\n\nmake up!!!???
<<if $Mumknows is true>>\n<<if $alarmset is true>>You wake to the sound of your alarm and the memory of last night’s conversation with Sasha returns to you as soon as you wake.\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and push the hair out of your face.\n\nYou feel like a kid before Yuletide and can't stop thinking about what's in store for you.\n\nYou're thinking about it still as you brush your teeth.\n\n<<else>>You wake to the sound of your Mother’s voice and the memory of last night’s conversation with Sasha returns to you as soon as you wake and it seems your Mother hasn't forgotten either.\n\n'Wake up sleepyhead...you've got an exciting day ahead of you...'\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and she kisses the top of your head tenderly, then pushes your hair out of your eyes.\n\nYou feel like a kid before Yuletide and can't stop thinking about what's in store for you.<<endif>>\n\nYou get up and busy yourself getting prepared and over prepared for the day.\n\n//It's just an interview.// you tell yourself. //It's just a meeting with Sasha's parents to see if you're gonna be a suitable candidate for their new sciencey stuff.\n\n...oh, but what if you are suitable? How soon will you be given the serum? - Within the Month? - Within the week!?//\n\nAnd so the rest of your day goes. You get verbal diarrhoea about it over breakfast. Your Mother seems happy to see you truly enthused about something for a change whilst simultaneously trying to get you to eat something before it's time to leave for college.\n\nYou grab you things, put on your shoes and inspect your makeup in the hall mirror while you wait for Charlie to pick you up.\n\nYou imagine what she's going to say to you.\n\n//'Oh my god <<print $fnom>>!! Sasha told me you're going to do serum trials!'\n\n...hmmm, nope..\n\n'Oh <<print $fnom>>! Welcome to the girl's club!!'\n\n...no, she definitely wouldn't say that.\n\n...maybe she'll just squeal and hug me, I don't know.//\n\nThe doorbell sounds.\n\nYou try your best to soothe the excitement from your face, breathe and [[open the door]].\n\n<<elseif $change is true and $appt is true>><<if $alarmset is true>>You wake to the sound of your alarm and the memory of last night’s conversation with Sasha returns to you as soon as you wake.\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and push the hair out of your face.\n\nYou feel like a kid before Yuletide and can't stop thinking about what's in store for you. Can you really go through with this without your Mother's knowledge? You know you're not obligated to let her know what you're doing legally speaking but even if you do go for only very minor alterations, she's bound to notice anyway and won't she be upset if you haven't involved her?\n\nYou're thinking about it still as you brush your teeth.\n\n\n<<else>>You wake to the sound of your Mother’s voice and the memory of last night’s conversation with Sasha returns to you as soon as you wake and you try to keep the look of excitement from your face.\n\n'Wake up sleepyhead...rise and shine...'\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and she kisses the top of your head tenderly, then pushes your hair out of your eyes.\n\nYou feel like a kid before Yuletide and can't stop thinking about what's in store for you. Can you really go through with this without your Mother's knowledge? You know you're not obligated to let her know what you're doing legally speaking but even if you do go for only very minor alterations, she's bound to notice anyway and won't she be upset if you haven't involved her?<<endif>>\n\nYou get up and busy yourself getting prepared and over prepared for the day.\n\n//It's just an interview.// you tell yourself. //It's just a meeting with Sasha's parents to see if you're gonna be a suitable candidate for their new sciencey stuff.\n\n...oh, but what if you are suitable? How soon will you be given the serum? Within the Month? Within the week!? What if the changes become too noticeable!?//\n\nAnd so the rest of your day goes. You get verbal diarrhoea about it over breakfast. Your Mother seems happy to see you truly enthused about something for a change whilst simultaneously trying to get you to eat something before it's time to leave for college.\n\nYou grab you things, put on your shoes and pace around in the hall while you wait for Charlie to pick you up.\n\nYou imagine what she's going to say to you.\n\n//'Oh my god <<print $fnom>>!! Sasha told me you're going to do serum trials!'\n\n...hmmm, nope..\n\n'Oh <<print $fnom>>! Welcome to the girl's club!!'\n\n...no, she definitely wouldn't say that.\n\n...maybe she'll just squeal and hug me, I don't know.\n\nShe'd urge me to tell my Mother already - that's for sure.\n\nI fucking hope she won't give the game away...//\n\nThe doorbell sounds.\n\nYou try your best to soothe the excitement from your face, breathe and [[open the door]].\n\n<<else>>/%(If change but no appt or schboy)%/<<if $alarmset is true>>You wake to the sound of your alarm.\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and push the hair out of your face.\n\n<<else>>You wake to the sound of your Mother’s voice.\n\n'Wake up sleepyhead...rise and shine...'\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and she kisses the top of your head tenderly, then pushes your hair out of your eyes.<<endif>>\n\nYou can't stop thinking about how cool it would be to have the courage to take up Sasha's offer regarding GeneTec trials. You know you couldn't really go through with it without your Mother's knowledge. You know you're not obligated to let her know what you're doing legally speaking but even if you did go for only very minor alterations, she'd be bound to notice anyway.\n\nYou get up and busy yourself getting prepared for the day.\n\n//Maybe you could have just at the very least met her parents to see if you'd be a suitable candidate for their new sciencey stuff.\n\n...oh, but what if you are suitable? How soon could you be given the serum? - Within the Month? - Within the week!? The temptation to take the trials would be just too much. Could you ever actually do it? What if the changes become too noticeable!?//\n\nAnd so the rest of your day goes. You're conspicuously quiet over breakfast and your Mother asks intermittently if you're okay whilst trying to get you to eat something before it's time to leave for college.\n\nYou grab you things, put on your shoes and sit ponderously at the bottom of the stairs for a while before you decide you ought to get moving.\n\nSlinging your bag over your shoulder you [[open the door]].\n\n<<endif>>\n<<set $d = 3>>
"$mcheck" "a man and a woman" "two women" "a man and two women"\n\n"$mcheck" "the guy" "the woman" "them both"
Automatic doors and air con welcome you inside the lobby.\n\nThe receptionist looks up and sees Sasha first.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/GTec/MJ/02.jpg">\n\nHer face lights up. 'Sasha darling!' she says and rushes over to give her a hug, then acknowledges you<<if $change is true>>.\n\n'MJ - <<print $fnom>>, <<print $fnom>> - MJ.' Sasha introduces. '<<print $fnom>> has a consultation with Mum and Dad.'\n<<set $Mj = true>>\n'Oh that's fantastic!' MJ beams. 'Well please take a seat and someone will be with you shortly. Can I get anyone any refreshment?'\n\nYou both decline the offer and take a seat on a stylish sofa.\n\nShortly after, a broad shouldered black gentleman walks into the lobby.\n\nOn seeing him, Sasha jumps up and flings her arms around him planting a kiss on his cheek.\n\n'Hiya Daddy!'\n\n'Heya Princess.' he greets her tenderly before looking up at you.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sfam/ie1.jpg">\n\n'And you must be Miss <<print $snom>>.' he states warmly.\n\nYou agree that you are and let him take your hand. He squeezes in gently but you can feel the power in it.\n\n'I'm Matt.' he greets you unostentatiously. 'Please, follow me [[into my office]].'\n\n<<else>> and your Mother.\n\n'MJ - Rachel and <<print $fnom>> <<print $snom>>.' Sasha introduces. '<<print $fnom>> has a consultation with Mum and Dad.'\n\n'Oh that's fantastic!' MJ beams. 'Well please take a seat and someone will be with you shortly. Can I get anyone any refreshment?'\n\nYou all decline the offer but take a seat on a stylish sofa.\n\nShortly after, a broad shouldered black gentleman walks into the lobby.\n\nOn seeing him, Sasha jumps up and flings her arms around him planting a kiss on his cheek.\n\n'Hiya Daddy!'\n\n'Heya Princess.' he greets her tenderly before looking up at you and your Mother.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sfam/ie1.jpg">\n\n'Hi Rachel.' he greets.\n\n'Hi Mr Brae.' your Mum replies in a seductive tone.\n\nHe turns his attention to you. '...and you must be Miss <<print $snom>>.' he states warmly.\n\nYou agree that you are and let him take your hand. He squeezes gently but you can feel the power in it.\n\n'I'm Matt.' he greets you unostentatiously. 'Please, follow me [[into my office]].'\n<<endif>>\n
<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/1.jpg">\n\n'Hiya <<print $nom>>!’ your Mother greets you as you step inside. ‘Did you have fun?’ she asks.\n\nYou’d still been worrying in the back of your mind about whether or not she’d recognised you outside the milk bar yesterday afternoon. Her sunny disposition puts your mind finally at ease.\n\nYou chat with her for a bit then go upstairs and get ready to [[go out again]].
Whew, this looks like the gents - that could've been awkward.\n<img src="Sleep_img/beach/m.jpg">\nYou do whatever it was you were doing then [[exit.|beach]]
if $drink is true\t\tIf $pro is \tif $msex is "le"\tbi st\tif $Oedipus is true\tif $mumbang is "You wouldn't want to" else\tif $Leo is true\n\nif $drink is true Hangover If $pro is 0 OMG!!! Your mum’s seen you as a girl. Else. You groan as you recall your Mum having to help you upstairs. ($drink is false) no hangover.\nWake up at 10ish and allow more of last night’s antics to return to you.\n$mumbang is "You wouldn't want to" grimace on the memory hearing your Mum’s sex noises through the door. else (copy ‘how to feel’ variables).\n if $Leo is true reminisce, else. \nif $drink is true make your way tenderly downstairs. else Wander downstairs.\nif $msex is "le" Miss Kline in the kitchen else Mum alone (no benefactor)\nbreakfast w Mum/Kline If $pro is true. Check you out else intro to Kline\nText from the girls – waterpark? y/n\nMum/Kline asks if you want to come to the water park. If y say you’re going with the girls/pretend you’re not and plan to keep out of sight.\n\nN.B if Leo is true?\n\nNB. alter 'jealous on how to feel passage to incorporate Oedipus.\n\n/%<<if $msex is "le">>'Morning Mummy...' you trail off on seeing the guest sitting at the breakfast bar. 'Mrs Kleine?'\n\n'Miss' She responds cooly. Her face warms. 'Hello <<print $fnom>>'. she greets you. \n\n<<else>>a man<<endif>> with her?//%/\n
<span id="Wait">Wait</span>\n<<timed 4s>><<replace "#Wait">><span id="Nearly">Nearly</span><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 7s>><<replace "#Nearly">><span id="NOW">NOW</span>!<<set $clearway = true>><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 8s>><<replace "#NOW">><span id="Wait">Too late</span><<set $clearway = false>><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 10s>><<goto play>><</timed>>\n\n<<set $long = 5>><<set $lat = 5>><<set $race = 7>><<set $hit = false>>\n\n<<if $race is 7>>(elseif)7<<if $long is 6 and $clearway is true>>Bibi's pink Porche clips the car ahead of her, sending it spinning accross the road ahead of you.<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $page is 1>><<if $late is true>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<if $pro is 1>>\n\n<<elseif $pro is 0>>\n\n<<endif>><<else>>\n\n<<endif>><<else>>\n\n<<endif>>\n<<elseif $page is 2>>\n\n\n<<elseif $page is 3>><<if $late is true>><<if $Charliesub is true>>\n\n\n<<if $pro is 1>>/%Charlie opens the door for you. 'What time do you call this?' \n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You tell her.\n\n'Look at you - you're a state.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\nYour pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n[['Come on in then.'|so2][$page = 3]]%/\n\n<<elseif $pro is 0>>Charlie opens the door for you. 'What time do you call this?' \n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You tell her.\n\n'Look at you - you look like a filthy little boy.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\nYour pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n[['Come on in then.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>><<else>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey girls.' She greets. [['Come on in.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n/%late not slave%/\n\n<<endif>><<else>><<if $Charliesub is true>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey Aiya.' She greets before looking at you. '...and what time do you call this?' \n\n'Seven O'clock?' You suggest. /%else not late%/\n\n'Seven oh one.' She clarifies. '...and I thought we'd discussed how you were to address me in future.'\n\n'Sorry Mistress.'\n\n'Look at you - you're a state.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\n<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>'Oh - yes Mistress!' You affirm.\n\n'There's a good girl.' She praises you, giving you warm tingles. 'Come on in then.'<<else>>Your pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n'Come on in then.'<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey girls.' She greets. [['Come on in.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>>/%end not csub%//%end not late%/<<endif>><<elseif $page is 3>>\n\n\n\n<<elseif $page is 4>>\n\n\n\n<<elseif $page is 5>>\n\n\n\n<<elseif $page is 6>>\n\n\n<<endif>>/%page%/\n\n/%<<if $mast is 1>><<else>>horny<<endif>>%/
'Hiya <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie greets you. 'Did you miss us?'\n\n'Yes.' you answer honestly.\n\n'Aaaw!' Bibi squeaks with a rising inflection.\n\n'How are you doing sugar?' Sasha asks you, twirling a finger in your long hair.\n\nYou smile at her and shrug.\n\n'Me and the girls have been thinking about you.' she says. 'Do you still want to hang with us?'\n\nYou nod fiercely.\n\nCharlie beams at you. 'Aiya, watch the door will you? Beebs, you can't be trusted.'\n\nBibi giggles. 'True.' she says, rolling her eyes.'\n\n'OK, get in there.' Charlie demands, backing you into a cubicle.\n\n'Don't do anything you don't want to <<print $fnom>>!' Sasha calls after you.\n\nCharlie steps in and [[locks the door behind her]].
<<cyclinglink "$action" "Befriend/unfriend" "message" "stalk">> <<cyclinglink "$who" "Charlie" "Sasha" "Bibi" "Aiya">>\n\n[[Scroll through posts.|Spambook]]\n\nAfter a while you realise that Spambook doesn't seem to be working properly and decide you should probably [[quit|laptop]] for now.\n\n<<set $t = $t + 1>>
You sit patiently and watch Ella as she interprets your results.\n\nFrom time to time, her expression changes and you try to read it. Sometimes it'll be accompanied with a 'Hmm.' or an 'Okay.' other times she says things like 'Oh, how interesting.'\n\nWhen she's done, she slides her laptop to one side and looks at you, as if examining something after discovering new found knowledge of it.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/ella3.jpg">\n\n'Well Miss <<print $fnom>>...' she begins at length.\n\n'Did I pass?' you ask.\n\n'It's not about passing or failing - it's not that kind of test.' Ella responds as if oblivious to your growing impatience.\n\n'[[However...]]'\n
<<if $ha is 1>>//Quit fretting!// you tell yourself and [[leave the bathroom]] with it in your hand.<<else>>//Just to be safe.// you tell yourself and put it back in your ass hole.\n\nIt goes back in surprisingly well.\n\nYou [[leave the bathroom]] as nonchalantly as possible.<<endif>>
<<if $Oedipus is true>>You find a pornstar who looks like your Mum. Clearly you have something you need to get out of your system. You find two videos with the the performer; one where she gets drilled by a guy and the other is a lesbian flick.\n\nYou like <<cyclinglink "$milfpref" "the one with the guy." "the one with the other woman." "both just as much!">>\n\nIt gets you so horny, you can't help but [[knock one out|laptop]].\n<<endif>>
You excuse yourself to empty your bladder (needing to piss halfway through a film is the worst ).\n\nYou make your way around the food hall and into the toilets, checking yourself after near walking into the ladies’.\n\nYou find the [[gents]]' and walk in.
The woods stretch right up into the mountains. You'd better be careful you don't get lost.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/wds enter.jpg">\n\n[[Signpost|wdssign]]\n\nEnter [[here|wds]] or follow the [[path toward the mountains|wds][$long = 1, $lat = 31]]\n\n<p style="color:#ffff00;">NB. This area is still under construction but feel free to poke around!</p>\n\nOr you could go elsewhere...\n\nThe [[beach]], [[esplanade]], [[water park]], [[library]], [[city park]], [[mall]], [[Broadway]], or the [[red light district]].\n\n...or you could just go <<if $w is 0>><<if $d is 2>>[[home]]<<elseif $d is 3>>[[home|home wed]]<<elseif $d is 4>>[[home|home thu]]<<elseif $d is 5>>[[home|home fri]]<<endif>> now.<<elseif $w is 1>><<if $d is 6>>[[home|Sat1]]<<elseif $d is 7>>[[home|Sun1]]<<endif>><<endif>>.\n\n<<set $t = $t + 1>>\n<<set $long = 1>><<set $lat = 8>>\n<<set $woods = false>>\n<<set $nsew = "nsew">>\n<<set $o = "n">>
You begin dreaming about the girls.\n\n\n\n\n...about Charlie...\n\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Charlie/dreami.gif">\n\n\n\n\n\n...about Sasha...\n\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sasha/dreami.gif">\n\n\n\n\n\n...about Aiya...\n\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Aiya/dreami.gif">\n\n\n\n\n\n...about Bibi...\n\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/dreami.gif">\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGoddesses, all.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n...not to mention your new Psychology [[teacher|sleepi]]
<<if $Oedipus is true>>With what feels like superhuman strength, you peel your eyes away and slink back out of the door.\n You’re pretty sure she didn’t see you thankfully. You don’t know what you would have done if she had – or what she would have done for that matter.\n\nYou creep back upstairs feeling a bit guilty for peeping on your Mother getting herself off //but why was she playing with her pussy in the front room with the door open anyway!?//\n\nThe notion that she wanted you to see her pops into your perverted mind but you discard it as foolishness.\nYou can't deny the thought makes you horny though.\n\nYou open the door to your bedroom and [[go inside|Suneve1]].\n\n<<else>>You creep back upstairs feeling a bit guilty for seeing your Mother getting herself off but it's not like it was your fault and you didn't peep on her like a little pervert.\n\nYou shake off the image and [[go in your bedroom|Suneve1]].<<endif>>
<<if $race is 0>>\n\n\n<<elseif $race is 10>>'Hey, you know how to play right?' Charlie asks you.\n\n'Uh...'\n\nCharlie flashes her pearly white smile. 'Left is left, right is right, up is accelerate and back is brake. Wait for the green light then hit accelerate - got it?'\n\n'[[Sure|play][$race = 9]].'\n<<elseif $race is 9>>Starting line.\n\nThe light is <span id="RED">RED</span>\n<<timed 2s>><<replace "#RED">><span id="AMBER">AMBER</span><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 4s>><<replace "#AMBER">><span id="GREEN">GREEN</span>!<<set $goodstart = true>><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 6s>><<replace "#GREEN">>still green<<set $goodstart = false>><</replace>><</timed>>\n\n<<set $racing = true>><<set $long = 5>><<set $lat = 5>><<set $race = 8>>\n<<elseif $race is 8>><<if $long is 6 and $goodstart is true>>Nice start!<<else>>Poor start!<<endif>>\n\nIt's a free-for-all with so many cars packed so closely together.\n\nYou see Bibi's pink Porche on the left of your screen. Maybe you can accelerate past her when the way ahead gets clear enough.\n\n<span id="Wait">Wait</span>\n<<timed 4s>><<replace "#Wait">><span id="Nearly">Nearly</span><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 7s>><<replace "#Nearly">><span id="NOW">NOW</span>!<<set $clearway = true>><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 8s>><<replace "#NOW">><span id="Wait">Too late</span><<set $clearway = false>><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 10s>><<goto play>><</timed>>\n\n<<set $long = 5>><<set $lat = 5>><<set $race = 7>><<set $hit = false>>\n\n<<elseif $race is 7>><<if $long is 6 and $clearway is true>>Bibi's pink Porche clips the car ahead of her, sending it spinning accross the road ahead of you.\n\n<<timed 2s>>Swerve right!!<</timed>>\n<<timed 50ms>><<set $hit = true>><</timed>>\n<<timed 50ms>><<goto play>><</timed>>\n\n<<else>>Ouch! You took a nasty hit there but maybe you can still win this!\n\nBibi's pink Porche clips the car ahead of her, sending it spinning accross the road ahead of you.\n\n<<timed 2s>>Swerve right!!<</timed>>\n<<timed 50ms>><<set $hit = true>><</timed>>\n<<timed 50ms>><<goto play>><</timed>>\n\n<<set $race = 6>><<endif>><<set $brake = true>>\n<<elseif $race is 6>><<if $lat is 6 and $hit is false>>//Whew - that was close!//<<else>>That was a nasty hit but maybe you can get back into the race.<<endif>>\n\nYou fly down a winding slope with a tight left.\n\n<<timed 2s>>Hit the brake!!!<</timed>>\n<<timed 50ms>><<set $brake = false>><</timed>>\n<<timed 50ms>><<goto play>><</timed>>\n<<set $race = 5>>\n<<elseif $race is 5>>5/%<<if $lat is 4 and $long is 4 and $brake is true>>Nice driving!\n\nmid race - break<<else>>'Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!'\n\nYour car flies off the edge of a cliff and is destroyed.\n\n'Shit!'\n\nThe girls take a moment to laugh at your misery.\n\nAll you can do is watch the girls finish playing.\n\nCharlie comes 1st place, winning by a mile and Bibi seems unsurprised.<<set $lost is true>><<endif>>%/\n\n<<set $race = 4>><<elseif $race is 4>><<if $racing is true>><<else>><<endif>>last lap, through a chicane - swerve left\n\n<<set $race = 3>><<elseif $race is 3>><<if $racing is true>><<else>><<endif>>left hand bend onto a long straight\n\n<<set $race = 2>><<elseif $race is 2>><<if $racing is true>><<else>><<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $race is 1>>You win!<<set $racing = false>><<endif>>\n\n<<if tags().includes("rui")>>\n<<removeclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<<else>>\n<<addclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<</if>>
You opt for a <<print $flav>> and the waitress throws you off by asking what milk you want.\n\nIt appears you even have a selection of milks; [[cows|shake][$milk = "cow's milk"]], [[hemp|shake][$milk = "hemp milk"]] and ‘[[special|shake][$milk = "special milk"]]’.\n\n'Cow's and hemp is $5, special is $20 first come first served.'
The light is <span id="RED">RED</span>\n<<timed 2s>><<replace "#RED">><span id="AMBER">AMBER</span><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 4s>><<replace "#AMBER">><span id="GREEN">GREEN</span>!<<set $goodstart = true>><</replace>><</timed>>\n<<timed 6s>><<replace "#GREEN">>still green<<set $goodstart = false>><</replace>><</timed>>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI like green <span id="eggs">eggs</span> and ham!\s\n<<timed 10s>><<replace "#eggs">>pancakes<</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $change is true>>You change back into your boy's uniform and wipe off your makeup while Sasha drives you back home.\n\nShe pulls up nearby and you hug her before getting out of the car and walking up to the door.\n\nYou wave her off before stepping [[inside]].<<else>>Your Mother can see how excited you are and squeezes you up against her boobs.\n\n'I can't believe it!' you tell her.\n\n'I know Honey.' she says and patiently listens to you all the way [[home|inside]].<<endif>>
//Aiya!!?//\n\nYou duck back out of sight shaking your head. You’ve met Aiya’s Dad and that wasn’t this guy.\n\n//What in the hell is going on!?// you wonder. //Has Aiya got herself some gun toting sugar Daddy!?//\n\nYou realise there’s no way on Earth she didn’t feel that gun on him after hugging him the way she did.\n\nYou decide not to report him and [[head back]] to where your Mother’s sitting.\n
<<if $long is 21 and $lat is 0>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\nTruck Stop\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 1>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>It sounds like there's a road nearby.\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 1>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 1>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 1>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 1>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 1>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n\n<<else>>You're lost. You have absolutely no idea where you are.<<endif>>\n\nWarp to [[woods]] entrance.\n\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>
Ha! Yeah, right. Four drop dead gorgeous girls and you’re just going to walk up and chat to them? [[Maybe not|social butterfly]].\n\n\n<<set $bimbos = "true">>
The Doctors Clinic is clean and modern. You sit in the waiting room with your mother.\n\nYou've both been given leaflets about healthcare on the Peninsula along with some documents to sign. You've heard how good their health care is so you skim over the leaflet and sign the papers.\n\nYour Mother’s thumbing through this month’s edition of Venus when a stunning female doctor steps into the waiting room. ‘Miss <<print $snom>>?’ she asks.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/drs/Honeywell.jpg">\n\n‘Yes.’ Your mother answers before following off down the corridor with her.\n\nYou’re left grinning to yourself. //Well, I’ll be just fine with her.// you decide.\n\nA few moments later a large male Doctor stoops in through the doorway. ‘<<print $nom>> <<print $snom>>?’\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/drs/Toure.jpg">\n\n‘Yes.’ You [[squeak]].\n
<<if $schgirl is true>><<if $desire is "transform into a beautiful voluptuous woman">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look with montrous milk-mounds.\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //'I could have humongous dummy nipped udders of my very own - and hips to match!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou get undressed and inspect yourself, wondering which bits you might have altered.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to [[meet her parents]]?\n\n<<elseif $desire is "transform into a slender hourglass bimbo slut like Bibi">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look with a classic bombshell hourglass.\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //'I could die my hair red and marry a rabbit!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to [[meet her parents]]?\n\n<<elseif $desire is "stay petite and dubious looking">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look as the perfectly adorable school girl. sg\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //I could have just a little tweek here and there to give me a few subtle curves and a super cute face!//\n\n//...I'd be a danger to society!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to [[meet her parents]]?\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $schlb is true>><<if $desire is "transform into a beautiful voluptuous woman">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look with montrous milk-mounds.\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //'I could have humongous dummy nipped udders of my very own - and hips to match!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou get undressed and inspect yourself, wondering which bits you might have altered.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to [[meet her parents]]?\n\n<<elseif $desire is "transform into a slender hourglass bimbo slut like Bibi">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look with a classic bombshell hourglass.\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //'I could die my hair red and marry a rabbit!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to [[meet her parents]]?\n\n<<elseif $desire is "stay petite and dubious looking">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look as the perfectly adorable school girl. lb\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //I could have just a little tweek here and there to give me a few subtle curves and a super cute face!//\n\n//...I'd be a danger to society!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to [[meet her parents]]?\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $change is true>><<if $desire is "transform into a beautiful voluptuous woman">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look with montrous milk-mounds.\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //'I could have humongous dummy nipped udders of my very own - and hips to match!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou get undressed and inspect yourself, wondering which bits you might have altered.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to meet her parents?\n\nHow can you if you can't even tell your Mum!?\n\n//...and how would I hide that from my Mother?//\n\n...if only you had the courage to out yourself.\n\nYou toy with the idea of just getting just a few subtle alterations to feminise your face and figure just a touch. Maybe your Mum wouldn't notice?\n\nYou [[could|meet her parents]]...\n\n...but would you?\n\n...probably not [[you won't|or not]].\n\n<<elseif $desire is "transform into a slender hourglass bimbo slut like Bibi">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look with a classic bombshell hourglass.\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //'I could die my hair red and marry a rabbit!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to meet her parents?\n\nHow can you if you can't even tell your Mum!?\n\n//...and how would I hide that from my Mother?//\n\n...if only you had the courage to out yourself.\n\nYou toy with the idea of just getting just a few subtle alterations to feminise your face and figure just a touch. Maybe your Mum wouldn't notice?\n\nYou [[could|meet her parents]]...\n\n...but would you?\n\n...probably not [[you won't|or not]].\n\n<<elseif $desire is "stay petite and dubious looking">>You sit on the edge of the bath thinking about how you might look as the perfectly adorable school girl. ch\n\n'Yes!' you say to yourself gleefully. //I could have just a little tweek here and there to give me a few subtle curves and a super cute face!//\n\n//...I'd be a danger to society!//\n\nAfter adding a little of your Mum's bubble bath, you leave the water runnng and sashay sassily across the landing and into your room.\n\nThere you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you might look.\n\nYou look at your little cock and wonder how it would be to have a little pink pussy down there instead.\n\nShould you call Sasha and arrange to meet her parents?\n\nHow can you if you can't even tell your Mum!?\n\n//...and how would I hide that from my Mother?//\n\n...if only you had the courage to out yourself.\n\nYou toy with the idea of just getting just a few subtle alterations to feminise your face and figure just a touch. Maybe your Mum wouldn't notice?\n\nYou [[could|meet her parents]]...\n\n...but would you?\n\n...probably not [[you won't|or not]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $schboy is true>>You imagine what it might be like to be a real girl. You fantasise about Charlie fucking your pussy while wearing a butt plug.\n\nIn an epiphanic moment, you realise you could do just that!\n\nYou could call Sasha right now and ask to meet with her parents.\n\nYou imagine how you might look, transformed into a beautiful voluptuous woman or a slender hourglass bimbo slut like Bibi!\n\n//Yeah, right.// you scoff. //How would I hide that from my Mother?//\n\n...if only you had the courage to out yourself.\n\nYou toy with the idea of just getting them to make a few subtle alterations to feminise your face and figure just a touch.\n\nYou could...\n\n...but [[you won't|or not]].\n\n<<endif>>
'Hi darling!' She hugs you as you step inside.\n\nYou sit and watch TV together, chatting and eating pasta.\n\nWhen you're done she asks you if you wouldn't mind doing the dishes so you head to the kitchen with the dirty pasta bowls.\n\n'We'll have to pick up a uniform for you at the weekend honey.' she calls out to you from the living room.\n\nShe goes upstairs to shower, then disappears into her bedroom to 'read her book'.\n\nIt doesn't take long to finish the washing up.\n\nYou wonderwhat to do with the remainder of [[your evening.|wedeve1]]
//This looks like a nice spot!// you think to yourself.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/sun.jpg">\nYou lay down and catch some rays for a bit.\n\n[[>>|beach]]
'Call that a part of your initiation if you like.' Charlie tells you.\n\n‘What!? Haven’t I been initiated enough already!?’ You exclaim.\n\n‘Aw, ‘she say’s sympathetically. ‘Not yet but don’t worry about a thing <<print $fnom>>, I just know you’re gonna be one of us. Isn’t that right girls?’\n\nAiya, Sasha and Bibi all respond with encouraging positivity.\n\nYou’re especially happy that Aiya seems to have warmed to you as she’d seemed a little undecided at first.\n\n‘I just wish I could be one of you now.’ You say; instantly regretting how desperate and feeble you sounded.\n\nThe girls giggle.\n\n‘Okay <<print $fnom>>, let’s play this another time.’ she says, rolling the bottle away under her bed. 'If you really want to, we can give you a break and let you do a few more initiation challenges tonight. How does that sound <<print $fnom>>? Oh, and by the way, you go by <<print $fnom>> while your with us. That’s all part of your part of your initiation okay...?’\n\n‘Sure!’ Aiya says. ‘I’ve got a couple for you if you’re game.’\nYou tell her you are.\n\n‘Cool, there’s a book I bought on hypnosis. I don’t suppose we’ll be covering that in the course but I’m interested anyway and I need a test subject. You want to help me out with that?’\n\n//Phew// you think in relief. That sounds like an easy one. It’s not like she’s going to manage to hypnotise you anyway and if she does – well maybe that’ll be a laugh right?\n\n‘Ok, sure.’\n\n‘Cool and the other thing is it’s back at mine and I want someone to walk with me.’\n\n‘Oh right – yeah, of course!’ You say, feeling a sense of masculinity returning to you on being asked to escort Aiya home. ‘I’ll just get changed, hang on.’\n\n‘Uh-uh.’ Charlie says waggling a finger at you. ‘What’s your name?’\n\nYour shoulders slump. ‘<<print $fnom>>.’ You say dejectedly.\n‘Uh, excuse me.’ She says, raising your chin. ‘Are you one of us or would you rather join the Emo’s?’\n\n‘One of you.’ You tell her.\n\n‘Do you want me to come too honey?’ Sasha asks you supportively. You think she might be mothering you.\n\nThe thought of walking down the street dressed like this is terrifying, so your mind is slightly eased at the offer, and you accept gladly.\n\n‘Oh, I suppose we all should go as it’s your [[first time out]] as <<print $fnom>>!’ Charlie says.\n
[[Start]]\n[[You]]\n[[Mon wake 1]]\n[[Mon Lunch 1]]\n[[overview]]\n[[Tue 1 wake]]\n[[People you know]]\n[[Endwed]]\n[[Charlie x]]\n\nTemp var\n\nTime\n<<set $day = "Monday">>\n<<set $d = 1>>\n<<set $t = 7>>\nSelf\n<<set $nom = "Kacey">>\n<<set $named = "true">>\n<<set $state = "sober">>\n<<set $mood = "anxious">>\n<<set $tf = "false">>\n<<set $racer = 0>>\n<<set $shot = 0>>\n<<set $dance = 0>>\n<<set $bball = 0>>\n<<set $boxer = 0>>\n<<set $luck = 5>>\nOthers\n<<set $mum = "Rachel">>\n<<set $geeks = "false">>\n<<set $goths = "false">>\n<<set $sporty = "false">>\n<<set $bimbos = "false">>\n<<set $Charlie = "known">>\n<<set $Aiya = "known">>\n<<set $Sasha = "known">>\n<<set $Bibi = "known">>\n<<set $Riven = "known">>\nPlaces\n<<set $esp = 0>>\n<<set $beach = 0>>
<<if $schboy is true>>You get in and go up to the bathroom to have a shower.\n\nYou remove your butt plug and but aren't able to remove the chastity device. At least you seem to be able to wash the area just about.\n\n//How am I supposed to wank?// you realise with horror. //Damn it!//\n\nYou remember how Charlie made you cum without even touching your cock and realise you're going to have to learn how to do that for yourself.\n\nYou try sitting back on the plug and twisting your nipples then attempt to get yourself off with your fingers but nothing gets you close to orgasm and you leave the bathroom feeling as [[sexually frustrated|thu1eve]] as you do water-logged.\n\n<<else>>/%change is true (and appt isn't)%/<<if $ob is "amusing">>Having parted ways with Obi, you reach the green opposite your house and you start focussing on the next dilemma: where to change?\n\nYou decide to just go in if the coast is clear but of course - it isn't.\n\nWhen you get close, you see that your neighbour Mr Green is outside, doing a bit of gardening.\n\n//Typical.//\n\nYou don't much fancy waiting around for him to go indoors but the idea of changing in a [[bush]] doesn't sound so appealing either.\n\nMaybe you could find a way in [[around the back]]?\n\n\n<<else>><<goto thu1eve>><<endif>><<endif>>\n
Kale is the sex shop guy.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/kale.jpg">\n\nYou think he seems nice enough<<if $kalecd is true>> and he wasn't mean to you when you were getting humiliated in front of him by Charlie<<endif>>.
make sure every day/week has something inc fantasy traps\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>><<set $sub = "sub">><<endif>>
You hear the front door close.\n\n'Hello sweetheart!' comes your Mother's voice.\n\n'Oh, hi Mum!' you call back.\n\n//You should probably get out of the bath now.//\n\nYou step out and dry yourself off.\n\nFor a moment, you wonder what to do with the butt plug. You could sneak it through across the hall in your [[hand|handass][$ha = 1]] or put it back in your [[ass|handass][$ha = 2]]?
From Mr Green's hedge, you watch your Mother's lilac Beetle swing in onto the driveway. The engine cuts out and after a few moments the door swings open and your Mother steps out onto the drive.\n\n'Hi Miss <<print $snom>>!' Mr Green calls out to her.\n\n'Oh hello - Mr Green!' she returns.\n\nYou watch her go up to the door while Mr Green pretends to do some gardening.\n\n'Oh...Miss <<print $snom>>?'\n\n'Rachel - please.' she says.\n\n'Rachel.' he says, meeting her by the little wall between the two front gardens. I wonder if you'd do me a small favour. I hate to ask but I seem to have run out of sugar and I've just made a pot of tea. Would it be a liberty to ask you for a small cup of sugar?'\n\n'Oh of course not ...' she falters.\n\n'Andy.' he says.\n\n'Andy. I'll get you one now.' she says, walking back up to the door. 'I'll just be two secs!' she calls to him as she enters the house.\n\n//Now is the time.//\n\nYou look up at Mr Green and he looks back at you with an expression imitating what you're now feeling.\n\nA moment later, you're on the other side of the wall, running up to the door and [[into the house]].
//No.// You suppose she doesn't.\n\nA giggle draws your attention over to the doorway where Bibi, Aiya and Sasha are hanging on the bedroom door, peeking into the room at you with gleeful expressions.\n\n//How long have they been there?// [[You wonder|so2][$page = 9]].\n<<set $gabeblow = 1>>
You meet your mother in the waiting room and \nShe asks you what.... decide it might be a good idea to explore the area a little – she offers to [[drop you off|explore]] where you like on her way to work.
You see scantily clad girls dancing in the windows of the brothel. A couple of hot girls are standing outside, trying to entice punters inside. They coo at you and ask if you're looking for a good time but sadly, you don't have the money for hookers so you shake your head at them with regret.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/brothel.jpg">\n\n[[Walk on|red light district]]
<<if $spavisit is 1>>\nYou follow the girls into a clean and fragrant massage room. A woman and two men in skimpy white togas wait for you there.\n\nThe men make you feel self conscious again, what with you being stark naked and them being so big and muscled.\n\n//Is it better to try to hide your penis and risk them getting a surprise or just go with it?// you wonder.\n\nYou end up just doing something somewhere between the two options, half concealing your boyhood.\n\nBibi is taken by the hand to one of the massage tables and invited to lay down, then the woman takes Sasha's hand and offers her another.\n\nThat leaves the Mediterranean looking guy. He smiles at you disarmingly and helps you onto another table.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/spa/lucas gil.gif">\n\nYou lay on your tummy on the cushioned table. There's a hole in it to rest your face.\n\n//Hmm - this is pretty comfy!// you decide.\n\nThe masseur spills warm oil accross your back. You feel his strong and masterful hands on your bare flesh, pushing and kneading deeply into your muscle tissue.\n\nAt first, you try to subdue your involuntary moans but as you feel your body relax, so too does your mind.\n\nYou can't help but enjoy the sensation of being so exposed and in someone else's control, especially while allowing yourself to relax as he massages your thighs.\nWhen he starts massaging your bottom, you feel like you'd let him do anything to you.\n\nYou imagine laying there silently as he drops his toga to the floor and climbs on top of you.\n\nYou remember the overwhelming pleasure that Charlie gave you with her strap-on and you start to imagine what a real cock might feel like, buried deep in your ass.\n\nThe massuer invites you to turn onto your back and you do your best to make your cock fully flaccid again before doing so.\n\nYou look over at Sasha. She has an expression of pure bliss on her face as her massuer works the muscles around the top of her rib cage.\n\nYou see the other massuer on the next table over and realise Bibi's massuer is naked.\n\nYour own massuer seems to note your surprise. 'The naturist massage is a coutesy option to our guests.' he says soothingly.\n\nYou look back over to where the nude man is servicing Bibi.\n\n'Would you prefer the naturist massage?' the massuer asks you with one hand on the fastening of his toga.\n\nYour cocklett answers for you by poking conspicuously upward.\n\nThe massuer flashes a white smile at you before unfastening his toga and letting it drop to the floor.\n\n//This outrageous!// you think to yourself. //I didn't say I wanted a nude man with a ...big...really big, fat cock... and dangly balls... cock so close to my face...\n\n...juicy...//\n\nHe spills more warm oil over you - this time acoross your chest and begins massaging it in, being careful around your puffy nipples.\n\nA noise catches in your throat and you spurt a little thread of cum from you dicklett.\n\nThe massuer discretely takes a warm, wet cloth and cleans the area before continuing.\n\nWhen the session is over, you and the girls show your appreciation to the staff and start making your way back to the [[changing rooms]].\n<<else>>Massage Parlour\n\n[[out|the spa]]<<endif>>
<<if $d is 5 and $w is 1>>Wooded Pathway\n\nWhat? Are you planning to jam a twig up your butt?\n\n[[back gate|back garden]]\n<<else>>Wooded Pathway\n\n[[Alley to street|near home]]\n[[back gate|back garden]]<<endif>>
<<if $d is 5 and $w is 1>>Your home is in sight.\n\nMaybe you could buy something from the sex shop. It's not like you have any secrets from the guy who works there.\n\n//...maybe another time.//\n\n[[Return home|hallway]]\n\n<<else>>Your Street\n\n[[Go home|hallway]]<<endif>>
<<if $appt is true>><<if $ob is "amusing">>You learn that Obi lives along the way to your house and he asks if you want to walk back together.\n\nYou tell him you have somewhere else to be.\n\nObi simply says 'Cool, I'll see you next week <<print $fnom>>.' and walks off [[on his own]].\n\n<<else>>After everyone else has left, you have a quiet word with Miss Riven, asking if now that Obi seems to have caught up, you might move back with your friends.\n\nShe seems sad but she is understanding and accommodating, telling you that she'll swap you around again next week.\n\nYou meet Obi outside and he tells you he lives en route to yours and asks if you want to walk back together.\n\nYou tell him you have somewhere else to be.\n\nObi simply says 'Cool, I'll see you next week <<print $fnom>>.' and walks off [[on his own]].<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $appt is false>><<if $ob is "amusing">>You learn that Obi lives along the way to your house and he asks if you want to walk back together.\n\nYou're not doing anything <<if $schboy is true>>else <<else>>with the girls <<endif>>so [[you agree]].\n\n<<else>>After everyone else has left, you have a quiet word with Miss Riven, asking if now that Obi seems to have caught up, you might move back with your friends.\n\nShe seems sad but she is understanding and accommodating, telling you that she'll swap you around again next week.\n\nYou meet Obi outside and he tells you he lives en route to yours and asks if you want to walk back together.\n\nAfter making your excuses, he shrugs. 'Okay - I'll see you next week huh?' he says and walks off [[on his own]].<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n
Coffee Shop\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/coffeeshop.jpg">\n\nYou have $<<print $money>>\n\n[[Order a coffee.|coffeeshop][$money = $money - 2]]\n\n[[Leave|Broadway]]
<<if $Csubchoice is "You nod and tell her you will.">>’Oh dear, what’s this?’ she says, scooping up a splodge of your cum off her duvet cover with two fingers.\n\n‘What a messy girl.’ She says putting it by your face. \n\n‘Clean it up for me.’\n\nIt’s a bit disgusting but you’ve opted to do what Charlie wants from now on.\n\nYou open your mouth and let her put her cummy fingers in your mouth.\n\nYour cum’s cold now but it doesn’t taste so bad to you.\n\n‘There’s my good little sissy whore.’ Charlie tells you.\n\nYou don’t mind being called that. You think Charlie is a goddess. You’re happy for her to call you anything she likes.\nYou’re both too drunk and sleepy to shower so you both just get in her bed, dirty as you are.\n\n‘Uh uh.’ Charlie says, holding up the duvet for you to go under. ‘Keep my feet warm.’\n\nYou do as she says. You’re just happy to get to sleep with her so you snuggle up around her feet.\n\nSoon after you [[fall into a deep sleep|fall asleep][$Charliesub = true, $Domsub = $Domsub -2]].<<else>>’Oh dear, I think I may have to wash my sheets again.’ She says.\n\n‘Messy girl.’ She says to you smiling.\n\nYou’re both too drunk and sleepy to shower so you both just get in her bed, dirty as you are and you [[fall asleep]] with Charlie spooning you.<<set $wank = false>><<endif>>\n
<<goto browse_adult>>
<<if $w is 0>>[[Guy-on-girl|porntype][$mf = true]] [[Girl-on-girl|porntype][$ff = true]]\n<<elseif $w is 1>>\n\n<<else>>Regular, [[Black on White]], BDSM, lesbian, [[femdom]], [[milf]], watersports...\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Cum|laptop]] or [[cork|laptop]] it?\n\n<<set $t = $t + 1>>\n\n/%https://www.xvideos.com/video10601410/another_real_orgasm#_tabDownload after Sasha fuck she sends you a video\n\nI want you to eat my pussy <<print $fnom>>!\n\nLove Sasha. x\n\nthere's a vid attached\n\n_\n\nsloppy cunt on bed post\n\nhttps://www.xvideos.com/video15539415/horny_snapchat_girl_fucking_bed_and_squirting_hard%/
<<if $d is 5 and $w is 1>>You can't be bothered to go up there right now.\n\n<<back>>\n\n<<else>>Attic\n\nYou don't know what you hope to find here but maybe there's something of interest.\n\n[[Stairs|landing]]<<endif>>
After break, Miss Riven talks about the third type of learning in Behaviourist theory - Operant Conditioning; of positive and negative reinforcements utilised to reward or punish a subject to a desired behaviour via approximations of that behaviour.\n<<if $schboy is true>>\nYou do your best to concentrate but the sensation of having a large, egg shaped object stuffed in your ass is an unusual one and it takes a little time accustoming to the new sensation.\n\nCharlie threw your underwear in the bin. To be fair, they'd seen better days and she'd given her own for you to wear which you don't mind admitting you're happy about. Her silky knickers feel so good against your skin and the thought makes you hard.<<endif>>\n\nMiss Riven talks enthusiastically about the partial reinforcement effect - that intermittent reinforcement is more effective than continual, leading on to two kinds of effective reinforcement patterns - fixed schedule/variable ratios.\n\n'If the subject is continually rewarded throughout the conditioning process, it will stop the conditioned behaviour and cease to associate the stimuli, whereas a subject conditioned with intermittent reinforcement won't expect reward as much so will likely continue the conditioned behaviour even when denied the reward.'\n\n'A parent who yields to a nagging child is unwittingly teaching their child to nag (or wittingly perhaps if they want their child to grow up into someone persistent).\n\nBehaviourists believe there are no innate learning/desires which we now know isn't true.\n\nAlso, contrary to the Behaviourist idea - animals (inc humans) don't need reward/punishment to learn.\n\nThe Garcia effect states that innate learning means that some stimuli/behaviours are pre-associated like pecking/food/hunger, flapping/danger/fear. i.e. Pain/fear won't likely make you develop an aversion to a new food but nausea will because food and nausea are pre-associated/conditioned.\n\nNot everything is learned. The debate lies in how much is innate.\nUnobservable evidence no longer seen as unscientific (necessarily)\nReward/punishment isn't necessary to learn\nNatural responses differentiate subjects (Garcia effect)\n\nShe wraps up by explaining that Behaviourism has falsifyability issues in that it's either trivially true or scientifically robust and obviously false but adding:\n\n'Behaviourism has faded but has left us with some useful ideas and techniques and stands as an important contribution.'\n\nShe wraps it up right [[in time for lunch]].\n
<<if $exploredmuch is "I've had a pretty good look around.">>'Sweet, well maybe you might show me around some time.' Cassius suggests.\n<<else>>'Huh, well maybe you and I could go exploring together some time.' Cassius suggests.<<endif>>\n\n//Did you just get asked out on a date!?//\n\n//What do you do? Throw caution to the wind and [[say yes|cassanswer][$ca = 'y']]? [[Fob him off|cassanswer][$ca = 'n']] or give him a '[[maybe|cassanswer][$ca = 'm']]'?//\n<<set $explrdmch = true>>
<<if $change is true>>A few minutes later you and Sasha have returned to her car.\n\nShe fires the ignition and kills the engine again on seeing you.\n\n'Oh, come here Sugar.' She says, holding you against her. 'It's okay <<print $fnom>>.' Sasha says, reading your thoughts. 'You know who you really are and when you're good and ready you can tell your Mum. I'm sure she'll understand and then we can see about coming back here.'\n\nShe drives you home and helps you change; wiping off your make up.\n\nShe gives you a kiss on the cheek and watches you walk up to the door and [[let yourself in|inside]] before driving off down the road.\n\n<<else>><<if $read is true>>You carefully read the documents and find nothing disconcerting enough to put you off so you sign.<<else>>You skim the documents and find nothing disconcerting enough to put you off.<<endif>>\n\nYou look sideways at your Mother, who smiles at you supportively, before putting pen to paper.\n\nYou almost sign as <<print $fnom>> but realise you're still legally <<print $nom>>.\n\n'It's okay Honey.' your Mother says, reading your thoughts. 'We can see about changing your name soon.'\n\nYou put pen to paper and sign.\n\nAt that moment, a goddess of a woman walks into the office.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sfam/Venter.jpg">\n\n'Oh, did she sign already?' she asks Mr Brae.\n\n'Sure did.' he replies.\n\n'A-ha! - you're mine now!' She laughs.\n\nYou giggle nervously. You're pretty sure she's joking.\n\nShe takes a couple of steps closer. Her perfume is sweet and floral.\n\n'Has he given you the tour yet?'\n\nYou nod.\n\nShe looks over at her husband.\n\n'I suppose he gave you the whole trying-to-be-charming 'it was all her idea' spiel did he? Well don't believe a word of it. He's a Professor of Biomedical Engineering and none of this would have been possible without his expertise so he's every bit as guilty.'\n\nShe comes closer. 'Hi Rachel!' she greets, leaning over to give your Mother a particularly friendly hug and kiss on the cheek before taking a seat next to you.\n\n'So you must be the girl I've been hearing so much about lately.'\n\n//That can't be good.//\n\n'I'm very pleased to meet you finally.' she tells you.\n\n'Pleased to meet you too Mis - Dr Brae.' you tell her.\n\nShe smiles. 'You can call me Vanessa.' She looks at you as if studying your bone structure.\n\n'Well there really isn't much to do here is there? I am looking forward to playing with you though.' she grins.\n\nYou can see why Sasha is so fond of Charlie.\n\n'I expect he also outlined the process so I won't assault you with more information just now; we can go into it in more detail [[before your first session]].'<<endif>>\n\n<<set $Brae = true>>\n
<<if $alarmset is true>>You piss, clean your teeth and shower then go back into your room.<<else>>When she's gone, you get up and go to the bathroom. You piss, clean your teeth and shower then go back into your bedroom.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Mumknows is true and $Cknowsmknows is true>>You find a cute set of white panties with a matching A cup bra and put them on, stuffing the bra cups with an ankle sock in each to pad it out a bit. You excitedly unfold your new uniform and start putting it on, thinking that it might be nice to have some nice little real boobs to go in your shirt and you start reconsidering Sasha's offer.\n\n//Why not?// you think. So far, you've been having way more fun just pretending to be girl. //Why not try being a real one?// you ask yourself. //She said it would be reversable and besides, you'd get paid for it too!//\n\nYou decide to take Sasha up on her offer, wondering why you hadn't made this decision already. It has been a hell of a weekend and everything went so quickly.\n\nYou slip into your skirt and fasten it around your little waist, checking yourself out in the mirror as you pull on your frilly white pop socks.\n\nMake up - you put on a little eye liner and mascara and just a little bit of lippy.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/lippy.gif">\n\nYou brush your hair in a girlish style to make yourself look a little more convincing then do a little pose in the mirror to reasert in your mind just how 'fish' you look already.\n\nWhen you're done, you grab your old school bag and head downstairs, finding your Mum in the kitchen. She's set out a good spread on the breakfast bar.\n\n'Oh <<print $fnom>>!' she calls. 'You look absolutely //adorable!!//'\n\n'Aw, Mum!' you say, shyly. You feel good about the compliment nevertheless.\n\nYou finish your breakfast and chat with your Mum for a bit. Soon, you recieve a text from Charlie.\n\n'Outside x' it reads.\n\nYou put on your cute new shoes and make to head out of the front door but your Mother ambushes you with hugs and kisses and affirmations of her love.\n\nStrangely, you don't find it so embarrassing as you used to.\n\nYou open the door and see Charlie in her Mustang directly outside. She beams at you on seeing your outfit.\n\nYour Mother waves to her. 'Hiya Charlie!' she calls.\n\nCharlie waves back. 'Hey Rachel!'\n\nWith morning sunshine on your face, you ride in Charlie's passenger seat feeling freer than ever before.\n\n'Gonna pick Aiya up.' Charlie says simply.\n\nYour thoughts return to the mysterious man with the gun secretly holstered under his jacket. You'd try to broach the conversation again with Charlie but in no time, you're at Aiyas house.\n\n'C'mon.' Charlie tells you, getting out and heading up the path.\n\nYou follow her obediently, wondering how to broach the subject with Aiya there. //'Hey Aiya! So what's with your gangster sugar daddy?'// \n\nAs Charlie approaches, the front door opens and Aiya lets the pair of you in.\n\n'Oh <<print $fnom>>!! I can't believe it! - I must admit I never thought you had the guts!' she laughs.\n\n'Oh, er - thanks.' you respond. Not really sure if it's a compliment or not.\n\nYou find Aiya's Dad in the front room. 'Hi girls!' he greets you.\n\n'Hey Ken!' Charlie returns.\n\n'Hello.' you offer him timidly from the doorway.\n\nHe looks in your direction. 'Hello Gorgeous!' he says as if to the love of his life. 'Are you off now?'\n\nYou're not sure. You suppose you'll have to go soon if you're to be at college on time but...\n\nHe walks towards you.\n\n...but he's not looking at you - you realise - he's looking about a foot directly above you above you. You sense somebody behind you and step out of the way.\n\nA big man steps in through the doorway and envelops Aiya's Dad in a loving embrace which finishes in a lingering kiss between their lips. You recognise him instantly.\n\n//Aiya's sugar...oh...//\n\n'Yeah, I'd better go.' he says, letting go of Aiya's Dad.\n\n'Morning Daddy!' Aiya greets him.\n\n'Morning Sweetness.' he looks at you and Charlie. 'Hey girls!'\n\n'Hiya Marco.' Charlie says.\n<<set $Marco = true>>\n'I'll see you later Honey.' he says to Aiya's Dad before turning to Aiya and giving her a hug. '...have fun at college Aiya - and be good, won't you?' he tells her.\n\n'Why yes Daddy!' she responds in mock surprise at the implication that she perhaps might not.\n\nWith that, the man steps back into the hallway and exits through the front door.\n\nSoon after that, you and Aiya join Charlie in her car and she heads for college.\n\nOn the way you quiz Aiya about her other dad, explaining how you saw he was carrying a gun.\n\n'My dad's a cop.' she says from the front passenger seat.\n\n'He's a narc.' Charlie adds from over her shoulder.\n\n'So how did you happen to see that anyway <<print $fnom>>?' Aiya enquires. 'He doesn't exactly flash it around.'\n\nYou explain how you came to see it, provoking fits of laughter from the front seats.\n\n'A-ha ha ha <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie laughs. 'Where you perving up Aiya's Daddy!? Aaah ha ha haa!'\n\n'He does have a big knob.' Aiya says through snorts.\n\n'Hmm, really?' Charlie asks.\n\n'Oi - you keep away, slut!' Aiya says pushing her.\n\n'Who are you calling slut!?' Charlie asks, feigning offence. 'You've probably already had a go!' she jibes. 'I've seen how close you two are!'\n\n'Oh you dirty fucking tramp! I'm gonna get one of Bibi's dildos and bum rape you in your sleep!' Aiya laughs.\n\nLetting Aiya and Charlie bitch at eachother you realise you're nearing your destination and begin to wonder what is in store for you on your very [[first day of college]].\n\n<<elseif $Mumknows is true and $Cknowsmknows is false>>You find a cute set of white panties with a matching A cup bra and put them on, stuffing the bra cups with an ankle sock in each to pad it out a bit. You excitedly unfold your new uniform and start putting it on, thinking that it might be nice to have some nice little real boobs to go in your shirt and you start reconsidering Sasha's offer.\n\n//Why not?// you think. So far, you've been having way more fun just pretending to be girl. //Why not try being a real one?// you ask yourself. //She said it would be reversable and besides, you'd get paid for it too!//\nYou decide to take Sasha up on her offer, wondering why you hadn't made this decision already. It has been a hell of a weekend and everything went so quickly.\n\nYou slip into your skirt and fasten it around your little waist, checking yourself out in the mirror as you pull on your frilly white pop socks.\n\nMake up - you put on a little eye liner and mascara and just a little pink to your lips.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/lippy.gif">\n\nYou brush your hair in a girlish style to make yourself look a little more convincing then do a little pose in the mirror to reasert in your mind just how 'fish' you look already.\n\nWhen you're done, you grab your old school bag and head downstairs, finding your Mum in the kitchen. She's set out a good spread on the breakfast bar.\n\n'Oh <<print $fnom>>!' she calls. 'You look absolutely //adorable!!//'\n\n'Aw, Mum!' you say, shyly. You feel good about the compliment nevertheless.\n\nYou finish your breakfast and chat with your Mum for a bit.\n\nWhen you decide it's time to go, you put on your cute new shoes and make to head out of the front door. Your Mother ambushes you with hugs and kisses and affirmations of her love.\n\nStrangely, you don't find it so embarrassing as you used to.\n\nYou open the door and with morning sunshine on your face, step outside for your very [[first day of college]].\n<<elseif $Mumknows is false>>You throw on your college uniform and look at yourself distastefully in the mirror.\nDon't you wish you could just be a girl all the time? You wouldn't need excuses to wear pretty things then.\n\n<<if $change is true>>You wonder with a mix of excitement and aprehension, what Charlie has in store for you. //What's this 'big plan'?//\n\nWhen you're done, you grab your old school bag and head downstairs, finding your Mum in the kitchen. She's set out a good spread on the breakfast bar. She greets you warmly when you step into the kitchen.\n\nYou finish your breakfast and she fusses about more than usual.\n\nYou put on your shoes and make to head out of the front door but your Mother ambushes you with hugs and kisses and affirmations of her love.\n\n'Aw Mum!' you say - but you don't //really// mind.\n\nYou open the door and head off down the street.\n\nSeeing, Charlie's Mustang parked up in the same spot where she dropped you off the night before, you head over covertly and hop in.\n\n'Morning //<<print $nom>>//!' she greets you with derision. 'Let's get you dressed nicely for college huh?'\n\nShe pulls off and heads down the road. You think she's going to take you to her's but she stops at Aiya's instead.\n\n'C'mon.' Charlie tells you.\n\nYou follow her obediently, trusting that she knows what she's doing while simultaneously worrying //what if she doesn't? What if Aiya's dad sees you dressed like this? Would he recognise you from the other night when you were dressed in girl clothes?//\n\nAs Charlie approaches, the front door opens and Aiya lets the pair of you in.\n\n'Hey <<print $fnom>>.' Aiya greets you. 'I'm gonna lend you one of my uniforms as you're about the same size as me.\n\n'Thanks Aiya but I'm still not sure how this is going to work!' you say with hushed urgency.\n\n'I told you I'd sort it <<print $fnom>> - I sorted it.' Charlie reassures you. 'Just get your skinny ass in the front room and get changed. I'll explain everything later.'\n\nThe pair of them shepherd you into the front room where Aiya's spare uniform lies folded up on a particularly tasteful sofa.\n\n'Here?' you say, unsure.\n\n'Yes here - come on, chop chop.' Charlie says impatiently.\n\nYou shrug and start taking off all your clothes. When you're standing there butt naked in front of them both, Charlie starts handing you garments to put on, starting with a pair of little white panties, then a pair of frilly white pop socks, then an A cup bra to match the panties, then another pair of socks to stuff inside your bra, a shirt, a skirt and a little plaid tie to match the skirt.\n\n'You want help doing your make up?' Charlie asks.\n\nYou tell her you think you can cope now. She seems happy by that.\n\nAiya directs you to the bathroom so you can use the mirror and you head upstairs and close the door behind you.\n\nYou're almost done and just trying to make your hair look more girly when the bathroom door opens and a stark naked man with a massive floppy willy walks in. You recognise him instantly, freezing in shock.\n\n'Oh, hey - sorry lil Miss! - I didn't know anyone was in here.' he says and backs out again, closing the door behind him. It's unmistakably the guy who met up with Aiya - the guy who had a gun secretly holstered under his jacket.\n\n'Holy shit!' you breathe. //Is Aiya crazy? - bringing her psycho sugar daddy home with her.//\n\nYou wonder if Aiya's Dad knows about this guy and how he'd react if he saw a man twice Aiya's age walking around butt naked in his house!\n\nQuickly finishing up, you exit the bathroom and nearly bump into Aiya's Dad. 'Oh - hey Mr...' you start before realising you've forgotten their family's surname. '...Ken.' you finish.\n\n//Shit! - where's the naked guy gone!?// you wonder frantically, deciding this could all go horribly wrong.\n\n'Oh hey <<print $fnom>>!' Aiya's dad greets you warmly. You're surprised he remembers you. 'Excited for your first day at college?' he asks you pleasantly.\n\n'Uh, yeah - yes thanks.' you say but you're more concerned with the fact that he looks to be heading downstairs and you don't know where the naked guy is.\n\nYou follow him downstairs and into the front room where you can see the girls, sitting on the sofa.\n\n'Morning Honey!' Ken says lovingly as he steps into the front room.\n\nAt that moment, the naked guy - now wearing a towel around his midrif, steps into view. 'Morning beautiful!' he says to Aiya's Dad.\n\nFor a moment you're still confused - all the way up to the point when the couple embrace and passionately kiss each other on the lips.\n\n//Ahhhh-riiight.// you think, nodding your head to yourself as the penny finally drops.\n\nAs Ken greets Aiya and Charlie, the man in the towel approaches you.\n\n'Hi, sorry about that earlier - I'm Marco.'\n<<set $Marco = true>>\nAfter a minimal conversation, Aiya's other Dad goes upstairs, presumably to do whatever it was he was intending to do earlier.\n\nYou're left in the room with Ken and the girls.\n\n'Well I'd better better get back in the office.' he says. 'Have a fabulous day girls!'\n\nThe three of you leave soon after that and Aiya calls shotgun again.\n\nOn the way you quiz Aiya about her other dad Marco, explaining how you saw he was carrying a gun.\n\n'My dad's a cop.' she says from the front passenger seat.\n\n'He's a narc.' Charlie adds from over her shoulder.\n\n'So how did you happen to see that anyway <<print $fnom>>?' Aiya enquires. 'He doesn't exactly flash it around.'\n\nYou explain how you came to see it, provoking fits of laughter from the front seats.\n\n'A-ha ha ha <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie laughs. 'Where you perving up Aiya's Daddy!? Aaah ha ha haa!'\n\n'He does have a big knob.' Aiya says through snorts.\n\n'Hmm, really?' Charlie asks.\n\n'Oi - you keep away, slut!' Aiya says pushing her.\n\n'Who are you calling slut!?' Charlie asks, feigning offence. 'You've probably already had a go!' she jibes. 'I've seen how close you two are!'\n\n'Oh you dirty fucking tramp! I'm gonna get one of Bibi's dildos and bum rape you in your sleep!' Aiya laughs.\n\nLetting Aiya and Charlie bitch at eachother you realise you're nearing your destination and begin to wonder what is in store for you on your very [[first day of college]].\n\n<<else>>You wonder what Charlie would've had in store for you. //What was her 'big plan'?// but it's all too late now and you've commited to being '<<print $nom>>' at college now.\n\nWhen you're done, you grab your old school bag and head downstairs, finding your Mum in the kitchen. She's set out a good spread on the breakfast bar.\n\nShe greets you warmly when you step into the kitchen.\n\nYou finish your breakfast as she fusses about more than usual.\n\nYou put on your shoes and make to head out of the front door but your Mother ambushes you with hugs and kisses and affirmations of her love.\n\n'Aw Mum!' you say, embarrassed to think the neighbours might see.\n\nYou open the door and head off down the street.\n\nYou fantasise about how you'd feel if you were wearing the girls uniform right now.\n\nFinding it difficult not to regret your discision, you begin to wonder if the girls will completely ignore you and what it'll be like to be utterly alone on your [[first day of college]].\n<<endif>><<endif>>
When you get in, your Mother practically springs on you, showering you with affection and asking about your first day at college.\n\n<<if $Mumknows is true>>You hug her back and tell her how much you enjoyed your first day and that you’re really excited about spending the year there.\n\n<<elseif $change is true>>You hug her back and tell her how much you enjoyed your first day and that you’re really excited about spending the year there.\n\nYou wish you could just tell her everything but you can’t – can you?\n\n<<else>>You hug her back, pretending to be non-appreciative and simply tell her it was fine.\n\nYour mother gives you a concerned smile before giving you another little hug and a soft kiss on your hair line.<<endif>>\n\nYou [[go upstairs to change]] out of your uniform.\n
Lunch finishes and you all make your way up to the psychology classroom.\n\nSpurred on by your social success, you feel geared to apply yourself to your study. The tables have two chairs each and unsurprisingly the four girls have paired off, leaving you to find your own table.\n\n‘Mind if I sit here?’ comes a squeaky voice.\n\nYou look and see a scruffy, dark haired, primordial dwarf looking up at you expectantly.\n\n‘Uh – [[sorry but this seat’s taken|seat taken]].’\n\n‘[[Sure, no problem]].’\n
Soon after that, Sasha is indeed the next to drop and you feel you might be next.\n\nAiya and Charlie seem to be perfectly happy tormenting Bibi, trying to pass subliminal messages to her while she sleeps.\n‘Bibi...’ they whisper in comical ghostly voices. ‘You want cock – big cock – you want them in every hole – you want to be a cumslut....’\n\n‘Aiya - She’s already a cumslut.’ Charlie points out. ‘How much more of a cumslut can she be?’\n\n‘Fair point.’ Aiya concedes.\n\nYou were just laying your head down for a bit but now you’re struggle to keep your eyelids open.\n\nYou decide to rest them for a bit.\n\n‘You want to be a submissive sex pet – you want to worship your owner...’\n\nYou feel so impossibly comfortable.\n\n‘You want to obey commands – you want to please...’\n\n‘Hey, what about – you want to be a piss slave...’ *giggles\n\n//[[Soooo very comfortable...|dream]]//
Wardrobe\n\nYour Mother's clothes wouldn't fit you.\nThere's a locked box in here.\n\n<<return>>
You spend the evening evading the usual questions until it's [[time for bed]].
You sit on the floor, trying your best to hide it.\n\n‘Ahhahaa – I think she’s got another little boner! – Look!’ screeches Bibi, crying with laughter.\n\n‘Aw bless.’ Charlie says. ‘Did you like being our little puppy?’\n\nYou can’t hide the shame you’re feeling but you can’t help but feel enchanted by Charlie and maybe a little of that shows on your expression too. You try to cover yourself but Charlie moves your hands out of the way with her foot. ‘Ah – ah. No hiding, remember?’\n\nReluctantly, you let your hands fall to either side of your hips. It’s embarrassing but you feel like you would do anything to please her.\n\n ‘I’m just fucking impressed with myself that it worked first time!’ Aiya declares.\n\n‘<<print $f_nom>>’ Sasha asks sweetly. ‘Do you think I could try it on you?’\n\n‘What - now?’ you ask nervously.\n\n‘I’d like to try now if that’s okay with you. I’ll be gentle.’\n\n[[How can you deny her?|postpuppy]]\n
<<if $change is true>>You meet Dr Brae in the foyer and she stays to chat with you for a bit before you go.\n\nWhen you share with her the news of your Kline test results, she seems pleased.\n\nShe sees you leisurely to the door as the conversation comes to an end.\n\nAs the doors open for you, you turn and say farewell to MJ who does her best to return the farewell while answering the phone.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/GTec/MJ/02.jpg">\n\n'Hello G-Tec, MJ speaking, how may I be of service?'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/GTec/MJ/mj2.jpg">\n\n'It's been so lovely to meet you <<print $fnom>>.' Dr Brae tells you with a gleaming smile.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sfam/bye.jpg">\n\n'I'd love to chat with you longer but I have another trial testee due to turn up any minute.\n\n'Oh well that's a pity.' you hear MJ say over the phone.\n\n'Okay, see you then.' Dr Brae says.\n\n'Bye Dr Brae.' you reply.\n\n'Okay bye then.' MJ says to the person on the other [[end of the line]].<<else>>You meet your Mother back in the foyer where she's chatting with Dr Brae.\n\nYou share the news with them and they both seem pleased by it.\n\nDr Brae sees you both leisurely to the door as the conversation comes to an end.\n\nAs the doors open for you, you turn and say farewell to MJ who does her best to return the farewell while answering the phone.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/GTec/MJ/02.jpg">\n\n'Hello G-Tec, MJ speaking, how may I be of service?'\n\n'It's been so lovely to meet you <<print $fnom>>.' Dr Brae tells you with a gleaming smile.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sfam/bye.jpg">\n\n'...and it's always a pleasure to see you Rachel.' she adds, cupping your Mothers hands within her own. 'I'd love to chat with you longer but I have another trial testee due to turn up any minute.\n\n'Oh well that's a pity.' you hear MJ say over the phone.\n\n'Okay, see you then.' Dr Brae says.\n\n'See you soon Vanessa.' your Mum responds.\n\n'Bye Dr Brae.' you say.\n\n'Okay bye then.' MJ says to the person on the other [[end of the line]].\n\n<<endif>>\n
You paddle for a bit.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/surf.jpg">\n<<back>>
There's a door on the [[left|ll]] and one on the [[right|gr]] but which is the ladies and which is the gents?\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/beachloo.jpg">\n[[>>|beach]]
Steam Room\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/spa/steam.jpg">\n\n[[out|the spa]]
<<if $Marco is true>>Ken and Marco are Aiya's dads.\n\nKen is a gifted architect and Marco a Police Detective in the Narcotics Division.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Ken/intro.jpg"><img src="Sleep_img/Marco/intro.jpg"><<else>>Ken Li is Aiya's Dad and a gifted architect.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Ken/intro.jpg"><<endif>>
‘OK darling, I won’t worry then. Be safe and we can catch up tomorrow. [[Catch a film maybe?]] The new Thunderdogs movie is out if you fancy it M.x’
‘Your mum seems nice. So my mum goes away on long weekends and I’m allowed to have friends over. Although she always says ‘no boys’ and my big brother Gabe reckons he has to uphold that, tonight, he’s gone out so as far as I’m concerned – I can invite whoever I want.’\n\nYou feel slightly uneasy about that but what else are you going to do – go back home and tell your mum you didn’t fancy it!?\n\nYou stop off at Aiya’s house which is on an avenue not far from your street. She nips in and picks up some things. You watch her give her dad a hug and a kiss at the door. He waves at you all as she rejoins the group. The girls all wave back and call over to him. ‘Hi Mr Li!’\n\nYou feel so good about yourself, walking down the street surrounded by impossibly hot girls. Annoyingly, there seems to be very few people about to witness this moment of glory.\nPerhaps everybody else decided it looks likely to rain.\nSoon it does and like it has never done before. A torrential downpour soaks you and the girls until not one part of you is dry.\n\n ‘Ah, fuck it. Too late to bother running.’ Charlie says.\n\n ‘A white top and no bra probably wasn’t the best choice today.’ Sasha says, her nipples clearly visible.\n\n‘I like getting wet.’ Aiya says.\n\n‘I’m going to look like a frikin panda.’ Says Bibi.\n\n‘You could never look anything but beautiful.’ You tell her. It didn't sound as wanky in your head.\n\n‘Aw, <<print $nom>>! You’re so sweet!’ Bibi says, pushing you gently.\n\n'Bit weird.' Aiya says to whoever.\n\nYou and the girls walk the rest of the way laughing and joking and messing around together, enjoying the clement weather.\n\nSoon, you arrive at [[Charlie's Place]].\n
Once you're settled, she chats with you for a while, repeating many of the questions asked by Mr Brae.\n\nWhen she gets to the more personal questions you hesitate but realising the importance of this evaluation and acknowledging Miss Kline as a professional, you oblige her.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/ella3.jpg">\n\nOnce the //primary evaluation// is complete, she tells you that you're next step is to complete the 'Kline Test'.\n\nThis, as you soon learn, involves being hooked up to a laptop, asked various questions and shown [[various images]].\n\n<<set $kt = 0>>
wp - from home thread\n\npro 0 - trunks/bikini - msex le (ella)/else (guy)\n\t\n\ttrunks - go with girls (risk outing) *drink true mknows?\n\tbikini - wall/bush *drink true mknows?\n\npro 1 - msex le (ella)/else (guy)\n\n\t(stay with girls)\n\nwp2 - (from sash/bib threads)\npro 0/1 - msex le (ella)/else (guy)\n\n\tpro 0 (bikini) - wall/bush\n\tpro 1 - stay with girls\n\n_\n\nIf bikini - find CBA at flumes on 2nd visit \n\tstart scene - end scene - changing rooms\nIf trunks/pro - go with CBA (S w R/E)\n\t\tstart scene - end scene - free roam - meet back at waterfall to activate end scene\n
Charlie\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Charlie/Charlie p.jpg">\n\nIf there were a leader of the group, Charlie would be it with her confidence and charisma.\n\nCharlie is so shockingly gorgeous that she has men and women falling at her feet on a regular basis.
Cassius\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/band/Cassius.jpg">
Soon, you and the girls step back out into the sunshine.\n\n‘Who fancies a milkshake?’ Charlie suggests cheerfully.\n\n‘Good call!’ Aiya says.\n\n‘[[Pinkies?]]' Sasha suggests.\n\n‘Course!’ Charlie replies.
<<if $txtguf is false and $Mumknows is false>>Hey Babe! I've sorted it. I don't want to hear 'umm maybe'. If you want to be one of us at college then give me the go ahead [[NOW|new message]] and I'll pick you up tomorrow Morning.\n\nCx\n\nPS. If you're not game then [[don't bother responding|new message]] and you can get your lame ass into college by yourself. :P\n<<set $txtguf = true>>\n<<elseif $txtguf is true and $Mumknows is false>>You think about it. //How has she sorted that?// you wonder.\n\nShe does seem to be a resourceful girl. Perhaps you should just trust in her and say yes!\n\n//...or are you going to be a pussy all your life?// Your inner voice mimics the sound of Charlie's.\n\n//Well...// you think. You want to tell her yes but you're afraid. What if everybody laughs at you!? There's no going back from that - it'd be social suicide.\n\n...but then not joining in with the girls would be - you'd be completely alone!\n\nWhat will it be - yes or no? Yes or [[no|reguf][$gufyn = false]]...or [[yes|reguf][$gufyn = true]]...?\n<<elseif $txtguf is false and $Mumknows is true>>Hey Babe! I've sorted it. I don't want to hear 'umm maybe'. If you want to be one of us at college then give me the go ahead NOW and I'll pick you up tomorrow Morning.\n\n[[Cx|new message]]\n<<set $txtguf = true>>\nPS. If you're not game then don't bother responding and you can get your lame ass into college by yourself. :P\n<<elseif $txtguf is true and $Mumknows is true>>//Hmm...// you ponder your options. You could [[tell her about everything]] that happened today - including Aiya and her mystery gangster sugar Daddy - or you could [[keep it to yourself]] for now and hold onto it until tomorrow.\n<<endif>>
Where would you like to go first?\n\nThe [[beach]], [[esplanade]], [[water park]], [[library]], [[city park]], [[mall]], [[Broadway]], [[red light district]] or the [[woods]].\n\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>
The five of you chill together, drinking cocktails playing pool and chatting. A few guys make advances but the girls seem pretty picky – even Bibi, which you find yourself surprised at but she does relent after a charming black guy with short braids approaches her and entices her onto the dance floor.\n\nThe guy’s clearly got some moves but you have a feeling it might be the frightening thing waggling around in his pants that really got her attention.\n\nAfter a while you all leave for a place called Starlight Club. You follow the girls into the Red Light District at up to the door of Starlight Club, apparently disregarding the pretty sizable queue to get in.\n\nYou see a poster advertising a line up of pole dancers.\n\n\n//Foxy Hendrix\nDestiny Fire &\nMissy Heart//\n\nCharlie leans in close to you and whispers in your ear. ‘Give Bob a kiss on the cheek.’\n\nTwo mountainous doormen in smart suits welcome the girls inside. Of the two, Bob seems to be the one on the left – a terrifying looking black guy with a shiny bald head and a silver tooth.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/Boboto.png">\n<<set $Bob = true>>\n//Oh good.// you think, watching as the other girls give them little pecks on the cheek as they pass.\n\nCharlie stands next to the other doorman – a Mediterranean guy with a short black beard.\n\n‘Come on in <<print $fnom>>.’ Charlie tells you.\n\n//Shit, okay – if this is how I get in...//\n\nYou walk up to the black guy but he doesn’t make any move to let you kiss him and he’s about two foot taller than you.\n<<set $patdown = "">>\nYou feel awkward. Charlie did tell you to [[do it]] but maybe you should just walk [[in]].
Before the party you go home for dinner. While chatting with your Mum, she casually addresses the elephant.\n\n'So how did last night go?'\n\n'Yeah.... about the dress...'\n\n'You looked very pretty.'\n\n'Er...thanks.'\n\n'So how long have you been-'\n\n'Oh that was the first time I did anything like that.'\n\n'Oh...so that wasn't you I saw drinking milkshakes outside Pinkies the other day?\n\n'You ...? ...uh...'\n\n'It's okay angel, I've always known you were a bit different like that.'\n\nYou look down and say nothing.\n\n//How could she know!? I didn't even know!//\n\n'Oh it's okay baby.' she sooths. 'Mummy loves you just the same either way.\n\n//Don't. Cry.//\n\ncut to girls picking you up (after talk)\n\nwhen she says goodbye, she uses your fnom
<<if $sex is "Charlie">>You wake up with images of Charlie still burned in your mind. There's no denying it; you're completely obsessed!\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Your cock aches from straining in its little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>><<if $sub is "sub">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny but you know jerking off isn't going to help; [[you need something else|shwrng]].<<elseif $sub is "switch">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny and with images of Charlie surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nYou imagine taking Charlie roughly; just the way she took you and imagine her spraying her sweet pussy juice over you as you come inside her.\n\nYou're almost at the point of climax when something stops you. How, you don't quite know but you get a sense that this alone won't give you the satisfaction you crave.\n\n[[You need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">><<set $wank = true>>You feel so horny and with images of Charlie surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nYou imagine taking Charlie roughly; just the way she took you and imagine her spraying pussy juice over you as you come inside her.\n\nWith that, you spurt over yourself, only to find you're left with a sense of dissatisfaction.\n\nYou'd like to make Charlie clean it up for you.\n\n[[Haven't you had enough of being Charlie's little bitch?|shwrng]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $sex is "Sasha">>You wake up from a peaceful and pleasant night’s sleep.\n\n//Where you dreaming of Sasha?//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Your cock aches from straining in its little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>><<if $sub is "sub">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny but you know jerking off isn't going to help; [[you need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny and with images of Sasha surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nYou imagine having the money to take a girl like that out to a fancy restaurant, wining, dining and...\n\nYou remember the time you and she kissed; the taste of Gabe's cum still in her mouth.\n\nYou're almost at the point of climax when something stops you.\n\nHow, you don't quite know but you get a sense that this alone won't give you the satisfaction you crave.\n\nSomething tells you jacking off isn't quite going to do the trick.\n\n[[You start wondering if you could ever win her affections|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">><<set $wank = true>>You feel so horny and with images of Sasha surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nYou imagine having the money to take a girl like that out to a fancy restaurant, wining, dining and...\n\nYou remember how she looked giving Gabe head and you imagine her doing the same for you.\n\nWith that, you spurt over yourself.\n\nYou're left with a sense of dissatisfaction.\n\nYou know you're not enough for her as you are. [[You start wondering if you could ever win her affections|shwrng]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "Bibi">><<if $Charliesub is true>>Your cock aches from straining in its little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>><<if $sub is "sub">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny but you know jerking off isn't going to help; [[you need something else|shwrng]].<<elseif $sub is "switch">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny and with images of Bibi swimming around in your head, filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.// you think. //Fuck! - I'd need a monster to satisfy a girl like that!//\n\nYou remember watching her impale herself on that enormous dildo.\n\nYou imagine having a cock that big and balls to match so you could fill her up with bucket loads of hot cum.\n\nYou're almost at the point of climax when something stops you.\n\nHow, you don't quite know but you get a sense that this alone won't give you the satisfaction you crave.\n\n[[You need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">><<set $wank = true>>You feel so horny and with images of Bibi surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.// you think. //Fuck! - I'd need a monster to satisfy a girl like that!//\n\nYou remember watching her impale herself on that enormous dildo.\n\nYou imagine having a cock that big and balls to match so you could fill her up with bucket loads of hot cum.\n\nWith that, you spurt over yourself but you're left with a sense of dissatisfaction.\n\nYou know you're not enough for her as you are. [[You start wondering what you could do to make her your bitch|shwrng]].\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $sex is "Aiya">>You wake up with images of Aiya still swirling through your mind. There's no denying it; there's something about that girl that leaves you wanting more.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Your cock aches from straining in its little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>><<if $sub is "sub">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny but you know jerking off isn't going to help; [[you need something else|shwrng]].<<elseif $sub is "switch">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny and with images of Aiya surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nYou imagine being Aiya's lesbian lover.\n\nYou imagine you and her going ass-to-ass on a double dildo.\n\nYou're almost at the point of climax when something stops you.\n\nYou get a sense that jacking off won't give you the satisfaction you crave.\n\n[[You need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">><<set $wank = true>>You feel so horny and with images of Aiya surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nYou imagine Aiya being your personal slut. As feisty as she is, she'd need some training - discipline.\n\nYou imagine tying her up and forcing her to squirt with a heavy duty vibrator.\n\nWith that, you spurt over yourself.\n\nYou're left with a sense of dissatisfaction.\n\nYou have nobody to clean up for you.\n\nYou wish you could make Aiya clean it up for you.\n\n[[Haven't you had enough of being Charlie's little bitch?|shwrng]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $sex is "Miss Riven">>You wake up with images of Miss Riven indelibly etched in your mind. There's no denying it; you've got a crush!\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Your cock aches from straining in its little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>>Where you dreaming about being her pet?\n\n<<if $sub is "sub">><<set $wank = false>>You remember it now; you were in class but not as a student. Instead, you were tied by a leash to her desk while she taught the other students. Occasionally she'd offer you treats and the other students would laugh and coo.\n\nYou imagine Miss Riven taking you by the leash and drawing you in under her desk\n\nYou imagine her parting her knees for you so you can lap at her wet snatch while the students are distracted with an educational video.\n\nYou feel so horny but you know jerking off isn't going to help; [[you need something else|shwrng]].<<elseif $sub is "switch">><<set $wank = false>>You remember it now; you were in class but not as a student. Instead, you were tied by a leash to her desk while she taught the other students. Occasionally she'd offer you treats and the other students would laugh at your antics and the girls would coo.\n\nYou feel so horny and with images of Miss Riven surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\nYou imagine Miss Riven taking you by the leash and drawing you in under her desk.\n\nYou imagine her parting her knees for you so you can lap at her wet snatch while the students are distracted with an educational video.\n\nYou're almost at the point of climax when something stops you.\n\nHow, you don't quite know but you get a sense that this alone won't give you the satisfaction you crave.\n\n[[You need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">><<set $wank = true>><<if $Uanthro is true>>//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nYou seem to remember having a big cock in your dream.\n\n//Did you dream of being a large dog with a huge throbbing flesh rocket?//\n\nYou remember dreaming about knotting her in class while the students watched.\n\nWith that, you spurt over yourself but you're left with a sense of dissatisfaction.\n\nYou look at your messy, twinkie cocked self in distaste.\n\nThe fantasy seems ever more unrealistic and your self-esteem diminishes further.\n\n//Should you [[accept your fate|shwrng][$sub = "switch"]] as a sissy boy or [[not|shwrng]]?// you wonder.<<else>>//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nYou seem to remember having a big cock in your dream.\n\n//Did you dream of being hung?//\n\nYou remember dreaming about fucking her over her desk while the students watched.\n\nWith that, you spurt over yourself but you're left with a sense of dissatisfaction.\n\nYou look at your messy, twinkie cocked self in distaste.\n\nThe fantasy seems ever more unrealistic and your self-esteem diminishes further.\n\n//Should you [[accept your fate|shwrng][set "$sub" = "switch"]] as a sissy boy or [[not|shwrng]]?// you wonder.\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $sex is "your Mother">><<set $Mumsgirl = true>><<if $Charliesub is true>>Your cock aches from straining in it's little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>><<if $sub is "sub">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny but you know jerking off isn't going to help; [[you need something else|shwrng]].<<elseif $sub is "switch">><<set $wank = false>>You feel so horny and with images of your Mother surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\nRecalling the time you perved on her while she frigged herself off on the sofa, you frantically pull on your little cocklet.\n\nYou imagine what her wet snatch must taste like; how it must feel inside.\n\nYou're almost at the point of climax when something stops you.\n\nYou struck with an overwhelming sense that this alone won't satisfy your needs.\n\n[[You need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">><<set $wank = true>>You feel so horny and with images of your Mother surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\n//If only I had a bigger cock.//\n\nRecalling the time you perved on her while she frigged herself off on the sofa, you frantically pull on your little cocklet.\n\nYou imagine what her wet snatch must taste like; how it must feel inside.\n\nYou imagine her spraying pussy juice over you as you cum inside her.\n\nWith that, you spurt over yourself.\n\nYou're left with a sense of dissatisfaction.\n\nYou look down at your messy, twinkie cocked self in distaste.\n\nThe fantasy seems ever more unrealistic and your self-esteem diminishes further.\n\n[[Maybe you ought to accept your fate as a sissy boy?|shwrng]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $sex is "your Mother as one of the lesbians in the movie">>//Wow - that was fucking hot!//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Your cock aches from straining in its little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>><<if $sub is "sub">><<set $wank = false>>The fantasy excites you but it's missing something - where do you feature!?\n\nYou start imagining scenarios where you might be involved.\n\nYou imagine your Mother and Miss Riven scolding you for perving on them and they show you how it feels by making you jerk yourself off in front of them.\n\n\nYou feel so horny but you know jerking off isn't going to help; [[you need something else|shwrng]].<<elseif $sub is "switch">><<set $wank = false>>The fantasy excites you but it's missing something - where do you feature!?\n\nYou start imagining scenarios where you might be involved.\n\nYou feel so horny and with images of your Mother surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\nYou imagine her and Miss Riven naked together on the living room sofa, passionately frigging each other off.\n\nYou try to imagine a manlier version of yourself walking in on them but instead of freaking out, they invite you to join them.\n\nThe fantasy feels awkward and forced.\n\nAnother fantasy enters your mind where your Mother and Miss Riven scold you for perving on them and show you how it feels to be perved on by making you jerk yourself off in front of them.\n\nYour little floppy cock is almost going to spurt when you suddenly decide to stop.\n\nYou struck with an overwhelming sense that this alone won't satisfy your needs.\n\n[[You need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The fantasy excites you but it's missing something - where do you feature!?\n\nYou start imagining scenarios where you might be involved.\n\nYou feel so horny and with images of your Mother surrounding you and filling your every thought, you pull yourself off.\n\nYou imagine her and Miss Riven naked together on the living room sofa, passionately frigging each other off.\n\nYou try to imagine a manlier version of yourself walking in on them but instead of freaking out, they invite you to join them.\n\nThe fantasy feels awkward and forced.\n\nAnother fantasy enters your mind where your Mother and Miss Riven scold you for perving on them and show you how it feels to be perved on by making you jerk yourself off in front of them.\n\nYour little floppy cock is almost going to spurt when you suddenly decide to stop.\n\nYou struck with an overwhelming sense that this alone won't satisfy your needs.\n\nWith that, you spurt over yourself.<<set $wank = true>>\n\nYou're left with a sense of dissatisfaction.\n\nYou look down at your messy, twinkie cocked self in distaste.\n\nThe fantasy seems ever more unrealistic and your self-esteem diminishes further.\n\n[[Maybe you ought to accept your fate as a sissy boy?|shwrng]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $sex is "Mr Green">><<set $wank = false>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<set $mf = true>>Your cock aches from straining in its little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>>\n\nYour dreams involving Mr Green come back to you and as surprising it is to you, you're undeniably turned on by them.\n\n//It felt so good having Charlie fuck you - maybe you should try the real thing?//\n\nYou're a little ashamed of having these thoughts but you're not sure why you should be.\n\n//Maybe you should just embrace it and see where it goes?//\n\nNobody's watching you her, alone in your bedroom. Your hands begin to wander, imagining they're Mr Green's hands upon your naked body.\n\nYou start massaging between your legs.\n\nAs turned on as you are, you don't get hard and you know that jerking off isn't going to help.\n\n[[You need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<elseif $sex is "Rotweillo">><<set $wank = false>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<set $mf = true>>Your cock aches from straining in its little cage all night but you're relieved when you try to nurse it, you find the device has slipped a bit and with a little painful effort, it comes free.\n\n<<else>>Your little cock strains in between you and the mattress.\n\n<<endif>>Your dreams involving the Thunderdog Rotweilo come back to you and as surprising it is to you, you're undeniably turned on and disgusted by them at once.\n\n//It felt so good having Charlie fuck you.//\n\nYou imagine Rotweilo grabbing up your delicate little fem boy body.\n\nYou're a little ashamed of having these thoughts but you're not sure why you should be.\n\n//Maybe you should just embrace it and see where it goes?//\n\nNobody's watching you here, alone in your bedroom. Your hands begin to wander, imagining they're Rotweilo's big, strong hands upon your naked body.\n\nYou start massaging between your legs.\n\nYou take your mind back to when Charlie was pegging you but when you turn around it's Rotweilo standing behind you.\n\nHe sinks his big red flesh rocket into your tight little sissy hole and you gasp in pleasure, revelling in a sense that you've discovered your place in the world.\n\nYou look back again but Rotweilo isn't Rotweilo anymore. It's the man who caught you changing in the bush yesterday. His head morphs into the head of his dog which starts salivating over you as Blake's body holds you in place and thrusts deep inside you. \n\nYou stop - shocked and horrified at your depravity.\n\nOne thing's for sure - you're sexually frustrated and it's only going to get worse until you can cum.\n\nUnfortunately, you know that <<if $Charliesub is true>>even if you could get your abused cock to work, it still wouldn't be enough to satisfy you.<<else>>even if you can still get your cock to work, it's still not going to be enough to satisfy this need.<<endif>>\n\n[[You need something else|shwrng]].\n\n<<endif>>\n<<set $d = 5>><<set $w = 1>>\n<<set $pro = 0>>\n<<set $appt = false>>\n
Coffee Shop\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/coffee.jpg">\nYou take a seat in the coffee shop and a waitress takes your order. She soon brings it over for you. It really is good coffee.\n\n'Would you like some complimentary brownies with that?'\n\n<<cyclinglink "$action" "Sure, thanks!" "I'll pass thanks.">>\n\n\n[[Leave|red light district]]<<set $cs is $cs + 1>>
You know you shouldn’t but...\n\nHesitantly, and with your heart in your mouth, you tiptoe back in the room, just far enough that you can get a clear view.\n\nYour Mum's pussy looks so young and fresh. You can’t help but imagine what it would taste like and the thought makes you hard.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/wet.gif">\n\nYou know you should [[go]] but you can’t think straight. You want to see more. You want to [[get closer]]. Close enough that you can breathe her scent.\n<<set $Oedipus = true>>\n<<set $Umum = $Umum + 1>>
<<if $psylol is true>>[[Psychology 101]]<<else>>You need to get Psychology 101 from the library.<<endif>>\n<<if $oesh is true>>[[Oedipus and Electra by Sterno & Huffer|Oedipus and Electra]]\n<<endif>><<if $tells is true>>[[Tells by Geneviève Lilli|tells]]\n<<endif>>\n<<if $w is 0>>\n<<if $d is 2>>[[What now?|home do tue 1]]\n<<elseif $d is 3>>[[What now?|wedeve1]]\n<<elseif $d is 4>>[[What now?|home thu]]\n<<elseif $d is 5>>[[What now?|home fri]]\n<<elseif $d is 7>>[[What now?|Suneve1]]<<endif>>\n<<elseif $w is 1>>\n<<if $d is 1>>[[What now?|mon1 eve]]\n<<elseif $d is 2>>[[What now?|tue1 eve]]\n<<elseif $d is 3>>[[What now?|wed1 eve]]\n<<elseif $d is 4>>[[What now?|thu1 eve]]\n<<elseif $d is 6>>[[What now?|sat1 eve]]\n<<elseif $d is 7>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $t = $t + 1>>
<<if $schgirl is true>>When you get home, you find your Mum's not back yet from work.\n\nYou wander into the front room and flop on the sofa, smoothing your skirt over your bum as you do (a good habit you quickly picked up). You sit in front of the TV for a bit while you decide what to do until she gets home.\n\nYou're enjoying the sensation of having the plug in your ass and don't feel in any hurry to pull it out.\n\nYou remember how it felt to have Charlie fuck you with a strap on dildo and you feel yourself getting hornier.\n\nBarely noticing what you're doing, you begin stroking the tops of your legs, then the inside of your thighs upward, pushing your skirt up and exposing Charlie's mint green panties.\n\nYou look at them for a while.\n\nThey look cute but you're not sure how you feel about having the bulge there, even if it is just a little one.\n\nYou imagine what it might be like to have a pussy and fantasise about Charlie fucking you in your pussy while wearing a butt plug.\n\nIn an epiphanic moment, you realise you could do just that! You could call Sasha right now and ask to speak with her parents!\n\nYou know with ever growing clarity that you want this. That you want to look as feminine as possible.\n\nYou imagine how you could look.\n\nYou could <<cyclinglink "$desire" "transform into a beautiful voluptuous woman" "transform into a slender hourglass bimbo slut like Bibi" "stay petite and dubious looking">>\n\nYou go upstairs and pour a [[nice hot bath]].\n\n\n<<elseif $change is true>>When you get home, you find your Mum's not back yet from work.\n\nYou wander into the front room and flop on the sofa, looking distainfully at your drab boy clothes. You sit in front of the TV for a bit while you decide what to do until she gets home.\n\nYou're enjoying the sensation of having the plug still filling up your ass and you don't feel in any hurry to pull it out.\n\nYou remember how it felt to have Charlie fuck you with a strap on dildo and you feel yourself getting hornier.\n\nYou pull down your trousers and borrowed mint green panties then inspect the object still tightly wedged in your ass hole, pushing against it.\n\nYour little cock starts to push against the fabric of Charlie's panties.\n\nThey look cute but you're not sure how you feel about having the bulge there, even if it is just a little one.\n\nYou imagine what it might be like to have a pussy and fantasise about Charlie fucking you in your pussy while wearing a butt plug.\n\nIn an epiphanic moment, you realise you could do just that! You could call Sasha right now and ask to speak with her parents!\n\nYou know with ever growing clarity that you want this. That you want to look as feminine as possible.\n\nYou imagine how you could look.\n\nYou could <<cyclinglink "$desire" "transform into a beautiful voluptuous woman" "transform into a slender hourglass bimbo slut like Bibi" "stay petite and dubious looking">>\n\nYou go upstairs and pour a [[nice hot bath]].\n\n\n<<elseif $schlb is true>>When you get home, you find your Mum's not back yet from work.\n\nYou wander into the front room and flop on the sofa, smoothing your skirt over your bum as you do (a good habit you quickly picked up). You sit in front of the TV for a bit while you decide what to do until she gets home.\n\nYou're enjoying the sensation of having the plug in your ass and don't feel in any hurry to pull it out.\n\nYou remember how it felt to have Charlie fuck you with a strap on dildo and you feel yourself getting hornier.\n\nBarely noticing what you're doing, you begin stroking the tops of your legs, then the inside of your thighs upward, pushing your skirt up and exposing Charlie's mint green panties.\n\nYou look at them for a while.\n\nThey look cute but you're not sure how you feel about having the bulge there, even if it is just a little one.\n\nYou imagine what it might be like to have a pussy and fantasise about Charlie fucking you in your pussy while wearing a butt plug.\n\nIn an epiphanic moment, you realise you could do just that! You could call Sasha right now and ask to speak with her parents!\n\nYou know with ever growing clarity that you want this. That you want to look as feminine as possible.\n\nYou imagine how you could look.\n\nYou could <<cyclinglink "$desire" "transform into a beautiful voluptuous woman" "transform into a slender hourglass bimbo slut like Bibi" "stay petite and dubious looking">>\n\nYou go upstairs and pour a [[nice hot bath]].\n\n\n<<elseif $schboy is true>>When you get home, you find your Mum's not back yet from work.\n\nYou kick your shoes off and walk carfully up the staircase. Ditching your bag by your door, you enter the bathroom, closing the door behind you.\n\nYou pull down your trousers and borrowed mint green panties then inspect the object still tightly wedged in your ass hole.\n\nYou pull on the base a bit but it doesn't want to come out.\n\nEarlier, it was doing it's very best to pop out with nothing but Charlie's skimpy underwear to keep it in. How you managed to get through the day without it popping out and rolling out of the bottom of your trouserleg you don't know.\n\nHow you managed to get through the day without anybody noticing you had something lodged in your ass you'll never know!\n\n...did you get through the entire day without anybody noticing you had something lodged in your ass...?\n\nYou ponder that for a moment before trying to get the plug out again.\n\nYou pull it and push it back in andd wiggle it and that seems to help some but it still doesn't seem to want to come out so you leave it for the time being and pour a [[nice hot bath]]..\n<<endif>>\n<<set $desirecs = 0>>
Mr Brae chuckles. 'I swear, if she hadn't been a Professor of Genomics, she would have been a thespian.'\n\n<<if $change is true>>You stay silent, deciding it's probably not your place to speculate.<<else>>You're inclined to agree after seeing how she kissed your Mother.<<endif>>\n\n'Okay then ladies!' Mr Brae says, rising from his chair.\n\n'That's all for today. It's been absolutely wonderful meeting you <<print $fnom>> - finally.'\n\n<<if $change is true>>He turns to his daughter.\n\n'And it's always wonderful to see you of course!' he says hugging her. '...see you later on.'<<else>>He turns to your Mother.\n\nThey make eye contact as he gently takes her hand. 'And it's always wonderful to see you too Rachel!'.\n\n<<cyclinglink "$rtv" "You think it's nice to see your Mum has a warm relationship with her employers." "You'd rather he wasn't so friendly with your Mother." "You think Sasha's parents should be a little less 'friendly' with your Mother.">><<endif>>\n\nMr Brae walks you back to the lobby and [[bids you both goodbye]].\n
<<if $long is 0 and $lat is 8>><<goto woods>>\n<<elseif $long is 0 and $lat is 31>><<set $t = $t +0.1>><<goto woods>>\n\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 8>><<set $nsew = "ns">><<if $o is "n">>You venture into the woods.<<else>>You've found the exit!<<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 31>><<set $nsew = "ns">><<if $o is "n">>You venture into the woods.<<else>>You've found the exit!<<endif>><img src="Sleep_img/woods/0131.jpg">\n\n\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 8>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 31>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 7>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 8>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "sew">>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 9>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 10>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 31>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 10>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 11>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 12>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 26>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 27>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 28>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 29>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 30>><<set $nsew = "ew">>You can see a picnic area through the trees to your right.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/0430.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 31>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "sew">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 32>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 4 and $lat is 33>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/0506.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 12>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 15>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 16>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 17>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 18>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 19>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 22>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 23>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 24>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 25>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 26>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 5 and $lat is 33>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 12>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 13>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 14>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 15>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 19>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 20>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 21>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "new">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/0621.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 22>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 32>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $woods = false>><<goto picnic>>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 33>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "sew">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 34>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 6 and $lat is 35>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 7 and $lat is 3>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 7 and $lat is 4>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 7 and $lat is 5>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 7 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nsw">>\n<<elseif $long is 7 and $lat is 21>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 7 and $lat is 35>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 2>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 3>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 21>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">><<if $o is "n">>The woods seem to thin out here into a serene glade.<<else>>You head back onto the path.<<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 35>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 37>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 38>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 39>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 8 and $lat is 40>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 2>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/0902.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nse">><<if $o is "n">>The way ahead is a dell of grassy heathland with trees and bushes about.<<else>>You continue down the path.<<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 7>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 8>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 21>><<set $woods = false>><<goto glade>>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 35>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 36>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 37>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 40>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 41>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/0941.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 42>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 9 and $lat is 43>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 10 and $lat is 0>><<set $woods = false>><<goto layby>>\n<<elseif $long is 10 and $lat is 1>><<set $nsew = "ew">><<if $o is "w">>Ahead is a layby just off a main road.<<else>>You head back into the woods.<<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 10 and $lat is 2>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "nsw">>You can hear traffic going by.\n<<elseif $long is 10 and $lat is 6>><<set $woods = false>><<goto dogging>>\n<<elseif $long is 10 and $lat is 8>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 10 and $lat is 30>><<set $woods = false>><<goto picnic>>\n<<elseif $long is 10 and $lat is 43>><<print $long>><<print $lat>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 11 and $lat is 2>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 11 and $lat is 8>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 11 and $lat is 9>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 11 and $lat is 10>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 11 and $lat is 11>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 11 and $lat is 12>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 11 and $lat is 30>><<set $nsew = "ns">><<if $o is "s">>You see a picnic area ahead of you.<<else>>You leave the picnic area.<<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 11 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 12 and $lat is 2>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 12 and $lat is 12>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 12 and $lat is 30>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 12 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "se">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/1243.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 12 and $lat is 44>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 13 and $lat is 2>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 13 and $lat is 12>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 13 and $lat is 30>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 13 and $lat is 31>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 13 and $lat is 32>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 13 and $lat is 44>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 14 and $lat is 2>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 14 and $lat is 3>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 14 and $lat is 12>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 14 and $lat is 13>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 14 and $lat is 14>><<set $nsew = "nw">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/1414 2014.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 14 and $lat is 32>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 14 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 14 and $lat is 44>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 3>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 4>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 14>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 32>><<set $nsew = "se">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/1532.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 33>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 34>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 35>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 36>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 15 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 16 and $lat is 4>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 16 and $lat is 14>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 16 and $lat is 21>><<goto glade>>\n<<elseif $long is 16 and $lat is 36>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 16 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 17 and $lat is 4>><<set $nsew = "nse">><<if $o is "s">>A path on your left opens up to a dell of grassy heathland with trees and bushes about.<<elseif $o is "n">>A path on your right opens up to a dell of grassy heathland with trees and bushes about.<<else>>You step up the slope and back onto the path.<<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 17 and $lat is 5>><<goto dogging>>\n<<elseif $long is 17 and $lat is 14>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 17 and $lat is 21>><<set $nsew = "ns">><<if $o is "s">>The trees thin out ahead into a peaceful glade.<<else>>You continue along the path.<<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 17 and $lat is 36>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 17 and $lat is 37>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 17 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "ns">><<if $o is "n">>There's a bridge ahead.<<else>>You cross to the North side of the river.<<endif>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/1743.jpg">\n\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 4>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 11>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 12>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 13>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 14>><<set $nsew = "nsw">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 21>><<set $nsew = "nse">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 22>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 23>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 37>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 18 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "ns">><<if $o is "s">>There's a bridge ahead.<<else>>You cross to the North side of the river.<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 4>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 11>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 14>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 20>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 21>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 23>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 24>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 25>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 26>><<goto clearing>>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 30>><<goto clearing>>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 31>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 32>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 37>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 19 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 4>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 9>><<goto dogging>>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 11>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 14>><<set $nsew = "se">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/1414 2014.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 15>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 16>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 17>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 20>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 32>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 36>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 37>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "se">><<set $waverly = 0>>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 44>><<set $nsew = "ew">><<if $waverly is 0>>There is a woman here looking confused.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/drwendiwaverly.jpg">\n\nPerhaps you ought to [[stop and ask her if she's okay.|Waverly]]<<elseif $waverly is 1>><<set $waverly = 2>><<elseif $waverly is 2>>The crazy lady is here.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/drwendiwaverly.jpg">\n\nPerhaps you ought to [[say hello.|Waverly]]<<else>><<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 20 and $lat is 45>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 3>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 4>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 9>><<set $nsew = "nse">><<if $o is "s">>The way ahead is a dell of grassy heathland with trees and bushes about.<<elseif $o is "n">>You continue onto the path.<<else>>The path here forks left and right.<<endif>>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 10>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 11>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 17>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 18>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 19>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 20>><<set $nsew = "sew">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 21>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 22>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 32>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 33>><<set $nsew = "ew">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/2133 wolf.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 34>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 36>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 21 and $lat is 45>><<set $nsew = "ns">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/2145.jpg">\n\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 3>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 9>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 22>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 23>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 24>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 34>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 35>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 36>><<set $nsew = "sw">>A tree has fallen from the other side of the river. It doesn't look safe to cross.\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 45>><<set $nsew = "nse">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 46>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 47>><<set $nsew = "nw">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/2247.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 22 and $lat is 49>><<goto 1pool>>\n\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 2>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 3>><<set $nsew = "nsw">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 9>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 24>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 25>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 26>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 27>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 28>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 29>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 37>><<set $nsew = "e">>A tree has fallen to the other side of the river. It doesn't look safe to cross.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/2337.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 38>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 45>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 47>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 23 and $lat is 49>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 0>><<goto layby>>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 1>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 2>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 3>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 4>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 5>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 6>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 7>><<set $nsew = "new">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 8>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 9>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 29>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 38>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 43>><<set $nsew = "ne">>The path reveals a grassy plateau.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/2443.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 44>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 45>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 47>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 48>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 24 and $lat is 49>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 7>><<set $nsew = "ns">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/2507.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 18>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 19>><<set $nsew = "ew">>You walk alongside the river.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/2519.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 20>><<set $nsew = "ew">>You walk alongside the river.\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 21>><<set $nsew = "ew">>You walk alongside the river.\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 22>><<set $nsew = "ew">>You walk alongside the river.\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 23>><<set $nsew = "ew">>You walk alongside the river.\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 24>><<set $nsew = "nw">>You walk alongside the river.\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 29>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 30>><<set $nsew = "nw">>There's a bridge ahead.\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 38>><<set $nsew = "se">>This is a steep slope.\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 39>><<set $nsew = "ew">>This is a steep slope.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/2539.jpg">\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 40>><<goto plateau>>\n<<elseif $long is 25 and $lat is 43>><<goto plateau>>\n\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 7>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 8>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 9>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 10>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 17>><<set $nsew = "ne">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 18>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 24>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 25>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 26>><<set $nsew = "nw">>\n<<elseif $long is 26 and $lat is 30>><<set $nsew = "ns">>\n\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 10>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 11>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 12>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 13>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 14>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 15>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 16>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 17>><<set $nsew = "sw">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 26>><<set $nsew = "se">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 27>><<set $nsew = "ew">>There's a bridge ahead.\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 28>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 29>><<set $nsew = "ew">>\n<<elseif $long is 27 and $lat is 30>><<set $nsew = "nsw">><img src="Sleep_img/woods/2830.jpeg">\n\n<<elseif $long is 28 and $lat is 30>><<set $nsew = "s">>The bridge is broken. Hopefully somebody will fix this one day.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/2830.jpeg">\n\n<<else>><<set $woods = false>>The way forward is a tangle of branches so you head <<back>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $t is $t + 0.01>>\n<<set $woods = true>>\n\n<<if tags().includes("rui")>>\n<<removeclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<<else>>\n<<addclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<</if>>
<<if $bt is 0>>You're not sure what you were expecting but this wasn't it.\n<<set $Bcjcb = true>><<set $mumbang = "non">>\nBibi's Mum's house is everything you expected and more, Bibi's bedroom is everything you expected and more but here you are watching the girls load up Super Racer 2 on Bibi's F-Box 4.\n\n//Chill out <<print $fnom>>, be cool.//\n\n'Are we playing for Black Betty?' Bibi asks Charlie excitedly.\n\nCharlie grins. 'Sure.'\n\n'Playing for who?' you ask.\n\nBibi answers by producing a huge shiny black dildo attched to a harness.\n\n//Oh my god.//\n\n'Whoever wins gets to fuck the losers.' Charlie declares.\n\n'I always lose.' Bibi says cheerfully.\n\n'Are you game?' Charlie asks you.\n\nYou're not sure about the idea of ending up on the end of that thing, so you sit there a moment looking indecisive.\n\n<<if $sub is true>>Although the strap-on looks terrifying, you find yourself decidedly more taken with the idea of getting fucked with it rather than doing the fucking - it's not like your little cock's any use anyway.\n\nMaybe you could beat the girls and if not, well maybe you could take [[Black Betty|bthree][$bt = 1, $cbrace = true]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>//Holy crap! - this could be the night you finally get to do the fucking - and both Charlie AND Bibi if you come first!\n\nYou realise you're just as turned on by the idea of ending up on the receiving end of that thing so it's a win/win, [[win or lose!|bthree][$bt = 1, $cbrace = true]]<<else>>//Holy crap! - this could be the night you finally get to do the fucking - and both Charlie AND Bibi if you come first!\n\n...but do you really want to risk ending up on the receiving end of that thing?\n\nAre you [[confident|bthree][$bt = 1, $cbrace = true]] enough or [[not?|bthree][$bt = 1]]<<endif>><<elseif $bt is 1>><<if $cbrace is true>>'Yay!' says Bibi.\n\n'Cool.' Charlie says. 'I hope your ass is ready for this.' she teases. \n\nThe three of you sit down to [[play]].\n<<set $race = 10>>\n<<else>>'Uh, I'll just watch if that's cool.\n\n'Boo!' says Bibi.\n\n'Boring.' Charlie says. 'OK, whatever.'\n\nThe girls sit down to [[play]].\n<<set $race = 0>>\n<<endif>><<endif>>
Ahh, quality time with yourself.\n\n<<if $d is 2>>[[What now?|home do tue 1]]\n<<elseif $d is 3>>[[What now?|wedeve1]]\n<<elseif $d is 4>>[[What now?|home thu]]\n<<elseif $d is 5>>[[What now?|home fri]]\n<<elseif $d is 7>>[[What now?|Suneve1]]<<endif>>\n\n<<set $t = $t + 1>>
<img src="Sleep_img/fnd/ctail.jpg">\n\nAfter a while, the attention turns on you and the guys start grilling you about how you know the girls, where you're from, where you're living and who with. The questions keep coming and the answers are increasingly difficult to deliver.\n\n'So how long have you lived here then <<print $fnom>>?' Casssius asks you.\n\n'Oh, not long.' You answer. 'It'll have been two weeks tomorrow.'\n\n'Ah, so you're a freshy like me then huh? Have you had much of an opportunity to explore the place? I hear it's beautiful.'\n\n<<cyclinglink "$exploredmuch" "You tilt your head slightly from side to side. 'Not much yet if I'm honest.'" "'Some.' you reply. '...but I'm keen to see more.'" "I've had a pretty good look around.">> you [[reply|explrdmch]].\n\n
<p style="color:#grey;">by Eidolon</p>\n/%42d100%/
A short coridor opens up to a beautiful and spacious lounge area with a bar and kitchenette, a balcony and a jacuzzi.\n\nIn the jacuzzi, you can see the back of Kai's head, his long wet hair trailing down across his broad, muscular shoulders. He turns, sipping from a cocktail glass and beckons you in.\n\nAs you walk in further, you see Cassius in the bar, wearing only his tight, white t-shirt and black boxers - both of which display his bulges beautifully.\n\n'Hi <<print $fnom>>.' He says. 'Esspresso Martini?'\n\n'Yes please.' You accept timidly.\n\nCassius makes you one with the effortless flare of an experienced bar steward.\n\nWhile he does it he holds your gaze casually as if trying to figure you out; a faint smile playing across his lips.\n\n'Shy - but not that shy I reckon.' Kai says as if reading his thoughts.\n\nCassius comes over to you with a glass each hand. He offers you one and you clink then together before drinking.\n\n'Tasty huh?' He says, reading your reaction.\n\nYou smile and nod.\n\nHe takes the glass from you and sets it on the bar alongside his own.\n\n'Shy - but not that shy.' He repeats.\n\nYou shrug.\n\n'You didn't come all this way to drink esspresso Martini's did you?' He asks as if the thought had only just occured to him.\n\nYou shrug again, looking downward to hide your mischievious grin.\n\nCassius gently holds your chin up to look into your face.\n\n'What do you want <<print $fnom>>?' Cassius asks you.\n\nThe butterflies in your stomach seem to have morphed into full blown teradactyls.\n\nYou hold his gaze and slowly sink to your knees.\n\nFrom the jacuzzi, you hear Kai exhale dramatically.\n\nAbove you, Cassius grins broadly and [[pulls out his hardening cock]].\n\n
‘My turn!’ Bibi says and spins the bottle.\n\nYou watch it as it comes to a stop on Charlie. Charlie turns to Bibi and the two of them start making out like they’re in a porno.\n\n//Holy shit that’s hot!// you think to yourself - although all that comes out is a barely audible croak (and a drop of seminal fluid).\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Spin the Bottle/00000bc1.gif">\n\nWith a parting peck, they turn to Aiya. ‘OK, your turn Aiya!’\n‘OK, me!’ she says and reaches out her left hand, giving the bottle a good spin anticlockwise.\n\nAs the bottle slows, you watch it point at Charlie, then Bibi, then Sasha. Your heart flutters as it points at you but somehow it keeps going just enough to be pointing at.... Aiya - who promptly throws her arms up in the air.\n\n ‘What the absolute fuck!?’ she says. ‘Oh well, here you go ladies; enjoy the show.’ She stands up and faces the wall and wraps her arms around herself so it looks like she’s making out with someone.’\n\nYou and the girls fall about giggling.\n\nAiya sits back down next to you and gives you a nudge. ‘OK, <<print $nom>>, [[your turn]].’\n
The canteen offers better quality of food than you’d find in the best restaurants back in Crapton - better by a mile and you learn it’s none other than the campus’ very own culinary students providing it.\n\nYou get a full hour and a half to eat, chat and digest before it’s time to head [[back to class]].
Fantastic, OK hon, if you'd like to [[wait outside|Mon Lunch 1]] with the others and someone will be with you shortly.'
Miss Riven begins the lesson with two questions. 'Why do we have a consciousness?' and 'Why is so much of our mind's activity unconscious?'\n\nShe explains that one theory is that being unaware of what really motivates us makes deception easier.\n\n'We spend so much time pretending to be something we're not and it's easier to deceive others if you believe it yourself.'\n\nThe class centres around Behaviourism - a partially redundant school of psychology with an emphasis on learning, of which there are three types.\n\nThe first (and simplest form) being Habituation - getting desensitised/used to things.\n\nThen Classical Conditioning - the attributing of associations between stimuli, learning through exposure.\n\n'Classical Conditioning can be used to shape our desires.'\n\nAs you hear Miss Riven speak the sentence, something about it seems important.\n\n'...Sexual desires can be controlled/altered using these techniques during masturbation.' she goes on. It's weird to you that Miss Riven is talking about masturbation and sexual desires.\n\n''Break time'' if schgirl - if schboy+ifMumknows/else\n\nAfter break, she talks about the third type of learning in Behaviourist theory - Operant Conditioning; of positive and negative reinforcements utilised to reward or punish a subject to a desired behaviour via approximations of that behaviour.\n\n/%Positive reinforcement - add reward or punishment\n\nNegative reinforcement - remove reward or punishment%/\n\nShe talks about the partial reinforcement effect - that intermittent reinforcement is more effective than continual, leading on to two kinds of effective reinforcement patterns - fixed schedule/variable ratios.\n\n'If the subject is continually rewarded throughout the conditioning process, it will stop the conditioned behaviour and cease to ascociate the stimuli, whereas a subject conditioned with intermittent reinforcement won't expect reward as much so will likely continue the conditioned behaviour even when denied the reward.'\n\n'A parent who yeilds to a nagging child is unwittingly teaching their child to nag (or wittingly perhaps if they want their child to grow up into someone persistent).\n\nBehaviourists believe there are no innate learning/desires which we now know isn't true.\n\nAlso, contrary to the Behaviourist idea - animals (inc humans) don't need reward/punishment to learn.\n\nThe Garcia effect states that innate learning means that some stimuli/behaviours are pre-associated like pecking/food/hunger, flapping/danger/fear. i.e. Pain/fear won't likely make you develop an aversion to a new food but nausea will because food and nausea are pre-associated/conditioned.\n\nNot everything is learned. The debate lies in how much is innate.\nUnobservable evidence no longer seen as unscientific (necessarily)\nReward/punishment isn't necessary to learn\nNatural responses differentiate subjects (Garcia effect)\n\nShe wraps up by explaining that Behaviourism has falsifyability issues in that it's either trivially true or scientifically robust and obviously false but adding:\n\n'Behaviourism has faded but has left us with some useful ideas and techniques and stands as an important contribution.'\n\n''Lunch''\n\nAfter lunch, the class is shown videos of conditioning experiments. There's one with a dog and a bell, some people recovering from phobias and a clip from the movie A Mechanical Manderin.\n\nMiss Riven takes time to chat with you all about the lesson before the afternoon period comes to an end.\n\n/%\n\n''//Original Notes//''\n\nB F Skinner\nUnconscious\n\nwhy do we have a consciousness?\n\nwhy do we have an unconscious?\n\nDeception\n\nWe spend so much time pretending to be something we're not\n\nIt's easier to deceive if you believe yourself\n\n\nFreud - psychoanalysis\n\nBehaviourism - before Skinner (John Watson) Skinner popularised behaviourism\n\nBehaviourism - emphasis on learning.\n\nJesuits - give me a child and I'll show you the man\n\nWatson - give me lots of children and I'll make them whatever\n\nAnti-mentalism - stimulus/response\n\nForms of learning - \nHabituation (the simplest form) - getting used to things/desensitised\n\nClassical Conditioning - learning the association between stimuli (Pavlov's dog (wanted to study saliva))\n\nUnconditioned stimulus (food) - unconditioned response (saliva) - didn't have to learn\nNeutral stimulus (bell)\nUnconditioned stimulus (bell) - unconditioned response (saliva) - learned association\nContinued exposure makes Neutral stimulus (bell) into a conditioned stimulus.\nConditioned stimulus (bell) - conditioned response (saliva)\n\nUnreinforced conditioning (without bell) causes Extinction\n\nSystematic desensitisation - curing of phobias by use of Unreinforced Conditioning\n\nSpontaneous recovery\n\nClassical Conditioning can be used to shape our desires.\n\n//Controlled during masturbation//\n\nPreparation for a pre-empted event\n\nClockwork Orange - \nUnconditioned stimulus (drug) - unconditioned response (nausea)\nShown scenes of violence until a (negative) association between violence and nausea forms.\nConditioned stimulus (violence) - conditioned response (nausea)\n\n\nOperant Conditioning - \n\nPositive reinforcement - add reward or punishment\n\nNegative reinforcement - remove reward or punishment\n\n\nBy rewarding the subject for approximations to the desired behaviour\nBy punishing the subject for diversions from the desired behaviour\n\nRatio - fixed schedule/variable\n\nPartial reinforcement effect - don't reinforce all the time but intermittently.\n\nSubject doesn't expect reward as much so continues behaviour even when denied.\n\nKid - Muuum, can I?\nMum - no, no, no, yes.\n\nTraining kid to nag.\n\nBehaviourists believe no innate learning/desires - wrong\n\nAlso, contrary to the Behaviourist idea - animals (inc humans) don't need reward/punishment to learn.\n\nGarcia effect states that innate learning means that some stimuli/behaviours are pre-associated like pecking/food/hunger, flapping/danger/fear. i.e. Pain/fear won't likely make you develop an aversion to a new food but nausea will because food and nausea are pre-associated/conditioned.\n\nNot everything is learned. (debate)\nUnobservable are no longer seen as unscientific (necessarily)\nReward/punishment isn't necessary to learn\nNatural responses differentiate subjects (Garcia effect)\n\nChomsky - verbal behaviour - destroyed Behaviourism\n'When it comes to humans Behaviourism so vague as to be useless.'\nFalsifyability\n\nTrivially true or scientifically robust and obviously false\n\n57:02\n\n\nQ&A\n\nControversies and criticisms\n%/\nBehaviourism has faded but has left us with some useful ideas and techniques and stands as an important contribution.
Harvey - AKA Halvey\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/guys/harv.jpg">
<img src="Sleep_img/band/hotel.jpg">\n\nFor a moment you're at a loss what to do but your body starts moving as if on auto-pilot.\n\nYour hands reach up the back of his thighs and you draw your face closer to his mammoth cock.\n\nYou breathe in his scent and it fills you with lust and need.\n\nYou put your face against his heavy member and touch it with your tongue, licking up its length all the way to the top.\n\nYou feel Cassius' strong fingers push into your hair and guide your mouth gently onto his cock.\n\nThe feeling is like nothing else. You live for this now. You can hardly breathe but you relax and give yourself to him.\n\nYou want him to use your body has he likes.\n\n//BUT YOU CAN'T!//\n\nThe little voice of reason in the back of your head screams at you.\n\n//HE'LL SEE YOUR LITTLE COCK!//\n\nYou know you ought to heed it but you just don't care enough. You're where you want to be and that's all that really matters to you.\n\nCassius pushes his cock deep into your throat, causing you to drool and gag a little.\n\n'Are you a good girl <<print $fnom>>?' He asks.\n\nYou wonder what the consequences will be if you say you aren't.\n\nTell him you <<cyclinglink "$gg" "are" "aren't">>\n\nHe pulls you off his tool long enough for you to [[answer him]].\n
Cool!!\n\nShall we say about 2 then?\nI'll pick you up at yours [[ok]]? x\n<<set $ok = 0>>
<<if $schboy is true>><<if $classseat is 16>>Sasha gives you a brief and slightly reserved smile at you as you take your seat.\n\nSoon, Miss Riven addresses the room and the class [[begins]].\n<<elseif $classseat is 22>>Charlie pokes her tongue out at you as you take your seat.\n\nSoon, Miss Riven addresses the room and the class [[begins]].\n<<elseif $classseat is 12>>He tells you his name as you learn is Emilio. You remember him as one of the geeks clique from the induction day. The other two are sitting directly in front of you.\n\nSoon, Miss Riven addresses the room and the class [[begins]].\n<<elseif $classseat is 20>>You take your seat next to the goth girl who swivels her head steadily to face you. Her eyes like fathomless pits of hell seem to focus on you momentarily.\n\n‘Hi I’m...’ you manage to get out before her head swivels back to its original position.\n\n‘...<<print $nom>> you finish.\n\n‘OK.’ She responds, still looking vaguely ahead.\n\n‘Uh – what’s your name?’ you ask pleasantly.\n\nThe girl sighs. ‘Why does it matter?’\n\nYou sit together in silence as Miss Riven enters the room and sets about moving bits of paper around on her desk.\n\n‘Alice.’ The girl says quietly.\n\nSoon, Miss Riven addresses the room and the class [[begins]].\n<<endif>><<else>>/%girls uniform - schgirl or change (lb not yet in play)%/<<if $classseat is 16>>Sasha smiles sweetly at you as you take your seat.\n\nSoon, Miss Riven addresses the room and the class [[begins]].\n<<elseif $classseat is 22>>Charlie grins mischievously at you as you take your seat.\n\nSoon, Miss Riven addresses the room and the class [[begins]].\n<<elseif $classseat is 12>>The boy looks confused as you take a seat next to him. You introduce yourself, desperately hoping you can be a convincing enough girl.\n\nHe tells you his name’s Emilio and if he’s noticed you’re not really a girl, he’s hiding it well. If anything, he seems to be a little flushed and sheepish! Looks like you’re an instant hit! Not that he’s your type or anything but it’s still nice to be found attractive.\n\nSoon, Miss Riven addresses the room and the class [[begins]]./%inactive%/<<elseif $classseat is 20>>You take your seat next to the goth girl who swivels her head steadily to face you. Her eyes like fathomless pits of hell seem to focus on you momentarily.\n\n‘Hi I’m...’ you manage to get out before her head swivels back to its original position.\n\n‘...<<print $fnom>> you finish.\n\n‘OK.’ She responds, still looking vaguely ahead.\n\n‘Uh – what’s your name?’ you ask pleasantly.\n\nThe girl sighs. ‘Why does it matter?’\n\nYou sit together in silence as Miss Riven enters the room and sets about moving bits of paper around on her desk.\n\n‘Alice.’ The girl says quietly.\n\nSoon, Miss Riven addresses the room and the class [[begins]]./%inactive%/<<endif>><<endif>>
Charlie offers you a lift back but tells you to keep your head down. She pulls up near your house and when the coast is clear, lets you out.\n\nYou scuttle across the road and up the path to the [[front door|sunamhome]].\n
<<switch visited()>>\n<<case 1>>\n You gaze in wonder at the magnificent waterfall for the first time, awestruck by its natural beauty. [[>>|switchwithdefault]]\n<<case 2 3>>\n You once again gaze upon the magnificent waterfall.\n[[>>|switchwithdefault]]\n<<case 4 5>>\n Yet again, you find yourself looking upon the waterfall.\n[[>>|switchwithdefault]]\n<<default>>\n Oh, look. It's that waterfall again. Meh.\n[[>>|switchwithdefault]]\n<</switch>>
On the way, the cabbie keeps looking in his rear view mirror at the pair of you - especially when Charlie leans over and whispers in your ear.\n\nIf only he knew what she was saying.\n\n‘I’m gonna catch a big fat dick tonight <<print $fnom>>, maybe a couple. Let me know if you want to try one.’\nYou look at her with an expression of shock.\n\n‘What? she continues. ‘You never thought about it?’\nYou pause for a moment too long and her face lights up. ‘You //have// thought about it!’ she deduces.\n\n‘D’you know what would get me hot?’ she asks seductively. \n\n‘Have you ever had a threesome?’\n\nYou shake your head. You’ve never even had a twosome.\n\nShe holds your gaze for a moment. ‘Do you want me?’ she asks.\nYou want her more than anything. You nod.\n\nShe looks sceptically at you. ‘What would you do to be with me?’\n\n‘Anything.’ You say without thinking. In that moment it feels true.\n\n‘Anything?’ she asks?\n\n‘Yes.’ You reply, biting your lip nervously.\n\n‘If I ask you to kiss me, will you kiss me?’\n\n//That – is an easy question.// ‘Yes.’ You move to kiss her.\n\n'Uh - uh, I don't mean now.' she smiles at you. ‘If I ask you to eat my pussy, will you do it?’\n\n//Jeez!// ‘Yes.’ //YES YES YES YES YES!!//\n\nYou can tell by her face, she’s not entirely convinced.\n\n‘I – I –I’ll do whatever you want Ch...’\n\nCharlie hushes you with a finger pushed against your lips.\nIt’s followed by a kiss.\n\n<img src= "Sleep_img/ride/000cab.gif">\n\nA [[kiss to seal the deal]].\n
<<if $who is "Charlie">>After a while of staring at your phone, it bleeps happily at you.\n\nYou read the text.\n\n'Who is this?' it reads.\n\nYour heart sinks, she must've deleted your number you suppose but then you get another.\n\n'Just kiddin. How's it going pussyboi? No I'm not upset with you. A bit dissapointed if I'm honest. I was really hoping you'd be one of us but that's OK. You do what you want.\n\nSee you around. [[C]].'\n<<elseif $who is "Sasha">>After a while of staring at your phone, it bleeps happily at you.\n\nYou read the text.\n\n'Hiya Sugar! How are you doing? Miss Riven seems nice huh? No, I'm not upset with you! You have to do what's right for you but if you want to get back into favour with Charlie, I know she'd appreciate you asking to do more 'innitiation tests'. :)\n\nDon't be a stranger! [[Sx|C]]'\n<<elseif $who is "Aiya">>After a while of staring at your phone, it bleeps happily at you.\n\nYou read the text.\n\n'Hey <<print $fnom>> - or is it <<print $nom>> again?\n\nWhatever, if you want to get in Charlie's good books you'll probably have to have to go all out grovelling bitchslave for her but up to you.\n\nWe're cool btw. [[A|C]]'\n<<elseif $who is "Bibi">>After a while of staring at your phone, it bleeps happily at you.\n\nYou read the text.\n\n'Jimmy! Is this Jimmy? Hiya, no I don't think she's upset with you, she just doesn't want to have sex with you. She said it's not because you have a tiny penis or not to tell you that or something. Anyway, I'm sure everythings fine, just maybe stop texting her so much.\n\nYeah, we're cool! Byee! ;)\n\n[[BB|C]]'\n<<endif>>
A mass of orange hair pops up from the mass of duvet on Bibi's bed. A delicate porcelain hand pushes it aside, revealing Charlie's face in all it's unearthly beauty. 'Oh yes bitch! - Did you make us coffee?'\n\nShe nudges the bundle of duvet next to her. 'Bibi - there's coffee.'\n\nThe bundle of duvet makes a muffled noise of approval.\n\nThe three of you sit and chat about what the plan for the day ought to be and Bibi suggests the water park.\n\n'I think I fancy that Beebs.' Charlie says.\n\nSomehow Bibi manages to hold the conversation while speedily conversing with Sasha by text who texts back in support of the idea.\n\n'What do you reckon then <<print $fnom>>?' Charlie asks you. 'Are you [[in|wp2]] or [[out|outSat1]]?'\n\n<<set $wppage = 0>>\n<<if $pro is 0>><<set $bikini = true>><<endif>>
<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/0000bun0.jpg">\n\nYou’d only been gon a moment and they’ve got Bibi dressed up like a bunny and she’s bent over on Charlie’s bed, pushing what appears to be a bunny tail butt plug in her bottom!\n\n‘Oh hey <<print $fnom>>! Come in!’ Charlie welcomes you.\n\n‘Bibi’s a bunny girl – aren’t you Bibi!?’ she asks the bimbolicious blonde.\n\n‘Meow.’ Bibi responds, nodding her head in agreement.\n\n‘Show off your nice new tail to <<print $fnom>>, Bibi.’ She commands as the other two chuckle to themselves.\n\nBibi complies without hesitation.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/0000bunoo.jpg">\n\n‘Bibi!’ Aiya calls out to the girl. ‘Hop like a bunny for us!’\n\nThe girl is seemingly so responsive that there’s no request too humiliating and she complies quite happily.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/0000bunhop.gif">\n\nYou feel that maybe this is a bit wrong and that the poor girl's just being taken advantage of but you can't bring yourself to intervene and you can’t look away.\n\n‘Bibi.’ Sasha's voice commands with a voice somehow both soft and firm at once. ‘Come here darling.’\n\nBibi does and Sasha produces a fat, glass butt plug.\n\n‘Put this in now.’ She tells the girl.\n\nAiya pulls on the fluffy white tail and the plug pops out of Bibi’s ass.\n\n‘Ooh!’ Bibi cries but doesn’t hesitate in taking the glass butt plug and pushing it hard against her pink ass hole.\n\n‘Oh, is it too tight?’ Sasha asks Bibi in a motherly tone.\n\n‘<<print $fnom>>, darling? – Give Bibi a hand will you and help push that in?’\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/0000glass.gif">\n\nYou’re shocked to witness this side of Sasha! //She seemed so sweet before!//\n\n//What should you do!? Is this a test? What if you don’t? – What if you do and Bibi holds it against you?//\n\nWithout thinking, your hand moves up to the base of the plug and nudges it against her ass hole until it slips snugly inside her butt.\n\nThe girls seem pleased – not least of all Bibi who makes a ‘Mmmm...’ noise and wiggles her ass at you happily.\n\n‘Who’s a sexy little bunny girl?’ Charlie asks, slapping Bibi’s ass cheek.\n\n‘Meow.’ Bibi says again.\n\n‘Will she remember this?’ You ask.\n\n‘I expect so, she hasn’t had //that// much Lambrini.’ Sasha tells you.\n\n‘What – wait. She //is// hypnotised isn’t she?’\n\nThe girls chuckle. ‘Nope – she’s just Bibi. Aren’t you Bibi?’\n\nBibi nods that she is.\n\nThe girls carry on, seemingly oblivious to how awkward you feel right now.\n\nAiya grabs the plug and roughly wiggles it about in her ass. Sasha pulls Bibi by her hair and pulls her head down between her thighs. Charlie steps over and slaps Bibi hard on the ass before pulling on the butt plug until it pops out again, leaving Bibi’s ass momentarily gaping.\n\nYou can’t believe you’re seeing this. You watch, fascinated as Charlie pushes and pulls the glass plug in and out of Bibi’s relenting hole.\n\nCharlie looks up. ‘Come here.’ She tells you.\n\nYou do but hesitantly.\n\nShe pulls the plug out one more time and offers it to you, smirking mischievously.\n\n‘I – I er...’ you stutter.\n\n‘No, you’re absolutely right <<print $fnom>>, she can do better than that.’\n\nCharlie gets up and opens up her box of things, producing an enormous pink dildo, which she promptly begins covering in copious amounts of lube.\n\n‘Come here Bibi!’ she calls.\n\nBibi does as she’s told and you’re not prepared for what you see next. Charlie starts feeding the monster dildo into Bibi’s ass and you’re shocked anew at the sheer size of it each time she pulls it out.\n\nCharlie leaves Bibi to do it by herself while she goes and makes herself comfortable on the bed with the other girls.\nShe beckons you over with a smile, offering her hand. You take it as you can’t seem to do anything but what Charlie wants.\n\nShe seems pleased with you and they all make you feel welcome, cosying up to you as you all watch Bibi impaling herself on such a frightful object.\n\n...but you just...\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/0000.gif">\n\n...can’t...\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/0000up.gif">\n\n...look...[[away]]...
<<goto business_cards>>
<<cyclinglink "$desirecs" "keep it the way it is" "maybe a bit bigger" "big, fat wanger" "maybe have it even smaller like a cute little nub">>.\n\n\n\n\n\n[[nice hot bath]]
You swiftly duck back out of sight and into a copse of trees at the edge of the green.\n\n//Okay - I can do this.// you tell yourself.\n\nYou've had a fair amount of practice getting changed in awkward places in a short amount of time.\n\nYou decide to change your clothes first before wiping off your make up.\n\nUnfortunately, you only get as far as taking off your heels and skirt before a large dog barges his way through the foliage, pinning you to the ground with his bulk and panting in your face.\n\nYou can tell immediately it's a boy dog.\n\n'Oi! Wot you got there Mutley eh?' comes a rough, male voice. 'Get ere! - now sit and be-ave.'\n\nThe dog does as he's told and sits on the grass, looking at you with apparent amusement.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/mut.jpg">\n\nYou look up at the owner, petrified.\n\nWhen he sees you he turns to his dog and berates him. 'Mutley! What ave I told you abaght jumpin all over pretty gews eh?'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/Blake.jpg">\n\nHe turns to you and grins. 'It's okay liw gew - ees only playin wiv ya.'\n\nHe does a double take. Too late, you realise your caged cock is on show.\n\n'Oh allo, I'm not sure if you are a gew now.' He grins again. 'What you got there liw fing eh? Liw secret is it?'\n\nWith your wits all over the place, you just shake your head - unsure of the correct response.\n\n'It isn't na?' the man says. 'So you want to keep this a secret then do you.' He squats down and speaks with a hush. 'That's okay treacle - I can keep a secret.'\n\n'Th-thank you Mr.' you tell him, while doing your best to cover yourself.\n\n'Blake.' he offers his hand, still grinning.\n<<set $Blake = true>>\n'Thank you Mr Blake.' you say and not wanting to be on the wrong side of this man, you let him take your hand.\n\n'Aw, ain't you just a peach? I do hope we bump into each other again soon.'\n\nHe stands and starts walking off down the road. The dog gets up and moves toward you.\n\n'Come on Mutley.' Blake calls.\n\nThe dog hesitates before bounding off after his owner.\n\nFinally alone, you hurriedly get changed in the bushes and step out adjusting yourself.\n\nMr Green's still lovingly tending to his plants as you walk up the path.\n\n'Oh hi um...' he says with a look of bemusement.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/andy.jpg">\n\n'<<print $nom>>' you remind him.\n\n'Ah yes, <<print $nom>>.'\n\n'Hi.' you say and walk by him. You're in [[no mood to talk right now]].\n<<set $Green = true>>\n<<set $bush = true>>\n<<set $back = false>>/%this should be redundant%/
You tell you Mum you’re ‘a bit shattered’ and would rather head straight home.\n\n‘Okay honey. Come on then.’\n\nYou had a nice day with your Mum but you feel bad that you didn't tell her your secret. Maybe you could have. You think about how different things would be between you.\n\n//Maybe I should keep it from her.// you decide.\n\nWhen you get indoors, you take it in turns to shower then grab a bite to eat.\n\nAfter all the pizza and popcorn, you’re really not all that hungry.\n\nYour Mum reminds you to set your alarm for college but you know she'll wake you up in time anyway.\n\nYou call it a night and [[go up to your bedroom|Suneve1]], leaving your Mum reading her book in the front room.\n\nYou don't know what it's about but there looks to be <<cyclinglink "$mcheck" "a man and a woman" "two women" "a man and two women">> entwined together in a state of partial undress on the front cover.\n\n<<set $boys_school_uniform = true>>\n<<set $thirsty = true>>\n<<set $txtguf = false>>\n<<set $Mumknows = false>>
You wake up slowly and lay there for a while before getting up.\n\nYou check your phone to see if anybody has text you but no such luck.\n\nIt looks a little cast over today.\n\nYour mum has already gone to work, leaving you to sleep in. You sit in the kitchen, wondering how best to spend your day and decide to just [[bum around for the day|home thu]].\n<<set $t = 7>>\n<<set $d = 4>>\n<<if $d is 8>><<set $d = 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $d is 2>><<set $day = "Tuesday">><<endif>>\n<<if $d is 3>><<set $day = "Wednesday">><<endif>>\n<<if $d is 4>><<set $day = "Thursday">><<endif>>
[[You sleep long and deep]].
She leans in close to you. ‘If you let me do this I’ll let you eat my pussy sometime.’\n\nShe reads your look of disbelief. ‘I promise.’\n\nYou bite your lip nervously. After a pause, you nod. ‘Okay...’\nThe girls are pleased with your answer.\n\n‘Okay but what’s my mum going to think?’\n\n‘Aw, I’m only gonna smarten them up a bit but you’ve got long hair anyway, you’ll be able to hide them easily enough.’\n\nShe lays you down and plucks them speedily with expert precision.\n\nAfter a little touch up of powder, mascara lipstick she tells you you’re ready.\n\n ‘OK, let me show you into Narnia.’ Charlie says, opening the door to her wardrobe.\n\nThe door slides open, revealing a walk-in-[[wardrobe beyond]].
<<if $appt is true>>In no time, you drift off into a deep slumber and begin dreaming about what kind of <<if $desire is "transform into a beautiful voluptuous woman">>woman<<else>>girl<<endif>> you're going to be.\n\n<<else>>In no time, you drift off into a deep slumber.<<endif>>\n\nAnd you dream...\n\n<<if $desire is "transform into a beautiful voluptuous woman">><img src="Sleep_img/dream/vol.gif"><<elseif $desire is "transform into a slender hourglass bimbo slut like Bibi">><img src="Sleep_img/dream/fox.gif"><<elseif $desire is"stay petite and dubious looking">><img src="Sleep_img/dream/lil.gif"><<endif>>\n\n...of [[who you wish you could be|wed1am]]...
<<if $named is "true">>'Hi <<print $nom>>!' They greet you in unison.\n\n‘I’m Sasha.’ offers the first one, taking your hand. She’s an ebony goddess.\n\n‘Hey <<print "$nom">>, I’m Bibi. So pleased to meet you!’ Blonde, bubbly and a knockout.\n\n‘Hey.’ Offers the third – a sizzling asian girl. ‘Aiya.’ She confirms, giving you a reserved smile.\n\n‘And I’m Charlie.’ The redhead tells you.\n\nFor the remainder of the break, the girls keep you under their wing and the contrast makes you even more aware of how unbearable your previous sense of isolation had been. They chat about this and that and you find it surprisingly easy to join in. In fact they seem to be actively trying to keep you in the conversation. They’re all so effortlessly charming.\n\nYou notice a few other students looking over to give you evils but mostly they’re just eying up the girls. As nice as they are to you, you’re not getting a sense that they want to jump you. You decide it’s likely the usual ‘Aw, isn’t he cute!?’ //Isn’t he harmless//?\n\nWell for once you don’t care. They’re fun to be around and so what if they don’t fancy you.\n\n‘Well what do you think girls?’ Charlie says to the others. ‘Do you think <<print $nom>> can be one of us?’\n\nYou look hopefully at each of them in turn. Sasha smiles at you. ‘Oh you must!’\nBibi looks overwhelmingly pleased with the idea.‘Oh yes, absolutely!’\nAnd although Aiya doesn’t look so convinced, she offers you a smile anyway. ‘Sure, maybe.’\n\nYou look at each of them, overwhelmed by their acceptance of you. ‘So I’m one of you now?’ You ask, instantly horrified by how twatty you sound.\n\nCharlie wrinkles her nose and flashes her pearly white smile at you. ‘Uh-uh.’ She shakes her head. Not until you’re initiated. This is a close-knit sisterhood <<print $nom>>. You’re gonna have to show us you’re game.’\n\n‘Oh...okay, of course – what do I have to do?’\n\nAiya leans in. ‘Kill someone for us.’ She whispers, her expression still as death.\n\n‘Y-you want me t-to...’\n\nSasha covers her mouth as she stifles a snort.\n\n‘Aw, don’t tease!’ Bibi scolds Aiya.\n\n‘They’re just playin’.’\n\n‘We’ll chat amongst ourselves and decide how best to initiate you.’ Charlie tells you, winking.\n\nThe break is over before you know it and a glamorous dark haired woman in a crisp, light pink blouse and grey pencil skirt emerges from the main building and approaches the group. She introduces herself a Miss Riven and invites you all to follow her for the second part of the tour which, as she tells you will commence in about five minutes and indicates a set of toilets just in the foyer should anyone need a wee first.\n\nA mischievous grin spreads across Charlie’s beautiful face. She whispers quickly to the other girls. Then looks at you and says. ‘OK, follow us.’ and makes toward the [[toilets|ladies]].\n\n<<set $Charlie = true>>\n<<set $Aiya = true>>\n<<set $Sasha = true>>\n<<set $Bibi = true>>\n<<else>>‘Hey girls, this is...' she looks at you.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Charlie/cant.jpg">\n\nWhat’s your name honey?'\n\n'<<textbox "$nom" "Kacey" "meet the girls">>' you answer.\n\n<<set $named = "true">><<endif>>\n
<<if $wppage is 0>>Sasha drives inland, through a particularly opulent area, diagonally alongside the City Park, then left towards East Beach esplanade.\n\n'Here we are.' Sasha announces.\n\n'Wet 'n' Wild!' reads a large, colourful sign above the carpark entrance.\n\nSasha finds a spot and the four of you head towards the ticket booths.\n\n'This place looks amazing!' You say excitedly.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/wp/wp1.jpg">\n\n'Wait 'til you see downstairs!' Bibi says.\n\n'Downstairs?' You ask confusedly.\n\n'Unfortunately you will have to wait as they're currently renovating; hence the cheap tickets.'\n\n'Fuck that anyway.' Aiya says. 'I prefer to be out in the sunshine.'\n\n'Oh, hey Aiya!' Bibi says.\n\n'Where did you come from?' Sasha asks.\n\n'My Dad's vagina.' Aiya says.\n\nYou've come to expect these sorts of comments from her.\n\nYou follow the girls [[into the changing rooms|wp2][$wppage = 1]].\n\n<<elseif $wppage is 1>>You go in the locker room with the girls, trying to look as unsuspicious as possible.\n\nThe girls immediately start getting undressed and changed into their swimwear.\n\nYou realise how glamorous their bikinis look next to yours.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/bw pink ss.jpg">\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>'C'mon <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says. 'Put it on.'<<endif>>\n\nIt seems a little too late for backing out so you get changed into it.\n\nYou go with the girls into the shower area and then step out into the [[water park|wp2][$wppage = 2]].\n\n<<elseif $wppage is 2>>You enter the water park.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/wp/wp1.jpg">\n\nIt's not half as busy as you'd expect for such an awesome (and cheap) attraction. The place looks empty at first but you start to see people hanging about in little groups or couples.\n\nThe girls lead you accross a bridge and down to a pool area with an artificial waterfall.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/wnw/wf.jpg">\n\n<<if $pro is 0>><<if $msex is "le">>You spot an attractive pair of curvy women, nipple deep at the side of the pool. You can tell from their proximity they're more than friends.\n\nMomentarily after that, you recognise one of them as your Mum.\n\n'Oh fuck!' you exclaim, crouching out of sight behind a low wall.\n\nThe girls look around at you, confused for a moment before they realise the situation.\n\n'Oh shit <<print $fnom>>.' Aiya laughs. 'Facy that.'\n\n'That looks like Ella.' Sasha says.\n<<if $Kline is true>>\nYou recognise Ms Ella Kline the psychoanalyst from G-Tec.\n\n<<endif>>'I didn't know your Mum's into pussy.' Charlie adds sweetly.\n\n'Hey, isn't that your Mum <<print $fnom>>?' Bibi says, raising her hand.\n\nAiya gently takes her hand before she can wave but your Mum spots the girls anyway.\n\n'Oh hiya ladies!' Your Mum calls out, waving to the girls.\n\n'Hi Miss <<print $snom>>!' the girls chime in response.\n\nYou curse and remain huddled behind the wall, suddenly feeling particularly self conscious about wearing a pink bikini.\n\nAt least she hasn't seen you but you can't get back to the changing rooms without walking past her again.\n\n'Oh hi Sasha!' Calls out the other woman. 'Hi ladies!'\n\n'Hi Ella!' Sasha calls back. The girls wave and respond less familiarly.\n\n'Is my baby with you?' You hear your Mum ask.\n\nAiya snorts, Sasha clamps a hand over her mouth and Bibi giggles (for whatever reason).\n\nCharlie clears her throat. 'We dropped him off this morning.'\n\n'Oh, okay then.' She says, sounding mildy concerned. 'Did you have a good night?'\n\nThe conversation accross the pool continues for longer than you'd like.<<set $co = "nogirls">>\n\nShould you [[crawl as far as you can behind the wall and see if the girls can obscure you beyond that|wp2][$wppage = 3]] once the're done chatting to your Mum or should you use the distraction and [[crawl off through the bushes|f][$fp = -1, $flume_event = 1]]?\n\n<<else>>There's a lifeguard chatting up a busty brunette at the side of the pool.\n\nHe's pretty well ripped and looks like the kind of model you see pasted on barber's shop windows.\n\nThe busty brunette is...\n\n'Oh fuck!' you exclaim, crouching out of sight behind a low wall.\n\nThe girls look around at you, confused for a moment before they realise the situation.\n\n'Oh shit <<print $fnom>>.' Aiya laughs. 'Facy that.'\n\n'Your Mama looks sweet in that bikini <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie whistles softly.\n\n'We should get <<print $fnom>> out of sight before she sees us.' Sasha suggests.\n\n'Hey, isn't that your Mum <<print $fnom>>?' Bibi says, raising her hand.\n\nAiya gently takes her hand before she can wave but your Mum spots the girls anyway.\n\n'Oh hiya ladies!' Your Mum calls out, waving to the girls.\n\n'Hi Miss <<print $snom>>!' the girls chime in response.\n\nYou curse and remain huddled behind the wall, suddenly feeling particularly self conscious about wearing a pink bikini.\n\nAt least she hasn't seen you but you can't get back to the changing rooms without walking past her again.\n\n'Is my baby with you?' You hear your Mum ask.\n\nAiya snorts, Sasha clamps a hand over her mouth and Bibi giggles (for whatever reason).\n\nCharlie clears her throat. 'We dropped him off this morning.'\n\n'Oh, okay then.' She says, sounding mildy concerned. 'Did you have a good night?'\n\nThe conversation accross the pool continues for longer than you'd like.<<set $co = "nogirls">>\n\nShould you [[crawl as far as you can behind the wall and see if the girls can obscure you beyond that|wp2][$wppage = 3]] once the're done chatting to your Mum or should you use the distraction and [[crawl off through the bushes|f][$fp = -1, $flume_event = 1]]?\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $pro is 1>><<if $msex is "le">>You spot an attractive pair of curvy women, nipple deep at the side of the pool by an artifiacial waterfall. You can tell from their proximity they're more than friends.\n\nYou recognise one of them as Ms Ella Kline the psychoanalyst from G-Tec and the other as your Mum.\n\nYou feel a slight pang of self-consciousness about wearing your pink bikini but remember how pretty you look now and the feeling disappears.\n\n'Hey Mum!' [[You call out.|wp2][$wppage = 5]] 'Hey Ms Kline!'\n\n<<else>>There's a lifeguard chatting up a busty brunette at the side of the pool.\n\nHe's pretty well ripped and looks like the kind of model you see pasted on barber's shop windows.\n\nThe busty brunette you realise, is your Mother.\n\nYou feel a slight pang of self-consciousness about wearing your pink bikini but remember how pretty you look now and the feeling disappears.\n\n'Hey Mum!' [[You call out.|wp2][$wppage = 5]]\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $wppage is 3>>While the girls distract <<if $msex is "le">>Ella and<<endif>> your Mother, you crawl as far as you can behind the wall. When you get there you peep around the edge and realise you could make a move now while she's not looking this way.\n\nYou cross the path and slip into the pool feeling like a //water ninja//.\n\nYou paddle around the bend until you're well out of sight and wait there for the girls.\n\nAfter a while of waiting, you decide to meet up with them later.\n\n//How big can this place be?// [[You wonder|wnw]].\n\n<<elseif $wppage is 5>><<if $msex is "le">>You and the girls chat with your Mum and Ella for a while before Charlie decides to introduce you to the //flume pool//.\n\n'Okay, sure.' You agree.\n\n'Not for me.' Sasha says. 'Whenever I go on them, my boobs fall out!'\n\nYou immediately wonder how to convince Sasha to go on the flumes.'\n\n'I'll stay here with you ladies if that's cool.' She says.\n\nBoth women seem delighted at the idea.\n\nYour Mum hugs you before you go. 'Be careful angel baby.' she tells you.\n\n'Mum.' You scold her.\n\n'C'mon then //angel baby//!' [[Charlie says|f][$fp = 0, $flume_event = 2]].\n<<else>>The lifeguard looks momentarily awkward as you and the girls come over and join them.\n\n'Well, I'll be off then anyway. Nice to meet you Rachel.' He says to your Mother. He acknowleges you and the girls with a smile before heading off.\n\nYou and the girls chat with your Mum for a while before Charlie decides to introduce you to the //flume pool//.\n\n'Okay, sure.' You agree.\n\n'Not for me.' Sasha says. 'Whenever I go on them, my boobs fall out!'\n\nYou immediately wonder how to convince Sasha to go on the flumes.'\n\n'I'll stay here if that's cool with you Rachel.' she tells your Mother.\n\n'Yeah sure, if you want to honey.' Your Mother responds.\n\nShe hugs you before you go. 'Be careful angel baby.' she tells you.\n\n'Mum.' You scold her.\n\n'C'mon then //angel baby//!' [[Charlie says|f][$fp = 0, $flume_event = 2]].\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n<<if $pro is 0>><<set $bikini = true>><<endif>><<set $wnw = true>>\n/%-if change is true and appt was true then Kline is already known so just use <<if $Kline is true>><<endif>> dumbass%/
<<if $schlb is true>>The five of you sit together eating sushi in the canteen.\n\n<<if $sub is 'sub'>>'I need to wee.' Charlie declares by way of excusing herself from the table.\n\n'Come along <<print $fnom>>.'\n\nFor a moment, you sit there looking confused. 'Oh, right.'\n\nAs a boy you always knew that girls make a habit of going to the toilet in pairs. Somehow you managed to forget that now you're living as one.\n\nYou excuse yourself and follow Charlie to the ladies.\n\nShe chats with you casually along the way but as soon as you're in the ladies together, she pounces on you, pushing you against the door and her lips against yours.\n\nAfter a moment, she stops and pulls away. 'Are you still gonna be my little play pet?' she asks you seductively.\n\nYou nod.\n\nShe leads you into a cubicle, sits and starts pissing right in front of you. 'Tell me.'\n\n'Yes Charlie.' You tell her.\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>\nCharlie pauses for a moment. 'I think... 'Mistress.' she decides.\n\n'Yes Mistress.' you confirm. <<endif>>Inside, you're all full of butterflies. You know she's being kind of mean but you can't help but be turned on by it.\n\n'Now eat my pussy like a good little bitch.' she says, offering it to you.\n\nIt's still dripping with piss but you don't really mind - it's still Charlie's pussy. You put your mouth against her labia and feed on her slit diligently.\n\n'Good, now put your hands on the seat and show me your bum like a good girl.' she says, getting up.\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>\n'Yes Mistress.'\n<<endif>>\nYou do as you're told and she flushes the toilet with the heel of her shoe.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/acc/bpg1.jpg">\n\n'Good. Now [[hold still|last period]]...'\n\n<<else>>'Hey <<print $fnom>>!, are you ready for your next initiation test or what?'\n\n'Sure, whatever.' you reply. 'What's next? - I'm already wearing panties.'\n\n'I want you to wear something else today.' she tells you, reaching into her clutch bag.\n\nShe produces a little satin pouch with a drawstring.\nOpening it, she takes a smooth glass object out from it.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/acc/bpg1.jpg">\n\n'You have to wear this - for the rest of the day.' she says, grinning.\n\nAiya splutters with amusement. 'For fucks sake Charlie! Subtle.'\n\n'It's not frickin bomb Aiya.' Charlie says, setting it on the table she's betting it in a poker game.\n\n'I've got one at home that kinda looks like one.' Bibi offers.\n\nAiya looks at her with seriousness. 'Maybe it'll go off while it's buried in your ass. You might even feel something.'\n\n'Aiya, I feel a pain in my ass right now.' Bibi retorts.\n\nFits of laughter erupt around the table.\n\n'Oh shit Aiya!' Sasha cackles. 'Did you just get rinsed by Bibi!?'\n\nThe conversation moves on and it's nearly time for the third and last period of the day.\n\n'Are you just going to leave that on the table Charlie?' Sasha asks her.\n\n'Oh, give it here.' you say, swiping it into your hand and walking off to the ladies.\n\nYou return shortly after as lunch break finishes and the girls cheer you on your return.\n\nThe five of you head up for [[last period]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $schboy is true>>You make to get up but you realise you can't without displaying your hard-on to the class.\n\nYou try to pinch it and think about disgusting things to make it go down.\n\nWhen the other students have all but filled out of the room, Miss Riven looks at you quizzically.\n\n'Are you OK <<print $nom>>?'\n\n'Uh, yes Miss.' you tell her. Your cock seems to have gone down just about enough to get away with it so you stand up from your desk and hurry out of the room with your eyes cast downward.\n\nOutside, you see Charlie and Bibi standing next to the girls’ toilets. Charlie nudges the door open with her foot and points you in.\n\nThere are few students from class still walking down towards the lifts and stairwell but otherwise it's an empty corridor.\n\n'In you get.' she tells you and you comply.\n\n'Are you still wearing your plug like a good girl?'\n\n'I haven't had a chance to take it out yet!'\n\n'Oh, I see, but you would if you had, is that it?' She asks scolding.\n\nBibi giggles behind her.\n\n'It's just that it's a little bit uncomfortable and it keeps slipping out.'\n\n'Ah, I see now, does it.' she says, tapping her teeth. 'Well, we'll have to see what we can sort out for tomorrow then won't we.'\n\n'In the meantime...' she continues. 'I've got your little trinket cage here if you want it.' she shows you that she has your chastity cage.\n\n//Why on Earth would you want that!?//\n\n'Er...no thank you?'\n\n'No thank you what?' she asks.\n\n'Um no thank you...Mistress?' you try.\n\nCharlie beams at you and shrugs. 'OK.' she says cheerfully before going to the door. 'Catch you later <<print $fnom>>!'\n\n'See you!' Bibi says, waving coyly before following Charlie out of the door, leaving you alone in the girls toilets.\n\nYou're not entirely sure what just happened but you probably need to eat something before [[last period]].\n<<else>>/%if schgirl or change%/The five of you sit together eating sushi in the canteen.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>'I need to wee.' Charlie declares by way of excusing herself from the table.\n\n'Come along <<print $fnom>>.'\n\nFor a moment, you sit there looking confused. 'Oh, right.'\n\nAs a boy you always knew that girls make a habit of going to the toilet in pairs. Somehow you managed to forget that now you're living as one.\n\nYou excuse yourself and follow Charlie to the ladies.\n\nShe chats with you casually along the way but as soon as you're in the ladies together, she pounces on you, pushing you against the door and her lips against yours.\n\nAfter a moment, she stops and pulls away. 'Are you still gonna be my little play pet then?' she asks you seductively.\n\nYou nod.\n\nShe leads you into a cubicle, sits and starts pissing right in front of you. 'Tell me.'\n\n'Yes Charlie.' You tell her.\n\nCharlie pauses for a moment. 'I think... 'Mistress.' she decides.\n\n'Yes Mistress.' you confirm. Inside, you're all full of butterflies. You know she's being kind of mean but you can't help but be turned on by it.\n\n'Now eat my pussy like a good little bitch.' she says, offering it to you.\n\nIt's still dripping with piss but you don't really mind - it's still Charlie's pussy. You put your mouth against her labia and feed on her slit diligently.\n\n'Good, now put your hands on the seat and show me your bum like a good girl.' she says, getting up.\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\nYou do as you're told and she flushes the toilet with the heel of her shoe.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/acc/bpg1.jpg">\n\n'Good. Now [[hold still|last period]]...'\n\n<<else>>'Hey <<print $fnom>>!, are you ready for your next initiation test or what?'\n\n'Sure, whatever.' you reply. 'What's next? - I'm already wearing panties.'\n\n'I want you to wear something else today.' she tells you, reaching into her clutch bag.\n\nShe produces a little satin pouch with a drawstring.\nOpening it, she takes a smooth glass object out from it.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/acc/bpg1.jpg">\n\n'You have to wear this - for the rest of the day.' she says, grinning.\n\nAiya splutters with amusement. 'For fucks sake Charlie! Subtle.'\n\n'It's not frickin bomb Aiya.' Charlie says, setting it on the table she's betting it in a poker game.\n\n'I've got one at home that kinda looks like one.' Bibi offers.\n\nAiya looks at her with seriousness. 'Maybe it'll go off while it's buried in your ass. You might even feel something.'\n\n'Aiya, I feel a pain in my ass right now.' Bibi retorts.\n\nFits of laughter erupt around the table.\n\n'Oh shit Aiya!' Sasha cackles. 'Did you just get rinsed by Bibi!?'\n\nThe conversation moves on and it's nearly time for the third and last period of the day.\n\n'Are you just going to leave that on the table Charlie?' Sasha asks her.\n\n'Oh, give it here.' you say, swiping it into your hand and walking off to the ladies.\n\nYou return shortly after as lunch break finishes and the girls cheer you on your return.\n\nThe five of you head up for [[last period]].\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n
<<if $Mumknows is true>>In your bedroom, you catch yourself in the mirror and feel a thrill as you find affirmation in your new look. After a day at college, you still look passable. The world seems bright, full of colour, wonder and possibilities. You wonder if you’ve ever felt happier.\n\nRealising you don’t have any girl clothes here besides you uniform, you get changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt begrudgingly but keep your make up on then go downstairs to [[join your mother for dinner]].\n\n<<elseif $change is true>>In your bedroom, you catch yourself in the mirror and it upsetting to see yourself as a boy again.\nIt was a good day though. Somehow Charlie’s plan worked and the college records state that you’re female. If only the rest of the world knew. Maybe you should embrace it and tell your mother and then you could be <<print $fnom>> permanently.\n\n//Oh my god.// you think to yourself realising //That’s what I want!//\n\nYou get changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, then go downstairs to [[join your mother for dinner]].\n\n<<else>>In your bedroom, you catch yourself in the mirror and see the same old loser. Well, not old at least but you will be one day and then you’ll be even more pitiful. //At least you’d look a bit more manly.// you decide but you’re really not sure that’s what you want anymore. Life felt so good as <<print $fnom>> and you feel like you’d do anything to have that again – and the affections of Charlie.\n\n//...but of course you did have that choice and you didn’t take it.// you realise. //You pussied out because you were afraid of ridicule.//\n\nYou change into sweat pants and a t-shirt then go downstairs to [[join your mother for dinner]].\n<<endif>>\n
<<if $pro is 0>>/%scboy/change no appt%/<<if $wank is false>>You're back in your bedroom, clean and refreshed but still horny.\n\nCatching yourself in the mirror, you notice your movements seem a little more effeminate. You find this pleases you and you feel inclined to make yourself pretty.\n\n//Maybe I ought to check Mum's gone to work first.// you decide.\n\nYou call for her outside your bedroom door and wait for an answer that doesn't come.\n\nSensing you have the house to yourself makes you feel mischievous and even more aroused than before.\n\n//Oh god I need something in my ass!// you think, frantically wondering what to do about your predicament.\n\nYou throw on you PJ's and [[go exploring|bedroom]] around the house looking for a suitable object to shove in your ass.\n\n<<else>>/%wank is false%/You're back in your bedroom feeling fresh and clear-headed.\n\n//You should probably [[get yourself some breakfast|you decide]].//\n<<set $ok = 0>>\n<<endif>><<else>>/%pro is not 0%/It's 11.00am.\n\n//You must’ve needed that sleep// you realise.\n\nPutting on a big t-shirt, you step outside your room.\n\nYou know it's unlikely she'd still be here but you call out to your Mum anyway.\n\nAfter hearing nothing but faint bird song, you go into the bathroom to clean your teeth and take a shower.\n\nThe former is easier than usual as you can't quit smiling at yourself.\n\nYou step in under the shower and start lathering yourself up.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/shwr0.jpg">\n\nYou couldn't help but be 'extra thorough' and you revel in the subtle changes in your figure and extra soft texture of your skin.\n\nAfter an inordinate amount of time, you turn off the water and step out, towel down your dainty new body and [[return to your bedroom]].\n<<endif>>\n
<<if $fp is 0>><<if $flume_event is 0>>''Flume Pool''\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/wnw/fl.jpg">\n\nA tower looms over this pool. Four flumes run from its very top to the pool below. There's a pink one, which worms it's way steadily to the water, a turquoise one which consists of a gradually tightening spiral, a green one which consists of tight twists and turns and a purple one which goes almost vertically into the deepest part of the pool.\n\n<<if $wppage is 6>><<elseif $co is "girls">>The girls are here with you.\n\n<<endif>>There is a [[glass elevator|f][$fp = 1, $wppage = 7]] to the side of the tower.\t\t\t\t/%standard text%/\n\nYou can reach the [[inflatable area from here|i]]\n\n<<elseif $flume_event is 1>>You hear female voices cheering you as you emerge from the water and after clearing the water from your eyes, you see the girls as they enter the flume pool area.\n\n'Where's Sasha?' You ask.<<set $co = "girls">><<set $flume_event = 0>>\n\n'Laming out with your mum<<if $msex is "le">> and her girlfriend<<endif>>.' [[Charlie says scornfully|f][$flume_event = 0, $co = "girls"]].<<elseif $flume_event is 2>>The girls lead you along a path beside a large wave pool with an artificial beach then another area with a huge inflatable castle, up to another pool area.\n\n''Flume Pool''\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/wnw/fl.jpg">\n\nA tower looms over this pool. Four flumes run from its very top to the pool below. There's a pink one, which worms it's way steadily to the water, a turquoise one which consists of a gradually tightening spiral, a green one which consists of tight twists and turns and a purple one which goes almost vertically into the deepest part of the pool.\n\n<<elseif $flume_event is 3>>You see the sparkling blue of the pool at the end of the flume and the two of you slide out together into the water.\n\n'Wee! That was fun!' Bibi giggles.\n\n'I knew you'd pussy out <<if $trunks is true>><<print $nom>><<else>><<print $fnom>><<endif>>!' Aiya calls out to you as you join her and Charlie by the side of the pool.\n\n'C'mon - let's go up again.' Bibi says.\n\nThe girls get out and start heading for the elevator but stop and turn back when they notice you're not following.\n\n'C'mon <<if $trunks is true>><<print $nom>><<else>><<print $fnom>><<endif>>!' Charlie says.\n\n'What's up?' Aiya asks.\n\nYou glance around nervously.\n\n<<if $trunks is true>>'A-haha! Beebs!' Aiya laughs. 'Did Bibi give you a boner!?'\n\nYou want to disappear.\n\n'Wahahahaha!'\n\nBibi giggles. Charlie cackles and Aiya laughs until she cries.\n\n'Okay, well we'll catch up with you later huh?' Charlie calls out after you and the three of them enter the glass elevator, leaving you [[alone with your boner|f][$flume_event = 0, $bibiwyrm = true]].\n\n/%else not trunks%/<<else>>'A-haha! Beebs!' Aiya laughs. 'Did Bibi give you a problem!?'\n\nYou want to disappear.\n\n'Wahahahaha!'\n\nBibi giggles. Charlie cackles and Aiya laughs until she cries.\n\n'Okay, well we'll catch up with you later huh?' Charlie calls out after you and the three of them enter the glass elevator, leaving you [[trying to make your boner subside|f][$flume_event = 0, $bibiwyrm = true]].<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $flume_event is 4>>You see the sparkling blue of the pool at the end of the flume and the two of you shoot out into the air before splashing into the water.\n\n<<if $bravery is 1>>The girls cheer as you [[emerge from the pool|f][$flume_event = 0]].<<elseif $bravery is 3>>The girls give you a big cheer and applause as you [[emerge from the pool|f][$flume_event = 0]].<<else>>The girls cheer as you [[emerge from the pool|f][$flume_event = 0]].<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>><<if $flume_event is 2>>'Come on <<if $trunks is true>><<print $nom>><<else>><<print $fnom>><<endif>>!' The girls urge you. 'Let's go up.'\n\nThere is a [[glass elevator|f][$fp = 1]] to the side of the tower.<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $fp is 1>>The elevator softly hums as it takes you all the way to the top, giving you a breathtaking view not only of the water park but of the East coast.<<if $co is "nogirls">><<set $flume_event = 1>><<endif>>\n\nWhen it reaches the top, the door slides smoothly open and you [[step out onto the platform|f][$fp = 2]].\n<<elseif $fp is 2>><<if $flume_event is 2>>Aiya climbs into the purple one at the far end. 'See you bitches later.' She says before launching herself out of sight.\n\n'Are you doing that one too?' You ask Charlie, hoping that she won't judge you if you go on a less frightening one.\n\n'Nah.' She says. 'Been there done it but I'm here for fun, not atonement.'\n\nShe gets in the green one (which looks scary enough). 'Laters.' She says, before launching herself downward.\n\nBibi gets in the pink flume. 'C'mon <<print $fnom>>, do the Wyrm with me!' She says excitedly.\n\nShould you [[get in behind Bibi|f][$flume_event = 3]] or [[choose another flume|f][$flume_event = 4]]?\n\n<<elseif $flume_event is 3>>'Okay, sure Beebs.' You agree and sit directly behind her with your hands on her waist.\n\nIt suddenly feels rather intimate with bibi's virtually bare ass against your crotch and she makes it worse when she starts wriggling and thrusting to get sliding inside the flume.\n\n'Come on <<print $fnom>>!' You've got to squiggle your bum with me!'\n\nYou rock forward with her and start sliding gently inside. The sun shines through, turning everything a bright shade of pink inside the flume.\n\nIt twists and turns smoothly and you'd find it pretty relaxing if it wasn't for the fact that your cock is nestled against Bibi's soft round bottom. Every little bum and slip causes you to get a little harder.\n\n<<if $wank is false>>//So it does still work.// You think to yourself with surprising indifference.\n<<endif>>\nIt's quite a long and pleasant ride and a fair while before you [[pop out into the pool below|f][$fp = 0]].\n\n<<elseif $flume_event is 4>>'Nah, that's okay beebs.' You tell her. 'You go on ahead and I'll see you in the pool.'\nShe blows a raspberry at you and slides herself into the flume.\n\nWhich flume will you ride?\nThe [[Wyrm|f][$fp = 3]]? The [[Vortex|f][$fp = 4]]? The [[Wyvern|f][$fp = 5, $bravery = $bravery + 1]]? The [[Death Drop|f][$fp = 6, $bravery = $bravery + 3]]?<<else>>Which flume will you ride?\nThe [[Wyrm|f][$fp = 3]]? The [[Vortex|f][$fp = 4]]? The [[Wyvern|f][$fp = 5, $bravery = $bravery + 1]]? The [[Death Drop|f][$fp = 6, $bravery = $bravery + 3]]?\n/%endevent%/<<endif>><<elseif $fp is 3>>You enter the pink flume and push yourself in.\n\nIt twists and turns smoothly and you find it pretty relaxing. The sun shines through, turning everything a bright shade of pink.\n\nIt's quite a long and pleasant ride and a fair while before you [[pop out into the pool below|f][$fp = 0]].\n<<elseif $fp is 4>>You enter the turquoise flume and push yourself off.\n\nIt takes you in a smooth circle and as the flume becomes translucent, you can see the water park quite clearly below.\n\nThe incline steepens and the turn tightens ever more, causing you to speed up and slide higher up on the side of the flume until you don't even know which way you're orientated.\n\nYou start to form the word 'Fuck.' in your mouth when the flume spits you out [[into the pool|f][$fp = 0]].\n<<elseif $fp is 5>>You sit in the green flume, wondering if this is a good idea. You can see an immediate steep drop before a sharp turn and it's quite narrow too.\n\nYou take a breath and launch yourself downward.\n\nThe turn comes quickly and catches you off guard, sending you spinning around so you're slipping head first.\n\nYou frantically try to turn yourself around again and barely manage it before the flume blasts you out inelegantly [[into the pool|f][$fp = 0]].\n<<elseif $fp is 6>>You sit in the purple flume looking at the ominous warning sign above it.\n\n'ENTER AT OWN RISK'\n\nYou're not sure why you're doing this to yourself but there are people waiting so you accept that your life has come to an end and drop into the flume.\n\nIt's near pitch black inside and you feel yourself fall almost vertically down the flume. You instinctively reach out to hold onto something in the narrow space.\n\nYou slide up one side then the other, then flip a full 360 degrees before splashing [[into the pool|f][$fp = 0]].\n\n<<elseif $fp is - 1>>You emerge from the undergrowth into the flume pool.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/wnw/fl.jpg">\n\nA tower looms over this pool. Four flumes run from its very top to the pool below. There's a pink one, which worms it's way steadily to the water, a turquoise one which consists of a gradually tightening spiral, a green one which consists of tight twists and turns and a purple one which goes almost vertically into the deepest part of the pool.\n\nThere is a [[glass elevator|f][$fp = 1]] to the side of the tower.\n\nYou can reach the [[inflatable area from here|i]]\n<<endif>>
<img src="Sleep_img/GTec/MJ/02.jpg">\n\nMJ looks up and welcomes you back. She offers you a seat and a drink.\n\n<<if $change is true>>A short while later you hear the sound of heels and a large busted woman emerges.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/ella2.jpg">\n\nShe looks at you seemingly with approval. 'So you must be, <<print $fnom>> <<print $snom>>?'<<else>>A short while later you hear the sound of heels and a large busted woman emerges, immediately greeting your Mother.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/ella.jpg">\n\n'Rachel!' she looks at you approvingly. 'So this must be your daughter, <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/ella2.jpg"><<endif>>\n\nThe woman introduces herself as Ella Kline and invites you to follow her into [[a nearby office]].\n<<set $Kline = true>>\n
You go up to the geeks.\n\n‘Greetings and salutations stranger.’ Offers one.\n\n‘Er – hi.’ You respond.\n\n'I wonder if you can tell me which green skinned, one eyed monster you might find roaming in a forgotten dungeon in a dark corner of the Old World?'\n\nAn [[orc]]\nAn [[orcs cock]]\n[[Look to the others for inspiration|fimir]]\n\n<<set $geeks = "true">>
<<if $Cassius_sex is 1>>/%<<cyclinglink "$feel" "Disgusted" "Happy for her" "Jealous" "More than slightly aroused">>%/\n\n\t<<if $Oedipus is true>>\n\n\t\t<<if $msex is 'le'>>/%%/\n\n<<if $feel is "Disgusted">>Doing your best to hear absolutely nothing, you go swiftly downstairs and through into the kitchen with your dress and a few other bits.\n\nBy the washing machine is a chair with your Mum and Ella's swimwear hanging off it. After putting your items in the washing machine, you look back over to them. Yes partly you're thinking you could do a good turn and do your Mum's washing for her but partly you're thinking. //That's just had my Mum's naked body inside it.//\n\nYou run your fingers over the fabric and imagine how it would feel if she was still wearing it.\n\nThe horn hits you again and you clutch the gusset to you nose and breath it in deeply.\n\nIt smells faintly like chlorine. Behind you, you hear the fridge door [[shut|schtum]].\n\n<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">>Doing your best to hear absolutely nothing, you go swiftly downstairs and through into the kitchen with your dress and a few other bits.\n/%as above for now%/\nBy the washing machine is a chair with your Mum and Ella's swimwear hanging off it. After putting your items in the washing machine, you look back over to them. Yes partly you're thinking you could do a good turn and do your Mum's washing for her but partly you're thinking. //That's just had my Mum's naked body inside it.//\n\nYou run your fingers over the fabric and imagine how it would feel if she was still wearing it.\n\nThe horn hits you again and you clutch the gusset to you nose and breath it in deeply.\n\nIt smells faintly like chlorine. Behind you, you hear the fridge door [[shut|schtum]].\n\n<<else>>Ella looks down at you all stiff from shock and folded up in the hamper. You look at her pleadingly as your mother's voice comes from the bedroom.\n\n'Are you okay Ella?'\n\n'Yeah, no problem. I just tripped on the laundry basket!' She calls back while looking you dead in the eye.\n\n'Oh sorry Ella, <<print $nom>>... <<print $nom>>'s always moving it. Will you just nudge it back in the alcove for me please?'\n\n'No problem.' Ella replies, still looking at you. You're surprised that you're Mother hasn't come out of her room but you're glad of it.\n\nElla tips you out of the hamper and motions for you to go.\n\nYou put your hands together and mouth the words 'Thank you.' \n\nShe smiles then but it's not one that entirely puts you at ease.\n\nGrabbing a bunch of washing, you head downstairs and into the [[kitchen|schtum]].\n\n<<set $feel = "aroused">>/%now happy for her and more than slightly aroused are the same%/<</if>>\n\n\t\t<<else>>/%msex not le%/\nCUTYou wonder about the guy who she said 'came over last night'.\n\n//Did he stay over?//CUT\n\n<<if $feel is "Disgusted">>CUTYou still feel digusted about it. Did they use protection or did he cum inside her?\nThe last thing you want is siblings - more attention diverted from you.CUT<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">>CUTYou think she's the best mum in the world and she deserves to be happy.\n\n...and besides, the thought of your Mummy getting fucked by some strange guy is exciting for you.\n\n//Did they use protection or did he cum inside her?// You wonder.\n\nThe thought turns you on and you can't deny it. You're just about to play with yourself when you hear your Mum come upstairs and into her room.CUT\n\n<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">>CUTYou still feel jeaous of her new lover. You wish you could be with her. You know it's wrong but honestly - your Mum's really fuckable.\n\nYour minset has changed over the past few days admittedly but you still want to be with her, to touch her, to taste her.\n\n//Did they use protection or did he cum inside her?// You wonder.\n\nThe last thing you want is siblings - more attention diverted from you - but your mind wanders back to the time you ate Charlie's cream pie and you imagine now your Mother's cream filled pussy decending upon your open mouth.\n\nThe thought turns you on and you can't deny it. You're just about to play with yourself when you hear your Mum come upstairs and into her room.CUT\n\n<<else>>CUTYou think she's the best mum in the world and she deserves to be happy.\n<<set $feel = "aroused">>/%now happy for her and more than slightly aroused are the same%/\n...and besides, the thought of your Mummy getting fucked by some strange guy is exciting for you.\n\n//Did they use protection or did he cum inside her?// You wonder.\n\nYour mind wanders back to the time you ate Charlie's cream pie and you imagine now your Mother's cream filled pussy decending upon your open mouth.\n\nThe thought turns you on and you can't deny it. You're just about to play with yourself when you hear your Mum come upstairs and into her room.CUT\n\n\t\t\t\t<</if>>/%end feel%/\nCUTYou see your little dress crumpled on your bedroom floor and decide you should probably [[wash it]].CUT\n\t\t<</if>>/%end msex%/\n\n\t<<else>>/%Oed not true - (from last passage 'foyer') Not wanting to see anymore flirting between them, you make your excuses and go upstairs to [your bedroom|into your bedroom].Deciding they should have some privicy, you make your excuses and go upstairs to [your bedroom%/\n\t\t\n\t\t<<if $msex is 'le'>>/%%/\n<<if $feel is "Disgusted">>Doing your best to hear absolutely nothing, you go swiftly downstairs and through into the kitchen with your dress and a few other bits.\n\nBy the washing machine is a chair with your Mum and Ella's swimwear hanging off it. After putting your items in the washing machine and decide to put them in too.\n\nOn your way out you near bump into Ella, apparently on her way to the fridge. You mumble at her before heading upstairs to your room.\n\nAs you close the door behind you, [[your phone bleeps]].<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">>Doing your best to hear absolutely nothing, you go swiftly downstairs and through into the kitchen with your dress and a few other bits.\n\nBy the washing machine is a chair with your Mum and Ella's swimwear hanging off it. After putting your items in the washing machine and decide to put them in too.\n\nOn your way out you near bump into Ella, apparently on her way to the fridge. You smile and excuse yourself as you pass her, then head upstairs to your room.\n\nAs you close the door behind you, [[your phone bleeps]].<</if>>\n\t\t<<else>>/%msex not le DIRECT TO 'your phone bleeps' from previous passage%/\n\n\t\t<</if>>/%end msex%/\n\n\t<</if>>/%end Oed%/\n\n<<endif>>
The main building is new looking with a lot of glass panes rather than walls. You think it looks kinda futuristic and stylish.\n\nYour mum kisses you goodbye and you climb out. She drives off, leaving you to begin a brand new chapter in your life at your new college.\n\nYou’re one part excited, two parts terrified as you make your way along the path to reception.\n\nThe interior of the building is plush and minimalist with isolated colour here and there and the odd, artistically placed pot plant.\n\n ‘Hello?’ asks one of two shockingly pretty receptionists in a musical voice. ‘Are you new?’\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/college/recep2.jpg">\n\n‘Uh -yes.’ You respond.\n\n‘Fabulous, and right on time. Which course are you taking?\n\n'Psychology.' you respond.\n\n'...and what's your name hon?'\n\nYou tell her.\n\n'...and surname?'\n\n'<<textbox "$snom" "Chase" "Mon am 2">>' you answer.\n<<set $title = "Mr">>
Enter [[the mall]].\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/bw.jpg">\nYou could go elsewhere.\n\nThe [[beach]], [[esplanade]], [[water park]], [[library]], [[city park]], [[mall]], [[Broadway]], [[red light district]] or you could venture into the [[woods]].\n\n...or you could just go <<if $w is 0>><<if $d is 2>>[[home]]<<elseif $d is 3>>[[home|home wed]]<<elseif $d is 4>>[[home|home thu]]<<elseif $d is 5>>[[home|home fri]]<<endif>> now.<<elseif $w is 1>><<if $d is 6>>[[home|Sat1]]<<elseif $d is 7>>[[home|Sun1]]<<endif>><<endif>>.\n\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>
<<if $schboy is true>><<if $classseat is 16>>You walk down the hall along with the other students from Psych Class.\n\nThe girls are close enough to you that you can hear what they’re talking about.\n\nSasha leads the conversation about something Miss Riven had been talking about called the ‘Astonishing Hypothesis’. Aiya suggests that it doesn’t matter to her. ‘I’m happy with my choices – I make good choices. Besides, why would I want to do something other than what I’ve already decided I want to do?’\n\n'I think it’s silly. 'Bibi suggests. 'Of course I can decide what to do for myself. I’m choosing to walk right now. I chose to wear this outfit.\n\n'You’re wearing that outfit because it’s the uniform of the college you’re at.' Charlie tells her, grinning.\n\n'And you’re wearing it like that because you’re a slut.' Aiya adds.\n\n'...and you’re walking because you’re talking with us and we’re walking.' Sasha adds.\n\n'I don’t have to be walking.' Bibi suggests.' 'I could decide to do anything I wanted.'\n\n'Like turn into a little pink helicopter and fly out of the window?.' Aiya asks her.\n\n'That’s just silly.' Bibi says, folding her arms.\n\nSasha puts her hand up to put a hold on the mockery. 'Beebs Honey, I think you’re missing the...'\n\nSome students push past, between you and the girls and you miss the next bit but Bibi seems to be doing an impression of a seal. Most of the other students have gone on ahead and you know you can't be seen associating with the girls like this - not unless you want the whole town knowing you're a ...what are you? You're not sure but you hate this feeling of being excluded and miss being with them.\n\nWith a heavy heart, you realise you have to walk on and commit to the choice you made.\n\nAs you pass them, they see you and offer conspiratorial smiles and winks but you can tell they're disappointed that you didn't go along with Charlie's plan - especially Charlie herself, who simply folds her arms and looks at you disapprovingly. You know it's meant as a joke but you can see the hard truth beneath.\n\nYou let her down.\n\nYou walk on feeling terrible about yourself. As you turn the corner you hear them sniggering and wonder if [[the joke's on you|break]].\n<<elseif $classseat is 22>>You walk down the hall along with the other students from Psych Class.\n\nThe girls are close enough to you that you can hear what they’re talking about.\n\nSasha leads the conversation about something Miss Riven had been talking about called the ‘Astonishing Hypothesis’. Aiya suggests that it doesn’t matter to her. ‘I’m happy with my choices – I make good choices. Besides, why would I want to do something other than what I’ve already decided I want to do?’\n\n'I think it’s silly. 'Bibi suggests. 'Of course I can decide what to do for myself. I’m choosing to walk right now. I chose to wear this outfit.\n\n'You’re wearing that outfit because it’s the uniform of the college you’re at.' Charlie tells her, grinning.\n\n'And you’re wearing it like that because you’re a slut.' Aiya adds.\n\n'...and you’re walking because you’re talking with us and we’re walking.' Sasha adds.\n\n'I don’t have to be walking.' Bibi suggests.' 'I could decide to do anything I wanted.'\n\n'Like turn into a little pink helicopter and fly out of the window?.' Aiya asks her.\n\n'That’s just silly.' Bibi says, folding her arms.\n\nSasha puts her hand up to put a hold on the mockery. 'Beebs Honey, I think you’re missing the...'\n\nSome students push past, between you and the girls and you miss the next bit but Bibi seems to be doing an impression of a seal. Most of the other students have gone on ahead and you know you can't be seen associating with the girls like this - not unless you want the whole town knowing you're a ...what are you? You're not sure but you hate this feeling of being excluded and miss being with them.\n\nWith a heavy heart, you realise you have to walk on and commit to the choice you made.\n\nAs you pass them, they see you and offer conspiratorial smiles and winks but you can tell they're disappointed that you didn't go along with Charlie's plan - especially Charlie herself, who simply folds her arms and looks at you disapprovingly. You know it's meant as a joke but you can see the hard truth beneath.\n\nYou let her down.\n\nYou walk on feeling terrible about yourself. As you turn the corner you hear them sniggering and wonder if [[the jokes on you|break]].\n<<elseif $classseat is 12>>You walk down the hall with Emilio and the other students.\n\nHe’s trying to talk to you about something and you try to [[pay attention]].\n\nThe girls are close enough to you that you can hear what they’re talking about.\n\nSasha leads the conversation about something Miss Riven had been talking about called the ‘Astonishing Hypothesis’. Aiya suggests that it doesn’t matter to her. ‘I’m happy with my choices – I make good choices. Besides, why would I want to do something other than what I’ve already decided I want to do?’\n\n'I think it’s silly. 'Bibi suggests. 'Of course I can decide what to do for myself. I’m choosing to walk right now. I chose to wear this outfit.\n\n'You’re wearing that outfit because it’s the uniform of the college you’re at.' Charlie tells her, grinning.\n\n'And you’re wearing it like that because you’re a slut.' Aiya adds.\n\n'...and you’re walking because you’re talking with us and we’re walking.' Sasha adds.\n\n'I don’t have to be walking.' Bibi suggests.' 'I could decide to do anything I wanted.'\n\n'Like turn into a little pink helicopter and fly out of the window?.' Aiya asks her.\n\n'That’s just silly.' Bibi says, folding her arms.\n\nSasha puts her hand up to put a hold on the mockery. 'Beebs Honey, I think you’re missing the...'\n\nSome students push past, between you and the girls and you miss the next bit but Bibi seems to be doing an impression of a seal. Most of the other students have gone on ahead and you know you can't be seen associating with the girls like this - not unless you want the whole town knowing you're a ...what are you? You're not sure but you hate this feeling of being excluded and miss being with them.\n\nWith a heavy heart, you realise you have to walk on and commit to the choice you made.\n\nAs you pass them, they see you and offer conspiratorial smiles and winks but you can tell they're disappointed that you didn't go along with Charlie's plan - especially Charlie herself, who simply folds her arms and looks at you disapprovingly. You know it's meant as a joke but you can see the hard truth beneath.\n\nYou let her down.\n\nYou walk on feeling terrible about yourself. As you turn the corner you hear them sniggering and wonder if [[the jokes on you|break]].\n<<elseif $classseat is 20>>Alice seems uninterested in the company of the rest of her clique so why would she be interested in you?\n\nYou walk down the hall with the other students.\n\nThe girls are close enough to you that you can hear what they’re talking about.\n\nSasha leads the conversation about something Miss Riven had been talking about called the ‘Astonishing Hypothesis’. Aiya suggests that it doesn’t matter to her. ‘I’m happy with my choices – I make good choices. Besides, why would I want to do something other than what I’ve already decided I want to do?’\n\n'I think it’s silly. 'Bibi suggests. 'Of course I can decide what to do for myself. I’m choosing to walk right now. I chose to wear this outfit.\n\n'You’re wearing that outfit because it’s the uniform of the college you’re at.' Charlie tells her, grinning.\n\n'And you’re wearing it like that because you’re a slut.' Aiya adds.\n\n'...and you’re walking because you’re talking with us and we’re walking.' Sasha adds.\n\n'I don’t have to be walking.' Bibi suggests.' 'I could decide to do anything I wanted.'\n\n'Like turn into a little pink helicopter and fly out of the window?.' Aiya asks her.\n\n'That’s just silly.' Bibi says, folding her arms.\n\nSasha puts her hand up to put a hold on the mockery. 'Beebs Honey, I think you’re missing the...'\n\nSome students push past, between you and the girls and you miss the next bit but Bibi seems to be doing an impression of a seal. Most of the other students have gone on ahead and you know you can't be seen associating with the girls like this - not unless you want the whole town knowing you're a ...what are you? You're not sure but you hate this feeling of being excluded and miss being with them.\n\nWith a heavy heart, you realise you have to walk on and commit to the choice you made.\n\nAs you pass them, they see you and offer conspiratorial smiles and winks but you can tell they're disappointed that you didn't go along with Charlie's plan - especially Charlie herself, who simply folds her arms and looks at you disapprovingly. You know it's meant as a joke but you can see the hard truth beneath.\n\nYou let her down.\n\nYou walk on feeling terrible about yourself. As you turn the corner you hear them sniggering and wonder if [[the jokes on you|break]].\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>/%if not schboy%/<<if $classseat is 16>>You walk down the hall, chatting with the girls.\n\nSasha leads the conversation about something Miss Riven had been talking about called the ‘Astonishing Hypothesis’. Aiya suggests that it doesn’t matter to her. ‘I’m happy with my choices – I make good choices. Besides, why would I want to do something other than what I’ve already decided I want to do?’\n\n'I think it’s silly. 'Bibi suggests. 'Of course I can decide what to do for myself. I’m choosing to walk right now. I chose to wear this outfit.\n\n'You’re wearing that outfit because it’s the uniform of the college you’re at.' Charlie tells her, grinning.\n\n'And you’re wearing it like that because you’re a slut.' Aiya adds.\n\n'...and you’re walking because you’re talking with us and we’re walking.' Sasha adds.\n\n'I don’t have to be walking.' Bibi suggests.' 'I could decide to do anything I wanted.'\n\n'Like turn into a little pink helicopter and fly out of the window?.' Aiya asks her.\n\n'That’s just silly.' Bibi says, folding her arms.\n\nSasha puts her hand up to put a hold on the mockery. 'Beebs Honey, I think you’re missing the...'\n\n'Clap your hands and arf like a seal.' Charlie suggests, ignoring the request entirely.\n\nThe girls cackle as Bibi does a pretty good impression of a seal.\n\n'See?' Bibi explains. 'I never would have thought to do that so I was doing something different to what I would have done.'\n\n'I think we’re going a bit off...' Sasha starts.\n\n'Take your knickers off.' Charlie tells Bibi.\n\n'That won't prove anything in the slightest.' Sasha gasps, rolling her eyes.\n\n'Yeah Charlie; I’m always taking my knickers off.' Bibi agrees.\n\nCharlie smiles knowingly. 'Yeah but then do a cartwheel in front of the caretaker.'\n\n'Yes!' Bibi claps her hands. 'See, I wouldn’t have thought of that!'\n\nCharlie hurries her. 'Look, he’s just gone around the corner, quick!'\n\n‘Bibi!’ Sasha scolds with suppressed volume, causing the girl to freeze in the process of removing her underwear.\n\n‘But Sasha? I have to so I can prove I’m not controlled by casualty!’ Bibi protests.\n\n‘Causality.’ Sasha corrects.\n\n‘Actually, I think it’s called Charlie.’ Aiya suggests wryly.\n\n‘In any case...’ Sasha continues. ‘...taking off your knickers and acting like a massive slut is still very much within your repertoire.’\n\nBibi stares blankly.\n\n‘She means it’s normal for you.’ Aiya fills her in.\n\n‘You know what would be really out of character for you?’ Sasha asks before answering herself. ‘...behaving super sensibly.’\n\n‘Aw, that’s boooring!’ Bibi protests.\n\n‘Exactly!’ Sasha agrees. ‘Nothing like what you’d normally do, huh?’\n\nBibi looks slightly off to one side, seeming to have a thought.\n\nWhen she’s done, she looks back at Sasha with a grin, pointing in a random direction. ‘Ahh!’\n\nCharlie folds her arms and [[pokes her tongue out|break]] at Sasha.\n<<elseif $classseat is 22>>You walk down the hall, chatting with the girls.\n\nSasha leads the conversation about something Miss Riven had been talking about called the ‘Astonishing Hypothesis’. Aiya suggests that it doesn’t matter to her. ‘I’m happy with my choices – I make good choices. Besides, why would I want to do something other than what I’ve already decided I want to do?’\n\n'I think it’s silly. 'Bibi suggests. 'Of course I can decide what to do for myself. I’m choosing to walk right now. I chose to wear this outfit.\n\n'You’re wearing that outfit because it’s the uniform of the college you’re at.' Charlie tells her, grinning.\n\n'And you’re wearing it like that because you’re a slut.' Aiya adds.\n\n'...and you’re walking because you’re talking with us and we’re walking.' Sasha adds.\n\n'I don’t have to be walking.' Bibi suggests.' 'I could decide to do anything I wanted.'\n\n'Like turn into a little pink helicopter and fly out of the window?.' Aiya asks her.\n\n'That’s just silly.' Bibi says, folding her arms.\n\nSasha puts her hand up to put a hold on the mockery. 'Beebs Honey, I think you’re missing the...'\n\n'Clap your hands and arf like a seal.' Charlie suggests, ignoring the request entirely.\n\nThe girls cackle as Bibi does a pretty good impression of a seal.\n\n'See?' Bibi explains. 'I never would have thought to do that so I was doing something different to what I would have done.'\n\n'I think we’re going a bit off...' Sasha starts.\n\n'Take your knickers off.' Charlie tells Bibi.\n\n'That won't prove anything in the slightest.' Sasha gasps, rolling her eyes.\n\n'Yeah Charlie; I’m always taking my knickers off.' Bibi agrees.\n\nCharlie smiles knowingly. 'Yeah but then do a cartwheel in front of the caretaker.'\n\n'Yes!' Bibi claps her hands. 'See, I wouldn’t have thought of that!'\n\nCharlie hurries her. 'Look, he’s just gone around the corner, quick!'\n\n‘Bibi!’ Sasha scolds with suppressed volume, causing the girl to freeze in the process of removing her underwear.\n\n‘But Sasha? I have to so I can prove I’m not controlled by casualty!’ Bibi protests.\n\n‘Causality.’ Sasha corrects.\n\n‘Actually, I think it’s called Charlie.’ Aiya suggests wryly.\n\n‘In any case...’ Sasha continues. ‘...taking off your knickers and acting like a massive slut is still very much within your repertoire.’\n\nBibi stares blankly.\n\n‘She means it’s normal for you.’ Aiya fills her in.\n\n‘You know what would be really out of character for you?’ Sasha asks before answering herself. ‘...behaving super sensibly.’\n\n‘Aw, that’s boooring!’ Bibi protests.\n\n‘Exactly!’ Sasha agrees. ‘Nothing like what you’d normally do, huh?’\n\nBibi looks slightly off to one side, seeming to have a thought.\n\nWhen she’s done, she looks back at Sasha with a grin, pointing in a random direction. ‘Ahh!’\n\nCharlie folds her arms and [[pokes her tongue out|break]] at Sasha.\n<<elseif $classseat is 12>>You walk down the hall with the girls and other students from Psych Class.\nEmilio’s trying to talk to you about fimirs or something and you try to [[pay attention]] but realising you'd rather spend time with the girls, you cut him short, offer him an apologetic smile and tell him you'll catch him later.\n\nHe sort of shrugs sadly and wanders of to catch up with his nerdy friends.\n\nYou turn your focus back to the girls.\n\nSasha's leading the conversation about something Miss Riven had been talking about called the ‘Astonishing Hypothesis’. Aiya suggests that it doesn’t matter to her. ‘I’m happy with my choices – I make good choices. Besides, why would I want to do something other than what I’ve already decided I want to do?’\n\n'I think it’s silly. 'Bibi suggests. 'Of course I can decide what to do for myself. I’m choosing to walk right now. I chose to wear this outfit.\n\n'You’re wearing that outfit because it’s the uniform of the college you’re at.' Charlie tells her, grinning.\n\n'And you’re wearing it like that because you’re a slut.' Aiya adds.\n\n'...and you’re walking because you’re talking with us and we’re walking.' Sasha adds.\n\n'I don’t have to be walking.' Bibi suggests.' 'I could decide to do anything I wanted.'\n\n'Like turn into a little pink helicopter and fly out of the window?.' Aiya asks her.\n\n'That’s just silly.' Bibi says, folding her arms.\n\nSasha puts her hand up to put a hold on the mockery. 'Beebs Honey, I think you’re missing the...'\n\n'Clap your hands and arf like a seal.' Charlie suggests, ignoring the request entirely.\n\nThe girls cackle as Bibi does a pretty good impression of a seal.\n\n'See?' Bibi explains. 'I never would have thought to do that so I was doing something different to what I would have done.'\n\n'I think we’re going a bit off...' Sasha starts.\n\n'Take your knickers off.' Charlie tells Bibi.\n\n'That won't prove anything in the slightest.' Sasha gasps, rolling her eyes.\n\n'Yeah Charlie; I’m always taking my knickers off.' Bibi agrees.\n\nCharlie smiles knowingly. 'Yeah but then do a cartwheel in front of the caretaker.'\n\n'Yes!' Bibi claps her hands. 'See, I wouldn’t have thought of that!'\n\nCharlie hurries her. 'Look, he’s just gone around the corner, quick!'\n\n‘Bibi!’ Sasha scolds with suppressed volume, causing the girl to freeze in the process of removing her underwear.\n\n‘But Sasha? I have to so I can prove I’m not controlled by casualty!’ Bibi protests.\n\n‘Causality.’ Sasha corrects.\n\n‘Actually, I think it’s called Charlie.’ Aiya suggests wryly.\n\n‘In any case...’ Sasha continues. ‘...taking off your knickers and acting like a massive slut is still very much within your repertoire.’\n\nBibi stares blankly.\n\n‘She means it’s normal for you.’ Aiya fills her in.\n\n‘You know what would be really out of character for you?’ Sasha asks before answering herself. ‘...behaving super sensibly.’\n\n‘Aw, that’s boooring!’ Bibi protests.\n\n‘Exactly!’ Sasha agrees. ‘Nothing like what you’d normally do, huh?’\n\nBibi looks slightly off to one side, seeming to have a thought.\n\nWhen she’s done, she looks back at Sasha with a grin, pointing in a random direction. ‘Ahh!’\n\nCharlie folds her arms and [[pokes her tongue out|break]] at Sasha.\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $schgirl is true>>The five of you hang around Charlie's ride and chat for a bit.\n\n'Hey, so <<print $fnom>>!' are you still doing initiations?' Sasha asks you.\n\nYou shrug and look at Charlie.\n\n'Absolutely.' Charlie confirms, grinning.\n\n'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'...well, not really a date...'\n\n'Right...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?' Bibi asks.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'They're touring?' You ask. 'I thought they split.'\n\n'They did.' Aiya tells you. 'They just do the odd gig now and then for shits and giggles.'\n\n'Well they're in town to record a new album apparently.' Sasha says.\n\n'...and you know them?' you ask, impressed.\n\n'They lived here for a while.' Charlie explains. 'The Peninsula's not such a big place.'\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so... they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company while you chat up Kai?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\nAiya cackles.\n\n'What now?' Sasha asks her.\n\n'If you where white you'd be pink right now.' She says grinning.\n\n'Fuck off.' Sasha responds pleasantly.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You're a beautiful girl, everyone can see it. Nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've not taken up her offer already but everything's happend so fast.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' she continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Saturday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n'So I'm not quite first pick then?'\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>, it's not like that!' Sasha reassures you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.\n\nYou and Aiya jump in the Mustang and Charlie drops the pair of you [[home|hometuewk1]].\n\n<<elseif $change is true>>The five of you chat for a bit in the car park before Sasha and Bibi split.\n\n'Hey, so <<print $fnom>>!' are you still doing initiations?' Sasha asks you.\n\nYou shrug and look at Charlie.\n\n'Absolutely.' Charlie confirms.\n\n'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'...well, not really a date...'\n\n'Right...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?'\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'They're in gigging?' You ask. 'I thought they split.'\n\n'They did.' Aiya tells you. 'They just do the odd tour now and then for shits and giggles.'\n\n'...and you know them?' you ask, impressed.\n\n'They lived here for a while.' Charlie explains. 'The Peninsula's not such a big place.'\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\n'Uh huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You're a beautiful girl, everyone can see it. Nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've not taken up her offer already but everything's happend so fast.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' she continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Saturday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n'So I'm not quite first pick then?'\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>, it's not like that!' Sasha reassures you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.\n\nYou change on Charlie's back seat again, back into your boys uniform and wipe the makeup from your face using her rear view mirror.\n\n'Oi!' Charlie calls you to you from the drivers seat. '...and keep that plug in 'til you get home!'\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>'Yes Mistress!' you call back obligingly.<<else>>'Yeah, whatever.' you tell her.\n\nYou quite like having it in anyway.<<endif>>\n\nCharlie drops Aiya off home and you off just a little way further down the road so you're not seen getting out of her car.\n\nYou watch her speed off, back down the road before heading [[home|hometuewk1]].\n\n<<elseif $schlb is true>>In the car park, the girls continue to blast you incessantly with questions about what happened between last night and this morning that lead to you coming to college in the girls uniform.\n\nYou can't pretend you don't love the praise and attention.\n\nThe day seems to have gone better than you could possibly have expected and you can't help but feel you made the right choice confiding in your Mother.\n\n'Hey, so <<print $fnom>>!' are you still doing initiations?' Sasha asks you.\n\nYou shrug and look at Charlie.\n\n'Absolutely.' Charlie confirms.\n\n'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?' Bibi asks excitedly.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\n'Uh huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You're a beautiful girl, everyone can see it. Nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've not taken up her offer already but everything's happend so fast.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' she continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Saturday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n'So I'm not quite first pick then?'\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>, it's not like that!' Sasha reassures you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.\n\nThe five of you chat for a bit in the car park before Sasha and Bibi split.\n\nYou and Aiya jump in the Mustang and Charlie drops the pair of you [[home|hometuewk1]].\n<<elseif $schboy is true>>You walk past the girls on your way to the gate. Charlie calls you over.\n\nWhen in their midst, they greet you and Sasha asks how you're enjoying the course.\n\nCharlie asks flatly if you still have the butt plug in and you tell her you do.\n\n'So are you done with our girls nights or are you still game?' she asks you.\n\n'I still want to hang with you.' You tell her. 'I don't mind dressing up.'\n\nCharlie grins. 'There's my girl!' she tells you.\n\n'Hey, so <<print $fnom>>!' are you still doing initiations?' Sasha asks you.\n\nYou shrug and look at Charlie.\n\n'Absolutely.' Charlie confirms.\n\n'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?'\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\n'Uh huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You can be a beautiful girl when you want to be, everyone can see it. When you're made up nice, nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've hardly thought about her offer but everything's happend so fast and how would you explain it to your Mum if you started growing boobs? How long could you hide the changes for?\n\nYou wish you could just tell her.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' Sasha continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Saturday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n//Of course you're not first choice. Why would you be?//\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>.' Sasha urges you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.\n\nThey seem to be done with you for now and you make to head home but Charlie calls you back.\n\n'You still have it in?' she asks.\n\n'Yes Charlie - I said.'\n\n'Mistress.' she corrects. 'Don't get it wrong again.' she adds ominously.\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\nShe looks sceptical and reaches around to feel the hard base of glass protruding slightly between your butt cheeks. When she feels it her face lights up joyfully.\n\n'Oh, there's a good little sissy boy!' she tells you.\n\nIt's really embarrassing what with the others standing there but they know what you are.\n\n...and [[so do you|hometuewk1]].\n<<endif>>
These guys look pretty capable. You're in safe hands.\n<img src="Sleep_img/beach/000lgs.jpg">\n[[>>|beach]]
You could [[bum around]], [[study]] or use your [[laptop]].\n\n\n[[Go to bed|End Day]]\n\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>\n<<set $d is $d + 1>>
<<if $d is 5 and $w is 1>>Front Garden\n\nMaybe you could buy something from the sex shop. It's not like you have any secrets from the guy who works there.\n\n//...maybe another time.//\n\n[[Front door|hallway]]\n\n<<else>>Front Garden\n\n[[Front door|hallway]]<<endif>>
Having got yourself indoors as quickly as you can, you kick your shoes off and go up to the bathroom to have a shower.\n\nOne in under a hot shower, you begin to relax a bit. You remove your butt plug and try to remove the chastity device but find yourself unable. At least you seem to be able to wash the area just about.\n\n//How am I supposed to wank?// you realise with horror. //Damn it!//\n\nYou remember how Charlie made you cum without even touching your cock and realise you're going to have to learn how to do that for yourself.\n\nYou try sitting back on the plug and twisting your nipples then attempt to get yourself off with your fingers but nothing gets you close to orgasm and you leave the bathroom feeling as [[sexually frustrated|thu1eve]] as you do water-logged.
<<if $d is 5 and $w is 1>>Under stairs cupboard\n\n<<if $sheetswashed is true>>'Ah ha!'\n\n<<cyclinglink "$vc" "vacuum cleaner" "take vacuum cleaner">>\n[[hallway]]\n<<else>><<cyclinglink "$vc" "vacuum cleaner" "take vacuum cleaner">>\n[[hallway]]\n\n<<endif>><<else>>Under stairs cupboard\n\n<<cyclinglink "$vc" "vacuum cleaner" "take vacuum cleaner">>\n[[hallway]]<<endif>>\n<<set $vcfound = true>>
<<if $yra is 0>><<timed 2s>><<goto aream>><</timed>>\n<<set $d = 6>><<set $w = 1>><<set $yra = 1>>\n\n<<elseif $yra is 1>>You wake up with Cassius' arm around you, holding you close to him.\n\nYou'd been expecting - hoping even - to be treated like a cheap slut but what you got was so much more.\n\nYou have absolutely no intention of getting up in a hurry so you snuggle in closer and [[drift off to sleep again|aream][$yra = 2]].\n\n<<elseif $yra is 2>><<timed 1s>><<goto aream>><</timed>><<set $yra = 3>>\n\n<<elseif $yra is 3>>You wake up again and open your eyes to see Cassius looking down at you.\n\n'Hey.' You greet him in a sleepy voice.\n\n'Hey Princess.' He greets you back. 'Did you have fun last night?'\n\nYou can't help but smile. 'Uh huh.' \n\n'You want to do it again some time?' He asks with a grin.\n\n'Yes please.' You tell him.\n\nHe seems happy with your response and leans down to give you [[a kiss|aream][$yra = 4]].\n\n<<elseif $yra is 4>>The two of you spend a while longer canoodling in bed together before ordering breakfast.\n\nWhen your phone goes off it takes you aback. You realise how little thought you'd been giving to anything outside this room.\n\nYou smooch with Cassius a little more before slipping out of his arms to reach for your phone.\n\nYou look at it and see you have [[a message from Charlie|ypb][$Cassius_sex = 1]].\n\n<<elseif $yra is 5>><<if $txtwp is 1>>Charlie responds by simply texting 'Cool.' but you're reluctant to leave Cassius.\n\nYou ask him if he wants to join you at the water park but he tells you he's going to be in the studio all day.\n\n'Another time maybe.' He tells you. 'Have fun though ey?'\n\nHe gently brushes your pouting lower lip with his thumb and brings your lips to his for a kiss. \n\nCassius books a cab for you and escorts you out of the building to the [[cab rank|aream][$yra = 6]]\n\n<<else>>Charlie responds by simply texting 'Lame.' but you don't care. You're where you wannt to be right now.\n\nSadly it's not long before he and Kai decide they need to head down to the recording studio.\n\nCassius books a cab for you and escorts you out of the building to the [[cab rank|aream][$yra = 6]] \n\n<<endif>><<elseif $yra is 6>>The clear morning sunlight refelects across the Bayview Hotel's fascade.\n\nYou look up at the topmost windows and imagine that should somebody be looking down, you'd look like an ant to them.\n\n//Even Cassius would look like an ant!// You muse.\n\nA cab pulls up and Cassius opens the door for you.\n\nHeavy hearted, you move toward the open door but Cassius pulls you back to him, holds you firmly and kisses you softly on the lips.\n\nYou grin stupidly and he lets you go. Begrudgingly, you step into a cab and it takes you home.\n\nThe micro-city on the South-Eastern coast of the Peninsula is made up by a cluster of grand and elegant architecture, bifuricated by an estruary which is bridged thrice along it's stretch before reaching a dam. Beyond that is a small system of canals, some of which you've already discovered while exploring the red light district and surrounding area.\n\nThis is the first time you've been directly through the city and yet the wondrous sights fade into the background of your mind as last nights events revisit you.\n\nThe city is soon behind you and the central district goes by leading onto the main road heading North-West between the four suburban districs.\n\nThe cab pulls up right outside your house and you step out wondering what the future will hold for you and Cassius.\n\n//Will he be a [[casual bit of fun|aream][$yra = 7, $Cassius_nsa = 0]] or [[something more|aream][$yra = 7, $Cassius_nsa = 1]]?//\n\n<<elseif $yra is 7>>You grin stupidly to yourself as you walk down the path to the front door and [[let yourself in|lyi]].\n\n<<endif>>\n<<set $kitch = 0>>\n/%<<if $pb is 1>>pink and grey\n<<else>>little blue<<endif>>%/
Soon after, the five of you are chatting and messing around, all sitting on Charlie’s bed, wearing one of her nighties each. You seem to have ended up with a white one with a big baby pink heart on.\n\n‘Oh fuck! I nearly forgot the washing!’ Charlie says, getting up and heading back downstairs.\n\nYou chat with Sasha and Bibi while Aiya refreshes her memory on something called an ‘Elman Induction’.\n\n‘Uh...Bibi...?’ Charlie calls from the bottom of the stairs.\nHer voice sounds ominous and you all pay attention.\n\n‘Is this your nice new pink mini dress?’\n\nYou all look at Bibi and watch her expression change to one of horror.\n\nShe seems to fly off the bed and down the stairs. ‘OMG Charlie! – is it OK?!’\n\nThe rest of you follow in curiosity.\n\n‘//It//’s okay...’ she starts. ‘...but I’m pretty certain not everything I put in was this lovely shade of pink to begin with – especially not these jeans.’ Charlie holds your jeans up for all to see.\n\n‘Oh fuck.’ //Your favourite pair of pristine white jeans. You had so far managed to thoroughly impress your mother by keeping them immaculate.//\n\nThey’re now a decidedly pink shade of pink – truly the pinkest shade of pink in existence.\n\n‘Oops!’ giggles Bibi. ‘I’m really sorry <<print $nom>>! I’ll buy you a new pair!’\n\n‘Shopping trip!’ Charlie and Sasha say in unison.\n\n‘That’s okay Bibi....’ you start before Charlie cuts in.\n\n‘We can all head to the Mall tomorrow, yeah?’\n\nThe others all seem happy with the idea.\n\n‘OK...’ Aiya starts, putting the book to one side again. ‘Face me and relax.’ She tells you.\n\nThis proves difficult with the other girls making you giggle but Aiya persists.\n\nShe asks you a few innocuous questions and you wonder if you should pretend to get hypnotised, just so she doesn’t feel bad when it doesn’t work.\n\nYou feel someone tap you on the back of the head and Aiya pulls you in to nestle against her shoulder.\n\nYou feel so comfortable there that you just get lost in the moment...\n\nYou hear her voice murmering softly in your ear...\n\nYou feel so relaxed...\n\nEven when you feel your body pushed gently upright...\n\nAiya instructs you to behave like a 'bitch puppy'. It seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to ask of someone so you do what she asks.\n\n‘Ruff.’\n\n‘Good puppy.’ She says. The bed’s not for puppies though is it?’\n\n‘Get off the bed - now.’\n\nYou climb down onto the floor where you’re supposed to be.\n\nYou can hear laughing from somewhere. It makes you feel happy.\n\n‘You try.’ Aiya says.\n\nYou don’t understand the command.\n\n‘OK, sit.’ Charlie tells you.\n\nYou do as you’re told.\n\n‘Good girl!’\n\n‘Look at me.’\n\nYou look up at Charlie. 'Are you going to be compliant?'\n\nShe takes a jelly sweet from Bibi.\n\n‘You want this?’ she asks, holding it just out of reach.\n\n‘Beg.’ She tells you.\n\nYou put your paws up against your chest and look up at your Mistress hopefully, your tongue slightly protruding from your open mouth.\n\n‘Aaaaand – catch!’ she says, tossing the sweet in the air towards you.\n\nYou don’t quite manage to catch it so you eat it when it lands.\n\nYou look up at the girls. They’re all laughing at you but you don’t understand why. It doesn’t matter though.\n\n‘Come here puppy!’ comes Sasha’s voice.\n\nYou follow it happily to where her feet are hanging off the side of the bed.\n\nYou see she now has a treat.\n\n‘Beg for me.’\n\nYou do as she asks, this time making little whining noises.\n\n‘Aw, here you go.’ She says, feeding you the sweet from her open palm.\n\n‘Good puppy.’ She tells you, patting your head.\n\n‘Roll over.’ Charlie tells you do, laying on your back with your legs in the air.\n\nSasha and Charlie give your tummy a rub and you feel happy.\n\nBibi, sniggering, tells you to come to her so you do.\n\nShe shows you a jelly dildo 'fetch!' she says, before throwing it across the room.\n\nIt lands in Charlie's laundry basket and it's a while before you manage to retrieve it.\n\nBibi pats you on the head. 'Good puppy!' she tells you, taking the dildo from your mouth.\n\n‘OK, give me your foot.’ She says to Charlie. Charlie obliges and she puts a sweet in between her toes.’\n\n‘Give him that.’ She suggests to Charlie. Uh-uh, it’s ‘her’ now Bibi.’ She scolds. ‘Isn’t that right puppy?’\n‘You show her that you agree.\n‘You’re a little bitch puppy aren’t you darlin’?’ She continues.\n\nYou wag your imaginary tail to indicate that you agree wholeheartedly.\n\n‘Come take this treat.’ She says, offering her foot.\n\nYou put your mouth around her toes and take the treat gleefully.\n\nYou hear Aiya [[snap her fingers|snap]].\n<<set $snap = 1>>
<<if $tf is false>><<print $title>> <<print $nom>> <<print $snom>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/u1.jpg">\n\n<<elseif $tf is true>>Miss <<print $fnom>> <<print $snom>>\n<<if $cup is -3>><img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/pretu.jpg">\n\n<<elseif $cup is -2>><img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/pretu.jpg">\n\n<<elseif $cup is -1>><img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/uf1.jpg">\n\n<<elseif $cup is 0>><img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/best2.jpg">\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<back>>\n\n<<print $co>>\n\n/%$woods enables woods keypad and $nsew enables crossroads, nse enables nse t juct etc...%/\n<<if $woods is true>>\n<<if $nsew is "nsew">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t<<elseif $nsew is "nse">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "nsw">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "new">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "sew">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "ne">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "se">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "sw">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "nw">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t<<elseif $nsew is "n">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "s">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "e">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $nsew is "w">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<<elseif $nsew is "ns">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<<elseif $nsew is "ew">>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $woods is true>>Warp to [[woods]] entrance.<<endif>>\n<<set $thing = false>>\n/%<<if $thing is false>>false<<elseif $thing is true>>true<<else>>pff<<endif>>%/\n/%<<if $o is "n">>North<<elseif $o is "s">>South<<elseif $o is "e">>East<<elseif $o is "w">>West<<endif>>/%<<print $long>><<print $lat>>%/\n<<if $racing is true>><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][racer][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][racer][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][racer]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][racer][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][racer][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><<elseif $racing_cb is true>><img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][play][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][play][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][play]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][play][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][play][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png"><<endif>>\n\n/%<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/00000flat.jpg">\n\n<<if $woods is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1, $o = "n"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1, $o = "w"]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1, $o = "e"]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1, $o = "s"]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<<endif>>\n<<set $thing = false>>\n<<if $thing is false>>false<<elseif $thing is true>>true<<else>>pff<<endif>>\n<<print $o>>\n<<print $long>><<print $lat>>%/
It is a flying visit; Aiya grabs the book while her dad chats to you and the girls (although you do your best to blend into the background). He seems very smart and interesting. Perhaps on a normal day you’d want to chat with him but you didn’t have the slightest urge to blow your cover.\n\nSoon the five of you are headed back to Charlie’s.\n\n‘Phew, I think I got away with that.’ You say to nobody in particular.\n\n‘My Dads cool anyway, he wouldn’t think less of you.’ Aiya tells you.\n\n‘So, you got it?’ You ask her. It’s a fair assumption as she’s holding a book in her hand.\n\n‘Da-daa!’ she says, waving it in the air.\n\nYou stop by at a mini-mart for a few snacks and things. There are a few guys that look at you but they seem to look at the others the same way so you figure you’re safe.\n\nSoon, you’re all back at Charlie’s and your first outing as <<print $fnom>> is [[at an end]].
Grassy bank.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/park/field e.jpg">\n\nGo to [[park toilets]].\nGo to [[pavillion]].\nGo to [[bandstand]].
<<if $o is "n">>You find yourself in a peaceful glade.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/c2.jpg">The glade has a [[path on the far side|wds][$long = 17, $lat = 21]] - or you could [[go back the way you came|wds][$long = 8, $lat = 21]].\n\nThere's a [[fallen tree|glade][$tree = true]] here.\n\n<<elseif $o is "s">>You find yourself in a peaceful glade.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/c2.jpg">The glade has a [[path on the far side|wds][$long = 8, $lat = 21]] - or you could [[go back the way you came|wds][$long = 17, $lat = 21]].\n<<endif>>\n<<if $tree is true>><img src="Sleep_img/woods/c3.jpg">\nYou could [[sit|glade][$t is $t +0.1, $rested is true, $tree is false]] here awhile<<endif>>\n<<if $rested is true>>You feel rested<<endif>>\n<<set $woods = false>>
You observe your new neighbourhood through the window of your Mums slightly embarrassing lilac VW Beetle as she drives you to college. The sun’s shining and everything looks clean and cared for; white picket fences and neatly mown lawns.\n\nThe campus is only a few blocks away and it’s not long before you’ve reached [[your destination|Mon am 1]].\n
''The Pleasure Centre''\n//Sanctuary for Beauty and Wellness//\n\n[[lobby]]\n\nYou could go to the [[beach]], [[esplanade]], [[water park]], [[city park]], [[library]], [[mall]], [[Broadway]], [[spa]], [[red light district]] or you could venture into the [[woods]].\n\nOr go <<if $w is 1>><<if $d is 6>>[[home|Sat1]]<<elseif $d is 7>>[[home|Sun1]]<<endif>><<endif>>.\n\n\n<<set $spa = false>>
When you're done appreciating the rear view, you follow Sasha in through the patio doors.\n\n'Oh... my... God...' The words come softly under your breath.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/house/braeliv.jpg">\n\n'In here!' Sasha calls from the other end of the room.\n\nYou walk down and find her liquidising stuff in an equally beautiful kitchen.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/house/braekitch.jpg">\n\nShe passes you a glass full of something healthy looking and knocks her own glass against it.\n\n'[[Chin chin]]!'
<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/1.jpg">\n\nThe girls take you along to the first shop on the agenda. All the while people look – especially guys who either fail to look nonchalant or gawp openly.\n\nYou’re not sure but you think you might be passing.\n\nYou follow the girls into a Silverstore outlet, where they take you straight into the ladies section.\n\n‘OK, jeans, jeans...here we are, hmm, no ah! Perfect!’ Charlie says holding up a pair of white skinny jeans.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/swj.jpg">\n\n‘Um...’ you say, wondering if you should point out that these are ladies jeans and they’re supposed to be a replacement for the now Barbie-pink jeans you’re currently wearing. You decide not to say anything.\n\n‘Oh, this is cute – what do you think?’ Sasha suggests.\n\n//Oh my god – what am I letting myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n‘Try it on then!’ Charlie tells you. The girls bundle you [[into the changing room]].\n
<<if $drink is true>>\n\t<<if $pro is 1>>\n\t\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<endif>>/%end le%/\n\t<<else>>/%pro 0%/\n\t\t<<if $msex is "le">><<else>>/%sex not le%/<<endif>>/%msex%/\n\t<<endif>>/%end pro%/\n<<else>>/%drink f%/\n\t<<if $mumbang is "You know you shouldn't">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $feel is "Disgusted">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">><<if $Oedipus is true>><<else>>/%Oed f%/<<endif>>/%end Oed%/\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $feel is "More than slightly aroused">>/%*%/<<if $Oedipus is true>><<else>>/%Oed f%/<<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>/%end feel%/\n\t<<elseif $mumbang is "You wouldn't want to">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $feel is "Disgusted">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $Oedipus is true>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>/%Oed f%/<<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<endif>>/%end Oed%/\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>/%end feel%/\n\t<<elseif $mumbang is "Maybe just a quick">>\n\t\t\t\t<<if $feel is "Disgusted">><<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">>You can't wait to meet <<if $msex is "le">>her<<else>>him<<endif>>.\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $Oedipus is true>><<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>/%Oed f%/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $msex is "le">>her<<else>>him<<endif>>.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<endif>>/%end Oed%/\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $feel is "More than slightly aroused">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $Oedipus is true>><<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<endif>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<else>>/%Oed f%/<<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<endif>>.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<endif>>/%end Oed%/\n\t\t\t\t<<endif>>/%end feel%/\n\t<<endif>>/%end mumbang%/\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<<if $pro is 1>><<elseif $pro is 0>><<endif>>/%end pro%/\n\t<<else>>/%msex not le%/\n\t<<endif>>/%end msex%/\n<<endif>>/%end drink%/
<<switch $page>>\n<<case 1>><<if $late is true>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<if $pro is 1>>The sun's still up and you're feeling beautiful but a little stressed at being late for your Mistress.\n\nBy the time you get there, you're [[flushed and sweating|so2][$page = 2]].\n\n<<elseif $pro is 0>>The sun's still up and you're feeling more than a little stressed at being late for your Mistress.\n\nBy the time you get there, you're [[flushed and sweating|so2][$page = 2]].\n\n<<endif>><<else>>The sun's still up and you're feeling beautiful and at ease with the world.\n\nYou meet up with Aiya along the way and [[the two of you get to Charlie's together|so2][$page = 2]].\n\n<<endif>><<else>>The sun's still up and you're feeling beautiful and at ease with the world.\n\nYou knock for Aiya along the way and the [[the two of you get to Charlie's together|so2][$page = 2]].\n\n<<endif>><<case 2>><<if $late is true>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<if $pro is 1>>Charlie opens the door for you. 'What time do you call this?' \n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You tell her.\n\n'Look at you - you're a state.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\n<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>You nod.\n\n'Well that's something at least.' She says. 'Get your little bitch butt up to my room and present yourself for an inspection.'\n\nYou dither in the doorway.\n\n'Well?' She snaps. [['Go on then!'|so2][$page = 3]]<<else>>Your pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n[['Come on in then.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $pro is 0>>Charlie opens the door for you. 'What time do you call this?' \n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You tell her.\n\n'Look at you - you look like a filthy little boy.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\n<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>You nod.\n\n'Well that's something at least.' She says. 'Get your little bitch butt up to my room and present yourself for an inspection.'\n\nYou dither in the doorway.\n\n'Well?' She snaps. [['Go on then!'|so2][$page = 3]]<<else>>Your pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n[['Come on in then.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>>/%end plugged%/<<endif>>/%end pro%/<<else>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey girls.' She greets. [['Come on in.'|so2][$page = 3]]\t\t\t\t\t\t/%(late) not Csub%/\n\n<<endif>>/%end Csub%/<<else>>/%not late%/<<if $Charliesub is true>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey Aiya.' She greets before looking at you. '...and what time do you call this?' \n/%else not late%/\n'Seven O'clock?' You suggest. \n\n'Seven O' two.' She clarifies. '...and I thought we'd discussed how you were to address me in future.'\n\n'Sorry Mistress.'\n\n'Look at you - you're a state.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\n<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>'Oh - yes Mistress!' You affirm.\n\nAiya sniggers at you.\n\n'There's a good girl.' She praises you, giving you warm tingles. 'Come on in then.'\n\n'Take your cute ass up to my room and present yourself for an inspection.' [[She commands.|so2][$page = 3]]<<else>>Your pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n[['Come on in then.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey girls.' She greets. [['Come on in.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>>/%end not csub%/<<endif>>/%end not late%/\n\n<<case 3>>You take yourself up to her room and find Aiya and Bibi chatting on her bed.\n\nThey greet you and welcome you to [[join them|so2][$page = 4, $comply = 0]].\n\n<<if $pro is 0>><<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>You'd like to but maybe you ought to [[do as you were told|so2][$page = 5, $comply = 1]].<<else>><<endif>><<elseif $pro is 1>><<endif>>\n\n<<case 4>><<if $pro is 0>><<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>When Charlie comes up and finds you sitting on her bed with the girls she berates you and makes you get on the floor on your knees.\n\nThe girls watch and giggle as Charlie humilliates you.\n\n'Bibi.' She says. 'Get down here and let's see if my little bitch has done what I told her to do.'\n\nBibi happily clambers off her bed and pulls down your jeans and knickers, exposing your plugged ass and caged cocklett.\n\n'Wahaha ha ha!' Aiya laughs. '<<print $fnom>>, you're such a pussy-whipped sissy bitch!'\n\nHer words cut but for some reason they cause your constricted cocklett to stir inside its constrictive cage. You wince slightly at the discomfort.\n\n'Aww... she's my pussy-whipped sissy bitch - aren't you?' Charlie asks.\n\n'Yes Misstress.' It's humiliating to respond like that and your cheeks burn red as the girls laugh at you but you're clearly getting off on it. Your cock strains painfully in its confines.\n\n'Charlie sees you wince. Is that nice and comfy for you sissy boy?' Charlie asks sweetly.\n\nYou look up at her wretchedly. 'It hurts a bit Mistress.'\n\n'Good.' She says. 'That means it's working.'\n\nShe and the girls proceed to ignore you for what seems like ten minutes. You stay where you are while they chat together about this and that. The sudden withdrawl of attention makes you ache for more.\n\n//Is this still part of the innitiation?// You wonder. //...or have I already failed?//\n\nYou think it might be the latter and that causes you distress. You chide yourself inwardly and set yourself to do whatever she asks of you from now on.\n\nCharlie takes a seat in her chair and looks down at you.\n\nYou look up at her with adoration.\n\n'Aw, hello sissy.' She says sweetly. 'Are you ready for a treat now?'\n\nYour face lights up.\n\nCharlie looks over to Bibi. 'Beebs - do you want your pussy eaten?' She asks.\n\n'Yeah, I don't mind.' Bibi responds happily.\n\nAiya and Sasha continue chatting with each other on the bed but occasionally look over with mild interest.\n\nYou watch Bibi sidle up to the edge of the bed and expertly slip her panties of.\n\nShe starts toying with her beautiful bare pussy right in front of you.\n\n'Well?' Charlie says.\n\nYou look up at her.\n\n'...eat it.' she tells you.\n\nYou look up at Bibi and she parts her knees a little wider for you.\n\nYou feel a rush of endorphines as you crawl up to her pussy. You put your face close enough that you can smell her sweet scent. You feel Charlie's foot at the back of your head and allow her to push you face against [[Bibi's glistening snatch|so2][$page = 6]].\n\n<<else>>When Charlie comes up and finds you sitting on her bed with the girls she berates you and makes you get off her bed./%bad - pro 0 - not plugged and caged%/\n\nThe girls watch and giggle as Charlie humilliates you.\n\n'Bibi - Help <<print $fnom>> out of her nasty boy clothes.' Charlie commands.\n\nBibi happily clambers off her bed and pulls down your jeans and knickers, exposing your unplugged ass and cocklett out of its cage.\n\n'Why is this nasty little thing out of its cage?' Charlie asks you in a pleasant tone.\n\nYou feel so self conscious doing this in front of the girls. You look up at them but they just seem amused by your situation. 'Um...I don't know...Mistress.'\n\n'Get on your knees pussy boy.' Charlie tells you and you do it.\n\nBibi removes the last of your clothes.\n\n'You don't know?' Charlie echos. 'Put your hands on the floor.\n\nYou do as she says and look down at the carpet.\n\nCharlie casually walks around behind you. '...and why is there nothing stuffed in your pussy?'\n\n'I forgot Mistress.' You tell her.\n\n'Hmm...' Charlie starts thoughtfully. 'How do I help a sissy bitch remember what she needs to do to please her Mistress...?' She asks rhetorically.\n\n'Bibi - did you bring your things like I told you?' She asks.\n\n'Uh-huh, yes!' Bibi responds excitedly.\n\n'Let's see then.'\n\nBibi goes to the side of the room and with some difficulty, drags a large black case onto the bed.\n\nYou hear it click open.\n\n'Bibi!?' Sasha exclaims. 'How do you ever sit down!'\n\nThe other girls laugh and you wonder what she might keep in there.\n\nYou get the feeling you're about to have your ass abused like never before and before you know it, your little cocklett is twitching to life.\n\n'Wahaha ha ha!' Aiya laughs. 'What are you going to do with that <<print $fnom>>!?'\n\nHer words cut but for some reason they cause your cocklett to stiffen further.\n\n'I'm surprised it still works!' Charlie says. 'What are you going to do with that <<print $fnom>>?' She asks you.\n\nYou take a moment to decide upon the correct answer. 'Nothing.' You respond.\n\n'Nothing is right.' Charlie says, brandishinng a riding crop and strikes you sharply aross the buttocks to emphasise every word. 'Especially if you forget how to address me.'\n\nYou cry out but stay where you are, on your hands and knees with your bare ass and cocklett for all to see.\n\n'Aw, poor thing!' Sasha soothes.\n\nCharlie looks over to Bibi. 'Beebs - do you want your pussy eaten?' She asks.\n\n'Yeah, I don't mind.' Bibi responds happily.\n\nAiya and Sasha continue chatting with each other on the bed but occasionally look over with mild interest.\n\nYou watch Bibi sidle up to the edge of the bed and expertly slip her panties of.\n\nShe starts toying with her beautiful bare pussy right in front of you.\n\n'Well?' Charlie says.\n\nYou look up at her.\n\n'...eat it.' she tells you.\n\nYou look up at Bibi and she parts her knees a little wider for you.\n\nYou feel a rush of endorphines as you crawl up to her pussy. You put your face close enough that you can smell her sweet scent. You feel Charlie's foot at the back of your head and allow her to push you face against [[Bibi's glistening snatch|so2][$page = 6]].\n\n/%Following Charlie's further instructions, you stand up and disrobe, then Charlie makes you kneel by the bed while Bibi does your make-up. When she's done you look at your reflection and see that she's made [[you look like an absolute slut|so2][$page = 5]].%/\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $pro is 1>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>When Charlie comes up and finds you sitting on her bed with the girls she berates you and makes you get on the floor on your knees.\n\nThe girls watch and giggle as Charlie humilliates you.\n\n'Bibi.' She says. 'Get down here and let's see if my little bitch has done what I told her to do.'\n\nBibi happily clambers off her bed and pulls down your jeans and knickers, exposing your plugged ass and caged cocklett.\n\n'Wahaha ha ha!' Aiya laughs. '<<print $fnom>>, you're such a pussy-whipped sissy bitch!'\n\nHer words cut but for some reason they cause your constricted cocklett to stir inside its constrictive cage. You wince slightly at the discomfort.\n\n'Aww... she's my pussy-whipped sissy bitch - aren't you?' Charlie asks.\n\n'Yes Misstress.' It's humiliating to respond like that and your cheeks burn red as the girls laugh at you but you're clearly getting off on it. Your cock strains painfully in its confines.\n\n'Charlie sees you wince. Is that nice and comfy for you sissy girl?' Charlie asks sweetly.\n\nYou look up at her wretchedly. 'It hurts a bit Mistress.'\n\n'Good.' She says. 'That means it's working.'\n\nShe and the girls proceed to ignore you for what seems like ten minutes. You stay where you are while they chat together about this and that. The sudden withdrawl of attention makes you ache for more.\n\n//Is this still part of the innitiation?// You wonder. //...or have I already failed?//\n\nYou think it might be the latter and that causes you distress. You chide yourself inwardly and set yourself to do whatever she asks of you from now on.\n\nCharlie takes a seat in her chair and looks down at you.\n\nYou look up at her with adoration.\n\n'Aw, hello sissy girl.' She says sweetly. 'Are you ready for a treat now?'\n\nYour face lights up.\n\nCharlie looks over to Bibi. 'Beebs - do you want your pussy eaten?' She asks.\n\n'Yeah, I don't mind.' Bibi responds happily.\n\nAiya and Sasha continue chatting with each other on the bed but occasionally look over with mild interest.\n\nYou watch Bibi sidle up to the edge of the bed and expertly slip her panties of.\n\nShe starts toying with her beautiful bare pussy right in front of you.\n\n'Well?' Charlie says.\n\nYou look up at her.\n\n'...eat it.' she tells you.\n\nYou look up at Bibi and she parts her knees a little wider for you.\n\nYou feel a rush of endorphines as you crawl up to her pussy. You put your face close enough that you can smell her sweet scent. You feel Charlie's foot at the back of your head and allow her to push you face against [[Bibi's glistening snatch|so2][$page = 6]].\n\n<<else>>When Charlie comes up and finds you sitting on her bed with the girls she berates you and makes you get off her bed.\n\nThe girls watch and giggle as Charlie humilliates you.\n\n'Bibi.' Charlie says simply.\n\nSurprisingly Bibi understands what Charlie wants and happily clambers off her bed, then pulls down your shorts and knickers, exposing your unplugged ass and cocklett out of its cage.\n\n'Why is this nasty little thing out of its cage?' Charlie asks you in a pleasant tone.\n\nYou feel so self conscious doing this in front of the girls. You look up at them but they just seem amused by your situation. 'Um...I don't know...Mistress.'\n\n'Get on your knees pussy girl.' Charlie tells you and you do it.\n\nBibi removes the last of your clothes.\n\n'You don't know?' Charlie echos. 'Put your hands on the floor.\n\nYou do as she says and look down at the carpet.\n\nCharlie casually walks around behind you. '...and why is there nothing stuffed in your pussy?'\n\n'I forgot Mistress.' You tell her.\n\n'Hmm...' Charlie starts thoughtfully. 'How do I help a sissy bitch remember what she needs to do to please her Mistress...?' She asks rhetorically.\n\n'Bibi - did you bring your things like I told you?' She asks.\n\n'Uh-huh, yes!' Bibi responds excitedly.\n\n'Let's see then.'\n\nBibi goes to the side of the room and with some difficulty, drags a large black case onto the bed.\n\nYou hear it click open.\n\n'Bibi!?' Sasha exclaims. 'How do you ever sit down!'\n\nThe other girls laugh and you wonder what she might keep in there.\n\nYou get the feeling you're about to have your ass abused like never before and before you know it, your little cocklett is twitching to life.\n\n'Wahaha ha ha!' Aiya laughs. 'What are you going to do with that <<print $fnom>>!?'\n\nHer words cut but for some reason they cause your cocklett to stiffen further.\n\n'I'm surprised it still works!' Charlie says. 'What are you going to do with that <<print $fnom>>?' She asks you.\n\nYou take a moment to decide upon the correct answer. 'Nothing.' You respond.\n\n'Nothing is right.' Charlie says, brandishinng a riding crop and strikes you sharply aross the buttocks to emphasise every word. 'Especially if you forget how to address me.'\n\nYou cry out but stay where you are, on your hands and knees with your bare ass and cocklett for all to see.\n\n'Aw, poor thing!' Sasha soothes.\n\nCharlie looks over to Bibi. 'Beebs - do you want your pussy eaten?' She asks.\n\n'Yeah, I don't mind.' Bibi responds happily.\n\nAiya and Sasha continue chatting with each other on the bed but occasionally look over with mild interest.\n\nYou watch Bibi sidle up to the edge of the bed and expertly slip her panties of.\n\nShe starts toying with her beautiful bare pussy right in front of you.\n\n'Well?' Charlie says.\n\nYou look up at her.\n\n'...eat it.' she tells you.\n\nYou look up at Bibi and she parts her knees a little wider for you.\n\nYou feel a rush of endorphines as you crawl up to her pussy. You put your face close enough that you can smell her sweet scent. You feel Charlie's foot at the back of your head and allow her to push you face against [[Bibi's glistening snatch|so2][$page = 6]].\n\n/%Following Charlie's further instructions, you stand up and disrobe, then Charlie makes you kneel by the bed while Bibi re-does your make-up. When she's done you look at your reflection and see that she's made [[you look like an absolute slut|so2][$page = 5]].%/\n\n<<endif>><<else>>Charlie soon joins you and you chat blah<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n\n\n\n<<case 5>><<if $pro is 0>>'There's my little sissy all ready for inspection.' Charlie laughs.\n\n'Bibi.' Charlie says simply.\n\nSurprisingly Bibi understands what Charlie wants and pulls down your jeans and takes a moment to laugh at your panties before pulling them down too.\n\nYou feel Charlie's foot slide up the inside of your leg to your cage. She nudges it, bringing the contents to life. You squeak from the resulting discomfort and she makes a noise of approval.\n\n'That looks firmly wedged in there as well huh?' She says and pushes the base of your plug firmly with her foot.\n\nYou whimper pitiably.\n\n'Aw, poor thing.' Saha says.\n\nAiya chuckles wickedly.\n\n'There's a good sissy.' Charlie says. 'Bibi - make her look pretty.\n\nShe has you kneel by the bed while Bibi does your make up.\n\nWhen she's done, you see your reflection. //I look like an absolute slut!// You think but you can't deny the tingle of pride.\n\nCharlie takes a seat in her chair and looks down at you.\n\nYou look up at her with adoration.\n\n'Aw, hello sissy.' She says sweetly. 'Are you ready for a treat now?'\n\nYour face lights up.\n\nCharlie looks over to Bibi. 'Beebs - do you want your pussy eaten?' She asks.\n\n'Yeah, I don't mind.' Bibi responds happily.\n\nAiya and Sasha continue chatting with each other on the bed but occasionally look over with mild interest.\n\nYou watch Bibi sidle up to the edge of the bed and expertly slip her panties of.\n\nShe starts toying with her beautiful bare pussy right in front of you.\n\n'Well?' Charlie says.\n\nYou look up at her.\n\n'...eat it.' she tells you.\n\nYou look up at Bibi and she parts her knees a little wider for you.\n\nYou feel a rush of endorphines as you crawl up to her pussy. You put your face close enough that you can smell her sweet scent. You feel Charlie's foot at the back of your head and allow her to push you face against [[Bibi's glistening snatch|so2][$page = 6]].\n\n<<elseif $pro is 1>><<if $Charliesub is true>>'There's my little sissy all ready for inspection.' Charlie laughs.\n\n'Bibi.' Charlie says simply.\n\nSurprisingly Bibi understands what Charlie wants and pulls down your shorts and takes a moment to appreciate your panties before pulling them down too.\n\n'Wahaha ha ha!' Aiya laughs. '<<print $fnom>>, you're such a pussy-whipped sissy bitch!'\n\nHer words cut but for some reason they cause your constricted cocklett to stir inside its constrictive cage. You wince slightly at the discomfort.\n\n'Aww... she's my pussy-whipped sissy bitch - aren't you?' Charlie asks.\n\n'Yes Misstress.' It's humiliating to respond like that and your cheeks burn red as the girls laugh at you but you're clearly getting off on it. Your cock strains painfully in its confines.\n\n'Charlie sees you wince. Is that nice and comfy for you sissy girl?' Charlie asks sweetly.\n\nYou look up at her wretchedly. 'It hurts a bit Mistress.'\n\n'Good.' She says. 'That means it's working.'\n\nYou feel Charlie's foot slide up the inside of your leg to your cage. She nudges it, bringing the contents to life. You squeak from the resulting discomfort and she makes a noise of approval.\n\n'That looks firmly wedged in there as well huh?' She says and pushes the base of your plug firmly with her foot.\n\nYou whimper pitiably.\n\n'Aw, poor thing.' Saha says.\n\nAiya chuckles wickedly.\n\n'There's a good sissy girl.' Charlie says.\n\nShe and the girls proceed to ignore you for what seems like ten minutes. You stay where you are while they chat together about this and that. The sudden withdrawl of attention makes you ache for more.\n\n//Is this still part of the innitiation?// You wonder. //...or have I already failed?//\n\nYou think it might be the latter and that causes you distress and you set yourself to do whatever it takes to maintain her attention and affection.\n\nShe takes a seat in her chair and looks down at you.\n\nYou look back up at her with adoration.\n\n'Aw, hello sissy girl.' She says sweetly. 'Are you ready for a treat now?'\n\nYour face lights up.\n\nCharlie looks over to Bibi. 'Beebs - do you want your pussy eaten?' She asks.\n\n'Yeah, I don't mind.' Bibi responds happily.\n\nAiya and Sasha continue chatting with each other on the bed but occasionally look over with mild interest.\n\nYou watch Bibi sidle up to the edge of the bed and expertly slip her panties of.\n\nShe starts toying with her beautiful bare pussy right in front of you.\n\n'Well?' Charlie says.\n\nYou look up at her.\n\n'...eat it.' she tells you.\n\nYou look up at Bibi and she parts her knees a little wider for you.\n\nYou feel a rush of endorphines as you crawl up to her pussy. You put your face close enough that you can smell her sweet scent. You feel Charlie's foot at the back of your head and allow her to push you face against [[Bibi's glistening snatch|so2][$page = 6]].\n\n<<else>>Charlie soon joins you and you chat blah<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<case 6>><<set $page = 7>><<timed 2s>><<goto so2>><</timed>>\n\n<<case 7>><<if $Charliesub is true>>Charlie taunts you as you feed upon Bibi's soggy cunt, telling you about all the men that have dumped their loads up inside her<<if $Uguys gt 0>> but you don't mind<<endif>><<if $Uguys gt 1>>. In fact you can't wait for your next taste of man cream<<endif>>.\n\nThe girls continue to tease you until Bibi starts to climax. Sweet juice spills from her pussy and you can't help but let some of it drip onto the [[duvet cover|so2][$page = 8]].<<else>><<endif>>/%end Csub%/\n\n<<case 8>><<if $Charliesub is true>>A while later, the girls decide it's time for your makeover.\n\nYou're studying Bibi's face as she makes the finishing touches to your lipstick. She always pokes her tongue out to one side whenever she's concentrating.\n\n'All done!' She chirps, evidently pleased with herself.\n\n'Oh Bibi, you're so good at //understated//.\n\n'Aw fank you Sasha.' Bibi responds, entirely unaware of the sarcasm.\n\nCharlie and Aiya emerge from the wardrobe \n\n\n\n<<else>><<endif>>/%end Csub%/\n/%<<if $Charliesub is true>>A while later, you're sitting obediently on the floor by the bed while the girls chat together.\nThey have you dressed in the sluttiest outfit Bibi could think up<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>, you still have a butt plug jammed in your ass and your cocklett is still tightly caged. You think that maybe this time it'll stop working for good after tonight. Especially when the [[girls start play fighting on the bed|so2][$page = 7]].\n<<else>>A while later, you're sitting obediently on the floor by the bed while the girls chat together.\nThey have you dressed in the sluttiest outfit Bibi could think up. You still have nothing in your ass but Bibi's case is still sitting ominously next to Charlie's bed. Your cocklett is still out of it's cage and yet you think it would have been less painful just to wear it since Charlie spanked it with a riding crop. It's really sore now and it doesn't help when the [[girls start play fighting on the bed|so2][$page = 7]].<<endif>>\n\n<<else>><<endif>>endcsub\n\n<<elseif $page is 7>><<if $Charliesub is true>>'Waaha ha ha haa!' Bibi goes as she falls backwards onto the floor with Aiya coming down on top of her.\n\nThe girls stop what they were doing and look at you with amusement.\n\n'Oh hello <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says. 'I forgot you were still down there. Do you want to play with us?'\n\nShe laughs in response to your face lighting up hopefully.\n\n'Do you promise to behave from now on?'\n\nYou nod.\n\nCharlie looks at you sternly.\n\n'Yes Mistress.' You confirm.\n\n'Good.' Charlie says and flashes you a perfect white smile. 'Let's [[make you beautiful|so2][$page = 8]].'\n\n<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>\n<<else>><<endif>>\n\n<<else>><<endif>>endcsub %/\n\n\n<<case 9>><<if $Charliesub is true>>(let's make you beautiful)<<endif>>\npro 0/late/Csub/plugged\npro 0/late/not Csub/not plugged\npro 0/late/not Csub/plugged\npro 0/not late/Csub/not plugged\npro 0/not late/Csub/plugged\npro 0/not late/not Csub/not plugged\npro 0/not late/not Csub/plugged\npro 1/late/Csub/not plugged\npro 1/late/Csub/plugged\npro 1/late/not Csub/not plugged\npro 1/late/not Csub/plugged\npro 1/not late/Csub/not plugged\npro 1/not late/Csub/plugged\npro 1/not late/not Csub/not plugged\npro 1/not late/not Csub/plugged\n\n<</switch>>/%page%/\n\n/%<<if $mast is 1>><<else>>horny<<endif>>%/
That's it for now - soz!\nI'll do my best to make sure there's another update ASAP! :)\n\n...oh yeah, and if you want to support me in this endeavour, please donate here!\n\nhttps://www.patreon.com/EidolonX\n\nThanks!\nE\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/end.jpg">\n
Kai\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/band/Kai.jpg">
You don't know much about Blake and you're not sure you want too either. \n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/Blake.jpg">\n\nHis Rotweiler Mutley - although fearsome looking - seems to have taken a shine to you.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/mut.jpg">
<<nobr>>\n<<if $money gte 10>>\n<<button "Buy - 1 lube bottle">> /%Flavoured Star Lube%/\n<<set $Lube = $Lube + 1>>\n<<set $money = $money - 10>>\n<<goto adult_items>> /% You need to somehow refresh variables. I just made quick and dirty solution as in refreshing this passage%/\n<<endbutton>>\n<<else>>\n<<button "Unaffordable - 1 lube bottle">>\n<<goto browse_adult>>\n<<endbutton>><<endif>>\n\nLube <<print $Lube>><</nobr>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $money gte 5>>\n<<button "Buy - pack of condoms">>\n<<set $Condoms = $Condoms + 3>>\n<<set $money = $money - 5>>\n<<goto adult_items>>\n<<endbutton>>\n<<else>>\n<<button "Unaffordable - pack of condoms">>\n<<goto browse_adult>>\n<<endbutton>><<endif>>\n/% Printing condoms amount to show it actually works%/\n\nCondoms <<print $Condoms>>\n\n<<if $money gte 20 and $bplug is 0>>\n<<button "Buy - small butt plug">>\n<<set $bplug = $bplug + 1>>\n<<set $money = $money - 20>>\n<<goto adult_items>>\n<<endbutton>>\n<<elseif $money gte 30 and $bplug is 1>>\n<<button "Buy - large butt plug">>\n<<set $bplug = $bplug + 1>>\n<<set $money = $money - 30>>\n<<goto adult_items>>\n<<endbutton>>\n<<elseif $money gte 50 and $bplug is 2>>\n<<button "Buy - large vibrating butt plug">>\n<<set $bplug = $bplug + 1>>\n<<set $money = $money - 50>>\n<<goto adult_items>>\n<<endbutton>>\n<<elseif $money gte 60 and $bplug is 3>>\n<<button "Buy - expanding butt plug">>\n<<set $bplug = $bplug + 1>>\n<<set $money = $money - 60>>\n<<goto adult_items>>\n<<endbutton>><<endif>>\n<<if $money lt 20 and $bplug is 0>>\n<<button "Unaffordable - small butt plug">>\n<<goto browse_adult>>\n<<endbutton>>\n<<elseif $money lt 30 and $bplug is 1>>\n<<button "Unaffordable - large butt plug">>\n<<goto browse_adult>>\n<<endbutton>>\n<<elseif $money lt 50 and $bplug is 2>>\n<<button "Unaffordable - large vibrating butt plug">>\n<<goto browse_adult>>\n<<endbutton>>\n<<elseif $money lt 60 and $bplug is 3>>\n<<button "Unaffordable - expanding butt plug">>\n<<goto browse_adult>>\n<<endbutton>>\n<<else>>\n<<button "Unaffordable - butt plug">>\n<<goto browse_adult>>\n<<endbutton>><<endif>>\n\n<</nobr>>\n\n[[>>|adult_store]]
It's a beautiful white sand beach with equally beautiful people enjoying it including a few hot women with their boobs out.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/beach1.jpg">\n<<if $beach is 1>>There are a bunch of guys playing [[volleyball]].<<elseif $beach is 2>>There's an [[ice cream]] stand.<<elseif $beach is 3>>There are public toilets and changing rooms [[here|beach toilets]].<<elseif $beach is 5>>There's a [[life guard station]] here.<<else>><<endif>>\n\nWhat do you want to do now?\n\nWalk along the [[beach]], [[sunbathe]], go for a [[paddle]], go for a [[swim]].\n\nOr you could go elsewhere?\n\nGo to the [[esplanade]], [[water park]], [[library]], [[city park]], [[mall]], [[Broadway]], [[red light district]] or you could venture into the [[woods]].\n\n...or you could just go <<if $w is 0>><<if $d is 2>>[[home]]<<elseif $d is 3>>[[home|home wed]]<<elseif $d is 4>>[[home|home thu]]<<elseif $d is 5>>[[home|home fri]]<<endif>> now.<<elseif $w is 1>><<if $d is 6>>[[home|Sat1]]<<elseif $d is 7>>[[home|Sun1]]<<endif>><<endif>>.\n\n<<set $beach = $beach +1>>\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>
<<if $sex is "Charlie">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be used once again by your Mistress.\n\nYou know your place now - you belong to her and you'll do anything to please her.\n\nAnything.\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.\n\nAs you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off without having to rely on <<print $Cnom>>//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].<<elseif $sub is "switch">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be with Charlie once again.\n\nAs you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off without having to rely on <<print $Cnom>>.//\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be with Charlie once again.\n\n//And next time, she'll be the one getting fucked.//\n\nYou know this fantasy seems a little unrealistic and you can't [[deny|no college today]] you had the best time [[getting fucked|no college today]["$sub" = "sub"]] by her.\n\nYou finish showering.\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "Sasha">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be with Sasha.\n\nYou know who you are now and you know what you need.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Maybe Sasha will fuck you like Mistress did. You hope your Mistress will allow it.\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.<<else>>Maybe Sasha will want to fuck you like Charlie did.\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be with Sasha.\n\nYou know who you are now and you know what you need.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Maybe Sasha will fuck you like Mistress did. You hope your Mistress will allow it.\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.<<else>>Maybe Sasha will want to fuck you like Charlie did.\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be with Sasha.\n\nYou know who you are now and you know what you need.\n\nBut how can you be what Sasha needs?\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "Bibi">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be Bibi's playmate.\n\nYou know who you are now and you know what you need. You want to have your hole stretched like her's. Of all the girls, Bibi seems to be the least suitable to aspire to be like and yet...\n\n//...she seems so happy and carefree. She knows what she likes and she gets it - in every hole!\n\nIs that really what you want in life? To be a dumb, slutty bimbo?//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Maybe you and Bibi could fuck each other with big, jelly dildos for Mistress' pleasure. Will that please her? Will she allow it?\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.<<else>>Maybe you and Bibi could fuck each other with big, jelly dildos.\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]]<<elseif $sub is "switch">>You're struck with a notion. //Maybe you don't need a big cock.//\n\nMaybe you and Bibi could fuck each other with big, jelly dildos. Maybe that'd be more fun.\n\nAs you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]]\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away your thoughts of Bibi.\n\nBut how can you ever meet her needs?\n\nMaybe you could fuck her with a monstrous strap on dildo.\n\nYou smile at the thought.\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "Aiya">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be with Aiya.\n\nYou know who you are now and you know what you need.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Maybe Aiya will fuck you like Mistress did. You hope your Mistress will allow it.\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.<<else>>Maybe Aiya will want to fuck you like Charlie did.\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.\n\n//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be with Aiya.\n\nYou know who you are now and you know what you need.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>Maybe Aiya will fuck you like Mistress did. You hope your Mistress will allow it.\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.<<else>>Maybe Aiya will want to fuck you like Charlie did.\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the thoughts of Aiya.\n\nYou know this fantasy seems a little [[unrealistic|no college today][$sub = "sub"]]; especially what with you being a little sissy boy but you can't deny [[you'd like to get up in that pussy|no college today]].\n\nYou finish showering.\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "Miss Riven">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to clear your mind of this sordid fantasy.\n\nAnd yet you know in your heart, fantasy is all it will ever be.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>//I mean, she's your teacher! She's not going to fuck you even if she's deranged enough to find your skinny ass attractive!\n\n...and even then; would your new Mistress allow it?//\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.<<else>>//I mean, she's your teacher! She's not going to fuck you even if she's deranged enough to find your skinny ass attractive!<<endif>>\n\nAs you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off without having to rely on <<print $Cnom>>//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>/%same as sub atm%/The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to clear your mind of this sordid fantasy.\n\nAnd yet you know in your heart, fantasy is all it will ever be.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>//I mean, she's your teacher! She's not going to fuck you even if she's deranged enough to find your skinny ass attractive!\n\n...and even then; would your new Mistress allow it?//\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.<<else>>//I mean, she's your teacher! She's not going to fuck you even if she's deranged enough to find your skinny ass attractive!<<endif>>\n\nAs you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off without having to rely on <<print $Cnom>>//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].<<elseif $sub is "dom">>/%use this universally for dom?%///no.\n\nWhether you decide to remain a guy or transition into a woman, one thing's for sure; you're no sub.//\n\nYou have been having way more fun as a girl, you can't deny it the idea of being a super hot dominatrix brings a malevolent grin to your face.\n\nAccepting the idea leaves you with the sense that doors are opening for you, you feel empowered and the possibilities seem endless.\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "your Mother">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be close to your Mother.\n\n//Could this ever be anything more than a fantasy?// you wonder.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>You tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Charlie to show you your place in life. //You're a submissive sissy but is it right to belong to Charlie when you desire to be with someone else even more?//<<endif>>\n\nAs you lather yourself up, you imagine your Mother using you the way Charlie did and your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.\n\n//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off without having to rely on somebody else doing it for you.//\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>/%as sub atm%/The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be close to your Mother.\n\n//Could this ever be anything more than a fantasy?// you wonder.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>You tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Charlie to show you your place in life. //You're a submissive sissy but is it right to belong to Charlie when you desire to be with someone else even more?//<<endif>>\n\nAs you lather yourself up, you imagine your Mother using you the way Charlie did and your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.\n\n//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off without having to rely on somebody else doing it for you.//\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be inappropriate with your Mother.\n\nSomehow, the idea of you being her submissive pet seems more realistic. //Would that be better?// you wonder. [[Maybe you ought to accept your fate as a sissy boy|no college today][$sub = "sub"]]?\n\n...or maybe [[you just need more realistic aspirations|no college today]]?\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "your Mother as one of the lesbians in the movie">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to have more quality time with your Mother.\n\n//Could this ever be anything more than a fantasy?// you wonder.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>You tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Charlie to show you your place in life. //You're a submissive sissy but is it right to belong to Charlie when you desire to be with someone else even more?//<<endif>>\n\nAs you lather yourself up, you imagine your Mother using you the way Charlie did and your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.\n\n//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off without having to rely on sombody else doing it for you.//\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>/%as sub atm%/The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to have more quality time with your Mother.\n\n//Could this ever be anything more than a fantasy?// you wonder.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>You tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Charlie to show you your place in life. //You're a submissive sissy but is it right to belong to Charlie when you desire to be with someone else even more?//<<endif>>\n\nAs you lather yourself up, you imagine your Mother using you the way Charlie did and your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.\n\n//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off without having to rely on somebody else doing it for you.//\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to wash away the consuming desire to be inappropriate with your Mother.\n\nSomehow, the idea of you being her submissive pet seems more realistic. //Would that be better?// you wonder. [[Maybe you ought to accept your fate as a sissy boy|no college today][$sub = "sub"]]?\n\n...or maybe [[you just need more realistic aspirations|no college today][$Oedipus = false, $Mumsgirl = false]]?\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "Mr Green">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to chase away these strange thoughts and images.\n\nYou know you like to be dominated, you've accepted that now and you know you love to be fucked.\n\n//Maybe you ought to try a real cock?//\n\nThe thought seems to have a will of its own and allowing it to form in your mind without resistance gives you an unusually intoxicating feeling.\n\n//Were you imagining it or had Mr Green been checking you out? Was that desire in his eyes? He certainly didn't seem fazed at all by your having a cock.//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>//Maybe your Mistress would let him have his way with you.//\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.\n\nMaybe it would please her to watch you getting fucked by others.\n\n<<else>>//You replay yesterday's events over with your sordid fantasy woven into it.//\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>/%as sub atm%/The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to chase away these strange thoughts and images.\n\nYou know you like to be dominated, you've accepted that now and you know you love to be fucked.\n\n//Maybe you ought to try a real cock?//\n\nThe thought seems to have a will of its own and allowing it to form in your mind without resistance gives you an unusually intoxicating feeling.\n\n//Were you imagining it or had Mr Green been checking you out? Was that desire in his eyes? He certainly didn't seem fazed at all by your having a cock.//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>//Maybe your Mistress would let him have his way with you.//\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.\n\nMaybe it would please her to watch you getting fucked by others.\n\n<<else>>//You replay yesterday's events over with your sordid fantasy woven into it.//\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today][$sub = "switch"]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to chase away these strange thoughts and images.\n\nYour need to get your dick in pussy has significantly diminished. You know you love to be fucked.; Charlie made sure you'd want second helpings.\n\n//Maybe you ought to try a real cock?//\n\nThe thought seems to have a will of its own and allowing it to form in your mind without resistance gives you an unusually intoxicating feeling.\n\n//Were you imagining it or had Mr Green been checking you out? Was that desire in his eyes? He certainly didn't seem fazed at all by your having a cock.//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>//Maybe your Mistress would let him have his way with you.//\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.\n\nMaybe it would please her to watch you getting fucked by others.<<else>>//You replay yesterday's events over with your sordid fantasy woven into it.//\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.\n\n//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today][$sub = "switch"]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sex is "Rotweillo">><<if $sub is "sub">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to chase away these strange thoughts and images.\n\nYou know you like to be dominated, you've accepted that now and you know you love to be fucked.\n\n//Maybe you ought to try a real cock?//\n\nThe thought seems to have a will of its own and allowing it to form in your mind without resistance gives you an unusually intoxicating feeling.\n\n//Blake had been checking you out, you're sure of it and he certainly didn't seem phased at all by your having a cock.//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>//Maybe your Mistress would let him have his way with you.//\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.\n\nMaybe it would please her to watch you getting fucked by others.\n\n<<else>>//You replay yesterday's events over with your sordid fantasy woven into it.//\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>/%as sub atm%/The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to chase away these strange thoughts and images.\n\nYou know you like to be dominated, you've accepted that now and you know you love to be fucked.\n\n//Maybe you ought to try a real cock?//\n\nThe thought seems to have a will of its own and allowing it to form in your mind without resistance gives you an unusually intoxicating feeling.\n\n//Blake had been checking you out, you're sure of it and he certainly didn't seem fazed at all by your having a cock.//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>//Maybe your Mistress would let him have his way with you.//\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.\n\nMaybe it would please her to watch you getting fucked by others.\n\n<<else>>//You replay yesterday's events over with your sordid fantasy woven into it.//\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today][$sub = "switch"]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "dom">>The shower feels good against your skin; cleansing you but doing nothing to chase away these strange thoughts and images.\n\nYour need to get your dick in pussy has significantly diminished. You know you love to be fucked.; Charlie made sure you'd want second helpings.\n\n//Maybe you ought to try a real cock?//\n\nThe thought seems to have a will of its own and allowing it to form in your mind without resistance gives you an unusually intoxicating feeling.\n\n//Blake had been checking you out, you're sure of it and he certainly didn't seem fazed at all by your having a cock.//\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>//Maybe your Mistress would let him have his way with you.//\n\nYou tentatively wash your broken cocklet. It was a painful experience but worth it. You realise that it was the only way for your Mistress to show you your place in life - at Her feet, serving as Her personal fuck toy.\n\nMaybe it would please her to watch you getting fucked by others.\n\n<<else>>//You replay yesterday's events over with your sordid fantasy woven into it.//\n\n<<endif>>As you lather yourself up, your fingers find your smooth, puckered hole.\n\nWith only a little resistance, your index finger slips in to the knuckle.\n\nA little moan escapes your lips and you work it in and out of your hole a few times before you decide to stop.\n\n//Maybe if you had a dildo, you could get yourself off//.\n\n//You need some lube at the very least!//\n\n[[Finish showering|no college today][$sub = "switch"]].\n\n<<endif>><<else>>You can't quite belive it...\n\nIt's happened so fast and you look better than you could possibly have hoped for!\n\nIt takes you a while for the initial shock to pass. After that, you spend a while longer posing and looking for any other changes.\n\nEverything looks slightly more feminine; from the barely noticeable puffiness in your chest and slightly larger nipples, to the slight curve of your hips and narrower waist.\n\n...but it's your new face that you just can't get over. You look better now than before even without makeup!\n\n'Oh wait until the girls see this!' you say aloud, only to hear a noticeable difference in your voice which has altered from 'squeaky boy' to 'teen girl'.\n\nYou're not a pious type but you still find yourself clasping your hands together and praying to Mithras.\n\n//Please please please let this be real.//\n\nFifteen minutes later, it all still appears to be real and you wonder if your Mother has gone to work yet. Being as it is Friday, you have [[no college today]] (as they trust you to spend it studying).<<endif>>\n
'So it's between these two then?' Sasha says.\n\n'Try them both!' Bibi suggests.\n\nYou take the dresses and enter the changing room.\n\nA few minutes later you hear Bibi suggest you might need to get quicker at this.\n\nYou're trying on the first one when you hear Sasha call out 'Oi! Get down Bibi you perv!'\n\nYou look up and see Bibi hanging off the side of the cubicle.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/b1.jpg">\n\n'Hey! - Bibi!' you protest but after everything, this little invasion of your privacy doesn't even register.\n\n'She looks cute.' Bibi calls behind her.\n\n'Come out then <<print $fnom>>.' Sasha tells you.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/b3.jpg">\n\n'Tada!' you say, emerging.\n\nSasha puts her hands up in the air in victory. 'I knew you'd rock that!' she says. 'What do you think?'\n\nYou look at yourself in the mirror and decide. 'I like it.'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/b2.jpg">\n\n'Try the one I picked out for you!' Bibi says with [[excited impatience]].
This place looks intimidating!\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/fetish.jpg">\n[[Walk on|red light district]]
<<if $max is 0>>‘I want to kiss you.’ He tells you. ‘I asked if I could.’\n\n//Shit.// What do you do. Obviously you want to [[say no|max][$max = 2]] but...\n\n...you don’t want to break character. What would <<print $fnom>> [[do?|max][$max = 4]]<<elseif $max is 1>>No sooner has the word left your lips, Max leans over and kisses them.\n\nYou panic but you don’t want to make a scene so you just let him. He does seem to be a good kisser – not that you’re into it or anything but you relax a little and let him part your mouth a little.\n\n//Don’t blow your cover.// you think to yourself. //Just pretend you’re enjoying it a little.//\n\nHe gently probes the inside of your mouth with his tongue and you let out a little breathy moan.\n\n//You are pretending, right?//\n\nMax draws away from you, lightly stroking your cheek with the back of his index finger.\n\nHe holds your gaze for a moment, smiling. ‘You’re so cute.’ he tells you.\n\nYou find yourself a little breathless from the ordeal and you’re not sure how to respond [[anyway|foxy]].\n<<set $Max = 12>>\n<<elseif $max is 2>>‘Er – no?’ you say with a rising intonation.\n\nMax seems a little disappointed but smiles at you anyway.\n\n‘Sorry if that was too forward.’ He tells you.\n\n‘Oh, uh – don’t worry about it.’ [[You tell him.|foxy]]<<set $Max = 10>><<elseif $max is 3>>You [[pretend you haven’t noticed him|foxy]] talking to you and make a show of appearing interested in something else before engaging in conversation with Aiya.\n\nHe seems to get the hint.<<set $Max = -10>>\n<<elseif $max is 4>>‘Oh – uh...’ //shit.// ‘[[Okay then, just a...|max][$max = 1]].’<<endif>>\n\n/%For '$Max' see relationship variables annotation.%/\n
You head out of the cinema and back out into the mall.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/1.jpg">\n\nYou walk by an astonishingly attractive couple and you notice your Mum seems to be checking out <<cyclinglink "$mcheck" "the guy" "the woman" "them both">>.\n\n‘‘Squish!’ your Mother says, reading the large colourful sign above a smoothie and milkshake bar.\n\nYou both agree it looks good so you go in.\n\n‘Mmm, the smoothies sound nice but I think I’ll have a milkshake instead. What are you having?’\n\n‘Uh...’ you look at the menu for a bit. It all looks good to you. ‘Yeah, I think I’ll have a shake too. Uh...<<print $flav>>?’\n\n‘[[OK sweetie]].’ She says.\n<<set $ok = 1>>
<<if $pro is 1>>'AAAAAHHHHHGH!!'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/1.jpg">\n\nA lot of people are staring now and it's making you more than a little self conscious.\n\nYou know they haven't the faintest idea why the blonde girl is screaming at you like a crazy person but hopefully they can tell it's out of excitement and surprise as opposed to the blood curdling war cry of somebody intent on stabbing another person in the face.\n\nYou hope it's the former anyway.\n\n'Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, <<print $fnom>>!!!??? - you look amaaazing!!' she jabbers, before pulling dramatically on the last dregs of her strawberry milkshake.\n\n'I know, right!?' Sasha concurs.\n\n'Wait 'til Charlie sees this!!' Bibi continues. 'We've got to get you something super sexy to wear for tonight!'\n\nShe slumps as if just brought terrible news. 'Aww, I wish I could come out to play!'\n\nThe three of you start making your way to where the best clothing stores are.\n\n'So where are you going to be Beebs?' you ask.\n\n'Aw I have to work.' she says, tossing her rubbish in the bin. 'I don't think it'll be all evening so I might catch up with you later.'\n\n'I didn't know you had a job Bibi!' you tell her, immediately feeling guilty about sounding so surprised. 'Where are you working?'\n\n'Oh it's some art gallery.' she tells you before getting distracted by shop selling beauty products.\n\nYou and Sasha follow her in, idly looking at an array of bath bombs.\n\n'Art?' you ask.\n\nSasha grins. 'Bibi often works at art galleries.' she says. '...she works at posh soirée's, events and the theatre quite often.'\n\n'...but what does she do?' you ask, even more baffled than before.\n\n'She looks pretty and hangs off somebody's arm for the evening - sometimes she goes home with them but that's up to her.'\n\n'She's a hooker!?' you ask, shocked that a college girl would be doing that.\n<<set $bibiscort = true>>\n'I doubt she'd bat an eyelid to that term but I think escort is more appropriate.' Sasha tells you.\n\nBibi comes back with a couple of bags full of products.\n\n'Hey.' she greets you both. 'I got you some of this.' she tells Sasha, handing her a bottle.\n\n'Ooh! - Blueberry Dazzle bath soap!? Thanks Beebs!' Sasha says, hugging Bibi.\n\n'...and I thought you might like this one <<print $fnom>>.' she tells you, offering a shimmering pink bottle.\n\nYou read the label out loud. 'Orchid sparkle - aw, thank you Bibi.' you tell her and hug the girl.\n\n'Okay, shall we find something fabulous for <<print $fnom>> to wear tonight?' Sasha asks her.\n\nBibi responds in a way that suggests she's even more excited by the prospect than you are - and there's no denying that now. You're almost (but not quite) as [[excited as Bibi]].\n<<else>><img src="Sleep_img/Locs/1.jpg">\n\nYou find Bibi at 'Squish! - Shake 'n' Smoothie Bar' which is almost as good as Pinkie's.\n\n'Hey!' Bibi greets you both. 'You girls are looking too sexy already!' she compliments while pulling on the last dregs of her strawberry milkshake. 'We've got to get you something super sexy to wear for tonight!' she continues. 'Aww, I wish I could come out to play!'\n\nThe three of you start making your way to where the best clothing stores are.\n\n'So where are you going to be Beebs?' you ask.\n\n'Aw I have to work.' she says, tossing her rubbish in the bin. 'I don't think it'll be all evening so I might catch up with you later.'\n\n'I didn't know you had a job Bibi!' you tell her, immediately feeling guilty about sounding so surprised. 'Where are you working?'\n\n'Oh it's some art gallery.' she tells you before getting distracted by shop selling beauty products.\n\nYou and Sasha follow her in, idly looking at an array of bath bombs.\n\n'Art?' you ask.\n\nSasha grins. 'Bibi often works at art galleries.' she says. '...she works at posh soirée's, events and the theatre quite often.'\n\n'...but what does she do?' you ask, even more baffled than before.\n\n'She looks pretty and hangs off somebody's arm for the evening - sometimes she goes home with them but that's up to her.'\n\n'She's a hooker!?' you ask, shocked that a college girl would be doing that.\n<<set $bibiscort = true>>\n'I doubt she'd batt an eyelid to that term but I think escort is more appropriate.' Sasha tells you.\n\nBibi comes back with a couple of bags full of products.\n\n'Hey.' she greets you both. 'I got you some of this.' she tells Sasha, handing her a bottle.\n\n'Ooh! - Blueberry Dazzle bath soap!? Thanks Beebs!' Sasha says, hugging Bibi.\n\n'...and I thought you might like this one <<print $fnom>>.' she tells you, offering a shimmering pink bottle.\n\nYou read the label out loud. 'Orchid sparkle - aw, thank you Bibi.' you tell her and hug the girl.\n<<set $orchidsparkle = true>>\n'Okay, shall we find something fabulous for <<print $fnom>> to wear tonight?' Sasha asks her.\n\nBibi responds in a way that suggests she's even more excited by the prospect than you are - and there's no denying that now. You're almost (but not quite) as [[excited as Bibi]].<<endif>>\n
A few moments your phone bleeps with a [[reply]].
<<if $schboy is true>>You head out of the building and toward the gates. The girls are chatting together in the car park next to Charlie’s white Mustang convertible.\n\nYou sigh sadly and [[head home]].\n\n<<else>>/%if not schboy%/The sun’s still bright and warm as rejoin your friends outside.\n‘What did she want <<print $fnom>>?’ Charlie asks.\n\nYou explain <<cyclinglink "$adorable" "but leave out the bit about Miss Riven thinking you look ‘adorable’" "and happily share what Miss Riven said about you looking ‘adorable’">>.\n\nYou hang with the girls for a bit, chatting in the car park.\n\nShortly after, Aiya invites everyone back to hers for a little study session.\n\n‘You coming <<print $fnom>>?’ she asks.\n\n<<if $Marco is true>> [[Of course you are|You agree]].<<else>>You want to but Aiya makes you nervous. Who’s this armed man she’s been flirting with at the mall? Is she mixed up in something bad? You’re not sure you want to be any part of it.\n\n...still, that’s not going to stop you. ‘Uh, yeah sure.’ [[You agree]].<<endif>><<endif>>
Charlie jumps in after you, leaving you to look through your new things.\n\nWhite jeans, pink jeans, a few girly tops, a pair of black heels... a whole load of girly underwear...your new bag of course.\n\n//This is kind of exciting.// you think to yourself.\n\nYou start putting things on and modelling them to yourself in the mirror.\n\nA thought occurs to you. //I’m doing this because I want too!// but the notion gives way to doubt. //Or did the girls screw with my head last night? Am I still hypnotised?// you wonder.\n\nYou hear Charlie call you from the shower and you knock on the door. ‘I’m hear Charlie, did you want me?’\n\n‘Yeah Honey, come in.’\n\nYou open the door and [[go in]].
You wake up slowly and lay there for a while before getting up.\n\nYou check your phone to see if anybody has text you but still nothing.\n\nIt looks like it might rain today.\n\nYour mum has already gone to work, leaving you to sleep in. You sit in the kitchen wondering how best to spend your day and feeling pretty lonely and despondant, decide you'll probably just do what you're best at and [[bum around|home fri]].\n<<set $t = 7>>\n<<set $d = 5>>\n<<if $d is 8>><<set $d = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $day = "Friday">>
<img src="Sleep_img/acc/mtoy2.jpg">\n\n//Oh...my...god...// you exclaim.\n\nIt's at least as big as the thing Charlie fucked you with and it seems to have a vibrator near the end of the shaft.\n\nYou realise borrowing it would be taking serious liberties.\n\n//Should I..?// you ponder.\n\nYou really need something inside you and the thought of your Mother lying right where you are now upon her bed, pushing this into her wet snatch is making you crazy.\n\nYou breathe it in but it only smells faintly of silicone.\n\nYou want to [[fuck yourself with it|master bedroom][$mtoy2 = true]] so much but know you should probably [[put it back|master bedroom][$mtoy2 = false]] where you found it.
With all of you back in the room, Charlie closes the bedroom door behind her and leans against it. ‘Oh my god Sasha! That was hottt! You dirty bitch!’\n\n‘What?’ Sasha responds innocently, scooping a load of cum off her boob and popping it into her mouth before mopping the rest off her boobs with a small towel.\n\nBibi gasps. ‘Sasha!’ She scolds playfully.\n\nAiya looks at you. ‘You thought she was the good girl, huh?’\n\n‘So where were we anyway?’ Charlie asks nobody in particular.\n\nSoon, you’re all sat back down in your places.\n\nAiya takes a swig of Lambrini. ‘Your turn to spin <<print $fnom>>, who ya gonna snog?’\n\n‘No pressure.’ Bibi tells you sarcastically but you can’t help but agree. You’d happily snog any of them. Still, you feel a rush of nerves as you place your hand on the bottle and give it a spin to decide who it will be.\n\nThe bottle begins to slow as it goes by Charlie, then Bibi and Aiya and it looks like you’ll be snogging yourself like she did as it points at you before [[coming to a stop]].\n
She pulls you inside and pushes the door shut with your body as she leans up against you, kissing you aggressively.\n\nYou have no experience at this sort of thing so you let Charlie take the lead – or she takes it regardless.\n\n<<if $wank is false>>‘I don’t remember telling you to get a stiffy.’ She says on noticing your erection pushing against her.\n\nShe grips it firmly, leading you to her bed. Pushing you down on it and tells you to spread your knees.\n\nYou comply and you’re not entirely sure what you’re expecting to happen next but you’re not expecting her to slap it. \n\n‘Ow!’ you yelp. ‘Charlie!?’\n\nYou put your hands over the sensitive area but she brushes them away again.\n\n‘I think we’re going to have to put this on again.’ She says, pulling out the chastity device.\n\n‘...but how will I...? you start but your next question is answered when she pulls out a harness and a pink jelly dildo.’ I got this one especially for you <<print $fnom>>.’ She says.\n\n‘Do you need help with that honey?’ she says, seeing that you’ve not yet fitted your chastity device.\n\n‘I – uh...Charlie...’ you start as she slips it onto your now soft cock and locks it.\n\n‘I know <<print $fnom>>.’ She says, standing to step into the harness. ‘We’re finally going to be together.’ She pulls you by the nape of the neck and pushes her tongue into your mouth.\n\n‘Now get that wet for me Gorgeous.’ She tells you, pulling you to your knees.\n\nYou said it. She didn’t force you to say it but you said it anyway; on multiple occasions. //You’d do anything.// Well here you are and this is your chance to prove it.\n\nCharlie guides your mouth onto the pink jelly cock.\n\n‘Good girl.’ She says. ‘Suck it like the little whore you want to be.’ She tells you.\n\nSucking this dildo to make it wet just so she can shove it in your ass feels like digging your own grave but you’re resigned to your fate. //Maybe this is my final test.// you wonder, spurring yourself on to get through this as best as you can.\n\nYou suck on Charlie’s jelly cock like you’re told, imagining you’re one of the girls in your favourite lesbian porno.\n\nYou remember the scene vividly and remember how much fun they seemed to have – and neither of them were half as hot as Charlie.\n\nYou realise you’re actually getting into this a bit. You look up at Charlie lovingly as she abuses your mouth.\n\nYou feel your cock try to stiffen inside the device but it won’t allow it and you whimper in pain until you go flaccid again.\n\nWhen Charlie seems content with how much saliva is on the dildo she pulls the ball gag out and puts it on you, then hauls you up by the strap and pushing you over her bed, face first.<<else>>\n\n‘Aww, how sweet.’ She says, noticing your erection pushing against her. ‘...but we won’t be needing that.’\n\nShe grips it firmly, leading you to her bed.\n\n‘...but how will I...? you start but your next question is answered when she pulls out a harness and a pink jelly dildo.’ I got this one especially for you <<print $fnom>>.’ She says.\n\n‘Uh – uh – Charlie I...’ you start but she gently shushes you.\n\n‘I know <<print $fnom>>.’ She says, standing to step into the harness. ‘We’re finally going to be together.’ She pulls you by the nape of the neck and pushes her tongue into your mouth.\n\n‘Now get that wet for me Gorgeous.’ She tells you, pulling you to your knees.\n\nYou said it. She didn’t force you to say it but you said it anyway; on multiple occasions. //You’d do anything.// Well here you are and this is your chance to prove it.\n\nCharlie guides your mouth onto the pink jelly cock.\n\n‘Oh there’s a good little slut!’ She says. ‘Suck it like the little whore you want to be.’ She tells you.\n\nSucking this dildo to make it wet just so she can shove it in your ass feels like digging your own grave but you’re resigned to your fate. //Maybe this is my final test.// you wonder, spurring yourself on to get through this as best as you can.\n\nYou suck on Charlie’s jelly cock like you’re told, imagining you’re one of the girls in your favourite lesbian porno.\nYou remember the scene vividly and remember how much fun they seemed to have – and neither of them were half as hot as Charlie.\n\nYou realise you’re actually getting into this a bit. You look up at Charlie lovingly as she abuses your mouth.\n\nYou feel your cock stiffen again. Maybe you might even enjoy this. You want to try to enjoy it for Charlie.\n\nWhen she seems content with how much saliva is on the dildo she pulls the guides you up to your feet and pushes you over her bed, face first.<<endif>>\nYou knew this bit was coming so you prepare for it, accepting your fate. <<if $pants is true>>Violently, she rips your panties away from your ass.\n\n‘They were mine anyway.’ She laughs.<<elseif $panties is false>>\n\n'So where are your knickers young lady!?' Charlie laughs but she doesn't wait for a response.<<endif>>\n\nShe pushes your feet apart a little further and a moment later you feel something against your ass hole.\n\nYou feel a cold jet of lube enter your colon.\n\n//This is it <<print $fnom>>// you think to yourself. Just as you realise you identified yourself as your female persona, you feel the cool rounded end of Charlie’s dildo push firmly against your ass hole.\n\nCharlie’s hands grope your ass cheeks and pull them apart. ‘Relax for me Honey.’ She says softly. ‘Breathe.’\n\nYou try your best but there seems to be no chance of getting that thing past your sphincter. You feel ashamed for letting her down.\n\nCharlie pulls it away from your hole and you start to think she’s given up on the idea when you feel it again, firmer this time.\n\nFor a moment it starts to hurt but wanting so much to please her, you try to bear it, breathing in deeply before letting it go.\n\n<<if $wank is false>>With a sudden slip, the end pops inside you and you moan in relief through your gag, feeling as if the worst bit is over.\n\nCharlie pulls out again a little before pushing deeply inside you. ‘Oh good girl!’ she praises. ‘There’s a good little bitch.’<<else>>With a sudden slip, the end pops inside you and you moan in relief, feeling as if the worst bit is over.\n\nCharlie pulls out again a little before pushing deeper in you. ‘Oh look at you!’ she praises. ‘How does that feel now Honey?’<<endif>>\nShe pushes it as deep as your ass will let it and holds it there. It’s a little painful and you hope it won’t get worse than this. The thought occurs to you that you don’t suppose Charlie will actually be getting any physical stimulation from this herself and wonder when she will decide to stop.\n\nThe thought soon evaporates after [[she activates the vibrator]].\n
You sit on the floor and wrinkle your nose at Charlie. ‘Ew - I can’t believe you just got me to do that!’\n\nPutting her hands upon her chest she gasps. ‘What? – Me!?’ with feigned innocence. ‘That was Bibi’s idea!’\nBibi giggles.\n\nYou narrow your eyes at them in mock contempt. ‘Well don’t be surprised if I get you back sometime.’ You tell them.\n\n‘I’m just fucking impressed with myself that it worked first time!’ Aiya declares.\n\n‘<<print $fnom>>’ Sasha asks sweetly. ‘Do you think I could try it on you?’\n\n‘What - now?’\n\n‘I’d like to try now if that’s okay with you.’\n\n[[How can you deny her?|postpuppy]]\n
/*! <<cyclinglink>> macro for SugarCube 2.x */\n!function(){"use strict";if("undefined"==typeof version||"undefined"==typeof version.title||"SugarCube"!==version.title||"undefined"==typeof version.major||version.major<2)throw new Error("<<cyclinglink>> macro requires SugarCube 2.0 or greater, aborting load");version.extensions.cyclinglinkMacro={major:3,minor:3,revision:2},macros.cyclinglink={handler:function(a,b,c){function toggleText(w){w.classList.remove("cyclingLinkInit"),w.classList.toggle(rl+"Enabled"),w.classList.toggle(rl+"Disabled"),w.style.display="none"===w.style.display?"inline":"none"}var rl="cyclingLink";switch(c[c.length-1]){case"end":var end=!0;c.pop();break;case"out":var out=!0;c.pop()}var v=null;c.length&&"$"===c[0][0]&&(v=c[0].slice(1),c.shift());var h=State.variables;if(!out||!v||""!==h[v]){var l=insertElement(a,"a");l.className="link-internal cyclingLink",l.setAttribute("data-cycle",0);for(var i=0;i<c.length;i++){var on=i===(v?Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]),0):0),d=insertElement(null,"span",null,"cyclingLinkInit cyclingLink"+(on?"En":"Dis")+"abled");on?(v&&(h[v]=c[i]),l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)):d.style.display="none",insertText(d,c[i]),on&&end&&i===c.length-1?l.parentNode.replaceChild(d,l):l.appendChild(d)}jQuery(l).ariaClick(function(){var t=this.childNodes,u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0,m=t.length;if(toggleText(t[u]),u+=1,out&&u===m?v&&(h[v]=""):(u%=m,v&&(h[v]=c[u])),(end||out)&&u===m-(end?1:0)){if(!end)return void this.parentNode.removeChild(this);var n=this.removeChild(t[u]);return n.className=rl+"End",n.style.display="inline",void this.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)}toggleText(t[u]),this.setAttribute("data-cycle",u)})}}}}();\n
<<if $gg is "are">>You nod innnocently and tell him you are.\n\nHe smiles like he's not sure if he should believe you.\n\n'Lies.' Kai says from the jacuzzi.\n\n'Hey.' Cassius calls back. 'She says she is so I'm gonna treat her like one until I see different.'\n\nHe looks back at you. 'He's just narky cos he lost a wager.' He chuckles and offers his fat cock up to your lips. 'Show me how a good girl sucks dick.'\n\nFeeling eager to impress him, you go back to swallowing his cock with as much vigour as you can muster.\n\nYou hear Kai whistle appreciatively from the jacuzzi but it barely registers.\n\nCassius' hands wrap tightly into your hair and he pulls you gently onto his cock until thick strands of saliva drip onto the floor where the carpet gives way to tiling.\n\nYou feel like you're going to pass out but you keep pushing his fat cock down your throat, causing you to gag and gurgle.\n\nCassius starts to buck and groan like he's about to loose a torrent of seed down your throat and you want it so bad you redouble your efforts.\n\n'Not...yet...' He struggles to say.\n\nHe pulls away from you suddenly, holding tightly onto his cock. 'Gah!' He makes a noise like he's holding onto a livid buffalo. A dribble of cum spills from his cock end but he stems the bulk of it.\n\n'Oh my god.' He says as you lick his cock clean.\n\n'Wow.' Kai says. 'Well I'm shocked and thoroughly impressed.'\n\nYou look over at him. He looks like he's been enjoying the show. \n\n<<if $ck is "Cassius">>You look over at him as he raises his glass to Cassius.<<else>> You look over at him as he pulls himself out of the jacuzzi and pads wetly across the carpet toward you.<<endif>>\n\n'I bet my money on you being a good girl.' Cassius tells you.\n\nYou look up at him lustily. Your mind is so hazy.\n\n'You're better at that than I expected.' He tells you. ' You seem so innocent.'\n\nYou smile up at him happily.\n\n'Stand up for me.' He tells you. 'There's a good girl.'\n\nYou do as you're asked.\n\n'Let's take this off shall we?' He asks rhetorically.\n\nBefore you can protest, your little <<if $pb is 1>>pink and grey<<else>>blue<<endif>> dress is up over your head and over a bar stool.\n\nYou stand there in your heels with your little cocklett pushing against your knickers.\n\n<<if $ck is "Cassius">>Cassius stands there [[looking at you with an expression of genuine shock]].<<else>>Kai and Cassius stand there [[looking at you with an expression of genuine shock]].<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>You put your lower lip between your teeth and shake your head.\n\n'Hmm...okay then.' Cassius seems to say to himself. 'Show me how a bad girl sucks a dick.' He tells you.\n\nFeeling pressured to impress him all the more, you go back to swallowing his cock with as much vigour as you can muster.\n\nYou hear Kai whistle appreciatively from the jacuzzi but it barely registers.\n\nCassius' hands wrap tightly into your hair and he pulls you mercilessly onto his cock until thick strands of saliva drip onto the kitchenette floor.\n\nYou feel like you're going to pass out but you allow him to keep fucking your throat, causing you to gag and gurgle until there's a big puddle of saliva on the floor.\n\n'Look at the mess you've made now.' Cassius tells you. 'It's not really fair for the hotel staff to have to clean that up now is it?' He asks.\n\nYou look up at him and shake your head.\n\n'Lick it up then.'\n\nYou can tell he means it.\n\nYou get down on all fours and start licking.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Gabe/gabe4.gif">\n\n'Okay Kai, you were right - she really is a dirty little slut.'\n\n'Thank you!' Kai says.<<if $ck is "Cassius">> You look over at him as he raises his glass to Cassius.<<else>> You look over at him as he pulls himself out of the jacuzzi and pads wetly across the carpet toward you.<<endif>>\n\n'I bet my money on you being a good girl.' Cassius tells you.\n\nYou look up at him appologetically.\n\n'So now you're going to help me make that money back okay?'\n\nYou nod obediently.\n\n'There's a good little slut - now stand up.'\n\nYou do as you're told.\n\n'Let's take this off shall we?' He asks rhetorically.\n\nBefore you can protest, your little <<if $pb is 1>>pink and grey<<else>>blue<<endif>> dress is up over your head and over a bar stool.\n\nYou stand there in your heels with your little cocklett pushing against your knickers.\n\n<<if $ck is "Cassius">>Cassius stands there [[looking at you with an expression of genuine shock]].<<else>>Kai and Cassius stand there [[looking at you with an expression of genuine shock]].<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n
As you walk in you see a bunch of guys laughing and joking with each other and for a moment the presence of guys and urinals doesn’t set off any alarm bells.\n\nThe guys notice you walk in and cheer.\n\n‘Another one so soon!’ one of the guys says happily.\n\nA guy comes up behind you and puts his hands around your waist.\n\n‘Oh, you’re a cutie aren’t you?’ says another.\n\n//Oh fuck!// you panic.\n\nThe fourth one pulls his fat cock out and starts pulling himself off.\n\nYou watch his large foreskin slide over his bulbous glands.\n‘Oh yeah, you want this don’t you little slut? Huh?’\n\n‘We’re gonna cum all up in your little pussy.’ The first one tells you, pulling his dick out.\n\nYou feel something push against the small of your back and you have a feeling you know what it is.\n\n‘I’m gonna fuck you in your ass Honey.’ The guy behind breathes in your ear.\n\nYou were so busting for a wee that this sudden threat causes you to momentarily lose control of your bladder. A stream of piss trickles down through your knickers and onto the floor.\n\n‘Mmm, freaky.’ The first one says, grinning.\n\nThe one behind you gropes where your tit should be and finds only padding. His other hand reaches up under your mini dress and grabs your wet – \n\n‘Holy shit!’ he says, letting go of you in surprise.\n\nYou take the window of opportunity and get out of there as fast as you little stiletto clad feet will allow.\n\n‘Hey, come back!’ one calls after you.\n\nAnother calls after you but it’s muffled as the toilet shuts behind you.\n\n//Just as well you got out of there when you did, considering how sound proof the rooms are.// you think to yourself.\n\nShaken, you head into the ladies.\n\nThere’s a blonde girl at the mirror, fixing her makeup.\n\n‘Bibi!’ you say, relieved to see someone you know.\n\n‘Oh hey <<print $fnom>>, how’s it going?’\n\nYou rush over and give her a hug. She hugs you back says ‘Aw.’ obliviously.\n\nShe offers to wait for you while you piss but what you really need to do it get out of these wet knickers so you tell her you’ll meet her in the VIP lounge with the others.\n\nBibi leaves you to it and you enter a stall.\n\nQuickly, you pull down your wet panties <<cyclinglink "$panties" "and throw them in the" "but hesitate and stop yourself from throwing them in the">> [[bin]].\n\n\n
You wake up in the morning sunshine on fresh white sheets, feeling nothing short of fabulous but also somehow strange for some reason.\n<<set $d = 6>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/1.gif">\n<<set $day = "Saturday">>\nYou feel different but you’re not sure why.\nPerhaps you still haven’t quite gotten used to being a woman. Since that night the girls put special wax on you that turned your cock into a perfect little pussy and made your chest swell into nice perky boobs.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/2.gif">\n\nYou look at yourself in the mirror; still unable to quite get over how hot you are now as a girl – as a woman.\n\n...nor how unbelievably fun it is being able to wear all these sexy clothes!\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/3.jpg">\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/333.jpg">\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/3333.jpg">\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/33333.jpg">\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/333333.jpg">\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/33.gif">\n\n...nor how hot you look out of them...\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/44.jpg">\n\nYou begin to feel thirsty. You ask Charlie for a drink and she tells you to follow her.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/5.gif">\n\nShe offers you a drink...\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/55.gif">\n\n ...but your thirst can’t be sated so Bibi and Aiya help.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/555.gif">\n\nSasha helps too.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/spiss.gif">\n\nThe thirst has become a hunger for something but you’re not sure what. You yearn for the taste of something. You need to feel it in your mouth – hot and wet...\n\n...but what is it?\n\nCharlie thinks she can help so she leads you off elsewhere.\nYou look up and realise it’s not Charlie anymore. You recognise Gabe.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/9.gif">\n\nOh no! It must be your turn to thank him for the Lambrini!\nYou really aren’t sure about this but you feel it’s your duty to pleasure him.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/gabe.gif">\n\nYou feel apprehensive as you know what’s coming next...\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/10.gif">\n\n....yes...that’s it! That’s what you needed isn’t it? This is what you’ve been yearning for all this time!\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/dream/11.gif">\n\nYou feel... [[complete]].\n
<<if $ck is "Cassius">>You gulp nervously.\n\n'I'll catch you girls later.' you say, flashing Cassius a nervous smile, you lean up and whisper in his ear.\n\nCharlie takes a cab back with Bibi and you [[jump in a cab with Sasha|cockcab]].<<elseif $ck is "Cassius and Kai">>You gulp nervously.\n\n'I'll catch you girls later.' you say, flashing the guys a nervous smile. You lean up to Cassius and whisper in his ear.\n\nCharlie takes a cab back with Bibi and you [[jump in a cab with Sasha|cockcab]].<<else>>You look at <<cyclinglink "$ck" "Cassius" "Cassius and Kai">>, thinking how much you'd like to find out what real cock feels like.\n\nThe thought [[terrifies|cockcab][$bravery = $bravery - 1]] and [[excites|back to the hotel]] you.<<endif>>
<<if $t is false>>You just can’t seem to open up to her and you feel like you’re going to start sobbing. She pulls your head down to her cleavage and strokes your hair.\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>Your sadness goes and is replaced with something else.\nYou breathe in her scent and snuggle deeper against her body, pulling your knees up to disguise your growing erection.<<endif>>\nAfter a while you feel a little better about your life and start thinking about how you might turn it around.\n\nYou wish your mum good night and go upstairs to get ready for bed.\n\n//Maybe you could ask Charlie for another chance.//\n\nYou may not need to. As far as you know you’re only excluded from the group while presenting as male – not even but it would be difficult to explain why the person hanging around with the girls is either you or your twin sister. People would soon cotton on and you may as well just be a full time girl. How could you possibly tell your mum you want to be a girl now?\n\nYou realise now that’s what you truly want. You want to be a girl. All it took was a single day of exclusion but now everything’s fucked! Why couldn’t you have gone along with Charlie’s plan or even told your mum and accepted whatever her reaction might be.\n\nYou consider that for a moment. As mums go, she’s pretty cool and accepting. Maybe she’d be OK with it.\n//...no, you can’t.// you think.\n\nYou look at your phone and think to text <<cyclinglink "$who" "Charlie" "Aiya" "Sasha" "Bibi">>.\n[[Send]] the text.\n\n<<else>>You wish you could just open up to her. You feel like you’re going to start sobbing. Your mother senses your distress and pulls your head down to her cleavage.\n\nAs she begins stroking your hair, you start opening up about things you thought you'd never be able to tell her but most importantly, you tell her that you know in your heart that you want to live your life as a girl and that you feel in your heart, you already are.\n\nYou talk and when you feel you've got everything off your chest, you talk some more, sobbing into your Mother's bosom. She just hugs you tighter and tells you everything’s going to be OK and that she supports you whatever you want.\n\nShe looks at you intently. 'Are you sure darling? Are you sure this is what you want?'\n\nYou realise it is – //IT REALLY TRULY IS!// And it feels like someone has just opened a door to a world full of hope and sunshine, wonders and possibilities.\n\nYou sit up and look at her. ‘Yes Mummy.’ You tell her simply.\n\nShe looks at you for a moment as if trying to gauge your sincerity.\n\n‘OK.’ She tells you. ‘Don’t you worry about anything and Mummy will sort it ok honey?’\n\nYou’re not sure what she means by that but you’re just so happy that she’s being so accepting and loving and...you really do have the best mummy in the world!\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/so.jpg"><<endif>>\n\nYou cuddle some more and your face gets squashed directly into her cleavage again.\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>\nYour sadness has gone. Replaced by a new sense of positivity and hope and... \n\nYou breathe in her scent and snuggle deeper against her body, pulling your knees up to disguise your growing erection.<<endif>>\nAfter a while you feel a little better about your life and start thinking about how you might turn it around.\n\nYou wish your mum good night and go upstairs to get ready for bed.\n\nYou’ve been wondering what the girls think of you now. As far as you know you’re only excluded from the group while presenting as male and now you can be a girl full time!\n\nYou want to be a girl more than anything. All it took was a single day of exclusion but now you’re going to make things right!\n\nYou get a pang of nerves, thinking about how you’re going to cope with going to college as a girl with everyone knowing the truth! Why couldn’t you have just gone along with Charlie’s plan in the first place or even told your mum. If you’d only guessed how nice she’d be about it!\n\nYou decide to [[text Charlie|C]].\n<<set $Mumknows = true>><<set $schlb = true>><<set $schboy = false>>\n<<endif>>\n
‘Yeah, I think it might be a late one if you’re up for it.’ Aiya tells you.\n\n‘If you girls want me there, I wanna come.’ You say, pulling your mobile out of your bag.\n\nAt that moment, two glamorous milfy types with improbably large natural boobs exit the building and Roxy calls after them.\n\n‘Thanks ladies! See you again soon!’\n\n//Oh fuuuuuck!!!//\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/milk1.jpg">\n\nPanic grips you as you reach for a nearby menu and [[bury your face]] in it as nonchalantly as possible.\n
<<if $mast is 1>><<if $sub is "dom">>You unceremoniously spit on your butt plug and jam it in your ass before [[flogging yourself off|sat1 eve][$count - 1]].<<else>>Being as your cock is pretty much useless, you look for something you can jam in your butt.\n\nYou find your [[butt plug|masturbate][$mast = 2]].\n<<if $mtoy is true>>You find your [[vibrator|masturbate][$mast = 3]].<<endif>>\n<<if $Mtoy2lib is true>>You consider looking [[in your Mum's room|masturbate][$mast = 4]].<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $mast is 2>><img src="Sleep_img/acc/bpg1.jpg">\n\nYou find the plug fits in quite easily with a bit of <<if $lube is true>>lube<<else>>spit<<endif>> and you wiggle it about in your ass while flogging your semi erect little cocklett.\n\nIt does feel good but you can't seem to cum.\n\n[[You're still desperately horny|sat1 eve]].\n<<elseif $mast is 3>><img src="Sleep_img/acc/mtoy1.jpg">\n\nYou find the vibrator fits in quite easily with a bit of <<if $lube is true>>lube<<else>>spit<<endif>>. You turn it up high and wiggle it about in your ass while flogging your semi erect little cocklett.\n\nIt does feel good but it takes a while to cum and even then it's only a little dribble.\n\n[[You're still desperately horny|sat1 eve]].\n\n<<elseif $mast is 4>>You venture into your Mum's bedroom and search under her pillow.\n\nThe dildo you were hoping to find isn't there but the one that is makes your eyes go wide.\n\nYou pick it up, staring at it in wonder.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/acc/mtoy bbc.jpg">\n\nDesperately, you smear it with lube and jam it hard against your bottom.\n\nAs it gradually begins to stretch you open, you try to flog your floppy cocklett.\n\nAfter a while you've still not managed anything more than a bead of precum so you give up and tidy away any evidence, returning to your room, [[still desperately horny|sat1 eve]].<<endif>>\n
Just like that – it’s over.\n\nShe just grins at you and, taking you by the hand, leads you out of her bedroom and down the stairs.\n\nSoon, your cab arrives and the pair of you step outside, and [[hop in the back seat]].
You head back upstairs feeling more than a bit guilty for not even attempting to console her but by the time you reach your bedroom, putting your hand on the door knob, the thought occurs to you that perhaps she wasn't sobbing after all.\n\n//Oh my god! - Did I almost walk in on my Mother getting herself off!?//\n\nYou shake off the image and [[go in your bedroom|Suneve1]].
Sasha books a cab that turns out to be something closer to a luxury limo complete with complimentary champagne.\n\nShe chats with the driver, requesting 'Jay's' as the destination.\n\nThe journey doesn't take long and soon you're standing outside 'Jay's Cocktail Bar'.\n\n'After you Sugar.'\n\nYou take the lead and walk up to [[the doorman]].\n\n'Can we go straight in?' you ask.\n\nHe grins at you widely and makes an over-the-top gesture to invite you in. 'By all means.' he says.\n\nYou lead the way into Jay's Cocktail Bar.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/ctb.jpg">\n\nAlmost immediately you notice guys checking you out. One guy at the bar looks you up and down before turning his attention entirely on Sasha.\n\n'Sasha!'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/Wayne1.jpg">\n\n'Hiya Wayne.' Sasha says pleasantly.\n\nHe continues to talk to her but she politely brushes him off and leads you around the bar to where a couple of group of people are chatting.\n\n'Heya Sash.' one of them says.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/Jay.jpg">\n\n'Hi Jay!' Sasha greets him with a hug and a peck on the cheek. She introduces you to him and the others and in the next moment she's gone.\n\nYou don't really know what the members of the Beasts look like but you'd guess Kai looks something like the vast caveman creature that just picked up Sasha like she weighs nothing.\n\nHe puts her down and she calls you over. You excuse yourself and meet her among the beasts.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/band/Kai.jpg">\n\n'You must be <<print $fnom>> huh?' he says in a gravelly voice, and then introduces himself as Kai.\n\n'Hello.' says another.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/band/Luther.jpg">\n\nSasha introduces you to him as Luther.\n\n'And this handsome devil...' she says, indicating the scary, bearded man.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/band/jin.jpg">\n\n'Jin.' he finishes for her and takes your hand.\n\n'And this is the guy filling PJ's boots.' Kai says, [[stepping aside|sort of already met]].\n
//$20!// you think to yourself. //That’s a little steep for a milkshake//\n\n<<if $milk is "special">>Sasha seems to sense your concern at the cost of the ‘special’ and offers to get you one.<<else>>\n‘I’ll have a <<print $flav>> with <<print $milk>> please.’\n\nThe young woman smiles at you before returning inside.\n\nThe shakes look fantastic. You take a slurp of yours. ‘Mmmmm! - This is delicious!’ you say.\n‘Pinkie’s shakes are the best.’ Bibi says.\n\n‘So that’s non-dairy then Sasha?’ you ask, indicating her ‘Special’ vanilla shake.\n\n‘No – er, yes...come to think of it I’m not entirely sure. If dairy means milk and hemp milk is milk then hemp milk isn’t non-dairy because it’s still milk...of a sort.’\n\n‘Okay...’ you say ‘but it’s not animal milk is it. ‘Where does ‘special milk’ come from? Is that animal milk?’\n\n‘Well yes I suppose technically it is! It’s Pinkie’s milk!’\n\n‘Ahhhh’ //I get it.// you think. ‘All this time I thought Pinkie was the owner!’ you laugh. ‘What is she – a goat out the back or something?’\n\nThe girls find this hilarious for some reason and share [[conspiratorial glances]] with each other.<<endif>>\n
<<if $mgplum is true>><<if $back is true>>You get down off the chair and go through the back gate. Ahead, you see Mr Green's gate open for you.\n<<set $Uguys = $Uguys + 1>>\n'Entre.' he says, ushering you in.\n\nYou offer a smile and go into his back garden.\n\nThere's a lot going on in Mr Green's garden. Clearly he takes care of his plants and it smells divine but it's not exactly maintained like a show garden.\n\n'It's organised chaos.' he laughs as if reading your thoughts. 'Here, let me get this for you.' he offers, taking a step ladder. He sets it up under the tree. 'You look cute in your PJ's.' he says, looking over his shoulder.\n\nYou think he means it. Either way, you blush profusely.\n\n//What is that beautiful smell?// you wonder, looking around at the various blooms nearby. Whatever it is, it seems to make you feel a little light headed but you reason that might be simply on account of you breathing more than you need.\n\n'...but if I'm honest, I'd sooner see you in your college uniform.' he grins and you blush all the more. 'I tell you what, <<print $fnom>>. As you and I have no secrets between us, I want you to feel comfortable wearing what you like around me.' he tells you. 'Why don't you go and dress up now? You'd like that wouldn't you?'\n\nYou feel a little bit funny. //Maybe you're just horny.// 'Yes.' you nod.\n\nHis face is kind as he smiles at you. 'The prettier you are, the more plums you can have, how about that?'\n\n'Thank you Mr Green.\n\n'Go on then <<print $fnom>> - come back soon!'\n\n'Okay.' you tell him and scamper off back home.\n\nBeing as you are now thoroughly adept at swiftly changing into your uniform, it takes you no time at all.\n\nIn the back of your mind a voice asks you <p style="font-size:12px;">//What are you doing?//</p> but you continue applying the finishing touches to your make up.\n\n//It's exciting having a new person to share my secret with.// you decide.\n\nThe sentiment however, begins to fade as you make your way to the back garden and that little voice becomes a little louder. //What are you doing <<print $fnom>>!?//\n\nStill, you walk out through the back gate and return to Mr Green's garden.\n\nYou can't see him around and wonder for a moment if you ought to just go back but just as you begin to ponder that option, you catch a whiff of that beautiful scent again.\n\n//Oh wow, that smells so good.// you breathe deeply and find that your anxiety has turned back into excitement.\n\nYou catch yourself delicately stroking your neck with the tips of your fingers.\n\nMr Green's voice comes from somewhere close behind you. 'Mmm, mmm.'\n\nStartled, you look around to where he's standing.\n\n'Oh, hello Mr Green. I came back.' you say, stating the obvious.\n\n'So I see.' He smiles and shakes his head. '<<print $fnom>>, you do make the cutest girl.'\n\nYou feel yourself blush deeply. 'I should probably just get the plums and...what is that smell?' you ask. 'It's really nice whatever it is.'\n\n'I don't know.' He shrugs. 'Which one? There are so many.'\n\n'It's a bit like rose but sweet like candyfloss.' you tell him.\n\n'Ah, not a bad description if you mean these.' he goes to a trailing plant with delicate shimmery pink veined white petals and carefully picks one. He holds it up to your nose to breathe its fragrance.\n\nA sudden rush of libidinousness fills you to the brim and your breath catches in your throat. You feel confused and weak kneed.\n\nMr Green steps up and slips a hand around the small of your back, holding the bloom up close for you to see.\n\n'It's beautiful.' you tell him.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Mr Green/primis.jpg">\n\n'Primis Cupiditatem' he tells you, adding; 'It's one of mine.' which strikes you as odd.\n\n//Of course it's one of his.//\n\n'I think it'd look pretty, here.' he tells you, slipping the stalk into your hair.\n\nYou look up into his eyes.\n\n'Perfect.' he tells you.\n\nYou say nothing. You think you might want him to kiss you and he seems to notice you looking back and forth between his eyes and mouth.\n\n'Would you like me to pick them for you?' he asks and for a moment you're not sure what he's talking about.\n\n'Oh, er yes, um no, no thank you. I can manage.' you tell him and go to the ladder.\n\nYou put your hands on the sides and place a foot upon the first rung, pausing for a moment. //Oh god I'm so horny!// you think, noticing also how your cock is still soft.\n\n'Would you like me to hold it for you?' Mr Green asks.\n\n'Wha- oh er, thank you.'\n\nHe moves up behind you and holds the ladder still as you make your way up, step by step. You're suddenly aware that his head is about level with your bottom and if you go up any higher, he'd be able to see right up your pleated skirt.\n\nYou look down behind you and he's there with a look of encouragement on his face. 'One more step and you should be able to reach them.'\n\nYou turn back around and go up to the last step. Mr Green holds the ladder firm as you reach up into the branches and seek out the best plums.\n\n'You probably want riper one's than that <<print $fnom>>.' Mr Green tells you.\n\n'No - I uh, is it okay if I pick the firmer ones? I prefer them firm.'\n\n'Huh, yeah sure. If that's what you like.' he says.\n\nYou pass down a few plums to him and he takes them from you, putting them in a little container.\n\n'What did you want them for? Cooking or...?'\n\nInexplicably, you turn around and begin to tell him. 'I wanted something to put in my bum.'\n\nThe blurt catches you by surprise and you clamp one hand up to cover your mouth. 'I'm so sorry Mr Green, I don't know why I told you that.'\n\nHe looks definitely surprised but he laughs anyway. 'That's okay <<print $fnom>>, you can tell me anything.'\n\nFor a moment you just try to pretend that bit never happened and resume picking fruit and passing them down to him. 'That should be more than enough.'\n\nYou realise this whole situation ought to seem more stressful but as embarrassed as you are, everything feels weird, almost like when you know you're in a dream only instead of things being vague and intangible, here everything seems if anything more vivid as if your senses are heightened. Most of all, you feel unbearably horny.\n\nAs you come down the ladder, you feel Mr Green's hand against your bottom. 'I've got you.' he says but then he doesn't let you down any further. Instead, you feel the other hand smooth up your leg, causing your breath to become more shallow and rapid. You know what he wants and you're surprised by the realisation that you want it too.\n\nThe hand continues up to the hem of your skirt and the other mirrors it on the other side, pushing it up over your bottom, exposing your panties. In the next moment, you feel his hot breath against your crotch and a shiver goes all the way through your body. You don't look behind you, just hold onto the ladder and allow him to do what he wants with you.\n\nYou feel his face push in between your cheeks and his mouth as he tries to eat you through the material. You aren’t any harder than you were before but you're as horny as you've ever been and ready to offer yourself to him completely.\n\nYou want him to just roughly grab your knickers and tear them off you but he pulls them down over your bottom at such an unbearably slow pace that by the time, they reach your ankles; you're half crazy with desire.\n\nHe lifts one foot, then the other momentarily off the rung so he can free you of your underwear, making sure that you're standing with your legs slightly apart.\n\nYou feel him kiss the backs of your legs from the ankle and increasingly higher up to the backs of your knees then thighs and buttocks. You feel him pull your cheeks apart and his hot breath against your smooth, pink hole.\n\nYou're only half aware that you’re begging him to fuck you under your breath. \n\nWhen his tongue pushes against your substitute pussy, you relax and let it enter with little resistance.\n\nYou moan softly to yourself as his tongue pushes wetly into your ass hole, opening it up and making it hungry for more.\n\nWhen he stops, you turn around to plead for more. You see him reach into the container of plums and pick out a nice, shiny one.\n\nHe pushes his tongue back in your bottom a couple more times before you feel the plum against your hole. Mr Green pushes it steadily against your relenting hole until it pops inside.\n\nYou make a 'Mmmm.' noise and beg him to put more in.\n\nYou soon feel a second plum pressed against your hole until it pops inside and joins the other.\n\n'Are you going to take another one like a good girl?' Mr Green asks you.\n\nYou tell him you want it and he puts a third inside you.\n\n'There you go.' Mr Green says as it slips inside you. 'Now, pop down for me.' he says and helps you down from the ladder. He turns you around with one hand at the small of your back and the other at the nape of your neck. 'Open your mouth.' he tells you softly. As you comply, he leans in and puts his mouth upon yours. You feel his tongue slip inside and you allow it.\n\nWhen he pulls away, you look up at him with desperation in your eyes. 'Please fuck me Mr Green.' you beg.\n\nHe grins. 'Not until you've had your plums.' he laughs. 'You wanted plums and I'm going to make sure you get all of them okay.' You nod uncertainly, look down at how many plums there are left in the container and feel even less certain.\n\n'Come over here.' he tells you firmly and leads you over to a smooth rock by a little water garden surrounded by the trailing white flowers. He sits on it and guides you gently to sit down upon his lap. With the tips of his fingers, he guides you to look at him. 'Are you going to be a little slut for me now angel?' he asks you. Maybe you should be unhappy at being spoken to like this but it makes you feel sexy, and beautiful. You nod.\n\n'Good.' he says simply, then effortlessly puts you over his lap and pulls up your skirt. Reaching into the container, he takes another plum and forces it against your ass. You submit to the intrusion and it pops inside you with the other three.\n\n'There you go.' he says, caressing your ass cheeks.\n\nA moment later and a fifth plum is being pushed against your ass. A sixth and seventh follow that and by the eighth, you're feeling very full.\n\nBy the time you have twelve plums inside you, your ass is stretched to full capacity and your mind is unable to focus on anything but the overwhelming sensation of fullness.\n\nA trickle of precum drools from the tip of your cocklett to the grass. You whimper pitifully before losing control of your sphincter and unleashing a torrent of shiny plums from your backside.\n\n'Oh, look what you did!' says Mr Green.\n\n'I'm sorry Mr Green - I didn't mean to.' you tell him as he spanks you quite roughly over his lap.\n\n//Why is being treated like this turning me on?// you wonder hazily.\n\n'Am I going to have to put my cock in you now young lady?' Mr Green asks rhetorically. 'Come here.' he tells you, positioning you down on the grass between his knees. 'Have you ever sucked a man's cock <<print $fnom>>?' he asks you.\n\nYou shake your head. 'No.' you tell him.\n\n'Well then, it's about time you learned isn't it?' he asks you and you nod your head obediently.\n\nMr Green opens his shorts and releases his already half erect penis. You kneel there full of fear and excitement, of disgust at the monstrous thing and surprise at how much you want to taste it.\n\nYou let Mr Green guide your head to it. You breathe it in. It smells quite pleasant in a strange sort of way. You brush your lips against his foreskin that leaves a glistening strand of precum in the space between. You lick it from your lips to taste it. You feel Mr Green's hands guide you forward and your mouth opens for his fleshy tool.\n\nYour first taste of cock! From that moment, you know you're hooked. You want to worship it and taste his cum. You do your best not to disappoint Mr Green and try your best to relax as he slides his cock ever deeper into your throat.\n\nYou're embarrassed when you gag but he doesn't seem to mind and you think he might even like it so you continue to let him fuck your mouth while you submit to him on your hands and knees.\n\n'There's a good girl.' he says to you as his balls start slapping against your chin. He sounds really impressed and that makes you feel really proud of yourself.\n\nWhile you service him, you feel his finger press against your ass hole and start to work in and out of it. You don't mind; it belongs to him now as far as you're concerned and when he starts putting the plums back inside you, you let him.\n\nLong, thick strands of saliva hang from his balls as he thrusts deeply into your throat. Mr Green starts making guttural noises and you think he might be about to cum. You want to taste it so much but instead, he pulls out and pushes you onto your back. Pinning you down, he pulls up your skirt and guides the tip of his penis to your abused hole.\n\nYou feel his bulbous glans nudge its way inside you, causing you to whimper. It's slick with your saliva and slides smoothly in and out of your bottom. He looks at you like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on and leans close to taste your mouth.\n\nThe sensation builds as Mr Green plunges his cock balls deep into your ass and you feel ever more certain you're going to cum. You raise and part your legs a little more so that he can get in as deep as possible. He takes the queue to fuck you even harder and you feel like you're going to pass out.\n\nYou start squealing like a girl and with Mr Green's big cock, plunging relentlessly into your bottom, your floppy little cocklett spurts a string of cum onto your tummy.\n\nHe pulls out and kneels either side of your head, fapping off in your face. You lay there, semi-conscious as a torrent of hot sperm rains down upon your face, splashing into your open mouth.\n\nYou swallow it down blissfully.\n\nYou lay there together in the sun while you catch your breath.\n\n'<<print $nom>>!?' comes a familiar voice from somewhere.\n\nYou bolt upright.\n\n'<<print $nom>>!?' you hear Sasha's voice again. 'Are you there!?'\n\n'Oh fuck me!' you gasp.\n\n'I might need a minute.' Mr Green tells you breathlessly.\n\nYou scrabble to your feet and find your legs so weak and shaky that they're barely functional.\n\nWhat feels like half a pint of warm semen slides out of your gaping boy cunt, down your thighs and onto the grass. 'I'm coming!' you call out to her, hoping she thinks you're in your garden.\n\n'I have to go now.' you tell Mr Green, who simply waves casually and cracks a smile of satisfaction.\n\n'Where are you!?' comes Sasha's voice again, closer now. 'Did you fall asleep in the garden!?'\n\n'No! Sorry, I'm coming!' you call to her.\n\nYou exit out of Mr Green's back gate and see Sasha trying to look over your garden fence.\n\n'I'm here Sasha.' you tell her.\n\nShe looks over. 'Where were - ' she cuts herself off after seeing you. 'Oh...well you're not <<print $nom>> are you?\n\nHi <<print $fnom>>, what on Earth happened to you?\n\n...never mind.' she continues before you can think up something to explain how dishevelled you look and why you're in your uniform. 'We need to get you to the Mall for a bit of shopping before tonight. Have you eaten?'\n\n'Umm...kinda.' you reply.\n\n'What was that?' Sasha says, hushing you.\n\nYou shrug dishonestly.\n\n'It sounded like someone sniggering.' she says, listening. After another moment she shrugs. 'Never mind. How soon can you be ready Sugar?'\n\nYou hazard a guess. '[[Twenty minutes?|you decide]]'\n\n<<else>>/%back nt%/You get down off the chair and go through the back gate. Ahead, you see Mr green's gate open for you.\n\n'Entre.' he says, ushering you in.\n\nYou offer a smile and go into his back garden.\n\nThere's a lot going on in Mr Green's garden. Clearly he takes care of his plants and it smells divine but it's not exactly maintained like a show garden.\n\n'It's organised chaos.' he laughs as if reading your thoughts. 'Here, let me get this for you.' he offers, taking a step ladder. He sets it up under the tree. 'Cute PJ's.' he says.\n\nYou scowl at him but get the feeling he actually means it.\n\n//What is that beautiful smell?// you wonder, looking around at the various blooms nearby. Whatever it is, it seems to make you feel a little light headed but you reason that might be simply on account of you breathing more than you need.\n\nYou feel a little bit funny. //Maybe you're just horny.//\n\nHis face is kind as he smiles at you. 'Well - be my guest.' he says, gesturing you up the ladder.\n\n'What is that smell?' you ask. 'It's really nice whatever it is.'\n\n'I don't know.' He shrugs. 'Which one? There are so many.'\n\n'It's a bit like rose but sweet like candyfloss.' you tell him.\n\n'Ah, not a bad description if you mean these.' he goes to a trailing plant with delicate shimmery pink veined white petals and carefully picks one. He holds it up to your nose to breathe its fragrance.\n\nA sudden rush of libidinousness fills you to the brim and your breath catches in your throat. You feel confused and weak kneed.\n\nMr Green steps up and holds the bloom up close for you to see.\n\n'It's beautiful.' you tell him.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Mr Green/primis.jpg">\n\n'Primis Cupiditatem' he tells you, adding; 'It's one of mine.' which strikes you as odd.\n\n//Of course it's one of his.//\n\nYou say nothing. You think you might want him to kiss you and he seems to notice you looking back and forth between his eyes and mouth.\n\n'Would you like me to pick them for you?' he asks and for a moment you're not sure what he's talking about.\n\n'Oh, er yes, um no, no thank you. I can manage.' you tell him and go to the ladder.\n\nYou put your hands on the sides and place a foot upon the first rung, pausing for a moment. //Oh god I'm so horny!// you think, noticing also how your cock is still soft.\n\n'Would you like me to hold it for you?' Mr Green asks.\n\n'Wha- oh er, thank you.'\n\nHe moves up behind you and holds the ladder still as you make your way up.\n\nYou look down behind you and he's there with a look of encouragement on his face. 'One more step and you should be able to reach them.'\n\nYou turn back around and go up to the last step. Mr Green holds the ladder firm as you reach up into the branches and seek out the best plums.\n\n'You probably want riper one's than that <<print $nom>>.' Mr Green tells you.\n\n'No - I uh, is it okay if I pick the firmer ones? I prefer them firm.'\n\n'Huh, yeah sure. If that's what you like.' he says.\n\nYou pass down a few plums to him and he takes them from you, putting them in a little container.\n\n'What did you want them for? Cooking or...?'\n\nFor some reason you feel a compulsion to tell him and you cover your mouth to keep the words in. You feel yourself turn bright red and rigid. He seems to notice and looks at you strangely. 'That's okay <<print $fnom>>, you can tell me anything.'\n\nOddly enough, you feel as though you could and that terrifies you all the more. Everything feels weird, almost like when you know you're in a dream only instead of things being vague and intangible, here everything seems if anything more vivid as if your senses are heightened. Most of all, you feel unbearably horny.\n\nAs you come down the ladder, you feel Mr Green's hand against your bottom. 'I've got you.' he says, guiding you down to the lawn.\n\nFor a moment, you imagine him taking you by the hand and leading you inside his house, up to his bedroom...\n\n'What is it <<print $nom>>?' he asks you.\n\nYou snap out of it. 'Oh, er - nothing Mr Green.' you tell him, picking up the container of plums. 'Thank you for these!'\n\nWith an amused grin, he watches you [[scuttle off through the back gate|conservatory]].\n<<set $mgplum = false>>\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $plums is true>><<if $back is true>>'Oh, thank you very much Mr Green but these will be fine!' you tell him, then [[scuttle off back into the house|conservatory]].\n\n\n<<else>>'Oh, thank you very much Mr Green but these will be fine!' you tell him, then [[scuttle off back into the house|conservatory]].\n\n\n<<endif>><<else>>/%1st page%/You take a garden chair over to where the plums are hanging and reach up as far as you can on your tip-toes.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Mr Green/plumtree.jpg">\n\n<<if $back is true>>'Oi - thief!!'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Mr Green/thief.jpg">\n\nYou hadn't noticed Mr Green sitting there in his back garden and when he shouts at you, you nearly fall off your chair.\n\n'S-sorry Mr Green, I thought it'd be okay to take just a-'\n\nHe cuts you off with a chuckle. 'It's okay <<print $nom>>, I was only playin'. If they're dangling in your Mum's garden, then it's fair game right?' He pauses for a second. '...or would you prefer me to call you <<print $fnom>>?' he asks with a knowing smile.\n\nYou shrug.\n\n'Well then, <<print $fnom>> it is!' he makes a gesture toward the plums. 'As you were.'\n\nYou thank him and smile uncertainly back at him before resuming your attempt at fruit picking. It feels weird now what with him sat there watching you.\n\n'In fact...' he says out of nowhere. 'If you like, you could pop 'round and have your pick of the tree.' He turns his palms upward. 'I won't eat them all.'\n\nYou consider his offer for a moment.\n\n[[Should you|Pick plums][$mgplum = true]] or [[not|Pick plums][$plums = true]]?\n\n<<else>>'Oi - thief!!'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Mr Green/thief.jpg">\n\nYou hadn't noticed Mr Green sitting there in his back garden and when he shouts at you, you nearly fall off your chair.\n\n'S-sorry Mr Green, I thought it'd be okay to take just a-'\n\nHe cuts you off with a chuckle. 'It's okay <<print $nom>>, I was only playin'. If they're dangling in your Mum's garden, then it's fair game right?'\n\nYou shrug.\n\n'Well then...' He makes a gesture toward the plums. 'As you were.'\n\nYou thank him and smile uncertainly back at him before resuming your attempt at fruit picking. It feels weird now what with him sat there watching you.\n\n'In fact...' he says out of nowhere. 'If you like, you could pop 'round and have your pick of the tree.' He turns his palms upward. 'I won't eat them all.'\n\nYou consider his offer for a moment.\n\n[[Should you|Pick plums][$mgplum = true, $plums = true]] or [[not|Pick plums][$plums = true]]?\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $Mumknows is true>>'Alright Babe? You ready?' she greets you nonchalantly.\n\n'I - uh...Morning Charlie.' you respond.\n\n//Well that was an anti-climax.//\n\n'See ya Mum!' you call back.\n\n'See you after college angel!' she calls back.\n\nYou turn back to Charlie. 'OK, let's go.'\n\nYou follow her back to the Mustang and the two of you burn off down the road to Aiya's place.\n\nWhen Aiya get's in the car, it's clear that she hasn't been told either.\n\n//Well it's good to know Sasha can hold her tongue.// you think. //...and this way, I get to announce it.//\n\nYou opt to play it cool and chat as normal with the girls.\n\nCharlie pulls in [[through the gates]] and you can see the other two chatting with each other by their cars.\n\n\n<<elseif $change is true>><<if $appt is true>>'Alright Babe? - Hop in.' she greets you nonchalantly.\n\n'I - uh...Morning Charlie.' you respond.\n\n//Well that was an anti-climax.//\n\n'Sure - let's go.' You reply and jump in.<<else>>Charlie's Mustang soon drives past you and parks up just ahead.\n\n'Alright Babe? You ready?' she greets you.\n\n'Sure - let's go.' You reply and jump in.<<endif>>\n\nYou follow her back to the Mustang and the two of you burn off down the road to Aiya's place while changing into the girls uniform on Charlie's back seat.\n\n//I'm getting good at this!// You think to yourself.\n\n<<if $appt is true>>When Aiya get's in the car, it's clear that she hasn't been told either.\n\n//Well it's good to know Sasha can hold her tongue.// you think. //...and this way, I get to announce it.//\n\nYou opt to play it cool and chat as normal with the girls.<<endif>>\n\nCharlie pulls in [[through the gates]] and you can see the other two chatting with each other by their cars.\n\n<<elseif $schboy is true>>On your way to college, you see a hot girl on her way to work, wearing a cute summer dress that hops up around her thighs as she walks down the street.\n\nShe looks like she owns the world. You wish you could be like that.\n\nYou imagine how it must feel to be so beautiful, so desirable.\n\nAs the college gates come into view, a car horn blows, jolting you rapidly out of your melancholic ruminations.\n\nThe white Mustang convertible burns past you and in [[through the gates]].<<endif>>\n
You find your Mother sitting alone in the sun, toying with her mobile.\n\nOn seeing you she smiles and gets up.\n\nHer figure seems to be drawing a little attention as usual but since moving here she seems to be displaying a lot more cleavage.\n\n//Come to think of it...are they getting bigger?// you wonder.\nShe comes up to you and gives you a hug, squashing you against her bare cleavage.\n\n‘Ooh – I’m sooo excited!’ she squeals. ‘Let’s go and find our seats and we’ll be in time for the trailers.’\n\nYou go up to the cinema, get some drinks and popcorn (which –you find for the first time ever – is reasonably priced) and the two of you [[find your seats]].\n
<<if $schboy is true>>You follow the girls into the classroom.\nBibi sees you follow in behind her. ‘Oh hey <<print $fnom>>!’ she greets you cheerfully before Aiya manages to clamp a hand over her mouth and silence her. Bibi tilts her head back in an exaggerated display of comprehension. ‘Ohhh yeah.’ She mouths, while Aiya raises a mildly amused eyebrow at you.\n\nAll the students begin to find somewhere to sit and you feel as you did on the Induction Day.\n\nThere’s an empty table 3rd row back, [[beside Sasha|empty chair][$classseat = 16]] or a one directly behind it next to [[Charlie|empty chair][$classseat = 22]].\n\nAlternatively, there’s one of the geeks sat by himself on the right, second row back in front of Sasha and Aiya. Maybe you could [[sit next to him|empty chair][$classseat = 12]] if you don’t want to look like a complete loner. Or in the far corner, there’s an empty space [[next to a goth girl|empty chair][$classseat = 20]] who looks like she might’ve just crawled out of a TV.\n<<else>>You file into the classroom and All the students begin to find somewhere to sit and you feel as you did on the Induction Day. The room contains twelve desks with two chairs behind each, plus a slightly larger desk at the front for Miss Riven.\n\nCharlie and Bibi pair up at the back of the room while Sasha and Aiya take the desk directly in front of them. You know you’re not yet officially in the clique yet and even if you were, one of you’d still have to sit on your own so either way, why should it be anyone else?\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>’Come sit here.’ Charlie tells you, motioning toward an [[empty chair][$classseat = 22]], not on her own table but the next one along. You comply obediently but wish you could be sitting right next to her.<<else>>Where should you sit? There’s an empty spot on the table [[next to Sasha|empty chair][$classseat = 16]] or one on the table behind, [[next to Charlie|empty chair][$classseat = 22]].<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n\n
You can’t seem to help yourself. As your hands wander, your mind wanders too. Fragments of your dreams from last night return to you.\n\nYou gently pump your silky little lathered up cock as images remanifest in your minds eye.\n\n//Gabe.// you remember.\n\nYou don’t care – you submit to the idea. You lick your lips as you imagine him spurting hot wads of sperm onto your tongue.\n\n‘Uhnng!’\n\nYou cum hard and take a while to recover your senses before getting [[out of the shower]].\n<<set $wank = true>>
<<if $waverly is 0>><img src="Sleep_img/woods/drwendiwaverly.jpg">\n\n'Hello.' You call out gently.\n\nShe looks up at you.\n\n'Oh, hello.'\n\n'Are you okay?' you ask.\n\n'Hmm...' she responds.\n\nYou stand there a moment while she thinks about it.\n\n'There shouldn't be wolves here.' she tells you.\n\n'Oh.' you say.\n\n'I'm not sure they're wolves at all.'\n\n'Oh.' You repeat; unsure of what alternative noise you might make.\n\n'What are they then?' You ask.\n\nShe seems to take a while processing the question.\n\n'From somewhere else.' She says ominously.\n\nYou shift your weight onto the other foot. 'Uh...huh.'\n\nThe woman starts muttering to herself.\n\n'I'd better...' you trail off.\n\n'Okay bye then.' She calls after you. 'And [[take care|wds]]!'\n<<set $waverly = 1>>\n<<elseif $waverly is 2>>'Hello.' You call out to her.\n\n'Oh, hello again.' She says. 'Sorry about earlier; I probably sound like a lunatic.'\n\nYou shrug and smile nervously.\n\nShe gets up and walks over to you, stretching her hand out to you. 'Dr Wendi Waverly.'\n\nYou take her hand and introduce yourself. <<if $Mumknows is true>>'<<print $fnom>> <<print $snom>>.'<<else>>'<<print $nom>> <<print $snom>>.'<<endif>>\n\nYou chat with her for a bit and she seems nice but you're not sure what she's talking about.'\n\nAfter a while you take your leave.\n\n'Nice to meet you Dr Waverly.' You tell her.\n\n'You too <<if $Mumknows is true>>Miss <<print $snom>><<else>>Mr <<print $snom>><<endif>>.' She says then seems to think of something. 'If you see them - run.' She says. '...and if you can't get away...' she twists her mouth anxiously. 'Assume a submissive position - do that and you'll be okay.'\n\n'Uh...sure.' You respond. 'Well I don't intend on hanging around after dark anyway.' You add.\n\n'Good...good.' She says. 'Well, take care now.'\n\n'You too - see you.' You reply and [[head off|wds]].\n<<set $waverly = 3>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $woods = false>>
<<if $Mumknows is true>>\n<<if $alarmset is true>>\n<<if $appt is true>><<else>><<endif>>\n<<else>><<if $appt is true>><<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $change is true>>\n<<if $alarmset is true>>\n<<if $appt is true>><<else>><<endif>>\n<<else>><<if $appt is true>><<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $schboy is true>>\n<<if $alarmset is true>>\n<<if $appt is true>><<else>><<endif>>\n<<else>><<if $appt is true>><<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>
<<if $pb is 1>><img src="Sleep_img/app/pgheel.jpg">\n\nYou try them on and decide they work well with your dress.\n\n'There we go Sugar - [[all done]]!'\n<<else>>'Ooops!' Sasha laughs.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/boops.jpg">\n'I might need to do that up a little tighter!'\nShe steps around behind you again and adjusts the strap.\n\n'There we go Sugar - [[all done]]!'<<endif>>
<<if $long is 1 and $lat is 26>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 25>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 24>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 23>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 22>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 21>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 1 and $lat is 7>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 1>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 2>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 3>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 4>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 5>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 2 and $lat is 7>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 1>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 2>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 3>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 4>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 5>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 6>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<elseif $long is 3 and $lat is 7>><<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n\n<<else>>You're lost. You have absolutely no idea where you are.<<endif>>\n\nGo <<cyclinglink "$pos" "North" "South" "East" "West">>.\n\n\n\nWarp to [[woods]] entrance.\n\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>
You get up and go to the bathroom wearing your stripy baby blue and white pyjamas. You know they’re not the epitome of cool but you like them.\n\nYou take a piss and clean your teeth, then jump in the shower. When you’re done you hop back into your room and get dressed for college. When you’re ready you take a look at yourself in the wardrobe mirror.\n\nYou’re small for your age and not very manly. Puberty seemed to have given you no more than a glancing blow and you still don’t need to shave your face. You grew your hair shoulder length to make you look more ‘rock’ but it just made you look more girly. You’re the kind of boy that doesn’t get the girls but makes the mothers coo. ‘Cute’. How you despise that word. You’ve been considering shaving it all off but you know your mum would be heartbroken.\n\nOh well.\n\nYou hear your mother call up to you from the bottom of the stairs.\n\n'I'll be there in a second!' You call back down.\n\nYou are taking a bit too long in getting ready.\n\n‘Coming!’ You call back. You grab your bag and [[head downstairs to the kitchen|Mon bfast 1]].\n
UI\n<<if tags().includes("rui")>>\n<<removeclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<<else>>\n<<addclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<</if>>\n[[sesame]]
<img src="Sleep_img/woods/1414 2014.jpg">
\n\t\t\t\t\t[[Caution!|woods]]\n\n\t\t\t\tBeware of wolves after dark!
You walk in on a bunch of women in various stages of undress.\n<img src="Sleep_img/beach/l.jpg">\nYou apologise profusely as you [[exit.|beach]]
You could go to the [[beach]], [[esplanade]], [[water park]], [[city park]], [[library]], [[mall]], [[Broadway]], [[spa]], [[red light district]] or you could venture into the [[woods]].
<<if $mtoy is 1>><<else>><<endif>>\n
Treatments\n<<if $spavisit is 1>>\nYou follow the girls into a room where beautiful women in pristine, white uniforms await next to comfy beige recliner chairs.\n\nThey greet you and the girls warmly and invite you to take a seat.\n\nYou and your friends chat happily for the next half an hour while receiving an expert manicure and peticure.\n\nYou see they also do waxing here, although you're still silky smooth from last week.\n\nWhen you're all sufficiently beautiful enough, you decide to [[leave|Massage Parlour]].<<else>>\nWaxing\nManicure & Peticure\n\nWhen you're all sufficiently beautiful enough, you decide to [[leave|the spa]].<<endif>>
'Charlie'\n\n‘Fuck yeah, she is!’ Charlie says with sass. She puts a hand at the nape of your neck while the other holds up your chin as if she’s about to go in for a kiss. ‘As far as I’m concerned, you have just as much right to be a girl as me.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ntakes one to know one
<<if $spavisit is 1>>The girls take you into a large, circular pool area.<<else>>You are in a large, circular pool area.<<endif>>\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/spa/spa2.jpg">\n\nThere are various different rooms ajoined to this one.\n<<if $spavisit is 1>>\n'What do you want to do Honey?' Sasha asks you.\n\n'let's get our nails done and then have a massage!' Bibi suggests.\n\nSasha seems to approve of the suggestion and the two girls beckon you over to the 'Treatments' area.<<else>>\n<<endif>>\n[[Relaxation area]]\n[[Jacuzzi]]\n[[Pool]]\n[[Steam Room]]\n[[Sauna]]\n[[Gym]]\n[[Massage Parlour]]\n[[Mud Baths]]\n[[Treatments]]\n[[changing rooms]]\n<<set $spa = true>>
<<if $back is true>><<if $Oedipus is true>>You eat supper with your Mother and when she asks if you want to watch something with her, you can't refuse./%Mum is home already%/\n\nYou cuddle up against her, watching a film about two hot lesbians ripping of the Mob, ever more aware of your sexual frustration - and desire to be with your Mother.\n\nShe seems to be thoroughly enjoying it and dosen't appear in the slightest bit abashed by the steamy bits.\n\n<<cyclinglink "$mprefer" "Although you think your Mother is straight." "You think your Mum might like women as well as men." "You think your Mum might prefer women.">>\n\nYour little cock strains futilely against it's cage.\n\nWhen the film is finished, she goes upstairs to read her book and you're bereft.\n\nYou follow up afterward and into your bedroom where you [[try in vain to get yourself off|thu1 eve]].<<else>>When your Mum gets home, you eat with her but then head upstairs to [[make another attempt at venting your sexual frustration|thu1 eve]].<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>/%bush or walk alone%/<<if $Oedipus is true>>When your Mum gets home, you eat with her and when she asks if you want to watch something with her, you can't refuse.\n\nYou cuddle up against her watching a film about two hot lesbians ripping of the Mob, ever more aware of your sexual frustration - and desire to be with your Mother.\n\nShe seems to be thoroughly enjoying it and dosen't appear in the slightest bit abashed by the steamy bits.\n\n<<cyclinglink "$mprefer" "Although you think your Mother is straight." "You think your Mum might like women as well as men." "You think your Mum might prefer women.">>\n\nYour little cock strains futilely against it's cage.\n\nWhen the film is finished, she goes upstairs to read her book and you're bereft.\n\nYou follow up afterward and into your bedroom where you [[try in vain to get yourself off|thu1 eve]].<<else>>When your Mum gets home, you eat with her but then head upstairs to [[make another attempt at venting your sexual frustration|thu1 eve]].\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $panties is "and throw them in the">>Realising you could have just rinsed them under the tap and dried them under the hand dryer you curse under your breath.\n\n//Too late now// you think. //Less speed, more haste...or it that more haste, less speed...well whatever.//\n\nYou get some tissue and dab your legs where you pissed yourself and compose yourself before heading to [[the VIP lounge]].<<set $pants = false>>\n<<elseif $panties is "but hesitate and stop yourself from throwing them in the">>You think about your predicament momentarily and realise you could just rinse them under the tap and dry them under the hand dryer.\n\nYou step out of the cubicle and wash them in the sink before stepping across to the dryer. A couple of girls come in but you just pretend you're drying your hands and they don't notice.\nWhile the girls are in the cubicles, you quicly slip on the panties and compose yourself before heading to [[the VIP lounge]].<<set $pants = true>><<endif>>
Charlie sits on your chest while the others hands her various items with the efficiency of a surgical team.\n\nCharlie puts her face in close to yours to do your eyeliner. Her breath is warm and sweet and you can’t ignore the fact that she’s straddling your chest wearing nothing but a towel.\n\n‘Aw, he’s got another stiffy!’ Bibi points out helpfully.\n\nYour towel has ridden up and your little pecker is poking up for all to see. You struggle to hide it but you can’t what with Charlie pinning you down. \n\n‘A-haha! – Aw, it’s cute! Shall I suck it?’ Aiya asks.\n\nBibi giggles. ‘You could suck on one of Sasha’s nipples if you’d like something bigger.’\n\n‘Bibi!’ Sasha scolds.\n\n‘Aw, don’t be a meanie Bibi.’ Aiya says. ‘I think it’s kinda pretty. Look at his little hairless balls.’\n\n‘Are they being mean to you honey.’ Charlie asks soothingly.\n\n‘Ignore them.’ They’re just jealous because you’re gonna be prettier than all of them when I’m [[done]]. Stay still for me.’\n
You step up to a set of three urinals and make for the one on the left until you see the puddle of piss beneath it. With urinal etiquette out of the window, you move to the middle one just as a butch looking middle aged guy comes and stands at the one on the right.\n\nHe undoes his fly and hoists a fat length of man meat from his jeans, unleashing a torrent of steaming piss into the urinal before him.\n\nYou pull out your own tiny cock and make to piss but you can’t go for some reason and end up just standing there next to him with your tiny cock between your thumb and two fingers.\n\nThe man gives his cock a quick shake and for a moment you imagine sucking on it while it’s still dripping with piss.\n\n//What the hell is with these obsessive compulsive thoughts and images?//\n\nAs he puts his cock away you see what looks like the handle of a...\n\n//Holy shit! He’s got a fucking gun!!//\n\nYou start pissing and the man walks out of the gents.\n\nYou finish up and quickly wash your hands, hoping to tail the guy or find someone to report him to.\n\nYou leave the gents and [[go after him]].\n
7 O'Clock comes and goes. You've been ready and waiting for them to arrive all full of jitters.\n\nYou're determined to make sure they like you enough to accept you as one of them. You're clean, smelling of the cologne your mum bought you for your Birthday and dressed in your cool frayed white jeans with a light blue t-shirt.\n\nDeciding you need to pee, you run upstairs and relieve yourself.\n\n'Ding-dong!' goes the bell as you're washing your hands.\n\nYou rush downstairs but your mum is already at the door.\n\nShe opens the door to Charlie and the other three equally jaw-droppingly gorgeous girls stood behind her, each of them dressed like they're ready to shoot a porno.\n\n'Oh hi, you must be <<print $nom>>'s mum!' Charlie bubbles, taking your mums hand. 'I'm Charlie!'\n\nYour mother is clearly a little shell-shocked. 'Very pleased to meet you, I'm <<print $mum>>.'\n\nShe invites them inside and greets them each as they come.\n\n'You won't need the pillow - I have all the pillows!' Charlie tells you on seeing your stuff waiting by the door.\n\n'OK, sure.' you say and promptly run back upstairs and throw it back in your room.\n\nAs you come back, your mum discretely pulls you into the kitchen. 'Charlie huh?' she smiles at you.\nShe picks up her handbag and pulls out a reel of condoms and pushes them into your hand. 'You will be careful won't you?' she asks. 'I'm too young to be a grandmother.'\n\n'Aw Mum!' you protest but take the condoms.\n\n'Ready?' Charlie asks you back in the hallway.\n\nYou nod.\n\n'Don't worry, we'll look after him!' Charlie reasures your mum and the five of you [[step outside]].
<<if $change is true>>Sasha holds you close and asks you gently 'Okay, are you ready?'\n\nYou nod.\n\nShe smiles. 'Okay, let's go then.'\n\nThe girls wave you off as you and Sasha ride off down the road toward the [[City Centre]].<<else>>The lilac Beetle pulls up outside the gate. Charlie, Bibi and Aiya walk you to it while Sasha gets in her little red corvette and pulls out just in front of your Mum.\n\nCharlie, Aiya and Bibi say 'hi' to your Mum, wish you good luck and wave you off as your Mum pulls away, following Sasha's lead down the road into the [[City Centre]].\n\n<<endif>>
<<if $Mumknows is true and $Cknowsmknows is true>>mum knows, c knows\nyou're arriving at college in Charlie's car. You're wearing the girls uniform.\n<<set $schgirl = true>>\n<<elseif $Mumknows is true and $Cknowsmknows is false>>mum knows, c doesn't\nyou're walking to college. You're wearing the girls uniform.\n<<set $schgirl = true>>\n<<endif>><<if $Mumknows is false>>mum doesn't know so you're in boys uniform<<endif>>\n\n<<if $change is true>>you're arriving at college in charlies car\n<<set $schgirl = true>>\n<<elseif $change is false>>you pussied out entirely and are now walking to college in the boys uniform, knowing that you'll be excluded from the clique temporarily.\n<<endif>>
You could [[bum around]], [[study]] or use your [[laptop]].\n\n\n[[Go to bed|Endwed]]\n\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>\n<<set $d is $d + 1>>\n<<set $dins = "nothing">>
‘What the hell am I doing?’ you breathe to yourself in the cubicle but when you see your reflection you feel a rush of excitement and confidence.\n\n‘Hey – I look pretty good in this.’\n\nCharlie’s ‘Ooh – cute!’ she squeals. ‘Put these on too!’ she says, handing you a couple of bits.\n\n‘What really?’ You ask.\n\n‘Yes really!’ she says, tweaking your cheek. ‘See you outside!’ With that, she disappears again to join the others.\n\nYou look at the things. It’s a bangle and a tiara. You put them on.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/wdress.jpg">\n\nYou feel as ready as you’ll ever be to step out.\n\nWith your heart pumping, you step in view of the girls waiting outside the changing rooms.\n\nYou’re met with various high pitched sounds of approval.\n\n‘Oh, that is adorable <<print $fnom>>! Let me get that for you!’ Sasha says.\n\n‘You’re going to need a different pair of shoes with that.’ Charlie suggests.\n\n‘Shoes!’ Bibi exclaims.\n\n‘Shoes, then lunch.’ Aiya says.\n\nThe remainder of the morning goes on pretty much the same way. Charlie buys you some heels of your own, Aiya buys you some nice perfume and Bibi buys you a couple of tops to make up for the once-blue-now-purple t-shirt you wore to Charlie’s. You’re not sure you can get away with them as a guy but they do at least look cute on you as a girl.\n\n‘What are you going to wear out tonight <<print $fnom>>?’ Aiya asks you.\n\nYou shrug.\n\nShe pulls you into a shop and picks you out a black mini-dress. ‘This’ll look nice on you <<print $fnom>> – I’ll get this for you if you like it – try it on.’\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/club1.jpg">\n\nIt looks nice you decide so you accept Aiya’s offer.\n\n‘Oh oh! – and this!’ Bibi squeals, offering a tiny pink skater skirt.\n\n‘That’ll look cute with your white crop top <<print $fnom>>, try them on together.’ Charlie tells you and the girls insist you keep the outfit on.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/000boo.jpg">\n\nYou're starting to feel pretty comfortable wearing this stuff in public.\n\nFinally, the girls pull you into a shop called Trixie’s, which seems to sell mostly bras and panties.\n\nSasha treats you to a few sets as well as some silicone cleavage enhancers or ‘chicken fillets’ as she calls them. ‘Congratulations – you’re an A-cup now Sugar!’ she tells you. ‘...and don’t forget, my offer. You can try having boobs for real if you want to!’\n\nYou have to admit, the thought is compelling.\n\n‘You can’t be more than a B-cup though.’ Aiya says. \n‘Otherwise you’ll be bigger than me and I’d have to kick your ass – in fact – stay as an A-cup and then we’ll have A to E.’\n\n‘Oh my God! – I never noticed that Aiya!’ Charlie laughs.\n\n‘Okay, <<print $fnom>>, that’s settled - get yourself a cute little pair of bee stings!’\n\n‘Technically, I’m a double D’ Bibi points out.\n\n‘You should be called Didi.’ You say without thinking.\n\n‘Oh shit! – A-hahaha haa!’ Aiya’s laugh is catching and soon the four of you are falling about while Bibi pouts angrily.\n\nSoon it’s time to head back.\n\nYou’re dying for a wee so you excuse yourself, only to find you’re accompanied. //That never happens as a guy!//\n\n‘Remember to pee like a lady!’ [[Charlie reminds you|peninsula]].
/%ACTIONS%/\n<<set $alarmset = false>>\n<<set $schboy = true>><<set $change = false>><<set $schlb = false>><<set $schgirl = false>>\n\n<<goto wkiiskip>>
You wake after a night full of vivid dreams.\n\nFor a moment, you're not quite sure what's real or fantasy but yesterday's events start to come trickling back with more clarity and substance...\n\n\n//Of following Dr Brae with a cocktail of excitement and trepidation inside you, up to a room and being asked to strip.\n\nOf standing there, stark naked in front of Sasha's Mother as one of the lab assistants takes various images and scans of you to record your initial state.//\n\n//Of following Dr Brae, now in her lab attire, into the room - the one with seemingly very little in it.\n\nThe moment of hesitation before you crossed the threshold into that synthetic, sterile environment.\n\nOf Dr Brae giving you a shot of something 'to relax you', then taking a seat at a computer and asking you to stand in a particular position in the room.\n\nObserving the circular dip in the floor and the flange-like rim around it.\n\nDr Brae reminding you to relax, to breath and most importantly - to keep your arms in.//\n\n\n//The rim rising up around you, past your face and up until it locks into a matching groove in the ceiling.\n\nYou put your hands to the surface of the glass tube, wondering if this wasn't a mistake.//\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/GTec/process/tube.gif">\n\nYou pull the duvet off your head and sit up, suddenly awake and alive. You touch your face, gently probing it as you remember.\n\n\n//Of feeling a warm dampness around your feet and looking down at the pink liquid creeping up to your ankles.\n\nOf feeling drowsy and content as the drugs kick in.\n\nWatching Dr Brae as she reassures you. The liquid now up to your thighs.\n\nOf momentarily feeling conscious of your nudity again as the surface rises up to your genitals and strangely euphoric as it rises further, up past your waist, to your nipples and neck.\n\nThe feeling increasing weightlessness.\n\nThe feeling of calm even as your face is submerged, making everything pink.\n\nOf feeling your throat relax to let the liquid into your lungs.\n\nOf Dr Brae looking satisfied with herself as you float with neutral buoyancy in the tube.//\n\n\n\n//And the sensation...a feeling like an orgasm in slow motion.//\n\n\n\n//Your skin feels softer perhaps// you decide as you touch your face. You're not sure you can detect any structural change.\n\n'That might not occur for weeks or months.' Dr Brae had explained.\n\nYou think maybe your chin feels more delicate.\n\n//Maybe your nose is smaller too?//\n\n\nYou pull the duvet off yourself and swing your legs off the side of the bed, pulling yourself up, sleepily into roughly a standing position.\n\n\nRubbing the sleep out of your eyes you stand in front of the closet door and [[look in the mirror]].\n<<set $d = 5>><<set $w = 1>>\n<<set $pro = 1>><<set $appt = false>>
//'Not' - definitely 'not'.// you decide.\n\n'Oh, it's uh...\n\n...nothing?'\n\nYour Mother doesn't seem convinced but doesn't press the issue. 'Okay sugarbean. Stir fry tonight?'\n\n'Uh, yeah, that'd be lovely, thanks Mum.'\n\n'Okay pumpkin, well get yourself in your jammies and come down when you're ready.'\n\nYes Mummy.' you tell her and enter [[your bedroom]].
<<if $sub is "dom">>The bathroom is so clean and plush that you feel a wave of emotion at how much better your life could be here, hundreds of miles away from your piece of shit home town.\n\nYou walk to the toilet and lift the seat, then turn, pull down your borrowed panties, hitch up your dress and sit on the seat. You begin to pee before realising what you just did - //You’re peeing like a girl!\n\n...must just be a natural way to do it dressed like this.// you reason but feel somewhat unconvinced.\n\n//Well, this way I get to look around at Charlie’s lovely bathroom instead of staring at the wall.//\n\nYou reach under and give your now perfectly smooth, hairless cock a shake and stand up.\n\nYou flush, then wash your hands before heading back to Charlie’s bedroom.\n\nAs you open her bedroom door, you hear Charlie commanding Bibi to ‘put it back in’.\n\nYou see Bibi and [[gasp in shock]].\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>The bathroom is so clean and plush that you feel a wave of emotion at how much better your life could be here, hundreds of miles away from your piece of shit home town.\n\nYou walk to the toilet and lift the seat, then turn, pull down your borrowed panties, hitch up your dress and sit on the seat. You begin to pee before realising what you just did - //You’re peeing like a girl!\n\n...must just be a natural way to do it dressed like this.// you reason but feel somewhat unconvinced.\n\n//Well, this way I get to look around at Charlie’s lovely bathroom instead of staring at the wall.//\n\nYou reach under and give your now perfectly smooth, hairless cock a shake and stand up.\n\nYou flush, then wash your hands before heading back to Charlie’s bedroom.\n\nAs you open her bedroom door, you hear Charlie commanding Bibi to ‘put it back in’.\n\nYou see Bibi and [[gasp in shock]].\n<<elseif $sub is "sub">>The bathroom is so clean and plush that you feel a wave of emotion at how much better your life could be here, hundreds of miles away from your piece of shit home town.\n\nYou walk to the toilet and lift the seat, then turn, pull down your borrowed panties, hitch up your dress and sit on the seat. You begin to pee before realising what you just did - //You’re peeing like a girl!\n\n...must just be a natural way to do it dressed like this.// you reason but feel somewhat unconvinced.\n\n//Well, this way I get to look around at Charlie’s lovely bathroom instead of staring at the wall.//\n\nYou reach under and give your now perfectly smooth, hairless cock a shake and stand up.\n\nYou flush, then wash your hands like a good girl, before heading back to Charlie’s bedroom.\n\nAs you open her bedroom door, you hear Charlie commanding Bibi to ‘put it back in’.\n\nYou see Bibi and [[gasp in shock]].\n<<endif>>
‘Oh, hi girls!’ Greets one of the women.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/milk2.jpg">\n\n‘Oh, hi Mrs <<print $snom>>!’ the girls respond sheepishly.\n\n‘‘Rachel’, please.’ requests your Mother. ‘...and definitely not ‘Mrs’.’ She adds with a chuckle.\n\nThe interaction doesn’t last much longer than that but it feels like forever.\n\nWhen they’re gone, you lower the menu slowly down onto the table.\n\n‘Oh fuck!’ Aiya grins through a pained expression.\n‘That was awkward.’\n\n‘You might have got away with that?’ Sasha suggests with a rising inflection clearly denoting uncertainty.\n\n‘Are you okay <<print $fnom>>? You’ve gone a little bit pale.’ Bibi asks with an unintentional tone of condescension.\n\n‘I don’t think so Sasha - She knows I’m out with you all.’ you say, clasping your face. ‘Gaaah! – what am I gonna do!?’ you groan through your hands. How am I gonna explain this!?’\n\nBibi makes a noise like she just realised something. ‘That was your mum wasn’t it!?’\n\nAiya slaps her palm onto her forehead. ‘Yes Bibi...and <<print $fnom>> a little is concerned by that because...?’\n\n‘...<<print $fnom>> didn’t say hello to his Mum.’ Bibi finishes as if unravelling a mystery.\n\nCharlie seems to be finding this all too hilarious.\n\n‘Charlie, it’s not funny.’ You tell her.\n\n‘Aw, don’t worry about it babe.’ She replies. ‘Your mum seems nice, I’ll bet she’ll be cool with you, however you want to dress.’\n\n‘Oh, cos he’s dressed like a girl!’ Bibi exclaims.\n\n‘You wanted me to dress like this, not me!’ you correct Charlie in a hushed shout.\n\n‘Hey hey, little Miss tetchy.’ She says, putting her hands on her hips. ‘Don’t make out like you don’t love your new look <<print $fnom>>.’\n\nYou stay silent. //You don't really...do you?//\n\n‘Hey, I’m sure it’ll all be fine Sugar.’ Sasha sooths.\n\n‘Text her now maybe.’ Aiya suggests to you. ‘Let her know you’re okay and that you’ll be back tomorrow.’ She puts her palms up. ‘...see how she responds.’ she finishes.\n\nThat sounds like a good idea, so you reach into the shopping bag with your pink jeans and find your phone. After a few deep breaths you [[text your Mum]].\n
//'Your first session!'//\n\nThe words send a tickle of excitement all the way up your spine.\n\n//And when will that be?// you wonder. //This week? A matter of days?//\n\nDr Brae can tell what you're wondering. 'As soon as you've passed the psych evaluation and we've got the go ahead from your Doctor, we can start straight away.\n\nShall we get you booked in tomorrow after college?'\n\n//Tomorrow!!?// You nod vigorously.\n\nDr Brae smiles and gets to her feet, offering her hand to you.\n\n'I very much look forward to seeing you soon <<print $fnom>>.\n\n<<if $Mumknows is true>>Bye Rachel!' she waves.<<endif>>\n\nShe walks to the door but pauses a moment to look back at you. 'Very soon.' she echoes before [[leaving]].\n
//OMG - yay! They haven't forgotten about you!//\n\n'Yeah, sure!' you [[text back|Charlie x]].\n\n<<set $text = "false">>
\n@@color:#ffe8ff;line-height: 2px;letter-spacing:3px;font-size:3.2em;//''[[Sleepovers|Mon wake 1]]''//@@\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/u1.jpg">[[Skip ahead?|presetmon1]]\n<<if tags().includes("rui")>>\n<<removeclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<<else>>\n<<addclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<</if>>\n/%<p style="padding: 10px;"><p style="font-size: 3.4em;">//''[[Sleepovers|Mon wake 1]]''//</p></p>\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/u1.jpg">\ngrid-gap: 10px;\n<p style="font-size: 3.4em;">//''[[Sleepovers|Mon wake 1]]''//</p>\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/u1.jpg">\n\n\n<p style="font-size: 3.4em;"><p style="border-size: 1em;">//''[[Sleepovers|Mon wake 1]]''//</p></p>%/
You arse around doing this and that and before you know it your day's over.\n\nYour Mother texts you to let you know you need to feed yourself tonight as she'll be out this evening.\n\nFeeling somewhat down, you call it a night and [[go to bed|friam1]].
Jacuzzi Lagoon\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/wnw/jl.jpg">\n\n<<if $jjet is 3>>Your breathing becomes erratic and you feel like you're going to explode.\n\nYou stay just a few moments more, pushing your ass down against the water jet while trying to ignore the sense that you're being watched.\n\nYou feel like you're going to cum. Waves of pleasure flow throughout your whole body and cause you to gasp aloud.\n\nYou feel your own little jet squirt inside your <<if $trunks is true>>trunks<<else>>bathing suit<<endif>> and you slip, blissfully off the Jacuzzi and [[lie quietly in the warm shallows|l][$jjet = 0, $jacuzzicum = true]].<<elseif $jjet is 2>>You bite your lip and remain perched upon the jet of water.\n\nMaybe you should [[move off it now|l][$jjet = 0]] [[but you really don't want to move from this spot.|l][$jjet = 3]]<<elseif $jjet is 1>>'Oooh.'\n\nThe noise escapes your lips as the sensation flows through you. You think maybe you ought to [[move off it|l][$jjet = 0]] before somebody sees [[but it feels so good!|l][$jjet = 2]]<<else>><<if $jacuzzicum is true>>The jacuzzi jets look inviting.<<else>>You remember when you were a kid, there was a water park you'd occasionally visit which had similar Jacuzzi jets. You'd sit on them and wonder if anyone knew why.\n\n<<endif>>Nobody seems to be looking. Maybe you could [[sit on one now|l][$jjet = 1]].<<endif>>\n\nFrom here you can reach the [[beach area|b][$jjet = 0]] or return to the [[wave pool|wnw][$jjet = 0]].\n
Soon, the cab has pulled up outside Charlie’s and the pair of you get out. Again, Charlie insists on paying.\nBeing as you are both some way beyond tipsy, the pair of you giggle all the way to her front door but inside, the mood changes and you find yourself face to face with her in the darkness.\n\nHer warm breath fuels your excitement.\n\n‘Are you ready for your turn now <<print $fnom>>?’ she asks you seductively.\n\nYou’re so hot right now. Ever since meeting Charlie, you’d fantasised being with her but never as your female persona. Now it’s happening like this, it doesn’t seem to matter. //It’s even kinda sexy.// You’d always enjoyed a bit of lesbian porn but never imagined you’d get to actually //be// one of them!\n\n‘Yes.’ You say breathlessly – your heart battering your ribcage.\n\nShe leans in and gives you a gentle kiss full on the lips...\n\n\n\n...before taking your hand and leading you up to [[her bedroom]].
Single Mum, mollycoddling secretly wishes she had a daughter.\nBig Sis – secretly wishes she had a little sister\nBoth of the above.\nAdoptive Parents – are you on drugs?\nBoys Rule – Mum, Dad and two boys.\nAll Girls - Mum and two older sisters.\n
create skip content version\n\nif bush, wearing make up? mum sees?\n\nhorny with/without appt?\n\nhow to move on w/ vars? ie. $appt? $tf? (in use) $process?\n\nI think $pro = # (implemented) (set $appt false when $pro updated so var may be reused)\n\ni think mix of $pro and body type vars will distinguish what will be executed\n\n(from storyinit)\n<<set $cup = - 3>> /%0=fem face 1-6=a-f %/\n<<set $d = 4>> /% dick size " %/
Do this dream sequence\n\ndo you find out about Marco twice?\n\nif pro = 1, 1hr\n\nelse\n\nif plum is true, 10 mins\n\nelseif mgplum is true, 10 mins\n\nelseif Mtoy2lib is true, 10 mins
The Mall is a palace of glass and clean white walls, set in a chalk quarry and surrounded by sparkling water and lush green gardens.\n\nCharlie parks up and the lot of you bundle out onto the tarmac.\n\n‘//Nice// parking Charlie!’ Aiya says.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/ride/mall.jpg">\n\nYou follow along with the girls along a walkway and [[into the mall]].
what's going on!!!?\n\nif change - if sent/or not c response\n\t\t-appt or no\n\t\t- no mtoy\n\nif schboy - straight home\n\t\t- no mtoy\n
add to 'You'\n\n<\ngif of boyish looks\nandrongenous face\npretty features\ngorgeous/super cute\nstunning/adorable\n>\n\n<\nlittle nipples on a flat chest\npuffy nipples on a flat chest\nbee sting tits with puffy nipples\nfirm, A-cup tits with pointy nipples\n\npuffy nipples on A-cup breasts\nFull A-Cup titties with suckable nipples\n\n\n\n<\ngif of tight boyish bum\n\ntiny round bum\n\nperky little bubble butt\n\njiggly heart shaped ass\n\nplump ass\n>
woods plan - \n\nmake list of areas long lat using the map that will be used and implement them with simple text to confirm you're in the right place.\n\nAdd a scenario.\n\nAdd a chance event.\n\nAdd a conditional event with another conditional event if the first event has already happened.
/%//<p style="color:#ffe8ff;">S</p><p style="color:#ccffff;">l</p><p style="color:#ffe8ff;">e</p><p style="color:#ccffff;">e</p><p style="color:#ffe8ff;">p</p><p style="color:#ccffff;">o</p><p style="color:#ffe8ff;">v</p><p style="color:#ccffff;">e</p><p style="color:#ffe8ff;">r</p><p style="color:#ccffff;">s</p>//\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/00000flat.jpg">\n<<if $woods is true>>\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1][$o = 1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1][$o = 1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1][$o = 1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1][$o = 1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png">\n\n<<set $thing = false>>\n<<if $thing is false>>false<<elseif $thing is true>>true<<else>>pff<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<print $long>><<print $lat>>\n<<print "$o">>%/
Sports Psychology\n\nBusiness Psychology\n\nClinical Psychology\n\n
<<if $spa is false>><<if $spavisit is 1>><img src="Sleep_img/spa/spash1.gif">\n\n//Yes, these girls seem well aquinted.// you decide.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/spa/spash2.gif">\n\nYou stand there, unsure what to do but hide the only part of you that would betray your sex.\n\n'There you are!' Bibi says, stating what you now feel is all too obvious.\n\n'This is your new friend is it Bibi?' one of the women asks.\n\n'I thought that was some boy?'\n\n'That's her.' Sasha says. '...she's still got some boy bits haven't you darling?'\n\nYou shrivel into yourself just a little bit further.\n\n'Aw, come on in, we're all girls here.' says another. 'Doesn't matter what you've got between your legs.'\n\nHesitantly, you step forward. Before you know it, hands reach inside your arms and you're hauled in amongst them.\n\nIt's an anarchistic frenzy of soapy hands and breasts and there's nowhere to hide.\n\nBy the the time everybody is as clean as any person has a right to be, the other girls say gooodbye and head into the changing rooms while you follow Sasha and Bibi into [[the spa]].\n<<elseif $spavisit is 2>><<else>><<endif>><<else>><<endif>>
<<if $sporty is "true">>You walk up to a group while one of them is flexing his bicep for the others to see.\n\n'...about a thousand reps of each before my morning protein shake. It's no biggy.'\n\n'Er hi.' You cut in.\n\nThe muscle flexer's face fills your field of view.\n\n'Why are you talking to me.'\n\n'I - uh...' you start.\n\n'Go A-way.' he tells you.\n\n'Aw leave him be Ricky. Don't be such a jerk.'\n\nYou look to the owner of the voice. A stunning redhead - one of the bimbos.\n\n'Hey cutie. You can hang with us if you like.'\n\nYES - SHE IS ACTUALLY TALKING TO YOU\n\n'Uh, okay.' you happily accept the offer, allowing her to take you by the hand.\n\nYou hear the sporty kid let out a snort of amusement behind you as the redhead leads you over to her group of [[friends|meet the girls]].\n\n<<else>>No way. Those guys look like absolute tools.\n<<back>>\n<<endif>>
Inch by inch and ever so carefully, you crawl on your belly, sliding along the carpet at the base of the sofa.\n\nYou can hear your Mother's pussy making wet sounds as she moans softly to herself.\n\nYou're so close now. If you looked up you're sure you could see her finger fucking her pussy.\n\n//But what if you get caught!!?// the prospect fills you with dread but in this moment it all just feeds your excitement.\n\nEver so gradually, you shift your weight onto your hands and push yourself up.\n\nSuddenly, she gasps and shifts the position of her leg.\n\nFor a moment you think you've been rumbled.\n\nYou freeze in panic.\n\nFor a second.\n\nAnd then another.\n\nAnd another.\n\nYou gently exhale in relief. You can hear the sound of her breath catching in ecstacy and the sound of her moist cunt, so very close to your head.\n\nYou imagine your super ego silently ranting at your id to get the fuck out of there before you get caught.\n\n...but you can't. Her moans draw you back and the sound of her pussy causes you to salivate.\n\nYou can taste her ever so slightly in the air.\n\n[[You have to look]].
Tue - cmcharlie/cmsasha\n\nset $desirecs = 0>>\ndesire cl ""
<<if $leaveloo is true>>Outside the toilets, you walk past a jukebox and back into the main bar.\n\nYou quite fancy seeing if there's anything decent on the [[jukebox|lloo][$leaveloo = false, $jukebox = true]] but maybe you ought to [[save what little money you have|lloo][$leaveloo = false, $nojuke = true]].\n\n<<elseif $jukebox is true>><img src="Sleep_img/JCB/jb.jpg">\n\nYou start flicking through the playlist. It seems to have everything from 50's blues to contemporary electro.\n\nYou drop a coin in and easily find a decent selection of five tracks to play.\n\nYou're just selecting the fifth when a couple of guys come walking in your direction.\n\n//Shit.//\n\nYou recognise one of them as Craig from school and he's not one of the ones you were hoping to see again.\n\nYour mind races. //Maybe he won't recognise me...maybe he'll walk straight by...but what if he does...and here I am in a dress and heels!\n\nWhat are you going to do <<print $fnom>>? [[Play it cool|lloo][$jukebox = false, $pic = true, $tooslow = false]] or get [[out of sight|lloo][$jukebox = false, $oos = true, $tooslow = false]]?// <<set $jukebox = false>><<set $tooslow = true>><<timed 28s>><<goto lloo>><</timed>>\n<<elseif $nojuke is true>>You decide to save your coins as you don't really have enough for the evening as it is.\n\nAs you return to the front bar, you see Sasha taking her seat between the guys but before you can get back to them a guy stops you. \n\nYour heart sinks as you recognise Craig from your old school in Crapton.\n\n'Oyyye!'\n\n//Oh fuck.//\n\n'Hey, what's your name sexy?'\n\nYou're relieved that he doesn't recognise you at least.\n\n'Sorry but my friends are waiting for me-' you tell him as you make a move to get by but he stops you.\n\n'Oi, don't be rude now. What about you and I get to know each other, yeah?'\n\nHis mate just stands there grinning inanely.\n\n'Uh, no.' you tell him flatly.\n\nHe laughs. 'You're only saying that 'cos you don't know what I'm packing and check these bad boys out.' He lifts up his shirt.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/twat.jpg">\n\n'Yeah...' he says nodding to himself. 'Now you're having second thoughts.'\n\n'Fuck off.' you tell him and try to get by again. Craig moves in front of you, putting a hand toward your chest.\n\nBefore his hand can touch you it's slapped away.\n\n'I think you need to leave now mate.' Jay tells him.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/Jay.jpg">\n\nCraig starts protesting his innocence but he trails off and his face falls.\n\nYou hear Kai's deep, gravelly voice directly behind you. 'He said leave.'\n\nYou realise you have both Kai and Cassius standing either side of you like vast sentinels.\n\nCraig makes for the door in a hurry.\n\n'You too.' Jay tells Craig's mate, who needs no further instruction.\n\n'Thanks for the assistance guys.' Jay tells them. 'How about a round on me?'\n\nHeads turn as a couple of killer hotties walk into the bar.\n\n'You made it!' Sasha cheers.\n\n<<if $pro is 1>>Bibi starts manically screeching again even though she's already seen the new you.\n\n'Eeeep! See Charlie!? I said! Didn't I say!?'\n\n<<if $change is true>>For the second time, you've managed to leave Charlie short of words but she finds some eventually.<<else>>For the first time, you've managed to leave Charlie short of words but she finds some eventually.<<endif>>\n\n'<<print $fnom>>, you look fantastic.' she shakes her head, smiling. 'I think we need to catch up a bit don't we?' she says. '[[Who's for a drink?|jcbend]]'\n\n<<else>>'Hey <<print $fnom>>!' Bibi chirps.\n\n'Hiya gorgeous!' Charlie smiles disarmingly as she sidles up next to you. '[[Who's for a drink?|jcbend]]'\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $pic is true>>//Relax <<print $fnom>>, he's not likely to recognise you anyway.//\n\n'Oyyye!'\n\n//Oh fuck.//\n\n'Hey, what's your name sexy?'\n\nYou're relieved that he doesn't recognise you at least.\n\n'Sorry but my friends are waiting for me-' you tell him as you make a move to get by but he stops you.\n\n'Oi, don't be rude now. What about you and I get to know each other, yeah?'\n\nHis mate just stands there grinning inanely.\n\n'Uh, no.' you tell him flatly.\n\nHe laughs. 'You're only saying that 'cos you don't know what I'm packing and check these bad boys out.' He lifts up his shirt.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/twat.jpg">\n\n'Yeah...' he says nodding to himself. 'Now you're having second thoughts.'\n\n'Fuck off.' you tell him and try to get by again. Craig moves in front of you, putting a hand toward your chest.\n\nBefore his hand can touch you it's [[snatched away|lloo][$pic = false, $snatched = true]].\n\n<<elseif $tooslow is true>>//Oh shit oh shit oh shit!//\n\nYou flapped about too long and it's to late to get out of sight so you just pretend to be looking for tunes on the jukebox.\n\n'Oyyye!' Craig grabs a handful of your ass.\n\nYou turn and back away in fear.\n\n'Alright love, don't act like you didn't like it.' Craig says, leering at you salaciously. They both seem coked up. \n\nYou try to walk past but he stops you.\n\n'Oi, don't be rude now. What about you and I get to know each other, yeah?'\n\nHis mate just stands there grinning inanely.\n\n'Uh, no.' you tell him flatly.\n\nHe laughs. 'You're only saying that 'cos you don't know what I'm packing and check these bad boys out.' He lifts up his shirt.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/twat.jpg">\n\n'Yeah...' he says nodding to himself. 'Now you're having second thoughts. What's your name sexy?'\n\n'Fuck off.' you tell him and try to get by again. Craig moves in front of you, putting a hand toward your chest.\n\nBefore his hand can touch you it's [[snatched away|lloo][$tooslow = false, $snatched = true]].\n\n<<elseif $oos is true>>You scramble under a nearby table and watch them go by and into the gents.\n\n'Whew, that was close.' you think to yourself and make a move to go.\n\nYou can hear a couple of guys walking down this way from the back so you wait for them to pass before getting out from under the table.\n\nUnfortunately [[it’s their table you're under|lloo][$oos = false, $undtab = true]].\n\n<<elseif $snatched is true>>/%Meet Johnny and Renz%/There's a middle aged guy casually holding Craig's hand in a position that seems to be causing him to stand in an awkward position with an expression of intense discomfort.\n\n'Uh, 'scuse me lad, is this your hand?' The stranger asks Craig pleasantly.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Johnny/jb.jpg">\n\nYou look over at Craig's mate who has frozen on the spot. He seems to recognise the man and looks about to soil himself. \n\nCraig, wincing, just nods vigorously.\n\n'Can I suggest you keep a closer eye on it?' the stranger continues in a friendly and relaxed manner. '...because next time it goes wandering, you might lose it. Are we on the same page?' he asks Craig, smiling hopefully.\n\nCraig nods vigorously once again.\n\nThe stranger beams delightedly. 'That's lovely, now don't you need to be somewhere else?' he tells them both.\n\nThey seem to agree that they do.\n\nHe releases Craig, who backs away, nursing his arm. 'Off you pop then.' he tells Craig, whose mate is already out of the door. As Craig scuttles off after him, the stranger calls out 'See you again!' before turning to you.\n\n'Sorry about that silliness.' he says.\n\n'No, thank you.' you tell him.\n\n'Are you okay?' he asks. ' 'Scuse me not wringing out an apology but I reckon a coerced apology is even less use to a person than a regular one.'\n\nYou acknowledge the comment with a nervous smile.\n\n'Well... I'll leave you to it anyway.' he says. 'Enjoy the rest of your night huh?' he tells you.\n\nYour first song starts playing on the juke box.\n\nA voice says the name of the band, track and album it was off, then expresses his approval.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Renz/Renzjcb.jpg">\n\nYou hadn't noticed the second, somewhat younger looking guy perched nonchalantly against the edge of a nearby table. He and the older guy seem to know each other.\n\n//You could [[stay and chat|lloo][$snatched = false, $sac = true]] but maybe you ought to [[get back to your group|lloo][$snatched = false, $gbtyg = true]].//\n\n<<elseif $undtab is true>>As the two guys take their seats either side of the table, you crouch there, trying to make yourself as small as possible between their legs - which thankfully are well man-spread.\n\n//Jeez, what the fuck is in his jeans!?//\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Johnny/wowaa.jpg">\n\nSomehow they don't seem to notice you there and they resume their conversation. Judging by their voices, the one behind you is younger and the one whose crotch you find your head next to, has a low, gravelly voice and it's he who speaks first.\n\n'So I'll be back in a week. You have until then to get your guys in order if we're to make the deadline.'\n\n'It'll be done Johnny.'\n\n'It needs to be. I know Diego's your blood an' all but he's not a guy to let down.'\n\n'We've done all this Johnny, nobody's twisting my arm - I came to him.'\n\n'I know Renz, and I know you can handle yourself but you know what Malek will do to us if this goes sour?'\n\n'No - what?'\n\n'Fuck, I don't know Renz but it's not gonna be nice, it'll take weeks and we won't walk away from it. If we're lucky he'll snuff us.'\n\n'Johnny, we've got a plan and we've got better stuff than anything else out there on the market - it's more potent than acid and it's less harmful than caffene. Malek's a fool for not wanting it. People are gonna come back for more because it's good - we don't need 'em to be hooked.'\n\n'Well I hope you and Diego are right, 'cos this is playing with fire working on Malek's turf.'\n\n//Oh my holy fuck - what am I hearing!?// you wonder.\n\nThe guy behind you shifts and his shoe brushes against your ass. For a moment you think you've been caught but they resume talking.\n\n'Okay so are there any lines you're struggling with?' says the one in front of you.\n\n'Yeah, so the bit where I'm about to get killed by the henchman - can we go though that bit?'\n\n'Oh, yeah - sure.' says the one in front. 'So I'll be the henchman...'\n\n//Oh thank fuck for that!// you think.\n\n'...You...fucking...bitch.' says the one in front of you. 'I'm gonna shoot your weasely little ass right fucking now.' he says in a slightly different but thoroughly unconvincing voice. You don't want to judge too soon but he doesn't seem like a very good actor.\n\n'Yeah - fuck you Mungo!' says the one behind you slightly more convincingly. 'You're a useless sack of lard and you can't shoot for shit anyway so take your shot penis breath.'\n\n'Pchiow!' goes the one in front of you.\n\n'Pchow pchow!' goes the one behind you. 'That's what you get Mungo you fat piece of shit!' You hear him pretend to hock a lugey, presumably upon the recently deceased henchman.\n\n'Right, and then I just do a pose like this and jump out of the window.' says the one behind you. 'How was that?'\n\n'Yeah, nice.' says the one in front of you. 'Right, well I'm going for a slash.' he continues. 'Go put some tunes on will you?'\n\n'On it.' says the younger one.\n\nThe pair of them get up from the table, the older one heads to the gents and the other to the juke box.\n\n//Now's the time to make a [[move|lloo][$undtab = false, $tabletalk = true]]!//\n\n<<elseif $tabletalk is true>>You scramble out and try your best to look casual as you walk towards the front bar.\n\nWhen you get there, you see Sasha taking her seat between the guys but before you can get back to them a guy stops you. \n\nYour heart sinks as you recognise Craig from your old school in Crapton.\n\n'Oyyye!'\n\n//Oh fuck.//\n\n'Hey, what's your name sexy?'\n\nYou're relieved that he doesn't recognise you at least.\n\n'Sorry but my friends are waiting for me-' you tell him as you make a move to get by but he stops you.\n\n'Oi, don't be rude now. What about you and I get to know eachother, yeah?'\n\nHis mate just stands there grinning innanely.\n\n'Uh, no.' you tell him flatly.\n\nHe laughs. 'You're only saying that 'cos you don't know what I'm packing and check these bad boys out.' He lifts up his shirt.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/twat.jpg">\n\n'Yeah...' he says nodding to himself. 'Now you're having second thoughts.'\n\n'Fuck off.' you tell him and try to get by again. Craig moves in front of you, putting a hand toward your chest.\n\nBefore his hand can touch you it's slapped away.\n\n'I think you need to leave now mate.' Jay tells him.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/JCB/Jay.jpg">\n\nCraig starts protesting his innocence but he trails off and his face falls.\n\nYou hear Kai's deep, gravelly voice directly behind you. 'He said leave.'\n\nYou realise you have both Kai and Cassius standing either side of you like vast sentinels.\n\nCraig makes for the door in a hurry.\n\n'You too.' Jay tells Craig's mate, who needs no further instruction.\n\n'Thanks for the assistance guys.' Jay tells them. 'How about a round on me?'\n\nHeads turn as a couple of killer hotties walk into the bar.\n\n'You made it!' Sasha cheers.\n\n<<if $pro is 1>>Bibi starts manically screetching again even though she's already seen the new you.\n\n'Eeeep! See Charlie!? I said! Didn't I say!?'\n\n<<if $change is true>>For the second time, you've managed to leave Charlie short of words but she finds some eventually.<<else>>For the first time, you've managed to leave Charlie short of words but she finds some eventually.<<endif>>\n\n'<<print $fnom>>, you look fantastic.' she shakes her head, smiling. 'I think we need to catch up a bit don't we?' she says. '[[Who's for a drink?|jcbend]]'\n\n<<else>>'Hey <<print $fnom>>!' Bibi chirps.\n\n'Hiya gorgeous!' Charlie smiles disarmingly as she sidles up next to you. '[[Who's for a drink?|jcbend]]'\n\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $sac is true>>/%stay and chat%/You decide to allow these guys to introduce themselves to you as they seem pretty friendly.\n\n'Thanks.' you tell the younger guy. 'It's one of my favourites.'\n\n'Mine to.' says the younger guy, offering his hand. 'I'm Renz.'\n\nYou take his hand and tell him yours. '<<print $fnom>>.'\n\nHe smiles charmingly and introduces you to the guy who dealt with Craig and his mate.\n\n'Pleased to meet you Johnny.' you tell the older guy.\n\n'Very pleased to meet you Miss.' he tells you sweetly.\n\n'Well I'd best get back to my friends now.' you tell them.\n\n'Of course.' Johnny says while Renz just pouts comically.\n\nYou swap farewells before returning to [[the others|lloo][$sac = false, $cb = true]].\n<<set $Renz_known = true>><<set $Johnny_known = true>>\n<<elseif $gbtyg is true>>You get back to Sasha and the guys just as Charlie and Bibi enter the bar.\n\n<<if $pro is 1>>Bibi starts manically screetching again even though she's already seen the new you.\n\n'Eeeep! See Charlie!? I said! Didn't I say!?'\n\n<<if $change is true>>For the second time, you've managed to leave Charlie short of words but she finds some eventually.<<else>>For the first time, you've managed to leave Charlie short of words but she finds some eventually.<<endif>>\n\n'<<print $fnom>>, you look fantastic.' she shakes her head, smiling. 'I think we need to catch up a bit don't we?' she says. '[[Who's for a drink?|jcbend]]'\n\n<<else>>'Hey <<print $fnom>>!' Bibi chirps.\n\n'Hiya gorgeous!' Charlie smiles disarmingly as she sidles up next to you. '[[Who's for a drink?|jcbend]]'\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $cb is true>>You find your way back to the front bar where Sasha's sitting with the guys. A blonde and a redhead are standing by Cassius, chatting with him.\n\n<<if $ca is "n">>//Well Cassius seems to be a hit with the ladies.// you think before realising they're anything but ladies.<<else>>//Well Cassius seems to be a hit with the ladies.// you think and feel an unexpected pang of what can only be described as jealousy.\n\n...before realising they're anything but ladies.<<endif>>\n\n'Hey girls.' you say nonchalantly.\n\nCharlie and Bibi turn to face you <<if $pro is 1>>and the latter starts manically screetching again even though she's already seen the new you.\n\n'Eeeep! See Charlie!? I said! Didn't I say!?'\n\n<<if $change is true>>For the second time, you've managed to leave Charlie short of words but she finds some eventually.<<else>>For the first time, you've managed to leave Charlie short of words but she finds some eventually.<<endif>>\n\n'<<print $fnom>>, you look fantastic.' Charlie gasps, before greeting you with a kiss on the cheek and a loving embrace. She shakes her head, smiling. 'I think we need to catch up a bit don't we?' she says. '[[Who's for a drink?|jcbend]]'<<else>>'Hey <<print $fnom>>!' Bibi chirps.\n\n'Hiya gorgeous!' Charlie smiles disarmingly and hugs you tightly. '[[Who's for a drink?|jcbend]]' she offers.<<endif>>\n\n<<else>><<set $leaveloo = true>><<goto lloo>><<endif>>\n
Ms Ella Kline - Psychoanalyst at G-Tec\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/profile.jpg">
The following moment of clarity comes with a tide of panic.\n\nAs quickly and as silently as you can, you slide back along the bottom of the sofa and creep back out through the living room door.\n\nYou’re pretty sure she didn’t see you thankfully. You don’t know what you would have done if she had – or what she would have done for that matter.\n\nYou creep back upstairs feeling a bit guilty for peeping on your Mother getting herself off //but why was she playing with her pussy in the front room with the door open anyway!?//\n\nThe notion that she wanted you to see her pops into your perverted mind again but you discard it as foolishness.\n\nYou can't deny the thought makes you horny though.\n\nYou open the door to your bedroom and [[go inside|Suneve1]].
Mum (<<print $mum>>)\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/Rachel p.jpg">\n<<back>>
The day's lesson outlines the basics in child psychology and development of thought.\n\n<<if $appt is true>>You find it difficult to concentrate because you just keep wondering what questions you might be asked at GeneTec.\n\n//Will there be some sort of a test?//\n\n//What if I don't pass?//\n\nAdditionally, as diligent a student Obi seems to be, he still finds time distracting you with childish banter.<<else>>For some reason, you struggle to concentrate on the day's lesson and as diligent a student Obi seems to be, he still finds time distracting you with childish banter.<<endif>>\n\nYou can't help but find him <<cyclinglink "$ob" "amusing" "mildly irritating">>\n\nBreak time comes and goes, then lunch and before you know it, [[the days schooling is over]].\n
You get an ice cream. It's yummy.\n<img src="Sleep_img/beach/ics.jpg">\n[[>>|beach]]
You’re at a complete loss until one of the others mouths something like ‘fimir’.\n\n‘Er – fimir?’ you offer.\n\nThe podgy kid looks annoyed. ‘Nnno! Fimirs are extinct! You clearly know nothing.’\n\nYou shrug. ‘Whatever.’\n\nSome of the others give you apologetic glances as you [[shuffle off elsewhere|social butterfly]].\n
<<timed 3s>><<goto Sat1amwake>><</timed>>\n<<set $d = 6>><<set $w = 1>>
Sauna\n\n[[out|the spa]]
<<switch $in>>\n<<case 0>>/%(m not le)%/<<if $Oedipus is true>><<else>><</if>>\n\nLater on, the pair of you are cosied up on the sofa together watching TV.\n\n<<if $aubergine is true>>When the movie's finished, you chat about it for a while before you decide to breach another subject.\n\n'Sooo...\n\n...did you do anything nice last night?' You ask innocently.\n\n'I may have had company.' Your Mother blushes.\n\n'I made a meal for us both.'<<if $aub is 0>> She says. 'I was going to do a ratatouille'\n\n'I felt sure we had an aubergine in the fridge but alas no. - You didn't use it did you?'\n\nYou pull your face tight and shake you head in puzzlement.\n\n'...anyway, I russled up some home made spinach gnocci instead and it wasn't too bad.'\n\nYou know that 'not too bad' by her standards means //nothing short of perfect//.\n<<elseif $aub is 1>> She says. 'I made us a pretty good ratatouille.'\n\nYou know that 'pretty good' by her standards means //nothing short of perfect//.\n\n//Ratatouille...?//\n\nYou try your best to look normal.\n\n'Ratatouille has aubergine in it right?'\n\n'Yes of course.' Your Mother replies. 'Why?'\n\n'...oh...no reason.' You smile toothily. 'So it was nice then?'\n\n'We enjoyed it.'\n\n'Cool, cool.'\n\nChanging the subject seems like a good bet so you ask her if she has plans for the evening.<</if>><<else>>When the movie's finished, you chat about it for a while before the conversation threads onto plans for the evening.<</if>>\n\nAs if she'd been listening in, your phone bleeps with a [[text from Charlie|your phone bleeps][$in = 1]].\n\n<<case 1>>You read a censored version out to your Mum.\n\n'Oh, that'll be lovely then!' Your Mother replies. She gives you a little squeeze. 'Well that works out okay then - I was hoping to have company tonight.'\n\n'Oh?' You enquire.\n\nYour Mother coyly finds the words. 'The gentleman I've been spending time with lately... he wants to take me out tonight.'\n\n<<if $feel is "Disgusted">>'Oh... that'll be nice then.' You tell her.\n\nShe twists her mouth at your thinly veiled disapproval.\n\n'Aw, honey.' She says, giving you a squeeze.<<else>>'Oh cool!' You exclaim enthusiastically.\n\nShe beams at your reaction and gives you a warm hug.\n\n'Aw, my sweet little girl.' She sighs.<</if>> 'You know there'll never be anyone more [[special|stayin][$in = 2]] to me than you.'\n\n<<case 2>>After that, you both decide to start getting ready for your evenings.\n\nYou go downstairs and put your clothes in the wash, switching the machine onto the cycle you want and pressing the start button. The machine responds with a bleep before commencing the wash.\n\nBack up in your room, you lie on your bed, laying on your front with your feet in the air while you respond to Charlie's text.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>You respond promptly to tell her you'll be there.\n\nYou really feel like she's starting to forgive you for letting her down. //What was it you did again?// You can't quite remember but you're sure you did and you're determined to make it up to her.\n\n//Tonight you'll get back into her good books.// You tell yourself and [[resolve yourself to do what it takes.|get yourself ready]]<<else>>Yeah, sure Charlie! [[See you 7ish then. X|get yourself ready]]<<endif>>\n\n<</switch>>\n\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>><</if>>\n\n\n\n
<<click "Cycling">>\n<<set $cyclinglink1 = $cyclinglink1+1>>\n<<if $cyclinglink1 == 4>>\n<<set $cyclinglink1 = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<goto Cycle_link>>\n<<endclick>>\n\n<<if $cyclinglink1 == 1>>\nlink 1\n<<elseif $cyclinglink1 == 2>>\nlink 2\n<<elseif $cyclinglink1 == 3>>\nlink 3\n<<endif>>\n\n_\nvar\n\n<<set $cyclinglink1 = 1>>\n<<set $cyclinglink2 = 1>>\n<<set $cyclinglink3 = 1>>\n<<set $cycle = "goto green or set variable as green for example">>
Kids Playground\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/park/playground.jpg">\n\nGo to [[tennis courts]].\nGo to [[pavillion]].\nGo to [[park toilets]].\nGo to [[grassy bank]].
'Yuss!' You exclaim, mightily clutching the air.\n\nYou send Charlie your address and proceed in [[dancing around the room]].\n\n<<set $text = "false">>
Outside Dr Brae's office, she takes you down the hall with Sasha following close behind.\n\nDr Brae gently raps against the door to her husbands office.\n\n'Y'ello!' you hear him call from inside.\n\n'I have somebody here to see you.' She tells her husband and makes way for you to step inside.\n\nFor a moment he's caught off guard and you see his jaw go slack before he can compose himself.\n\n'Well well, if it isn't the new - and might I say - improved Miss <<print $snom>>?'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sfam/Idris4.jpg">\n\n'Please, come in.' he asks kindly. 'Might I take a look at you?' he adds.\n\nYou step up to him with a mix of pride and embarrassment.\n\n'Wow.' he says softly. 'This is incredible.' he looks across to his wife. 'Hyper-elasticity?' he asks.\n\n'That's my bet.' she responds.\n\n'Well...' he says, inviting you to turn for him. 'You're a beautiful girl now Miss <<print $snom>>. If you wish to continue trials with us, please let us know, otherwise I wish you all the best with your new life.'\n\nYou giggle and thank him.\n\nHe asks Dr Brae something //sciency//.\n\n'6cm flaccid and partially retracted testes.' she responds. 'I've not conducted a thorough test.'\n\nYou blush when you realise they're talking about your privates.\n\n'Should we..?' Professor Brae starts.\n\n'I think we ought to book her in soon.' his wife pre-emts.\n\nYour Mother and the Brae's show you back to the lobby (despite both knowing the way well enough by now) and your Mother gives you a parting hug before you leave.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/hug.jpg">\n\nAs you get in the car, Sasha's phone bleeps. She looks at it a moment and sends a quick text before getting in behind the wheel.\n\n'Bibi's already [[at the Mall]].' she tells you.\n\n
<<if $schboy is true>>Charlie sees you heading for the gate with Obi and calls you over.\n\nThankfully she's a little more discrete with the humiliation before letting you go.\n\n'What was that about?' Obi asks you. 'They're in our class huh? You don't know them do you?' he asks.\n\n//Good question. Do you?// 'Not really.' you tell him.\n\nThe two of you walk back chatting together.\n\nIt turns out that Obi's originally from Weston - an area almost as shitty as your home town.\n\nYou share stories of your experiences in growing up in violent and impoverished areas. It's refreshing to have a friend who knows what it's like.\n\nThe walk is over too soon and you're actually looking forward to your next walk [[home|thuearly]] with him.\n\n<<else>>You suddely realise you're going to need to change before arriving home but you can't back out now you've already told Obi you'd walk with him.\n\n//Maybe if I get my things from Charlie, I can sneak indoors. Mum shouldn't be home by then anyway.//\n\nIt's a risky plan but you seem to enjoy a little risk these days so that's what you decide to do.\n\nYou tell him to wait a moment while you go over to where the girls are having their post-college natter and fetch your clothes from Charlie's backseat. \n<<if $Charliesub is true>>\nThankfully she's a little more discrete with the humiliation before letting you go.<<endif>>\n\n'What did you get?' he asks innocently.\n\n'Oh, nothing interesting.' you respond guiltily.\n\nThe two of you walk back chatting together.\n\nIt turns out that Obi's originally from Weston - an area almost as shitty as your home town.\n\nYou share stories of your experiences in growing up in violent and impoverished areas. It's refreshing to have a friend who knows what it's like.\n\nThe walk is over too soon and you're actually looking forward to your next walk [[home|thuearly]] with him.\n\n<<set $obiwalk = true>><<endif>>\n
<<if $woods is true and $nsew is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t<<elseif $woods is true and $nse is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $nsw is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $new is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $sew is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $ne is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $se is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $sw is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $nw is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t<<elseif $woods is true and $n is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $s is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $e is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n\t\t\t\t\t<<elseif $woods is true and $w is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png">\n<<elseif $woods is true and $ns is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<<elseif $woods is true and $ew is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir n.png][wds][$long = $long +1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir w.png][wds][$lat = $lat -1]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir z.png][wds]][img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir e.png][wds][$lat = $lat +1]]\n<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">[img[Sleep_img/NSEW/dir s.png][wds][$long = $long -1]]<img src="Sleep_img/NSEW/dir b.png">\n<<endif>>
What do you want to do now?\n\nYou could [[study|study]] or use your [[laptop|laptop]].\n\n<<if $alarmset is false>>[[Set your alarm|tue1 eve][$alarmset = true]].<<endif>>\n\n[[Go to bed|End tue1]]\n\n<<set $t = $t + 1>>\n<<set $d = 2>>\n<<set $w = 1>>\n<<set $w = 1>>/%repeated var%/\n<<if $sexmale is "different.">><<set $sexpref = $sexpref - 1>><<else>><<set $sexpref = $sexpref + 1>><<endif>>
‘What’s wrong sugar?’ Sasha asks you. ‘Nervous?’\n\nAll the girls sit and wait for your response.\n\n‘I – it’s just, I’m a bit worried that your brother will see me and realise I’m not a girl.’\n\n‘Ah, Gabe?’ Charlie says. ‘Don’t worry about him. He might look all rough and muscley but he’s a big softy really.’\nShe looks pensive for a moment.\n\n‘...but, you know you’re absolutely right. We’d better play it safe huh? Don’t you think girls?’\n\nThe other girls all look at each other, [[nodding soberly]].\n
Charlie pulls out her car keys and pushes a button. One of the shutters opens, revealing a brand new Mustang Convertible. She hops in and pulls it out onto the drive.\n\n‘In you hop ladies!’ she calls out.\n\nAiya calls shotgun and jumps in the front. You climb in the back between Bibi and Sasha.\n\nYou’re barely all in before Charlie tears off down the road [[towards the Mall]].
Peninsula City is barely more than a micro city and well designed so it doesn't take long before you're at your destination.\n\nThe building is an impressive sculpture of blue glass and gold trim. There's a stylishly minimalist garden at the front that serves to welcome visitors, sets it away from the street and allows space for architectural appreciation for those so inclined.\n\nTo the right is a car park for visitors which Sasha pulls into.\n<<if $change is true>>You both hop out and make your way into the [[lobby|gt]].<<else>>Your Mum follows her lead and parks in a space nearby.\n\nSasha meets you and your Mother, then shows you into the [[lobby|gt]].<<endif>>\n
/* Create the Right UI Bar. */\nvar $rightUiBar = $('<div id="right-ui-bar" class="stowed"></div>').insertAfter("#ui-bar");\n\nvar rightTray = $rightUiBar.append('<div id="right-ui-bar-tray"><button id="right-ui-bar-toggle" tabindex="0" title="Toggle the Right UI bar" aria-label="Toggle the Right UI bar" type="button"></button></div>');\n\nvar rightBody = $rightUiBar.append('<div id="right-ui-bar-body"></div>');\n\n/* Attach the toggle button click. */\n$rightUiBar.find('#right-ui-bar-toggle').ariaClick({label : "Toggle the Right UI bar"}, () => $rightUiBar.toggleClass('stowed'));\n\n/* Automatically show the contents of the StoryRightSidebar passage in the right-ui-bar-body element. */\npostrender["Display Right Sidebar Contents"] = function (content, taskName) {\n\tsetPageElement('right-ui-bar-body', 'StoryRightSidebar');\n};
Miss Riven outlines the subjects of the brain, the mind and Dualism, the scientific consensus against Dualism.\n\nFollowing that, she talks about neurons, different parts of the brain, the mechanist conception and consciousness and before you know it, it's [[break time]].
Marina\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/marina/marina.jpg">\n\n[[Esplanade|esplanade]]
'Allo!' comes a small voice, seemingly from nowhere.\n\n//Strange.//\n\n<<return>>
‘Er – an orc with one eye?’ you suggest.\n\n'Correct, sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one. Commendations, young padwan.'\n\n'Aren't you mixing realities there?' you ask?\n\nThe others nod solemnly.\n\nThe podgy one seems somewhat incensed. ‘Be off! Be off and plague us no more!’\n\nYou shrug and [[walk off|social butterfly]].
You’re walking down Aiya’s Street now and you’re feeling much more confident. A group of guys pass by and they check you out along with the girls; clearly not aware of what you’re packing in your little white panties. You’ve found the attention gives you quite a thrill; it’s a mixture of pride at being fancied and naughtiness at having this secret.\n\nSoon, you’re at Aiya’s house; by far and away, the most beautiful building on the street.\n\n‘Aiya’s dad’s an architect.’ He designed his own home as well as my parent’s house and a few other notable buildings around town, including the college.‘ Sasha tells you.\n\n‘He designed this?’ You say in wonder as you walk along the garden path.\n\n‘He sure did.’ Aiya confirms, opening the [[front door]].
<<if $schboy is true>><<set $Charliesub = true>>/%reiterated%///Well that was awkward.// you decide to get away before Charlie catches you but no such luck.\n\nShe beckons you over to where she and the girls are having their post-college natter.\n\nYou can't deny that this is making you horny but you walk over pretending otherwise.\n\nThe other girls all greet you pleasantly.\n\n'Hello my little sissy-boy.' Charlie greets you.\n\n'Hello Mistress.'\n\n'Are you ready for your inspection?'\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\n'Come here then.' she orders you. 'Put your hands there.'\n\nYou do as you’re told and put your hands on the bonnet of her car while the others crowd in to obscure the view from passersby.\n\nCharlie pulls down your trousers and pants, exposing your bare ass.\n\nYou're terrified that someone might see but don't protest.\n\nCharlie pulls on the base of the plug. 'Hmm, I think we're overdue an upgrade - what do you think Sissy?'\n\n'I - I don't know Mistress.' you tell her.\n\n'I think you agree with me Pussy Boy.'\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\n'Good - hey! Now what's going on here then!?' she asks, roughly grabbing your stiffy.\n\nShe forces you to turn around and spanks it hard until it goes flaccid.\n\n'Listen to me Sissy Boy.' she says, getting close enough to kiss. 'I don't want to see that get hard ever again okay?'\n\n'Never?' you ask her.\n\nShe seems displeased.\n\n'You remember how hard I made you cum without touching it, don't you Sissy?'\n\nThe girls can hear the conversation clearly and there are a few giggles and titters.\n\n'Yes Mistress.' you admit.\n\n'And you want me to do that for you again don't you?'\n\n'Yes Mistress.' you really do.\n\n'Good, then you'll do as you're told, won't you Sissy?'\n\nThis seems like a life choice not to be taken lightly but you give her the answer she wants to hear.'\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\nShe leaves you standing there with your trousers and pants around your ankles while she gets something from her bag.\n\nYou know what it is before you see it and you obediently hold still while she slaps any remaining rigidity out of your cock.\nWhen she's satisfied, she fits it on your now rather sore genitalia and locks it.\n\nShe takes a step back as if admiring her handiwork. 'There we go - what do we say?'\n\n'Thank you Mistress.'\n\nShe steps up close to you again and whispers in your ear. 'Open your mouth.'\n\nYou do as you're bit and she spits in it. 'My dirty little bitch - off you go then.'\n\nShe lets you leave and you do so still pulling up your trousers.\n\n'See you tomorrow!' she calls after you cheerily.\n\n'Bye <<print $fnom>>!' the others [[chime sweetly|thuearly]].\n\n<<else>>/%change/schlb/schgirl%/<<if $appt is true>>You watch him go, curious about your feelings. After that, you meet up with the others.<<else>>//Well that was awkward.// you think to yourself before rejoining the others.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>The girls all greet you pleasantly.\n\n'Hello my little sissy-girl.' Charlie greets you.\n\n'Hello Mistress.'\n\n'Are you ready for your inspection?'\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\n'Come here then.' she orders you. 'Put your hands there.'\n\nYou do as you’re told and put your hands on the bonnet of her car while the others crowd in to obscure the view from passersby.\n\nCharlie pulls down your knickers, letting them fall around your ankles, and then raises your skirt, exposing your bare ass.\n\nYou're terrified that someone might see but don't protest.\n\nCharlie pulls on the base of the plug. 'Hmm, I think we're overdue an upgrade - what do you think Sissy?'\n\n'I - I don't know Mistress.' you tell her.\n\n'I think you agree with me don't you?'\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\n'Good - hey! Now what's going on here then!?' she asks, grabbing your stiffy.\n\nShe forces you to turn around and spanks it until it goes flaccid.\n\n'Listen to me Sissy.' she says, getting close enough to kiss. 'I don't want to see that get hard ever again okay?'\n\n'Never?' you ask her.\n\nShe seems displeased.\n\n'You remember how hard I made you cum without touching it, don't you Sissy?'\n\nThe girls can hear the conversation clearly and there are a few giggles and titters.\n\n'Yes Mistress.' you admit.\n\n'And you want me to do that for you again don't you?'\n\n'Yes Mistress.' you really do.\n\n'Good, then you'll do as you're told, won't you Sissy?'\n\nThis seems like a life choice not to be taken lightly but you give her the answer she wants to hear.'\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\nShe leaves you standing there with your knickers around your ankles while she gets something from her bag.\n\nYou know what it is before you see it and you obediently hold still while she slaps any remaining rigidity out of your cock.\n\nWhen she's satisfied, she fits it on your now rather sore genitalia and locks it.\n\nShe takes a step back as if admiring her handiwork. 'There we go - what do we say?'\n\n'Thank you Mistress.'\n\nShe steps up close to you again and whispers in your ear. 'Open your mouth.'\n\n<<if $appt is true>>You do as you're told and she plants a wet [[kiss on it|kline]].<<else>>You do as you're told and she plants a wet [[kiss on it|thuearly]].<<endif>>\n\n\n<<else>><<if $appt is true>>/%Cnotsub%/\nYou and the the girls engage in the usual [[post-college natter|kline]].\n\n<<else>>//Well that was awkward.// you decide before rejoining the others.\n\nYou stay and chat for a while before Charlie drops you and Aiya [[home|thuearly]].<<endif>>\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $txtguf is false>>You shut the door behind you and sit on the edge of your bed.\n\nAs you do, you hear your phone bleep.\n\nYou look and see you have a [[new message]] from Charlie!\n\n<<else>>What do you want to do?\n\nYou could [[bum around]], [[study]] or use your [[laptop]].\n\nIt might be nice to [[play with yourself]] for a bit.\n\n<<if $thirsty is true>>Get a [[glass of milk]].<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>[[Fantasise about your Mother]]<<endif>>\n\n<<if $alarmset is false>>[[Set your alarm|Suneve1][$alarmset = true]].<<endif>>\n\n[[Go to bed|End Sun1]]\n\n<<set $t = $t + 1>>\n<<set $d = 7>><<endif>>\n<<if $mcheck is "a man and a woman">><<set $msex = "st">><<elseif $mcheck is "two women">><<set $msex = "le">><<elseif $mcheck is "a man and two women">><<set $msex = "bi">><<elseif $mcheck is "the guy">><<set $msex = "st">><<elseif $mcheck is "the woman">><<set $msex = "le">><<elseif $mcheck is "them both">><<set $msex = "bi">><<endif>>
You can’t believe that you’re actually doing this.\n//You must be crazy// you think but as you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you realise that to a stranger, you’re just a bunch of pretty girls on the way to a party or something.\n\nAiya opens Charlie’s bedroom door. ‘Coming?\n\nYou take a deep breath and let it out. ‘Yup, let’s go.’\n\n‘That-a-girl!’ Charlie says to you supportively nudging you from behind.\n\nYou pull a wry expression back at her before following Aiya out of the door. There’s no sign of Gabe in the living room which is a relief but also, in the back of your mind - kind of disappointing. Understandable, you think to yourself on realising this. He’s a guy, you’re a guy. Guys like the company of other guys, right?\n\nThe girls exit through the front door with an effortlessness that you can’t as yet muster – not least of all for your ridiculously [[high heels]].
You text back to confirm, slip the phone back in your bag, then exhale.\n\n‘Holy shit, I think I might have gotten away with that after all.’ You say with relief before your brow furrows with uncertainty. ‘It is odd she didn’t at least ask you why I wasn’t with you...’ you trail off and stare pensively for a moment before looking up again. ‘Are we getting pissed [[tonight?]]’
Aiya\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Aiya/Aiya p.jpg">\n\nCool and mysterious. You're never quite sure what to make of Aiya as she's often a little reserved. Perhaps she's not quite sure what to make of you yet.\nAiya has a dark, cutting wit but is usually pretty friendly (as long as it's not much before 10am).
Waterfall\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/wnw/wf.jpg">\n\n<<if $co is "girls">>The girls are here with you.<<endif>>\n\nYour Mum <<if $msex is 'le'>>and Ella are here<<else>>is here with Guy the lifeguard<<endif>>.\n<<if $Mumknows is true>>\n\n<<if $Cassius_sex is 1>>When you decide you've had enough for the day, you meet back up with your Mum<<if $msex is 'le'>> and Ella<<else>>- waiting for her to say her farewell to Guy<<endif>>, before heading back en masse to the [[changing rooms|c]]<<else>>When you and the girls have had enough, you head back to the [[changing rooms|c]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Jacuzzi lagoon|l]]\n[[Wave Pool|wnw]]\n\n<<else>>You don't think you can get to the changing rooms from here without being seen.\n\n<<if $co is "girls">>'Hey <<print $fnom>>, do you need us to [[distract your Mum]] again? Charlie asks.'\n\n[[Jacuzzi lagoon|l]]\n[[Wave Pool|wnw]]\n[[Through bushes|f][$fp = -1]]<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n
<button id="debug-bar-watch-toggle" tabindex="0" title="'+c+'" aria-label="'+c+'">'+L10n.get("debugBarLabelWatch")+'</button><label id="debug-bar-watch-label" for="debug-bar-watch-input">'+L10n.get("debugBarLabelAdd")+'</label><input id="debug-bar-watch-input" name="debug-bar-watch-input" type="text" list="debug-bar-watch-list" tabindex="0"><datalist id="debug-bar-watch-list" aria-hidden="true" hidden="hidden"></datalist><button id="debug-bar-watch-add" tabindex="0" title="'+t+'" aria-label="'+t+'"></button><button id="debug-bar-watch-all" tabindex="0" title="'+o+'" aria-label="'+o+'"></button><button id="debug-bar-watch-none" tabindex="0" title="'+u+'" aria-label="'+u+'"></button>
<<if $pro is 1>><<if $txtfc is true>>I won't bottle it Charlie. I told Sasha I'm going so I'm going okay?\n\nCatch up with you [[tomorrow yeah|you decide]]? x<<else>>Hey bitch!\n\nSoz, I'm probably not going to see you til tomorrow but have fun!\n\nPS. Can't wait to see the new you. Sasha says it probably won't happen for a couple of days at least but don't you worry - you're going to look super sexy tonight anyway. I told Sasha to make sure of it. ;)\n\nPPS. Don't think of bottling it cos I'll know if you did.\n\n[[Laters! x|txtfrmc][$txtfc = true]]. x<<endif>><<else>>/%pro = not 1%/<<if $txtfc is true>>I won't bottle it Charlie. I told Sasha I'm going so I'm going okay?\n\nCatch up with you [[tomorrow yeah|you decide]]? x<<else>>Hey bitch!\n\n<<if $change is true>>Soz, <<endif>>I'm probably not going to see you til tomorrow but have fun!\n\nPS. I told Sasha to make sure you look super sexy tonight. ;)\n\nPPS. Don't think of bottling it cos I'll know if you did.\n\n[[Laters! x|txtfrmc][$txtfc = true]]. x<<endif>><<endif>>
‘Sasha!’ the three other girls chime in synchronicity.\n\nSasha smoulders at you. ‘You ready sugar?’\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sasha/00000s.jpg">\n\nYour heart races and you go to say something before realising you have nothing to say. Sasha takes that as a yes and pulls you into a deep, wet kiss.\n\nHer lips are soft and plump and when her tongue enters your mouth you submit to her. //She tastes so good!// You think to yourself.\n\n...and then a dawning realisation rudely interrupts this otherwise wonderful moment...\n\n//I’m tasting Gabes cum!!//\n\nSasha senses your sudden rigidity and pulls away. ‘Oh - Oops.’ She says, giggling.\n\n‘Hey <<print $fnom>>, did you just get a mouthful of my brothers cum?’ Charlie jibes.\n\nAiya leans in and tries to read your expression.\n\n‘I think 'she’s' undecided.’ She deduces.\n\n‘Undecided on the first taste?’ Charlie says. ‘Why that’s a cumslut in the making for sure!’\n\nThe girls fall about in [[fits of laughter|fits of laughter]].
With a jolt, you're swung hard against the fence and are left dangling by your ripped skirt, which is now up around your chest, leaving you somewhat exposed.\n\n'Hey Missie! What are you doing there!?' Mr Green comes striding through his conservatory to the patio you're now dangling above.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/andyback1.jpg">\n\n//Of all the lows - this is it.//\n\n'Are you okay? Are you hurt?' he asks, arriving at the scene.\nAnd what a scene - the boy next door, dressed like a girl, covered by only a set of white cotton panties between the waist to the little white frilly pop socks.\n\nMr Green does a double take as he sees the shape of your chastity device under the thin cotton. He looks back up at your face and you see the dawning recognition on his face as he realises your identity.\n\n//Busted.//\n\n'<<print $nom>>?' he asks, clearly and understandably taken aback.\n\nYour eyes well up and you let out an involuntary sniffle.\n\n'Oh hey now.' Mr Green says, drawing close. 'Let me get you down from there huh?' he says kindly. Reaching one arm around your legs, he rests your bottom on his shoulder and unhooks you from the top of the fence.\n\nGently, he lets you down [[onto the patio]].\n<<set $Green = true>>
Sleepovers is tf game for people who like tf games. It includes images, some of which are pornographic! :O\nIf you own the rights to any images used in this game and would like them removed, please let me know and they'll be gone.\n\nYou play as a cute college boy who goes on a gender bending adventure.\n(So if that doesn't sound like your sort of thing them it's probably best you abort now).\n\nInspired by Psychology Club, Perverted Education, Masculine Mystique and probably others.\n\nThanks to everyone on TFGS and twinery.org\n\nSpecial thanks to RedChilla, ElSterno, Tanaxanth, HiEv and of course Greyelf and TME for their assistance, plus everybody else who's had to put up with my dumb questions.\n\nSuper special thanks to everyone who've cared to support me on [[Patreon|https://www.patreon.com/EidolonX]]!\n\nMore special thanks to Yale University for putting up free lectures!\n\nAll sexually active characters are above the age of consent and unrelated (whether they know it or not). All sexually active non-human characters are sufficiently fictional non-entities one way or another.\n\nWARNING...this interactive novel is pretty sordid in places so if you're not old enough to play it or you find yourself easily offended by good honest smut then be off with you.\n\nOtherwise, feel free to [[continue|Sleepovers]].\n\n/%\n[[a nearby office]]\n[[Mon out 1]]\n[[friam1]]\n[[adult_store]]\n[[woods]]\n[[Kale]]%/
<img src="Sleep_img/band/Cassius.jpg">\n\n'We sort of already met, didn't we?' he says wryly. 'I'm Cassius.'\n\n//Great - the first date you go on and you mistake them for a doorman.//\n\nYou offer him a half grin half grimace as you take his hand but he chuckles at your embarrassment.\n\n'I'm so sorry.' you tell him, blushing.\n\n'Not at all.' he tells you. 'That's what I get for loitering, huh?\n\nCan I get you girls the first round?' he asks.\n\nYou accept and ask for [[whatever Sasha's having|junebug]].\n
Charlie sits up. 'OK finished!' She dismounts your chest and starts putting her makeup away.\n\n'Oh my god - Charlie! Look at him!' Sasha exclaims as you sit up.\n\n‘Look at //her// you mean! Good job, Charlie!’ Aiya says. ‘ <<print $nom>>, you look so pretty!’\n\nYou flush visibly.\n\n‘I didn’t put much on, she’s just pretty is all.’ Charlie tells her.\n\nYou can’t help but feel an unfamiliar sense of pride.\n\nCharlie turns to you. ‘You’ve earned your feminine pronouns now sweetheart. You can choose a new name to go with your new look if you like but I think <<print $nom>> works. I mean hey, I go by Charlie so who am I to judge!?’\n\n‘Hey girls.’\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Gabe/Gabe.jpg">\n<<set $Gabe = true>>\nYou nearly jump out of your skin. There’s a guy standing in the doorway.\n\n‘Hiya Gabe!’ The girls chorus.\n\nHe turns and looks straight at you. You’re terrified. You know you’re not supposed to be here and what must you look like!? - I weedy little boy covered in makeup, wearing nothing but a pink towel.\n\n‘Heya cutie. I’ve not met you before. What’s your name?’\n\n//Holy shit, he actually thinks I’m a girl!!//\n\n'<<textbox "$fnom" "Kaylie" "new">>' you answer hesitantly.
Picnic area.\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/picnic.jpg">\n<<if $o is "w">>The picnic area has a [[path on the far side|wds][$long = 11, $lat = 30]] - or you could [[go back the way you came|wds][$long = 6, $lat = 33]].\n\nThere's a [[bench|picnic][$t = $t +0.1, $rested is true]] and some [[picnic tables|picnic][$t = $t +0.1, $rested is true]] here.\n\n<<elseif $o is "s">>The picnic area has a [[path on the far side|wds][$long = 6, $lat = 33]] - or you could [[go back the way you came|wds][$long = 11, $lat = 30]].\n\nThere's a [[bench|picnic][$t = $t +0.1, $rested is true]] and some [[picnic tables|picnic][$t = $t +0.1, $rested is true]] here.\n<<endif>>\n<<set $woods = false>>
<<if $schgirl is true>>You know better than to lie to your Mother.\n\nSheepishly, you show her the little glass butt plug in your hand.\n\n'Aw baby, that's a good one to start on. I'm glad you're being a sensible girl.'\n\n'Uh...'\n\n'Oh it's okay sweetie - it's nothing to be ashamed about.' she tells you giving you a hug.\n\nYou stand there half hugging your Mother back with one hand on her waist and the other floating uncertainly in the air, not sure what to do with the object without breaking Mother - son/daughter ettiquette.\n\nShe seems to be the one unfazed by it and takes you by the hand to her bedroom and sits you on the edge of her bed.\n\n'Now I'd rather you not go putting random objects up there or anything.' she tells you, sitting next to you. '...bottles, brush handles, vegetables etc...'\n\n//Oh my god, are we having this conversation?//\n\n'Mummy started with a carrot in her youth and found it to be quite an unpleasant experience.'\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>You blush a deep red.<<else>>'Ew, Mum!'<<endif>>\n\n'It's nothing to be ashamed of honey, it's all natural...well okay, that wasn't but sexual desire is.'\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>'Mummy?' you squirm from the embarrasment.<<else>>'Gah...'<<endif>>\n\n'When I was your age I needed so much to have my pussy and ass stuffed full of...' she gets up and starts looking for something in her closet.\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>You wet your lips anxiously.<<else>>'MUM.'<<endif>>\n\n'Well, the point is that rather than have you hurt yourself, or loose something or...I don't know...' she says, laying a box on the carpet between you.\n\nShe removes the lid and smiles up at you. 'You can borrow my toys if you like.'\n\nYou watch in <<if $Oedipus is true>>wonder<<else>>horror<<endif>> as you Mother rummages through her vast collection of sex toys, some of which make your eyes pop.\n\nLovingly, she takes an object in a red satin drawstring bag from the box and offers it to you. 'This should be a nice size for you sugarbean. If you find you want something bigger, let me know and I'll see what I can find.'\n\nYou <<cyclinglink "$mdildo" "don't take" "take">> the [[sex toy]].\n\n<<elseif $schlb is true>>You know better than to lie to your Mother.\n\nSheepishly, you show her the little glass butt plug in your hand.\n\n'Aw baby, that's a good one to start on. I'm glad you're being a sensible girl.'\n\n'Uh...'\n\n'Oh it's okay sweetie - it's nothing to be ashamed about.' she tells you giving you a hug.\n\nYou stand there half hugging your Mother back with one hand on her waist and the other floating uncertainly in the air, not sure what to do with the object without breaking Mother - son/daughter ettiquette.\n\nShe seems to be the one unfazed by it and takes you by the hand to her bedroom and sits you on the edge of her bed.\n\n'Now I'd rather you not go putting random objects up there or anything.' she tells you, sitting next to you. '...bottles, brush handles, vegetables etc...'\n\n//Oh my god, are we having this conversation?//\n\n'Mummy started with a carrot in her youth and found it to be quite an unpleasant experience.'\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>You blush a deep red.<<else>>'Ew, Mum!'<<endif>>\n\n'It's nothing to be ashamed of honey, it's all natural...well okay, that wasn't but sexual desire is.'\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>'Mummy?' you squirm from the embarrasment.<<else>>'Gah...'<<endif>>\n\n'When I was your age I needed so much to have my pussy and ass stuffed full of...' she gets up and starts looking for something in her closet.\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>You wet your lips anxiously.<<else>>'MUM.'<<endif>>\n\n'Well, the point is that rather than have you hurt yourself, or loose something or...I don't know...' she says, laying a box on the carpet between you.\n\nShe removes the lid and smiles up at you. 'You can borrow my toys if you like.'\n\nYou watch in <<if $Oedipus is true>>wonder<<else>>horror<<endif>> as you Mother rummages through her vast collection of sex toys, some of which make your eyes pop.\n\nLovingly, she takes an object in a red satin drawstring bag from the box and offers it to you. 'This should be a nice size for you sugarbean. If you find you want something bigger, let me know and I'll see what I can find.'\n\nYou <<cyclinglink "$mdildo" "don't take" "take">> the [[sex toy]].\n\n<<endif>>
You sit, listening to your Mother as she gives you a pep talk about believing in yourself and following your dreams, doing what you want, being who you want to be and not letting the opinions of fuckwits dissuade you.\n<<set $tf = true>>\nIt's a good speech but you're sure nothing could possibly calm your nerves.\n\nShe kisses you goodbye, wishing you good luck and with an overwhelming sense of trepidation, you step out of her car and onto the tarmac path, leading to the college main building.\n\nShe waits in the car, watching as you follow your legs towards reception.\n\n//This has got to be a dream.// you think to yourself.\n\n...but you know it isn't.\n\nDreams come fragmented, time jumps and things don't make sense.\n\nAs unlikely as your current predicament seems, it does make sense: You told your mum you wanted to be a girl, she took you to the mall and bought you the girls uniform, helped you with your makeup and now you're walking up the path to reception.\n\n//What the hell are you doing!? Everybody's going to recognise you - or if they don't someone will soon spill - and you'll be the laughing stock of college!//\n\nYou consider turning back and braving the walk home.\n\n//Probably nobody will recognise you on the way, you can tell your Mum you changed your mind. She'll understand. You could get changed and be back before first period is over. You might not be popular with Miss Riven but that's the price to pay. Someone will be able to fill you in on what you missed. Maybe Sasha? She'd help you even if Charlie won't.//\n\nYou stop on the path only a few metres from reception and so very nearly turn around but you don't. Something inside you holds you on course. It knows, this is something you have to do.\n\nWith a deep breath, you centre yourself as best you can and with that, walk into reception.\n\n'Oh hello! Is it <<print $fnom>>?' the receptionist calls out to you.\n\n'Y- yes?' you reply hesitantly.\n\n'Come on over sweetheart.' she asks disarmingly.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/college/recep2.jpg">\n\nYou go over to the desk.\n\nWith a slightly reduced volume she asks you to sign in, adding 'Your Mother called us this morning about your situation and we've made all necessary adjustments. No doubt, you'll have to go through the necessary process but in the meantime your file has been amended.\n\nPsych 1 has been moved to a different room due to four new students joining the course.' she adds.\n\nShe directs you to the [[new classroom|classtuewk1]] and wishes you well.\n\n<<set $gschured = true>>\n<<set $gschublack = true>>\n<<set $maryj = true>>\n
It's like a comic shop but without the thick layer of teenage body odour hanging in the air.\n\nYou spend awhile thumbing through graphic novels.\n\n[[Leave|Broadway]]\n\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>
Getting naked seems fairly routine these days. It still makes you feel funny but it's a different kind of funny. Especially now with you feeling so beautiful and secure in your skin. You don't even feel embarassed with your Mum sitting in.\n\n'Okay Miss <<print $snom>>, you can step out of the scanner now.' Dr Brae tells you.\n\n'For some reason the process has had marked results with unprecedented rapidity.' she says. You're not sure if she's talking to you, your Mum, her daughter or herself.\n'I'm not sure why as yet but my guess is that your body is particularly receptive to something - probably the elasticity serum.'\n\nShe finishes typing something while you finish getting re-dressed.\n\n'Okay, thank you so much for coming in - this is really exciting for us and it may well have huge implications in the future.' she stands up and takes your hand. 'I'm so looking forward to further trials with you Miss <<print $snom>>.' [[she tells you warmly]].\n
<<if $pro is 1>><<if $txtfm is true>>OK thanks Mum. [[You too|you decide]]! x<<else>>Hi sweetie!\n\nI thought I'd let you rest this Morning so I didn't wake you up. I did come in your room to see if there had been any changes. I don't suppose there had been but I couldn't see anyway because you were entirely cocooned in your duvet.\n\nBe patient. Dr Brae said noticeable change isn't likely to occur for a couple of days at least.\n\nI'll be out tonight so I might not be back when you get home. I expect you'll be out with the girls. Be safe and have fun!\n\n[[Love M|txtfrmm][$txtfm = true]]. xxx\n\nP.S. I left some pocket money for you on the kitchen table. x\n\n<<endif>><<else>>/%if pro = not 1%/<<if $txtfm is true>>OK thanks Mum. [[You too|you decide]]! x<<else>><<if $Mtoy2lib is true>>Hi sweetie!\n\nWow! Are you feeling OK? Thank you!\n\nI thought I'd let you rest this Morning so I didn't wake you up but don't forget to study!\n\nI'll be out tonight so I might not be back when you get home. I expect you'll be out with your friends. Be safe and have fun!\n\n[[Love M|txtfrmm][$txtfm = true]]. xxx\n\nP.S. I left some pocket money for you on the kitchen table. x\n\n<<else>>Hi sweetie!\n\nI thought I'd let you rest this Morning so I didn't wake you up but don't forget to study!\n\nI'll be out tonight so I might not be back when you get home. I expect you'll be out with your friends. Be safe and have fun!\n\n[[Love M|txtfrmm][$txtfm = true]]. xxx\n\nP.S. I left some pocket money for you on the kitchen table. x<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n
You decide to call her.\n\nYou tell her all about what happened with your mum and how she's not only cool with it but actually bought you a girls uniform for tomorrow.\n\nCharlie responds excitedly. The two of you have a long chat and at the end of it, Charlie tells you she can't wait to see you in your uniform. You tell her you can't wait to see her in her's and she laughs. 'Wouldn't you prefer to see me out of it?' she teases.\n\nYou really would. Last night feels hazy and unreal.\n\nBefore you hang up you decide to tell her about the other thing.\n\n'Um...Charlie?'\n\n'Um... <<print $fnom>>?' she mimics.\n\n'You'll never guess what I saw today...' you start and then detail how you saw a man with a holstered gun meet up with Aiya and how 'friendly' they seemed, adding 'she called him 'Daddy too!'.\n\nCharlie cackles at you down the phone - evidently she doesn't believe you or she's just not taking it seriously.\n\n'Charlie! What if Aiya's in danger!?' you ask her, sounding slightly irate at not being taken seriously.\n\n'<<print $fnom>>, it's cool, chill, breathe...we'll catch up properly tomorrow okay? I'll pick you up at eight and we can pick Aiya up on the way.'\n\n'Okay.' you tell her.\n\n'Goodnight Precious.' she tells you.\n\n'Goodnight Charlie.' you respond.\n\n[[Charlie hangs up.|Suneve1]]<<set $Cknowsmknows = true>>
<<switch $kitch>>\n<<case 0>><<set $agility = 4>>'Hiya hunny!' You hear your Mother's voice sing from the kitchen.\n\n'Hiya Mummy!' You call back, following her voice.\n\n<<if $pro is 1>><<if $msex is "le">>You find your Mother in the kitchen with an equally well endowed woman.\n\n'Ms Kline!?' You say in surprise.\n\nYou recognise the busty psychoanalist from G-Tec.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/ekitch.jpg">\n\n'Hello <<print $fnom>>!' She greets you back. 'Well don't you look cute in that little <<if $pb is 2>>blue<<endif>> dress!'\n\nYou thank Ms Kline [[sheepishly|sat1amkitch]].\n\n<<else>>/%pro 1 m not le%/You find your Mother in the kitchen looking happy but notice her cheeks are a little flushed and her hair unusually tousled.\n\n'Are you feeling okay Mummy?' You ask her.\n\nShe grins. 'Yes thank you honey.' She tells you. '[[I feel good|sat1amkitch]].'<</if>>\n\n/%removed endif%/\n<<elseif $pro is 0>><<if $msex is "le">>She comes to greet you. You can't help notice that she seems somewhat excited to see you.\n\n'Morning Mummy!' You say happily and wrap your arms around her. She hugs you back and squeezes you gently.\n\n'Is everything OK <<print $nom>>?' She says with a touch of seriousness. 'How did your night go?'\n\nYou stand there and say nothing.\n\nYou'd been so wrapped up in things that you'd forgotten yourself.\n\n//I forgot to change!// You realise.\n\nHearing your boy name snapped you back out of the dream in an instant and all of a sudden you're aware that you're Mother can see you standing there as <<print $fnom>>.\n\nIt's too late obviously; she's seen you wearing your skimpy little dress and heels but in a flood of embarassment and horror, your flight response kicks in and you make a break for your room.\n\nYou don't get very far as a massive pair of boobs is inexplicably in the way. Your face bounces off them and [[you fall backwards onto the kitchen floor|lyi][$kitch = 1]].\n\n<<else>>She comes to greet you. You can't help notice that she seems somewhat excited to see you.\n\n'Morning Mummy!' You say happily and wrap your arms around her. She hugs you back and squeezes you gently.\n\n'Is everything OK <<print $nom>>?' She says with a touch of seriousness. 'How did your night go?'\n\nYou stand there and say nothing.\n\nYou'd been so wrapped up in things that you'd forgotten yourself.\n\n//I forgot to change!// You realise.\n\nHearing your boy name snapped you back out of the dream in an instant and all of a sudden you're aware that you're Mother can see you as <<print $fnom>>.\n\nIt's too late obviously; she's seen you wearing your skimpy little dress and heels but in a flood of embarassment and horror, your flight response kicks in and you make a break for [[your room|lyi][$kitch = 2]].\n<</if>>/%le%/ <</if>>/%pro%/\n\n<<case 1>>\n\t<<set $kitch = 2>><<if $agility gt 3>>You tumble backwards but avoid cracking your head on the kitchen floor.\n\n<<if $Kline is true>>You recognise the busty brunette cougar, now looming over you as Ms Kline the psychoanalist at G-Tec.<<else>>You don't recognise the busty brunette cougar looming over you.<</if>>\n\nShe puts her hands on her knees for support as she leans forward to talk to you. 'Are you Okay?'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/ag.jpg">\n\n'Did you hurt yourself angel!? Your Mother asks, rushing to your aid and smothering you in the process.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/kitchaid.jpg">\n\nYou sit up. 'I'm fine.' You say, ashamedly covering your legs with your little dress.\n\n'What's all this darling?' Your mother asks. 'You look very pretty.'\n\n'Adorable.' <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline<<else>>the other woman<<endif>> says looking at you with a glinting eyes.\n\nYou urge yourself to keep it together.\n\n//Don't cry don't cry don't cry...//\n\n'Ella, could you give us a moment please.' Your Mother asks the woman.\n\n'Sure.' She chirps. 'I'll put the kettle on.'\n\n<<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline<<else>>the woman<<endif>> leaves and your Mother alone.\n\n'Do you want to tell me something honey?' Your Mother asks tenderly.\n\nYou urge yourself to find the courage.\n\nYou take a deep breath and let the words come. 'Mummy...?'\n\nShe looks at you patiently.\n\nYou exhale slowly.\n\n'I want to [[be a girl|lyi][$kitch = 2]].'\n\n<<else>><<set $kitch = 2>><<timed 2s>><<goto "lyi">><</timed>><</if>>\n\n<<case 2>>\n\t<<set $Mumknows = true>><<if $msex is "le">><<if $agility gt 3>>You hadn't noticed when <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline<<else>>the woman<</if>> returned as your Mother had buried in her bosom while you confessed your feelings and the events which had lead to the point where you now feel sure you want to live your life as a girl.\n\n...well, some of them at least.\n\nThe way your Mother responds makes you wonder if she heard you right. She seems absolutely fine with it all; positively delighted even and entirely unsurprised.\n\n'So what name have you - .' Your Mother asks.\n\n'<<print $fnom>>.' You tell her.\n\n'<<print $fnom>>.' She says to herself and contemplates it a moment. 'Pretty.' She says. 'It suits you sweetie.'\n\n'You don't seem surprised.' You state with suspicion.\n\n'Aw, sweetie!' She chuckles. 'I'd know my baby anywhere! It'd take more than a drinks menu to throw me off!'\n\nShe gently holds your hands in hers while the realisation dawns on you.\n\n//That time at Pinkies!//\n\nYou gasp. 'You knew it was me at the milkshake bar!?'\n\n'Uh huh.'\n\n'You've known all this time?'\n\n'Aw, I've wondered since you were little honey.'\n\nYou feel a cathartic relief following the admission and when you pull your head away from your Mother's cleavage and see <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline returned with three steaming cups, you no longer feel so anxious.\n\n'This is Ella-' Your Mother starts.\n\nMs Kline cuts in. 'Rachel, I've already had the pleasure of meeting your daughter.'\n\n'Oh?' Responds with confusion but a second after, her expression turns to one of realisation.\n\n'Oh.' She says. 'Well I think it'd be nice if we spend some time together.'\n\nMs Kline smiles and nods in agreement.\n\n<<else>>the other woman returned with three steaming cups, you no longer feel so self concious.\n\n'Ella this is my...daughter, <<print $fnom>>.'\n\nThe woman offers you a smile as she takes your hand.\n\n'<<print $fnom>>, this is Ella.' Your Mother says. 'She's a professional at this sort of thing and a good friend so we can all be open here if you're happy to.'\n\n'Pleased to finally meet you <<print $fnom>>.' The woman greets you. 'I don't think there's much need for psychoanalising here but if you want to chat to me about anything I'd be happy to make time for you.'\n\nYou thank her and the three of you chat for a while before your Mother asks you if you'd like to spend the day with them.<</if>> 'Ella was going to show me around the [[water park|lyi][$kitch = 8]] and you're more than welcome to join us but if you'd rather [[stay in together|stayin]] and catch a movie or [[do your own thing|lyi][$kitch = 7]], that's okay too.' She tells you.\n\n\n<<else>><<set $kitch = 3>>You can hear women talking about you, one of them is your Mother but you don't recognise the other.\n\nYour head hurts.\n\n'Mummy?'\n\nGroggily, you open your eyes and see round shapes bumping around above your face.\n\nYou blink a few times to [[make sense of them|lyi][$kitch = 3]].<</if>>/%END AGILITY%/\n<<else>>/%Gone to room as no Ella%/<<set $kitch = 3>><<timed 1s>><<goto lyi>><</timed>>\n<</if>>\n\n<<case 3>><<if $msex is "le">><img src="Sleep_img/Kline/come2.jpg">\n/%if $agility gt 3 - gone to kitch 7, stayin or wp3 %/\n'Oh my baby!' Your Mother cries, visibly relieved that you've come to.\n\n'Look at me <<print $nom>>.' The other woman <<if $Kline is true>>you recognise as Ms Kline<<endif>> commands not unkindly.\n\n'You took quite a blow to the head.' She informs you. 'How are you feeling?'\n\n'Like I just headbutted the kitchen floor.' You tell her.\n\nShe chuckles. 'Well that's understandable.' She says and holds up four [[fingers|lyi][$kitch = 4]] in front of your face.\n\n<<else>>In your room, you start getting changed and wiping off your makeup but it all seems pointless now.\n\n//Maybe you could tell her you were dressed like that for a bet or...?// Your thought process trails off.\n\nYou sit on the edge of your bed and slump.\n\nA moment later, there's a gentle knock on your bedroom door.\n\n'Are you OK hunny?' Comes your Mother's voice. 'Can we chat?'\n\n//Oh god.// You shrink into yourself. //We're doing this.//\n\nYou go to your bedroom door and [[open it|lyi][$kitch = 4]] to her.<</if>>\n\n<<case 4>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>'How many fingers am I holding up?' She asks you.\n\n'<<textbox "$concussed" "" "lyi">>' you answer.<<set $kitch = 5>>\n\n<<else>>You have the talk with your Mother and find it surprisingly easy. She doesn't seem to think bad of you. In fact she seems decidedly cheerful by the news. Regarding your Mother carefully, you get the sense that this isn't news.\n\n'You don't seem surprised.' You state with suspicion.\n\n'Aw, sweetie!' She chuckles. 'I'd know my baby anywhere! It'd take more than a drinks menu to throw me off!'\n\nShe gently holds your hands in hers while the realisation dawns on you.\n\n//That time at Pinkies!//\n\nYou gasp. 'You knew it was me at the milkshake bar!?'\n\n'Uh huh.'\n\n'You've known all this time?'\n\n'Aw, I've wondered since you were little honey.'\n\n'Oh sweetie why didn't you feel you could tell me before!?' She asks. 'You know what? Never mind. Maybe we haven't been as close as we should have been. I wannt us to be best friends from now on. I want you to know you can tell me anything. I love you and I'm proud that I have a daughter!'\n\n//...'daughter'...//\n\nShe hugs you tightly.\n\n'I love you too Mummy.' You tell her through [[happy sobs|lyi][$kitch = 5]].'\n\n<</if>>\n\n<<case 5>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">><<if $concussed is "4">>'Good.' She says. 'Do you have a torch handy Rachel?' She asks your Mother./%NOT concussed%/\n\n'I'll get one.' Your Mother answers. She gives you the gentlest kiss on the brow before leaving you with <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline.\n\n'Well young lady, it seems the cat is out of the bag don't you think?'\n\nShe reads your concern. 'Oh don't you worry; it'll be fine.' She hushes you.\n\n<<else>>the other woman who takes your hand and introduces herself as Ella.\n\n'<<print $fnom>>.' You tell her, then shake your head sligtly. '<<print $nom>>'. You sense she can read your confusion.<</if>>\n\nYour Mother returns with a little torch and gives it to <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<</if>>.\n\n'Look at me.' <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<</if>> tells you and shines the torch in your eyes.\n\n'Well, I think we're going to be just fine.' She says, returning the torch to your Mother.\n\nYour Mother gives you a big, [[squishy hug|homecare]].\n\n<<else>>'Hmmm.' She says ominously. 'Do you have a torch handy Rachel?' She asks your Mother.\n/%concussed%/\n'I'll get one.' Your Mother answers worriedly. She gives you the gentlest kiss on the brow before leaving you with <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline.\n\n'Well young lady, it seems the cat is out of the bag don't you think?'\n\nShe reads your concern. 'Oh don't you worry; it'll be fine.' She hushes you.\n\n<<else>>the other woman who takes your hand and introduces herself as Ella.\n\n'<<print $fnom>>.' You tell her. You shake your head sligtly. '<<print $nom>>'. You sense she can read your confusion.<</if>>\n\nYour Mother returns with a little torch and gives it to <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<</if>>.\n\n'Look at me.' <<if $Kline is true>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<</if>> tells you and shines the torch in your eyes.\n\n'Well, I think we'd best take you to see the Doc, just to be sure.' She says, returning the torch to your Mother.\n\n'Oh my poor baby.' Your Mother says again, giving you a big, [[squishy hug|concuss]].\n/%ended concussed%/\n<</if>><<else>>The two of you chat for a while longer before you Mother asks you what you'd like to do for the day.\n/%else M NOT LESBIAN%/\nYou respond by shrugging.\n\n'Well I was thinking it might be nice to visit the water park today but we don't have to.' She says amicably. 'We could just stay in and watch a movie if you'd prefer.'\n\n<<if $txtwp is 1>>You tell her that Charlie had already invited you to the water park today.\n\n'Oh, OK.' She responds. 'Well that'll be nice darling.' You sense a touch of disappointment in her voice.\n\n'We can still go together Mummy!' You tell her.\n\n'Aw, thank you angel but I don't want to make you uncool for hanging out with your Mum!' She laughs.\n\n'Mum.' You look at her earnestly. 'I really think you might be cooler than me.'\n\nShe barks a laugh and hugs you tightly. You sink into her embrace for a few moments. You realise you don't care all that much what you're doing. You're just happy to be doing it with your Mum.\n\n//Should you go with your Mum to the [[water park|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 1]] or stay in with her and [[watch a movie|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 0]]?//\n\n<<else>>You tell her that Charlie had already invited you to the water park today but you declined.\n\n'Oh OK, Well there'll be plenty more days.' She responds brightly. 'So what would you like to do instead?'\n\nYou think about it for a moment but can't think of anything. You're just happy being with her.\n\n'It's OK if you don't want to be hanging out with your Mum!' She laughs. 'I don't want to make you uncool!'\n\n'Mum.' You look at her earnestly. 'I really think you might be cooler than me.'\n\nShe barks a laugh and hugs you tightly. You sink into her embrace for a few moments before she speaks again. 'I just need to do a few bits around the house and then I'm all yours!' She says joyfully. 'Then shall we watch a movie together or something?'\n\n'Yeah, that'd be [[cool Mum!'|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 0]] You respond.<</if>>/%$txtwp%/\n\n<</if>>/%MSEX%/ /%<<endif>>%/ /%WHY ARE THERE 3 ENDIFS HERE!??%/\n\n<<case 6>>\n\t<<if $staygo is 0>><<if $txtwp is 1>>You feel now's a good time to turn over a new leaf, so you offer to help your Mum do some chores.\n\n'Sure!' she replies with notable surprise. <<else>>/%inactive thread%/<</if>>Your Mum helps you remove your ruined make up and you get changed into something comfortable.\n\n'So, <<print $fnom>> is it?' She asks. 'I think it suits you honey - it's cute.'\n\nYou blush and hide your face. 'Thanks Mummy.'\n\nThe next hour and a half spent cleaning and tidying with your Mum is one of the best times in your life and the house looks amazing once you're finished, despite all the time you both spent fooling around together<<if $Oedipus is true>> and you end up splashing eachother in the bathroom. You're both cleaning the bathroom when the horseplay gets out of hand and you start splashing eachother with water.\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/wett.JPG"><</if>>\n\n<<else>>.<</if>> The pair of you giggle like best friends and you start opening up to her about more of what you've been getting up to.\nYou laugh at how foolish you've been in not just telling her.\n\n//She really is the best [[Mum|stayin][$in = 0]] in the world.//\n\n<<else>>Your Mum helps you remove your ruined make up.\n\n'So, <<print $fnom>> is it?' She asks. 'I think it suits you honey - it's cute.'\n\nYou blush and hide your face. 'Thanks Mummy.'\n\n'Oh I hadn't even thought....' She says. 'What are you going to wear at the water park? I'd lend you one of my bikinis but I don't think they'd fit you very well.' She chuckles, making the understatement of the century.\n\n'Um...it's okay Mummy you say coyly. 'I have my own [[swimsuit|wp3][$wppage = 0]].'<</if>>\n\n<<case 7>>You thank your Mum for the offer. She seems to genuinely want to spend time with you but you don't really want to be a third wheel so you decline.\n\nA while later they go to the water park together, leaving you to [[your own devices|Sat1]].\n\n<<case 8>>You accept the invitation but mention that the girls will be there too so you'll probably hang with them for the most part anyway.\n\n'Oh I hadn't even thought....' Your Mother says. 'What are you going to wear at the water park? I'd lend you one of my bikinis but I don't think they'd fit you very well.' She chuckles, making the understatement of the century.\n\n'Um...it's okay Mummy you say coyly. 'I have my own [[swimsuit|wp3][$wppage = 0]].'\n\n<</switch>>
<<if $txtfb is true>>OK Beebs!\n\nSee you in a bit then [[hopefully|you decide]] x!<<else>>Hiya <<print $fnom>>!\n\nI might meet up with you and Sasha for a bit of shopping today ok? Sorry I'm not going to be with you and Sasha tonight I'm working for a bit this evening and then going to Starlight later because Charlie's dancing again tonight and she told me not to tell you in case you use it as an excuse to get out of Sasha's thing.\n\n[[See you laters! x|txtfrmb][$txtfb = true]]. x<<endif>>
<<if $mdildo is "don't take">>You wrinkle your nose and display your palms. 'Thank you Mother but I'm good.' you tell her.\n\n'Okay darling - stir fry tonight?' she asks, seamlessly adjoining the topics.\n\n'Uh, yeah, that'd be lovely, thanks Mum.'\n\n'Okay pumpkin, well get yourself in your jammies and come down when you're ready.'\n\n'Yes Mummy.' you tell her and go into [[your bedroom]].\n\n<<elseif $mdildo is "take">><<if $Oedipus is true>>'Thank you Mummy.' you tell her, embarrassed and breathless with excitement.\n\n'That's okay baby.' she tells you. 'Stir fry tonight?'<<else>>As weird and embarrassing as borrowing a dildo from your your Mother might be, you want it so much.\n\nSheepishly, you take it from her hand.\n\nShe smiles at you reassuringly. 'Stir fry tonight?'<<endif>>\n\n'Yes Mummy.' you tell her and turn to go.\n\n'Oh honey, one more thing.' she tells you.\n\n'Make sure you use plenty of this okay?'\n\nYou take the bottle of lube automatically then walk out and into [[your bedroom]].\n<<set $mumtoy = 1>><<set $lube is true>>\n<<endif>>
From under the pavillion you can see a [[field]] with a [[bandstand]], a path toward the river, a path toward a playground and a path back to the [[flower garden|city park flower]].\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/pav.jpg">\nSit a while?\n\n
Sophia is the glamourous cougar who owns Club Starlight
You chat with the guy for a bit. His name's Kale. He seems cool.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/kale.jpg">\nYou realise you could have said 'like the cabbage'? but the moment passed and that comedy gem was wasted.\n\n<<return>>\n<<set $Kale = "known">>
<img src="Sleep_img/gtec/process/lips.gif">\n<<timed 4s>><<goto dt4>><</timed>>
<<goto dt3>>
<img src="Sleep_img/gtec/process/hand.gif">\n<<timed 4s>><<goto dt2>><</timed>>
<<if $pro is 1>><<if $txtfs is true>>Hey Sasha!\n\nYeah, still coming and shopping sounds great. Shall I meet you at the mall? [[What time|you decide]]? x\n\n<<else>>Hey Sugar!\n\nI'm so excited for the changes to start happening!\nI just know you're going to be soo pretty you'll put us all to shame!\n\nFancy a bit of shopping in a bit? Let's pick you out something nice for tonight. x\n\nAre you still going to [[come out with me tonight?|txtfrms][$txtfs = true]]. x<<endif>><<else>>/%pro not = 1%/<<if $txtfs is true>><<if $mgplum is true>>'I'm really sorry for being so disorganised Sasha.'\n\nShe laughs. 'That's okay - you're still not quite as [[bad as Bibi|you decide]].'<<else>>Hey Sasha!\n\nYeah, still coming. Shall I meet you at the mall? [[What time|you decide]]? x\n\n<<endif>><<else>>Hey Sugar!\n\nAre we still on for tonight?\n\nFancy a bit of shopping in a bit? Let's pick you out [[something nice to wear|txtfrms][$txtfs = true]]. x\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<img src="Sleep_img/gtec/process/face.gif">\n<<timed 4s>><<goto fri1am>><</timed>>
(trunks)so if you choose not to go down with bibi, all's well until you go up again and the 'nah, that's okay beebs' text appears.\nIf you go with bibi, but don't click 'alone with your boner', the next time you go up, the 'okay, sure beebs' text is activated.
<<if $schboy is true>><<if $alarmset is true>>You wake to the sound of your alarm.\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and push the hair out of your face.\n\n<<else>>You wake to the sound of your Mother’s voice.\n\n'Wake up sleepyhead...rise and shine...'\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and she kisses the top of your head tenderly, then pushes your hair out of your eyes.<<endif>>\n\nYou can't stop thinking about how cool it would be to have the courage to take up Sasha's offer regarding GeneTec trials. You know you couldn't really go through with it without your Mother's knowledge. You know you're not obligated to let her know what you're doing legally speaking but even if you did go for only very minor alterations, she'd be bound to notice anyway.\n\nYou get up and busy yourself getting prepared for the day.\n\n//Maybe you could have just at the very least met her parents to see if you'd be a suitable candidate for their new sciencey stuff.\n\n...oh, but what if you are suitable? How soon could you be given the serum? - Within the Month? - Within the week!? The temptation to take the trials would be just too much. Could you ever actually do it? What if the changes become too noticeable!?//\n\nAnd so the rest of your day goes. You're conspicuously quiet over breakfast and your Mother asks intermittently if you're okay whilst trying to get you to eat something before it's time to leave for college.\n\nYou grab you things, put on your shoes and sit ponderously at the bottom of the stairs for a while before you decide you ought to get moving.\n\nSlinging your bag over your shoulder you [[open the door]].\n\n<<elseif $change is true>><<if $appt is true>><<if $alarmset is true>>You wake to the sound of your alarm and the memory of last night’s conversation with Sasha returns to you as soon as you wake.\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and push the hair out of your face.\n\nYou feel like a kid before Yuletide and can't stop thinking about what's in store for you. Can you really go through with this without your Mother's knowledge? You know you're not obligated to let her know what you're doing legally speaking but even if you do go for only very minor alterations, she's bound to notice anyway and won't she be upset if you haven't involved her?\n\nYou're thinking about it still as you brush your teeth.\n\n\n<<else>>You wake to the sound of your Mother’s voice and the memory of last night’s conversation with Sasha returns to you as soon as you wake and you try to keep the look of excitement from your face.\n\n'Wake up sleepyhead...rise and shine...'\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and she kisses the top of your head tenderly, then pushes your hair out of your eyes.\n\nYou feel like a kid before Yuletide and can't stop thinking about what's in store for you. Can you really go through with this without your Mother's knowledge? You know you're not obligated to let her know what you're doing legally speaking but even if you do go for only very minor alterations, she's bound to notice anyway and won't she be upset if you haven't involved her?<<endif>>\n\nYou get up and busy yourself getting prepared and over prepared for the day.\n\n//It's just an interview.// you tell yourself. //It's just a meeting with Sasha's parents to see if you're gonna be a suitable candidate for their new sciencey stuff.\n\n...oh, but what if you are suitable? How soon will you be given the serum? Within the Month? Within the week!? What if the changes become too noticeable!?//\n\nAnd so the rest of your day goes. You find it difficult to chat with your Mother over breakfast as your mind is racing with all the choices and possibilities ahead of you.\n\n'Are you okay today sweetie?' She asks.\n\n'Uh...oh, yeah thanks Mum.' You respond. 'Just trying to remember yesterday's lesson.'\n\nSoon it's time to head off to college so you give your Mum a kiss, grab you things, put on your shoes and start walking off down the road.\n\nCharlie's Mustang soon drives past you and parks up just ahead.\n\nYou imagine what she's going to say.\n\n//'Oh my god <<print $fnom>>!! Sasha told me you're going to do serum trials!'\n\n...hmmm, nope..\n\n'Oh <<print $fnom>>! Welcome to the girl's club!!'\n\n...no, she definitely wouldn't say that.\n\n...maybe she'll just squeal and hug me, I don't know.\n\nShe'd urge me to tell my Mother already - that's for sure.//\n\nYou try your best to soothe the excitement from your face as [[you reach her car|open the door]].\n\n<<else>>/%change but no appt%/<<if $alarmset is true>>You wake to the sound of your alarm.\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and push the hair out of your face.\n\n<<else>>You wake to the sound of your Mother’s voice.\n\n'Wake up sleepyhead...rise and shine...'\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and she kisses the top of your head tenderly, then pushes your hair out of your eyes.<<endif>>\n\nYou can't stop thinking about how cool it would be to have the courage to take up Sasha's offer regarding GeneTec trials. You know you couldn't really go through with it without your Mother's knowledge. You know you're not obligated to let her know what you're doing legally speaking but even if you did go for only very minor alterations, she'd be bound to notice anyway.\n\nYou get up and busy yourself getting prepared for the day.\n\n//Maybe you could have just at the very least met her parents to see if you'd be a suitable candidate for their new sciencey stuff.\n\n...oh, but what if you are suitable? How soon could you be given the serum? - Within the Month? - Within the week!? The temptation to take the trials would be just too much. Could you ever actually do it? What if the changes become too noticeable!?//\n\nAnd so the rest of your day goes. You're conspicuously quiet over breakfast and your Mother asks intermittently if you're okay whilst trying to get you to eat something before it's time to leave for college.\n\nYou grab you things, put on your shoes and sit ponderously at the bottom of the stairs for a while before you decide you ought to get moving.\n\nSlinging your bag over your shoulder you [[open the door]].\n\n<<endif>><<else>>/%schgirl/lb%/<<if $alarmset is true>>You wake to the sound of your alarm and the memory of last night’s conversation with Sasha returns to you as soon as you wake.\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and push the hair out of your face.\n\nYou feel like a kid before Yuletide and can't stop thinking about what's in store for you.\n\nYou're thinking about it still as you brush your teeth.\n\n<<else>>You wake to the sound of your Mother’s voice and the memory of last night’s conversation with Sasha returns to you as soon as you wake and it seems your Mother hasn't forgotten either.\n\n'Wake up sleepyhead...you've got an exciting day ahead of you...'\n\nYou pull yourself up into a sitting position and she kisses the top of your head tenderly, then pushes your hair out of your eyes.\n\nYou feel like a kid before Yuletide and can't stop thinking about what's in store for you.<<endif>>\n\nYou get up and busy yourself getting prepared and over prepared for the day.\n\n//It's just an interview.// you tell yourself. //It's just a meeting with Sasha's parents to see if you're gonna be a suitable candidate for their new sciencey stuff.\n\n...oh, but what if you are suitable? How soon will you be given the serum? - Within the Month? - Within the week!?//\n\nAnd so the rest of your day goes. You get verbal diarrhoea about it over breakfast. Your Mother seems happy to see you truly enthused about something for a change whilst simultaneously trying to get you to eat something before it's time to leave for college.\n\nYou grab you things, put on your shoes and inspect your makeup in the hall mirror while you wait for Charlie to pick you up.\n\nYou imagine what she's going to say to you.\n\n//'Oh my god <<print $fnom>>!! Sasha told me you're going to do serum trials!'\n\n...hmmm, nope..\n\n'Oh <<print $fnom>>! Welcome to the girl's club!!'\n\n...no, she definitely wouldn't say that.\n\n...maybe she'll just squeal and hug me, I don't know.//\n\nThe doorbell sounds.\n\nYou try your best to soothe the excitement from your face, breathe and [[open the door]].\n\n<<endif>>\n<<set $d = 3>>
<<if $page is 1>><<if $late is true>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<if $pro is 1>>The sun's still up and you're feeling beautiful but a little stressed at being late for your Mistress.\n\nBy the time you get there, you're [[flushed and sweating|so2][$page = 2]].\n\n<<elseif $pro is 0>>The sun's still up and you're feeling more than a little stressed at being late for your Mistress.\n\nBy the time you get there, you're [[flushed and sweating|so2][$page = 2]].\n\n<<endif>><<else>>The sun's still up and you're feeling beautiful and at ease with the world.\n\nYou meet up with Aiya along the way and [[the two of you get to Charlie's together|so2][$page = 2]].\n\n<<endif>><<else>>The sun's still up and you're feeling beautiful and at ease with the world.\n\nYou knock for Aiya along the way and the [[the two of you get to Charlie's together|so2][$page = 2]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $page is 2>><<if $late is true>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<if $pro is 1>>Charlie opens the door for you. 'What time do you call this?' \n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You tell her.\n\n'Look at you - you're a state.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\n<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>You nod.\n\n'Well that's something at least.' She says. 'Get your little bitch butt up to my room and present yourself for an inspection.'\n\nYou dither in the doorway.\n\n'Well?' She snaps. [['Go on then!'|so2][$page = 3]]<<else>>Your pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n[['Come on in then.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $pro is 0>>Charlie opens the door for you. 'What time do you call this?' \n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You tell her.\n\n'Look at you - you look like a filthy little boy.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\n<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>You nod.\n\n'Well that's something at least.' She says. 'Get your little bitch butt up to my room and present yourself for an inspection.'\n\nYou dither in the doorway.\n\n'Well?' She snaps. [['Go on then!'|so2][$page = 3]]<<else>>Your pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n[['Come on in then.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>>/%end plugged%/<<endif>>/%end pro%/<<else>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey girls.' She greets. [['Come on in.'|so2][$page = 3]]\t\t\t\t\t\t/%(late) not Csub%/\n\n<<endif>>/%end Csub%/<<else>>/%not late%/<<if $Charliesub is true>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey Aiya.' She greets before looking at you. '...and what time do you call this?' \n/%else not late%/\n'Seven O'clock?' You suggest. \n\n'Seven oh one.' She clarifies. '...and I thought we'd discussed how you were to address me in future.'\n\n'Sorry Mistress.'\n\n'Look at you - you're a state.' She scolds.\n\n'Sorry Mistress.' You repeat.\n\n'Did you do as I instructed at least?' She asks.\n\nYou hover in the doorway looking at her blankly.\n\n'Caged and plugged?' She asks simply.\n\n<<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>'Oh - yes Mistress!' You affirm.\n\nAiya sniggers at you.\n\n'There's a good girl.' She praises you, giving you warm tingles. 'Come on in then.'\n\n'Take your cute ass up to my room and present yourself for an inspection.' [[She commands.|so2][$page = 3]]<<else>>Your pained expression is all the answer she needs.\n\n'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>, what are we going to do with you now?' She asks.\n\nYou shrug sullenly but secretly you're excited to find out what she's going to have in store for you.\n\n[['Come on in then.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>Charlie opens the door for you both. 'Hey girls.' She greets. [['Come on in.'|so2][$page = 3]]\n\n<<endif>>/%end not csub%/<<endif>>/%end not late%/\n\n<<elseif $page is 3>>You take yourself up to her room and find Aiya and Bibi chatting on her bed.\n\nThey greet you and welcome you to [[join them|so2][$page = 41]].\n\n<<if $pro is 0>><<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>You'd like to but maybe you ought to [[do as you were told|so2][$page = 42]].<<else>><<endif>><<elseif $pro is 1>><<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $page is 41>><<if $pro is 0>><<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>When Charlie comes up and finds you sitting on her bed with the girls she berates you and makes you get on the floor on your knees.\n\nBibi happily clambers off her bed and pulls down your jeans and knickers, exposing your plugged ass and caged cocklett.\n\n\n\t\t\t*\t\t\t*\t\t\t*\n\n1. u have no make up \n\n\n<<else>>When Charlie comes up and finds you sitting on her bed with the girls she berates you and makes you get off her bed./%bad - pro 0 - not plugged and caged%/\n\nBibi happily clambers off her bed and pulls down your jeans and knickers, exposing your unplugged ass and cocklett out of its cage.\n\n [[you look like an absolute slut|so2][$page = 5]].\n\n<<endif>><<elseif $pro is 1>><<if $Charliesub is true>><<if $plugged is "Your ass is plugged" and "$caged" is "Your cocklett is caged">>When Charlie comes up and finds you sitting on her bed\n\nplugged ass and caged cocklett.\n\n\n\t\t\t*\t\t\t*\t\t\t*\n\n\nyou have no make up \n\n\n\n<<else>>When Charlie comes up and finds you sitting on her bed\n\ncocklett out of its cage.\n\nBibi re-does your make-up. When she's done you look at your reflection and see that she's made [[you look like an absolute slut|so2][$page = 5]].\n\n\n\n\t\t\t*\t\t\t*\t\t\t*\n\n\nbad girl make up <<endif>><<else>>Charlie soon joins you and you chat blah<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n\n\n\n<<elseif $page is 42>><<if $pro is 0>>//I look like an absolute slut!// keep?\n\n\n\t\t\t*\t\t\t\t*\t\t\t\t*\n\nyou have slutty/good girl make up \n\n\n\n<<elseif $pro is 1>><<if $Charliesub is true>>\n\n\n\n\t\t\t*\t\t\t\t*\t\t\t\t*\n\nyou will get good girl make up \n\n\n\n\n\n\n<<else>>Charlie soon joins you and you chat blah<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $page is 5>>\n\n\n'Bibi - put <<print $fnom>> in clothes befitting a sissy slut.' Charlie commands. (saved text)\n\n\n<<elseif $page is 6>>\npro 0/late/Csub/plugged\npro 0/late/not Csub/not plugged\npro 0/late/not Csub/plugged\npro 0/not late/Csub/not plugged\npro 0/not late/Csub/plugged\npro 0/not late/not Csub/not plugged\npro 0/not late/not Csub/plugged\npro 1/late/Csub/not plugged\npro 1/late/Csub/plugged\npro 1/late/not Csub/not plugged\npro 1/late/not Csub/plugged\npro 1/not late/Csub/not plugged\npro 1/not late/Csub/plugged\npro 1/not late/not Csub/not plugged\npro 1/not late/not Csub/plugged\n\n<<endif>>/%page%/\n\n/%<<if $mast is 1>><<else>>horny<<endif>>%/
/%<<if $subchoice is "You’re embarrassed but it was fun and maybe you’ll get a chance to do it back to them.">>\n<<set $sub = "switch">>Switch<<print $sub>>\n<<elseif $subchoice is "You feel your cheeks burn with shame at being humiliated like this ...so why do you have an erection?">>\n<<set $sub = "sub">>Sub<<print $sub>><<set $puppy = true>>\n<<elseif $subchoice is "You feel annoyed at being ridiculed but you’ll get your own back.">>\n<<set $sub = "dom">>Dom<<print $sub>>\n<<else>>what went wrong? :(<<endif>>\n\n<<goto puppy_play>>%/
Aiya’s Dad walks down the hall to say hello. ‘Tea?’ he offers, ushering you all in.\n\n‘I’m just gonna quickly grab something Dad but thanks anyway.’ Aiya intervenes before nipping upstairs to her bedroom.\n\nThe other girls all politely decline anyway apart from Bibi who’s momentarily distracted by a shoe rack.\n\nMr Li hosts you all as if completely unfazed by being in the presence of young women as jaw-droppingly hot as Charlie, Bibi and Sasha. ‘So how are you girls doing?’\n\n‘I’m peachy thank you Mr Li.’ Responds Charlie, with her usual charm.\n\n‘You may call me Ken you know Charlie?’\n\nHe greets Sasha and Bibi in turn. ‘...and...’ Aiya’s dad continues, looking your way ‘..a new member?’.\n\n‘Ken, meet <<print $fnom>>.’ Charlie tells him. ‘She’s on our course.’\n\n‘Hi <<print $fnom>>, pleased to meet you.’\n\nYou smile awkwardly at him in response and [[murmur something inaudibly]].
<img src="Sleep_img/Barbie/barbsroom.jpg">\n\n'Oops! Sorry!' You burble. 'I got lost!'\n\nBibi's Mum laughs softly. 'That's okay honey.' she says. 'Did you ladies have a good night?'\n\nYou blush. 'Yes thank you Mrs Roberts.'\n\n'I'm perfectly happy to say I'm a Miss, Miss <<print $snom>>.' she grins.\n\n'...well don't let me keep you.' she adds.\n\n'Oh, yes - sorry.' you say, backing out of her bedroom.\n\n'See you again soon honey!' she calls after you.\n\n//Okay then...the door to the [[left|bibisroom]].//
This club looks like it might be worth checking out sometime.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/girls.jpg">\n[[Walk on|red light district]]
You and the girls all go up to the bathroom and Charlie hands out towels from the airing cupboard.\n\nYou can see there are baby blue and pink towels.\n\nShe hands you a pink one. ‘Because you’re one of the girls now – unless you particularly want to dry your face where my brother's bollocks have been.’\n\n‘Ah, pink's cool thanks.’\n\nYou follow the girls into Charlie’s room next door. It’s very spacious with pink walls and what appears to be a balcony on the far side. To your left is a vanity desk and the wall opposite her king size bed is a mirrored door.\n\nYou’re bundled inside with them and onto the bed. Soon they’re re-styling their hair and fixing their makeup while chatting about [[boys]].\n
[[Dream test|dt1]]
You fetch your bag from the window latch and start changing with haste.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/chng.jpg">\n\nA short while later, you hear your Mothers voice. 'Hiya Darling! Mummy's home!' she calls from the foot of the stairs.\n\n'Hiya Mum! - I'll be down in a bit okay!' you call back, buying yourself a little more time as you wipe the last of the make up from your eyes.\n\nYou look in the mirror - for once, happy to see a normal looking boy.\n\n//...well as normal as is normal for you anyway.//\n\nNow that your ordeal appears to be over, you breathe a long sigh of relief and [[head downstairs|thu1eve]].
Boboto 'Bob' the Bouncer\n<img src="Sleep_img/Guys/Boboto.png">\n\n/%Bob fled the Congo as a child. He doesn't like talking about it though.\n\n/%Boboto\nLingala\nPeace%/
You know you're done for.\n\nThere's no way you'll manage to scamper up the rest of the way without her hearing or seeing you. Instead, you just lay flat and still as if trying to melt into the staircase.\n\nShe walks by, barely two feet away.\n\nYou watch her continue on out into the sunlight and out of view.\n\n'Oh thank you so much Rachel!' you hear Mr Green say.\n\nMoments later you're [[back in the bedroom]].
HiEvs code\n\n<<switch $kitch>>\n<<case 0>>\n\t<<if $pro is 1>>\n\t\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t\t[[sheepishly|sat1amkitch]].\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t/* pro 1 m not le */TEXT HERE\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<elseif $pro is 0>>\n\t\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t\t[[you fall backwards onto the kitchen floor|lyi][$kitch = 1]].\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t[[your room|lyi][$kitch = 2]].\n\t\t<</if>>/* le */\n\t<</if>>/* pro */\n<<case 1>>\n\t<<set $kitch = 2>>\n\t<<if $agility gt 3>>\n\t\t[[be a girl|lyi][$kitch = 2]].'\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<timed 2s>>\n\t\t\t<<goto lyi>>\n\t\t<</timed>>\n\t<</if>>\n<<case 2>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t<<if $agility gt 3>>\n\t\t\t[[water park|wp3]] [[stay in|stayin]] [[do your own thing|lyi][$kitch = 7]]\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $kitch = 3>>\n\t\t\t[[make sense of them|lyi][$kitch = 3]].\n\t\t<</if>>/* END AGILITY */\n\t<<else>>/* Gone to room as no Ella */\n\t\t<<set $kitch = 3>>\n\t\t<<timed 1s>>\n\t\t\t<<goto lyi>>\n\t\t<</timed>>\n\t<</if>>\n\t<<set $Mumknows = true>>\n<<case 3>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>/* if $agility gt 3 - gone to kitch 7, stayin or wp3 */\n\t\t[[fingers|lyi][$kitch = 4]]\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t[[open it|lyi][$kitch = 4]] to her.\n\t<</if>>\n<<case 4>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t<<textbox "$concussed" "" "lyi">>\n\t\t<<set $kitch = 5>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t[[happy sobs|lyi][$kitch = 5]].'\n\t<</if>>\n<<case 5>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t<<if $concussed is "4">>\n\t\t\t[[squishy hug|homecare]].\n\t\t<<else>>/* concussed */\n\t\t\t[[squishy hug|concuss]]./* ended concussed */\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t<<else>>/* else M NOT LESBIAN */\n\t\t<<if $txtwp is 1>>\n\t\t\t//[[water park|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 1]] [[watch a movie|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 0]]?//\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t//[[you wanted to|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 0]].//\n\t\t<</if>>/* $txtwp */\n\t<</if>>/* MSEX */\n<<case 6>>\n\t<<if $staygo is 0>>\n\t\t<<if $txtwp is 1>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<</if>>\n\t\t[[Mum|stayin]]\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t[[swimsuit|wp3][$wppage = 0]].'\n\t<</if>>\n<<case 7>>\n\t[[your own devices|Sat1]].\n<</switch>>\n\n_\nMy code\n\n<<if $kitch is 0>>\n\t<<if $pro is 1>>\n\t\t<<if $msex is "le">>[[sheepishly|sat1amkitch]].\n\t\t<<else>>/%pro 1 m not le%/TEXT HERE\n\t\t<<endif>>\n/%removed endif%/\n\t<<elseif $pro is 0>>\n\t\t<<if $msex is "le">>[[you fall backwards onto the kitchen floor|lyi][$kitch = 1]].\n\t\t<<else>>[[your room|lyi][$kitch = 2]].\n\t\t<<endif>>/%le%/\n\t<<endif>>/%pro%/\n<<elseif $kitch is 1>><<set $kitch = 2>>\n\t<<if $agility gt 3>> [[be a girl|lyi][$kitch is 2]].'\n\t<<else>><<timed 2s>><<goto lyi>><</timed>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<elseif $kitch is 2>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t<<if $agility gt 3>>[[water park|wp3]][[stay in|stayin]][[do your own thing|lyi][$kitch = 7]]\n\t\t<<else>><<set $kitch = 3>> [[make sense of them|lyi][$kitch = 3]].\n\t\t<<endif>>/%END AGILITY%/\n\t<<else>>/%Gone to room as no Ella%/<<set $kitch = 3>><<timed 1s>><<goto lyi>><</timed>>\n\t<<endif>><<set $Mumknows = true>>\n<<elseif $kitch is 3>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>/%if $agility gt 3 - gone to kitch 7, stayin or wp3 %/[[fingers|lyi][$kitch = 4]]\n\t<<else>> [[open it|lyi][$kitch = 4]] to her.\n\t<<endif>>\n<<elseif $kitch is 4>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">><<textbox "$concussed" "" "lyi">><<set $kitch = 5>>\n\t<<else>>[[happy sobs|lyi][$kitch = 5]].'\n\t<<endif>>\n<<elseif $kitch is 5>>\n\t<<if $msex is "le">>\n\t\t<<if $concussed is "4">>[[squishy hug|homecare]].\n\t\t<<else>>/%concussed%/[[squishy hug|concuss]]./%ended concussed%/\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\t<<else>>/%else M NOT LESBIAN%/\n\t\t<<if $txtwp is 1>>[[water park|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 1]][[watch a movie|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 0]]?//\n\t\t<<else>>[[you wanted to|lyi][$kitch = 6, $staygo = 0]].//\n\t\t<<endif>>/%$txtwp%/\n\t<<endif>>/%MSEX%/ /%<<endif>>%/ /%WHY ARE THERE 3 ENDIFS HERE!??%/\n<<elseif $kitch is 6>>\n\t<<if $staygo is 0>>\n\t\t<<if $txtwp is 1>>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<endif>> [[Mum|stayin]] \n\t<<else>> [[swimsuit|wp3][$wppage = 0]].'\n\t<<endif>>\n<<elseif $kitch is 7>>[[your own devices|Sat1]].\n<<endif>>
'Waiting...' you hear Bibi say outside.\n\nYou smooth the fabric down and step out.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kacey/pg1.jpg">\n\n'What do you think?' you ask the girls.\n\nBibi claps her hands together like a lunatic.\n\n'Oh that's adorable!' Sasha says.\n\n'Let's get both!' Bibi suggests.\n\n'Oh I can't really afford-' you start but Bibi interjects by blowing a raspberry.\n\n'We'll put it on a tab.' she says winking at you.\n\n\n<<if $pro is 1>>//Should you buy the [[blue|chout][$bluedress = true, $money = $money - 50]] one, the [[pink and grey|chout][$pinkgreydress = true, $bluedress = false, $money = $money - 50]] one or [[let Bibi|chout][$bluedress = true, $pinkgreydress = true, $owebibi = $owebibi - 100]] get them?//<<else>>Thinking about it, you realise you don't really have quite enough for either so you [[let Bibi get them both for you|chout][$bluedress = true, $pinkgreydress = true, $owebibi = $owebibi - 100]] as she doesn't seem to mind.<<endif>>
<img src="Sleep_img/spa/spa3.jpg">\n\n[[//Ahhhh, serenity...//|the spa]]
‘Were going to have to make you up fully - hair, clothes, everything..and whenever you want to hang with us, you just have to make yourself up because obviously people are going to notice if your twin brother is hanging around with us! How does that sound honey?’ Charlie asks you. 'Do you think you could do that? Please say you will...'\n\nThis isn’t the sort of thing you’d normally do – but then none of this is the sort of thing you’d normally do. Perhaps you should just go with the flow and see where it takes you.\n\n‘You want to make me up?’ You ask.\n\n‘Yep.’ Charlie confirms.\n\n‘...like a girl?’\n\n‘Uh-huh...whenever we want.’ Charlie confirms. ‘Starting from today. I’ll make you look so cute that nobody will be able to tell you’re really a boy – and then you can come around whenever you like.’ She says the last bit like she knows how much of a selling point it is for you.\n\nYou’re just about to answer her when she leans in close to you and whispers so the others can’t hear. ‘If you let me do this I’ll let you eat my pussy some time if you like.’\n\nShe reads your look of disbelief and mouths the words ‘I promise.’ at you.\n\nYou bite your lip nervously. After a pause, you nod. ‘Okay...’\nThe girls are pleased with your answer.\n\nThe girls give you a mini celebration.\n\n'That's settled then.' Charlie tells you. 'Eyebrows first.'\n\n'What?'\n\nCharlie puts her hands on her hips and looks at you impatiently.\n\n‘Okay but what’s my mum going to think?’\n\n‘Aw, I’m only gonna smarten them up a bit but you’ve got long hair anyway, you’ll be able to hide them easily enough.’\n\nShe lays you down and plucks them speedily with expert precision.\n\nAfter a little touch up of powder, mascara lipstick she tells you you’re ready.\n\n ‘OK, let me show you into Narnia.’ Charlie says, opening the door to her wardrobe.\n\nThe door slides open, revealing a walk-in-[[wardrobe beyond]].
You and the girls sit in a circle on the floor. Aiya swigs the Lambrini and passes it to you. It’s just dregs so you swig the last of it and place it down on its side in the middle of the circle.\n\nCharlie puts her hand on the bottle. ‘As Queen of this realm I shall spin first.’ She declares in a posh voice. You think she sounds a little tipsy.\n\n‘House rules.’ She continues then smiles at you with a wink. ‘You’ll pick it up Sugar.’\n\n‘OK, start easy - snog.’ She says simply, and gives the bottle a spin.\n\nIt stops on Aiya. ‘Biiiitch!’\n\n‘Who ya gonna snog Aiya?’ Charlie teases.\n\nAiya puts her hand on the bottle and spins. You watch it, wondering who you’d most like to see kissing her. Finally it stops.\n\nSasha clasps her hands together expectantly. ‘Go on Beebs!’\nAiya launches at Bibi, topping her over. ‘C’mere Bibi!. She says, planting a wet kiss full on the mouth. The pair look at each other for a moment before making out again more softly.\n\nYou’re dumbstruck. They’re both just so unrealistically attractive and there they are in front of you - two goddesses making out with each other before your eyes.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Spin the Bottle/00000ab1.gif">\n\n//Whatever it is you’re doing right to have got to this point// - [[you think to yourself]] - //you ought to keep doing it.//\n
You manage to focus as Miss Riven wraps up the lesson, class ends and the students start filling out of the door.\n\n‘Thank you for the input ladies!’ Miss Riven sarcastically chirps to Aiya and Charlie as they pass by.\n\nAiya grins and Charlie beams sweetly ‘Thank you Miss Riven!’\n\n'Richie.' wait outside for me please.' she says curtly.\n\n<<if $Mumknows is true>>Miss Riven then catches your eye. ‘Ah, Miss <<print $snom>>, may I have a word?’\n\n‘Um, yes Miss.’\n\nWhen the last of the students have filed out of the classroom, Miss Riven perches on the edge of her desk.\nShe seems to regard you for a moment and you struggle to keep your eyes off her beautiful, fishnet sheathed legs and inviting cleavage.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Miss Riven/rivendesk.jpg">\n\nShe smiles subtly at you ‘Your Mother contacted the college and let us know about your situation. Please know, if you’d like this to remain confidential then we’ll honour that but if you’re happy to help out later on in the course when we get to sexuality and gender, it would be wonderful if you’d speak in front of the class – no pressure though!’ she smiles.\n\nYou smile back and make a slow nod of understanding. //Absolutely no fucking way.// you think to yourself.\n\n‘Anyway...’ Miss Riven continues ‘It’s great to have you in my class and I hope you enjoy the course – and finish with an A* too of course!’ She pauses for a moment before adding ‘...and if you’re in need of any words of encouragement; I think you look adorable as a girl – probably best to keep that off-record though.’ she grins.\n\n‘Thank you Miss.’ You tell her, unsure of what else to say.\n\nMiss Riven winks at you. ‘Go and join your friends.’ She says, [[tilting her head towards the door|out the door]].<<else>>Miss Riven catches your eye and smiles at you. You return a smile nervously and follow the others [[out the door]].<<endif>>\n
Welcome to the no-holes-barred version of Sleepovers!\n\nThank you so much for your support! X\n\nEnjoy! :)\n\n<<back>>
<<if $mumtoy is 1>>You turn the butt plug over in your hands, inspecting it in a little more detail.\n\nIt seems to have multiple speeds which you try out. The last speed vibrates quit fiercely. When you touch it against the tip of your cock, you let out an involantary gasp.\n\n//Oh my god, that's new.//\n\nYou put it against your frenulum and fall into a state of bliss.\n\nIt's not long before it makes you cum hard across your tummy.\n\nYou lay there feeling sticky and satisfied barely aware that you've been idly sucking globs of cum from your fingers.\n\nAfter a while, you get up and make yourself [[decent for dinner]].\n<<elseif $schboy is true>>When you're done, you look at the mess you made and wonder when wanking stoped being fun.\n\n//After Charlie showed me a whole new level of orgasm.//\n\nAfter a while, you get up and make yourself [[decent for dinner]].\n\n<<elseif $mdildo is "don't take">>When you're done, you look at the mess you made and wonder when wanking stoped being fun.\n\n//After Charlie showed me a whole new level of orgasm.//\n\nAfter a while, you get up and make yourself [[decent for dinner]].\n\n<<else>>When you're done, you look at the mess you made and wonder when wanking stoped being fun.\n\n//After Charlie showed me a whole new level of orgasm.//\n\nAfter a while, you get up and make yourself [[decent for dinner]].<<endif>>
You could try making friends with the <<if $geeks is "false">>[[Geeks]]<<else>>Geeks<<endif>> Clique...\n\n...or the <<if $goths is "false">>[[Goths]]<<else>>Goths<<endif>> sitting in the shade.\n\nYou could try chatting to the <<if $bimbos is "false">>[[bimbos]]<<else>>bimbos<<endif>> over on the bench.\n\nOr the [[Sporty]] Clique...\n\n<<if $geeks is "true" and $goths is "true" and $bimbos is "true">><<set $sporty = "true">><<endif>>
<<if $test is "yes">>Yes<<elseif $test is "no">>No<<elseif $test is "maybe">>Maybe<<else>>:(<<endif>>
'You look happy!' Your mum says when she gets home.\n\nYou ask her if it's OK to go for a sleepover at your new friends house.\nAlthough usually very laid back, she seems a little concerned.\n\n'Aw, that sounds nice darling but I've not even met your new friend yet. What's his name?'\n\n'Charlie.' You tell her. They'll be around to pick me up at 7 so you can meet them all [[then]].
<<if $change is true>><<if $Charliesub is true>>After that, the conversation returns to relative normality.<<else>>You and the the girls engage in the usual post-college natter.<<endif>>\n\nSasha tells you she has a piano lesson but has enough time to drop you to your appointment.\n\nYou both hop in her [[car]] and head to G-Tec.\n<<else>><<if $Charliesub is true>>After that, the conversation returns to relative normality.<<else>><<endif>>\n\nYour Mum pulls up outside the gates and your friends wish you good luck as you leave them.\n\nYou hop in your Mum's [[car]] and head to G-Tec.<<endif>>\n<<set $kti = 0>>
<<if $t gte 8 and $d gte 4>><<set $text = "true">><<set $txt1 = "true">>Looks like you've got a [[text]] message!<<else>>You could [[bum around]], [[study]] or use your [[laptop]].\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $t is $t + 1>>\n<<set $d is $d + 1>>\n<<set $dins = "nothing">>
[[Demo_Shop]]\n\n/%StoryInit%/\n \n/% Here I am just setting the variables such as item counters to zero. I am not sure if all of these are actually needed to set zero but it is always helpful in big projects to sort what variables are used. And they are in correct value when story starts. %/\n \n<<set $Lube = 0>>\n<<set $Condoms = 0>>\n<<set $MakeUp = 0>>\n<<set $Buttplug = false>>\n<<set $money = 200>>\n\n
You watch them play but are to shy to ask if you can join in.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/volley.jpg">\n[[>>|beach]]
<<if $schgirl is true>>The five of you chat for a bit in the car park before Sasha and Bibi split.\n\n'Hey, so <<print $fnom>>!' are you still doing initiations?' Sasha asks you.\n\nYou shrug and look at Charlie.\n\n'Absolutely.' Charlie confirms.\n\n'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'...well, not really a date...'\n\n'Right...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?'\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'They're in gigging?' You ask. 'I thought they split.'\n\n'They did.' Aiya tells you. 'They just do the odd tour now and then for shits and giggles.'\n\n'...and you know them?' you ask, impressed.\n\n'They lived here for a while.' Charlie explains. 'The Peninsula's not such a big place.'\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\n'Uh huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You're a beautiful girl, everyone can see it. Nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've not taken up her offer already but everything's happend so fast.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' she continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Friday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n'So I'm not quite first pick then?'\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>, it's not like that!' Sasha reassures you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.\n\nYou and Aiya jump in the Mustang and Charlie drops the pair of you [[home|hometuewk1]].\n\n<<elseif $change is true>>The five of you chat for a bit in the car park before Sasha and Bibi split.\n\n'Hey, so <<print $fnom>>!' are you still doing initiations?' Sasha asks you.\n\nYou shrug and look at Charlie.\n\n'Absolutely.' Charlie confirms.\n\n'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'...well, not really a date...'\n\n'Right...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?'\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'They're in gigging?' You ask. 'I thought they split.'\n\n'They did.' Aiya tells you. 'They just do the odd tour now and then for shits and giggles.'\n\n'...and you know them?' you ask, impressed.\n\n'They lived here for a while.' Charlie explains. 'The Peninsula's not such a big place.'\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\n'Uh huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You're a beautiful girl, everyone can see it. Nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've not taken up her offer already but everything's happend so fast.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' she continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Friday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n'So I'm not quite first pick then?'\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>, it's not like that!' Sasha reassures you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.\n\nYou change on Charlie's back seat again, back into your boys uniform and wipe the makeup from your face using her rear view mirror.\n\n'Oi!' Charlie calls you to you from the drivers seat. '...and keep that plug in 'til you get home!'\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>'Yes Mistress!' you call back obligingly.<<else>>'Yeah, whatever.' you tell her.\n\nYou quite like having it in anyway.<<endif>>\n\nCharlie drops Aiya off home and you off just a little way further down the road so you're not seen getting out of her car.\n\nYou watch her speed off, back down the road before heading [[home|hometuewk1]].\n\n<<elseif $schlb is true>>In the car park, the girls continue to blast you incessantly with questions about what happened between last night and this morning that lead to you coming to college in the girls uniform.\n\nYou can't pretend you don't love the praise and attention.\n\nThe day seems to have gone better than you could possibly have expected and you can't help but feel you made the right choice confiding in your Mother.\n\n'Hey, so <<print $fnom>>!' are you still doing initiations?' Sasha asks you.\n\nYou shrug and look at Charlie.\n\n'Absolutely.' Charlie confirms.\n\n'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?'\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\n'Uh huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You're a beautiful girl, everyone can see it. Nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've not taken up her offer already but everything's happend so fast.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' she continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Friday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n'So I'm not quite first pick then?'\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>, it's not like that!' Sasha reassures you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.\n\nThe five of you chat for a bit in the car park before Sasha and Bibi split.\n\nYou and Aiya jump in the Mustang and Charlie drops the pair of you [[home|hometuewk1]].\n<<elseif $schboy is true>>You walk past the girls on your way to the gate. Charlie calls you over.\n\nWhen in their midst, they greet you and Sasha asks how you're enjoying the course.\n\nCharlie asks flatly if you still have the butt plug in and you tell her you do.\n\n'So are you done with our girls nights or are you still game?' she asks you.\n\n'I still want to hang with you.' You tell her. 'I don't mind dressing up.'\n\nCharlie grins. 'There's my girl!' she tells you.\n\n'Hey, so <<print $fnom>>!' are you still doing initiations?' Sasha asks you.\n\nYou shrug and look at Charlie.\n\n'Absolutely.' Charlie confirms.\n\n'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?'\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\n'Uh huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You can be a beautiful girl when you want to be, everyone can see it. When you're made up nice, nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've hardly thought about her offer but everything's happend so fast and how would you explain it to your Mum if you started growing boobs? How long could you hide the changes for?\n\nYou wish you could just tell her.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' Sasha continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Friday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n//Of course you're not first choice. Why would you be?//\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>.' Sasha urges you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.\n\nThey seem to be done with you for now and you make to head home but Charlie calls you back.\n\n'You still have it in?' she asks.\n\n'Yes Charlie - I said.'\n\n'Mistress.' she corrects. 'Don't get it wrong again.' she adds ominously.\n\n'Yes Mistress.'\n\nShe looks sceptical and reaches around to feel the hard base of glass protruding slightly between your butt cheeks. When she feels it her face lights up joyfully.\n\n'Oh, there's a good little sissy boy!' she tells you.\n\nIt's really embarrassing what with the others standing there but they know what you are.\n\n...and [[so do you|hometuewk1]].\n<<endif>>
You spend time reading up on tells and how to spot them.\n<<set $shrewd = $shrewd + 1>>\n\n<<return>>
A crystal clear pool!\n<img src="Sleep_img/woods/2247.jpg">\n[[Leave.|wds][$long = 23, $lat is 49, $o = "n"]]\n<<set $t is $t + 0.01>>\n<<set $woods = false>>
Sasha pulls up directly outside G-Tec reception. She rushes around and helps you out of the passenger side in a gentlemanly fashion before taking you by the hand into reception.\n\n'Oh my...' MJ says before picking up the phone.\n\n'Um... hiya, could you come down to the foyer a second please...\n\n...okay.' she hangs up with her finger and re-dials.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/GTec/MJ/02.jpg">\n\n'They're here...\n\n...okay.' she says, then puts down the phone.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/GTec/MJ/0001.jpg">\n\n'They'll be down in a moment.' MJ tells you and she's not wrong; a moment later Dr Brae appears.\n\nShe looks at you, then over to her daughter and back at you, stepping up closely.\n\nShe shakes her head and steps back out of your personal space.\n\n'This is truly amazing.' she says.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Sfam/react.jpg">\n\nA moment later your Mother emerges from the hallway opposite, offering you a momentary glance.\n\n'Hey MJ, what did you...' she trails of and looks back over to where you're sitting.\n\n'Hey Mummy.' you greet her uncertainly.\n\nFor a moment she just stands there supporting herself.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/hugs.jpg">\n\nYou stand up and walk over to her.\n\n'Baby? Is that you?' She asks in shock.\n\n'It's me Mummy.' you tell her.\n\n'Oh my god - honey!' she waivers, reaching out to envelop you in a big warm hug.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/hugss.jpg">\n\nFollowing tears of sorrow for the loss of her son, your Mother sheds tears of joy for you - her daughter and you sob into her cleavage until it's well and truly soggy.\n\nWhen the moment between you has passed, Dr Brae puts her hand gently upon your Mother's shoulder.\n\n'Would you follow me in for [[a few quick tests]], Miss <<print $snom>>?'\n
Within moments, you recieve a new text - \n\n"Cool! We'll be round to pick you up at around [[7]]. ;)"\n\n<<set $text = "true">>
<<if $race is 0>>'Okay Bibi - gimmie that ass!' Charlie tells her with a wicked grin.\n\nYou can't help grinning gleefully too. You know you're in for a show.\n\n'I don't know what you're grinning about pussy boy.' Charlie tells you. You have to wait in the bathroom until we're finished.\n\n//...or not.//\n\nAs Bibi assumes the position and Charlie picks up the huge silicone dong, you walk towards the door as slowly as possible.\n\n'Go.' Charlie orders, pointing at the door with the object in her hand.\n\nSullenly, you [[do as you're told|cnb]].\n\n<<elseif $race is 8>>'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says with obvious ingenuity. 'Let's show her what happens next Bibi.'\n\nBibi makes an attempt to act like a reluctant party but fails spectacularly. 'Oh-kaay.' she agrees, getting on all fours on the rug. She squeaks as Charlie pumps a bottle of lube in her ass.\n\n<<if $sub is "dom">>It's all so entertaining until Charlie instructs you to get on your hands and knees beside Bibi.\n\n//This isn't going to be fun - that thing's enormous.\n\n...but you played and lost so now you have to woman up and take what's coming.//\n\nYou do as you're bid, albeit begrudgingly, allowing her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but you agreed to this and you're not one to back out; besides, next time you're convinced you'll beat them both and then Charlie won't look so smug.\nYou look at the shiny end of her strap-on cock, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around it.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nYou're glad when she finally pulls it out again and enjoy watching Bibi suck it.\n\n//That girl's got skills!//\n\nCharlie pulls out and you prepare yourself to do more sucking; instead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're thoroughly enjoying the view and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\nShe holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nAs pleasant as it looks all stretched out, you aren't so keen on the idea of Charlie doing that to you.\n\n//Do this and next time you're going to win and there'll be no excuse for Charlie to back out.// you tell yourself.\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. You have to admit it doesn't feel entirely horrible but you keep up the act of not enjoying yourself.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm. You so wish you could fuck them both.\n\n//If only your own cock was that big.//\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told - it's not like you don't like eating pussy after all! Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your cock, causing it to protrude expectantly. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\n\n//She's going to be your 'slut sister' if anything.'// you tell yourself.\n\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes, stifling your squeaks and moans as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nJust as you become aware of how neglected your achingly stiff cock is, Charlie grabs it in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your cock and onto Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and tries to snowball you.\n\n'No thanks Bibi - You can keep that.' you tell her and watch her swallow it happily.\n\nYou glower as Charlie gives you a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<else>>/%suborswitch%/You feel that familiar rush of excited and apprehensive anticipation as you watch Charlie push her silicone cock down Bibi's throat until it's slick with drool.\n\n'Come here.' Charlie commands.\n\nYou do as you're bid and allow her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but there's no denying Charlie. You look at the shiny end, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around her silicone cock.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nBy the time she pulls it out again, you realise you were actually getting well into it and you watch Bibi suck it again, waiting for your turn again.\n\nInstead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're dizzy with horniness and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and let Charlie use her foot to push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\n\nCharlie holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug and gets you to splay your ass cheeks. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. Feeling a strange new sense of pride, you let her use you as she wants, excited at the idea of having a gaped ass.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm.\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told. Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your floppy little cocklett. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes almost automatically, stifling your squeaks and moans of pleasure as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nYour floppy little cock starts to fill just a little before Charlie slaps it down again and grabs your junk in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your floppy little cocklett and into Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her open hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and opens your mouth with her fingers before letting her mouthful spill into your mouth. The two of you share a cummy kiss.\n\n//Bibi's a really good kisser.// you decide.\n\nCharlie gives you both a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $race is 7>>'Oh dear <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says with obvious ingenuity. 'Let's show her what happens next Bibi.'\n\nBibi makes an attempt to act like a reluctant party but fails spectacularly. 'Oh-kaay.' she agrees, getting on all fours on the rug. She squeaks as Charlie pumps a bottle of lube in her ass.\n\n<<if $sub is "dom">>It's all so entertaining until Charlie instructs you to get on your hands and knees beside Bibi.\n\n//This isn't going to be fun - that thing's enormous.\n\n...but you played and lost so now you have to woman up and take what's coming.//\n\nYou do as you're bid, albeit begrudgingly, allowing her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but you agreed to this and you're not one to back out; besides, next time you're convinced you'll beat them both and then Charlie won't look so smug.\nYou look at the shiny end of her strap-on cock, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around it.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nYou're glad when she finally pulls it out again and enjoy watching Bibi suck it.\n\n//That girl's got skills!//\n\nCharlie pulls out and you prepare yourself to do more sucking; instead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're thoroughly enjoying the view and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\nShe holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nAs pleasant as it looks all stretched out, you aren't so keen on the idea of Charlie doing that to you.\n\n//Do this and next time you're going to win and there'll be no excuse for Charlie to back out.// you tell yourself.\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. You have to admit it doesn't feel entirely horrible but you keep up the act of not enjoying yourself.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm. You so wish you could fuck them both.\n\n//If only your own cock was that big.//\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told - it's not like you don't like eating pussy after all! Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your cock, causing it to protrude expectantly. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\n\n//She's going to be your 'slut sister' if anything.'// you tell yourself.\n\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes, stifling your squeaks and moans as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nJust as you become aware of how neglected your achingly stiff cock is, Charlie grabs it in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your cock and onto Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and tries to snowball you.\n\n'No thanks Bibi - You can keep that.' you tell her and watch her swallow it happily.\n\nYou glower as Charlie gives you a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<else>>/%suborswitch%/You feel that familiar rush of excited and apprehensive anticipation as you watch Charlie push her silicone cock down Bibi's throat until it's slick with drool.\n\n'Come here.' Charlie commands.\n\nYou do as you're bid and allow her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but there's no denying Charlie. You look at the shiny end, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around her silicone cock.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nBy the time she pulls it out again, you realise you were actually getting well into it and you watch Bibi suck it again, waiting for your turn again.\n\nInstead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're dizzy with horniness and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and let Charlie use her foot to push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\n\nCharlie holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug and gets you to splay your ass cheeks. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. Feeling a strange new sense of pride, you let her use you as she wants, excited at the idea of having a gaped ass.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm.\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told. Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your floppy little cocklett. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes almost automatically, stifling your squeaks and moans of pleasure as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nYour floppy little cock starts to fill just a little before Charlie slaps it down again and grabs your junk in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your floppy little cocklett and into Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her open hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and opens your mouth with her fingers before letting her mouthful spill into your mouth. The two of you share a cummy kiss.\n\n//Bibi's a really good kisser.// you decide.\n\nCharlie gives you both a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $race is 3>>//So close!\n\n...but...//\n\nYou look at the humungous strap-on dong in horror.\n\n'That was some pretty decent driving <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says. '...but I still get to stick you with the monster.'\n\n'Let's show her what happens next Bibi.'\n\nBibi makes an attempt to act like a reluctant party but fails spectacularly. 'Oh-kaay.' she agrees, getting on all fours on the rug. She squeaks as Charlie pumps a bottle of lube in her ass.\n\n<<if $sub is "dom">>It's all so entertaining until Charlie instructs you to get on your hands and knees beside Bibi.\n\n//This isn't going to be fun - that thing's enormous.\n\n...but you played and lost so now you have to woman up and take what's coming.//\n\nYou do as you're bid, albeit begrudgingly, allowing her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but you agreed to this and you're not one to back out; besides, next time you're convinced you'll beat them both and then Charlie won't look so smug.\nYou look at the shiny end of her strap-on cock, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around it.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nYou're glad when she finally pulls it out again and enjoy watching Bibi suck it.\n\n//That girl's got skills!//\n\nCharlie pulls out and you prepare yourself to do more sucking; instead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're thoroughly enjoying the view and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\nShe holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nAs pleasant as it looks all stretched out, you aren't so keen on the idea of Charlie doing that to you.\n\n//Do this and next time you're going to win and there'll be no excuse for Charlie to back out.// you tell yourself.\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. You have to admit it doesn't feel entirely horrible but you keep up the act of not enjoying yourself.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm. You so wish you could fuck them both.\n\n//If only your own cock was that big.//\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told - it's not like you don't like eating pussy after all! Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your cock, causing it to protrude expectantly. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\n\n//She's going to be your 'slut sister' if anything.'// you tell yourself.\n\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes, stifling your squeaks and moans as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nJust as you become aware of how neglected your achingly stiff cock is, Charlie grabs it in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your cock and onto Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and tries to snowball you.\n\n'No thanks Bibi - You can keep that.' you tell her and watch her swallow it happily.\n\nYou glower as Charlie gives you a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<else>>/%suborswitch%/You feel that familiar rush of excited and apprehensive anticipation as you watch Charlie push her silicone cock down Bibi's throat until it's slick with drool.\n\n'Come here.' Charlie commands.\n\nYou do as you're bid and allow her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but there's no denying Charlie. You look at the shiny end, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around her silicone cock.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nBy the time she pulls it out again, you realise you were actually getting well into it and you watch Bibi suck it again, waiting for your turn again.\n\nInstead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're dizzy with horniness and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and let Charlie use her foot to push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\n\nCharlie holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug and gets you to splay your ass cheeks. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. Feeling a strange new sense of pride, you let her use you as she wants, excited at the idea of having a gaped ass.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm.\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told. Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your floppy little cocklett. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes almost automatically, stifling your squeaks and moans of pleasure as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nYour floppy little cock starts to fill just a little before Charlie slaps it down again and grabs your junk in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your floppy little cocklett and into Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her open hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and opens your mouth with her fingers before letting her mouthful spill into your mouth. The two of you share a cummy kiss.\n\n//Bibi's a really good kisser.// you decide.\n\nCharlie gives you both a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<endif>>\n\n/%<<if $sub is "sub">>'So are you going to fuck Bibi with this...' she says brandishing the huge silicone strap-on '...or your own little weenie?\n\nYou can't believe you've finally got the chance to fuck Bibi!\n\n...but now that you think of it, wouldn't you rather [[be the one getting fucked anyway|cnbwin]]?\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">>'So are you going to fuck Bibi with [[this|cnbwin][$strapcnb]]...' she says brandishing the huge silicone strap-on '...or [[your own little weenie|cnbwin][$fuckcnb]]?\n\nYou've finally got the chance to fuck Bibi!\n\n...but now that you think of it, wouldn't you rather [[be the one getting fucked anyway|cnbwin]]?<<else>>'So are you going to fuck Bibi with [[this|cnbwin][$strapcnb]]...' she says brandishing the huge silicone strap-on '...or [[your own little weenie|cnbwin][$fuckcnb]]?\n\n<<endif>>%/\n\n<<elseif $race is 6>><<if $chaass is true>>'Oh no!' Charlie says smugly. 'What happened? - you seemed to lose your focus for a moment there.'\n\nYou shrug.<<endif>>\n\n'Let's show her what happens next Bibi.' Charlie grins.\n\nBibi makes an attempt to act like a reluctant party but fails spectacularly. 'Oh-kaay.' she agrees, getting on all fours on the rug. She squeaks as Charlie pumps a bottle of lube in her ass.\n\n<<if $sub is "dom">>It's all so entertaining until Charlie instructs you to get on your hands and knees beside Bibi.\n\n//This isn't going to be fun - that thing's enormous.\n\n...but you played and lost so now you have to woman up and take what's coming.//\n\nYou do as you're bid, albeit begrudgingly, allowing her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but you agreed to this and you're not one to back out; besides, next time you're convinced you'll beat them both and then Charlie won't look so smug.\nYou look at the shiny end of her strap-on cock, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around it.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nYou're glad when she finally pulls it out again and enjoy watching Bibi suck it.\n\n//That girl's got skills!//\n\nCharlie pulls out and you prepare yourself to do more sucking; instead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're thoroughly enjoying the view and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\nShe holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nAs pleasant as it looks all stretched out, you aren't so keen on the idea of Charlie doing that to you.\n\n//Do this and next time you're going to win and there'll be no excuse for Charlie to back out.// you tell yourself.\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. You have to admit it doesn't feel entirely horrible but you keep up the act of not enjoying yourself.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm. You so wish you could fuck them both.\n\n//If only your own cock was that big.//\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told - it's not like you don't like eating pussy after all! Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your cock, causing it to protrude expectantly. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\n\n//She's going to be your 'slut sister' if anything.'// you tell yourself.\n\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes, stifling your squeaks and moans as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nJust as you become aware of how neglected your achingly stiff cock is, Charlie grabs it in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your cock and onto Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and tries to snowball you.\n\n'No thanks Bibi - You can keep that.' you tell her and watch her swallow it happily.\n\nYou glower as Charlie gives you a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<else>>You feel that familiar rush of excited and apprehensive anticipation as you watch Charlie push her silicone cock down Bibi's throat until it's slick with drool.\n\n'Come here.' Charlie commands.\n\nYou do as you're bid and allow her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but there's no denying Charlie. You look at the shiny end, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around her silicone cock.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nBy the time she pulls it out again, you realise you were actually getting well into it and you watch Bibi suck it again, waiting for your turn again.\n\nInstead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're dizzy with horniness and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and let Charlie use her foot to push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\n\nCharlie holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug and gets you to splay your ass cheeks. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. Feeling a strange new sense of pride, you let her use you as she wants, excited at the idea of having a gaped ass.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm.\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told. Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your floppy little cocklett. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes almost automatically, stifling your squeaks and moans of pleasure as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nYour floppy little cock starts to fill just a little before Charlie slaps it down again and grabs your junk in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your floppy little cocklett and into Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her open hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and opens your mouth with her fingers before letting her mouthful spill into your mouth. The two of you share a cummy kiss.\n\n//Bibi's a really good kisser.// you decide.\n\nCharlie gives you both a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $race is 2>>//So close!\n\n...but...//\n\nYou look at the humungous strap-on dong in horror.\n\n'Nice driving <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says with rare genuity. '...but you still lose. Let's show her what happens next Bibi.'\n\nBibi makes an attempt to act like a reluctant party but fails spectacularly. 'Oh-kaay.' she agrees, getting on all fours on the rug. She squeaks as Charlie pumps a bottle of lube in her ass.\n\n<<if $sub is "dom">>It's all so entertaining until Charlie instructs you to get on your hands and knees beside Bibi.\n\n//This isn't going to be fun - that thing's enormous.\n\n...but you played and lost so now you have to woman up and take what's coming.//\n\nYou do as you're bid, albeit begrudgingly, allowing her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but you agreed to this and you're not one to back out; besides, next time you're convinced you'll beat them both and then Charlie won't look so smug.\nYou look at the shiny end of her strap-on cock, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around it.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nYou're glad when she finally pulls it out again and enjoy watching Bibi suck it.\n\n//That girl's got skills!//\n\nCharlie pulls out and you prepare yourself to do more sucking; instead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're thoroughly enjoying the view and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\nShe holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nAs pleasant as it looks all stretched out, you aren't so keen on the idea of Charlie doing that to you.\n\n//Do this and next time you're going to win and there'll be no excuse for Charlie to back out.// you tell yourself.\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. You have to admit it doesn't feel entirely horrible but you keep up the act of not enjoying yourself.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm. You so wish you could fuck them both.\n\n//If only your own cock was that big.//\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told - it's not like you don't like eating pussy after all! Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your cock, causing it to protrude expectantly. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\n\n//She's going to be your 'slut sister' if anything.'// you tell yourself.\n\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes, stifling your squeaks and moans as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nJust as you become aware of how neglected your achingly stiff cock is, Charlie grabs it in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your cock and onto Charlie’s fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and tries to snowball you.\n\n'No thanks Bibi - You can keep that.' you tell her and watch her swallow it happily.\n\nYou glower as Charlie gives you a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<else>>/%suborswitch%/You feel that familiar rush of excited and apprehensive anticipation as you watch Charlie push her silicone cock down Bibi's throat until it's slick with drool.\n\n'Come here.' Charlie commands.\n\nYou do as you're bid and allow her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but there's no denying Charlie. You look at the shiny end, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around her silicone cock.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nBy the time she pulls it out again, you realise you were actually getting well into it and you watch Bibi suck it again, waiting for your turn again.\n\nInstead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're dizzy with horniness and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and let Charlie use her foot to push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\n\nCharlie holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug and gets you to splay your ass cheeks. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. Feeling a strange new sense of pride, you let her use you as she wants, excited at the idea of having a gaped ass.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm.\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told. Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your floppy little cocklett. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes almost automatically, stifling your squeaks and moans of pleasure as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nYour floppy little cock starts to fill just a little before Charlie slaps it down again and grabs your junk in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your floppy little cocklett and into Charlie's fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her open hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and opens your mouth with her fingers before letting her mouthful spill into your mouth. The two of you share a cummy kiss.\n\n//Bibi's a really good kisser.// you decide.\n\nCharlie gives you both a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $race is 1>>Charlie's look of disbelief is priceless.\n\n<<if $Charliesub is true>>'How in the fuck did you..?' she starts but trails off. 'Okay <<print $fnom>>, you win - fair's fair. Are you going to use this...' she says brandishing the huge silicone strap-on '...or your little dicklett?<<elseif $sub is 'sub'>>'How in the fuck did you..?' she starts but trails off. 'Okay <<print $fnom>>, you win - fair's fair. Are you going to use this...' she says brandishing the huge silicone strap-on '...or your little dicklett?<<else>>'How in the fuck did you..?' she starts but trails off. 'Okay <<print $fnom>>, you win. Are you going to [[use this|cnbwin]]...' she says brandishing the huge silicone strap-on '...or [[your little dicklett|cnbwin]]?<<endif>>\n\n<<if $sub is "dom">><<else>>You've finally got what you wanted - the chance to fuck Charlie with Bibi thrown in as a bonus!\n\n...but now that you think of it, wouldn't you rather [[let Charlie fuck you anyway|cnbwin]]?<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n<<set $racing_cb = false>>\n\n<<if tags().includes("rui")>>\n<<removeclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<<else>>\n<<addclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<</if>>\n
...thinking about it, it's probably more like a complete rip off of Psychology Club. I played that some time ago and only just rediscovered it. Hmm...\n\n<<back>>
A while later you’re starting to feel a little bit drunk and drowsy.\n\nCharlie seems to notice and calls a cab for you both.\n\n‘Hey <<print $fnom>>.’ She says. ‘Are you gonna come and stay with me tonight?’\n\nYou nod and smile groggily.\n\n‘Aw, are you partied out?’ she asks.\n\n‘A little bit.’ You respond.\n\n‘Are you gonna be too tired for your reward?’ she pouts.\n\nYou’re instantly more alert. ‘Uh uh.’ You shake your head resolutely.\n\nShe grins widely at you. ‘Oh, I’m gonna have sooo much fun with you tonight <<print $fnom>>!’ she says.\n\nYou excuse yourselves from Aiya, Bibi and the remaining company, then head out of the VIP lounge, through the club and [[out of the exit]].
You're just about there when a breeze makes you wobble but you manage to regain your balance. Tentatively, you start climbing onto the sloped roof, avoiding the glass panes.\n\nIt doesn't feel very safe to you and you wonder if this was such a good idea. The open window looks so close, yet so far.\n\nCautiously, you try your best to find enough purchase to pull yourself up, ever more conscious that the breeze keeps blowing your little pleated skirt up, flashing your knickers.\n\n'Come on <<print $fnom>>, you can do this.' you tell yourself.\n\nYou get close enough to the window that you can almost reach it but not quite. \n\n//If only you had a bit of rope or something to lasso the protruding catch of the window with - then you could make it the rest of the way and climb into your bedroom.// You think a while on the problem before considering your back pack which has a handy little loop at the top of it.\n\nIt's a bit of a struggle freeing yourself out of the arm straps without losing your grip but you manage it somehow and the next bit is surprisingly easy - or you were lucky as the loop falls over the window catch and holds, first time!\n\n...but in the next moment, you slip, nearly falling down to the patio outside the conservatory door.\n\nSomehow you manage to hold on. Your heart races and you back away from the edge with images of your Mother finding you after work, lying there with a broken neck in a pool of blood in a 'school girl's' uniform!\n\n//Why does the shame always seem worse than the deadness?//\n\nIn the next moment, you slip again but this time you aren't able to hold on and you don't manage to save yourself.\n\nYou scrabble on the sloped glass roof, tumbling and slipping back down toward the fence and beyond into [[Mr Green's back garden]].\n
<<if $race is 3>><<if $sub is "sub">>The girls look at you expectantly, waiting for an answer.\n\n'I don't know how to use that.' you shrug.\n\n'Then let's see what you can do with that little cock of yours.' Charlie says. \n\nYou look up at her sheepishly. 'I don't know how to use that either.' You mumble.\n\nThe following silence is filled with Charlie's cackling. 'Get on your hands and knees then sissyboy!'\n\nYou do as you’re told.\n\n'Crawl to me.' she tell you.\n\n'Yes Mistress.' you tell her.\n\n'You too Bibi.' She says. 'Get your slutty ass over here.'\n\nBibi makes an attempt to act like a reluctant party but fails spectacularly. 'Oh-kaay.' she agrees, getting on all fours on the rug. She squeaks as Charlie pumps a bottle of lube in her ass.\n\nYou feel that familiar rush of excited and apprehensive anticipation as you watch Charlie push her silicone cock down Bibi's throat until it's slick with drool.\n\n'Come here.' Charlie commands.\n\nYou do as you're bid and allow her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but there's no denying Charlie. You look at the shiny end, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around her silicone cock.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nBy the time she pulls it out again, you realise you were actually getting well into it and you watch Bibi suck it again, waiting for your turn again.\n\nInstead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're dizzy with horniness and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and let Charlie use her foot to push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\n\nCharlie holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug and gets you to splay your ass cheeks. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. Feeling a strange new sense of pride, you let her use you as she wants, excited at the idea of having a gaped ass.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm.\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told. Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your floppy little cocklett. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes almost automatically, stifling your squeaks and moans of pleasure as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nYour floppy little cock starts to fill just a little before Charlie slaps it down again and grabs your junk in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your floppy little cocklett and into Charlie's fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her open hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and opens your mouth with her fingers before letting her mouthful spill into your mouth. The two of you share a cummy kiss.\n\n//Bibi's a really good kisser.// you decide.\n\nCharlie gives you both a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<elseif $sub is "switch">><<if $strapcnb is true>>You sashay sassily up to Charlie and take the monstrous silicone dong and harness from her, then step into it.\n\n'Okay then Miss <<print $snom>>.' Charlie says sarcastically. 'How do you want her?'\n\n'Naked?' You suggest.\n\n'Yes - OK!' Bibi agrees drunkenly and promptly exposes herself.\n\nYou move toward her with your eyes on the prize but Charlie stops you. 'Wait up <<print $fnom>>.' even a girl like Bibi needs a little warming up and a little wetting up - Don't you Beebs?'\n\n'Mmm hmm.' Bibi agrees happily.\n\n'Give it a taste then <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Charlie/cb.jpg">\n\nYou get down on your knees behind Bibi and put your mouth to her cunt, eating it until it's audibly wet.\n\n'Give it to me!' Bibi pleads and you oblige.\n\nCharlie spills a little lube over it as you push the end up against Bibi's wet snatch but it takes some pushing and a little time before her pussy opens up for it.\n\nYou fuck her steadily until her pussy has almost managed to accommodate a good half of the vast silicone dong.\n\nCharlie spreads Bibi's ass cheeks and pushes her tongue against her hole to coax it open, then pushes the nozzle of the lube bottle inside, squeezing the contents up in her colon, causing Bibi to squeak.\n\n'Go on <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie urges you. 'Stick it in her ass.'\n\nYou look at Bibi's perfectly bleached and hairless starfish and line up the dildo against it. Pushing forward, you let it sink gradually in until it slips inside her.\n\nBibi wails a bit but you can tell she's enjoying it all the same. Charlie comes around behind you and guides you to fuck her more deeply. 'Fuck that little whore.' She whispers in your ear.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/peg.gif">\n\nYou fuck her harder and deeper until Bibi cums. Shrieking and shuddering as her pussy sprays it's juice down her thighs and across the floor.\n\nYou let her slide of the silicone dong and lie face down on the rug. You and Charlie watch her a while as little judders cause her soft bits to shake.\n\n'Well done <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says. That's a nicely fucked ass hole!'\n\n'Hey girls!' Bibi's Mum says cheerily from the hall.\n\n'Hi Babs!' Charlie says innocently.\n\nBibi offers a muffled greeting from the rug.\n\n'I hope you're behaving yourselves in there?'\n\nYou franticly try to conceal the monster dildo strapped to you.\n\n'Of course!' Charlie says.\n\n'Okay, goodnight!'\n\n'Night.'\n\nAfter hearing her bedroom door close, you and Charlie look at each other, then burst out laughing.\n\n'C'mon, let's get a shower.' Charlie says, nudging Bibi with her foot. '[[C'mon Bibi|end]].'<<endif>>\n\n\n<<else>>/%dom%/<<if $strapcnb is true>>You sashay sassily up to Charlie and take the monstrous silicone dong and harness from her, then step into it.\n\n'Okay then Miss <<print $snom>>.' Charlie says sarcastically. 'How do you want her?'\n\n'Naked?' You suggest.\n\n'Yes - OK!' Bibi agrees drunkenly and promptly exposes herself.\n\nYou move toward her with your eyes on the prize but Charlie stops you. 'Wait up <<print $fnom>>.' even a girl like Bibi needs a little warming up and a little wetting up - Don't you Beebs?'\n\n'Mmm hmm.' Bibi agrees happily.\n\n'Give it a taste then <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Charlie/cb.jpg">\n\nYou get down on your knees behind Bibi and put your mouth to her cunt, eating it until it's audibly wet.\n\n'Give it to me!' Bibi pleads and you oblige.\n\nCharlie spills a little lube over it as you push the end up against Bibi's wet snatch but it takes some pushing and a little time before her pussy opens up for it.\n\nYou fuck her steadily until her pussy has almost managed to accommodate a good half of the vast silicone dong.\n\nCharlie spreads Bibi's ass cheeks and pushes her tongue against her hole to coax it open, then pushes the nozzle of the lube bottle inside, squeezing the contents up in her colon, causing Bibi to squeak.\n\n'Go on <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie urges you. 'Stick it in her ass.'\n\nYou look at Bibi's perfectly bleached and hairless starfish and line up the dildo against it. Pushing forward, you let it sink gradually in until it slips inside her.\n\nBibi wails a bit but you can tell she's enjoying it all the same. Charlie comes around behind you and guides you to fuck her more deeply. 'Fuck that little whore.' She whispers in your ear.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/peg.gif">\n\nYou fuck her harder and deeper until Bibi cums. Shrieking and shuddering as her pussy sprays it's juice down her thighs and across the floor.\n\nYou let her slide of the silicone dong and lie face down on the rug. You and Charlie watch her a while as little judders cause her soft bits to shake.\n\n'Well done <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says. That's a nicely fucked ass hole!'\n\n'Hey girls!' Bibi's Mum says cheerily from the hall.\n\n'Hi Babs!' Charlie says innocently.\n\nBibi offers a muffled greeting from the rug.\n\n'I hope you're behaving yourselves in there?'\n\nYou franticly try to conceal the monster dildo strapped to you.\n\n'Of course!' Charlie says.\n\n'Okay, goodnight!'\n\n'Night.'\n\nAfter hearing her bedroom door close, you and Charlie look at each other, then burst out laughing.\n\n'C'mon, let's get a shower.' Charlie says, nudging Bibi with her foot. '[[C'mon Bibi|end]].'\n\n<<elseif $fuckcnb is true>><<goto end>>\n\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n\n<<if $strapcnb is true>>You sashay sassily up to Charlie and take the monstrous silicone dong and harness from her, then step into it.\n\n<<if $sub is "dom">>'Strip.' You say, trying out an assertive tone.<<else>><<endif>>\n\n'Okay then Miss <<print $snom>>.' Charlie says. 'How do you want us?'\n\n<<if $sub is "sub">><<elseif $sub is "switch">>'Naked.'<<else>>'On the end of this.'<<endif>>\n\n'Me first!' Bibi giggles drunkenly and promptly exposes herself.\n\nYou move toward her with your eyes on the prize but Charlie stops you. 'Wait up <<print $fnom>>.' even a girl like Bibi needs a little warming up and a little wetting up - Don't you Beebs?'\n\n'Mmm hmm.' Bibi agrees happily.\n\n'Give it here then.' Charlie says.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Charlie/cb.jpg">\n\nYou stand there watching Charlie eat out Bibi's cunt until it's audibly wet.\n\n'Give it to me!' Bibi pleads and you oblige.\n\nCharlie spills a little lube over it as you push the end up against Bibi's wet snatch but it takes some pushing and a little time before her pussy opens up for it.\n\nYou fuck her steadily until her pussy has almost managed to accommodate a good half of the vast silicone dong.\n\nCharlie spreads Bibi's ass cheeks and pushes her tongue against her hole to coax it open, then pushes the nozzle of the lube bottle inside, squeezing the contents up in her colon, causing Bibi to squeak.\n\n'Go on <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie urges you. 'Stick it in her ass.'\n\nYou look at Bibi's perfectly bleached and hairless starfish and line up the dildo against it. Pushing forward, you let it sink gradually in until it slips inside her.\n\nBibi wails a bit but you can tell she's enjoying it all the same. Charlie comes around behind you and guides you to fuck her more deeply. 'Fuck that little whore.' She whispers in your ear.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/peg.gif">\n\nYou fuck her harder and deeper until Bibi cums. Shrieking and shuddering as her pussy sprays it's juice down her thighs and across the floor.\n\nYou let her slide of the silicone dong and lie face down on the rug. You and Charlie watch her a while as little judders cause her soft bits to shake.\n\n'Well done <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie says. That's a nicely fucked ass hole!'\n\n'Hey girls!' Bibi's Mum says cheerily from the hall.\n\n'Hi Babs!' Charlie says innocently.\n\nBibi offers a muffled greeting from the rug.\n\n'I hope you're behaving yourselves in there?'\n\nYou franticly try to conceal the monster dildo strapped to you.\n\n'Of course!' Charlie says.\n\n'Okay, goodnight!'\n\n'Night.'\n\nAfter hearing her bedroom door close, you and Charlie look at each other, then burst out laughing.\n\n\n'C'mon, let's get a shower.' Charlie says, nudging Bibi with her foot. '[[C'mon Bibi|end]].'\n\n<<elseif $fuckcnb is true>><<goto end>>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<<else>><<if $Charliesub is true>>The girls look at you expectantly, waiting for an answer.\n\n'I don't know how to use that.' you shrug.\n\n'Fine.' Charlie says. 'Let's see what you can do with that little cock of yours.'\n\nYou look up at her sheepishly. 'I don't know how to use that either.' You mumble.\n\nThe following silence is filled with Charlie's cackling. 'Get on your hands and knees then sissyboy!'\n\nYou do as you’re told.\n\n'Crawl to me.' she tell you.\n\n'Yes Mistress.' you tell her.\n\n'You too Bibi.' She says. 'Get your slutty ass over here.'\n\nBibi makes an attempt to act like a reluctant party but fails spectacularly. 'Oh-kaay.' she agrees, getting on all fours on the rug. She squeaks as Charlie pumps a bottle of lube in her ass.\n\nYou feel that familiar rush of excited and apprehensive anticipation as you watch Charlie push her silicone cock down Bibi's throat until it's slick with drool.\n\n'Come here.' Charlie commands.\n\nYou do as you're bid and allow her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but there's no denying Charlie. You look at the shiny end, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around her silicone cock.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nBy the time she pulls it out again, you realise you were actually getting well into it and you watch Bibi suck it again, waiting for your turn again.\n\nInstead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're dizzy with horniness and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and let Charlie use her foot to push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\n\nCharlie holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug and gets you to splay your ass cheeks. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. Feeling a strange new sense of pride, you let her use you as she wants, excited at the idea of having a gaped ass.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm.\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told. Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your floppy little cocklett. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes almost automatically, stifling your squeaks and moans of pleasure as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nYour floppy little cock starts to fill just a little before Charlie slaps it down again and grabs your junk in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your floppy little cocklett and into Charlie's fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her open hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and opens your mouth with her fingers before letting her mouthful spill into your mouth. The two of you share a cummy kiss.\n\n//Bibi's a really good kisser.// you decide.\n\nCharlie gives you both a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<else>>The girls look at you expectantly, waiting for an answer.\n\n'I don't know how to use that.' you shrug.\n\n'Fine.' Charlie says. 'Let's see what you can do with that little cock of yours.'\n\nYou look up at her sheepishly. 'I don't know how to use that either.' You mumble.\n\nThe following silence is filled with Charlie's cackling. 'Get on your hands and knees then you little slut.' she laughs.\n\nYou do as you’re told.\n\n'Crawl to me.' she tells you.\n\nYou do as you're told.\n\n'You too Bibi.' She says. 'Get your slutty ass over here.'\n\nBibi makes an attempt to act like a reluctant party but fails spectacularly. 'Oh-kaay.' she agrees, getting on all fours on the rug. She squeaks as Charlie pumps a bottle of lube in her ass.\n\nYou feel that familiar rush of excited and apprehensive anticipation as you watch Charlie push her silicone cock down Bibi's throat until it's slick with drool.\n\n'Come here.' Charlie commands.\n\nYou do as you're bid and allow her to position you at a right angle to Bibi so your faces are nearly touching.\n\n'Suck.' she tells you, offering up her shiny silicone snake.\n\nYou feel embarrassed but there's no denying Charlie. You look at the shiny end, still dripping with Bibi's saliva. You open your mouth and feel it slide in. It's weird knowing that the only pleasure Charlie's deriving from this is through your humiliation as it's not like she can feel your lips around her silicone cock.\n\n'Yeah, there you go girl.' Charlie urges as your drool mixes with Bibi's. 'Suck it like the little whore you were always supposed to be.'\n\nBy the time she pulls it out again, you realise you were actually getting well into it and you watch Bibi suck it again, waiting for your turn again.\n\nInstead, Charlie gets Bibi to face the other way so you have a clear view of her perfectly hairless pussy and ass.\n\nCharlie pushes the silicone cock firmly against Bibi's pussy until it relents and opens up to accommodate it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch with every thrust.\n\nYou're dizzy with horniness and when Charlie tells you to eat it, you don't wait to be asked again.\n\nYou eat Bibi's pussy and delight in its subtle flavour.\n\n'Good girl <<print $fnom>>!' Charlie praises you. 'Now her ass hole.'\n\nYou look at the dribble of lube coming from it and put your tongue out tentatively.\n\nCharlie watches your expression turn to delight.\n\n'Yummy huh?' she says. 'Do you like Bibi's <<print $flav>> flavoured ass hole <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou nod that you do and let Charlie use her foot to push your face deeper between Bibi's bum cheeks.\n\nIt tastes way nicer than any lubricant has a right to.\n\nCharlie pushes past you with her silicone cock and jams the first few inches into Bibi's ass.\n\nCharlie holds a fistful of your hair and holds your face close as she starts fucking Bibi's peach. You watch her sphincter tighten and relax around the silicone shaft. When Charlie pulls out, Bibi's hole stays open just a little and Charlie guides you to probe it with your tongue. When she's satisfied that you've had enough, she starts fucking it again; this time a little harder, deeper and faster until Bibi's hole just seems to give up and let it happen. When Charlie lets it slide out again, Bibi's ass is well and truly gaped and this time you don't wait for Charlie to prompt you. Bibi's ass opens up for your tongue without the slightest bit of resistance now and you relish feeding upon it.\n\n'Look at it <<print $fnom>>.' Charlie tells you. 'I'm going to gape your ass until it looks like that.'\n\nShe pushes your head down to the rug and gets you to splay your ass cheeks. 'C'mere Bibi.' she says and a moment later, you feel Bibi's hands help push your cheeks apart; a moment after that you feel her tongue against your ass.\n\nYou weren't expecting that and you jump a little but Charlie holds you still. The sensation is unusual and makes you feel self conscious but you can't help but like it.\nBibi stops for a moment while Charlie positions the lube nozzle to your ass and squirts a thick jet of it inside you, causing you to make a similar noise to the one Bibi made.\n\nCharlie lets Bibi open you up some more with her tongue before pushing the fat silicone dong against your ass. You feel a little panic as the bulbous head begins to stretch you open but you remember to breathe just like Charlie taught you and the head slips in and jams itself deep in your colon.\n\nYou make a little panicked noise but Charlie shushes you and slowly starts fucking your bottom until it can do nothing but relent, just as Bibi's had done. She pulls out and lets Bibi feed on your loosened ass.\n\n'Good girl.' Charlie praises. 'Now let me fuck it again.'\n\nYou feel it slide back in to the hilt and wonder at how she got it all in there. Feeling a strange new sense of pride, you let her use you as she wants, excited at the idea of having a gaped ass.\n\nCharlie makes the two of you position yourselves next to each other and you take turns getting your holes stretched. You watch enviously as Charlie assaults Bibi's ass next to you until she seems on the brink of an orgasm.\n\n'Get under her and eat that pussy.' Charlie commands and you do as you're told. Lying on your back beneath Charlie, you eat Bibi's pussy as Charlie fucks her ass until the girl violently climaxes above you. Her pussy opens up and showers you with girl cum.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Bibi/biblick.jpg">\n\nThe three of you take a breath, enjoying the moment before Bibi sluggishly crawls down your body until her wet pussy mashes against your floppy little cocklett. She kisses you sweetly and you open your mouth for her. You half-register Charlie lifting your knees to gain access to your ass. You fully register it when she plunges it in and starts fucking you again but Bibi keeps you pinned down and occupied, soothing and praising you in her own way, telling you how you're going to be 'slut sisters.'\nShe gets up and perches her pussy and ass upon your face and you begin sucking on her holes almost automatically, stifling your squeaks and moans of pleasure as Charlie opens you up like never before.\n\nYour floppy little cock starts to fill just a little before Charlie slaps it down again and grabs your junk in her fist while she fucks you savagely.\nThe girls seem to revel in your muffled squealing from beneath Bibi's ass. You feel like you're going to cum hard but you're not sure from where as the sensation builds throughout your entire body.\n\nYou spasm and gasp as you cum. You feel semen dribble from your floppy little cocklett and into Charlie's fist. She doesn't quit fucking you until it stops.\n\nIn a daze, you watch her make Bibi lick your cum off her open hand. When Charlie's hand is clean, Bibi crawls over and opens your mouth with her fingers before letting her mouthful spill into your mouth. The two of you share a cummy kiss.\n\n//Bibi's a really good kisser.// you decide.\n\nCharlie gives you both a spank before heading to the [[shower|cnb]].\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $racing_cb = false>>\n\n<<if tags().includes("rui")>>\n<<removeclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<<else>>\n<<addclass "#right-ui-bar" "stowed">>\n<</if>>
<<if $Mumknows is true>>Rather than feeling awkward and embarrassed having now accepted the new you and outing yourself to your mother, you feel a sense of freedom and peace within yourself. Additionally, your relationship with your mother seems to have changed for the better. It’s not that she loves you any more than when you presented male but now there’s something of a rapport, a friendship, a closeness that wasn’t there before.\n\nShe takes the opportunity to drop a bombshell.\n\n‘So I met someone at work.’ she tells you with an appeasing smile.\n\n<<cyclinglink "$mumslife" "‘Oh...that’s good then.’" "‘Oh that’s wonderful Mummy! You deserve to be happy!’">> [[you respond]].\n\n<<elseif $change is true>>Your mother senses a change in you and she tells you so. You hadn’t realised but perhaps a little <<print $fnom>> popped out here and there since you got home from college. Speaking and behaving like <<print $fnom>> has come to you surprisingly fast. So much so that you’ve begun to wonder which is the act.\n\nIn any case, she seems unphased by the little appearances by your alter-ego and is delighted to see you in this elevated mood.\n\nShe takes the opportunity to drop a bombshell.\n\n‘So I met someone at work.’ she tells you with an appeasing smile.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Rachel/so.jpg">\n\n<<cyclinglink "$mumslife" "‘Oh...that’s good then.’" "‘Oh that’s wonderful Mummy! You deserve to be happy!’">> [[you respond]].\n<<else>>Although you try your best to put on a brave face, you know you can’t hide your frustration and misery from your mother - she knows. You know she knows and you know she knows you know that she knows. What you don’t know is why [[you can’t|talk][$t = false]] just [[talk about it|talk][$t = true]].<<endif>>\n
<img src="Sleep_img/fnd/gs.jpg">\n\n'Huh - that's actually nice!' you say, pleasantly surprised.\n\n'Woah, steady on there with the praise!' she says. 'Anyway, it's got everything you need and it'll line your stomach.'\n\nYou sit together on little bar stools and chat about expectations for the evening.\n\n'So...' you start\n\n'Yes...' Sasha says with enthusiasm.\n\n'Kai.' you say, inviting discussion.\n\nShe grins with her lower lip between her teeth. 'It means 'of the sea.' she says wistfully. '...I think.'\n\n'Did you two ever...?'\n\n'Oh - no. No, but God knows he could have had me but...' she trails off, smiling as if recalling something. 'He doesn't look like it but he's actually every inch the gentleman.\n\n...every inch...' she sighs.\n\nYou let her pine for as long as she needs.\n\nEventually she snaps out of it. 'So you be my wing girl and entertain Cassius while I get Kai's full attention - okay?'\n\n'Okay.' you repeat<<if $Uguys gt 0>>, doing your best to sound a little reluctant<<endif>>.\n<<if $Uguys gt 0>>\n'Anyway - from what I hear, you're not just into girls are you <<print $fnom>>?'\n\n//What the hell is that supposed to mean?// You nearly say but hold back.\n\nShe laughs at your expression. 'Oh and another thing...' she says, leaning close enough to whisper in your ear. 'I know you like the taste of cum, don't you <<print $fnom>>?'\n\nYou blush red and she giggles at you. 'Aw, <<print $fnom>> - you really are the cutest!' she laughs, taking your hands in hers. <<endif>>'Shall we go upstairs and make ourselves pretty?'\n\nLooking at Sasha, you wonder if that's even possible. You nod.\n\nShe grins and leads you up to her bedroom.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/house/sashbed.jpg">\n\nYou follow her in and stare in wonder at the decor. The door shuts softly behind you. You turn to see Sasha with her back pressed against it. 'Oh <<print $fnom>>.' she says. '[[Alone at last]]!'\n\n/%'Cool! I need a favour.' Sasha smiles at you hopefully.\n\n'Sure, okay. What can I do?' you ask.\n\n'Wellll...' Sasha begins. 'See I've been asked out on a sort of date...'\n\n'Okay...'\n\n'...well, not really a date...'\n\n'Right...'\n\n'His name's Kai -'\n\n'Wait, what? Kai's in town!?'\n\n'Uh-huh.' Charlie confirms to her. 'And the Beasts.'\n\n'Although just not PJ sadly.' Sasha adds.\n\n'RIP PJ.' Aiya says.\n\n'RIP PJ.' the others echo.\n\nThere's a moments silence before Aiya shifts the mood.\n\n'Nice. So you're gonna get some cave man action huh Sasha!' she laughs.\n\n'Beasts of Burden?' you ask.\n\n'Uh-huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'They're in gigging?' You ask. 'I thought they split.'\n\n'They did.' Aiya tells you. 'They just do the odd tour now and then for shits and giggles.'\n\n'...and you know them?' you ask, impressed.\n\n'They lived here for a while.' Charlie explains. 'The Peninsula's not such a big place.'\n\n'So what do you need me to do Sasha?' you ask her.\n\n'Well they're in town for a bit and we kinda know them so they hit us up for a night out on the town. It'll be a kind of double date because the bassist is gay as you like and will be most likely be letting his hair down in the Bear Pit.'\n\n'That's a gay fetish club in town.' Aiya informs you.\n\nCharlie nods. '...and the lead guitarist is in a monogamous relationship with a hairdryer.' she says.\n\n'Ha!' Aiya cackles. 'He really is!'\n\n'What?' you ask, not sure you heard that right.\n\n'Aw, so you want <<print $fnom>> to keep their new drummer company?' Charlie asks Sasha.\n\n'Uh huh.' Sasha confirms.\n\n'What's his name again?' Charlie asks.\n\nSasha looks at you when she answers. 'Cassius.'\n\n'I - I'm really not sure about that idea Sasha.' you tell her. 'He probably doesn't want a tranny boy - '\n\n'Hush with that nonsense.' Sasha tells you. You're a beautiful girl, everyone can see it. Nobody can tell what you've got between your legs unless you show them.'\n\nYou open your mouth to speak but Sasha keeps talking.\n\n'-and if you do want to show him...well assuming you'd not do a Bibi and just go ahead and spread your legs for him on the first date, there's time enough to change what you have down there. Remember my offer <<print $fnom>>. You have my number. Just call me and I'll set up an interview with my parents.'\n\nThinking about it, you can't believe you've not taken up her offer already but everything's happened so fast.\n\n'Anyway, first things first...' she continues. 'Are you in?'\n\n'When is it?' you ask.\n\n'Friday night.' Sasha tells you.\n\nYou're still apprehensive. 'So it's just gonna be us four?'\n\n'Probably.' Sasha says. 'Charlie's dancing, Bibi's working and Aiya's...' she trails off, looking to Aiya with uncertainty.\n\n'Busy.' confirms Aiya.\n\n'So I'm not quite first pick then?'\n\n'Oh come on <<print $fnom>>, it's not like that!' Sasha reassures you. 'I want you there. It'll be fun.'\n\n//You must be crazy.// you think to yourself.\n\n'Oh, okay then.' you tell her.\n\n'Yay!' Sasha claps, then hugs you. 'Thank you <<print $fnom>>!' she says. 'It's gonna be great, you'll see!'\n\n//What have I just let myself in for?// you wonder.\n\n'Woo! <<print $fnom>>'s first date!' Charlie teases. 'How exciting! I'm going to want to hear all the details. We'll catch up again on Saturday yeah?'\n\n'For sure Charlie!' Bibi says excitedly.\n\nYou and the other two concur.\n\n'It's a plan then.' Charlie says.\n\n'Aw, I can't wait!' Sasha squeals.\n\nYou're kind of excited too.%/\n
<<if $bluedress is true>>Soon after, Sasha spots a beautiful pair of strappy black stilettos.\n\n'Oh, look <<print $fnom>> - they'd go perfectly with your blue dress, don't you think?'\n\nYou like Sasha's taste - sexy but still classy.\n\nYou decide to go in and try them on.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/blackheel.jpg">\n\n...soon after that, you're walking out of the shop with another bag.\n\n<<endif>>After a little more wandering around, Sasha suggests you might need a swim suit.\n\nThe thought of being out in public wearing nothing but a swimsuit is an exhilarating but daunting prospect.\n\n'How am I supposed to hide my willy!' you exclaim.\n\n'Oh come now <<print $fnom>>!' Sasha says, her voice catching you off guard. 'It's not exactly a whopper is it?'\n\nShe seems to have taken up the mantle of Queen Bitch in Charlie's absence.\n\n'...and I don't suppose it's gotten any bigger since yesterday either.\n\n'No.' you say in a small voice.\n\n'Aw, I like your willy.' Bibi tells you soothingly.\n\nYou almost start to feel better before she adds '- but it is smaller than my pussy mound.'\n\nYou crinkle your lips at the offence.\n\n'Hey.' Sasha says. 'That's a good thing - cos now you get to wear all the clothes you want to.'\n\nYou nod, feeling a little reassured.\n\n'In here!' Bibi says, disappearing into a beachwear shop.\n\nYou follow Sasha inside where Bibi has already found 'the perfect one'.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/bw pink ss.jpg">\n\n//Oh my god! - am I really going to wear that out in public!//\n\nBibi makes the decision for you and pays for it on her card. 'That's on me Sweetie!' she tells you.\n\n'Have we got time for some pampering do you think?' Sasha asks Bibi.\n\n'[[Duh - yeah]]!' Bibi says.\n
<<set $MakeUp = $MakeUp + 1>>\n<<set $money = $money - 100>>\n \n/% <<return>> %/ /% Needs confirmation to return from user %/\n \n<<goto Demo_Shop>> /% Automatically returns %/
The Bayview Luxury Hotel is more grand than you could have imagined. You look up in wonder, at a loss as to how many stories it might be.\n<<set $mumbang = "non">>\nYou quickly pay the cabbie with the money Sasha gave you and walk into reception where you ask the consierge to let Cassius in room 507 know you're here.\n\nHe calls up, then directs you to the lift.\n\n'Twelfth floor then turn right.' He calls after you.\n\nYou can feel his eyes on your ass as you walk.\n\nYou step into the lift and press the button marked with a '12'.\n\nMusac playes softly in the background while you wonder if this is real.\n\nThe doors open and you step out.\n\nYou feel as if you're in a dream. You don't really feel in control of yourself and although there's an ancious little voice somewhere in the back of your mind, screaing at you to see reason, still you go on down the hall to the door marked 507.\n\nWhen you reach it, you find it open.\n\nFor a moment, the little voice becomes clearer but is soon drowned out by this consuming need for cock.\n\nYou push the door open and [[step inside]].
You rejoin the girls back in Charlie’s bedroom and are met with applause.\n\n‘Yay – we thought you might’ve got lost!’\n\n‘I think we might have another Bibi!’\n\nThe girls look to be about ready (despite the lack of clothing).\n\n‘C’mon Princess! – Let’s get you dressed shall we?’ Charlie asks you.\n\n‘I got your jeans here if you want to wear them today – or if you want to borrow something of mine, I’m sure we can find something?’\n\nYou actually consider letting her dress you but you decide you’re not quite ready to walk around the Mall in a miniskirt.\n\n‘Um – where are the rest of my clothes?’ You ask.\n\nThe socks had seen better days so you can take a pair of mine and the pants were diabolical. You need to start embracing the idea that you’re <<print $fnom>> with us so I left a selection of mine on the stool in the wardrobe. You can take a pair of them for now and we’ll get you some more at Trixie’s.’\n\n//Yeah – that’s entirely normal – getting my underwear from Trixie’s now.// you think to yourself sarcastically although you can’t deny you’re getting a definite twinge of excitement.\nYou step into the wardrobe and find the panties Charlie left for you.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/cutepant.jpg">\n\n‘They should keep you reasonably under control.’ Charlie calls from the bedroom.\n\nYou go to shut the door behind you so you can get changed.\n‘Uh-uh. Did we forget already?’ Charlie tuts. ‘We’re all girls here – no need to be shy.’\n\nShe steps over to you and pulls her nightie up and over your head. You know not to protest so you just let her do it and don’t even try to hide yourself. It’s still embarrassing – especially what with the girls being fully clothed (by their standards at least).\n\n‘There’s a good girl, now try the knickers on.’\n<<if $wank is false>> \nPerhaps she’s being polite but Charlie hasn’t acknowledged the fact that you’ve got another boner but there’s some tittering from inside the bedroom.\n\nYou do as you’re told and put Charlie’s knickers on.\n\nStraining against the soft fabric despite the burning shame – or perhaps partly because of it?\n\n‘We’ll have to do something about that though won’t we?’ She says, giving your cock a firm slap.\n\n‘Ow!’ You hold your aching parts. ‘Yes.’ You mumble.\n<<else>>\nYou do as you’re told and put Charlie’s knickers on.<<endif>> \n‘Good, now put your jeans on.’\n\nYou do this and decide they seem to have shrunk a little in the wash. //Perhaps this is what happened to all their clothes.// you amuse yourself with the thought.\n\n‘Oh, they look good on you Honey. Now where’s your t-shirt?’\nYou find it – although it’s purple now where it used to be a pastel blue.\n\nYou look at it sceptically.\n\n‘No, you’re right...’ Charlie says. ‘Pink and purple – too much.’ She opens a draw. ‘Wait a moment – I have just the thing.’\n\nShe produces what appears to be a pretty standard white t-shirt.\n\n//I can cope with that.// you think to yourself.\n\nCharlie helps you into it. You can’t help notice it feels a little ventilated around the back.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/000jtt.jpg">\n\n//Oh well - You’ve kind of committed to this whole being a girl thing so you may as well run with it.//\n\n//...if you’re able.// you correct yourself as Charlie offers you a pair of hidden wedge trainers.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/app/000whw.jpg">\n\n//Fuck it – okay.// you think. Deciding if you’re going to be seen in public in girls clothes you’d be better off doing your best to look like a girl – or fishy as Aiya put it.\n\nYou put them on and Charlie does your makeup. Soon, it’s time to go out and the thrill of it is giving you mixed feelings.\n\nYou remember to text your Mum to tell her you’ll see her tomorrow morning and she texts you back, telling you it’s fine but with the usual fussing.\n\nYou all pile downstairs and [[out of the front door]].\n<<set $txtmumsun = true>>
You venture into the seedy part of town.\n<img src="Sleep_img/Locs/rld.jpg">\n/%<<if $t gte 9.45>>%/Maybe you should head <<if $w is 0>><<if $d is 2>>[[home]]<<elseif $d is 3>>[[home|home wed]]<<elseif $d is 4>>[[home|home thu]]<<elseif $d is 5>>[[home|home fri]]<<endif>> now.<<elseif $w is 1>><<if $d is 6>>[[home|Sat1]]<<elseif $d is 7>>[[home|Sun1]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\nLook in an [[adult store|adult_store]].\nGo to a [[coffee shop]].\nGo to a [[brothel]].\nWatch a [[peep show]].\nTalk to [[dealer]].\nUse [[public toilets]].\nGo to [[fetish club]].\nGo to a [[strip club]]\n\nThe [[beach]], [[esplanade]], [[water park]], [[library]], [[city park]], [[mall]], [[Broadway]], [[red light district]] or you could venture into the [[woods]].\n\n<<if $action is "Sure, thanks!">><<set $state = "stoned">><<endif>><<print $state>> <<print $action>>\n\n<<set $t = $t + 1>>\n<<set $cs = 0>>cs<<print $cs>>\n\n<<if $action is "lube">><<set $lube = "true">><<endif>>\n<<if $action is "condoms">><<set "$condoms" = "true">><<endif>>
<<if $Mumknows is true and $Cknowsmknows is true>>Charlie pulls in like she’s hoping to hit someone and parks up. The three of you get out as a bright red convertible pulls in and parks in the next space.\nSasha looks cool as fuck behind the wheel. ‘Hey ladies!' she greets the three of you. 'Aw <<print $fnom>>, you look sooo cute in your uniform.’ She beams.\n\n'I know! - doesn't she!?' Charlie agrees enthusiastically.\n\nAnother car pulls in as Sasha gets out of her car. ‘Ahh!’ Sasha says, flapping her arms. ‘Clear the way!’ she laughs as the pink monstrosity pulls in and parks in the next two spaces. ‘Hi guys!’ Bibi calls out from the driver’s seat.\n\n‘Hey, am I the only one without a cool car then!?’ you ask the others.\n\nCharlie cackles. ‘Yeah, Bibi’s ride is waaay cool!’ she mocks.\n\nBibi blows a raspberry at her.\n\n‘I don’t have a cool car.’ Aiya shrugs. ‘...and I’m the coolest one here.’ She adds grinning.\n\n‘It’s all true.’ Sasha agrees. ‘We’re just Aiya’s entourage. She giggles.\n\n‘Yeah, we’re just hoping some of that cool rubs off, huh?’ Charlie grins.\n\n‘You can rub off on me anytime Charlie.’ Aiya winks.\n\nThe five of you stand around chatting until Sasha points out it’s time you ought to be heading to [[class]].\n<<set $schgirl = true>>\n<<elseif $Mumknows is true and $Cknowsmknows is false>>The walk is pleasant and not too far. You already got eyed up by some workmen (hopefully because they thought you’re hot and not because they could tell you’re really a boy).\n\nHaving the support of your Mum, you feel way more confident than you thought you would.\n\nAs you pass through the gate into the car park, you see the girls all chatting by a red corvette. To the left of that is Charlie’s white Mustang and to the left is a pink monstrosity that you feel reasonably confident in guessing belongs to Bibi.\n\nSasha notices you first. She stops talking mid sentence and puts her hands up to her mouth.\n\nThe others all look around at you.\n\n‘Yes bitch!’ Aiya congratulates you.\n\n‘<<print $fnom>>!!’ Charlie squeals, throwing her arms around you.\n\n‘Hey girls.’ You greet them sassily.\n\nFor a change, it’s them on the back foot, finding difficulty in articulating themselves.\n\n‘What the... how did you...?’ she says, unusually lost for words.\n\nSasha pulls you against her chest maternally. ‘<<print $fnom>>, you are full of surprises.’\n\n‘Hey, so am I the only one without a cool car then?’ you ask the others.\n\nCharlie cackles. ‘Yeah, Bibi’s ride is waaay cool!’ she mocks.\n\nBibi blows a raspberry at her.\n\n‘I don’t have a cool car.’ Aiya shrugs. ‘...and I’m the coolest one here.’ She adds grinning.\n\n‘It’s all true.’ Sasha agrees. ‘We’re just Aiya’s entourage. She giggles.\n\n‘Yeah, we’re just hoping some of that cool rubs off, huh?’ Charlie grins.\n\n‘You can rub off on me anytime Charlie.’ Aiya winks.\n\nThe five of you stand around chatting until Sasha points out it’s time you ought to be heading to [[class]].\n<<set $schgirl = true>>\n<<elseif $change is true>>Charlie pulls in like she’s hoping to hit someone and parks up. The three of you get out as a bright red convertible pulls in and parks in the next space.\n\nSasha looks cool as fuck behind the wheel. ‘Hey ladies!' she greets the three of you. 'Aw <<print $fnom>>, you look sooo cute in your uniform.’ She beams.\n\n'I know! - doesn't she!?' Charlie agrees enthusiastically.\n\nAnother car pulls in as Sasha gets out of her car. ‘Ahh!’ Sasha says, flapping her arms. ‘Clear the way!’ she laughs as the pink monstrosity pulls in and parks in the next two spaces. ‘Hi guys!’ Bibi calls out from the driver’s seat.\n\n‘Hey, am I the only one without a cool car then!?’ you ask the others.\n\nCharlie cackles. ‘Yeah, Bibi’s ride is waaay cool!’ she mocks.\n\nBibi blows a raspberry at her.\n\n‘I don’t have a cool car.’ Aiya shrugs. ‘...and I’m the coolest one here.’ She adds grinning.\n\n‘It’s all true.’ Sasha agrees. ‘We’re just Aiya’s entourage. She giggles.\n\n‘Yeah, we’re just hoping some of that cool rubs off, huh?’ Charlie grins.\n\n‘You can rub off on me anytime Charlie.’ Aiya winks.\n\nThe five of you stand around chatting until Sasha points out it’s time you ought to be heading to [[class]].\n\n<<else>>The walk isn’t far and you’re soon walking in through the main gate past the college car park.\n\nYou spot the girls all chatting together by Charlie’s Mustang but you daren’t go over. You know the deal – you can’t hang with them as <<print $nom>> - not unless you’re happy for everyone on the Peninsula to recognise you when you’re <<print $fnom>>!\nYou consider how bad that would be if you did out yourself. Maybe it would’ve been better to go along with Charlie’s plan and just pray she knows what she’s doing or even just come out to just your Mum - and then you could be <<print $fnom>> all the time!\n\nWistful fantasies of a boy too timid to make them a reality; you shrug them off with a heavy heart and watch as the girls make their way toward the building.\n\nYou decide you ought to do the same and head into [[class]].<<set $schboy = true>><<set $schgirl = false>>\n<<endif>>
You watch her go to her closet, and open the doors.\n\n//C'mon <<print $fnom>>!//\n\nYou follow her in. //There's another frickin room in there!!// you realise.\n\nOn seeing your reaction as you step inside her wardrobe, Sasha puts her hands up to her cheeks in embarrassment. 'Oh I know! I'm so spoilt!'\n\nYou shrug like you don't know what to think.\n\nShe seems to find this amusing and her lips purse as she smiles.\n\n'Come here Sugar.' she says, effortlessly seducing you.\n\nYou go to her, completely under her spell.\n\nShe draws you near and helps you out of your t-shirt, then hurries you out of your shorts. <<if $pinkgreydress is true and $bluedress is true>>While you're slipping out of them, Sasha pulls your new purchases out of the shopping bag so you can see the two dresses side by side.\n\n'Come on then - [[pink|ready][$pb = 1]] or [[blue|ready][$pb = 2]]?' she asks.<<elseif $pinkgreydress is true and $bluedress is false>>While you're slipping out of them, Sasha pulls your new purchase out of the shopping bag and lays it out on a pouffe for you.\n\n'Come on then, let's see you [[in it|ready][$pb = 1]].' she tells you.<<else>>While you're slipping out of them, Sasha pulls your new purchase out of the shopping bag and lays it out on a pouffe for you.\n\n'Come on then, let's see you [[in it|ready][$pb = 2]].' she tells you.<<endif>>\n
You wake up the next morning with brilliant sunshine flooding through your half drawn curtains. You feel great – today is a brand new day.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/ampm/am2.jpg">\n\nYour mum is astonished to see you up so early and you have breakfast together before she heads off to work. You sit in the kitchen eating toast, wondering how best to spend your day.\n\n'We have an appointment at the docs this Morning honey.' you Mother says. 'It's nothing to worry about.' she adds, noting your expression of concern. 'It's routine for all //newcomers//.'\n\n//Well I suppose that's normal.// you decide. You think it's good that the authorities here place so much import on the [[health]] of their citizens.\n\n<<set $t = 7>>\n<<set $w = 0>><<set $d = 2>>\n<<if $d is 8>><<set $d = 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $d is 2>><<set $day = "Tuesday">><<endif>>\n<<if $d is 3>><<set $day = "Wednesday">><<endif>>
You barely get five yards from the building before Dr Brae calls out to you and informs you they've had a cancellation.\n\nDr Brae shows her palms in an offering gesture. 'How would you like to [[start your first trial now]]?
<<if $mumbang is "You know you shouldn't">>You shake your head clear and back away from the door silently.\n\nYou creep to your room and just when you're about to close the door behind you, you hear her voice again.\n\n...but this time she's talking.\n\n//Oh god, is she having phone sex in there!?// you wonder.\n\n<<if $msex is "le">>Then you hear the sultry tone of a woman's voice respond to her.<<else>>Then you hear the bassy tone of a man's voice respond to her.<<endif>>\n\n//Not phone sex, no.// you realise.\n\nYou don't know [[how to feel]]: <<cyclinglink "$feel" "Disgusted" "Happy for her" "Jealous" "More than slightly aroused">>?\n\n<<elseif $mumbang is "You wouldn't want to">>You shake your head clear and back away from the door silently.\n\nYou creep to your room and just when you're about to close the door behind you, you hear her voice again.\n\n...but this time she's talking.\n\n//Oh god, is she having phone sex in there!?// you wonder.\n\n<<if $msex is "le">>Then you hear the sultry tone of a woman's voice respond to her.<<else>>Then you hear the bassy tone of a man's voice respond to her.<<endif>>\n\n//Not phone sex, no.// you realise.\n\nYou don't know [[how to feel]]: <<cyclinglink "$feel" "Disgusted" "Happy for her">>?\n\n<<elseif $mumbang is "Maybe just a quick">>With your heart pounding so hard you can almost hear it, you inch forward a touch so your face is close enough to see a section of her bed.\n\nYou can see movement too but can't be sure what it is exactly.\n\nYou inch forward a little more and press your face to the gap.\n\nThe door creaks quite loudly and you swiftly pull yourself around the corner.\n\nYou wait a moment but realise they don't seem to have noticed. Your Mother's making far more noise than you right now and she seems to be getting louder.\n\nYou hear her voice again.\n\n...but this time she's talking.\n\n//Oh god, is she having phone sex in there!?// you wonder.\n\n<<if $msex is "le">>Then you hear the sultry tone of a woman's voice respond to her.<<else>>Then you hear the bassy tone of a man's voice respond to her.<<endif>>\n\n//Not phone sex, no.// you realise.\n\nYou don't know how to feel: <<cyclinglink "$feel" "Disgusted" "Happy for her" "Jealous" "More than slightly aroused">>?\n\n//Go <<if $schboy is true>><<print $nom>><<else>><<print $fnom>><<endif>> go!// you command yourself.\n\n...but you can't fight the urge. You stay and crawl on all fours back to the gap in the doorway.\n\nThe doors a little more open than before now and you can see quite clearly, a <<if $msex is "le">>woman with a similar figure to your Mother's, pushing the four fingers of her right hand into your Mother's wet pussy.<<else>>large, stocky tanned man, ploughing relentlessly into your Mother's wet pussy.<<endif>>\n\nThe air is hot and humid and you can smell the sex.\n\nYou can tell she's enjoying it; her pussy makes wet sounds every time he pushes into her and with every withdrawl.\n\n//Oh, yes! Fuck me <<if $msex is "le">>like a dirty bitch<<else>>Daddy<<endif>>!// she wails. //Fuck my bad pussy pleeeease!!//\n\nYou swallow dryly.\n\nYou can't believe you're hearing this kind of thing from your Mother's lips or see what you're seeing for that matter.\n\nThe <<if $msex is "le">>woman adjusts her position slightly so she can apply more pressure to your Mother's g-spot.<<else>>man adjusts his position slightly so he can apply more pressure to her g-spot.<<endif>>\n\n'Oh fu-uu-uu-uuck!!' she screams as juice gushes from her assailed womanhood.\n\nYou barely start to touch yourself through the fabric of your knickers before your little cock spurts in them.\n\nYou want to stay and watch but the post-climactic clarity sets in and you decide it's time to [[sneak back to your room before you get caught|how to feel]].<<endif>>
<<if $spa is false>><<if $spavisit is 1>>You walk into the changing rooms, not knowing quite what to expect and you're really quite nervous about how the other women will respond to your presence.\n\nThankfully, changing room is vacant save for you, Sasha and Bibi.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/spa/changing.jpg">\n\nYou take your clothes off and put them in a locker trying your best not to make it obvious that you're perving on your friends.\n\nThey don't seem to mind being naked and don't make any attempt at hiding themselves.\nYour heart races as you cop an eyeful of both blonde and ebony beauties, frolocking around right next to you.\n\nAs you read on the form, it's mandatory to take a shower before entering the spa (and impossible to avoid what with the shower room being the only way in).\n\n...so you think you know what's coming next and you're mentally preparing yourself to go and take a shower with Sasha and Bibi.\n\nBefore you turn the corner, you hear the voices of other women chatting together while they shower.\n\nAll of a sudden this has become a terrifying prospect and you stop short of the corner while Bibi and Sasha continue on.\n\nYou hear them greet the other girls and it sounds like they all know eachother.\n\n'<<print $fnom>>!' comes Sasha's voice. 'Where've you gone?'\n\nYou pull yourself together as quickly as possible and as best you can.\n\n'Here.' you say and turn the corner into the [[shower room]].\n\n<<else>>You walk into the changing rooms.\n\nYou take your clothes off and put your stuff in the locker then go and take a shower before heading into [[the spa]].<<endif>><<elseif $spa is true>><<if $spavisit is 1>>The three of you enter the changing rooms and start putting your things on.\n\n'So what do you think of my Mum's little spa <<print $fnom>>?' Bibi asks you.\n\n'Oh it's wonderful here Bibi!' you tell her, not sure quite how much you appreciate the place.\n\n'Did you mean to order the male masseur though Honey?' Sasha enquires.\n\n<<if $mf is true>>'No but ...I didn't mind.' you tell her hesitantly.\n\n'I could tell you didn't mind Honey!' she laughs. 'Well you must've entered 'male' in on the guest form.' she tells you. 'You can change it any time.'<<else>>'No! When did I do that!?' you ask.\n\n'Well you must've entered 'male' in on the guest form.' she tells you. 'Don't worry, you can change it any time.'<<endif>>\n\nYou finish getting dressed, then head out into the [[lobby]].<<else>>You get dressed and head out into the [[lobby]].<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
Your Mum reminds you to set your alarm for college but you know she'll wake you up in time anyway.\n\nYou call it a night and [[go up to your bedroom|Suneve1]], leaving your Mum reading her steamy novel in the front room.\n/%<<print $why>>%/\n<<set $thirsty = true>>\n<<set $alarmset = false>>\n<<set $txtguf = false>>\n<<set $Mumknows = true>>
<img src="Sleep_img/books/milf.jpg">\n\n//Ooh! titties!//\n\n<<return>>
‘Gagh – Charlie!’ you say disgustedly. ‘You just wait until it’s your turn!’ you tell her – offering a menacing grin.\n\n‘Ooh – I can’t wait!’ She responds playfully.\n\n‘As for you Bibi...’\n\nBibi seems unsure how to respond but you hold her gaze for a few moments before congratulating Aiya. ‘I have to admit, I didn’t think it would work.’\n\n‘I know right – I’m fucking impressed with myself!'\n\n‘<<print $fnom>>’ Sasha asks sweetly. ‘Do you think I could try it on you?’\n\n‘Maybe some other time Sasha.’ you tell her. ‘I think it might be somebody else’s turn.’\n\n‘Hey, let’s do you Bibi!’ Charlie suggests.\n[[Bibi swallows hard...|postpuppy]]
<<if $txt1 is "true">><<cyclinglink "Charlie" "Hi <<print $nom>>! How's it going? Me and the girls are having a sleepover tonight. You in?\n\nCharlie x">><<set $readtxt1 = "true">>\n\n<<else>>You have no messages.<<endif>>\n<<if $txtsleep1 is "true">><<cyclinglink "Charlie" "Cool! We'll be round to pick you up at around 7. ;)">><<set $readtxt2 = "true">><<endif>>\n\n<<if $txtmumsun is true>><<cyclinglink "Mummy" "OK angel. I won't worry but make sure you stay safe. Love you! X">><<endif>>
<<if $ha is 1>>Sod's law.\n\nYou come out of the bathroom just as your Mother is walking up the stairs to the landing.\n\n'Hiya darling! - How was your day?' she asks.\n\n'Oh.' you say, trying your best not to draw attention to the item behind your back. 'Fine thanks....'\n\n'What have you got there cheeky?' she asks you.\n\n<<if $schgirl is true>>Is [[honesty]] the best policy in this situation or [[not]]?<<elseif $schlb is true>>Is [[honesty]] the best policy in this situation or [[not]]?<<elseif $change is true>>Is honesty the best policy in this situation or [[not]]?<<elseif $schboy is true>>Is honesty the best policy in this situation or [[not]]?<<endif>>\n<<elseif $ha is 2>>You come out of the bathroom just as your Mother is walking up the stairs to the landing.\n\n//Whew, just as well.//\n\n'Hiya darling! - How was your day?' she asks.\n\n'Oh, fine thanks Mummy, how was yours?'\n\n'I had a lovely day today thank you angel!' she seems to blush a little. 'I really love life here on the Penisula.'\n\n'Me too!' you tell her, matching her smile.\n\n'Stir fry tonight?' she asks.\n\n'That'd be lovely, thank you Mummy!' you tell her.\n\n'Okay pumpkin, well get yourself in your jammies and come down when you're ready.'\n\nYes Mummy.' you tell her and enter [[your bedroom]].\n\n<<endif>>
<<if $bc is 2>>You wake in a tangle of long, smooth limbs, red and blonde hair on Bibi's luxurious and ultra-girly bed.\n<<set $d = 6>><<set $w = 1>>\nCarefully, you extricate yourself without waking them and make your way to the bathroom.\n\n<<if $pro is 1>>You see yourself and are pleasantly surprised that you're still gorgeous, if a bit ruffled.<<else>>You see yourself and are pleasantly surprised that you don't look half as bad as you'd expected; not great, but still passable if you squint a bit.\n\n//I look like a grunge rock star.//<<endif>>\n\nYou decide to earn a few brownie points with the girls and find your way into the kitchen to make coffee.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/house/bkitch.jpg">\n\n'Hmm...well this is pretty much as anticipated.'\n\nYou remember how the girls take their coffee; Bibi with milk and sugar and Charlie black and unsweetened.\n\nYou clean up and take the mugs upstairs to the landing.\n\nNow, which one was Bibi's room?\n\nThe one to the [[left|bibisroom]] or the one to the [[right|pamsroom]]?\n\n<<else>><<timed 3s>><<goto Sat1amBC>><</timed>>\n<<set $d = 6>><<set $w = 1>><<set $bc = 2>><<endif>>
<<if $msex is "le">>You sit in the kitchen having coffee with your Mother and <<if $pro is 0>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<<endif>>.\n\n'Hey, so Ella and I are going to the water park today.' Your Mother says. 'You're more than welcome to come along with us.'\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Kline/rnekitch.jpg">\n\n<<if $pro is 1>><<if $txtwp is 1>>'Oh really?' You tell her. 'Me too! I was going to go with the girls.\n\nFor some reason you're comfortable with this. You know the old you would've cringed at the mere thought of being seen at a [[water park with your Mum|wp][$co = "girls"]].<<else>>'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell them and give your Mum's cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|oedSat1]].<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>/%pro = 0%/<<if $feel is "Disgusted">><<if $txtwp is 1>>//Oh for fuck's sake!//\n\nYour hand automatically comes up for a face palm but you catch yourself and style it out like you just needed to scratch the bridge of your nose.\n\n'Oh, well that will be nice.' you tell her. 'Maybe another time though.'\n\n//What the fuck am I going to do now!?// you wonder frantically.\n\n//She's bound to see me with the girls, splashing around in my [[little pink bikini|wp][$bikini = true, $co = "nogirls"]]!//\n\nThe thought occurs to you that you could just [[go in your trunks|wp][$trunks = true, $co = "girls"]] as standard old <<print $nom>>...but then the girls probably won't let you hang with them - or at least Charlie might not.\n\n<<else>>//Just as well I told Charlie I'm not coming!// You think in relief.\n\n'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell them and give your Mum's cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|Sat1]].<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">><<if $txtwp is 1>>//Oh for fuck's sake!//\n\nYour hand automatically comes up for a face palm but you catch yourself and style it out like you just needed to scratch the bridge of your nose.\n\n'Oh, well that will be nice.' you tell her. 'Maybe another time though.'\n\n//What the fuck am I going to do now!?// you wonder frantically.\n\n//She's bound to see me with the girls, splashing around in my [[little pink bikini|wp][$bikini = true, $co = "nogirls"]]!//\n\nYou have to admit, you wouldn't mind seeing <<if $pro is 0>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<<endif>> in a bikini.\n\nThe thought occurs to you that you could just [[go in your trunks|wp][$trunks = true, $co = "girls"]] as standard old <<print $nom>>...but then the girls probably won't let you hang with them - or at least Charlie might not.\n\n<<else>>//Just as well I told Charlie I'm not coming!// You think in relief.\n\n'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell them and give your Mum's cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|Sat1]].<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">><<if $txtwp is 1>>//Oh for fuck's sake!//\n\nYour hand automatically comes up for a face palm but you catch yourself and style it out like you just needed to scratch the bridge of your nose.\n\n'Oh, well that will be nice.' you tell her. 'Maybe another time though.'\n\n//What the fuck am I going to do now!?// you wonder frantically.\n\n//She's bound to see me with the girls, splashing around in my [[little pink bikini|wp][$bikini = true, $co = "nogirls"]]!//\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>It's been a while since you last saw your Mum in a bikini - and you wouldn't mind seeing <<if $pro is 0>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<<endif>> in one either.<<else>>You have to admit, you wouldn't mind seeing <<if $pro is 0>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<<endif>> in a bikini.<<endif>>\n\nThe thought occurs to you that you could just [[go in your trunks|wp][$trunks = true, $co = "girls"]] as standard old <<print $nom>>...but then the girls probably won't let you hang with them - or at least Charlie might not.\n\n<<else>>//Just as well I told Charlie I'm not coming!// You think in relief.\n\n'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell them and give your Mum's cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|oedSat1]].<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $feel is "More than slightly aroused">><<if $txtwp is 1>>//Oh for fuck's sake!//\n\nYour hand automatically comes up for a face palm but you catch yourself and style it out like you just needed to scratch the bridge of your nose.\n\n'Oh, well that will be nice.' you tell her. 'Maybe another time though.'\n\n//What the fuck am I going to do now!?// you wonder frantically.\n\n//She's bound to see me with the girls, splashing around in my [[little pink bikini|wp][$bikini = true, $co = "nogirls"]]!//\n\nIt's been a while since you last saw your Mum in a bikini - and you wouldn't mind seeing <<if $pro is 0>>Ms Kline<<else>>Ella<<endif>> in one either.\n\nThe thought occurs to you that you could just [[go in your trunks|wp][$trunks = true, $co = "girls"]] as standard old <<print $nom>>...but then the girls probably won't let you hang with them - or at least Charlie might not.\n\n<<else>>//Just as well I told Charlie I'm not coming!// You think in relief.\n\n'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell them and give your Mum's cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|oedSat1]].\n<<endif>>/%txtwp%/\n<<endif>>/%feel%/\n<<endif>>/%pro%/\n\n/%msex is not le%/<<else>>You sit in the kitchen having coffee with her.\n\n'Hey, so I was thinking of going to the water park today.' She asks. 'Would you like to to come along with me?'\n\n<<if $pro is 1>><<if $txtwp is 1>>'Oh really?' You tell her. 'Me too! I was going to go with the girls.'\n\nFor some reason you're comfortable with this. You know the old you would've cringed at the mere thought of being seen at a [[water park with your Mum|wp]].<<else>>'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell your Mum and give her cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|oedSat1]].<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>/%pro = 0%/<<if $feel is "Disgusted">><<if $txtwp is 1>>//Oh for fuck's sake!//\n\nYour hand automatically comes up for a face palm but you catch yourself and style it out like you just needed to scratch the bridge of your nose.\n\n'Oh, well that will be nice.' you tell her. 'Maybe another time though.'\n\n//What the fuck am I going to do now!?// you wonder frantically.\n\n//She's bound to see me with the girls, splashing around in my [[little pink bikini|wp][$bikini = true, $co = "nogirls"]]!//\n\nThe thought occurs to you that you could just [[go in your trunks|wp][$trunks = true, $co = "girls"]] as standard old <<print $nom>>...but then the girls probably won't let you hang with them - or at least Charlie might not.\n\n<<else>>//Just as well I told Charlie I'm not coming!// You think in relief.\n\n'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell your Mum and give her cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|Sat1]].<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">><<if $txtwp is 1>>//Oh for fuck's sake!//\n\nYour hand automatically comes up for a face palm but you catch yourself and style it out like you just needed to scratch the bridge of your nose.\n\n'Oh, well that will be nice.' you tell her. 'Maybe another time though.'\n\n//What the fuck am I going to do now!?// you wonder frantically.\n\n//She's bound to see me with the girls, splashing around in my [[little pink bikini|wp][$bikini = true, $co = "nogirls"]]!//\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>//It's been a while since you last saw your Mum in a bikini.// You muse.<<endif>>\n\nThe thought occurs to you that you could just [[go in your trunks|wp][$trunks = true, $co = "girls"]] as standard old <<print $nom>>...but then the girls probably won't let you hang with them - or at least Charlie might not.\n\n<<else>>//Just as well I told Charlie I'm not coming!// You think in relief.\n\n'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell your Mum and give her cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|Sat1]].<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">><<if $txtwp is 1>>//Oh for fuck's sake!//\n\nYour hand automatically comes up for a face palm but you catch yourself and style it out like you just needed to scratch the bridge of your nose.\n\n'Oh, well that will be nice.' you tell her. 'Maybe another time though.'\n\n//What the fuck am I going to do now!?// you wonder frantically.\n\n//She's bound to see me with the girls, splashing around in my [[little pink bikini|wp][$bikini = true, $co = "nogirls"]]!//\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>//It's been a while since you last saw your Mum in a bikini.// You muse.<<endif>>\n\nThe thought occurs to you that you could just [[go in your trunks|wp][$trunks = true, $co = "girls"]] as standard old <<print $nom>>...but then the girls probably won't let you hang with them - or at least Charlie might not.\n\n<<else>>//Just as well I told Charlie I'm not coming!// You think in relief.\n\n'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell your Mum and give her cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|Sat1]].<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $feel is "More than slightly aroused">><<if $txtwp is 1>>//Oh for fuck's sake!//\n\nYour hand automatically comes up for a face palm but you catch yourself and style it out like you just needed to scratch the bridge of your nose.\n\n'Oh, well that will be nice.' you tell her. 'Maybe another time though.'\n\n//What the fuck am I going to do now!?// you wonder frantically.\n\n//She's bound to see me with the girls, splashing around in my [[little pink bikini|wp][$bikini = true, $co = "nogirls"]]!//\n\n<<if $Oedipus is true>>//It's been a while since you last saw your Mum in a bikini.// You muse.<<endif>>\n\nThe thought occurs to you that you could just [[go in your trunks|wp][$trunks = true, $co = "girls"]] as standard old <<print $nom>>...but then the girls probably won't let you hang with them - or at least Charlie might not.\n\n<<else>>//Just as well I told Charlie I'm not coming!// You think in relief.\n\n'Oh cool.' you say.\n\n'My friends are all going today too but I don't really fancy it.'\n\nYour Mum pulls a sad face.\n\n'Have fun though!' you tell your Mum and give her cheek a kiss before [[heading back up to your room|Sat1]].\n<<endif>>/%txtwp%/\n<<endif>>/%feel%/\n<<endif>>/%pro%/\n<<endif>>/%msex%/\n<<set $wppage = 0>>\n
Miss Riven is you Psychology Teacher.\n\n<img src="Sleep_img/Miss Riven/Miss Riven p.jpg">\n\nA glamorous woman with long black hair; Miss Riven has a sexy confidence and authority with a sarcastic edge but is usually pretty friendly.\n\nYou'd like to remain in her good books.
<<if $mumbang is "You know you shouldn't">><<if $feel is "Disgusted">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling sickened that your Mother's being violated across the hall.\n\nYou can still hear them occasionally.\n\nEventually you [[fall asleep|Sat1am]].<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling happy that your Mother's found someone.\n\nYou can still hear them occasionally but it doesn't really bother you.\n\nSoon you [[fall asleep|Sat1am]].<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling sickened that your Mother's being violated across the hall but you know in your heart you're just jealous. Ever since Charlie fucked you, the desire to get a sound fucking has developed in the back of your mind. You can't deny it now.\n<<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<set $Uguys = $Uguys + 1>><<endif>>\nYou can still hear them occasionally.\n\nEventually you [[fall asleep|Sat1am]].<<elseif $feel is "More than slightly aroused">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling desperately turned on and frustrated that you didn't have the nerve to have a peep.\n<<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<set $Uguys = $Uguys + 1>><<endif>>\nYou can still hear them occasionally.\n<<set $Oedipus = true>>\nEventually you [[fall asleep|Sat1am]].<<endif>><<elseif $mumbang is "You wouldn't want to">><<if $feel is "Disgusted">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling sickened that your Mother's being violated across the hall.\n\nYou can still hear them occasionally.\n\nEventually you [[fall asleep|Sat1am]].<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling happy that your Mother's found someone.\n\nYou can still hear them occasionally.\n\nEventually you [[fall asleep|Sat1am]].<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">>You lay on your bed feeling sickened that your Mother's being violated across the hall but you know in your heart you're just jealous.\n<<if $msex is "le">><<else>><<set $Uguys = $Uguys + 1>><<endif>>\nYou can still hear them occasionally.\n\nEventually you fall asleep.<<endif>><<elseif $mumbang is "Maybe just a quick">><<if $feel is "Disgusted">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling sickened that your Mother's being violated across the hall.\n\nYou can still hear them occasionally.\n\nEventually you [[fall asleep|Sat1am]].<<elseif $feel is "Happy for her">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling happy that your Mother's found someone.\n\nYou can still hear them occasionally.\n\nEventually you [[fall asleep|Sat1am]].<<elseif $feel is "Jealous">>You lay on your bed, still in your cute (albeit somewhat dishevelled) little dress feeling sickened that your Mother's being violated across the hall but you know in your heart you're just jealous. Ever since