 to 1)
}"Wyatt, I've practiced all three cantrips. Can you teach me something more powerful?"
<img src="Images\Wyatt Smiling.jpg">
"Absolutely. You have quite the talent for voodoo." Wyatt smiles broadly.
Wyatt starts the lesson with a little review. "So, you can cast cantrips with commonly available ingredients. Unless you go broke, or for some reason you don't have access to a well-stocked store, you'll always be able to cast those with a little preparation."
"The most powerful spells, like total body transformation, require unique ingredients that are almost impossible to come by, unless you know exactly where to look. These unique ingredients aren't interchangeable, either. You can't use transformation ingredients to summon a tornado, for example." He pauses for a moment, giving you a chance to ask questions.
When he sees you have none, Wyatt continues. "Between the cantrips and the most powerful spells, there's a middle ground. The spirits who complete these tasks demand rare ingredients, but they're willing to accept a range of payment types. Think of it like a law firm that's willing to accept payment in dollars, euros, or yen. It's not that important which one you have; they're mostly convertible."
He pauses again. "Are you with me?"
"Yes. So, it sounds like I need to be careful not to waste the rare ingredients."
"Right. So, now you're ready to [[learn an intermediate spell]].Marcel looks like a stereotype with a baseball cap with the bill scrunched into a half-circle, long black beard, cammo shirt with the sleeves ripped off to show his 'guns', stained pants and work boots. He's probably around 30 years old.
"Yes. I'm Wyatt." The two men shake hands. "This is Patrick..."
"Mornin, Patrick." Another handshake.
"...and this is Jacki."
"Mornin, miss." The corners of Marcel's mouth turn up in the barest imitation of a smile. You try to shake his hand as firmly as you can while he just seems to be holding yours.
Standing this close to him, you smell a mix of gasoline, fish, and sweat. It's not at all pleasant, yet it is undeniably masculine.
He turns back to Wyatt. "So, who all is goin in my boat?"
"All three of us."
Marcel frowns and spits. "Tight fit." But, he doesn't object. "Miss, you gonna get dirty and bug bit. You up for that?"
Patti starts to say something so you quickly beat her to it. You are the 'Miss' here; not Patti. "I bought bug spray and I can wash when we're done." You give Patti a glare. She needs to remember she's not a 'miss' any more.
"Suit yourself." Marcel turns back to Wyatt. "[[Show me your map]]."Wyatt shows Marcel the map with an 'x' some distance south of Houma and closer to Dulac.
You follow Marcel's F-250 to the boat ramp and then park your X3. While he unloads the boat, you slather on the sunscreen and DEET. Patti doesn't look happy.
"Cheer up." You tell her. "Now you get to see where they get the crawfish for your gumbo." She doesn't even crack a smile. "What's the matter with you?"
Her eyes are big and watery. "I can't swim."
"Oh." Well, that's not good. "Hopefully you won't have to. Here...help me with this ice chest."
Then, you gingerly climb in the boat and take a seat.
(link:"Make conversation with Marcel?")["Nice boat." The boat actually looks cleaner and newer than Marcel's truck.
"Just bought her...Blackhawk 2150." Marcel gives you another of his thin smiles.
"Business must be good."
"You might say. I just got me an investor."
"Really? Who invests in gater boats?" You didn't mean for that to sound so condescending.
Marcel bows up a little. "For your information missy, it's one of them medical companies what operates out of N'arlens." He's proud of his investor. "It's some french sounding outfit."
"What do you do for them?" You reward him with one of your pretty smiles to make up for your snootiness.
"A lot like I'm doing for you. I help them find stuff in the swamp." His gaze, like every other man you know, flickers to your breasts and legs, only rarely meeting your eyes.
"I'm impressed. Maybe you'll help them cure diseases." This time when you smile, Marcel's smile is just a bit wider. Maybe he likes you just a little bit.(set:$Marcel to it + 1)]
Soon, you're zipping down the canal at a decent pace. Patti still doesn't relax. "How far?" She asks.
"An hour. Maybe three." You get the impression Marcel doesn't run his life by the clock like city folks.
[[next->boat trip]](if:$AlligatorHunting is 1)[**Out of season gater hunting is illegal.
You're breaking the law(if:$Plan is "Wyatt")[ again].
Criminality increased. (set:$Criminality to it + 3)
New value: $Criminality**
](else:)[**Your respect for the law is commendable.
Criminality decreased. (set:$Criminality to it - 1)
New value: $Criminality**
"OK. There's actually quite a lot we can gather legally." Wyatt shrugs. "We can get the ingredients to do all but the most powerful spells."
"Like what? What won't we be able to do?"
"Well, we won't be able to do any full transformations...not you and not Marvanna." After letting that sink in, Wyatt continues. "Let's start legally and then, when we go for the white alligator, we'll have more 'options' for dealing with the authorities if that becomes neccessary."
]"Why don't we just hire someone to bring us what we need?" Patti asks the sensible question. "I'm a city girl. I don't know anything about hunting or the swamp."
"I need to harvest the ingredients while they're fresh. Then, I have to do some preliminary voodoo prep. This isn't something you trust to some alligator hunter, or even a novice voodoo practitioner." Wyatt explains. Again. Patti has asked this more than once, as if she might get a different answer.
"But, I don't know how to do that harvesting or prepping. Why do I need to go?" She really seems apprehensive about the swamp. "The hunter guide guy can help you, right?"
"I don't know or trust these people. If they suspect I'm some city slicker, trying to steal the local voodoo, they might..." He stops. No sense in scaring Patti any more. "...anyway...I really don't want to do this alone."
"Jacki will go with..."
"No offense..." Wyatt looks at your small female form. "...but Jacki wouldn't be much help in a fight. I just want her...him...to come along and learn how the voodoo prep is done.(if:$VoodooSkill > 0)[ He's got a natural talent for voodoo.]"
Patti sighs in resignation. "So, where do we find an [[alligator hunter]]?"At first, it's exciting. Big trees overhang the water, draping curtains of spanish moss. You spot herons and spoonbills and other odd looking birds. The forecast said there's a chance for scattered thunderstorms this evening, but right now, it's a cloudless day. The boat whips along at a good pace, generating a breeze that keeps you reasonably comfortable despite the heat.
<img src="Images\Bayou 1.jpg">
As the sun moves higher in the sky, Marcel guides the boat into ever narrower chanels, forcing him to reduce speed. When the mosquitoes descend on you in clouds, you reapply your insect repellant. It mostly works, but you have a few bites in places you didn't get covered well enough.
Within an hour, you notice that you've lost your cell connection.
"Wyatt... Do you have any bars?" You hold up your phone.
He checks and shakes his head. "None. I suspect that will be the case for the rest of the trip. In the swamp, cell tower construction costs are high and the population density is very low."
Great. So, you can't even pass the time checking sports scores and highlights.
Marcel watches out of the corner of his eye as you rub the liquid onto your ears, arms, legs, neck, chest. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[The exhibitionist in you gets a little thrill out of this, even if he is a smelly swamp man. Maybe you'd like to pass the time by [[teasing him]] a little?] You could [[make small talk]] with him just to be friendly, or you could just mind your own business and [[ignore the smelly swamp man->boat trip 2]]."OK." Wyatt wipes the sweat off his forehead. "Let's take a break and talk about this."
It's around noontime. (if:$HitTree is 1)[But, with no lunch to eat, you just sit there and swat mosquitoes](else:)[You get out the sub sandwiches you packed for lunch and pass them out] while Wyatt describes some of the plants and animals he's looking for(if:$AlligatorHunting is 1)[...and, of course, the white alligator.](else:)[.]
Marcel laughs and slaps his knee. "Ain't that the craziest thing? I was just out this way a week or so ago looking for shit just like this!"
"What?" Wyatt is startled. "Who? Why?" You and Patti trade worried looks.
He chuckles. "Oh, don't worry about it. You'll see. There's plenty."(if:$AlligatorHunting is 1)[ Then, after a second... "Except for that white gater. Finding a 'bayou ghost'...that's gonna be tough."]
(if:$HitTree is 0)[You all wolf down the sandwiches with little conversation.](else:)[Your stomach is rumbling, but lunch was lost overboard when you hit the tree. When you tell Wyatt lunch was lost, he whispers in your ear "My gun was in that bag."
OK, that explains why it sank...]
When Marcel is done, he starts up the boat and moves off like [[he knows]] exactly where he's going.Of course! (if:$Exhibitionsim > 4)[You never pass up a chance to flaunt your body, do you?](else:)[Maybe a little teasing will make you less bored.] You wore extra-short jean shorts today. You face him as you spread your legs wide and rub insect repellant on your inner thighs. You don't want to miss any part of your legs. Your hands move slowly, sensually, higher and higher, until they're dipping under the edges of your panties.
You feel a rush of heat in your pussy from doing something so bold.
**Even with your friends right there, you'll flash a smelly swamp man
Exhibitionism has increased. (set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism **
When you glance up, you catch him staring wide-eyed at your sexy legs and pretty pink panties, completely ignoring his boat piloting responsibilities. He's headed straight for a tree!
[[Yell at him, mean and angry]]!
[[Smile, wink, and point at the tree]].What do you talk about with a alligator hunter? Politics? Religion? Probably not...
"So, how long have you been an gater hunter?" Not the most original thought, but it's a place to start.
"Oh...bout 8 years." He strokes his beard. "Since Papa passed."
"I'm sorry to hear...about your Papa." (if:$Empathy > 0)[You pause for second of silent respect.](else:)[You decide to change the subject to something less depressing.] "So, I guess you didn't learn gater hunting from him, then?"
"Oh yes I did. I just didn't work at it back then. Oh, I'd help him out some, but mostly he just wanted me to study." Marcel's eyes are on the swamp, focused out in the distance.
"What were you studying?"
"Mathematics, if you can believe that. Had me a full ride to Tech, up in Ruston." This man is full of surprises. "I was only there one semester before the cancer got him." He looks away from you. "It was quick."
"Wow. A full scholarship? (if:$Empathy > 0)[I bet your Papa was proud of you.](else:)[That's impressive.]"
The swamp man just shrugs.
"Did you finish your degree?" Somehow, you don't think he'd be driving a gater boat if he did...
"Don't want to talk about it." There's more sadness there than just the loss of his father.
(if:$Empathy > 0)[You can feel his pain. You reach out and put your hand on his. "I'm sorry, Marcel."
He gives you a sad smile, appreciating your gesture.
**Passed empathy test** (set:$Marcel to it + 1)
](else:$Empathy < 0)["Yeah, I thought so." You grin and chuckle. "Math is a tough major for a cajun boy."
He gives you a stern look. "You don't know what you're talking about." It seems you said the wrong thing.
**Failed empathy test** (set:$Marcel to it - 1)
You both decide to [[ride in silence->boat trip 2]] for a while.You clamp your legs shut and frown at him. "Watch where you're going you idiot!" Why can't he look and drive at the same time?
He growls something under his breath, "bitch", and quickly maneuvers his boat to the side.
"You jerk! You almost crashed the damn boat!" He really did. (set:$HitTree to 0)
Even if you did just save him from crashing his boat, he probably doesn't like you as much as he did a few minutes ago. (set:$Marcel to it - 1)
Well, that's his problem.
The [[boat trip continues->boat trip 2]].Your smile lets him know that you enjoy his attention. Your wink tells him you might have more to show if he plays his cards right.
By the time he notices you're pointing at a tree, it's too late. The boat smacks the tree hard, throwing everyone and everything against the right side of the boat.
Patti teeters for a split second before tumbling overboard. Amazing athlete that she is, she manages to grab the edge of the boat with one hand and hang on for dear life.
Marcel immediately cuts the engine and moves to help Patti.
"What the hell happened?" You know Wyatt is scared when he curses.
"It's my fault." You say. Marcel looks at you in surprise. "I bumped into the tiller and made us crash." You give Marcel another wink. This time, he winks back. (set:$Marcel to it + 1)
The boat got a nasty dent, but doesn't appear to be leaking. Your gear is a mess, and it looks like your lunch went overboard...along with Patti. (set:$HitTree to 1)
"What were you thinking?!?" She's wet and scared, but otherwise unharmed. "I could have been killed!"
"I'm so sorry!" You conjure up some tears. "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." You blink back the tears and give her your whipped puppy face.
After a few seconds, she begins to calm down.
You should be careful with your teasing.
Marcel fires the boat up and [[continues through the swamp->boat trip 2]].By the end of the second hour, you can't even tell where the water ends and the bank starts. The 'water' is covered with lillies and algae, the shallows are choked with reeds and scrubby bushes, and there's no wind at all.
At times, the swamp smells no worse than rotting compost and it's not unbearable. But, occasionally, you pass by something dead. The smell of a rotting deer carcass (or is it wild pig?) is enough to make your stomach churn.
Every 15 minutes, Patti feels compelled to ask "Are we almost there?". Wyatt tries to get her talking about track, which he couldn't care less about, just to get her to stop asking.
Once in a while, the boat bumps against something. "Just a log." Marcel says when he sees your concern.
Here, the swamp seems darker, closer, almost threatening in its demeanor. The trees not only lean out over the water, they thrust up through the water mid-channel.
You spot alligators from time to time, but none are white. They watch and wait, possibly for something, or someone, to eat.
Eventually, Marcel stops the boat in the shade of a huge tree. "This's 'bout where you had that 'x' on your map."
<img src="Images\Bayou 2.jpg">
Wyatt looks around at the nearly impenetrable vegetation. "This is going to be harder than I thought."
"If you tell me what you're looking for, [[maybe I can help]]." Marcel offers.Before Patti even has a chance to ask "Are we getting close?", Marcel cuts the motor and guides the boat aground. Here, in just this spot, the vegetation is less dense. Has it been cleared?
He jumps out in knee-deep water and pulls the boat higher up so the rest of you can step out onto semi-dry land.
Patti points to a gap in the 'jungle'. "Are those stairs?" She sounds as shocked as if she found an alligator back in the city. It's been so long since you saw any sign of civilization, this path seems terribly out of place.
<img src="Images\Bayou Stairs.jpg">
"Yeah. There's a path." Marcel is cheerful. "We can find just about everything on your list on this trail."
"Who made the trail?" Wyatt wants to know.
"The property owner. They got a house back in here somewhere. This used to be their boat slip back before they got money."
"Who's the property owner? Are they going to be angry if we trespass?" Patti joins in the questioning. None of you want to get shot at.
"Oh, no, don't worry about it." Marcel dismisses your concerns. "She don't even live here anymore."
Wyatt's face goes [[white as a ghost]].Wyatt takes a deep breath and then speaks slowly, making every effort to control his voice. "This woman, who doesn't live here anymore...does she have a name?"
Marcel scrunches up his mouth to one side and squints like he's concentrating really hard. "Ummmm.... I think it was...Marianne? Mamma Anna? Something like that."
"Was it Marvanna?" Patti asks impatiently.
"Yeah! That's it. Marvanna. People never really understood why she wanted to live out here in the swamp like this. They made up crazy stories about her being a witch or something." He chuckles, but none of you are laughing.
"Aw, come on. I was just joking. You don't believe in witches, do you?" Marcel is still grinning. "This is Louisiana, not Transylvania. I mean...people talk...but I never believe that voodoo crap."
"Excuse us for a minute." Wyatt tells Marcel. "We need to discuss something in private."
Marcel stays with the boat while you, Patti, and Wyatt move far enough away so you can [[whisper in private]]."I guess we should have thought of this. After all, this is Marvanna's map we're following." Wyatt hisses.
"Well, she's back in the city, right? She doesn't live here. We're safe, right?" Patti wants reassurance.(if:$MariaHang3Day > 0)[
Your stomach sinks. Maria said Marvanna was 'out of town' when you had the sleepover. (set:$T to $Day - $MariaHang3Day)(if:$T is 1)[That was just yesterday!](else:)[That was (if:$T < 5)[only] $T days ago.]]
You'd like to reassure Patti, but you can't. "She probably comes back here for ingredients. She could have guards. She could come at any time. She could already *be here*, for that matter."
Wyatt wants to grab some ingredients before you leave. Patti just wants to run. What do you think?
"We flew in from the city, rented a hotel, and rode through countless miles of swamp in a tiny boat. I'm not going home empty handed. [[Let's get what we came for]]."
"This is way too risky. We don't have to do this. There must be other ingredients that aren't on Marvanna's property. [[Let's get out of here]] before it's too late.""OK, let's see if we can find some of the things on this list." Wyatt tells Marcel.
With the boat pulled up on the muddy bank, Wyatt and Patti pick up their backpacks and all four of you (if:$AvoidMarvanna is 0)[head up the wooden steps](else:)[look for a way through the undergrowth. At first it's tough going, but then Marcel finds an animal trail]. You go single file due to all the vines and moss and bushes.
You notice Patti repeatedly looking over her shoulder. You can feel it too...a sense that you're being watched. When you hear something moving in the underbrush, you stop with sudden goosebumps.
"Don't ya'l worry none. It's just a coon." Marcel says softly. "Or maybe a muskrat. Or it could be a gater, but I don't think so. It's probably too big to be a squirrel."
He means it to be reassuring, but the thought that pops into your head is 'he doesn't really know what that is'.
(if:$AvoidMarvanna is 0)[After just a short distance, the steps turn into a trail. There's two tracks, like a car or truck would make, only they're too close together.
Marcel sees your puzzled look. "4-wheeler...ATV"
It's a narrow trail, but far better than trying to make your way through the swamp.](else:)[The trail is narrow, but at least you can see where you're stepping.]
"[[How much farther]]?" Patti swats a gigantic mosquito that had landed on Wyatt's shoulder.(set:$AvoidMarvanna to 1)You walk back to Marcel. "You know what we're looking for. Can you help us find these things on property that doesn't belong to Marvanna?"
He shrugs. "Sure. I know a few places."
"How far?"
"Eh...I don't exactly know. But, it's not too far. We can still get back before dark."
"Load up, guys. Let's go!" You call the others.
Patti looks relieved.
About 15 minutes later, you're making your way across an open stretch of water when you see the other boat.
"Is that...her?"
"Sure is." Marcel says as he waves to the other boat and steers in their direction.
"What are you doing?" Patti's voice is surprisingly shrill for a 6' 4" athlete.
"We gotta stop and say 'hi'. Folks out here in the swamp, we gotta take care of each other. It's a long way back." Marcel says it as a matter of fact.
(if:$MariaHang2Day is not 0)["She can't see us!" You tell Marcel. This time it's your voice that's stressed.
Then, to Wyatt and Patti you say "It's that guard...from her house!" You recognize the big Aussie guy from your first visit to Maria's house. "He'll recognize me!"
Marcel frowns and squints. He seems to have made a decision. (if:$Marcel > 0)[ Then, he winks at you. "OK, missy. Lie down."(set:$MarcelHidYou to 1)
Then, he adjusts course so that you only approach within a dozen feet of the other boat. "Hey Pete! Sorry I can't stop. Got me a sick tourist here."
"What? She allergic to fresh air?" The other boat's pilot calls back.
Marcel laughs. "Nah, maybe got some bad gumbo. She been feeding the fish for an hour."
On cue, you make realistic retching noises. Then, Marcel asks the other boat pilot "You need anything Pete? Otherwise, I'm gonna get her out of here."
"Nah, we're good. Take care."
The whole time, Marvanna and her guard say nothing.
[[That was close]].](else:)["I don't know what kind of shit you're into, but that's not my problem. [[We're stopping]]."]](else:)[This isn't good. But, at least Marvanna doesn't know who you are. As far as she knows, you're just tourists, right? Hopefully she won't pick up on how nervous and guilty you look.
Marcel and the driver of Marvanna's boat slow and [[maneuver alongside each other->We're stopping]].]As the other boat heads away, you turn to Marcel.
(if:$MarcelHidYou is 1)["Thank you!" You give him a big warm smile.
Your bearded guide smiles back, then looks away. "You're welcome." He puts the boat back in motion. "I hope you folks aren't into anything too serious. If you are, I don't want to know and I don't want to be involved.](elseif:$MariaHang2Day is not 0)["We're not 'in to' anything. OK?"
"Whatever you say. It's just that I've been around my share of people not wanting to get caught and y'all act just like that." Marcel puts the boat back in motion. "I don't want to know what it is. Just keep me out of it."
]"So where are we going to find those samples we're looking for?"
"It's not much further." He puts the boat back in motion.
You're relieved to see that you're moving in a completely different direction from the route Marvanna's boat took.
About 15 minutes later, Marcel grounds the boat [[on a muddy bank->Let's get what we came for]].<img src="Images\High School.jpg">
Normally, school goes through a routine. You go to a class, then you get 10 minutes to get to your next class, etc. You have three classes in the morning (English, Algebra, Health), then lunch, then one class in the afternoon (Chemistry), then Glee practice.
Normally, everything goes by in a boring blur and you find yourself back home with a little free time in the evening.
Occasionally, something unusual might happen.(set:$R to (either:1,2))
(link:"next")[(set:$Random to (either:1,2,3,4,5,6))(if:$Random is 1)[(goto:"Annoying Boy")](elseif:$Random is 2)[(goto:"Tease a Teacher")](elseif:$Random is 3)[(if:$ProvocativeSchoolClothes is 1 and $R is 1)[(goto:"Clothing Violation")](else:)[(goto:"Tease a Boy")]](elseif:$Random is 4)[(goto:"Girl's Locker Room")](elseif:$Random is 5)[(goto:"Bad Grade")](else:)[But, not today.
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]]](set:$AnnoyingBoySchoolEvent to it + 1)(if:$AnnoyingBoySchoolEvent is 1)[Going to highschool again is unbelievably boring. It's like prison...they even take away your phone! So, you sit there, completely ignoring the teachers, just watching the students since there's nothing else to do.
There's this boy, Jim. He sits in the row to your right. He's asked you out repeatedly and, of course, you always tell him 'no'. Even if you were really a girl, even if you weren't trying to deal with a voodoo queen, you still wouldn't be interested in Jim.
He's about 5'11", but he can't weigh more than 130 pounds...little more than skin and bones. Add thick glasses, freckles, red hair, and braces and you've got an almost comical image.
But Jim doesn't give up.
Just now, with the teacher saying something about electrons changing orbits and creating an exothermic reaction, Jim is trying to get your attention.
"Psssst! Jacki? Hey, Jacki!"
Damn, he's annoying. You can't even properly daydream with him around.
Maybe... Maybe you should turn this to your advantage? Maybe you could get some use out of Jim?
(link:"Just ignore him.")[(set:$AnnoyingBoySchoolEvent to 0)(goto:"Evening Activity")] He's not even worth your effort.
[[Talk to Jim]] after class.
](elseif:$AnnoyingBoySchoolEvent is 2)[You're on your way to Chemistry class when Jim overtakes you from behind. "Hey, Jacki!"
You keep walking. That skinny dweeb is annoying. "Hi Jim." You force yourself to be polite.
"Hey, wait." He pulls a folder out of his backpack. "I have that report for you."
(if:$JimReportThinking is not 1)["Really?" You stop walking and reach for it. "Great work!"](else:)["Did you finally decide to just hand it over?"
You reach for it.]
But, he doesn't hand it over, holding it up higher than you can reach. "Skip Chemistry and spend the hour with me and it's yours."
(if:$JimReportThinking is not 1)[You can feel yourself getting angry.](else:)[Again?!? Seriously? Grrrr!] In your male form, you'd punch this geeky jerk in the gut and take the report. Maybe you should do that anyway...
[[Punch him in the stomach]].
[[Skip class with Jim]].
"[[I'll think about it]]."
](elseif:$AnnoyingBoySchoolEvent is 3)[<!-- nothing yet --> (goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[<!-- nothing yet --> (goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$AlgebraClass to it + 1)(if:$AlgebraClass is 1)[(goto:"Algebra 1")](elseif:$AlgebraTutoring is 1)[Algebra makes your head hurt. You really wish you didn't have to be here, listening to Mr. Prescott drone on and on about his stupid equations.
Going to the whiteboard to work problems is still embarrassing, but at least you have hope to do better now, thanks to Mr. Prescott's tutoring.
Eventually, class is over and you can head to (link:"your tutoring session")[(goto:"Mr. Prescott is the only one there")].](elseif:$AlgebraTutoring < 3)[Algebra makes your head hurt. You really wish you didn't have to be here, listening to Mr. Prescott drone on and on about his stupid equations.
Every student must take a turn at the whiteboard working equations. It's incredibly embarrassing for you when the others laugh at you. Failing a class is no big deal...you've already got a diploma. But, being laughed at by high school kids is not cool.
{(if:$Exhibitionism > 1)[Maybe you could refuse to go to the whiteboard but, truth be told, standing in front of the class turns you on just a bit(if:$ProvocativeSchoolClothes is 1)[, especialy since](else:)[. Since]] (if:$ProvocativeSchoolClothes is 1)[ you've been flaunting the school's dress code to show off your body. With your sexy appearance and poor academic performance, a few of the meaner students have started to call you 'bimbo' when you make embarrassing mistakes.]
} Sometimes, you're tempted to (link:"stay after class")[(goto:"Agree to tutoring")] and ask Mr. Prescott to tutor you.
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]](else:)[Algebra makes your head hurt. You really wish you didn't have to be here, listening to Mr. Prescott drone on and on about his stupid equations.
Every student must take a turn at the whiteboard working equations. Since you've had a few tutoring sessions with Mr. Prescott, you're doing a lot better than before. You don't get laughed at as often and sometimes you even get the answers right. You're still not doing well enough to pass the class, but that's not a problem.
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]]It's every man's dream. As a Glee Club member, you've got full access to the girl's locker room! Glee girls go there to change before and after practice. The girl's sports teams are also there sometimes. And, you get to see them all naked!
(set:$GirlsLocker to it + 1)
(if:$GirlsLocker is 1)[<img src="Images\Girls Locker Room 1.jpg">](elseif:$GirlsLocker is 2)[<img src="Images\Girls Locker Room 2.jpg">](elseif:$GirlsLocker is 3)[<img src="Images\Girls Locker Room 3.jpg">](elseif:$GirlsLocker is 4)[<img src="Images\Girls Locker Room 4.jpg">](elseif:$GirlsLocker is 5)[<img src="Images\Girls Locker Room 5.jpg">](else:)[<img src="Images\Girls Locker Room 6.jpg">(set:$GirlsLocker to 0)]
If you were a guy, you'd have a raging erection. But, as a girl, you just get hot. Your pussy gets damp and your face gets flushed. It's so awesome to be able to get away with it. If you could just get away with touching yourself, then life would be perfect.
Eventually, you have to go back to class. Boring, boring, boring!
(link:"End of school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]You let Jim catch up with you in the hall. He pushes his heavy glasses back up his nose and grins, showing all his braces. Yuck!
"Hi Jacki!"
"Hi Jim. Was there something you wanted?" It's irritating having to look up at this uncool teenager.
"Uh...yeah!" He's shifting his weight back and forth. "I was wondering if you want to go get a burger sometime? Maybe Saturday?" He takes an uninterrupted 5-second stare at your chest.
"Maybe..." You draw it out like you're really considering it. "But, you see, I've got all this homework..." You draw out the word 'homework' like it's the most dreadful thing in the world.
"Hey! I know! I could come over to your house and help you with your homework! Is it chemistry? I'm really good at chemistry. Wait...is it math? I'm also really good at math. Or..."
"Jim! Jim! Stop!" He might go on all day if you don't stop him. You pull out an assignment sheet from English. Then, you stand really close to Jim so he can see it.
"Look at this. Ms Starkey wants us to write a 5-page paper on some stupid Shakespeare character...Ariel...I never even heard of. I thought Ariel was a Disney character!" Oh, the injustice of it all.
"OK. I can come over and help you write..." He's really trying hard to get into your home.
"Jim! That's not where I'm going with this. You see, I've got to...practice. I've got to practice for Glee Club." You look up at him and give him a high-powered smile from close range. "Jim...would you write it for me. Pleeeeeaase?" Just to top it off, you bat your eyelashes a few times.
"Uh...ok. Sure." At first, he doesn't sound too happy about it. But, then he perks up. "And then we can have a burger together!"
"Oh, thank you! You're awesome." You avoid saying anything that would commit you to sharing a meal with him, but somehow you doubt Jim will remember it that way. At least you've given him something else to do instead of bugging you all day.
Jim heads off to his next class.
Nothing else interesting happens at school today.
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]"We're there." Marcel makes a sweeping guesture toward the swamp. "This is it."
In the distance, you hear a boat motor. Everyone gets quiet as a mouse for a minute until the sound stops.
Your local guide looks at you with puzzlement. "What are you folks so afraid of?" I've given tours to city folk before, but they weren't as jumpy as you." He makes googly-eyes at you and goes "Wooooooooo....ooooo...the big bad witch is gonna get you!" He frowns when no one thinks he's funny.
"Anyway...look here!" He reaches up and grabs a vine with yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. Giving it a yank, he pulls a section free and hands it to Wyatt. "I think this is on that list of yours."
<img src="Images\Yellow Flower.jpg">
Wyatt pulls some apparatus out of his backpack and goes to work on the flowers. "Jacki? You should see this."
Go [[observe the process]].
Tell him you're [[not interested]] and visit with Marcel instead.Wyatt uses tweezers and a syringe to extract nectar from the flowers. Then, he adds it to a solution he had pre-mixed. "Just a drop of this mixes up to make 10 milliliters."
Then, he lets you do it. "How many spells can we cast with that?" you whisper.
"It depends, but that should be enough for a dozen spells." Wyatt wipes the sweat off his forehead. "The only problem is that this stuff only lasts about 3 months."
''Your voodoo skill has increased.(set: $VoodooSkill to it + 1)
New value: $VoodooSkill''
[[next->I'm done]]While Wyatt works on the flowers, you talk with Marcel and Patti.
"You look like an athlete, son." Marcel pays Patti a compliment.
Patti grins. "I run track...and play basketball."
"That's cool. You wouldn't know it from lookin at me..." Marcel grabs his belly, even though it's not that big. "...but I got invited to state to run the mile."
You try to join in. (if:$JackiInGlee is 1)["I'm in Glee Club."](else:)["I go to the gym sometimes."] But, they don't seem to care.
"The mile is hard." Patti empathizes. "It's too short for endurance runners and too long for sprinters."
You used to play football, but Marcel would never believe it, not in your current form. You try to join the conversation by talking about professional sports, but you mostly get ignored.
Wyatt finally leaves the yellow flowers. "[[I'm done]]." And, so it goes. You move along the overgrown trail, stopping every 5 or 10 minutes to gather bits and pieces of the flora. Wyatt also takes a couple of insects, the droppings of a panther, and the fur from a nutria nest.
"This is better than I'd hoped." Wyatt grins. "Marcel, you've certainly earned your pay today.
"I earn my pay <i>everyday</i>." He sounds offended.
"I'm sure you do. Anyway, I think we've got just about everything we needed." (if:$AlligatorHunting is 1)[Wyatt wipes the sweat off his face with the sleeve of his shirt. "...except for the white alligator."
Marcel kicks at the dirt with his boot, scrunches up his forehead and stares off into the swamp. "You cain't just find a ghost anytime you want one." (if:$Marcel > 1)[He looks at you and winks. "But, I ](else:)[He squints at Wyatt. "But, for a price...I] might have an idea. (if:$AvoidMarvanna is 1)[The only problem is, we'd have to go back on Marvanna's property.](else:)[If you're up for it.]"
"I really want those white alligator samples. [[Tell me!]]"
"I don't want to go anywhere near Marvanna. [[Let's head back now->Head back to the boat]]."](else:)[Wyatt motions for you and Patti to [[step aside for a talk]]].Marcel sits on a fallen log, lifts his baseball cap and runs his fingers through is sweaty black hair. 'Nice hair' pops into your mind.
"You see, being out here reminded me of another time when I was here. I was at this woman...Marvanna's...place once. That was...oh...maybe 4 or 5 years ago. I brought some city guy out to visit. He was crazy as a loon...said she was gonna help him with his love life." Marcel chuckles at the thought.
"I thought you had an idea where we could find a white alligator."
"I'm gettin to that part." He grins at you. It's not a bad smile. He doesn't have the rotten gap-tooth smile you might expect from a swamp dweller. "You see, these folk had one of those white gaters in a pen in their back yard...a big-un too."
He can see the look of disbelief on your face. "I'm not shittin you...serious as a heart attack."
Wyatt's eyes glaze over as he processes this new information. He mumbles under his breath "...makes sense...harvest parts...treat it like a farm animal..."
Marcel pulls a boot off and rubs his toes. Apparently he'd rather talk than walk. "Those girls...they lived in the swamp too long. Here they were almost teenagers and carrying around little baby alligators like they was Barbie dolls or something."
You hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.
Wyatt is still lost in thought, but Patti picks up the conversation with [[a question]]. (set:$NewIngredients to 1)(goto:"head back to the boat in silence and defeat")Realizing you don't have nearly as much strength as you did as a man, you take your time and concentrate on using good form. You rotate your hips, twist your shoulders, and put all your weight behind the punch.
(if:$Strength > 6)[Wow! All that time at the gym(if:$GabbiWorkoutPartner is 1)[ with Gabbi] pays off. You're ''stronger'' than you were when you first transformed into a woman. ](else:)[But, you're just not ''strong'' enough. ](if:$Strength > 9)[ Jim falls to the floor, completely unable to breathe. You take the folder and whisper in his ear "Don't mess with me or I will hurt you." (set:$PunchJimSuccess to 1)](elseif:$Strength > 6)[Well, an athlete like Patti would probably have laughed it off, but it's good enough to take down a bookworm like Jim. There's a loud 'whoosh' as all Jim's air gushes out. He slumps back against the wall, eyes wide, totally surprised. You pluck the folder from his hand and go into your classroom.(set:$PunchJimSuccess to 1)](else:)[Jim is skinny and you don't quite connect squarely. Your weak wrist twists on impact and the punch glances off a rib. He looks at you wide-eyed at first. Then, he laughs. "We can wrestle for it, if you want." You quickly walk away to class, totally embarrassed.(set:$PunchJimSuccess to 0)]
Nothing else interesting happens at school today.
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]You think about it for a minute. Chemistry is just about the most boring subject on earth. How much worse could it be with Jim? Plus, if you get that paper, it'll save you hours and hours of your free time. You could watch more videos!
"OK, deal. Where are we going?"
"This way!" Jim moves quickly down the hall, fitting his skinny body through the crowd with ease. You follow the best you can.
Finally, he opens a door and holds it for you to go through. Once inside, you realize this is where they teach drama and the theater club makes sets and constumes. Sometimes they use it for other classes too, but, at the moment, it's unoccupied.
"Look, Jim, I don't know what you..." You're going to set him straight right away.
"Don't worry Jacki! Chill. I just want to talk."
"OK. Whatever." You sit in one of the chairs. "What do you want to talk about?" You're guessing it's comic books. Or maybe the latest Marvel movie.
He sits backwards on the seat in front of you. "I [[need your help]]."(set:$AnnoyingBoySchoolEvent to it - 1)(set:$JimReportThinking to 1)You go on into your boring Chemistry class, facing the prospect that you'll have to write that damn five-page English report all by yourself.
Nothing else interesting happens at school today.
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]"Do you think she still has that white gater?" Patti asks.
"I dunno." Marcel shrugs.
Patti follows up with another question "Do you think she would sell us one of those white baby alligators?"
Marcel shakes his head. "Well, she don't live there no more. If anyone's gonna sell you a gater it'd have to be the old man."
Marcel seems to have all sorts of useful information. Every answer he gives, brings up more questions for you to ask. "What old man? Who is this old man?"
Marcel squints and stares at you, somewhat taken aback by your intensity. "Well, I don't exactly know who he is...husband...father...great uncle...just some guy that watches the place...who knows? I just know he stayed behind when Marvanna moved to the city."
The cypress shadows seem a bit darker than they were. If you want to get back to your SUV before dark, you'll need to get started soon.
What do you want to do?
See if they'll sell you a [[white alligator->approach the house]].
[[Quit while you're ahead->Head back to the boat]] and go back to the hotel before it gets too late.Wyatt whispers where Marcel can't hear. "I know you don't want to get caught hunting out of season but there's probably not a game warden within 20 miles. Maybe we could take some time and look for a white alligator?"
It's true you haven't seen another boat in a long time. Unlike most alligator poachers, you wouldn't need to transport the whole carcass to be processed. You just need a few samples to put in Wyatt's specimen bottles.
Wyatt can see you're thinking about it. "I don't see what's morally wrong with it. It's not illegal to kill alligators. We're just out of season, that's all."
"What happened to the man who wants to save the rain forest?" You counter.
That stops him for a second, but then he continues. "We're not cutting down trees, destroying environment, or killing an endangered species. We're not poaching rhinos on the Serengeti. We're not even going to make a habit out of killing alligators. We just need one...and it's to save our lives."
Ouch. He's got a point there. "What if we don't kill the alligator? Can we extract what we want without killing it?"
Wyatt thinks for a second. "Hmmmm....mostly. In fact, I think we can get 90% of what we need without killing the alligator."
"There's still a small problem...where are we going to find a white alligator?"
"Let's just tell Marcel we've changed our minds and see if he can help." Wyatt shrugs. "It can't hurt."
[[Talk to Marcel about what he knows]].You and Wyatt manage to persuade Patti to try for a white gater, or at least some gater parts. "If we get everything we need today, we won't have to come back tomorrow."
After another 10 minutes of walking, Patti asks "How far is it to the house?" as she steps carefully past a blackberry vine, trying and failing to avoid the thorns.
"Almost there."
As you get closer to your destination, the trail starts to open up. There's even a cross trail that you look down, but don't take. Overhead, it's difficult to tell how much of the gathering darkness is due to clouds and how much is due to the sun getting lower.
The sense of being watched is stronger here. Even Marcel is looking over his shoulder from time to time.
When you finally spot the shack (calling it a 'house' would be overly generous), you're underwhelmed. This is where the mighty voodoo queen used to live? It more like a small barn than a house.
<img src="Images\Swamp Shack.jpg">
Time to [[knock on the door]].Your mind immediately jumps in the gutter. "I'm not going to touch..."
"No!, no, no" Jim holds up his hands. "Not that!"
He looks so earnest. "Just hear me out, ok?" When you nod, he continues. "It's my
''This event series isn't finished yet''
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$HeightAdjective to "short")
(set:$HeightFeet to 5)
(set:$HeightInches to 3)
(set:$HairColor to "blonde")
(set:$BreastSize to "D-cup")
(set:$BreastAdjective to "big")
(set:$Shape to "athletic")
(set:$Empathy to 0)
(set: $Prettiness to 11)
(set:$FemaleAttraction to 10)
(set:$Strength to 3)
(set:$DickHandling to 5)
(set:$Intelligence to 6)
(set:$ShowHeader to 1)
(set:$MaleAttraction to 4)
(set:$CumBlocked to 1)
(set:$Willpower to 0)
(set:$Assertiveness to 0)
(set:$Dominance to 0)
(set:$Exhibitionism to 2)
(set:$Selfishness to 0)
(set:$Ruthlessness to 0)
(set:$Honesty to 0)
(set:$PussyFingering to 1)
(set:$BreastStimSkill to 1)
(display:"Calculate Weight")
(set:$SkippedChapter1 to "yes")
(set:$HadSex to 1)
(set:$SexWithWyatt to 0)
(set:$SexWithPatti to 1)
(set:$PCNoOrgasm to 1)
(set:$PattiSex to "male")
(set:$VoodooSkill to 3)
(set:$WaitTime to 999)
(goto:"Morning Activity") "'Create Lust' is really about controlling another person's emotions. Taking this to a higher level, you'd be able to read minds and create different emotions of varying intensity. I call this '<i>Mind Control</i>'. At the highest level, you could completely control another person." Professor Wyatt is lecturing you, but it's an interesting lecture.
"'Gust of Wind', on the other hand, is about influencing the forces of nature around you. Let's call this one '<i>Nature Control</i>'. We're talking about weather, growth, aging, gravity, combustion, temperature, etc. By taking this to a higher level, you'll be able to enhance or retard all sorts of natural phenomena...even make them run in reverse. At your understanding grows, you'll be able to create more powerful effects over a larger area." Wyatt finally pauses for a breath.
"OOohhh, that sounds really powerful. Could I lift a rock without touching it like Luke Skywalker? That would be affecting gravity, right?" Your voice gets squeaky when you're excited.
"Well, yes, as a matter of fact. You could even learn to levitate yourself and, with a good gust of wind, fly away." Wyatt makes a sweeping motion with his hand."
"On the other hand, your 'Card Magic' cantrip was an example of the most risky spells. This is the skill that's required to do things that are beyond any explanation with Newtonian physics." He holds up his hands far apart. "First, the card is here, then, in an instant it is there. This group of spells is more difficult to categorize, but I call it '<i>Metaphysics</i>'."
Wyatt's face is more serious now. "These are the most difficult and dangerous spells. At the intermediate level, you could use these spells to turn lead to gold, summon distant objects, or stop time. At the highest levels, a voodoo queen can use these spells to animate the dead, teleport, or even travel through time. These spells are often very dangerous to the caster, even at the intermediate level."
"Cool! [[I want to learn it all]]!" Just thinking about the power... It's enough to make your nipples hard!Wyatt smiles wisely. "Of course you want to learn it all. So do I. But, it's best to specialize at first. The three different groupings require three different sets of thought processes and terminology when communicating with the spirits. I'm sure you noticed that, even with the simple cantrips."
"Yeah, I noticed that." You know he's right. "So, I guess you're telling me I need to choose an area to specialize in?"
"Yes. And, just so you know, I've specialized in <i>metaphysics</i>. This was the skill I needed to instantly transform you into Patti's ideal woman."
"So? What difference does that make?"
"If you pick the same speciality I have, you might progress a little faster since I can help you. On the other hand, you won't be adding any new skills to our team." He always thinks things through.
"So, what do you want to learn?"
(link:"Mind Control")[(set:$VoodooSpeciality to "Mind Control")(goto:"Mind Control")]
(link:"Nature Control")[(set:$VoodooSpeciality to "Nature Control")(goto:"Nature Control")]
(link:"Metaphysics")[(set:$VoodooSpeciality to "Metaphysics")(goto:"Metaphysics")]Wyatt smiles broadly. "Excellent choice. Once you've learned mind control we'll be able to avoid trouble and get what we need without violence."
He spends the next couple of hours showing you what he's found and discussing how you might proceed with your learning. Since all Voodoo requires preparation, you need to decide what effect you want to have in advance.
For now, you and Wyatt have agreed that the logical next step is to read minds before you try to control them. This new spell, known as <i>read thoughts</i> should allow you to hear what a person is thinking. Of course, you'll get better results with practice. (set:$ReadThoughts to 1)
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]Wyatt smiles. "Very good. There are so many natural processes, the potential power of this specialty is limited only by your imagination."
He spends the next couple of hours showing you what he's found and discussing how you might proceed with your learning. Since all Voodoo requires preparation, you need to decide what effect you want to have in advance.
"Could I use this to grow my dick back? That seems like a natural process."
Wyatt looks uncomfortable. "Well, I suppose you could. But, then you'd be a woman with a dick. Is that what you want?"
"Hmmmm.... maybe not."
In so many ways it's better to be a complete natural woman than it would be to have your body stuck somewhere in between. "Can I use this to completely grow back into my old body?"
"I suppose that's theoretically possible." Wyatt allows. "But that would be an extremely difficult spell as you'd have to specify each and every body part. Maybe someday you could do that, but certainly not as a beginner."
That makes sense. "OK, but that's something I want to work toward."
"If that's what you want..." Wyatt still sounds skeptical. "Let me suggest that you start by modifying <i>other people's</i> bodies...just in case there's a mistake."
"I can use the same spell either way, right?"
"Yes. That's the way it works. Of course, you'll get better results with more practice."
After some more preparation, you've got a basic understanding of how to make changes to the human body. This new spell is called <i>modify body</i>. You can't wait to practice.(set:$ModifyBody to 1)
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]
old version. I hate to delete what I've written:
, so let's start with me casting a spell to modify my body."
"Like what? Do you want to be taller? Or maybe, you want to be more muscular?"
"Well, so long as I have to be a girl...can I make these bigger?" You lift your breasts, one in each hand.
Wyatt swallows hard. "Bigger? They're perfect right now."
"What about it? Can I change my boob size, or not?"
"I suppose...Of course, you'll get better results with more practice."
After some more preparation, you're pretty sure you can change your boob size to be whatever you want. This new spell is called <i>modify breasts</i>. You can't wait to practice.(set:$ModifyBreasts to 1)
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]
-->The flicker of a frown darkens Wyatt's face for a moment and he sighs heavily. "Very well. I'll do my best to help you, even though I really don't see the point in having both of us learning the same material."
He spends the next couple of hours showing you what he's found and discussing how you might proceed with your learning. Since all Voodoo requires preparation, you need to decide what effect you want to have in advance.
"Time stop! Ever since I saw The Matrix, I always wanted to be able to do that. Remember when Neo leans back and dodges the slow-motion bullets? That would be so awesome!"
Wyatt works with you on the preparations. After some more work, you're pretty sure you can <i>slow time</i> to a crawl. Of course, you'll get better results with more practice. You can't wait to give it a try.(set:$SlowTime to 1)
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$BoyTeaseSchoolEvent to it + 1)(if:$BoyTeaseSchoolEvent is 1)[School is sooooo boring. What to do?
You notice that most of the other girls like to tease the boys. Sure, you get your own share of looks, but you'd get more if you dressed a little differently.
(if:$Exhibitionism > 2)[Once the idea popped into your **exhibitionist** head, there was no way you could not do it. Just thinking about how much teasing you could do made your pussy *hot*!
[[Wear sexy clothes to school]].](elseif:$Exhibitionism > 0)[Your **exhibitionist** nature is seriously tempted! You could have some real fun teasing the boys with this body.
[[Wear sexy clothes to school->Wear sexy clothes to school]].
Keep things as they are, (link:"dress normally")[(set:$BoyTeaseSchoolEvent to it - 1)(goto:"Evening Activity")] and avoid any drama at school.](else:)[You aren't much of an exhibitionist, but the idea does cross your mind... If you wanted to, you could [[wear sexy clothes to school->Wear sexy clothes to school]] and tease the boys.
Or, you could keep things as they are, (link:"dress normally")[(set:$BoyTeaseSchoolEvent to it - 1)(goto:"Evening Activity")] and avoid any drama at school.]](elseif:$BoyTeaseSchoolEvent is 2)[(if:$ProvocativeSchoolClothes is not 1)[Yes...you promised not to violate the school dress code. But, it was so much fun! Maybe you'd like to do it again?
[[Yes->Dress Sexy]].
(link:"No. I just want a boring day at school.")[(set:$BoyTeaseSchoolEvent to it - 1)(goto:"Evening Activity")]](else:)[(goto:"Time for Class 2")]](else:)[You tease some boys at school, but nothing too outrageous happens.
(link:"Next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]]You ditch the bra, wear something thin over your sexy teenage tits, and something tight that'll show off your $Shape ass and legs... (set:$ProvocativeSchoolClothes to 1)
Looking in the mirror, you're reasonably sure school will be less boring today!
(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[This is a different kind of exhibitionism from anything you've done before. This isn't some anonymous encounter with random strangers. And, it's not modeling clothes for friends in the privacy of your own apartment. This is a whole new level.]
**Exhibitionism increased(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**
(if:$Exhibitionism > 5)[*You're exhibitionism has increased to the point where you might not be able to resist the urge to show your body in some circumstances. It just feels so exhilerating...so exciting...it leaves you breathless and wet. It's a feeling you want again and again.*
]When you get to school, every eye is on your hot legs as you walk down the hall, firm $BreastSize breasts bouncing slightly. So many eyes! Your nipples pucker just a bit as your thin shirt slides over your bare breasts.
[[Time for class]].First hour is History with Ms. Peabody. She frowns when she sees how you're dressed, but she doesn't say anything.
"Hey hotstuff!" That was Anthony, point guard on the basketball team.
"Lookin' good!" That's Robert, one of the 'bad boys'.
"You <i>know</i> the dress code requires a <i>bra</i>!" Says Felicity, the fat girl.
You just smile at all of them. This is more fun than usual. Then, the bell rings and Ms. Peabody gets started on her lesson.
After about 15 minutes, you start to get bored again. So, you take your pencil and you 'innocently' let the eraser bump against your right nipple...and again...and again...and then the left nipple. Soon, you've got an eye-catching set of pokies on display.
<img src="Images\Pokies2.jpg">
Glancing around slyly, you see there are four or five boys who can see what you're doing and they can't look away. You turn sideways in your seat and stretch your arms over your head in a fake yawning motion like you just can't stay awake. Of course, that gives half the class a great view of your braless, hard-nippled tits.
You quickly turn back around and bend over your book as Ms. Peabody looks your way. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Anthony's got a boner. You grin mischievously.
History class is over. A few of the boys take a long time to gather up their books. That was fun!
[[Next Class]].As you're walking to your next class, Crystal comes up beside you.
<img src="Images\Crystal Face.jpg">
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Going to Algebra." You play dumb.
"You *know* that's not what I'm talking about!" She seems angry.
"What?" You're wearing your 'innocent' face.
"You're dressed like...like...a stripper!" She splutters.
You look down at your hot body, then back at Crystal, and shrug your shoulders. "Yeah, maybe. So?"
That really sets her off. "This does *not* reflect well on the Glee Club. *AND*, if I catch Billy looking at you, I'm going to pull every last hair out of your head! Do you understand?" Her face is turning red.
There's no sense in making an enemy. Maybe you can calm her down. "Relax, Crystal. I promise not to touch your precious Billy. I just got bored and thought I'd stir up some...excitement."
She stares into your eyes. "Don't lie to me." After an intense couple of seconds, she seems to relax just a little. "I'll be watching you." Then, she stomps off, still agitated.
[[Algebra]]In Algebra class, things go much the same way. You let your skirt ride up until your panties are on display. Luckily you sit behind one of the football team's offensive tackles, so the teacher can't really see you.
The boy sitting to your right leans over and says "Hi! I'm Bill".
Seriously? What are the odds? "You're Billy? Crystal's boyfriend?"
His eyes get a little bigger. "Uh...yeah. I guess. I mean...yes. Call me 'Bill' though. OK?"
The girl sitting behind him slaps him on the shoulder. "Billy! What the fuck are you doing? Crystal will scratch your eyes out."
"I'm just saying 'hi'. Geeez. Calm down." He turns to face her. "Jade...don't tell Crystal, OK? I just said 'hi'."
"You don't want that one." Who said that? Oh, a girl to your left. "He belongs to Crystal and she's a total fucking psycho."
[[Time for lunch]].You're a senior with a driver's license. You own your own car. You'd think you could hop in and go get a decent burger or something. But, noooooo. Not in high school. They seriously treat you like you're 10. The campus is closed during school hours...no students in or out without special permission. This place is like prison!
The first day, you didn't mind the cafeteria so much. It wasn't great, but it wasn't completely awful either. Then, the second day, the food tasted exactly like the first. In fact, every day tastes the same.
<img src="Images\Maria Lunch.jpg">
You spot Maria and decide to [[sit with her->Sit with Maria]].Rather than sit alone and face the endless line of boys trying to ask you out, you decide to sit with Maria and a few of her friends. As a Glee Club member, you're welcome in this group.
"Hey Jacki!" They smile at you as you take a seat. "Damn, you look hot today. What's the occasion?" One of the girls says.
(if:$Bored is not 1 and $TakeBF is not 1)[(link:"Tell them you were bored")[(set:$Bored to 1)(goto:"Sit with Maria")]
(link:"Make a joke: 'I thought I'd take your boyfriend'.")[(set:$TakeBF to 1)(goto:"Sit with Maria")]](elseif:$Bored is 1)[You shrug. "I just got bored and thought I'd stir things up."
"Oh, you're stirring things up alright. My boyfriend came out of your algebra class with some serious wood."
You giggle. "You're welcome." Come on girls, that was funny.](elseif:$TakeBF is 1)[You shrug. "Oh, I just thought I'd seduce your boyfriend. You wouldn't mind that, would you?" That was your 'joking' voice.
Oooh. She didn't like that. Sparks fly from her eyes. What's her name? Tanya? She's a pretty black girl.
"Easy there. I was just kidding." Geez, these girls are touchy about their boyfriends. Was it that way when you were in school?](if:$TakeBF is 1 or $Bored is 1)[
"Hey, why don't you girls show some extra skin too? Maybe we could get class cancelled on account of boners?" You try to make jokes and fit in, but it feels really awkward so you concentrate on your food instead. You have no idea what girls talk about at lunch. Maybe you should just shut up and listen next time.
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]
]Ideas for development of the magic system
Disciplines: (Relative Difficulty)
- Mind Control
-- Emotions
-- Lust (1)
-- Fear (1)
-- Love (3)
-- Greed (1)
-- Hate (2)
-- Torpor/Sleep (2)
-- Thoughts
-- Read (1)
-- Motor (3)
-- Speech (4)
-- Memories
-- Read (2)
-- Erase (2)
-- Plant (3)
-- Modify (4)
- Nature Control
-- Elemental
-- Earth
-- Quakes (3)
-- Volcano (4)
-- Crevasse (3)
-- Air
-- Wind (1)
-- Storm (2)
-- Lightning (1)
-- Suffocate (3)
-- Fire
-- Ignite (1)
-- Fuel (1)
-- Heat only (2)
-- Water
-- Condense (1)
-- Flow (1)
-- Freeze (2)
-- Animal (Specialize by land/sea/air)
-- Summon (1)
-- Charm (1)
-- Command (2)
-- Multiply (3)
-- Empower (3)
-- Plant
-- Animate (2)
-- Growth (1)
-- Death (1)
-- Human
-- Age (3)
-- Health (1)
-- Fitness (2)
-- Appearance (1)
- Metaphysics
-- Teleport
-- Objects (1)
-- Animals (2)
-- People (3)
-- The Dead
-- Speak of the past (1)
-- Command information (3)
-- Bring back to life (4)
-- Compel obedience (4)
-- Time
-- Change speed +/- (1)
-- See the future (2)
-- See the past (1)
-- Scrying
-- Clairvoyance (1)
-- Clairaudience (1)
-- Speak across distances (1)
-- Appear across distances (2)
-- Voodoo over distances (3)
Your Health teacher, Mr. Fundaro, is handing back papers today. Health class is a joke. All the jocks take it to pad their GPA so they can stay eligible for sports. You and some of the other girls took it because you wanted an easy class.
This Fundaro guy is also an assistant football coach, so he makes sure the football players get A's no matter what. He's a big, athletic, guy with a latin accent...tall, dark, and handsome according to the girls.
Anyway, he throws your paper on your desk and keeps going. (set:$T to $Day - $HomeworkDay)(if:$T > 3)[You got an 'F'! No fucking way! The hardest part of that assignment was filling in the date.
(if:$Fundaro is 0)[You open it up to see what you missed. (if:$FailingHealth is 0)[He counted off your matching questions because the directions said to use a 'straight' line and yours was freehanded squiggly. Seriously?!? Your old teachers used to give you the benefit of the doubt on things like that.
He counted off some of your fill-in-the-blank answers because he couldn't read your handwriting. Well, that's not entirely your fault. It's hard to write with these tiny little hands!
And, you apparently 'forgot' to answer some questions at the end. What were you thinking? You should have been paying closer attention. Plus, those were the really hard ones. ](else:)[Just like last time, he graded your work very harshly. There's no way you really deserve an 'F'. Sure, you haven't studied much, but you know enough about health to get at least a 'C'. Right?]](elseif:$Fundaro is 1)[You should have seen this coming. You should have studied more. Once you start 'buying' grades with your body, he's not going to let you off the hook. He probably wants you to come to his office and beg for a passing grade.
]An 'F' is bad news. You could end up in after-school study hall. Your 'parents' could get called in. School counselors could start looking at your previous school records and try to call your old teachers. Not good.
(if:$Fundaro is 0)[Maybe Fundaro will give you credit for the squiggly lines. Maybe he can give you extra credit work. You could decide to [[go talk to him]] before going to lunch.](else:)[You have a few options:
You can (link:"ignore the bad grade")[(if:$FailingHealth is 0)[(set:$FailingHealth to $Day)(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"Failing Health")]] and hope nothing bad happens. Maybe you'll have this whole voodoo thing straightened out before the school gets around to caring about your grades? You shouldn't count on that, though.
(if:$ToldPrincipal is 1)[You already tried to get the principal involved and that didn't work out very well at all.](else:)[You could [[go tell the principal]] what Fundaro is doing. If that person is conscientious about their job, they'll look into it and maybe even fire the coach.]
Or, you could [[go see Fundaro]] and maybe threaten him with a lawsuit or criminal charges or something. This is the #metoo era and men are considered guilty until proven innocent. Right?]
](else:)[You got (either:"an 'A'", "a 'B'"). Cool! (if:$Fundaro > 0)[You won't be needing to go see Mr. Fundaro today.]
You lay your paper out on your desk where anyone can look over and see your grade. Oh yeah, read it and weep! You are killing it!]
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]<img src="Images\Fundaro in a suit.jpg">
Why is he wearing a suit to teach high school?
"Mr. Fundaro? I'd like to talk to you about my test." You try to sound polite and respectful. It's been a long time. That's not something millionaire playboys worry about.
"Yes? What about it." His tone is brusque, but his eyes are definitely checking you out.
"You see, on these matching questions, I didn't get any points because my lines..." You lean over and show him the test.
His eyes are on your cleavage instead of the test. "I remember. I couldn't tell which question connected to which answer. So, they are all wrong."
"No 'buts'. They are all wrong."
Wow. He's not even willing to discuss it. Time for plan 'B'. "Mr. Fundaro, I really need to get a good grade in this class. Is there anything I can do for extra credit?" You smile and try to look pretty.
"Extra credit? Like what did you have in mind?" At least he's not being so abrupt.
"I could..." your mind races. Don't offer something so big it's worse than detention and don't offer something so small he'll tell you to get out. "...I could write a report on the dangers of processed sugar?" You craftily fail to promise any particular page count.
He makes a dismissive 'pffft' sound. "Reports bore me. Give me something with more <i>spiiiice</i>." He draws the word 'spice' out and gestures to give it emphasis. He sounds like Ricardo Montalban (Khan in Star Trek II). "Give me something more <i>exciiiiiting</i>!"
Spice? Exciting? What does that mean? While you're thinking about it, you notice that he's staring holes in your shirt. Seriously? Is that a hint?
(link:"Take your 'F' and go home.")[(set:$FailingHealth to $Day)(goto:"Evening Activity")]
[[See if you can exploit his lust to get a better grade.->Exploit Fundaro's Lust]]You lean over his desk, giving him a close up, front row view of your 'girls'. "Mr. Fundaro..." your voice drips with honey "...are you sure there's nothing I can do to get a better grade?"
(display:"Show Cleavage")
He doesn't even glance at your eyes. "As a matter of fact, we might possibly be able to work something out."
"It's so hot in here." This must be what it feels like to be a cheap porn actress. "What if I took my shirt off for minute to cool off? Do you think that might help my grade?"
"Seriously Miss? I can see breasts on the internet any time I want." His hands are nervously toying with a pencil on his desk. "You'll have to do better than that."
He's bluffing. You know what it's like to be on the other side of this conversation. Real life titties are way better than internet titties. But, he's got pride, so you decide to compromise a little. "What if I take off my bra too?"
He hesitates. He looks around. The door is closed and the blinds are drawn. He licks his lips. Finally, he looks you in the eye and nods. "Deal."
You give him his money's worth. You sloooowwwly remove your blouse, turning side to side so he can see you from every angle. His eyes are like saucers when you unfasten the bra and let it fall away.
(display:"Naked Breast Image")
He grins like a wolf. "So beautiful! (if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[So perky and firm!](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[A nice size for a young girl.](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[Quite large and yet still amazingly firm.](else:)[Madre de Dios, they are huge!] Wonderful!"
(if:$Exhibitionism < 1)[Showing your body like this is exciting. You can feel a slight tingle in your pussy. Maybe you like this.](elseif:$Exhibitionism < 5)[So now you're teasing teachers. Showing your body comes more naturally for you now...and it feels exciting!](else:)[Exposing yourself for an authority figure...using your body to get what you want... the sudden burst of excitement and arousal is quite intense!]
**Exhibitionism increased (set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**
When Mr. Fundaro looks like he might try to get up and come around the desk, you quickly replace your clothes and exit. (set:$Fundaro to it + 1)
(link:"End of school day.")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]After class, you head to the cafeteria for lunch. Then, it's time for Chemistry.
As you're about to enter the classroom, you see Ms. Luttwak's administrative assistant. She beckons to you. "Please come with me."
"What? Why? I'll be late for Chemistry."
"That's not your concern right now. Come with me."
Geez, that sounds ominous. So, you follow the pudgy little secretary.
**Ending #10
For now, consider this a 'bad end'.
The school has attempted to contact your last school. They've never heard of you. So, you're being reported to the authorities for school enrollment fraud. You're expelled and you're going to need a lawyer. **
Instead of going to lunch, you go looking for the principal. You finally find her office.
"Hello. I'm here to see Ms. Luttwak...the principal."
The administrative assistant looks up from her computer screen and adjusts her thick glasses so she can see you better. "Hello. Please have a seat. I'll call you when Ms. Luttwak is ready for you."
So, you sit. It's not a bad seat. You stare at the walls.
15 minutes goes by. You walk back up to the desk. "About how long do you think before Ms. Luttwak can see me?"
"I really couldn't say. I'll call you." As you walk away, she gives you the same smile the flight attendants do when you get off the airplane...the smile that says <i>I'll be glad when you're gone</i>.
Another 15 minutes go by. Your stomach is rumbling. You're going to miss all of lunch. There's nothing to do here...no phone, no TV, no people.
[[Keep waiting]].
[[go see Fundaro]].<img src="Images\Fundaro light beard.jpg">
No suit today. He looks a lot younger when he hasn't shaven...like a movie star maybe...
"Yes? How can I help you?"For a second, your mind wandered, but his question brings you back to your purpose. "I need you to change my grade on that last paper."
(if:$Fundaro < 2)["Of course you do." He keeps smiling.
"Will you change it?" I'm not desperate...I'm not desperate...
"Perhaps." He shrugs. "Perhaps not."
"Are you trying to blackmail me into stripping for you? Is that it?" Your voice gets a little louder.
"Please. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do." He spreads his hands in an open and non-threatening way. "You may earn your grades the same as any other student."
What do you want to do?
[[Threaten him with lawyers]].
Let's just [[show him the tits]] and get out of here.](elseif:$Fundaro is 2)["Excellent! I'm glad you care so much about...your grades." He keeps smiling.
"Look, I've been really busy lately. I don't have time to read that stupid 20 year-old book. I have important things going on right now." Why are you explaining this to him?
"Of course you do! I'm sure you have many texts to send, fingernails to paint, and boyfriends to tease." He mocks you.
"No, that's not it." You hide your fingernails. Somehow, they stay painted the same bright color, no matter what you do. Grrr...stupid voodoo spell. "Look, Fundaro..."
"That's <i>Mister</i> Fundaro, to you." He interupts.
You take a deep breath and count to three. It won't help to yell at him. "Mr. Fundaro, I'm not an airhead..." And then you stop. What does it matter anyway? You don't need him to respect you; just give you a passing grade.
"Nevermind..." You sigh. By now, you both know [[what you're here for]].](else:)[You give him the same service as last time. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. Thankfully, he didn't escalate.(set:$Fundaro to it + 1)
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]]So, you keep waiting. Finally, with just 15 minutes left before your next class, Ms. Luttwak walks in the front door! She wasn't even in her office. Your eyes shoot daggers at the administrative assistant, but she ignores you. Being a student sucks.
The Principal is a middle-aged (mid-40's) woman with pale skin and dark brown hair. She's wearing a pant-suit that's too tight on her slightly over-stuffed frame.
"Hello, Ms. Luttwak, I need to talk to you about something important."
She smiles broadly. "Of course, my dear. Come into my office and let's talk about it."
Enter [[Principal Luttwak's Office]]."You goddam son of a bitch! How dare you prey on young girls like me!? I'm going to have a team of lawyers up your ass so far you won't be able to shit until Christmas!" It would probably sound more threatening if it wasn't coming from a $PlayerWeight-pound teenage girl.
At first, he seems startled and disoriented. But then, he smiles and shrugs. "Please. I'm just a poor public servant, trying to teach the leaders of tomorrow. I've done nothing wrong."
"This!" You shriek, holding up your 'F' paper. "This!"
He chuckles. "Miss Jacki, if every student I gave a bad grade to sued me with lawyers, I would have no time to teach class." (set:$ThreatenedToSue to 1)
"It's not just the grades...you traded grades for seeing me naked!" There. That's the part that could get him fired.
He arches his eyebrows. "So, you don't wish to continue our arrangement?"
What do you want to do? You can't really send the lawyers against him. Your secrets would come out.
You could (link:"ignore the bad grade")[(if:$FailingHealth is 0)[(set:$FailingHealth to $Day)(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"Failing Health")]] and hope nothing bad happens. Maybe you'll have this whole voodoo thing straightened out before the school gets around to caring about your grades.
Or, you could [[show him the tits]]. You've done it before, so it's no big deal, right?Here you are, alone with your health teacher, preparing to show him your tits so he'll give you a better grade. (if:$ToldPrincipal is 1)[You told the principal what he was doing, but she didn't believe you.](if:$ThreatenedToSue is 1)[ You (if:$ToldPrincipal is 1)[even ]threatened to sue him, but he called your bluff.] (if:$ThreatenedToSue is 1 and $ToldPrincipal is 1)[You've tried everything you can think of (except doing your homework) so now you're out of options.](elseif:$ThreatenedToSue is 1 or $ToldPrincipal is 1)[Now, you've decided to just give in and give the man what he wants.](else:)[(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[Maybe it's your exhibitionist nature, or maybe you just like](else:)[You're not much of an exhibitionist, so you're probably just]] taking the easy way out. (if:$ToldPrincipal is not 1 or $ThreatenedToSue is not 1)[You never did like doing your homework.]
You give him the same show as last time. You slowly remove your blouse, turning side to side so he can see you from every angle. His eyes get big when you unfasten the bra and let it fall away.
(display:"Naked Breast Image")
He grins like a wolf. "So beautiful! (if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[So perky and firm!](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[A nice size for a young girl.](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[Quite large and yet still amazingly firm.](else:)[Madre de Dios, they are huge!] Wonderful!"
(if:$Exhibitionism < 1)[](elseif:$Exhibitionism < 3)[You feel a familiar spark of heat from showing off your body.](else:)[You're such an exhibitionist! Just this small show was enough to start your juices flowing.] (if:$Exhibitionism > 1)[Does he notice your nipples have perked and your face is flushed?]
You start to put your bra back on.
"But..." he says "...it is not enough."
What do you think?
Eh... You're in this willingly. You get a kick out of showing off and it's way easier than studying. [[Give him a little more]].
You are not happy at all. This jerk is using his position to prey on innocent high school girls. Plus... [[He made a deal]]!
Homework is incredibly boring...even worse than school. It's hard to concentrate. You could be watching sports or messing with your friends or...anything else would be more interesting.
But, you need to do it to keep your cover intact. So, tonight, you're doing homework. (set:$HomeworkDay to $Day)
You're nearly as good at schoolwork as you thought you were but, if you continue to do you homework, you won't get in trouble with the teachers.
[[next->End of Day]] Your eyes glare at him with all the fury you can muster while you step out of your clothes and lay them on the guest chair. When it's time for your panties, you hesitate. Maybe he'll let you keep them on?
"Turn around...slowly." His voice croaks, suddenly hoarse.
You comply with resignation.
(display:"Show ass to Fundaro")
You (if:$Exhibitionism > 3)[hesitate for a moment. You're pussy is on fire. Why is it over? What are you thinking? Then, you ]quickly dress and [[run out of his office]].
leftover text to use somewhere else:
"What else do you want?" You ask. This jerk could ruin the whole plan if he tips off the school that you and your 'brother' Patrick aren't legally enrolled.
"Not so much really. I just want to...carefully...gently...touch those magnificent breasts...just for one minute...that is all." He makes it sound like he's asking to pet a puppy.
-->(set:$FundaroStyle to "willing")You give him a shy smile as you slowly, teasingly step out of your clothes and lay them on the guest chair. You hesitate after each garment as if you might say 'enough'. But, then you continue.
"Turn around...slowly." His voice croaks, suddenly hoarse.
You comply, covering your pussy or your nipples as best you can.
(display:"Show ass to Fundaro")
You (if:$Exhibitionism > 3)[hesitate for a moment. You're pussy is on fire. What are you thinking? Then, you ]quickly dress and [[run out of his office]].(set:$FundaroStyle to "forced")"What?!? We have a deal, you son of a bitch!" You practically spit at him.
"I am altering the deal." He says in a sinister voice. "Pray I don't alter it any further."
Did he just quote Darth Vader at you? Is he joking? "Look...I'm not going to..." You're backing away toward the door, hiding your breasts, slipping your arms back through the bra straps.
"Take off all your clothes." He commands. "Now!"
How will you respond?
(link:"Get out now while you still can.")[(if:$FailingHealth is 0)[(set:$FailingHealth to $Day)(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"Failing Health")]] To hell with your grade. You can drop out of school. Patti too. You're not going to submit to this arrogant football coach / health teacher.
[[Let him see]] your body. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[It's not like you don't want to.(if:$Exhibitionism > 2)[ Just thinking about it makes your heart beat faster](if:$Exhibitionism > 4)[ and your pussy hot]. Plus,] Fundaro has you trapped. If you don't do this, the school is certain to find out you've enrolled under false pretenses.Fundaro smiles broadly, pleased with your obedience. "Take off your panties too."
(display:"Ass Image") (set:$Fundaro to it + 1)
<img src="Images\Fundaro smiling.jpg">
And, when you're completely naked, he wants to savor the view. "Turn around."
You turn your back and show him your $Shape ass.
"Bend over."
You know what he wants. You lock your knees and bend at the waist, giving him a perfect view of your ass and pussy. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[The more you show off, the hotter you get.] (if:$Exhibitionism > 2)[You can feel your wetness. Can he see? That would be so embarrassing!]
"Slap your ass."
You give yourself a little smack on the butt. (if:$Shape is "thin")[You're so trim and lean, there's hardly any movement at all.](elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[Even though it's well-rounded, you're quite fit, so there's very little jiggle.](elseif:$Shape is "shapely")[It's a very feminine and well-rounded ass, so there's a bit of jiggle for him to enjoy.](else:)[It's the ass of a woman, not a little girl...well-padded and nicely shaped.] You're quite proud of it. Does he like it? You wonder if he's getting hard...
After a moment of hesitation, you give it firmer smack that sounds quite loud in the quiet confines of Fundaro's office. It also stings a little and no doubt turns your skin pink. (if:$Exhibitionism > 2)[Surely he can see your wetness now?] (if:$Exhibitionism > 4)[You fight back the urge to touch yourself.]
This is getting weird...but you comply. You look back between your knees, trying to see him. You can't see his face because of his desk. But, you can see his legs...spread apart...and his trousers pushed down below his knees. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[The realization that he's jacking off while looking at you sends a fresh surge of arousal straight to your clit.]
After a few moments, he says quietly: "You can leave now. Your grade will be changed."You pause for a minute in the hallway. Your face is flushed, your clothes askew, your breath comes fast. People are staring at you. Of course, people always stare at you, but you wonder...do they know what you've been doing? (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[Your pussy aches to be stroked right now, but that's because you're an exhibitionist. Right? It's not because you enjoyed submitting. Right? Or...]
Did you enjoy submitting to Fundaro's demands?
(link:"Yes")[Yes. It was hot! It definitely turned you on. You can see where playing the sub might be interesting to try in the future.
''Submissiveness increased(set:$Submissiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Submissiveness'']
(link:"End of school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]Last time you were in Fundaro's office, (if:$FundaroStyle is "forced")[you offered at least a tiny bit of resistance, at first(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[. But, the exhibitionist in you enjoyed it.]](else:)[you went along with whatever Fundaro wanted(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[, and enjoyed every bit of it]]. (if:$Submissive > 0)[Thinking about it, remembering how it felt to be ordered around, maybe you enjoyed that. It was kind of hot to pretend you're a helpless teenage girl being taken advantage of.]
"Same as last time?" You ask.
"We can start with that." He says ominously.
You ignore the innuendo and go through your stiptease routine. Eventually, you're stark naked. You pose and turn and slap your ass a few times. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[You enjoy showing your body. (if:$Exhibitionism> 2)[It makes you hot.]]
Fundaro's face turns red. You wonder if he's jacking off again. Are you getting him so turned on he can't help himself? You wonder how big his dick is.
"Touch yourself." He commands.
"What? What do you mean?" You know what he means, don't you?
"Touch your breasts. Make your nipples hard." He licks his lips.
Another escalation. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is going. He's going to push you farther and farther until....? Where will you draw the line?
(set:$T to $Exhibitionism + $Submissiveness - $Willpower)(if:$T < 5)[You still have the willpower to (link:"say no")[(if:$FailingHealth is 0)[(set:$FailingHealth to $Day)(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"Failing Health")]] and leave. But, that's not what your body is telling you. Your body wants you to touch it. Hopefully you'll get your old body back before this thing with Fundaro goes too far.](else:)[Not here. Not now. It's too late. Your (if:$Submissiveness > 0)[combination of <i>exhibitionism</i> and <i>submissiveness</i>](else:)[<i>exhibitionist</i> nature] has reached the point where you can't always control yourself. The excitement is like a drug. It feels too good to stop.] Plus, you know your nipples will feel soooo good if you [[touch them]].(if:$T < 5)[You've decided to go along with](else:)[You're unable or unwilling to resist the urge to comply with] Fundaro's orders. Your hands cup and lift your $BreastAdjective firm tits. You lean over the desk so that you're just inches from his face. He's sweating and he smells...good?
While cupping your left breast, you pluck at the nipple with your right hand. You pull it and twist it and pinch it just the way you like it best. Somehow, it feels even better when someone is watching. The poor nipple was erect to begin with, but now it's cherry red.
Fundaro's lips pucker and he leans forward, but you dance away just before he can suckle your nipple. You wag a finger at him "no, no, no..." and go back to dancing.
"Touch your...pussy!" His voice croaks and cracks. He sounds out of breath.
You give him a saucy look, stick out your bottom lip and shake your head.
"Now!" He commands forcefully. "Touch your pussy...now!"
(if:$Submissiveness > 0)[His powerful command sends a shudder of pleasure through your body. You liked that. Maybe you can provoke him just a bit more...](else:)[He's really escalating with the commands. Maybe you can get him to back off...] "Mister Fundaro, maybe this is far enough..."
"No, you insignificant little tease. I'll decide when it's far enough." His voice is clear now...powerful, controlled, irresistable. "This is your last chance. I won't tell you again."
You bend over and show him your ass again. This time, instead of slapping it, you run a finger down your crack and across your pussy, drawing wetness to the front...to your clit. You do it three times, wiggling your ass in pleasure.
Do you like being treated like the plaything of a powerful man? Does it turn you on? (link:"Yes.")[Absolutely, it does. Compared to your tiny body, this man is immensely powerful. You're naked, exposed, helpless, and completely at his mercy. Your value lies in his lust for your body...and your ability to satisfy his demands. Just thinking about it makes you shiver with excitement.
**Submissiveness has increased(set:$Submissiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Submissiveness**]
[[next->climax]]Fundaro is grunting rhythmically. You hear a 'bang' as something smacks into his desk. He's cumming. Will he make a mess on himself? You smile at the thought. It's only fair. You're pussy is soaked right now.
You stand back up and turn toward him. His face is red and sweaty. The veins on his neck are standing out. He tries, and fails, to control his breathing. Instead, eyes wide, he blows air out his nose like a bull about to charge. And then it's over. He slumps down in his chair seemingly just half the man he was a minute ago.
"Leave now." He sounds weak and tired. (set:$Fundaro to it + 1)
He may be a 'dominant' person, but you're in control...so far. You take a tissue and wipe your pussy. Then, you dress and leave as quickly as possible.
You're miserable for the rest of the day. You really need a cum, but there's just no opportunity.
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")] (set:$PracticeSlowTime to it + 1)(set:$SlowTime to it + 1)Of course, this spell doesn't really slow time. It actually speeds you up so that everything else seems to happen in slow motion. With enough speed, you'll be moving so fast they won't even see you.
(if:$PracticeSlowTime is 1)[Where to test this... You step out onto a city sidewalk. People are rushing by. Traffic is light and moving quickly today. A plane flies overhead. Pigeons looking for crumbs scurry aside as you approach.
You cast the spell...and everything is exactly as you imagined it would be. Pedestrians don't even appear to be moving. The cars, probably moving around 35 miles per hour before the spell, are now moving at a very slow walk. It's hard to judge the plane's speed, but it does seem to be taking longer to fly by.
You bend over and pick up a pigeon. It doesn't even react at first. You set it on a newspaper stand and step back. In ultra-slow motion, you see the pigeon gradually move into a panic and begin to fly, leaving feathers in its wake.
You walk along the sidewalk, moving between people who don't even register your presence. And, of course, what's the one thing that every young man wants to do with a time stop spell? You find a pretty girl and squeeze her breast.
Of course, being in a woman's body, you get to do that anytime you want. And, truth be told, your tits feel nicer than these.
And then she slaps you!
"What do you think you're doing?!? Pervert!" She yells and walks away. If you were a man, she would have probably called the police.
An observer, a heavy guy, lifts up his man-boob. "You can squeeze mine anytime, sweetie."
You give him a 'drop dead' look and hurry away.
There needs to be some kind of warning when this <i>slow time</i> spell is about to expire!](elseif:$PracticeSlowTime is 2)[When you stop to think about it, the physics just don't add up. If you're really moving that fast, you would have tremendous momentum. You would have a hard time turning corners. Bumping into something would be violent. You should be able to jump really far, if you're moving so fast people can't see you...right? You should feel more wind on your face when you walk.
But, you test the limits and it doesn't work that way. The whole world seems perfectly normal to you...except for how slow things move. Whatever is going on here, it's outside anything Newton or Einstein could explain. Maybe that's why they call it 'metaphysics'.
](elseif:$PracticeSlowTime is 3)[You time yourself with a wristwatch. If you <i>slow time</i> as much as possible, you get about 10 minutes to do what you want. You program your watch so you can get an alarm at 9 minutes with the push of a button. You also learn how to end the spell whenever you want...no need to wait for the full 10 minutes.
You've mastered the *slow time* spell.(set:$SlowTimeMastered to 1)(display:"Update Mastery")
](else:)[You continue to practice your <i>slow time</i> spell, but you don't learn anything new.
](link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$ControlArousalPractice to it + 1)(set:$ControlArousal to it + 1)(if:$ControlArousalPractice is 1)[You can't help but feel giddy as you head out to test your new spell. As a man, you felt like your partners put all the responsibility for good sex on you. If the sex wasn't great, it was your fault. You cum too soon? Your fault. Can't get it up? Your fault. She doesn't orgasm? Your fault.
If this spell works as planned, you'll never have that problem again. Once you're turned back into a man, you'll be able to guarantee your partners enjoy having sex with you, every time. Hell, they won't just enjoy it, they'll cum whenever you want, as hard as you want! No more pressure!
But, you're not a man yet...again...whatever. So, how do you want to test this spell?
After some thought, for this practice session you'll keep things at a distance. If something goes wrong and the person acts psycho, you don't want to be too close. It would also help if you picked a person who couldn't leave. You need to be able to observe the whole process.
And then it hits you...a lifeguard! They're young, fit, scantily clothed, out in public sight, and they can't get away! Perfect.
So, you head to public beach. Lucky you, there are actually two on duty today, a man and a woman, so you have a choice. With (link:"a man")[(set:$Choice to "man")(goto:"CA Test")], it would be easier to see how effective your spell is. On the other hand, you're still a hetero guy at heart, right? So you'd probably rather see (link:"a woman")[(set:$Choice to "woman")(goto:"CA Test")] getting turned on.](elseif:$ControlArousalPractice is 2)[This time, you're going to make sure you can verify that the arousal really happened and how strong it was. You need to be a little closer to the action. But, how do you make sure it's the spell that's causing it and not your natural sexiness?
In this case, you probably need a woman for a test subject not attracted to you...a heterosexual woman should be easier to find than a homosexual man. It needs to be someone who doesn't know you. Hmmmm.... it's morning, so you can't go to one of your typical pickup bars. Where do attractive young women go in the morning? Work?
You try to remember...where have you seen someone...preferably in a customer service role so they'll have to talk to you. It would also be nice if you could have some privacy to test the limits of your spell.
Got it! When you rented your apartment, the real estate lady was really hot. You'll need to make sure she's really heterosexual since she wasn't interested in your male form, but she would be perfect!
You give her a call and find that [[she's available]] to show you apartments for rent in about an hour. Awesome. How lucky can you get?](elseif:$ControlArousalPractice is 3)[Your last test was a complete success as you brought a heterosexual woman to orgasm without even touching her. This time,
Not Finished
(set:$ControlArousalMastered to 1)(display:"Update Mastery")](else:)[
Not Written
(if:$ControlArousalPractice > 2)[(link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]](set:$ModifyBodyPractice to it + 1)(set:$ModifyBody to it + 1)(if:$ModifyBodyPractice is 1)[You spent some time thinking about this. You don't want to hurt anyone. You also don't want to mess up anyone's life. Changing a person's body isn't something you do casually, especially when you're not sure you can get it right or even put things back the way they were when you're finished.
At first, you thought you'd find someone in a wheelchair and fix their legs. But, as you dug into the voodoo required to make that happen, you realized you aren't that advanced yet. You need to keep it simple for now...something like bigger or smaller.
Still, you want to actually do some good with this spell...not just do something for laughs. So, you prepared a 'fat reduction' version of the spell. Then, you set out to find someone who could definitely stand to lose some pounds.
<img src="Images\Neighbor Before.jpg">
You don't have far to look. It just so happens that there's a woman on the second floor of your building that makes the elevator groan every time she gets on. There's no way that much weight can be healthy. Certainly, she would appreciate a leaner body.
So, you hide around the corner and zap her when she's coming down the hall.
Wow! That was awesome! The whole thing only took about 5 seconds. She's lost over half her body weight! She clutches her suddenly baggy clothes and ducks into her apartment.
Damn, she sure was skinny. You go back home, worrying whether or not you overdid it.
Later, you saw her coming out of the building and almost didn't recognize her. She looks not just thinner, but younger as well. Is that just because she lost weight? In any case, she seems more energetic than before. Hopefully she will be happier and healthier too.
<img src="Images\Neighbor After.jpg">
Your practice was a success.](elseif:$ModifyBodyPractice is 2)[Last time you practiced this spell, you helped your neighbor lose a ton of weight. This time, you're going to try to exercise more control and precision with your <i>modify body</i> spell.
Over 300,000 women get breast augmentation surgery every year (you looked it up). So, you're going to save some woman a pile of money and keep her from going under the knife.
You go to a local plastic surgeon's office and skulk around, watching who comes and goes. Eventually, you see a pretty young woman with an unusually flat chest. She's probably here for augmentation... You whisper the command and within 5 seconds the spirit has transformed her.
<img src="Images\Breast Enhancement After.jpg">
Wow. Just...wow. Maybe you went a little overboard, but surely she won't complain. Plus, this is all natural. She won't have to worry about ruptured bags and leaking silicone as she ages. You could charge for this!](elseif:$ModifyBodyPractice is 3)[So far, you've changed the size and shape of the body. But, could you change function too? Could you reverse the aging process? After some research and preparation, you're ready to give it a try.
You go to the park, the one where your euchre friends play. But, you don't want to experiment on them...at least not until you're sure it works. So, you walk around until you find an old man with a walker.
He's got to be close to 100 years old, but he's still getting around pretty good. Something is wrong with his hip...arthritis? But, he uses his upper body to plant the walker and pull himself forward. Plant the walker and pull himself forward.
It's difficult, but he doesn't give in. He doesn't take the wheelchair. He's not asking for help. What a tough old bird.
You follow him as he leaves the park. Eventually, he turns down an empty alley. This is your spot. You say the words and send the spirit to do your bidding.
As before, the change happens quickly, lasting no more than 5 or 10 seconds. The old man staggers, then groans as if in pain. He rips his shirt off and stares at his body in shock.
<img src="Images\Age Reversal After.jpg">
You breathe a sigh of relief. This time, things turned out perfectly. This guy is now in the prime of his life!
You've got this <i>modify body</i> spell mastered.(set:$ModifyBodyMastered to 1)(display:"Update Mastery")](else:)[You've already mastered this spell, so there's no need to 'push the envelope' as the saying goes. You just need to stay in practice. You've got an assortment of spells prepared, but every once in a while you need to make sure you remember how they work.
So, you walk around looking for someone with a physical issue that you can 'fix' with your <i>modify body</i> spell. Eventually, you find a suitable candidate (either:"in the park", "at the bus stop", "in the convenience store", "in the bookstore"), (either:"looking at their cellphone", "talking to a friend"). Your heart goes out to this poor, (either:"obese", "old", "crippled", "ugly", "very short", "physically challenged") (either:"man", "woman", "person").
It never occurs to you to ask them if they want to be fixed. A few seconds later, you've re-made them in an image you think they would like. Then, you're on your merry way, feeling quite happy with yourself.]
(link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](if:$Choice is "man")[''You passed up the chance to watch a woman get turned on? Maybe you're not as attracted to women as you once were.
Female attraction decreased (set:$FemaleAttraction to it - 1)
New value: $FemaleAttraction
Or, maybe you just wanted to watch this young man get a boner?
Male attraction increased (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction
It's probably a little bit of both.''
]You're wearing a flowy maxi-dress that hides your figure. You don't want to attract attention right now. You just want to cast your spell and see what happens.
This (if:$Choice is "man")[guy](else:)[woman] looks pretty young...maybe 20?
(if:$Choice is "man")[<img src="Images\Lifeguard Male.jpg">](else:)[<img src="Images\Lifeguard Female">]
You get as close as you can without attracting attention. Then, you get out a magazine and pretend to read. You can look over the top of the page and keep an eye on your lifguard.
You say the words and send the spirit off to do your bidding.
So the plan is for this to go in stages. Each time you command the spirit, it will amplify the target's arousal, eventually this should lead to an orgasm. You've "paid" the spirit for 15 minutes or 5 'boosts', whichever comes first.
Well, that was disappointing. You couldn't really see what was going on. (if:$Choice is "man")[He](else:)[She] sat back in his chair, put a towel over (if:$Choice is "man")[his](else:)[her] lap, and that was about it. Maybe (if:$Choice is "man")[he](else:)[she] made some strained faces, but maybe that was just your imagination.
You'll have to try this again sometime to make sure it works.
(link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]You meet Michelle at the apartment she wants to show you.
<img src="Images\Real Estate 1.jpg">
She's very professional, letting you know all the details about untilities, schools, and the neighborhood.
You try to steer the conversation to personal topics. In the process, you learn that she's married and has a little girl at home. You smile and try to get close, but Michelle doesn't seem interested.
So, you cast the spell.
Michelle seems a bit dazed. She has a seat on the couch. "Does it seem hot in here to you?"
<img src="Images\Real Estate 2.jpg">
"No, it feels fine to me." You stand a little closer. "Does the owner allow pets?"
"What?" She seems anxious and distracted. "Um...pets?" She clamps her legs together. "Uh...no. No pets allowed."
As she tries to collect her thoughts, you signal the spirit to take things up to the next level.
"Ummmmm...." Michell closes her eyes and moans. "Oh....oh my."
<img src="Images\Real Estate 3.jpg">
You give her a moment to savor the sensation. Eventually, she regains her situational awareness and opens her eyes. "Oh. I don't know what came over me." She fans her face with her hand.
You're standing quite close now. "Michelle...I think I'm feeling the same thing."
"Really?" She gives you a big smile.
<img src="Images\Real Estate 4.jpg">
"Really." You lean close. "I've never been around a woman who made me feel so...hot." You tell her. It's an exaggeration, but she is quite attractive.
That makes her smile even bigger. "Really? You know, I don't usually...think about women..." Her smile turns into something warmer and more intimate.
<img src="Images\Real Estate 5.jpg">
"Come with me." She says abruptly. "I want to show you something."
"What?" You follow her.
"You're going to looooovvve this bedroom. The colors, the lighting...soooo sensual." She's selling it.
You follow, puzzled. So, you signal the spirit to increase Michelle's arousal.
"Oh my god...I can't take this!" She declares. "I'm on fire!". The sexy real estate agent gives you a hungry look and starts to strip off her clothes.
<img src="Images\Real Estate 6.jpg">
Wearing just her bra and panties, Michelle sits back on the bed and starts to rub her pussy. "I can't help myself! You make me so hot!"
<img src="Images\Real Estate 7.jpg">
You stand over her. "Take off your bra and panties. Show me your hot body."
She looks at you with doubt, so you hit her with the next stage of voodoo arousal. In a frenzy, she rips off her remaining clothes and stretches out on the bed, squeezing her naked breasts and rubbing her sopping pussy.
"What have you done to me? What's wrong with my body?"
<img src="Images\Real Estate 8.jpg">
You haven't even touched her and this woman is masturbating her naked body in front of you. Voodoo is awesome! As much as you'd like to join her, you keep a little distance so you can complete the evaluation. At your direction, the spirit takes Michelle's arousal up to the level of orgasm.
"EEeeeek! What's happening!?!?" She screams and clutches at her pussy. Then, as the orgasm hits, she tries to crawl away, but she can't. Her body thrashes in a strong, leg-shaking cum.
<img src="Images\Real Estate 9.jpg">
"Look, Michelle...I'm going to leave now. Enjoy the next 6 minutes." This test was definitely a success.
(link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$ReadThoughtsPractice to it + 1)(set:$ReadThoughts to it + 1)(if:$ReadThoughtsPractice is 1)[So, you want to practice your *read thoughts* spell. Hmmmm... You could use it on Wyatt or Patti, but they might not like it. Plus, you already know them well enough that you might be able to guess what they're thinking even without voodoo. No, you need a stranger.
So, you prepare the spell and head out on the street, looking for a random test subject.
There's a woman waiting to cross the street.
<img src="Images\Street Crossing.jpg">
So, you speak the spirit words. Then, after a couple seconds, it's as if she's speaking to you:
"*...damn son of a bitch thinks I won't quit. But, I will! I'm quitting that fucking job...tomorrow. Maybe Henry can get me a job at Andersen.
Can't believe that son of a bitch assigned me to billing. Billing! I've been there 5 fucking years! Tomorrow, I'm gonna throw it in his face. Or...maybe I'll wait until I hear from Henry. Dammit!*"
And then it's over. Wow. Cool. But, it didn't last very long...no more than 15 seconds. Plus, you only got surface thoughts.
This was good practice, but you need more.](elseif:$ReadThoughtsPractice is 2)[Today, you want to see if you can use your *read thoughts* spell to get something specific. You head to a nearby coffee house with fre wi-fi.
<img src="Images\Internet Cafe.jpg">
After buying an espresso macchiato, you take a seat to the left of the guy in the blue shirt and pretend to study your phone while you begin to work your voodoo.
From your experience, ordinary people aren't able to see or hear spirits. It still seems odd to you that no one else can see the spirit hovering in the middle of the coffee shop.
This time, you quietly explain to the spirit that you don't really care what the guy is thinking at the moment. You want to know his laptop password!
"*It doesn't work that way!*" the spirit complains. "*You've got to make him think about it before you can read it.*"
What? How do I do that?
"*Not my problem.*"
It is if you want to earn those ingredients.
"*Grrrr... Why not just ask him?*"
It's not like he's going to... Oh, I get it. So, you tap blue shirt guy on the shoulder, smile prettily, and say "Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you, but would you mind helping me create a password?"
He looks startled and disoriented. Pretty girls don't usually approach him out of nowhere like that. "Uh...no problem."
"I need something really secure." You push a strand of lustrous $HairColor hair behind your ear. "I bet your password is awesome." Then, you trigger the spell.
He grins and shrugs. "Yeah, I'm always careful to make a good password."
In your mind, you can hear him thinking: "*I spent hours thinking mine up. y0'v36oT2B@$t@R! No one would ever guess that!*"
Just to be sure, you write y0'v36oT2B@$t@R! on a napkin and show it to him. "Here's the password I was thinking of using. Do you think it's a good one?"
Blue shirt guy turns white as a sheet. "What the hell?!? How did you...? Are you a scammmer or something?"
"Sorry! Just a coincidence..." You tell him as your make a quick exit.
That was good practice, but you need more.](elseif:$ReadThoughtsPractice is 3)[You decide to practice your <i>read thoughts</i> spell again. What's the range of this spell? Maybe you could ask the spirit?
You summon the spirit. It's not a particularly strong one, but definitely a class above what you needed for your cantrips. It's the same one you used in the coffee shop.
"At what distance can you reveal the thoughts of others?" You ask.
"*I don't know.*"
Well, that's not helpful. "Give me the thoughts of someone in the park."
"*Which park? Which person?*"
Still not helpful. "Remember the man in the coffee shop? Give me his thoughts."
This time, it works. The man is speaking in your head. You can even recognize his 'voice'. It's as loud and clear as it was when you were right next to him.
"*...strychnine? aresenic? tetrahydrozoline? cyanide? So many to pick from. ...needs to be effective...can't be traced back...*"
Holy shit! Is he planning a murder...or writing fiction? The spell expires.
Range doesn't seem to be an issue for this spell. You just need to be able to make the spirit understand who's thoughts you want to hear.
You've now mastered this spell.(set:$ReadThoughtsMastered to 1)(display:"Update Mastery")](else:)[Although you've already mastered <i>read thoughts</i>, it never hurts to stay fresh, so you practice it one more time.
Pretty boring... You hear the thoughts of (either:"a young", "an old", "a") (either:"man", "woman") as they (either:"are bored with", "concentrate on", "enjoy") (either:"their work", "a game on their phone", "a conversation with a friend").]
(link:"Go back home")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]{
(set:$IntermediateSpellsMastered to $SlowTimeMastered + $ModifyBodyMastered + $ControlArousalMastered + $ReadThoughtsMastered)
(set:$CantripsMastered to $GustOfWindMastered + $CardMagicMastered + $CreateLustMastered)
... OR ...
Maybe Maria transformed her clit so she could have better sex, but now Marvanna has changed the lock on the basement because she noticed missing ingredients and Maria is stuck that way.Then, you hop in your Bimmer and speed on over to Maria's house. You make it in under 15 minutes. Luckily, you didn't pass any cops.
You pull up to the gate and push the call button. The Aussie guy answers. Somehow, he seems less threatening than the other guard even though he's almost twice as big.
He opens the gate and lets you in without question. Apparently, he remembers you? Once again, you can't help but admire the landscaping as you hurry down the long twisty driveway.
"Good day, Miss Schrodinger." Yep, he remembers you. The guy is built like a tank.
"Hello." Despite your best effort, your voice sounds weak and timid.
Maria is [[waiting just inside the door]].She gives you a long hug, sobbing and dripping tears on your shoulder. You're aware of her large breasts pressing firmly against yours. It feels good. There's definitely something other than her tongue is off about Maria!
"Maria, I'm so sorry! We've got to get you changed back!"
"Can't." She sniffs. "The locked me out of the bathement!"
You finally reluctantly release Maria from the hug. "Maria?" You're staring at her chest. "The breasts too?!?"
"Yeth. The thaid..'if you like breathth that much, you might ath well try wearing them all day long'."
"They look nice on you." You try cheering her up.
<img src="Images\Maria Big Tits.jpg">
A tear rolls down her cheek. "I don't want them anymore! I want my little oneth back! Theeth hurt."
How do you want to proceed? You could...
Try to help Maria [[get back into the basement]] so she can get her body back to normal.
Or, you could just be a [[sympathetic friend]] for Maria until her mother removes the spells."OK... calm down. I'm here to help." You give her another friendly hug. "Let's see if we can get you back into that basement."
"I already tried. The put thome kind of thpell on it." Maria doesn't seem to be in any hurry to end the hug.
"You do voodoo too... Can't you get rid of the spell? Break it or override it or something?" Your right hand is on her lower back, just above that awesome tight ass. Maybe you could squeeze it? Just a little. It's starting to feel warm in here. Maria is even sexier with these oversized tits.
"No. All our ingredientth are in the bathement." At least she's not crying now.
"Is there any other way in? Aren't basements required to have an emergency exit?" One hand on her shoulder, the other on her ass...pulling her close...breast to breast...
"Yeth...I forgot! There ith a window into the back yard. Momma told me about it when we moved in."
She smells good. She feels so nice. You can barely manage to let go. "Come on. [[Let's check it out]]."(if:$FromBasement is 1)["Come on, Maria. Let's get back upstairs. I may have an idea how to make you more comfortable, even if we can't get you changed back."
"Really!? How?" Your cute friend sounds hopeful.]
"It'll be OK, Maria. Your mom won't leave you like this forever. I'll help you. They probably hurt because you need a bigger bra."
"I don't know..."
"Are you wearing your old bra now?"
"Silly girl!" You giggle "You can't stuff these big old melons in that teeny little bra!"
"Itth NOT funny!"
"I'm sorry. I know it's not funny. I was just trying to cheer you up." Your voice goes soft; your expression sympathetic.
"I know. Thank you for being here for me." She struggles to smile a little.(if:$FromBasement is 1)[The two of you crawl back out the basement window and go back inside the house.
]"So, let's get your tits out of that vise and see if they don't feel better." If you're honest, you'd have to admit you're also looking forward to seeing them...
"OK... Come with me." Maria leads you to her bedroom. "I don't want the guard to thee me."
Once you're inside with the door closed, Maria [[strips off her shirt]]."Maria! What were you thinking?" She looks ridiculous with her new DD-cup breasts spilling out from under a B-cup bra.
"I don't know..." She sounds sad. "I gueth I wath trying to hide them."
"Well, get that thing off!"
She reaches behind her back and releases the hook. The poor overstretched bra lets go with a loud snap and falls away.
Wow, these look really nice on her. They're full, heavy, and natural yet they stand high on her chest with the firmness of youth. The skin looks stretched and you can just make out a couple of veins.
"Jacki! Don't thtare! They look ridiculouth, don't they?"
Your face feels hot. You lick your lips and try to look Maria in the eyes. "No, no, no. They don't look ridiculous." You take a quick peak. MMmmmmmm...they look delicious. "How do they feel now?"
Maria gently cups her huge breasts. "A little better, I gueth." She gives them a very light squeeze. "But, they're tho tight. [[They ache]]!" She whines.Maria's aching swollen breasts reminds you of Leia's. "Maria. Remember the breasts you gave Leia?"
"Yeah? Tho?"
"She was lactating. When I sucked on them, I got milk." Maybe Maria didn't notice. She was rather busy.
"Milk? You think I have milk?" The petite brunette hottie looks down at her oversized chest with trepidation. "Ith that why they hurt? I need to get it out?"
"Maybe..." Your heart is beating harder now. Just the thought of sucking on Maria's giant tits is making your pussy sweat.
"How am I going to get it out?"
"Well..." You lick your lips and try to think clearly. "You could go to a drugstore and buy a breast pump..."
Her pretty face makes a distressed expression. "Buy a...breatht pump? From a thtranger? I'd *DIE* of embarrathment!"
Maria takes her right breast in both hands and lifts it toward her mouth. That amazing tongue stretches out and laps at the nipple, quickly making it long and stiff. But, the breast is too tight for her to get her lips on the nipple. "Arrrrgh! Thith ith only making it worthe!"
"[[Maybe a massage]] will help?"
- or-
"Maria, if you want, I could [[try to suck]] the milk out for you?" You make a squeamish face and try not to sound eager."You would do that for me? Ithn't that groth?" Maria hesitates.
"It's natural, not gross. And yes Maria..." You look her in the eyes. "...I'd do it for you becaue you're my best friend."
"You're awethome, Jacki! I'm tho glad you came to my thool!" She gives you a kiss on the forehead. "How do we...?"
"Here... let's get on the bed. You lean against the headboard and I'll lay back across your lap."
Watching Maria climb on the bed with her lean athletic body and oversized milk-swollen breasts, you fight back the urge to rub your clit. Damn, she's sexy!
You position your small female body on your back in Maria's lap. Lying there as she lowers that heavy breast down to your lips, you imagine this might be how a baby feels.
Her breast feels hot and unusually firm. No wonder it aches. You reach up with your slender pink-nailed fingers and begin a gentle massage.
"Ohhhh. That feelth good. Mmmmm" Maria coos softly.
Your tongue isn't as talented as Maria's but you do your best, licking the aureole and lapping at her nipple while you continue the massage. The aureole puckers up tight and the nipple protrudes obscenely.
Maria gasps. "OH! Wow. It feelth like itth getting tighter."
It's time to [[start sucking]]."What good is a mathage?" Maria looks skeptical.
"Maybe it would make them feel better?"
She looks skeptical. "I tried rubbing them. It doethn't help."
"Let me try?" Your mind races: Oh...oh, please... please let me touch those big tits...
"Theriouthly? OK...I'll try anything at this point." Watching Maria climb on the bed with her lean athletic body and oversized milk-swollen breasts, you fight back the urge to rub your clit. Damn, she's sexy!
Your small, pink-nailed girly fingers look absolutely tiny against Maria's swollen breasts. It's hard to give her any proper massage with such small hands. But, you get to feel her tits! Awesome!
"That feelth good." Maria coos. Her nipples pop up, obscenely big long and stiff.
As you work, her breasts begin to feel warmer and fuller. You even see a single drop of fluid on the tip of her left nipple.
But, Maria's expression has turned to distress. "They feel thooooo tight. I can't thtand it any more!" She's starting to sob.
"It looks like there's no way around it, Maria. You've got to get that milk out. You're going to have to let me [[try to suck it out for you]]." You take that big hard nipple into your mouth. It's longer than Leia's was. Your tongue slides under her nipple and presses it against the roof of your mouth. Then, you begin to suck, rhythmically squeezing and releasing her nipple with your tongue while applying cheek-caving suction.
"Eeeeee!" Maria squeals, but it's not pain, so you continue.
At first, there's no milk, but you knead and squeeze her breast while you continue to suck and eventually it starts. At first the flow is light...just a taste. But, once the ducts start to open up, it's a flood.
"Jacki!!! Oh, thith feelth tho weird."
You stop for a second so you can talk. "Is everything OK? Am I hurting you?"
"Oh, god no! Don't thtop. Pleathe...don't thtop." She presses her hard nipple against your lips.
As you suck, Maria closes her eyes. Her mouth hangs partly open and from time to time that amazing tongue pops out to lick her lips.
You stop for a second and grin. "Are you enjoying this?"
Her eyes pop open. "Yeth!" She chases your lips with her nipple. "Please? It's working...please finish?"
It's amazing [[how much milk she has]].As you suck, Maria's face becomes flushed. You can also feel her hips starting to squirm as your head rests on her lap.
Feeling horny and mischievous, you start to spend a little more time licking and kissing her breast as you work.
Maria starts to breathe a little harder. You can see the tip of her magically long tongue resting on her lower lip. Her hips aren't squirming aimlessly anymore. You can feel her thighs clenching as she moves her hips ever so slightly, rubbing herself against the back of your head.
Damn, that's sexy. You reach a hand down to rub your own pussy. Her eyes are still closed, so she'll never notice. It's even hotter than you thought. You're pretty sure you'll be able to get off before Maria runs out of milk.
The only thing that would make this better would be your dick.
Maria is being a little less discrete now. Her hips are moving faster and [[rubbing her pussy]] against your head with a little more force. It's almost like you can feel her clit bumping against you.
On second thought...yes, you can definitely feel a hard little bump pressing against the back of your head. Maria must be super turned on right now because her clit is just normal sized.
To tease her even more, you switch breasts. That requires you to turn your head, rubbing against her hard clit. Then, you switch breasts again. And again. She's still not out of milk!
"Ohhhh...uhhhh..mmmm" Maria is making groaning noises. She's pressing her hips upward with more urgency now. The hard bump of her clit is unmistakeable.
Your right hand is moving hard and fast between your legs. Your cum is close! It's going to be a good one. You're panting now. Your lips fall away from Maria's nipple as you gasp for air. Your hips are quivering.
"Jacki! What the fuck?" Maria's eyes are wide open. You've been caught.
[[Keep working]]. Concentrate! You're just seconds from a cum!
[[Quickly remove your hand]] from inside your shorts.
Ignore her, you think. Finish the cum! Try not to be distracted. It's gonna be awesome. Nothing else matters. You can deal with Maria after. Your hand works even faster. Just a little more...
''You seem to care more about your own pleasure that taking care of Maria. Selfishness increased. (set:$Selfishness to it + 1)
New value: $Selfishness''
"Thith ith why you offered to thuck my milk?!?"
You can't exactly talk right now. Your cum is starting! Your knees spread wide as your hand continues to move hard and fast. It's a massive cum! Something about having Maria watch you makes it even hotter. Your legs are shaking.
"I thought you were helping me becauth you were a friend. But, you're jutht a pervert!" Maria sounds slightly offended.
The orgasm slows and your clit becomes too sensitive to rub. Your whole body feels warm. You look up at Maria, your face no doubt glowing with post-orgasmic bliss. "Maria...I AM your friend. But, you're soooo sexy, I just [[couldn't help myself]]!""Nothing! I'm not doing anything. I just...had an itch." You lie quickly and badly.
Maria grins at you. "You like theeth big tittieth, don't you?"
"Maybe." You answer noncomittally.
Maria drags her stiff nipple across your lips. You can't help but pucker up to suck on it, but just before you do, Maria snatches it away and giggles. "You're a titty girl!"
Maria rolls her shoulders causing her big breasts to jiggle sexily. She teases you in the sing-song style of a grade school playground. "Jacki liketh tittieth! Jacki liketh tittieth!"
[[Tackle her]] and suck her tits.
[[Admit it]], but stay passive. "Really? You think I'm that thexy?" Maria looks at you skeptically.
"Absolutely. You take my breath away." You're not exaggerating.
"Ith it me...or ith it theeth big old tittieth?" Maria pushes out her magically enhanced bosom.
You try to look her in the eyes...and fail.
Maria grins at you. "You like theeth big tittieth, don't you?"
Maria drags her stiff nipple across your lips. You can't help but pucker up to suck on it, but just before you do, Maria snatches it away and giggles. "You're a titty girl!"
Maria rolls her shoulders causing her big breasts to jiggle sexily. She teases you in the sing-song style of a grade school playground. "Jacki liketh titteeth! Jacki liketh titteeth!"
[[Tackle her]] and suck her tits.
[[Admit it]], but stay passive. "Grrrrr!" You make a cute little growling sound as you twist out of Maria's lap and grab her shoulders, pushing her back on the bed.
"Eeeeeek!" She chirps, not really resisting.
In no time at all, you have her flat on her back as you straddle her hips. You pin her hands over her head with your hands leaving her bare torso exposed. She looks up at you expectantly.
"I think you like having these big girls sucked just as much as I like sucking them!" You declare. Then, you bend your head down and go back to licking and sucking, this time from a position of control.
She's not resisting.
You use your tongue to lap and flick the nipples, then you take as much of her left breast as you can in your girly little mouth and suck as hard as you can. You can feel Maria's hard nipple tickling the roof of your mouth as it sprays warm milk.
Maria closes her eyes and shifts her hips. "That feelth really good...titty girl." Her voice is soft and furry with arousal. Then she moves her hips again. What's she doing? She's not trying to throw you off.
Actually, she's trying to rub her pussy against yours. Hmmm...since your pussy is still on fire from your near-orgasm, that seems like a great idea. You spread your legs wide and flatten your pussy against hers.
Ohhhh, that feels really good. You just love the way her big hard clit gives you a solid ridge to hump against.
Solid ridge!?!? "Maria!?! WTF?" You raise up on your knees and look at Maria in shock.
"Thorry. I thould have told you. Momma put all three thpellth on me."
How do you respond?
"[[It's OK]]." Dick/clit/pussy...whatever. It's all the same to you.
"[[You should have told me]]!" It would have been nice to know she was poking you with a dick. "OK, I admit it. I love your breasts. They're awesome." Your pussy is *aching* right now.
Maria stops teasing and turns serious. "Jacki, are you a lethbian?"
"No...not exactly...well, kinda. Maria, you already knew you turn me on." All you can think about is how bad you want to touch your clit.
She grins. "Yeah, I know." Then, she dumps you out of her lap and hops off the bed.
You prop yourself up on one elbow. "Where are you going?"
Maria walks around the bed to where your feet are. "You've been tho good to me. I want to help you out too." She grabs your shorts and starts to pull them off.
With no hesitation at all, you lift your hips and help. Soon, your sopping pussy is [[completely exposed]]. You lie on your back, propped up on elbows so you can watch Maria work between your knees.
Maria slowly extends her tongue. Inch by inch, that improbably long wet tongue slides out of her sexy mouth. Where does it end? How long could it be?
Then, she flicks it side to side, lightly caressing the soft sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Slowly, she moves higher, teasing.
"Maria...! You start to command her to hurry, but then you will yourself to patience. Let the girl work.
When she starts to work on your pussy, it's amazing! She does a much better job when she's not drunk. It feels like her tongue is everywhere at once...stroking your lips, gently penetrating, lapping at your clit. She's a virtuoso of cunnilingus.
You can't help but squirm and squeal and hump your hips against her face. This feels every bit as good as getting a blowjob as a guy...maybe even better.
You keep scooting your pussy down the bed until your hips are right at the edge. You're panting now. Your can feel the first twinges of [[an approaching orgasm]]!Maria's face is bright red. One of her hands is nowhere to be seen and you have a good idea what she's up to.
Just when she could send you into heaven with a couple more licks, Maria loses concentration. Her tongue, that just a few seconds ago worked you with masterful dexterity, now flops around aimlessly, only stroking you by accident. Her eyes are out of focus.
You hump your pussy frantically at her face. "Please...don't stop!" You beg. You already had one near-orgasm ruined.
Maria is panting. "Jacki...I...I have another...problem..."
"Dammit! Can't it wait? Just a little more...?" This is no time for a talk!
"No...it can't wait." Maria stands up. Somehow, she removed her shorts and panties while she was eating you and now she's completely nude.
Standing from the front of her pussy is an extremely large clit...or is it a [[tiny dick]]?You never thought Marvanna would go so far as to put a dick on her own daughter. Apparently, she was even angrier than you feared.
(display:"Appreciate Maria's Dick")
(display:"Can't Believe Momma did that")
Maria moves forward and rubs it against your fevered pussy. That creates a jolt of sensation that shocks you out of your trance. While your mind tries to process the situation, you move your hips back.
But, Maria holds you by the knees. She's not strong, but it's enough to keep you from escaping. Her hard little clit-dick slides and probes in the swamp around your vagina. She's never done this before and it's going to take her a minute to find the right angle. "Hold thtill! I've got to do thith!"
The expression of pure lust on that sexy teenage face...it melts any remaining resistance you might have had to being penetrated. You stop trying to back away. An instant later, Maria finds her way in. (set:$HadSex to it + 1)(set:$SexWithMaria to it + 1)
It feels...different. It's way, way, smaller than Patti's enormous pole. (if:$SexWithWyatt > 0)[It's even smaller than Wyatt's little dick. Look at you...comparing all the dicks you've fucked.] But, there's something about it that's really pushing your buttons. Is it because this little dick is attached to a sexy young woman? Is it those big perky tits hanging bouncing in front of you? Whatever. You don't have any clear thoughts right now. You're cumming!
Maria doesn't last long either. In no time at all, you're both squealing and yelling and grinding against each other with all your strength. Your heart feels like it's going to burst. Maria pushes into you with surprising power.
But, she tires quickly. First her thrusts slow, and then stop. Her tiny clit/dick goes limp and Maria collapses on the bed beside you. Her long tongue extends from her mouth to leave room for her panting breath. Her eyes are closed. [[Is she going to sleep]]?You poke her in the ribs. "Hey, don't go to sleep!"
"Uhhhhh..." She groans drowsily, eyes still closed.
You poke her again. "Hey. Explain to me why your mother thinks this is punishment. This is freakin' awesome!"
"Becauthe I can't go out in public like thith." She mumbles. Her breathing has slowed.
"Oh, yeah." There's that. What a creative way to ground your daughter. You reach over and pluck her nipple. "How are your tits feeling?"
"Better. Thankth." She finally opens her eyes, but only a crack.
"They do look a little smaller. Maybe if I drain them more, they'll be even smaller...?" You're still horny and Maria is still naked.
"I don't think tho..."
"Awww, come on. Let's see!" You push her over on her back and straddle her. In this position, her big breasts spread somewhat, but they're still remarkably full. You latch your lips onto her left breast and start sucking.
"Thtop it..." Maria tries to push you off, but either she's not really trying or she's really, really tired because she has none of the strength of just a few minutes ago.
Yep, there's more milk! It takes more suction right now, but you've really got the hang of it. "Come on, Maria. [[Doesn't this feel good]]?""Oohhh...yeth...it feelth good". She's not resisting anymore.
"Should I stop? You ask?
"No, don't thtop. Drink it all!"
So, you go back to sucking. How much can there be? You lay beside her, one leg over hers. As you suck, you grind your pussy against her leg.
Your left hand moves down between Maria's legs and gently holds her flaccid little clit/dick, now smaller than your pinkie finger. You can't help but think how much better it felt to have this little guy inside your pussy as compared to humping against Maria's leg.
It takes at least another 10 minutes of sucking before the flow dries up and your jaw starts to ache.
Her tits look a lot smaller now. Wait a minute...they're not just smaller, they're back to normal! "Maria! Look at your tits!"
(display:"Drained the Spell") She struggles to sit up. "With you draining the milk like that, I guess it was [[too much for the spirit]]. You exhausted his energy."(display:"Can't Believe Momma did that")
Maria looks at you with a mixture of lust and worry. "Are you thure it'th OK?"
You don't answer her with words. Instead, you just grin and sit back down. Soon, you're both dry-humping energetically. You lean forward and kiss her hungry lips while she rubs her big naked breasts against you. Your whole body is burning with arousal.
"Wait...jutht a thecond...thith ith too tight..." Maria urges you to lift up for a second, then she wriggles out of her shorts and panties.
Jutting up from the front of Maria's pussy is a tiny little dick. (display:"Appreciate Maria's Dick")
The little guy is not much bigger than your little finger. It's standing firmly at attention, curving slightly in the direction of Maria's belly button. "Awwwww....it's cute!" You tell her, as you stare at it.
Maria grabs the waistband of your shorts and tries to pull them down. Will you [[let her]]? Or, are you going to [[keep your shorts on]]?
"I'm thorry. Itth embarrathing." She lies still and looks at you with her big brown eyes. "Are we ok?"
"Of course we're OK, Maria. It would just have been nice to know you've got a dick before you go rubbing it on me." Your old male fear/repulsion of other people's dicks comes to the surface.
(display:"Can't Believe Momma did that")
"Well...I'm sorry you got in trouble."
"It'll be ok." Maria says softly. "Thank you for...taking care of my breathtth. They feel lotth better." She wriggles her shoulders, causing them to jiggle and shift.
"You're welcome. And you <i>know</i> I enjoyed it." You smile at her, letting her know [[she's forgiven]]."I can't believe your mother gave you a dick!" That just seems beyond weird. Why would any mother do that to her daughter?
"Momma was <i>reeeeeaally</i> mad. Thhe thaid thothe ingredientth I took were for thome big thpell thhe wath planning. That'th why thhe had to go out of town again. I never thaw her tho mad before." Maria looks thoughtful. "I gueth I'm lucky thhe didn't turn me into a turtle or thomething. Anyway, it'th only until thhe getth back."Maria looks as shocked as you are. "I think you drained the spell...?" She sticks out her cute little tongue and she can't even reach the tip of her nose. "It's gone! You did it!"
"I didn't even know that was a possibility." Wyatt never mentioned that spells could be drained. "How does that happen?"
"I think Momma used one of the wimply little spirits, probably to save ingredients after I wasted so much, and then she gave it three different transformations to do.""Thereth a little more...if you want to..." Maria is grinning, just a little, as she arches her back and lifts her chest.
You go back to the task of draining her breasts. The milk flow is finally starting to run out.
She talks softly and dreamily while you work. "I don't know why Momma did thith to me. She <i>knowth</i> I do voodoo too. Maybe it wath becauth it was thexthy thtuff? Maybe she's afraid I'll get pregnant..."
One minute you're sucking on a huge, soft, DDD (is that even a real size?) breast, and in the next instant it's a cute, firm, B-cup. Whoa! "What the fuck!?"
(display:"Drained the Spell") Maria gingerly touches her small titties. "With you draining the milk like that, I guess it was [[too much for the spirit]]. You exhausted his energy."Is it a dick? It's not nearly as big as the one you had during the party. But, it's definitely bigger and harder than any clit you ever saw, even on the internet. "Why is it so small?"
"Momma went cheap on the ingredientth."You let Maria pull down your shorts and panties. Now, you're on your knees straddling Maria's hips. Her tiny little 3-inch erection (is it a clit or a dick?) is pointing straight up toward your soaked pussy.
Maria tries to lift her hips, but she's wedged between your knees and it won't work unless you spread your knees or bend at the hips.
"Awwww...come on Jacki... Don't teathe me." She slides a hand between your silky smooth thighs and presses her fingers against your hot, wet, and sensitive pussy.
"Unnnnhhh..." A tiny moan escapes your lips. Your body wants a cum *so* bad!
You lower your hips until you can feel the tip of Maria's erection touch your pussy. Just that little touch sends goosebumps up your thighs! Maria wiggles her hips, causing her clit/dick to slide around and bump against your clit.
Too much! It's [[time to fuck]]!Why are you refusing to let Maria take off your shorts?
[[I'm just teasing her]] for a minute.
It looks too much like a dick. [[I want out of this]] without getting a dick in my pussy.You don't cooperate with Maria and she's unable to get your shorts down.
"Come on...I let <i>you</i> fuck <i>me</i> the other night!" She whines.
You gently push her stiff little pecker down flat against her body. "You want to fuck my pussy with this little guy?"
She squirms and wriggles her hips. "Yeth! Yeth, yeth, yeth!"
When your finger slips off, her tiny erection springs upright again, even harder and stiffer than before. "Maria, are you a lesbian?" Your voice is playful. Your finger taps on the tip of her clit/dick.
"Jacki....pleathe..." Maria's face is strained. Her voice sounds desperate.
[[Finish her with your hand]].
[[Strip off your shorts]] and panties.Without your cooperation, Maria isn't able to get your shorts off.
"Come on, Jacki...I let <i>you</i> fuck <i>me</i> the other night!" She whines.
She does have a point there. Maybe you owe her something? Her little clit/dick looks painfully hard.
"Pleeeeeeathe..." She begs, staring at you with a desperate look in her sexy brown eyes. "I really want thith." She reaches up and presses her fingers against your hot, wet pussy. "I know you want it too."
Relent, and [[let her take off your shorts->Strip off your shorts]].
[[Get her off with your hand->Finish her with your hand]].
[[Just suck her tits]] and ignore her clit/dick.It's time to give Maria some relief. You spit on your hand and then take her hot little cock in a firm grip. You can feel her heartbeat as you slowly work your hand up and down.
"Oh, god...Jacki...that'th awethome!" Maria humps with her hips to meet your strokes.
You have a good amount of skill and experience at cock stroking, even if most of it was on your own dick. You pick up the speed with your right hand while your left hand probes Maria's sopping wet pussy.
She grabs a handful of sheets with each hand and moans loudly as her body writhes with pleasure. She looks so hot!
Your arm is tiring. You never had that problem as a guy! You need to finish her now. So, you give it all you've got...faster and harder.
Maria shrieks and her whole body goes stiff as a board. She arches her back and lifts her hips six inches off the bed. For a few seconds she stops breathing and quivers. Then, she falls limp on the bed.
Her tiny clit/dick goes limp. You collapse on the bed beside her, momentarily exhausted from the effort. Her long tongue extends from her mouth to leave room for her panting breath. Her eyes are closed. [[Is she going to sleep]]?You allow Maria to pull down your shorts and panties. "Ohhhh...you're tho wet..." She coos as she runs a finger along your slit.
"Uhhh...." An involuntary gasp of pleasure escapes your lips. Reaching down, you take her pinkie-sized erection in your hand and hold it in position as you lower your pussy. Neither you nor Maria have much experience at this, so the angle isn't quite right. But, you're dripping wet and she's really tiny, so it goes in anyway. (set:$HadSex to it + 1)(set:$SexWithMaria to it + 1)
"Ohmygod!" How can anything so tiny feel so good? You can't move. It's too intense. Your breath comes in gasps. Maria tries to move her hips. You can feel her little dick moving inside.
It feels different. It's way, way, smaller than Patti's enormous pole. (if:$SexWithWyatt > 0)[It's even smaller than Wyatt's little dick. Look at you...comparing all the dicks you've fucked.] But, there's something about it that's really pushing your buttons. Is it because this little dick is attached to a sexy young woman? Is it those big tits sitting on Maria's lithe frame? Whatever. You don't have any clear thoughts right now. You're cumming!
Maria doesn't last long either. In no time at all, you're both squealing and yelling and grinding against each other with all your strength. Your heart feels like it's going to burst. Maria thrusts her hips upward with surprising power.
But, she tires quickly. First her thrusts slow, and then stop. Her tiny clit/dick goes limp. You collapse on the bed beside her. Her long tongue extends from her mouth to leave room for her panting breath. Her eyes are closed. [[Is she going to sleep]]?"Come on now, Maria. I only agreed to help you with your tits." You go back to sucking. There's not as much flow now, but the nipples seem to be more sensitive than ever.
"Ooooohhhh..." She moans. Then, she arches her back and lifts her hips off the bed, pressing her stiff little dick against your crotch. It's an awkward position, but Maria is an athletic young woman and she's desperately horny.
And, so are you. Just a minute ago, you were on the brink of an orgasm. Now, Maria's dick bumping against your own hard clit feels really good. If you help her just a little, it might get you both off.
Lower yourself back down and [[dry hump her]].
No. [[Move beside her]] so she's not between your legs.Aw, what the heck. You spread your knees wider and flatten your pussy against her erection. Even with your shorts on, it feels really good.
The two of you resume your frantic dry humping. Maria's face turns bright red. Her thrusts get even more vigorous. "Oh god...yeth!" Your own world turns pink as a your pleasure peaks in a really nice orgasm.
When your vision comes back into focus, you find yourself lying on Maria's chest, her cute little B-cup breasts right in your face. Her fingers gently move through your $HairColor hair.
"Maria? What happened?"
(display:"Drained the Spell") She struggles to sit up. "With you draining the milk like that, I guess it was [[too much for the spirit]]. You exhausted his energy."You move both your legs to the same side so Maria isn't between them while you continue to lick and suck her nipples.
"Nnnnnhh! Grrrr!" Maria groans and growls her frustration. Then, she takes her dick in hand and starts rubbing it.
You grin. "Feels good doesn't it? Are you gonna cum?"
Maria's eyes are half closed, her face and neck flushed. She wraps her left arm around your neck and pulls you into a deep sensual kiss. Then, her whole body tenses and jerks. "Mfff! Uhhhh! Eeee!"
Her orgasm slowly fades, leaving her limp and tired.
Then, you notice that her dick is gone. Her breasts are back to their normal, cute little B-cup size. Even after all your experience with voodoo, you can't help but be surprised when it happens so suddenly. "Maria? What happened?"
(display:"Drained the Spell") She struggles to sit up. "I guess you draining my milk drained the spell. That orgasm was the last straw. I guess it was [[too much for the spirit]]. You exhausted his energy.""Thank you for helping me." Maria says softly as she takes your hand in hers. "I'm really glad you came to my school."
"Me too."
"Are you OK with me and Patrick...you know...? She asks quietly.
"What? No, I don't know."
"Is it weird for you if I...do it...with both you and Patrick? I don't want to cause trouble. Sometimes... Once or twice, I got in trouble for..." She doesn't know how to express her concern.
"Maria! It's OK. Don't worry about it."
She smiles. "You're the best."
[[Hang out a bit]].You have your hands on Maria's shoulders as you slowly lower your pussy.
Maria guides her clit/dick with one hand and your hips with the other. As small as she is and as wet as you are, penetration is easy.
On the one hand, you wish Maria's 'equipment' was larger. Patti's dick really stretched you and it was awesome.
On the other hand, that look of ecstasy on Maria's beautiful teenage face is more appealing to your hetero-male sensibilities.
Her eyes are half-closed, her magically-enhanced tongue darts out to wet her lips, her neck and chest are flushed. She'll be cumming soon. So will you!
With only 3 inches to work with, there's not much room for the old 'in and out'. So, you mostly grind your pussy against hers, enjoying the feel of your clit against her and the feel of that hard little clit/dick poking against you on the inside.
Maria grinds back, pressing her shoulders and heels into the bed and driving her athletic hips against you with frenzied power. It feels amazing! It doesn't really matter who has the dick and who has the pussy...this sexy girl is fucking you back like there's no tomorrow.
You fall forward onto her big milky breasts. Tunnel vision...can't breathe...toes curling...pussy on fire! You grab the sheets with both hands and drive against Maria with all your strength, vaguely aware that she's screaming. (set:$HadSex to it + 1)(set:$SexWithMaria to it + 1)
You never want it to end. But, of course, it can't last forever. You finally [[come to your senses]].Maria's tiny clit/dick has gone limp and slipped out of you. You roll off of her and lie limply beside her. Her 'just fucked' look is so cute, especially with her long tongue hanging out to make room for her panting breath.
For a while you both just lie there, listening to each other breathe, enjoying the warmth of each other's body. There's something different about a female orgasm. It leaves you feeling somehow *closer* to your partner, emotionally as well as physically.
Plus, there's the fact that orgasm doesn't mean your arousal goes away like it did when you were a guy.
Maria's eyes are closed. [[Is she going to sleep]]?"You would do that for me? Ithn't that groth?" Maria hesitates.
"It's natural, not gross. And yes Maria..." You look her in the eyes. "...I'd do it for you becaue you're my best friend."
"You're awethome, Jacki! I'm tho glad you came to my thool!" She gives you a kiss on the forehead. "How do we...?"
"Here...I'll lay back across your lap."
You position your small female body on your back in Maria's lap. Lying there as she lowers that heavy breast down to your lips, you imagine this might be how a baby feels.
Your tongue isn't as talented as Maria's but you do your best, licking the aureole and lapping at her nipple while you continue the massage. The aureole puckers up tight and the nipple protrudes obscenely.
Maria gasps. "OH! Wow. It feelth like itth getting even tighter!"
It's time to [[start sucking]].Given the extreme isolation and the uninviting appearance of the 'house', you really doubt many people just walk up and knock on the door. But, desperate times call for desperate measures.
The four of you slowly approach the house in a tight group, watching carefully for any sign of life.
Suddenly, there's a terrible growling noise that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up!
[[next->dogs]]<img src="Images\Swamp Dog 1.jpg">
A vicious looking dog is quickly upon you, snarling, barking, and snapping it's jaws.
"Don't kick it! Don't make it mad!" Marcel cautions as the four of you back away slowly.
But, then you hear a deeper, more ominous growl from behind. It's another dog...bigger and meaner looking than the first!
<img src="Images\Swamp Dog 2.jpg">
Jumping back and forth, snapping at your legs, barking and growling loudly, the two dogs have you trapped. Whenever you try to move away, one of the dogs cut you off and turn you back to the group.
(if:$HitTree is 0)[Wyatt pulls out his gun and shakily aims it in the general direction of the largest dog.
"Stop that!" Marcel yells. "You want to get shot?!?! Put that thing away."
Reluctantly, Wyatt puts his gun back in his backpack. "What are we going to do, then?"
Marcel speaks low and slow. "Calm down. ](else:)["Damn! I wish we hadn't lost my gun!" Wyatt snaps at you.
"No, no... you don't want to shoot a man's dog!" Marcel warns. "Less'n you want to get shot yourself.] Just hold your water for a bit."
The dogs bark tirelessly until the [[door to the shack opens]].As the door to the shack opens, the first thing you see is the rifle barrel. It's pointed right at you. Suddenly, the dogs don't seem so important anymore.
The man holding the gun looks to be about 60 years old, tall and thin, with the lower part of his face hidden behind a bushy salt & pepper beard. He's wearing stained overalls held up by just one suspender.
"Hey there! What are you doing on my land?" It seems to be a strain for him to yell loud enough to be heard over the barking dogs.
By agreement, the three city folk keep quiet and let Marcel do the talking. "Hey! How'ya doing? I'm Marcel from up in Houma, guiding these folk on a swamp tour." Marcel's bayou accent sounds a lot thicker than it did a minute ago.
The man with the gun jabs it in your direction. "Your damn tour don't include my property! Now get your asses out of here."
"No sir! No, it don't. But we heard you might have a white gater..."
"I ain't got no white gater! Start walking or I'm gonna turn my dogs loose."
Marcel motions with his head and all of you slowly start to back away. "You sure? [[They got lot's of money]]..."
"Hold on." The old man yells. "Zeke! Bobbi! Hold!"
The two dogs go from snapping, barking, and slavering to merely growling and showing their teeth menacingly.
"You...Marcel...step closer so I don't have to yell."
Marcel complies.
The two men talk for a while. Patti tries 'cooing' at the dogs, calling them 'good little puppies'. It doesn't work. Wyatt holds his backpack in front of him as a shield.
Oddly, the dogs don't seem very interested in you. Is it because you're a girl? You almost feel like you could slip away.
After a few minutes, the old man yells "Zeke! Bobbi! Safe!" The dogs cease tormenting you and move away, though they continue to watch your every move.
[[next->Meet Titus]](set:$MaybeLater to 0)(set:$TitusLater to 0)Marcel motions you over. "Come on over and meet Titus. Titus, this here's Wyatt..."
Wyatt extends his hand. Titus considers for a second, then he shakes it quickly.
"...and this is Patrick..." Marcel nods toward Patti.
Patti looks like she's about to touch a toad, but she shakes hands with Titus. Her tall and muscular frame dwarfs the thin swamp man. Without the gun and the dogs, he'd be helpless here.
"...and this is Jacki." Marcel saved you for last.
There's a sparkle in Titus' eyes as he looks you up and down. Out of habit, you extend your hand to shake. Titus' hand is hard, dry, leathery, and surprisingly strong. You still haven't gotten used to how much weaker you are as a woman.
"Marcel says [[you might pay to see my gater]]." Titus spends half his time looking Wyatt in the eye and the other half leering at your tits. Everyone assumes Wyatt is in charge. You're just eye candy. "That's right." Wyatt glances over to make sure you're supporting his lead. You nod slightly.
"How much?"
"Just to see my gater? $200?" Titus seems surprised. Then, he squints suspiciously. "Money first."
Wyatt reaches into his backpack. It's not like you have anywhere to keep a bankroll in the skimpy clothes you're wearing. He peels off two Franklins and hands them to Titus who seems quite interested in the large stack of bills remaining in Wyatt's hand.
Titus smiles. "Well. Alright then. Let's go see Jenny." He points with the gun. "You'uns first. That way...round the right side of the house."
Wyatt leads, followed by Patti. You're next, followed by Titus.
You get quite a surprise when the old guy slaps you on the butt.
[[Tell him off]].
[[Ignore it->Jenny the gater]].You can smell it long before you even get behind the house. The strong odor of rotten meat and excrement becomes almost overpowering by the time you get to the gater's pen.
"This here's Jenny." Titus seems proud. "She's been part of the family for 20 years now...maybe more."
The pen is a muddy pit with sides about 5 feet down. It's shaded by trees and surrounded by a patchwork of hog wire, chicken wire, chain link, and just about any other kind of fencing you might imagine. Some of it is rusted into uselessness while some seems almost new.
You walk over and get a closer look. Inside the pen, there's an absolutely massive white alligator. It looks like it belongs in Jurassic Park.
<img src="Images\White Alligator 2.jpg">
"You want to see her up close?" Titus suggests cheerfully. "I'll let you feed 'er if you want."
"No thank you." You say, voice unintentionally shrill.
In the far corner of the pen, you see four little white alligators, just about a foot long.
<img src="Images\White Alligator Babies.jpg">
"I see Jenny has babies. [[Is there a daddy alligator]]?" Patti spotted them too.Titus gives Patti a pained look. "Yeah, there's a daddy. He's just too big and ornery to keep in a pen. He stays in the bayou and only comes to visit Jenny in mating season. Hooooo boooyyy! I'm glad that's over with for this year!"
It's hard to imagine an alligator bigger than Jenny. It must be an absolute monster. Images from the last Godzilla movie you saw pop into your mind.
"Titus, I'm doing research for my doctorate on reptiles' evolutionary response to environmental toxins." Wyatt is lying through his teeth, but it sounds really convincing.
"My hypothesis is that pollution drove reptiles to evolve more rapidly in the last 100 years than they did in the 100 millenia prior. White alligators have unique DNA markers that allow me to precisely measure evolution over time." As Wyatt talks, Titus' eyes start to glaze over.
Seeing that he's sufficiently impressed his audience, Wyatt gets to the point. "If I could take some samples from Jenny, it would be a massive benefit to my research. I promise I won't cause her any real harm."
"What do you mean...samples?" Titus' eyes are back in focus.
"Not much really. I just need the basics...blood, urine, claw, scales, and stool."
"She ain't gonna like that." Titus grins.
"I have tranquilizer."
"[[How much are you offering?]]""I'll pay $500 for the samples, if you help me take them." Wyatt offers.
"Damn. You pay better than my cousin." Titus seems surprised by Wyatt's generosity.
"Yeah. She don't live here no more. But, she sends me money to help keep Jenny." Marcel seems lost in thought.
Wyatt continues. "I'll give you another $1,000 for one of the hatchlings."
"Damn! $1,500... I could finally get a new motor for my boat... You've got that much money? You gonna pay me first?" Titus seems happy.
"That's right." Wyatt pats his backpack.
Titus seems to be talking to himself as much as to Wyatt. "Well, I don't think Marvanna would approve. But she don't have to know. I could tell her one of the little'uns died..."
Wyatt opens up his backpack and starts peeling off bills.
"But, Marv <i>always</i> knows. Like the time I was late picking her up and I told her I ran out of gas...she knew. She'd kick my ass if I sold one of her gaters." Titus is arguing with himself.
"I'm sorry Wyatt, but I can't risk crossing Marvanna. Y'all are just gonna have to find yer own gater."
Wyatt looks at you for guidance.
Signal Wyatt to [[offer more money->negotiations]].
Shake your head. [[Money isn't enough to change his mind]]."Would another $500 make a difference?"
"Daaaauuummmm! You folks is really desperate for that gater, ain't ya?" Titus grins ear to ear. "You give me $2,000 and I'll let you take the pee, the shit, some scales, and a little blood. But, that's it. You ain't gettin the little'un, understand?"
You nod at Wyatt and he agrees to the deal.(set:$NewIngredients to 2)
Now, you just need to [[tranquilize that huge white alligator->how to tranquilize Jenny]].You stop, turn around, and look him in the eye. "Keep your hands to your self!" You're forceful without yelling.
He grins, showing several gaps in his yellow teeth. "Yeah? What are you gonna do about it, missy?"
"I'll slap your ugly face if you do it again."
''That's really assertive and brave of you, considering the circumstances.
Assertiveness increased (set:$Assertiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Assertiveness''
"Shiiiit... don't be so angry. I'm just appreciatin the finest ass I've seen in years. That is why you wear them shorts so tight...right? So men can look at you?"
"Look, but don't touch." You turn around and follow the others around the house. He <i>does</i> have a point about the tight shorts. As you walk, you try not to sway your hips, but it's just not possible. You can't help it!
Titus gives a quiet wolf-whistle to show his appreciation.
[[next->Jenny the gater]] Titus is clearly afraid of Marvanna.
"Come on, Titus. What's the worst she could do?" Marcel chips in, trying to help things along.
Titus stares at the gater pen and quietly shakes his head.
What do you want to do?
[[Give up]] on Titus.
[[Try your feminine wiles]].Once inside, you start on the story that you had ample time to rehearse while you waited. "Mr. Fundaro is giving me bad grades on purpose so I'll go beg him to change them and then he can get me to show my body." OK, it sounded better in your head.
"Really! I declare, that's the most shocking thing I've heard in ages." She reaches into her desk and pulls out a folder. "When did this happen?"
"Today! Just now, he gave me my paper back and I got an 'F' and I didn't deserve an 'F'. He wants me to..." You're talking fast in a high-pitched voice. In your old life, you'd call it 'whining'.
"Hmmmm..." She's flipping through the folder. "According to this file, you've been getting bad grades for quite a while now."
"Well...yeah...I mean this isn't the first time he's done it."
Her face isn't quite as kind as it was a few moments ago. "I also see that you've had a few disciplinary notes placed in your record."
"Well, that was for..." This isn't going anywhere good. You've been disrespectful to teachers, you've initiated classroom disruptions, and none of your work has been good. Who knew they wrote all that stuff down?
The principal can tell she's got you on the defensive. "I understand what it's like to be a senior. I see this kind of thing every year. But, you've got to understand that Mr. Fundaro has been a respected member of this staff for years."
She tries to look kind again, but it's fake. "You've only been here a very short time. I don't know what your record was like at...your previous school..." She looks through the folder and frowns when your history isn't there.
You decide to cut your losses and run. "I'm sorry, Ms. Luttwak. I'll try harder to get good grades. I promise."
This time, her smile seems genuine. "Good girl! Now, run along. If you hurry, you won't be late for 5th period." (set:$ToldPrincipal to 1)
You leave her office. You can either (link:"accept the bad grade")[(if:$FailingHealth is 0)[(set:$FailingHealth to $Day)(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"Failing Health")]] and hope nothing bad happens. Maybe you'll have this whole voodoo thing straightened out before the school gets too concerned about your grades.
Or, you could [[go see Fundaro]] and try to convince him you should have a better grade.(set:$Random to (either:1,2))(if:$Random is 1)[(goto:"Tease a Boy")](else:)[(set:$ClothingViolation to it + 1)(if:$ClothingViolation is 2)[(goto:"Clothing Violation #2")](elseif:$ClothingViolation > 2)[(goto:"Clothing Violation #3")](else:)[You're on your way to class, walking down the hallway. With some practice, you're not half bad at showing off that $Shape ass of yours. You hold your books low to be sure anyone who looks can have a nice view of your $BreastAdjective braless tits.
It's hilarious watching the boys drool.
"Ms. Schrodinger!" An adult female calls your name.
Looking around, you're not sure who it was.
"Ms. Schrodinger!"
This time, you spot her. It's a teacher you've seen around a few times, but you don't have her for any of your classes. Maybe she teaches History? She dresses like one of those religious women from the history books, even though she can't be over 25 years old.
<img src="Images\Ms Andersen.jpg">
She walks quickly toward you, a frown on her otherwise pretty face. "Ms. Schrodinger, I need you to come with me."
"What? Why?" What could she possibly want with you?
"Your...clothing...is completely inappropriate and violates the school's dress code." She waves her hand dismissively at your clothes, but her eyes focus elsewhere. "We're going to see the Principal."
You have no choice but to [[follow the teacher]].]]When you arrive at the Principal's Office, the administrative assistant looks up from her computer screen and adjusts her thick glasses so she can see better. "Good morning."
"I need to see Ms. Luttwak immediately." says the teacher who doesn't appreciate your clothing.
"Right. Well, Ms. Luttwak isn't in right now. What's the emergency?"
"Can't you see?" The teacher practically sputters with indignation. "This young woman is violating the dress code!"
The secretary looks you up and down and shrugs. "I suppose you're right. But, anyway, Ms. Luttwak won't be back until after lunch."
Unknown teacher's face grows even more intense. "This needs to be addressed immediately!"
"Hmmmm...perhaps you could counsel the student yourself? You can use Ms. Luttwak's office if you like."
After a moment of thought, the unknown teacher agrees. "Yes, that would be best."
The Principal's office assistant unlocks the door allowing you and the prudish teacher to [[enter her office]], then she closes the door behind you.Once alone, the young teacher lets loose with a torrent of angry words. She's speaking so fast and so impassioned that you don't even hear it all.
"...no respect for rules...no respect for your body...distracting others...headed for trouble...ruining your life...no future...not what God intended...tempting others into sin...dressed like prostitute..." On and on she goes. Although her words are directed at you, she mostly keeps her eyes averted, looking at the wall or the office decor instead.
After at least 10 minutes of uninterrupted lecturing, she finally starts to run out of steam. "Is any of this getting through to you?"
"Andersen!" She seems exasperated that you don't know who she is.
[[Pretend innocence]].
Tell her to [[mind her own business]].(set:$AndersenTeased to 1)You reach down and cup your breasts, lifting them within their flimsy, almost see-through, top. "Are my breasts like that, Ms. Andersen? Are they distracting?"
Your questions force her to look again at your chest. "Y.y.yes child. Your breasts are very...distracting."
"I'm so sorry, Ms. Andersen. I know I'm not supposed to let boys see my nipples." You gently poke at your left nipple as you talk, causing it to perk up a bit. "But, I didn't know I had to wear a bra all the time. They're so uncomfortable. Maybe I wear the wrong size? What size do you think I need?"
Ms. Andersen brushes a wisp of blonde hair back under her scarf and looks at your breasts. She wets her lips quickly with the tip of her tongue and there's a pause before she looks away and answers. "I don't know, child. Ask your mother."
"My mother doesn't live with us." You answer truthfully. "Can you help me?" You use your sweet voice as you lift your breasts toward the young teacher.
Her face looks stricken. "n.n.no... I can't help you."
[[Continue teasing->Ms. Andersen pt. 2]]."Awwww...." You make a disappointed sound. "I guess I'll have to find someone else to help me pick a good bra..."
She continues to look away.
"Well, is there anything else about my clothing that needs to be fixed?" You do a pirouette for her.
"Well, yes, actually. Your shorts!"
"What about my shorts?"
"They're too tight." She's staring at your ass. Is her face turning red?
It was a bit of a challenge getting these shorts on. You turn your solid ass toward Ms. Andersen and give it a pat. "I suppose you're right. These are getting kind of tight. Do you think my ass is too big?"
"Don't say that word!" She's still looking at your ass.
"I'm sorry." You answer contritely in your cute voice. You run your hand over your strong, $Shape thighs. "Am I showing too much of my legs?" When Ms. Andersen looks, you run your hand right down the center of your pussy.
She gasps and steps back until she bumps against the principal's desk.
[[Approach her]].
(if:$CreateLust > 0)[ [[Cast create lust]] on her.]You step up very close to the prudish teacher. (if:$HeightAdjective is "very short")[Even though she's much taller than you, ](elseif:$HeightAdjective is "short")[Even though she's taller than you, ](else:)[Even though she's the authority figure, ] you feel like you're the one in charge now. You smile and stand so close in front of her that your bodies are almost touching.
"Ms. Andersen...I feel strange. My body feels...hot."
She tries to move away from you but the desk blocks her path. "Ms. Schrodinger...you need to control yourself. I know what you're feeling, but you must maintain control."
"How?" You rub the front of your shorts. "It aches down there." You whine.
"Listen...Ms. Schrodinger...I feel it too, but you must be strong. We must be strong." She doesn't sound very strong.
You move your lips toward hers.
Her eyes are wide. For a second she hesitates...and then she turns her head. "No. We can't."
"Sure we can..." You give her a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"No...no, no, no" She repeats the word over and over as she gently pushes you back. "Just...go. Go back to class. Now!"
As you leave the room, she's leaning against the principal's desk with her face in her hands.
(link:"End the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")].You discretely whisper a voodoo spirit command and invoke a moment of **increased lust** in Ms. Andersen.
She groans and looks at you with pleading eyes. "What's wrong with me?"
"Are you feeling OK, Ms. Andersen?" Your voice sounds sincere. You step closer, invading her personal space.
She's starting to sweat. Her eyes are wide. "I...don't know...I don't feel right."
You put the back of your hand against her flushed forehead as if you were a mother checking a child's temperature. You murmur the spirit command and give her another dose of **increased lust**.
The blonde teacher groans and her eyelids flutter. She grips the desk for support lest her knees buckle.
"Should I call the school nurse for you, Ms. Andersen?"
"uh...um...yes. Yes....please." She mumbles. A shiver shakes her body.
You stand close to the teacher. "...or, would you rather...[[kiss me->kisses you on the neck]]?" (set:$AndersenInnocent to 1)"Ms. Andersen, what exactly about my clothes is wrong?" You've got a good idea, but it would be nice to know exactly which parts need to be fixed.
She looks briefly at your chest, then looks away. "Your...breasts!"
"What about my breasts? They're covered."
She looks back again, but just for a second. "You have no bra!" She sounds so annoyed and exasperated.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Andersen, but why do I need a bra?" You try to put your youthful appearance to use by playing innocent.
"Women must wear bras!"
"Because...their breasts are...sinful." She glances at your perky $BreastSize tits and pauses for a second. "They distract other people from their work...from being good Christians."
(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[Try to [[tease Ms. Andersen->Ms. Andersen]].]You stand up as tall as your $HeightFeet' $HeightInches" frame allows and stare this woman in the eyes. "Look...Ms. Andersen...I'm an 18 year-old woman. I'm old enough to vote. I'm old enough to join the Army and die for my country. I think I'm old enough to decide what clothes to wear, don't you?"
Her eyes get big and her mouth drops open. "No. No, absolutely not! School policies are very specific about what students can wear."
You step closer. "Why is that, Ms. Andersen? Why does the school insist on hiding my breasts?" You cup your $BreastSize braless tits and lift them up toward the teacher.
Her eyes are drawn to your sexy tits. She gasps and then mouth falls open. "You...what are you... Stop that!" She's staring at your breasts the same way Patti does.
"I'm not going to wear a bra! It's too damn confining."
"You will..." The blonde woman finally manages to look you in the eye. "...or I'll report you to the principal. There will be a disciplinary hearing. Your parents or guardians will be brought in. Your record will be reviewed and annotated with your misbehavior."
Ahhhh, shit. If you're going to keep your cover as a high school student, it looks like you're going to have to [[dress conservatively]] for a while, until Ms. Andersen finds someone else to harangue.
(if:$Dominance > 0)[Or... Your dominant side senses some sexual interest from Ms. Andersen. You could [[see how she responds]] to a bit more aggressiveness.]You make sad eyes and pouty lips. "I'm sorry Ms. Andersen. I didn't mean to cause trouble." Somehow, tears begin to form in your eyes. How did you do that?
"Well...you did. You did cause trouble." Her voice isn't as hard now.
You bat your eyes, trying to blink back the tears, but one rolls down your cheek anyway. "I'm a bad person, aren't I?"
"No... No, child. You aren't a bad person." The teacher puts her hands on your shoulders, speaking softly. "You just made some bad choices."
The sad and tear-filled eyes of your beautiful young face just are just inches from hers. You sniff just a little. "Can you forgive me?"
"I...well...of course..." She seems distracted.
"Oh, thank you! Ms. Andersen, you're the greatest!" You give her a big hug, mashing your $BreastAdjective breasts against hers. You hold the hug for a while, one hand on her back, the other just at the top of her ass.
She doesn't know what to do with her hands. Finally, she decides to hug you back. "There, there...it's alright. Just...dress more conservatively next time, OK?"
"Yes, Ms. Andersen. I will." (set:$PromisedConservative to 1) Really, you have no intention of dressing conservatively. You keep holding the hug. You can feel the warmth from her body.
"Um...Ms. Schrodinger...uh...let's get back to class, shall we?" She sounds breathless.
"Yes, Ma'am." You step back.
She turns her face away from you and runs a hand through her hair. "That will be all. Go on back to class."
(link:"Leave the office and end the school day.")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set: $ProvocativeSchoolClothes to 0)(set:$PromisedConservative to 1)[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$AndersenDom to 1)You take another step closer. "I'll tell you why. It's because prudes like you can't think straight while looking at boobs. Well, that's your problem, not mine."
The blonde teacher backs away, still staring at your breasts. "I don't know what...you're crazy...I'm not..."
"Would you like to get a better look?" You pull up your shirt. "What do you think, Ms. Andersen?"
(display:"Flash Tits")
She tries to back away, but runs into the principals desk. You've got her cornered and speechless.
You press your face up close to hers, blocking her view, forcing her to look into your beautiful eyes. "Are you a lesbian? I think you're a lesbian."
Her eyes widen and she quickly shakes her head.
You slowly move forward to kiss her. She doesn't turn away and she doesn't resist. Her eyes flutter closed. You take her hand and pull it to your bare breast.
"It's OK. You can be a lesbian." As you continue to kiss her, she starts to kiss back. The hand on your breast begins to squeeze.
[[continue->Interrupted]]There's a knock at the door.
"Ms. Andersen?" It's the administrative assistant. "Ms. Andersen, are you about finished in there? Ms. Luttwak is back and she needs to use her office now."
"We...almost done. Be out in a minute." She answers.
You put your hands on her shoulders and lean in close. "You <i>will not</i> report me, do you understand?"
She looks at you for a second, then nods her head.
"If you're good, we can have another...counseling session...sometime. Got it? Otherwise, I'll report you for molesting a student."
You see fear in her eyes when you mention reporting her. There's a good possibility she's been reported before.
''Bullying a teacher? Your dominant nature is coming out.
Dominance increased(set:$Dominance to it + 1).
New value: $Dominance''
The two of you leave the office and (link:"go your separate ways")[(goto:"Evening Activity")].You're on your way to class, walking down the hallway. You've gotten pretty good at showing off that $Shape ass of yours. You hold your books low to be sure anyone who looks can have a nice view of your $BreastAdjective braless tits.
It's hilarious watching the boys drool.
"Ms. Schrodinger!" A familiar adult female calls your name.
Looking around, you quickly spot Ms. Andersen staring at you.
"Ms. Schrodinger!" The blonde teacher has a stern look on her face. You quickly walk over to her.
<img src="Images\Ms Andersen.jpg">
She glances left and right before addressing you in a stern voice. "Ms. Schrodinger, I need you to come with me."
You follow Ms. Andersen down the hall to the principal's office.
"Amanda, I need to use Ms. Luttwak's office please." She doesn't even ask if the office is open. Maybe she already checked?
"Of course. Let me open it for you." The administrative assistant lets you in. "Ms. Luttwak has gone for a meeting at the district office, so she won't be back until after lunch." She closes the door after you.
Ms. Andersen sits at the principal's desk.
"Miss Schrodinger, (if:$AndersenInnocent is 1)[ [[I don't know what I'm going to do with you->Andersen Innocent]]](else:)[[[I don't know what I'm going to do with you->Andersen Dominant]]]."The blonde teacher sits straight and stiff with a serious expression on her face. (if:$PromisedConservative is 1)["I thought we agreed that you would dress according to the school's dress code."
"I'm so sorry, Ms. Andersen." You do your best to sound sorry. "I <i>tried</i> to. Really, I did. But, I couldn't!"
She frowns. "What do you mean..'you couldn't'?"
Promise to [[dress conservatively]] from now on. That will probably satisfy her, so long as you keep it up.
Tell her you're [[too poor]] to buy new clothes right now.
Tell her you have a [[medical condition]] that precludes restrictive clothing.](else:)["Miss Schrodinger, I see you still aren't abiding by the school's dress code. That's completely unacceptable."
If you [[apologize->Apologize]] nicely, she'll probably let you off the hook.
Or, you could [[test her resolve]]...]It looks like Ms. Andersen wants to play again. "Miss Schrodinger, I thought we discussed your inappropriate attire."
You draw yourself up to your full height and put your shoulders back to emphasize your youthfully firm bosom. Then, you put your hands on your hips and put a stern look on your face.
"Ms. Andersen, you goddam lesbian pervert! You do NOT pull me out of class!" Your tone is cold as ice and your voice cuts like a knife.
The teacher's jaw drops open and her eyes get big.
You continue to berate her. "I do not have the time or the inclination to come in here and let some fake Christian slut drool over me. That IS why you brought me here, isn't it? You want to see these titties again, don't you?"
You push out your chest, giving her a good view of your pokies showing through your thin top. She stares hungrily and licks her lips.
"I fucking knew it. You don't give a damn about the dress code. You just want to see my hot teenage breasts. *Admit it!* ''ADMIT IT, SLUT!''"
The force of your attack seems to rattle her. The blonde teacher tries to back away by rolling the chair backward, but she hits the wall. "Yes.."
"Yes, what? [[Answer me, slut!]]""I'm so sorry, Ms. Andersen! I told my dad I need new clothes and he yelled at me." You think sad thoughts and, like magic, tears come to your eyes. Is this part of the voodoo or do all women have this ability?
"What?! Didn't you tell him your clothes don't meet the dress code?"
"I did. But...well...we're having money problems right now." A tear rolls down your cheek. "See...there was a divorce..." You drop your head and start to sob.
"Oh, my poor dear!" Ms. Andersen gets up and comes around the desk.
Your face is red and wet. Your shoulders are slumped.
She hugs you to her chest and pats you on the back. "There, there. I'm so sorry."
You lean in. Your face is pressed against her breast. You hug her back. "Please don't kick me out of school for being poor."
"That's not going to happen." She strokes your hair. Her hand is on your butt.
"Really?" You look up at her, your face bright with gratitude, a smile forming on your lips. She's pretty even if she doesn't wear makeup. "You're the absolute greatest, Ms. Andersen."
She doesn't say anything. Instead, she [[kisses you on the neck]]. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Andersen! I tried to wear a bra, but I just can't."
She can't help but take a look at your $BreastAdjective braless tits. Her eyes linger longer than they need to. "What do you mean 'can't'?"
"It's my nipples! They get sooooo haaaarrrrd." You put a hand under your shirt and flip your right nipple back and forth a couple times.
"Aaaahhh! What are you doing?!?" The blonde teacher gasps. "Stop that!"
"Look! Look at this..." Your nipple is standing up, making a small tent in the front of your shirt. "If that happens when I'm wearing a bra, it hurts sooooo bad."
She wets her lips and stares. Her words come slowly now, with difficulty. "Have you...you need to wear a...a padded bra...to cushion your...to protect..."
"Do you really think that would help? I mean, my nipples get awfully long and stiff when they're erect..." You give both your nipples more tweaks, bringing them up to maximum size. Oooh...that feels good!
Ms Andersen's face is red. She pushes the chair back and stands up. "I don't know what's going on... This...needs to..." Her eyes are still glued to your body, but she seems confused.
You fan your face with your hands. "Whooo...is it just me or is it getting warm in here?"
At first, she doesn't move. Her expression is...scared? excited? She puts her hands on your shoulders, looking into your eyes. For consent?
You just smile.
She pulls you into an embrace and [[kisses you on the neck]]."Awwwww... Really?" You look sad. You walk around the desk so there's no barrier between you. "What is it that you don't like?"
"Your...your...shorts...they're far too...short...for school." She's staring at your $Shape thighs. Her hands grip each other tightly in her lap.
"Don't you like my legs? I shaved them just this morning." Actually, you don't have to shave. The voodoo keeps you looking perfect for Patti without any effort on your part.
"Child, you can't show that much...leg...in school!" She's gripping her hands so tightly that the knuckles are actually turning white.
"They're so smooooooth." You coo as you run your finger tips over your upper thigh. "They get tender when I shave, so I wear short shorts."
She wets her lips but says nothing.
"So, my top is OK, right?" You call her attention to your flimsy white blouse stretched tightly across your firm $BreastSize breasts. You lean over the teacher, giving her a great downblouse view. Her face is flushed.
"No bra..." The blonde teacher isn't saying much. She stands up. "Miss Schrodinger, you've got to..."
You're standing very close to her, almost breast to breast. At this range she can smell your perfume. Your beautiful face is just inches from hers.
She hesitates. Her expression is...scared? excited? She puts her hands on your shoulders, looking into your eyes. For consent?
You just smile.
She pulls you into an embrace and [[kisses you on the neck]].Ms. Andersen's lips start out light on your neck, gently kissing. Her tongue flicks out and softly strokes the back of your ear. She holds you close and lets her hot breath caress your ear.
A shiver runs up your spine. She's done this before. She knows what she's doing.
Then, she kisses you on the lips, sudden and urgent. Her lips press against yours with surprising heat and passion. One hand holds the back of your head while the other grips your ass, pulling you into a tight embrace.
So far, you've been playing, teasing, and exploiting. But now you feel breathless and hot. You melt into the teacher's arms, returning her kisses softly, but with unmistakable desire.
She can sense it. With sure hands, she removes your shirt, exposing your bare breasts and stiff nipples. Her lips run down your shoulder, moving quickly toward your breasts. You can feel the exquisite pleasure of goosebumps rising in your areolas.
You put your hands on the back of her head, holding her gently to your bosom. When she finally starts to suck a nipple in ernest, you can't help but moan with pleasure. These nipples are so much better than the ones you had as a man!
You're getting really turned on now. Much more of this and your body will be in control instead of your head. How do you want this to go?
Let the teacher have her way with you. [[Give in to lust]].
Invite her to a hotel where you could make a videotape. [[Try to blackmail her]].
She's so hot for you now, she'd never turn you in for a dress code violation. Pretend innocence and exit the situation without going any further. [[Go back to class]].She strips you, and eats your pussy with gusto.
<img src="Images\Pussy Licking 4.jpg">
Then, she humps her pussy against yours until you cum like a fountain.
<img src="Images\Tribbing Squirt.gif">
When it's all over, she leaves you exhausted. "I suggest you don't dress like that unless you want more discipline."
You're a distracted mess for the rest of the day. Luckily, nothing important happens.
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]"Ms. Andersen...stop...please...*stop!*" You manage to push her away before your lust is completely out of control.
"Come on, Miss Schrodinger...I know you want it as much as I do." The frustrated schoolteacher tries to kiss you again.
"Yes. I do..." You extend your arms and keep her at bay. "But not now. I have to go to class and the principal could be back soon. I'll call you. We can meet after school?"
After a moment of thought, Ms. Andersen smiles. "That's a good idea." She smoothes her clothes, making sure nothing is out of place. "Here's my cell number. Text me!"
The two of you exit the Principal's office.
After taking a minute to calm yourself and collect your thoughts, you [[call Wyatt]].Somehow you manage to back away from the lustful schoolteacher. She looks at you in surprise and dismay. "What are you doing?"
"I...I just don't know what's happening!" You try to sound flustered, innocent, and afraid. "My body feels so hot! I need to go."
You fix your clothes as best you can on your way out the door.
Your pussy is a hot itchy swamp for the rest of the day, but you did manage to exert your willpower.
''Willpower increased. (set:$Willpower to it + 1)
New value: $Willpower''
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")] Sitting alone in the gym with Gabbi after a hard workout, you decide to admit that her sweaty and ultra-fit body is turning you on. Maybe she'll accept that and not dig any deeper into your 'conflict'.
"You're right, Gabbi. I'm sorry, but it's true. I'm attracted to women."
Both of you look down at the same time, suddenly self-conscious about the fact that she's still holding your hand, but neither of you let go.
Gabbi squints at you. "You should not stress for that reason. Are you sure there is nothing else...?"
You shake your head vigorously and reply with certainty. "No! Nothing else."
She still looks doubtful. In a quiet voice, speaking only to herself, she says: "Hmmmmm....Maybe father..."
She pats your hand. "Jacki, it is perfectly fine for women to be attracted to women."
If she only knew! "I suppose, but, Gabbi...it just causes me..." What was the word she used? "...conflict. Yeah, it makes me feel conflict inside. That must be what you're sensing."
Gabbi gives you an odd look. "Do you find me attractive?"
"What!?" You splutter incredulously. Is she insane? You just said you like women. How could anyone who likes women not find Gabbi attractive? "Gabbi, you're totally hot."
"Would you like to come with me to my apartment?" Oh, she has beautiful eyes. Your heart skips a beat.
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 7.jpg">
What will you do?
Of course, I'll [[go with her]]. I'm not completely gay!
I'll [[politely decline]]. There's something weird about the way she sensed my aura.(set:$SawGabbiFather to 1)"Yes, I'll go with you." Your heart is thumping just as hard as it did during your workout. Did you just get invited to go home with this totally hot chick?
Gabbi smiles widely. "Come on. Let's go." You walk with her back to her apartment.
Wow! She lives in the penthouse suite. Gabbi's family has more money than you do.
"Come on! Let's swim!" She's still full of energy.
"Swim? Seriously?" That's not exactly the activity you were hoping for.
"Absolutely. It'll help work the lactose out of your muscles."
Maybe you can change the subject. "Gabbi, I really like your place."
"Thank you. Father picked it, of course. He always likes a rooftop."
"It's really cool. Can I see the rest?"
<img src="Images\Gabbi Rooftop.jpg">
"Sure! [[Follow me]]."(set:$SawGabbiFather to 0)"Gabbi, you're beautiful and you're a great friend, but I just can't go with you. If my dad found out, I'd be in <i>huuuuge</i> trouble. He's still in denial about my sexual orientation." You're not a good liar, but you give it your best.
"Of course." Gabbi looks...disappointed? "I understand. Maybe one day you will change your mind." She smiles and releases your hand.
"Thank you for understanding. Gabbi, you're the greatest." You give her a quick platonic hug.
"Will you continue to be my workout partner?" She asks.
"Yeah." You groan. "Just as soon as the pain subsides." You wink.
(display:"Gabbi Workout End")Working out with Gabbi is hard, but you can tell you're making steady progress.
''Strength increases.(set: $Strength to it + 1)
New value: $Strength''
(if:$Time is "AM")[When you get back to the apartment, you're (either:"totally drained", "physically wiped out", "unbelievably tired", "exhausted"). You take a shower, nap, and watch (either:"a few episodes of 'Burn Notice'", "one of the Terminator movies", "SportsCenter", "one of the Diehard movies", "a couple episodes of 'Game of Thrones'", "whatever is on the SciFi channel"). Eventually, you regain enough energy to come (link:"out of your room")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]](else:)[When you get back to the apartment, you shower and then (link:"head straight to bed")[(goto:"End of Day")]].Room by room, she shows off the penthouse suite. It's incredibly posh, but oddly cold and sterile. Where's the clutter? Where are the family pictures? Even here in what must be Gabbi's bedroom, it feels more like a hotel than a home.
"Where's the rest of your family?" You ask.
"Father is away on business. My mother died when I was seven. My older brother died when I was ten. We don't see my little brother much." She recites the facts without emotion.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's OK. You couldn't have known." She looks out a window across the city's rooftops. "I'm at peace with it."
Wow. That was a real buzz kill. You walk up behind Gabbi and put your arms around her sculpted torso to give her a hug. Her toned and powerful ass is pressed against your front. It feels soooo tempting...
[[Be bold]].
[[Be shy]].She wouldn't have invited you here, knowing that you're attracted to women, unless she was interested. You slide your hands up her bare stomach, feeling the ripples of her six-pack as you go.
''Assertiveness increased. (set:$Assertiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Assertiveness''
She leans her head back and purrs. Her hair is still damp with sweat from your workout.
You lightly kiss the warm and flushed skin on the back of her neck, then lick the sensitive skin behind her ear.
Gabbi shifts her weight from side to side, causing the well-developed muscles in her ass to flex against you.
When your hands reach her breasts, the nipples are already starting to pucker. Her breasts are nice and firm but completely natural.
"Grrrrrrr!!!" Gabbi growls like a hungry jungle cat as she spins in your arms and shoves you backwards.
You're completely off guard and off balance as you fall...[[on the bed]]."You're such a great friend, Gabbi." You release your hug and step back. "I'm glad I met you."
"Come on, Jacki. I still sense your conflict." She steps closer and closer until she's right in your face.
She leans in for a kiss, but you turn your head.
''Being passive is coming more naturally for you.
Assertiveness decreased. (set:$Assertiveness to it - 1)
New value: $Assertiveness''
"Stop fighting it. I can tell you want this." She gently caresses your cheek with her fingertips. "I want it too."
She grips both of your shoulders with strong hands and tries to kiss you again. This time, you allow it to happen...and it's truly awesome.
Your lips burn from her touch. As the kiss continues your face flushes and you need air. Just when you can't bear it another moment, Gabbi gives you a powerful shove, sending you flying backwards...[[on the bed]].Gabbi follows you onto the bed and straddles your waist, pinning you like a soon to be defeated MMA fighter.
She pushes up your sports bra and passionately assaults your firm tits. It feels delicious having this gorgeous woman devour your stiff nipples. You're suddenly breathless with desire.
Then, a door slams shut. "Gabbi? I'm back." It's a deep baritone voice.
"Oh shit! Damn, fuck, shit..." Gabbi is losing her mind. She jumps off of the bed and yells "I'm changing clothes! I'll be out in a minute!"
You can hear a TV come on. It's a car commercial. "Gabbi? What's going on?" You keep your voice low.
"It's my father!" She hisses in an anxious whisper. "He's not supposed to be home until tomorrow!"
"Can't you just introduce me?" It seems like the obvious thing to do.
"No. You don't understand." Gabbi shakes her head. "Here...hide in my closet. When I get him out of the living room, you run...ok?"
"Run? Seriously?"
"Yes! Just do it! I'll explain later. OK?" Her face is dead serious.
"OK." You get in the closet and leave the door open just a crack so you can judge when the coast is clear.
Gabbi goes out to [[greet her father]].From the closet, you listen to the conversation in the next room.
Gabbi: "I'll change later. I just got back from the gym and I need to take a shower."
Father: "I don't care...come here and give me a hug."
G: "I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow."
F: "Change of plans. Something more important came up. Remember that company that wanted to exploit the power to cure diseases? Well, they're at it again."
You can't see him, but he sounds like a big and very powerful man. Something about his voice just makes you want to do whatever he says.
G: "Um...father...can you come look at the pool? I think something is wrong with the pump. It's making a strange noise."
F: "Eh...I'll call the pool company. So, anyway, the conservatives are all up in arms. They're afraid for the marais."
G: "But, what if the motor burns up? It could start a fire."
F: "What motor? The pool pump? Don't worry. There's nothing to burn out there except concrete. So...both sides are...." He stops mid-sentence.
F: "Gabbi..." The deep voice sounds ominous. "...did you have someone over again? Don't even try to lie to me!"
G: (timid voice) "Yes, father."
F: "I <i>told</i> you! You can't keep doing this!"
G: "I'm sorry." Gabbi, normally so confident and strong, sounds like a small child.
F: "Who is...<i>she</i>?"
G: "I met her at the gym."
F: "Gabbi, we <i>talked</i> about this! You must demonstrate control at all times...at least until your training is complete."
G: "I know."
F: "I need a drink. I need to calm down."
You can't see either of them, but now Gabbi's arm comes into view. She's waving her hand frantically.
[[Time to go]]!You run on tiptoes through the living room, down the hall, and through the foyer. Then, you ever so quietly open the front door, slip through, and softly close it behind you.
Well, that was odd. You have a lot to think about as you (link:"head back to your apartment")[(if:$Time is "AM")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"sleep 2")]].(if:$MariaHang4Day is not 0)[$DayName, $Day day(if:$Day > 1)[s] since your transformation.
(if:$AttendingSchool is 0 or $DoW is "Saturday" or $DoW is "Sunday")[(if:$AttendingSchool is 1)[Since there's no school today, your morning is free. ] You're sitting at the breakfast table sipping coffee when your phone rings. It's Maria.](else:)[(set:$AttendedSchoolToday to 1)You have to attend school today, so your morning is occupied. Wyatt enrolled you in English, Algebra, Chemistry, Health, and, of course. Glee.
You haven't even made it to your locker yet when Maria grabs you by the arm and steers you into a semi-secluded corner.]
"Hey, Jacki, guess what!" She's excited.
"Momma flew out of town this morning. She won't be back until Monday!" She adds a high-pitched squeal at the end.
"Ohhhh..." This is cool! "(if:$DoW is "Friday")[Tomorrow is Saturday...](elseif:$DoW is "Saturday")[Tomorrow is Sunday...](else:)[There's a teacher conference tomorrow...] No school!" You're infected by her enthusiasm.
"That's right, so you know what that means, right?"
"Par-Tay tonight! Wooo Hooo!" You can squeal too. (if:$MariaHang4Day > 0)["But...Maria...after what happened last time...do you think that's a good idea?"
"Momma was mostly mad that I wasted her ingredients. She's working on something big and important and I messed it up. This time, we'll just have a normal party. AND, we'll clean up after." She's thought about it.
"Normal? No chicks with dicks or giant udders? Where's the fun in that?" You tease.
Maria laughs. "You were soooo cute with that dick poking out of you! You were so excited, I thought you'd cum before I touched it!"
Both of you laugh at the shared memory.]
"So, here's what I'm thinking..." Maria turns serious. "...I want to invite a few more people this time...boys." She wants your opinion.
You're pretty sure one of those boys would be Patti. Maybe with both of you there, you'll be able to find a way to steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[some ingredients](else:)[that book]... "
[[That sounds great]]!"
](else:)[(set:$WaitTime to $Day + 2)(goto:"Morning Activity")]"Who are you going to invite? Please tell me it's not Jim." That boy is always annoying you.
"No, not Jim. I was thinking Enzo and Henry."
"Enzo is OK, I guess." He's a skinny guy with bushy black hair you've seen a few times. From the way he acts, you got the idea he likes Maria. "But, I don't know about Henry."
"What? What's wrong with Henry?" She seems surprised.
"He's a dopehead!" Everyone knows that.
Maria giggles. "Well, there's that. But, he's cute and Leia likes him."
"Whatever. Fine with me." It's not that important. "Just those two?"
"Oh! And Patrick of course."
"Of course. Have you invited him yet?"
"Nah, I'll do that now. I wanted to make sure it was OK with you first." Maria is treating you like a BFF.
"That's cool. I think he really likes you."
"Really!? What did he say?!?" She's excited again.
-- more small talk....omitted for brevity --
[[Later that day...]](set:$PCArousal to 0)Patti is all smiles as the two of you get ready for Maria's party. She's humming tunes with her earbuds in as she prances (in her 6' 6" male body) around the house in her underwear. (if:$MaleAttraction > 0)[
(set:$PCArousal to it + 1)That's so distracting... You can't help but look at her.(if:$MaleAttraction > 2)[The lean muscles...chiseled abs...tight ass... You start to feel warm and flustered.(set:$PCArousal to it + 1)]]
You try to get her attention, but she's lost in her own little world.
Finally, you get in front of her where she can't ignore you. In your bare feet, you stand a full $HeightFeet' $HeightInches", forcing you to look up at a sharp angle.
Hands on hips, face stern, you try to get her to focus. "So, Patti, remember...we're going to this party for one reason: to steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[voodoo ingredients](else:)[Marvanna's book about voodoo relics]. Right? We're not there to have fun. Got it?"
She briefly makes eye contact and nods, or is she just bobbing her head to the music? Then, she goes around you and continues on.
Whatever. [[It's time for you to get dressed]].Bearing in mind that this is a highschool party, you'll need to look attractive. But, just how sexy do you want to be?
[[Good]]. Fit in without any special attention.
[[Hot]]. Turn heads and raise dicks.
[[Smoking]]! Even the pope couldn't resist. (set:$PattiArousal to 0)You put on a nice dress that makes you look pretty without being overtly sexual. You wouldn't want anyone to get the idea you're there to have sex.
(set:$Style to "Good")(if:$Exhibitionism > 1)[**How conservative of you!
Your exhibitionism decreases.(set:$Exhibitionism to it - 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**]
(display:"Show Party Dress")
[[next->Party]](set:$PattiArousal to 1)(set:$Style to "Hot")You put on a sexy dress that shows off your $Shape body well. Dressed like this, you'll be very popular.
(display:"Show Party Dress")
[[next->Party]]You put on a very sexy little dress that fits your $Shape body like a glove. With no underwear, the thin material leaves little to the imagination!
(set:$PattiArousal to 2)(set:$Style to "Revealing")**What's your goal at this party anyway? Maybe you're there to enjoy showing off your female body instead of stealing (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[voodoo ingredients](else:)[a voodoo book]?
Your exhibitionism continues to increase.(set:$Exhibitionism to it + 1)
New value: $Exhibitionism**
(display:"Show Party Dress")
[[next->Party]]When it's almost time for the party, Patti comes out of her room wearing jeans and a pullover. "This is another reason I like being a man."
"Getting dressed! It's soooo much easier to get ready for a party when you're a guy."
<img src="Images\Patti Jeans and Pullover.jpg">
Then, you stand up and model your (if:$Style is "Revealing")[stunningly sexy](elseif:$Style is "Hot")[sexy](else:)[nice] party dress. "What do you think?"
(if:$Style is "Revealing")[Patti's mouth drops open and her eyes are big as saucers. You spin and pose and smile... Patti just stands there looking stunned.
You giggle. "Close your mouth and stop drooling!"](elseif:$Style is "Hot")[Patti looks at you with undisguised lust. As you spin and pose and smile, she tries to wolf whistle, but it doesn't come out right. "You look really hot!"
You giggle. "Thanks."](else:)[Patti smiles and nods her head in appreciation. "You look really good." She looks you up and down. "I'd like to see more skin..."
"Nope. I'm not giving any free shows today."]
[[Let's go]].{
(if:$Style is "Revealing")[
(if:$Shape is "thin")[
(if:$BreastAdjective is "big" or $BreastAdjective is "huge")[
<img src="Party Dress Revealing Thin Breasts Large.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Thin.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Thin Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Thin.jpg">
](elseif:$Shape is "athletic" or $Shape is "shapely")[
(if:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Average Brunette.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Average Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Average.jpg">
](elseif:$Shape is "voluptuous")[
(if:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Heavy.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Heavy Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Revealing Heavy.jpg">
](else:)[Unable to show party dress, unexpected shape: $Shape]
](elseif:$Style is "Hot")[
(if:$Shape is "thin")[
(if:$BreastAdjective is "huge")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Thin Breasts Hidden.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Thin Brunette.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Thin Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Thin Auburn.jpg">
](elseif:$Shape is "athletic" or $Shape is "shapely")[
(if:$BreastAdjective is "huge")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Average Huge Tits.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Average Brunette.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Average Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Average.jpg">
](elseif:$Shape is "voluptuous")[
(if:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Heavy Brunette.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Heavy Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Hot Heavy.jpg">
](else:)[Unable to show party dress, unexpected shape: $Shape]
](elseif:$Style is "Good")[
(if:$Shape is "thin")[
(if:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Thin Brunette.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Thin Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Thin.jpg">
](elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[
(if:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Average Brunette.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Average Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Average Auburn.jpg">
](elseif:$Shape is "shapely")[
(if:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Average Brunette.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Average Blonde 2.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Average Auburn.jpg">
](elseif:$Shape is "voluptuous")[
(if:$HairColor is "brunette")[
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Heavy Brunette.jpg">
](elseif:$HairColor is "blonde")[
<img src="Party Dress Good Heavy Blonde.jpg">
<img src="Images\Party Dress Good Heavy Auburn.jpg">
](else:)[Unable to show party dress, unexpected shape: $Shape]
](else:)[Unable to show party dress, unexpected style: $Style]
}(set:$PattiArousal to it + 1)Patti rides with you in your M3.
(display:"Your Car")
While you shift gears and watch traffic, Patti's eyes seem locked on your body. Stopped at a red light, you catch her adjusting her package. She's got a hard-on!
"Like what you see?" You tease.
"Damn it!" She slaps the arm rest. "It's all I can do to keep from touching you right now."
[[Give her more to look at]].
[[Calm her down with assertive language]].
[[A touch would be welcome right now]].<img src="Images\BMW M3.jpg">"Stop that!" You practically shout. "Get a grip on yourself, dammit."
Patti sits up straight, looking stunned.
"We've got a mission to do. You <i>will not</i> let that dick of yours fuck it up! Do you understand? DO YOU?!?"
"No...I mean yes!" Patti fumbles over her words.
"Yes what?" You demand.
"Yes...ma'am?" She doesn't know what to say. "Yes sir?"
"Are you going to control that dick?" You maintain fierce eye contact, not ready to let her off the hook just yet.
"Yes! Yes, I will control my dick." She sounds reasonably sure.
"You're damn right you will." Looking down, you see that her erection is gone. Mission accomplished. (set:$PattiArousal to it - 2)(if:$PattiArousal < 0)[(set:$PattiArousal to 0)]
(if:$Dominance < 1)[Where did that come from? You haven't been dominant before. (link:"I enjoyed that!")
''Apparently you enjoy being dominant.
Dominance increased. (set:$Dominance to 1)
New value: $Dominance''
](elseif:$Dominance < 3)[How did that feel? Did you get a rush from dominating Patti? Did it make your nipples hard?
(link:"Yes")[''Being dominant is arousing for you.
Dominance increased. (set:$Dominance to it + 1)
New value: $Dominance'']
][[Patti looks sad->Patti doesn't look happy]]."So, who's stopping you?" You give Patti a sly wink.
"You mean...?" She starts to reach and then hesitates.
"Knock yourself out." You're just watching the light, waiting for it to change.
Patti cups your braless breast in her huge male hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. Then, she pinches the nipple.
It feels delicious. You lick your lips and keep staring at the red light.
Patti runs her hand up the inside of your thigh from knee all the way to your pussy. She may have big calloused hands now, but she still knows exactly how to touch a pussy!
You can't help but wriggle your butt, it feels so good. When Patti stops for a moment, you look over and see her adjusting her package again. (set:$PCArousal to it + 1)(set:$PattiArousal to it + 2)
"What's the matter? Pants too tight?" You giggle.
"Don't you know it!" She can't seem to find room for her huge dick.
"Well, I guess we better quit then." You pull your dress back into place just as the light turns green.
[[Patti doesn't look happy]].(set:$PCArousal to it + 1)(set:$PattiArousal to it + 1)"Awwww... Am I making you haaarrrrd? What if I do this?" You pull the bottom of your dress up to give Patti a look at your bare pussy.
"Uuuuuhhhnnnn..." Patti rubs the front of her jeans and groans. "You're so hot!"
"Am I?" You ask rhetorically. "Let's see..." You slip a finger between your legs and press it against your slit. "Ooooh... I think you're right. I am feeling a little hot."
"Beeeeep!" The car behind you is honking since the light is green and you're not moving. You quickly go back to shifting gears.
Patti looks [[even more frustrated now->Patti doesn't look happy]].The sun is just dipping below the horizon when you get to Maria's house. (if:$PattiArousal > 0)[For some reason, you glance at Patti's crotch and notice that she (if:$PattiArousal > 2)[is still stiff as a board](else:)[still has a large lump in her pants]. You can't help but smile, thinking about the awesome power of your sex appeal. You feel warm inside.]
The security guard is expecting you. As the big iron gates swing open, Patti's eyes get big. Then, when she sees the house, she's even more impressed. "Oooooh! Maria's got a nice place."
While you wait for Maria to come to the door, you double-check your appearance. For just a moment, you have second thoughts about the (if:$Style is "Good")[rather conservative](elseif:$Style is "Hot")[sexy](else:)[very revealing] dress you wore. Hopefully you'll fit in with these high school seniors.
Patti notices your insecurity. "(if:$Style is "Good")[I told you to wear something sexier](elseif:$Style is "Hot")[Don't worry. You look really hot.](else:)[Don't worry! You're rocking that dress with that hot body of yours.]"
"Yeah...that's what I'm worried about."
Maria opens the door looking beautiful as always.
<img src="Images\Maria 5.jpg">
"Come on! We're all in the game room." She smiles at Patti. "You look really nice Patrick."
"Uh...thanks. You look great too!"
Geez...oversexed teenagers...those two might as well get a room right now.
The three of you head to [[the game room]].PC (range 0 to 4 so far)
Starts at 0
+1 if male attraction > 0
+1 if male attraction > 2
one of...
no change if being assertive
+1 touch self at stoplight
+1 let her touch
meet Enzo...Revealing + Exhibitionist > 1 = + 1
Patti (range 0 to 5 so far)
0 if PC's style is 'good'
1 if PC's style is 'hot'
2 if PC's style is 'revealing'
+1 watching you drive
one of...
-2 you are assertive
+1 you tease
+2 let her touchPatti sits with her hands in her lap and gives you a sad look. "You know, Wyatt and whatever spirit he used didn't get everything right."
"What are you talking about?"
"You're not my perfect match." She shakes her head. "Oh, you <i>look</i> great, definitely. But, you aren't attracted to me. My perfect match would want me as much as I want her."
"Pffft! Let me tell you, that spirit is working on it. I can definitely feel the pull." It's true, you can.
"Then, why are you always teasing me and then shutting me down?" It's her sad voice, sobbing.
"I...it's because...well, I don't..." You stop and think for a moment. "I guess it just seems weird for me...the idea of sex with a guy. I resist because I don't want to do anything I'll regret when I'm a guy again."
"Well, it's <i>not fair</i>!" Patti exclaims. <i>"I wish you had a sex drive so powerful you wouldn't be able to resist!"</i> She's practically shouting.
Whooosh! Something's wrong with the car's air conditioning. A sudden burst of cold air hits you in the face, momentarily taking your breath away. You shiver as goosebumps cover your exposed skin. You keep your focus on driving.
"Patti, please don't be angry with me.(if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[ I can't seem to help myself...showing off this body. It's so much fun, it's addicting.]"
She sighs. "I know you're not trying to be mean. It's just...I have to deal with <i>this</i>..." She gestures at her crotch. "...and you don't. When the dick wants sex, it's almost impossible to tell it 'no'. I think my perfect match should have something like that, just to make it fair."
You shake your head and chuckle. "No, that wouldn't be a good thing. I'm having enough trouble handling this body as it is."
Time to change the subject... "So, let's [[talk about the plan]].""What plan?" Patti scoffs. "All I know is that we're going to try to sneak into the basement and steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[the ingredients on Wyatt's list](else:)[some voodoo book]."
"We'll need a diversion. The others can't see what we're up to."
"Then what? Maria will get in trouble, won't she?" You can hear the sympathy in Patti's voice. She seems to really care about Maria.
"Yeah, I'm sure she will."
"They're going to know it was someone at the party who did it." Patti continues the train of thought. "Maria will have to tell Marvanna who was there."
"Yeah...I see your point. With such a small pool of suspects, there's no way Marvanna doesn't figure out who stole her stuff." Hmmm.... "Maybe we could frame someone else for the crime?"
"Seriously? Jacki, I think you watch too much TV. We don't know how to frame someone. And, don't you think they'll know it was us when we disappear from school?"
"Desperate times call for desperate measures! What other options do we have?" You're not about to give up.
[[next->more planning]]You can hear Ariana Grande singing '7 Rings' before you enter the room..."<i>Who would have thought it'd turn me to a savage?</i>"
<img src="Images\Leia 4.jpg">
Leia is here, playing pool with Henry.
<img src="Images\Henry 2.jpg">
Henry looks you up and down(if:$Style is "Revealing")[ and makes a 'wolf whistle'.
"Hey!" Leia punches him in the shoulder.](elseif:$Style is "Good")[.](else:)[ and smiles appreciatively.]
"Where's Enzo?" Maria asks.
Leia sinks a solid in a side pocket before answering. "He went to the bathroom. Gotta drain that lizard, right?" Bother Leia and and Maria giggle as if that was the funniest thing in the world.
As Leia lines up her next shot, Henry walks up behind her, pressing against her ass. She just smiles and sinks another solid.
"Damn!" Henry seems surprised.
"Is that all you got?" She taunts. "You're gonna have to do better than that to jack up my shot."
"Oh, there he is." [[Maria spots Enzo]]. "Enzo, I don't think you've met Patrick." She puts her arm around Patti's waist.
<img src="Images\Enzo 1.jpg">
Enzo tries to smile, but doesn't look especially happy. "Hi." He says. Not a talker.
"Hi Enzo!" Patti smiles big. At six and half feet tall, she towers over little Enzo, and the rest of you too. "Glad to meet you."
<img src="Images\Patti Smile.jpg">
"Enzo, you know Jacki, right?" Maria nods in your direction.
"Not really." He briefly makes eye contact before staring at your breasts.
You smile politely. "I think you're in my health class?" He always sits in the back, but you're pretty sure he's in it.
"Yeah." He shrugs and turns to Maria, looking at her arm around Patti's waist. Then he goes back to staring at your (if:$Style is "Revealing")[almost naked body.](elseif:$Style is "Hot")[hot body.](else:)[breasts.] (if:$Style is not "Good" and $Exhibitionism > 1)[His face starts to turn red.
Exposing yourself like this...getting a reaction from people...it's a bit of a thrill for an exhibitionist like you. (set:$PCArousal to it + 1)]
"Tell her about your band." Maria winks at you.
With that encouragement, Enzo perks up a little. "I'm in a band with a couple guys. We mostly do metal, but some rock too. I play bass." Then, he goes silent again.
Maria makes eyes at you. You can almost hear her urging you to ask a question.
You might as well oblige her. "So, Enzo, where do you play?"
He finally makes eye contact and starts talking about some gigs they've done. While he talks, Maria and Patti move away to have their own conversation.
The sound system is playing an Imagine Dragons song..."<i>But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide</i>"
You're bored, but you stay polite, looking for a chance to get into Maria's basement.
[[A little later...]]After a few minutes, Maria calls everyone to the bar. "We've got snacks here." She's beaming. "I actually made some of these myself."
OK, at least you won't starve while you're bored to death.
"...and..." She gestures to a tall pitcher of iced beverage. "...I mixed up margaritas!"
"Cool." Henry nods. "I brought some weed too, if anyone is interested."
Leia stares at the floor.
"Seriously?" Maria's eyes flash. "I <i>TOLD</i> you... Get that shit out of here, now! If Momma finds out..."
Henry doesn't move. "Chill out. I left it in the car. Leia already told me you were uptight. We can smoke outside if you're worried."
"No! No smoking weed on the property. You don't understand. Momma is a complete Nazi about drugs." Maria can be fierce.
Leia puts her arms around Henry's shoulders. Henry puts his hands up. "OK...Ok...got it. No weed. Just relax." Then, he gets snarky. "So she's OK with her daughter drinking margaritas, but not smoking weed..."
"No. Momma doesn't approve of margaritas either." Maria calms a little, but remains firm. "But, I know what I can get away with and I know how bad I'll get in trouble if I get caught. I'm willing to risk the alcohol, but not the drugs. Got it?"
Henry nods, a serious and respectful look on his face. "Got it. Your house, your rules. I'm good."
You have a few friends like Henry, back in your old male life. You never know when they're serious.
Some hip hop song with indecipherable lyrics is playing on the sound system.
[[next->Drinks]]Everyone picks up a Margarita. Leia raises hers up: "To good friends..."
When you notice Enzo gingerly sip his drink, you whisper to him. "Go ahead. It won't hurt you."
He looks at you suspiciously and then takes another, slightly larger, sip. He's not a big guy...thin and maybe 5' 9" tall.
You play a party game called 'Taboo' and finish off your margarita. It's boys against girls and the (either:'girls', 'boys') win (either:'all three games', 'two out of three games', 'two out of three games').
The whole time, all three males repeatedly cast lewd glances at the girls(if:$Style is "Hot" or $Style is "Revealing")[, especially you]. Were you really that obvious about it when you were a man? (if:$Exhibitionism > 1)[As the alcohol starts to give you a light buzz, the constant male attention raises your temperature a bit. You shift in your seat, getting a tiny tingle by squishing your damp pussy lips together.](if:$Style is "Hot" or $Style is "Revealing")[ Your sexy body and (if:$Style is "Hot")[hot](else:)[revealing] dress are probably getting the boys worked up. Are they getting hard? Henry and Enzo probably aren't as big as Patti. Her dick is huge!] (if:$Exhibitionism > 1 and ($Style is "Hot" or $Style is "Revealing"))[
You keep your shoulders back so your tits will look bigger. Patti is sitting just to your right and you're giving her a great view. You're giggling on the inside, wondering how hard she is. Maybe, if you hold your head just right...maybe you can see...
"Jacki? It's your turn..." Leia jolts you out of your daydream.]
Red faced, you go [[back to playing]].Maria brings a pitcher of margaritas over to the table and tops off everyone's drink. "What should we play now?"
"We could play strip poker..." Henry says. It's always a guy that suggests strip poker.
"I'm afraid that wouldn't last very long." You wave your hand at your party dress. "I'm not wearing much."
"Cool." Henry doesn't mind.
Enzo swallows hard but says nothing.
"Aw, come on guys. You've got to give us a chance." "Yeah!" Maria and Leia take your side, of course.
"I know!" Patti speaks up. "We'll start with the same number of chips or toothpicks or whatever. Whenever someone runs out, the people who still have chips can bid for the loser's services."
"Whaaaat?? Maria scrunches up her forehead. She's had a little more tequila than you have.
Patti, on the other hand, is completely sober. "Let's say I lose all my chips. You could might offer me 50 to refill your drink. Jacki might offer me 75 to make her a sandwich. I could pick which offer to take."
"What if no one offers anything?" Henry want's to know.
"Anyone with more chips than they started with has to make an offer of at least 50."
"What if you don't like any of the offers?" Leia asks.
"Then, I'd lose." Patti says. "I'd be out."
"OK. And whoever goes out has to strip naked." Henry grins.
"You're on!" Leia agrees.
Enzo looks terrified, but Maria and Patti reluctantly agree to henry's condition. It looks like the rules are set.
[[Play Poker]]Maria finds some poker chips and passes them out. Everyone gets $500 in plastic chips.
Henry takes the cards and starts shuffling. His hands move quickly and precisely. The cards move crisply under his touch, blending and separating repeatedly. "Dealer's choice, $5 ante, $10 max raise...agreed?"
"Uh...sure..." Maria looks worried.
"We'll cut to see who goes first. Deal passes to the left after each pot." Henry continues to lead the way.
For the first half hour or so, it's just a normal game of poker. Everyone is drinking and laughing and having a good time. Even the guys are starting to look a little glassy-eyed from the alcohol.
"I'll be right back." Enzo is headed to the restroom again, holding his hands in front of his pants.
"What's wrong, Enzo? Something wrong with your pants?" Leia teases. "Aw, come on...let us see."
Eventually though, the better (or luckier?) players start to accumulate larger piles of chips while the others run low. Enzo, Henry and Patti are all on the plus side. Hmmm....all the guys are winning (if you count Patti as a guy) and all the girls are losing (if you count yourself as a girl).
Maria seems to be incredibly unlucky. She's the [[first to lose]] all her chips.(set:$Plan to "steal")You've made up your mind. Enough of this passive, wimpy approach. "Look...Patti...I want (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[those ingredients](else:)[that book] tonight. I think we can frame one of the other kids. (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[Sure, they'll probably figure out I did it, but by then I'll be a guy again. I'll run or fight if I have to, but I'll do it as a man."](else:)[We need that book!"]
Patti looks sad. "I get it. I'll help."
"(if:$RelicInfo is 0)[Look, I know you're not in any hurry to change back. ]This is my decision. I'll take the blame. If Marvanna comes after me, she doesn't even need to know you were involved."
Patti looks at you oddly but says nothing.
Now that your mind is made up, you're back to planning. "So, we're going to need a diversion before we can get into the basement."
Patti thinks for a moment. "Well, they're teenagers...no parents or chaperones...you know they'll be making out."
"Yeah, but Maria will want to make out with you." You wink at Patti. "I guess you'll need to keep Maria occupied while I sneak into the basement."
Patti finally smiles when you mention making out with Maria. "It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!"
[[Arrive at Maria's house]] (set:$StolenIngredients to 0)"Look, Jacki, we went into this with three possibilities. Stealing was just one of them. (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[We were only going to steal if we didn't think they'd miss a few ingredients. Now, we know that's not the case.]" Patti remembers her plan better than you do.
"So what does that leave?"
"Maybe we could ask Maria (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[to change you back? She seems to know how to do transformation voodoo.](else:)[to let us borrow the book?] If she likes us enough, she might do it." Patti suggests. "Or, maybe we could (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[(if:$Opt2 is "failure")[ask her where the ingredients come from so we can get our own](else:)[ask her to help us get our own ingredients]?](else:)[make a copy?]"
You really wish you'd talked this over with Wyatt before you left the apartment. He's so smart. "If we try either one of those, we'd have to tell Maria the truth!" That seems like a really scary option.
"What else can we do?" Patti presses. "Do you just want to forget the whole thing?"
You turn off the road and park in a drugstore parking lot so you can think for a few minutes. You're trying to concentrate. You should have thought of all this days ago!
What do you want to do at the party tonight?
Try to (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ [[steal the ingredients->try to steal]]](else:)[ [[steal the book->try to steal]]] and frame someone else.
Tell Maria about your transformation and [[ask for help]].
[[Don't make any decision tonight]]. Just attend the party and discuss with Wyatt later.(set:$Plan to "ask")"Ok. We've spent a lot of time and effort trying to get on Maria's good side. I'm tired of waiting. (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[I want my old body back before I forget what it was like.](else:)[I want that book.] So, I'm going to try to get Maria alone and tell her what happened." You sound desperate.
"What about me?" Patti asks. "Shouldn't I be asking her?"
"Look, I know you're not in any hurry to change back. If Maria says no... (if:$TheftDay is not 0)[If they figure out who was behind the break-in...] If Marvanna finds out or whatever... I don't want you to be in trouble too."
Patti looks at you oddly. Then she smiles, leans over and kisses you on the neck, just behind the ear. A shiver runs down your spine and your nipples tingle.
(if:$PattiArousal > 0)[You're very conscious of Patti's erection.](else:)[You squeeze your thighs together.] "If we get a chance to snoop around, we can do that, but nothing that would get us in trouble."
"Sounds good."
[[Arrive at Maria's house]] (set:$Plan to "wait")"Damn, this is hard!" You're just not sure what to do. What would Wyatt do? Why can't you make a decision? "OK, Patti...let's not do anything risky tonight. Let's just blend in and have a good time...OK?"
"I like it!" Patti smiles, leans over and kisses you on the neck, just behind the ear. A shiver runs down your spine and your nipples tingle.
(if:$PattiArousal > 0)[You're very conscious of Patti's erection.](else:)[You squeeze your thighs together.] "If we get a chance to snoop around, we can do that, but nothing that would get us in trouble."
"Sounds good."
You glance at Patti again. "I know you're not in any hurry to change back. We'll take our time and get it right."
Patti looks at you oddly but says nothing.
[[Arrive at Maria's house]] When playing Taboo, one player draws a card and tries to get their teammates to guess the word or phrase without saying any prohibited (taboo) words listed on the card. Meanwhile, a member of the other team looks over their shoulder to make sure they didn't mess up.
Of course, this presents a perfect opportunity to look down a girl's top and check out her cleavage. You're certainly still male enough to appreciate the view. In fact, looking at Leia's tits, you find yourself getting quite warm.
One of the advantages of having a female body is that no one knows you're turned on. It's not like you've got a stone hard pecker making a tent in your shorts. Sure, your nipples are hard, but you can blame that on the air conditioning. Your pussy gets wet, but no one can see that. Your face is flushed, but that's just the alcohol.
As a girl, you could probably cum right in front of people and no one would know. Once you sit back down, you discretely slip a finger under your short dress and touch your damp pussy, getting an additional thrill from having unsuspecting people nearby.
"Anyone need another Margarita?" Maria asks a little too loudly. Her face is flushed too.
"Sure." "Me too."
[[next->more games]]"OK, I'm broke. What do I have to do?" Maria asks.
"I'll give you 50 to show me your tits." Henry is quick to answer. Apparently, he's been thinking about it for a while.
"Noooooo!" Maria whines.
"How about 50 to refill my drink?" Patti smiles at Maria and receives a sharp look from Henry.
"Thank you Patrick!" Maria claps her hands and sticks out her tongue at Henry.
"Wait a minute...Enzo needs to make an offer too." You remind them.
Enzo stares at his chips while everyone stares at him. After a few seconds of thought, he says "Uh...100 for a hug?" His voice is soft and pleading.
Maria looks at him thoughtfully for a moment. Then, without a word, she gets up and walks over to Enzo, holding out her arms.
Enzo gets up and they hug for a long time, bodies pressed tightly from head to toe. When they finally break, Enzo is red-faced and sporting a bulge in the front of his trousers. Maria giggles as she neatly stacks her new chips.
Enzo is back to even now, leaving Patti and Henry in the lead.
On the very next hand, Leia goes all in on triple jacks but loses when you get a full boat with tens and twos. The pot is good sized, putting you on the plus side for the night. You'll get to bid for Leia's services.
[[Leia needs more chips]]!"Kiss me, for 50." Henry offers.
"Kiss me, for 50." Patti parrots. Is she serious? Is she trying to make Maria jealous?
"Kiss me, for 50." You decide to follow the trend. You don't want to lose your chips, so you make an offer you don't think will get accepted. Plus, you really would like to kiss Leia. She's hot! ...and you're horny.
When you're drunk, everything is funny. So, everyone laughs at the bids as if it was the funniest thing in the world.
Leia gives Henry a sultry look and says "I'll kiss...Patrick."
Patti's eyes get big and round. Henry looks like someone who's trying not to look mad. So does Maria.
It's not a short kiss, either. Patti starts off with a quick kiss, but Leia grabs her/him by the back of the head and holds on. Patti's arms don't know what to do at first, but then they wrap around Leia's back. It's at least a full minute before they come up for air.
Patti's face is bright red and Leia's eyes are glazed over. That was one hot kiss! You can feel your own heat rising, just from watching. With the pause in card playing, you're able to slip your hand back under your dress and get in some quick strokes on your wet pussy. It's feeling better than usual. A delicious aching itching need is growing between your legs. You could really use a vibrator right now.
Instead, you slam down the rest of your margarita. Maybe that'll help.
[[next->another hand]]
Once you're in the kitchen and out of earshot Maria gets intense. "I don't like the way this is going. I want to shake things up."
"What are you talking about? I thought you needed help with snacks or something." Do your fingers smell like pussy? You keep your hands behind your back. Your pending orgasm recedes, but not your frustration.
"No." She scoffs. "Patrick is <i>my</i> date...not Leia's. I'm gonna whip up some vodoo on their asses."
"[[That's a great idea]]! Sounds like fun!" (if:$Plan is "steal")[This could be the distraction you need. Maybe Maria will even get you into the basement and you'll have a chance to boost (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[some ingredients](else:)[that book].](elseif:$Plan is "ask")[Helping Maria might make her even more grateful to you and more likely to help you turn back into a man.]
"Now, Maria...[[don't overreact]]. Leia was only teasing Henry." Maybe Maria should lay off the margaritas. Who knows what might happen if she gets angry and starts casting spells. "Voodoo? Cool! What do you have in mind?" You clap your small, pink-nailed hands together and squeal. You're getting good at pretending to be a teenage girl. (if:$JealousOfPatti is 1)[Maybe a little voodoo will teach Patti not to play around with other girls!]
(display:"Maria's Plan")
Maria's eyes light up. "Perfect! Now, we need to [[go down in the basement]] and get the ingredients."Maria...slow down a second. Think about it. Think about what will happen if your Mom finds out." (set:$ToldMariaBadIdea to 1)
"I don't care. I'm going to have some fun and I need your help." There's fire in Maria's eyes. Or is that the margaritas?
"Come on, now. You and Leia are BFF's, right? She's just teasing. You don't want to do anything crazy."
"Crazy?!?" Her voice rises as she turns her anger towards you. "Are you calling me crazy?" This is going badly.
"No! I just don't want you to do anything you'll regret tomorrow."
"Don't be such a pussy!" Maria stands, hands on hips, glaring at you. "I won't do anything permanent. Now, are you going to help me or not?"
"[[Ok, I'll help]]."
"[[I can't let you do this]]. You'll thank me tomorrow." You and Henry are the only ones on the plus side right now. Enzo and Patti are just about even while Maria and Leia are barely hanging on.
The next few hands are uneventful as winners get small pots when everyone else folds. Everyone is pretty buzzed from the margaritas, especially Maria.
Finally, Patti wins a good-sized pot and Leia is completely broke again. The blonde puts her hand on Patti's shoulder and leans close. "Looks like you got me right where you want me, stud." You can hear a bit of Texas drawl in her voice when she's drunk.
Henry checks his chips. He's only about $20 over break-even. "I'll give you...$100...for a kiss."
You expect Leia to take Henry's offer. After all, they're dating. So your offer probably doesn't matter. "I'll give you $50 if you show us your tits." You've been staring at them with lust and your offer comes out without any thought. Everyone looks at you funny.
<img src="Images\Leia 4.jpg">
Leia pushes out her impressive chest and blows you an air kiss.
Your hands are free with the break in play, so you can go back to diddling your clit. It's so big and stiff! You clench your thigh muscles and try not to squirm.
With the chips from this pot, Patti is now up for the night. She is also staring at Leia's tits. "I'll give you $50 if you'll let me touch them."
"What???" Henry gasps.
"Awww, come on, Henry. It's just a game." Leia's eyes are locked on Patti's hot and muscular body even though she's talking to Henry.
Maria and Enzo can only watch.
Maybe you should be cautioning Patti not to do this, but your slippery fingers are making magic on your aching clit. You're getting tunnel vision as your mind dissolves in the pink fog of an approaching orgasm.
Leia bites her lip for a second and then says: "[[Go for it, big boy!]]" to Patti.Patti walks around the table to stand behind Leia. Leia tilts her beautiful face upward, watching Patti's face with breathless anticipation.
Patti's big, strong, basketball-palming hands are completely filled with Leia's big, firm, teenage breasts. Her eyes go half shut behind fluttering eyelids as Patti lifts, squeezes, massages, and tweaks.
Henry stares daggers at the two of them. "What the fuck?" (if:$JealousOfPatti is 1)[That's exactly what you were thinking. Patti is supposed to be yours, not Leia's!]
Enzo's eyes are big as saucers.
You watch the big bumps Leia's nipples are making in her sheer top and bite your lip, trying not to moan as your fingers move quickly under your dress.
Maria pokes you on the shoulder. "Jacki...come give me a hand."
"What?" Is she talking to you? The sound seems to come from far away. Your orgasm is just seconds away.
"Help me, please." She's watching you, insistant, waiting for help.
"OK!" It comes out louder than you wanted. Dammit! You're trembling with frustration. "Ok, ok..."
You [[follow Maria]] into the kitchen, watching Maria's sexy little ass swish back and forth. If you were a guy, you'd have a really hard time walking right now. "OK. So long as it's not permanent... What do you have in mind?"
(display:"Maria's Plan")
Maria's eyes light up. "Perfect! Now, we need to [[go down in the basement]] and get the ingredients."Maria...please don't do this. I know it seems like a good idea right now, but let's just have fun...ok? You'll thank me tomorrow." Your voice is soothing as you try to defuse the situation.
She looks at you with a mixture of pain and anger on her face. "You too? You don't think I'm good enough for Patrick? Are you trying to help him get together with Leia? I thought you were my friend!"
"I AM your friend!"
Maria is mumbling something you can't quite make out as a cold wind blows your hair.
<img src="Images\Maria Witchy Modified.jpg">
''This will probably be something bad... At the very least, your relationship with Maria is in negative territory. For now, consider this a 'bad end'.''The basement is locked, of course, but the normal padlock is no problem for Maria and her voodoo. With a few words, the lock disappears in a quick flash of fire and smoke. She probably started planning to get back in the basement the same day Marvanna locked her out.
"Maria! You burned the door!"
"Ah, don't worry about it. It's just smoke. I'll wipe it off later." Maria heads down the stairs and you follow.
(if:$SeenMarvannaBasement is 1)[Once you're in the basement, everything looks pretty much the same as it did the last time you were here...cabinets and shelves loaded with old books and strange artifacts.](else:)[(display:"Describe Marvanna's Basement")
So many cabinets! So many shelves! In the middle of an open area, there are figures and symbols etched in a circle on the floor. (if:$VoodooSkill > 0)[Some look familiar.] (if:$VoodooSkill > 2)[You've seen something like this in Wyatt's books. What was it for?] (if:$VoodooSkill > 6)[You seem to remember that it's used to contain and control spirits that might be hostile.]
<img src="Images\Voodoo Circle.jpg"> ]
Maria hands you a sack and immediately starts to fill it up. She seems to know exactly what she's looking for and where to get it.
(if:$Plan is "steal")[As you follow Maria around the basement, you spot (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[some of the ingredients you want to steal.](else:)[a few books. Maybe one of them is the one you need?] Now that the lock is opened, you'll be able to sneak down here and load up quickly.](else:)[Now that the lock is off the door and you've seen where (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[the ingredients are](else:)[Marvanna keeps her voodoo paraphernalia], you begin to have second thoughts about deciding not to steal what you need tonight. Maybe...]
It only takes Maria a few minutes to combine her ingredients and speak the words. While she's doing that, you walk through the poorly lit basement, looking for (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[more ingredients](else:)[books].
"Done!" Maria announces. "Come on! I need to cast these spells before they go any further."
"Spells? What else are you going to do? Isn't making her a cat enough?" Maria doesn't answer and you hustle to [[follow her up the stairs]]."Maybe I'll turn Leia into a toad...I've been wanting to try that one out..." Is she serious? She sounds serious.
"A toad? Come on, Maria. Where's the fun in that? Don't toads give you warts?"
"How about a snake then? She's certainly acting like a snake in the grass, trying to steal my boyfriend."
"Snakes bite..."
"Good point. Grrrr..." Maria sounds frustrated.
You try to think of something less radical. "So, she's luring Patrick with her tits, right?"
"Yeah...everyone loves those great big tatas of hers."
"Oh...yeah...that's a good idea! I'll give her flabby little pancake titties!"
"Or, you could give her giant beach ball tits. That could be fun."
And, then it hits you... "I know! Turn her into a cat! Patrick is allergic to cats...and...cats have very small breasts." Back in the game room, you find Patti and Leia sitting together on the couch, talking quietly. Are they watching TV? They completely ignore you.
Enzo is playing pool. "Where'd you guys go?" He looks bored.
"Girl stuff." Maria brushes him off. "Where's Henry?"
"He went outside to smoke." Enzo takes an easy shot and misses badly.
Maria turns to you and whispers: "I need you to get Enzo out of here. Give me...oh, at least a half hour. He doesn't need to know about the voodoo." She picks up the half-empty margarita Leia left on the card table and takes a big drink. (if:$Plan is "ask")["Show him a good time, ok? I'd be really grateful." She winks at you.]
"What if Henry comes back?"
Maria just grins. "If he does, I'll have a little something for him."
"How am I supposed to get Enzo to leave?"
Maria rolls her eyes. "Seriously?" Then, she speaks louder, to Enzo. "Hey, Enzo... Are you still into stars?"
"Momma got us a new telescope. Why don't you show Jacki some constellations?" Maria suggests. "You'd like that, wouldn't you Jacki?"
"Uh...sure. Yeah, that sounds cool." You try to sound interested, though you'd really like to find some way to warn Patti what Maria is up to.
"Great! It's on the back porch." Maria hurries you out of the room. "You better get out there before the clouds move in."
(if:$Plan is "steal")[This could be your golden opportunity to steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[the book]. Everyone except Enzo is occupied. If you can find a way to ditch him without him spoiling Maria's plans...](elseif:$Plan is "ask")[You really need to stay on Maria's good side since you're planning on asking her (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[to change you back](else:)[for help]. The only way to do that is to play along for now.] If you don't go along, Maria is really going to be mad.
[[Go on the back porch with Enzo]].
[[Refuse to go]]. (set:$PromisedEnzoFun to 0)(set:$GotEnzoOff to 0)(set:$EnzoMadeYouCum to 0)"Hey Patrick! I'm going on the back porch to see some stars." You call to Patti, hoping to get her attention so you can warn her.
"Sure. Sounds great." She answers without even looking your way.
"Want to come?"
"No thanks."
"Are you sure? Don't you like stars?"
"No thanks. I like the view in here." She's smiling at Leia and ignoring you. You don't often get ignored since you became a woman...especially by Patti. Being ignored doesn't feel good.
So, you and Enzo [[head out the back door]] leaving Leia and Patti to Maria and her voodoo. At least Maria promised it wouldn't be permanent.Maria is focused and angry. If you're not helping her with her plan, you're not her friend. At least, that's the way she sees things right now.
''Your relationship with Maria moves into negative territory. For now, consider this a 'bad end'.''Wow. Marvanna has a really nice veranda that opens out onto a patio. Flowers drape over the sides of big stone urns. Lush vines grow over trellises. And, there's a raised deck with seats and a telescope beside the fountain.
Enzo says: "Maria can be kind of pushy sometimes."
You'd almost forgotten about him as you were enjoying the unexpected splendor of Marvanna's back yard. "Yeah...I suppose." You can smell the flowers. You can feel a cool mist blowing over from the fountain and it sends goosebumps up your arms.
"Are you into astronomy?" He asks.
"No, not really." You're walking toward the telescope. The pathway lights automatically as you go.
"Have you seen the rings of Saturn?" You can sense excitement in his voice. Is he excited about Saturn or walking in the dark with a sexy girl?
"Just in pictures." It never occurred to you that you could actually see the rings with a telescope.
The cool night air sends a shiver up your back. No doubt your nipples are making big bumps through the top of your sheer dress right now. Good thing it's dark out here.
"I'll show you. You're going to love it!"
(if:$Plan is "steal")[While Enzo goes to work on the telescope controls, you consider how you might ditch him long enough to steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[some ingredients](else:)[the book you need]. It's hard to think as your thoughts keep turning to sex. Leia and Maria look sooo hot tonight! (if:$MaleAttraction > 2)[The guys look hot too.]](elseif:$Plan is "ask")[Maria said to show him a good time. That probably means pretending to be interested in Saturn, right?]
Enzo activates a remote control next to the telescope and the whole back yard goes pitch dark, except for faint light from the stars and a fingernail moon. "Here, [[take a look at this]]."You look through the telescope lens, but you can't really see anything. "Where is it? It's all blurry."
Enzo steps in close behind you. "You might need to adjust the focus." He takes your hand and moves it to a control knob. His hand is trembling. You can feel his warm body against your back. On an impulse, you shift your rear end just slightly backward. Yep...he's hard.
"Oooohhhh.... there it is!" Your soft girly voice sounds excited.
"I was hoping you'd like it." He doesn't retreat from your touch. You can feel him pressing back. You're somewhat surprised, considering how shy and socially awkward Enzo has acted.
(if:$Plan is "steal")[Anyway...this isn't getting you any closer to stealing (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[those ingredients](else:)[that book]. Or is it?
You remember a spy movie where the female agent's plan was to seduce the man, fuck him into exhaustion, and then steal his briefcase while he slept. Why are you even thinking about that? Can't you come up with a better idea?](elseif:$Plan is "ask")[Anyway...this isn't what you came here for tonight. Or is it?
If you want (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[Maria to help you change back](else:)[Maria's help], you want her in a good mood tonight. She didn't explain exactly what she meant when she said "show him a good time". She only meant to keep him happy, right? Surely she didn't mean... ] Your pussy is still hot and wet from the fingering you gave it earlier. As a girl, your arousal seems to linger quite a while.
Your mind seems fuzzy. Why is your clit so hard? You haven't been a woman very long, but you're reasonably sure this is unusual. You twist away from Enzo and the telescope, trying to buy time so you can think. "That was cool. [[What else can you show me?]]"(set:$BeingFriendly to 0)"let's see what else I can find...maybe Jupiter..." Enzo goes back to work on the telescope.
You smooth your dress and try to collect your thoughts. Enzo isn't especially attractive, right? You don't really want to do anything sexual with him, do you? (if:$Plan is "steal")[
This might be a good time to steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[the book], but how are you going to get away to the basement?
And then it hits you... Why not [[invite Enzo to the basement?]] with you? You can make up some story about why you're taking things out Once you're changed back to your male form, no one will know who you are anyway.
But, maybe that's too risky. Maybe you should [[give him a handjob]] and then go steal the (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book] while he's cleaning up and resting.
Or, if you don't think the time is right, you could stall and just continue to [[be friendly]].](elseif:$Plan is "ask")[Just how happy do you need to make Enzo to get on Maria's good side?
It's probably enough just to [[be friendly]].
But, just to be sure, you could force yourself to [[give him a handjob]].](else:)[
With Maria casting voodoo in the game room, this isn't a good time for sex. You try to [[calm down and think->be friendly]].]"Hey! I have an idea." You say as Enzo works on the telescope. "Have you seen Maria's basement?"
"No. Why would I want to see smelly old basement." He doesn't sound even slightly interested.
"Well, there's cool stuff there..."
"Like what?"
"Uh...pickled animals...old books...antiques..." As you speak, you realize it doesn't sound very 'cool'.
"Yuck. Just a minute and I'll have Jupiter all lined up for you."
This is going to take some persuasion...
[[Use your feminine wiles]].
[[Give up on the basement->be friendly]] for now.You move in close behind Enzo as he works on the telescope. "brrrr! It's chilly out here...and you feel so warm." You slip your arms around him and press your barely-covered breasts against his back.
He stops working, but doesn't move. "We can go back inside. I don't have to show you Jupiter."
Your hands move slowly on his slender chest and stomach. "I don't want to go inside."
Enzo gulps audibly. "Wh...wh...what do you want to do?"
Your right hand slides lower. "I want to warm my hands up. Is that ok?"
"Uh...sure." He's breathing faster now.
You unfasten his belt, unbutton his jeans, and lower the zipper. "If my hands are too cold, just tell me to stop...ok?"
"uhh...not too cold." Enzo is still as a statue, afraid to do anything that might change the way things are going.
Your right hand slides under the band of his briefs and...OMG! What the hell?!? [[Enzo is hung]] like a fucking horse!(set:$BeingFriendly to 1)"How can you find Jupiter?" You try to sound interested.
"Good question. The planets are always moving around. The word 'planet' means 'wanderer' in ancient Greek. Right now, Jupiter is just coming up over the eastern horizon. If I find..." Enzo rattles on about planets and constellations and orbits while he works.
Your mind wanders to Maria. Hopefully nothing goes wrong with her voodoo. The language is hard enough to get right when you're sober. But, as drunk as Maria is, it will be even harder.
"There! Nice view. We've got a really clear night and this is a high-end telescope. Here, take a look..." As Enzo steps aside, he puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you to the telescope.
"Wow! I can see it." You try to sound impressed.
"Notice how it's not a perfect sphere?" Enzo is speaking softly, his mouth barely an inch from your right ear. "The middle bulges out due to the centrifugal force of its rotation."
When you shift your weight something hard brushes against your right ass cheek. Enzo's dick is certainly bulging.
"I'm sorry, Jacki. I didn't mean to..." He apologizes.
"[[Don't worry about it]]. I understand." You smile to yourself. He doesn't realize how well you do understand."Awwww, come on. It'll be fun." You plead as you step close behind Enzo and wrap your arms around his thin torso.
"I'm almost done. Don't you want to see Jupiter first?"
You press your firm tits against his back. Can he feel your nipples? They're certainly hard enough and your dress is thin. Your right hand moves down across Enzo's flat stomach toward his belt buckle.
"Uh...Jacki? What...?"
"If you come to the basement with me, we might have some fun..." Your try to make your voice sexy...tantalizing...filled with promise. (set:$PromisedEnzoFun to 1)
"Uh, OK. Sure." He turns away from the telescope.
You take his hand and lead him [[back into the house]].(if:$BeingFriendly is 1)[You're somewhat in shock as you realize how big Enzo's dick must be to create a bulge like this. He unzips himself and guides your hand to his bare dick.
OMG! ]How the hell does a scrawny teenager have a dick like this? It's gigantic. It's far bigger than Patti's, even though it's not completely hard.
The instant you realize what you're touching, you can't help but gasp out loud. How would any girl ever put something like that inside her? What would that do to your pussy? Those frightening thoughts come unbidden and you can't not think them.
A burst of warmth runs through your groin. If your pussy could talk, it would seem to be saying: "I don't know if I could handle that thing, but I'd love to try!"
Enzo had his monster pointed down his left pants leg so it takes (if:$BeingFriendly is 1)[him ]a bit of work to get the whole thing out where you can (if:$BeingFriendly is 0)[properly work on it. Freed from its awkward position, and stimulated by your soft little hands, it quickly becomes more rigid.](else:)[appreciate it's full size.
Your fingers trace the full length and girth of Enzo's amazing dick. You're just curious to see how big it is, right? Surely your fingers are trembling because you're cold...not because you're excited.]
You speak words every teenage boy would love to hear from a sexy girl. "Damn, Enzo! You've got a hell of a dick here."
"Really? Uh...thanks. I got a growth spurt a few months ago."
(if:$BeingFriendly is 0)[Masturbating him from behind, the motions are almost the same as when you used to jack off your own dick. Just now, you can almost pretend you're not touching someone else's dick.
[[Fantasize about Maria]].
[[Enjoy the moment]].](else:)[As you continue touch his dick, you can feel it getting stiffer. It's amazing to think that you've created this condition. It's also amazing to imagine Enzo might actually use this pole to fuck someone.
[[Just imagine->Fantasize about Maria]] what a dick this size would do to Maria.
[[Take a moment to appreciate->Enjoy the moment]] the power you have over this poor teenager and his giant dick.](if:$BeingFriendly is 1)["Stand up, please." You pull Enzo to his feet, then move around behind him. In this position, you can masturbate his dick with the same hand motions you once used on your own, much smaller, dick.
]While you work Enzo's giant cock with both hands, you find yourself fantasizing about Maria's tight little body. Enzo used to be her boyfriend. Did they ever have sex?
You imagine Maria on her back, legs spread wide. Enzo moves between them, his enormous dick hanging down like third leg. Maria looks scared, but she nods her head.
Enzo starts slowly, rubbing the head of his dick against her slick slit. Gradually, he presses a little harder. Maria starts to whimper.
While your imagination runs wild, imagining how Enzo and Maria would have had sex, your hands are moving faster on Enzo's dick. Your pussy is dripping again and you consider using one hand on yourself.
But, Enzo's dick might be too big to properly service with one small girly hand. You could use your mouth too, if you want. Of course, you'd never get the whole thing in your mouth, but you could lick and suck and use one hand while your other hand attended to your aching clit.
[[Stop!]] I don't want to go any further with Enzo.
[[Use one hand on Enzo]] and one on yourself.
[[Continue to use both hands on Enzo]].
[[Use your mouth]].(if:$BeingFriendly is 1)["Stand up, please." You pull Enzo to his feet, then move around behind him. In this position, you can masturbate his dick with the same hand motions you once used on your own, much smaller, dick.
]You can feel the veins, the ridge along the bottom edge, the huge flared head. Squeezing it tightly, you can feel the quick pulse of Enzo's heartbeat.
What would this thing feel like between your legs? Even if you couldn't get it inside, what would it feel like to grind your pussy against it? Your juices would make it slick. Would Enzo be able feel your stiff clit poking and sliding against his erection?
(if:$MaleAttraction < 4)[**The arousal you feel from handling this massive dick is intense.
Your attraction to men has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction**
]While your imagination runs wild, your hands are moving faster on Enzo's dick. Your pussy is dripping again and you consider using one hand on yourself.
But, Enzo's dick might be too big to properly service with one small girly hand. You could use your mouth too, if you want. Of course, you'd never get the whole thing in your mouth, but you could lick and suck and use one hand while your other hand attended to your aching clit.
[[Stop!]] I don't want to go any further with Enzo.
[[Use one hand on Enzo]] and one on yourself.
[[Continue to use both hands on Enzo]].
[[Use your mouth]].As much as you'd like to finger yourself, you manage to keep your mind on the task at hand. You spit on your left hand for lubrication and then your right.
Enzo is thin enough, you can reach around him on both sides and grip his dick like a baseball bat. The rod in your hands is so big around, you barely close your fingers.
You work your hands up and down, feeling the ridges of his veins, the soft underside, the delicate head. You're really quite familiar with the anatomy of a dick...the sensitive spots...what feels good. In no time at all, you've got Enzo's monster dick pulsing, dripping, ready to shoot.
This is surprisingly arousing for you. Hugging a teenage boy from behind, holding his giant sized erection, feeling him ready to cum due to your touch. Your hard nipples press against his back through your thin dress. Your pussy feels...hungry? empty? needy? It's starting to ache.
You turn him slightly, aiming away from the telescope. Then, you suddenly speed up and tighten your grip.
"Unhh...Oh...OH! It's...I'm...OH SHIT!!" Enzo's body tenses and his balls draw up tight against the base of his dick. Then, you can feel a powerful surge as the first pulse of his ejaculation comes through, followed closely by another and another.
Too bad it's dark out here. You'd like to see how much and how far he's shooting. No matter. You keep stroking, feeling the burn in your forearm, until the tension leaves his body.
Wow, that was <i>hot</i>! You're [[horny as hell]] right now.
Kneeling in front of Enzo, you grip his massive dick with your left hand and lean forward.
''You're really starting to like dicks, aren't you?
Attraction to males is increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction''
You kiss it on the head and swirl your tongue around. Then, you wet your hand with spit and work it up and down the shaft.
At the same time, your right hand finds its way under your tiny little dress. Your clit is really <i>hard</i>! Clits don't normally get this hard! Your breath whooshes out and for a moment, you forget to lick Enzo's dick.
But, then he moves his hips forward and it hits you in the face like a rubbery baseball bat.
So, you try to lick and stroke Enzo at the same time you're fingering your pussy. Luckily, you're so turned on tonight, it's not going to take much effort at all to get you off.
Part of you wishes it wasn't so dark out here so you could see what your clit looks like. But, it's probably best you don't see that giant dick you're sucking on.
Here comes your orgasm. You really wish you could stretch your legs out. Both your hands move extra fast. You push your hips forward, whole body tense...and then the bliss kicks in. Oh, yes! Awesome!
Enzo's hips are jerking, his dick pulsing, but you're so distracted by your own orgasm you don't do anything about it. Splat! Splat! You just took two big ropes of semen right in the face before you realized what was happening and pointed his dick away. (set:$GotEnzoOff to 1)(set:$EnzoMadeYouCum to 1)
[[next->Aftermath]]While your right hand jacks Enzo's monster cock, your you move your left hand down between your legs. "Oooohhh!!!" You can't help but squeal a little. Your clit has <i>never</i> been this big and it's stiff as a twig!
It's almost impossible to concentrate on doing one thing with your right hand and something completely different with your left hand. Tonight, the intense pleasure from your pussy is drowning out whatever intentions you had for Enzo's cock.
The movements of your right hand become slower and less effective while your left hand moves faster and and faster. You're panting and your hips are starting to make involuntary thrusting motions. You close your eyes. Your right hand is just holding Enzo's dick now...not working it at all.
After all the stimulation you've had this evening, your orgasm is coming quickly. You release Enzo's dick so you can grab him and hold on as your legs lose the strength to hold you up. Somehow, you manage not to scream, but your breath comes in wheezes as your hips quiver as a stream of fluid runs down your thighs. (set:$EnzoMadeYouCum to 1)
When your orgasm hits it's peak, you're holding on to Enzo with both hands, trying not to fall. But, as the orgasm fades, even your arms lose strength and you collapse into a limp heap.
"Are you OK?" Enzo sounds worried.
"I'm fine." You're better than fine. You're lost in a contented post-orgasmic cloud.
"What happened?" He still sounds concerned.
Doesn't he know? He's probably not very experienced. "I...uh...got a cramp, I think. I'm OK." It's a small lie as you try to salvage a bit of dignity.
Sitting, you find yourself eye to eye with Enzo's still-erect dick. Then he helps you to your feet. "I'm sorry you got a cramp. Here...let's sit down."
Your legs are still quivering. Damn, that was good! Poor Enzo is still hard as a rock, probably suffering from blue balls.
[[Help him out]].
[[That's his problem]].Even though you told him not to worry about it, Enzo moves away and heads toward the house. Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness enough for you to make out his form by starlight.
"Hey...where'd you go? What's the matter?" (if:$Plan is "ask")[You don't want Enzo going back sad, plus it's](else:)[It's] too soon to go back in. You leave the telescope catch up with him.
"I'm sorry. Sometimes, I just can't help it." He sounds sad.
You grab his arm and he stops. Poor boy. Dealing with teenage hormones can be a bitch. But, he's 18. Surely he's not completely inexperienced. "You and Maria used to go out together, right?"
"Yeah. So?"
"Did you guys...uh...fool around?"
"A little."
"Was it fun?" You may not be thrilled with the direction the conversation has taken, but at least he's stopped walking toward the house.
"A little. But it didn't go well."
"Why not?"
"She laughed at my..." He pauses.
"Look, Enzo... What I felt back there...that was nothing to laugh at."
"I had a growth spurt since then. But, before that, Maria got interested in someone else and we never got back together."
"So....you're a virgin..."
Enzo eventually answers "yeah". Then he starts walking to the house again.
You can't have him disrupting Maria's voodoo. Plus, the fewer people who know about voodoo the better. "[[Enzo! Wait!]]" "Enzo! Wait!" You call to him.
He stops. "What?"
You need something to keep him from going back in the house. "Don't you want to show me more stars?"
"Those were planets, not stars. And, I don't think you really like astronomy. You're just trying to keep me here." OK, he's more perceptive than the average teenager.
"You're right. I just want to spend some time with you...alone."
"What for?" He sounds suspicious, but interested.
You take his hand and pull him toward a bench. "Come sit with me for a minute." Even though he's not a big guy, his hand is significantly bigger than yours.
"I thought you were cold." He still sounds suspicious.
"I am. Maybe you could put your arm around me?" Did you really just invite him to touch you? Well, it <i>is</i> cold and it's the only thing you can think of to keep him out of the house.
The thin dress you're wearing offers no warmth at all. But, Enzo is radiating warmth. Sitting next to him, with his arm around you, keeps the night chill away. You [[snuggle close]] and hope that's enough."Jacki...do you wonder why we're here?"
"What are you talking about?"
Enzo's hand is on your bare shoulder. "Well, Henry and Leia are a couple. Maria and Patrick are a couple. And then, there's you and me."
"You think Maria is trying to get us together?"
"Yes. That's why she sent us out to look at stars." Of course he would think that. He doesn't know Maria is inside casting voodoo on Leia.
You can't tell him the truth. "But, just because Maria wants it, that doesn't mean it has to happen."
"Of course not." He's dejected again. He starts to get up, leaving you to the cold night air.
"Wait! I didn't say it <i>wouldn't</i> happen. Let's just take it slow...ok?" You take his hand and pull it back around you.
"I think Maria feels bad about dumping me." Enzo says. "That's why she's introducing me to you. But, she ought to know you're out of my league."
"What? Why would I be out of your league?"
"Because you're drop-dead, stone-cold, brick house gorgeous. You could have any guy in the world." He explains in a matter of fact tone.
After a moment of silence, Enzo starts to get up again. "Look, I appreciate that you're being nice, but this is driving me crazy. You're just torturing me. I feel like I'm going to burst."
Poor guy. He's sitting with his arm around a scantily clad girl as sexy as any camgirl on the internet. Of course he doesn't think he has a shot.
There's nothing good that can come from him going inside too soon. Maria will be mad, Enzo will find out about voodoo, the spell might get screwed up...
Your mind races for some way to keep Enzo here. What would have kept you when you were a man?
You grab Enzo's hand again. This time, instead of putting it on your shoulder, you [[put it on your breast]].Well, that shut Enzo up and stopped him in his tracks. "Why did you do that?" He asks.
Jeez...what kind of nerd would ask that question? No wonder he's a virgin. "Just shut up and sit here with me...ok?"
"Shhhh. Just sit."
With your help, his right arm is looped over your shoulder and resting on your right breast. At first it doesn't move, afraid to break the mood. But, after a few seconds, he starts to explore.
How long have you been outside? 5 minutes? 10? How much longer do you need to keep Enzo distracted? Another 20 minutes? You should have checked the time.
Enzo's hand slips under your dress, moving lightly over the sensitive skin of your braless breast. You can't help but jump just a little when he contacts your stiff nipple. He seems fascinated by it...pushing, pulling, squeezing.
You can't deny how good that feels. Enzo has a gentle touch.
Now, his left hand is on your left breast too. You didn't invite it, but you don't push it away either. Whatever keeps him here. You let him do what he wants. You puff out your chest and hope it keeps him occupied long enough.
Enzo leans closer and kisses you on the neck. "You smell so good..." He whispers hotly into your ear.
You're not saying or doing anything. However, your body is reacting to his touch. Now that your nipples are fully erect, every touch is exquisitely arousing. You clamp your thighs together as the wetness in your pussy feels like it's leaking out.
Enzo turns your chin towards him in preparation for a kiss. If you refuse him, he may take it as rejection.
[[Let him kiss you]].
[[Refuse the kiss]].Enzo kisses you full on the lips. He's not particularly skilled, but he's enthusiastic and sensitive. He maintains the kiss for a long time as his tongue gently teases your lips, trying to convince you to open your mouth.
A shiver of arousal runs up your spine.
(if:$MaleAttraction < 6)[''You let him kiss you because you're looking forward to it, right? Maybe you're more attracted to men than you thought.
Attraction to males has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction.''
]As the kiss lingers, you can feel the delicious tightness in your pussy that tells you your clit is stiff again. When you clench and squirm your thighs, you can feel it.
Now, Enzo takes your left hand and puts it on the huge bulge in his lap. Damn! [[This boy is hung!->Enzo is hung]]You turn your head away. Getting kissed by a guy is not something you want to do.
(if:$MaleAttraction > 6)[''You're definitely attracted to men, but maybe not as much as you thought.
Attraction to males has decreased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it - 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction.''
]Enzo isn't much deterred. As he gets more turned on, his shyness is slipping away. Since he can't have your lips, he plants a series of kisses along your neck, culminating in some earlobe nibbling. A shiver of arousal runs up your spine.
Between your legs, you can feel the delicious tightness that tells you your clit is stiff again. When you clench and squirm your thighs, you can feel it.
Now, Enzo takes your left hand and puts it on the huge bulge in his lap. Damn! This boy is hung!
You feel a powerful rush of heat in your pussy. If this continues, the urge to get yourself off could become overpowering.
[[Get away while you still can]].
[[Check out Enzo's dick->Enzo is hung]]."Stop!" You manage to utter, breathlessly. Somehow you manage to pull your hand away from Enzo's dick.
''That was an amazing display of willpower!
Willpower increased. (set:$Willpower to it + 1)
New value: $Willpower''
Enzo groans in disappointment.
"Shhhhh.... It's alright." Your voice wavers. Why is your arousal so powerful? "Let's just slow down...ok?"
"Please...please, please, please don't stop. It aches. It hurts!" Enzo is begging.
You know that feeling. You know what it feels like to be with a smoking hot woman who gets you all worked up and leaves you with blue balls. You used to curse women like that. Now you are one.
"Please Jacki? You're driving me crazy here. Why do you get me all worked up and then shut me down? Are you <i>trying</i> to hurt me?" Enzo sounds like he might cry.
Have mercy and [[give Enzo a handjob->Fantasize about Maria]].
[[Go back to second base]]. He's just going to have to deal with it like you did."I'm sorry Enzo, but this goes the way I want, or it doesn't happen at all. Understand?" You're firm with him.
"I understand." He submits.
''Dominance increased. (set:$Dominance to it + 1)
New value: $Dominance''
So, the two of you go back to making out. He's allowed to feel your breasts, kiss you on the neck, and caress your thighs...but that's all. Every once in a while, you give his throbbing horse-cock a stroke or a pat, just to make sure he's still hard.
Maybe you'd like for that to be as far as things go. But, something is different tonight. Your own arousal continues to build. You pussy is absolutely drenched and your clit is aching much like your dick used to.
A hunger is building in your groin like you haven't felt since you became a woman. You feel powerful <i>need</i> to have something inside you! You feel like you're going to scream if you don't get off soon.
"Uh...Enzo...I uh...[[I need to go to the bathroom]]." You weakly push his hand away from your breast. If you get to the bathroom, you can probably get yourself an orgasm in about 30 seconds.
Enzo begs. "Please...just a little more." He's lifting his hips, trying to press his cock into your hand. "I'm close."
You start to get up. But, at that moment, Enzo's moves his hand from your thigh up to rub the front of your panties. By luck or design, his hand runs smack into your stiff-as-a-twig clit. Whoosh...the air rushes out of your lungs and your legs go weak.
"I'm sorry!" He jerks his hand away. "Did I hurt you?"
"No!" You press your hand against your pussy and moan. "It felt good."
"Really? You're not just saying that?" Enzo slides his hand back up your smooth hot thigh.
Maybe you want to push his hand away and say 'no'. Maybe. But you don't do it. Instead, you squeeze his dick and wait for him to touch your strangely enlarged and sensitive clit.
"You like it when I do this?" This time his touch is much softer, but no less arousing.
"Yes." Your voice is just a whisper.
Enzo gently rubs your clit through your sheer panties. "I like touching you. You're feel so hot."
Your hand on his dick has barely moved, but you can feel his member start to pulse. He's about to cum.
It's hard to breathe. You're panting. You can hear the ocean in your ears. Your toes curl tightly.
And then, you're both clinging to each other, gasping, spasming, cumming hard. (set:$GotEnzoOff to 1)(set:$EnzoMadeYouCum to 1)
[[next->Aftermath]](if:$GotEnzoOff is 0)[Damn, that felt good. You <i>needed</i> that orgasm like you haven't needed it in a long time. You feel a sense of relief.](else:)[Enzo holds you in his arms, his face rubs against your hair. You finally release his softening cock, wondering where you can wipe the semen you. You use his shirt.
"I'm sorry." Why is he always apologizing? "You're so sexy, I just had to cum."
"Look, Enzo..."
"I know. A guy shouldn't cum before the girl. I'm sorry, but I tried to hold off." He's talking quickly.
]"Enzo, I..."
"If you want, I can lick you? I've never done it, but I'd like to try." He interrupts.
Doesn't he know you came too? "Uh, not now. Why don't we clean up and see what the others are up to?"
"OK. I understand." He stands and stuffs his dick back down a pant leg. "Thank you for...everything."
"Sure. Whatever." You feel embarassed. What would Wyatt and Patti think about you now? But, you tried to resist. It's not your fault. This body...it just overpowered your mind.
Why did this happen? Then, you remember what Patti said in the car: "<i>I wish you had a sex drive so powerful you wouldn't be able to resist!</i>" Is that it?
Anyway, it's time to go back and [[see how the others are doing]].The back door leads to the kitchen which is right next to the door which leads to the basement. As you pass through, you can hear loud voices coming down the hall from the direction of the game room.
"Someone sounds angry." Enzo looks concerned and moves toward the hallway. "I wonder what's going on."
"They'll be fine. We can check on them in a minute, ok?" You tug Enzo toward the basement. It sounds like Maria isn't finished with Leia yet.
Enzo touches the blackened paint on the basement door and then looks at the smudge on his finger. But, before he can ask any questions, you drag him down the stairs.
"Oh, wow. This is kind of cool...sort of like Snapes' office only...more." The awe in his voice makes Enzo sound like a 'potterhead'.
"Stay here!" You command. "I just need to grab a few things."
"I thought you said we could..."
"Later. Not right now. Stay here." Without waiting to see if he's obeying, you grab a sack and [[start filling it]] with the items Wyatt will need to reverse your transformation. Sometimes things get out of control before you know it. Just now, your arousal is affecting you more than you realized. You haven't been a woman for long, but something feels different with your body tonight. You're feeling a hunger for sex that's stronger than what you've encountered before.
You're going to need strong ''willpower'' to control this lust. Hopefully, you haven't allowed yourself to become too ''aroused'' this evening...
(set:$Dif to $Willpower - $PCArousal)(if:$Dif < 1)[ [[next->Willpower Failed]]](else:)[ [[next->Willpower Success]]]You do your best to control the powerful urges gripping your body. (if:$Willpower > 0)[But, even though you have above average ''willpower'', it's not enough.](elseif:$Willpower < 0)[But, with weak ''willpower'' like yours, you don't stand a chance.] (if:$PCArousal > 1)[You've gone through several situations this afternoon and evening that have steadily increased your arousal and worn down your resistance.] For some reason, your body seems to *need* sex tonight. It seems like there's a *hunger* in your pussy that's beyond what you've already experienced as a woman.
So, even though you want very much to remove your hand from Enzo's lap, the hand doesn't move. Just touching his bulge makes you feel hot and excited. That big lump feels so powerful...and you're the cause of it.
''Failing a willpower check causes you to lose confidence.
Willpower decreased. (set:$Willpower to it - 1)
New value: $Willpower''
You [[press your hand against Enzo's bulge->Enzo is hung]], feeling with your fingers to see exactly what Enzo has in his pants.You truly have impressive ''willpower''. Somehow, you manage to pull your hand away from Enzo's lap and slide away from him on the bench. Your heart is pounding. Your pussy is melting. But, you are in control.
''Your willpower has increased even more! (set:$Willpower to it + 1)
New value: $Willpower''
Enzo finally takes a hint. At first, you're afraid he'll go back inside before Maria is finished. But, he just sits there in silence.
"Enzo? Are you OK?"
"What do you care?" His words are short and dipped in frustration.
"Just because I won't let you fuck me doesn't mean I don't like you." Jeez, it's doesn't have to be <i>all</i> about sex, right?
"I'll probably die a virgin."
"You're what...18 years old? You are not going to die a virgin."
Over the next 15 minutes, you give Enzo a pep talk. Maybe you feel sorry for him. Maybe you're just killing time until you can go back inside. Eventually, the worst of his depression seems to pass.
When you estimate it's time, you say: "Come on. Let's [[see how the others are doing]]."You move as quickly as you can. Thanks to your visit with Maria earlier tonight, you have a good idea where things are. You cross your fingers and hope (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[it's all here.
Yes! Everything you need is here! Maybe there is a light at thend of the tunnel. Maybe it's all going to work out and you'll get your old body back soon!](else:)[you can find the right book.
Yes! It only took a few minutes. The third book you check has the word 'Relics' on the cover in the spirit language.]
"What's this?"
You look back to see Enzo holding a doll. Where did he get that? It looks like a man. The clothes...the hair...it looks vaguely familiar. It's got pins sticking in it. "Put that down!"
"It's...uh...really old. You might break it." Well, you can't tell him it's a voodoo doll.
"Oh, don't worry so much. It's just a bunch of old junk. I'm just looking around."
You hurry to stuff the (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[last ingredient](else:)[book of relics] in your bag.
Unfortunately, [[Enzo is curious]], bored, and impatient.Enzo puts the doll down, but then moves to something else. "Look at these vials! Did you ever see anything like this? Look at the colors...." He's picked up a strip of leather (a belt?) with brightly colored vials tucked into small pockets like ammunition on a soldier's bandolier.
"Stop!" You have everything you need, so you hurry back to Enzo. "You don't know what you're messing with." (set:$StolenIngredients to 1)
Enzo removes one of the vials. "It looks really old. I bet it stinks!" He pulls on the plug sealing a vial with red gunk inside. "This is really tight..."
How old is that vial? Is it an ingredient, a focusing agent, or a completed spell? Who knows what it's for...probably no one except Marvanna.
"Man, that plug is stuck!" Enzo gives up using his fingers. Instead, he grips the plug with his teeth and pulls.
"Nooooo....!!!" You yell, to no avail. Before you can reach him, Enzo gets the stopper out of the vial releasing a reddish-black puff of smoke [[right in his face]].For a split second, the reddish-black puff of smoke obscures Enzo's face. Then, Enzo is gone, replaced by a cute little puppy! (set:$EnzoDog to 1)(set:$EnzoFree to 0)
<img src="Images\Puppy.jpeg">
Of course, that tiny little puppy can't hold the bandolier of vials, so it falls to the basement floor. As it strikes the floor, one of the vials breaks releasing a small cloud of blue-green smoke right beside the puppy.
A second later, the cute little puppy (Enzo?) is replaced by a much larger and older dog.
<img src="Images\Enzo Dog.jpg">
OMG! That dog must weigh close to 200 pounds!
The poor disoriented dog stumbles around for a moment, narrowly missing the remaining vials with his gigantic paws. Then, he lets out a mournful howl loud enough to wake the neighbors.
You rush over, snatch up the bandolier of vials, and add it to your sack before any more damage can be done.
The big dog looks at you sadly and makes a "RRRRoowwww... RRRowww... RRRoooooowww" sound, almost as if he was trying to talk.
"[[Enzo? Can you understand me?]]""Enzo? Can you understand me?"
"RRRrroooowwww!" He hits the basement floor with one of his gigantic forepaws.
<img src="Images\Enzo Dog.jpg">
"If you can understand me, raise your right paw."
"Rrrooofff!" The huge dog starts to raise its left paw, but then puts it down and raises the right one. It must be Enzo...right?
Now what?
Since you have your (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book], you could [[just leave]] and let Marvanna worry about Enzo. What would she do with him? Would she blame him for your theft?
Or, you could [[bring Enzo-dog with you]] and hope Wyatt can reverse the spell. It's your fault he ended up like this. You're the one who lured him into the basement and didn't tell him about the risk.There's nothing you can do for Enzo. You don't know enough about voodoo and you don't have time right now anyway. Plus, it's Enzo's fault. You told him not to touch anything and he did it anyway.
So, you grab your bag (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[of ingredients](else:)[with the book inside] and climb the basement stairs with Enzo-dog right behind you. When you get to the top, you can feel his wet nose brush against your bare thigh.
You can't have this giant dog howling in the basement. Everyone will hear. He's so big and loud, the neighbors would probably hear.
"I'm sorry, boy. Be quiet and I'll come back for you later, OK?" You lie to him with a straight face.
''Ruthlessness increased. (set:$Ruthlessness to it + 1)
New value: $Ruthlessness''
''Honesty decreased. (set:$Honesty to it - 1)
New value: $Honesty''
Then, you slip through the door and close it behind you. It's not locked, but it doesn't need to be. Dogs can't operate doorknobs. Hopefully Enzo will trust you enough to be quiet, at least for a while.
Now, you need to get your stolen (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients into](else:)[book back to] your car without anyone seeing.
[[next->Ingredients to the car]](set:$EnzoFree to 1)"Look, I'm really, really sorry you got turned into a dog. I tried to tell you not to touch anything, didn't I?" It feels strange to talk to a dog with the expectation that it will really know what you're saying.
Enzo-dog droops his head.
"I've got a friend. He might be able to help you. But, we've got to get you out of here without anyone seeing. Do you understand?"
Enzo-dog gives a quiet "woof" and raises his right paw for a second.
''Your empathy has increased due to your concern for Enzo.(set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy''
"OK...let's go." You grab your bag (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[of ingredients](else:)[with the book inside] and climb the basement stairs with Enzo-dog right behind you. When you get to the top, you can feel his wet nose brush against your bare thigh.
Now, you need to get your stolen (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book] into your car without anyone seeing.
[[next->Ingredients to the car]]The gameroom scene catches you completely off guard!
Patti, completely naked, has Maria laid out on the day bed and she's ramming her big dick into your lean brunette friend from behind. Both of them are moaning and groaning with abandon. Neither of them look like they intend to stop on your account.
(if:$JealousOfPatti is 1)[You feel your face momentarily flush in jealous anger. Patti is supposed to be *yours!*
]<img src="Images\Maria gets fucked.gif">
Then you see Henry. He's stark naked and expertly tied up with rope. He's also suspended from the ceiling, about six feet off the ground in a very uncomfortable position. The ball-gag in his mouth keeps him from calling for help.
<img src="Images\Tied and Suspended.jpg">
Where's Leia? What did Maria do to her? You hear a rustling noise from the closet. (if:$EnzoFree is 1)[Enzo-dog raises his head and howls like a coyote.](elseif:$EnzoDog is 0)[Enzo stands speechless beside you, wide-eyed and slack-jawed.]
For a moment, you just stand there in shock. This is chaos! What are you supposed to do?
Then, the gameroom door opens behind you.
A gust of cold rushes through the open gameroom door. (if: $StolenIngredients is 1)[Startled, you drop your sack and spin around.]
A middle-aged woman with dark hair and beautiful eyes stands in the doorway. She's wearing jewels and an evening gown. Behind her, you can see one of the security guards pulling suitcases.
<img src="Images\Marvanna 4.jpg">
It must be Marvanna!
[[Oh fuck!->Marvanna reacts]]A part of you wishes you hadn't made Enzo cum. Your pussy is so <i>hungry</i> for penetration right now, you might even have considered... No! What are you thinking? Your mind is confused right now.
Enzo sits on a garden bench, panting, shoulders slumped.
"I'm sorry." Why is he always apologizing? "You're so sexy, I just had to cum."
"Look, Enzo..."
"I know. A guy shouldn't cum before the girl. I'm sorry, but I tried to hold off." He's talking quickly.
"Enzo, I..."
"If you want, I can lick you? I've never done it, but I'd like to try." He interrupts.
That actually sounds like an awesome idea! It's not like letting a guy suck your dick. That would be weird. No, this is pussy. Guys are supposed to lick pussies, right? This isn't weird at all.
You raise your dress and stand with your legs slightly spread. "[[Go for it, Enzo]]."Enzo doesn't really know what he's doing. He just starts licking like your pussy was an ice cream cone.
<img src="Images\Cunnilingus 2.gif">
But, damn you're so turned on right now it feels fucking awesome! Your strangely stiff clit is sticking out like a light switch where even a novice like Enzo can't help but find it.
You grip his head with both hands and hold him tightly against your pussy.
<img src="Images\Cunnilingus 3.gif">
As your heat rises, you start to hump your hips forcefully against his face. Your thighs are quivering. You can't breathe! Your orgasm is coming...fast!
You grunt like an animal and slamp your pussy against poor Enzo's face. Your fingers grip his hair like handles so you can pull with all your strength.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" You scream, along with other obscenities. The orgasm takes you like a powerful ocean wave, battering your entire body. It's glorious while it lasts and then you're left breathless and weak, barely able to stand.
You push Enzo away and [[collapse on the garden bench]]. "Was that an orgasm?"
He's so naive. "Yes, Enzo. That was an orgasm."
"Oh." He pauses for a moment. "Was it good for you?"
Now he wants a report card? "Yes. OK? Yes, it was good. Have you ever had a bad orgasm? Jeez!" Why can't he just shut up and let you enjoy how your body feels right now...so warm and relaxed...
Enzo takes a clue and stays silent as he puts an arm around your shoulders. It feels good.
You feel a little embarassed. What would Wyatt and Patti think about you now? Why are you so obsessed with sex? It seems to be getting worse. This body...its needs can be overpowering.
Then, you remember what Patti said in the car: "<i>I wish you had a sex drive so powerful you wouldn't be able to resist!</i>" Is that what's going on?
Anyway, it's time to go back and [[see how the others are doing]].You tiptoe quietly down the hallway, listening and watching. (if:$EnzoFree is 1)[Enzo-dog follows as quietly as he can, but the long nails on his huge paws make a loud clicking noise on the floor tiles.]
The pucker facter increases as you pass the door to the game room, but no one comes out. It's just a little further to the front door...
(if:$EnzoFree is 1)[Enzo-dog stops in his tracks and bares his teeth. A low, rumbling growl emanates from his throat.] Then, you hear a metallic clicking noise...a key...in the front door lock!
Your mind races... Who could it be? Henry coming back in? No, he doesn't have a key. One of the guards? Maybe. Not good. What to do? A guard would probably want to see what you're taking out of the house, especially since you arrived with just your clutch purse. (if:$EnzoFree is 1)[And, how would you explain the giant dog at your side?]
You could hide but, if it's a guard, they're probably going to do a walk-through of the house to make sure everything is secure. You'd probably get found(if:$EnzoFree is 1)[ and Enzo-dog certainly would].
All this runs through your head in less than a second.
The best plan you can come up with in a half-second is to try and stash your stolen (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book] among Maria's party supplies until you get a chance to take them to the car. (if:$EnzoFree is 1)[You'll tell them you found Enzo-dog in the back yard and felt sorry for him.]
So, you quickly open the game room door and [[step inside->see how the others are doing]](if:$EnzoFree is 1)[, taking Enzo-dog with you].At first, you just stare at each other in surprise. But, as she takes in the rest of the gameroom scene, Marvanna's expression changes to shock and then anger.
(if:$EnzoDog is 0)[Enzo tries to slip out the door without being noticed. But, without even looking at him, ]Marvanna loudly declares "No one is going anywhere until I find out what's going on here!" (if:$EnzoDog is 0)[
The security guard steps in front of Enzo. "Hold on there, sport." The big rugby player looks twice as big as your geeky classmate.](else:)[The security guard (the Aussie rugby player) blocks the doorway with his bulk.]
(if:$EnzoDog is 1)[Enzo-dog whines dejectedly and lies in the corner with his nose between his paws.
]You're somewhat relieved when Marvanna marches right past you and heads for the day bed. Patti and Maria are too drunk and focused on fucking to realize they're in trouble.
"Get off my daughter!" Marvanna yells.
Patti looks back over her shoulder and, when she realizes who it is, she stops thrusting and moves as far away on the bed as she can get.
Maria is totally wasted. The naked girl rolls onto her back and sees her mother. "Oh, fuck."
You wave your arms to get Patti's attention. "Patrick!" She looks at you with fear in her eyes. You make exaggerated hand gestures and stage-whisper: "We need to go!"
With Marvanna's attention focused on Maria, Patti scrambles around pulling briefs and pants over her suddenly flaccid cock, and looking for her shoes.
(if:$StolenIngredients is 1)[The sack you dropped has spilled your stolen (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book] on the floor. While Patti gets dressed, you (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[start putting everything back](else:)[quickly put it back], praying no one notices what you have.
[[next->Caught]]](else:)[Meanwhile, Marvanna is speaking forcefully at Maria.
[[next->get away?]]](display:"Marvanna Lecture #1")
While Marvanna and Maria argue, you grab Patti by the arm and lead her toward the door. The burly security guy just stands there with his arms crossed, blocking your exit.
(display:"Marvanna Lecture #2")
How can you get past the guard?
There's [[no way]] to get away.
Patti's male body is big and strong...She can [[punch him]]!
Flash your tits to distract him. Then [[kick him in the groin]]!
(if:$EnzoDog is 1)[Maybe [[Enzo-dog can help]].]"And, what have ya got there, sheila?" The guard asks in his heavy Australian accent? He steps closer, looking at your scattered loot. "Did you bring...(if:$RelicInfo is 0)[gater blood and...yellow-jack nectar](else:)[a book about voodoo relics] to the rage tonight?"
No doubt he can read the guilt written on your face. "Nope. I didn't think so." He almost sounds sad for you. "Just step away and leave it be."
You exchange 'oh shit!' looks with Patti. You've been caught red-handed!
Luckily, Marvanna is more concerned with her daughter right now.
(display:"Marvanna Lecture #1")
Maybe you could [[text Wyatt]] and let him know things are going south. Maybe he can think of something to do.
Just [[obey the guard]] for now. Play the part of a scared little teenage girl. Your clutch purse is on the bar, not too far from the empty margarita pitcher. You back away from the guard and the spilled loot from Marvanna's basement and toward the bar.
(display:"Marvanna Lecture #2")
You watch the guard's eyes. When he takes a long, puzzled look at Henry, you quickly grab your purse and fish out your cell phone. It only takes a couple taps and finger swipes to unlock it and initiate a call to Wyatt.
<ring>...<ring>... GRAB!
Without a word, the guard snatches your phone out of your hand and ends the all. Then, he puts it in his pocket and walks back to the doorway.
Well, at least Wyatt will know you tried to call. (set:$CalledWyatt to 1)
[[next->no way]](set:$CalledWyatt to 0) You timidly back away from the guard. Without much effort at all, your lower lip starts to tremble and your eyes start to get wet.
The guard checks you out head to toe(if:$Style is "Good")[ but doesn't change his expression at all](elseif:$Style is "Hot")[ and smiles at what he sees](else:)[, then he puts his lips together and makes a 'wolf whistle']. (if:$Style is not "Good")[You rub a tear out of your eye and give him a shy smile.]
(display:"Marvanna Lecture #2")
[[next->no way]](if:$TriedPunch is 1 and $TriedFlash is 1 and ($EnzoDog is 0 or $TriedEnzo is 1))[You tried everything you could think of, but there just doesn't seem to be any way out of this room right now.](elseif:$TriedPunch is 0 and $TriedFlash is 0 and $TriedEnzo is 0)[You don't even try to get away. Is that because you know it's hopeless? Or, is it because you're not worried about Marvanna and her security guard?](else:)[There's not much point in trying anything else as long as this security guard is watching the door. Maybe later...]
Marvanna is still talking to Maria.
"Did these troublemakers get you drunk?" Marvanna eyes you and Patti suspiciously.
"No Momma! It was my idea." Maria takes the blame. "I just wanted to have some fun."
Marvanna sighs. "You'd say that just to save them, wouldn't you?"
"It's true.(if:$ToldMariaBadIdea is 1)[ Jacki even tried to talk me out of it.] I think tequila makes me crazy."
(if:$ToldMariaBadIdea is 1)[Marvanna looks at you with a bit less venom in her gaze. "So, you tried to talk some sense into Maria?"
You just shrug and nod your head.
She sighs heavily. ](else:)["Maria...you can't be doing this sort of thing...trying to impress these...trash." Marvanna stares daggers at you. "You're so much better than that."
Then, she says to you: ]"You were here before, weren't you? The last time Maria got drunk?"
"No ma'am. [[I don't know anything about that]]." You lie.
"Yes. [[I was here]].""Patti!" You whisper urgently. "Punch this guy so we can get out of here."
"What? Be serious. I don't know how to do that!" She backs away a little.
"Just make a fist and hit him...hard. As big as you are, you'll at least get him out of the way so we can run."
"This is bad idea..." She whines.
"Just DO IT!"
"ok..ok...I'll try..." She sounds hesitant.
Patti walks up to the security guard and smiles at him. No doubt that's a leftover reflex from when she was a pretty girl. Then, she balls up her fist, draws back...
"Please don't try that." The guard says. "You're a good lookin' bloke. Why don't we keep it that way? OK, mate?"
Patti thinks about it for a second.
"Boo!" The guard suddenly rolls his shoulders like he's about to throw a punch, but doesn't.
"EEEK!" Patti squeaks as she throws up her arms in defense and backs away.
OK, that didn't work. How can you get past the guard? (set:$TriedPunch to 1)
There's [[no way]] to get away.
(if:$TriedFlash is not 1)[Flash your tits to distract him. Then [[kick him in the groin]]!
](if:$EnzoDog is 1 and $TriedEnzo is not 1)[Maybe [[Enzo-dog can help]].]You walk up to the guard and give him a big smile. Since you're in the body of a pretty young woman, maybe you'll have better luck than Patti did.
The guard checks you out head to toe(if:$Style is "Good")[ but doesn't change his expression at all. You really wish you had chosen to wear a more revealing dress.
Still, you don't give up. This body has a sensational set of teenage tata's. You just need to get them out where he can see them. So, you pull down the top of your dress.
Oh, yeah. That got his attention! While he's staring at your (if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[cute little B-cup titties](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[nice perky C-cup breasts](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[big firm D-cup breasts](else:)[huge sexy DD-cup tits], you line up his groin for a field goal attempt.
And, the kick is...blocked! Dammit. He brought a knee across and caught the force of your kick on his shin. Oh, that hurts!
"Nice cans, sheila, but I wasn't born yesterday. No one flashes me unless they're up to something. Now get back away from the door."
](elseif:$Style is "Hot")[ and smiles at what he sees. You shimmy your hips and push out your tits while watching his face. He nods his head in approval.
So, you move closer and put your hands on his chest. Maybe you can bring a knee...
But, the big guard takes your wrist and twists it painfully, spinning you around. Then, he gives you a hard smack on the ass and pushes you back into the room.
"Not today, miss. Not today."
](else:)[, then he puts his lips together and makes a 'wolf whistle'. The expression on his face tells you he's tempted. Since you became a woman, you've had a lot of men stare at you. You know this look. With your hot body in this 'barely there' dress, you could tempt the pope.
You look him up and down and nod your head. "You're one solid dude."
He smiles. He must have a big ego.
"Nice package." No real girl ever said that to anyone, but if you were a guy... Scratch that...*when* you were a guy, a line like that would have sounded sooo sexy.
The big dude smiles even bigger. "You don't know the half of it."
"I'm Jacki. Maybe, after this is over... You wanna get together?" You ask.
He glances over at Marvanna, but she's busy with Maria. After one more look at your tits he nods his head. Great...but that doesn't get you out of here right now.
"Can we go?" You ask.
He shakes his head. "Not yet. But don't worry. I'll take care of you."] (set:$TriedFlash to 1)
Now what?
There's [[no way]] to get away.
(if:$TriedPunch is not 1)[Patti's male body is big and strong...She could try to [[punch the guard->punch him]].
](if:$EnzoDog is 1 and $TriedEnzo is not 1)[Maybe [[Enzo-dog can help]].](set:$TriedEnzo to 1)<img src="Images\Enzo Dog.jpg">
You casually walk over to Enzo-dog. "Enzo...can you understand me?"
He raises his right paw for a second.
"We need to get out of here!" You feel strange talking to a dog. "Can you scare the guard away?"
"RRRRooooowww" Enzo-dog makes rather timid growling noise, but doesn't move a paw.
"Enzo! You're a big scary dog. Act like you're going to bite him or something!"
He just stares at you.
You scratch the huge dog behind the ears and run your little girly hands down his sides.
He lays down next to your feet. It seems he likes what you're doing.
You rub his belly and one of his rear legs starts twitching. "Come on, Enzo. I know you can do it."
"Rrruuhhh Rrruhhh"
You could swear he said "huh uh" as in 'no way'. "Grrrr" You growl at him. "Fine. No more belly rubs for you."
Well, that didn't work. What now?
There's [[no way]] to get away.
(if:$TriedPunch is not 1)[Patti's male body is big and strong...She could try to [[punch the guard->punch him]].
](if:$TriedFlash is not 1)[Flash your tits to distract him. Then [[kick him in the groin]]!
]There's no way she knows you were here last time. The less she knows, the better. So, you lie: "No ma'am. I don't know anything about that."
Marvanna's eyes flash brightly for an instant. Then, she just shakes her head.
"No Momma! Don't..." Maria pleads.
"Hush, child. I've got to clean up your mess."
To you, Marvanna says: "Here, I have something I want to show you..." as she reaches into her purse and pulls out a compact mirror.
When you look at the mirror, it catches the overhead light and, for a split second, sends a dazzling flash straight into your eyes. It's strangely brighter and more blinding than you would have expected, leaving you momentarily disoriented.
"You're going to tell me the truth, no matter what." Marvanna says softly.(set:$TruthCompulsion to 1)
"[[I will tell the truth->I was here]]." You really, really want to tell the truth. You *need* to tell the truth...no matter what. You decide to tell the truth. "Yes, I was here that night."
Marvanna nods slowly. "And, who have you told about the voodoo?"
"I haven't discussed it with anyone who didn't already know." That's the truth...isn't it?
Maria squints at you for a second, then relaxes a little. "Good for you."
Then, Marvanna (if:$TruthCompulsion is 0)[brings the mirror out again.](else:)[reaches into her purse and pulls out a compact mirror. "Here, I have something I want to show you..."]
"Go easy Momma...please?" Maria pleads.
The light flashes brightly in your eyes and the room spins.
"You will tell no one about our voodoo...ever"
"I'll never tell anyone about your voodoo." You repeat. The thought of someone finding out about Marvanna's voodoo fills you with unreasoning horror! You could never let that happen! (set:$VoodooSecretCompulsion to 1)
There's another flash from the mirror.
"You will not hurt Maria in any way. Not physically or emotionally."
"I will not hurt Maria in any way." Why is she even saying that? You'd sacrifice anything to keep Maria safe, physically and emotionally.
(if:$TruthCompulsion is 0)[Again Marvanna uses the mirror to flash light into your eyes. "You will tell me the truth, no matter what."
"Yes. Of course." You couldn't possibly lie to Marvanna. (set:$TruthCompulsion to 1)
](if:$StolenIngredients is 1)[ [[next->reckoning]]
](else:)[ [[next->more questions]]]"Maria! We *talked* about this! You *promised* me..." Marvanna sounds disappointed and hurt. "You've been...changing things...again, haven't you?"
"Oh, Momma... It'll be OK. I didn't do anything <burp!> permanent." Maria's eyes have that glassy, out of focus look.
"It will *not* be OK! Divulging our secrets...wasting my ingredients...?!?"
Maria starts putting on some clothes. "We can fix their memories. I found a spell..."Marvanna continues to lecture. "Stop making excuses! You *promised* not to drink. You *promised* to stop overusing voodo. You *promised* not to waste my ingredients!" She doesn't seem concerned about the sex.
"I'm sorry, Momma. I'll get you more ingredients."
"There's no time for that! I needed the ingredients *now*!" Marvanna's face is turning red. "This is a disaster!"Marvanna studies you closely. "Something about you...is off." The faint wrinkles on her middle-aged brow become a bit more prominent.
She walks around you, studying you from different angles. Marvanna isn't physically imposing, but something about her sends chills up your spine.
"Give me your hand." She commands.
When you comply, she turns it palm up and studies it closely.
"She's had a privileged life." Marvanna speaks very softly, to herself, but you can make out most of the words.
"Hmmmm...(if:$Assertiveness > 0)[bold,](elseif:$Assertiveness < 0)[meek,](if:$Selfishness > 0)[ giving,](elseif:$Selfishness < 0)[ selfish, ](if:$Willpower > 0)[ good willpower,](else:)[ little willpower,](if:$Ruthlessness > 0)[ ruthless,](elseif:$Ruthlessness < 0)[ softhearted,](if:$Empathy > 0)[ she has empathy.](elseif:$Empathy < 0)[ she lacks empathy.] She's (if:$Honesty < 0)[not an honest person](elseif:$Honesty > 0)[generally honest](else:)[not always honest]. (if:$Criminality > 0)[She's willing to break the law.]"
OK, this is spooky. You try to pull your hand away, but Marvanna holds it tightly.
"She's mostly attracted to (if:$FemaleAttraction > $MaleAttraction)[women](else:)[men](if:$MaleAttraction > 4 and $MaleAttraction < $FemaleAttraction)[, but she also finds men exciting]. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[She finds it arousing to show other people her body.(if:$Exhibitionism > 3)[ She can hardly control herself!]] (if:$Dominance > 0)[She wants to be dominant.](elseif:$Dominance < 0)[She likes to be dominated.]"
This is getting way too personal. Again you try, and fail, to get your hand back.
" And...[[there's something else]]."
"Excuse me, ma'am." It's the security guard.
"What is it?" Marvanna doesn't like to be interrupted.
"I found the girl with this bag." He puts your bag (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[of stolen ingredients](else:)[with the stolen book] on the table.
She looks at you sharply. "(if:$RelicInfo is 0)[These are](else:)[This is] mine!"
Maria's face is a mask of shock. "You did this? You *stole* from us?"
Wait! I can explain!"
"You goddamned thief!" Marvanna's face turns dark and fierce. (if:$RelicInfo is 0)["You have no idea the damage you've done!"]
The voodoo queen pulls a sheaf of papers from her purse and begins to read the spirit language loud and clear. Tendrils of ice immediately begin to form on your skin!
"[[Help!]]"The ice is forming all over your body. A glance at Patti shows that she's even more ice-covered than you are. Your muscles are freezing. In another second or two, you won't be able to move. Even your mind is getting foggy.
You've got to do something now! What will you try?
(if:$CardMagic > 0)[Use your '[[Card Magic->cast CM]]' to take the paper Marvanna is reading from.
](if:$GustOfWind > 0)[Use your '[[Gust of Wind->cast GoW]]' spell to blow away the paper Marvanna is reading from.
](if:$SlowTime > 0)[Cast your '[[Slow Time->cast ST]]' spell.
](if:$Strength > 6)[You've been working out a lot. Maybe you're strong enough to fight through the ice and [[snatch the paper]] out of Marvanna's hands.
](if:$VDLesson7 is 1)[You've learned a lot of voodoo lately. You recognize some of the words in Marvanna's spell. You're pretty sure you could reflect it with a mirror. The mirror she used to flash light in your eyes is still on the table. (if:$Strength > 6)[Maybe you're strong enough to [[grab it->grab mirror]], in spite of the cold.](else:)[But, you're not physically strong enough to fight through the cold that's gripping your muscles.]
](if:$EnzoFree is 1)[ [[Scream for Enzo-dog]] to help you.
](if:$CardMagic < 1 and $GustOfWind < 1 and $SlowTime < 1 and $Strength < 7 and $EnzoFree is not 1)[You rack your brain, but nothing comes to mind! You're at Marvanna's mercy.
The room slowly disappears as [[your vision fades]] to black.]Marvanna continues to examine your palm. Her fingers are icy cold, but they grip you so tightly you can't pull away.
(if:$TriedWyattPlan is 1)["You...hired..." ]She frowns, concentrating. (if:$TriedWyattPlan is 1)[(if:$SpellOfHiding is 1)["You've hired some shady people in your life. I thought there was more to it...but it's gone now."
Oh, that was so close! Thank you Wyatt for the ''*spell of hiding*''!
Marvanna is on to something else now as her fingers lightly carress your palm. ](else:)["You hired the SOBs who broke into my house!"
Maria's face is a mask of shock. "*You* did that? You hired the thieves!?"
"Wait! I can explain!"
"You goddamned thief!" Marvanna's face turns dark and fierce. "You have no idea the damage you've done!"
The voodoo queen pulls a sheaf of papers from her purse and begins to read the spirit language loud and clear. Tendrils of ice immediately begin to form on your skin!
"[[Help!]]"]](if:$TriedWyattPlan is 0 or $SpellOfHiding is 1)[Marvanna leans close and whispers: "Your sexual identity...it's been tampered. You've been...adjusted...massively." She looks at you sharply. "Did you ask for this?"
You *must* tell the truth. "Yes. I asked for it. But..."
"You poor thing." Is the voodoo queen really showing sympathy for your condition? "You've got spells on top of spells working here. I don't recall I ever saw such a mess."
Maybe this is a good chance to [[ask for help->ask for Marvanna's help]]?
Keep quiet and [[hope for the best]].
[[Ask if you can leave]]]''Current end of content on this branch.
For a slightly longer path, you would need to either not have the spell of protection, or succeed in stealing something on this last party date with Maria and friends.''(set:$TookPaper to 1)As a prepared spell, 'Card Magic' only takes you a second to trigger. But, you prepared it as a swap...one card for another. You don't have anything to swap with Marvanna's paper!
You cast the spell and hope for the best. Usually, a spirit will take any excuse to mess up a spell. However, you've cast your card magic spell many times before, always with the same spirit. Maybe you've built up some goodwill?
In a blink, Marvanna's paper is in your hand. Immediately, the ice dissipates and warmth begins to return to your muscles.
The voodoo queen [[looks furious]]!(set:$WindSpell to 1)As a prepared spell, 'Gust of Wind' only takes you a second to trigger. But, it's normally a weak spell. You've mostly only used it to peek under women's dresses. Is it strong enough to sweep the papers out of Marvanna's hand?
Maybe you could cast it multiple times back to back to back? You've never tried that before. Could the spirit keep up? There's no time to second guess now. You cast the spell three times as fast as you can.
A surprisingly strong wind kicks up. Marvanna manages to hang on to one sheet of paper, but the other one (the one she was reading from) is blown to the far side of the room. Immediately, the ice dissipates and warmth begins to return to your muscles.
The voodoo queen [[looks furious]]!You have successfully cast your 'Slow Time' spell. Everything in the room slows to a crawl. So, now you're just being frozen at a slower pace.
You force your half-frozen body to move out of Marvanna's line of sight and immediately you can feel the warmth flowing back into your muscles. Of course, this doesn't help Patti(if:$EnzoDog is 0)[ or Enzo], so you grab the papers out of Marvanna's hands and stuff them in your purse.
What now? You could probably get away, but what about Patti(if:$EnzoDog is 0)[ and Enzo]? You can't just leave (if:$EnzoDog is 0)[them](else:)[her] here with Marvanna.
[[Restrain Marvanna]] and her guard.
(if:$StolenIngredients is 1)[ [[Use one of the vials]] Enzo found in the basement.](set:$GrabbedPaper to 1)During your gym time(if:$GabbiWorkoutPartner is 1)[ with Gabbi], you've learned to fight through physical pain, even though this body feels it more intensely than your old one. Your muscles and determination are stronger than when you first transformed.
So, you force yourself forward and quickly grab the papers Marvanna is holding. But, she sees you coming and holds tight. As a result, the papers are torn in half. Each of you hold a useless scrap of paper. Immediately, the ice dissipates and warmth begins to return to your muscles.
The voodoo queen [[looks furious]]!(set:$UsedMirror to 1)That mirror could save you! You need to grab it, but your muscles are soooo cold.
During your gym time(if:$GabbiWorkoutPartner is 1)[ with Gabbi], you've learned to fight through physical pain, even though this body feels it more intensely than your old one. Your muscles and determination are stronger than when you first transformed.
You manage to fight through the icy pain and grab the mirror. Then, you hold it up between you and Marvanna.
But, it's a very small mirror! And, where exactly does the spell come from? Her eyes? Her mouth? From the papers? You move the mirror around, searching for the right spot.
When you feel a bit of warmth, you know you've found it! When ice crystals begin to form on Marvanna's face, she stops the spell.
The voodoo queen [[looks furious]]!(set:$EnzoDogAttacked to 1)"Enzo! Help! Please help!" You scream as loud as you can.
Poor Enzo-dog has been curled up in the corner as inconspicuous as a 200 lb dog can be. Now, his ears perk up.
<img src="Images\Enzo Dog.jpg">
"Help me, Enzo! I'm being frozen!" You put all the emotion you can muster into that plea.
Just when you're about to give up, Enzo-dog runs into Marvanna like a battering ram. She's knocked down and slides several feet across the tile floor. Her papers are scattered.
Immediately, the ice dissipates and warmth begins to return to your muscles.
The voodoo queen [[looks furious]]!Marvanna underestimated you. She won't do it again. She barks out a short command in the spirit language.
(if:$EnzoDogAttacked is 1)[Enzo-dog looks frightened. His muzzle is open, but no sound comes out. Marvanna is still speaking spirit words.
]Suddenly, you can't breathe! You can't speak! It's some sort of choking spell. If you can't breathe, you can't do *anything*!
Regrets fill your mind. You should have known better than to tangle with a voodoo queen. You fall to your knees as the [[room grows dim->your vision fades]].There's no way you can drag Patti's 6' 4" frame to the car. She's going to have to walk out under her own power. But, she's slowed down just like everyone else. But, by the time Patti can walk, Marvanna nad her guard will be back in action.
You need some rope or tape to bind Marvanna and her guard.
[[Cut down Henry]] and use that rope.
You pick up the bandolier of vials you took from Marvanna's basement. Two are used already. Four vials remain.
You've got orange, blue, pink, and turquoise to pick from. You try to remember what color turned Enzo into a puppy...
Do you really want to turn Maria's mother into an animal right in front of her eyes? (set:$Color to "reddish-black")
[[No...restrain Marvanna instead->Restrain Marvanna]]
(link:"blue-green")[(set:$Color to "blue-green")(goto:"reddish-black")]
(link:"reddish-orange")[(set:$Color to "reddish-orange")(goto:"reddish-black")]When you wake up, you're lying in a big bed with bright white covers. Sunlight and fresh air fill the room through an open window. Outside, birds are singing.
You don't seem to be harmed. Beneath the covers, your female form is covered by a camisole and panties. Maria's?
Thinking back to your encounter with Marvanna...why are you still alive? Why didn't she turn you into some disgusting swamp creature, or worse?
Maria stands beside the bed, looking solemn. She's not wearing the same clothes as the last time you saw her. (if:$Empathy > 0)[You feel regret for the way you've treated her.] She's so beautiful it makes you ache just to look at her.
<img src="Images\Maria Closeup Small.jpg">
"Where's Patrick?" You ask. Your voice is hoarse. Your throat is sore.
"Who's Patrick?" There's a hard edge in her voice.
You try to say "my brother" but it won't come out, so you just lie there. When will that damn truth spell wear off?
"What? No more lies?" She stares daggers at you.
"Maria...I'm sorry..."
"Sorry you got caught? Momma told me everything. Unlike everyone else in my life, Momma never lies." Her eyes are wet.
"(if:$RelicInfo is 0)[I just wanted to remove the spell.](else:)[I just wanted to read the book of relics.]" Truth.
"And, you didn't care who got hurt in the process. Didn't you ever think to just ask for help?"
Tell her [[you love her]]. Do you really? What about Patti?
[[Ask for help]]. Maybe it's not too late?
[[Take responsibility]] for your actions.You love her? Really? And when did you decide that?
Do you even know what love is? Your previous life has been all about sex, drugs, and other debauchery. Even your 'friends' have just been people you like to hang out with.
Love requires you to care deeply for another person. Are you even capable of that?
(if:$Empathy > 2)[Yes. You've developed a good amount of ''empathy'' since your transformation. You've learned to care about people other than yourself...at least a little.
But, do you love Maria? Do you love Patti? Either, neither, or both? Maybe love is too strong of a word...
"Maria, I really care about you." This statement passes the truth spell test.
"Oh yeah? Do you always lie to people you care about? (if:$TriedWyattPlan is 1)[You hired thieves to break into our house! That's not what people who care do!] You were *using* me!" Maria's voice drips with venom.
"Maria! Listen! I've changed!" You sit up in the bed, covers falling away from your thinly covered breasts.
"Why should I believe you?" She wants to believe you. You can hear it in her voice.
"Because I can't lie." You stand up and put your hands on her shoulders.
She has to stop and think about that one for a moment. "How have you changed?"
"I've [[learned to care]] about other people." It's true...you've developed ''empathy'' since you were transformed. "I care about *you*."
](else:)[No. (if:$Empathy > 0)[You've developed a bit of ''empathy'' since your transformation, but you're not yet capable of real love.](else:)[You haven't developed any real ''empathy'' for others. You're only capable of loving yourself at this point in your life.]
The truth spell won't let you lie to Maria. You're going to have to pick a different response.
[[Ask for help]]. Maybe it's not too late?
[[Take responsibility]] for your actions.]"Will you help me?" You ask.
"Now!? After what you've done? After all the lies? *Now* you ask!?! You're unbelievable!" Maria's pretty teenage face is transformed by anger.
"I don't know what else to do. I want my old body back." The instincts of your female body help you sound pitiful and sad. Your eyes are getting wet.
"Did you come here to steal from us last night?"
As you start to answer, you feel the truth spell restricting your choices...
(if:$Plan is "steal")["Yes. [[I came to steal]] your mother's voodoo (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book]."
](elseif:$Plan is "ask")["No! I really came to [[ask you->ask for your help]] for your help."
](else:)["No. I just came [[to have a good time]] with you."]"Maria, I know I did some bad things. I never should have used voodoo in the first place. (if:$TriedWyattPlan is 1)[I never should have hired thieves to break into your home.] I never should have deceived you. I never sh..."
<img src="Images\Maria Closeup Small.jpg">
She cuts you off. "Yeah, yeah... This could go on for a while. It sounds to me like you never should have done most of your life."
Ouch. Truth hurts...when you have a conscience.
''Taking responsibility? Maybe there's hope for you yet.
Honesty increased. (set:$Honesty to it + 1)
New value: $Honesty''
"That's fair. But, I know better now." Do you? Maybe so since the truth spell let you say it.
"Really?" She sounds skeptical. "Tell me...why did you come here last night?"
As you start to answer, you feel the truth spell restricting your choices...
(if:$Plan is "steal")["[[I came to steal]] your mother's voodoo (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book]."
](elseif:$Plan is "ask")["I came to [[ask for your help]]."
](else:)["I just came [[to have a good time]]."]"I came to steal your mother's voodoo (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book]."
Maria shakes her head. "That's what I thought. You haven't learned a thing."
She stands up and heads for the door.
"Maria! Wait!" You get out of bed quickly.
She makes the 'talk to the hand' pose. "Just shut up, Jack. It's over."
"What's going to happen to me?"
"[[You'll see...]]". Maria leaves the room.
You try to follow but the door won't open."I actually came hoping to ask for your help. I was going to tell you everything. I just didn't get a chance."
Maria looks at you in disbelief, but says nothing.
"Look...you know I can't lie to you. I even told P..P..Patti that's what I was going to do."
<img src="Images\Maria 3.jpg">
Maria allows herself a small smile. "Maybe there is hope for you..."
Tears form in your eyes. Why are you so emotional? That's not like you at all. You get out of bed and Maria lets you hug her.
After a few seconds, she moves back a little and looks at your lingerie-clad female body. "So, you're really a guy?" She sounds skeptical.
"I am. At least, I was. I mean...I still am, but..."
"You sound confused. Anyway... Go ahead and get dressed and then we can [[talk to Momma]]."
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to talk to Patti." Maria winks as she leaves. "I'll be back to get you."<img src="Images\Maria Closeup Small.jpg">
"I didn't come here tonight to steal from you." That's the truth...as far as it goes.
"So you don't need Mama's voodoo (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book] any more?"
"I do."
"So what's your plan? Earn my trust? Wait until I'm not watching?" Anger creeps into Maria's voice.
"Uh...well...sort of. I mean...that *was* the plan. But, not anymore!" The truth spell is making your head hurt. (if:$Honesty < 2)[It's surprising how many times you find yourself wanting to tell small lies.]
"You're disgusting!" The cajun girl looks like she wants to hit you. "You're not even an honest thief! You're a lying, backstabbing, con man thief!"
"Maria! Listen! I've changed!" You sit up in the bed, covers falling away from your thinly covered breasts.
"Why should I believe you?" She wants to believe you. You can hear it in her voice.
"Because I can't lie." You stand up and put your hands on her shoulders.
She has to stop and think about that one for a moment. "How have you changed?"
(if:$Empathy > 1)["I've [[learned to care]] about other people." It's true...you've developed ''empathy'' since you were transformed. "I care about *you*."
](else:)[You want to say you've become a better person. But, the words won't come out. You really (if:$Empathy is 0 or $Empathy is 1)[don't have that much ''empathy'' for others.](else:)[don't have much ''empathy'' for other people. The value of others is in they can do for you.] After an awkward moment of silence, you're forced to admit "I guess I [[haven't changed]] that much after all.]''End of content, for now.
Consider this a *BAD END*
''You get dressed. The only thing you have to wear is your party dress from last night. You can't help but admire how awesome you look in it.
(display:"Show Party Dress")
(if:$Style is not "Good")[(if:$Exhibitionism > 1)[ The thought of someone powerful like Marvanna ogling your female body is a turn on.] But, your party dress doesn't seem like such an appropriate thing to wear this morning. (if:$Style is "Revealing")[You wish you had something less revealing to wear.]]
After a while, maybe 30 minutes, Maria comes back. "Ready to go?"
"Do I have a choice?"
Maria grins and shakes her head. "Nope! [[Come with me]] young lady.""I've learned to care about other people." You stand close, looking her in the eye. "I've learned to care about *you*."
<img src="Images\Maria 3.jpg">
Maria looks closely into your eyes. Then, she allows herself a small smile. "Maybe there is hope for you..."
Tears form in your eyes. Why are you so emotional? That's not like you at all. Maria lets you hug her.
After a few seconds, she moves back a little and looks at your lingerie-clad female body. "So, you're really a guy?" She sounds skeptical.
"I am. At least, I was. I mean...I still am, but..."
"You sound confused. Anyway... Go ahead and get dressed and then we can [[talk to Momma]]."
"Uh...do you really think that's a good idea?"
Maria just laughs at your apprehension. "Relax. She's not going to turn you into a toad."
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to talk to Patti." Maria winks as she leaves. "I'll be back to get you."Maria shakes her head. "That's what I thought. You haven't learned a thing."
She stands up and heads for the door.
"Maria! Wait!" You get out of bed quickly.
She makes the 'talk to the hand' pose. "Just shut up, Jack. It's over."
"What's going to happen to me?"
"[[You'll see...]]". Maria leaves the room.
You try to follow but the door won't open.You retrieve a knife from the kitchen, push a chair into position, and climb up.
Henry looks frightened. So, why is his dick hard? Does he get into bondage?
<img src="Images\Tied and Suspended.jpg">
You cut his legs free first so he can land on his feet. But, he's still affected by your 'Slow Time' spell. He lands with a crash, falls backwards, and cracks his head hard on the tile floor!
You try to untie the knots instead of cutting the rope. You'll need a lot of rope to tie up both Marvanna and her security guard. This takes longer than you'd like.
Finally, you've got the rope. Who will you tie up first?
[[Marvanna->tie up Marvanna first]]
[[Security Guard->tie up security guard first]]
Marvanna isn't much bigger than you are. It's not too hard to force her into a chair so you can tie her hands behind her back. You also tie each leg to one of the chair legs.
By now, you know enough about voodoo that you also take care to run rope through her mouth so she won't be able to speak the spirit language.
Now it's time for the guard. The guy is huge and he doesn't move easily. There's no way to move him to a chair, so you have to tie him up in place. You tie his feet first. Then, you force his hands behind his back.
But, he's starting to resist! Your spell is expired!
You've only got a split second before he figures out what's going on. If you can finish this knot...
(if:$Strength > 6)[You did it! All that time in the gym really paid off. (You passed a ''strength'' test) The guard is securely tied...for now.
With both threats neutralized for the moment, you and Patti (if:$StolenIngredients is 1)[grab your bag (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[of stolen ingredients](else:)[with the stolen voodoo book] and] [[run out the door]] to your car.](else:)[ [[No luck]]. You just weren't strong enough to hold him. (You failed a ''strength'' test.) He pushes you to the ground and unties his feet.
"Pattrick! Help!" You scream.
Patti looks dazed and disoriented. She's not recovering nearly as quickly as Marvanna's guard. By the time she comes to your aid, the guard is fully free of the rope.
"Stay where you are, if you know what's good for you." The guard's voice is authoritative and compelling. Patti stops in her tracks. Then the guard ungags and unties Marvanna. The voodoo queen [[looks furious]]!]The guy is huge and he doesn't move easily. There's no way to move him, so you have to tie him up in place. You tie his feet first. Then, you force his hands behind his back and tie them securely. It'll hold...for a while.
Then, you turn your attention to Marvanna. (if:$VoodooSkill > 6)[Knowing as much about voodoo as you do, you realize the biggest threat from the voodoo queen comes from her magic. You need to make sure she can't cast spells. So, the first thing you do is put a rope through her mouth and tie it securely.]
Marvanna isn't much bigger than you are. It's not too hard to force her into a chair so you can tie her hands behind her back. You also tie each leg to one of the chair legs.
(if:$VoodooSkill < 7)[Finally, you're ready to put a rope through her mouth. But, your spell has worn off! Marvanna speaks one word and you're hurled to the floor.
Somewhat dazed, you start to get up.
Marvanna [[looks furious]]!
](else:)[With both threats neutralized for the moment, you and Patti (if:$StolenIngredients is 1)[grab your bag (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[of stolen ingredients](else:)[with the stolen voodoo book] and] [[run out the door]] to your car.]''Current end of content
You are free, but Marvanna is sure to come after you now...''"Patti! Help!" You scream.
Patti comes running to you. She wants to help you up and see if you're OK.
"No! Get him!"
But, it's too late. The guard has his legs free.
Patti has the body of a top male athlete, but she doesn't know anything about self defense. She moves forward and grapples with the big guard.
You want to help, but you're so small and weak, this is like watching two T-Rexs fight! You'd only get crushed if you got in the way. Maybe you could pick something up and hit the guard...
But, the 'fight' is over quickly. At least Patti didn't get hurt too badly.
After the guard frees Marvanna...
[[You can't remember->your vision fades]] what happened after.You call Wyatt on your cell phone. "Wyatt. I need you to do something for me."
"I'm kind of busy. What is it that you need?" He sounds distracted.
"I need you to rent a hotel room for me and hide a surveillance camera with a view of the bed." Hmmm... this sounds kind of kinky when you say it out loud.
"What? Don't tell me you're going to have sex with someone..." It doesn't sound like he approves.
"There's this teacher at school... She's giving me a hard time. I'm gonna get tape of her fooling around with a high school girl (me). Then, I can blackmail her to...well...to do whatever I want." Oh, the possibilities!
"Why? Jack, don't get distracted. We've got to get (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[your body back](else:)[the book about relics]. Keep your focus on the plan. You and Patti must gain Maria's full confidence so we can obtain (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[the ingredients](else:)[that book]. Try to concentrate!" He's so condescending and bossy these days, it makes you feel...frustrated? Shouldn't you be more angry?
"No. Listen. I think she's going dig into my past. You know...the past that I don't have? If she finds out my school records are fake, it could blow the whole plan."
Wyatt stops to think for a moment. "OK. I'll do it. I'll have everything set up by the time school is out. I'll text you the details." It's a good thing Wyatt is so logical. Once he understands your reasoning, he's quickly on board with your plan.
The rest of the school day passes without incident.
[[After school]]After school, you jump in your bimmer and head to the hotel room.
On the way, you send Ms. Andersen a text with the hotel name, address, and room number. You add 'Hurry!' and a kissy-face emoji and finally one of your selfies, just for good measure.
(display:"Naked Breast Image")
That ought to do it!
Five seconds later, you get a reply..."OMW". A little later, an image comes through...
<img src="Images\Ms Andersen Selfie.jpg">
Oooohhh...hot body! Touché! Ms. Andersen keeps herself in shape.
Your arousal has been smoldering all day, thinking about how this might go. Now, Ms. Andersen's hot pic adds some heat.
[[Hotel room]]When Ms. Andersen arrives at the hotel room, you answer the door in just your underwear.
In no time at all, you're taking turns fingering each other...
<img src="Images\Lesbian Finger 1.jpg">
<img src="Images\Lesbian Finger 2.gif">
and licking...
<img src="Images\Lesbian Licking 1.jpg">
<img src="Images\Lesbian Licking 2.jpg">
Somehow, having sex with a woman, *as a woman*, you pick up on nuances and techniques you never noticed before. When she does something to you that feels especially good, you pay close attention and then practice it on her.
''Your skill at pleasing a woman has improved.
Pussy fingering +1(set:$PussyFingering to it + 1)
New value: $PussyFingering
Cunnilingus +1(set:$Cunnilingus to it + 1)
New value: $Cunnilingus''
Now, you have all the blackmail information you need to control Ms. Andersen. (set:$BlackmailedAndersen to 1)
By the time you get home, it's too late and you're too exhausted to do anything more than shower and (link:"go to bed")[(goto:"End of Day")]. What a day!Maria leads you to a room you haven't seen before. Marvanna sits behind a desk. As you enter, she looks up and puts down the papers she was reading.
<img src="Images\Marvanna 8.jpg">
"Good morning... Shall I call you Jack or Jacki?"
Hmmm...no one has ever asked that. How do you want Marvanna to address you?
(link:"Jack")[(set:$PName to "Jack")(goto:"You can call me")]
(link:"Jacki")[(set:$PName to "Jacki")(goto:"You can call me")]"You can call me $PName.(if:$PName is "Jack")[" It feels a little strange to call yourself 'Jack' again. You've become quite good at telling people you're 'Jacki'. Have you really been in this body for that long? (set:$MPName to "Mister Jack")](else:)[ It's easier and less confusing that way."(set:$MPName to "Miss Jacki")]
"Alright then...$MPName...let's talk. I don't think we got off to a good start last night, but Maria tells me you're not an evil person. Is that right?"
<img src="Images\Marvanna 8.jpg">
It just seems very weird to have a voodoo queen judging your moral character. Why would someone who bargains with spirits and turns people into toads care if you're good or bad?
"Tch, tch, tch" Marvanna makes a dismissive clicking sound with her tongue. "So I'm just an evil old witch? Is that it?"
What the hell? You didn't even say anything yet! "No! It's just that this isn't what I expected."
[[next->more with Marvanna]]"$MPName, while you slept, I've had time to study you closely. (if:$SpellOfHiding is 1)[The spell of hiding was really well done, but it loses most of its effectiveness when I know exactly where to look.] I know your past. I know how you ended up in the body of a young woman. I know your recent plan to steal my (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book]. You have no secrets with me. Do you understand?"
You swallow hard. "Yes"
"We are only talking because you(if:$Plan is "ask")[ came here last night to ask for help instead of to steal](else:)['ve begun to develop empathy and a conscience since your transformation]. Perhaps you're ready to grow up and be a good human being now." She shrugs. "Only the future knows."
Wow... She doesn't sound angry, even after what you did and tried to do. You've done so much wrong, but Marvanna seems to be ready to forgive everything?!? That's almost unbelievable. So, what's the bottom line? "Am I free to go?"
The voodo queen smiles mysteriously. "[[I have a proposition for you]]..."
<img src="Images\Marvanna 8.jpg">A 'proposition'? Ah, shit. There had to be a catch.
"What do I have to do?" You ask, dreading to hear the answer. What could you possibly have to offer a voodoo queen?
<img src="Images\Marvanna 8.jpg">
Marvanna shakes her head. "$MPName, you don't <i>have to</i> do anything. I'm just going to offer you an opportunity to demonstrate that you truly are on the path to becoming a good human being...a chance to prove that you truly do regret your selfish past."
Oh, this doesn't sound good at all! This isn't the sort of 'opportunity' you would seek out...ever. You glance over at Maria and she's looking at you with those beautiful eyes of hers.
<img src="Images\Maria 3.jpg">
Marvanna continues... "Plus, if you help me, I'll give you your body back."
(if:$RelicInfo is 0)[Oh. There it is. Now we're talking.](else:)[Well, maybe she doesn't know *everything*].
Marvanna's oddly beautiful violet eyes seem to bore into you. "In normal times, I might reverse your spell for a healthy sum of gold. But, these aren't normal times. I need those ingredients, not for myself, but to save the marais. If we're successful, I'll be free to help you."
"[[What is it]] that you want?" (if:$RelicInfo is 1)[Even if you're not in a hurry to change back today, it's probably best to stay on Marvanna's good side.]"What is it that you want?" You ask, dreading to hear what it might be.
"I want you to spy for me." Marvanna clasps her hands together tightly. "You seem to have a talent for it. You managed to get close to me...and my daughter...even though I'm normally quite careful."
"Spy on who?"
"It's a long story, but here's the short version. The most powerful voodoo ingredients come from...a very small and ecologically sensitive place. One of the voodoo masters wants to exploit the power of voodoo for profit. If he's allowed to do that, he'll destroy everything! I need you to infiltrate his organization and help me stop him."
Not for the first time, you're impressed with the way Marvanna speaks. She doesn't sound like what you would expect from a Dulac, Louisiana native. She sounds well-educated, dignified, and her accent is impossible for you to place.
"[[Why me?]]" "Why me?" You ask. "I'm just an amateur. You could hire a professional."
Marvanna smiles. "$MPName, you are unique. You don't yet understand exactly how special you are. Think about it like this. Do you think I would be more effective at infiltration if I looked like I do now...
<img src="Images\Marvanna 8.jpg">
...or if I looked like this...
<img src="Images\Marvanna 7 Closeup.jpg">
Wow! Marvanna instantly looks at least a dozen years younger. She's beautiful! Your heart beats a little faster. "Ummm..." It takes you a moment to answer. "Can't you just do...what you just did...to a professional spy?"
It's unnerving to continue your conversation with this younger, prettier version of Marvanna. Even her voice is softer and sweeter: "I could. But, it would cost me ingredients I don't have. Plus, it would take them weeks to acclimate to their new form. You've acclimated very well and very quickly. If this is going to work, you need to get started immediately."
The attractive voodoo queen looks into your eyes. "Will you help me, $MPName?" You can smell her perfume.
Maria looks on hopefully.
What do you think? Do you want to risk it? Is it worth the risk for a chance to get your body back? Will you help to save the marais? For Maria?
You're afraid to ask what happens if you say 'no'. Maybe this is all just an act. Maybe, if you say no, they'll still turn you into a toad.
"[[I'll help you]]."
"[[I just want to go home]]."<img src="Images\Maria Not Happy.jpg">
Maria is not happy with you.
''End of content, for now.
You should probably consider this a 'bad end'.''"I guess I'll help." (set:$HelpingMarvanna to 1)
Maria looks happy.
<img src="Images\Maria Smile.jpg">
"What exactly do you want me to do?"
Marvanna's eyes twinkle just a little. "I want you to get close to Virgil LeBlanc. He's the CEO of Fantôme Biochimique International."
"CEO? How am I supposed to do that?"
"I don't think you'll have any trouble. In fact, You've already started."
<img src="Images\Marvanna 7 Closeup.jpg">
"What's that supposed to mean?" It's still distracting you that Marvanna looks so young.
"Enzo is Virgil LeBlanc's son." Marvanna smiles.
"Oh." Well, maybe you have already started to get...close. "So, Enzo probably already knows all about voodoo?"
Marvanna frowns. "[[It gets a little complicated...]]"
Marvanna sighs. She didn't want to get into a lot of backstory, but sometimes it's necessary. She needs you to understand what the situation is.
"So, Virgil isn't a voodoo master. His chief of research..."
(if:$AndrewsCard is 1)[A memory clicks and you blurt out: "Andrew Pelletier!"
Marvanna's eyes go wide. "How do you know him?"
"I...sat beside him on a plane trip. He gave me his business card." You hope she doesn't ask where you were going...or why.
"That's an amazing coincidence. Very odd."](else:)[You interrupt. "I thought you said he was a voodoo master?"
"No. Just listen and let me finish.] Marvanna looks at her watch before continuing.
"Anyway...as I was saying, the voodoo master is Andrew Pelletier. He's the chief of research for Fantôme Biochimique International, also known as FBI. He has convinced Virgil and FBI's board of directors that he has used science to extract bio-active compounds that can cure diseases. He's passing off voodoo as science."
This is confusing. "So, it's an evil scheme to heal people? I don't understand."
"No!" Marvanna practically shouts. You realize you [[said something wrong]]."No! Andrew doesn't care about curing people!" Marvanna stands up from her desk and starts to pace. "He will make <i>billions of dollars</i> in stock options! That's all he cares about." She stares at you intently, as if to judge whether or not you believe her.
You stop and think for a moment. How can you ask this without making Marvanna even angrier? Finally, you give it a try. "What about the people that would be cured?"
Marvanna looks too angry to speak, but luckily Maria steps in. "Jacki, there just aren't enough ingredients. The marais can only supply so much of the most powerful ingredients. If anyone takes too much, they'll destroy the whole ecosystem."
Having calmed just a little, Marvanna takes over the explanation again. "Andrew doesn't care. By the time he's devastated the marais, FBI stock will have gone up thousands of percent. He'll cash out his options and leave as the world's richest man."
OK, now that sounds like an [[evil plot]]."Well, what do you need me for? It sounds to me like you know all about Andrew and Virgil."
Marvanna looks at her watch and frowns. "We know what they want to do, but we don't know how or when. If you can find out their specific plans, it'll help us out tremendously."
<img src="Images\Marvanna 8.jpg">
Then, in an instant she's back to her more mature appearance. "I'm sorry I can't spend all day talking about this $MPName, but I have business to attend to. Maria can answer any more questions you might have."
The now middle-aged Marvanna takes a vanilla folder from her desk, gives Maria a kiss on the cheek, and walks out.
Amazing. "How does she do that? How does she change form so quick and easy?"
Maria shrugs. "She's not really changing form. She's just causing you to see her differently. That's way quicker and easier than a real transformation...like you have."
"So, Maria... [[Did you know]] Enzo was the son of that Virgil guy? The CEO of FBI?"Maria shakes her head. "No. I knew his dad was a rich business guy, but that's all. Momma would have known, but she's been so busy, she doesn't have much time for me lately."
"I guess saving the marais is a full time job."
"She made it her mission in life. Sometimes I think she cares more about the marais than she does me."
"Please don't take this the wrong way but...your Mom doesn't seem like someone who comes from the bayou. She speaks like a college graduate."
Maria shrugs. "Momma has secrets, even from me. All I really know is that she's older than she looks and she didn't always live in the bayou."
(if:$EnzoDog is 1)[Somewhere in the distance a dog barks. Suddenly, you remember... "Enzo! What happened to Enzo?"
Maria giggles. "Don't worry. That spell you triggered was temporary. Once he changed back, Momma used the mirror on him and Henry.](else:)[As your mind tries to process all the new information, a thought pops up. "What about Enzo and Henry. They saw a lot of voodoo last night."
Maria giggles. "Don't worry. Momma used the mirror on them.] [[They don't remember anything]] after I started using voodoo." "It seems like your mother has taken care of everything. So, now what?"
"Now, you need to get close to Enzo. Did you guys get along OK last night?" Maria asks.
She doesn't know (if:$EnzoMadeYouCum is 1 and $GotEnzoOff is 1)[you guys got each other off](elseif:$EnzoMadeYouCum is 1)[Enzo made you cum](elseif:$GotEnzoOff is 1)[you got Enzo off](elseif:$PromisedEnzoFun is 1)[how you lured him into the basement](else:)[you guys were definitely attracted to each other]? Maybe she and her mother only asked you about your stealing and how you became a woman.
"Sure. We got along OK." You answer noncomittally.
"Good. It's a start." Maria touches you on the shoulder to make sure you're paying attention. "Listen. Before you get too close, there's something you need to know."
"It's about [[Enzo's...cock]]."You know exactly how Enzo feels because you've been there. Girls can, and do, change their minds at the most frustrating times. It's enough to drive a guy insane.
For some reason, his suffering moves you tonight. Alone, here in the dark with a suffering young man, you decide to help him out.
''Your empathy has increased. (set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy''
You take Enzo's hand and slide it under the top of your dress so he can feel your firm breast and hard nipple. You lay your head against his shoulder and let the hot moist air of your rapid breaths caress his ear.
Then your right hand, still soaked from your own juices, grips Enzo's giant pole. The strokes, from tip to base, are long ones. There's a lot of dick there. What would it feel like inside? Is that even possible?
Suddenly, you're very aware that as a woman, having an orgasm doesn't mean you're 'done'. Your pussy is still molten. Your clit is still aching! Maybe... Maybe you could let him...
But, it's too late. Enzo's dick pulses strongly. You feel hot wetness on your arm. It pulses again and you feel something hit your leg. You point his dick away so his remaining spurts don't hit you. (set:$GotEnzoOff to 1)
[[next->Aftermath]]Enzo can deal with his blue balls problem on his own. You've had to do that plenty of times. It won't kill him.
''Your empathy has decreased. (set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy''
"My arm hurts. I'm afraid you're going to have to finish this yourself."
"I'm sorry." Enzo grabs his dick and begins to jack it furiously.
The size and hardness of his dick...the passion in his grunts...the effort in his gasping breaths...the longing looks of lust he casts your way...
It's almost as arousing as making out. The afterglow of your orgasm turns into the building heat of new desire.
But, it doesn't take him long. He's soon shooting ropes of semen onto the patio like so much silly string.
[[next->Aftermath]]Maria wants to tell you about Enzo's cock? "You guys were going out together, weren't you?" Of course Maria would know how big it is.
"Yeah. We went out and fooled around a little. At one time, I thought I might let him... Well, anyway, his dick was so tiny I just didn't think it would work for me."
Tiny? Enzo? Your face probably looks shocked. But, Maria doesn't notice since she's looking at the floor guiltily as she talks.
"So, I dug through some of Momma's books and found an old spell to give him a little more meat."
"OK. Thanks for the warning."
"Wait a sec. There's more to it than that. The spell I picked was from a really old book. It wasn't just a 'big dick' spell. I gave Enzo the dick of a legendary voodoo master."
"[[Won't he miss it?]]" You laugh. This is just too much weirdness. You can't help but make a joke. Maria gets your sense of humor. She smiles and punches you in the shoulder. "No. No, he won't miss it 'cause he's been dead for over 500 years."
"Yuck. So, Enzo's dick is older than my grandpa's?" It sure didn't <i>feel</i> that old (not that you know what your grandpa's dick feels like).
Maria smirks at your joke and continues. "Nostradamus was a voodoo master who spent much of his time either having sex or figuring out how to have more sex. With the help of some powerful spirits, he was able to transform his dick into an artifact of power."
"What does 'artifact of power' mean?" She was probably going to tell you anyway, but you might as well ask.
"It means that the magic embedded in his dick was so powerful, it didn't go away when he died. Since then, a few other voodoo masters have summoned the artifact and used it for themselves. That's what I did for Enzo. Over a few weeks, the Nostradamus relic replaced Enzo's tiny little penis."
"Wait a minute... Nostradamus? Isn't that the guy with the prophesies?" You saw a show about him on the History Channel.
"Yeah, it's the same guy. The history books only talk about the prophesies. Back then, it was improper to write about a man's dick."
You think about that for a moment. "Did you try it out? Did you and Enzo...do it?"
"No. I dumped him before we got that far. I didn't know I gave him anything more than a big dick. Not until Momma told me last night. She tried to remove it, but Nostradamus really made it strong. The only way it gets removed is if Enzo dies and we can't do that. It's not his fault."
"OK, I get it...Enzo's dick is an 'artifact of power'. It's Nostradamus' dick... No. It's...*The Phallus of Nostradamus*!" You finish in a dramatic voice.
Maria just grins and shakes her head.
"Aw, come on, that was a good one." You pout. "Well, anyway, [[what does this artifact actually do?]]"Maria shrugs. "If Enzo was a voodoo master, he could use it to do just about anything he wanted. But, he doesn't know any voodoo."
"So, it's just a big dick?"
"No, it's more than that. It's imbued with dozens of spells. He doesn't know the commands but, over time, he and the artifact will grow together. Even without knowing what he's doing, Enzo will develop powers. The more he uses the dick, the more powerful he gets."
"What kind of powers?"
"It could be anything. I don't really know. According to the stories...the ones voodoo masters pass down...all Nostradamus cared about in his old age was sex. But, how well can you trust 500 year-old legends?"
''End of current content.
This is the '*MAIN*' ending and the one most likely to be developed in the next release.''"I want to see your breasts." She says meekly.
You smack your palm against the top of the desk as hard as you dare and then suppress a smile when Ms. Andersen jumps. "That's not how you ask me for things. This isn't a strip bar."
"That's not good enough. I think I'm just going to leave. I don't think you're going to get to see...or touch...anything today." You threaten.
"Please! Please, Miss Schrodinger, may I see your breasts!"
Now, you allow yourself a smile. Dominating this woman is turning you on. "That's better, slut. If you ask nicely, I just might show you something...*if I decide not turn you in for molesting a student*."
Then, you give her a good look at the sexiest tits in the school.
(display:"Flash Tits")
"What do you think, slut?" Your nipples are hard. Dominating this bitch is making you <i>hot</i>!
"They're beautiful." Her voice is soft. Her eyes are focused on your tits.
You use your phone to shoot a shoot a short video clip of Ms. Andersen drooling over your tits. You own her now! (set:$BlackmailedAndersen to 1)
Then, you [[slap her]] on the cheek.The teacher rubs her stinging cheek. "What did you do that for?"
"I did it because I felt like it. I've got a damn slut pervert teacher drooling over my titties and it makes me mad! Why do they let people like you around schoolgirls like me?"
She hangs her head in shame. "I don't know, Miss Schrodinger." Tears begin to form in her eyes.
"I should turn you in to the school board. I should make sure every parent knows what kind of pervert predator you are. Can you give me one good reason why I shouldn't do that?"
"Please! Please, Miss Schrodinger, don't do that!" Her voice sounds panicked. This isn't what she expected. "I'll do anything! Just don't tell! Please! *I'll do anything*!"
"Anything, huh? Anything at all?"
"Yes ma'am! I'll do anything!"
''Your pussy is soaked. The more this perverted schoolteacher grovels, the hotter you get.
Dominance increased. (set:$Dominance to it + 1)
New value: $Dominance''
You tell her to:
"[[Eat my pussy]]!"
"[[Finger yourself]]!"
"[[Get out of my sight]].""What? You want me to..." The teacher's face is bright red.
You push down your shorts and bare your pussy for her. "Eat it, bitch."
"Yes, Miss Schrodinger!" She drops to her knees and goes to work without hesitation. Yeah, she's done this before.
<img src="Images\Cunnilingus 2.jpg">
in no time at all, she has you squirming against her tongue on the verge of orgasm. Then, you notice that she's fingering herself.
Your first thought is to slap her silly for not asking permission. But, your orgasm is too close. Instead, you grab her head with both hands and fuck her face with your pussy until you cum.
Then, you push her away. "Not bad, slut."
"Thank you, Miss Schrodinger." She sounds pleased with herself. You'll allow it since you're just feeling too good to care right now.
She's masturbating her own pussy ferociously. Her hand is a blur. You snap a few pictures.
"Stop that!" You command.
"No buts! Stop that this instant and get back to class."
She only hesitates for second before obeying. "Yes, Miss Schrodinger."
You smile and relax for a few minutes before fixing your clothes. Then, you go back to (link:"finish out the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]"What? You want me to..." The teacher's face is bright red.
"You know what I want. Do it! Now!" You channel your inner drill sergeant into a forceful command voice.
She hikes up her dress and starts rubbing her pussy through her panties.
"Faster! Harder! Do it like you mean it." You command and she complies.
"Take off those panties."
"Pinch your nipples."
"Put in three fingers. Deeper! Faster!"
She's almost done. Her hips are driving against her hand. Her face and neck are flushed bright red. Her eyes are clamped shut and her breath is coming in gasps. You snap a few pictures.
Your own pussy is drenched. For a split second, you think about joining your slave, but that probably wouldn't be a good idea.
"Stop that!" You command.
"No buts! Stop that this instant and get back to class."
She only hesitates for second before obeying. "Yes, Miss Schrodinger."
You smile and relax for a few minutes before fixing your clothes. Then, you go back to (link:"finish out the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]"Not now. Not today. But, you be ready, slut. Whenever I tell you to do something and you're going to do it. You're not going to ask questions, you're just going to do exactly what I say."
"Yes, Miss Schrodinger. I understand."
Your voice drips disgust: "Now, get out of my sight!"
Shoulders slumped, head hanging low, Ms. Andersen gets out of the chair and hurries out the door.
You head back to class, smiling smugly.
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]You're walking down the hallway, shaking your tits and swaying your ass. Just about everyone stops what they're doing and stares when you walk by.
You spot Ms. Andersen watching you from the doorway of her classroom with an expectant look on her face.
You just shake your head and keep walking. Not today.
Nothing much happens at school today.
(link:"End of school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]Gabriella gives you a big smile. "That is perfect! Please, call me Gabbi..OK?"
"Sure. Gabbi."
"With what would you like to start?" There's that accent again. And the way she doesn't use contractions and sometimes puts her sentences together oddly...it makes you wonder where she's from.
"Bench press?" That's where you always started as a guy.
"Excellent." Gabbi pulls off the 45's. "How much weight will you need to start?"
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 4.jpg">
"Just the bar please...and I might need some help." You say sheepishly.
She moves into spotting position as you lay on the bench.
You take the bar off the rack and carefully lower it to just below your breasts. Then, with a herculean effort, elbows twisting in all directions, you actually manage to get it back up! Awesome!
"That's *one*! Come on, Jacki, get another one!" Gabriella shouts encouragement.
"What?" You almost died doing that one.
She can no doubt see the fear in your eyes. "You can do it! I will help you."
Fearing the worst, you bring the bar back down. Sure enough, it sits on your chest like a bull elephant. You can hardly breathe. You barely manage to squeak out a tiny little "help".
Gabbi reaches down and grabs the bar. With her help, you *slowly* raise the bar back up. By the time it's ready to be racked, you're pretty sure your arms aren't even lifting their own weight.
While you lay there gasping and panting, Gabbi throws a 45 on each end of the bar. Then, once you're out of the way, she lays down and pumps out 10 reps. "I already warmed up." she says.
An hour later...it was a long, painful workout for you, but very effective.
"That was fun." She says.
"Speak for yourself. I can barely move."
"Pain is weakness leaving the body." She quotes.
While you try to gather the strength to move, you make conversation. "So, what do you do, Gabbi? Are you a student? An athletic trainer?"
"A bit of a student, I suppose. I train for combat." She says casually.
"Combat!? Are you in the Army?"
"No, not your...army. My function will be more like security, or bodyguard." She seems so casual about it.
As you leave, she's doing stretches.Gabbi is in the gym. It looks like she started already. "Hey partner! How are you today?"
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 5.jpg">
She leads you through another brutal workout.
Afterward, as you sit, too exhausted to even leave, Gabbi sits beside you. "You did good today. You give good effort. I am proud."
Some of the weariness leaves you. "You're a good coach, Gabbi. Where are you from?"
"I am from many places. My father is a diplomat."
"Really? That sounds interesting. Does he work for the State Department?"
"No, not that kind of diplomat." She concentrates for a moment. "I am probably using the wrong word. He is a negotiator or maybe a mediator. People call him to help them solve problems before they get out of hand."
She puts her arm around your shoulder. "Your leg strength is ok, but your arms are just noodles. We will work on that."
Yay.Gabbi is in the gym as usual.
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 6.jpg">
"Hey, partner!" You greet her. "What's on the schedule for today?" You manage to sound enthusiastic about another round of gym torture.
As you work out, you talk. When she asks questions, you stick to your cover story about being a high school student.
(if:$SeenGW3 is 1)[Gabbi just shakes her head. "I still don't think you have the aura of a high school girl."
"I guess I'm just different." Then, you try to change the subject. "Why don't we do one more set?"
"Sure. I'll spot you." Gabbi moves into position close behind you. As your muscles tire, Gabbi puts her hands on your arms to help you stabilize.
Afterward, she gives you a funny look and shakes her head.
"Are you ready to talk about your conflict yet? Will you tell me who did this to you?"
"I wish you'd stop trying to 'read' me!" Every time...why won't she just let it go?](else:)[(set:$SeenGW3 to 1)She squints at you and looks serious. "That's odd. Your aura doesn't feel like a high school girl at all."
Uh oh. "My aura?"
"Do you mind?" She takes your hand without waiting for you to answer.
Her hands are strong, yet soft and warm. "What are you doing?" Just touching this beautiful woman's hand makes your heart thump a little harder.
Gabbi mumbles something you don't quite hear, then she gasps and her eyes go wide. "Who did this to you?!?"
"I'm sorry." She apologizes. "I am not good at this, but I sense...conflict...in you. It is very strong! Even I can feel it."
"Look, Gabbi, it's probably nothing! I'm just...upset about this...argument I had with a girl in Glee and..." You try to make something up. Can she sense that you're really a man?
Then, she blinks hard and takes a quick breath. "You are attracted to <i>women!</i>"]You're not surprised to find Gabbi in the gym. It seems she's always there now. She's been doing squats and she's sweating quite a bit.
Gabbi greets you with her usual smile. "Hi partner! I'm glad you decided to come back."
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 8.jpg">
"You doubted me?" You say with mock hurt in your voice.
"After the last time, I thought perhaps those noodles you call arms would fall off." She jokes with you.
"Yeah, me too."
(if:$SawGabbiFather is 1)[As you work out, you talk. "Gabbi, what's the deal with your father?"
"It's complicated." She speaks in short sentences as she cranks out reps on the pull-down machine. "I am training for a test...It is like a martial art...Mind and body...Teachers demand focus."
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 9.jpg">
"So? That means no...fooling around? That's weird."
Gabbi lowers the weight. Just 12 reps today. She's off her game. "That is the way of...it. I promised my father I would abide by the rules. This is my fault. I just find it so very hard to abstain."
You lower the weight several notches and take her place on the machine. "So that means we...?"
"That is correct. We will be only friends, at least until after the crucible."
"The what? When is that?" Your arms are burning, but you're definitely stronger than when you first became a woman.
"The crucible is my 'final exam'. They won't tell me when or where. The judges will try to take me by surprise. I must be focused and prepared at all times."
You try to get her to explain more, but Gabbi only wants to talk about the workout.
]After an hour of hard work, you're physically drained.
Sweaty though you both are, Gabbi gives you a hug. That certainly perks you up! You hold on to her maybe just a little longer than you should.
"You are making excellent progress Jacki!""Hello Jacki! Are you ready for something different today?" Gabbi seems even more energized than usual.
<img src="Images\Gabbi ready to run.jpg">
"Uh...maybe. What do you have in mind?" By now you know Gabbi well enough that, whatever it is she has in mind, it's probably going to hurt.
"Let's go for a run!"
"I <i>hate</i> the treadmill." Even when you were a guy you hated the treadmill.(if:$BreastSize is not "B-cup")[ But, now that you have these breasts, it's even harder.]
"No silly...a <i>real</i> run! Outside!" She takes you by the hand and pulls you toward the door.
You can't think of any way to politely refuse, so off you go. "Let's take it easy, OK?"
Gabbi just laughs. "The only easy day was yesterday!"
[[Run with Gabbi]]When you get to the gym, you sense right away that something is wrong. Gabbi is here, doing leg curls. But, she's dressed oddly. Gabbi usually likes to show a lot of skin, but today, she's covered head to toe.
Then, you notice that her left arm is in a cast! "Gabbi! What happened to your arm?"
When she looks up, you see that her face is badly bruised. The left eye is swollen almost shut and there's an inch-long cut on her jawline. Considering how easily she dispatched those thugs in the alley, you shudder to think who could have put this much hurt on Gabbi.
"(if:$SawGabbiFather is 1)[It was the crucible.](else:)[I had a fight]"
"Are you OK? You look like you've been beat to hell!"
"I am fine. At least, I will be soon."
(if:$SawGabbiFather is 0)["Who the hell did this to you? Did the police get them?"
"No, no...Jacki, you misunderstand. This was a test."
"A test? It looks like someone tried to kill you. What kind of test is that?"
"It is like a martial art. I have trained my mind and body for years. Last night, my teachers gave me my final test...the crucible, it is called."
]"Did you pass? The crucible?"
Gabbi tries to smile, but one side of her mouth is swollen, so it doesn't quite work. "Yes! I passed. Now, I can begin my duties." (if:$AvoidedPoliceG is 1)[Then, she looks at you seriously. "Jacki, you need to [[tell me why you ran from the police]]."](else:)[She's obviously very happy about that.
Gabbi gives you a hug. "Come on! (link:"We need to exercise!")[(goto:"Gabbi Workout End")]]"You meet Gabbi at the gym for a workout.
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 5.jpg">
It's a good hard workout that will keep you from losing your recent gains, but you seem to have maxed out on the amount of muscle this new body will accept.
Gabbi seems to enjoy your company. Nothing unusual happens.At first, you're able to run suprisingly fast. (if:$Shape is "thin")[Propelling your light and thin frame requries almost no effort at all. Running is exhilerating(if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[ and your breasts are small enough that they don't cause too much of a balance issue.](else:)[, even if the motion and mass of your breasts causes some balance issues.]](elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[Your lean athletic body has the proportions of a sprinter(if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[.](else:)[, except for your $BreastAdjective breasts.]](elseif:$Shape is "shapely")[Your curvy form isn't exactly suited to running, but it's not too bad.](elseif:$Shape is "voluptuous")[You never would have thought that a form this voluptuous could move like this.] But, all too quickly, you find it hard to breathe. Then, you're gasping for air and your legs turn to lead.
"Slow down Jacki. You can't maintain that pace. Someday...but not today." Gabbi moves past you. "Follow me."
Gabbi sets a very slow pace, just slightly faster than a brisk walk. You focus on her backside and follow it wherever it goes, telling yourself that if you just stick it out, you'll get a prize. It's good motivation, even if it's fantasy.
You're not really paying any attention to where you're going. You're vaguely aware of city streets, crosswalks, and a dwindling number of other people on the sidewalk.
"How far...have we...gone?" You gasp.
"About a mile." Gabbi jogs backwards. Is she showing off?
"A mile!?" As a college football wide receiver, you would run a mile just to warm up. Today, you feel like you're about to die. "I can't...go much...further."
Gabbi gives you a critical look. "OK, [[let's head back]]. I'll see if I can't find a shorter route."Lungs wheezing, chest aching, legs burning, feet hurting...following Gabbi's tight ass is all that keeps you moving.
And then, she stops.
You stop too. Hands on knees, sweaty $HairColor hair hanging around your face, you're glad for the rest. "Whoooo...thank you. I was about to die there."
"What?" Did she just shush you? "Where are we anyway?" It looks like an alley.
Gabbi puts her hands on your shoulders and shoves...hard. Caught completely offguard, you fall backwards, landing on your ass next to a dumpster. "Stay"
"What the hell?!?" You yell at Gabbi.
But, she's not looking at you. Following her gaze, you see four young men with you in the alley now. [[This doesn't look good]]."Hey, sweets... Aren't you a fine lookin' bitch." One of them says to Gabbi. He's maybe 5' 11" tall, average build, with long stringy hair.
She just stands there, not moving, not talking.
"Why don't you show me those tits?" Says another one, a short stocky guy in a too small t-shirt he probably selected to show off his thick arms. "Damn, I'm gettin' hard just lookin' at 'em."
The first guy pulls a knife out of his belt and walks up to Gabbi. Flicking the knife around randomly, he grins, showing off a gnarly set of gapped teeth. "Do what he said. Show us those tits."
Gabbi doesn't move a muscle or make a sound.
You get back to your feet. Gabbi frowns at you and moves her head side to side.
"Guess we'll just have to help you out then..." Big arms says. Then, he nods his head at thug number three. "K-man...lets see what she's got."
K-man looks like he just crawled out of a trash can. The others certainly don't look well dressed, but this one is hideously filthy. The expression on his face gives you the idea he might not be quite right in the head. He walks up behind Gabbi and reaches for her sports bra.
"Don't do it." She says quietly.
K-man laughs. "Huh-huh, huh-huh". It's an odd, goofy laugh that turns into a shriek of pain when Gabbi grabs his wrist and twists it.
Without a word spoken, the other three thugs move at Gabbi.
Shit! What do you do?
[[Run for help]]
[[Help Gabbi]]
[[Hide]]Even though you're exhausted, the scene in the alley gives you a burst of energy. You sprint back down the way you came, hoping to find someone who can help before it's too late.
You burst out of the alley. The sidewalk is almost empty, but you see a man walking. "Help!" You yell as you approach.
The middle-aged guy looks at you in alarm.
"Help me! My friend is being attacked!"
Still, the guy just stands there.
"Goddammit! You've got to help!" By now, you're right on him, so you hit him in the shoulder. "Help us!"
Finally moving, the stranger pulls out his cell phone. "I'll call 9-1-1 for you."
Fuck! How long will that take? 10 minutes? 15? Will Gabbi still be alive?
[[Wait for the police]]
[[Go back to help Gabbi]]
[[Keep looking for help]]The smallest one of these goons outweighs Gabbi by at least 40 pounds. She doesn't stand a chance!
Maybe for a second you forget that you're even weaker than Gabbi. Maybe your instinctual male need to protect women kicks in. Or, maybe you're just nuts. Whatever the reason, you run to Gabbi's aid.
For a split second, you can't even see her as the thugs move in. But, then one of them crumples to the ground howling in agony and you have a clear view.
Gabbi moves so fast, it doesn't really register with your brain exactly what it is that she's doing. Her hands and feet are everywhere, but when the men try to grab her, she's gone.
You jump on the back of the guy with the big arms and try to put him in a headlock. But, he grabs your wrist and easily pries your arm loose. Then, he flings you to the ground. You've had the wind knocked out of you and all you can do is gasp.
The other three thugs are down! How did she do that?
'Big Arms' tries to grapple with her, but Gabbi jumps, flips in the air, and comes down behind him. You blink in disbelief. Is that even possible?!?
A kick to the back of his knee brings 'Big Arms' to his knees. Then, she lands a powerful knee strike to the side of his head. He falls over and doesn't move.
With a smile, Gabbi reaches out her hand and helps you up.
"[[How did you do that]]?" There's awe and respect in your tone. You couldn't have done what she just did on your best day as a man.All the thugs are concentrating on Gabbi. This is your chance to hide. There's not quite enough room to crawl behind the dumpster, so you climb inside and cover yourself with some boxes. Sure it stinks, but you'll be safe here.
Lying still, trying to control your breathing, you hear some yelling and screaming. It only lasts for a couple minutes, then everything goes quiet.
You continue to stay still, just to be sure. Then, someone moves the boxes aside.
"What are you doing in here?" Gabbi giggles.
Red faced, you stand up...knee deep in garbage. "I guess I panicked." You hang your head.
"No problem. That is exactly what I hoped you would do." Gabbi doesn't seem at all upset about your cowardice. "While you are in there, do you mind looking for something to tie these men up? Perhaps there is some electrical cord or cloth?"
Peeking over the side of the dumpster, you see all four thugs laid out and not moving.
"It will be all right. I did not kill them." She says in a matter of fact tone.
[[Search the dumpster]].Standing on the sidewalk, waiting for the police... The man who called 9-1-1 for you leaves. He "has business" he says and "I told them what you look like and where to find you". There's no sound from the alley.
After a few minutes, Gabbi comes walking out of the alley.
"What!?! Are you OK? What happened?" This is unbelievable!
"I am well. We should call the authorities." She doesn't seem to be shaken up at all.
"The authorities? You mean police? I already called them. They should be here any minute. But, I guess we don't need them anymore."
"The police should take those men to prison." She says, waving toward the alley.
"It's too late now. They're probably long gone."
Gabbi smiles. "No, they're still here. I tied them up."
"What!?! You tied up those four thugs? How?"
In the distance, you [[hear a police siren]].You run back into the alley. Maybe you can help Gabbi survive until the police arrive. If they take her away, maybe you can see where they go. Maybe if they see you coming back, they'll think you're bringing help and run away.
But, when you get back to the spot, you find Gabbi standing over the motionless bodies of the the four assailants. At least two of them look to be bloodied. Another one's arm looks dislocated or maybe broken.
"What?!?" Your mouth barely functions.
Gabbi just smiles at you. "I'm glad you came back. Did you summon the authorities?"
"Police? Yes I did. But... [[How did you do that]]?" Somehow, Gabbi has subdued four thugs and it doesn't look like she has a scratch on her.You scan the street for anyone who could help. There's an older man. There's a pair of heavy women out for a walk. You can't really imagine what they could do to help.
There are a few cars on the street. You could stop one and...and what? You could drive down the alley and...how would that help?
You need police. But, they're already on the way. If they have someone close, they'll get a call on the radio. There's really not anything else you can do.
[[Wait for the police]]
[[Go back to help Gabbi]]The dumpster stinks. You hold your nose with one hand and poke around with the other. "Why do we want to tie them up?"
"They're criminals. They should be turned over to the authorities."
"The authorities? You mean police?" You think about that for a minute. As a witness, they'll want your name and address. They'll do a background check.
"Yes, of course, the police."
Uh oh. As you help Gabbi dig through the dumpster, your mind races. You've got to get out of here before the police come.
How can you do that?
[[Ask Gabbi to cover for you.->Gabbi to cover]]
[[Convince Gabbi to let the thugs go.->let them go]]Gabbi shrugs. "Training."
(if:$SawGabbiFather is 1)["Was this the crucible?" You remember she said something about a surprise attack as part of her training.
That gets a real laugh. "Not even close. These men have no training."
]She walks over to the dumpster. "Help me find something to tie these men up. They should be turned over to the authorities."
"The authorities? You mean police?" You think about that for a minute. As a witness, they'll want your name and address. They'll do a background check.
"Yes, the police."
Uh oh. As you help Gabbi dig through the dumpster, your mind races. You've got to get out of here before the police come.
How can you do that?
[[Ask Gabbi to cover for you.->Gabbi to cover]]
[[Convince Gabbi to let the thugs go.->let them go]]When you've had a break after a relatively long run, it's almost impossible to get back into your pace. Your muscles have already gone into rebuild mode and they're not in the mood for more running. So, after a short distance, you end up walking the rest of the way.
Gabbi seems to be in great spirits. "That was fun!"
"You like beating people up?"
She thinks about it for a moment. "The fighting is exciting, but the best part is that these were bad men who deserved to be beaten. Yes, I like beating up bad people!"
The way her nipples perked up, she must <i>really</i> like it.
<img src="Images\Gabbi Nipples.jpg">
"I still don't know how you did it...even with 'training'."
"I have <i>special</i> training. There is more to it than hitting and kicking."
"Maybe you could teach me to do that? I feel so helpless!"
Gabbi frowns and shakes her head. "It is not allowed. The training is a lifetime. You must be born to it or they will not train you."
"Who are 'they'?"
"I say too much. You can find your way from here? I will see you another time!" Gabbi smiles, waves, and jogs away.
You're soon (link:"back in your apartment")[(if:$Time is "AM")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"sleep 2")]].The police siren seems to be getting closer. They're going to want a witness statement about what happened. They'll want your name and address. They'll do a background check. That might not be such a good thing for you, given your recent activities.
The more you think about it, the more you realize talking to the police would be a bad idea.
"Uh...Gabbi...do you mind if I go ahead and head back? There are some things I need to do."
"The police will want to talk to you too..." Gabbi doesn't understand. (set:$AvoidedPoliceG to 1)
"I just can't talk to the police right now, OK? Please don't tell them about me. I'll explain later!" You take off walking at a brisk pace.
As you walk, you expect a police car to come for you at any minute...but it doesn't. After a tense 15 minutes, you reach the relative safety of (link:"your apartment")[(if:$Time is "AM")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"sleep 2")]]. Well, you knew that question was coming.
"Come on, Jacki. I refused to tell the police who you were. Because of that, those criminals may go free. You owe me an explanation." There's emotion in her voice. She's not going to let this go.
What can you tell her?
You could tell her [[the truth->full truth]]. You've been dabbling in voodoo and accidentally changed yourself into a woman and now you're trying to steal ingredients to change yourself back.
You could tell her [[part of the truth]]. You've changed your identity but your background won't stand up to a police check.
You could [[lie through your teeth]]. Tell her your dad is in witness protection and a police background check could tip off the people who are after you.The more you think about it, the more you realize talking to the police would be a bad idea.
"Uh...Gabbi...do you mind if I go ahead and head back? There are some things I need to do."
"The police will want to talk to you too..." Gabbi doesn't understand. (set:$AvoidedPoliceG to 1)
"I just can't talk to the police right now, OK? Please don't tell them about me." You can hear a police siren approaching. "I'll explain later!"
You take off walking at a brisk pace.
As you walk, you expect a police car to come for you at any minute...but it doesn't. After a tense 15 minutes, you reach the relative safety of (link:"your apartment")[(if:$Time is "AM")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](else:)[(goto:"sleep 2")]]. "Uh...Gabbi...maybe we could just let them go? I mean, you already beat them silly. I bet they learned their lesson. They won't do this again."
Gabbi gives you a warm smile. "You are so kind, Jacki. You have so much faith in your fellow human beings. I like your attitude."
<img src="Images\Girl at the Gym 7 closeup.jpg">
"Yes, we can let them go. Come on, let's [[finish our run]]." "Gabbi, you're not going to believe this..." You tell her everything: your crush on Patti, Wyatt's voodoo, the screw-up, the plans to steal ingredients(if:$Plan is not "Wyatt")[, how you've been masquerading as a high school student to get closer to Maria]...everything(if:$HelpingMarvanna is 1)[ except how you agreed to help Marvanna].
Telling another person makes you realize how ridiculous this all sounds. $Day days ago, you wouldn't have believed a word of it. Gabbi sits on the weight bench in silence. Her expression makes it hard to tell if she believes you, or not.
"...and that's why I can't let the police run a background check on me." Finally, you're finished.
''Your honesty has increased (set:$Honesty to it + 1)
New value is $Honesty''
It's several seconds before Gabbi responds. "Jacki, or maybe I should call you 'Jack'...you are not a nice person." She looks disappointed, or maybe sad.
"You believe me?" You're amazed that she doesn't seem at all incredulous.
"Of course I believe you. I know of Marvanna."
You have that sick feeling in your stomach like when a roller coaster pulls negative G's. <i>Gabbi knows Marvanna!</i> Your face is no doubt white as a sheet.
"I do not want to see you any more, Jack. I will use a different Gym. Goodbye." Without another word or a backward glance, Gabbi walks out of the gym. (set:$GabbiWorkoutPartner to -99)
(link:"Go back to your apartment.")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]"Gabbi...I changed my identity." You speak slowly, picking your words carefully. "Schrodinger isn't my real name."
"What!?" Her eyes go big. "Are you in witness protection?"
"Not exactly. But, there (if:$HelpingMarvanna is 1)[were](else:)[are] people who... I(if:$HelpingMarvanna is 1)[ was](else:)['m] afraid of. So, if the police check my background...it won't add up."
"Oh, you poor girl!" A look of shock on her face then turns to anger. "Who (if:$HelpingMarvanna is 1)[was](else:)[is] this that would hurt you? (if:$HelpingMarvanna is 0)[I will make them stop!](else:)[I will make them sorry.]"
"Please...Gabbi...I don't want to talk about my other life. All that matters is that I'm safe right now. I have a good life with my new identity." Effortlessly, you conjure tears. "No one needs to get hurt."
Gabbi's anger melts away as she touches the tear running down your cheek with the back of her finger. "You are such a gentle person, Jacki. From you, so many people could take a lesson in forgiveness."
You take her hand and hold it. "Thank you."
After a second, the moment turns awkard. Gabbi moves back a little. "Come on then. (link:"We need to exercise!")[(goto:"Gabbi Workout End")]""Gabbi...my dad is in witness protection. He testified against a drug cartel a few years ago. We had to move, change our names, and everything."
''Your honesty has decreased (set:$Honesty to it - 1)
New value is $Honesty''
"What!?" Her eyes go big.
"Yep, that's right. He put one of the big guys in the big house, if you know what I mean."
"So, the federal authorities put you and your father in protection?"
"Yeah, it was the feds...the...FBI. Yah, it was the FBI." You probably should have done some research on the details of your lie.
"I always thought WITSEC was run through the Department of Justice." Gabbi sounds skeptical.
How does she know that? Damn! "Well, sure, Justice <i>runs</i> the program but it was the FBI who arranged everything."
"They were the ones running the case against the cartel?"
You're starting to sweat. This feels like an interrogation. "Yes." You try to sound like you know what you're talking about.
"You're sure it wasn't the Drug Enforcement Agency?"
Oh... DEA... They investigate drugs, right? Doesn't the FBI do that too? Are you sure? Dammit, this room is hot. "Uh...no...I mean yes, I'm sure. It was the FBI."
Gabbi squints at you like she doesn't know whether to believe you or not. "So, if you're in federal witness protection, your background should be completely solid. Plus, the marshalls are supposed to notify local law enforcement when a witness is located in their area."
How does she know so much about this? "Gabbi, I probably have some of the details wrong. I was just a kid. My dad is the one who dealt with the authorities. I just know he told me to never let anyone know about our old life."
Gabbi smiles and pats you on the shoulder. "A good girl obeys her father." She stands. "Come on. (link:"We need to exercise!")[(goto:"Gabbi Workout End")]"Your gigantic alebra teacher sits at his desk, leaving you all alone at the whiteboard with marker in hand.
"OK, Jacki, the problem is 5(x-2) = 10."
So, you write the problem on the board and wait for more instruction. But, there's nothing but silence. What next? Grrrr..! He's just going to leave you hanging like this? You hear a few snickers from the rest of the class.
When you turn and look at Mr. Prescott, hoping to beg some assistance with your cute/sad face, you see his eyes flicker. Was he checking out your butt?
A slightly guilty look on his face, Prescott clears his throat. "Jacki, what property are we working on today?"
When you're silent, he offers you some choices...
(link:"Associative")[(set:$A to "Associative")(goto:"answer")]
(link:"Distributive")[(set:$A to "Distributive")(goto:"answer")]
(link:"Commutative")[(set:$A to "Commutative")(goto:"answer")]What did he say just a few minutes ago? "$A?"
(if:$A is "Distributive")[Mr. Prescott smiles at you. "That's right.](else:)[Mr. Prescott shakes his head. No, Jacki. We were talking about the distributive property.] So, how would you apply the distributive property to this equation?"
You <i>want</i> to say 'fuck if I know', but you manage to control your frustration. Why won't he just tell you the damn answer and let you sit down?
You scribble some gibberish on the board and one of your classmates starts laughing. That makes you angry. You can feel your face getting warm. You turn and glare at the teacher.
He's looking at you with...lust? Seriously? Is that what male high school teachers do all day...leer at their students? Now you're even more angry.
Mr. Prescott shifts uncomfortably in his chair. "Come on Jacki. You can do it. Multiply the 5 times each term inside the parenthesis."
How do you multiply 5 times (x-2)? You don't even know what x-2 is. It could be anything. Your head hurts. You put your hand on your hip, cock your head to one side, stick out your bottom lip, and bat your eyes at the teacher.
Then, you [[notice the bulge]] growing in his lap. Mr. Prescott is getting a hard-on!
<img src="Images\Dick Bulge 2.jpg">That son of a bitch is staring at you and getting an erection! Of course, the class can't see because he's behind a desk. You're all alone at the whiteboard, on display for everyone.
(if:$ProvocativeSchoolClothes is 1)[Of course, since you decided to start wearing sexy clothes to school, you're showing quite a bit of leg in your too-short shorts.](else:)[At least you're not dressed <i>too</i> provocatively. Still, sexy as you are, you give everyone plenty to look at.] (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[Standing in front of the class, being ogled by Mr. Prescott and everyone else, is exciting for anyone like you who has ''exhibitionist'' tendencies. (if:$Exhibitionism > 2)[But, since you're kinkier than most, you find it to be a big turn-on.]
On impulse, you 'accidentally' drop your marker to the floor and then make a big show of...very slowly...picking it up. You bend from the waist with your $Shape ass in full view of the class and teacher. The whole class seems to gasp at once. You can't help but smile(if:$Exhibitionism > 2)[ as you feel a rush of heat in your pussy].
]"I'm sorry, Mr. Prescott. I don't know what to do next." You erase all your gibberish scratchings, using a side to side motion that makes your ass switch back and forth.
"Take it one step at a time." He says patiently. "What's 5 times 2?"
"Ten." Your answer is clipped and irritated. You're not a complete imbecile.
"Good. Write that down. Now, what is 5 times X?"
X is unknown! How could you possibly know what 5 times X is? The pain in your head increases. You were never any good at it, but algebra never gave you a headache like this before. You got a 'C' once. What was that...5 or 6 years ago?
You decide to guess. "Uh...50?"
The whole class bursts out laughing. You feel angry and embarrassed. Does everyone else know the answers?
"That's enough! Everyone!" The teacher quiets the class. "Jacki, I need to talk to you after class. Please have a seat."
The rest of the class passes without incident.
[[After class]]You thought maybe he'd forgotten. You tried to just walk out with the rest of the students. But, Mr. Prescott stops you. "Jacki, hold on a minute. I want to talk to you."
<img src="Images\Prescott 1.jpg">
When you're all alone, he continues. "Jacki, I think you need some remedial instruction in math."
You feel insulted. "Why? Just because I don't get algebra?"
"It's a graduation requirement in this state." He speaks softly. He's kind, but firm.
Dammit! You don't have time for remedial math classes. You can't stand any more school, let alone more math. Your head feels like it will break just from this class. You've lived a life of no responsibility, nothing but fun and games, for the last five years. This is too much.
"No! I can't!" The force and emotion in your voice surprises both of you.
The teacher remains calm. "Why not?"
No matter how honest you might be, the truth isn't an option here. What kind of lie might he believe? You're silent as your mind races for a believable story.
The teacher puts a big, meaty hand on your tiny shoulder. "I'd tutor you myself, Jacki. If you agree, I <i>know</i> you'll pass this class."
You're trying to think of something, anything...there's got to be another way.
[[Rub his bulge]] Maybe you can convince him to give you a pass.
[[Agree to tutoring]] This will occasionally consume one of your evenings.
[[Tell him 'no']] You will remain the laughing stock of algebra class.As tall as he is, the teacher's belt is almost on the level of your breasts. Your small hand presses against the front of his slacks. He's big...very big...but not really hard.
Prescott gently takes your hand in his and pulls it away from his crotch. "No Jacki. That's not the way."
You're shocked! You know he's attracted to you. What man won't let a sexy young girl rub his dick? Wasn't he just ogling you in class? You feel confused.
"Will you let me tutor you?"
You could still say 'no'. There's nothing in your plan that says you have to graduate, right? It's not like he's threatening to expose your background.
He puts his hands on both your shoulders and squeezes gently. You can sense the raw physical power in those hands...it sends a shiver up your spine and makes your nipples pop out.
[[Agree to tutoring]] This will occasionally consume one of your evenings.
[[Refuse tutoring->Tell him 'no']] You will remain the laughing stock of algebra class.(set:$AlgebraTutoring to 1)"OK, I guess I can do some tutoring." You don't sound very happy about it.
"Excellent! Come to the library after classes are over today. We'll have our first session." Mr. Prescott shows you a big toothy smile.
<img src="Images\Prescott 1.jpg">
"How long is this going to take? I've got things to do."
He shrugs. "We'll see how it goes. My schedule is pretty full, so I won't be able to tutor you every day. I'll let you know when I have the time."
"Whatever. I've got to [[get to class]] now." (set:$AlgebraTutoring to 0)"I'm sorry, Mr. Prescott. I really appreciate you offering to help me. But, I just don't have time for tutoring right now. I've...got a part time job after school. I have to help Dad make ends meet. Maybe later, if he gets a better job I can take you up on your offer."
<img src="Images\Prescott 2.jpg">
With a sad look on his face, your math teacher pats you on the shoulder and sighs. "I'm really sorry to hear that Jacki. Let me know if you change your mind."
"I will."
You leave the classroom and go about the rest of your school day. Nothing else interesting happens.
(link:"End of the school day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]Algebra makes your head hurt. No, really it does! You never liked algebra before, but now it's absolutely painful.
Mr. Prescott is droning on and on... "...given the problem...we first apply the distributive property..."
You press your palms against your temples. "Please...make...it...stop..." you mumble to your self.
And, then he does stop. "Jacki, did you have something to say?"
Shit. He heard you? "Uh, no." You look around. Everyone is snickering.
"Why don't you come up to the board? Come on. Learn by doing." Mr. Prescott doesn't look anything like the stereotypical algebra teacher. He's about 6' 3" tall and weighs over 250 pounds. With a huge barrel chest and arms that threaten to split the sleeves of his shirt, you would think he spends more time pumping iron than solving equations.
<img src="Images\Prescott 1.jpg">
It's embarrassing to try and do [[algebra in front of the class]]!The rest of your classes are uneventful.
At the end of the day, you're tempted to just go home and forget all about the tutoring session with Mr. Prescott.
But, you hate to fail at anything...even algebra. It was embarrassing when all the other students were laughing at you today. That needs to stop. Maybe a tutoring session or two is all you need.
It's amazing how fast the school empties out after the last bell rings. No one wants to spend an extra minute in school...not the students or the teachers.
When you get to the library, [[Mr. Prescott is the only one there]]."Hello, Jacki. I'm glad you kept our appointment. Are you ready to get started?"
<img src="Images\Prescott 1.jpg">
"I suppose."
"Let's get started then!"
Algebra is much harder than you remember. Shouldn't it be easier the second time around?
You spend a solid hour and a half giving your best effort. This teacher seems to have infinite patience as he must repeat the same instructions over and over.
Your head hurts! You took a couple pain pills, but it's still throbbing.
Mr. Prescott is a massive guy. He has thick arms, a thick neck, and powerful thighs. Is his dick thick and powerful too?
What are you thinking. Keep your mind on the algebra!
But, a little later, you can't help but give the man a better view of your cleavage and long sexy legs. There's no doubt that Prescott notices. He manages to keep his crotch out of sight, but you imagine he probably got hard.
Just being around this man seems to make your new body warm. But, nothing inappropriate happens.
Eventually, some of the lesson starts to sink in. You can honestly say you've made a little progress. (set:$AlgebraTutoring to it + 1)
"Good session, Jacki. I know this is difficult for you but, if you continue to apply yourself, you'll get through it."
"I guess. We'll see." You're not sure if he's right.
In any case, your evening is ruined now.
You could decide to tell him "[[I don't want any more tutoring]]."
Or, you can (link:"continue to be tutored")[(goto:"sleep 2")]. (set:$AlgebraTutoring to 0)"I'm sorry, Mr. Prescott. I really appreciate you offering to help me. But, I just don't have time for tutoring right now. I've...got a part time job after school. I have to help Dad make ends meet. Maybe later, if he gets a better job I can come back for more tutoring."
<img src="Images\Prescott 2.jpg">
With a sad look on his face, your math teacher pats you on the shoulder and sighs. "I'm really sorry to hear that Jacki. Let me know if you change your mind."
"I will."
(link:"Go back home")[(goto:"sleep 2")].{(set:$PP4Day to $Day)
(set:$PPP to it + 1)
(set:$Elapsed to $Day - $PP3Day)
(set:$Practices to $Elapsed * 2 + 1)
}Patti is sitting at her computer. When you enter, she stands and meets you with a big smile on her face. She's probably been dying for this ever since (if:$Elapsed is 1)[yesterday](elseif:$Elapsed is 2)[you were in here two days ago](else:)[last time. How long ago was that? At least $Elapsed days]. "Hey! I'm glad you came."
"I just wanted to check on you." You don't want to sound too eager, even though your heart is already beating fast. "How has your practice been going?"
"Better." She pulls out a small notepad. "I've practiced $Practices times. Starting out soft, my best time is 11 minutes and 23 seconds ...worst is 7:41...and average is 9:32." She looks up from her notepad. "What we did last time really helped. I just imagine you with that riding crop and it calms me down a little."
"Great. Well, I guess you don't need me anymore..." You turn to leave.
"Wait! Jacki!"
"What?" You wait.
Patti explains: "That's just with me and my hand. I went out with this girl the other night...no it wasn't Maria...and when..."
"Patti!" You cut her off, exasperated. "You went out with someone else? What if Maria finds out?"
She stares at the floor. "I didn't think of that. I was just so <i>horny</i>. And, this girl wanted me. I figured it would be a chance to test my training."
You sigh. "So, [[how did it go?]]"Patti's shoulders slump and she sits on the bed. "It didn't go well. I don't know how long I lasted, but it wasn't long enough. She got mad just like the gym girl did."
"Did you visualize me with the riding crop?"
"Yeah, but that didn't help. In my imagination, you were naked...and then you joined us...and then..."
"Stop." It's no mystery where that fantasy is going. (if:$PattiGoodDate is 1)["I don't understand. You did OK with Maria, right?"
Patti thinks about it before answering. "I don't know. Maria is more...forgiving...than the gym girl or my date the other night. And, she works with me and helps me slow down."
"What I'm hearing is that you do OK with Maria. That's all we need, right? We just need you to get close to her so we can steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients and reverse the spell.](else:)[the book.]" It all seems simple enough to you.
"That's not all **I** need." Patti huffs. "I want to be good in bed."
]It sounds like Patti wants more help with her problem. (if:$MariaWantsToVoodooPatti is 1)[Patti probably does need more help. She hasn't performed well on her dates with Maria. ]But, what else could you do?
"Let me think about it for a day or so." You tell her. "Let me see if I can think of another approach. I might have an idea..."
Patti grins ear to ear. "Thank you!"
<img src="Images\Patti Face 2.jpg">
You turn to leave, but again she stops you. "Wait...Jacki..."
"What now?"
"Aren't we going to...you know...practice?" She sounds so hopeful.
What do you think?
[[Give in willingly->Have a session (horny)]].
[[Try to resist->No session]]."I guess we could practice a little."
You were actually looking forward to some sex tonight. You try not to sound too excited since there's no point in letting *her* know how much you want it.
(set:$Reason to "horny")The voodoo must really be messing with your mind. Or, maybe you had these urges all along, but didn't acknowledge them. In either case, there's no denying your behavior is bisexual now.(set:$D to 8 - $MaleAttraction)(if:$D < 1)[(set:$D to 1)](else:)[
''Attraction to males has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + $D)
New value: $MaleAttraction'']
"OK Patti, give me a minute and I'll go get the cuffs."
"Awwww.... Do we really need the cuffs? I'd love to just...ravish you!" Patti's eyes are fierce. The power of her desire makes you shiver.
Do you want to let the beast off the leash?
(if:$Dominance > 0)["[[We WILL have the cuffs.]]"
]"OK big boy...no cuffs this time. [[So, ravish me already!]]"You're not ready to completely lose your heterosexual identity yet. This body may have other ideas, but you're not going to give up without a fight. (if:$PattiGoodDate is 1)[You only agreed to help Patti so you could steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[that book] and now she's doing just fine with Maria. So, there's no need to give in. "Nope. I've helped enough." (set:$Reason to "not needed") You're on your own now."
](else:)[You only agreed to help her so you can steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients and get changed back](else:)[that book about relics]. You'll give her another session once you have a better plan. (set:$Reason to "later") "I need to figure out how to do this first."]
Patti takes your hand gently in hers and looks balefully continues to plead soulfully for another 'practice' session.
"No, Patti." You pull your hand away and hold it up in the universal 'stop' signal. (if:$Reason is "later")["Not tonight. Give me some time to figure out a better way."](elseif:$Reason is "not needed")["You're good enough for Maria. My work here is done."
When you see the pain on Patti's face, you soften your position just a little. "We'll see how things go. Give me a few days to think about it. You never know. I might change my mind."]
"OK." Patti looks at you sideways. "For now, I guess I'll see if I can find another date to practice with." Is she expecting you to react?
You don't care who she fucks. Right? You're not jealous...are you?
[[Nope. I'm not jealous at all.]]
[[Maybe...just a little.]] (set:$JealousOfPatti to 0)Patti wants to keep 'practicing' with other dates.
"That's fine with me." You don't sound concerned at all. "Just don't do anything to mess up the plan."
"Oh, I won't." There's that sideways look again. "I just want someone warm and willing."
"Sounds good.(if:$Reason is "later")[ I'll let you know if I get any ideas.](else:)[ Have fun.]" If she's trying to make you jealous, it's not working.
"Wait! Do you want to stick around at talk or something? We could watch a movie?" She sounds lonely.
You actually do like spending time with Patti. "[[I guess so. What have you got?->Have a session (friend)]]"
You're not interested in hanging out with Patti. "(link:"No, I don't think so.")[(goto:"End of Day")] You leave and head back to your room.(set:$JealousOfPatti to 1)"Uh, Patti, you really ought to lay off the dates until we get the (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book] we need." That's a good cover for being jealous, right? "You don't want to mess this up."
"Oh, don't worry." She says casually. "We don't do much talking, so you don't have to worry about me giving away secrets."
"You don't talk?" What is she getting at?
There's that sideways look again. "Mostly, we just make out...kiss...give head...fuck...you know, right?"
"Well, I guess it's OK...*since it doesn't last very long*!" That came out harsher than you meant for it to. Maybe you really are jealous of Patti's other lovers.
Satisfied with your witty comeback, you turn on your heel and head for the door.
"Wait! Do you want to stick around at talk or something? We could watch a movie?" She sounds lonely.
Maybe it was a little mean, mocking her for her premature ejaculation problem. Patti really is fun to be around. "[[I guess so. What have you got?->Have a session (friend)]]"
You're not interested in hanging out with Patti. "(link:"No, I don't think so.")[(goto:"End of Day")] You leave and head back to your room."I've got all the <i>Twilight</i> movies..." Patti is flipping through a pile of blu-ray disks.
That's surprising. "You like that teenage romance stuff?"
"Yeah. I can identify with being an outcast..." She takes your hand. "...loved by no one..."
"Maybe this was a bad idea..." You start to back away.
"Hey, come on. I was just kidding around." Patti cajoles. "Let me get my laptop. I'll bet I've got something on there you'll like."
"Maybe another time..."
"Just have a seat on the bed for a minute. Please?"
"OK..." You sit.
Patti brings out her laptop and starts going through files. "Back when I was a woman, my girlfriends and I used to like to dance for each other...and I love to shoot video!"
Ohhhhh.... [[This might be interesting]].
(set:$P4Stage to 0)No. You don't want to see any home movies. "Not tonight. I'll see you in the morning." You [[head back to your room]]."No Patti. We WILL have cuffs." You assert your dominance. "Take off all your clothes. I'll be right back."
''You're liking the dominant role!
Dominance increased.(set:$Dominance to it + 1)
New value: $Dominance''
When you get back, Patti is naked...and erect. "Sorry. It happens when you're around."
<img src="Images\Patti Erect.jpg">
You try to avoid touching it while you get her restrained on the bed. "How pathetic. Your little weenie gets hard without even being touched. Maybe you don't even need me. Maybe I should just leave you here like this until morning."
"No! I mean yes, I do need you!"
You smile. This is for fun. If there's any training involved, it's training Patti to obey. Waving the riding crop threateningly, you walk around the bed, studying Patti's superbly conditioned physique. You were an athlete, but you never looked this good.
You tease and torture her as long as you both can stand it and then have a brief but intense coupling. You can't help but wonder how much more awesome the sex would be if Patti could last a little longer.
If you're going to continue helping Patti with her problem, you'll need something stronger than a riding crop. Maybe the Adult Store has something? You can check it out sometime.
(link:"Now, it's time to sleep.")[(goto:"End of Day")]Tonight, you just feel like surrendering yourself to Patti's lust. "So, ravish me already!"
You feel excited, helpless, and a little bit frightened. What will she do?
"Jacki, you are amazing." She takes you gently in her big strong arms, pulling your $Shape body against her. It seems like you can feel every one of her lean hard muscles as it presses against your feminine softness.
She burries her whisker-stubbled face against your sensitive neck and suckles forcefully. Then, she works her way up to your ear where she breathes hotly..."Just standing here, you make me hard as iron."
Is she really? You press the front of her groin with your hand...yep, deliciously hard! The feel of it raises the hunger in your own groin.
Patti is all kisses and strokes and hugs as she moves you to the bed and removes your clothes. She's so clever at it that the loving never stops for a button or a zipper until most of the clothes are gone and you're both on the bed.
As much as you'd love to feel her hardness in your hand, you don't. You don't want to do anything that would...set her off...prematurely. Instead, you just lie back on the bed with your hands behind your head. This is Patti's show.
She grins and slides your panties down your legs and off. Then, she lifts and spreads your knees. You can see her dick, standing tall and stiff. Is she about to enter you? [[You're wet enough]].Instead, she goes to work with her tongue. Oh, my! Your stomach muscles clench as you bury your fingers in her hair. In no time at all, she has you squirming, moaning, humping against her face.
Is this what she meant by 'ravish'? She is SO good! She knows exactly how to treat your clit. You're about to cum! It's gonna be... "Wait! Don't stop!"
Patti moves up between your legs and brushes the head of her semi-hard dick up and down your sopping pussy. Why is she only partly erect?
"I'm so close! Put it in! I need something inside!" You squeal, pushing your hips up as high as you can.
Instead, she moves to your clit, tapping it with her heavy dick, then pushing it back and forth. "Do you like the feel of my dick?"
"Oh god!" It's too much! You're cumming! Your legs start to shake as you drive your hips toward the dick. You reach for your clit, but Patti grabs your hand.
You're powerless as your body spasms every time Patti touches your clit. You can't breathe, you can't control your movements, you can't think. You can only cum and [[cum until...]]. The world slowly comes back into focus. You're lying, exhausted, in bed with Patti. You're both naked.
"That was awesome." You smile as you reach for Patti's hand.
"You are so beautiful." She whispers, just before she starts to lick your pussy again.
Again? Already! She hits a sweet spot and your back arches. You grip the sheet and force yourself to breathe. How can it feel so good?
Another blinding orgasm from her tongue...and then another. You're sweating. Your mouth is dry and your whole body quivers from overstimulation. Can a person cum to death?
Then, Patti's face, wet with your juices, is close in front of yours. "Jacki...I can't wait any more..." Before you can react, you feel her dick, hot and hard, press against your pussy.
Patti keeps looking into your eyes as her dick slowly presses harder, gradually spreading your lips, sliding deeper one millimeter at a time.
It's maddening! You lift your legs and wrap them around her hips, pulling her forward with your heels. "Do it!"
But, she's too strong to be forced. So, you beg. "Please, please, please! Now, please! Oh god, I need it now! Goddammit Patti, please fuck me with that dick!"
Apparently that's what she wanted to hear. She plunges the rest of the way with one hard glorious stroke. You're cumming instantly...and so is she. Both of you drive against each other with all your strength, simultaneously giving all you have, each to the other.
Later, you gather your clothes and slip back into your own bed while Patti sleeps. The sex was so awesome...is it clouding your judgement? Can great sex affect your mind?
"You did really good tonight." You stroke her chest. She seemed to have plenty of self-restraint.
"Yeah, well...I actually came while I was eating you." Her voice is soft. Her eyes are closed. "That sort of took the edge off for a while. Luckily, you're so sexy I was able to get it up again before you really noticed."
If you're going to continue helping Patti with her problem, you'll need something stronger than a riding crop. Maybe the Adult Store has something? You can check it out sometime.
(link:"Now, it's time to sleep.")[(goto:"End of Day")](if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Titus has to think about it for a minute, but eventually he nods his head. "You better not hurt that gater or we're all gonna be in hot water."
Wyatt smiles and hands over the money.
]You take a look at the setting sun and then ask "How long is this going to take? We're out of daylight, if we're going to get back to town by tonight."
"Oh." Wyatt has been so focused on his specimens, he's lost track of time. "It's going to take at least an hour and a half. Reptile digestion is notoriously slow. Inside a chicken carcass... It may take as much as 3 or 4 hours for the drug to take effect."
(if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Titus grins. "Looks like you folks are gonna spend the night with ol' Titus!"
](else:)["Looks like we might need to spend the night here..."
]"No!" Patti practically yells. "Can't we go back tonight and return in the morning?" She looks terrified.
Wyatt slowly shakes his head. "We're talking about an 8 hour round trip. There are too many variables with the dosage. I don't have an exact bodyweight, stomach contents, or metabolic rate. I'm not even a biologist, let alone a herpatologist. There's no way I can guarantee she'll still be asleep when we get back."
No one looks happy. Everyone looks at Marcel to see if he's good with it.
"We can stay...but, you're gonna owe me another day and a half." Money opens all doors.
(if:$DogsAreDead is 0)["Don't ya'll get all bent out of shape about this. I've got two rooms. Ya'll can sleep in yer own room. I won't bite." He sounds nice and reasonable. He really wants that $2,000. "I'll even make Zeke and Bobbi sleep outside tonight."
]It only takes a few minutes to cram the ketamine up the chicken's rectum and throw it to Jenny. Thankfully, she obliges by promptly swallowing it.
Now, it looks like you get to [[spend the night]] in Titus' swamp shack.
<img src="Images\Swamp Shack.jpg"> (if:$HitTree is 0)[Rather than eat anything Titus might have, you eat the last of your snacks and leftover lunch.](else:)[Since your lunch went overboard when you hit the tree, you're all starving.
(if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Titus offers to cook up a batch of stew on his propane stove.](else:)[Marcel digs through the kitchen and finds enough to make stew.] Wyatt tries it first, like he's sampling a laboratory experiment. But, then he smiles and nods. "Not bad, (if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Titus](else:)[Marcel]. Not bad at all." So, you eat a little stew.]
No baths tonight. Everyone will sleep in their same clothes. No doubt folks are starting to smell, but there are plenty of other smells to mask any slight body odor. How does Titus live like this?
There's no air conditioning, no TV, no wi-fi, no running water. It's like being in the stone age. (if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Titus](else:)[Marcel seems to know how things work out here in the bayou. He] shows you where the well is and how to crank up a bucket of water. Then he shows you the outhouse and you almost puke from the smell. At least it's downwind from the shack.
[[next->Time for Bed]]With nightfall, a cacaphony of calls from frogs, crickets, and unknown creatures arises outside the shack. It's surprisingly loud and hard to ignore. (if:$Path > 3)[Then, Marcel joins in with a snore a grizzly bear could be proud of. Seriously? Who can snore that loud without waking themself up?]
You toss and turn, occasionally getting close to sleep, only to be startled back to wakefullness by the strangeness of your surroundings.
Lying there...angry...sleepy...hot...sweaty...dirty. <i>You could be back in your apartment, sleeping in clean cool sheets. But, no. You had to try to change back into a man. Is it worth it? Wouldn't it be better just to enjoy what you've got instead of fighting it?</i>
Half asleep. Are those really your thoughts?
<i>Just relax. Accept yourself for who you are.</i>
No. You weren't thinking that. Or were you? This is confusing. No one is talking to you. Everyone else is asleep...
<i>Beauty and sex give you power.</i>
OK, you can definitely feel the thoughts coming to you. From where? Everyone else seems to be asleep.
<i>You could have power without ingredients.</i>
It's coming from outside...from the swamp.
[[Just sit there and take it]]Going out into the swamp in the middle of the night without a flashlight... Are you brave? Or foolish?
''For now, we'll call it courage.
Courage has increased(set:$Courage to it + 1)
New value: $Courage''
You slip on your shoes and slip out of the shack as quietly as possible. (if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Bobbi was sleeping beside the front door. She lifts her snout and sniffs at you, then lies back down.](else:)[You almost wish Titus' dogs weren't dead. They'd offer some protection against whatever might be waiting for you in the dark.]
<i>You'll enjoy life more as a woman...a voodoo queen.</i>
It's coming from the back... You try to feel your way around the shack. It's almost pitch black out here. No streetlights, no city 'glow' reflecting off the clouds, no porchlight or even a flashlight.
<i>True power could be yours. You were born for it.</i>
Your eyes try to adjust. You note the halo of the moon trying to shine through a layer of clouds. It's only enough to make out the vague shape of large objects like trees and the shack.
<i>You could have power greater than the others.</i>
Once you get to the back of the house, you can see Jenny. The white gater practically glows under the faint moonlight. Moving closer to the pen, you trip over something and fall on your face, scraping your forehead. (if:$DogsAreDead is 1)[The throbbing headache from Titus hitting you returns to full force.] Jenny never moves.
<i>Behold. Magnificence.</i>
This is just too weird. You look around to see where the thoughts (sound?) in your head could be coming from. Then, you spot a white shape at the top of the embankment...[[outside the fence]].Only the foolish would go wandering around in the swamp at night without even a flashlight. It's wisdom and not cowardice. Right?
''Wisdom increased. (set:$Wisdom to it + 1)
New value: $Wisdom''
You cover your ears with your hands, but it doesn't help. These are thoughts, not words.
<i>You'll enjoy life more as a woman...a voodoo queen.</i>
Go away! Leave me alone!
<i>True power could be yours. You were born for it. I offer you power greater than all the others.</i>
OK, so give it already and then go away!
<i>Ah, but it's never that easy. There is a relic from the distant past. Visualize it. </i>
<img src="Images\Vampire Skull.jpg">
It's a strange looking skull...much smaller than from a normal human.
<i>When you have this in your possession, you can command spirits without ingredients. You will be more powerful than the one you fear.</i>
More powerful than Marvanna? What would it feel like to not fear that woman?
<i>Yes! No fear! Take the relic and you can have your old body back, if you want. Or, you can keep this new body and become the most powerful of them all.</i>
How are you supposed to find this 'relic'?
<i>You were born of the bloodline. Can't you feel it?</i>
Feel it? What is that supposed... Oh. You *can* feel an indescribable pull...a sense of direction and distance.
<i>Beware! The relic is guarded.</i>
Then, relief. The presence in your mind is gone. (set:$RelicInfo to 1)
After a while, you're finally able to relax and go to sleep for a couple hours before [[Wyatt wakes you up]].In an instant, your blood runs cold. Through the darkness, you're able to make out a shape. It's a gater! Slowly, quietly, a gigantic white alligator pulls itself to the top of the embankment not 20 feet from where you stand!
<img src="Images\White Alligator 3.jpg">
You want to run! With all your will and all your might you want to run away as far and fast as you can...but you can't seem to move...and that makes you even more terrified. You try, and fail, to scream. Is this how it will end?
<i>All things end. Some sooner than others.</i> The white bull gater lifts its massive body on powerful legs and moves closer. The stench of rotting flesh assaults your nose.
You stand unable to move. That thing must be well over 15 feet long. It could eat your whole body and there wouldn't be a scrap left for Wyatt or Patti to find.
<i>Don't be afraid. You are safe...tonight. I like...the smell of you. You smell like a priestess I once...knew.</i>
This can't be happening. You try to pinch yourself. You try to run, scream, cry, anything...
<i>I know why you're here. Like the others, you come for ingredients that will give you power over the spirits.</i>
Is the alligator talking to you? How does it know so much?
<i>I am like water that fills the vessel. I am ancient wisdom. I offer you [[power greater than the others]], if you're willing to take it.</i>(set:$P4Stage to 1)You sit close to Patti and peek around her naked muscular chest to see the computer screen. You can't help but be aware of her warmth and strangely pleasant masculine scent.
On the screen, she pulls up a gif of a dancing brunette with big tits. "I think her name was Terri or Teresa or something like that. What do you think?"
<img src="Images\Dancing Girl 1.gif">
"Nice! I really like the way she moves. Nice tits...soft body but not fat." Watching the girl dance, your heart starts to beat a little faster.
"Cool. I thought we might like the same sort of girls." Patti grins. "Do you want to see another one?"
(link:"You have more girl videos? Sure! I want to see.")[(set:$P4Stage to 2)"You have more girl videos? Sure! I want to see."
<img src="Images\Dancing Girl 2.gif">
"Oh, wow! Even better. Awesome tits! Sexy flat stomach...moves like she's fucking...mmmm, mmmm, mmmm! I could eat that up!" The room feels really warm. Without even realizing it, you have your thighs clamped together.
You're vaguely aware that Patti is rubbing the front of her sweatpants. But, the video commands your attention.
"I'm glad you like my videos." Patti sounds a little breathless. "I know I shouldn't have kept them, but...I did. Do you want to see something a little different? Maybe a little sexier?"
(link:"Sexier than that? Sure!")[(set:$P4Stage to 3)"Sexier than that? Sure!"
Patti brings up a video of her and a friend having oral sex.
<img src="Images\Lesbian Licking 3.gif">
"Oh, that's hot!" You really wish you could be in the video. Patti's female form was your crush...your wet dream...your perfect woman. Your pussy is *aching* right now.
"Yeah, it makes me hot too." Patti adjusts her 'package'. When she sees you looking at it, she says "Please? Just rub it a little? It feels so much better when you do it." She pulls your hand toward her bulge.
<img src="Images\Package Adjust 1.jpg">
(link:"Let her do it.")[(set:$P4Stage to 4)You don't agree to anything, but you don't pull your hand away either. You give it a gentle squeeze, surprised how good it feels to have a dick in your hand again. Your mouth is dry. (link:"Ask if she has more videos.")[(set:$P4Stage to 5)"Do you have more videos?"
"Whhhh....hhhh....Uh, yes. Sure..." Patti brings up another video. "I shot this video of a couple girls I met at a club."
<img src="Images\Tribbing 2.gif">
As you start to watch the video, Patti puts her right arm around your waist and pulls you close. Then, it slides down...between...your thighs. You are so wet and horny, you spread your legs and let her do what she wants.
"The brunette is sexy as hell. I'd love to do her." Your hand moves aimlessly up and down Patti's cock, without thought.
"Yeah" Patti says dreamily. "She was a great lay. You should have seen the look on her face when I made her cum."
Patti's fingers have found their way to your pussy...playing with the front of your pretty pink panties. "Oh, I guess that clip is repeating. Should I load another one? I'd have to stop...this...to use the computer mouse."
<img src="Images\Fingering through panties.gif">
(link:"Don't stop")[(set:$P4Stage to 6)You lick your lips and try not to gasp when she works her experienced fingers on your hard clit. "Uh...this clip is fine. Don't stop."
While she works your pussy, she leans over and kisses you just behind the ear, giving you goosebumps. When you start to pant and squirm your hips, Patti stops.
"Patti?" The sudden lack of stimulation is almost unbearable. "Why did you stop?"
"Why don't we get these clothes out of the way?" She strips off her t-shirt, exposing her six-pack abs and muscular shoulders.
<img src="Images\Patti Shirtless.jpg">
The home movies were just a ploy to get you turned on so she could fuck you. Well, it seems to have worked. Your body is on fire right now. You can't help but remember how awesome it felt the last time Patti fucked you. Nope, it's too late to turn back now!
You strip and move onto the bed, ready for sex.
(display:"Ready for Sex")
The sight of your $Shape, naked ass is too much for Patti. Eyes wide, she leaps onto the bed and spreads your legs. Her dick is like iron, but you're ready for it.
<img src="Images\Intercourse 2.gif">
The sex itself is intense, physical...and over quickly. (set:$HadSex to it + 1)(set:$SexWithPatti to it + 1)
<img src="Images\Cum on Stomach.jpg">
Patti really does need more help! Even as turned on as you were, with a body magically attuned to Patti, you were barely able to get one small orgasm before she came. Now, she's lying there like a dead person.
"Yeah?" Her eyes are closed.
"Give me a day or two. I've got some ideas that might help."
"That's nice..." Her voice is so quiet.
"I'll see you tomorrow. OK?" You start to gather your clothes.
She doesn't answer.
"Snngnggggghhhh...." She's snoring.]]]]]
"[[I've seen enough->head back to your room]]." Time to go back to your room.(if:$HairColor is "brunette" and $Shape is "thin")[<img src="Images\Ready for Sex Brunette.jpg">](elseif:$Shape is "thin")[<img src="Images\Ready for Sex Thin.jpg">](elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[<img src="Images\Ready for Sex Athletic.jpg">](elseif:$Shape is "shapely")[<img src="Images\Ready for Sex Shapely.jpg">](else:)[<img src="Images\Ready for Sex Voluptuous.jpg">]<i>There is a relic from the distant past. Visualize it.</i>
<img src="Images\Vampire Skull.jpg">
It's a strange looking skull...much smaller than from a normal human.
<i>When you have this in your possession, you can command spirits without ingredients. You will be more powerful than the one you fear.</i>
Why is the alligator telling you all this? What's in it for him?
<i>I'M NOT AN ALLIGATOR!</i> The alligator's jaws open wide, showing a cavern of jagged teeth.
<i>Take the relic and you can have your old body back, if you want. Or, you can keep this new body and become the most powerful of them all.</i>
With a low rumbling growl, the enormous white alligator moves back into the swamp.
How are you supposed to find this 'relic'?
<i>You were born of the bloodline. Can't you feel it?</i>
Feel it? What is that supposed... Oh. You *can* feel an indescribable pull...a sense of direction and distance.
<i>Beware! The relic is guarded.</i>
Then, the alligator and the voice in your head are gone, leaving you standing in the dark, being eaten by mosquitos. (set:$RelicInfo to 2)
You head back into the shack and actually manage to sleep for a couple hours before [[Wyatt wakes you up]].(set:$Day to it + 1)(display:"Next Day")(if:$Path < 4)[Wyatt bangs on the door to the room where you've been sleeping.] "Come on, Jacki. Let's collect those samples and get out of here." (if:$Path > 3)[Wyatt looks tired and dirty.] (if:$Path < 4)[
"OK...gimme a minute." You slept with your clothes on, and there's no bathroom to clean up in. So, it really only takes you a few seconds to gather your wits, put your shoes on, and exit the room.]
"Y'all have fun. Wake me up when you're ready to leave." Marcel rolls over and puts an arm over his eyes.
"I'm starving." Patti stretches her arms over her head and you can't help but admire her physique. With all that lean muscle, skipping meals is painful.
(if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[About that time, Titus comes in from outside. "Glad to see y'all decided to wake up. Ol' Jenny is sound asleep. Whatever was in that chicken sure is powerful. You sure you didn't hurt her none?"](else:)[Titus remains securely tied. Marcel gives him a drink of water, but nothing to eat.
"Please don't hurt Jenny." The old geezer says. The son of a bitch cares more about that damn alligator than he does human beings?]
"Let's go [[see how she's doing]]."Jenny is laid up on the mud just outside her pool. Now that you think about it, you're very lucky she didn't drown when the drugs kicked in.
"Come on, Jacki. I need your help with this."
Reluctantly, you follow Wyatt into the enclosure, trying to ignore the horrendous stench of rotted meat and alligator excrement. Titus comes with you.
Patti gets almost to the fence and then turns back. "I can't handle that smell on an empty stomach. I'm going back inside."
(if:$DogsAreDead is 0)["There's grits in the cabinet, if'n you know how to fix 'em". Titus yells to her. "Make enough for all of us."
"Titus, you really don't need to be here. Jacki and I can handle Jenny." Wyatt doesn't want Titus to watch the rituals of ingredient collecting.
"Nope. Ain't goin no where." Titus shakes his head. "I gotta make sure you don't do any damage to my gater."
He's probably just worried you'll leave marks that Marvanna might notice. You and Wyatt exchange glances, but neither one of you can come up with any excuse to get rid of Titus. So, you [[start collecting]] anyway.
]"See if there's any food in there." Wyatt says. "I'm hungry."
You and Wyatt [[go to work->start collecting]] on the sleeping alligator. "I sure hope she doesn't wake up..."One at a time, you remove the samples and hand them to Wyatt. Then, he adds the fixatives and says the spirit-words. Finally, you seal the prepared ingredients into the specimen bottles you brought.(if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[
You're ready for Titus to ask about the spirit language, but he just watches in silence. Maybe he's seen this before?] Overall, it takes about an hour and a half to get everything you need.
(if:$DogsAreDead is 0)["Jenny still ain't movin. Are you sure she's ok?" Titus squints his eyes at Wyatt.](else:)[After all that, the big white alligator still isn't moving. "Maybe you gave her too much?" You ask Wyatt.]
"Let's get out of the pen and load up the boat. She should be waking up soon." Wyatt looks happy with his haul of voodoo ingredients.
(if:$NewIngredients is 3)[Transporting your live baby alligator back to Houma shouldn't be too hard. It's only about 2 feet long. Marcel ties its snout shut and wraps it in an old shirt.
On the other hand, you probably can't bring it on the airplane with you. That's going to need some thought.
]"Hey!" It's Patti. "[[Come eat]]. I made grits!"While everyone is eating grits (not bad, by the way), you talk quietly with Wyatt about your experience last night.
"Have you read anything about voodoo relics? I thought all voodoo was done through ingredients?"
He looks at you and grins. "Actually, I <i>have</i> read about voodoo relics. But, where did you hear about them?"
"I had a...dream...last night." Ok, that doesn't sound too weird, right? "So, how do relics work?"
"The most powerful practitioners are said to be able to convince the spirits to permanently enchant an item...usually a body part or personal object...with voodoo power. For example, a hunter might be able to enchant his bow so that the arrows would have tremendous power."
Wyatt stops for a minute to eat some grits before continuing. "Sometimes, it's more like the strength spell I used on myself. If you cast the same spell on the same body part over and over for years, the magic can become permanent...even after the practitioner dies."
You wait for a moment, but it looks like Wyatt is finished, so you ask a question. "Someone else could use the voodoo powered body part? How would that work?"
"I really don't know. The books I've read so far don't go into that very much. It seems to be quite rare, even in the realm of voodoo. From everything I've seen, relics are powerful but extremely dangerous to use. Just having one isn't enough. You've got to know what you're doing with it."
After everyone is finished with the grits, you pick up your stuff and head outside. To everyone's relief, Jenny seems to be waking up and moving.
(if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Wyatt and Titus shake hands](else:)[Marcel tosses Titus's gun in the swamp. Wyatt unties the asshole], then the four of you pile back into Marcel's boat for the [[long ride back]] to civilization.There's a sense of relief in the boat. You got what you came for (except for the baby gater) without any incidents. You don't think Titus will tell Marvanna since he would certainly get in trouble if he did. The only problem would happen if she starts asking where he got all that extra money.
When you close your eyes, you can still feel the location of the relic, very far away.
You feel the need to talk to someone. Wyatt would probably understand better than anyone. "Wyatt? Remember that dream I told you about?"
"I also dreamed there was an odd looking skull...small...very old...odd teeth. I dreamed that the skull was a voodoo relic that would give me power."
Wyatt sits in silence.
"Do you think it was just a dream? Or...?"
"No." Wyatt finally answers. "I don't think it's just a dream."
"Do you think it's real? Is there a real relic with real power to be had?"
"It's possible. But, I don't know how we'd find it."
The ride back to your SUV is boring and uneventful...and you're not at all unhappy about that.
By late afternoon, you're back at the hotel. Wyatt gets you seats on a flight tomorrow and you have the rest of the evening to [[relax]].Finally, back in civilization! You throw your phone on the charger and take a long, hot shower. After the shower, you feel rejuvenated. Looking at your phone, you can see that you have a few messages and missed calls.
There's a text from Wyatt: "*Friend from college teaches at Tulane. Meeting for dinner. SYT*" OK...no Wyatt until tomorrow.
There's a missed call from Andrew, the guy on the plane. (if:$DateAndrew is not 1)[You told him "no". What part of 'no' doesn't he understand? He's persistent and infuriatingly confident.](else:)[He probably wants to take you on a date.]
Hmmmm....wonder what Patti is up to? You head over to her room but she meets you in the hallway wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt.
"What's up?" You ask.
"I did some googling. There's a gym down the street that will let me have a free trial." She shrugs. "I haven't worked out since we got here. I get hyper and tense when I don't work out."
"Oh. I see."
"Hey! You can come too. Let's go work out together!" She sounds enthusiastic about it, but you were clearly an afterthought. Plus, you didn't even bring any clothes you could work out in. Who takes workout clothes when they're going to the swamp?
"Nah. You go ahead. I'm going to walk around and see the area."
"OK. See you later." Patti walks off briskly, anxious to get started on her workout.
[[Now what?]]Marcel turns the boat slightly to approach Marvanna's boat. Both begin to slow. You have less than a minute to do something. But, there's no place to hide in the boat and nowhere to run.
As the boats get withing a dozen feet of each other, Marcel greets the other pilot. "Hey, Pete! You doin ok?"
"Yeah. Boat's good. Weather's good. Life's good." Pete shrugs. He's an older man, thin and wiry, with a long scraggly beard. "Tourists?"
"Yeah. They want to see gaters."
"Hooaahhh! They came all this way to see gaters? Coulda seen gaters back in Houma." The way he laughs says nothing a tourist does could ever really surprise him.
Marvanna is reading some papers, not even paying attention. But, the big guard is studying you closely(if:$MariaHang2Day is not 0)[, probably trying to remember where he knows you from.
Finally, he recognizes you. "You're the girl...from Maria's class. You were at the house."
"Yes." It's your meek and quiet voice. There's no point in denying it.](else:)[, assessing whether anyone in your boat is a threat to his client. He squints suspiciously at you and Patrick.]
"Shouldn't you be in school?" His forehead wrinkles as he asks the question.
(if:$MariaHang2Day is 0)[Damn, he's good. You and Patrick are 18. What about you tells this guy you should be in school? You're stunned and at a loss for words.
]"Not that it's any business of yours, mister...?" Wyatt speaks up.
"Jackson. Billy Jackson."
"Well, Mr. Jackson, I took Jacki and Patrick out of school so they could accompany me on this field trip. I'm doing research for an article on the effects of climate change on reptillian lifecycles. Specifically, does a higher average temperature increase the metabolism of alligator mississippiensis and if so, what strain does that add to the food chain that supports them." Wyatt goes off on one of his scientific spiels that tend to make your eyes glaze over.
"My children aspire to be environmental biologists someday." Wyatt beams with pride. He's a better actor than you would have thought. "If you'd like, I could explain my methodology. It really is rather unique. Do you have a few minutes?"
"Uh...no." The guard's eyes seem to have glazed over a bit.
Pete looks impatient. "Well, anyway, I guess I better get moving. Take care."
Well, [[that wasn't so bad->That was close]].Titus is too afraid of Marvanna. This is never going to work. "Come on, guys. Let's head back. We've done pretty well today."
Wyatt looks severely disappointed, but he nods his head. Patti, on the other hand, is quite happy to be leaving.
So, you gather up your stuff and [[head back to the boat->Head back to the boat]].You give Titus a big sparkling smile. "Mr. Titus... Could we talk...inside? I have some...information...that might change your mind."
Titus smiles back. It's not a pretty sight. His teeth, what's left of them, look like he's been hit in the mouth with a ball bat. It might be your imagination, but it seems like you can smell his breath even over the stench of the alligator pit.
"Alright, missy." Then, Titus barks out a command to his dogs. "Zeke. Bobbi. HOLD!"
"Don't y'all try to go nowhere...dogs won't like it none." Then, he walks over to the shack's back door. "Well, come on missy. Come tell me whatever it is you want to tell me."
Wyatt hisses at you. "What are you doing?"
"Trying to change his mind. Anyway, how long would it take to drug Jenny and get what you need?" You whisper back.
"At least a few hours. I mean...I could get some things without drugging her, but not all." Wyatt suddenly realizes how late it is. "Marcel, can we go back in the dark?"
Marcel shakes his head. "We wouldn't get very far. It would take three times as long as in the daytime."
You gasp. "What? We have to spend the night!?! Aaargh!" Sometimes, nothing comes easy. "Just hang tight for a minute. I'm going to try to get on his good side." And then, you follow Titus [[into the shack]].Everything inside the shack is dirty. There's a propane camp stove sitting on a kitchen counter that looks like it was made out of 2 x 4's. There's a stained couch and a low table. Clutter lines the walls. Apparently there's at least one more room since there's a door and you don't see anywhere to sleep.
Titus stands his rifle against the wall. He clearly doesn't see you as a potential threat. "OK...it's just you and me."
If this old geezer wanted to, he could physically overpower you. He might be old, but he's lived a hard life of physical labor and he's probably tough as nails.
"So, Titus, Do you live here alone?"
"Yeah. Last couple of years it's just been me." He's giving your body the eye.
"And, you probably don't get into town very often?" You pose for him.
"No. Maybe once a month I go in for supplies." He wets his lips and stares at your bare thighs.
"So, you probably get really lonely out here in the swamp, all by yourself." You take a step closer.
"Aww, I don't mind being alone. People is trouble." He grins and shuffles his feet.
You take a bit of your $HairColor hair and twirl it around your finger coquettishly. "You know, I wouldn't mind spending some time here...talking with you about...things. Would you like that?"
He swallows hard. "Yeah. Yeah, I suppose I would like that."
"The only thing is..." You take another step closer. You're looking up at him now, close enough to touch his chest with a finger. "The only thing is that we just don't have much time. Since we can't use Jenny, we've got to go find another alligator."
He doesn't say anything. He's thinking...and staring down your cleavage.
"If only we could take the samples from Jenny, then I'd have lots of time to spend with you." You give him a wink. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Titus chews on his lip and blinks hard. "Yeah, I'd really like that."
You put one hand on each of his shoulders. "So...[[do we have a deal]]?"Titus thinks about what you said. "So, I still get the money, right?"
"Of course."
"And...what exactly are you gonna do? Just talk?"
"Hmmmm... Well, I suppose that depends." Keep him guessing! "I might just get tired of talking. I might decide to try and cool off with a sponge bath. You do have some clean water in here, don't you?"
Titus' eyes get big as saucers. "Yeah...I got clean water." Then, he turns back to the door. "We got us a deal."
Then, he opens the door and calls out. "You'uns can take whatever samples you can get, but you damn well better not hurt Jenny!" Then, he calls off his dogs and shuts the door.
"OK, missy... let me get you a cloth and some water so you can...cool off!" Titus is moving quickly now, like a much younger man.
You sit on the couch and [[wait for him]].Titus doesn't take long. Then, the bearded swamp man brings you a bowl of water and a halfway-clean looking rag. "Here you go, missy." He grins. "For your sponge bath."
You take the bowl and sit it on the low table. "You lived here, in this...house...when Marvanna was here?"
"Yep. Marv...she moved in with us when I was little." He gestures at the bowl.
You take the cloth, wet it and dab at your face, wiping away the bug spray, sweat, and grime. It really does help you feel better. "Really? You guys lived together for a long time. What was she like when she was young?"
"Don't know nuthin about Marv being young. She was full growed when she moved in with us." He points a bony finger at your chest, impatiently. You can't help but notice the dirty fingernail.
Marvanna was an adult about 50 years ago? She must be at least 70? But, Maria is only 18... You unfasten the second button on your blouse. Then, you re-wet the cloth and wipe it across your neck and upper chest. "Whatever happened to Maria's father?"
"Who? Huh?" He's watching your hands work and not listening to your words. "Don't know much 'bout him. Some rich guy from the city."
You stand up and start wiping down your legs. It sure is refreshing to be somewhat clean. "What do you know about voodoo, Titus?"
"Sheeeit. It's real. I know that. You don't go messin with no voodoo queen. Any idiot knows that." He's waving that bony finger at your chest again.
You unfasten the last button of your top and you're not wearing a bra. The blouse hangs open, revealing the inner third of both breasts. You take the damp cloth and run it down your cleavage all the way to your belly button. The cool damp water feels really good. "What about Marvanna? Did she know voodoo?"
"Damn straight, she did! That time I got snake bit... I thought I was done for. Marv, she healed me right up!" The wiry old man is chewing on his lip now, staring at your part bare breasts with bug-eyed intensity.
"Thank you for the water, Titus." You give him an innocent and pretty smile. "That was good." You hand him the bowl.
Instantly, his eyebrows knit together and his smile turns to a snarl. "You ain't done! You ain't all the way clean yet. You best be givin yourself a good bath. You need to be clean...everywhere." Titus's voice has taken on an imperative tone. He's getting agitated.
[[Shut this down now]].
[[Show Titus a little more]]."I'm done, Titus. I'm not going to get naked with you here in the broad daylight with my family right outside that door!" You put shock and indignation in your voice.
He looks at the door and then at you, but says nothing. He's thinking.
You continue in a softer, sweeter tone. "Hey...maybe later? Who knows? OK?"
"Can I just see one titty?" He pleads.
Without a word, you quickly flash him your tits.
Then, while he's still stunned, you cover yourself and open the door. "Come on Titus, Let's check on the others."
(set:$MaybeLater to 1)"OK. Maybe later. I heard you say 'maybe later'!" He mumbles happily as he [[follows you outside]].You don't want to make Titus mad and you do want to buy time for Wyatt with the alligator, so you decide to take the sponge bath a little farther. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[The exhibitionist in you feels a tingle of arousal, showing yourself to a stranger like this.]
Smiling like you imagine a shy teenager would, you completely remove your top, baring your $BreastAdjective, firm breasts to Titus' hungry stare. Then, you wet the towel and gingerly dab and wipe at your tender titties.
The rough towel and cool water soon have your nipples tightening and protruding. "Oooohhh... That feels nice."
The geezer's mouth is hanging open. "Oh...my....gawd... Never seen tits like that before."
(display:"Wet Breasts")
"OK, you've seen 'em. Now, let's go check on my family." You start to slip your top back on.
"No! Not yet." He gestures at your shorts. "You still ain't clean...everywhere."
[[No. Attempt to end the encounter]].
[[OK. Get naked with the dirty swamp man]].When you get outside, you find Wyatt and Patti just standing there. "Hey, why aren't you guys collecting samples?"
"That alligator would eat us!" Patti's voice is shrill with fear.
"We need to sedate the alligator first." Wyatt says calmly.(set:$NewIngredients to 2)
"So, sedate already. [[What are you waiting for?->how to tranquilize Jenny]]"(if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[<img src="Images\Wet Breasts Small.jpg">](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[<img src="Images\Wet Breasts Medium.gif">](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[<img src="Images\Wet Breasts Large.gif">](else:)[<img src="Images\Wet Breasts Big.gif">]"Now, Titus...! This is far enough!" Covering your breasts with one arm, you reach for your top with the other.
"No, missy! This ain't near far enough. I want to see the whole thing, or you ain't gettin nothin off of my gater!" He yells.
What do you think?
(set:$T to "No. This is dangerous. A pretty girl can't get naked with a strange man and trust that he won't get carried away.")[[This is a bad idea]].
[[Bargain with him]].Shimmying your hips side to side, you slowly work your shorts down your smoooth, $Shape thighs. Then, you turn your back to Titus and repeat the process with your pretty pink high-leg panties, bending over enough for him to get a glimpse of your pussy through your thigh-gap.
Still with your back to him, you wash your groin and inner thighs, and then between your cheeks. It feels nice to get at least somewhat clean. You were probably starting to not smell so good down there. You wash thoroughly, front and back. The rough cloth brings a flush of color to your lower lips.
"Turn around, missy. Let me see."
You turn around slow and shy, with your hands in front of your pussy and your head bowed down. You're completely naked now, except for your socks and shoes.
The old man's voice is soft now, like he was whispering in church. "Move your hands. Let me see."
You hesitate for second, then, slowly move your hands away, revealing your shaven pussy in all its glory. You feel so exposed, vulnerable, and at the same time desired. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[As an **exhibitionist**, showing your body to strangers like this makes you hot. (if:$Exhibitionism > 2)[Your clit tingles and your whole body feels flushed. Your kink is more advanced than most. (if:$Exhibitionism > 4)[In fact, the hunger and arousal you feel is strong enough to make you look think about touching yourself. Can he see that your pussy is getting wet?]]]
"Well, god damn, would you...look...at...that! That's the most beautiful piece of ass I ever seen in my whole damn life."
You put your hands over your head, get up on your tippy-toes, and do a little pirrouette for him. Your (if:$BreastSize is "B-cup")[firm little titties sit high on your chest,](elseif:$BreastSize is "C-cup")[round, pert breasts rise firmly,](elseif:$BreastSize is "D-cup")[big, jaunty breasts rise with your arms, lifting into perfect shape,](else:)[huge, heavy breasts sway with your motion,] nipples erect like pencil erasers. The muscles in your (if:$Shape is "thin")[lean calves and tight ass](elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[strong calves and athletic ass](elseif:$Shape is "shapely")[soft calves and smoothly rounded ass](else:)[thick calves and big beautiful ass] work together with surprising grace, considering your lack of experience in doing pirrouettes.
"Oh, hell! I've got to have some of that..." [[Titus comes for you]], eyes glazed over and hands stretched out in front like a B-movie zombie."EEEEK!" You squeal and jump back out of his reach. It's a small room, but you try to keep the table between you and Titus.
"Come on now, missy! I won't hurty you none." He feints right and jumps left... He almost got you. His face is red as he stares lustfully at your naked body.
Your heart is pounding! Is he really going to rape you? "Titus! Wait!"
"I been waitin for 10 years! I ain't waitin no more!" He grabs the table and starts to pull it out of the way. You grab your side and try to hold it in place.
[[Try to bargain]] with Titus.
[[Keep fighting]].$T
"This isn't going to work, Titus. We're done." You put your clothes back on.
"Awwwwww, damn!" He sounds angry. While you're getting dressed, he grabs his rifle. "You best be gettin off my property then."
You step outside where you find Wyatt, Patti and Marcel. "Did you get the ingredients?" You whisper to Wyatt.
"No. We can't get near that alligator until she's tranquilized."
The old swamp man shakes his rifle at you and yells "Go on now! Get out of here! I don't want to see your asses on my property again. If I do, I might just shoot you fuckers!"
"Hey, Titus...what's wrong?" Marcel tries to calm him down.
"That slut! She... Well... Anyway, I want you all out of here. You got 10 minutes. If you're still here, I start shootin'." He goes back in the shack.
"Would he really shoot us?" Patti asks.
"I don't think so. But, I don't want to risk it." Marcel says.
You all gather up your gear, including the ingredients you found before you ran into Titus. (set:$NewIngredients to 1)Then, you [[walk back to Marcel's boat->head back to the boat in silence and defeat]]."If I show you...my pussy...then we're done, right? No more! If I show you, then we get the samples from Jenny with no more argument. Right?!?" You try to sound firm and assertive, but it's hard when you're almost naked.
"Naw...I wanna touch. You gotta let me touch it."
"You are NOT touching my pussy!"
He thinks for a second... "Well, the titties then. But that's my final offer. Let me see everything and touch those titties. Or you can get the hell out of here right now!"
"You swear?!?"
"Yeah, I swear. I aint' plumb crazy you know. My word's good." Titus sounds a little offended that you might not trust him.
(set:$T to "Maybe he would abide by his word, but maybe not. You decide not to trust him.")[[Don't trust him->This is a bad idea]].
[[Do the deal]].Reluctantly, and not without some trepidation, you remove the last of your clothes and stand stark naked in front of the mud-stained, foul-smelling old man. (if:$Exhibitionism > 1)[Even now, your **exhibitionist** nature leads you to feel a rush from showing your body. (if:$Exhibitionism > 3)[Your heart is pounding. Part of you wants him to look closer...at your most intimate parts. You want to see him get turned on by your body.]]
"Oh....missy! That is the finest pussy I ever seen!" Titus speaks softly.
(if:$Exhibitionism > 3)[Of course, the **exhibitionist** in you can't help but move your feet a little farther apart, just to give him a better view. But, you](else:)[You] somehow manage to sound firm when you tell him "Get on with it. Touch my breasts and get it over with."
His hands are roughly calloused from a lifetime of hard physical work. Deep creases in his palms are stained darker with ground-in dirt. Dry swamp mud is caked under the cracked nails.
Your tender breasts would run away and hide, if they could. But, they can't. You stand still, and wait for the touch.
It almost feels like sandpaper when he first runs his fingers across your left breast. Plus, he's squeezing too hard! You can't help but squeak in dismay. "Hey! Take it easy."
Titus grins and eases up just a little with his touches. He's got one bony hand on each breast now.
Your stupid nipples seem to like the rough treatment. They've gone from just erect to bright red, stone-hard, glass-cutting stiffness. The aureoles are puckered, crinkled and pulled up tight. You can't believe this actually feels good.
[[Time to end it]].You push his hands away from your breasts and back away. "OK, Titus. That's it. You touched. A deal is a deal."
His face looks stricken. "Oh...I had no idea... It's been soooo long. Could I just...?
"No!" You almost shout. "That's all!"
Such a sad face he makes. Is that a tear? "I forgot what titties feel like." His shoulders are slumped and his head hangs low. "A deal is a deal. Y'all get what you need...without hurtin' Jenny."
You can't help but be relieved that he's standing by his word.
As you start to put your shirt over your painfully erect nipples, another thought comes to mind... Maybe you could get one of those baby white alligators after all?
[[Offer Titus more touching]]...for a baby alligator.
[[No. I'll quit while I'm ahead]].Using your shy, coquettish voice "You know... Titus... If you're willing to part with one of those baby white alligators... I might let you do a little more...touching." You pose shamelessly for him.
His head snaps up, eyes bright with hope. But, then he frowns. Even as desperate as he is, he still fears Marvanna. But, he's thinking about it.
You cup your breasts in your hands(if:$BreastSize is not "B-cup")[ and lift them], flicking your thumbs over the nipples to keep them stiff. (if:$BreastSize is "DD-cup")[Your tits are so big, you can almost reach the nipples with your tongue, but they're too firm to lift that high. ]"You can touch them for 5 minutes."
After a moment, he says "I want to touch..." and he points at your pussy. His eyes are shining and intense. Maybe you've teased him too much?
"What?!" You really shouldn't have been surprised, but you sound that way.
He's not done. "...AND I want you to *touch me*." This time, he points at his crotch. "I ain't had a soft touch in...a long time." His hands are clenching and twisting on each other, as if he's having trouble restraining them.
"I'm not going to..." You start.
"That's the deal. If'n you want that li'l gater, that's what we're gonna do." He states with an air of finality. "I ain't riskin my neck for anything less." He turns toward you in a somewhat threatening position.
Swallow your pride and your masculinity and [[just do it]].
(set:$T to "No! I'm not touching your damn dick! You practically yell at him. He's not being reasonable.")[[Nope. You have your limits]] and he's asking too much.This has gone far enough. If you keep teasing, this old guy just might decide to get rough with you.
So, you go back outside where your friends are still held at bay by Zeke and Bobbi. "Titus says we can take samples from the big alligator, so long as we don't hurt her." (set:$NewIngredients to 2)
"Really?!" Patti and Wyatt speak at the same time.
"How did you do that?" Wyatt wants to know.
"Don't worry about that right now. [[We need to hurry up and tranquilize that alligator->how to tranquilize Jenny]]."You lay down the law: "Fine. Deal. I touch. You touch. 5 minutes. Then, WE ARE DONE!"
He makes the sign of the cross under his dirty gray beard. "I swear."
Your heart is hammering. Worry, regret, and...excitement? You start a timer on your phone, sit on the couch and motion for Titus to sit beside you.
He slides off the one functioning shoulder strap of his overalls and they fall to the floor, revealing a pale, wiry body. He's wearing plaid boxer shorts, tented in the front. With a shy look on his face, the swamp man pulls down his shorts and finally sits beside you on the couch, his erect dick begging for attention.
You take a deep breath. "Alright old man, you're on the clock."
His hand goes straight to your shaven pussy without hesitation or delay. "Damn, missy! Your pussy is wet."
"I've been sweating all day. Of course it's wet." You tell him. Of course, that's not the real reason. Will he know the difference?
"Hey... Don't forget about me." He takes your right hand and puts it on his hard dick. It's not particularly big, maybe 5 inches, but he is bone hard.
[[next->handjobs]]$T <!-- **$T text set at different places that lead to this one** -->
With a sudden burst of strength, Titus jerks the table out of the way and surges toward you. He's got you cornered!
"EEEEEEEAAAAAA!" You scream like a horror-movie actress but your friends are trapped by the dogs. Aiming for his balls, you kick him with all your strength, but he just twists to the side and your kick glances harmlessly off his leg.
Before you can do anything else...he has you! You scream again, fight, scratch, hit, kick, bite...but to no avail. He hits you in the side of the head and nearly sends you unconscious.
(link:"This is not good!")[(if:$HitTree is 1)[(goto:"Raped by Titus")](else:)[(goto:"Saved by Wyatt")]](set:$HairColor to "blonde")
(set:$Breasts to "C-cup")
(set:$Shape to "athletic")
(set:$Day to 30)
(set:$PP3Day to 25)
(set:$Dominance to 4)
[[ready to go->Patti Problem 4]]You shake your head as you walk back to your room. (if:$P4Stage is 0)[Nope, Patti is a typical, horny young man, even if she really is a girl. She probably just wanted to seduce you.
](elseif:$P4Stage is 1)[That was certainly a hot video. But, you don't want to get too worked up with Patti around. She would probably just take advantage of the situation.
](elseif:$P4Stage is 2)[Patti has some awesome hot videos! Your pussy is soaked. If you had stuck around much longer, you might have gotten too turned on to leave.
](elseif:$P4Stage is 3)[Oh, fuck that was hot! Watching Patti have sex with that girl?!? Now, there's no way you can go to sleep without making yourself cum. Of course, she wanted you to touch her dick. But, that could only lead to one thing.
](elseif:$P4Stage is 4)[Oh, fuck that was hot! Watching Patti have sex with that girl?!? Now, there's no way you can go to sleep without making yourself cum. Patti's dick felt good...didn't it? Are you going to think about that while you masturbate?(if:$MaleAttraction < 4)[
''Attraction to males has increased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction'']
](elseif:$P4Stage is 5)[You can barely walk, you're so turned on! You can't help but press your hand against it. Damn, Patti knows just how to touch you. It took all your willpower to leave. One more second and you wouldn't have been able to say 'no'. Now, you can't wait another second to get yourself off.(if:$MaleAttraction < 5)[
''Attraction to males has increased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction'']
](elseif:$P4Stage is 6)[Well, it happened again. Patti seduced you and fucked you. Those damn videos were so hot... And, her dick felt kind of good. And when she started on your clit, oh...my...god! Sex with guys is really hot!(if:$MaleAttraction < 7)[
''Attraction to males has increased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction'']
](if:$P4Stage > 2 and $P4Stage < 6)[<img src="Images\Masturbation Bed 4.gif">
You have some intense sex with your hand.
]If you're going to continue helping Patti with her problem, you'll need something stronger than a riding crop. Maybe the Adult Store has something? You can check it out sometime.
(link:"Now, it's time to sleep.")[(goto:"End of Day")]You head back downtown to the local adult shop(if:$Vibrator is not 0)[ where you bought the vibrator] to see what they have. (if:$HaveBondageEquipment is 1)[You saw a whole wall full of strange BDSM gear when you were there to buy the handcuffs and riding crop.]
<img src="Images\Bondage Store Display.jpg">
You buy an electronic device.
(set:$HaveDevice to 1)
(link:"Next")[(goto:"sleep 2")]So...why exactly are you doing this? Just $Day days ago, you were a 'bro'. You were as heterosexual and masculine as any other guy. You were into sports, fast cars, and banging women. Now? Now, you're sneaking into a man's bedroom (at least, Patti <i>looks</i> like a man) for sex.
Why are you doing this?
[[Patti needs to do well with Maria]].
[[I like Patti and I want her to be happy]].
[[This body craves sex]].You're still laser focused on (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[getting your body back](else:)[getting that book], whatever it takes. If that means you have to spread these sexy legs for a big-dicked stud, then that's what will have to happen.
You want Patti to be able to last long enough to show Maria a good time. If Maria likes Patti, then it might help you get close enough to steal the (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients you need to change back](else:)[book]. That's the only reason you're doing this. Really. You keep telling yourself that. Just don't stop to wonder why your pussy is already feeling warm.
This...body...is working against you. You can feel it, affecting your mind with pleasure-rewards whenever you give in. In some ways, you feel like that dog in the science experiments (was it Pavlov?). This body gives awesome rewards when you have sex. How long until your mind starts to rationalize the behavior in order to get the reward?
It's probably best not to think about it. Just focus on the goal. Once you have your body back, everything will be back to normal.
Tonight, Patti is in for some high-tech training. That device you bought at the sex shop should really help you teach her some restraint. (if:$Dominance > 0)[You can't help but smile as you imagine what it will be like to tease Patti while she's completely under your control!] This may be painful for Patti, but it's necessary for you to get your body back.
Hopefully, she won't object too much. But, even if she does, it has to be done. (set:$PattiSessionGoal to "Training")
[[next->Tell Patti the plan]]
<!-- goal is Patti lasts at least 15 minutes before cumming -->When this all started, you were infatuated with Patti's body. She was the one woman you wanted most...and couldn't have.
But, since you've spent a lot of time with her lately, you've actually started to care about her as a person. That almost never happens to you, even with guys.
Sure, you hang out with other people and enjoy their company and maybe even miss them when they're not around. But, you normally don't go out of your way just to make them happy. Interpersonal relations have always been more transactional. You do something for them and they do something for you.
With Patti, it feels different. You actually want to make her happy, even if there's nothing in it for you. Her happiness is all the reward you need. This isn't something you're familiar with.
Right now, Patti wants your help. And, you want to help her. You want Patti to be happy. It makes you happy to see her happy. Maybe the good feelings you get from helping Patti are stronger than the discomfort you feel from...being with...her male form?
Tonight, you're going to try to help Patti improve her performance. But, you also want her to have a good time. This new training device looks like it could be effective. But, it also looks like it could be painful so you need to be careful not to overuse it. (set:$PattiSessionGoal to "Happy")
[[next->Tell Patti the plan]]
<!-- Patti lasts at least 13 minutes. Use pain no more than 3 times. -->There's no denying it. Whenever you're near Patti, this body comes alive. Your pulse races; your face flushes; your pussy gets hot...and it feels goooood! And, when you've actually had sex with her, it was fantastic.
You've come to crave the sex like an addict. No, you don't want to surrender your free will, but you're not really able to remember why you shouldn't have sex with someone who looks like a guy, either.
What's wrong with that? You've got a female body and she's got a male one. You're a man and she's a woman. What's the problem? Either way you slice it, this is heterosexual sex...right? Sex between a man and a woman...that's not gay.
The body isn't controlling you. You're only do this because you want to. And right now, you're almost panting with heat at the thought of another session with Patti and her big hard...muscles.
Tonight, you're going to have a good time and Patti is going to help you with that. You want her to keep that dick of hers nice and hard for a long time so you can bust your pussy on it! You're going to own that dick and use it to get yourself off as many times as possible. Patti will just have to wait. (set:$PattiSessionGoal to "PC Orgasms")
[[next->Tell Patti the plan]]
<!-- goal is for PC to cum at least twice before Patti cums -->Patti looks apprehensively at the sack you brought with you. "What's in the bag?"
"Oh, you know...the usual. Hancuffs, leg cuffs...stuff like that."
"Do we have to?" She whines. Patti stands close and puts a big gentle hand on your shoulder. It feels good. "Can't we just...practice? You always have a good time, don't you?"
There's no denying how awesome this body feels whenever Patti touches it. But, tonight you've got a plan (if:$PattiSessionGoal is "PC Orgasms")[to make sure she lasts long enough to fully satisfy you](elseif:$PattiSessionGoal is "Training")[to improve her performance and you're not going to lose focus](elseif:$PattiSessionGoal is "Happy")[and you're pretty sure she'll be happy with the results].
Now, you just need to convince Patti to put on the restraints.
[[Passive aggressive response]]
[[Dominant response]](if:$Dominance > 0)[Just because you enjoy being ''dominant'', that doesn't mean you always have to act that way. Tonight for example, it just feels like that would be too much work. So, you choose an easier path.
]"You don't want to put on the restraints? Fine. Just fine." Your voice is full of disappointment. "We don't have to do that. I mean...I went to a lot of trouble to get this stuff. But, if you don't like it, then I guess we don't *have* to use it." You shoulders are slumped and your bottom lip pushes out.
"Awww, come on Jacki... It'll be fun anyway. Right?" Patti tries to cheer you up.
"Whatever..." You are definitely *not* cheered up.
"Hey, sweetie...don't pout." Her voice is soft. "Come on...give me a kiss..." With a gentle finger, she tries to lift your chin.
"Not right now." You shake your head and sniff. "...not in the mood..."
The look of concern on Patti's face get's deeper. "Hey. Look! These cuffs aren't so bad." She slides one on her left wrist. "It's OK. Let's do the cuffs. OK?"
"Really?" You look up, your tone warming slightly.
"Yeah, really. I had fun with these last time. Come on. Let's do it." Patti sounds like she's trying to talk herself into it.
"You're just saying that." Your head goes back down. "You don't *really* want to."
"No! Really! I want to!" Now Patti sounds desperate. "Look!" She puts on the right cuff and tightens them down. "Here. Hook me to the bed. Please!?!"
You have to stifle a giggle. A minute ago she was begging you not to be restrained; now she's begging you to do it! Sometimes, the power of the female over the male is absolutely amazing. (set:$Dominant to 0)
"OK...if you're sure..." You [[make sure Patti is securely restrained->restrain Patti]]."Don't question me!" Your voice is like steel. You reach into your bag and pull out the riding crop. "You know how this works. Lie down. Now!"
Patti cringes and immediately lies back on the bed. "I was just thinking that we don't..."
"Stop thinking. And shut up. If I want to hear you talk, I'll ask you."
(WHACK!) You smack her hard on the leg with the riding crop. "I said 'shut up'!"
She's not restrained yet. If she doesn't want to do this, you can't force it. But, Patti meekly nods her head and stretches out her arms and legs,, supine on the bed.
Seeing this muscular man cower before you is really hot! (set:$Dominant to 1)
Now, you [[make sure Patti is securely restrained->restrain Patti]].Since this isn't the first time you've done this, it only takes a couple of minutes to get Patti stripped and cuffed. Of course, her dick is already hard. You suppress the urge to touch it...for now.
Then, you strip off your own clothes.
(display:"Strip Dance")
(if:$Dominant is 1)[Patti looks like she might want to say something, but then she glances at the riding crop, shuts her mouth, and maintains a respectful silence.
"Good girl. Maybe you can be trained after all." You gently tap her dick with your riding crop, watching it twitch obscenely.](else:)[Patti sighs longingly. "You know, sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be easier if I just let Maria or Wyatt put a voodoo spell on me so I could last longer."
"It might be easier, but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun." You grin mischievously and lightly touch the head of her dick.]
(if:$PattiSessionGoal is "PC Orgasms")[Now you can get start to get some relief for your aching pussy! You get onto the bed and straddle Patti's face.
All Patti can do is lie there and work her tongue. You're in control of everything else. You can smash your pussy against her stubble-covered chin or hump your clit against her nose, or lift up so that she has to strain her tongue to its limit just to tickle your lips.
Patti certainly knows what she's doing with her tongue. Even restrained like this, she manages to hit the right places with the right pressure and tempo. You're tempted to just sit here and let her get you off, but you've got plans for something even better.
You get off the bed and retrieve one more item from your bag.](else:)[Now, you can start the training. You go to your bag and pull out one more item.]
[[next->start the training]]"What the hell is that?" Patti sounds frightened.
(if:$Dominant is 1)["Shut up!" (WHACK!) You smack her hard on the thigh with your crop.
Patti doesn't look happy at all, but she complies.
]"You are just going to love this!" You can't help but smile.
<img src="Images\Remote Control.jpg">
You hold up the components for Patti to see. "This pretty blue strap...goes around the base of your cock."
(if:$Dominant is not 1)["That's not the part I'm worried about!" Patti pulls hard against her restraints, but they hold steady.](else:)[Patti's frightened eyes keep staring at the other part.]
"Ahhhh....and *this* shiny silver teardrop goes...well, let's just say it goes very close to your prostate." You lean close to her face, letting your long, scented, $HairColor hair fall down around her face. "You know what your prostate is...right?"
"Yes! I know! But, you don't have to..." She's speaking fast and her eyes are wide. Even her erection is wilting.
"Oh, I know I don't *have* to. But, I *want* to. (if:$PattiSessionGoal is "PC Orgasms")[This is going to be so much fun!](elseif:$PattiSessionGoal is "Training")[This will be the most effective training you've ever had!](elseif:$PattiSessionGoal is "Happy")[And, I think you'll really enjoy it.]"
[[next->gear up]]
You take your bag of tricks and crawl up on the bed between Patti's powerful legs.
"First, let's put the cock ring on. It looks like you could use some...stimulation."
<img src="Images\Remote Control.jpg">
The blue strap goes around her half-erect dick and attaches to a battery pack. Hooking it up requires you to handle her dick and balls with your small, soft, girl-hands. Yet, soft and weak as your hands are, they have the power to bring crushing pain or dazzling pleasure to Patti's private parts.
"Let's see if this thing works..." You pick up the remote with the Chinese characters on it and look in the instruction manual. "At this setting...if I press...this..."
"Mmmmmmmm!" Patti lets out a surprised but appreciative moan.
"...it should feel good. Perfect." You turn it off. "We'll get back to that later. Now...let's try this little baby." You pick up the silver teardrop and cover it with lubricant.
It isn't going to be easy to insert from this position. "Here. Lift your hips." (if:$Dominant is 1)[When Patti hesitates, you show her the crop and she obeys.] Then, you slide a pillow under her. She's probably not comfortable like this, but it gives you some access to her backside.
She looks terrified. (if:$Dominant is 0)["Please, Jacki! I don't want to do this."]
"Stop worrying! I've got lube all over this thing." You press the pointy end against her anus and start to push. "Come on now...relax! I'm told it will feel really good, once we get it inside you."
It's not an easy task, but you do eventually get the silver plug inside. Once that's done, you can remove the pillow from under her. Patti looks uncomfortable and she's gone completely limp.
"OK, now we've got you wired up! Let's [[try this baby out]]."Referring to the manual, you press the buttons on the control and watch Patti's responses.
"You see, men have this organ called a 'prostate' and it's located really close to your rectum. That big silver thing I put inside you pushes on your prostate. I've never tried one myself, but I'm told it can give you a more intense ejaculation."
A buzzing noise comes from Patti's ass. Her eyes open wide and she stops moving.
"There we go! That low frequency vibration should feel pretty good. It works sort of like the female vibrators you're familiar with."
As expected, Patti's dick begins to plump up again.
"Very good! Let's add in some cock-ring stimulation..."
In no time at all, Patti's dick is fully erect, arching up toward her bellybutton, bobbing up and down with her heartbeat. It's so hard, the veins are standing out. Those would probably feel good pressed against the sides of your vagina, sliding in and out...
Patti's hips start to squirm and thrust. She's getting close.
"Whoops!" You push a few buttons. "I almost let you cum there. Sorry, but we're not ready for that yet. Let's calm you down a little."
"Aaahhh!" Patti can't help but yelp in pain as you send a sharp jolt of electricity to her groin. As you hoped, her impending orgasm is stopped in its tracks.
"Perfect! This thing works like a remote control for your dick. With a few button pushes, I can take you from nothing to almost-cum to nothing."
[[next->Why?]]Patti looks highly uncomfortable. "Why? Why are you doing this? Why can't we just have sex like normal people?"
(if:$Dominant is 1)[You didn't give her permission to speak, but you decide to overlook it this time. ](if:$PattiSessionGoal is "Training")["Look. You want to last a long time in bed, right? Well, this is how it's done. After this, you're going to be so afraid to cum, you'll last all night long!" You resist the urge to try out your evil laugh. It probably wouldn't sound right as a woman.](elseif:$PattSessionGoal is "Happy")["Relax. Let's just try it out. After we're done, if you don't like it, we won't do it again."](else:)["Oh, I just thought it would be fun to try out."]
You move up the bed so that your wet pussy brushes against her dick. "Are you ready to get this show started?" You rock back and forth, letting your pussy slide along the sensitive ridge of her dick.
Patti nods her head.
You just keep teasing her. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure. Let's start." She lifts her hips, trying (and failing) to penetrate you.
"I don't know... You don't sound too sure..."
"Please! Let me inside. Pleeeease?" She's starting to beg.
"Well, OK. If you insist." You tip your hips and guide Patti's big dick into your hot wet pussy. Damn! That feels soooo good. Your pussy was (literally!) made for that dick.
Now, you can (if:$PattiSessionGoal is "Training")[try to keep her fucking without cumming for at least 15 minutes.](elseif:$Goal is "Happy")[try to help her train while still making it an enjoyable experience for her.](else:)[see how many orgasms you can get before Patti gives out!]
[[next->Riding Patti]]Not finished yet...
(link:"next")[(goto:"End of Day")]While you're holding his dick, Titus is exploring your pussy. His fingers are strong and calloused. Surprisingly, he has a nice touch.
"You know, Missy, I didn't always live in the swamp."
He has one bony finger inside you, curled and pressing against the front wall of your vagina. You've lubricated enough that it slides easily.
"Oh? So?"
You use your soft fingertips to gently pluck at the head of his dick. You promised him 5 minutes...not that you'd actually get him off. In fact, you'd probably prefer to avoid a handful of semen right now.
"Nah, I lived in New Orleans for a while."
He wraps his other arm over your shoulder so his hand can cup your breast. You glance down apprehensively at the gnarly hand holding your perfect breast, but he's not hurting you. In fact, the rough texture of his palm is oddly stimulating.
"I was just a boy...no family...no money. Shit...I didn't have nothin 'cept the dirty clothes on my back. But, there was a woman. She took me in."
His dick feels hot to the touch. You slide your fingertips over the veiny ridges, slowly up and down.
"She knew things. She...took care of me."
The hand on your pussy is working faster now, and pressing more firmly. It feels surprisingly good. Strong, sure hands, working at just the right speed in just the right place...
"She never said it, but I think she used to work in a brothel. These days, she'd probably go to jail for fuckin with a boy like that. Shit, I loved it, though."
His right hand is pinching your nipple hard now. Then, he puts a second finger in your pussy and works his hand hard and fast. It makes a sloshing sound in your sopping wet pussy.
The timer on your phone goes off. It's been 5 minutes.
Shit! Damn! That feels good! Your pussy is on fire. You release his dick and fall back. The old man follows you. His hand never loses contact and now it's moving even faster than before, working in a pussy that's so wet, your fluids are flying everywhere.
<img src="Images\Fingered to Orgasm.gif">
"Aaaaah!!! Ooooohhh!!!" You're cumming! Back arching, legs quivering, face a mask of pleasure... Oh, shit that was intense!
"OK, Missy, I been wait'n for this. Now it's my turn."
Your legs are still shaking from that cum when Titus pulls you into position and presses his dick against your pussy. There's no way you could resist right now.
<img src="Images\Fucked Missionary 1.jpg">
All you can do is lie back and take it. Titus finishes quickly...inside...without protection. (set:$HadSex to it + 1)
"Sorry to rush, Missy, but your friends might be back any minute now."
[[next->Friends return]]Even though you don't feel like doing anything right now, the thought of Wyatt and Patti finding you naked with this dirty old swamp man gets you moving. So, you wipe yourself off with the wet rag and then quickly put your clothes back on.
Not a minute later, the door opens. Wyatt, Marcel, and Patti enter.
"What are you doing in here?" Patti looks around.
"Nothing. Just talking." You try to sound casual.
"We need to sedate the alligator before we can take any samples." Wyatt frowns. "I tried, but I just can't get close enough."
"Well..." You glance at Titus to make sure he's not going to contradict you. "...Titus has agreed to let us do that. Haven't you Titus?"
Titus is sitting, slumped in a chair with a 'tired but happy' look on his face. "Yeah. I reckon so."
"And...we get to take one of the baby white alligators home with us." You can't help but sound triumphant. (set:$NewIngredients to 3)
Titus grins. "Yeah, Missy, you done good."
Patti looks at you sharply. "What does that mean?"
Your face feels hot. "Nothing. He just means I was a good negotiator. Right Titus?"
"Yeah..." Behind the beard, his grin turns into a smile. "Missy here is a damn fine...negotiator!"
You look at the floor and avoid making eye contact with Patti or Wyatt.
[[next->how to tranquilize Jenny]] Your mind is racing, but you can't think of any way out! Maybe you can at least get him to go easy on you? "Titus! Slow down for a second. I'll...go sit on the couch with you...OK?"
He stops wrestling with the table for a second and squints at you distrustfully. "Really? You're gonna come sit with me...naked? Without a fight?"
"Yes. IF! If you let me have one of those white baby alligators." Maybe you can get something out of this?
"You ain't gettin no gater just for sittin with me."
"What if I let you touch...?" You glance down at your body.
"Now you're talkin." He licks his lips.
"...for 5 minutes. That's all. Just touch. Then, I get to take one of those little white alligators home with me. Deal?"
He doesn't answer. He looks like he might try to lunge at you again. This man is terrified of Marvanna. After a moment, he says "...AND I want you to *touch me*." He points at his crotch. "I ain't had a soft touch in...a long time."
"I'm not going to..." You start.
"That's the deal. If'n you want that li'l gater, that's what we're gonna do." He states with an air of finality. "I ain't riskin my neck for nothin less."
Swallow your pride and your masculinity and [[just do it]].
(set:$T to "No! I'm not touching your damn dick! You practically yell at him. He's not being reasonable.")[[Nope. You have your limits]] and he's asking too much.Titus is bigger and stronger than you are and just as fast. If you're going to get out of this room, it's going to take luck.
The next time he lunges for you, you're going to make an all-or-nothing run for it. You've got to guess which way he's going to come. It could be to his right or to his left. If you guess right, you'll be able to get out the door. Guess wrong, and you'll run right into his arms.
At least you've got a 50/50 shot. (set:$D to (either:"left", "right"))
(link:"Guess 'right'")[(if:$D is "right")[(goto:"Run while you can")](else:)[(set:$T to "When the old geezer lunges to his $D, you were already moving in that direction. You ran right to him.")(goto:"Nope. You have your limits")]]
(link:"Guess 'left'")[(if:$D is "left")[(goto:"Run while you can")](else:)[(set:$T to "When the old geezer lunges to his $D, you were already moving in that direction. You ran right to him.")(goto:"Nope. You have your limits")]]"So, how do we tranquilize Jenny?" Patti asks.
Wyatt frowns. "I couldn't pack a dart gun, so we're going to have to get her to ingest the drug. (if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Is there something she likes to eat?" He asks Titus.
(if:$MaybeLater is 1)["Drugs!?" Titus looks at you sharply. "I didn't say you could drug her!"
"It'll be OK, Titus." You subtly push your chest out and give him a big beautiful smile.
The geezer's eyes seem to glaze over and he mumbles something to himself "later...she said later...". Then, he tells Wyatt] "Yeah, she likes chickens...a lot."](else:)[
"All you need is a big chunk of meat." Marcel volunteers. "We bait our 'gater lines with just about anything. 'Gaters don't care."
"I saw chickens..."
"Sure. That'll work."]
"OK...I'll put the ketamine in a chicken carcass, then we can feed it to Jenny. (if:$DogsAreDead is 0)[Are you OK with that?"
"Yeah, I suppose. It won't hurt her none, right?" Titus seems to actually care about the gater.](else:)[Sound like a plan?"
"That won't hurt the alligator?" Patti asks.]
"No. As long as I get the dosage halfway close, [[she'll be fine]]." Wyatt winks. "She might even enjoy it."When the old geezer lunges to his $D, you were already moving the other way! Before he can recover, you're across the room and out the door!
Marcel, Wyatt, and Patti are all staring wide-eyed as you bust through the door, stark naked.
"Jacki?! Are you OK?" Patti starts toward you but one of the dogs stops her.
Titus comes through the door cussing and holding his rifle. "You damn kids get off my property, NOW!!!" He fires a shot in the air for emphasis.
The dogs pick up on his new attitude towards you. Snarling, snapping, the hair on their necks stands up. They lunge and nip at Marcel and Wyatt.
"Get out of here! GO!" Titus fires another shot; this one in the ground not 10 feet from where you stand.
You all start running back towards Marcel's boat. Your tender feet are in pain, but you don't want to get left behind so you press on.
"What the hell happened in there?" Marcel wants to know.
"He was going to rape me!" Your voice trembles as you say it. You really did almost get raped. (set:$NewIngredients to 0)
Eventually, Titus stops following. You all [[head back to the boat in silence and defeat]]. You don't even have the ingredients you gathered before you met Titus.No one talks anymore than they have to. You all endured a long trip and put out a lot of effort(if:$NewIngredients is 0)[, but you have nothing to show for it](else:)[ and you got some good ingredients. However, you still didn't get the white alligator parts you needed].
(if:$AvoidMarvanna is 0)[Marcel pushes the boat as hard as he dares, but you still can't make it back before nightfall. In the dark, he's forced to go much slower. You don't make it back to the hotel until well after midnight.](else:)[It's a long, miserable boat ride back to where you left the vehicles. It's twilight by the time you say goodbye to Marcel and full dark when you get to the hotel.]
Tired(if:$NewIngredients is 0)[, dirty and defeated](else:)[ and dirty]...you all [[just go to sleep]].(set:$TitusLater to 1)There's no air conditioning of course, so you don't need to be under the covers. Instead, the humidity and heat combine to make it hard for you to go to sleep at all. Even a fan would be welcome.
At least you're wearing light clothes...jean shorts and a halter top. Kicking off your shoes and socks helps, but only a little.
Just as you're finaly drifting off to sleep, you wake with a start when you feel a hand on your shoulder!
"Ssssshhhhhhh!" Someone shushes you.
Who could it be? It's dark in here. "Patti? Is that you?"
"No, Missy. It's just ol' Titus. I had to wait for them others to go to sleep." He's talking in a stage whisper.
"What? Why?" You move away from the hand on your shoulder as if it was a snake.
"Well, you said 'later'. I just thought this would be a good time. Everyone else is asleep." You can feel his weight on the bed.
"A good time for what?" Your heart is pounding. This isn't good.
"Well...you never did finish that sponge bath. The deal was I could watch you take a sponge bath. Remember? You said 'maybe later'."
"I let you watch. I did my part!"
"Awww, come on Missy." He pleads. "I been alone out here for years. You cain't just flash them titties at me and leave me hangin. I cain't sleep! And I cain't do nothin bout it with them other guys in the room."
Titus has spent too much time alone in the swamp. He seems to have forgotten how to properly interact with women.
[[Help him get off]]. That's what he wants. Then, maybe he'll go away and leave you alone.
[[Tell him no]]. You already satisfied your part of the bargain. Tell him to stick to the deal.$NewIngredients is 1 => you kept what you gathered
2 => plus you got to take samples off of Jenny
3 => plus you have a baby white alligator
0 => you got nothing!
$Raped +1 if Titus raped you
$AvoidMarvanna 1 if you ran into Marvanna in the swamp
$AndrewDate1 1 Take me home after seeing the sex show
2 Get a lapdance from a sexy woman
3 Got frisky with Andrew, then got sick
$RelicInfo 0 Don't know anything
1 Didn't see the alligator, but know relic location
2 Saw giant white alligator...know relic location
(set:$Day to it + 1)(display:"Next Day")The next day, you don't get up until nearly 10. Retrieving your phone off the charger, you see there's a missed call from Andrew, the guy on the plane. (if:$DateAndrew is not 1)[You told him "no". What part of 'no' doesn't he understand? He's persistent and infuriatingly confident.](else:)[He probably wants to take you on a date.]
By the time you make it out of your room, it's lunch time. You find Patti in Wyatt's room. Apparently, you're the late sleeper of the group.
(if:$NewIngredients is 0)[They both look seriously depressed. Wyatt says "We've been talking. Unless you've got a better idea, I think we should go back out with Marcel and collect what we can...without going near Titus or Marvanna of course. We had a pretty good haul until we had to leave it behind."
The prospect of going back out into the swamp seems highly unappealing. "I wish there was some other way..."
Wyatt shrugs. "I think we've been over this ground before. There just aren't any other options."
You sigh. "OK...let's go..."
Patti sneers. "Well, since *somebody* didn't get up until noon, it's too late to go today. If the *princess* thinks she can get up earlier tomorrow, we can call and see if Marcel is available."
"I don't act like a princess!" You resist the urge to stamp your foot. "It's just that this body gets tired. It needs its sleep. Besides, you guys could have woken me up."
"Whatever." Patti still isn't happy with you since you're the reason she has to spend another day in Louisiana.
Wyatt calls Marcel. Luckily, he's available for tomorrow. Oh boy...another day in the hot, smelly, mosquito-infested swamp.
Patti isn't happy about it. "This wouldn't be necessary if *someone* didn't make the owner mad."
(if:$RapedByTitus is 1)[She just pushed the wrong button! "THAT GODDAMMED MOTHERFUCKER RAPED ME!" You scream at the top of your lungs. Tears instantly flood your eyes.
Wyatt and Patti both stare at you in stunned silence.
"Just leave me alone!" You shout as you leave the room. "I'll see you *bright and early* in the morning!"
You go back to your room and ignore them when they knock on your door and try to call you.](else:)["You don't know what the hell you're talking about!" You get angry at Patti. "That dirty old swamp man wanted me to...basically he wanted me to be his whore. I told him 'no'!"
Patti's face goes pale. "Oh. I didn't know."
Tears fill your eyes.
"Jacki! Really, I didn't know. I'm so sorry!" She moves toward you, probably intending to put her big arms around you.
"Don't worry about it." You push her back. "I'm OK." You turn to leave. "I just need some alone time. "I'll see you *bright and early* in the morning."
You go back to your room and ignore them when they knock on your door and try to call you.]
](else:)[Patti looks at you and grins. "Well, it's about time you woke up. Did the *princess* get her beauty sleep?"
"Hey! I'm not a princess! You resist the urge to stamp your foot. "It's just that this body gets tired. It needs its sleep. Besides, you guys could have woken me up if you wanted."
"Anyway..." Wyatt cuts off the bickering. "If you agree, I think we should head back to the city. We got a pretty good haul of ingredients yesterday. White alligators are so rare, we could spend months looking for one."
"We found one." Patti sounds a little bitter. "But, *someone* made the owner mad."
(if:$RapedByTitus is 1)[She just pushed the wrong button! "THAT GODDAMMED MOTHERFUCKER RAPED ME!" You scream at the top of your lungs. Tears instantly flood your eyes.
Wyatt and Patti both stare at you in stunned silence.
"Just leave me alone!" You shout as you leave the room. "I'll see you on the flight tomorrow."
You go back to your room and ignore them when they knock on your door and try to call you.](else:)["You don't know what the hell you're talking about!" You get angry at Patti. "That dirty old swamp man wanted me to...basically he wanted me to be his whore. I told him 'no'!"
Patti's face goes pale. "Oh. I didn't know."
Tears fill your eyes.
"Jacki! Really, I didn't know. I'm so sorry!" She moves toward you, probably intending to put her big arms around you.
"Don't worry about it." You push her back. "Like Wyatt said, we got a good haul." You turn to leave. "I just need some alone time. I'll see you guys on the flight tomorrow."
You go back to your room and ignore them when they knock on your door and try to call you.]]
You just really need time and something to get your mind off of Titus.
[[next->Now what?]]He reaches into his jacket and produces a business card. "You may call me whenever you want." When he hands it to you, his hand brushes yours. As with every other time you've brushed against him, you feel a tingling 'jolt' of pleasure.
The card reads: Andrew Pelletier, Research Director, Fantôme Biochimique International. (set:$AndrewsCard to 1)
Andrew grins at you. "Yes, I work for the FBI." He chuckles. "I never tire of that joke. Actually, we're researching unique approaches to treating various conditions, such as cancer."There's something about Andrew that's piqued your curiousity (or your lust?). So, you give him a call.
"Hi. It's Jacki. From the plane."
"Hello Jacki. How are you tonight?"
"I'm good."
"Are you ready for our date?"
"Maybe. What did you have in mind?"
"Don't you trust me? Relax, Jacki... It's a surprise, but I think you will enjoy yourself." His voice is so deep, warm, and interesting. Even through the cell phone you can feel his magnetism and charisma.
"OK. Give me an hour. You can [[pick me up at the Marriott in Houma->What to wear]]."
"Houma? Really... OK. I can be there in an hour.""Cool. It's settled! If we don't kill the alligator, then we're not alligator 'hunting' and we're not breaking the law." You feel relieved.
"Awesome. I like that better too." Patti backs you up.
You rejoin Marcel and tell him you only want to study a white alligator, not kill it.
Marcel kicks at the dirt with his boot, scrunches up his forehead and stares off into the swamp. "You cain't just find a ghost anytime you want one." (if:$Marcel > 1)[He looks at you and winks. "But, I ](else:)[He squints at Wyatt. "But, for a price...I] might have an idea. (if:$AvoidMarvanna is 0)[If you're up for it."](else:)[But...we would need to go back onto Marvanna's property."
"No way. We can't risk it. I'm not going anywhere near Marvanna's property." [[Leave with what you have->Head back to the boat]].]
"I really want that alligator. [[Tell me!]]"Andrew texts when he arrives, exactly on time.
He's standing in front of the elevator when you get off.
<img src="Images\Andrew Sunglasses.jpg">
Even though he's wearing sunglasses, you can feel his eyes on your body. In a way, it makes you uncomfortable to always be an object of lust. On the other hand, it boosts your confidence because you know firsthand how that lust can influence a man.
"Hello Jacki! It's good to see you."
"Hi Andrew. How are things?"
He shrugs. "Better now." Then he smiles.
"Is your back still bothering you?"
"Sometimes. But, not today." He turns and waves toward the door. "Shall we walk to my car?"
You walk with him. "How was your drive?"
"Not so bad. I actually like to drive."
He's parked right outside. "Wow. Nice car!"
<img src="Images\Lexus LC 500.jpg">
"Eh... It's a rental of course. But, it serves the purpose."
"Your company pays for cars like this?" Who was it he works for again? Some biotech company?
"No. Not really. I paid for the upgrade myself."
You get in and [[ride away with Andrew]].As soon as you're off the phone, you look to see what you have to wear. Lucky for you, the voodoo magic takes care of all the makeup, leg shaving, and hair styling a real woman would have to deal with. You even seem to produce your own perfume.
The only thing you need to worry about is your clothes. You've got a really thin party dress that makes you look totally hot.
(set:$Style to "Revealing")(display:"Show Party Dress")
But, you don't know Andrew that well. Plus, you don't want to look like a complete slut if he takes you somewhere classy, so you rule that out.
You could go with something relatively (link:"conservative")[(set:$Style to "Good")(goto:"why go on a date")], like this:
(set:$Style to "Good")(display:"Show Party Dress")
Or, you could (link:"turn up the heat")[(set:$Style to "Hot")(goto:"why go on a date")] a bit and wear something like this:
(set:$Style to "Hot")(display:"Show Party Dress")(set:$Plan to "Wyatt")
(set:$Empathy to 1)
(set:$BreastSize to "D-cup")
(set:$BreastAdjective to "large")
(set:$Shape to "thin")
(set:$HairColor to "blonde")
(set:$Willpower to 2)
(set:$WentToGym to 1)
(set:$Exhibitionism to 1)
(set:$ShowHeader to 1)
(set:$RapedByTitus to 0)
(goto:"relax")It doesn't take you an hour to get dressed, so you have a few minutes to collect your thoughts before Andrew shows up.
(if:$Willpower < 2)[It's odd and disconcerting...this strange compulsion you feel to go along with Andrew's requests. You're pretty sure you could refuse him if it was really important to you. But, if it was something you didn't care about, or kind of wanted to do anyway...probably not. That's just a bit frightening.
Anyway, you're (link:"going on a date with Andrew")[(set:$DateReason to "compelled")(goto:"pick me up at the Marriott")], whether you wanted to or not. You just don't have the **willpower** to refuse.](else:)[When you stop to think about it, this (going on a date with a guy) is something you wouldn't normally have done. You have the **willpower** to refuse. So, why are you doing this?
"(link:"I'm bored.")[(set:$DateReason to "bored")(goto:"pick me up at the Marriott")]" Andrew seems like an interesting guy. He probably knows some fun things to do. Two guys (even if one looks like a girl) can go out and have a good time without it being sexual. Hopefully. Right? *Resist your body's attraction to men*
"(link:"I'm curious")[(set:$DateReason to "curious")(goto:"pick me up at the Marriott")]" It was really strange, the way he made you feel so good when he touched you on the airplane. Maybe you're just a little curious about that. *Explore your body's attraction to men*]You have some time to yourself. So...what now?
A glance at your phone reminds you of the missed call from Andrew. You check voicemail.
"*Hello Jacki. This is Andrew. I have some free time this evening. If you're available, this would be a perfect opportunity to show you what's better than Bourbon Street. Give me a call.*"
Hearing his voice...remembering his touches on the airplane...it sends a shiver up your spine. Something about him really made your pussy flutter. (if:$RapedByTitus is 1)[At the same time, any thoughts about being alone with strange men cause you to remember what happened with Titus and that really spoils the mood. You really don't feel like facing that situation again right now.
(if:$Willpower > 1)[Maybe you'll return Andrew's call some other time.](else:)[Yet, you feel compelled to [[call Andrew]]. You just don't have the **willpower** to refuse.]](else:)[
(if:$Willpower > 1)[Would you like to [[call Andrew]] and take him up on his offer? You feel a strong urge to make the call, but you have the **willpower** to resist.](else:)[You feel compelled to [[call Andrew]]. You just don't have the **willpower** to refuse.]]
(if:$Willpower > 1)[Just [[get some rest]] and wait for tomorrow's (if:$NewIngredients > 1)[flight](else:)[ingredient hunting expedition].]"Are you ready to tell me where we're going?" You ask.
"You will see. It's nothing too exotic. Just a private club." He drives quickly with no regard for speed limits.
"How far is it?"
"New Orleans, of course. We should be there in 35 minutes." He's on the highway now and accelerating hard. The distinct and thrilling roar of a powerful, high-revving V8 sends chills up your arm.
"New Orleans is over 50 miles away!" You remember the trip from the airport.
"Our destination is 54 miles from here. At an average speed of 92.5 miles per hour, we will arrive in 35 minutes." He doesn't even look at you when he talks, instead focusing on the road as he weaves in and out of traffic.
You look at the speedometer. It's over 100! Your heart is racing. You double-check your seatbelt and squeeze the armrest. Is he crazy?
"What's the hurry?" You try not to sound panicked.
"No hurry. I just get bored when I drive slow." He seems perfectly calm.
Your life is in this man's hands! You love to drive fast yourself, but it's different in the passenger seat. You're powerless. Andrew controls your fate.
He drives smoothly with complete confidence. He's watching all the traffic as he anticipates what other drivers will do. After a few minutes, you realize he knows what he's doing and you force yourself to relax your death grip on the armrest.
"I would prefer a manual transmission." He shrugs. "But, this car's automatic is not so bad."
Watching the scenery go past at over 100 miles per hour, you also see a [[speed trap]]!As your car tops a ridge, you see two state trooper cars that have set up a speed trap on the right side of the road. One blue-uniformed cop is leaning over the hood of his white dodge charger aiming a radar gun at you. His 'smoky bear' hat sits to the side. The driver of the other car is at the wheel of his vehicle, ready to give chase to any speeders...like Andrew.
"Cops!" It's a futile warning. At the speed you're traveling, you're past them before you can even get the word out.
Andrew mumbles something under his breath that you can't quite make out. He's probably cursing. This ticket is going to be expensive.
But, he doesn't slow down. You wait for the wail of sirens, but it never comes. Maybe they called ahead rather than risk civilian lives with a high-speed chase.
So, you watch the road ahead, waiting for a road block. But, it never comes. What the hell? There's no way they missed you. Even without a radar gun, they surely noticed a car speeding by at over 100 mph?
"Why didn't they come after you?" You don't really expect an answer.
"Today must be my lucky day." Andrew grins as he swerves over on the shoulder to pass a group of slow-moving SUVs.
"Maybe they got your license plate number."
"Maybe." Then, he changes the subject. "Tell me about yourself, Jacki. I know almost nothing about you."
You anticipated the question, so you have a story all prepared. You tell him you're 18, your mother is dead, you'll be graduating high school in May, and you haven't really decided what comes next. If Andrew is put off by dating an 18 year-old, he doesn't show it.
Anxious to change the subject before you're forced to add details to your lies, you try to [[shift the subject]] to him. Andrew steps out and hands his keys to a valet who appeared from somewhere. Then he guides you toward an unmarked door.
"Are you a risk taker, Jacki?"
"Yes. Yes, I am." You're the guy who allowed his friend to turn you into a woman.
"Well then. You should love it here."
There's an impressively shiny brass elevator attended by a big black man in a uniform. Andrew winks. The attendant smiles and motions you into the elevator.
<img src="Images\Brass Elevator.jpg">
"How are you this evening, Mr. Pelletier?"
"Outstanding, James. Simply outstanding."
There are only two buttons on the elevator. [[James presses the top one]].No one speaks as the elevator rises...how many floors? Several.
When the door opens, you're in a hallway. "What is this place?"
"It's a private club for...people with connections." Andrew leads you to a large wooden door where another large black man allows you entry.
"Oooohhhh... Nice." You're impressed. There's an awesome bar.
<img src="Images\Club Bar.jpg">
"I'm going to have a drink. Can I get you something?" Andrew asks.
"Sure. I'll have a whiskey on the rocks." It's what you usually order.
He raises an eyebrow. "Is McKenna OK?" What did he think? Did he expect you to order something girly like a strawberry daiquiri ?
"Sure." Mmmmmm... Hopefully it's their single barrel bourbon!
A pretty cocktail waitress in a very short dress appears immediately when Andrew raises his hand slightly. She has an awesome ass and legs.
After ordering two whiskeys on the rocks, Andrew guides you away from the bar. "Over here... I want to show you something."
In alcoves off the main room, there are a few tables where people are playing poker or shooting dice.
<img src="Images\Poker Players.jpg">
<img src="Images\Craps Table.jpg">
Your drinks are here. Wow, that was quick. Mmmmmmm...deliciousness flows down your throat and warms your core.
"[[Would you like to play?]]" Andrew motions toward a vacancy at a craps table."Absolutely! But... I only brought a couple hundred with me. Is there an ATM?"
Andrew smiles. "Why don't you try it with what you have? Just see how it goes." He puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you to the table.
Apparently the minimum buy-in is $500. Andrew throws down $300 to go with your $200. When you start to object, he says "We're a team. We can split the profit or loss."
All the other players give you a smile and a nod or a "welcome".
The first shooter is an old fat guy in a white cowboy hat. He looks ridiculous. A tall and slender middle-aged woman on your right leans over and whispers "It's a cold table".
Deciding to take her advice, you bet the pass. Sure enough, the cowboy hat clown rolls a 7. You win!
You feel like giving Andrew a high five, but that would probably be bad manners with this crowd. Andrew gives you a little hug with his arm that's still around your waist.
This is fun. So, you [[play craps for a while]].You don't win them all, but you win far more than you lose.
As your run of luck continues, a small crowd gathers around, causing Andrew to press against you. Are they interested in your craps skill or your hot body? Whenever his skin brushes yours, you can feel the same erotic sparks you enjoyed on the airplane.
Several people stop to say "Hi" to Andrew. He shakes hands, smiles and exchanges pleasantries while you gamble. Oddly, he never bothers to introduce you and no one asks about you.
"What is it you do?" You ask him. "I know you said you work for some drug company, but what is it you do for them?" A balding, middle-aged guy in a black shirt is shooting. You bet the no pass line.
"I'm in charge of researching new treatments. In the pharmaceutical business, you're only as good as your next great drug." The shooter comes out with a 9.
"That's cool. What's your 'next great drug'?"
"A cure for cancer." Andrew watches the shooter roll a 9.
"Cancer? What kind?"
"All of them." He says it in a 'matter of fact' tone. The shooter hits a 7. You win.
"That's a big deal, right? Shouldn't you be on the news or something?" It's not like you watch much news, but he doesn't have to know that.
"We haven't gone public yet. There's still a problem with production. When we announce a cure for cancer, the demand will be extraordinary. If we can't meet the demand, there will be chaos."
"So, are you a scientist or a manager?"
"A bit of both, I'm afraid." He waves at someone across the room. "I prefer the science, but management and politics are absolutely necessary."
After about an hour (and two more whiskeys), you and Andrew have a pile of chips and you're horny as hell.
"Shall we take a break?" Andrew suggests.
"I guess so." It's hard to quit when you're winning. "I'm tired of standing." You cash out with a little over $5,000. You insist that Andrew take his share.
[[next->Who is that]]The combination of standing for an hour and three whiskeys, along with Andrew's erotic sparks has left your legs a little wobbly, so you allow him to hold you close as you walk to another part of the club.
(if:$DateReason is "curious")[You started out the evening horny and now it's only getting stronger. It feels good to be turned on. If Andrew makes you feel good, that's not a bad thing...is it?](elseif:$DateReason is "bored")[This is turning out to be a fun trip. Andrew is a cool guy to hang out with. He's got great taste in clubs. This is far better than wandering around Bourbon Street alone.](elseif:$DateReason is "compelled")[Maybe you didn't really have a choice of whether to come with Andrew or not but, now that you're here, you're actually enjoying yourself. Perhaps there's no need to worry about his intentions.]
You can hear the rhythmic "thump...thump...thump" of the music even before you step through the door. That can only mean one thing... dancers!
Wow! You've been to a few strip clubs before. OK, more than a few. But, the women here are as beautiful as you've ever seen.
The woman on center stage right now is simply breathtaking. You almost cause a man to spill his drink when you run into him while staring at the dancer.
<img src="Images\Pole Dancer 1.jpg">
Andrew guides you to a booth that seems to have been reserved just for him, then he slides in close and signals for a waitress. "Would you like something to eat?"
"Uh...yeah...sure...whatever." Your attention is on the dancers.
He orders an hors d'oeuvres plate and another round of whiskeys.
Your head is a bit fuzzy right now and your tongue is getting loose. "Damn! Andrew, this place is the bomb!"
He smiles. "[[I thought you might enjoy it]]."The dancer leaves the stage and is immediately replaced by two even more attractive women who dance as a team.
<img src="Images\Pole Dancer 2.jpg">
The way they move! So sexy.
Is that Andrew's hand on your leg? When his fingertips move lightly on the inside of your thigh, your whole body quivers in response. You're sensitive there and the strange electricity in his touches compounds the effect.
(if:$DateReason is "curious")[You feel hot all over and your pussy feels positively...hungry. It aches to be touched, rubbed, filled. Is it Andrew, or is it the dancers? It doesn't matter. You're feeling goooood.](elseif:$DateReason is "bored" or $DateReason is "compelled")["Do you see the way she moves her ass?" You talk to Andrew without your eyes leaving the stage. "Damn, I'd love to...uh...be able to dance like that."]
Andrew leans over and whispers in you're ear. "The dancers here are all very hot, aren't they? I think we should have a private show." He motions to one of the waitresses, then says something to her that you can't hear.
"Come on. Let's [[get a private room]].""A private show? Awesome!" With four whiskeys downed in a little over an hour, you're not at all steady on your medium heels, but you manage not to show how tipsy you are.
The private room is smaller, quieter, and furnished like a bedroom.
"Andrew...why is there a bed in here?" Concern makes its way through your alcohol buzz.
He's smiling. "Sometimes the dancers use them."
There are chairs for you and Andrew to sit in.
The door opens and a woman, a dancer, enters. She smiles and immediately goes into her routine.
<img src="Images\Stripper 1.jpg">
Gradually turning up the heat...
<img src="Images\Stripper 2.jpg">
...exposing more skin...
<img src="Images\Stripper 3.jpg">
...and even her pussy.
<img src="Images\Stripper 4.jpg">
The woman spends at least as much time dancing for you as she does for Andrew. It's hot as hell.
You lean forward in your chair to get a better view and find that it feels good when you press your pussy against the seat. You try not to be too obvious.
Then, the door opens and a man enters. He joins the stripper for even more fun. The woman straddles him and starts working his dick.
<img src="Images\Stripper 5.jpg">
You've watched a lot of porn in your life, but you've never actually been in the room when porn was happening. This is hot! You can't help but rub your pussy. It's not like Andrew would notice.
<img src="Images\Fingering Under Panties.gif">
Oh, OH! Wow! Damn, you were hot already. You get a small cum almost immediately. Cool! Unlike your male days, you can tell this is only the beginning. You keep fingering.
The two performers are standing now. Why are they standing? Who fucks standing up? But, it looks like that's what they're about to do.
<img src="Images\Stripper 6.jpg">
First, it's doggy style....
<img src="Images\Stripper 7.jpg">
Then, standing missionary.
<img src="Images\Stripper 8.jpg">
It's too much for the dancer. Her legs start to jerk uncontrollably as she squeals and tries to push her partner away. But, he holds her tight, driving into her pussy.
When he finally releases her, she falls on the bed, where she writhes in exhausted ecstasy.
Andrew looks to make sure you're watching. You quickly jerk your hand out of your panties, but you're too slow. [[He saw you]].
<!-- https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e40c8cf92949 -->"I can see you're enjoying yourself." He says, but there's no sarcasm or ridicule in his tone.
The performers leave.
"Shall we have another show? Or...?"
They say 'a stiff dick has no conscience'. When you were a guy, you occasionally found yourself fucking girls that weren't exactly 10's, just because you were horny.
Now that you're a girl, you're finding that things aren't that different, at least for you. The sexy show girls, Andrew's oddly arousing touches, and your own fingers have gotten you to the point where you're desperate for something between your legs.
Sure, you'd prefer a hot girl. But, you're so damn horny you'd hump a lamp post if no one was looking.
"[[Do the girls give lapdances?]]" (if:$DateReason is "bored")[You've had a lapdance or two as a guy. You sure would like to try one as a girl! Her tits in your face...her pussy grinding against yours... Oh, yeah!](elseif:$DateReason is "compelled")[You didn't have any choice about coming on this date, but now maybe you can at least steer it in a direction you would prefer. You've had a lapdance or two as a guy. Maybe you could try one as a girl? Her tits in your face...her pussy grinding against yours...?](elseif:$DateReason is "curious")[The women here are so fucking hot! Your old hetero orientation is still powerful. How could you resist a lapdance?]
(if:$Willpower > 0)["[[Please take me home]]." (before I lose control!) (if:$DateReason is "compelled")[You didn't come on this date freely. You were compelled. But, now your free will is coming back. If you exert your ''willpower'', you might be able to get away.](else:)[You have the ''willpower'' to end the evening now, if that's what you want.]](else:)[You don't have enough ''willpower'' to end the evening now.]
(if:$DateReason is "curious")[ [[Get frisky with Andrew]]. You came on this date to explore these strange sexual feelings. Now, they've only gotten stronger. You're not going to turn back now, are you?](elseif:$MaleAttraction > 5)[ [[Get frisky with Andrew]]. That's not why you came on this date (really!) but...now that you're in the moment... You've noticed your ''attraction to men'' is stronger than it was when you first transformed.](else:)[Your ''attraction to men'' isn't strong enough to where you would consider initiating sex with a strange man in these circumstances.]
<!-- $DateReason curious, bored, or compelled -->(set:$AndrewDate1 to 3)**Initiating sex with a strange man in a club?
It seems that your attraction to males has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction**
It's almost like you're in a dream. This isn't your real body. You're in a strange location, with strange people. It's almost like you're watching a movie. You've been bombarded with sexual stimuli and female hormones for days now. And, you're drunk.
So, it's a surreal experience when you get up and stagger over to Andrew with big smile on your face.
He raises his eyebrows and tilts his head to one side. "What?"
You don't say anything. You just put your hands on his shoulders and slide your knees onto his chair on either side of his hips.
"Jacki?" He's probably as confused about your sexual orientation as you are.
You lean forward, pressing your $BreastAdjective breasts into his face, and widen your knees so that your pussy presses against his lap. The sizable lump you find there brings a smile to your face. It also makes your heart flutter.
"Oh my... Very nice!" Andrew gently moves a damp strand of $HairColor hair aside and kisses you right behind the ear. His other hand moves to your ass and grips it firmly.
(if:$DateReason is "curious")[You were curious how this would feel? Well, it feels...*right*!](elseif:$DateReason is "compelled")[You might have begun this date under compulsion, but that's certainly not the case now.](elseif:$DateReason is "bored")[So much for resisting your body's attraction to men! You're now an eager participant.] It feels like you were made for this.
Andrew slides down the straps of your dress and frees your firm, braless tits. You lean back a little and pull your shoulders back, putting them on display. He grins like a boy with a birthday present for a split second before going to work with his lips and tongue.
It feels intense! You press your pussy against his dick as shivers run down your spine.
There's fire in the man's eyes. "[[Let's move to the bed]]."(set:$AndrewDate1 to 2)(if:$FemaleAttraction < 10 or $MaleAttraction > 8)[**You still love women more than men.
(if:$FemaleAttraction < 10)[Attraction to females has increased. (set:$FemaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $FemaleAttraction](else:)[Attraction to males has decreased.(set:$MaleAttraction to it - 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction]**
]You smile at Andrew. "Do the girls here give lapdances?" Just thinking about it gives you goosebumps, and stiff nipples.
He smiles back and winks. "As a matter of fact they do. I had a feeling your tastes were similar to mine." At least he's not uptight about your lesbian tendencies.
Andrew brings out his cell phone and does some swiping and tapping. Then, he shows it to you. "What do you think about her?"
(if:$HairColor is "blonde")[<img src="Images\Brunette Lapdance Option.jpg">](else:)[<img src="Images\Blonde Lapdance Option.jpg">]<!-- make sure the girl has a different hair color from the PC -->
"Oooohhh....wooooowwwww... She's available? Here?" You swallow hard. "She can give me a lapdance?"
Andrew chuckles and swipes right. "I told you...this place is much better than Bourbon Street."
"Can I get another whiskey, too?"
"Anything you want, Jackie." He taps on his phone again. "The girl and the drink will be here in a couple of minutes."
"How does a person get to be a member here?" This is definitely a place you'd like to come back to.
"Well...that's not easy. The clientele is very influential. On any given night, you'll find some of the most powerful people in Louisiana here. But, for a woman of your...attributes...it might be possible. You'll just need to convince three current members to sponsor you. I'm sure you could do that. You look quite persuasive."
The door opens and the girl on you saw on Andrew's phone walks in with your whiskey. At first she walks up to Andrew, but he points her toward you.
Damn! She's even hotter in person than she was on your phone. She smiles and says "Hi. I'm (if:$HairColor is "blonde")[Alix](else:)[Amanda]." She places your drink on the table, bends over, and gives you a sensuous kiss.
(if:$HairColor is "blonde")[<img src="Images\Brunette Kisses Blonde.gif">](else:)[<img src="Images\Other Lesbian Kiss.jpg">]
You give her your tongue and she sucks on it without hesitation. Her hands roam your body, eventually tugging at your dress. She wants you naked!
You're proud of your tits...
(display: "Naked Breast Image")
...and (if:$HairColor is "blonde")[Alix](else:)[Amanda] seems to like them. (if:$HairColor is "blonde")[She can't wait to start sucking on your stiff nipples.
<img src="Images\Nipple Lick.gif">]
You're just as eager to see her naked. (if:$HairColor is not "blonde")[Then, you practically devour her stiff nipples.
<img src="Images\Nipple Lick.gif">]
Andrew moves closer and watches the action with an intense expression on his face.
<img src="Images\Andrew Intense.jpg">
Glancing down, you can see he's also got a respectable bulge going on.
In no time at all, (if:$HairColor is "blonde")[you've got Alix pinned down on the bed as you trib with urgency.](else:)[Amanda has you pinned on the bed, tribbing your pussy mercilessly.]
<img src="Images\Tribbing.gif">
It seems she's just as much into lesbian action as you are! Damn it feels good! It's almost as good as if you had your dick burried in that pussy. You're on fire. A big orgasm is building. You drive your hips with everything you have.
Meanwhile, Andrew has dropped his pants and got his dick out. He's stiff as a board! That's pretty impressive for a middle-aged guy. He's fairly fit, too.
<img src="Images\Dick Stroke Self.gif">
Why are you looking at him when you've got one of the hottest women on earth between your legs?
Your orgasm is coming! This isn't a little one. Your whole body is tensing...quivering...shaking...you can't breathe! (if:$HairColor is not "auburn")[
(display:"Orgasm Face")
]And, then you're drained. You lie back on the bed in a pink haze of wonderful. Life is good. What an a amazing 'lapdance'. What a great club. Andrew is so cool to bring you here! Being a woman isn't so bad.
Looking over, you see that Andrew has mounted (if:$HairColor is "blonde")[Alix](else:)[Amanda]. A man can only watch so much before he has to get involved.
<img src="Images\Doggy Style Closeup.gif">
It doesn't take him long to cum. You can't help but smile. You had him all worked up.
After a few minutes, (if:$HairColor is "blonde")[Alix](else:)[Amanda] leaves you alone. With Andrew. You're both naked and covered with sex.
But, you're not feeling very good. When you drink whiskey too quickly, it hits you like a ton of bricks. And that was when you were a man. As a woman it's even worse.
"Andrew... I think I'm gonna be sick."
[[next->after sick]](set:$AndrewDate1 to 1)"Andrew... I think I'm going to call it a night. I may have had too much whiskey."
**You're passing up an opportunity like this?
What an awesome display of willpower! (set:$Willpower to it + 1)
New value: $Willpower**
"Really?" He looks genuinely shocked. "You want me to take you back to Houma?"
"I can call a cab. I don't want you to have to end your evening early just because I'm not feeling well." You give him a faint smile.
"No. I brought you here; I'll take you home." He doesn't sound happy about it, but he is firm.
You stand on unsteady legs and head toward the club entrance, past the gaming tables, the dancers, the bar, and the bouncers. By the time you get to the street, Andrew's car is parked at the curb, engine running.
You're silent. Maybe you shouldn't have called it off. He's been a perfect gentleman.
"Don't worry about it." He says, as if he knew what you were thinking. "[[I enjoy driving]]."As you're stepping away from the craps table, Andrew's demeanor suddenly changes from relaxed to tense. He's staring at a group of middle-aged men standing near the entrance.
"Who is that?" You ask casually, before downing the last of your whiskey.
"Someone who should not be here." He stops staring, but doesn't relax.
"Why not? Did he get kicked out of the club or something?"
"Not exactly." He puts his hand on your elbow and guides you to a different part of the establishment. "Let's go [[find some entertainment]]." Andrew takes off in what must be his typical driving style: tires squealing, motor roaring.
After he weaves through a little traffic, your stomach is churning. "Please...slow down. I don't feel so good."
"Of course." He slows the car to a mere 10 mph above the speed limit.
After a bit of silence, you ask "Why did you ask me out?"
He smiles. "Jacki, you're a beautiful woman."
"You know a lot of beautiful women. Why me?"
There's an odd look on his face. "You're different, Jacki. I think we could be good for each other."
"What does that mean?" Being drunk, you're a little more direct than usual.
He's uncomfortable as you put him on the spot. "Please let's just get to know each other first. OK? We don't need to worry about day 30 on day 1."
There's something going on here, but you can't figure it out and Andrew [[isn't going to tell you]].{(if:$HairColor is "blonde")[
(if:$FaceImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Blonde Orgasm Face 1.gif">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Blonde Orgasm Face 2.gif">]
](elseif:$HairColor is "brunette")[
(if:$FaceImage is 1)[<img src="Images\Brunette Orgasm Face 1.gif">]
(else:)[<img src="Images\Brunette Orgasm Face 2.gif">]
(if:$FaceImage is 1)[]
(elseif:$FaceImage is 2)[]
(else:)[]]}You decide not to call Andrew back. Instead, you spend the rest of the day, watching TV. It's boring, but safe.
**Taking the safe way out. Not very brave, are you?
Courage is decreased. (set:$Courage to it - 1)
New value: $Courage**
(if:$NewIngredients is 0)[ [[Next Morning->Ingredient Hunting 2]]](else:)[ [[Next Morning->Fly back home]]]If there's anything worse than exploring the Louisiana bayous looking for voodoo ingredients, it's doing it again. You already had most of what you needed. Now, you have to start over from nothing. Damn Titus! Someday, you're going to go back and pay him a visit.
But, now that Marcus knows what you're looking for, it goes by fairly quickly. There are no boat crashes, no issues with the locals, and no wildlife attacks. By 4 in the afternoon, you've got a good supply of everything you could ask for, except the white alligator parts.
"I love the gumbo, but honestly, I hope I never see spanish moss again!" Patti grouses. "I've had enough heat and mosquitos to last me a lifetime."
"You get used to it." Marcel doesn't look so happy to have his home disparaged. "Personally, I can't stand the smog, noise, traffic, crime, and crowds you live with in The City."
"I guess you've got a point." Patti concedes. She's probably just trying to be nice.
Once you're back at the cars, you say goodbye to Marcel.
"We'll probably be back for more samples sometime." Wyatt shakes Marcel's hand.
"Give me a call... I'm not going anywhere." Marcel winks at you, and leaves. (set:$NewIngredients to 1)
[[Head back to the hotel->Good night]].The next day, you sleep in until 10 then head to Louis Armstrong International for the flight home. (if:$NewIngredients is 3)[
You can't exactly put a baby white alligator in your luggage. So, at your direction, Wyatt hires an illegal animal smuggler to transport him for you.
**Criminality increased (set:$Criminality to it + 1)
New value: $Criminality**
](if:$NewIngredients > 1)[It was quite a trip you had but actually very successful. You could have had Wyatt change you back immediately, but your documents and plane tickets are for 'Jacki', so you decided to wait until you get back.](else:)[What a trip. You didn't get everything you needed to change back into a man, but you did get quite a haul of voodoo ingredients.]
(if:$RelicInfo > 0)[Then there was that (if:$RelicInfo is 2)[alligator and the ]voice in your head telling you about a relic. What do you make of that? Yet, all the way back to The City, you can feel the relic getting closer.
][[next->Prepare to be changed back]]
$NewIngredients is 1 => you kept what you gathered
2 => plus you got to take samples off of Jenny
3 => plus you have a baby white alligator
0 => you got nothing!
$Raped +1 if Titus raped you
$AvoidMarvanna 1 if you ran into Marvanna in the swamp
$AndrewDate1 1 Take me home after seeing the sex show
2 Get a lapdance from a sexy woman
3 Got frisky with Andrew, then got sick
$RelicInfo 0 Don't know anything
1 Didn't see the alligator, but know relic location
2 Saw giant white alligator...know relic location
-->You sigh. "Ok, Titus. What if I let you feel my tits while you...take care of your problem?"
"I'd be eternally grateful, Missy." He sounds sincere, almost like he's promising the preacher he won't tell any more lies.
"Well, go for it then. But, you better be gentle!"
"I will. I promise!"
You get back on the bed, shaking your head. "Don't make me regret this."
On your hands and knees next to him, Titus can reach up with his right hand and feel your breasts. You're wearing a halter top with no bra. At least it's so dark you don't have to see his dirty clothes and nasty beard.
The old geezer is reasonably gentle. After a few minutes of groping, he slips the thin straps over your shoulders and down to the small of your back, leaving your breasts bare to his touch.
In the dark like this, it's not so bad. He's actually got a nice touch. Your nipples appreciate his rough calloused palm. They get harder and harder, the more he plays with them.
"Missy, I think your titties like to be touched." He sounds a little breathless.
"Just do your business." How embarrassing! But, nipples are kind of like teenage dicks...they get hard when they want to and there's nothing you can do about it. Feeling the rhythmic shaking of the bed, you can only imagine what he's doing with his other hand. It's probably wrapped around his dick, squeezing, jerking up and down. He's probably getting really hard, feeling tits as awesome as yours.
Titus is pulling your nipples a littler harder now and pinching them too. But, now that they're erect, they don't mind the rougher treatment. It actually feels pretty good.
"How much longer? Aren't you about done?" Your voice sounds a little raspy.
"I'm a tryin' Missy! But, I ain't used to doin this with mah left hand. It don't feel right." He sounds frustrated.
Now what?
[[Just wait for him]]. He'll get there eventually.
[[Crawl over to his other side]] so he can use his right hand."No! Titus, we had a deal. I gave you what I promised."
You can feel his hand on your leg, so you jerk away and jump out of bed. It's pitch dark in the room. Where's your cell phone? On the other side of the bed?
"Just let me feel them titties for a few minutes. Please? That's all it will take. I'm so worked up, I feel like I could bust." He's close to you. He knows the room.
"Titus! If you don't back off right now, I'm going to scream. There are three men in the next room and they're not going to let you rape me, so BACK OFF!" You surprise yourself with the steel in your voice.
He gets completely quiet. Where is he? What's he doing?
You stand still and hold your breath. You can hear him breathing. It's not quite a normal breathing pattern. It's like he's lifting something. Grunting? Oh, hell...he's jacking off. Gross!
You try to move away and run smack into the wall. Then, you try a different direction. There's the table with your phone and shoes. You take them. There's the door. You're out in the other room with Wyatt, Patti, and Marcel.(set:$Path to 4)
Titus shuts the door behind you. It looks like you'll be [[sleeping on the couch->try to go to sleep]] after all.Well, Titus is an older guy. Older guys take longer. Right? Plus, he can't see your sexy body in the dark. So, you'll be patient with him.
Titus continues to play with your breasts, and especially your nipples, while he works his dick left-handed. How long has it been? Ten minutes? Since you became a woman, your breasts haven't had this much uninterrupted attention, at least not without some action for your pussy too.
Oh. Your pussy. Against every wish, against all your will, your stupid pussy is starting to get warm. You'd probably die of embarrassment if this dirty swamp rat found out he was getting you hot.
"Maybe if I could touch your pussy, that would get me over the edge?" Titus suggests.
"No!" You practically yell.
"Ok, ok! Jeez...calm down. It was just an idea. I know you want this to be done."
You *do* want it to be done, but you don't want him to touch your pussy.
[[Keep waiting for Titus to cum]].
[[Use your hand on to get him off]].You crawl on all-fours around to the other side of the bed. In the process, you bump into the geezer's dick. What? How does that happen? He must have turned over on his side...probably did it on purpose.
"Is that better?"
"Much better."
Titus continues to play with your breasts, and especially your nipples, while he works his dick. How long has it been? Ten minutes? Since you became a woman, your breasts haven't had this much uninterrupted attention, at least not without some action for your pussy too.
Oh. Your pussy. Against every wish, against all your will, your stupid pussy is starting to get warm. You'd probably die of embarrassment if this dirty swamp rat found out he was getting you hot.
"Oh yeah, Missy! It's cummin!"
"It's about damn time!"
Titus grabs ahold of your right nipple and pinches it hard, then stretches it down. He's being really rough with it. If they weren't so stiff, this would hurt.
He bucks his hips and shakes the whole bed. After a minute or so, he falls still and it's all over.
"Oh....man. That was...awesome. Missy, I ain't cum like that in ten years. I made a hell of a mess."
"Well, get your mess out of here. We're done now, Titus. Done!"
"Ok. Ok. I'm a goin. You done yer part. I appreciate..."
He leaves and shuts the door behind him. Finally, you can get some sleep.(set:$Path to 3)
[[next->try to go to sleep]]"I'm sorry, Missy. I know them nipples must be gettin tender." Titus takes his hand away for a second. Maybe he's going to give up? Maybe it's over?
But, then the hand returns and the fingers are *wet*. He must have licked his fingers. Eeeewwwww! Gross! But, it actually feels really good. Your nipples were getting sensitive. Now, his fingers just slide over your breasts like silk.
"Mmmmm" Oh shit. You moaned! But, dammit, your nipples are aching. They're probably a half-inch long and bright red right now.
"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"
"No. I'm good. How are you doing? Almost done?" You can only hope. Your whole body is feeling hot and tense. It would be nice to have privacy so you could get some relief.
"I think so. I'm gettin really hard right now. You want to feel?"
"No! I don't want to feel!" You imagine his hard dick, straining to cum. Why is that not as disgusting as it was a few minutes ago? Your breasts feel hot and swollen. They feel heavy. You shift your legs back and forth, wishing you could rub your pussy.
"Oh yeah, Missy! It's cummin!"
"It's about damn time!"
Titus grabs ahold of your right nipple and pinches it hard, then stretches it down. He's being really rough with it, but you're so aroused it doesn't hurt. Instead...oh fuck....DAMN....you're cumming! Just from having your tits stroked, your arms get weak and your toes curl. And when Titus gives your nipple another yank, there's another wave of pleasure.
You collapse on the bed. Seriously? You just came from getting your nipples played with. Luckily, Titus is too distracted by his own cum to worry about what you're up to.
"Oh....man. That was...awesome. Missy, I ain't cum like that in ten years. I made a hell of a mess."
"Well, get your mess out of here. We're done now, Titus. Done!"
"Ok. Ok. I'm a goin. You done yer part. I appreciate..."
He leaves and shuts the door behind him.
Finally, you can get some sleep.(set:$Path to 1)
[[next->try to go to sleep]]It's disgusting but, if you ever want this to end, you're going to have to take things into your own hands. Literally. So, you reach your right hand over and locate Titus's dick. It's not particularly big, maybe 5 inches, but he is bone hard.
His dick feels hot to the touch. You slide your fingertips over the veiny ridges, slowly up and down. After a minute, you pick up speed. He continues to play with your erect nipples.
"Are you ready to cum, Titus? Have my titties got you excited? Do you like the feel of my hand?"
"Oh, gawd, Missy!"
"Come on, Titus. Give me a big load of cum! Cum for me, Titus!"
And, he does. He growls and groans and bucks his hips like he's crazy. The minute you feel hot wetness on your hand, you jerk it away, but it's too late to avoid getting some on you.
A minute later, it's over. "Oh....man. That was...awesome. Missy, I ain't cum like that in ten years. I made a hell of a mess."
"Well, get your mess out of here. We're done now, Titus. Done!"
"Ok. Ok. I'm a goin. You done yer part. I appreciate..."
He leaves and shuts the door behind him.
Finally, you can get some sleep.(set:$Path to 2)
[[next->try to go to sleep]]You let the dress slide off your body and crawl onto the bed. It's all you can do not to fall over. When you drink whiskey too quickly, it hits you like a ton of bricks. And that was when you were a man. As a woman it's even worse. And then, you do fall over.
(display:"Ready for Sex")
The room is spinning. You hug the bed and wish for it to stop, but it doesn't.
You can feel Andrew rubbing his cock against your pussy.
But, you don't feel well at all. "Andrew...stop... I think I'm gonna be sick."
[[next->after sick]]Some of your friends from college might have taken advantage of this situation. If Andrew chose to, there wouldn't be anything you could do about it.
But, he doesn't.
With a little help, you manage to make it into the ladies room before your stomach turns inside out. One of the waitresses puts a wet cloth on your forehead and gives you a slice of lemon to suck on. It helps.
After about 15 minutes, you're not sick anymore. Just drunk. You find Andrew talking with another guest...an attractive blonde young woman. Don't be jealous.
"Are you alright?" He asks.
"I'll live."
"Patricia, this is the woman I was telling you about. Jacki, this is my dear friend Patricia."
"It's nice to meet you, Jacki." She sounds like a southern belle as she eyes you up and down. You note that she has a wasp thin waist and artificially big boobs. If you weren't sick/drunk you'd be attracted to her.
"Patricia, if you'll excuse us?" Andrew is acting all proper.
"Certainly. It was nice to meet you, Jacki. I hope you're feeling better soon." She gives you a fake smile.
"Yeah, me too."
Andrew guides you toward the club entrance, past the gaming tables, the dancers, the bar, and the bouncers. The room isn't spinning anymore, but you couldn't walk a straight line if your life depended on it. By the time you get to the street, Andrew's car is parked at the curb, engine running.
You're silent. The euphoric stage of your drunk wore off 15 minutes ago. Now, you're in the 'why did I do that?' stage.
"I didn't mean to get so drunk." You apologize as you get in the car.
"[[Don't worry about it->I enjoy driving]]." He says. Driving at normal speeds, it takes nearly an hour to get you back to the hotel. By then, you're feeling a little better.
Andrew parks at the curb and walks you to the elevator. "Thank you for coming with me tonight. I think we enjoy many of the same tastes."
"I had fun." Uh oh... Is he going to want to kiss you goodnight? You turn your head to the side and back away. "I'm sorry...my breath is probably disgusting right now."
"I will call you." He says. You're pretty sure he means it, too.
"I'll be heading back to the city..."
"No problem. Good night Jacki."
[[Good night]].
You shower, eat a sandwich from room service and brush your teeth.
(if:$AndrewDate1 > 0)[Your mind is caught up with Andrew, wondering what you'll say if/when he calls you for another date. He's an unusual man.
It's late by the time you get to sleep.
(if:$NewIngredients is 0)[ [[Next Morning->Ingredient Hunting 2]]](else:)[ [[Next Morning->Fly back home]]]](else:)[Your mind drifts to Andrew. You can't help but wonder what would have happened if you'd gone out with him.
Hmmm.... You still have his number. You could still [[call him->call Andrew]], if you wanted to. Even though you're able to resist it, you can still feel a compulsion to do just that.
(if:$NewIngredients is 0)[ [[Next Morning->Ingredient Hunting 2]]](else:)[ [[Next Morning->Fly back home]]]]"So, this is a rental car... You don't live in New Orleans?"
"No. I live in The City now. But, I was born and raised here." In a stretch of open road, Andrew pushes the speed past 120.
"Really? It must have been cool, growing up in New Orleans." You try to relax, but your voice still sounds squeaky.
"Actually, we didn't live in the urban area. We were more on the outskirts." He avoids giving specifics just as deftly as he avoids getting trapped behind a line of slow cars.
"Does your family still live here?" ...or (the thought crosses your mind) did you kill them in a car crash?
"There was only my mother. She isn't here anymore." He abruptly slows the car, crosses two lanes, and exits the freeway. You hold on tight as the G-forces toss you back and forth.
Now on city streets, Andrew is forced to slow somewhat. Yet, amazingly, he manages to catch every green light.
"That's like five green lights in a row! How lucky can you get?"
"We make our own luck, Jacki. Sometimes, all luck requires is that we give her a chance." Andrew pulls up to a curb in downtown New Orleans. "[[We have arrived]]." It feels good to be safely back in your apartment. You and Wyatt stow the voodoo ingredients while Patti heads to the kitchen. "I don't know about you guys, but I'd really like to have a home-cooked meal right now.
Usually Wyatt does the cooking, but he's not complaining. "What's for dinner? Please don't tell me gumbo!"
"Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, broccoli, and garlic bread."
"Very nice!"
No one mentions voodoo or Louisiana throughout the meal. Patti keeps checking her phone. Wyatt tries to talk to you about a pulsar that's losing it's brightness, but you do a poor job of acting interested. (if:$AndrewDate1 > 0)[You'd like to talk about Andrew, but that would just be weird.]
So, instead you talk about his Mom. She's been seeing a doctor about her sore throat. None of the medicine is helping. So, now she needs to get an ultrasound test.
"...sounds like her thyroid..." Patti joins in every once in a while, just to let you know she's listening.
Eventually, the meal is done and it's time to (if:$NewIngredients > 1)[(if:$SuccessfulTheft is 1)[(link:"get down to business")[(goto:"Another chance to change back")]](else:)[(link:"get down to business")[(goto:"Change back?")]].](else:)[(link:"get down to business")[(goto:"Revert to Patti's Plan")]]"Well...it's decision time again." Wyatt says. "Last time, we only had enough of the special ingredients to either change you back to your old bodies, or to cast the spell of hiding. You chose the spell of hiding."
"Better safe than sorry. That's what my grandma used to say." Patti is staring at her empty plate. She ate as much as you and Wyatt put together.
"Well, thanks to our success in Louisiana, now we have what we need to change you both back to normal." Wyatt smiles broadly.
Patti sits in silence and continues to stare at her plate, twirling the last strand of fettucine around her fork, over and over.
Wyatt looks puzzled. "OK. So who wants to go first?"
Patti finally looks up. "Not me. I'm not changing back."
<img src="Images\Patti Face 3.jpg">
"Really?" Wyatt looks stunned. You shake your head. He should have seen this coming.
"Really. I always kind of suspected I should have been a man." She shrugs. "Now that I've had a chance to try it out, I'm sure."
You sit quietly. You already had this conversation with Patti.
"You knew this?" Wyatt looks at you sharply.
<img src="Images\Wyatt Face 1.jpg">
"Yeah...I knew for a while." Maybe you should have told Wyatt. "It's OK, isn't it? Can't she go on being Patrick forever?"
Wyatt thinks for a moment. "I suppose... We can say she had gender reassignment treatment. She can change her name, but keep her social security number and legal identification. It could work." He seems disappointed.
Well, there's no way he's as disappinted as you are. You'll never get to see your dream girl again...at least, not as a girl.
"I suppose that means you're my first subject." Wyatt says to you. "I'll start preparing the spell."
"Unless you don't want to..." Patti says softly, taking your tiny hand in hers.
You tell Wyatt:
"[[Great! I can't wait to get my old body back->Insist on being changed back to a man]]."
"[[Hold on there. I'm not ready to make the change yet->Not right now...maybe later]]."(if:$MaybeLater is 1 and $TitusLater is 0 and DogsAreDead is 0)[Your friends offer to let you, the only woman, sleep on the couch.
But, Titus won't hear of it. "No. Missy don't need to be sleepin in the same room with a bunch of men." He looks at you kindly. "You can sleep in my room and I'll sleep out here with the men."
That's awful chivalrous of him. "Thank you, Titus. But..."
"No buts, Missy. I won't hear different. I'll sleep right here on the couch." He's not open to discussion.
The swamp man's other room is only slightly cleaner than the first one. You decide to sleep in your clothes on top of the bedcovers. There's no telling what you might find in the bed.
[[Next->later with Titus]]](else:)[The three men offer to let you, the only woman, sleep on the couch. It's dirty with swamp mud, dropped food, and who knows what else. At least it'll offer some padding as compared to the uneven wood floor. (set:$Path to 5)
You [[try to go to sleep]], hoping the night will pass quickly.]Wyatt studies you in silence for a minute. What is he thinking?
Patti speaks up. "Wyatt, not everyone is as locked in on their gender identity as you are."
"It's not that." He says. "Anyway... I *would* do more research on the relic in your dream, but we seem to be missing one of the books. Maybe $Team overlooked it...maybe it wasn't with the others...I don't know. But, there's a numbered set of 'history' books in the collection. Volume one, titled *Origin of Power* described the beginnings of voodoo, volume two was about the names of spirits, and so forth. We're missing volume four: *Objects of Power*."
"Is it that important?" The (if:$RelicInfo is 2)[alligator](else:)[voice in your head] made it sound like all you have to do is hold the darn thing.
Wyatt shakes his head ominously. "I wouldn't go near a relic without knowing more about it. In the histories, there are several examples of masters who were possessed or controlled through relics."
Patti interjects "Jacki...leave that thing alone. Why risk it?"
"I think it would be awesome to be able to command the spirits, even without ingredients!" In your head, you picture yourself as a powerful wizard. That would be incredible!
She looks at you oddly, but says nothing. What's her problem? You don't sound like a power-obsessed cartoon villain...at least not to yourself.
Seeing her reaction, you tone it down a little. "OK. I get it. I'll be cautious. Let's get the book first." You focus on Wyatt. "Do you think Marvanna has it."
"That is the most likely case. I would guess that it's somewhere in her house, but not in the place where she normally keeps her books. That's the only reason $Team would have overlooked it."
"So...I would need to get into Marvanna's house..."
Is that what you want to do?
"[[I want that book]]!"
"[[I don't need anything]]. I'm happy with things as they are.""Look...guys..." You make your sales pitch to Wyatt and Patti. "*We* need that book. *We* need to get the relic and figure out how to use it. Once we've done that, we can cast powerful spells without needing ingredients. We won't need to make any more trips to Louisiana and we won't need to fear Marvanna. *We've got to do this!*"
They're not sold. Patti is shaking her head. Wyatt is considering it, though.
"Wyatt...don't you want to know more about how relics work?"
"Of course..." he nods.
"Patti..." you begin, but she cuts you off.
"It's OK, Jacki. If this is what you want, I'll help."
"Really?" You're surprised. That was too easy.
She nods. "Yes. Really. You decided to stay a woman. I'm so proud of you and so happy. I'll do whatever I can to help." She looks like she's about to cry.
"Great! Thank you." You pat the back of her hand. She takes your little hand in hers and holds it.
"So, now [[we need a plan...->try Patti's infilitration plan]]"
** End of Chapter 3 **
This branch ends here, for now. There are other branches with more content.<< RAPE SCENE CENSORED>> (set:$HadSex to it + 1)(set:$Raped to it + 1)(set:$RapedByTitus to 1)
Fifteen minutes later... You're bruised, dirty, sore, disgusted, and traumatized. In your whole life you've never felt so powerless. To that man, you had no value other than as a recepticle.
Then, he runs you all off at gunpoint. "If I see you on my property again, I'll shoot your asses!"
He wouldn't even let you take the ingredients you gathered before you met him. (set:$NewIngredients to 0)
"I heard screaming. What happened in there?" Wyatt wants to know.
"Nothing. Nothing happened." You lie. You can't tell him. The sooner you can pretend this whole thing never happened, the better.
Wyatt knows you're lying, but he also knows better than to keep asking. "If I had my gun..." You all [[head back to the boat in silence and defeat]].Titus has his overalls down around his ankles. He pushes you over the table. "Stop fightin' Missy, or I'm gonna have to box your ears again."
BANG! You hear a loud noise from outside. Was that a gunshot?
"Grrrrr!" Titus is angry at being interrupted. "Don't you move!" He yells at you as he moves awkwardly over to the door.
BANG! BANG! Two more shots?
Titus opens the door a crack to peek outside. "Awwwwww shit! You fuckers shot my dogs!" He yells in agony. (set:$DogsAreDead to 1)
Then, he backs away from the door just before it slams open. Wyatt, Marcus, and Patti burst in to find you naked, crying, bruised....and Titus with his overalls half-off.
"What the hell are you doing, Titus?" Marcel is holding Wyatt's gun, pointing it at Titus.
Your would-be rapist pulls up his overalls. "She started it!"
Patti takes you in her arms. "Are you OK?"
"No! I'm *NOT* ok!" Your head is starting to clear, but it also hurts like hell.
[[next->RA Aftermath]]After a long discussion, you decide not to report Titus to the authorities. It would raise too many questions. Four people, three of them men, on Titus's property...and you're accusing him of violence? Plus, they'd probably do a background check on you.
Instead, you agree to tie him up and leave him on the bed while you gather your alligator samples. You can set him free when you're ready to leave.
Personally, you'd like to beat the bastard with stick, but the men won't let you. They probably don't realize just how angry you are. Even Patti doesn't seem to get it. You can only imagine how bad it would have been if Titus had the chance to follow through.
[[Next->how to tranquilize Jenny]] you need to figure out how to tranquilize that alligator so you can collect your samples.By the time you get home, take care of some things around the house, and eat dinner, you never feel like doing anything except watching TV until you fall asleep.
(link:"next")[(goto:"End of Day")]In the back yard, between a couple of thorny Pyracantha bushes, you find the basement window.
Maria is on her hands and knees, pushing on the window...
<img src="Images\Maria Ass Bending.jpg">
"It'th locked."
"Darn." Your face is just inches from her ass. You fight your urges.
Maria sits back on her heels. "I'm gonna try a thpell..."
"I thought you said you didn't have any ingredients?"
"I don't...not for anything big. But, I alwayth have simple thingth like lock opening prepared, jutht in cathe."
Maria speaks a quick, quiet command in the spirit language...and nothing happens. "Thhit!"
"What's wrong?"
"...can't thay the wordth right...one more try..."
There's a popping sound and the window cracks open just enough for Maria to grip and pull. [[It's open!]]Maria slides down through the window opening feet first while you hold her hands to keep her from falling. Luckily, Maria is small so you're able to hang on.
Then, it's your turn. Maria holds your legs to slow your descent. You end up in a face-to-face embrace. "We've got to stop meeting like this." You joke.
"Oh, I don't know... I kind of like it." She says as she squeezes your ass before letting go.
While Maria collects what she needs for her spell, you discretely search the basement for the (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book] you hope to steal.
"Maria...I just had a thought..."
"If your Momma is already mad at you for wasting ingredients, what will she think about you coming down here to get more?"
"I know. Thhe won't be happy. But, right now, *I'm not happy*! Thhe thouldn't do thith to me!" Your friend is getting emotional again.
All too quickly, Maria seems to have [[found what she needs]]. You still haven't found what you're looking for. "Uh...Jacki?" Maria sounds concerned.
"Yes?" You found a few dusty boxes under a table that might have what you need.
"It'th not going to work. Thith thpell...the wordth have a lot of eth'th in them. I'll never get it right!" The poor girl sounds defeated.
You leave your search of the promising boxes and go to Maria. "I'm sorry. We tried."
Maria sobs on your shoulder. "I jutht want my body back. I want to go to thchool with my friendth."
"When is your Momma coming back?"
"I don't know! Thhe didn't tell me. I could be like thith for a week!" She's out and out crying now. "My breathtth hurt tho bad. I hate having big tittieth!"
You could...
[[Offer to say the spell for her]].
(link:"Try to help her with her painful breasts.")[(set:$FromBasement to 1)(goto:"sympathetic friend")]
[[Give up and go back home]]."Maria...I don't know what to say or do but...could you show me? Could I say the spell for you?"
Maria steps back and looks at you. "I don't know... Not jutht anyone can do thith." She smiles. "But, we could try!"
"Try? What happens if I screw it up?" You ask.
"Thay the wordth right and it'll be ok. Jutht don't turn me into a toad!" Is she joking? Hopefully she's joking.
Maria shows you the spell and let's you practice each word until she's happy with your pronunciation. Then, she mixes up the ingredients and tells you to get started.
At first, everything goes OK. You're able to summon the spirit into the circle. (if:$VoodooSkill > 2)[You've seen a few before. They're typically vague, indistinct shapes reminiscent of smoke or clouds. This one is no different.](else:)[It's a vaguely human shape, reminiscent of smoke or a cloud.]
As you explain the task, the spirit moves nervously around the circle, shimmering oddly in the dim basement light. It may look like smoke, but it doesn't move like smoke.
Then, the (if:$VoodooSkill > 4)[ [[spirit speaks back to you->Understand Spirit]]](else:)[ [[spirit speaks back to you->Don't Understand Spirit]]]."I'm sorry, Maria." You kiss the top of her head. "At least we tried."
"Thank you for coming over. I gueth I'll thee you in a few dayth...or whenever Momma endth thith thpell." She sniffs and steps back.
The two of you crawl back out the basement window. Then, you say goodbye and head back home.
(link:"End of the day")[(goto:"End of Day")] The spirit wants to know what should replace the dick after it's removed.
Dick? What dick? Did Maria get the dick from party night too? Her mother must have cast all three spells on her. Wow. That's some tough love.
You pretend not to understand and look at Maria for help. She gives you spirit words to describe her perfectly normal clitoris. Of course, she can't pronounce them properly but, since you speak the spirit language somewhat, you're able to correct the errors.
Now, the spirit has another question... It wants to fix her tongue so she can speak properly, but leave it longer than normal. Apparently, that's easier for the spirit to do.
Again you let Maria give you the answer. She wants her completely normal tongue back. Awwww... You kind of enjoyed the feel of that tongue.
You pass on Maria's instructions....and then [[the spirit is gone->then it's gone]].You can't understand what the spirit is saying! You don't know enough of the spirit language. In panic, you look to Maria for help.
She gives you something to say in the spirit language, but you can't tell if she's saying it right or not because of her long tongue. When she speaks English, you can generally understand what she's saying due to context. But, you aren't fluent in the spirit language. Who knows what it's supposed to sound like?
What do you want to do?
Repeat Maria's words [[exactly exactly as Maria said them]].
Make your best guess and try to [[correct for her lisp]].
This is not something you want to get wrong. [[Say nothing]].(set:$MariaTongue to 1)At least this way Maria can't blame you if it goes wrong. You've done everything she asked and now you repeat her words to the spirit exactly the way she said them.
It would be nice if you could see the spirit's reaction, but it doesn't have much of a face. It's mostly just a cloud of smoke.
The spirit comes back with more gibberish. This can't be good. But, Maria is already giving you more words to say. So, you repeat those too...and then [[the spirit is gone->then it's gone]].Maria repeats herself while the spirit waits for your answer. You know at least some of those "th" sounds should be pronounced as an "s". But, which ones?
Listening carefully, you note the parts where Maria goes slower and seems to struggle. Then, you repeat Maria's words to the spirit, while changing those particular parts from "th" to "s".
The spirit comes back one more time and you use the same procedure to answer.
And, [[then it's gone]]. "Maria! This is too risky! I can't tell what you're saying."
"Jutht try! Pleeth?"
"I don't want anything bad to happen to you! If I say it wrong, the spirit might hurt you."
Maria's shoulders slump and her face turns glum. "Here. Give thith to the thpirit and make thith mothion." She hands you a tiny container with powder in it.
When you do as she instructs, the spirit disappears immediately.
"I'm sorry, Maria. I was afraid. The spirit could have hurt you." You put your hands on her shoulders, but she doesn't seem to be in the mood for a hug.
"I know." She sighs heavily. "I guess I'll just have to wait for Momma to come home.
[[Time for you to go->Give up and go back home]].You spend a little more time hanging out with Maria before you leave. It's clear you really are becoming her BFF. She tells you anything and everything, without holding back.
It's almost scary to have someone trust you like that, especially when you've gained that trust for your own nefarious purposes.
Eventually, (link:"you head back home")[(goto:"sleep 2")]Maria hugs you, her face radiating joy. "Thank you! Thank you! Oh, god it feels sooo good to be(if:$MariaTongue is 0)[ normal again!"
"Oh, wow. It worked?"
"Yes! Perfect! Jacki, you are awesome!"](else:)[ almost normal."
"Almost?" Uh-oh...
Maria sticks out her tongue and it's as long as ever!
<img src="Images\Long Tongue Girl.jpg">
You cup your face in your hands. "Oh, no! I'm so sorry! What did I do wrong?"
"It's not a complete waste...", Maria says. "...I got my perky little titties back AND I can pronounce my S's now."
"Sooooo...you're not mad at me?" You say tentatively.
"No. Not at all! You were awesome. Thank you!"]
"Cool. Just...please don't tell your Momma I helped you. OK?"
"It'll be our secret." She makes a zipper motion over her lips.
[[next->Hang out a bit]]Your words come out in an emotional torrent accompanied by tears. "I just don't know what to do! I need your help. Please? I only wanted to be a woman for a little while, but it's been going on for weeks now!"
Marvanna squints a little as she listens. "How long have you been a woman?"
<img src="Images\Marvanna 4.jpg">
"$Day days! I count them off. It's awful!" You dab at the tears in your eyes. (if:$NewIngredients < 2)["But we just don't have the ingredients to change me back."]
"Hmmm...Jacki, how old are you?"
"I'm...." No matter how hard you try, you just can't say 18. "...23."
Marvanna isn't looking at you so kindly right now. Her gaze is intense. "So, why is a 23 year-old ex-male going to high school with *my daughter*?"
You keep your mouth shut. Maybe that was a rhetorical question? Maybe she'll ask something easier...
"Answer the damn question!" Marvanna practically yells at you.
Oh, shit. Only truth... "I knew you were a powerful voodoo queen. But, I was afraid you wouldn't help me. I thought if I was friends with Maria..." You pause, hoping that's enough. But it's not.
"So, you were using Maria to get to me. She told me how you saved her from a gang of thugs...on your first day at her school." Marvanna stares directly into your eyes. "That wasn't just some random attack...was it?"
You don't answer, but your silence speaks loudly. Marvanna's expression changes from skepticism to outright anger.
"Wait! I can explain!"
"No one puts my daughter in danger!" Marvanna's face is dark and fierce.
The voodoo queen pulls a sheaf of papers from her purse and begins to read the spirit language loud and clear. Tendrils of ice immediately begin to form on your skin!
"[[Help!]]""But..." You start to tell her more. But, maybe that's not a good idea. If you tell her the whole story, she'll know what a slime ball you were for transforming Patti in the first place. Even worse, she'll know you were just using Maria to get close so you could steal (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients to change you back](else:)[her book about voodoo relics]. So, you bite your tongue and keep quiet.
"Sometimes, a spell doesn't work out the way you want...especially if the practitioner is inexperienced." She casts another angry look at Maria. "Did you get what you wanted?"
"No." Things didn't work out the way you wanted. You're still hoping to minimize the damage from that truth spell by saying as little as possible.
"You poor thing! Listen...Jacki...? You're Jacki, right?"
You say nothing, silently (if:$SpellOfHiding is 1)[praying that the *spell of hiding* continues to hold up](else:)[thanking your lucky stars that you haven't actually stolen anything].
"Jacki, I might be able to help you with all this. Let me deal with the rest of this mess first." She turns her attention back to Henry and Maria. "Come see me in about a week and hopefully I'll have time to help you."
[[Ask about Patti]].
[[Just leave while you can]]."Please...can I go home now?" If you're around Marvanna too long, she might figure out how you were using Maria and planning to steal her (if:$RelicInfo is 0)[ingredients](else:)[book].
"Well, I guess it's none of my business if you want to be a teenage slut. I've got more important things to worry about." She looks around the room. "You and your brother need get out of here...now."
She doesn't have to tell you twice! Patti and you are [[out the door]] in a flash.](set:$ProvocativeSchoolClothes to 1)You go into the girl's restroom, remove your bra and panties, and stuff them in your purse. Then, you roll the waistband of your skirt a few times, raising your hemline well above your knees.
When you leave the restroom, you can feel the cool breeze on your pussy and your $BreastAdjective breasts (if:$BreastAdjective is "huge" or $BreastAdjective is "big")[bounce](else:)[jiggle] with every step. (if:$Exhibitionism > 0)[The ''exhibitionist'' in you get's a thrill out of this. (if:$Exhibitionism > 3)[Seeing all the boys gawk makes you hot.]]
Then, it's [[time for class->Time for Class 2]].(set:$Random to (either:1,2))(if:$Random is 1 and $SeenTFC2 is 0)[First hour is History with Ms. Peabody. She frowns when she sees how you're dressed, but she doesn't say anything.
Robert, the 'bad boy' winks at you.
Anthony, the basketball player gives you a quiet 'wolf whistle'.
You don't even acknowledge their existence. Today, you're a goddess. They can look, admire, and even lust after you. But, they are not worthy of your attention.
"Slut." Felicity gives you a dirty look and then waddles to the front of the room for a talk with Ms. Peabody.
Then, the bell rings. Ms. Peabody shrugs and Felicity slowly heads back to her seat without making eye contact.
"Get out of the way, you cow." Robert tells her. "I can't see Jacki."
How do you feel about Felicity?
It's bad enough that she's fat, but she also goes out of her way to annoy everyone and be a 'suck up' to the teachers. [[I don't like her]].
The poor girl is just jealous. She probably wishes she was hot like me. [[I feel sorry for her]].](elseif:$CrystalHelp is 0)[(goto:"Crystal Help")](else:)[Nothing interesting happens today.
(link:"Next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]](if:$CardMagicMastered is 1)[You just had an idea how to mess with Felicity! You could use your *Card Magic* spell to [[steal her homework]]!
](if:$GustOfWindMastered is 1)[Hmmm... You could use your *Gust of Wind* spell to [[embarrass Felicity]].
](if:$CardMagicMastered is 0 and $GustOfWindMastered is 0)[Grrrrr! If only you knew enough voodoo to do something mean to her... Instead, you](else:)[You] just [[ignore Felicity]] for now. She's not worth your attention. (if:$ModifyBodyMastered is 1)[Poor Felicity...maybe you could use your *Modify Body* spell to [[help her a little]]?
](else:)[Poor Felicity! You wish there was something you could do to help. Maybe if you learn enough voodoo to modify a person's body...
]As much as you feel sorry for her, you decide to [[do nothing->ignore Felicity]], for now.(set:$SeenTFC2 to 1)(set:$TreatFelicity to "mean")You quietly speak the spirit words, acting as if you're mouthing the words to a song. Poof! The blank piece of paper in your hand is instantly replaced with Felicity's homework.
The poor girl's eyes get huge as she realizes the paper in her hand is blank. In a growing panic, she searches all around her desk, to no avail. Slowly, she comes to realize she has nothing to turn in.
Meanwhile, you copy all the answers off her paper. You might actually get a good grade today! Then, you crumple up her homework and kick it under the seat of the guy in front of you.
Magic is cool!
''That was mean! Felicity worked hard on that paper.
Your empathy has decreased. (set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy''
[[Next->Next Class 2]]The rest of the day passes without anything unusual going on.
(link:"Time to go home.")[(goto:"Evening Activity")](set:$SeenTFC2 to 1)(set:$TreatFelicity to "mean")You quietly speak the spirit words, acting as if you're mouthing the words to a song. Whhoooosh! A strong puff of wind lift's Felicity's old-fashioned long dress up to her waist, exposing her cottage-cheese thighs and granny panties.
The whole class breaks out in laughter. Felicity quickly pushes her dress down and then runs out of the classroom, hiding her face in her chubby hands.
If she wasn't so fat, she wouldn't be embarrassed. It wouldn't bother *you* any to show your body like that. Plus, it serves her right for being such a pain in the ass.
Magic is cool!
''Your empathy has decreased. (set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy''
[[Next->Next Class 2]](set:$SeenTFC2 to 1)(set:$TreatFelicity to "nice")Felicity isn't really ugly...just...very overweight. If she lost 50 pounds in an instant, that would attract too much attention. Maybe a small improvement is the way to help.
You quietly speak the spirit words, acting as if you're mouthing the words to a song. Poof! In an instant, you can see that Felicity's old-fashioned long dress hangs a little looser over her hips and her face is a little less puffy. You took off maybe 15 pounds for her.
She's not ready for a swimsuit, but if you gave her a few more assists, she might actually get to a healthy weight. You feel like patting yourself on the back. Your good deed for the day is done.
''Empathy has increased. (set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy''
[[Next->Next Class 2]]You ignore Felicity. Instead, you look around to see how many boys are checking you out.
You sit up straight and push out your chest. You cross your legs and let your skirt ride up, exposing all of your legs.
Yep, you've got quite an audience.
Time for your [[next class->Next Class 2]].(set:$CrystalHelp to 1)Everyone in school is afraid of Crystal. It seems like a good idea to stay on her good side. She definitely has 'issues'.
"OK. I'll help."
The cute blonde's face lights up. "Thank you! I knew you would help. Let me know right away!" She says as she walks off.
"Wait! How far do you want me to go with this?" But, it's too late. Crystal is out of earshot in the crowded hallway.
[[Time for Algebra]]That's not something you want to get mixed up in. If Crystal and her boyfriend are having issues, you don't want to get caught in the middle.
"I'm sorry, Crystal, but it just wouldn't feel right. You're my friend. I don't want to take your boyfriend."
"You're not *taking* my boyfriend." She says sharply. "I just need you to test him for me. Tell me if he's loyal."
"I don't feel comfortable doing that right now. Let me think about it. OK?" You show a sympathetic face.
"Uuuuuuuughhhhhh!" Crystal groans/growls. "Think about it?!? Well hurry up. I need to know!" Then, she stomps off.
The rest of the day isn't particularly interesting. (set:$ToldCrystalNo to it + 1)
(link:"End of the day")[(goto:"Evening Activity")]On your way to Algebra, Crystal catches up with you.
<img src="Images\Crystal Face.jpg">
You try to head off her jealousy. "Don't worry, Crystal. I'm not going to mess with Billy!"
"I need your help." She looks serious.
"What do you need?"
"I want you to test Billy for me."
"What does that mean?"
"I don't trust him. I think he cheats on me. I think he's seeing other girls." Crystal looks like she's so angry she could punch someone.
You step back just a little. "So...just dump him? I mean, you're gorgeous. If Billy is a jerk, get yourself another boyfriend."
She frowns. "But...what if I'm wrong? I haven't actually *caught* him. I want to know for sure. Then, I'm going to *kill* him!" She puts so much venom into the word 'kill', you halfway think she means it literally.
"So...you want me to...do what exactly?"
"I want you to see if Billy is interested. If he kisses you or something let me know...and I'll *kill* him!"
This girl is psycho. From the way Billy acted last time, you're pretty sure he wants to kiss you (at least).
[[Help Crystal]].
[[Tell Crystal no]].In Algebra Billy sits to your right. He's stealing glances at your long, bare, legs, but he's trying not to get caught. He's not a bad looking kid.
<img src="Images\Billy.jpg">
"Hi Billy!" You say to him. You've been playing 'ice princess' all day, so he's startled that you spoke to him.
"Do you play basketball with my brother?" You're just looking for something to make conversation.
"Why not? You're tall and athletic...I bet you'd be good at it." He's not that tall, for a guy. But he's several inches taller than you.
"Really? I mean...sure...I could play." He smiles and sits up tall when you compliment him. "But, I'm too busy."
"Busy? With what?" You stare into his eyes with rapt attention. You can tell from the stupid look on his face that he's dazzled by your beauty.
"Uh...woodworking...I'm making a bookcase." Then, he seems to turn embarrassed at how nerdy that sounds. "My parents are making me do it." His eyes keep dropping to your braless chest.
"Well, if you're doing it, I bet it's a really nice bookcase." You give him a nice smile.
"Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty nice. I do good work." Billy is not modest. He manages to meet your eyes for a moment and smile.
"Can I see it?"
"Sure. Why not?"
"Maybe today? After school?" Now, you give him the high-powered smile and watch his face turn red.
"OK! Yes! Uh, meet me at the shop. You know where that is?"
"[[I'll find it]]."The 'shop' is a metal-sided building, detached from the rest of the school. For a moment, you hestitate at the door. Maybe this isn't such a good idea. But, you told Crystal you would help. And, based on how Billy acted in Algebra class, it shouldn't take very long to 'test' him.
So, you smooth your skirt and open the door. Inside, you're immediately greeted with the smell of sawdust, paint, and electric motors. You had a semester of shop once. It was one of those 'blow-off' courses that athletes like yourself used to keep their GPA high enough to play.
There's Billy. He smiles when he sees you and walks over. "I didn't really think you would come."
<img src="Images\Billy 2.jpg">
"Why not?"
"Well...I know you're new here. But, you know about Crystal."
"Should I be afraid of her?" You ask.
"Everyone else is." He shrugs. "Come on. Let me show you my bookcase." He leads the way through the workbenches and power tools.
"Wow. I'm impressed!" Actually, you are impressed. Billy's bookcase is way better than anything you built when you took shop. "You've got skills."
"Thank you." He's trying to be nonchalant, but he's beaming pride.
He seems like a nice guy. You could...
[[Leave now and tell Crystal he passed]].
[[Give him a real test]]."That's cool, Billy. I like it." You continue to smile. "Thanks for showing me. I've got to get home now."
"Already? I thought we could talk for a while."
"Nope. Gotta go." You head to the door.
But, you don't wait. You walk quickly to your car and head home. When you get there, you text Crystal: "Billy passed".
She doesn't reply.
(link:"next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")] You run your hand along the unfinished wood. "So smooth...how do you get it like this?"
"I sand it. Like this." He picks up a piece of sandpaper and starts to work the wood.
"Can I try?"
You take the sandpaper and make random motions. You know you're not doing it right. That's the point.
"Not like that." He says.
"How? Show me?"
Billy takes your hand in his and guides it over the wood. "With the grain...firmly...back and forth..."
"Ohhhh.... I see." You turn slightly so that your ass 'accidentally' presses against him. "It's sort of like stroking...a cat."
"Something like that, I guess..." He sounds confused.
"Back and forth, back and forth..." As you repeat his words, you shift your weight from left to right, left to right. Your ass shifts back and forth against the front of Billy's jeans. "Am I doing it right? How does it feel?"
"The wood...how does it feel? Am I getting it smooth?"
"Oh...yeah...you're doing great. But, I think it needs more." He's pressing himself against your ass now. [[He's getting hard]]."Whew! My arm is getting tired. You must be strong to sand this whole bookcase." You stop sanding.
"Yeah. I guess so." He's still holding your hand, and still pressing against your ass.
Well, if he hasn't made a move yet, you can tell Crystal he's safe.
Billy speaks softly into your ear. "You know, word around school is that you're a lesbian."
"What!? Seriously? Why?"
"The way you look at the other girls. Crystal says some of them are kind of creeped out." He presses his dick against you and moves a little. It feels like a nice sized one.
Being a lesbian in this school would make your life hard. High school kids here say all kinds of mean things about LGBTQ folks. You don't know of any girls who have been brave enough to come out. You've even heard that one girl got beat up because they thought she was lesbian.
"I told them, there's no way you're a lesbian." Billy keeps rubbing his dick against your backside. It feels kind of nice to be held like this. His left hand comes up over your stomach to cup your left tit. It doesn't take much for your nipple to firm up.
"No. Of course not!" You tell him. You really don't need to deal with that right now. You've got too much else going on.
Billy licks your ear and sends a shiver down your spine straight to your pussy. "I can feel your nipple getting hard. I knew you weren't a lesbian!"
"Did Crystal...<you're breathing hard>...put you up to this?"
"Maybe..." He scratches at your stiffening nipple with his fingernail. His other hand, leaves yours and moves down between your legs.
Now what?
[[Get out of here!]]
[[Prove you're not a lesbian.]]You grab his wrists and Billy allows you to pull them away from your body. "I'm sorry. I don't want this. Not right now."
You spin around so you can face him. "Look, just because I'm not going to make out with you, that doesn't mean I'm a lesbian."
"Maybe not. But that's what everyone will think after I tell them what happened here." He leans in to try for a kiss.
You step back out of reach. "You could tell them we made out. We could both say that. I'll tell everyone what a great lover you are..."
"Crystal wouldn't like that. It would embarrass her." Billy knows his girlfriend.
"We can just tell her I was all over you, but you were strong. Would she like that?" You suggest.
"She might like it, but she wouldn't believe it. She knows I could never resist a babe like you."
"We could..." you start
"Anyway," He interrupts. "why should I lie for you? You *are* a fucking lesbian."
"No." You state firmly. "I don't make out with assholes." And you head for the door.
"Yep...100% lesbian." He says
In the car, you text Crystal: "Billy is a jerk. Dump him." She doesn't reply right away, so you (link:"head home")[(link:"Evening Activity")]Geez... Isn't this the 21st century? You shouldn't have to be afraid of your sexuality. But, the reality is that, at least in this high school, homophobia is a serious thing.
You're afraid of what might happen if the other students find out you're a lesbian. There could be incidents...teachers could get involved...parents...people might look into your records. Plus, it could make it more difficult for you to get closer to Maria.
So, you convince yourself that you need to play along with Billy, at least enough so that he doesn't think you're a lesbian.
So....how can you do that?
[[Kiss Billy]]For some reason, kissing a man is harder for your hetero self to accept than giving a handjob or even fucking. A kiss is so up close, personal, and intimate that it's impossible to disassociate your thoughts from your actions.
But, you force yourself to do it. Just a quick peck on the lips. You're relieved that it's not bad.
Billy just laughs. "Was that a kiss? My grandma kisses better than that!"
He's probably right. So, you stand on your tippy toes, grab the back of his head, and plant a big wet one on his lips. You hold it for at least 10 seconds and give him some tongue action too.
At first, his eyes go big in surprise. Maybe he really did think you were a lesbian. Then, he starts to kiss you back, nibbling at your lips and sucking on your tongue.
Now it's your turn to be surprised. It feels gooood! Your face flushes hot. Actually, your whole body feels hot. By the time you break the kiss, you're a little breathless.
"Not bad." Billy says. "Not bad at all." He leans in for another one.
You probably need to make out for a while, just to make sure he's convinced, right? At least [[one more kiss...]]<img src="Images\Billy 2.jpg">
With Billy taking the initiative on this kiss, it's even better than the first one. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you tight, pressing your firm, braless titties against his strong hard chest.
(if:$MaleAttraction < 7)[''You actually *like* kissing men!
Attraction to men has increased. (set:$MaleAttraction to it + 1)
New value: $MaleAttraction''
]Billy's right hand squeezes your left ass cheek and pulls you tight against his erection. Your pussy is warming...getting hungry. You tilt your hips a bit, pressing your slit against the lump in his pants.
This is feeling *very* good. The room is empty. It's just you and Billy here. You could certainly prove you're not a lesbian by letting him fuck you. Your body is excited. It's interfering with your mind. All you can think about is impaling yourself on that hard dick...
[[Stop! Try to get away]].
[[Give in to your urges]].You turn your head to the side and say: "Stop" in a weak, breathless voice.
Billy nibbles your ear and it feels amazing! "Come on, Jacki...you're way hotter than Crystal. Want to feel how hard I am?"
You don't say anything, but you allow him to move your hand to the front of his jeans. Oh! He is *really* hard!
"Do you want to touch it?" He asks. Without waiting for a response, he unfastens his jeans and takes your hand inside his briefs. Oh! It's hard as steel...and hot too. You did this.
It's now or never. You apply all your willpower in an attempt to end the situation.
(if:$Willpower < 2)[You put your hands on Billy's shoulders and push...weakly. Even though your mind says 'stop', your body wants another kiss and you don't have the ''willpower'' to control it.
''At least you tried to resist.
Your willpower increases a little. (set:$Willpower to it + 1)
New value: $Willpower''
Billy can sense your conflict. "Jacki, you are soooo hot!" He gives you a slow, soft, tender kiss that seems to melt your mind. Why did you want to end this? It feels so good! You give him your tongue and press your body against his.
[[Next->sex with Billy]]](else:)[Billy is good, but you are ''strong-willed''. You put your hands on Billy's shoulders and push him back.
"Awwww....come on, Jacki. One more kiss?" He pleads
But, you know 'one more kiss' would lead to another and...you'd end up fucked. "No, Billy. You're a great kisser, but...not today, not here."
He lets out a huge sigh. "OK. At least Crystal won't be mad at me.
(if:$Willpower < 5)[''Your willpower grows stronger with use. (set:$Willpower to it + 1)
New value: $Willpower''
][[next->ended it]]]Your body is so hot! Why fight it? This is going to feel good! That's generally the way you lived your life when you were a man, too. If it feels good, do it!
(if:$Willpower > 1)[Letting your id run your life? Giving in to your urges? Willpower will atrophy for lack of use.
''Willpower has decreased. (set:$Willpower to it - 1)
New value: $Willpower''
]Billy nibbles your ear and it feels amazing! "Come on, Jacki...you're way hotter than Crystal. Want to feel how hard I am?"
You don't say anything, but you allow him to move your hand to the front of his jeans. Oh! He is *really* hard!
"Do you want to touch it?" He asks. Without waiting for a response, he unfastens his jeans and takes your hand inside his briefs. Oh! It's hard as steel...and hot too. You did this.
His hot, throbbing dick feels so good in your delicate little hand. It feels so powerful and full of life, like it's an independent living thing.
Billy can tell you're getting turned on. "Jacki, you are soooo hot!" He gives you a slow, soft, tender kiss that seems to melt your mind. It feels so good! You give him your tongue and press your body against his.
[[next->sex with Billy]] You straighten up your clothes and head back to your car. Your body is still hot and sexually frustrated. The internal conflict within you is almost like a conversation...
Why did you tell him no?
I don't fuck guys!
Why not?
Because I'm a guy.
Really? You don't look like a guy to me.
I'm going to be a guy again...someday.
Well, why don't we have some fun until then?
What about the spirit's warning?
Who knows what that was about? Girl-sex is exciting! Let's experiment!
In frustration, you smack the hood of your car with your delicate little hand. The pain snaps you back to reality.
(link:"Next")[(goto:"Evening Activity")] "Ohhhh yeahhhhh!" Billy can sense your surrender. The next few minutes are a blur as you two teenagers in heat frantically rip each other's clothes off.
"Wow..." It feels awesome when he enthusiastically sucks on your big hard nipples. But, he gets carried away. "Hey...take it easy!"
Billy momentarily comes up for air. "Your tits are way better than Crystal's!" Then, he goes right back to sucking. You've never had anyone so...energetic and forceful...about loving your breasts. They're sensitive and it feels so good.
Your legs feel wobbly, so you sit back on one of the shop tables. Billy stands between your knees, licking and sucking your hard-as-stone nipples with gusto.
(if:$Dominance > 0 or $Assertiveness > 0)[Since your transformation, you've mostly shown a (if:$Dominance > 0)[''dominant''](else:)[''assertive''](if:$Dominance > 0 and $Assertiveness > 0)[ and ''assertive''] personality. Do you want to [[take control]] of this encounter?
Or, are you going to sit back and [[let Billy have his way with you]]?](else:)[Your head is going fuzzy with arousal. A more ''dominant'' or ''assertive'' person might want to take control of the situation, but that's not been your personality.
You're content to let this young man [[use you for his pleasure->let Billy have his way with you]].]"Damn! Billy, you're stiff as a board!"
<img src="Images\Billy Dick.jpg">
You put your hand on Billy's neck and push him back.
His eyes go wide when he sees the fire in your eyes. "What are you..."
(if:$Dominance > 0)["Shut up!" It feels good to be in control. ](if:$Assertiveness > 0)["You'll see..."] You stand up, spin him around, and push him backwards until he's the one sitting on the workshop table.
What do you want to do with Billy?
[[Use him for your own sexual gratification]].
[[Make him your thrall]].(set:$HadSex to it + 1) "Mmmmmm....nice....oh..." You run your fingers through his hair while he enjoys your body.
Billy pushes your legs apart and jams two fingers into your pussy.
"Oh! Easy..."
But, he isn't taking it easy. He's working those fingers hard.
It's harder and more intense than you'd prefer, but...it works. You're getting soaked down there.
(if:$Submissiveness < 2)[**You're appreciating a submissive role.
Submissiveness increased. (set:$Submissiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Submissiveness**
](if:$Assertiveness > 3)[**Your assertiveness has decreased a bit. (set:$Assertiveness to it -1)
New value: $Assertiveness**
]"Get up. Turn around." As you passively go along with whatever he does, your teenage lover gets more assertive. Then, with no warning, he jams a well-lubricated finger into your asshole.
(if:$AnalExperience is 0)["Oh!" That's a first for you, either as a man or woman. Surprisingly, it doesn't feel bad. (set:$AnalExperience to 1)] You can't help but squirm your (if:$Shape is "thin")[tight little](elseif:$Shape is "athletic")[firm and athletic](elseif:$Shape is "shapely")[sexy round](else:)[big round] ass for him.
Billy chuckles. "I think you like that!" Then, he spits in his hand. Uh...oh...!
(if:$AnalExperience is 1)[Even as hard as he is, ](else:)[Even though you're not an anal virgin, ]your young stud has to fight to get his dick in your virgin asshole.
"What?!? Why??" Doesn't he want your pussy? You try to squirm away, but Billy holds you tight.
"Easy, babe... You can't get pregnant this way." He's driving in and out now, adding spit as needed.
There's nothing you can do but take it. It's not bad, but you don't get off that way.
Billy doesn't last long. He tenses up and jams his dick as deep as it'll go. Then, after a few seconds, he relaxes. It's over. He pulls out and lays back on the table looking exhausted.
You stand up on shaky legs. Surely he won't tell anyone you're a lesbian after this. Just for insurance, you take out your cell phone and take his picture, naked with a wet dick and a dreamy look on his face.
Then, you're dressed and out the door as quick as you can manage.
"Babe! Wait..." Billy finally sits up.
"See you at school, Billy."
(link:"Head back home.")[(goto:"End of Day")](set:$HadSex to it + 1)Just because you're in a woman's body, that doesn't mean you have to sit back and depend on someone else to get you off.
Standing between his legs on your tip toes, you guide his stone hard cock into your pussy. He's nice sized, but not huge. It's a good fit. "Mmmmmm...."
<img src="Images\Amazon Position.jpg">
"Oh, baby..." He starts to get up, but you push him back.
(if:$Dominance > 0)["Don't move unless I tell you too!" Your voice radiates all the authority you can muster. ](if:$Assertiveness > 0)["I'll take care of this."]
You take one of Billy's ankles in each hand and push them back towards his shoulders. He falls back on his elbows, unable to do much of anything. In this position, you'll be fucking him. It's your pace and your depth for your pleasure.
<img src="Images\Amazon Position 2.jpg">
"Hey...slow down..." Billy groans.
You ignore him. You're driving this bus! You can tilt your pelvis just right. Oh, this is good!
"Stop! Shit! Stop! I'm coming!" Billy warns.
Already? "What the fuck?" You yell at him. You pound yourself on his dick even harder than before. You're...almost...there... His dick is hitting your sweet spot, but it's losing size...
(if:$CumBlocked is 1)["Ahhhh....shit!" You don't make it. Billy's dick has wilted into uselessness. You slam your tiny fist on the table in frustration. "Damn it!!!"
"I'm sorry, Jacki." Billy's voice is quiet. He doesn't sound too sorry. "I told you to slow down."
You back up letting his limp noodle fall out of you. You feel empty, hot, angry, and mostly frustrated. Orgasms are hard!
](else:)[And then, the most delicious feeling of warmth engulfs your whole body. Every stroke of your hips renews the pleasure. Your thighs clench, your buttocks quiver. "Oh...god...damn! Fuck yeah!"
It seems to last forever. In this dominant position, you can continue to give yourself just the right amount of stimulation to keep it coming...at least until Billy's dick goes completely limp. Still...it was good!
]You step back on shaky legs. Billy is lying flat on the table like a body ready for autopsy. At least he's not going to tell anyone you're a lesbian. Just for insurance, you take out your cell phone and take his picture, naked with a wet dick and a dreamy look on his face.
Then, you're dressed and out the door as quick as you can manage.
"Babe! Wait..." Billy finally sits up.
"See you at school, Billy."
(if:$Dominance < 4)[**Your dominance has increased. (set:$Dominance to it + 1)
New value: $Dominance**
](if:$Assertiveness < 4)[**Your assertiveness has increased. (set:$Assertiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Assertiveness**
](link:"Head back home.")[(goto:"End of Day")](set:$HadSex to it + 1)(display:"Taunt Billy")
From the looks of Billy's dick, he probably won't last too long.
You tease the poor teenager with your lips...
<img src="Images\Dick Licking 4.gif">
...until you can tell he's getting close. You giggle a little. It only took about 2 minutes of licking. "You like this, Billy?"
"Huh? Oh, hell yeah!" He's grunting and trying to fuck your face.
But, you slow down and tease him. And tease him. And tease him.
"Shit! Come on, Jacki... please? I need to cum!" He's trying to grab your hair now.
"Beg for it..." You tell him, while squeezing the base of his cock to keep him from coming.
"Please! Please let me cum!" he practically shouts.
"Why should I?" You ask.
"Please! I'll do anything. Just let me cum." He sounds like he might cry.
"You better remember that. I'm going to hold you to your promise!" Grinning, you lean back and use your fingers until the young man cums hard.
<img src="Images\Handjob Cum.gif">
"Wow. That's a lot of cum, Billy. You must have been backed up." You tease.
"That was fucking awesome!" Billy first sits, and then lays, on the workbench.
(if:$Dominance < 4)[**Your dominance has increased. (set:$Dominance to it + 1)
New value: $Dominance**
](if:$Assertiveness < 4)[**Your assertiveness has increased. (set:$Assertiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Assertiveness**
You're horny as hell right now, but that will just have to wait. Billy is lying flat on the table like a body ready for autopsy. At least he's not going to tell anyone you're a lesbian. Just for insurance, you take out your cell phone and take his picture, naked with a wet dick and a dreamy look on his face.
Then, you're dressed and out the door as quick as you can manage.
"Babe! Wait..." Billy finally sits up.
"See you at school, Billy." (set:$BillyThrall to 1)
](link:"Head back home.")[(goto:"End of Day")](set:$TauntBilly to it + 1)(if:$TauntBilly is 1)[Your lips curl upward in a wicked smile. "I'm going to make you forget all about Crystal."](elseif:$TauntBilly is 2)[]"Uh...Marvanna?" Your voice shrinks to mouse-squeak quietness when Marvanna turns to see what you want. "Can Patti leave too?"
''Leave no man (or woman) behind.
Empathy increased. (set:$Empathy to it + 1)
New value: $Empathy
Assertiveness increased. (set:$Assertiveness to it + 1)
New value: $Assertiveness''
Marvanna considers for a second. She just saw Patti banging the shit out of her daughter.
She looks at Patti and sighs. "Well, at least she has good taste. Get out of here."
She doesn't have to tell you twice! You and Patti are [[out the door]] in a flash.]Leaving Patti behind? Is that because [[you're afraid Marvanna]] will change her mind? Or, is it because you [[only care about yourself]]?There's nothing you can do for Patti. You're just a weak and helpless girl. You should to get out of here while you can.
So, you head out the door, running through the dark to the safety of your car.
''Courage has decreased. (set:$Courage to it - 1)
New value: $Courage''
[[Leave->prepare to leave]]The habits of a lifetime don't change overnight. You like Patti, but right now you're worried about yourself. There's no way you're going to put yourself at risk for her. That's just not in your nature.
''Empathy decreased.(set:$Empathy to it - 1)
New value: $Empathy
Selfishness increased. (set:$Selfishness to it + 1)
New value: $Selfishness''
[[Leave->prepare to leave]]You grip the steering wheel with white-knuckled intensity as you back up and turn toward the gate...
...and almost run over Patti. At the last second, you slam on the brakes.
Patti opens the door and gets in, looking at you with a less-than-kind expression. "Thanks for waiting...NOT."
"I would have came back!" You splutter. "I was going to get help!" Tears instantly form in your eyes. They're like an involuntary defense mechanism. You don't even have to think about it. "I'm glad you're OK!"
"Whatever..." Helpless against your tears, Patti's expression softens a little.
You put the car in gear and start driving. "How did you get away?"
"Marvanna said Maria has 'good taste' and I should go."
[[next->out the door]] This is no time to worry about Maria's feelings! Desperate times call for desperate measures. You take the $Color vial from the bandolier and hurl it against the tile floor at Marvanna's feet.
''Ruthlessness increases. (set:$Ruthlessness to it + 1)
New value: $Ruthlessness''
The vial breaks and releases a thick cloud of smoke. But, as the smoke rises, it's dissipated by a sudden gust of cold wind. Where did that come from? Apparently, Marvanna has defenses, even when she's not able to move or speak!
Maybe you still have time to [[restrain Marvanna->Restrain Marvanna]]...Sometime during the night, you have another of those vivid nightmares. You dream that the smoky figure hovers at the end of your bed. (either:"Vaguely familiar, it wavers in and out of focus like smoke in front of a mirror at twilight.", "You stare hard at the face but can't quite make out the features.")
<img src="Images\Smoky Image.jpg">
"*Why don't you heed my warnings?*" (if:$SmokyImage < 3)[The spirit-voice booms and echos off the walls. (either:"If this wasn't a dream, Wyatt and Patti would hear it.", "A cold breeze blows across your face.")](elseif:$SmokyImage is 3)[The spirit-voice is much softer than before.] (if:$RelicInfo > 0)[Something about these dreams remind you of your experience with the alligator in the bayou.]
(if:$SmokyImage is 1)[Anyway, you're not even sure what it's trying to warn you about.
"*This form...it's not what you think. Intentional or not, you are linked to unimaginable power*"
Yeah, yeah. Wyatt used voodoo. You get it. It's powerful.
"*NO!!*" The smoky figure flashes, briefly bright enough to make you cover your eyes. "*More powerful! More...malign.*"
WTF does 'malign' mean anyway?
"*You must stop...*" ...and it's gone. One minute it's there, the next the smoky image is gone. It's really annoying when a dream is unfinished.](elseif:$SmokyImage is 2)[This is the third time you've had one of these dreams and you still aren't exactly clear what it even means.
"*I'm trying to save you.*"
From what? You're already turned into a woman. It's too late.
"*There are worse fates. If you continue to feed the beast, it will consume you.*"
What beast!?!? This vagueness is sooo annoying.
The dream image speaks intensely. "*The beast that powers your form feeds when you are pen...*" And, then it dissipates suddenly.](elseif:$SmokyImage is 3)[Since this is your fourth dream with the same smoky image, you've got an idea how this will go. It'll speak a few cryptic sentences and then vanish before you can pin it down.
So, you concentrate on asking specifics... What is it that powers this 'beast'?
"*When seed is spilled within your womb, the beast is paid.*"
Why is that bad?
"*When the beast has enough power, it will break free of...*"
Is it your imagination, or are these dreams getting shorter?](else:)[You're prepared with questions, but before you can even begin, the smoky image vanishes.]
(link:"Continue to sleep")[(set:$SmokyImage to $HadSex)(goto:"End of Day")](set:$Day to 7)
(set:$PPP to 2)
(set:$PWTT to 1)
(set:$PattiNeedsPractice to 1)
(set:$HelpingPatti to 1)
(set:$HaveBondageEquipment to 1)
(goto:"Evening Activity"){
(set:$FileNameString to (current-date:) + ", " + (current-time:))
(set:$FileNameString to (substring: $FileNameString, 5,10) + (substring: $FileNameString, 16,25))
(if:$L is 1)[(if:(save-game:"Slot A", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(elseif:$L is 2)[(if:(save-game:"Slot B", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(elseif:$L is 3)[(if:(save-game:"Slot C", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(elseif:$L is 4)[(if:(save-game:"Slot D", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
(elseif:$L is 5)[(if:(save-game:"Slot E", $FileNameString))[(undo:)](else:)[Could not save!]]
Red Pill / Green Pill
This is an adult story with graphic descriptions.
Many of the images currently used in this story are placeholders for future development. I do not claim ownership of these images. If you are the owner to one of these images and want it removed from the game, contact me and I will replace it immediately.
Many of the images used in this story are photographs with nudity/sex acts and are NSFW (not safe for work).
All characters in this story are fictional.
All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.
If you are not of legal age to read adult fiction with graphic images, EXIT here.
START the story from the beginning.
SKIP to chapter 2.
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